Investment passport of town


general information

The territory is 35.5 square kilometres. The town was founded in 1926. The population is 44 thousand people (4% of the region's population). The town of Rasskazovo is located in the central part of the region. The town is the third one among other cities in the region, both in terms of territory size and population. Natural conditions for the life of the population are favorable. The climate zone of the location of the city is moderately continental, the average temperature of January is - 10 C, the average temperature of July is +19C. The town of Rasskazovo borders on Tambov, Bondar, , Inzhavinsky, Rzhaksinsky, Znamensky, Sampursky areas.

The federal route - Tambov-Penza passes through the territory of Rasskazovsky area and connects with the street of the Proletarian town of Rasskazovo. The Tambov- highway of regional importance passes through the town territory, as well as automobile routes, through which local and traditional ties with the bordering regions are carried out. At the distance of 9 km from the town there is a railway station "Platonovka" of the South-Eastern Railway. A branch of the railway passes through the town from Altkam to JSC "Biokhim".


1. The Development of the industrial potential by attracting new environmentally friendly (the resident should not feel the presence of industrial enterprises) of high technologies, supporting entrepreneurship and attracting investments in the city's economy. 2. The Improvement of the quality of the urban environment through energy-saving technologies, construction of new roads, communal infrastructure and consumer market facilities, the improvement of the town using the natural landscape, improving the affordability of housing and ensuring safe living in the city. 3. The Development of the social sphere.

Within the specified areas of the development, it is possible to determine the main strategic objectives of the urban district of the town of Rasskazovo: - The main goal is to create conditions for the formation of an efficient economy of the town and a consistent increase in the well-being of the population; - The economic goal is the innovative development and modernization of the economy; - The social goal is to improve the quality of life, the development of educational and cultural potentials, the provision of safe living conditions; - The institutional goal is the effective municipal management and the development of partnerships between institutions of power and the local community.

The main tasks, within the framework of the strategic goals, are: - The Development of industry and the increase of its competitiveness; - The Development of small and medium-sized businesses; - The Providing of the social support to citizens and the increasing of social protection in the society; - The Ensuring of the accessibility of education; - The Ensuring of the safety of educational institutions; - The Development of pre-school education; - The Development of culture; - The Development of physical culture and promotion of a healthy lifestyle; - The Tourism development; - The Providing measures to counter terrorism and extremism; - The Prevention of crime and the fight against crime; - The Improving of the road safety; - The Reducing risks and mitigating of the consequences of natural and man-made emergencies, fire safety, safety at water bodies; - The Environmental protection, reproduction and use of natural resources; - The Providing of the population with comfortable and affordable housing; - The Provision of high-quality public services; -The Development of the road network and public infrastructure; - The Development of city improvement; - The Energy saving and the increasing of the energy efficiency; - The Ensuring of the openness and accessibility of the activities of local governments; - The Effective financial management and optimization of municipal debt; - The Effective management of municipal property; - The Development of partnerships between institutions of power and the local community.


Rasskazovo is a comfortable city for living.


The main resources of the town are: 1. Free land plots; 2. Human resources. 3. Industrial potential in the form of existing traditional for the city of alcohol, leather and textile industries. 4. Financial resources (town budget).

Free land plots

The explication of the town's land with a total area of 3547.29 hectares is the following:

Of the total Name of owners, land users and Total Specific № land area tenants. area, ha weight,% free, ha

Land of residential and public 1 1 376,69 38,8% 133 buildings 1.1. Residential land 1 225,16 34,5% 133 1.1.1 Including multi-storey 70,00 2,0% 1.1.2 individual 1 155,16 32,6% 1.2. Lands of public buildings 96,29 2,7% 1.2.1. Education, Science and Health 50,70 1,4% 1.2.2. Culture and art 18,58 0,5% 1.2.3. Household and administrative facilities 16,97 0,5% Religious and other buildings and 1.2.4 10,04 0,3% structures 1.3 Land of other buildings 55,23 1,6% 2. Public lands 1 332,00 37,5% Industrial and communal warehouse 3. 234,96 6,6% 3,08 land 3.1. Industrial 175,41 4,9% 3,08 Lands of communal and warehouse 3.2. 40,95 1,2% development Land of other industrial (including 3.3. 18,60 0,5% commercial) buildings Land of transport, engineering 4. 56,93 1,6% communications 4.1. Railway transport 33,64 0,9% 4.2. Road Transport 21,49 0,6% Communication lands, engineering 4.3. communications, radio broadcasting, 1,80 0,1% television and other purposes 5. Lands of Specially Protected Areas 59,00 1,7% 5.1. Lands occupied by forests 59,00 1,7% Reservoirs, rivers, water protection 6. 25,00 0,7% zones, water management facilities

7 Land for agricultural use 339,72 9,6% 7.1. Agricultural cooperatives 2,00 0,1% 7.2. State farms and municipal economy 225,00 6,3% 7.3. Others 13,72 0,4% 7.4. Citizens' lands 99,00 2,8% 8 Foreign land users 123,00 3,5% Total land in administrative boundaries of the 3 547,29 100,0% 136,08 town

On the territory of the town there are three free investment sites at the moment on which forms of unified passports and actualized land plot copying are formed: - for low-rise residential development with an approximate area of 37 hectares in the area of Plodopitomnik Street; - for low-rise residential development, including individual residential development, a formed land plot of 96 hectares in the area of Plodopitomnik Street; - for the construction of industrial enterprises, the formed land area of 3.08 hectares in the area of Nekrasov Street.

At the beginning of 2017 the total number of inhabitants of the town is 43,758 people. 25,448 people (58%) are economically active population, of whom 22203 people (51%) are employed in the town's economy. The number of unemployed citizens is 275 people (0.6%). The number of citizens working outside the town is 2970 people (6.8%). Of the total population of the town, the able-bodied population is 24791 people (57%), people older than working age employed in the economy are 2062 people (5%), foreign labor migrants are 476 people (1%) in total they give 27329 people. They are labor resources of the town, that is, capable people.

Of the total number of labor resources 22,203 people (81%) are employed in the economy. The unemployed in the economy are 5126 people (23% of the human resources), of whom 856 people (3% of the human resources) are students who are studying and working, 1300 people (5%) is the working-age population unemployed in the town's economy, minus citizens of other territories employed in the town's economy (1630- 330 people). The demographic situation in the city continues to have a tendency for natural population decline. In 2016, 461 newborns were born (41 people less than in 2015), 597 people died (40 people less than in 2015). The natural decline, which amounted to 136 people, was at the level of 2015 (in 2015, the natural population decline was 135 people). In the reporting period, there was a negative migration balance - 288 people against the outflow in 2015 to 451 people. Taking into account the migration, the number of the resident population of the town was 43 758 people on January the 1st, 2017. For 6 months of 2017, 224 newborns were born, 307 people died. But at the same time the natural decline, which amounted to 83 people, decreased by 17 people against the first half of 2016. In the first half of 2017, there was a negative migration balance of 222 people against the outflow to 235 people in the first half of 2016. Taking into account migration, the number of permanent residents was 43 453 people on July the 1st, 2017, compared to July the 1st last year, it decreased by 392 people. Fertility and mortality rates

Birth, people Mortality, people

The population of the town

2015г. 2016г. 2009г. 2010г. 2011г. 2012г. 2013г. 2014г. Title

The number of permanent population at the beginning of the year, thousands of 45,7 45,4 45,1 45,0 44,9 44,8 44,2 43,7 people

Number of permanent population younger than able-bodied (0-15 years), 6905 6864 6858 6921 7040 7081 7204 7204 people

As % of total population 15,1 15,1 15,2 15,4 15,7 15,8 16,3 16,5

Number of permanent population in working age, 27195 27659 27228 26833 26403 25962 25047 25047 people

As % of total population 59,5 60,9 60,4 59,6 58,8 58 56,7 57,2

Number of permanent population over able-bodied 9989 10866 11052 11242 11485 11717 11929 11929 age, people

As % of total population 21,9 23,9 24,5 25 25,6 26,2 27,0 27,3

The level and quality of life of the town population

Index 2007г. 2008г. 2009г. 2010г. 2011г. 2012г. 2013г. 2014г. 2015г. 2016г.

