The Magazine of St. Andrew’s Parish

Issue 666

Tuesday 17th December Glasite Hall Relaxed, informal worship, promoting fellowship and Café Opens 7.15pm - with coffee and cake! Worship Starts 7.30pm Sunday Service Times

Session Clerk December - 10.00am : January - 11.15am Mrs Helen Holden February 10.00am : March - 11.15am

Deputy Session Clerk Full details on page 4

Mr Ron Chimiak * Messy Church Finance Co-ordinator

Mrs Sheila Valentine Saturday 14th December - 11am - 1pm * Gift Aid Promoters Afternoon Tea & Fellowship Service Mrs Fay Scott Mrs Alison Collins Sunday 15th December - 2pm

* Freewill Offering

Mrs Audrey Johnston Café Church Tuesday 17th December - 7.15pm Fabric Co-ordinator

Mrs Anne Barrowman

Church Officer Teas/Coffees Saturdays 10am - 12noon Mr Ron Chimiak Sundays after service

Presbytery Girls’ Brigade Mondays 6.30pm -7.45pm Mr Tim Xenophontos-Hellen Scottish Dancing Mondays 7.30pm

Roll Keeper Guild alternate Tuesdays 2pm Mrs Evelyn Scanlan Bowling Club Thursday evenings at 7pm

Director of Music Gardening Group restarts in spring

Ms Ruth Irons Something else happening? Hall Letting Convenor Let the congregation know by including it in Mr Roddy MacKinnon the pre-service slides on Sunday mornings.

Safeguarding Co-ordinator Please email information, by Friday at the

Mrs Pam Chimiak latest, to Garry Collins

Christian Aid Co-ordinator

Mrs Lynn Hutchinson

Reader Co-ordinator Mrs Merelyn Baxter

Sunday Seekers Mrs Sharon Miller Contributions for the next edition are welcome Sunday School/Club Co-ordinators anytime during the coming weeks, Mrs Fay Scott but at the very latest by: Mrs Alison Collins FRIDAY 3rd JANUARY email to [email protected] The November edition of the Wyvern will be Session Meetings for 2020 available for collection by distributors will be intimated in the on Sunday 12th January January Wyvern Cong Ref No - 291743 Scottish Charity No - SC011775

Dear Friends, While children look forward to Christmas with great excitement – as one of the younger girls rightly said at the Girls’ Brigade yesterday evening (25th November), an Advent calendar helps us to “count down to Christmas” – older generations may be more inclined to look back to Christmases past. When I visit families who have had a bereavement, for instance, it is not un- common for their reminiscing to include mention of their Christmas traditions: everyone gathered together, favourite recipes, games played and so on. This can provide a welcome and needed respite from the sadness of their recent loss. Christmas Day for the Holy Family would have been a much more ordinary day if they had not been required by the Emperor to make the long journey south from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Mary would have been surrounded by female relatives, to support and encourage her during the birth and tend to her needs and the infant’s afterwards. Joseph likewise would have had family around him. Arguably the appearance of a perfect baby boy would have put a stop to any speculation as to why he had come along so early in the couple’s relationship. The Bethlehem birth of course fits with the Old Testament – once again, we look back. To the prophet Isaiah: “The royal line of David is like a tree that has been cut down; but just as new branches sprout from a stump, so a new king will arise from among David’s descendants.” (11:1) To the prophet Micah: “The Lord says, ‘Bethlehem Ephrathah, you are one of the smallest towns in Judah, but out of you I will bring a ruler for Israel, whose family line goes back to ancient times.” This verse is the response of the chief priests and teachers of the law to Herod’s question, ‘Where will the Messiah be born?’ In our worship, through the words of scripture and hymns, we shall be reminded of these and other sayings surrounding Christ’s birth, while our prayers will include the concerns of the present and future, for ourselves, our country and our world. And if we are moved to give, or give more, to the Foodbank, or to buy charity cards or Fairtrade gifts, or visit someone who would otherwise be alone and lonely, then we are bringing in a little of Christ’s future Kingdom to our own time.

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I am sure you can think of other ways in which to honour the Lord as we look forward to his Advent. And however you will be celebrating Christmas, may the peace of the Christ Child be within and around you. And may God bless you in your spiritual and commercial preparations to honour the coming of our Saviour.


