1.General information of the municipality In 1928, the network of districts of the Tambov district was approved, which included Uvarovsky district. In 1960, the village of became a working settlement, and in 1966-the district center. 1.1. Geographical location. The area of the territory. Climate conditions. Uvarovsky district covers an area of 1142 square km.

The territory of Uvarovsky district borders with neighboring districts: Rzhaksinsky, Muchkapsky, Zherdevsky, Ingavinsky, as well as with the region.

The administrative center of Uvarovsky district is located at the address: Uvarovo, Shosseynaya str., 2.


The district territory is crossed by the railway line Uvarovo Tambov – Balashov – mainline track length within the boundaries of district 31 km Railway station Oblovka is a cargo of the second class, seven ways, including one major one. The total length of roads paved in the district is 437,6 km, including regional value 58 km, inter-municipal significance – 211,7 km paved roads on the territory of the settlements is 167,9 km and Throughput of the road network from 200 to 450 vehicles per day. The number of bridge structures – 6 units. In the area of 7 village councils: Berezovskiy village Council: s. Berezovka, n. Count, d. Ivanovka, Red, D. Mozdok, p. Progress, p. Zaborowski, p. Ukrainets; Verkhnetirsky SEL: S. Aleksandrovka, pp. Top Shibryay, D. Vyshniakivka, p. Novosilky, D. New, S. Olshanka, p. Sofievka, p. Vasilevka, p. Olshanskys Vyselki, D. Bokino; Luchevskiy SEL: p. Ray, S. Engurazova; Moses-Alabushskiy SEL: C. Moses-and monasteries of S. White, d. Ulyanovsk, D. Red Plane, p. Chuevo-and monasteries D. the Average Yaruga, the village Cattle Pond; Nizhnesortymsky SEL: s. Lower Shibryay, p. Average Shibryay, p. Gusev, p. Rare Shrub, Red Cordon, S. Canino, C. Swan, p. Truscinski, p. Lopatino, s. Krasnoe Znamya, n. Siberian, p. gorel'skiy, p Bacinski, Oil p., p. Nekrasov, S. Mazurovka, S. Mosolovka, p. Pokrovka – Kazinka, p. Alaturka, p. Pokrovka; Pavlodar village Council: S. Pavlodar, D. Dmitrievka, D. Maslovka, d. 2-I Grigoryevka, d. 1-I Alexandrovka; Podgornenskiy SEL: Top Chuevo S., s. of Moses, the settlement of Goose Stall; S. Chuevo Podgornoye village of Kuznetsovka, s. Podgornoe, free S. Top, S. Chaschinskogo Yards; The district occupies the southern part of the Tambov region, which is located in the North-East of the Central black earth economic district. Terrain: the terrain is flat, cut by a network of rivers, ravines and gullies. The ruggedness of the terrain and the considerable steepness of slopes (10-60) prevent the movement of vehicles off the road. Groundwater in river valleys lies at a depth of 2 – 5 m. Climate: moderately continental. Winter (December-early March) is moderately cold, with stable weather. Prevailing air temperature – -5, - 80C, at night -15, - 170C (abs.min-390C). Often there are thaws (2-7 times a month), the temperature during thaws rises to 5-70C. Precipitation often falls mainly in the form of snow. Snow cover is set in mid-December and descends in mid-March. Periodically, once in 3-4 years, the beginning of winter is snow-free, and frosts are strong, within-150, - 250C, which leads to a strong freezing of the ground. In the spring, as a result of active thawing of snow, produces a lot of water that cannot soak into frozen soil leads to the glut of reservoirs, and flooding of private land. Spring (early March – late may) is characterized by rapid onset of heat. The weather is mostly cloudy and dry. Night frosts are observed until may. Summer (late may – mid-September) is warm, with variable clouds. The day temperature of 250–300C (abs.max. 390C). A night of 100–150C. Summer falls 75% of the annual precipitation. 3

Autumn (mid – September-November) is characterized by a decrease in air temperature and a sharp increase in cloud cover. Precipitation falls mainly in the form of long drizzling rains, and in late autumn snowfall is possible. Winds during the year are dominated by East and South. The prevailing wind speed is 4 – 5 m/s. 1.2 Resource and raw material potential. On the territory of the Uvarovsky district there are three promising sites of Sands suitable for glass production, the reserves for which were not counted. These sites have the following address landmarks: - Tambov region, Uvarovsky district, the site is located in the Central part of KK 68: 22:2102001; - Tambov region, Uvarovsky district, 1.5 km South-West of the village of Pokrovka, - Tambov region, Uvarovsky district, the Central part of the cadastral quarter 68: 22: 0813001. 1.3 Environmental situation The main river is the Crow with the tributary of the Podgornoe and R. Sibrica. According to their mode, the size of the basin and water consumption, they are small rivers. The prevailing width of the Raven river is 10-20 m. the Depth is 1-4 m, the flow rate is 0.2 m / s. the Bottom is sandy, the banks of the channel are high and winding. The floodplain is wide, meadow, cut by a tributary, swampy. The crossing is carried out on bridges. There are a significant number of small lakes (the deepest depressions are filled with water up to 1 – 1.5 m deep) and ponds. The district is located in a forest-steppe zone.

