n .'•i*-.. •"/• * i J: * v* TOE '••.••• Ui- A Journal Devoted Bspecially, to the Interests of Comox District.


, !#»»

The Store The Store m I THE CORNER STORE ' of Quality Of Quality FOR, THE BIG STOKE STOVES AND Our Summer Suits are at offerings tn hand. Quality and Prices RANGES are Right, wewtforVSimirner

USlnty WdlStS in the newest of spring, and summer . •>- styles. Correct in every particiilari > Prices from Furniture arid Household •' •-V-':'L---^>;•;•;'.'V' '-'. $1 to $5 1 ; ! v *' •-•! i>-;;* ;\\ .•- ;' ' ; 1 ^ - ' __• ; COfSCt COVerS ' -The largest and. daintiest' collec ion'. 1 ever shown, finest of laces and insertions •: ,, The following goods have ;'<'. V-•• 35c. to S2.75 '• .-".•'-' •-,•'" 1 •••'-., ' ' Wallpaper , arrived and are in the best - -i ''.••'.•'- . 1 ' of condition; .« Ladies White Underskirts Fine cambri. and em-' Paints » broidery, ;. $1.25 t6 $500 Laces and Embroideries,' Ginghams, Prints, Ifestiaags, Ladies' White Dresses Latest styles at lowest prices Varnish Summer Dress Goods, Etc. Our range is excptioually-large and our prices.are marked " CL ,. •" to mean sale of every one. . Oils' Etc, , We only wish, to -sell our goods on their merits, and all we Dunsmuir Ave. ! - ask is for you to compare our values. TRY^THE J.N.McLEOD^ Cumberland Our grocery depart ment was never,'so • veil stocked with. -----;—-77—tlie-newest^and'freshest-of-jgoods-Hiafc-can-be-——-—-—r The Magnet Cash Store. L obtained. " GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER . -, TH E^ CA^N A DI AN^B"Mr T. E. BATE,. Cumberland. OF COMMERCE Nothing pleases us like a well pleased customer; ' SIR EDMUND, WAUKER,aV.O., LLD., O.CL, PRESIOENT ALEXANDER LAIRD, GENERAL MANAMA «•••- CAPITAL, - fib;68^;6o6 ".' REST. - $7,000,000 \ Locals. : It is stated by *hu C. P. 11. of- licials that the mouth of April GOLLECTION BUSINESS Simon. Laser & G6.y Ltd. jnst.]>as8od has broken all records J. W. Bryden, of Vancouver \Vith its large number of branches, agents and correspondents, The- Dunamulr Ave., Cumberland*. arrived in town on Thuvflday lu«_t. for immigration by over 3,000 Canadian Bank of Commerce is able to effect collections throughout .atft&rm**^^ Mr. Bryden h travelling for,The people. At the same, time, the the world promptly and at reasonable rates. Rates wil! be quoted (on application. lt**m*>affl*r*mti**&^^ H Smith Biscuit Co., Ltd.'; of rush through Montreal with the Vancouver. opening of navigation has started FOREIGN BUSINESS MAROCCHI BROS 1 iii-tit a rate that, bids f or to make Cheques and drafts, on all countries of the world, drawn in sterling, • GROCERS 6t BAKERS Mr. Allien Pickard, oE Texada, May even' exceed the figures of francs, marks, lire, kronen, florins, roubles or any other foreign currency, April.. During the month just can be negotiated at Tho Canadian Bank of Commerce at reasonable rates. AND PRbPRIETORS OF arrived in town on Friday last. CUMBERLAND BRANCH..; .....VT.T. WHITE, Manager ended tho Canadian Pacific Kail- CUMBERLAND BOTTLING WORKS Stmlil '.I « - General Manager Coulsou of way carried from St, John to Inspector Crosby of the Royal The. City Council held a Court, Canadian Collieries (Dunamuir Montreakand thence westward no Agents for Pilsener Brewing Company's BEER Bank of Canada, and Mrs. Oroa- of Revision on tho Assessm*'* t Limited, wns in town last week. fewer than 20,321 immigrants, Wholesale Dealers in all Kinds of by arrived in town on Saturday Roll ou Thursday evening. £h VM\ '-'0 ,••,.,.,..»__• not counting small children, or t , Wines and Liquors. Inst, from Vancouver, and roturn protestfi against tho iiHaoesmunt Ii. Grunt jr., Mrs. Grant and over a thousand a day. exclusive ed on * were received, of which only four SECOND dTREES T children arrived homo from Vic­ of Sundays. This is an increase 1tori a hy Thursday's boat. of ovor 10,000 011 tho!'figures of had n reduction made. Tho couit S, S. Joan which is now on tlio admitted that in many instances 5 March, when 18,000 immigrants Mr* , L. A. Mounco arrival Nanaimo-Oomox run, linu recently rlu* aaaossment waa high, but jim- The Pnlico CommiBioneis mot wore brought through, .During City Council homo from Vancouver on Tburfi- underwent exteunivo rcpairu. Her tilled their action on the ground, on Mondnj evening to connidir day last. the sixty days of March and 'April hull WB Birongthoned, engluM .A special mpoling of tho City applications, of which there won? this year, tlio C. P. R, carried that it waft necessary to havo moro Coumul wns hold after the Court thoroughly ovorhanlod and hor money if • needed iinrirovonienrK. fourty-PiwMi, twulve being local Mrs, John RobertBon was ope­ 50,000 immigrants through to KtatoroouiH und/)tli«r interior parrs of Koviaion lmd finished its sea. and tliirty.fivo outside, for thu wero to be carried out. rated npou for floating kidney, at tho now landsbf tho West, 11 num. renovated. ' aion, Aldermen Bunks, Willard, position of nigbtwatclimiui and our local hospital on Friday last bor far in advance af any proviaiifi Maxwell, Stewart and tlio 'mayor poiicoinnn combined, Tlio coin immigration stati. tics. Mr, and Mrs. 'John Tlioinp<»u mishionorfl W'BII(: over tho applicii. being present, The gentry of Fanny Bay ro Robert Grant sr, and A. Grant. arrived homo from Knmloop.- on. tions' carefully, and',aftor nearly left on Sunday morning by auto The clork called attention to- a throe hoursdeli born tioh, Co'mmls- grot, to-loan 1 that Edward Wil­ Saturday night. "Jack" brought John Hunden ivashurt at No. ror Victoria, Austin Hugo, Miv, number, of cases iu which the poll sioner Banks inovod, Bocoudotl by liam Bieklo hns boon placnd un the •'key',' of Kamloopn, hoinu 4 miiio on Monday, by being McLeod and Mwi, IlickRou went tax bad been •wrongfully deducted' CoirimisHioner Maodoiiald, that del' tho Liquor Act, and arc loud with him, caught between cars, He was iu thu ear an far aft Ladyiimith and from miners wages. It WIIB left in the names of John Thomson and in thoir praino of ' Mr. Bieklo's William McLollau bu voted upon. taken to the hospital, tlio liandB of the clork to refund 'actUin in fighting tlio Attorney Nanaimo. On the vote being taken, Mr, Mr. arid Mrs, T. F,. Oartwrigbt Amounts. C-loiioral's Act through County Thomson wae unanimously plmit. ttov. M. 0. Kri'oniiin arrived David Daniels loft by Sunday'b left liy Saturday', boat for \'nu* TV usual $25 donation for od Tho commiMlonors will moot Court and Supremo Court.— Islander. = homo on TliuiMilay evening tasf, bout for Vancouver. couver. • 2«fctli, May celebration was voted, again on Wednesday, May 81st, ; when Mr. Thomson will bo sworn Aid Banks risked ..for informa­ in, Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Halliday,of tion regarding the oity'u finances, • , n Sandwick, willcolobralo the flfiiotb fearing that tbo Boitrd of Works M?RB Tjivinfrstnn who Imn bnfii' ain'iivorsary of their marriage, on DPfO^ATF Yfip mm- mn THP *>4»h wiini spfliidinr*; moro monoy 'than th«'ftnmi, of Mv. and Mrs. .Tnftk TUCMII-V, May"2}.rd.** Mav thev the city can afford, II6 wnu UH for tbo pact few weeks, loft for , * ...... * * surod tho city's iinances woro in Vancouver on Friday, ..livo to coiubraio their diamond ,o»...,.-.„.,„,, English and Gasiadi in flags, 5 o. moh* a fairly Batlwfactory cotidition, wedding is tlio sincere \vUli of The following gontlemori orrlv- tlioirmany frlondai, for tbey aro Red, White ond Blue BunlinK 6c. a yard. .on Friday by auto from Alborni, iine old piiujm*, umi nigiiiy it*,- 'jVaneouvor, May 18.—At H for llnnl consus liistructious from You will nlno want a New Shir', Tic, Fancy Coininissioner Bruce:—J, H. Mo­ spcted throughout tho district, o'clock this aftornoon .Tudgo Mc . -...... •—4|.-,...!..,,'.._• Socks, Hoots and Ifa, Cone iu and have a tion, J, G, Hftlpenny, H. Hills, n liiiHiS was put under arrest by a Andrew Williamson, a miner look at the fnie ranjje w«.« have for you to F. Sannderi), J. Wilkinson. Capt, choose from. Hastings street policeman who Huff brought the party ovor. at No. 5 mine, wim terribly in- elniuH'ti tlm Judgo while talking Tbey rotnrned on Saturday. jurtd on Saturday ln«t, by the ex­ to a friend WIIH blocking traffic. ploding of a bos* of dynamito caps, THE FIT-RITE STORE Gro;it excitement pruvailed whon Watch for McLood's Summer which he was holding in bis band, mmmmmmmmmm.mmnmmm WMMMW I when the patrol wagon WAS called, Sale. It M hupp-nscd that a spirk from for a crowd ot nearly two thon- his pit lamp fell into the box, Suits .1515,00 U 92Q.50 ' wind bad gathered, After tunny JJort Stephenson and JJick Hod- fniifing the explosion. One <»f uxplaniuiutits the fadgo wits Ict g*>, flon, caught 05 pounds of tout at tlie un form unu> miui's I.TIIKIH wn,'.* Ho took tlm incident good iimur Home Lake on Monday.. blown dlF and head and body bad­ Gapipbe)! Bfosin cdly. ly ii.jni'oil.