DECEMBER- 10am (unless stated) 8th Mr Tim Xenophontos-Hellen- Christmas Gift Service 15th Rev Caroline Taylor 15th Rev. Caroline Taylor - Afternoon Tea & Fellowship Service - 2pm 22th Mr Tim Xenophontos-Hellen- Christmas Family Service with Sunday Schools 24th Rev. Caroline Taylor - Meadowside St Paul’s - 6.30pm St Andrew’s - 11.30pm 29th Rev. Caroline Taylor - United Service at Meadowside St Paul’s - 11am * JANUARY - 11.15am 5th Rev. Caroline Taylor - Family Communion 12th Mr Tim Xenophontos-Hellen 19th Mr Tim Xenophontos-Hellen 26th Rev. Caroline Taylor

For the next few months, any queries or changes you may have regarding the distribution lists for the Wyvern, can I ask you to direct them to Brian Forsyth? My husband is going through a hard time health wise and I really need to be supporting him 24/7. Thanks in advance.

Anne H F Lowe


Eternal God, from the time of your people Israel to churches today we have built places of worship to honour you and to enable us to gather as one Masons, wrights and slaters have all played their part to create buildings which are functional, beautiful, and inspiring and so we pray for the Three United Trades of our city: for the gift of experience, the development of new technologies and the maintaining of traditional skills, the opportunities for apprentices.

Jesus worshipped both in local synagogue and Jerusalem temple opening people’s minds to your Kingdom while and rejecting false worship the extortion by the stall holders in the temple courtyard the large donations made just for show and so we pray that we might truly follow your Son’s teaching. How blessed we are to have a Saviour who walked the earth He might not have worn gloves or a bonnet but his cloak was once the means by which a woman was healed: an ordinary garment worn by an extraordinary person a truer statement of his status than the dyed purple cloak forced on him by his enemies Many were the times he ate at people’s houses no doubt enjoying the finest meat at the home of Simon the Pharisee though no servant came to remove his sandals and wash his dusty feet And in the borrowed upstairs room he held as if precious the bread of the Last Supper before blessing and breaking it Most of what needed was provided by others like the silver coin he was handed in the presence of his opponents so that he could point out to them that Caesar’s head was there inscribed.

Bakers, cordiners, glovers, tailors, bonnet makers, fleshers, hammermen, weavers and dyers: our Nine Incorporated Trades, their symbols representing skills which remain relevant in this digital age and so we pray for the members today and the work that they do

We include in our prayers all those who own or work in independent businesses at a time when the internet is a threat to the survival of the high street as it used to be. Ever-living God, may your Spirit guide and inspire us granting us courage and vision in the service of our Lord and our city Let us celebrate the past and all that it taught us while living each day as it comes and with hope for the future through Jesus Christ our risen, reigning Lord; Amen

Note from Caroline: this prayer is adapted from the one used on Trades Sunday; last month’s prayer contained a mistake: the patron saint of India is the disciple Thomas, not Andrew.

5 Roddy Taylor

2009 – Our new minister, Janet Foggie wrote “It is a lovely time to join the people of St Andrew’s Parish Church and to be a part of the Friendships and a new family”. She continued, “I have been touched by the warmth of welcome and the many acts of kindness received. May God grant to you all warmth and kindness this festive season”. 1999 – A new banner was displayed in the Glasite hall. The Guild Project included creating a Millennium Banner and Dundee Presbytery was allocated The Book of 1 Chronicles. Our Guild chose to illustrate verse 23 describing ‘There were potters in the service of the King and lived in the towns of Netium and Gederah. A fitting text for our connection with craftsmen and appropriate to honour the work of the potters. 1989 – The Christmas Fayre held on 18th November on a very wet morning with over 70 ‘Fund Raisers’ working behind the counters. At a time when money is becoming tighter St Andrew’s yet again dug deep into their pocket to raise a £3,065. 1979 – The Badminton Club are again arranging an outing to the King’s Theatre in on January 19th to see the pantomime Cinderella, starring Stanley Baxter. Ticket price was £4.50. 1969 – At the morning service of 23rd November Miss Dorothy Doig was installed as captain of D15 Company of the Girls’ Brigade having served successfully as acting captain. Miss Sheila MacDonald and Miss Linda Price were installed as Lieutenants. 1959 - A Christmas greeting was made by minister TRS Campbell following the St Andrew Day service to all our family members all over the world. “We burned lights of remembrance in Church on St Andrew’s Sunday and in our prayers thought of you. Perhaps on that day you completed the circle of remembrance and thought of us and the auld unchanging grey kirk in the Cowgate”. 1949 – Donations for the Coal Fund will be gratefully received by Mrs Nicoll and Mr Leese. Thanks were recorded to all who had contributed to this cause. 1939 – The Ex-servicemen’s social held a successful social on Armistice evening in the presence of 70 men. The chaplain, Mr Smellie gave a very telling and appropriate address after tea and proceedings concluded with a concert. The audience included several serving members. 1929 – The Sunday school strength stands at 476 with a slightly smaller infant section than last year. All are looking forward to the season of parties. The Infant school Christmas party was held on 24th December in the Central Halls, Seagate and the whole party was held in the Forester Hall on 18th December. 6

