Sun^Y Edition Fational Droops— Ation

Sun^Y Edition Fational Droops— Ation

i v E GENER(g : IRQUSLYL Y T Q T . F . UJNITED N ] ) -I P C l ? DD I Weather ► ^ "SuSun^y Editiontion More News G enerally Fairl i r ^^ ---------------- M o r e Sports-----^------------ - family Comlctilc i •The1>e ftrngicMngic .Ya.Valley Newspaper D edleatrfto S( Feature Section>ec(/on :! idleated'to ServioR nnd [‘romotlnjrInjr the GrowthGro of-Nlncirrisalcdrated Idaho CCountlea : ' ' ' "TWIN' FALLS,FALLS. iDAnO,ID. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBERiPTEMBER 30, 1302 ~ TENI CENTSC E N T S I M K e[ e i n i n e d yr F e d e r•alizes a l ! Nf ata t io n a1 l ^ ^ G ai u a a r d j ni-M J ^ i-Ssissi]M p p i ; - XD r roop( s— I , - 1 / P*oised o l s to0 FI o r c ee IIntegrati I a t io n _ _ _\\'ASHINC:rONASinNCT0N,-SeVi.-2!lH.Vh-lJn‘Hidcnt-Kt‘ivsidcnt-'-Kfimetly - callcd (ht?-Mi5.'<t^sipi)^sippinKitionnl-RUrtrtt-intn-fojU'i'al fotloi'al Hcrvicesci Saturday hlghlil’aSnie nS~he ■■ (d do.-ier to n .sht'w dow n w ith (^ov.ov. RarnettIln to get a Ncgrncgrii I’lirolk’donrolk’d into the. UnlviTsily ufof Mississi|i|ii.Missis I’litiing thc Iiatiumiiatiumil il li o f th e s t a t e in tu fe d e ra l f^iTvicucu niakOHniakc’H itil u v a ila b le fu r use agaitista g iiiiisl theth e state. Thu Pri-.^iili'iit actedacli'd afterafte niakiiig three separateni;atc aat- t- t«, thc White llo u s o ---------------------------- ^nnid-tu-reccivo---to-reccivo-<uwuraiictJ thoth c ROvernorR o v e r that f\^ O Q 1 * |l nnd order could or X i t^ |X l I ' be niuln'talnrd” In Oxford. iafir2o;a(jol*< (yo Persons5 TakeTj Polio>lio I -Uio uiiUcr.\ltj'.t05Ui..dur* _______ • • ng Uie Kuard “in they varriT» Miccine i W X J , Throu^roughout Mag l e ^ l :cdfd to enforcc Ui« ucdcci Hagic Valley (Sre(tire photo#J on page 31 Armyiy^troo^. troop^ mciinmciimvhllp. wore N ea rly• 20,000 MagicMa: Valley re.sidentsits obtained Type' I jiDlin vaa’inatinnsinns on SaturdaySi during the first full i ■a moved Into a scriiit-uic d;iy o f d istribistribiition iltio n ati clinics .><et iip inn tho an-a.ari'a, arconiing': lo Dr. J. E.C. Sl/)jil,Sl/uil, Jvromc,J u rc n polio chnirmnn,:h/iirmnn, ccts tlic to ta l to cxccod :10,Q0010 ata t G p. m.m . Sunday. In Twin Falls,'alls. Dr. 1E. M. W right reported that M^mnws from the eji '” 'V v i '° «.^i'oci.. llic tot. r tc d t h a t President aiid Atty. O rn.| ___ . • ;^,i|attendance was relatively I F. Kennedy cn.icelcd _ T \ 1 ^ ... .. I I light compared lo) thc niim- Iwo0 DieDl( as Resultsuit Veep’s VisitV l S l t '' l*iT w ho w e n t to< clinics in rhe Satur- tlntloiu1.1 wlUl'thc^IlcIwIUj the nctwcrk.i over WASHINGTON.N Sept.firni 30■'Q '' o u tly in g a re a.s. T h e S a tu r- in — Vico Presidenti • , Lyn- day Uilnl In Twin was 4,100. > T | I U dnn U. Johnnon wUlrfil visit ^' Dr. WrlRht