The area of forests in Uvarovsky district is 7661 ha, of which coniferous forests-343 ha, hardwoods - 3241 ha, soft deciduous forests-2395 ha, 1662 ha area not covered by forests. The animal world is diverse. On the territory of the district, a variety of hunting animals are produced in large numbers: wild boar, elk, ROE deer, hare, Fox, muskrat; waterfowl-Mallard, partridge, quail.

2.Population and social sphere 4

2.1 population Size and labour force structure. In the reporting period of 2019, there is still an increase in mortality, the death rate is significantly higher than the birth rate. The data indicate a continuing trend of population decline. Dynamics of the number of births and deaths since 2016 2016 2017 2018 1 half 2019

Number of births, 45 52 34 13 people.

Number of deaths, 186 170 176 85 people.

K (the ratio of the number of deaths to the 4,1 3,3 5,1 15,3 number of births)

The average life expectancy of the population of the city and district was 72.9 years (for men-68.1; for women-79.4). The structure of mortality in comparison with the corresponding period of 2018 has not changed, as before, the main causes of death are diseases of the cardiovascular system, cancer, injuries, poisoning. Over the past 3 years, there has been a decrease in working-age mortality. During the reporting year, the population of the district according to statistics decreased by 142 people. According to statistics on 01.01.2019, the population of the district is 9687 people.

2.2. Social characteristics of the population 1 half Name of the indicator 2016г. 2017 г. 2018 г. 2019г.

Population of working age (at the beginning of 5,1 5,1 5,1 5,1 the year), thousand people.

The number of employed per unit of 2,2 2,2 2,2 occupied territory 2,2 (people/sq.)

Average per capita 13380 13410 13520 13750 income of the

5 population (per month RUB.)

Average monthly nominal accrued salary 18200 19500 19800 20078 (RUB.)

The share of the population with 23,0 23,0 23,0 23,0 incomes below the subsistence level (%)

In Uvarovsky district on 01.07.2019, there are 59 settlements, 34 of them with a population of up to 100 people.

2.3.Health Medical assistance to the population of the Uvarovsky district is provided by the TOGBUZ "Uvarovskaya CRH", which includes the moiseyevo-Alabush branch, 2 medical sections: Pavlodar and Verkhne-Shibryaysky and 14 FAP, 1 FP. Major repairs were carried out on all FAP. 11 households were organized to provide first aid to the population. Medical care is provided by 1 General practitioner, 1 dentist in M. Alabush branch, 2 therapists in Pavlodar and V. Shibryaysky medical areas. There are 30 secondary health workers working in rural health care institutions. In order to bring specialized medical care to residents of remote villages, organized the activities of visiting teams of doctors CRH. The team includes: pediatrician, surgeon, neurologist, optometrist, therapist, obstetrician-gynecologist, ENT doctor, oncologist. During the reporting period, 89 visits were made - 2927 people were examined. The medical examination of the adult population was carried out and 1630 people were examined. Qualified medical care was received by residents of the village of Ivanovka, nearby villages at the departure of the road train "Care". The center "Health" for adults worked. According to the results of the examination, the patients were sent for further examination and treatment in the CRH, in the regional polyclinic, and received recommendations from regional specialists. At the same time with the medical team worked with employees of social protection, the pension Fund and the district administration. Rural health institutions are equipped with modern equipment: Express analyzers of cardiomarkers, portable biochemical blood analyzers, electrocardiographs. This allows on-site diagnostics and identification of risk factors for socially significant diseases.


Pharmacy points in Pavlodar and shibryai are actively working. Drugs are sold on FAPs. The extract of preferential prescriptions is carried out at medical sites (V. Shibryaysky, Pavlodar, M. Alabushsky). The main tasks for improving medical care for rural population are: - reduction of rural mortality from all causes; - increasing the detection of diseases among the rural population; -100% coverage of the rural population with preventive inspections, ensuring their quality; - increase of coverage of the population by visiting forms of work of medical teams; - provision of medicines; - providing medical care in accordance with standards, procedures and clinical protocols.

2.4. Education Education Uvarovsky district is represented by the municipal budget educational institution moiseevo-Alabush secondary school and its 12 branches, of which 2- secondary, 7-primary and 3-primary, as well as the municipal budget preschool educational institution Berezovsky kindergarten "Bell" with 4 branches. The number of students from 1 to 11 class – 551 people. The steady trend of population decline in the district has led to a decrease in the number of students. The maximum occupancy of all preschool organizations in the district is 163 places. The number of children attending pre-school institutions is 66. On the basis of Nizhneshibryaysky and Chuevo-Podgornsky branches there are full- time preschool groups, which are attended by 43 children. Coverage of all forms of pre-school education is 63.1 % of all living children aged 0 to 7 years (205 children out of 325). Every year, the material and technical base of educational institutions is replenished at the expense of the Federal, regional and local budgets. Twelve educational institutions are equipped with standard sports halls, and one educational institution has a gym in an adapted room. Much attention is paid to improving the quality of education in the municipality. A set of measures has been developed to improve the quality of teaching subjects: mathematics, Russian language, social science, history, chemistry, physics. District methodical seminars for subject teachers are regularly held.


