Parish Clergy: Fr. Kenneth O’Brien St. Joseph’s Catholic St Dominic's Fr. Daniel Rooney Church 247 Mossvale Road Tel: 0141 779 2001 73 Cardowan Road Craigend Email: [email protected] Stepps , G33 5QS Webpage: http :// Glasgow,. G33 6AA Facebook:parishonersofstdominics Facebook: St Joseph’s RC Church Diocesan Charity Number SC011041

The week ahead Available at CatholicG33 on YouTube RIP We pray for the repose of the Soul of No Public Mass. Robert Snell his funeral will take place in St. We will continue to Livestream at this time. Dominic’s on Wednesday 27th January at Mass Sunday—Friday 11:30am 10am. Saturday 5pm. We also pray for the repose of the Soul of Rosary Monday—Friday 6pm. Michael Higgins whose funeral will take place We can during this time continue to have in St. Joseph’s in due course. Funerals with 20 people.

As always we are happy to help in anyway we We pray also for the repose of the Soul of can, please phone or email, to get in touch, and Robert Ferroll whose funeral will take place in we can see what we can organise. St. Dominic’s in due course.

Bulletins are available online if you wish a May they all rest in peace and may their paper copy they are available to uplift from the families be comforted. shelf in in porch of St. Joseph’s house.

We are also more than happy to arrange for mass cards if you need one.

St. Margaret’s Adoption Society Normally we leave our crib up in the church until the 2nd February, keeping the ancient tradition of waiting until the Feast of the Presentation. This also gives you a longer period of time to contribute to the annual crib appeal. This year your presence in Church was curtailed as was your opportunity to contribute to the Christmas Crib Appeal for St. Margaret’s Children’s and Family Care Society. They rely heavily on this funding to support their adoption society work as well as well as Education and Therapy services. They have a virtual crib this year at:, where you can find out more about their work and also contribute to their fundraising. Also if you wish to contribute through the parish you can do so, by marking an envelope and handing it in.

St Joseph & St Dominic Parishioners Can You Help? As we enter a new lockdown can we gently remind you of the following ways you can support the parishes financially, every little helps and if you can we would encourage you to continuing to contribute to the parishes financially, this is much appreciated, especially when for some this is a very uncertain time financially. On our parish website there are various ways that you can contribute as well as being able to put your collection through the letter box, or if in the church there is a box as you come in and one as you leave the church. Church bank details are: St Joseph’ Parish – Account No: 00255074 Sort Code 83-27-30 Royal Bank of Scotland, 116 Cowgate, Kirkintilloch, G66 1JX St Dominic’s Parish - Account No: 00111479 Sort Code 83-22-31 Royal Bank of Scotland, 1304 Duke Street, Glasgow, G31 5PZ Diocesan Centre Coursington Road Rt Rev. STB KC*HS

Motherwell Bishop of ML1 1PP

Tribute to Philip Tartaglia RIP

On behalf of everyone in the Diocese of Motherwell, I express our shock and sadness on the sudden death of Archbishop Philip Tartaglia. We offer the support of our prayers to his family and the community of the Archdiocese of Glasgow, and join with them in commending his soul to the tender mercy of our Loving Father through the saving power of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

In the years I have shared with him in the episcopal ministry, I have heard him repeatedly express his steadfast belief in Christ and the need for Him to be at the heart of all we say and do in the Church, his Body. His faith was straight-forward and re-assuring, and from that came the wise counsel which he offered in the deliberations about, and the decisions taken, in so many areas of the Church’s Mission in Glasgow Archdiocese and in the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland. As his brother bishops, we will miss him greatly, and that sense of loss is shared with so many others.

It is good to remember with gratitude his priestly minister before he became a Bishop, in the parishes he served in and in the seminaries he taught and was the rector in. Those who attended his classes remember him as a gifted lecturer, and in later years he looked back with some nostalgia to these times of theological investigation and teaching as a time of much fulfilment and contentment.

He loved his native city, and the family and community he grew up in. It was hard to leave his parents and younger brothers and sisters to go to Junior Seminary to train for the priesthood, but it must have been a great joy for the family that both he and his brother Gerry were ordained as priests. We offer our sympathy now to all of them as they grieve the loss of their brother Philip, and pray with them that he will be united with their beloved parents and their recently deceased sister in Paradise, in the blessed company of Our Lady, St Mungo, and all the Saints.

May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in peace. Amen.