,m4t*aU+S**tlam\> '***m*W*tm.mmlmaam^ aamm mm wumtaommm mmmmm ,. ..„,&_'-,


"I know that perfectly well." replied "That looks-more-than decent on TATTOOING. your part." said Orde. Newmark coolly. "You are golug to "Of course it's none of my business have difficulty meeting your Julv notes It .s Extensively Practiced AU Over MUSIC IS HIS REALM as it is." Bhe what you intend lo do with this." the World. went on Newmnrk, "but unless you're Heinzman hardly seemed to breathe, Woman'sWorld sure you can meet these uotes 1 should but rod blnzed in his eye. Nearly all must be familiar with SIR HENRY WOOD WON KNIGHT- the crude tattoo designs, of anchors, strongly ndyise ngnlnst it." .\ "1 intend." went on • Newmark. "to HOOD WITH H-IS BATON. furnish this money myself. It must, Cupid Wint Victory shipc and so on that sailors- love to "Foj* how long a time could I get ! have upon their arms and chests. ,But Riverman this?" asked Orde nt length. j however, seem to be loaned by anoth­ In Suffragetto Camp. the professional tattooist can import "I couldn't promise It for longer than j er. 1 want you to lend thia money oa to his skin pictures protty well .all Gifted Leader of Queen's Hall Orches- By STEWART 1 five,years. " replied Newmnrk. mortgage." colors except white, so tliat he cnn , tra, London, Started Kis Career a* EDWARD WHITE I "That would make about 815,000 a "What for?" asked Heinzman., proauce the most elaborate and beau­ an Organist But Operatic Work "For a one-tenth of Orde's share in tiful designs. Nor is his work limit?d I year and Interest. Well. 1 don't see j Claimed Him Until He Rose to the Ca»yri|-ht. I90U. by lh* McChm Com- j why 1 can't carry that easily on our case he does not meet those notes." to covering small nreas,, for woi e many men aro satisfied 'wiUi'a'simple fU|. Copyright. 1907. 190ft. by present showing nnd prospects." "But he vill meet the notes." object­ Leadership of Englard's Greatest Sto«l_i mfittkTm Whit* ed Heinzman. "Yon are a prosperous design, ot-hors have different tastes, ( . "If nothing untoward happens." in- and men have been tattooed all over Symphony Orchestra. ! sisted Newmnrk. concern. I know somethings of your Irom head to toe. business nlRo." In these dnys when honors are so (Continued.) j "It's not much risk." snid Orde hope. •- Travelers, sportsmen, and army frequently bestowed upon the out­ | fully. "There's nothing surer than "He thinks be will," rejoined Ntv- ofiicors seem to favor tattooing ni >ie standing figures in the world of the lumber. What do our earnings tigar^i Aiuru gnmiy. "1 will men.',, poiut tiiiaii other classes, and the designs fine art.- musicians come in for no anyway?", out to you that his entire income Is one is asked to execute are' many and small shnro of the recognition which "We're driving 150.000.000 at n profit from the tlrm and tbat from tbis in­ varied, Among officers the most us- is their due. Ono ot the most popu- of about 60 cents a thousand. That's! come he must save twenty odd thou­ ual is the regimental crest. Spoit- la* knighthoods on the lau list was mon usually fuvor something whuh jao.OOO-lu Ave years .$450,000. Wo sand a year." that given to Henry J. Wood of Lon­ "If the tirm has hard luck"— said reminds them of their favor.ta sport. don, Eng., conductor of the Queen's ought to clean up $5 a thousand on 'Perhaps the funniest case recalled Hull Orchestra. KI. l-_ ' snld nottiing to Newmark our mill. That's about a hundred thou­ Hcluzmau. ' "Exactly." finished Newmark. was a. man who had texts from the Sir Henry's musical career date, I coiicernln**: this purposed uew sand ou what we've got left." Bible tattooed all over him till be back to 1879. when he held the posi- investment. "And that little barge business nets "Vy you come to me?" demanded' was a perfect walking Testament. O •'It is i'or Hobby," hi? told us about twelve or fifteen thousand a Heinzman at length. Tattooing is practiced very exten­ himself, "and I want Hobby and no year." "Well, I'm offering you a chance to sively in tne east, and it is no d.iubt get even with Orde. I don't Imagine for tnis reason that so many travelers oue else to run it. .loo would want lo "For the five years about $00,000 more. Let's see—that's a total ot, say, you love him." submit to tattooing. They get accuin- take charge naturally." tomed to seeing people tattooed, un I 1*000.000 lu five years." "Vat's de matter mit my gettln' efen He walked downiown next morning, with you, too?" cried Heinzman. feel that they must be tattooed ,tio.. VWe will have to take up in thnt But there are sometimes other r. a- busily formulating bis scheme. time." said Newmark! *;two payments "Ain't you beat me out at Lansing?" ' sons. Natives frequently think more "Joe." said Orde, "'just bow do we on timber, the note on the First Na­ Newmnrk smiled coldly under bis of a man if he'is tattooed, and so the stand on tbat upper peninsula stump- tional, the Commercial note, the lia­ clipped mustache. traveler may reap a real a'dvautasje^ age?" bilities on the Hoom company—$300,- "I'm ottering you the ehnnceot mak­ ' *S 1910. by American Press Association. This is particularly so in West Africa. ing auywhere from thirty to tifty thou­ If their boss is tattooed' the n ggjis "We've made two payments of inl7.- 000 all told." HISS INEZ MILHOIJXIAND AND HKlt FIANOR 000 each and liave still two to make "Correct" said Orde. "Good enough. sand dollars." boast about it to tlie others, and feel MK. HATES. that they arc on a'higher plane! ot the same amount." 1 ought to get aloug on a margin liko "i'erhaps. And suppose this ilddle "What eould we borrow on itV", that." scheme don't work out." The croakers who fear that tbe suf­ Almost every, eastern coun.ry has fragette will lose her matrimonial its own particular style of tattooing, "fifty or*sevent}-live thousand." He set to figuring. The results ta* "And." pursued Newmark calmly, ln Burmah,.aU the natives are, tattoo­ "Joe." said Orde, "1 waut lo raise eyed doubtfully. Each year he must "I'll carry you over in your present chance may set tbeta fears at rest, for the engagement is announced of the ed as a matter of course with a pair about $75,000 on my share iu this con­ pay in interest the sum ot $7,500. obligations." He suddenly bit the arm, of figured black pants extending from cern." Each year he would have to count oa of his chair wltb his clinched fist.' most obstreperous of suffragettes, Miss the waist to just above the knee, and Newmark said nothing, but for some a proportionate saving of $15,000 to­ "Heinzman. it you don't make those! Inez Milhoilaud. who perhaps has doue until this design has been _xecu e.i time thought busily. His light blue ward payment of the notes, ln addi­ July payments what's to become of more spectacular and strenuous work they are not considered to have reach­ eyes narrowed to a slit. tion, ho must live. (~ you? Where's your timber and your iu the "votes for womeu" cause than ed manhood. . any other American woman. s "I'll have to HKUIV on it awhile." But Orde was fond of risks. mills and your new house aud that In Cnina the art is a very o^d o ne, pretty daughter of yours?" but, although the designs are Loai eaid he at last and turned back to bis "Never mind. It's for Hobby." said The lucky man with sufficient-courage varied and picturesque the worK is mull. All day he worked hard. At 0 he to himself. "And maybe the rate Heinzman winced visibly. to marry this socialistic suffragette is somewhat crude, and cannot be com­ o'clock he walked to his home. Here of interest will go down, and I'll be "I vill get an extension of time." said" Lindou Buteu, Jr.. of New York, ex- pared with that of Japan, where unt.l he turned into a study, quietly and able to borrow on the California tract be feebly. nssemblymau, author and civil engineer' late years there was suoh a tre.i.eu- HENKYJ. WOOD. richly furnished ten years iu advance if anything does go wrong." "Will you?' coutitermarked New- and a recent convert to the "cause." dous'craze in this direction tlut uirf tion of depufy organist at St. Mary'. . of, the taste thou prevalent in Mon­ He stepped across the hall into Tay- mark. Victory through defeat will be Mr. state put "a stop to it. Evtry Jap oi Church. Aldermnnbury. In the ten rovia, where he sank into a deep cush­ lor's office. "Veil, maybe." laughed Heinzman Bates' slogan, for he does not promise the lower ciasst:® used to rush oif to years that followed this appointment ioned chair and lit the much chewed "Frank." began Orde immediately, uneasily. "It looks to tne like a win­ to aid the girl of his heart iu all of her . the nearest tatooist the moment he he gave organ recital, throuehout the had a little money,-and as the wo-k cigar. lie looked with approval on "I came to see you about that Califor­ ner." > , activities, but, be promises not to Inter­ United Kingdom until ''nding that the dark walnut bookcases, the framed is by no means cheap men reached a instrument too much a limitation on nia ^timber matter. Now. what.l want "All right, then," snld Newmnrk fere in them. A dangerous trip taken point when the , pictures upon their his musical ambitions he went into is.this"— He proceeded to outline care­ briskly. "I'll mnke ont a mortgage at by Mr. Bates through Siberia and his bodies represent a small foitune spent orchestral work. For some years ho fully the agreement between himself 10 per cent for you. and you'll lend tbe book recounting the experience, "Tbe in this way. Meanwhile when tlie.r wr.3 in chnrg. of the musical end of and Newmark. while the lawyer took money on it. At the proper time, if Russian Road to China." published working days were over they had to operatic organization until finally in notes and occasionally Interjected a things happen that way. you will fore­ last winter, completed Miss Milhol- be 'kept by '\he state instead of hav­ 189.1 he took up the Queen's Hall Or­ question. close That's all you have to do witb land's interest in the author. The ing for their old age the money ex­ chestra, which has grown to puch pro­ "All right." said the latter when the It. Then wnon ihe titnberland comes ltusslau road led directly to her heart. pended ou transforming themsalve.- portions and, so great a degree of' into walking picture galleries. To such excellence as to-repay its gifted leader details had been mastered. "I'll draw to you under foreclosure you will re- A resume of Miss Mllhollaud's short an extent was this carried that with*a TheTiwessary "notes" a ud -papers." — convpy-.ii-imdivKiPd-mue-teiit lw~inter-_ JUJT by making him famous. . career-__will__show__just what hus­ -view-to^encouraging-thrift,_t)he.J,(.\o_y_. "Now.",went on Orde. producing the est—tor proper i-i>n«io>ration. of course, band will be up against" "A_"a"chila\" -—Sir-Henry-i.-wife.is-a^Rus.inn.iirin^ eminent forbade the practice by law, ce?* whom he married in 1398 in bundle of papers trom bis pqeket, and without recording tlie rtepd.-" said her mother. "Inez was constantly making it such a serious offence thai Podolia, Russia. "here's the abstract of title. I wish Heinzman lauuiied with assumed bringing home the most forlorn and so far as the Japanese themselves are concerned it is practically .-,tampel you'd look it over. It's a long one, lignnies*. maimed specimens of femininity." And Foolhardy Snake Keener.* but not complicated, us near as 1 cau '•Suppose ] tool you.'' snld he. "1 at Vassar later her socialistic* tend­ out, although there are still Ja_.ane.-e make out. Trace seems to have nc- tattooers who draw their clients f.om The only fatal cnee of snake bite on guess I Joosr Keep it tor mlneself." encies quite shocked the conservative foreigners visiting the country. record in the London Zoological Gar­ quired this tract mostly from the orig­ Newmark IOOKPII at him coldly. faculty, for early in her college career It seems rather curious that a thin; dens win directly duo to the foolish­ inal homesteaders and the like, who, "I wouldn't." he advised. "\ou may *Bhe had herself made probation officer. ness of the victim. He was jn charge of course, take title direct from the remember the member from Lnpeer The chapel having been refused the of tiliis sort should be forbidden by law, but it is not nearly (or so re­ of. ths snakes, nnd coming* in one From these he futurtul nil lite cvmihii,. government. 1 want you to look it county in thut ••iiarter tight and the fuir lues as a gathering place for a markable a reason in this case, us it morning with sorrje friends bpenn to- over, to be sure everything's ship­ $"nM) tor nls vote. Jry it on and see suffragette meeting, nothing daunted, boast of his power over th« creatures prints and etchings, the bronzed stu­ is with tho Maoris in New Zea.and. shape. how iiuii-h evidence 1 can bring np. with sixteen of her sworn allies, a The- Maoris have a special kind oi and the extent to which they would! dent's lamp on the square table desk "One other thing." concluded Orde. U-t ciiiled bnoerv ln this state nnd meeting took place at midnight In a tattooing thoir designs being executed submit to be played with hy on. and the rugs on the polished floor. "I want this investment to get no far­ menus penitentiary usually" neurby graveyard, where they listened in the form of elaborate rings, l.nes whom they knew. This led to prac- "Mr. Xowmnrlt. sir." eame a respect­ ther than the of­ ">oil don't take a JoKe," complained to liuriiiug words from President Inez. and curves upon the face. So wonder­ ticnl -experiment!!, the over-confident ful voice, "it Is Just short of 7." keeper taking nn Indinn cobra from fice door. You Heinz man. After thnt suffrage became n tolerated ful were, some of these designs tout, "Very well." replied Newmark. its comfortuhle sleeping place, and sec, this Is for Newmnrk nrose. If not an approved subject nt Vnssnr. after death well-tattooed heads. ust Newmark yawned, threw nsido the to be smoked dried and kept. After n declaring he was a .nake chnrin*»r "It's understood, then?" he nsked. Mlns Milhoilaud has, the honor of be- cigar, of which he had smoked but an Bobby, nnd noth­ while these became curiosities whicn proceeded to swing it nbout his hend "How so i Know you play tulr?" ing the girl who "broke up the big Inch, nud passed from his study Into ing spoils a mnn commanded a ready market, and no nnd play other, tricks with. it. nsKed the Herman, 1 bis bedroom across the hall. Lie bath­ sooner than to i in- Tuft ciimpnlgu parade." As the pro­ sooner did the Maoris discover thi9 A nutive snnke charmer would ed In the adjoining bathroom, shaved uglne the thing's "^ou dout. its a ou. r:\VMAUK .*.*)•>f*»«wf yivni'lmnfa ''Rock of Ago*." nnd ho Minuted mif *• hod on tho ivory figuro or curving Twelve Miles an Hour. If wo rulse as much as $75,000 on thut iy "linougli lh. \hi*\- ''.;-.'t v •••:<-•. I mi v.Uh - j)io:-c o! wiab liyuhor. n !ittli> At. iho heuinnlnff of f'.\e Inst cen­ down the street to lleltixilinrrs when ho enmo to the next. "When I upper peninsula xtmnpiigt* It will he iililce. lie found Hie little tier- more being then rubbed ovor it nn.1 tury thu roynl college ol Hnvariaa •II It cnn Htniirl. for noxt year ye must ritio to worlds unknown." juM IM h^ left to dry on. Whon dry tho powder physicianv sought to torbid steam mnn In. Newmnrk demiinded rouchod tho word "rii-e" he uliinood mnke n third payment on It. If you a private Interview and without pre- will brurti off orwily. roilwny truvel boeauie It would induce take Unit money It Is of course proper down nnd unw it wn* "»nnr." nnd hi delirium turiosum among tho pns.en- lltnlnnry plunged into the busiiiesH thut mnde the combination, "When I roar tlmt you pny the Interest on it And Quick Chang»i, gors nnd drive the speelntori ornty, hnd brought him. to worlds unknown." while nn Knglish quarterly snld that If there's any possibility of the fore­ Wlfo—Darling, I want u now gown, closure of the mortgage it is only right "lleliiitmiiu," Mild lie abruptly, "my il would ns «oon expect the people to Will Tnki Six Yeirv Hu.dnind But you hnd n nn< ot n mort- Pttpcr uiathm'* Wiini*. prof»vtM nr\ #mhroldery silk,. The flowers audi Bilk cocoon* to the weight of about j Du- ihnaty thnt the writing and print-' Jtago, your share worth above $*2(KI,- lu our enierprise." tlu cdgei by leather, is hcing in.d leaveIWTPNn u»u«musti ho cnrnfully done nm) nll'M U>H_, uud worth .nflnrly 1110m "Veil? You rimf to borrow dot mon- in| nt Minnrfunm hnofat form a n*rU on' iu Kii|_ii»nd with n men.tire «,| • iimi item in the deforestation problom (MIO. nnd fC4«MMNN) I* u high' valuation't'-ey of me'::' linked Ueiuzinan. "I could *ucce<». Ono advantage cbuiiud toi •four property," i not raiw It." it II tbat it d<** ool stretch* oi tho civilitod world. __**•* .ffW

