Parish of Saint Conval - Weekly Bulletin 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) 20th / 21st August 2016

Saint Conval’s Parish, Greenfarm Road, Linwood PA3 3HB Tel. 01505 323751 Email: [email protected] Canon Michael McMahon and Canon Willie Crawford

Please Pray For Those Who Are Sick: Rupert Mozley.

Please Pray For Those Who Have Died Recently: Mima Barr.

Please Pray For Those Whose Anniversaries Occur About Now: John O’Neill, Mary McKinnon, Maureen O’Sullivan, Mary MacPhail, Mary McKinnon, Margaret Docherty and for the month’s mind of Annie Muggins, Catherine Lowrie, Joe Hewitt, Davie Dunnion, Tommy Fulton, Madge Lowe, James Lowe, Michael Reilly, George O’Sullivan, Gillian McGourlick and Michael Deighan.

Last Week’s Collections: These amounted to £746.43 for the first and £328.54 for the second. Thank you for your generosity.

Next Week’s Second Collection: Fr. Matt Greer of the Mill Hill Missionaries will preach the mission appeal at Sunday Masses and the second collection will be for the support of his Missionary order and their work.

Africa Food Crisis: Millions are going hungry in the worst drought to hit eastern and southern Africa for 50 years. SCIAF is getting life-saving food to those who need it most but many more families need your help. The Scottish Government will match every £1.00 we raise for Malawi, up to at least £70,000. We're also reaching out to people in Ethiopia and South Soudan. Please give what you can and remember the people of Africa in your prayers. Envelopes are at the back of the Church for any donation you can spare. Ninety-one pence of each pound you donate goes to help those in need! The summer bulletin from SCIAF is available at the back of the Church.

Fr. Michael, together with other members of his family, departed this week to celebrate the marriage of his elder niece in Cape Town, South Africa, where she lives. He will be away for ten days in total.

Thursday Evening: Please note there will be no Exposition, Confession or Mass on 25th August 2016.

Hall Update: The concrete floor was laid on Monday. The panels for the walls and the roof have now arrived and are in the car park area. Please drive carefully! The electricians have been completing the wiring of the indoor section of the project and connecting the electricity to the incoming supply. Work on the toilets continues with restricted availability.

St. Benedict’s High School 10th Anniversary: St. Benedict’s High School is holding an inaugural Mass of the school session at 7.00pm on Monday, 5th September 2016 in the school. As the school is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, Bishop will be celebrating the Mass with us. All families and friends of St Benedict’s school community are very welcome to attend.

Let The Children Live Appeal: There will be an appeal on the weekend of 17th / 18th September 2016 by Fr. George McAleenan who runs a charity called Let the Children Live which supports children orphaned by drug dealing in Columbia. The second collection that weekend will be for this charity.

Weekly Parish Bulletin: Any items for inclusion in the bulletin (including names for the sick, month’s mind and anniversary lists) should be put through the letter box of the Church House or sent by email: [email protected] by 12noon on the Thursday before publication.

Vocations Mass: On Monday, 22nd August 2016 in St. Mirin’s Cathedral, Paisley at 7.00pm. The young people who travelled to Lourdes and Krakow will play a major role in the Mass as well as our schools. All welcome, refreshments in the hall afterwards.

Monthly Divine Mercy Devotions And Holy Mass will take place on Friday, 26th August 2016 at 7.00pm in St. Margaret's Church, 49 Graham Street, Johnstone, PA5 8RA and will be celebrated by Fr. Joe Burke. The Divine Mercy devotions will begin with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Rosary and Divine Mercy chaplet followed by Holy Mass. Light refreshments will be available afterwards. All are welcome.

Premier Christian Radio are offering free tickets to parishioners of our Diocese to attend the film premiere of Ben Hur at Edinburgh Odeon Wester Hailes, 120 Wester Hailes Road, Edinburgh EH14 3HR on Friday, 26th August 2016 at 6.30pm for 7.00pm. To register visit and places will be offered on a first come first served basis.

Catholic Education Commission Forum – Companions On The Journey: Tartaglia invites members of the wider Catholic education community – parents, teachers, students, clergy – to participate in an open forum session of the Catholic Education Commission. Designed to provide an opportunity to learn about developments affecting Catholic education in Scotland. The session will focus on a new strategic approach to support the professional learning of teachers working in Catholic schools as companions on the journey. The Forum will be held on Saturday, 27th August 2016 (10.00am to 1.00pm) in the Eyre Hall, Archdiocese of , 196 Clyde Street, Glasgow G1 4JY and will begin with the celebration of Mass in St. Andrew’s Cathedral at 10.00am. Book your place at or tel. 0141 556 4727 (see poster in porch).

On Tuesday, 30th August 2016 At 7.00pm Bishop John will celebrate Mass in St. Mirin’s Cathedral, Paisley to ask for blessings on the new school year. All who are involved in education in the primary and secondary schools of the Diocese are welcome to attend. We look forward to a large and enthusiastic congregation!

National Pilgrimage To Carfin in the Jubilee Year of Mercy in honour of St. Margaret, Patroness of Scotland, a Merciful Queen and Mother, on Sunday, 4th September 2016. Our Pilgrimage takes place during the Jubilee Year of Mercy and offers an opportunity for us to mark this special year with a national gathering. The Pilgrimage will be in honour of St. Margaret, Patroness of Scotland, and an exemplary witness to the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. The Pilgrimage Mass will be celebrated in the Grotto at 3.00pm with Archbishop Philip Tartaglia of Glasgow as Principal Celebrant, and Archbishop of St. Andrew’s and Edinburgh as Homilist. An additional feature will be the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Bishops and priests will be available to hear confessions from 12noon until shortly before Mass. The Parish Church also has a Door of Mercy, so people can fulfil all the conditions to receive the Plenary Indulgence for the Jubilee Year during their Day of Pilgrimage.

Weekend Seminar For Men: The Vocation of husband and father. Opus Dei are running these weekend seminars at 3 different locations on the following dates: Hazelwood House – 16th-18th September, Wickendon Manor – 21st-23rd October and Thorneycroft Hall 4th-6th November 2016. Cost is £125.00 for the weekend. The seminar is also suitable for single men who are thinking of marriage as their vocation. Email: [email protected] for further details.

The Beginning Experience are holding a residential weekend for those who find themselves alone again through divorce, separation or widowhood. The weekend will take place from 30th September to 2nd October 2016 at the Conforti Centre, Coatbridge (see poster in porch).

The Marriage Preparation Day arranged for Saturday, 10th September 2016 has been changed to Saturday, 1st October 2016. If you would like to attend please let your Parish Priest know as soon as possible.