Government Shrimant Madhavrao Scindia Post Graduate College, Shivpuri (Madhya Pradesh) Annual Report 2019 This format outlines the annual reports to be published by all colleges in the Madhya Pradesh on their websites, by October 31st of each year. Part I is intended as a guide and colleges are free to alter the contents and format as they see fit. Part II, the Appendix (Institutional Performance Data and Financial Reports), is mandatory and colleges are required to report all data as per the attached format and instructions. Important Information – Name of the college -: Govt. Shrimant madhavrao sindhiya P.G. College Shivpuri (M.P.) Place of the college -: Shivpuri District -: Shivpuri Division -: Gwalior Year of establishment of college -: 1961 Name and Contact details( Mail id , Phone ) of Principal -: Proff. Mahendra Kumar, 9425765677, Mail- ID=
[email protected] Name , Post and Contact details of ( Mail id, Phone no.) of Reporting In charge -: Dr. G.P Sharma, Professor Of Commerce , 7000902930,
[email protected] Date of report submission -: 10 Decmber 2020 Part I 1. The Principal’s Report (2 pages)- Highlights the key activities, events, and successes of the past year and briefly describes major new initiatives to be undertaken over the next year. Govt. Shrimant Madhavrao Scindia P.G. College Shivpuri affiliated to Jiwaji University Gwalior, Is one of the most leading colleges of Gwalior-Chambal region. The motto of the college is ‘Neer Cheer Vivran Gati Hansha’ i,e after getting proper education, a student acquires the form of such knowledge which enables him to choose between right and wrong. keeping the motto in mind, the institute makes every effort to achieve excellence n academic activities.