
n .'•i*-.. •"/•</ ' *-l » -, .*_ Ar "\</*'•?< '' *"4 / . rl . /- - id S ' ? . ' - /-.// " •*• •<-'' " -• -" ' > * i J: * v* TOE '••.••• Ui- A Journal Devoted Bspecially, to the Interests of Comox District. "T«E ^EWS^NlNETEENTH YEAR. • CUMBERLAND. B.-C.,-.^TUESDAY, MAY 23,1911 SUBSCRIPTION #1.00 A YEAR , !#»» The Store The Store m I THE CORNER STORE ' of Quality Of Quality FOR, THE BIG STOKE STOVES AND Our Summer Suits are at offerings tn hand. Quality and Prices RANGES are Right, wewtforVSimirner USlnty WdlStS in the newest of spring, and summer . •>- styles. Correct in every particiilari > Prices from Furniture arid Household •' •-V-':'L---^>;•;•;'.'V' '-'. $1 to $5 1 ; ! v *' •-•! i>-;;* ;\\ .•- ;' ' ; 1 ^ - ' __• ; COfSCt COVerS ' -The largest and. daintiest' collec ion'. 1 ever shown, finest of laces and insertions •: ,, The following goods have ;'<'. V-•• 35c. to S2.75 '• .-".•'-' •-,•'" 1 •••'-., ' ' Wallpaper , arrived and are in the best - -i ''.••'.•'- . 1 ' of condition; .« Ladies White Underskirts Fine cambri. and em-' Paints » broidery, ;. $1.25 t6 $500 Laces and Embroideries,' Ginghams, Prints, Ifestiaags, Ladies' White Dresses Latest styles at lowest prices Varnish Summer Dress Goods, Etc. Our range is excptioually-large and our prices.are marked " CL ,. •" to mean sale of every one. Oils' Etc, , We only wish, to -sell our goods on their merits, and all we Dunsmuir Ave. ! - ask is for you to compare our values. TRY^THE J.N.McLEOD^ Cumberland Our grocery depart ment was never,'so • veil stocked with. -----;—-77—tlie-newest^and'freshest-of-jgoods-Hiafc-can-be-——-—-—r The Magnet Cash Store. L obtained. " GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER . -, TH E^ CA^N A DI AN^B"Mr T. E. BATE,. Cumberland. OF COMMERCE Nothing pleases us like a well pleased customer; ' SIR EDMUND, WAUKER,aV.O., LLD., O.CL, PRESIOENT ALEXANDER LAIRD, GENERAL MANAMA «•••- CAPITAL, - fib;68^;6o6 ".' REST. - $7,000,000 \ Locals. : It is stated by *hu C. P. 11. of- licials that the mouth of April GOLLECTION BUSINESS Simon. Laser & G6.y Ltd. jnst.]>as8od has broken all records J. W. Bryden, of Vancouver \Vith its large number of branches, agents and correspondents, The- Dunamulr Ave., Cumberland*. arrived in town on Thuvflday lu«_t. for immigration by over 3,000 Canadian Bank of Commerce is able to effect collections throughout .atft&rm**^^ Mr. Bryden h travelling for,The people. At the same, time, the the world promptly and at reasonable rates. Rates wil! be quoted (on application. l<t>t**m*>affl*r*mti**&^^ H Smith Biscuit Co., Ltd.'; of rush through Montreal with the Vancouver. opening of navigation has started FOREIGN BUSINESS MAROCCHI BROS 1 iii-tit a rate that, bids f or to make Cheques and drafts, on all countries of the world, drawn in sterling, • GROCERS 6t BAKERS Mr. Allien Pickard, oE Texada, May even' exceed the figures of francs, marks, lire, kronen, florins, roubles or any other foreign currency, April.. During the month just can be negotiated at Tho Canadian Bank of Commerce at reasonable rates. AND PRbPRIETORS OF arrived in town on Friday last. CUMBERLAND BRANCH..; .....VT.T. WHITE, Manager ended tho Canadian Pacific Kail- CUMBERLAND BOTTLING WORKS Stmlil '.I « - General Manager Coulsou of way carried from St, John to Inspector Crosby of the Royal The. City Council held a Court, Canadian Collieries (Dunamuir Montreakand thence westward no Agents for Pilsener Brewing Company's BEER Bank of Canada, and Mrs. Oroa- of Revision on tho Assessm*'* t Limited, wns in town last week. fewer than 20,321 immigrants, Wholesale Dealers in all Kinds of by arrived in town on Saturday Roll ou Thursday evening. £h VM\ '-'0 ,••,.,.,..»__• not counting small children, or t , Wines and Liquors. Inst, from Vancouver, and roturn protestfi against tho iiHaoesmunt Ii. Grunt jr., Mrs. Grant and over a thousand a day. exclusive ed on Sunday* were received, of which only four SECOND dTREES T children arrived homo from Vic­ of Sundays. This is an increase 1tori a hy Thursday's boat. of ovor 10,000 011 tho!'figures of had n reduction made. Tho couit S, S. Joan which is now on tlio admitted that in many instances 5 March, when 18,000 immigrants Mr* , L. A. Mounco arrival Nanaimo-Oomox run, linu recently rlu* aaaossment waa high, but jim- The Pnlico CommiBioneis mot wore brought through, .During City Council homo from Vancouver on Tburfi- underwent exteunivo rcpairu. Her tilled their action on the ground, on Mondnj evening to connidir day last. the sixty days of March and 'April hull WB Birongthoned, engluM .A special mpoling of tho City applications, of which there won? this year, tlio C. P. R, carried that it waft necessary to havo moro Coumul wns hold after the Court thoroughly ovorhanlod and hor money if • needed iinrirovonienrK. fourty-PiwMi, twulve being local Mrs, John RobertBon was ope­ 50,000 immigrants through to KtatoroouiH und/)tli«r interior parrs of Koviaion lmd finished its sea. and tliirty.fivo outside, for thu wero to be carried out. rated npou for floating kidney, at tho now landsbf tho West, 11 num. renovated. ' aion, Aldermen Bunks, Willard, position of nigbtwatclimiui and our local hospital on Friday last bor far in advance af any proviaiifi Maxwell, Stewart and tlio 'mayor poiicoinnn combined, Tlio coin immigration stati. tics. Mr, and Mrs. 