Planning Committee 14/08/2013 Schedule Item 01

Ref: PP/2013/1486


Ward: Greenford Broadway

Proposal: Construction of two storey building to accommodate a children & adult services centre with associated car/minibus parking provision, cycle and refuse storage, boundary fences and widening of access road and footpaths (following demolition of existing buildings)

Drawing numbers: 497-SY 01P1, 02P1, 03; 497-SKD 001P1, 002P2, 003P1, 004P1, 005P2, 006P2, 007P1, 008P2, 009P2, Tree Constrains Plan, Design and Access Statement produced by Dannat, Johnson Architects, Transport Statement and Travel Plan produced by URS, Tree Survey produced by ARBTECH Consulting, BREEAM Planning Statement, BREEAM Offices and Land Use and Ecology Assessment Site Drainage Strategy Report produced by Lucking & Clark LLP, Ecological Desktop Study produced by RSK Group PLC, Updated Acoustical Review produced by Paragon Acoustic Consultants, Phase I Desktop Study report and Phase II Environmental Report produced by Herts & Essex Site Investigations, Initial Bat Survey produced by RSK (Received 17/04/2013)

Type of Application: Full Application (Deemed Consent)

Application Received: 17/04/2013 Revised:

Report by: Miguel Martinez

Recommendation: Grant, subject to conditions.

Executive Summary:

This proposed application is for a two storey building to accommodate Adult and Children’s Services to be provided by the London borough of on a brownfield site currently containing several sheltered stores, sheds and concrete storage bunkers, all remaining from its

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Planning Committee 14/08/2013 Schedule Item 01 previous use as a Council depot. The principle of re-development for community/social purposes is considered acceptable and accords with local policies and designations for this site.

Some of the key issues involved with this application are the siting, scale and relationship of the development with neighbouring properties, the adjoining park and onsite trees. It is considered the proposal would be a suitable development that would relate in a satisfactory manner to neighbouring development. Other concerns relate to the impact of the proposed scheme on neighbouring residents.

There are 9 objections to date raising concerns related to impacts on residential amenity, car parking, traffic congestion and the yearly activities organised by the London Motorcycle Museum, which adjoins the site. However, the scheme has been designed to minimise impacts on the residential amenity of neighbouring occupiers, operation of the Motorcycle Museum and to respect the visual qualities of the area and minimise parking and traffic conditions in the locality.

On balance, the development is considered an acceptable proposal that would have neither, detrimental impacts on the character and appearance of the site and the area, or neighbouring residential amenity, and other occupiers. It is considered the proposal is suitable with regard to plot ratio, design, relationship with neighbouring properties and integration with the surrounding area. Consequently, this application is recommended for approval.


Grant subject to conditions.


Time Limit 3 years - Full Permission

1. The development permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: In order to comply with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).

Approved Plans

2. The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with drawing title numbers 497-SY 01P1, 02P1, 03; 497-SKD 001P1, 002P2, 003P1, 004P1, 005P2, 006P2, 007P1, 008P2, 009P2, Tree Constrains Plan (Received 17/04/2013), unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local Planning Authority.

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt, and in the interests of proper planning.

Samples of Materials

3. Samples of the materials to be used for the external surfaces of the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before any part of the development is commenced, and this condition shall apply notwithstanding any indications as to

2 of 28 Planning Committee 14/08/2013 Schedule Item 01 these matters which have been given in this application. Development shall be carried out in accordance with these approved details.

Reason: To ensure that the materials and finishes are of high quality and contribute positively to the visual amenity of the locality in accordance with policies 4.1 of the Adopted Ealing Unitary Development Plan, 'Plan for the Environment' (2004), policies 1.1 (g) (i) (k), 1.2 (f), 3.1(b) and 3.8 of the Ealing Core Strategy (2012), policies LV 7.4 and 7B of the Ealing Draft Development Management Development Plan Document (2013), policies 7.4 and 7.6 of the London Plan (2011), and section 7 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2012).

Building envelope

4. Details shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval before the development is commenced, for the insulation of the building envelope, with windows shut and other means of ventilation provided, which will achieve the internal criteria for sensitive rooms to the Council’s criteria. The details should also include the provision of alternative means of ventilation. The works should be completed before occupation and permanently retained thereafter

Reason: In the interest of the occupiers of the development hereby approved, in accordance with policy 7.15 of the London Plan 2011, policies 4.1 and 4.11 of adopted Ealing Unitary Development Plan 'Plan for the Environment' (2004), Supplementary Planning Guidance 10 'Noise and Vibration', policy 1.1 (j) of the Ealing Development (Core) Strategy 2026 and policy 7A of the Ealing Draft Development Management Development Plan Document (2013).

External Plant/Machinery

5. The rating noise level emitted from any external plant and machinery at the proposed development, as assessed under BS4142: 1997, shall be lower than the existing background noise level by at least 5 dBA as measured at 3.5 m from the nearest ground floor sensitive facade and 1m from upper floor noise sensitive facades, during the relevant periods of operation.

Reason: In the interest of neighbouring occupiers and those of the development hereby approved, in accordance with policy 7.15 of the London Plan 2011, policies 4.1 and 4.11 of adopted Ealing Unitary Development Plan 'Plan for the Environment' (2004), Supplementary Planning Guidance 10 'Noise and Vibration', policy 1.1 (j) of the Ealing Development (Core) Strategy 2026 and policy 7A of the Ealing Draft Development Management Development Plan Document (2013).

Site Contamination

6. No development shall take place until an investigation and risk assessment is completed in accordance with a scheme to assess the nature and extent of any contamination on the site, and has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This assessment must be undertaken by a competent person, and shall assess any contamination on the site, whether or not it originates on the site. The report of the findings must include: (i) a survey of the extent, scale and nature of contamination;

(ii) an assessment of the potential risks to:-

 human health,

3 of 28 Planning Committee 14/08/2013 Schedule Item 01  property (existing or proposed) including buildings, pets, and service lines and pipes,  adjoining land,  groundwaters and surface waters,

(iii) An appraisal of remedial options, and proposal of the preferred option(s). This must be conducted in accordance with DEFRA and the Environment Agency's 'Model Procedures for the Management of Land Contamination, CLR 11'.

Reason: To protect the health and living conditions of prospective occupiers of the development and adjoining residents in accordance policies 2.7 and 4.1 of the Adopted Ealing Unitary Development Plan 'Plan for the Environment' (2004), policy 5.21 of The London Plan, policy 1.1( j) of the Ealing Core Strategy (2012), and the National Planning Policy Framework.

