June 2013 Newsletter.Pub

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June 2013 Newsletter.Pub DETROIT THEATER ORGAN SOCIETY Volume 52, Issue 6 June 2013 DTOS ark Herman at the Wurlitzer Executive Board Sunday, June 23, 2013 3:00 p.m. & Directors M Our final concert before 2001, he began theatre or- ing July. During the summer President the summer break brings gan studies with John Fergu- of 2006, he toured for six Connie Masserant back Mark Herman to the son of Indianapolis, who is weeks in Australia and New [email protected] Senate Theater. recognized worldwide for his Zealand, setting records in CD Mark Herman was born skills as a teacher. sales at many of the venues in Vice President in August of 1987 in Fort In the summer of 2003, which he appeared. In 2009, Lance Luce Wayne, Indiana. He has Mark was given the oppor- he returned for a second 7- [email protected] been studying the piano tunity to play a cameo per- week tour of those countries. since he was seven years old formance at the American Over the past few years, he has Treasurer and began classical organ Theatre Organ Society’s played dozens of solo concerts Glenn Rank lessons at the age of (ATOS) annual convention in theatres and venues from [email protected] twelve. His first introduc- in Oakland, California. The coast to coast. He is a graduate tion to the theatre organ was following year, he won the of The Theatre School, De- Corporate Secretary & when he was in fourth grade ATOS Young Theatre Or- Paul University in Chicago Assistant Treasurer and was at the Embassy The- ganist Competition in Mil- where he received a Bachelor Dave Calendine of Fine Arts degree in Theatre [email protected] atre in downtown Fort waukee at the Riverside The- Wayne. This was made pos- atre. That enabled him to Arts with a focus in Theatre Fred Bruflodt sible by the late Robert perform a critically ac- Management. In addition to [email protected] Goldstine and the local claimed concert for the playing the organ, Mark has American Guild of Organists ATOS 50th Anniversary also been known to perform Michael Fisher chapter’s “Room on the Convention in Pasadena, on the piano, as well as intro- [email protected] Organ Bench” program. In which took place the follow- duce several original composi- Gil Francis [email protected] Paul Jacyk [email protected] Dick Leichtamer tibiaplena434@buckeye- express.com George Orbits [email protected] Bob Weil [email protected] Two Vacant Seats Page 2 Detroit Theater Organ Society M ark Herman (continued from front page) tions. Mark is a proud en- censed Allen Dealers. from the beginning. theater will be open to enter dorser of Hammond Organs He was named the Make sure to join us at the building. and Leslie Speakers for Ham- American Theatre Organist the Senate Theater for this If you are a member of mond Suzuki USA. Mark of the Year for 2012 and is month's concert. As always, the Detroit Theater Organ currently resides in Indian- the youngest person ever to the doors to the theater will Society, you can bring up to apolis, Indiana where he is a receive the prestigious hon- open at 2:00 p.m. and the three people with you to website designer and digital or. concert will start at 3:00 enjoy the concert. For those marketing specialist. He is He feels special grati- p.m. Free parking is availa- that are not a member, tick- affiliated with the Allen Or- tude towards his parents, ble in the parking lot on the ets are available at the door gan Company as a tonal Ron and Andrea, as well as side of the theater. Both the for the price of $15.00. consultant and voicing spe- all of his family and friends parking lot entrance and the See you at the Senate! cialist available through li- who have supported him entrance at the front of the The Detroit Theatre Organ Society Board of Directors meets on the last Tuesday of each month. All members are invited and encouraged to attend. Information on all events happening at the Senate Theater can be found by going online to www.dtos.org. rom the President’s Desk F Connie Masserant, DTOS President Your hearts have been for membership and multi- work, roof repairs etc. believe we were able to oper- so generous in supporting ply that by 108 members, Having said that, our ate in the black. the requests that have been our generated income is minimal budget for the year With all that said, I be- made the past several approximately $15,120. Of with operations and concerts lieve you can better under- months with all of the reno- course this does not include is $38,000 and dues collect- stand why it is so important vation needs – such as the any donations which do ed are $15,120. for us now, as we move into lighting, the stage, the elec- come in at the time of re- PLEASE, have no fear! the future, to bring in addi- trical and more. newal tagged on to the dues’ We are NOT in danger of tional income. Thus, the All of this is to make check. closing our doors in the near reason for showing movies our place more nice for our Our concert budget for future, and we do not intend and renting out our facili- members when you come to this year is $14,000 which to cut back the number of ties. organ concerts and to hope- includes not only artist’s fees concerts. However, you may Your Board is commit- fully entice rentals as well as but also travel and accom- have noticed a $3 increase in ted to ensuring a bright fu- movie goers. modations for many of non-member tickets. Fortu- ture. Plans are moving I would like to speak to them. On top of that, we nately, with other donations, ahead for a new first floor our financials briefly with have operating expenses of we have been able to save up restroom, and an improved regards to how our dues are nearly $2,000 per month a nest egg to keep us in oper- auditorium. And with the being distributed. which comes to $24,000 per ation for several years, but support we have seen and Right now we have year. These operating ex- with the numbers being as the dedication of this Board, about 108 in our member- penses include gas, electric, they are, you can see that we it will happen. ship. About half of our garbage, water, phone, etc. – are operating in the red each Thank You once again members are Associate and the bare essentials. This year. In the earlier days for all of your support. half are Playing members. If does not include any needed with 300 plus members, Connie Masserant you take an average of $140 repairs like the boiler, brick money was still tight but I Volume 52, Issue 6, June 2013 Page 3 harles “Chuck” Heffer C Glenn Rank, DTOS Treasurer It is with sadness that Eastpointe Michigan, where we report that former DTOS they had a 3 manual 6 rank member Charles Heffer Robert Morton installed in passed away on Sunday their home. Funeral ar- May 26, 2013 in Traverse rangements were private. City Michigan after a short Pictured on the right is illness. Many will remember Chuck Heffer with his wife, that Chuck and his late wife Betty. Betty wrote and published our monthly Club newsletter for many years. Prior to their moving to the Traverse City they resided in rojector Fund Update P Connie Masserant, DTOS President I am very pleased to has given, no matter what need between $500-$1000 to continued support. As we update everyone as to the the amount. Every dollar is get the screen off of the have stated before, we hope status of our fund raising for important. Our screen is truck and on to the stage, to bring in much needed a much-needed new projec- due to arrive by the end of depending on the equip- revenue with the showing of tor. As of May 12 we had June. That is a pretty tight ment needed. I am pleased movies as only one avenue to just a little over $600 dollars. schedule to raise what is to say that we received a help solidify our future and Thanks to several member needed, but I hope we can generous donation check of for future generations. donations of $150, $250, get closer to our amount so $500 for the project. Please accept our most $300, $20, $40 and more, as it won’t be long before we The Board and I feel heart felt Thank You to all well as other donations and are able to show movies that overwhelmed with gratitude of you who have given. 50/50 kick-backs, we are will fill the whole screen. by the generosity of so many. now up to $2002. I would On a similar note, I had We could not continue to go like to thank everyone who mentioned that we would forward without all of your UPCOMING EVENTS AT THE REDFORD THEATRE The Redford Theatre will be closed in June for a restoration project, reopening July 12. July 12 & 13 — Walt Disney’s “Mary Poppins” July 26 & 27 — Alfred Hitchcock’s “Notorious” August 9 & 10 — The Long, Long Trailer August 23 & 24 — Jaws All of these great films are shown Friday and Saturday evenings at 8:00 p.m.
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