'John Tlioinp<»u mishionorfl W'BII(: over tho applicii. being present, The gentry of Fanny Bay ro Robert Grant sr, and A. Grant. arrived homo from Knmloop.- on. tions' carefully, and',aftor nearly left on Sunday morning by auto The clork called attention to- a throe hoursdeli born tioh, Co'mmls- grot, to-loan 1 that Edward Wil­ Saturday night. "Jack" brought John Hunden ivashurt at No. ror Victoria, Austin Hugo, Miv, number, of cases iu which the poll sioner Banks inovod, Bocoudotl by liam Bieklo hns boon placnd un the •'key',' of Kamloopn, hoinu 4 miiio on Monday, by being McLeod and Mwi, IlickRou went tax bad been •wrongfully deducted' CoirimisHioner Maodoiiald, that del' tho Liquor Act, and arc loud with him, caught between cars, He was iu thu ear an far aft Ladyiimith and from miners wages. It WIIB left in the names of John Thomson and in thoir praino of ' Mr. Bieklo's William McLollau bu voted upon. taken to the hospital, tlio liandB of the clork to refund 'actUin in fighting tlio Attorney Nanaimo. On the vote being taken, Mr, Mr. arid Mrs, T. F,. Oartwrigbt Amounts. C-loiioral's Act through County Thomson wae unanimously plmit. ttov. M. 0. Kri'oniiin arrived David Daniels loft by Sunday'b left liy Saturday', boat for \'nu* TV usual $25 donation for od Tho commiMlonors will moot Court and Supremo Court.— Islander. = homo on TliuiMilay evening tasf, bout for Vancouver. couver. • 2«fctli, May celebration was voted, again on Wednesday, May 81st, ; when Mr. Thomson will bo sworn Aid Banks risked ..for informa­ in, Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Halliday,of tion regarding the oity'u finances, • , n Sandwick, willcolobralo the flfiiotb fearing that tbo Boitrd of Works M?RB Tjivinfrstnn who Imn bnfii' ain'iivorsary of their marriage, on DPfO^ATF Yfip mm- mn THP *>4»h wiini spfliidinr*; moro monoy 'than th«'ftnmi, of Mv. and Mrs. .Tnftk TUCMII-V, May"2}.rd.** Mav thev the city can afford, II6 wnu UH for tbo pact few weeks, loft for , * ...... * * surod tho city's iinances woro in Vancouver on Friday, ..livo to coiubraio their diamond ,o»...,.-.„.,„,, English and Gasiadi in flags, 5 o. moh* a fairly Batlwfactory cotidition, wedding is tlio sincere \vUli of The following gontlemori orrlv- tlioirmany frlondai, for tbey aro Red, White ond Blue BunlinK 6c. a yard. .on Friday by auto from Alborni, iine old piiujm*, umi nigiiiy it*,- 'jVaneouvor, May 18.—At H for llnnl consus liistructious from You will nlno want a New Shir', Tic, Fancy Coininissioner Bruce:—J, H. Mo­ spcted throughout tho district, o'clock this aftornoon .Tudgo Mc . -. .....•—4|.-,...!..,,'.._• Socks, Hoots and Ifa, Cone iu and have a tion, J, G, Hftlpenny, H. Hills, n liiiHiS was put under arrest by a Andrew Williamson, a miner look at the fnie ranjje w«.« have for you to F. Sannderi), J. Wilkinson. Capt, choose from. Hastings street policeman who Huff brought the party ovor. at No. 5 mine, wim terribly in- elniuH'ti tlm Judgo while talking Tbey rotnrned on Saturday. jurtd on Saturday ln«t, by the ex­ to a friend WIIH blocking traffic. ploding of a bos* of dynamito caps, THE FIT-RITE STORE Gro;it excitement pruvailed whon Watch for McLood's Summer which he was holding in bis band, mmmmmmmmmm.mmnmmm WMMMW I when the patrol wagon WAS called, Sale. It M hupp-nscd that a spirk from for a crowd ot nearly two thon- his pit lamp fell into the box, Suits .1515,00 U 92Q.50 ' wind bad gathered, After tunny JJort Stephenson and JJick Hod- fniifing the explosion. One <»f uxplaniuiutits the fadgo wits Ict g*>, flon, caught 05 pounds of tout at tlie un form unu> miui's I.TIIKIH wn,'.* Ho took tlm incident good iimur Home Lake on Monday.. blown dlF and head and body bad­ Gapipbe)! Bfosin cdly. ly ii.jni'oil. ,m4t*aU+S**tlam\> '***m*W*tm.mmlmaam^ aamm mm wumtaommm mmmmm ,. ..„,&_'-, THE NEWS, CUMBERLAND, BRITISH COLUMBIA. "I know that perfectly well." replied "That looks-more-than decent on TATTOOING. your part." said Orde. Newmark coolly. "You are golug to "Of course it's none of my business have difficulty meeting your Julv notes It .s Extensively Practiced AU Over MUSIC IS HIS REALM as it is." Bhe what you intend lo do with this." the World.
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