Average per capita cash income of the population (in 8002 9799 9805 11404 Х Х Х Х Х Х rubles per month) Average monthly nominal accrued wages of employed persons in the economy 6827 8571 9514 10539 12134 15189 17701 18409 19442 20255 (rubles)

Proportion of the population with incomes below the 22,4 22,8 19,2 15,2 13,9 13,0 13,6 14,1 14,7 15,2 subsistence level (%) The number of passenger cars for individual use on 1 207 213 191 199 289 333 219 380 216 30 thousand inhabitants The number of telephones per 1 thousand inhabitants 263 260 231 226 230 226 234 237 235 231

Provision of population with housing (sq. m. per capita on 21,2 21,3 21,4 21,0 21,2 21,4 22,3 22,9 23,9 24,8 average) The share of persons with higher, incomplete higher and secondary specialized education among the Х Х Х Х Х Х Х Х Х Х population aged 15 years and over,% The composite index of consumer prices 109,8 114,9 112,6 105,7 107,5 104,9 107,6 109,0 115,2 107,1 Retail trade turnover per 1 resident, thous. RUB. 56,5 95,3 84,1 87,1 118,3 120,4 130,3 142,8 156,7 161,2 The cost of the minimum food basket, RUB. 1537 1824 1739 1940 2072 2201 2376 3223 3662 3864

Industrial potential

The production complex of the town function, "Faraday", PSC "Biokhim", CC national enterprise ''Khleb'', LLC PF "RASCOM", PSC "Remettre". The volume of shipped goods of own production of industrial enterprises in 2016 amounted to 1 billion 500,4 million rubles, the growth Rate (index of physical volume of industrial production) 125,2% to the level of 2015.

Shipped products by industrial enterprises, million rubles

Compared to 2015 increase the volume of products shipped has occurred on:

LLC PF "RASCOM" - 90%; PSC "Biokhim" - 45%; LLC ''Faraday'' -33%; CC NE ''Khleb''-17%. The decrease in shipments occurred at PSC "Remettre" 12% due to the lower number of orders completed in 2016. The amount of investments for technical re-equipment amounted to 64.3 million rubles, which is 8 times more than in 2015. Investments of "Biokhim" was 29 million rubles., JSC CHP - 2.6 million rubles., LLC PF "RASCOM" - 32,4 million rubles, PSC "Remettre" - 0.3 million RUB over the Basic direction of investments of industrial enterprises is the acquisition of new equipment. In addition, with the goal of expanding production activities of PSC "Biokhim" put into operation the new building of the alcohol cellar with an area of 318 sq. m.

Dynamics of investments in fixed capital of industrial enterprises, mln. RUB.

The average monthly salary of employees of industrial enterprises is 20 146 rubles. , which is 8% more than in 2015.

Dynamics of average wages of industrial enterprises, RUB.

As a result of 6 months of 2017, there is an increase in output and shipments. The growth rate is 101.2%. Shipped products worth 742 million rubles. (based on operational monitoring data).

The growth in the volume of shipped products reached:

LLC ''Faraday'' - by 42.8%,

CC National Enterprise "Khleb" - by 4.6%,

PSC"Biokhim" - by 26%,

The decrease in shipments occurred at PSC ''Remattra'' - by 26.4%, LLC PF ''Rascom'' - by 59.2%.

The amount of investments for technical re-equipment amounted to 5.1 million rubles. (investments of PSC "Biokhim"), against 12 million rubles. for 6 months of last year.

The average monthly salary of industrial workers is 22 thousand rubles, which is 13.5% more than the level of the first half of last year.

Small enterprises In the sphere of small entrepreneurship, the town has 280 companies and 1282 of the self-employed .

The number of small enterprises in Rasskazovo, units.

The number of individual entrepreneurs registered in Rasskazovo, units.

6575 people were employed in small enterprises and individual entrepreneurs in 2016.

Average number of employees in small enterprises in Rasskazovo, people

Turnover of products and services produced by small enterprises amounted to 2 billion 365 million rubles, which is 7.5% more than in 2015.

Production of goods and services by small enterprises, million rubles The share of taxes from small enterprises in the total amount of own revenues of the local budget exceeds 30%. The total amount of taxes paid by business to all levels of the budget was estimated at 157 million rubles. The amount of investments in fixed assets made by small and medium-sized businesses in 2016 amounted to 342 million rubles. (2.3 times more than in 2015 due to the construction of the office building of LLC "Technodom" on Proletarskaya str., 451 with an investment of 313 million rubles). Investment of small businesses, million rbl.

According to the results of the first half of 2017, 282 enterprises and 1297 individual entrepreneurs work in the sphere of small and medium-sized business in the city. Turnover of products and services produced by small enterprises amounted to an estimated 1155 million rubles, which is 0.4% more than the corresponding period last year. The total amount of taxes paid by entrepreneurs to all levels of the budget was estimated at 84 million rubles. The amount of investments in fixed assets made by small and medium-sized businesses in the first half of 2017 amounted to 76.5 million rubles. In April 2017 the city competition "The Best Entrepreneur of the Year - 2016" was held. According to the results of the city competition, the winners were: in the nomination: "The best entrepreneur in the light industry" - individual entrepreneur Elena Tyulyakova; individual businessman Noskov Nikolay Nikolaevich; in the nomination: "The best entrepreneur in the food industry" - an individual entrepreneur Vyacheslav Koshelev; Director General of LLC "Diarr" Vasechkin Vitaliy; in the nomination: "The Best Entrepreneur in Trade" - individual entrepreneur Rozhkova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna; in the nomination: "The best entrepreneur in public catering" - individual entrepreneur Abrahamyan Naziko Avetikovna; in the nomination: "The best entrepreneur in providing paid services to the population" - individual entrepreneur Balybina Lyudmila Kuzminichna; in the nomination: "The Best Entrepreneur in Transport" - an individual businessman Vorobyeva Natalia Vladimirovna. The winners of the regional contest were: individual entrepreneurs Elena Tyuljakova, Natalya Vorobyova, Abramyan Naziko Avetikovna, General Director of LLC "Diaryt" Vasechkin Vitaliy Alexandrovich.

Consumer market Today in the city public services have 471 object retailers, 10 wholesalers and retailers 42 catering, market shopping places 1470, 80 consumer service, 1 individual entrepreneur, rendering services on passenger transportation.

In 2016, retail trade turnover amounted to RUB 7 billion 92 million, or 102.4% of the 2015 level in current prices, 94.8% in comparable prices. The deterioration of this indicator in 2016 is associated with a reduction in effective demand from the population due to a slight increase in income, which forces potential consumers to save and acquire only the most necessary. Stationary trade is developing at a growth rate of 100.6%, market turnover increased by 9%, wholesale trade – by 30.5%. For 2016 in the sphere of the consumer market in addition 85 workplaces are created, 18 objects of retail trade and 12 objects are put into operation.

In the first half of 2017, according to operational data, the physical volume index of retail trade in comparable prices for the reporting period amounted to 114.1%. For January-May, the goods were sold through all sales channels for the amount of 1 billion 285.6 million rubles. (without small business entities).

Consumermarket’s indicators

22015г Name of the indicator 2007г. 2008г. 2009г. 2010г. 2011г. 2012г. 2013г. 2014г. 22016г. .

