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n .'•i*-.. •"/•</ ' *-l » -, .*_ Ar "\</*'•?< '' *"4 / . rl . /- - id S ' ? . ' - /-.// " •*• •<-'' " -• -" ' > * i J: * v* TOE '••.••• Ui- A Journal Devoted Bspecially, to the Interests of Comox District. "T«E ^EWS^NlNETEENTH YEAR. • CUMBERLAND. B.-C.,-.^TUESDAY, MAY 23,1911 SUBSCRIPTION #1.00 A YEAR , !#»» The Store The Store m I THE CORNER STORE ' of Quality Of Quality FOR, THE BIG STOKE STOVES AND Our Summer Suits are at offerings tn hand. Quality and Prices RANGES are Right, wewtforVSimirner USlnty WdlStS in the newest of spring, and summer . •>- styles. Correct in every particiilari > Prices from Furniture arid Household •' •-V-':'L---^>;•;•;'.'V' '-'. $1 to $5 1 ; ! v *' •-•! i>-;;* ;\\ .•- ;' ' ; 1 ^ - ' __• ; COfSCt COVerS ' -The largest and. daintiest' collec ion'. 1 ever shown, finest of laces and insertions •: ,, The following goods have ;'<'. V-•• 35c. to S2.75 '• .-".•'-' •-,•'" 1 •••'-., ' ' Wallpaper , arrived and are in the best - -i ''.••'.•'- . 1 ' of condition; .« Ladies White Underskirts Fine cambri. and em-' Paints » broidery, ;. $1.25 t6 $500 Laces and Embroideries,' Ginghams, Prints, Ifestiaags, Ladies' White Dresses Latest styles at lowest prices Varnish Summer Dress Goods, Etc. Our range is excptioually-large and our prices.are marked " CL ,. •" to mean sale of every one. Oils' Etc, , We only wish, to -sell our goods on their merits, and all we Dunsmuir Ave. ! - ask is for you to compare our values. TRY^THE J.N.McLEOD^ Cumberland Our grocery depart ment was never,'so • veil stocked with. -----;—-77—tlie-newest^and'freshest-of-jgoods-Hiafc-can-be-——-—-—r The Magnet Cash Store. L obtained. " GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER . -, TH E^ CA^N A DI AN^B"Mr T.
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