Submission of Remediation Scheme

7. No development shall take place until a detailed remediation scheme to bring the site to a condition suitable for the intended use is submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme must include all works to be undertaken, proposed remediation objectives and remediation criteria, timetable of works and site management procedures. The scheme must ensure that the site will not qualify as contaminated land under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 in relation to the intended use of the land after remediation.

Reason: To protect the health and living conditions of residents in the area in accordance policies 2.7 and 4.1 of the Adopted Ealing Unitary Development Plan 'Plan for the Environment' (2004), policy 5.21 of The London Plan, policy 1.1 (j) of the Ealing Core Strategy (2012), and the National Planning Policy Framework.

Implementation of Approved Remediation Scheme

8. The approved remediation scheme must be carried out in accordance with its terms prior to the commencement of development other than that required to carry out remediation, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Local Planning Authority must be given two weeks written notification of commencement of the remediation scheme works. Following completion of measures identified in the approved remediation scheme, a verification report (referred to in PPS23 as a validation report) that demonstrates the effectiveness of the remediation carried out must be submitted to and approved in writing Local Planning Authority. The verification report submitted shall be in accordance with the Environment Agency guidance 'Verification of Remediation of Land Contamination', Report: SC030114/R1'.

Reason: To protect the health and living/working conditions of prospective occupiers and residents in the area in accordance policies 2.7 and 4.1 of the Adopted Ealing Unitary Development Plan 'Plan for the Environment' (2004), policy 5.21 of The London Plan, policy 1.1 (j )of the Ealing Core Strategy (2012), and the National Planning Policy Framework.

Construction management plan

9. A construction management plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority prior to the commencement of the development. The method statement/management plan shall include but not limited to the following: i). Construction worker parking ii). Anticipated number, frequency and size of construction vehicles. iii). Delivery times iv). Dust suppression measures v). Site security vi). Vehicle manoeuvring and turning vii).

4 of 28 Planning Committee 14/08/2013 Schedule Item 01 Locations for the storage of building materials and construction debris and contractors offices viii). Procedures for on-site contractors to deal with complaints from local residents, ix) measures to ensure the construction process does not affect of neighbouring highways, and x). details of wheel wash facilitites. Such details shall be implemented, or phasing agreed in writing, prior to the commencement of works on site and thereafter retained for the duration of the works.

Reason: To protect the amenity of local residents, to ensure adequate highway and site safety in accordance with policies 4.1, 4.11, 9.1, 9.9 & 9.10 of the Council's Adopted Unitary Development Plan 'Plan for the Environment' (2004), policies 1.1 (j) of the Ealing Core Strategy (2012), policies 6.3, 6.13, & 7.13 - 7.14 of the London Plan (2011), the National Planning Policy Framework (2012), Greater London Authority Best Practice Guidance 'The Control of Dust and Emissions from Construction and Demolition (2006), BS 5228-1:2009 - Code of practice for noise & vibration control on construction & open sites-Part 1: Noise.

Tree retention

10. The retention of trees, shrubs or hedges within the site shown on the approved plans listed on condition 2 and the tree survey approved shall not be felled, uprooted, wilfully damaged or destroyed, cut back in any way or removed without previous written consent of the Local Planning Authority. Any trees, shrubs or hedges removed without consent or dying or being severely damaged or becoming seriously diseased within 5 years from the completion of the development hereby permitted shall be replaced with similar species capable of achieving a comparable size unless approved in writing by the Local Authority.

Reason: To safeguard trees and other vegetation considered to be worthy of retention in the interests of the visual amenity of the area as a whole and green setting of the site, in pursuance to the objectives of section 11 of the National Planning Policy Framework, policies7.4 and 7.21 of the London Plan 2011 and policies 4.1 and 4.5 of the Council's adopted Unitary Development Plan 'The Plan for the Environment' 2004 and Supplementary Planning Guidance 9 'Trees and Development Guidelines' and policies 1.1 (e) (g), 1.2(f), 3.1(b) and 3.8 of the Ealing Core Strategy (2012), policies LV 7.4 of the Ealing Draft Development Management Development Plan Document (2013).

Tree survey/ protection measures

11. No development shall commence until a detailed survey and protection scheme of existing trees, hedgerows and groups of mature shrubs to be retained within the site and those off site that are adjacent/close to it, only in accordance with British Standard 5837:2005 'Trees In Relation To Construction Recommendations' (or any subsequent revision), has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The protection measures shall be erected in the locations agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of any development works and shall be maintained fully intact and (in the case of the fencing) upright, in its approved locations at all times, until the completion of all building operations on the site (unless agreed otherwise in writing by the Local Planning Authority). Details shall include the following: a) Accurate trunk positions and canopy spreads of all existing trees within the site and on adjoining land adjacent to the development. b) Positions and spreads of existing hedgerows and groups of mature shrubs.

5 of 28 Planning Committee 14/08/2013 Schedule Item 01 c) All proposed tree, hedge, shrub removal and retention. d) Increased 'Root Protection Areas' of all existing retained trees within the site and on neighbouring land adjacent to the approved development, calculated in accordance with guidance 5.24 of BS 5837:2005 recommendations. e) Plans of a minimum scale of 1:200 (unless agreed otherwise by the Local Authority) showing the proposed locations and height of protective barrier/s, supported by a metal scaffold framework, constructed in accordance with Section 9 (Figure 2), to include appropriate weatherproof tree protection area signage (such as "Keep Out - Construction Exclusion Zone") securely fixed to the outside of the protective fencing structure at regular intervals. f) Proposed ground protection measures in accordance with Section 9 (Figure 3) g) Annotated minimum distances between fencing and trunks of retained trees at regular intervals. h) Illustration/s of the proposed fencing structure/s to be erected. i) All storage sites of spoil heaps, site cabins and material storage, temporary haul roads and access etc.

Reason: In order to safeguard trees and other vegetation considered to be worthy of retention in the interests of the visual amenity of the area as a whole, in pursuance to the objectives of section 11 of the National Planning Policy Framework, policies7.4 and 7.21 of the London Plan 2011 and policies 4.1 and 4.5 of the Council's adopted Unitary Development Plan 'The Plan for the Environment' 2004 and Supplementary Planning Guidance 9 'Trees and Development Guidelines' and policies 1.1 (g), 1.2(f), 3.1(b) and 3.8 of the Ealing Core Strategy (2012), policies LV 7.4 of the Ealing Draft Development Management Development Plan Document (2013).

Acoustic Fencing

12. Details of the timber acoustic fencing along the east boundary of the site which will achieve the internal criteria for sensitive rooms to the Council’s criteria to protect sensitive rooms from neighbouring properties at nos. 31A -31C Oldfield Lane South from the use of the car park and activity rooms shall be submitted for the approval. The works should be completed before occupation and permanently retained thereafter. Barriers shall be manufactured and constructed to the Authority’s noise mitigation specifications approved.