blamed1 the light CBA.M) CHAMPION STEER i t (ho(ha DIdrietDl((ri( 4-H aod FFA F a t Stock, u ie brou rs::r:O fAArea rea Accidents./A L V k .7 • Idaho ou n cnmpnlgnirviiBii tripirin '■ ‘“fTi out On the contusionluslon which te<ndnl(hL Chrbt Itanrto, left,left, ef lUnxeni.lUn Inc,' Duhl, pareha*edie d Uiatha Herefordlierefoi ite*r fron ,», u. * ii.r R»n I resulted from aome unlavorabl# Patrick. Thne Crttli. right,llh t, for tl.075JS.| l MUi Patrick li Uiethe dauibtffdaucbtrr of Mr. ana Mr*; k* w* * * . BURLFV.FY. Sept. 29—A’.Burley2: youth,h died SSntui a tu r d a y I; n ’ Irin’fda"' •' publicity recently'on) BabinSabin vac*vac- ' tjhni Palrlck, Thrte Cretk. Rancenitnceni alto pureliaitd the cnnd champion lulne of injorica received in u motorcycte-ponotorcycle.potiito-..saw sM„rrt„y.’ ’ i: clue Type 111. T he Type I voc-vac- ay, prevents ' ftl tak Satordir >t Ibe Twin FsIIi■III LlreiloclLlreitock Commtialon company. (TImei>.N'tn Troopstoops MMove Ilision Sept. 22. nnd a Rurlcy^ man was killedk : church sild thoiK(t viceVico ■ elne. Blvcn Saturday, prevents Id has never * * _ . * AVASlllNC.TON.aSIIINC.t o n . Sept. 21 i-v id u v nlight ig h t asa s he was walking to workvork on highh ig h w a y president wouldd flyfly - loto ■ • ‘“'® t5'l* . , _ flni — l'rt»ldenl Ket nv Ocl’10, 1 beenquesUoncd. _of_Rurlcy._Jimmi’_JL-L)Qman,_13,-aoiuaf- Imt riMn- 7 -tii-Ourl*yr4l>e-«Wfn<t*nefr-w»- atlon lo move Into Ml«- a n d Jlr.H.. RRny ny D.omflIloman, Bnrleyrdied ns a result ol . i: also am a l l e r Uian,n hadhad been.been, Buhi Firm-Bu^Buys^ TopAni ppi to le t up a lent city j u r ie s roccivcdiceivcd .when.whei his .motorcycio collided witw ith a f; _ _ I' hoped, 3.487. Ruperirt had 1.W01.500 rAninrafeiSC“Hv -T.---.u_L-.:. people. However, In outlying dls- ■■ /««. 1 . for 70000 U.V. B.s . m»ar»Ua arabal. to deal ruck Sept.g g p t. 22,J five mile.s southith of BiirlejBurley on - the »UW» defUnee of 1--------------------------!------ trlcU 76-80 per centn t .of many^many' ------------------------------h ig h w a y 27. R o b e rt td lh# vac- r r.intraUon “.s:,;'order*. _ _ - 'O l* * communlUes rccelvcd the vac- At Annual DistrictDis Stockock SSale melt Conner, 37, Bu * * * m “ 'BurkT. Nor’castciv • (Sfe photoiphe on pate fl) * * * * ourley,cy MaiiTian wns struckk bby y aan n nnut( u to m o - .. ^ ^ * 'ln Buhl, there werere 13081.308 dojesdoju ' fttnpn, Tnp.. BuliI. -p u rcliiised -Uie g r HAiitr nnnounecd-the.tcd- _ J sh’en. In Albion. 