Parish Clerk, c/o Knott Lodge, Knott Lane, , YO61 3LX : 07518 516 100 [email protected]

Meeting of Crayke Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 18th July 2017 in the Sports Hall starting at 19:30

Business Agenda

1. Apologies for absence

2. Declaration of Interests. At this point Members are asked to declare any personal or pecuniary interest they may have in the business on this agenda.

3. To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 16th May 2017

4. Open Forum. (Please note this will be limited to 20 minutes) An opportunity for parishioners to seek information or question the Council on any matter in respect of the Parish

5. Community, District and County Matters 1. HDC Local Plan (standing item) – update on progress 2. HDC Parish Liaison Meetings – to discuss any matters of interest from the meeting on 18th May 3. Easingwold and Villages Community Forum (E&VCF) – Chairman to give verbal report of the meeting on 22nd June 4. Matters related to fracking a. To note that the E&VCF has now endorsed the South Hambleton Shale Gas Advisory Group (SHSGAG) in its activities and negotiations with NYCC and Government on shale gas regulation, thereby enabling SHSGAG to speak on behalf of E&VCF when briefing MPs, NYCC etc. b. To note the Chairman’s response to an enquiry from the Friends of the Earth under the Freedom of Information Act 2000/Environmental Act 2004, in respect of contacts with listed organisations 5. To note NYCC’s consultation on ways they can help householders dispose of hazardous waste such as solvents, weed killers, pesticides, engine fluids etc.. The consultation will run from 10th July to 2nd October.

6. To receive and decide necessary action resulting from reports from the Councillors or Clerk on the following matters arising from the previous meeting of the Council. 1. Defibrillator a. To report that the Council’s application for a grant towards the installation of a defibrillator to the Ambulance Service Charitable Fund (YASCF) has been successful, but under changed grant award conditions b. To discuss and decide on two proposals: That 1. the Council sets a fund raising target of £1,600, through an appeal for donations and local fund raising events, to cover the initial outlay and pad and battery replacements over the first four years of operation 2. the Council reserves the right to continue its appeal for future donations/fund raising in order to maintain this community facility, if funds/reserves are not sufficient c. To authorise the following payments:

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1. £999 to YAC as a part payment towards a defibrillator, storage box and installation (total ‘wholesale’ cost in the region of £1,500) 2. £200 (approximate) to YAC for community training which is compulsory on installation of a unit 3. £100 (approximate) to a charity provider (e.g. Red Cross, St. John’s Ambulance) for the provision of community basic lifesaving skills, including CPR 2. Bench by the School – To decide on the type of bench required and the costs and to consider options to pay for replacing it 3. Condition of the roads / Traffic problems a. To report a further Parishioner approach to the Council regarding traffic speeds and weight b. To update councillors regarding the Council’s request to monitor traffic speeds on the Brandsby Street entrance to Crayke 4. Pensions Regulations – to note that we have submitted our statement of compliance and that it has been acknowledged by the Regulator. 5. Dog waste bins – update on progress with purchasing a new bin to be sited on the route of the Permissive Path which leads to the Sewerage Plant 6. Annual audit a. To note that the un-audited Annual Return was posted to the External Auditor on 3rd June well ahead of the deadline of 12th June. b. To receive and consider the Internal Auditor’s report and letter to the Council and decide responses to the points raised. 7. Village Plan – update on progress 8. Public Rights of Way / NYCC Consultation – to report back on conversations with Crayke Estate in respect of the Permissive Path 9. Green planning within the village – update on progress with obtaining grants for improving the local environment

7. To receive and decide necessary action resulting from verbal reports from the Clerk or Councillors on matters in hand

8. Financial Matters 1. To receive and approve the report on the Council’s financial position at 21st May 2017 2. To note the following receipts: a. Precept, part 1 £1,373.43 and charges: b. Came & Co., Insurance £288.46 3. To note and approve payment of the following: P Harrison, Internal audit £50.00 inc VAT £0.00 (24/5/17) Clerk, repayment for the insurance premium £288.46 inc VAT. £0.00 4. Additional items circulated at the meeting

9. Planning 1. New applications – None received to date 2. Updates to applications - None received to date 3. Crayke Castle To report a recent exchange between a Parishioner and Historic and the Chairman’s discussion with Historic England. To discuss and decide what action the Council needs to take in response, if any.

10. New items and correspondence to note or for decision 1. Parish Portal HDC have set up a “portal” on their website to allow members of Parish Councils to report highway related problems directly and we have a logon to it. To discuss how to use the facility. 2/Error! AutoText entry not defined.

2. Transparency Fund Grant To note that our application for financial support to meet the requirements of the Government’s Transparency Code was successful and we have been awarded £475.28 to help with the costs of software and the clerk’s time in extending the data available on the website.

11. Items for the next agenda

12. To confirm the date of the next meeting of the Council as Tuesday 19th September 2017 starting at 19:30.


S Sangster Clerk to Crayke Parish Council

Abbreviations E&VCF Easingwold and Villages Community Forum - /3 HDC Council - NYCC County Council - SHSGAG South Hambleton Shale Gas Advisory Group - YAS Yorkshire Ambulance Service - YASCF Yorkshire Ambulance Service Charitable Fund - YLCA Yorkshire Local Council Association -

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