Reason: In the interest of neighbouring occupiers, in accordance with policy 7.15 of the London Plan 2011, policies 4.1 and 4.11 of adopted Ealing Unitary Development Plan 'Plan for the Environment' (2004), Supplementary Planning Guidance 10 'Noise and Vibration', policy 1.1 (j) of the Ealing Development (Core) Strategy 2026 and policy 7A of the Ealing Draft Development Management Development Plan Document (2013).

Sustainable drainage system

13. Details of the surface drainage strategy hereby approved based on sustainable drainage principles shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The

6 of 28 Planning Committee 14/08/2013 Schedule Item 01 details as approved shall be fullly implemented and operational before the first occupation of the development and thereafter maintained for the lifetime of the development.

Reason: To ensure the drainage measures comply with Thames Water/Environment Agency requirements, and to prevent the increased risk of flooding in accordance with section 10 of the National Planning Policy Framework, policy 5.12, 5.13 and 5.14 of the London Plan 2011 and policies 1.1 (k) and 1.2 (m) of the Ealing’s Development Strategy 2026 and policy 2.5 of the adopted Ealing Unitary Development Plan (2004).

Details of Hard/ Soft Landscaping and Boundary Treatment (including security gates)

14. No occupation of the development hereby approved shall take place until full details of boundary treatments (including gates) and hard/soft landscape works and a phased programme of works, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and these works shall be completed as approved prior to the occupation of any part of the development or in accordance with the programme agreed by the Local Planning Authority. Any trees or other plants which die or are removed within the first five years following the implementation of the landscaping scheme shall be replaced during the next planting season.

Reason: To ensure that the development contributes to its green setting in the interests of the visual character and appearance of the area and community safety, in accordance with policies 4.1, 4.4, 4.5 and 4.12 of the adopted Unitary Development Plan ‘Plan for the Environment’ (2004), policies 1.1 (g) (h) (i), 3.1(b) and 3.8 of the Ealing Core Strategy (2012), policies 7.3, 7.4 and 7.21 of the London Plan 2011, policies LV 7.4 and 7B of the Ealing Draft Development Management Development Plan Document (2013).

Car Parking

15. The car parking spaces and manoeuvring area shown on the approved plans shall be made available and marked out on the site prior to first occupation of any part of the development, this area and parking spaces shall be kept continuously available for manoeuvring and car parking during the operation hours of the development hereby approved and any activity in this area should cease by 1900 hrs Monday to Friday and 2200 hrs at weekends.

Reason: To ensure that there is adequate provision for car parking and access within the site and in the interest of the residential amenity of neighbouring occupiers, in accordance with policy 6.13, 7.1 and 7. 15 of the London Plan 2011 and policies 4.1, 4.11 and 9.1 of the Adopted Ealing Unitary Development Plan, 'Plan for the Environment' (2004).

Electric vehicle charging points

16. Notwithstanding the information submitted with this application, details of Electric Vehicle Charging Points (EVCP) within the carpark hereby approved shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval. The details as approved shall be implemented and fully operational before the first occupation of the development and thereafter maintained for the lifetime of the development.

Reason: In pursuance to sustainability, reduction of carbon dioxide emissions and green modes of transport in accordance with section 10 of the National Planning Policy Framework, policies 5.1, 5.2 and 6.13 of the London Plan 2011 and policies 1.1 (k) and 1.2 (f) of the Ealing’s Development Strategy 2026.

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Refuse and Recycling Storage Facilities

17. Details of the refuse and recycling storage hereby approved shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority before the first occupation of the development hereby approved. The approved details shall be formed and made available for use prior to the first occupation of any part of the development hereby permitted and retained permanently thereafter. This area shall not be used for any other purpose.

Reason: To provide adequate refuse and recycling storage to protect the amenities of the area and the living conditions of occupiers of the proposed residential units and the surrounding area, in accordance with policies 5.3 and 5.16 of the London Plan 2011 and policies 2.10 and 5.5 of the adopted Ealing Unitary Development Plan 'Plan for the Environment' (2004).

Cycle Parking

18. The cycle parking facilities hereby approved shall be installed and made fully available prior to the first use of the development, and permanently retained thereafter, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.

Reason: To ensure that there is adequate provision for cycle parking within the site, in accordance with policy 9.1 of the Adopted Ealing Unitary Development Plan 'Plan for the Environment' (2004), policies 1.1(e) (f) and 3.1(b) of the Ealing Core Strategy (2012), policies LV 6.13 of the Ealing Draft Development Management Development Plan Document (2013), policies and 6.13 of the London Plan (2011), and section 4 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2012).

External Lighting

19. Any external lighting shall be installed before the first occupation of any part of the development hereby approved and shall comply with the recommendations of the Institution of Lighting Engineers at Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Light Pollution particularly with regard to the following:

(i) reducing glare by · Correctly aiming the luminaires · Using luminaires with double asymmetric beams designed so that the front glazing is kept at or near parallel to the surface being lit · Ensuring that the main beam angle of all lights, directed towards a potential observer is kept below 70 degrees.

(ii) controlling vertical illuminance with the lights operating to a maximum of 10 lux at ground level and 5 lux at first floor level at any affected facade.

Reason: In the interest of occupiers of neighbouring properties and community safety in pursuance of policy 7.3 of the London Plan 2011 and policies 4.1, 4.4 and 4.12 of the adopted Ealing Unitary Development, 'Plan for the Environment' (2004), Supplementary Planning Guidance 08 ‘ Safer Ealing’ and policies 1.1 (e) (h) of the Ealing Development (Core) Strategy 2026.

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20. Notwithstanding any information submitted with the application, the development hereby approved shall be fully accessible for disabled people.

Reason: In the interest of accessibility in accordance with section 8 of the National Planning Policy Framework, policy 7.2 of the London Plan 2011, policy 4.3 of the Unitary Development Plan 'Plan for the Environment' (2004) and policies 1.1 (h) of the Ealing’s Development Strategy 2026.

Crime Prevention Measures

21. The development hereby approved shall comply with ‘Secured by Design’ standards.

Reason: To ensure that the development incorporates crime prevention measures to help prevent crime and disorder and to improve pedestrian accessibility in accordance with policies 4.1, & 4.3 of the Adopted Ealing Unitary Development Plan 'Plan for the Environment' (2004), policies 1.1 (e) of the Ealing Core Strategy (2012), policy LV 7.3 of the Ealing Draft Development Management Development Plan Document (2013), and policy 7.3 of the London Plan (2011).