In March 2019, on the basis of the Nizhneshibryai branch, a day of young specialists was held, where young teachers gave open lessons and took part in the Round table "training of teachers in the framework of the National project "Education". Over the past 10 years, the district is fully staffed with teaching staff, there are no vacancies. But the number of teachers of retirement age is growing-36%. In this regard, 2 people are trained under the target contract at TSU. G. R. Derzhavin. We are constantly working to improve the professionalism of the teacher. In March 2019, a competition of professional skills for teachers of additional education "I give my Heart to children"was held.

The long-term municipal program "development of education in Uvarovsky district for 2014-2024" provides for measures to support and attract young professionals to subordinate educational organizations. Additional paid educational services are organized in 11 General education organizations with a total coverage of 210 students. The municipal model of additional education, taking into account the peculiarities of socio-economic development of the district, is represented by 5 pre- school and 13 General education institutions, on the basis of which 30 pre-school children and 539 students from grades 1 to 11 are engaged in additional education programs. Currently, of the 30 children aged 5 to 7 years who attend pre-school institutions in the district, all 30 are engaged in additional education circles, which is 100% of children from 5 to 7 years who attend pre-school educational institutions. 8

Thus, the total coverage of children with additional education in Uvarovsky district at the beginning of the 2018-2019 academic year is 89.9% ( last year 88.9%) of the total number of children and adolescents attending preschool and General education institutions aged 5 to 18 years. In the current academic year, work continued to increase the coverage of children with additional education. Out of the total number of all forms of organization of additional education today - it is 79 circles, which are attended by 569 students and pupils aged 5 to 17 years. The main form of organization of additional education is a circle and a section. From the total number of circles: Technical orientation - 1 circle; Physical culture and sports - 15 sections; Artistic orientation-24 circles; Tourist and local history orientation – 2 circles; Social and pedagogical - 6 circles; Natural science – 31 circles.

To a greater extent, additional education services are used by teenagers 10-14 years. This age is almost 49.3% (290 people) of the total number of children covered by additional education, which is undoubtedly a positive factor, since the employment of adolescents of this age in the network of group work, including vacation periods, has a positive effect on the prevention of crime and neglect, social adaptation of the younger generation. In order to implement the state policy aimed at improving the quality of additional education for children and in accordance with the Concept of development of additional education for children of the Tambov region for the period up to 2020, measures are being taken to preserve and increase the number of circles and sections, to improve the quality of extracurricular work with children in General education institutions of the district. Special attention is paid by teachers to attract teenagers who are prone to deviant behavior to sports. To ensure the availability of quality education, regardless of the place of residence of students in the district, the "School bus" program is implemented. For these purposes, 220 students are transported by 11 school buses on 20 routes. For a more rational organization of free time of school children while waiting for buses in the framework of additional education, children are engaged in circles and sections of various directions on the basis of MBOU moiseevo-Alabush secondary school, as well as in the extended day group.


MBOU moiseevo-Alabush school has sufficient material and technical base for conducting additional education classes. So in the infrastructure of this school there is an Assembly hall, a library, 2 sports halls for sports of students, and in the winter time there are hockey boxes, which also function in the winter in Berezovsky, Ivanovo, Verkhneshibryaysky, Nizhneshibryaysky, Chuevo-Podgornsky and Engurazovsky branches. It should be noted that the work of the MBE moiseyevo-Alabush school is based on the principle of a full-time school-it is the organization of work, when the first half of the day is the educational process, and the second half of the day is devoted to extracurricular activities. This mode most fully meets the requirements of the GEF and allows you to effectively implement the basic General education programs of General education. Educational organizations are constantly working on the preparation and conduct of various events aimed at fostering patriotism and love for the Motherland of the younger generation. In 2019, these events were dedicated to the 74th anniversary of the Victory in the great Patriotic war. According to the plan the following activities are carried out at the municipal level: municipal competition of creative works " Gallery of the great Victory»; actions "Obelisk", "Duty of memory", " Gift to a veteran»; social project "active longevity for the Older generation".

For three years in the Uvarovsky district, the action "Immortal regiment"has been held. Students, teachers, parents take part in the action held in each educational organization and at district events. 10

Every year the team of students Nizhneserginskogo branch MBOU Moses- Alburnoides together with veterans of Afghanistan and other local wars takes part in the Patriotic event "March", which is held in memory of the soldier-Martyr Evgeny Rodionov in Staraya ol'shanka.

In the framework of the events dedicated to the victory Day in the schools of the district the following activities: class hours: "Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten", "the deeds of the people to live forever", the lessons of Courage: "Heroes of the Tambov land", "the Great Patriotic war in the life of my countrymen", "the feat of the people", "From generation to generation, from heart to heart" with the invitation of veterans of the great Patriotic war, homefront workers and children of war, library lessons "Bow to those great years" the book exhibition "the Tambov region during the great Patriotic war", "Soldiers ' feat", volunteer events: "Dedicated to the heroes...", "Veteran", "Good heart", in which volunteers are landscaping monuments and memorials, helping veterans and home front workers. Of great importance is the conduct of lessons of courage, class hours, extracurricular activities dedicated to the Days of military glory of and memorable dates of history: Events dedicated to the day of Russia. June 12. Day of memory and grief June 22, the Action "light a candle".