Retail trade turnover, RUB 2531,9 4222,9 3716,6 3962,3 5335,9 5416,5 5862,0 6409,5 6924,5 7091,6 mln Turnover of retail trade per 56,5 95,3 84,1 87,1 118,3 120,4 130,3 142,8 156,7 161,2 capita, in thousand rubles Indices of retail trade turnover, in comparable 109,9 120,9 94,9 101,4 107,3 103,9 102,3 102,7 115,2 107,1 prices,% to the previous year

List of the most significant legal entities in the town

Number of the Year of Head director, workers Basic Name Activities foundation of phone Living in production Total the enterprise the town Ethyl alcohol, Gridneva solution of Lyudmila 1.JSC "Biohim" 151 151 Food industry fragrant Timofeyevna 1977 substances, 8-475-31-24-792 yeast 2. Faraday LLC Andrianov Oleg Manufacture of shoes Vladimirovich 548 548 shoes 2009 8-475-31-26-975 Selyanskiy 3. JSC Aleksandr Mechanical repair of 133 133 "Remattra" Nikolayevich engineering machinery 1973 8-475-31-30-157 4. Open Matviyenko Ol'ga

Company Mikhaylovna 227 227 Light industry leather 1990 "Rascom" 8-475-31-26-850 Ektov Aleksandr 5. ZAO PHP bakery Anatol'yevich 161 161 Food industry "Bread" products 1969 8-475-31-30-359 Grishin Oleg 6. CJSC "RTP" repair of Anatol'yevich 68 68 Repair services 1978 Nekrasovskoe " machinery 8-475-31-309-76 7. Open Paramzin Vitaliy electrical Company Firm Mikhaylovich 26 26 Production equipment 1999 "Server" 8-475-31-30-025 Abizyayev Oleg Production furniture 8. LLC "Grad Vladimirovich 20 20 Olegov Plus" 1993 8-475-31-21-530 9. Open Tsagolov Sergey Production, Polyethylene

Company Ruslanovich 37 37 wholesale film 1990 “Forward Plus” 8-475-31-30-002

Joint-stock company "Biohim" leads its own kind from Anisyevsky No. 21 distillery, founded in 1877.

In the second half of the last century, a radical reconstruction of the plant was carried out. Along with ethanol, the production of carbon dioxide, then baking yeast, was started, for which the transition to the processing of mainly sugar-containing raw materials (molasses) was carried out.

Constantly reconstructing, introducing new technology and technology, the Rasskazovsky biochemical plant until the mid-80s of the 20th century ensured the continuous growth of quantitative and qualitative indicators.

The nineties for the work collective proved to be extremely difficult, but having overcome difficulties, OJSC "Biokhim" is currently one of the few stable operating enterprises in the region, in which the controlling stake belongs to the state.

Today the capacities of the plant are:

1. Ethyl alcohol from food raw materials (conditional) - 748.0 thousand decal per year

2. Denatured alcohol from food raw materials - 712.6 thousand decal per year

3. Yeast bakery - 1740,0 tons per year.

4. Carbon dioxide -545.0 tons per year

5. The head fraction of ethyl alcohol - 22 thousand dal. in year

Every month OJSC "Biokhim" produces products with a volume of about 37 million rubles. The number of employees is 151 people.

JSC "Company" Faraday "successfully works on the shoe market of for 18 years and specializes in the production of footwear for the power structures of the Russian Federation.

The factories of the company "Faraday" in the city of Kimry in the Tver region and in the town of Rasskazovo in the Tambov region employ more than 1000 people. Production facilities of the two enterprises allow producing up to three million pairs of shoes per year.

Customers of Faraday products are the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, the Federal Security Service, Roskosmos and others.

Products of JSC "Company" Faraday "was awarded many gold medals and diplomas in the nomination" Unique domestic product of the rear of the Armed

Forces of the Russian Federation ", it was noted at many industry exhibitions.

The company "Faraday" develops and serially produces the full range of models of uniform footwear - for the rank and file officers, field and everyday, summer and winter.

Special footwear brand "Faraday" is designed for military personnel, security and security personnel. Footwear of ZAO "Company" Faraday "is produced by a unique technology with the use of the newest innovative materials, which by their technical characteristics provide a toe in different climatic conditions. Footwear protects the foot, shin and ankle joint from damage, from the action of aggressive media, from the effects of flame.

Some unique materials and technologies, such as, for example, the GORE-TEX® membrane, are used in Russia only in the shoes of the company "Faraday". The company constantly develops new and improves existing models of footwear. The weight of shoes decreases, its performance characteristics are increased.

The result of this work was the creation of a new line of footwear for the power structures of Russia. On the order of the Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the rubber and leather footwear of the firefighter was developed. A unique production line for the creation of a two- component special rubber footwear has no analogues in Europe, such footwear was created taking into account all possible requirements for use in production conditions, fire fighting, oil production and other special activities associated with increased danger. Such footwear has durability and heat resistance, it is protected from acids and alkalis, oil and oil products.

The release of quality products is possible only on modern equipment. The requirements set by the Ministry of Defense for footwear for servicemen are so high that without the constant improvement of the technical base, the search for new materials and the introduction of modern technologies, the task of providing the army and navy with convenient and practical footwear is simply not solved. The company "FARADEI" annually carries out technical re-equipment of the production capacities of the enterprise, training of employees, which allows to cope with the increased number of tasks, ensures consistently high quality of products.

The enterprises of "Faraday" are equipped with the latest computerized equipment for the production of carousel type shoes by the direct tide method of DESMA (Germany). Special software allows you to produce footwear molding method of fastening on a combined sole made of high-strength thermopolyurethane and polyurethane.

High-tech equipment for the production of footwear using membrane materials, equipment for automatic cutting of ATOM materials, machines for tightening the top of the shoe onto the shoe with software, a large park of sewing equipment of the firm DURKOPP-ADLER with software control for sewing leathers increased thicknesses

Multistage quality control at all stages of production, testing of applied materials in the newest in-house laboratory, as well as in the laboratory of the Central Research Institute of the leather and footwear industry allow the Company to produce high-quality products. Quality control at the enterprise is confirmed by the European quality management certificate GOST R ISO 9001-2001. The ideal "test range" for testing new footwear samples is the planned military exercises. After each exercise, the company's management meets with the personnel and the command of the units that took part in the exercises. All the remarks and proposals of the military personnel in the company are carefully studied, the most rational of them are used in the subsequent work on the collection of shoes.

Annually in the territory of the training centers of the subdivisions of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other law enforcement agencies of CJSC "Company" Faraday "together with military personnel conducts field tests of new samples of footwear for special units.Shoes are tested for durability and suitability for operation in the context of performing combat missions in any climatic and weather conditions

The company "Faraday" has many years of unique experience. Together with TsNIIKP and CJSC INII in the field of development and production of special and military footwear, as well as with the logistics support departments, ZAO FARADEY Company developed new footwear lines for all power structures of Russia, which is clearly illustrated by the expansion our innovative

JSC "Remattra" is engaged in capital repair of domestic and imported machinery, manufacture of individual units and units, as well as the production of timber trucks, litter carriers, pipe carriers, car bodies, residential units, centralizers for welding pipes from 51 to 1420 mm in diameter.

The enterprise can re-equip transport (KAMAZ, URAL, KrAZ) for pipelines, timber carriers, lapwing trucks.

Performs repairs: KOMATSU: D355S, D355A, D455A, D155, RS 400, Caterpillar: D9L, CAT-330, KATO, MAZ, KAMAZ, KRAZ, ZIL, T-130, T-170, Kirovets 701, IKARUS, CLAAS, LIBHERR . It produces spare parts for: KOMATSU: D355C, D355A (lining, radiators in assembly, radiator cores, RVD (imported hoses are used for production), cabins for pipelayers, protection, pipelines, fuel tanks).