Hours of operation

22. The Children and Adult Centre hereby approved shall not operate outside the hours of 0700 to 1900 Monday to Friday and the use of the development hereby approved during weekends should only take place during the period of 0900-2200 hrs and shall be limited to the forecourt area, activity rooms x2, the lavatories and waiting area on the ground floor of the building only unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To safeguard the living and working conditions of local people and in the interests of highway safety, in accordance with section 4 and 7 of the National Planning Policy Framework, policies 7.1 and 7.4 and 7.15 of the London Plan 2011 and policies 4.1, 4.11 and 9.1 of the Unitary Development Plan "Plan for the Environment" (2004), Supplementary Planning Guidance 10 'Noise and Vibration' and policies 1.1 (e) (f), 3.1 (b) and 3.8 of the Ealing’s Development Strategy 2026 and policy 7A of the Ealing Draft Development Management Development Plan Document (2013).

Sustainable Design & Construction

23. Notwithstanding the information submitted in support of the application, a detailed energy/sustainability report shall be submitted and approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to the first occupation of any part of the development hereby approved; the report shall include full details and drawings of the sustainability measures that are to be incorporated into the development. The submitted details shall demonstrate that the development hereby approved will achieve an overall minimum reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 25% (regulated carbon dioxide emissions) above Building Regulations 2010. The details shall be implemented only as approved and be fully operational prior to the first use of the development and thereafter permanently retained, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.

9 of 28 Planning Committee 14/08/2013 Schedule Item 01 Reason: To ensure the proposal contributes to its climate change mitigation requirements in accordance with policy 2.9 of the Council's adopted Unitary Development Plan 'Plan for the Environment' (2004), policies 1.1 (k), 1.2 (f) of the Ealing Core Strategy (2012), policy LV 5.2 of the Ealing Draft Development Management Development Plan Document (2013), and policies 5.1 and 5.7 of the London Plan (2011), and section 10 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2012).

BREAAM Standards

24. Notwithstanding the BREEAM pre-assessment submitted with this application, the associated reports/ assessment and certifications to demonstrate compliance shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval:

- Within 3 months of the commencement of construction of the development (Interim Design Stage Assessment and related certification)

- After completion of Development (Post-construction assessment and related certification confirming the achievement of the ‘Very Good’ standard rating)

The BREEAM ‘Very Good’ standard shall be retained and working in proper order during the life of the development.

Reason: To ensure the proposal contributes to its climate change mitigation requirements in accordance with policy 2.9 of the Council's adopted Unitary Development Plan 'Plan for the Environment' (2004), policies 1.1 (k), 1.2 (f) of the Ealing Core Strategy (2012), policy LV 5.2 of the Ealing Draft Development Management Development Plan Document (2013), and policies 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.9 of the London Plan (2011), and section 10 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2012).

Green Travel plan

25. A revised Green Travel Plan designed to minimise/manage the transport needs of staff and customers of the development hereby approved, including measures to minimise car useage, promote alternative modes of transport, measures to encourage customerss to make use of public transport to reach the development, management of parking demand in peak periods to ensure highway safety in the locality along with other measurable actions and targets, shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority before the first occupation of the development, and the approved green travel plan shall be implemented and complied with.

Reason: To promote sustainable patterns of transport to safeguard the living and working conditions of local people and in the interest of highway and pedestrian safety, in accordance with section 4 of the National Planning Policy Framework, policies 6.3, 6.11 and 6.13 of the London Plan 2011 and policies 4.1, 9.1 and 9.9 of the adopted Unitary Development Plan 'Plan for the Environment' (2004) and Supplementary Planning Guidance 21 - Sustainable Transport: Green Travel Plans.


The decision to grant planning permission has been taken having regard to the policies and proposals in National Planning Policy Framework, the London Plan 2011, the Adopted Ealing Unitary Development Plan, the adopted Ealing Development (Core) Strategy (2012) and the

10 of 28 Planning Committee 14/08/2013 Schedule Item 01 Draft Ealing Development Management Development Plan Document (2013) and to all relevant material considerations including Supplementary Planning Guidance:

National Planning Policy Framework

4. Promoting sustainable transport. 7. Good quality design. 8. Promoting healthy communitites 10. Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change 11. Conserving and enhancing the natural environment

London Plan 2011

2.6 Outer London: Vision and strategy 2.8 Outer London: Transport 2.18 Green infrastructure: The network of open and green spaces 3.2 Improving health and addressing health inequalitites 3.16 Protection and enhancement of social infrastructure 3.17 Health and social care facilities 5.1 Climate change mitigation 5.2 Minimising carbon dioxide emissions 5.3 Sustainable design and construction 5.7 Renewable energy 5.11 Green roofs and development site environs 5.12 Flood risk management 5.13 Sustainable drainage 5.14 Water quality and wastewater infrastructure 5.15 Water use and supplies 5.16 Waste self- sufficiency 5.21 Contaminated Land 6.3 Assessing effects of development on transport capacity 6.5 Funding Crossrail and other strategically important transport structure 6.9 Cycling 6.10 Walking 6.13 Parking 7.1 Building London’s neighbourhoods and communities 7.2 An inclusive environment 7.3 Designing out crime 7.4 Local character 7.6 Architecture 7.15 Reducing noise and enhancing soundscapes 7.18 Protecting open local space and addressing local deficiency 7.21 Trees and woodlands 8.2 Planning obligations 8.3 Community Infrastructure levy

Unitary Development Plan 'Saved' Policies

2.1 Environmental and other sustainability impacts 2.5 Water – drainage, flood prevention and environment 2.7 Contaminated land

11 of 28 Planning Committee 14/08/2013 Schedule Item 01 2.10 Waste minimisation and management 3.4 Public and community open space 4.1 Design of development 4.3 Inclusive design – Access for all 4.4 Community safety 4.5 Landscaping, tree protection and planting 4.11 Noise and vibration 4.12 Light pollution 6.2 Proposals for office development 7.7 Other shopping centre uses 8.4 Large scale community facility development 9.1 Development, Access and Parking 9.9 Highways and Traffic Management

Supplementary Planning Guidance/Documents

SPG 4 Refuse and recycling facilities SPG 7 Accessible Ealing SPG 6 Plot ratios SPG 8 Safer Ealing SPG 9 Trees and development guidelines SPG 10 Noise & vibration SPG 21 Green travel plans