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The Evil of Cleanliness ,:_>' 'J :« .1 "i m rt U «. ft. t>J X ,- J. l( BAD STATE BARGA NS. '1ft«m<'^*?*^"-l_:Fi_S<^^ Sir Almroth- Dright, M.D., has been j FAMOUS DOCTOR'S telling the people of London that When Saving £1 a Week Cost Britain n&S.W^ {washing takes awny from the skin PRESCRIPTION. 'the power to resist the attack of £850 a Year. microbes. So is the natural instinct, Ov.r twen\> years ago n tried and of the , small boy vindicated against trusted servant in the employment of the traditions which the'sonp-makeral the Hampton Court Palace authori­ spread if. they did not create. To; ties became entitled to a pension. dodge a washing is to secure protec­ ' In the ordinary way this would' tion against disease as well as to en-( have' been about a pound H week; sure the comfort-of the hour. i but his employers suggested that in- - • *u_jCJ7i n***'':"'! stead cf taking a pension he should YEAST CAKES "•'Archimedes,' " read the pupil, mnnuge the famous Hampton Court "leaped from his bath, shouting.'-Eu-j ^fa7.e. nnd trust to the receipt? for his MOST PERFECT MADE reka; Eureka;'" I income, the' authorities guaranteeing We know and users of Royal Yeast Cakes know that these ( "One moment, James," says the i to maintain the Maze and keep it are the best goods of the kind in the World. Bread made with I teacher." What is the meaning of elenn.,fre'. of cost to the manager. "Eureka'?" Royal Yeast will keep moist and fresh longer than that made with After some hesitation the employe "Eureka means 'I have found it.' " nirreed, and the result more than' any other. Do not experiment—there is no other "just as good." "Very well. What had Archimedes K.WQILLITT 00.1.TD. Toronto, Cnt. astonished him. found?" * i During the first' year his receipts Winnipeg Awardod highest honor* at all Ixpoaltlona, Montr**) James hesitated a moment, then He. I were over £600. the second brought in t r , ventured, hopefully: MSBSi ,^ *%mf.;* 4>(WsAri-»f»-_vw**J tVun-J neatly £000. nnd during every yenr of MADE IN CANADA "The soap, mum."—Exchange. the twenty he occupied as manager of >^^«*«*N^O*»w«i^_WM,WyilJ*»*P' the Mare his income uvernred £R50. Nothing is worth having that is not worth loving. When it is pointed out thnt all this INFLUENZA money came to him in pennies—the CATARRHAL FEVER Grand Lima* - charge for admission to the Maze—it- PINK EYE It was the cub reporter's first as­ will seem incredible. EPIZOOTIC signment—the'obituary, of a promin­ WATERYBLOOD The state has made many bad bar­ DISTEMPER ent city mnn who' hnd been - fatally gains in the past, owing to a want CHRONIC COUGHS injured in an automobile accident. IN THE SPRING of knowledge Hnd foresight on tbe CureBooklet "Distemper; Cause*. Cure sand PreTentlon, " FREE." AU ilruf- In his write-up, he vividly described part of the officials. Thus the great gists, hnrnesn dealers, II and SOc a bottle. Ill and U a dozen. DUtrifc- REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. the tragic circumstances, referring to ohair question in the public parks of Mas, WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYROP haa been Vtora-ALL WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. the bereavement sustained by the How To Get New Health London was dealt with in a -very. .std for over SIXTY YEARS by MIU.IOKS of SPOHN MEDICAL 00..Ooahan,Indiana, U.S. A. MOTHERS-Jor their CHILDRKrOWHIJtB family. ''The widow," he concluded, aiid New Strength at ..peculiar manner. TBBTHIN6. with PBRKKCT SUCCESS.. II: "is almost grief-stricken."—-Success. An ex^royal servant, in the person SOOTHES the CHILJ), SOl'TENS the GUMS This Season ALLAYS all PAIN: CURES WIND COLIC, att4 of a middle-aged lady, wns given the is thebest remwlw f«r T»iA»n..~-. - - Catarrh Cannot Be Cured .Even the most robust find the win­ right to l?t 2.000 chairs in' Hyde Park ter . months trying to their health. and the Green Park in lieu of a small wiDsiows soothing Syrup," and with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as the*/ cannot reach kind. Twenty-five cents a boltle tht seat ot tbe disease. Catarrh Is a blood or consti­ Confinement indoors, often in over- pension. For many years the old tutional disease, and In order to cure It you must tali* .heate'd and nearly always badly ven­ Internal remedies.. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In­ lady coined money, though the exact ternally, and acta directly upon the blood and,mu<*ou_ tilated rooms—in the house, the of­ amount of tier income was never Toronto Type Foundry Co., Ltd. surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is nol a quack i»edl- fice, the shops and the school—taxes elne. It waa prescribed by one ot,the best physicians mado known. RY MURINE EYE REHEDV In this country for years and Is a regular prescription. the vitality of even the strongest. In the good old days tho generosity It Is composed-of the best tonics known, combined The' blood becomes thin and watery FsrRsd.Wtfk.Wtsry.WatiryE^uMj f CALGARY WINNIPEG REGINA with ths best tuod purifiers. actln_ directly on ths of the Government bordered on cor­ GRANULATEDEYEUDS-I , mucous' surfaces., The perfect combination ot tbs or clogged with impurities. Some ruption, not to mention bribery. The T tiro Ingredients Is what produces such wonderful re­ people have headaches and a feeling Murine Doean'tSmart-SoothesEyePairi sult* In curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. waste.of stationery that went on wii* Dram* Sdl marma Mm Mmmh. lavtm, tSa, He. SI.* The Largest Printers' Supply House in Canada. F. J. CHENEY * CO.. Props., Toledo, O. of languor; others are low spirited appalling. Doorkeepers .who had Marine Er* Satw, _• A*«*>tlcTabM, 26c, $1.00 Sold b, Druggists, price 75o. and nervous; still others have pim­ worked for ten years were given the EYE BOOKS AND ADVICE FBBB B? MAIL.;. We Carry in StocK Cylinder Presses, Jcb Presses, Take HtU'a Famiir puis tor eonstipatfea. ples and'skin eruptions; while some MurineEyeResnedyGo^Chicaao ' get up "in the morning feeling just as right to dispose of all waste pa per,- Paper Cutters, Type and Material. Can Fill Fitznoodle—"Who Is that strange- tired1 "as when they went to bed.an d they made thousands of pounda Orders for Complete Equipment from our Stock. looking man who stares at , me so These are all spring symptoms that a year as a result. ... We are the Largest Ready Print Publishers in much?" - the blood is out of order, and that a Nowadays. His Majesty's Station­ She—"Oh, that's Mr. Mancegga, the medicine is^ needed. Many people ery Department sells its old paper The World's Standard the West. We Publish Ready Prints from our eminent '-insanity expert."—M.A.P. rush to purgative medicines in the and keeps the profits, which have spring. . This is a mistake. You can­ in recent years ' amounted to ovt*r Since 18.7, fne world's stand­ Winnipeg, Calgary and Regina Houses. : Do It Now.—Disorders of the digestive not cure these troubles with a medi­ £10 000. ' _ ard ot tine sllverplale has apparatus Bhould be dealt with at once .Then there was . the great army been set by pieces marked ^ before complications arise that may becin e that gallops through your sys­ difficult to-cope with. -••The surpst remedy tem and leaves you weaker still. second-hand clothes scandal. Friend-* to this end and one that is Within reach What you need to give you health of persons in high ,places were given' [847 ROGERS BROS" of all, is Parmelee's Vepretable Pills, the the army's cast-off clothes for a mure Order From Nearest Branch best laxative and sedative on the mar­ | and strength in the spring is a toaic - With this namiin- mind yoii: - - ket. Do not delay, but try them. now. medicine that will enrich the blood song, and many fortunes were made. t One trial will convince anyone that they, There was no "sich a thing," as puh will be sure of, getting the are the best stomach regulator that can and soothe the jangled nerves, and : heaviest grade ot silver plate." be got. the one always reliable tonic and lie tendering. When the much- blood-builder ,is Dr. Williams' Pink needed reform came along, John Bull But tta salt, ilitttii wtitan, ' . ., tit., art stamped Visitor (at Navy Yard)—Why such Pills. -""These Pills not only banish was able to pocket £25,000 a year, MERIOEN BRIT* CO. extreme haste in the-building of that spring weaknesses and ills but guard and the eorruptionists were sacked. HOLD B r L__I>I. 0 DE At KkS > •• WHEN IT COMES TO Dreudnought? There is no. prospect you against the more serious ail­ Old battleships, too. used to be dis­ "Silver Plate that Wears".' of war, is there? ,. - ments that follow, such as anaemia, posed of at ridiculous prices" io Naval Officer (Construction De­ nervous debility, , indigestion, rheu- favored persons; although it is main­ PAPER BAGS and partment)—Oh, no; we're simply try- mutism and other" diseases due- to tained' to this day that England ing-to-get-her-done-and-launchpd -be­ barl-blood~--Dr7-Williarns'^Pink-=PMs «nia kos _ver y—bad—bargains--with—its- ___—~MATCHES fore she becomes obsolete.—Puck;' actually make new,- rich, red blood, cu'tomers in ".hia respect. which- strengthens every nerve, every For example, last 'year Germany Household - troubles:' ,Headache organ and every part of the body, sold fnr over £600,000 three- obsolete Wo art ovorywhoro with the standard gooda. Toothache, Earache, Stomach" ache. aiid makes weak, ailing people bright, battleships, while Glreat Britain dis­ happy.- and strong. -Mrs. Jas. Mc­ posed of an equal number of ship-., Yourself H Papar and Matchai ara our specialties. Let ua Hnmlins Wizard Oil cures these aches Donald, Harcourt, N.B., says: "In and tlie world will be good to ypo. knam your wane*—we'll da tha raat and pains, so' why don't you keep a of better quality, for £70,000. bottle in the house, • my opinion Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ' But this bacj bargain was "partly The way~is to keep your stomaicli,, do all that is claimed for them. My dii2 to the fact that we insist upon liver, kidneys and bowels right; system was rim down, and I was so the. battleships we sell being broken "I hear your son is inn king money w„ak T' could hardly do my work, And you'll, find great h«?lp iaJ out of his voice at the Opera." up, whereas Germany will sell its old TheE.B.EddyCo.Ltd and takinp care of my baby added to men-of-war to any nation, .practically "That's right." my difficulties. I used a few boxes "Where did he learn singing?" of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills nnd they without restriction, so long us its BEECHAM'S HULL, CANADA "Oh, he don't sing. He calls the made me feel like my own self. I money is good.—Antiwers. carriages." TEIS li PERS8E, LIMITED, AK»nte, Winning ^Igary, Edmonton, very cheerfully recommend the Pills to all who are weak or ailing." . A Thomas Hardy Story. PILLS I Regina, Fort William and Part Ar hur. Tn its initial stairca a. cold ia a loonl ailment easily dealt with. But * many An interesting little story nhout Sold Everywbar*. I npglcct it and tho result is ofton the do. Sold by all medicine dealers or by Mr. Thomns Hardy is told in Miss volopmant of distronsincr soizures of themai l at 50 cents a box or six boxes Lilian- Whiting's .recently-puhliMied bronchial tubefl and lungs thaU render for .112.00 from Tho Dr, Williams' memoir of Louise Chandler Moulton, lifo miserable for • tho unhappy victim. Boysl Baseball Outfit Free As a first aid there is nothing in theMedicin e Co,, Brockville, Ont, the poetess. The best equipped factory for pro hnndy medicino- lino so cortnin in cur- Mrs. Moulton was nt Mr. HnHy'-i Ptivo results as lUpltle's Anti-Gown-wo- ducing Counter Check Books tlvo Syrup, tho > far-fanted remedy for In addition to having a water sup­ house soon after "Tess" enmo 'out, Appleford coughs and colds. ply second to none Tillicoultry dairy­ nnd sho was telling him nbout n re­ in Canada. men can congratulate themselves up­ view in prnise of the.book which'a 'Burglar—-"Hotter tell mo where tho on upholding tlie prestige of the placo compatriot of hers hnd contributed to Counter vnlunblofl nre." so far as tho milk is concerned.—-The The Atlnntic Monthly. lioyt I Wu nroilvlnf a dandy BMtliatl Capacity Householder — "Well, old mnn, Devon Valley Tribune. We don't re­ "Whnt you sny is consolation just Ou_ utflt t pt»ltlv«lyI*EBB! wtotlwi "y Aw unw u hero's tho combination of the refrig­ member having seen it nut with such now," remarked Mr. Hardy. ---..ibowo- ..In. th...e. _._~-abov»e entont.. It Mntlate of a shining candor before.—Punch.' flaldtt'i I1OT« and- Oatobtr's mitt, both erator." "Why just nowp" asked Mrs. Moul­ roadaof good horathld* Uather, a ngulation Check ton. •Is* bill, a (rood itronif mule tad a regulur 50, OOP Checkbooks BM»bUl cip.Bend " for S4.A0 worth Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere "Oh, I dined two night? ago," con. o_ our bigh-fi^oembowdjKMtoarda, printed per Day. tinned Mr. Hardy, "at the houso of in lofoly colon and fold. Th«M nil like hot eaket at 0 for 10a i iul our M«nt» uy to < Book Mother (at lunch)—''.Yos, darling, SMbhbCiim n member of Parliament. It wn* by. When told, return ui tba money, and wn We are supplying the Larg­ thoso littlo snrdines nre sometimes way of being a political dinner, but I will tand you tho ahove outflt all ehurirei anloklT stops eoiiRhs, oare* oolds, heals paid. Any oardi ymi aanjipljwll, wa will eiiton hy the larger fish." the throat and Inuca., • • • 25 cenfr. ns 'Toss' was just'out, ono and nn­ est users of Counter Check Mahol (.ged five)—"But, maminn. othor spoke of it kindly enough. " < »»pi * Mi manlp«(, Canada., Company, Books in Canada with our how do tbey get the' cans open?"— "T don't liko my new gown very Finally, ono lady two or threo sent-* Factory London Ideas. well," snid the young lady, "Tho ma­ nwny from mo leaned- forwnrd, lior 'IMPERIAL BOOKS." terial is awfully pretty, and tho stylo voice cornrnundcd evcryono's atten­ •nd Office*: Limited. PILES CURED IN B TO f' DAYS is all right, hut it needs something tion, APPUFORD COUNTER Vnnr drucuistvill refund money If, to improve tho shape of it," „ "'Well, Mr. Hardy/ sho snld. Here's a Heme Dye HAMILTON, IMZO mNTMKNT fni-lH to euro nny! "Why," Biiggostfirt*;.','hor donrest 'those people nro complaining that you CHECK BOOK nri!»p Af-Itching,'- Blind, Blooding or That (Not In tha Trust.)- friend, "don't yon lot some other girl had "Tess" hanged in tho Inst chap­ ONT. COMPANY, LIMITED. ProtrudlnfiT Pilot* hi 0 to 14 dnys. BOo wenr HP"—Boston Globe, ter" of your book, That is not whnt 1 cornphiin of;..I. complain hocnuso ANYONE Wa'want publisher, to act ns our agents In n'll Manitoba, Snikitchrwan, "Rut wliy dnos your fp.'thor ohjoot you did not hnvo nil your character* Oan Uao. \ Alberta nnd-British Columbln towns Write uo for conditions and prices to moP" domiindod tho liumhlo Hiiitor. hanged, for thoy all deserved it.*" "BfoiuiHo," explained tho hnughty The Stomach HOME OVIINO hai Mr, Ilnrdy nddod, "Don't ' ynu always betn more or hoiuily of proud linongo, "jiupn snvs think, Mrs. Moulton, that after thnt, Uu of iv difficult under- hl.s ntu'ostnrs havo nlwuys boon goiitlo- Needs Help I noed consolution from somowhore?" taking- Nol to whon Logical Little Mary Poor Mary men of leisure, nnd you havo to work Tho doctor told littlo Mnry sho WIIH —Westtuinutcr Gaiotto. you uao •Twn'H "Mnry hnd n littlo lamb." for n living." •IIWWWIIW i II _m anauinio, IJOOIIUHO alio wns so white. The Liver, Kidneys and Send forRimiilt Not mnny yours ago. "Woll, toll him T don't expect fo nf- A Better Man Than His Father. Ctri mil tliory A few duyn nftor uho uxoliiimutl: But now sho IHIH to vogotnto, tor wb aro mnrriod," replied tho Hook It I M Bowels Must be Kept Tho Into D^;n Hook, of Chichester, DYOLA ThiJOIINSON. "Oli, niiiiiiinii! Camo horo nnd look So high tho priciiH go. humhlo nuitQr.---Philndolphiii Record. BICIUMDIION jat thin iiiinuiiiio hornul Ho'n just IIH Active to Ensure wns greatly bolovod by his flock, and —Princeton Tigor. -____ _i_^^ _ ___ v Moiilr»>t. (lei whlto UB ho-cnn bo I"—Judgo. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. indeed by nil classes; his cheery, gon­ H H B aaH Health ial niniiiinr mado him welcome every­ JUIT THINK OI» IT f All mothoi-H vnn put away anxiety ro- where, There wns a quaint old blnck- With OV'O'Ut you can color oltlur Wool, tfiudlnif their iiulJVrlnB ohlldron whon The hhr Htonmor hnd loft tho pior, DR. CHASE'S Cotton, bilk or Mixed Goods Perfectly with thoy havo Mothor OravoH' Worm Kxtor- Tbo'young man on thn tar' hnrrol smith living in tho outskirts of Chi­ the IAME Dye, No cli.n.e of m\»g the ml mi tor to glvo rollof. ItH oll'cot- nro chester who wns a groat friend of the WHQNO Uyo for the Ooods you li_ve to color. ShiJohbGure Hiiro and liiHtlnn'. el ill wnvod his hnndkorchiof dospor- 'dean. Tho old man'* only fault wa* ntolv, qaiokly stops eougiis, ourea ooljjji, heals KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS hU nttachmont to tho alehouse, and 0)0 Wront and mina. • • • W aanta. The Rtroet car conductor opened tho "'Hi, u*haf.«>r you waiting for? Come Not ono person in a hundred can for this tho dean had frequently re­ door to the front platform to collect on." snld his companion!*!, disgust- got nlong nt this tlmo of yenr without buked him. The Trouaer Skirt "Theiri was n very simple wedding, IIIH fnroa. He encountered flvo po­ Cfllv, "„•'.'.. using something to enliven tho notion Not tho oxtraviiRnnzfi lnurieliml in wnfln!t UP" "T dnron't,"*with ono fonrful glnnco Passing one day, ho dowi looked licemen riding homo from work, of tho liver, Itfilnoys nnd bowels, into tho smithy, and saw tho black­ I'uriH, Imt II modprnto adaption of llio "Yen. Thoy didn't oven pono for "Flvo conporH, remarked tho con­ bitoVwnrd. Too .much onting of heavy nrtifiolnl nii(l«ewlly an it "I'm nfrnid." paid tho erRI.nl poh'onoiiu \vn.".ti' Jruilh.-*- ttoin Dm nys- (Ides nxvny i vnioo." dean. 1 hm going to do with my sw» f Stop stiimted nnd stomnoh dernngomonts whnt you ennnot do with yourse." Stop Varying youraelf-stop suffering the panps of Indlceatlon—__MTl "Thnt's nil you know nbout it," re. follow. I' vorrj P •ortod tho voonl instructor, "Wh''. "Oh, indeed I" snid tho doan. "And worrying about what you dare and dfre not eX I Thorn Is ono medicino whloh will pray whnt is thnt?" Eat hftnrtv irmaln of w^^u^^, r., i ._.. . 1 I've made over SPffl nut of it nl­ ,Vviv,-*..U; thin cumiiiiou UiUfO mlnui- rendy."— Chiongo Nows. "Why, 1 mn going to fnnke *. hotter ly nnd more quickly thnn nny other, mnn ol him than his fnthor." ,! nnd this is Dr. OhnsoV, Kidnoy-I.ivor V) Kvflyn—"I Just mot Clnronco. He Pills. Cabby's 3adlnage. ,!, is n cnnvorinllonnl fool." This modieino gets tho howolH in fKIDNEY GpnrftA~"TTow'A thntp" notion nt onco nnd hy nwnkoning tho A story by Lord Dociesi "I sold to Kvolyn—"ITo irinkos lovo when' h** liver nnd kidnoys ensures the thor­ • cubby thn othor duy; might to plnv golf, ond ho tnlks golf ough clonnRing of tho filtering nnd "How much to toko mo to thn %r. PILLS •_. when ho ou^ht to miikc love," I excretory systems. Hotel X?" I With the poisonous obstructions ro- •' 'Four dollars,' tho mnn answered. Woollen hlaiil>i'(*i HIUHIM 1H>. put "'Oh,' I mild, 'I didn't .ink tho 0 8 ! inovwl, the digestive cystem if-Mtim"* NffirW^T ^ 4y«WHa-all yield quickly to nwny in boxes liuod with nowspnpers jits henlthful condition, nppetito im- prlco of the rig, I don't want to buy ^^iS?' ?yS{Tla Tab,e,s' Th9 Pmperfy digested food nnd n fow pleeos of cotton, sntumfM lirovoi, pnins nnd nches disnppenr ns it.' with tur|>ootitio, should ho put in theiwel l ns irritability^nml depression, "Well. I should think not,' MI I comers of tho bnxos to keep out j You ennnot imngino n morn witis- th.? cabby. Tht horso alone co»t ?'AflcTC5 * mothB. I factory trout mont for bilinuineiw, enn- $4,50.'" 50c. lit vebSai l.^8*1* *" "* **" *™ yet »*„ istipation, bnckncho nnd kidney di». Vrtti ivrtnder why you have uum*. t-iUt: than Dr. (Jhnso'a Ki'tn.*y-l.ivor Hav« to Tull Tliam In. W,TI<>W*t- °*UQ *ND CMtWOAt «0. ©f CAMABA UutTIB, MONTHtAL. troubio thnn othfr people, nnd they Pills, Ono pill n doso, 25 cents n box, ..KIJn—Thi're ar_ juit at good flih in wonder whv you hnvo legs trouble nt nil dealers or Edniau*on, Uutoa ft the *,'ti. BtPllft—nut you have to hav« than they Uo. Co., Toronto. u pull to land thlm. W. N. U., No. 140. '' JII THE NEWS, CtTMBEBLAKDVv BJUXISH COLUMBIA; I " "" I— — " g"— *»-» — M*mm — • — ••> - *—' -"• " ' "' *"—' ' ' f ^

NOTIOK is hereby given tbat 30 day* Tae Burctotal Lews nfter dat*. 1 intend to apply to the Him. Minister o' Lands tor a HctuBc to prospect is'&ied Every Tues*\av hv the for coil and p»tr.i*t>um nutter-tha foreBhore Canac-x & Gornb-*r*U\r..ci » d under the water ua the laud, ia and Pub.ishmg Conup-uy opp-nite Snywarl DUtriot and described as i.Uuw.-.—Coiuiueucing ta po*t planted o-i the _ea b on1* lfi chain* north of tbe p^ur will nm n«»M Us*.»sf Tli:* unu*si' n«ut!i...«*t comer j_t i o ^&, K»yv**rd DiB- fmsi.nu"*> hie f«>r tlie «.|)iiiii.>»s>.t «»iit- tri it, thi-noo due o a tttt chain > thence «JI*8, ns may aj>peur in ii»'uoiuiuns due aoiuh Sit ch-inB, thpoce due went 65 from time to time. ohains mure Or Ites o high water mark ou sea. bench, thenc* northerly alon_r said l> avh to \inet mi commencement. 1'UKSOAY, May 23r•••, mi, - S, Jt EKA_)UEL_., |,E, PRIEST, agent. Dat.d this 28th day uf Marjh, 1911.