An integral part of the preparation and conduct of events is the volunteer movement. On the territory of the district, 10 volunteer groups have been created and are actively working, in which 125 students are involved. Volunteer groups take an active part in the projects "to the Older generation-active longevity", "Duty of memory", actions "Do Good", operations "Help", "Monument", "Help the veteran" and others. The help to such social categories of citizens as veterans of the great Patriotic war, home front workers, elderly people does not remain without attention. The guys provide all possible assistance in cleaning the territory, clearing snow, buying food, do housework. In 2019, as part of the year of V. D. Polenov, a series of events dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the artist's birth was held in educational organizations of the Uvarovsky district: Drawing contest " Golden palette», V Polenovsky plein air for gifted children in the village of Staraya Olshanka, II shift in the ASSOC "Salyut", dedicated to the artist V. D. Polenov, Master classes, creative evenings.


The school Museum is the center of Patriotic education, the center of formation of civil consciousness of young Russians, active life position and consciousness of involvement of the small homeland to world history. Today in educational institutions of the district are a certified Museum: "Museum of the history of the village of moiseevo-and monasteries" of MUNICIPAL of Moses-Alburnoides, and the Museum's eight rooms, two of which have a passport: "the Museum room of the peasant uprising in the village Niinisaari" Nizhneserginskogo branch, local history Museum room of the Pavlodar branch, Museum room "Origins" Verhnekamskogo branch Museum room "Memory" of the Ivanovo branch of the Museum room Berezovsky, Verhnekamskogo, Lebyazh, Luchevskogo and Engurazova affiliates.

Work in school museums opens a wide field of activity. Participating in search and research work, in competitions, events, children will learn the history of the country, their native village, its labor and combat history, the life of famous people, the history of their native school. An integral part of the education system is the organization of municipal Orthodox holidays for children and young people. The most popular are the Christmas festival and the Easter light festival. These festivals are held on the basis of rural Houses of culture in the village of Volnaya


Vershina on Christmas and Easter days. Creative groups from 12 educational institutions of the district take part in each of the Festivals. On June 17, 2019, the X Orthodox youth festival "rainbow"was held in the village of Staraya Olshanka. The theme of the festival: "Sergius of Radonezh-guardian angel of the Russian land". More than 100 Sunday school students took part in the Festival. The Festival included a competition of creative works for children and teenagers.

For our educational institutions, the spiritual and moral values of the Russian people play an important role in the upbringing of children: love for others, family, education, homeland, health, etc. Therefore, our mission is to relay these values to the younger generation. In the spring of the Easter festival, children's creativity contests are held annually. In 2019, more than 100 people took part in the competition. 37 people became winners and prize-winners of the contest "Easter light" and were awarded with diplomas of the festival and valuable gifts provided by the district administration together with the Diocese. In the education system of the Uvarovsky district, a lot of work is being done to attract children to systematic physical education and sports. To date, the district has 15 sports sections, they are engaged in 174 students, with whom 13 teachers work. All sports sections work on a free basis, which means that they are available to absolutely every teenager. In the first half of 2019, 7 municipal, 25 school sports and mass events, such as Presidential competitions, Presidential sports games, athletics relay, competitions in table tennis, volleyball, basketball, mini- football. 14

In order to improve the effectiveness of work with gifted children in the field of the Olympiad movement, participation of students in competitive events in the municipality, the number of events for gifted children is growing every year. In 2019, the following events were held:: 1) IV Polenovsky plein air for gifted children, 2) Municipal competitions of creative works of students. More than 90% of students took part in the school stage of the all - Russian Olympiad, about 30% - in the municipal stage of the Olympiad. Regional events have become traditional: 1) Student of the year. 2) Creative competition " Summer is a small life» 3) the children's Day.

Within the framework of the project "Success of every child", students will participate in municipal, regional and all-Russian competitions, in regional schools "Heirs of traditions", in the media School "media of the future", in the interregional Internet festival "Turgenev kaleidoscope". Orthodox festivals "Christmas star", "Easter light", "rainbow"are held for children and teenagers. In 2019, the annual V Polenovsky plein air is held for gifted children in Staraya Olshanka (the former estate of A.V. Voeykov). Students of Uvarovsky district became winners and prize-winners of regional competitions "My multinational Russia", "Facets of creativity", Interregional web quest " long-range photo Session», Students actively participate in all-Russian online lessons "Proektoriya", all- Russian educational project "the Lesson of numbers" in the nationwide "100 points for the victory," in Regional inter-Agency project "the memory of the past – the road ahead", the all-Russian competition of youth projects "If I were President."


In June 2019, the municipal budget institution children's health center "Salyut" was organized 1 shift with the number of children 120 people


In June, 12 day camps (320 children) for students aged 6-15 were organized on the basis of municipal educational institutions.


The district is actively working on early identification of children in a socially dangerous situation, orphans and children left without parental care. Preventive work is carried out with families in which parents are improperly engaged in the education of their children. Preventive work is aimed at eliminating negative conditions in the family, helping to solve problems that exist in the family. Moiseevo-Alabush school Uvarovsky district participates in the implementation of a comprehensive program of prevention of juvenile delinquency in the Tambov region " Do not stumble!", on the basis of the school opened a municipal reference platform for working with minors of the social risk group "Teenager and society".

