DETROIT THEATER ORGAN SOCIETY Volume 52, Issue 6 June 2013 DTOS ark Herman at the Wurlitzer Executive Board Sunday, June 23, 2013 3:00 p.m. & Directors M Our final concert before 2001, he began theatre or- ing July. During the summer President the summer break brings gan studies with John Fergu- of 2006, he toured for six Connie Masserant back Mark Herman to the son of Indianapolis, who is weeks in Australia and New
[email protected] Senate Theater. recognized worldwide for his Zealand, setting records in CD Mark Herman was born skills as a teacher. sales at many of the venues in Vice President in August of 1987 in Fort In the summer of 2003, which he appeared. In 2009, Lance Luce Wayne, Indiana. He has Mark was given the oppor- he returned for a second 7-
[email protected] been studying the piano tunity to play a cameo per- week tour of those countries. since he was seven years old formance at the American Over the past few years, he has Treasurer and began classical organ Theatre Organ Society’s played dozens of solo concerts Glenn Rank lessons at the age of (ATOS) annual convention in theatres and venues from
[email protected] twelve. His first introduc- in Oakland, California. The coast to coast. He is a graduate tion to the theatre organ was following year, he won the of The Theatre School, De- Corporate Secretary & when he was in fourth grade ATOS Young Theatre Or- Paul University in Chicago Assistant Treasurer and was at the Embassy The- ganist Competition in Mil- where he received a Bachelor Dave Calendine of Fine Arts degree in Theatre
[email protected] atre in downtown Fort waukee at the Riverside The- Wayne.