TENDERS. NOTICB ia hewby giveu tha im da>_ after tine I in toud to apply to the Hon Separate SoaledT«mh»s for sup Minister ot Ijaoda for a lioenBO to prospect plying tho Union «fc Comox bis- for ooal and petroleum coder the following trict Hospital, Cumberland, ior de.'tribtd lands situate in Sayward Dis­ trict, B.C.:—Couunenciig ui. a post plant- 4>uw year from J nnt) 1st. 11)1 L to ed at the northeast coruer ot Timber Lea e .1 una lst, 11)12, with fcTwsrieis No 47, on the bsnk »i Campbell River, meat, milk and butter, fcxunpleb thenee due nouth 77.16 chaina mote or lea to the southeast corner ot mid Tirol*, r of Tea, Offoe, Coeoa oto., to bo d&- Lease Ko 47 and Qainomi Riv« r India - Uvered at the hospital on or be- K.Bom-, theuce due west 80 chains, then* fare May 27th 1911. All tenders dne west 80 chains, thence duo north 80 ohaias, thenoe due eaat SOchaias to place ol to be sent to F. Dalby, Secretary, commenoctueut. hy May 27th 1911. MARIA. JAKE PJUKSI*, Tbo lowest or any ten I«", not ,, E. Priest, agent. j.ece8Bb,rily accepted. Da teed thin 28th day of March, 1911. NOTICK ia hereby given that 30 days NOTICE. after date I intend to apply to the Hon Minister of La-ids for a lieciEBt- to prospect No sittings -will be inaJe after for ooal andhwtroleum under tho following described lac da situate in Sayward Dis­ the 17th, of this mouth. ™ those triot nnd being the Campbell RiVer lnditn deairons of having photos taken RoBerve: Commeucmg at a po.t situate «>n will please call before that -Ante— the bauk of Campbell River aud being the north A est corner of said Rtyerve; thence 17th Say. due south 25 chaina more or lean tu* ihe JOHNSON Bno-3. south went oorner of eaid> Reserve: thence due e&el GO chains to sea beieh; tht-nce nor­ therly and hoUhweuterly along sea beach WANTED—A few hiwrlera ia and Ctinpbtll River to place of commence private family. Apply thi-- office. ment. R'. PKIEBT, Date! this 28tb day ol March, 1911. WHITE WYANDOTTK and PEKIN DUCK hatching eggs NOTICE i^ hereby given that at the next meeting of 'tbe Board of License Com- —$6.oo per 50; $u> no p-r 100. •ni»_iouer_ of the City of Cumberland, I IMPROVED SHARPI.KS STRAW­ intend to app y for a renewal i f the hot­ BERRY PLANTS—-$4 50 per 500. el license held by me for the Cumberland L. F SOLLY, Hottl, situated on lot 1, block <>, Cumler- land Townsite. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM, WILLIAM MERRIFIELD. —-—Westl!0lmei_K.-&-N_Ry-.. DBt»d"tT:i9;i5th;dny ot Mayr>9H. —

•*%>"" FOR SALE—One incubator NOTICE ia hereby given that nt the and two brooders, Op-fity BbO. next ru.-.eting of the Boiird

.!_• IJ-JHJ JI4L-UII_I I. • uated on lot 12, block 6,. Cumberltud Townsite, COURT OF REVISION. JOHN MAROCCHI **A Court nf Revision will'-« hold in tho Dated th:s 16th day ot Mny. 1911. '-. •• • (• City Council Chambers oh Thursday, ^aaiammmm •*-— a m**m*tm ma^ammmm m m * May i8ih, 1911, at 7.30 p.m.,f»r iho pur­ NOTICE is hereby given thnt.nt th- pose of ht-arinu complaints, if .mv, against next meeting of the Bonrd of Lice se C»ui lhe assessment of property in lhe City of miaaiouera of the City of I'umb-rlimd, I Cumberland for the ynnr 1911. intond to ni.plv for a rone-' ul of the hot Any person or persons having com­ el VOOIIHO hold by me tor tlio Waverly plaint mest Kivo notice in wri-iu;* HI least Ho ol, situuted on lot 2, blooV 3, Cumber ten days before the date of incpting. lnnd Townsite. FRANK DALLOS. ALEX. MCKINNOH, Citv Clerk, Cumberland, B.C., April 5th. 1911, Dated this 15th day ot Miy, 1911 NOTICE ia hnreby givou that nt thi* 10% BONDS 10% next Hooting of tho Bourd of LIOUUBO ——— •• i Coinmisaloufti-Bj of the Ciiy of Cumber- laud, I intend to apuly tor n 8AYWAUD LAND DISTHICT, An Attractive Offering renownl ot tho hotol lict-u-*o U'ld by me Omtnotof y»yward. for tho Now En«liintl Hotel, al tiutwV on for a Short Term TAKE NOTICK that Arthur Rowland tho oii'.t halt of lot 3, iu block 8, Cuinbor- District of Snywanl. Investment. TAKE NOTIOK thtt Willbtn Bout, of Vancouver, B.C., tmuuport «»«>»*. lnnd Towi nito, intondu to npply for purmiB_ion topurohat-o JAMBS WALTEU8. CEALED TENDEKS iiddr..B0d to tho Ciil'Jwell, of Lanark, Ont., milling tho f'dlowing doiorlbud Uuda:—Coniuiono- We can offer tlie coitflervative D*tcd this 15th dny of Ma\l.l9tl. ^ uhduraigiiod, and oudor,oil ''Tmdir muri, intencls to upply for permia hig lit n po»t pluntod at tho Houthoant cor­ for Publio Btithtlim, Oronbrunk, B.O., nor of lot 54 0i O'i tho north boa.-idnry of iuvestor for a short while only NOTICK i» horoby Kivon tlmt at tlio Bion to purchatift tbo following de­ The TAILOR. will bo received until 4 001?.M.,Mvndtt>, bt 5.7, thonoe north 80 ohaine, thonoe tin opportunity of phieinft his next mGctl'-tfnf tho Hoard of LIOUBOCOIH scribed landn:—Ooriimoncing at tx Juno 12, 1011, for tho 0 m.Wieiion of n enat. 75 chaiiin thenoe winth 80 chainp, mifuli-nt*ra of tbo Qity of Cuniberliiiul, wu post plnntKlttt the northwept corner surplus funds iu aM^h-i-lass se- I'tililio Biiildlu« nt Onuibrook, D.C, tlioiio-Jwewt 75 ohainu to point of aommuueo intend tn upply for a loufWil ..t tlm ho - CLE AN IN (_, PRESSING l'liin», Bptioiiiantioa and 'turni of .con- of Lot 400. OiinriAQton Bav, Say- mont, oontolnii'B 1100 niroH, more or IOBB. uirity bearing a rate of interest ol Uc HHO hold by«» tnr (h» Veodomn AND REPAIRING. tmut cun bo noon nnd form< of tender oh* •wnrcl,,District, thonoe following the Anx'iiun UOWLAND CKHT, oi ty.u per cent, llotnl, hUuiitotl on lot t\ Llnclt !1, Ciunbor- tuinnl nt tho ollleo of Mr, Win, liundnim-u, limd Tijwnniio. norlh boundary of ot 400 easterly Rohort H«nry Chcstnttt, ngont-. lluaidont AtonUoot, Vicioria, liC, at tho Only 150 of these Convertible WILSON & BUAMUBRQ. Uadl-es' Work for 40 ohainH. thenco north" 20 Dated Mnroh 7th, 1011, I'oHt Otllou, Ci-iiiibiO'k, und ut tliib Do. .«•«_*< Debcutures at a par value ol! $100 DuUdtl.it ir,th , thonco woet to IhoHhoro lino SAYWARD LAND DISTRICT. each, available. PorHoiiH tontloiiiiK nro notified thnt tend thonco pouthwostorly nnd following NOL'Ii D i« hornby lulvcm ih»t »t die Diatriot of 8»ywnrd. _r» williio. boo nbidumd milo B mndo on Do not gamble in stacks, m-xt niuttiug of t It it n 80o f Vanoouvor, R.O., nnoli'iiilo, intondu to shares and other forms of specu­ with tliii'• bc'tuiil bign.-\uit-n; HtutniK thoir intoiid tu upply for a, rauuwul of tho wlml - WILLIAM OAI'DWKLL, npply for p.-nnimiim topiiioliiiso tho fol lation, but INVEST where your ououpuiiiiiiB niitt plnoeu 01 i-i-iiiionee, Tn aorop. ulo liquor liuuuoe held hy ni , liMmtud ou SAYWARD LAND DIOTBIOT. low! if dvBOkibotl litiid i—Comiiitnuinii nt a principal and interest is secured, tlio oue oi! llvniH,, tlijuoiiuil hiKnutini'i tlie Jno, Mitnuon,iigont punt pi mn od nt tho (ii>nth«ti>t ooriiorof lob lot 0, block 15, CumborUnd Towiuito. Dlntrict ot Hayvnir.l. tnitiiio of tho 1 ooni ittinri und pi no J of roni- Dii'od Fob. 28th,'10Ll» 550s tlionoo oiut 160 ohitinn, thonoo Houth WRITW for further particulars „ OIAU MUS-iATTI. tliuiuo of ouch uion.tii r of tlio nnn nui.t bo TAKE notioo thai Gnorgo Lolooiter HI- •10 olmluu, thenoe wo.t 75 oh»ir.n (moro or of this H^ttd issue whi 'h ia par­ Dated thin 15th d»y of May, 1011. tfWun, HAYWAHD LAND DWTH10T. nilimton, of Vnnoouver, H,U„ meohnnlo, IO»HI) thonoo north 5 CIIMIIR, thonoo wont ticularly attractive to investors, Inttndu to upply for pormMou tuj>vtroha>o K_oh teiuhr mint he iiuoumpaiiiotl by nn NOTICK ulmroby giv«ni tlut ut thu i»t-xt lllatrlot ot Snywnrd. H5 ohnins, thonou north 86 ehnlnu to pol t thufi.Howitiijdoflorlhoil lnnd8:~- nooupiod ol ci'iio on u oh moral bun It, p&>« Prompt, application i.i ut-cessary muu inn ut die Ui'uul "t LIOMIMU Comrain TAKK notice that Biduny, HoaBinnn, of ot ooinmonoi'iu.iit, ooiitniniiiR COO noros, ('iimracnoliiR at n pout planted nt tho nblo to thn ordei- of tho lluuouruldu thu Hu.noiH of tliu city ot Cumborlnml, I in* Viinuouvor, 11 0., niotluinio, intcndu tn moroorlOKfl. SAMUKI. HKAHMAM. aa number is limited, 8(intl»wo»t cornor of lot M2( thonoo north Mluimur of Public W^rku, oi|itnl u> icu pir torwl to npply for 11 ruiiii^iil of tho whole- npply for wormiBBion to purohnso tlio fol- Ilobort llonry Ohontnut, i»(j.iit BOolimn*. thunoo went 75. i>lmlnn, thonco eout (10 p.o.) tf tne 11 mount of tho tRiiiU'V, HIIIII )i(|iior licunso hiild by IIK, uitnutcd lnwjiiK tlonurlbt'il litnda; — DatoilMnroh8th,10ll. OAI-DM 8iniiITIE3, ttmith 80 ahftinn, thanoo oaut "5 alinin-i, to wtiluh will be forfuitoil ir ihu I-CIHOU lond- Ommoiioiittf nt a pout plnntod nt thn ii. let 15, h\nn\r 7( flnmliitrUiul Tnwohitu p«|iit nt nnmmiinnnmnnt. ooi.tniniiiK 000 iirinK doil 1.0 to outer incou contraot wliuu 1 FRANK SCAVAUDO, RdtilliwoNt cornpr ot lot, 552| thonoo nouth mi. nnn'H, rrtf>'« or IOHH, uulod i>p m to no to, or i.il lu _uiii|vlcU SAYWARD. LAND. blHTRIOT. LI BOolmiuu, tllOII-0 wo.t 60 OllltlU*, tluituc Duted thlo IBth dny nt Mny, 11)11 Guonau LHIUKHTKII HiMimmi.v, tilt) WOC. UllU' film, mil Ull, Jf DlO Wl'lll'V im DiHtrictoi Suywniil, V, r Office'.— north B0 ohainu, thunuo owt SO olitiini', t - lllCi'ltVf ltoliort Hornv Choauut, ogtnl. uot iKcoptod thu ulioijuo will bu icturnod. TAKK notioo that France* Druuglmui, Dnlo.lMttich Oth. 1011 plnnu of o immonoumout ountuininic 040 M 1 Ust WOTIC'K IH Inifolty ulvon Unit at the Tho l.«*-mr'.ii.ont doin not himl tmult to wlfaot W, V, BroughRiUt of Vancouver, m^amimiaK^ii nui i 'k-minion norcu, more or Itmi. ti'xt muelinu of ihu Hoir*l ot LienuKO nouupt tho lowuut tir uuy toitilur, B.U., intonda to apply tor pormiraion to •ui!»ji».g, SinNKY HKAHMAKi Cnni'iiiH.-U'jn'iM ot thu City nt cutuUu*. Hy order, ptirchiiHO tho following (lonorihed Imul :— Tloh rt floury Ohoitnut, ngout. Vancouver, B.C. Inn I, 1 intnnil to »Vl,,v tw ft rem will of SAY SVAltO LAND DISTRICT U. C. UEdttOUHKlW, Oomnionnlnir at n pont plnntod iil alinimt tlio wlii'lomiln liquor UOOIJHO hold by ma, ,. St-orttaiy. Dtlcd Mnroh 0th, 101.1. went of tho noiithoJBt oomor of lot 517) j 1*^0! I0K *h«-r ..y R. ,111', UO r'tij* 8-lunlnd - 0 lot 9, block 7, Cniuborlund Dhtrlat of UnyWHrd. Dopnrtmunt of Publio Workn, SAYWAUD LAND DISTRIOT* thonoo oa»t ISO olitinn, thenoe muth 40 nf*.«r da-fl f nit nJ 0 *|it-y t... tlm ll n TottllHItO. TAKB NOTICE thnt I'ntrlok WlllUm Otmwn, M»y III, ll)ll, l)inlrict of anywnrd, ohainu, thenoe wmt 120 clulno, thonoo • I'U • I C ' .1. .iimi:<- .il LiiD'-t illlll VlOtOIl 110N0RA. Mle Olftrk, nf Vnnoonvir, 11,0., law Ntwupupui'H will not Im paid for thi-. n\\- TAKK notioo that Nnuetta Joaoph, of north 40 ehalno to point ot oonmenoi won', v- OA. tor ft, liiit-n'H v- pi-.>h|.i»'t!i f >i* rnnl Ottt«d this 15th dny of Mnv. 1U1I ultrk, Intends to npply for pflrml_»Un to vortUoHiuni if thoy im art u without uutli- Vmiootivor, H, C„ Spiniitor, Intnnda to oontnltiing 480 ndron, moro or leu, .1' 1 ,:,Anr>-i'i, nnO fi, f. U,,\tyl'iVd.-»i.iil.. fiiirohais tho t h.m'»'-Mr> n' KUIII M11 inn to plnon of commenoomont, oontiin IF VOU WANT GOOD 11 the p dot of onmmei centont, oonUiin- I « 57(1 a'To*. mor* or Ua-, oui Dthtlttu, Mtntnl aad Brain Worri/. Ik*, T'i ' in I- n 0 N , 4H 'hoittii du»- w ti bO iiH (U0 oioi mnm nr )OHB. poiuunrv, StmntqlWeakwat.j^iaaiori*, 8ptr- ty-'iw, in pi•'.*•• •( .-iminicniMMM-iit, PATIIICK W11.t1.wt LMMR CUIIK. PRINTING GO TU THE • NANBTTH JOHKl'U, lulIW'xtag/JhttJiani-Krri-siifii.nr An Ac! in the NEWS f y IIUA JA*-B '. Pir-.ua, Koh r - Honry Chuxnut, uuont. Robert llonry Ohchtnat, cKent. IllplWUMV.X Ikiod MuichOlb, 1011. or tnallcil hi K. I'r- t, n0«i-.t, KliWS. FIUST-CUSSWORK L'ated MH.U 7th, 1011 nailed 'em jxrwi"-uu pays. Try it. noOo. Dato4 thi»2Blb nay of M.ub, IUII. V%Qat_

• .,„., , !*,..-,„. THE NEWS"!: C UMBEBLANB. BRITISH : COLU MBIA.