The material and technical base of schools is regularly equipped. In 2019, technology offices were opened in the Nizhneshibryay branch.


This year, the first center for education of digital and humanitarian profiles "Point of growth"in the district will be opened in the MBE moiseevo-Alabush school of Uvarovsky district. Currently, repairs are being carried out. During the day, these classrooms will be used for lessons, but after classes, both the offices and the hall should become the center of additional programs. The audience for the project work will be built on the principle of coworking, which is based on a chess living room and multimedia area. The guys will be able to work here as a team and individually, shoot and process photos and videos, and then view everything together on the big screen. The slate wall is a place for self-expression and demonstration of various ideas, and colored crayons are easily applied and erased, as with a normal blackboard. The camera, video camera and microphone are also included in the equipment. The opening Of the center for digital and humanitarian profiles "Point of growth" on the basis of MBOU moiseevo-Alabushskaya SOSH Uvarovsky district is planned for September 1, 2019. All educational institutions of the Uvarovsky district were involved in the implementation of regional projects of The national project "Education". In Uvarovsky district, a municipal project Committee for the implementation of the national project "Education" has been formed to implement the following goals: * ensuring the competitiveness of the education system in Uvarovsky district, * strengthening state participation in the management of educational organizations in the Uvarovsky district, * education of a harmoniously developed and socially responsible person on the basis of spiritual and moral values of the peoples of the Russian Federation, historical and national-cultural traditions in the Uvarovsky district. In April 2019, a Public Council was created with a permanent Advisory body, which was created under the Department of education. The Council was created for the purpose of the most effective interaction of the Department of education with public organizations, NGOs, representatives of the scientific community in the implementation of powers in the field of education. Since March of this year, the regional project "Support for families with children" of the national project "Education"has been launched in educational organizations of the Uvarovsky district.


The project is aimed at meeting the needs of parents (legal representatives) of children in self-education on various issues of education, upbringing and development of children. In educational organizations (MBOU moiseevo-Alabushsky school, moiseevo- Alabushsky branch " Kid "MBDOU Berezovsky kindergarten "Bell" Uvarovsky district of the Tambov region, Nizhneshibryaysky branch of MBOU moiseevo- Alabushsky school Uvarovsky district of the Tambov region) organized the provision of parents (legal representatives) of children, as well as citizens who want to take care of children left without parental care, psychological and pedagogical services, methodological and Advisory assistance. 2.5. Physical culture and sports

In the first half of 2019, 45 district sports and mass events were held in Uvarovsky district on the basis of secondary and secondary schools of the district, as well as in the suburban forest. This championship in volleyball, basketball, cross- country skiing, checkers, mini-football among students of educational organizations of the district. For the first time in 2019, a district hockey tournament was held in valenki, which was attended by teams of working youth of the Uvarovsky district.

Every year, on may 9, the district hosts a track and field relay race of district school students dedicated to Victory Day. On June 16, 2019, the Olympic holiday within the XXX all-Russian Olympic day was held on the basis of the ASSOC "Salyut" of the Uvarovsky district.

Athletes of the Uvarovsky district took an active part in the regional competitions held in the offset of the regional Spartakiad of 2019. In January, regional competitions in cross-country skiing were held. On February 09, 2019, skiers of the district successfully took part in the all - Russian mass ski race "ski Track of Russia-2019".On March 16, 2019, the district's athletes took part in chess and table tennis competitions among the municipal districts. Track and field cross-country and football matches were


held in April 2019 among the municipal districts in the regional sports competition. In may, the Uvarovsky district team took an active part in the regional stage of all-Russian competitions among schoolchildren "Presidential competitions", where they took the 5th place among educational organizations of the Tambov region. Also, the district students took 2nd place in the zonal and 8th place in the final competitions. On June 18, 2019, young athletes of the Uvarovsky district took part in the regional stage of the all-Russian sports complex "Ready for work and defense" among students of educational organizations.

There are 13 specialists in the field of physical culture and sports who have higher education in the district. In the district there are 68 sports sections, which are visited by 1567 people, and 3 school sports clubs: MBOU M-Alabushsky SOSH "Olimp", Nizhneshibryaysky branch of MBOU M-Alabushsky SOSH "Spartak", Ivanovo branch of MBOU M- Alabushsky SOSH "Soyuz", which are visited by 192 people. Sports disciplines that students are engaged in-General physical training, hockey, basketball, volleyball, tourism, as well as sports programs of additional education "Movement-the basis of life", "School of health". Classes are held in the gyms and sports fields of schools in the district. In total, the district has 48 flat sports facilities and 15 sports halls. All sports grounds of the district are in satisfactory condition. On the territory of the Uvarovsky district, a sports complex "Ready for work and defense"is being actively implemented. All information about the registration procedure on the portal AIS TRP, as well as the calendar of events is available on the information stand in moiseevo-Alabush school.