The organization has a railway access impasse (South-Eastern Railway), through which it is possible to send and receive goods, thereby achieving the optimal transport scheme for the delivery of products.

LLC "Production Company" Rascom" is a young tannery, but its roots go back to the beginning of the last century, when the craftsmen worked in Rasskazovo, eventually merged into artels, then formed a commercial cooperative, in 1960 a tannery was established on its basis The plant was established in 1985 under the name of Rasskazovo - Invest JV, when the production of tanning goods was started on a new production complex built by Yugoslav specialists on a turn-key basis. eat and reconstruction took place in the following years. In late 2001, the legal successor of the joint venture "Rasskazovo-Invest" was tannery LLC PF "Rascom". Rasskazovo's tannery is one of the leading producers of natural leather in Russia. The annual production capacity is 180 million sq. m. dm. tanning goods per year. It has experience in the foreign market since 1989. It is a member of the Union of tanners and shoemakers. The company specializes in the purchase, dressing and finishing of hides of cattle, small cattle, pigs and horses. The skin may be facial and polished, coated and without it, painted and natural, of varying thickness and configuration. Ready-made leathers have a very wide range of applications. This is the leather for the shoe and lining, for clothing and haberdashery leather. In February 2012, the company

launched a new production line for the production of leather with polyurethane coating technology "Levokast." "Levokast" is a technology of applying a special chemical composition for hides, which allows to hide the natural defects and damages on the skin, to improve its quality indicators. The enterprise was the first to master this unique technology for Russia, set up production and began to produce leathers with polyurethane coating. Until now, such products have been produced only in four countries. The joint-stock company "Nekrasovskoye Repair and Technical Enterprise" is the legal successor of the same name RTE of the "GOSKOMSELHOZTEHNIKA" system. This name it received from its location - in the vicinity of three side streets, Nekrasovsky in the area of Nekrasovskaya Street. As an independent unit of the RTE was allocated from Rasskazovskaya "Raiselkhztechnika" in 1978 in connection with the completion of construction and commissioning of a complex for the repair of full-size tractors "Kirovets". From this moment until the present day, it exists as a specialized enterprise for the repair of Kirovets tractors and its units and assemblies. Later on, the RTE "Nekrasovskoye" included other "Raiselkhoztechniki" workshops for repair of hydraulic system units and assemblies, diesel fuel equipment, starting engines and their regulators. As a part of the objects there is a boiler house on gas fuel, a reserve power source - a diesel generator with a capacity of 1000 hp, its water intake. At the enterprise there are all necessary capacities for conducting repair works and restoration of details. As part of the RTE on the territory of the company operates an exchange office, where the exchange fund is concentrated almost all the repair nomenclature. Today it is Closed Joint-Stock Company of workers "Nekrasovskoye Repair and Technical Enterprise" with a workforce of about 140 people. The ElectroServer plant was founded in 1999. The legal name of LLC "SERVER". The plant produces rectifiers and switchboard equipment. The production base has workshops: instrumental, stamping, powder coating, billet and assembly. In addition, there is a section of non- standard equipment, machining and heat treatment. The workshops are equipped with equipment that uses advanced technologies to improve the quality of products. The company has developed and introduced modern technologies that provide a high degree of automation and mechanization of production.

Financial resources (city budget)

In 2016, the city's budget received revenues of 726 million rubles, which is more than last year's income by 110.3 million rubles, or 17.9%.

Own (tax and non-tax) income amounted to 187.7 million rubles, which is higher than the income of 2015 by 1.5 million rubles, or 0.8%. The size of gratuitous receipts from other budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation amounted to 538.3 million rubles, an increase of 108.8 million rubles compared to the level of 2015. or by 125%.

The main revenue sources of the city budget in 2016 were: - property tax (62.6 million rubles), which is 33% of own income; - income from the lease of municipal property (31 million rubles.), their share is 16%; - Personal income tax (44.2 million rubles) - 24%, - a single tax on imputed income (24.3 million rubles.) - 13%. In 2016, the amount of revenues from: - tax on income from individuals by 12.5%; - property tax on physical persons by 5%; - Realization of municipal property and land in 2,2 times. At the same time, income from: - a single tax on imputed income by 8%, because of the transfer of taxpayers to other taxation systems (simplified and patent); - use of municipal property and land by 8%, in connection with the sale of municipal property and land and the reduction of their leasing and as a result of challenging the cadastral value of land plots by taxpayers; -land tax by 7%, also due to reassessment of cadastral value of land plots.

The budget for expenditures for 2016 amounted to 740.2 million rubles, compared to 2015, expenses increased by 120.6 million rubles. or by 19.5%. From the structure of budget execution by industry, its social orientation is visible. Thus, the share of expenditures for financing the activities of budgetary institutions in the sphere of education, social policy and physical culture and sports is 361 million rubles. (49% of the total budget expenditures). Expenses for housing and communal services amounted to 120 million rubles. (16%), for the road sector 153 million rubles. (21%), 102 million rubles for solving state problems. (14 %).

Budget indicators of the city, million rubles. 2009. 2010г 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Name Budget revenues, mln. rub. 486,4 413,7 559,4 476,5 658,4 498,6 615,7 726,2 Expenses of the budget, mln. 474,1 421,9 562,0 474,9 665,4 538 619,6 740,2 rub. Tax revenues of the budget, mln. 125,2 132,4 139,6 128,2 138,6 123,4 138,7 142,4 rub.

Share of tax revenues in budget 25,7 32,0 25,0 26,9 21,1 24,7 22,5 19,6 revenues,%

Share of tax revenues in own 68,3 59,7 59,3 69,3 69,5 69,7 74,5 76,1 budget revenues,%

The budget of the city of Rasskazovo for revenues for 6 months of 2017 was executed in the amount of 315.9 million rubles, which is 6.7 million rubles. or 2.2% more than the corresponding period of 2016. The size of gratuitous receipts from other budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation amounted to 245 million rubles. - this increase in comparison with the level of the first half of 2016 by 4.8% or by 11.2 million rubles. Own revenues amounted to 70.9 million rubles. They are reduced by 6% or 4.5 million rubles. The structure of the budget's own revenues includes four main items: property tax - 14%; income from the lease of municipal property and land - 19.7%; the tax on incomes of physical persons - 38%; a single tax on imputed income - 15.9%. In the reporting period, income from personal income increased by 6.2 million rubles. (by 29.8%); tax levied in connection with the application of the patent system of taxation. (by 87%). At the same time, a single tax on imputed income for 0.9 million rubles was lower than the level of the first half of 2016. (by 7.8%), land tax by 3.2 million rubles. (by 25.5%), personal property tax - by 0.9 million rubles. (by 67%), income from leasing municipal property and land - by 3.6 million rubles. (by 20.5%).


Education The key to a successful future largely depends on how much attention is paid to the development of education today. Therefore, the sphere of education in the city development strategy is given a special place. The growth of the economy and the quality of life of the city's population require the development of a wide range of measures to ensure that the education system is in line with the objectives of the city's social and economic development. The network of general education institutions is represented by 2 legal entities, which have 10 buildings. In grades 1-11 of the city's comprehensive schools, from September 1, 2016, 4,230 people study, which is 47 more than in 2015. Education in general education institutions is organized in 2 shifts. The number of trainees in the II shift is 498 people, which is 11.8% of the total number of trainees (in 2015, also 11.8%). 150 people took part in the unified state examination on compulsory subjects ( and mathematics). 100% of graduates passed the state final attestation in compulsory subjects and received a certificate of secondary general education (in 2015 this indicator was 99.3%). A certificate of basic general education was awarded to 47 graduates of 9 classes. The medal "For Special Achievements in Teaching" was awarded to 27 graduates of the 11th grades, which is 18% of the total number of graduates (in 2015 it was awarded a medal of 16%). In the 2016-2017 school year, the following training profiles are being implemented in MBOU SOSH No. 3: defense-sports, physical-chemical, information- technological, chemical-biological, socio-economic, physical and mathematical; in the MBOU School № 4 - socio-humanitarian, chemical-biological, physical and mathematical, socio-economic. The share of students in the upper grades covered by profile training was 92.7% (in 2015 - 94.5%). In schools, pre-professional training programs are implemented. The number of students in the 8-11 grades undergoing pre-professional training is 305 people. (in 2015 - 303 people). According to the new federal state educational standards, all students of grades 1-6 of the school are engaged, as well as students of the 7th grades of the MBOU School No. 4, the total number of people engaged in the new standards was 2940 people. (in 2015, 2,465 people). The proportion of children engaged in extended-day groups (from the total number of students in grades 1-9) is 4.2% (in 2015, 4.5%).