RU PI. HT LAN D OI -STRICT UPBUT ?.-\Kf> i,J? f> "* Dis'.rict of Rupert. DLiriot i.f ^- -p. -, PPLlOATKMT FOR STORING WATER 0 .TAKEnot.ce ihat VnJora Mae L*«*.on TAKEiwi-t-il.-oh. -'.'•• * ."of Vancouvef, K. O. -' occupation ^Vidow, v p) The place of the proposed reservoir - i.to.uU i« a"p. jy' f«;r _si.-U-iou t> pur­ T:i$l>pr < f V;i;i-r--.*!;-r, i chase the followu-ff d._c*iit)°d Jandv. G-ia pation Kxpi*: *».. Man; ger 'storing Comox Lake, B.C. . -, - mtnemg tit ut a p >nt planted tbont O.M- Jt.) Tho means by vhioh it ia proposed Holiday is indispensable in the -.. mile north and 40 chnu-8 * «i> t i>f the S. K. to apply for pei miss-ior. *o ^.n* <: •»•"' [store the water by a, dam at outlet of camp, and" for ail corner of .See iou 4, Towui-hip 8, thenut- ihe fnl. .it,y ile.-cviifi] j.-i'-vi. :-- north 80 chains," thence e,_s<: 80 _li theuce west SO Cotv.n* ciitfj at » \>i-> '.> -:'iued IZrew , lu,) The area of the reservoir site or cLains toplnctol couiraenoeuient, contiiii abo' ilO eh.imV w«*. Vif ih*.- « •->.»h ;AddalhtlepOVRlL iny* 640 acres, in. re or leua. 1*8 at eaoh foot' iu dodth abovo the outlet e.i come ot" Se-.'iion' "J*. T-'S- 1)0 acres. For Sale by all to your canned meats Scribed «m po-t_..V»L'n S.W. corner. , ENDORAMAK LBBSON, ship21, ihe-.ce went h0 o'-/"-. Iv.) Mow ie it propo-ted to acquire the Hotels and soups and note D.uOl?»k, Agent. thence eouth 80 oi.aui'.u n••••> ^ -- Id necessary for the purpose By purchase COPVRIGMT. the difference. Bated Docomber llth, I9l0. - hcesaary,' . in Kegs or Bottles 80 chains, tliinco xtorth SO chf>...*. U.) Approximately tlie numbor of acre BOVRIL KUPBKT XAND DISTRICT to pUioe i'f c-' toothsome. married womau. iutoudi to Wpply f<:r per­ •i)»u V.i •--_:, afioiji . Tap anticipated extent of the lower- HERCULES Stump Pullers 67 mission to purchase the followwg denirib-* Dot lowered. - FOB SALE BY - - edlandv:—Comuieuutng «t a p»at planted Dated December 14ih; iv.iu. The menus proposed to be adopt*d to at eoutliweet oon.or o^ Seo!iou IS), TOHTII- \iar aud refill Ltd ehijj 9, thenoe north 80 chains,, 'theuce • RU PORTLAND I.Hi?TKlO'„ ' The u*i ure and character, in detail, Walworth-Rolston Co. RUPERT LAND DISTRICT east 80 chains, thence aouth 80 chain*, Jtho works proposed to be constructed to District oi Rupen th«no« west 80 (tlisin* to place of coipmen- District of itnpwri [vjil. fur fie discharge and penning back X020 Westminster Ave., Vancouver, B* C. meut containing 040 noree more or lets. TAKE notice tlmt Gardiner Al­ . Scribed on post A.K.C.B'aS.W. cor ^ TAKE notice that Ms-.j^erko lhe wa er By concrete dam with rejtu- m • exander Brady Spencer of Alhiuedu Leitch of Vancouvt-r, B.C., ocen |J«_ gates controlling theMuoharge. s •3 NOTICE AnBLAlDB KSTKK L'LAKK BKOWK. [»ati.»n Sukslady, imendn to apj-1. I_! gu.ture] u Oul., ocenporion plumber, intends Dan t :iMk, agtnr, Any person or pereoiie, cutting, to apply for uermieidnn to purchase for perniiesion io purcha»:e the,, fol­ IBLUSOTON OOLMKUV COMPANY, LTD., a Dated Dtcotnber 10th, HHO. « Q -8 O removing or taking any block*, the following described landt :— lowing described i-uiH.: - W. L. COUIJJON, General Maitagtr. * KM c I Commencing at a post planted RUPERT LAND DISTRICT - C"inmo!*ciog at a post plan tea (P.O. ud tress) Viotoria, B.C. tm < jj •s timber or wood, of any descriptiodn at the n^tth oa. I eornt-r of S»fiiion _u*iy 10th, Mil. <) a •* a •o about 30 chains west of the "ou'h District of Rupert * r* >elonging to the Wellington Col­ 34, Township 20. thenoe rei RO 2x * S) east corner of Section 24, Township TAKE notice ihat Richmond a w «M c -.' P. chain?, ihenoe south f.O 'chains, WATER NOTIOB. a cj ° liery Oo'y-, or front or off the land 21, thence west. SO chuins. thence a, _3 o Charles Bisa of Vancouver, B. C, 4 south 80 chains, thence tast 80 tfipnce eii3t. 80 oliaiti-*, i hence \K.*-fh • g o of the said-Company, or anyone Broker intend, lo apply for per 80 chains to place of eommence- NOTICE ta hereby given that ao «_ £ 'mf chnins, ihence north to south :-oote tipping rubbish anywhere except mission to purcha.e the following •jtplicntion will be made under Part " f-. er .2 >, r> of Wolf Lake, thence westerly along niont, containing 640 seres, more -m fc tt - \*\ described lands;—Commencing at or less. ,,,••' Ij of the "Water Act, 1909," to ob- -a * * S at the dump provided, or neglect­ south shore to wesr end of lake, S m l|ii a lice ise in the Divis-o- of O uii-x *" TS Tl m thence e$pi along north shore about a post planted at i post between Scribed .>n posr, M.L.'s K. E. cor. ti ing to level it when tipped to the lie net. 40 chains, ihence north to place of Section 18k, T&wn-»hip 9, and Sect ^MARGUERITE I.EITCH* 'Sum ,*» CO satisfaction of the Company, will Dan. Clark, Agert. a.) The name of Company in lull: . * (m *0 commencement, oontuining 400 ion 13, Township 20, thence west 40 Dated December 16th, 1910. illingt.n Quinary Ucuipiuy, Limbed. b« prosecuted to the full extent of acres more or Jet s. chain;--, thence south 40 chains, tne law. Soribed on post, G.A.B.S.'s N.E. thence west 40 chains thence south ! !h a bond offloa Victoria, B.C. is J Tlio capital, hw divide-], ''ahowme corner. 80 chHinn; thence east 40 chains, RUPERT LAND DISTRICT . \V„ ... C'OULSON, ! liiouot ...id up SU.OlC.OOOO divided iuto s § • GARDNER ALEXANDES BRADY thenee north 40 chains, thenee eatt 0 § = 8' General Manager, District of Rupert LOOO shares of $100 UOeach fully paid up 4-* Z SPEKJCER. 40 chains, thence north 80 chains to 0*f S 2 Dan Clark. Agent TAKE, notice'that Edra, thber I (If for mining purposes) Free Min- rm Welliitigtbn Colliery Co,y. ptace of commencement, contniuing m. Zm Dated. December 14th, 1910. Spencer of Ahtmerta, Cab, ni*;.U':i « s 640 n ores utore or lesfr: '_ Certificate No '. bL * woman, intends to apply for pe? _ f* C . J(b.) The name of lake, stream or *m -~ • KUPERT U\m> DISTHICT Scribed on post RCB'd N E cor. mission.io purchase the following O C'r- NOTICE. fcurce (if unnamed, the description < w-r j 11ICHMONDCHARI.ES BISS. H^ "~ m ••-:' District of Rupert described lands:— li _?uutlu ga Kiver. v ta, C-5 3 r> Dan Clark, agent. epg Do™ c si Riding on. locomotives and rail Cotomenciog at a po«t p-ante^ _ ca •= •*• a •TAKE notit'e that John Henry Dated December 19ih, 1910. [(c) The point of diversion:. At a X '< m- a war cues of tlie. Union Colliery at the hodth west corner of Seriion-' -* X -n aa KerrinKli llichardf-on, »if Vancou Joii.t ahove the faHa on the _'Poniledft« B m Company by any person or per- 2 Townihip 21; thenoe eaFt 80 fiver, Comox: Di triot. x T 5 ver, B- C, occupation S'eamboat RUPERT LAND DISTRICT .2 Am\ *5 • ions:—except taiherew—i_. strictly chains, thence north 80 cb«irn»„ i. H 1 (d.) The quantity of water applied l c Steward, intends io apply for per­ District of Ruqert therce wesi 80 pnain" , Ihencelsnuth'i _BS__f ? proh?-*»t«d. Employees re «ub- or (In cubic feet per second): HBSr i\ missions-purchase the following TAKE notice that Delia Brooks, 80cha!ins(o place of * comnoiiCe-\ 1670. , , 9 •<>c to til. missal' for allowing sam- ment, containing iViQ acre* more JV- JZ described lands:.—Commencing at of Vancouver. B. C, >'«rri_d l(e.) The character of the proposed By order less - * a post planted about 40 chains woman, intends to apply fur per­ fO'k : Gtnerati ij? p.ant, power «orks, and fW. L.., COUIiSON, Scribed on post E.F.F.'a S W.cor. ;north,of the southwest corner of mission to purchase the following le&tric worku, and plain ad other n.aoh- General Maua^er.. '•* liery aud onvftuiences ntoes-ary" for pro- iSfction 3, Township 21, thence west described lands:—Commencing at D»n Clark, Agent. |ueing pow( r. 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, post planted at the norlhwtBt cor Dated December 16th. 1910. : mm. (t.)- The~premisesJon_-which_.the_,M_a_, tbeMce-easi-SO-chainvtheiu'6-i'Otfb, .iier_L.l__Soct.iyn 3_0,_J.roivn^bip_9i **^*a*m**4maa9rtr*>m^_\ J ler is to be used- (describe same): On '80 chains to place of eommf-nce thence east 80 chains, thenee sontli """"RU1 ELIT LAND"DISTRICT" "" Ir iu the vi. iaitv >' f t.'io W.-liuk't >n Colli C. H TARBELL ment conlaining'640' acres more o- 80 chains, the--.ee west >0 chnitis, Diytriot of l.npurt. "' |ry Company'* Ltd. property and hold- ma^****mmmm*-m**xmmamm*-mmaam*^m*mammm^mmmmmmam thence north 8') chnins to place of lilt's in Comox Dstao:. lees._ ,;. TAKK noiict* that Itaiilee Afbhy commencement contairing. 640 of Vancouver, B,C , tnar'lcd woman (g.) The purposes on which, the wa- . J., R-.K. R'sN-E corner. HIGH GRADE STOVES ncrt'S moroor leBs. - intnidrf'lo npply k>r p.rmi^ion to L*r is to he u od: (l.u.rathK oieoti-tcit>,. JO^IN- HIJNRV KKHRINSH. RlCHAKn- purohaFe tho- following do-orsbed Makeo Your EXPEXSZ3 Light ' Scribed on Post lh B^ N-. W cor. lud *or light, Heat, power, operation of Audiall KITCHEN .UTENSILS SON.' londB:— {noto.*, engineirnndmionmery otal. kinds Makes. Your DISCU1TS Light Dan Clark, Agent. • •-! DEIJ;A BROOKS, Cftm-menciviR at -a pnst -pluntod Ind generally for ih»*exerci*e of all power* Makes Your CAKES Light Dwled December 10th, 1910. Dan Clark, Agent. at .the south ca»t corner of Section (ml priyilegeaofapov or company uudoi Makes Your BUNS Light Sportsmens Goods 8, Township 21, thence noftl*. SO I'art IX. of above Act. D.ifod December 17th, 1910. Makes Your LABOR Light and chainp, thence -wept SO ch'»iut-, (I.) If the water is to he used for RUPEUT LAND DISTEICT HUPBUT LAND DISTRICT thenoce- eouth 80 chair.;-*, th^nfo- lower or mining purpoBM describe ORDER FROM YOUR Diatiict of Rupert Dietriot. ot Rnpert.'.' ,e.*tat 80 chainn to plnco of en in* TAKE NOTICE thnt Edward Dike, Iho place whore the water Is to. be GROCER. General Hardware TAKE NOTICE tbat James Bra-Mow, moncomenl, containing 040 acroft ot Emtloriu, floriila, co> punter, iuUncin of Hhigliamten. NY. conchimn,intends to leturned to some natural channel, fy**tr**ma***k*Msfy**-%m\ to apply ,for permission t, N.Y., rot'redialm- oportci.intondfl to nppl'foy for r pmnii*puimb- lltenon aoitfh 80 chnln*, thonoo ernt 80 [ftiuii will bo mado '<> tho .ooni'iiiajlm or Vancouver Ice Cream. ur, intends to npply tor permission to oluinB t > pliOA of cottimraotiOimHiit, et-i- li tho 28rd day of Fuhmnry, 1011 Bnui to iainli.i.0 tho foliowiD« (loBorihod nt the Bur. IXII'OOA'O tho foUuwitw ilniBiiboii land<: laiidn:-Ci>m)neiioing it » pint planted nt tnitiiM 040 aoroa, mora or IMS, Cjiu.'O-ciiij. at A post phinted 2 uii-es iho nor'h woit oornur of 8 otiou 18,-Town Bo-ibidon piHtLS'H S.K. ooruw |(l.) Give the nnmcB and addreesos west o' t|iu SE loriiiir-of Pectinn24.Towu liny; riparian proprietors or * 11c- RATES REASONABLE t.bip 0. tliouco aouth fc>0chains , thnue 4% Dnnsmuir Avo. Cumborlnnd ._ bhip*_U, thence n< rt-i 80 ehui'.B, thonco cant 8(i oh •in', 11101100 nonh 80 olminc, Vki. Clark, Agent, lisofl who or whoso lands are likely .*Ht80 uhnitiH, theueo inuich 80 chains, tlioi o« wo^t 80 oluilrtfl to p'oeo < f <>o i- I)nt-d Dwwmlwr 13 h, I0i<>. li iw affected by the propoaed,works, thonoo w. t 80 ohuinn, tn plwi of oounn- nioiuoniotit, enutainiog OK) nuroa, moro itlier above or bolow tho outlet; John Johnston, Prop o cement,' ontuhing 610 noro<, moro or or h'tiH, RlM»nRTI.A'KUl)IHTRrCT ltl-H. tHAHM'H JUIWON MlNlCll Sorlhod on p'>«t TV fa N.W e-rtior. Distriot of Ruport. linytjn lolliory Comply. Ltd. 8.r.l)«l on pont CJA1V dVV c, mi.e TnuMAt) FncDRitrctt TAHICKII, TAKK NOTICB thnt \VilliaiiitS'«diiQi.ft Uttaoh copy of mtoh parts of tho Dun CUi'.*-i Agont, D'»II (Jlutk, Agont, Hhappani, tf Vanrottver. 11C, fih. hmpany'fl memorandum of aanocla- NOTICE TO THE PUHLIC. DntodDomher lO.h, 1010 Ditt-d Dscomlair 10th, I9t0 Inut maker, inlfinda to apply fftr ppritii*. Ilaviiig builb a largo « arobouBO nnd mill «loiit< jinrohnautho follow \t\(t * donor ihod lon na authorize 'Uo proposed appll- P. landi: Oomnxinoidir at a pr«» plant.d ..no [Uon and works at Conrlenay, 1 will In futuro lcoop on Denier in HUPBUT LAHDDIHTIilOT Cook's Cotton Root Compoofld. mlla weat nt th*aontho»»»oomor «( fi-e- liuntt'iiu) Inud a Block of nil ! intls of Hey, Or_in, Difitriutof Itui'iit. , Thii great Utortno tion 24, Town-hip 21, lhancw north Bt) pnlj* BAfO OfflMtU li'RM.lNOTON Cot* Ul« HY nml Feed at lowest market ratos. A ALL KINDS "OF TAKE'VOTIUK thm thorgo Clrtim Li. illiwtiliitor on which -women oaa oh'itm, tnonoe wnat *0 flininti, thoitto nptoialty will bo mado of rollor arushod rocqito Miller, ot Vwioimv.r. U.U., tniwli- aou li 80 otini'tfi, thoooa on«t P0 ch»in« to W, L. CouLHOir, Gcno'iil Matianor, anh'ul oiikinuor, into dn io apply for pcrmie pli.u of ootntnoi oaatoui, oontlining 610 1,0. nddreaa) Viotorin, HO, food fur lionet* which will make a itvlnn ()ddou-r««,itronwr,Mi i KP.IT Fruit, Candy Cigars uiou io pino.iHMO the f**llowi' R do»cnbotl 'or •nootal.c«»e», ta,pet bof. aoro», moro or io a. of uim third In thn oo»t of food. Ordori liimUj-Uouiiii'ii ci m ivn ])• -tplental one Sold liy ull druretuta, or tf.r Riiilbtx) on pint W W R'o % T oo-nor. |(trftflti from tilO MKMOni.NI'UM OV AHHOOr.- fflvnn tho lenmHter or hy phono will bo mileonetof tlio i orth »cn6 cornor otH-ct- pwpald on, rooelpt of prj2_ WIMIIAU WADMAX Run*; J D ATION IIP TUB WBMJNOIO.N OOI.UIBUV promptly Ailed, Thanking you for your i [Cigarettes & Tobacco. inn IB, Towi «hlp 0, tliem-o len, SltilluBnB -llt'dwr— ArcltibnM of Vancouver, R C, on- < HI mnr* itr '-ea*. I,ires, Ht.ua, aooumulatoia, lamps aud Twin.iorew Hioimier "OOWJOHAN" CO Bcrl *.l na pn»t WKT'c N W. .',rr,«.r, i-iirky, * Leaven Vancouver Thtirailay fl p.m. JOHN McLEODS U.ncor, inlondf lo n\>\>\y for ,v*rmii» '5mm 4~l • VVn.uAM KvanweitTth'tivr.. , »...', . TT • .1 /-,. ..1. ,,') ... 1) T»,?1„ ',.\r,r, L\ m)»(.Ij.mn |h*« frt|lAivln<* l^'* 'ff-i ('AfMi, /\,-". O^f mm,*, c ! FOR PIHKT-CLAHH "'"**-* I «•* \>Ht •' U onmher 10 >., J.'IO. Applications Wanted* moniluB • i • (•orilatl lainlii:--C«>nirtif)iicing nt a 0 DO Arrivuit 0'->m«x Friday nioriillt(l (mf) 0 tmaaanmmammamm " uvi'i ftv IA sl) Ohsiuim CANDY, PIUflTH. pool platiiod 4 olinlna north of K M Arrivo Oumphell Hlver Friday noon IM'in't f Rd|*it. iCITY OF CUMBERLAND. I.COUOH'H soulhvvatit cornor,, tlieun** r, RiluritiiiB', •iJIOARR & TOKACCOH t TAKI'. NOTICK limi lBah.11% *M#.uU- I'I'LICATIONS miirHctl "Applies Lv Comox Friday . t> m north «10 chaIni», thenou \vo*t *10 too*., "t V'wtO'>iivi»r. it. C, , apt lv for )>»rniif**inn ti1* " Uttioanay " T> " r _ . M f clin'ri", thftnro aotith 40 nhairiK x 4 J . UfullMI! In •'•! O'A li',' '" CO llntl l»t.li \~~ i'tved hy ihe understood .>ip tn Mon- tr. y, M.iy j'mtl, nt 6 p.m., for the position •'Nanaimo midnight NOTICK la horehy Rl»«n that on tho Hr»t thonco unrt 40 olinlna to placo 0' »J« nrnt'tioHiT *t •« p"*t |*T*I«I«****•* hi«»r'h v City Police fur ni^ht duty, Duue* to l_cnvo8 Viinoonvor, Hattirdav H p m tUy of Doooinlirr mil application wilt li« comment cm. n». containing i,-,> **•* >r-1> 1 ««f »«l u .'i*. "l<*w *(.iji '}.', iimenee M«y 31st. Atrivoo Nmnimo, Saturday 12 m»d« to tha Stiparlntwuknt of Provincial im X Ss t\i- ,**> UfmVl m*l I'-JliflH. t!(l' -. #1-1-1 W t- "I. Inv Iti-tn noith V-i i-i .iu«. tl-.i-i vii trv $80 per month and one suit of Arri-reH Oninu, Suiid»y « a m Vnlioe, VlcioiU, f«r tli* rroawal of tha ho- acre*, rtwr or \c** [for CiiuilHirunnI t Q Wftl H/.|ll»,'i. t'lmCt n{ i'{f.,-tH\.i,. Ittlti' S per yenr, Hcribpd on p^t H.P.A.VS.K tor : Applicant nniHt he of pond moral chir- Arrlvca Comoi, Sunday 8 a m itel lice a* lo a.11 hqoorn hy r«t»i| fa th* ami ma: t.em tMitti»<"»* «.« *« •<•"•*, HAIIHY PATfUN AHCIIIIlAl.n. 0 rktibnon piH'.M >N w. ..f-j •\e< and of sir ctly lcmperate hiihil.i. neiuruiiifi:-' hot*l knrt.»n at tha i*ntt Ai_aint» K..UI. tit natwl at 0.»*iio_, 1I.C. J. IV HOI.M_K, tl laUtKU.4 M«X»i It.^M', A. McKfNNOM.CiTVCt.MUK. ii«»avf« I'oino*. Hnuday -4 \t in Dan Clark, agt'ttt. ty HVI, May ami, (9ft. • L»avoa U»i'*»,. Ntindayfipiti Dai«d Octol>«r ll, 1010. D»fcd DM. llth, 10L0. 11 U*t U.mtimh • lu.iL WU Lu»v«* Maonimo, ^ntidny ni'dwU fj mmmmwami [Sulijeot .0 co-ugu wittiuui. uu UK 1 t~fF****ammmmTmwmmay***mmmmmffmma^ -tmf -S.^5ji.-'*Stt-^S- i>^f^^^.^ja^*rt^-S^43«fvu*Ea.*.»-v*-W*'»*-?.V*fi-SSi*,,<55SJ * *»»«*(