The total population engaged in physical education and sports in 2019 has grown to 52 % of the total population of the district. 3. INFRASTRUCTURE POTENTIAL An important role in economic and social development belongs to road transport as the main branch of the transport complex. All the population living in the settlements of the district has a regular bus service. The district engaged in passenger transportation: motor transport enterprise "Uvarovskiy ATP", Avtotransportnoe PREDPRIYATIE, OOO "NIKO". The route network of passenger vehicles in the district includes 7 routes. The planned number of flights is 100% completed. It is envisaged to provide subsidies to transport organizations for passenger transport in suburban transport. The amount of funding for this event (district budget) in 2015 -526,9 thousand rubles, in 2016 -526,9 thousand rubles. Since 2017, the provision of subventions for the implementation of certain state powers for the organization of transport services to the population by road on intermunicipal routes of regular transport in suburban traffic (regional budget) is provided. the amount of funding for 2017 amounted to 1723.6 thousand rubles, for 2018, funding amounted to 3033.2 thousand rubles, for 2019, funding amounted to 3007.9 thousand rubles. for the first half of 2019, expenditures were made 1118.8 thousand rubles.

3.2. Communication On the territory of Uvarovsky district there are 19 post offices. As of 01.07.2019, the number of telephones in the public telephone network amounted to 1061 PCs.the number of cellular subscribers is growing. In total, there are five mobile operators in the district: Rostelecom, MTS, Beeline, MegaFon, Tele-2. The density of Internet users per 1000 inhabitants is 0.5%. Television coverage is 100%. In the future, the development of information communications will lead to the growth of services provided by communication organizations.


Name of the village Council Number of active landlines

Berezovsky village Council 140 Verhnetoemsky SEL 106 Verkhnetirsky SEL 102 Luchevsky village Council 89 Moiseyevo-Alabushsky village Council 281 Nizhnesortymsky SEL 162 Pavlodar village Council 83 Podgorny village Council 98 Subtotal 1061

3.3. Energy supply Power supply of the district is made from the power system of the Zherdevsky branch of JSC "Tambov power supply company". The main sources of power supply are 197 substations. The length of the power grid is 814 km. 3.4. Gas supply For 6 months of 2019, 11 apartments were gasified. The level of gasification of the district for 6 months of 2019 was 92.7 %. 3.5. Water supply For 6 months of 2019, work on the construction of new water pipes was not carried out. In 2020, it is planned to build a water intake well and a water tower in the village of Lebyazhye and to reconstruct a water intake well and a water tower in the village of moiseevo-Alabushka.


4.1 the Share of the municipality in the regional socio-economic indicators at the end of 2016. Indicator Specific weight (%) Territory 3,3 Population 1,0 Commissioning of the total area of 0,8 residential buildings Retail trade turnover 0,2 Investment 0,9


4.2. Agriculture

The agro-industrial complex of Uvarovsky district is represented by 14 joint- stock companies, 1 agricultural production cooperative, 1 agricultural consumer cooperative and 64 peasant farms. The area of agricultural land - 89700 ha, including the area of arable land-79277 ha. agricultural Formations specialize in the production of grain, sunflower, sugar beet, soy, milk, meat. The structure of the sown area of the district for the 1st half of 2019 is as follows: grain and leguminous crops occupy 34074 ha or 48% of the sown area; technical crops -31651 ha or 45 %; fodder crops – 3323 ha or 5%. The area of the steam field is 8923 ha or 11.2% of the area of arable land. In the spring, as a result of soaking, 283 hectares of winter crops were lost, and the remaining areas of winter wheat are in satisfactory condition. Spring sowing in 2019 took place in the optimal time, but the lack of moisture in the period may-July, negatively affected the development of agricultural plants. All complex of works on top dressing, protection of plants from diseases and pests by agricultural producers was carried out in full. As part of the long-term program of agricultural development and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2013-2020, in 2019, the district's agricultural formations plan to produce 122.8 thousand tons of grain, 397 thousand tons of sugar beet, 25 thousand tons of sunflower, 14.1 thousand tons of potatoes, 1.2 thousand tons of vegetables, 0.8 thousand tons of fruits and berries. Agricultural producers of the district are constantly improving their material and technical base. For the 1st half of 2019, they purchased: 1 harvester, 6 tractors, 1 truck, tillage wide-reach tools, for a total of 60.1 million rubles. Special attention is paid to the training of machine-building personnel. In the 1st half of 2019, 20 people received certificates of tractor driver, 12 people were retrained in the category "D, F". As of 1.07. In 2019, all categories of farms have 4580 heads of cattle, 1520 heads of pigs, 2653 heads of sheep and goats. For the 1st half of 2019, 7455 tons of milk were produced, with a population of 2127 cows, the same indicators for the corresponding period last year amounted to 7613 tons and 2612 heads, respectively. Production of meat of all types for the 1st half of 2019 amounted to 480 tons. Agricultural producers of the district in 2019 plan to produce milk-17450 tons, meat- 1745 tons. In the 1st half of 2019, agricultural producers of the district received 48.028 million rubles of subsidies for all state support programs. Basically, the entire complex of spring field and maintenance work was carried out at their own expense. There is no overdue wage arrears in the district. The average monthly salary of one employee for the first half of the year was 26370 rubles, which is 2% higher than last year. According to the results of the 1st half of 2019, all agricultural formations of the district are profitable. The construction of a meat processing plant with a slaughterhouse with a capacity of 9,000 tons of meat per year (SP miloserdova NV) and a dairy plant SPSK "Agrolider" Chairman Gavura SV, for the production and processing of milk. 23