Organized hot meals in general schools covered 92% of schoolchildren (3900 people). Hot meals are provided 5 times a week, organized on the basis of a twelve- day menu. The average cost of breakfast is 30 rubles, lunch - 60 rubles. Paid additional educational services on the basis of schools are used by 2417 people, which is 57% of the total number of students (in 2015, 53% of students were enrolled). The volume of funds received by general education institutions in 2016 from the provision of paid educational services amounted to -6 million rubles. (in 2015 - 5.3 million rubles).

The average monthly salary of school employees for 2016 amounted to 20,529 rubles. (for 2015 - 20 600 rubles.), teachers (including teachers) - 21 726 rubles. (for 2015 - 21 679 rubles.), Teachers - 21 993 rubles. (for 2015 - 21 940 rubles).

The system of preschool education of the town of Rasskazovo is represented by 9 municipal pre-school educational institutions. In all pre-school institutions, basic general education programs for pre-school education are being implemented, and childcare and supervision are also carried out. On the territory of the city live 3268 children aged 0 to 7, including 1856 people aged 3 to 7 years. As of 31.12.2016 there is no actual demand for enrollment in pre-school educational organizations that implement the basic general education program of preschool education. In 2016, 1976 children (60.5%) aged 0 to 7 years were covered by pre-school education, 1805 of them (91.3% of the total number of children attending pre-school institutions) are covered by pre-school education in full-time, 171 people (8.7%) are covered by varieties forms of pre-school education (short-term children's groups, pre- school mini-centers, pre-school groups). Various forms of pre-school education covered 1649 people aged 3 to 7 years (88.8% of the total number of children from 3 to 7 years). Since September 1, 2016, 7 groups of short-term stay for 53 children, 3 groups of pre-school education have been opened in 4 pre-school organizations: on the basis of school No. 3 with a coverage of 36 people and on the basis of "Kindergarten No. 5" Skazka "with a coverage of 10 people. The numbers of employees of pre-school educational institutions are 392 people. Тhe teachers are 189 people. The average monthly salary of pedagogical workers for 2016 was 19,351 rubles(for the year 2015 - 18 823 rubles). The winners of the regional contest "The Best Educator - 2016" were five kindergarten teachers. In 2016, preschool institutions offered the population 21 types of additional paid educational services, which covered 1222 pupils (or 62% of the number of children attending pre-school institutions). Income from paid educational services amounted to 3.3 million rubles. The system of additional education institutions of the city is represented by three municipal institutions: "House of Children's Creativity", "Children and Youth Sports School", "Station of Young Technicians". Besides, additional education for children is also carried out on the basis of general education schools. Their main areas are: artistic and aesthetic, scientific and technical, socio-pedagogical, technical, sporting-technical, artistic, physical culture and sports. Programs of additional education covered 4,568 people (or 81.3% of the total number of children aged 5 to 18 years (5,617 people)). 2013 people studied in institutions of additional education. The number of children in institutions of additional education was 35.8% of the total number of children aged 5 to 18 years. 2555 people receive additional education in general education schools. The coverage of children with additional education in general schools was 45.5% of the total number of children aged 5 to 18 years. In 2016, the payment for teachers of additional education amounted to 20,064 rubles (in 2015 - 17,752 rubles.). The incomes of institutions of additional education from the organization of additional paid educational services in 2016 amounted to 1.5 million rubles. (in 2015 - 1.4 million rubles). The summer rest and employment were specially organized for minor children. 1.2 million rubles are from the local budget and 2.1 million rubles are from the regional budget have been allocated for the summer health campaign. 9 day camps for children and sports camp "Spartanets" were at schools. A lot of interesting things were organized for children. All forms of organized recreation in 2016 in the city covered 3063 people, which is 80% of the total number of children and adolescents of school age (2015 - 2978 children). Work was carried out to strengthen the property and technical base of educational institutions and prepare educational institutions for the new school year and work in the autumn-winter period. More than 5 million rubles have been spent on the preparation of schools for the new school year. 3.2 million rubles are from regional funds, 894 thousand rubles are from local budget funds, 927 thousand rubles are from extra-budgetary funds. 924 thousand rubles were sent on ensure fire and anti-terrorist security institutions of general education. 336 thousand rubles were spent on carry out current repairs of training and auxiliary facilities (329 thousand rubles are from extra budgetary funds). More than 3.5 million rubles have been spent on replenishing the educational- property and property-technical base of general education organizations. These are the means of the regional budget and extra-budgetary funds. 10 349 copies of textbooks worth 3.2 million rubles were purchased at the expense of the regional budget. 314 thousand rubles were spent for the purchase of new and renewal of existing student furniture, computer and office equipment (extra budgetary funds). The preparation of preschool educational organizations for the new academic year spent 6.3 million rubles (714 thousand rubles are regional funds, 4.3 million rubles are from local budget funds, 1.3 million rubles are from extra budgetary funds). 469 thousand rubles were allocated to provide fire and antiterrorist security for pre- school institutions. The repair work and necessary equipment were bought on local budget in pre-school institutions. The game equipment, educational games, toys, sports equipment, furniture was bought on expense of the regional budget. 313,000 rubles were spent on preparing additional education organizations for the new academic year (120,000 rubles are from the local budget, 193,000 rubles from extra budgetary funds.) The necessary repairs were carried out on expense of the local budget and extra- budgetary funds in the organizations of additional education. In the first half of the year, the department of the city administration developed the systems of pre-school education of children. Тhey modernized the general education, the system of assessing the quality of knowledge. The education department created the conditions for providing additional education for the individual development of children. In the period from May 26 to June 29, 2017, the Specialists organized the examinations for the senior school. In addition, they conducted a detailed analysis of the results. Workers of the city administration organized training for students who could not pass the exams. Graduates of 9 (90.9%) class and 11 (100%) classes were able to pass state exams and receive a certificate. In 2017, 25 graduates received medals for special success. All-Russia Olympiad of schoolchildren is a very important event in the education system. The winners and prizewinners were awarded awards in March 2017, then they took part in the regional stage of the course. In 2017, one schoolchild became the winner of the regional stage and 10 schoolchildren became prize-winners. The specialists monitor the salaries of teachers every month. The average monthly salary was 27163 thousand rubles (teachers in schools received 27 537 thousand rubles). The pedagogical workers received 20,470 thousand rubles in kindergartens. The teachers in the sphere of additional education received 19,749 thousand rubles. In addition, the sphere of paid services is developing very rapidly in the educational institutions of the city. In the first half of 2017, educational institutions received 6,398.8 thousand rubles. The preschool education covered 1,976 people. This is 71.3% of children aged 1 to 7 years. The children from 5 to 7 years who do not attend pre-school educational institutions can go to groups that are based on the school №3 and kindergarten № 5. The preschool educational institutions create conditions for children with disabilities. During the reporting period, 15 disabled children attended pre-school institutions. "The house of children's creativity", "The station of young technicians", "The children's sports school" perform the function of additional education for children. The program of additional education covered 2124 people. In addition, the program on the basis of general education institutions covered 2,892 people. This makes 69.1% of the total number of schoolchildren in the city. In 2017, the municipal stage of the contest of teachers was held. The winner became a laureate at the regional stage of the contest. The municipal stage of the contest of teachers of pre-school education "Educator of the Year - 2017" was organized and held, the winner of the municipal stage became a laureate at the regional stage of the competition. The department of Education of the city administration provides the organization of summer recreation and employment of minors. In the current year, 3.3 million rubles were allocated for the summer health campaign, including 1.2 million rubles from the local budget. 10 day camps with a coverage of 2150 children worked at schools. 120 children who study at a children's and youth sports school can attend a sports camp "Spartanets" on the river Vorona. The cost of training, feeding and delivery of children amounted to 300 thousand rubles from the local budget. The work for 131 teenagers aged 14 to 18 years is organized on the basis of general education institutions and enterprises and organizations of the city. 2 children rested in regional profile shifts that are in a socially dangerous situation. The administration plans to rest 9 more children, who are brought up in large families. The education department organized the participation of educational institutions in the 12th regional contest "Safety of children in our hands" among pre-school and general education institutions for the best organization of work on the prevention of child road traffic injuries. The activities were organizing to prevent child neglect and juvenile delinquency. The municipal stage was held and the participation of the winner of the municipal stage in the IV regional contest of detachments «Young Friends of the Police». The participation of general education institutions in comprehensive preventive activities "Holidays", "Teenager", a month of legal knowledge from 01 to 30 May, the anti-drug action "Tell me where they sell death!" from 14 to 25 March. The socio-psychological testing of students aged 13-18 was carried out with the purpose of early detection of illegal consumption of narcotic drugs and a psychotropic substance by minors. The children and parents took part in a voluntary psychological study. This is screening among students aged 13-18 years to identify a tendency to suicidal manifestations. Moreover, on March 30, 2017, the organizers conducted a city workshop "Organization of the rehabilitation space in educational organizations of the city for children who found themselves in a difficult life situation". The schools organize hot meals for students on the basis of a twelve-day menu, coordinated with the Rospotrebnadzor. The average cost of food in 2017 is 80 rubles. (breakfast - 25 rubles, lunch - 55 rubles.) For children of privileged categories, free meals are provided: large children receive breakfast and lunch costing 40 rubles, needy children, children with disabilities, etc. receive breakfast at a cost of 18 rubles. The tubinfected receive an additional meal costing 20 rubles. 8 children and adolescents who are registered with a phthisiatrician receive free supplementary meals.