- v.1 ' * fl' i n * » t', , • , l x _ ' ^ _ _*' *-


THE LURE OF CARDS. How Society Women Gamble In Dear . Old "Lunnon." A few year, ago Father Bernard Vauijhaii preached a curse of ser­ mons ou the mania for bridge which was inv&ding smart society. As a matter of liict, bridge -is only one of All Styles, Disc and Drag-*-See Dealer. the many, forms of gambling in which the up-togdate society woman in­ A STRAN.E PILGRIMAGE. The Spice of Lif^e . GREAT INVENT ONS. Experienced , dulges. Her field of operations ' in­ Soijtimental Daughter—"Oh, father. . Prospective - Employer (purusing cludes the Stock Exchange and the Look! Isn't the dying day beauti- references)—Have you any knowledge Turf, as wll as the bridge clubs and Roumanian Peasants Go to Cure Ills Same Things that Have Done the By Sleeping by Healing Plant. ful?" of the silks-nnd-satins department? the tables at Monte Carlo and Dieppe. Practical Parent (awi'kening from Most Good for Mankind. Applicant—Spent all my life among The following is a fair sample of "The wedidest pilgrimage on earih.V nap)—"What? Where is it? I didn't The . savage didn't invent', hev dis­ 'em, sir. hov- a member of the "-mart" gam­ is the phrase in< wliieli a writer des­ know we hit anything!"—Puck. covered. When he first. rubbd, two • Prospective Employer—And sheets bling set. spends her day. • In the cribes Ulie ceremony that take_ ph.cj 'sticks together and produced fire he and blankets? morning, alter a careful perusal ot ouco -a year on the night of the as­ The Real Liver Plll.—A torpid liver changed the course of the un.vrse. Applicant (forcibly)—Bom among tl.tr sporting news in the daily paper, cension in Roumania. means a disordered system, nicntnl de- pression, lassitnidc • nnd in the end, if Man and woman had been hunti .g .'em", "sir! .it-* telephones to her bookmaker On a great arid plain to the north­ en re be not takon, a chronic- s'nte of and gathering herbs side by sid. IK*- ' "irking wnut she considers the likely east ot uie town of Fargu-Gin glows u debility. Tho very best- medicino to fore; now one must stay at home and .viiiuers for the day. This finished, wonderful plant, termed by tiie na­ aroiinc tho liver to henlthv notion is Par- mind the, fire. The woman ohosc-1 ie Never Be Without mclee'H Vi.Retnhle ' Pills. They are com- she either gets through '. i her-stock* tives Kraisnwl, or""tihe healer." lh.* ! pounded of purely vegetable snbRtaneeB hearth, and tlio niniu the heath. It Baby's Own Tablets broker or else motors into the city jAia.siint. believe that a nig.i\ — t.ns I of careful Boleotlon and ,no othor pills is J at tho present day ar". ever wi.l lor a personal interview with him. on-e night of the yaar—spent li.iiong iheve their flno a untitles. Thov do not be. When an early woman dropped Mothers, if you wish to guard the Nowadays, many society women have Ui« plants will cure all il_s, and thoy pripe or pain nnd they are nptreeable to a hot stone in a wicker jar and made HOOK to the place by thousan. s. It the moat sensitive stomach. health of your little ones against the a very shrew J business instinct. It soup,.he had done more than the per­ sudden outbreaks of those ailments was the gre.at ladies of Mayfair and was to see. this pilgrimage without a They say only one man in n million son who first communicates w.th p«iui__i i.iut a wnter m Tlie \V.<1« peculiar to childhood, always keep a Every mother ehonld realize lleigravia who were the first to reap is born'at sea. But most of us get Mar.. supply of Baby's Own Tablets on than the akin of her baby ia ao a profit from the -rubber boom of world visited the place on the evo there sooner or later. • The greatest little invention that tender that tae aecretiona of the of uie Ascension. ' hand. These Tablets never fail to re­ last year. • . hiv.- lx?ea given to the world is tli.* lieve baby of distressing stomach body often lead to rashes, erup­ People from all parts of western tions, etc, all of which may be lucifer match. It waa invented in aches, pains caused by difficult teeth- removed by Z^m-Buk and the After IUET'J, our fair gambler turns ltuuniHina visit tne place of mila.u- 1827. It is small, but, like Portia's ing and the many other little troubles use of Zam-Bus boap. Scoria of in tu, hei card club, where she will lous cures. Arrived at the gr.umi candle, it has shed a grea:. light inlo thnt make baby's life miserable. The restless, crying babies, upon play bridge, or its latest development where the plant is mostly to be found, the world! It gave man mastery of Tablets are sold under tiie guarantee elamination, ara founi to be —auction bridge—till dinner time. -uo.i _i.iii.> ...aw tiut a root. At du_i. lire. Betore this tire had been a 011- of a government analyst to contain suffering from some iorm of skin Aitei dinner, more bridge or baccarat, a clean wnitesaeet is spread luar it I was cur*-*d ' of ^cute Bronchitis trary hired man, but now it became irritation or "heat," Use Zam-- hy MINARD'S LINIMENT. not one particle of opiate or other in­ usually at home or at a friend's and tne sick person, also in w.,i.e, an obedient .servant. jurious drug and they may be given Buk Soap for the bah aud appl? .io use. takes nis placo upon it. Three ho.y Bay of Islands.' J. M. CAMPBELL. Zam-Buk isalm to the sore3, and I was cured of Facial Neuralgia Mankind was centurie«old before it to the youngest baby with perfect tae trouble will soon vanish- \\..at is known as the "card in- 'eu.iKtles are then pLaced abuut th.i produced the first great invention— safety. Concerning them;Mrs. Hypo- Mrs. L. Hood, of 475 Alexander Avo., stiuet"-seems to be more strongly de­ piuibt, a« also a bowl of water. , by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Springhill.^N.S. WM. DANIELS. the compass.' Man had been kept al lite Chiasson, Eastern Harbour, N.S., Winulpeg, »»jrii *. "'" Somn ua*l,y noret veloped ;n women than in men. At Ineu the patient—by proxy, for ho home, made to hug the seashore for writes:—"We have used Baby's Own bro»e out urmud my baby'* mouth, mid any rate, the proficiency at bridge of •must not speak a word trom the time T wns cured of Chronic Bheumatism t>ar .f. being lost should he get out Tablets for our baby and they have despite all th* prepri'-uUoaa used, tney many prominent ladies of society is he lies down until he gets up the fol­ by MINARD'S LINIMENT. of sight of land. Over the hor.'zoi done her much good. Please send us refused to hew. 1 took him tn St. lowing morn ing—-says tne prayers us­ Albert Co., N.B. GEO. TINGLEY. Boniface Hospital and he .'-maini'd astonisiiing.. At the presenjt moment, of the s-_a was the end of the wor.d. two more boxes as I find them the there (or two weeks. At tho end of the best bridge player in London is' ed on .ins occasion. Tliese a.e chant- Marco Poh, the first globe trotter, only medicine that helps our little that time he wan no b'-ttor, and wa the wife of a well-known Guardshian. ou by old women known as 'inatu..a,' brought it from China, where it ha 1 one." The Tablets are sold by medi­ again took him home. I wan t en ad­ This lady is generally supposed to or aunt*, and should be repeated fif­ been known about for centuries, it cine dealers or at 25 cents a box from vised to try Zam-Buk and obtained a make $G,500 a year at bridge, aud teen times in order to effect a cure. was a piece of iron stuck on a b_ard The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., •upply. The effect of the flrnt few this result is due entirely to skill. i.i^o. ..__-i,a aci in turn ior duieie.,t applications was very trralfyinK and I floating in the water; uo one had ih- Brockville, Ont. A curious feature of the gambling persons, receiving from eacli a loat of The self-made man wns speaking. slightest idea in the world why it continued with the use.of the balm. A oreau and wnatever els© tne sick per­ little pei-Mveranoo resulted in a com­ spirit in society is the wny bridn. He said:—"My father was a raiser of s-'iould swing around to the nerth. "That miser whodicd the other day plete cure." tournaments have taken the place of son can al'tord to give. hogs. . There was a family of us" (and Could Marco Polo, or FlavioGi--;a- 'i ne puyrun sleeps all night w.th was more than. economical." "How Z \m-Bnk Soap la sold by all DnurirUtt bazaar.. At these tournaments the then his voice was drowned by the who was the real inventor—see a mo I- so?" "He left instructions that his nt 25o per tablet an . Zam Bute Hal in nt entrance money uud a percentage of hi. head cose to the stalks of tno applause.) * ern compass they wouldn't know what brass door-plate should be taken down i0o box. The... Zatn-B.ik treatment the stakes is devoted to some charit­ liidgie plant. In the morning, im- it was. When Columbus'got a c m- quickly cares eczema, ulcers, _orct, un.diate»y after sunrise, tue bowl and screwed on his coffin-lid." • rlncworm, craptionx, pimple*, hi at able object. A fund organized by the pass'he got more than he did whn ra-hes, piles, outs, burns aud all skin Lord Mayor last spring largely pro- ILLS, be examined, for if this hap- the queen gave'him her jewels. Ihe injuries aud diseases. • -*> lit"d \>y one of these tournaments. ptiia to coniam irv-311 leaves or flowe.a JUST ONE WOMAN compass gave us the new world. Most gamblers are superstitious, 01 uie plant, then the augury i_ ^vod When James Watt held down the 1 d lau.ts est*c.ai.y so. There is a cer­ aiU tao patient will eveuiuauy- re- I of his mother's tea kettle, he put him­ Shilohs Cure tain countess, well-known in the c_vC_. J IN THOUSANDS self inio every child histroy, mid solv­ aulekly stops cougha, «urc« ootds, heal* bridge world", who has a method of li, nowever, it contains dead leaves, ; ed the question of power. Steam is *h» throat nnd lunge 'If, eontn. bus ot eartn, sand, or tne like, th.n her own for testing her. luck before­ WHO CAN SAY "DODD'S KIDNEY mankind's best servant. One pint of "Don't be afraid of the bacon, Mr. fifSuk lae portent is deatti, and thut soon. f hand. Every - morning! after break­ PILLS MADt ME WELL!" water made into steam will lift 37 Jenkins," said the landlady to tlie fast, she plays a couple of games of tons a foot off the ground. The j u sy new lodger. "Not at all, madam. patience. If the cards come out well, Chastising the Arabs. arm of man, that the poets writ? Mrs. Louis Delorme who was always I've seen a piece twice as large, and si:- regards .it as a good omen, and The va_t extent of tlie British Em- about, becomes a mighty arm wlnn it did not frighten me a bit." goe, to the bridge club early. If tho pile in tne oast and tlie ile or lies eont;nguuu_ to electricty. Klectricity ia the mor. ver dime ior every one he spends for ci- that day. i>arua..aii lauds render war_ wit.i th. St. Rose du Lac, Man. (Special).— aatilo, but as yet has not been suih "I can tell you," said he, "how __l^atiejice.by^thejva^y, is often jnade riai:v..s of nequ.nt occurrence, _.n,'- The story of Mra. Louis Delorme, .0 an important factor in man's, bat 1.- _g«r_.v^ ___,,_____:___ - _ _ w much \vnter runs over Niagara Falls "How does it work?" a medium foTbTg~Yambling7~espe"cfal-" ljfi_d~is~5blv~elTp^d'ih^little^confiiot" well~kn"owira"n"d "h ighly ~respe*ctv.v.i ui. ..i^u_ uii tiie i-'^i^.ua uUl.. sident of this place, is identical with is all before it.' "How much?" asked she. day in town and he buys me the tana." ln a certain "ladies' club it is lne sale uf arm. to t-net-e faiiutiv-s .s that of thousands of other women in Like gunpowder, it was kn w 1 "Two pints."—The Christian Ad­ drinks and I buy him the cigars." no uncommon sight to see two mem­ _orb.udv.\n, but the tiamc is curr.ea Cnnada. It is all the more interest about centuries before it wns put to vocate. , • bers gambling heavily at "montunn." wi nsvertiieiess. A n.ouern riue and inp; on that account, She was tired, • use. .-Tha'.es, of Miletus,-know tut One plays the cards, and the other a fii.natiOiul Arab make a baa c_n.- nervous and worn out. Dodd's Kid amber rubbed together would aitrne TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY bets her a certain Eiutr against the binut.uii; and leceuuy wnen, tne ney Pills cured hor. leaves and broken bits of straw. 60 • Ai-aus uad collected a good supply ol Tnke LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine cards coming' out. ln this way $50 "I suffered for five years from Bnck- years before Christ. It was lift o Tablets. Druggists refund money if it Ship's Cure cr $75 often changes hands in a sin­ modern guns tney p.a.uitd 10 a.tack ncho mi(*l too frequent, urination which Dr. W. Gilbert, in 1651, to make the fails to cure. K. W. GROVE'S sig'na- lickly stop* coaiha, cures soldo. h*ab gle afternoon. a village named 01 nk, near J ask, 011 destroyed my uie. p." Mrs. Delorme first prncticnl discovery; and it v\a S• throat aad Iliads. • • • Bfl cisl* ture on each bitx. 25c, As long as they.-are in England, tne soutn cou.vt 01 I'eraia, just u.ros,- states, "My head would ache, and I more than 200 years after this t 11 * t.ie birait ui Orntuz. hug,and, ne electricity \vns induced. .Dr. Gib r. Tlie older a womnn gets the morn society women do their gambling in i was always tired and nervous. My "Yes, I have soon the day when water she should drink and the more private. But all this secrecy is thrown s.r^us ul averting trouble in thut, limbs wero heavy and 1 had a drag- thought that it was the heat in the amber that "attracted the l-eav... or Mr. Rich, the millionaire, did not fruit she should eat. off as soon as the Channel is, cross­ quarter, as wei. us to puni»h th;* Ring sensation across the loins. have a pair of shoes to cover his ed. At Monte Carlo in the winter, .kial>s ior their contraband tra_e in Dodd's Kidney Pills made me well, somc-thing,tliat way. And that is i.bout all we know about it yet. feet." "And when was that, pray?" Minard's Liniment Cures .Dandruff and at Dieppe andDinard in the sum­ guaa, aeapaieiiea a wars-.up to tue I used in all ton boxes but they fixed "At the time he was bathing." mer, any casual visitor to the CIKI- aeene and wuidod a force nnfriupnoi> thn COURII will OOOHO. the bridge,' • . o name cont mansion in the whole of En«. tion for a lonitive or fi*ioiidr"' u_hu Trv It and yon will UHO no othor prepar­ Intnl.- and tho ceremony acquirod im ation for a 'cold, "No," said the fishormnn on tli*> to remGmbw• Ute minister. bnnk quietly, regardless of yot nnot i« needaronrwoy lidded *iitteret>t froni tliu fact thnt It "I do," .ays the lingular ludy who •'Whnt can I do, Tor my nkln-torturwl ' wn» tho first time for nearly three- er angling lie that won placed t.i It s COUCHB nnd COUD-I •foab.vV" How many worried, worn-out arises from tno roar ,H>W. "1 want Descriptive credit. .TiotliciH, \vliy_e children uiu mlTerliiK wllli quarters of a century Unit n direct Lie ooimregiuioii to pray for (l my ••.hiilRo'H Llbrnry-"Wluit, kind of n "It iH preserved wnter," went r*n nczeimi, ti'tur or uthnr torturing, iliNlti;iiiiiif heir had been born to tho reigning husband," humor, lutvt) auk-it tliHimolvM Hi IK niirMionl ho- I of thu fninily. , , • , looking girl is this to whom you have his now found friend, "unio|ii*r liviiiiiifiit, "Why .Sister Abigail," replies tho Cutsdde in the tfrent park hospital- become engnged?" nsks the old cigar me a lot of money to stock it w'iih Special Notice witnn minor <*ni|itlon"ha* developed Into » minister, "ywu hnve no hu.-buud us mnniifiidtiror of his son, who hnslish. " (I'.-IIWIHK uud unxlulitly mllli.tlon. Hlmpls ity wn« dispensed on a ]nvi*