In November, we became the people who help rather than finding out about those who help us. The Explorers spent an even- ing making ‘button trees’ for the Craft Stall at the Christmas Fayre. The Juniors made crispie balls which were beautifully decorated with white chocolate and small Christmas decorations and the Brigaders baked fairy cakes. These goodies were donated to the Cake and Candy at the Christmas Fayre. Hopefully, we helped raise a little to boost the final total. During November we also practised some of the life-saving skills which Stewart Lennon had demonstrated previously and the Juniors practised making emergency calls to our Brigader operators. One night we had fun bandaging each other. We also enjoyed a visit from Caroline who told the girls about St Andrew and the planned Advent Adventure to mark his special day.

Sheila Valentine

If you would like to do a reading in this service, please let me know by 22nd December at the latest. Also, I’d like to take a leaf out of Rev. Catherine Collins’ book (Catherine is Moderator of Dundee Presbytery) by inviting readers to say a little about themselves, in this case just a sentence or two about how they spent Christmas, or what Christmas means to them. This helps us to get to know one another better. As well as members from Meadowside St Paul’s, we will be joined by people from Dundee Methodist Church, as these two congregations usually worship together on the last Sunday of the year.

Rev Caroline Taylor 7

Our first speaker in November was Brian Cunningham who is fundraising organiser in the Dundee area for Guide Dogs for the Blind. He gave us an insight into the training of a guide dog and the costs involved. As a guide dog puppy walker, he was able share his personal experiences of how he helps to prepare a puppy before it goes to the Guide Dog Training Centre at Forfar. Brian brought along Wayne Pugh and his guide dog, Vince. Wayne, who has been blind since a childhood accident, told us about his struggle against serious illnesses. Getting a guide dog totally changed his life, as he had been virtually house-bound for 5 years. With the help of many friends, including Brian, Wayne had recently climbed Ben Nevis. Victoria Bongiorno, a member of the fundraising team for the Maggie Centre in Dundee, told us how Maggie Jenks who, after receiving a diagnosis of terminal cancer, was told to wait in a corridor. She felt that there should be a place where others, in a similar position to her, could go for support. Maggie’s idea bore fruit and there are now Maggie’s Centres throughout the U.K. and also in Spain, Hong Kong and Japan. We are now looking forward to our afternoon tea and carol service with Rev Caroline Taylor and Christmas lunch at the Invergowrie Inn.

Sheila Valentine

I have recently been in touch with Professor Peter Mossey and am pleased to report that he and his team of “Toothy Tigers” are keen to repeat this February’s initiative: giving away toothbrushes and toothpaste to those who need them, with the Toothy Tigers on hand to give advice on oral health. A planning meeting will be held early in the new year, which Anne Barrowman and I will attend as well as, I hope, a volunteer from Meadowside St Paul’s.

Rev Caroline Taylor 8

What particularly characterised the recent evenings on bible study and disciple- ship was people’s willingness to be completely honest about their faith; I see this as a consequence of our getting to know one another better and that can only be a good thing. There was no need, as sometimes happens at such gatherings, to emphasise that what was said should not be repeated outside: I felt confident that no-one required this caveat. Dr Kenneth Baxter gave us an excellent presentation on the Westminster Confession of Faith which included the historical background, thereby putting it into context. We concluded the second series with a discussion about Communion and a celebration of the Lord’s Supper itself. The focus of the services on 24th November was discipleship, taking a leaf out of the Moderator’s book: his theme for his year in office is Jesus’ words, “Follow me.” The Remits of the General Assembly, under the Mission and Discipleship Council section, “instruct Presbyteries and Kirk Sessions to engage with the characteristics of discipleship and explore how they are worked out in their own local context”. Originally I had thought of beginning this at the end of November, as indicated in the last issue of The Wyvern but, on further reflection, it seemed wise to leave such an important topic to the new year, when more than one session can be held – series 3 of “We are the Church”. If you are interested in attending one or more, please let me know which days of the week are suitable for you and I will try and work out a programme.