4.3 Industry In 2019, it is planned to build a dairy plant.

4.4 Construction On the territory of the Uvarovsky district, the construction of individual residential houses continues, over the past 3 years it was introduced: 2016 – 4911 sq. m. 2017 - 5526 sq. m. 2018god - 5593 sq. m. 6 months 2019 – 808 sq. m. As of 01.07.2019, the population registered as needing housing was 22 people, 21 of them are young families, 1 is the widow of a veteran of the great Patriotic War. 4 young families improved their living conditions in 2019. 4.5 Innovation 4.6 Tourism Tourism is a special branch of the economy. Tourism can become a significant factor in the stabilization of the entire socio-economic process of the Uvarovsky district, providing an influx of money, creating jobs, primarily for the local population, stimulating the production of goods and services, improving infrastructure and communications, making a real contribution to improving the balance of payments. Speaking about the development of the tourist cluster, we believe that the Uvarovsky district has an excellent potential for the development of tourist business. In particular, it is possible to offer interesting, competitive tourist products related to cultural traditions, event tourism, as well as natural resources of our places. At the same time, the area is well accessible to travelers and tourists in terms of transport infrastructure. Uvarovsky district of Tambov region has a rich history, which includes cultural heritage sites. Historical and cultural monuments should be considered as an important factor affecting the development of tourism, recreation, cultural and consumer services to the population and, as a result, the settlement system of the district as a whole.


Natural conditions and recreational resources can be considered from the point of view of their use for active recreation of the population, as well as for medical and recreational activities that favor the development of recreation. For the organization of short-term rest of the population of the area can be used forested and green areas located in forests and along the banks of reservoirs in the immediate vicinity of settlements. Rural tourism (ecotourism) can become a promising type of specialized tourism and a factor in attracting tourists to the area, which should include the tourists ' stay in the conditions of rural life. This type of tourism can develop in half-forgotten villages located within ecologically clean areas. The development of ecological tourism for the Uvarovsky district is also possible, since the territory adjacent to the village of Shibryai of the Uvarovsky district became part of the biological reserve "Nizhnevoroninsky". Another feature of the district's tourism is the need to develop short-term (event) tourism-weekend routes. The revival and development of this type of tourism is associated with the popularization of ancient rituals, holidays, life and culture of the Russian people. Tourists can take part in exhibitions, fairs of agricultural products, become a participant of ancient Russian rites and holidays. Visiting rural settlements, tourists can acquire skills of farming, growing vegetables and berries in the garden beds.

The development of this type of tourism can give agricultural territories a certain economic benefit - from the sale of Handicrafts, agricultural products from personal farmsteads, and can also partially solve the problem of employment of the rural population. Objects of spiritual and religious activity are represented on the territory of the district, located in the village of Red Banner, d. Ivanovka. Thus, in the area there are significant prerequisites for the development of such types of tourism as ecological, rural, pilgrimage, recreational, etc.

4.7. List of the most significant legal entities located on the territory of the municipality Number of Share of employees, tax Organizatio people Field of Main revenues Name nal and Note activity product in the legal form in living municipal total in MO budget JSC " Joint stock 310 310 Agricultural Grain, Uvarovskaya company production sunflower, Niva» sugar beet LLC " Young Limited 32 32 Agricultural Grain, Guard» liability production sunflower, company sugar beet LLC Limited 182 182 Agricultural Grain, "Suvorovo» liability production sunflower, company sugar beet


5. INVESTMENT ADVANTAGES Economic development and increasing the competitiveness of the district directly depend on the factor of attracting investment. Competitive advantages of the district in terms of investment attractiveness are: - transit geographical location; - proximity to the Federal and regional centers; - there is a railway; - availability of the Federal highway " Tambov-Penza»; - high agro-climatic potential; - high environmental potential. All these criteria put forward Uvarov district among the potential "growth points" on the map of the Tambov region. The volume of investments in fixed assets (excluding budget funds) for the first half of 2019 amounted to 31520.7 rubles per 1 resident (in 2017-56190.2 rubles). In 2019, several construction sites have been identified in the Uvarovsky district in order to attract extra-budgetary investments: 1. Construction of the Uvarov dairy plant for processing and production of finished dairy products - processing of dairy products 1200 tons, production of finished products 645 tons, the estimated cost of the project 70 million rubles, job creation -20. 2. Construction of a dairy farm in the village of Verkhne Chuyevo in Uvarovsky district-with a capacity of 100 heads of cattle, the estimated cost of the project is 14.412 million rubles, creating jobs -

3. Construction of a complex for slaughtering and processing meat - processing 5 thousand tons of pork and 7 thousand tons of cattle per year, the estimated cost of the project is 113 million rubles, the creation of jobs -17. The construction of a recreation center in the village of Ivanovka, Uvarovsky District, for 255 seats, with an estimated cost of 130 million rubles, was completed.