  • lu un' pray for one tor ino!" "Honch, sir, roach I" replied ih' /..NNIOIIIII itld IIIII IMOVHI . iiM'li'Mi. iind tne riii'i-e were llroworks, foothii.l "Oh, HIW'H 11 lomlor!" enthiisiiisti- 3H6 Princeei St., .Winnipeg, to pur* onlly replies fho youth, "Colorado owner. ,. fi'iir |H i'ViT"|>rcNcul tlmt t if i-kln (Hume nintclies, and ontertiiintiifinu ttuloro Protecting thn Drunki. chmo for him icrnp copper and bran, will liiroino chronlR, ttitnliiK tlie child** , lor tlio iriultltmlu nf miest-, IIJJCUMN Clurn hair nnd a , J*nntella shape, "Then there's no need for you to cmt nnd wrought Iron, old rubber future Into it rijKlitnmrc of piiyMcul uud mcutttl In Copenhagen, the Danish cnpitnl, worry," replied the flshormnn cnLnly. mlitery, itiK nil the old En«lisli nimrtn. hoti- dudr boots and thoei and crown lager Hitmln ol pooplo pthored round tho piutla.utl in 11,..•.'.: .ft tue nllli.' .011 "for 1 hnpnen to bo fl»lilng for tniut." quart, pint and whlikey bottle*. Hunh iimtlii'i-i, who hitVf wlliirwi'il their Kiant spit whuro nn ox wng ron.t inr, veynncu IIO.IK' DI intG.intwl rwelu.s, —London Mail,' Children')! Niif«'rliue uud who lmve ui'ili'i|*|;ber PILLS will really cure nil theso trou« entin to mnk' a dumplin' for the din­ Jtn»iniK». • •1vvv-|«*» n iniiwt' nlviut Mn dnmnln, l.h's. dl'lTerenrn'wiiwt* l"'u*ed 'the tftCt hoxf it dilntln« on its joys nnd comforts 11* ner, nn' I wod liko tho, len' o' tne •eeillui1 ti* ».(i't.'i.' I.'.' aiiu il.r /Ujl, 1 i.'t'-m If your Kidney.) MI- ivcn); I! Jl threo hiwe* of Onileiira Olnttnent nn*l Mit tliey walked, iia* K"**t ventured. b&oiUi"'— T itr bit*, Rich VilUy, Alt*, W»y ixith. UM DU'tlnctty Tall. pnins ynu to minute—if your bnck ''I hnve tiic-d your 8p»vln Cure for *. WM iiulte rure.1. Hhe hits the ittire>t "kin "Ves, but I dou't think there'* nohes—lf your litindu nnd feet rare end l« t'i-« tut.it hahy newt Hhe !>• n ndtmlr, "You *ce thlm mountnln*I" .!• much money In it." What'i tn t Headline? font lime end wotild not bt wltltout it, the docmr ik 1<»'1 tli' Oiriand." „ ., , ., . hnve to buy them. Simply write ua tho cockpit, spectators, birds jn bai- Mine tiprHence III the p*«t voyeur*. Bftiwerlu, f.r* HptinRWi-lli Ave,, Dcttcll, dotn Ugly. tie, etc., with every round deftcr.be I. Vleh., who writes: "You don't iny io," snid tho tourint. Ho (relating liis itdventuren)—And for a free sample. "Wlmn mv little VlvUn wm «l»otit Mi "Oi do, dr. indndol An' you lea Groat Editor— Gracious i Get it nli For Spavin, Rlnobone, Curb, months 11I1I, her imp*. II*<1 » holj on lih-.lot' .. starvation stared uie in the face. "A short time ngo, I revived n in. lieail. -\t thut time the ihlhl **»* (oveiol thim mountain*," went c t tht driver, Sho (who x\,v* not ndiniVo him)— free snmplo of OIN PILLS which I Splint, Swellings ind with prirKlv hi-At find I tujipon' In tci.ilf I'lrg flK-kiiiR A whin to another rnna.*. Sub-Editor (doubtful]y)-But thin It her own head tii-citm* Infrtled. lor It broke J Equally unpleasant for both of y_u, hnve taken with such good effectaj ia n moral Sunday paper, il! Umeiess, . out in liiiiH, one nft<-r enothrr. Hhehinl el out . "Thitu'K tho hlane»t in the wurruhl I' I thouul think,—Ilti.tritliHl Bits. thnt I herewith enclose 60c for n box ulttv In ill .ind I ii'nl rutlriim four' »wl Th« touriit ntDjeucd hit incredul­ of ibr-m. I believe OIN PILLS nre,1 Great Editor—Y-e-»; I know. Head KtBittll't (tp»vln CUM cures the Cutl'-iini, i.irUHH-iit wim Iii ruHil.tn-r nl tin in ' it; "A IlruUl Sport-Wlvcrc Were t.ic tiuutite-mtkci the t-.oite touisA And tntiri-lv, Wn do rmt think anv mc r»n [ ity. * Had Hii Preference, Just the thing for me." I'oUce?" wrll—end tail-* monrv for tlie owntr prul^c I'uilciK* ll«'iiniHi» ii.ii l.trtlv." "Surt'ly not!" ho prolei-tcd. TTo«ipltrthlf> l'liriiii't-—Nnw, ^trH?ipi»r, RICHARD ITAMLYN. beciiuit It removci tht c«u» of tht 'I'hst inottif-M nmv ?••>» tl <> ffliniv *v6 > ". ..ut J. u'a ini"," fi- - -I »b« -Irlv- I'rnneh River. trouUle. K<»noii»'/ "t inn I'niu urn liiiirillii. (m On in* i nit right down to ihe table. Von nil To avoid buying lobsters which lmve iflvi-, the I'.iUcr It-ucr rnt Clin> t'mi>.. 121 t er, bridlinu!, "exn-plin', uv cnorse, fur welcome to your dinner, but ymf.l Ol N PILLS nro m en I led heeaime Ktep • bottle »l wijri at ktnd- |l or * tVi>i!!ti'>:lJ K'l*., IX.,• I'ii Mtii , » ill <»id t»» thim in fttrrtn pnrtH."-Atnwer*. they eonlrtin the medicinal principle been cooked nnd laid on lee until ell forfi. Good for win toil b«MI. A«k have to eat whnt tin- rM*ol ttti do. their fini'inc** nnd awettiuss b«'ve yotir deeltr for fret copy of our book «n«[i|ili-itti, 11 ei>nrmiii irisl I o* ntCuimm Slrangur—Ttmnkji. but I—-cr~i£ it'i |of ..tuiipe r herrien, the ensentinl .pri n Olntm.'iu, >-iifTlriM» t'i DfTorf* in nuillnip i#llrl I Wlllingrmr,. ft t been •wriflee-d lay the creature ou '** YrtatiM 0» Yb« JlorM" or wrllnu*. In tlie irni'l «ll4tfes«ln(r loftn* ot irrinn*. i ftll the -mxa to you, Iil nu whnt ihe j«lpl , of (.tn, but do not con ain al. r»*ln-i, iri-'-Hf* t«-4 >*-»,(!>•)"• of it-*- »i«i »i4 I "But would you die lor mf?" pet- fiit of you oh«l. 5rte. a hnx~fl for $2.50—nt it. back nnd straightim out the toll. •i. t. j, mtmiu ta. iMtkwt reiki, VL* «**lp. .Under the tnnumre nf Cut**'"* Olrl- i ii«t-d the romantic tnniden. deatern, nnd ounrnnteed to (five nntin- If wiifii the (nil ii releaMtl it _priri«*' tncitt. tlie Itclilnn und hurnlnir nt.ui. ff>." i-MM ' 'Ltu'-k into iu iwnnii: curled position fall* Into tt refrfulilriit uleep, the ninrln-r i»>t/, "\ would." r«*i>i».-d tin* li»uk fcnd Treamri Ifiqueiti. friction or mon«>y relunded. Sample) •nd forth* flr«t lime, perbiivi. In winy weeki, elderly loltor. "Even now I nm usins l>ox free If you write tin, Nntional it mny Ifc eon*i

    v c > ,, v < 11 i Vi'' -'• Ur "' .• ' / * " "'''' "• .' ' '.-•• - •*> ' V" ' * II'I- "**-*' '•>" .'''"'' ", ' ' ''' ' ' *'.'."•«,*• >' ', *' ''- ; '- ' "o, _ * s-\* ,5-. .•", ? • V - * "", 'J*v-• •./** < '»-,•*(^ /-'' i1' ' , ,*-. . ' - „-*.: ^M,s '•< V :«T THE 'NEWS3, CUMBEEL^AND. BRITISH COtUMBIA.

    K"? *T7 OUSE

    a real home to one who uses, it aright. The rented, house is as truly yours, while you pay,your.rent, as If the title deed to the same were safely locked up in >our lawyer's safe: If is to all In­ tents and purposes yours' and, If you . ' will; may be made home In very deed. , It is too much the custom to deprecate the fast-growing fashion of living In ."apartments'*, as destructive of tho home spirit and the love of home which i / we would cultivate in our children and maintain within our own hearts aB a choice bits of bric-a-brac ran around •HY do you suppose St., foretaste of the peace and everlasting the dining room: through a door which Luke thought It necessury Joy of the heavenly mansions in prep­ stood ajar 1 had a glimpse of a pretty • to say that Paul dwelt for ,- aration for the Father's children. We work .table and a-basket heaped with two years 'In' his own hear many slurs cast, upon "flat arabB." bright-colored wools. While we chatted hired house" In Rome?" asked one Whereas. If tlie, truth were told, the one of the daughters related laughingly Bible student of another. "Why em­ arab's tent Is as dear to him as the how.she had "done over'; the kitchen in phasize his own?" * . manorial estate—founded when Norman . the autumn, finding that the landlord "Probably because Paul,, being a William took possession of Kngland— thought it "would do for. another year.". conscientious man, looked upon the can ever be to the descendant ln a "The janitor is a handy fellow and property as If it were Indeed his by straight line of a Norman baron. An­ willing. We had the floor scraped and right of purchase, and took the same cestral acres are all very well when one shellacked and repainted the kitchen • interest In it he would have felt in can possess them and dwell thereupon. shelves and the woodwork of the sink., his own home," was the answer. And, - 1 could tell you of the tenants of sub­ 1 have taken a whole four years' course , . with a touch of asperity begotten by urban cottages and city flats to whom "in painting, you know, and' understand, . personal grievances: "He must have "home" means as much.of comfort and mixing colors and all that. I was " been a model tenant. 1 wish I had a continual peace as to him who prides tempted to fresco the walls'—at least to -' few like him!" , himself upon owning—as I heard one the'extent of putting a frieze around' Another Householder who draws say—"the land '-he 'stands upon, clear the top—but' mamma dis.uaded me. ," much of his income from the rental- down to the center of the globe." 'Then, top, the dresser is so high it' of real estate once Showed me, as a would have interfered with the general curiosity, a letter just received from The sooner we enter into the full, effect." ' meaning of these homely truths the a woman tenant. , • On my way' home I paid a "duty call" , "We'have now occupied this house "'Every word that woman says. richer our contentment with what we at a mansion standing among others as for ten years," she-wrote, "and 1 can is1 true.'" choose to-forget are temporary'abiding grand in a fashionable quarter, fifty. truly say that we have tried to live places. • in it as we try to live In the world— As soon as you are fairly settled' In houses, T Incline strongly to the belief so that It will be the better, not the- the place, be it cottage, three-story that'the popular'prejudice against land-' worse, for that living. In all that brick or four-story brownstone front, lords as a grasping ana unreasonable time"wo-have not asked for,one dol­ or apartments or humbler^*'flp* " .ike tribe is so nearly groundless that no ,up your mind that it is home, and set lar for repairs." It is a good house sensible man or woman should hold it. about making the blessed word a living and well built. But In certain re-' The fact is patent that It is lo the reality. The walls against which you spects it is a little behind the times, Interest of him who owns property to and we are asking''you to take cer­ keep it in order. A ramshackle tene­ hang your pictures are yours. See to It tain improvements we suggest Into ment depreciates in oubllc estimation as that they are kept clean and fresh. Let consideration." surely as a ragged coat wins contempt. no strips of torn paper or spotted paint She then' went oii'to specify what The man who lets houses must keep up give them the air of, a "rented house." she wished to .have done In the mat­ appearances If he would keep up prices. If a pane of glass be cracked; if a door­ ter of plumbing, painting, etc., leav­ And It is as 'true that he who disre­ knob is loose; if a shelf sags or a faucet ing the sketched Improvements to gards the reasonable requests of tenants leaks, rectify the mischief as you would the landlord's discretion. She com­ were the premises your property. Said' plained of nothing and - demanded a sagacious old man, who had been rich nothing. und then was poor,' of his wealthy neighbor's grounds: "Now," said the landlord, impress­ ively, striking his finger upon the "They are as much mine as his. I open .page, "every word that woman enjoy the sights and the smells and . tlie wind in his trees as heartily as says' is true. They xhave taken care of the premises as if they owned he can, and I don't have to pay the' them. The house has lost the look taxes!" * ', • ' of a rented dwelling. All la clean, Your premises are yours, with all tight and tidy. I am writing to say the attendant privileges—minus the -that~~shej"_han"havc"all'sh."suggests—- —taxes!~Thereforer~make "the-best-of and more! The only condition I name them! Get rid of the "rented look" ."'We repainted the kitchen shelves and floor.' is that she shall select her own pa­ speedily, and keep it aloof. pers' and colors and superintend the I have ln mind a beloved home of gentle blood and breeding, and these blocks away from the fifth-story flat. Improvements as she would were the six rooms -"and a bath," in the fifth facts make It easier for them to The rooms were vast and superbly fue- property hers ln law." story of a city apartment house that beautify homeliness and dignify toil. • •nished; the hostess was.refined and cor­ He had the reputation of being a may serve as a type of what I have "Your premises are yours—minus "We might - have rented a larger dial; wealth had combined with taste to hard man in- business dealings, and been trying tp describe. Somebody, the taxes." apartment, and paid $10 a'month even avaricious in looking after his with more tongue than tact asked surround her with all her heart could more rfor an elevator," remarked the own Interests. When I told the story ' the mistress of the cozy nest one day .desire. And yet—the nameless, subtle, queen bee" of the small hive to a con­ to somo of his acquaintances, they for repairs becomes so notorious as to in my hearing, "why she lived on the unmistakable atmosphere of home, per­ fidential , friend. " "In that case . we would not credit It. lose his chances of letting houses. I ,fifth floor." vaded and glorified the rented flat and , could not have sent the girls to col­ Yet it is literally true, The tenant hold, furthermore, that, - in the main, was. wanting from the mansion. The response was instant and ap­ lege. Now that the youngest is in felt that sho dwelt in'her "own house," the good tenant makes tbe good land­ , From the beginning of your occu­ parently, serious, but the blue eyes her senior year we begin to think and cared for it accordingly. I "may lord. pancy of tlie "hired house".put far from held a merry spark: of. the propriety of changing our add that, although'* tho repnirs-or, I So much for one side of tho question. you the'ldeo uppermost In vulgar minds- "Because there ,is no sixth floor, you quarters. The girls renlly need more should say, "alterations," since a rented A platitude that will never .row stale of rebellion, against keeping "another see!" room. Yet the thought makes us house well cared for by the tenants 'through repetition Is, "The dearest, place man's property In repair." "Make be­ Nor is there an elevator. Yet ln this homesick. This hns been home for never falls Into dlsrepalr-mn up .well on earth is HOMR!" lieve very hard," as did Dickens' Mar­ aerie—us tasteful as clever hands can so long!" beyond the thousand-dollar limit of the Without altogether sympathizing with chioness with orange peel and water she the citizen of tho world who left on make.it— haa lived for fifteen years My eyes wandered around the rooms would have tasle like negus, and con­ contractor for the work, no Increase of one of the happiest families it has rent was so much as hinted at by tho record the declaration that for him nny with hers. Individuality'we. stamped sider the domicile your own. And why place was homo where he could shoot over been my privilege to know. ' "hard" landlord. He know a good thing upon every appointment, A divan heaped not?, You buy It for u yenr, Instead ot tho bolt upon his door, shutting himself Father, .mother and three daughters when ho snw It, and wa« wise onougn' with embroidered cushions lllled a re­ "in perpetuity." In from intrusion, we do woll lo hold abide hero In unity, love ami dili­ to nppieelate It. cess; bookshelves , furnished another; fast to our hearts the blennod truth gence, with nevor a rebellious mur­ upon ono side of thu hall lino photo- From many years' experience as,houso "Tench them to euro for the home that even n, hired flat of fain* ro'ins mur against the fate tliat has decreed ,,graphs were disposed judiciously here ownor and as a tenant of oilier people's bo'-nuse it, is their-:." mny hnvo nil the charm and conif_rt nr > thum to Jl'vc so plainly. They aro of and there; a platorall bearing a few THE HOUSEMOTHERS' EXCHANGE