3322 persons re­re-. sed-Uie {(rand champion beef,-Hlieep-Bl.cci, nn>l-5«incTt-thcnnd-s ,l , ■ bile driven by Ruth 1 l U I L celved Uio vaccine atal Uisthe ele- 11 I f v 1 1 1 derson, 11. Burley, pboul Flood Start Bfflul District -1-H nnd FFAFA fat stocltsl show and sale SoturdnySaturday „ln thc Twin £ S " ” a Jg G u.llllj' ilty ill111 p,„_ _ mentary school. InI Filer IJBi Fils Livestock C om m iflsion co:ompany. m p an y . Ranpens] purchased the championchampioi: flteer from Kcintdy#ledy-s „cttonBcllon liIn tills ^c- J | - | a rcport«^d lo the highh achoolschool for "nr'y i’lcjK Ja-.Rcced.c__ xsiauil4_SllL_ i(ft«e--Pntricki--{laught«Mf--3rJrr-«nc>f-3rJrr-«nd-^Irsr-RolteTtd-Pntrickr^’hTCC- trickr-ThrcirCYG2K“ r5f TFWcs&ticn-crtslr-dtl lants west otuuracy. jVliu’urle er rL Case'" a ^ « , have another chance» to get th#tn# llJffS.85 or ?107 per'hundredwedweight. eight. Ransen, Inc., nlso boiiBhtbought llicthe erand« chnm- .'“ “ M a'cnrmm’T!” " .pp~S The occldcniIt occurrcd nb<oboui a By United rress.lntcniaUo&a « pm . sun- Preildcnt Dwlghl D. El- - I from Uie city. A killer nor'easler w h lc pion lam b fi ienliower,'er used inIn ordcordering miops DURI^Y, Sept. 2fl3fl — Eugene quarlcr-mlle from Uie city, ithwiCK, daughter.ofM r. t<, liuIcLie nock.Rock. Atk.. to' enforce Hcrnnnde* was found gguilty of Normon Wllllami,;illlnmi. BurleyBurley, who claimed 13 lives alonf Uie A in Uie Eden-llaielloalion area «75ffIS ' ' le school dcsegregnUon ,or- ^ o n d degreeree murder by an lltli was driving behind the lieHcndcr- l<y'l‘c seaboard suU'lded to sen persons were vaccloatcd.ated. Inin Bho- i ly ^ s. F r a n k S oufhw ick, a public school dcsegn t h^ ULV Mr. Conner tcred aliowers. Centrtu ArUoi f. F. UnitedIFJ. FuX uu.11.VI n d Buhl7forS44l inr^ dlstrlcl courturt Jury PrldaPrlday nlghl son car, v ld h e sow Mr. & alione. # t Lincoln fchool.hool. Uie vae- hi, for S4-H or per I®”-Kennedy admlnlslraUon. In the Julyy 31 shooting of OU- u-alklng oloiig■if ihtho e highway car- Hood waters began1 recedreceding, ng. ^ ,n g ^ v c n to, U*8.U48. In Jer-Jer. r 1 hundredweight, an, lunrtbo* T hc ‘road • Pedcnil authorities surveyi idredwelght, and RlCky Knae, slly hopes iSlo illim it use of berto P o Meca. w . rj'lng hli lunchbo*. Thc " ome. S 'e a t' Id 3,000 had . of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kru»e, iinitd I'M* >■ ,t*Ib>ib »> Tlie vcrdlclI d was relumirelumed after was wet and Tlll waswoTAilnCig raining, th e Inundated cotton‘iS" croplar taken U*e vaccine MTMr evealnr.evenlnr., Driye Set Mond[onday T, eold his (rmnd champion * ---------------------------— six hours and 20 mlnuteamd 20 m lnuto of de* j^jr. Connerer startedstortcd. to.« ^ ««•'«•^1 Maricopa^ „(, oooand Staaflel„«( Jf»e Overfleld. JeromflifflB c o u n ty ' , - I . r T , f , , It to“ nanRcn,RftnRcn, Inc,In for J507 or TlT » . a «. IlberaUoa by>y UieUiejuo'. Juo‘- JU'Judga^Ed- u,g road Jn front of the ] WM made reiwrtedxmorifd .fiJLfljg < . H i Tirin Falls United Fundund drive gets officinlly S2C0 per hundredn fronl of th e Hen- „vi«iriihio_fn=jBiw-i«-the-homt » per hundredweight.

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