Keim's Capitol Interior and Diagrams
OL INTE DIAGRAMS: A CO?JPLETE GUIDE TO ALL TBllT3 OF TIIE CA\I'ITOI,. LIST OF DIAGRAMS. J:nte~.cil nccor11;ng to Act of ('or~r.~.css,in the ylwr IS:-%, 131- IIl21~ I< \~ll~.)I,I'lIKEIX 111 llle O!fivc of the T,il,r:iri:lu of (:i,!~prC$q. nt \Vil~I11n~(tn11. KEIM'S CAPITOL INTERIOR AND DIAGRAMS. collq~iclro~isa part. Tllc statn- (bee psea 68, GO ) elti's and relieu03 are n rol~glit i1-i tlic, Iriql~ectstyle of art. In lSP2, contr:n-y to the ~icwsof >h.Valter, tlie Architect of the Capitol, the door mas placed THE CAPI'I'OL OF TI112 USITED STATES OF AMEIIICA. 6 CAPITOL INTERIOR. I. Alexander VI, Rodcrigo Lcnzoli Borgia, a native of Spain, Popc of Rome 1412-1coz. i. ~k&oGonzales dc Mendoza, Archbishop of Tolcdo and Grand Cardinal of spain, a man of great influence at court, and early patron o)f ~olumbus. 3. Ferdinand, King of Spain, royal patron of the undertaking of Columbus. 4. Isabclla, ueen of Spain, and royal patroness of Columbus. I.Charlcs V%, King of France, an enlightened monarch and friend to thc causc afdiscovcry. 6. Lady Brafriz de Bobadilla, Marchioness of Maya, and friend of Columbus. It is said that the likencss is ofMrs. Rogers, wit? to the sculptor. 7. John 11, King of Portugal, the monarch who rejectcd the proposals of Colum- bus. S. Henry V11, King of England, appcalcd to by Bartholomew Columbusoi~behalf of his brother; mcantimc the discovery was accomplished under the auspices of Snain-r ---.
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