Rev Caroline Taylor

Messy Church is aimed at all ages, and uses crafts, songs and stories as a fun way of worshipping. Oh and we enjoy a meal together too. It’s family friendly and everyone is welcome (children must be accompanied by a participating adult). Saturday 14th December 11am - 1pm


Since the last magazine, both congregations have heard about the work of Geoff Findlay, City Centre Chaplain; this was on Sunday 20th October. On 12th November Ann Black (elder at Meadowside St Paul’s) and I went along to the Introduction Training Day which was held in the Boardroom of the Overgate (we were given a map so that we could find it!). This proved to be a very interesting morning with a remarkably mixed group of Christians of different ages holding a variety of roles in the Church. We heard presentations from Geoff and also Paul Wilson, who is the Lead Chaplain to the Chaplains, besides participating in some small group work. Ann and I are now in possession of certificates to prove our attendance, since this is the first step on the training ladder. In the new year we will receive information about the next steps, giving us time to decide whether or not to proceed. I think it would be fair to say we both came away feeling inclined to take things further in this valuable area of Christian outreach. These days, so many people just need a kind person to listen to them, and one of the compulsory training modules for voluntary chaplains is entitled “Active Listening”.

Rev. Caroline Taylor

We have this fantastic Christmas Hamper to raffle in aid of the 250 fund. Tickets are on sale, £1 a strip, each Sunday leading up to the raffle which will be drawn following the Christmas Family Service on Sunday 22nd December.

It was great to work with Meadowside St Paul’s to create a joint Calendar for 2020 that represented both churches. We decided to produce just a small quantity of these as we weren’t sure what the demand would be, and it was thought better to sell out than have too many. It has been a success and will likely be repeated next year.

Many thanks to all those who purchased one. Gayle Lennon 10

If I decorate my house perfectly with plaid bows, strands of twinkling lights and shiny balls, but do not show love to my family, I’m just another decorator. If I space away in the kitchen, baking dozens of Christmas cookies, preparing gourmet meals and arranging a beautifully adorned table at mealtimes, but do not show love to my family, I’m just another cook. If I work at the soup kitchen, carol in the nursing home and give all that I have to charity, but do not show love to my family, it profits me nothing. If I trim the spruce with shimmering angels and crocheted snowflakes, attend a myriad of holiday parties and sing in the choir’s cantata, but do not focus on those I love the most, I have missed the point. ….In other words, Love stops the cooking to hug a child Love sets aside the decorating to kiss the spouse. Love is kind, though harried and tired. Love doesn’t envy another’s home that has coordinated Christmas China and table linens. Love does not yell at the kids to get out the way, but is thankful they are there to be in the way. Love doesn’t give only to those who are able to give in return, but rejoices in giving to those who can’t. Love bears all things, all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. Video games will break, pearl necklaces will be lost, golf clubs will rust. But the gift of love will endure.


Our open Afternoon Tea and Fellowship Service takes place on Sunday 15th December and everyone is invited to join us. Tea and goodies will be served in the St Andrew’s Hall at 2pm, followed by a service in the church which will include a short celebration of communion. You are very welcome to come along and enjoy the worship and fellowship over a cup of tea amongst friends. We look forward to seeing you there.

Liz Davidson

Once again we are running our PowerPoint Christmas Greetings. This aims to raise money for St Andrew’s chosen Christmas charities (which will be announced shortly). Your Christmas greeting is displayed on the screens in church during pre-service announcements. It’s a great way to share your festive message and raise money for charity at the same time. Forms are available at the church doors, and should be returned to me, with a minimum donation of £3.

Garry Collins

There will be retiring collections after the Christmas services, and the Christmas Café Church with the monies donated going to this year’s chosen church charities (to be announced shortly - please see the screen intimations and facebook/ twitter for details). Editor

A reminder that the church is now open for prayer and reflection on Saturday mornings from 10am-12noon

12 Our collections for Dundee Foodbank

continue throughout the festive period when supplies can be more in demand. Please donate whatever you are able, it is always appreciated

We were delighted to work with Meadowside St Paul’s to be the voice of Church of Voices - a curated Twitter account set up by Rev Peter Nimmo to show the diversity of work of the church in Scotland. We approached Rev Nimmo to ask if it’d be pos- sible to have a week on the page to highlight life as a city centre charge, and had a busy but good week tweeting about a typical week in the life of Meadowside St Paul’s l/w St Andrew’s. The linked charge has a joint Twitter account, managed jointly by me and Margaret Adamson of MSP. If you’re on Twitter, then you can follow us @msp_standrews and you may be interested in the Voices page @churchscovoices