Significant cultural events were held such as the opening of the Year of Russian Cinema in the town of Rasskazovo, the festival of patriotic songs, the festival of wide Shrovetide, the cultural and entertaining event dedicated to the Children's Day "The Rainbow of the Planet of Childhood", festive events dedicated to the Town Day with the participation of creative teams of our town as well as artists from other towns, the Youth Day, the Colour Fest Festival, the Day of Trade, the Holiday of the courtyard in all districts of the town, the holiday Rasskazovsky sock and the others . At the municipal budgetary institution "Cultural and Leisure Association" for the reporting period 1,908 cultural events were held (147,402 spectators). At the municipal budgetary institution "Local History Museum of Rasskazovo" for the reporting period 428 events were held (i.e. 328 excursions, 30 lectures and 16 mass events). The number of admissions to the main fund for the current period amounted to 279 exhibits, the number of visits to the institution amounted to 4671 people. The municipal budgetary institution "Centralized Library System" issued 236 thousand copies of various literature, registered 10,918 readers, including children under the age of 14 (4,456 readers), the number of visits to the municipal budgetary institution "Centralized Library System" amounted to 92 thousand people, including mass events – 5 thousand people, including 2.5 thousand children. Cultural, educational and recreational activities at the institution were carried out in such areas as: - Patriotic education, formation of civil position, - promotion of local lore literature, - spiritual, moral and aesthetic education, - environmental education, - legal education, - promotion of fiction.

At the beginning of the academic year 2016-2017 at the municipal budgetary institution of additional education "Children's Art School No. 1 Rasskazovo" 834 people studied at the departments: piano, string instruments, folk instruments, synthesizer, dance, visual arts and performing arts. The students of art school are numerous participants and winners of regional, interregional, all-Russian and international competitions and festivals. In the reporting year cultural institutions carried out repair work: - at the municipal budgetary institution of additional education "Children's Art School No. 1 Rasskazovo" the roof was repaired for 500 thousand rubles; the current work on repair of classes, partial replacement of electrical wiring were held for more than 50 thousand rubles, - The following repair work was carried out at the municipal budgetary institution "Cultural and Leisure Association": 1) in the concert hall "Smena" the current repair of the auditorium and foyer, the replacement of seats, the repair work of the entrance group (steps), the installation of the ramp, the tiling, the replacement of window blocks, replacement of the stage cover were carried out for a total of 493 thousand rubles, 2) in the Disco Club the current repair of the ceiling and the replacement of electrical wiring were carried for a total of 537 thousand rubles. In 2016 the director of the municipal budgetary institution "Cultural and Leisure Association" and the director of the municipal budgetary institution "Centralized Library System" became winners in regional competition on receipt of one-time stimulating payments to the best employees of regional state and municipal cultural institutions, to employees of regional state archives, to pedagogical workers of the regional state and municipal educational organizations implementing additional educational preprofessional programmes in the field of arts in 2016 organized by the Department of culture and archives of the Tambov region. The winners received grants in the amount of 50 thousand rubles. In 2016 for the implementation of the municipal programme «Development of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism for the period 2014 - 2020» 3.6 million rubles were allocated. The funds were directed to the activities of the municipal budgetary institution of Sports and recreation "Tekstilshchik" to conduct town sports and mass sports and recreational activities, activities on adaptive physical culture, the participation of the local teams in regional competitions, the development of tourism. In the reporting period about 50 town competitions were organized and conducted with both students and adults in various sports: football, basketball, skiing, chess, gymnastics, shooting, wrestling (judo, sambo and Greco - Roman), military applied all-around, competitions of young footballers for the prizes of the club "Leather Ball" in three age groups, sports festivals dedicated to the Town Day, Youth Day, Sportsmen's Day, sporting events within the Olympic Day, the day of winter sports, timed to the second anniversary of the XXII Olympic Games in Sochi and the 71st anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the All-Russian Health Day, as well as the decades and festivals of the national fitness programme «Prepared for Work and Defence» among schoolchildren, kindergarten children and adults, the municipal stage of presidential games and presidential contests. In the town competitions of regional scale in skiing, mini-football among school students devoted to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, regional competitions in soccer in offset of the Sports Day - 2016, the championship and the Cup of area on football among men's and youth teams, Greco-Roman wrestling, judo, skiing, basketball, boxing and others were held. The best sportsmen of the town performed at regional competitions in Tambov, Kotovsk, Uvarovo, Kirsanov, as well as in republican boxing competitions (Tambov, Lipetsk, , Yaroslavl, Yelets), in basketball competitions (Ryazan, Voronezh), in kickboxing competitions (Lipetsk), in Greco- Roman wrestling competitions (Tambov, Ryazan, Mikhailovo, Voronezh), in skiing competitions (Voronezh, Togliatti, Syktyvkar).