Ealing's Development (Core) Strategy 2026

1.1 Spatial Vision for Ealing 2026 (a), (b), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j) and (k) 1.2 Delivery of the Vision for Ealing (b) (f), (k) and (m) 3.1 Realising the potential of the A40 Corridor and (b), (e) 3.5 Enhance and consolidate Greenford Town Centre (a) 3.8 Residential Neighbourhoods 5.5 Promoting parks, local green space and addressing deficiency 6.2 Social ifrastructure 6.3 Green infrastructure 6.4 Planning Obligations and legal agreements

Draft Ealing Development Management Plan Document (published February 2013)

Ealing Local Variation to London Policy 2.8: Green infrastructure: The network of open and green spaces Policy 4C Main town centre uses Ealing Local Variation to London Policy 5.2: Minimising carbon dioxide Ealing Local Variation to London Policy 5.10: Urban greening Ealing Local Variation to London Policy 5.11: Green roofs and development site environs Ealing Local Variation to London Policy 5.12: Flood risk management Ealing Local Variation to London Policy 5.21: Contaminated Land Ealing Local Variation to London Policy 6.13: Parking

12 of 28 Planning Committee 14/08/2013 Schedule Item 01 Ealing Local Variation to London Policy 7.3: Designing out crime Ealing Local Variation to London Policy 7.4 Local character Policy 7A Operational amenity Policy 7B Design amenity Policy 7D Open space

In reaching this decision, specific consideration was given to any impact of the proposal upon the appearance and character of the surrounding area, the living conditions of neighbouring residents in the vicinity of the site and in the surrounding area and the impact of traffic generation upon the surrounding highway network. It is considered that the proposal generally complies with the National Planning Policy framework, the adopted London Plan 2011 and the Adopted Ealing Unitary Development Plan 92004), the adopted Ealing's Development (Core) Strategy 2026 , the draft Ealing Development Management Plan Document and to all relevant material considerations including Supplementary Planning Guidance, and that there are no other material considerations that would warrant refusal of this application.

2. Construction and demolition works, audible beyond the boundary of the site shall only be carried out between the hours of 0800 and 1800 hours Mondays to Fridays and 0800 and 1300 hours on Saturdays and not at all on Sundays and Public Holidays.

The maximum permitted noise levels are:

- not greater than 72 dB L Aeq.10 hr Mondays to Fridays - not greater than 72 dB L Aeq.5 hr Saturdays.

3. With regards to conditions 5 to 9, contact Rizwan Yunus - Regulatory Service Officer on 020 8825 7390, or email [email protected] for a copy of "Guidance for Developers document 5.3" and "Guide to help developers meet planning requirements with regard to contaminated land".

4. Thames Water Consultation - Waste and Water Comments

Surface Water Drainage - With regard to surface water drainage it is the responsibility of a developer to make proper provision for drainage to ground, watercourses or a suitable sewer. In respect of surface water it is recommended that the applicant should ensure that storm flows are attenuated or regulated into the receiving public network through on or off site storage. When it is proposed to connect to a combined public sewer, the site drainage should be separate and combined at the final manhole nearest the boundary. Connections are not permitted for the removal of Ground Water. Where the developer proposes to discharge to a public sewer, prior approval from Thames Water Developer Services will be required. They can be contacted on 0845 850 2777. Reason - to ensure that the surface water discharge from the site shall not be detrimental to the existing sewerage system.

5. To assist applicants in a positive manner, the Local Planning Authority has produced policies and written guidance, and offers and encourages a comprehensive pre-application advice service, all of which is available on the Council's website and outlined in a 24 hours automated telephone system.

The scheme complied with policy and guidance. The Local Planning Authority delivered the decision proactively in accordance with requirements of the National Planning Policy

13 of 28 Planning Committee 14/08/2013 Schedule Item 01 Framework.

Site Description:

The development site is located off Oilfield Lane South and is surrounded by Ravenor Park to the East, residential development (nos. 31A -33C) to the West, residential properties to the North, fronting onto Ravenor Park Road (nos. 1-17) and the London Motorcycle Museum to the South. There is dense vegetation and trees surrounding the site on three sides, which provides a buffer/screen with residential properties surrounding the site. The south boundary of the development site adjoins single storey buildings forming part of the Motorcycle Museum. Inward and outward views to/from the site towards the public domain and /or Ravenor Park are limited due to the existing mature landscaping surrounding the site.

The access to the site is via a vehicular lane that is also used by the Motorcycle Museum and has an approximate length of 35m to the point where the development site is located. Currently the site accommodates several sheltered stores, sheds and concrete storage bunkers, all remaining from its previous use as a depot by Ealing Council. The buildings are built with a mix of low quality brick. They are located along the perimeter of the site and its central area is just hardstanding with a mixture of concrete and a small are of tarmac, adjacent to the vehicular lane that provides access.

The designations of the site in the adopted Unitary Development Plan are that it forms part of the Greenford Town Centre and part of development site no. 86 (this includes the Motorcycle Museum and a dense area of vegetation at the rear of properties no. 31A – 33C Oldfield Lane South) with preference given for re-development to community uses. The same development site designation is given within the emerging policy documents; namely within the Development Sites DPD (February 2013). The allocation given in this document would be a mixed use development appropriate to the Greenford Town Centre, with retention of the Motorcycle Museum and Ealing Heritage Centre. Introduction of new uses, including a multifunctional Council Service Centre.

Ravenor Park to the West carries a designation within the unitary Development Plan of being a public open space of two hectares of more.

The Proposal:

The current proposal seeks to remove the existing buildings and hardstanding to construct a building to accommodate office and community space to provide adult and children services for people living in the West and North of the Borough.

The building would have a rectangular shape measuring a maximum of 34.5m by 27.6m. It would be largely two storey with an ‘L shape section located on the southeast corner that would be single storey. The two storey section of the building would have a height of 7.6m and the single storey south west corner of the building would have a maximum height of 4.5m. The roof profile is proposed with a mono pitch roof that slopes down towards the centre of the building where part of the ‘L’ shape single storey section is proposed. The mono pitch roof is proposed with 6 sun/wind catchers. The flat roof section of the single storey element is proposed with 9 sun/wind catchers and a sedum roof.

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The elevational design of the building would be contemporary and has been designed as a pavilion with timber cladding in all its elevations. The South elevation would only feature the main entrance in the single storey section with the two storey section featuring corner openings and a narrow window running the two levels. The East, North and West elevation would feature a combination of doors with sidelights, floor to ceiling windows and high level windows.

Internally the building would accommodate office areas with 127 desks and staff break areas, interview rooms, conference and activity rooms, associated ancillary areas, plant rooms, staircases and circulation spaces.

The proposed building would be sited on the northern half of the site. The remaining area of the site (southern half) is proposed as hardstanding with open pore tarmac with sprayed chip and contrasting colour between circulation for pedestrians and vehicles. This forecourt would accommodate 10 car parking spaces, inclusive of 2 disabled parking spaces; two parking spaces for staff and public secure bicycle shelters and refuse and recycling storage.