Gayle Lennon

Sunday 15th - Afternoon Tea & Fellowship Service 2pm Tuesday 17th - Café Church 7.15pm Sunday 22nd - Christmas Family Service 10am Tuesday 24th - Christmas Eve at Meadowside St Paul’s 6.30pm Watchnight Service at St Andrew’s 11.30pm Sunday 29th - United Service at Meadowside St Paul’s 11am


This is what’s on at Meadowside St Paul’s on a regular ba- sis. You can keep up-to-date with their activities and news online at or follow them on

• Connections Café - Mondays 10am - 12noon Connections Cafe meets on a Monday morning from 10am-12noon. This is a joint initiative between the cluster churches in the city centre and provides an opportunity for refugees and new Scots to meet in a relaxed atmosphere to chat and practise their functional English. The volunteers have many resources to help this, and there’s lots of

coffee and cake too!

• Guild - alternate Mondays at 2pm - December 9th: Christmas Party

- January 13th: Games Afternoon

• Craft Club - alternate Mondays at 2pm (alternate weeks to Guild)

• Church Open for Prayer - Wednesdays 12noon - 1.30pm

• Wednesday Club - formerly Big Issue Club 2pm The Wednesday Club at Meadowside St Paul’s runs in the Main Hall from 2pm-4pm and serves soup, filled rolls, fruit and cakes to the homeless and other people. It is made possible by team of volunteers who serve the soup and offer a listening ear to the people who come in. It’s definitely worth a visit any week if you have

time to spare.

• Beavers and Cubs - Thursdays from 6.15pm - 7.30pm

• Scouts - Thursdays 7.30 - 9pm


Flower Donors Flower Committee

December December

8th Mr. M. West 8th Mrs. L. Evans Mrs. M. Pert 15th Miss. R. Lennon 15th Miss M. Graham 22nd Mrs. S. Cruickshank 22nd Mrs. M. McKenzie

Mrs. M. McKenzie

January January

5th Mrs. I. Irvine 5th Mrs. A. Sanderson Mr. J. Baxter 12th Mr. P. Davidson 12th Mrs. A MacKinnon 19th Mr. R. Greer 19th Mrs. E. Strachan Mrs. L. Gow 26th Miss J. Leslie 26th Mrs. L. Evans Mrs. A. Clarke

The ladies of the Flower Committee take this opportunity to wish everyone a Very Happy Christmas and Health & Happiness for 2020.

Despite wet weather on the day, the Christmas Fayre managed to raise a total of £2751 for Church funds. Thank you to everyone who helped whether it was through giving donations, working on stalls, in the kitchen, serving teas and coffees, buying raffles and all the lovely goods on offer. The day wouldn’t be possible without your support. 15

Bowling Bill Grant If you have any pastoral needs or if you

Boys Brigade FMA know of anybody at home, or in hospital who John James BEM requires a visit please contact our Interim

Café Church Moderator: Gayle Lennon Rev Caroline Taylor Care Group Liz Davidson Or

Crèche Rota Anne Barrowman Church Office

Flower Committee St Andrew’s Parish Church Anne MacKinnon 2 King Street, Dundee, DD1 2JB Muriel McKenzie Tel: 01382 224860 Email: [email protected] Fundraisers Fay Scott

Girls’ Brigade Sheila Valentine

Guild 8th Dec - Christmas Gift Service Fay Scott

Life and Work 14th Dec - Messy Church - 11am-1pm Ron Coull

Messy Church 15th Dec - Afternoon Tea & Fellowship Service 2pm Lindsay McCallum

Outdoor Activities Group 17th Dec - Café Church 7.15pm Roddy MacKinnon

Stewardship Team 22nd Dec - Christmas Family Service 10am Gayle Lennon

Traidcraft 24th Dec - Christmas Eve Early Evening Service Sally Romilly Meadowside St Paul’s - 6.30pm Website Claire Andrews 24th Dec - Watchnight Service Wyvern Distribution Co-ordinators Brian Forsyth St Andrew’s - 11.30pm Anne Lowe

Wyvern Editor 29th Dec - United Service at MSP 11am Gayle Lennon 5th Jan - Family Communion 11.15am

10th Dec - Christmas Meal

Keep up-to-date with us on: Invergowrie Inn

7th Jan - Lost Building of Old Dundee St Andrews Parish Church Dundee

19th Jan - Sailors Society @msp_standrews

We’re on the web! Find us at -