In 2017 14.3 million rubles will be allocated for the implementation of the programme "Development of Culture", in the first half of 2017 7.5 million rubles were executed. The funds are directed to ensure the activities of the subordinated cultural institutions, to conduct urban cultural events, to participate in the creative teams of the town in competitions and festivals. During the reporting period more than 40 major town events were held, where more than 300 people were honoured. They are the best workers of enterprises, institutions, organizations, the best families, creative teams of the town, winners of various competitions, the best pupils of secondary comprehensive schools and young people. A large number of cultural events, contests and patriotic festivals were organized and held on the occasion of the celebration of the 91st anniversary of assignment of the status of the town to Rasskazovo. In the first half of 2017 significant cultural events were held in the town: the festival of patriotic songs, the festival of wide Shrovetide, the cultural and entertaining event dedicated to the Children's Day "Summer at Disneyland", festive events dedicated to the Day of the Town with the participation of fashion models of the store "Intrigue", as well as with the participation of Russian pop stars from Moscow: Nikolay Bandurin, "Furor-Band" group, Murat Thagalegov, "Boyan-Mix", Marina Devyatova. In June 2017 the concert hall "Smena" took part in the tour which became a wonderful gift for the residents of our town as a part of the VI International Festival of Brass Bands named after V.I Agapkin and I.A. Shatrov. At the municipal budgetary institution "Cultural and Leisure Association" for the reporting period 1632 cultural events were held. At the municipal budgetary institution "Local History Museum of Rasskazovo" for the reporting period 215 excursions were held, 21 exhibitions functioned, the number of visits to the institution was 3044 people. The municipal budgetary institution "Centralized Library System" issued 135,537 thousand copies of various literature, registered 9891readers, including children under the age of 14 (4100 readers), from 15 to 30 years old (1471 readers), the number of visits to the municipal budgetary institution "Centralized Library System" amounted to 49,325 thousand people, including mass events – 2,073 thousand people. Cultural, educational and recreational activities at the institution were carried out in such areas as: - Patriotic education, formation of civil position, - promotion of local lore literature, - spiritual, moral and aesthetic education, - environmental education, - legal education, - promotion of fiction. All cultural institutions developed plans for cultural events for children in summer, and all cultural institutions actively cooperate with day camps to organize leisure activities for children. For the reporting period at the municipal budgetary institution of additional education "Children’s Art School No. 1 Rasskazovo" there were 843 people who studied at the departments: piano, string instruments, folk instruments, synthesizer, dance, visual arts and performing arts. The students of art school are numerous participants and winners of regional, interregional, all-Russian and international competitions and festivals.

In 2017 the implementation of the programme "Development of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism" provided funding in the amount of 4.6 million rubles. For the first half of the year 2.1 million rubles were executed. The funds were used to support the activities of the municipal budgetary institution of Sports and recreation "Tekstilshchik", to rent the sports halls of the breeding plant "Arzhenka", to conduct town sports and mass sports and recreational activities, activities on adaptive physical culture, the participation of the local teams in regional competitions. In the reporting period about 30 town competitions were organized and conducted with both students and adults in various sports: football, basketball, skiing, chess, gymnastics, shooting, wrestling (judo, sambo and Greco - Roman), military applied all-around, competitions of young footballers for the prizes of the club "Leather Ball" in three age groups, sports festivals dedicated to the Town Day, Youth Day, Sportsmen's Day, sporting events within the Olympic Day, the day of winter sports, timed to the third anniversary of the XXII Olympic Games in Sochi and the 72nd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the All-Russian Health Day, as well as the decades and festivals of the national fitness programme «Prepared for Work and Defence» among schoolchildren, kindergarten children and adults, the municipal stage of presidential games and presidential contests.

In the town competitions of regional scale in skiing, mini-football among school students devoted to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, regional competitions in soccer in offset of the Sports Day - 2017, the championship and the Cup of area on football among men's and youth teams, Greco-Roman wrestling, judo, skiing, basketball, boxing and others were held. Among the town events devoted to significant dates, there should be noted the winter football championship dedicated to the anniversary of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, the competition in the All-Russia mass ski race "Russian Ski Track 2017", military-applied all-around among pre-conscription youth, dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, Victory Day, athletics relay race through the streets of the town, dedicated to the Victory Day. The best sportsmen of the town performed at regional competitions in Tambov, Kotovsk, Uvarovo, Kirsanov, Michurinsk as well as in republican boxing competitions (Tambov, Lipetsk, Voronezh, Yaroslavl, Yelets), in basketball competitions (Ryazan, Voronezh), in kickboxing competitions (Lipetsk), in Greco- Roman wrestling competitions (Tambov, Ryazan, Mikhailovo, Voronezh), in skiing competitions (Voronezh). Active information work was carried out. The sports events of the town and participation in regional and national competitions were reported in the newspaper «Trudovaya nov», on the local television, on the sites of the town administration and the party «United Russia». A lot of work to improve the health of the population was conducted by the municipal budgetary institution of Sports and recreation "Tekstilshchik". Currently, this sports facility is being overhauled. Paid groups of athletic gymnastics, aerobics and fitness as well as judo and sambo clubs are organized in the gym located on 60 let Rasskazovo street. In the upbringing of the younger generation the Children's and Youth Sports School, the House of Children's Creativity actively participate. The work is carried out in close cooperation with the Department of education, the School of Arts, the Station of Technical Creativity, the town council of Voluntary Society for Assisting Army, Air Force and Navy, the Commission for minors and the protection of their rights in the town administration. The following activities were carried out within the "Tourism Development" subprogramme: hiking routes were designed, excursions around the town are held by bus and on foot. During the bus route "From the history of Rasskazovo" tourists are introduced to the natural historical and cultural heritage of the town. Hiking routes "Monuments of military glory" and "Rasskazovo merchant" are very popular among schoolchildren of the town; as a part of the development of the tourist industry of the town shopping tours are developed and implemented. Information about the most popular knitwear enterprises of the town is available on the website of the town administration in the section "Tourism". Visiting our town you can also go on excursion to the mini-museum of the sock which is located in the Central Library of the town.

In order to develop tourism such town mass events were held as the festival of wide Shrovetide, the fair of craftsmen, where you could buy knitted products, wood products, textiles and birch bark, had a look at souvenirs from Rasskazovo, Kirsanov, Suzdal dedicated to the Town Day. Local producers and masters took part in the international, all-Russian and interregional actions on tourism i.e. the all-Russian competition festival (Lipetsk, Voronezh), regional weekend fair (Moscow, Cheboksary, Tambov) to spread the image of our town and promote the local brands. INFRASTRUCTURE OF THE TOWN'S ECONOMY

Name of organizations, institutions Number 1. Total number of general education institutions 4 Among them: - schools 2 - Lyceum 0 - boarding schools 1 - Orphanage 1 2. Number of pre-school educational institutions 9 3. Number of mass libraries and their branches 3 4. Number of institutions of culture and art 10 Including: - club institutions 1 - music schools 1 5. Athletic facilities 172 Including: - Sport halls 22 - swimming pools 2 6. Objects of the consumer market 471 Among them: - shops, pavilions 338 - public catering establishments 42 - enterprises of the sphere of household 80 services Enterprises of wholesale trade 10 Market for 1470 places 1 Number of branches, pre-offices of banks 7. 7

Number of post offices 8. 8

In the sphere of communication services in the town, there is one fixed-line monopolist of OJSC «CenterTelecom-TambovElectrosvyaz» and several large mobile communication operators (MTS, Beeline, Megafon, etc.).


1. Bioethanol production at OJSC "Biochem"

At the end of 2013, OJSC “Biochem” was given the status of an experimental (pilot) plant for carrying out research and development work under the BIOENERGETICS program as envisaged in the Action Plan ("road map") for "Development of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering". At the legislative level, the program "Bioenergetics" provides for making changes in the technical regulations and technical conditions for the production of gasoline 5% bioethanol. Today the capacities of all distilleries in Russia are not able to meet the demand for this raw material. This is about the creation of a new industry that will, in addition to solving environmental problems (exhaust fumes), encourage the development of agriculture and the processing of its products.