There is also a lawn area proposed with native trees to be planted and low level planting to separate public from staff areas around the building. Along the perimeter of the site a combination of acoustic timber fencing and weldmesh fencing is proposed with the metal security fencing shared with the park remaining. The tarmac proposed in the forecourt of the building would extend to the vehicular lane right up to the back edge of pavement with Oldfield Lane South.

The vehicular lane would be realigned and widened, particularly at the access point adjoining Oldfield Lane South. The proposed changes along the vehicular lane include the provision of a hardstanding for pedestrians, which would be separated from the area for vehicular movements. At the end of the vehicular lane and adjacent to the adjoining building from the Motorcycle Museum a set of pedestrian and vehicular gates is proposed.


The London Borough of Ealing has entered into two separate lease agreements with the Motorcycle Museum. The first lease agreement is in relation to the site subject to this application for a term of 5 years from and including the 24th of June 2008 (expiring on the 23rd of June 2013).

The second lease agreement is in relation to the buildings the Motorcycle Museum occupies, the land fronting onto Oilfield Lane South (car park area) and a greenfield land located between the application site and the rear boundary of residential properties nos. 31A – 33C fronting onto Oldfield Lane South. This lease is for a term of 25 years from an including the 24th June 2008 (expiring on the 23rd of June 2033)

The London Motorcycle Museum used the application site and existing buildings contained within during the terms of the former lease aforementioned mainly for storage and associated motorcycle museum events. The application site is now free from commitment with the Museum, hence the proposed re-development of the site.

Relevant Planning History

15 of 28 Planning Committee 14/08/2013 Schedule Item 01 The planning history below encompass not only the subject site but the land occupied by the London Motorcycle Museum and section of green land east of the subject site that currently features mature trees hedges and bushes.

Application Development Description Decision Decision Date Number P/1997/2595 Use of depot site including buildings Granted 18-12-1997 thereon for community purposes within conditionally class d1 (a-g), and d2 (e), whilst retaining small element of council storage use within some of the buildings. Open land rear of flats fronting onto Oldfield lane south shall be exclusively used for allotment purposes. P/1999/1517 Details of car parking, vehicle Granted 12-10-1999 movements, servicing and manoeuvring conditionally areas and vehicle and pedestrian access pursuant to condition 4 and hard landscaping pursuant to condition 3.

P/2000/4087 Erection and display of illuminated sign Granted 02-01-2001 on wall of building at fascia height. conditionally

P/2001/1511 Variation of condition 2 (illuminated Granted 17-07-2001 advertisements permitted shall not be conditionally illuminated outside 11pm to 7am hours Monday to Friday, 11pm to 7am hours on Saturday and not at any time on Sundays or Bank or Public Holidays) to read "the advertisement shall not be illuminated between the hours of 11pm and 7am on any day".

P/2001/4332 Use of yard as a weekly farmers' market Granted 14-03-2002 for up to twenty stalls on Saturdays. conditionally

P/2003/0277 Variation of condition 3 of hours of Granted 07-03-2003 trading from (10am - 2pm) to (9am - conditionally 1pm), pursuant to planning permission 36518/2 dated 14/3/2002 for use of yard as a weekly farmers market for up to 20 stalls on Saturdays

P/2003/5210 Use of vacant allotment land as nature Granted 10-03-2004 reserve conditionally


Public Consultation - Summary

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Neighbour Notification: 183 surrounding residential/ commercial occupiers were notified. 10 Initiated on the representation letters were received, 1 in support of the development 01/05/2013 (expired on 9 objecting to the development on the following grounds: 22/05/2013).  No objection to the building and use but to the impacts on vehicular traffic and on-street car parking.

Planning Officer’s response: A Transport Statement and a Green Travel Plan were submitted in support of the proposal on highway matters. Transport Services has scrutinised the documentation and do not raise concern in terms of the trip generation anticipated by the proposal at peak times, this being 8 morning trips and 15 afternoon trips. Furthermore, transport services is satisfied that the trips anticipated would not have significant impacts on neighbouring junctions or the local highway network during peak times.

With regards to parking, independently of the public car park location in close proximity (behind TESCO); the subject site is identified in the Transport for London website to have an accessibility level of 4, which is good. This reflects the town centre location of the site which benefits also from Greenford railway station easily reached by bus from the site and 8 different bus services connecting the Greenford Town Centre with Ealing Broadway, Harlington, Heathrow, Han well, Hayes, , , Shepherds Bush and .

Hence this location offers the opportunity to encourage a low level of private car usage to reach the facility proposed and this is being addressed through the submission of a green travel plan to encourage occupiers of the premises to use alternative means of transport.

It is also noted that on-street car parking in the vicinity is limited due to both restrictions of parking along the eastern side of Oldfield Lane South and also the existence of cross overs in front of residential properties in the vicinity. Therefore given that Transport Services raised no objection on highway grounds, the anticipated low trip generation as a result of the development and the self-restricting parking situation along neighbouring streets, it is considered the proposal would not have detrimental conditions on neighbouring highways.

 Noise and disruption

Planning Officer’s response: The activities anticipated to be carried out in the development proposed are office based Monday –Friday and within the building. The application also proposes the use of two ground floor rooms of the building for community purposes during weekends with limited hours.

It is worth noting that the proposed building would be at a distance of

17 of 28 Planning Committee 14/08/2013 Schedule Item 01 approximately 24m at the closest point with neighbouring residential properties along Oldfield Lane South and over 15 metres from no.1a Ravenor Park Road and the space in between them features mature trees and other landscaping features. Also Regulatory Services has suggested conditions requesting details of insulation of the building envelope, which would help to minimise noise break out, particularly as it would not be necessary to open windows because it would be provided with artificial ventilation.

 I can currently see light and sunshine through the trees and that will be blocked with the building which also would take away peace and privacy. I opposed to a two storey building at the end of my garden on an elevated site

Planning Officer’s response: This property adjoins the northwest corner of the site and benefits from a rear garden with a depth of 21m. The proposed building would be approximately 15m away from the shared boundary with this neighbouring property, amounting to a total distance of 36m approximately. If sunshine is seen through the trees it would only be early in the mornings, the existing mature trees located to the northern and western end of the site would be retained and the building height would not exceed the height of the trees .Thus is not considered that there would be loss of light experienced as a result of the proposal. Privacy would be maintained due to the landscaping conditions along the perimeter of the site which would be maintained as they currently are. In terms of disturbance, please refer to the previous response.

 Impacts on property values

Planning Officer’s response: Noted. This is not a planning matter.