The investment climate is determined by the extent to which the socio-economic situation, the state of the credit and financial sphere and the political situation in the area are favorable for the investment process. The creation of a favorable investment environment that helps attract external investors and increase the investment activity of internal capital owners depends on the investment potential that characterizes the conditions of the investor's activity.


Creating a favorable investment climate is one of the main tasks of the district investment policy. It helps investors choose the area as a place for production and business development. The district administration provides constant assistance to investors in the selection of investment sites.

The district's management has a strategic task-to attract investment, considering the district's property as the basis of an independent economic and investment policy. In General, the volume of investments in the district is constantly growing, this is due to the construction of gas pipelines, production facilities, as well as the acquisition of fixed assets by agricultural enterprises.


6.Information about vacant land plots, unclaimed (partially claimed) industrial facilities, suitable or partially suitable for the creation of investment sites and new production facilities on the territory of the Uvarovsky district of the Tambov region Site 1 The map of the location 1. General information 1.1. Type of the site (brief description) Uvarovsky district, an empty land plot (agricultural land) within the boundaries of the plan SHPK "Oblovsky". 1.2. Cadastral number 68:22:1704001:28 1.3. Form of ownership of land and buildings (property, lease, other) the land plot in state ownership (before differentiation), the rights are not issued. 1.4. Legal (postal) address, phone number (city - code), e-mail, website 1.5. Contact person Ponomareva Tatyana Olegovna

1.6. Position Head of the Department for municipal property management

1.7. Phone (847558) 4-09-12

1.8. Fax (847558)4-13-44 1.9. Email [email protected] 1.10. Web site 2. Location of the site 2.1. The address of the site Tambov region, Uvarovsky district, Ter. Orlovskoe 2.2. Location on the territory of the current organization No 2.3. In the city outside the city 2.4. Distance from the city of Tambov 120 km 2.5. In the protected area of cultural heritage No (historical and cultural monuments), directly in the cultural heritage sites 2.6. Distance from the motorway, km 0,7 km


2.7. Distance from the railway station, km 3 km 2.8. Distance from the airport, km 120 km 2.9. Nearby production facilities (industrial, agricultural enterprise JSC "Uvarovskaya Niva" - 250 m, road organization LLC agricultural, other) and the distance to them, km "Uvarovskaya DSPMK" - 500 m, Uvarovsky Vodokanal-600 m 2.10. Distance to the nearest residential buildings, km 0,7km 3. Characteristics of the investment platform 3.1. Area, hectares 11,1 3.2. Availability of buildings and structures (list) Construction-sewer networks knitting factory from d. 23 to the Youth residential district 3.3. Expandability absent 3.4. Land category Agricultural land 3.5. Functional zone Agricultural and industrial 3.6. The presence of fencing (Yes, no) there is 3.7. Terrain, type of soil (flat, sloping terrace, smooth ledges) 3.8. Current use of the site not use 3.9. Intended use various options will be considered

4. Infrastructure Resource Availabi Unit Power Distance of Ability to Possibility of periodic shutdown lity the site from increase the source, m power (up to) Water supply cubic 12,5 cubic meters / meters / 150 year year Electricity kBt 500 150 Heating Gkal/h Sewerage cubic meters / year City network 600 Gas cubic ГВД, meters / 2328 cubic year meters / 50 year 29

Steam Bar Treatment facilities cubic meters / year Compressed air cubic meters / year 5. Communications and territories 5.1. Highways (type, coverage, length, etc.) Adjacent to the regional highway; surface-asphalt concrete; length to the highway-0.08 km 5.2. Railway line (type, coverage, length, etc.) Dead-end branch line; length to the railway station-2.5 km 5.3. Telecommunications networks (telephone, Internet, other) phone 6. Buildings and structures on the territory Object name Area, V. Floors Ceiling Type of Completion Year of As currently used (%or otherwise) m height, m structures, rate (%or constructio walls otherwise) n and assessment of the current state Construction of public 1972 m - - - - 1988 Sewerage network utilities 7. Labor resources (population of the nearest localities) Uvarovsky district - 9829 people (as of 01.01.2018)

Uvarovo 23987 people (as of 01.01.2018).

Muchkapsky district, including p. g. t. Muchkap 12926 people (as of 01.01.2018) 8. Terms of purchase (use) of the site (purchase, lease, etc.) 8.1. Terms of lease (purchase) of the plot Not installed 8.2. The estimated cost of lease 8.3. Other costs associated with the acquisition of no the site (topographic survey, cadastral plan, surveying, etc.)



7.MANAGEMENT AND CONTACTS On issues of consultation and cooperation, please contact us Postal address: 2, Shosseynaya str., Uvarovo, Tambov region, 393460 Phones: (47558) 4-13-44-Reception, (47558) 4-13-44 – Fax Email:[email protected]

The address of the network Internet:


Deputy heads of administration of Uvarovsky district

Deputy head of the district administration for economy and agriculture Popov Ivan Vasilyevich 8-47558-4-04-40


Deputy head of the district administration for housing, construction and public safety Kuleshova Marina Anatolyevna 8-47558-4-13-24

Deputy head of the district administration for social issues Voronina Olga Alekseevna 8-47558-4-13-38

Department of Economics, agriculture and procurement the district administration 8-47558 4-17-11