Fuel surcharge (production of Russian biofuel: largest investors and sites) 1. Taleon Industries Plant name: STOD Location: Tver region, Torzhok Сapacity: 60 thousand t. per year Year of launch: 2007 2. Bank "Saint-Petersburg” Plant name: “Vologdabioexport” Location: Vologda Region, Great Ustyug Сapacity: 48 thousand t. per year Year of launch: 2006 3. Ltd “Biotop” Plant name: “Biotop” Location: Novgorod region, Valdai Сapacity: 25 thousand t. per year Year of launch: 2004 4. “Peno” Plant name: “Peno” Location: Tver region, Peno Сapacity: 25 thousand t. per year 5. Ltd “Green power” Plant name: “Green power” Location: Leningrad region, Gatchina district, Voiskovizy village Сapacity: 24 thousand t. per year 6. Ltd “Woodworking company "Yenisei"” Plant name: “Woodworking company "Yenisei"” Location: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Berezovka village Сapacity: 24 thousand t. per year Year of launch: 2006 7. CJSC “Rospolitehles” Plant name: “Rospolitehles” Location: Saint – Petersburg Сapacity: 24 thousand t. per year Year of launch: 2005 8. Ltd “Salotti” Plant name: “Salotti” Location: Leningrad region, Velikie Luki Сapacity: 24 thousand t. per year Year of launch: 2004 9. Ltd “Ecopel” Plant name: “Ecopel” Location: Leningrad region, Kirovsk Сapacity: 24 thousand t. per year Year of launch: 2005 10. PE “Kruglov” Plant name: “Kruglov” Location: Nizhny Novgorod Сapacity: 14 thousand t. per year 11. Ltd “Murashinsky biofuel plant” Plant name: Murashinsky biofuel plant Location: Kirov region, Murashi Сapacity: 14 thousand t. per year Year of launch: 2006 12. Ltd “Reley” Plant name: “Reley” Location: Kostroma region, Buoy Сapacity: 14 thousand t. per year Year of launch: 2004 13. Ltd “EMC-Dnepr” Plant name: “EMC-Dnepr” Location: Smolensk region Сapacity: 14 thousand t. per year Year of launch: 2002 14. JSC Algir Pellets Plant name: Algir Pellets Location: Komi republic, Priluzsky district Сapacity: 14 thousand t. per year 15. CG “Vipoil” Plant name: “Volga – ethanol” Location: the Volgograd region, Surovikinsky district Сapacity: 300 thousand t. per year 16. SPC “Ecology” Plant name: “Bioethanol – Tambov” Location: Tambov Сapacity: 250 thousand t. per year 17. CG “Konti” Plant name: - Location: Ivanovo region Сapacity: 200 thousand t. per year 18. CG “Pava” Plant name: - Location: Altai Territory, Rebrikhinsky District Сapacity: 200 thousand t. per year 19. SPC “Ecology” Plant name: “Bioenergy” Location: Stavropol Сapacity: 200 thousand t. per year 20. CG “Titanium” Plant name: - Location: Omsk Сapacity: 100 thousand t. per year 21. Ltd “Miranda” Plant name: “Miranda” Location: Vladikavkaz Сapacity: 73 thousand t. per year Year of launch: 2007 22. CG “Titanium” Plant name: “Biochem” Location: Kazakhstan, Taiynsha Сapacity: 57 thousand t. per year Year of launch: 2006

The plant was visited by the representative of the Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation. He was convinced of the ability of the "Biochem" plant to produce bioethanol. In the near future an order will be received for the production of an experimental instance. After changes in the legislation on excise duties for the production of alcohol (July 2014), the plant will switch entirely to the production of bioethanol. The plant’s capacities will be loaded by more than 100%, the plant will work on a rolling schedule. Today Europe is experiencing a deficit of areas for obtaining the required raw materials; this means that in the coming years, the demand for bioethanol will only increase, the more so that the European Union plans to replace the traditional fuel with the another one from the reproduced raw materials at least 20 % by 2020 and the main role is assigned to bioethanol. This is a unique chance for JSC "Biochem". "Biochem" is the most prepared distillery among all active ones in Russia to be an experimental base for solutions and development of scientific and practical issues of the production and use of bioethanol. This promises both the plant and the city a completely new perspective - a technological and economic breakthrough.

2. Waste recycling new technologies using vermicultures at OJSC “Biochem”.

The company has developed a new plan for recycling bards using vermiculture. New vermibiofilters will allow the bard to be disposed of and create biohumus.

3. Bard tests as an organic fertilizer in the sowing fields at OJSC Biokhim.

Long-term studies conducted by the federal state educational institution of higher professional education The Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy by Academician AK Belyaev, the Vladimir Agricultural Research Institute show that the alcohol industry waste is successfully used as an organomene fertilizer on different types of soils. Bard, as well as mixtures based on it, can be added for rye, barley, potatoes, perennial grasses, etc. In 2015, OJSC "Biochem" together with the State Educational Institute of the Higher Professional Education of the Michurin State Agrarian University will conduct the introducing bard tests in the production fields as an organic mineral fertilizer. The purpose of the experience will be the development and justification of the main elements of the technology of using bard as a liquid organic fertilizer for agricultural crops and fodder land. Experiment objectives: - reveal the influence of introducing bards various norms on the agrochemical properties of the soil, on growth and development. - study the change in the acidity of the soil. In accordance with the Program of the Government of the Russian Federation, import substitution in the agro-industrial complex, the OJSC "Biochem" management signed a contract with French firms in 2016 for joint work on the organic fertilizer production - bard, as well as the modernization of production and the introduction of energy-saving technologies. Organic fertilizers experiments are conducted jointly with the specialists of the Michurinsky State Agrarian University.

4. Ltd “Faraday” innovative development . Faraday Company entered the Rasskazovo city industrial complex since 2008, specializes in the production of military, working, and special footwear for outdoor activities. In the summer 2013, successful shoes tests were conducted during a high- latitude Arctic expedition at the drifting research station "North Pole-40" of Federal Service of Russia for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. Positive feedback was received on the model for a particularly cold climate. In addition, Faraday is a shoe supplier for the annual Victory Parade on Red Square in Moscow. The company has done a great job of sewing shoes for the staff of the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi. "FARADEY" customers are the power structures of Russia: the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, the Federal Guard Service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In October 2013 the company "Faraday" held a round table devoted to the problems and prospects of enterprises of the defense industry complex of Russia. During the meeting the following issues were discussed: innovative developments of the State Defense Order, which should be conducted by producers with significant experience and own production capacities; the stimulation of innovation and the development of production by tightening the criteria and regulations for selecting the executor of the defense order; the requirements for executors of the State Defense Order, who must have their own qualified personnel and undergo an annual technical audit; the need for an independent system of quality control of clothing items, supplied by the defense order. In the near future at the production sites of CJSC "Faraday Company", many innovative ideas will be realized. The company promises the production of "smart shoes", which at the level of heat exchange processes is adjusted to the foot of a person, without requiring lacing or fastening.

5. Housing construction.

Individual housing construction will be developed in the prepared land plots of the micro district Fruit-Dwelling (96 hectares, 37 hectares), new residential areas will be built here. In 2016-2018, it is planned to complete the construction of multi- apartment buildings.

6. Construction of new roads and communal infrastructure objects.

7. The embankment construction.

The initial preparatory stage for the embankment construction has already been carried out, a project has been developed and technical documentation has been prepared. Work started with the river clearing.

Further there will be the river embankment on both sides. There will be several pedestrian bridges, bicycles and running tracks, recreation places on the embankment. The territory will be planted with perennial plantations.

8. The city recreation park improvement.

9. Construction of a new comprehensive school with 900 study places.