    flavor of the fricassee lu far better than Hiimll IIIUCI'B. Ittnui-ii to llio slock; ndd a worthy communleationa. Tho nddend.i lOroin iny own limited experience and oun of «Utod pouu iind n cnn or Krench' Recipe for Ginger Ale lo the recipe for, i_ngllnh beefsteak pud­ when cookod In tho usuulway, retaining inunlii'ooma cut Into dice, Boaaon to tautu wider observation, 1 tender u morsel of • nil. tho Julcos of tho fowl and of the uiid ililckijn with brownod flour, Hnvo icmily , M the ri'inirit of nn old ludy who la u. ding lu welcome. lnformatloti that mny bo of UHO In casts IMPORTANT NOTICE diligent reader of the-lOxchango, would you of accidental Inhabit Inn of llliiminntlnK pork, •-.'-' ' Hj.llt hot baking-powder bUoulU; nrrnnuo ••iii* , < U> ii),nii,|nin lit. firm «lni(i!|. nEOAVmil of the onormous ilium a dlnli; pour tliu lini ohlultun nilxturu ale roolpo 1, Mrs. M. K, (Uui-llnKton, la.), giiH, Tho first and main thing to do Is Wo cook frloatiBoos iiV tho ''llreless" over thoin und Rnrnlsh with UltH of pimento, Don't For gel Your Stamps to drag tho Httipolloil portion Into the Ac number of letters sent to IB tliis tho roclpii mho wants? If *-* the Hxchunae. I must ask after bilnging to a boll nnd keeping this Thia IH II good lunohonn dlnli, I'lciiH. point my uddri-mt ro thu 'person open air, giving him the freest possible not, will somebody who hn** kept nil circulation of tho Ufo-glvlng element. contributors fn Wfuift thoir com­ up for fifteen inlnutoB. The top of tho Boofateak a la Mode wim Imn inusnKlnos tn «lvtt to uliut-lnH, munications to 100 words, except Santo n Hank or r'-ninl wtwili In'buttor-" tlio formula for "8oft:ilrliikH" obilgo Tho, uilli'lu WUH slgnnil "CI. 13." (Nol- Loosen tlm clothing ami induce artlllclal in vases of formulas or recipes vessel containing tho.'.fiicuBste Is not until nleely,.brownod, cover with boiling the uiiorlBt? son, ilu,). respiration, until lhe rush of froali ulr which require greater snuce, I lilted boforo uopomiliig it In the coulter. wator and Himmor rm- nn -hour nnd a Imlf I3MMA L. It. (Otwngo; NV V.I. Into Iho lungs forcoH thorn to work nat­ want all my oorrostionilents to or two hdum, Thon IKIIIOVO tht* »t»nl( t» u Ginger Beer As no Ntnnipod and HOlf-nddresHed en- urally, haw a showing in the Corner, ' hot plnttnr nnd out Into PIOOON (or HIIIVIIIH. "Powdered MiKiir, 20''pounds; lemon vulopt] la-eoiuiJuiili'M your requeni, wu As to tlio antldotfls hero brought for­ und if mn rainiest in Dili respect Ir tliern In not u ituoillv minimi'' or Kiiny or llino Jukn, 18 OUIICUN; honey, 1. tnko this muthod of brlnging.lt to the ward, I submit iho ciidti ui wiser author- Rcadinr Matter Wanted liulu. '1'ln-y iim white of tin nuK and un ounce of // Cough Medicine A «.over iho npout gf n kriiiio of boil­ with nntiiliiK ti inud wlivn on. .un m-ltlur impoidnlly valuiililo bi-i'uiinn tln m-ii oHHtuico of litinun. new nor do homework. . _•*''.., Ci-iim inHoi-ts iliui nltnok drlnd fmliM, I tiilnir un olil-ftiHliloni-il rcmi-ily fur n cnld ing wilier until It bocomes well mminU'd, I am Huml'iut you a reditu fm- pudding UH It Htund four dtiyg boforo but- und I'lniuli, imi'il In my IniKluinds luinlly fur Should Have Been Roasted wiiii'ii. U goes WTII with n curt nr n | linn .Mrs. K, A, H, Hindi IKIIIIKI, III,), tlinit It. This IN very old, and a good ninny yvuiN, Hi. Iinmiilit ll frum Hculluinl, then IIUIIHII wllh u rltnin dry oloili, and piidillng. ] alio mmd n. roclpn for oatmtml Whllo awaiting tho geniilnn Goriuui roolpo, It IH N|ni|ili>, I'lioan ninl olllcnoloiiii, tin* KIUHH will be bi'iiiitlfiilly bright. HAD n lino youn* frcili njiletiftn. which oonlcloH. '*_* , „ _ reolpuH promlHud to IIH, oan VOU UHO this Hietip .'i t-miu' wmili ur .iiou'linurul In u 1 out un, put Into cobl wulor and holloa i|iiuii of wiiii't- nml boll it down m u pint. To roniove grt'iiHn irnim a stove n-y I Hlowly two liniim, Al««! mfini Horveil for Pudding Snuco ono of two recipes vvliloli I tnko from , |'i:t on in bull it pint lit bout New OrliiiiiK dlnni'r, lnnt«ad of bolHK notl und Ju.cy, ni I _ Itiittflr tho ulna of nn egg, 8*cupfuls''of my Conipleto f'oolt Booli',' Uotl» wort* For Diabetic Sufferers llllllUNHOS, Wlll'll It bl'KllIM III lllllllllo siriitn this pluii: nip n i-loili in y HDOI ami hot wiitur. '.(. cupful oflirnwn mnenr, t la- llm liiirnliimnii itiriiHlun Imn tint uiubiniiim had expufltoil, It wan as dry in a itloK. contributed to my ittoek of original re-' ilero uro a fow nuitHomloim fur dliilit'tlo rub this well nvfi' thu grnusy purts, bloipoonful of vlnuunr, a It tt In KHIIIJII nui- c.|pe« hy Oorman frlomls, TIIIH IH tho mid onok down in thi* rniinltti'iioy or u tlilok What wai the rimwn of tlili? mirrerorit: syrup. Iloillt. uni kivp In u told plnre. . ihi-n apply tho hluckli'iid, and tho spots , Hliortor of tho two; .Pinliotlo flour, pijro ii-iulnd Klulon flour, JV YOUNU ,HOUHUW'U.Ki (Kiinnai -City, '"cfiok woll together and .stir In enough uhiiiimi, iirouimi, gliiton Kt'libllf islii! Hour, liip._-iiH imich ns ynu WIIIU whon you In" will at once dlwtiipoui-. Mo.). ,' oorniunroh (dls»u|vt-d In n llttli; cold wuti'i) dlubotlo blioultit, Kluten iuiKKi,'tit, Kill In liillKll, I tuki* I'IK IIIIMH, IIM It is tn thloicon to yaur toste. *'Ifiks rromtlio SpHiigerlen (A Oerrann Beoipe) , A I of .which may ba hud from nromlnont lili'iinnni in llio IIIHIO ninl iinrmli'iiH, . May I nslt why you ihould " havo lire nnd flavor with lomon. M. jl, tl'lillmiiilpliln). Whon mitklnir boiled puddings ot Bent 1 pound of ' granulnted »ugnr tlfnlnri In diet food*, * stewed a tender young fowl? Full- Mm. 11, L. 'Oo«port, N. Y). Any pi'iipui-ailon of hori-hoiind IM boil­ • any kind try putting tx piece of grown fowlH of uncoi'tolii (IKO aro frlc- Oatmdftl Cookies with -I eggs for ten mlriulo*.. I.envo • This mitttor of a dietary for Inva­ ing mul II tonic. Voiir prosi-Tlptlon is groused pupnr ovor thu top boforo tha clot It IM put on, Thin renders the cloth unseed. They,'aro auto boiled slowly for Two oupful» each of rolled oiit» sod of, for nn hour, then add 1 leuHpoonful lids who aro Bi.ffurliiir from diabetic ait'v und leus-iiiabli*, brown sugur, wash, and koouu tlio lirotli. Yott murdered the young chicken, HhnrtonliiK, l tcsspooiiful nf uidn nnd nny pudding nice and firm, ilimlrml Havering, 11 mo earn wuy ..set-it, . horn. Work hi enough ,nonr (about 2 upon tlio IniurcHt of thouHhtful apcaklni. aftor tho manitor of' cooks, by Ml* Into a ratlin- stliY dough nnd roll In n iKiiinds) to mnko II stiff enough to roll nurs«H and doctors, It Is woll to lmve About Vinegar holllng all tho Kweotnowi out of It. a thin iitifof, Cut Intn nhnpf* nnd b«k» In Wlii'ii, stDtfl linlvt's aro not ln con­ out. Powder tho fontm wllh flour be­ a IIHI of foodH -Mpephtlly mliipieit to Mny 1 cnnii'fbuiii n'fi-w linnis I hnvo stant UHti itlwityx wrup tin-in In IINHIIH What did you ilo with the llmiM In n hot nvim. Mrs. V, H, (Flint, Mloli,). llio noods Of ttllB ClllHH of piitlontM. imt Ni-on lu tlio iCxoliuiitfuT AH you tncloHo no nlamp for tlio fore using to provnnt stloltlng. Cut I, iVIion liiiriii'd wlili imrhnlln nold «x- inipur nml Iny* thoni nwny, This iiulto whloh It WUH cooked? That held the signature of the person offorlnK mag- apart and leavo on it smooth »\ih until turiinlly. tMifi'm* tin* piiim wllh rldor vino- provmitM tlit'itt from ruMtltig. und so jtilcoH for which you looHcd In vain In morning. Bprlnklo anlHOSoed ln> tho bnt> Kin, If liiiornul y, dlltito tho vlntgsr saves the bollior uf cli-unlim: Ihom nxlnns, 1 tako this mothod of directing Beefsteak'Puddina lr till IIICU.I ililt.lt, ilmm yif'li IV.i.'UJ U'C', nor _,tteniioii to you. ii nut* i»u» m- Iiini ut lliu UIIH I'HiiJt- pillllllK III Uiu ii'ltli' p,n,.-lini» Ilu, ,n,until., nf r«d) th« fowl, or broiled or filed it m Answer to Inquiry rui|ji>t-tliiK nclpu ror Imiil in tlm IIIIMIIII, irtiiiiK it drip slowly 0 rnmlv riven thn rnnillnn* mutter nwny, c\Vr-n. lliil'f. tn n <|"U'V oven nnd wntnh la VimiiilaJ, i " would h*xv Uml nulla- 1 think that MOIIIO otiior meinour uf elosoly to konp Ihom from hiirnlng, in>i.f!.iii\k jiiiiiiiini,- j,uiiHi)n,r ui.i ji.uj, ilmvn tbo tbrnnt. (Vmttntii. thin v/blb- vim liiound licit fn eikci-tiuiit lul ' u-alliun faction Instond of chagr n. * our great fninily will note your app<"» nun In tho lUxuhntigDi •wallow Hovttrnt IIHIIIHIIIIIK. whllt* cloth. It Hhould be nppllm.1 with To "tho average Ainuriouii cook" tins Tin- l«i'0f»iciik puiidlriK l» ii'ivtd dl- I, If (-virciiini' by Kim, |nt |hi> putli-nt Tho bent frlcnsseoil ohlcUon I inaKo Is rind'«ond to mo for your ruldrcHg, SOUIIIH llko nn "eccentric".reolpe. Vet Itiluilo VIIIOKIIV. An mien ns h« riivlvt-s u plocn of t-ifian wliltn ihiMiiel, left for rooked In an Inner hollar without water. Thank you for the recipes. reotly from tht; .basin In whli-h It l« millloiHiitly/ lot bin) awnllnw a- sip nr iwn. iwo <.r itiri't* hour*, and th.n well A layer of chopped solt pork Is sprimd j had It direct from w• Uerman houso-. liollvd. A n»pkln plnni-d mutlv nr.und II, AIII-K tin- iiiltriliiimruifuii nf nn sn- mother whoso "eprliigcrlen" woro do- , thn bniln Imprnvtis th* appiuinni'iMif tin. bniNlii-il nml Hluiki'ii. upon the bottom of tho VOBBO ; tho ilUd whtnt HI t on Iim tublo, 1-Hilii-llc Ti'tlni-, fliloitif'M'iii ur (sn-onlli-iri chicken comes next*, then chopped onion , Ill-IOUH, , I iiiif.'iMTj ifuK-nitoiiili- it lilinkln wllh Tlm Hlnlks mny bo very quickly re­ German Recipes 1 have never tried ouimlng dried fruits, li tho TiuiidlriK bo bollcil ihVi-i- in- fmii' vlni uur .ifrnl lot iho imili-ni Inhulo ilio •mil ii(iv«tin' witli f'tuif>r. hour» ll will not bi> nfO#nnRrv m ihli-kui r„ ...... »,... At,,,.., ... ,,..,.,i,. .„i„i,i,-« ,' nt n'hl from i-iirr.-intK X,v uii.tt ttourlntr Another Ntratum of pork come* next; i.i.i t uiiu. II,.v .-.y.^v. ,,„.i\i<), aiiu ui....- X havo b«n looking ror n long time for a dliul peucli.M from tho onnnoil vui-lctlos. ii.t *,.*_/. i i..^.( *.l„ *.r*n ,»» ...*. uud on, ll uiiu im mi iintliliilo lo Ilu- ilio bund* nml rubbing Hit. Ciirnint» thnn chicken again; until oil tho Inire- rocllie fnr Jiirlnuorlc cooklss. T. W„" or tin' lii'i-rmi-iik ur pollltii |ilm un- mi'tn munthi-tlr mil »MVIIII» iiunfui nm' Urn HN Im nl ns piiHHlbln tietwpon thorn, dienu are unediip ln thin order. The Louisville, K>., promlmii to lot u# have Hnindlfld peiiehns nro a ulMwtnt necoiti- f tli'h on.niwii if pitpt-rlv ooiikiil without Ki-fiorul Imii offi-t'ts Hist umslly fnli.'w Thlm lakes much lt-ss tlmo than plck- chicken Is washed and laid Into the pot punlmont to tnplooa nud rlco puddings, u»lnK mork In the iilnco rr wnu-r n* tills nrilii"!. , lng Hum separately, and Is finite ns mid form u pnlutuble doswrt with cakt. It mum bo t-lili't vlni'Riir, dripping wet. No water l» added, but a T'wrlte to bt' «" mssnn to lmve lvon In llm reelpr. Tho wntor ilmiimrs .ffocilve, thn rost nf tm tu>rninn rwlpi-s titibllttlird. The penolieo put up under Ihe head t»f Sown In, nt mnm, huir tin' orlninui i|imn- IM-lHiJIf: II, fi'iiloiKiii, oloiio lop IM fitted upon tlio venue! con­ And msy I »sy thnt to one of Oerinsn taining It, ond this \* ««t In cold witter "brnndlod" oost from tl to W per J'ir. tlly, I should like to Imvi' flit* opinion of ilri.tnt tin-Hi' ri'clpci dn n«'t «H*m _i>..nUleT Onn may buy a onn of tho hest ermnod Another onntrlbutlntii Our rnsmy, th* iitt'dlenl nntl I'lit'inlinl IXI» rts upon thn The following mixture Is excellent ovor the firo. Tlio water In tho outer When illsh*« pr#|isn>il according tn them are ninth, nlitmm hnm^-dyi»u up n until* boll, re- unmpminifBil by ft"* «versi» Aninrlmn rwik. Oyotl nny eolor end m»dn Into Imtfn »r ft'tid t»nvni|iu-.. dip u rt.uincl Inlo It, pli-nliililnu from the boiling teaketlUj cupful of sngiir Mild it wlnoglnisful of cnmrlniM m nmt art ri-sllr vnlimtih nm- oiut liiti*IHKi*iiti*, .nut linr*- may Li- ft-*- hrnndy; put Into n gins* jnr and ke<*p tt-rlnls from the rsvngti of Un in- IH»IS. son In what rone snyit, It Is n. trill** nml rub It well Into the ncr«tcli«i! should tho water ulnk below lhe level Chicken BlKMlt parts. Polish with n soft dM*trr,'nni or the content™ fit th* lnni»r billot*, fnr for ft dnv nr so, nnd on* tin* nn i-xi't-i- I hnv« novmr found thf «>|intl«nl in fall. Htnrtllng to think that so slmpln* nn HUw u. fuv.1 until tliu incut II Imn.-.t t.ilh lent Imitation of the t*xi>«n*ttv« luxury i Iiiior tbtOK. but mini- own. .vim will nml that tlio Mcrulches will three hours at'tcnM. T!t<* toughest from (lit. bows, niinovf irnin ihf Murk HKi'iu inn.v fffrot mi ino. li in iii.iUni. roomer'will yield to this treatment. The snd. whon ptrfoctly cold, H-t ll b* mx Into at less thun luilf the cost. Mn. K, J. it, (Oiiiiwii 'niliuiiii. Ilinl m.y incili life nr ilt-itfh. In- iilii'DKt InvKliilt-, To whom wt owe othw ittul always ^.^4«V^<^^»^w^>•--- — •.-*—• Wi • w i fn i n'se*»sy i i II »••!•• i | ,___, _-_ . —' ,

    ,__a_)»*wwsu,J«_»i» tr*- • 1 — —-, II < mm,, «wn_i»v $1SQ UP. EASY TERMS. , w.i'C ir. Cold and White, Bush and Farm Lands, PHONE 21 • _\..ple Leaf design. Sea and River Frontage

    , — Wt- carry a full range of— BEADNELL & BISOOE, PHONE 6, COURTENAY ladies'and "Gentlemen's Suits Made \. 'prdtr Real Estate Agents Offices AND COMOX. Furniture and House Furnishings from S20 to $35 All Work First Class Linoleums and Wall Papers.

    THE FURNITURE STORE Perfect Pit Guaranteed. 0 A. BEoEXNNON McPhee Blook, Cumberland VICTORIA DAY 9 Merchant K. A1DA TAILOR What have you to Sett} j LADIES' TAILOR-MADE COSTUMES A SPECIALTY SUITS OIRDH TO ORDEI* R^D We are startiny a campaign to advertise Victoria Splendid Programme of Sports on IN ANY STYL.E YOO lUISH. aud the Island generally in all parts of Canada, Great Britain nm} tlie United States, and we want the Old Grounds To-morrow. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. yonr assistance in this work. Prices From $20 to $40. There is goi'i^ •<"> be great development on the Isl­ io a.m.—Football....ist prize, S'75.00; 2nd prize, $25.00 and in the immediate future, and you and we must, 11 " —Baseball.'...ist prize, $75,00; 2nd prize, $25.00 C'U MBER LA N D, - - . B. C. d"> our part in this expansion. , (Three teams to enter, or no 2nd prize,) * iiiiimi_.mt , \fgf_. Development me.ms the influx of people and money *" aud we wain \

    -'••-• '' -*"»—-'•'••• -•-•» •:-