+ Joseph Toal

T: +44(0)1698 269114 F: +44(0)1698 275630 W: E. [email protected]

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Motherwell is a Charity registered in Scotland - Number SC011041 Diocesan Centre Rt Rev. Joseph Toal STB KC*HS Coursington Road

Motherwell Bishop of Motherwell ML PP 1 1

Tribute to Bishop Vincent Logan RIP

I offer the condolences of everyone in Motherwell Diocese to Bishop Robson and the clergy and faithful of the on the death of Bishop Vincent. We pray for his eternal rest and for his family and friends who mourn his passing most of all.

I remember the great commitment he gave within the Bishops’ Conference to the care of those considering their vocation to priesthood and their subsequent formation, and then the on-going formation of those already ordained. Under his leadership, the Seminary Applicants’ Year was introduced and then “Priests for Scotland” as he sought to implement in the Scottish Church the teaching on priestly ministry presented by St John Paul II in “Pastores Dabo Vobis”. I enjoyed working with him in this area of ministry as Diocesan Vocations Director and then in the seminary in Salamanca. He brought enthusiasm and sensible planning to all the aspects of work he undertook on behalf of the Church in Scotland.

We give things for his long and fruitful episcopal ministry and commend him to the Lord.

May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in peace. Amen.”

+ Joseph Toal

T: +44(0)1698 269114 F: +44(0)1698 275630 W: E. [email protected]

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Motherwell is a Charity registered in Scotland - Number SC011041 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 18th –25th January 2021 “Abiding in Christ”

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in 2021 has been prepared by the Monastic Community of Grandchamp in Switzerland. The theme that was chosen, “Abide in my love and you shall bear much fruit”, is based on John 15:1-17 and expresses Grandchamp Community’s vocation to prayer, reconciliation and unity in the Church and the human family. The Grandchamp Community has its origins in Europe in the 1930s, when a group of women of the Reformed tradition sought to rediscover the importance of silence and listening to the Word of God. Today the community has fifty sisters, all women from different generations, Church traditions, countries and continents. In their diversity the sisters are a living parable of communion. They remain faithful to a life of prayer, life in community and the welcoming of guests. The sisters share the grace of their monastic life with visitors and volunteers who go to Grandchamp for a time of retreat, silence, healing or in search of meaning. In producing the material for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity for 2021, the sisters are inviting churches across the world to enter into their tradition of prayer and silence that is rooted in the ancient traditions of the Church catholic. Jesus said to the disciples, “abide in my love” (Jn 15:9). He abides in the love of the Father (Jn 15:10) and desires nothing other than to share this love with us: “I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father” (Jn 15:15b). Grafted into the vine, which is Jesus himself, the Father becomes our vinedresser who prunes us to make us grow. This describes what happens in prayer. The Father is the centre of our lives, who centres our lives. He prunes us and makes us whole, and whole human beings give glory to the Father. Abiding in Christ is an inner attitude that takes root in us over time. It demands space to grow. It can be overtaken by the struggle for the necessities of life and it is threatened by the distractions, noise, activity and the challenges of life. We live in a time that is both troubling and magnificent, an often dangerous time where we are challenged by pandemics, wars, violence, poverty, racism and climate change. Yet as Christians seeking reconciliation, justice and peace, we also know the full value of a spiritual life, have an immense responsibility and must realize it, unite and help each other create forces of calmness, refuges of peace, vital centres where the silence of people calls on the creative word of God. It is a question of life and death. The summary of the rule of life that the sisters of Grandchamp recite together each morning begins with the words “pray and work that God may reign”. Prayer and everyday life are not two separate realities but are meant to be united. All that we experience is meant to become an encounter with God. More information, including daily prayer for this week can be found at:

Our Prayers are asked for:

Recent Dead Philip Tartaglia, ; Vincent Logan, Bishop Emeritus of Dunkeld; Robert Snell; Michael Higgins; Robert Ferrol; Lillian Murray; Rita Fornero-Monia; Mary McGowan; Caroline Duff;

Anniversaries, Months Mind, and Christmas Remembrance Masses Joe Reilly; John McCormick; Derek Pollacchi; Margaret Baillie; James Cosgrove; James McCallum; Hugh O’Donnell; Jackie Donnelly; Brian O’Gorman; James McKerron; Christopher Cassidy; Fr. Patrick Plunkett; Fr. Patrick McGonagle; Fr. Daniel McGlinchey; Fr. Thomas Sheehan; Fr Georeg Fryer; Fr. John Gallagher; Fr. George Boyd; Fr Edward Glackin;