 In view of the proposed development, would the Council consider resident’s right to have front driveways opened up to accommodate our cars or enable us to obtain parking permits as parking in this stretch of Oldfield Lane is increasingly difficult.

Planning Officer’s response: Regardless of the proposed development, alterations to the forecourt of dwellinghouses to accommodate vehicular access would have to be considered on an individual basis to determine whether it would be Permitted Development or subject to planning controls.

This area is not subject to parking controls and therefore there would not be a need to obtain parking permits.

 There is very little of ‘Old Greenford’ standing and the demolition of the buildings (old farm house) would be sacrilege.

Planning Officer’s response: The buildings that would be demolished are sheltered stores, sheds and concrete storage bunkers

18 of 28 Planning Committee 14/08/2013 Schedule Item 01 that do not have any architectural/ historical merit and therefore do not benefit from any designation in the adopted planning policies. Therefore, their removal is not objectionable.

 I write as a founder of the London Motorcycle Museum (adjoining the development site). The area left for joint use (Southern half of the site) is greatly reduced. This space is where we hold our events 5 times per year. This is the major factor in our fund raising strategy and the loss of this space is a disaster for the museum, therefore the existing plans will have grave consequences for the museum.

There is also the issue of the new car parking material, which was originally agreed at meetings last year that it would be of road quality tarmac. The specification in this application is too soft for the regular use of motorcycles stands and is likely to cause stands to sink in hot weather damaging the tarmac and possibly the bikes.

Planning Officer’s response: It is noted that the existing site is largely free from buildings/structures which was the area the Motorcycle Museum used 5 times per year under a lease agreement now expired. However the applicant has confirmed that there would offer a similar agreement for the Motorcycle Museum to use up to 6 times per year all of the forecourt proposed (pedestrian hardstanding, parking area and the reinforced turf area); also ground floor areas within the building (toilet facilities, the waiting area and activity rooms x2). Although it would not have the same area in comparison to the existing; it would allow the Museum to continue with the activities it organises throughout the year.

The material currently proposed is tarmac, however this particular aspect alongside with all the external materials of the building would have to be conditioned for approval, where their specification would have to be assessed so it is practical for the shared used envisaged. The applicant has confirmed that alternative options are being explored.

Internal Consultation

Environmental Services No objection, as long as the refuse collection trucks are able to turn (Refuse) onsite.

Planning officer’s response: The plans show that sufficient area is provided for the turning of not only servicing vehicles but also emergency vehicles such as fire engines. The applicant has also confirmed this is the case.

Regulatory Services No objection, subject to planning conditions. (Noise/ Air Pollution Control)  Suggested conditions to any approval relate to noise mitigation

19 of 28 Planning Committee 14/08/2013 Schedule Item 01 measures, contaminated land and construction management.

Transport Services No objection, subject to conditions and a financial contribution towards improvement of pedestrian infrastructure and a speed table at the entrance of the development.

 The applicant should consider a single shared surface in the access road which would reduce the speed of the vehicles.

Planning Officer’s response: The traffic along the access road would not be significant and the proposed arrangement with separate areas for vehicles and pedestrians is considered a safer option in this case due to the sloping nature of the access road and the fact it is anticipated a fair amount of users with pushchairs along the pedestrian pavement.

 The applicant should provide electric charging points in accordance with London Plan standards

Planning Officer’s response: The applicant is proposing two charging points. A condition requesting details of this aspect has been suggested.

 Transport is of the view that the proposed development would exacerbate road safety problems. To mitigate the road safety concern, it is recommended that two speed cushions in the immediate vicinity of the site are replaced with speed tables, which are more effective at reducing vehicle speeds. The applicant is asked to make a contribution of £10,000 towards the cost of the scheme.

Planning Officer’s response: It is noted that the would be an increase in cycle and pedestrian movements as the site is currently underused, however one of the tests in the use of planning obligations is that they should be fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development. It is considered that covering a third of the cost as a result of the development would not meet the above test; hence it is considered that a contribution of £5000 towards such a scheme would be reasonable. The applicant has agreed to this amount.

 Suggested conditions are construction method statement, parking and servicing plan and pedestrian visibility splays.

Planning Officer’s response: Conditions in this regard have been suggested, with the exception of the visibility splays as the plans submitted show they would be satisfactory achieved. An additional plan has been submitted to demonstrate the visibility splays are acceptable.

20 of 28 Planning Committee 14/08/2013 Schedule Item 01 Parks and Countryside No objection, subject to conditions. Section (Trees)  Conditions should be imposed relating to existing tree/shrub/hedge retention and tree protection during construction.

Planning officer’s response: Noted. Conditions would be included if this application is supported.

Planning Policy Section No objection, subject to conditions. (Sustainability)  Whilst the report covers some of the information required by an energy statement, there is still information missing that should be provided as evidence for demonstrating compliance with regional and local policies.

 The principles of the Energy Hierarchy have been broadly followed to demonstrate the measures that will be incorporated in the proposed development and meet policy’s 5.2 CO2 emissions reduction target of 25%.

 The Council requires applicants to undertake post-construction energy monitoring to demonstrate the actual carbon dioxide savings achieved by development in line with LP policy 5.2

 Details of the 'Design Stage' and 'Post Construction Stage' assessments and related certificates of the BREEAM 2011 NC is normally attached in major applications to allow us to confirm that all the sustainability measures recommended in the original submission have been applied and the whole development achieves a minimum BREEAM rating of Very Good equal to 55+ points.

Planning Officer’s response: The applicant is currently working in addressing the matters raised and therefore conditions requesting the submission of a revised energy strategy would be suggested is this application is supported.

The energy monitoring of the building have been discussed with the applicant and a contribution of £2000 has been agreed to cover the costs of the equipment installation and monitoring of the energy efficiency measures that are agreed in the revised energy statement.

A condition related to the BREEAM certificate would be imposed if the Council is minded to approve this application.

External Consultation

Thames Water No objection

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 Informative related to surface water drainage provision to be added to any approved permission.

Crime Design Advisor No objection, subject to security measures being put in place.

 Installation of an access gates  External lighting  Physical security standards (e.g. windows, doors, fencing)

Planning Officer’s response: Noted. A condition requesting compliance with Secured by Design would be imposed if this application is supported.

Natural England No objection.

Planning Policies:

The relevant planning policies are set out in the informative section of this report.

Reasoned Justification:

Principle of Development

The site is located within the Greenford Town Centre as identified in the Council’s Unitary Development Plan, which is a District Centre. The immediate area surrounding the subject site to the south along Oldfield Lane South features a mixture of commercial and residential development with a predominantly suburban setting. To the north the area becomes predominately residential, as the subject site is located on the northwest corner of the Town Centre. The proposed development would result the redevelopment of an underused brownfield site.

