Boatman's Quarterly Review
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boatman’s quarterly review the journal of Grand Canyon River Guides, Inc volume 17 number 3 fall 2004 Prez Blurb • Changing of the Guard • Historic Boats • Back of the Boat Farewells • Kwagunt • GCY • Frank’s Early Exit • Lava Dams Adaptive Management: Friend or Foe? • Financials, Contributors boatman’s quarterly review Prez Blurb …is published more or less quarterly by and for Grand Canyon River Guides. ’M RECENTLY BACK from the first private trip I’ve been on in years. I took my own advice, and I walked Grand Canyon River Guides across the ramp at Lees Ferry to talk to everyone I is a nonprofit organization dedicated to I could meet. I walked across the mouth of Havasu (only Protecting Grand Canyon ten boats), and down to the motor tie-up, and up to Setting the highest standards for the river profession the Motor Pool. I even walked around Diamond Creek. Celebrating the unique spirit of the river community I met passengers, swampers, guides, trip-leaders, and Providing the best possible river experience even one outfitter! I talked to private trips, motor trips, oar trips, kayak trips and dory trips. I even talked to a General Meetings are held each Spring and Fall. Our motor/oar/dory/bluegrass trip. I talked about camps and Board of Directors Meetings are generally held the first schedules and about the last time we saw each other, and Wednesday of each month. All innocent bystanders are what were our mutual friends doing now? I gave away urged to attend. Call for details. back issues of the bqr, and I tried like heck to give away many extra boxes of cookies. (Note to future private trip Staff shoppers, teenagers love cookies, but to teenage girls, if it Executive Director Lynn Hamilton ain’t chocolate, it ain’t a cookie!) We had great camps, we Board of Directors talked it over with the commercials and other privates, President Drifter Smith and we negotiated, and everyone got what they needed. Vice President Joe Pollock With three second-time oarsmen, we sure didn’t race Treasurer Lynn Hamilton anybody to any camps, nor could we send anybody on Directors OC Dale ahead to grab a camp. It was a private trip, with friends, Tiffany George and family, and friends of family, and family of friends. Jocelyn Gibbon It was a wonderful thing to be vacationing in our work- Bert Jones place, and I hope we never lose the opportunity as guides Jayne Lee to do just that. Marieke Taney This is my fourth quarterly column. In the first one Gcrg’s amwg (VOL 16:4 Winter 2003), I wrote, “Hopefully by the time Representative Andre Potochnik you read this, the Colorado River Management Plan Gcrg’s twg (CRMP) will be out in draft form, with a preferred alterna- Representative Matt Kaplinski tive identified.” Bqr Editors Katherine Spillman In the second one (VOL 17:1 Spring 2004) I wrote, Mary Williams “The National Park Service is planning to release the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Colorado Our editorial policy, such as it is: provide an open forum. River Management Plan for public review and comment We need articles, poetry, stories, drawings, photos, opin- in May 2004.” ions, suggestions, gripes, comics, etc. Opinions expressed In the third one (VOL 17:2 Summer 2004) 1 wrote, “it are not necessarily those of Grand Canyon River Guides, is coming up by the end of May, so they say. As of May 2, Inc. the crmp website hadn’t been updated since March 11th. Written submissions should be less than 1500 words So I will say again, ‘by the time you read this, the Draft and, if possible, be sent on a computer disk, pc or mac crmp will be out.” (That one was edited out when the format; Microsoft Word files are best but we can trans- plan changed again before we went to press.) late most programs. Include postpaid return envelope if Now it is my unpleasant task, in my fourth column you want your disk or submission returned. (August) to tell you, again, “Hopefully by the time you Deadlines for submissions are the 1st of February, read this, the Colorado River Management Plan will be May, August and November. Thanks. out in draft form, with a preferred alternative identified.” Our office location: 515 West Birch, Flagstaff, az 86001 Office All I can say is, “DON’T FORGET TO WRITE!” I Hours: 10:30–4:30 Monday through Friday can only imagine that these continual delays are fueling the feelings of the private boaters, especially those who Phone 928/773-1075 brought the lawsuit that restarted the process. I am Fax 928/773-8523 assuming that they will respond in numbers and inten- E-mail [email protected] sity. If you want your viewpoint, your experience, and Website your expertise to be heard, as it should be, you will need page 2 grand canyon river guides to comment. You will need to share your ideas, and your I can’t believe that gcnp is NOT interested in version of what the Canyon means, and your vision of preventing injuries and accidents. what it can mean for the future, for guides, for passen- I can’t believe that gcnp is so understaffed and so busy gers, and for private boaters. that they can’t add gcrg’s address ([email protected]) Regarding first aid requirements, there have been to the email they send every week. (A thirty second invest- some more ideas floated, and we (gcrg) are planning to ment of time?) meet with representatives of Grand Canyon National I can’t believe that gcnp wants to look this bad on this Park in August to discuss the issue yet again. As always, one. If you can think of an explanation, I’d sure like to our goal is to find a mutually agreed-upon solution that hear it. prevents or reduces injuries, provides injured parties with I’d like to thank all of you who voted for me as a the best possible care, and makes the most of the incred- director of gcrg, and those who went even further out ible pool of talented guides. This will make for better on a limb to vote me into office. I have appreciated the trips, fewer injuries, and better guides. No downside. support of those who have called or emailed, or spoke Did you hear about the latest evacuation from the with me about the issues we have been working on. I also River? Me neither! I heard about some of them, though. I greatly appreciate the willingness of those who disagreed heard about one in a bar, and about one at Macy’s coffee- with what I thought to bring it to my attention. I didn’t house. And I heard about another one on the way to Lees want to espouse a position that I can’t or won’t explain to Ferry. I heard that one from a paddle captain, who heard a friend or a colleague, and your questions, opinions and it at the Little Colorado from a motor boatman, who saw corrections have enabled me to see and learn much more the trip at Havasu. I wonder if I got the whole story? Do of these complex issues than I could have ever hoped to you think professionals ought to get the latest updates on without your assistance. I’d hope that you felt comfort- their profession in a bar, in a coffee shop, or third hand? able in offering your opinions, and that you will continue (I suppose it depends on the profession!) to weigh in with the Board, when you agree, as well as You might think that if guides really cared about when you disagree. I’d also like to thank the many general preventing injuries on the river they’d want to know members for their support of gcrg, and continued love exactly what injuries were occurring, where they were of the Grand Canyon. The general members are one of occurring, who they were occurring to, and why. Well, the hidden strengths of gcrg. The only way gcrg could be you’re right. Guides do want to know that information, better in my mind is to have even more participation by because preventing injuries is a big part of what we do. even more guides, newer ones and more experienced ones. Injuries hurt guides and they hurt the people we are If, as a guide, you don’t have a friend on the Board of entrusted to guide safely. All the guides I’ve met are inter- Directors, you ought to seriously considering both making ested in preventing injuries, and knowing more about friends with someone on the board AND running for the how to prevent them. I think the reduction in dehydra- board next year. tion and hyponatremia cases is proof of that. You don’t have to be on the board to come to meet- You might think that gcrg would be trying to get ings and you don’t have to live in Flagstaff. You don’t injury and accident information also. You’d be right even have to be a paid-up member. All you really need about that, too. gcrg has been requesting incident/acci- is to show up, and care about the Grand Canyon, and dent information from gcnp formally, to my knowledge, care about river trips there. If you are going to be passing since August, 2001. In 2003, we formally requested the through, check with Lynn Hamilton about when a board information five times.