The National Planning Policy Framework, regional policies 3.2, 3.16 and 3.17 and local policy 6.2, 7.7 and 8.2 expect that new development reduces health inequalities, provides high quality social infrastructure and social care facilities; whilst being compatible with adjoining uses and enhance town centres. These developments should take place in places that are easily accessible by public transport, walking or cycling.

The above policies recognise the importance of enhancing existing community facilitates in greater London, including Ealing, and increasing the provision of such developments. However, it also notes the importance of creating a balance between development, regeneration and conservation of the built/ natural environment and that this balance also applies to creating a diversity of uses appropriate to the function, location and retention of each centre and providing a mixture of shopping, leisure, commercial and community activities needed to sustain them.

The redevelopment of this site to support the London Borough of Ealing’s support for Adult and Children’s Services is considered a suitable use of the land in principle. The proposal would accord to the designations given to the site in the adopted Unitary Development and also the emerging Development Site DPD, which seek the provision of community uses.

22 of 28 Planning Committee 14/08/2013 Schedule Item 01 It is considered that given the scale of the proposal in comparison to the site, relationship with neighboring buildings and uses, the suburban and natural context; the location of the site and separation with immediate residential properties provide an opportunity to incorporate a detached building. As such it is considered the principle of development is acceptable in this case subject to the proposal meeting other planning policy objectives.

Plot Raito

The Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) 6 ‘Plot Ratios’ has been produced to encourage appropriate scale, physical bulk and intensity of use so development is in character with and do not adversely affect the surrounding environment.

The development proposed would have a footprint of 877 sqm at ground floor and 655sqm at first floor resulting in a total floor space of 1533 sqm. The subject site features an area of 3700 sqm, resulting in a plot ratio of 0.41:1. The SPG 6 states that development should normally have a maximum plot ratio of 1:1. It also mentions that ratios of up to 1.5:1 would be acceptable in town centres with high transport accessibility and that the site coverage should not be more than the 75% of the site. The footprint is 57% of the site.

The Transport for London website calculates the PTAL for the site as 4. The above plot ratio figures only take into account the proposed development and the site. However it has to be noted the scale and nature of the town centre, which is classified on the Unitary Development Plan as a ‘District Centre’ and the fact that is within a suburban location; and most importantly the specific location of the site, within a green setting and screening. As such it is considered in this instance that the plot ratio aforementioned 1 is indicative of a reasonable scale of development for the site within this suburban/green context.

Design and Appearance

Section 7 of the National Planning Policy Framework (Requiring good design) states ‘Good design is a key aspect of sustainable development, is indivisible from good planning, and should contribute positively to making places better for people.’ Regional policies 7.4 and 7.6, place emphasis to the design of development and among other considerations it is stated that it should respect, local context, history, built heritage, character and communities.

Policy 4.1 of Ealing’s Adopted Unitary Development Plan 2004 ‘Plan for the Environment’ specify ten key principles and seek to protect the attractiveness and interest of a number of areas within the Borough. This local policy also requires that development respects existing safety, natural light, health, privacy freedom from traffic nuisance, and disturbance or visual intrusion to neighbouring land uses.

The architectural design of the elevations of the building proposed would be a contemporary rectilinear form that would harmonise well with its setting, particularly due to the timber cladding that suits the woodland and park setting surrounding the site. It also reflects the character of other farmland buildings that are still found in the Motorcycle Museum. The voids and solids relationship on each of the elevations provides variety in the rhythm of the elevations and would add contemporary architectural detail that fits with the overall language of the building.

The layout, building form and overall composition do not raise concerns. The main pedestrian/ vehicular access is legible and clear to identify. The approach to the building would be considered logical and functional for the objectives it would serve. Notwithstanding the building

23 of 28 Planning Committee 14/08/2013 Schedule Item 01 would not be visible from the public domain, the contemporary approach proposed is considered acceptable by the Urban Design advisor and would provide a positive contrast from the mainly traditional design seen in the immediate vicinity.

The proposed development would not affect the open and green character of the park as it would be mostly concealed behind mature trees located along the boundary shared with it.

As such it is considered the proposed development would not detract from the character and appearance of the area as a whole and would feature an acceptable design and appearance.; the elevational design, height and scale proposed would accord with the objectives of sections 7 of the National Planning Policy Framework, policies 7.4 and 7.6 of the London Plan 2011, policies 4.1 of the Unitary Development Plan ‘Plan for the Environment’ (2004), policies 1.1 (g), 3.1 (b) and 3.8 of the Ealing’s Development (Core) Strategy and policy 7.B of the emerging Ealing’s Development Management Development Plan Document (Feb 2013).

Neighbouring residential amenity and the London Motorcycle Museum

Adopted UDP policy 4.1 requires new development should respect current standards of safety, natural light, privacy and freedom from visual intrusion in relation to neighbouring land uses. London Plan Policy 7.6 (Architecture) states that development should not cause unacceptable harm to the amenity of surrounding land and buildings, particularly residential buildings, in relation to privacy, and overshadowing.

Ealing Draft Development Management DPD Policy 7A (Operational Amenity) states that development should not erode the amenity of surrounding uses or the site itself, take all reasonable steps to ameliorate these emissions, provide all necessary evidence of mitigation that is requested by the local planning authority. Policy 7B (Design Amenity) states that new development must achieve a high standard of amenity for users and adjacent uses by ensuring good levels of daylight and sunlight, good levels of privacy, and positive visual impact.

The proposal would be surrounded by residential properties sited north (Ravenor Park Road), northeast (Ravenor Park Road/ Oldfield Lane South) and east (Oldfield Lane South). The remaining sides of the site would adjoin the Motorcycle Museum to the south and Ravenor Park to the west.

Properties sited north - Ravenor Park Road

The subject site adjoins the rear boundary of the curtilage of properties nos. 3-17 Ravenor Park Road. However the building would not be sited adjoining the boundary line but set in from it. The property that would be closest to the proposed building would be no. 17 Ravenor Park at an approximate distance of 36m. All these properties benefit from deep rear gardens, which feature mature trees and vegetation towards their southern end bordering the subject site. The northern end of the building would adopt the same building line of the existing buildings on site in order to avoid conflict with existing trees within the site at its northern end. These characteristics offer a dense landscaping between the proposed building and neighbouring properties to the north. Therefore, outlook and privacy of neighbouring properties would not be unduly affected, despite the ground where the building is proposed being on a higher level.

Properties sited north-east (Ravenor Park Road/ Oldfield Lane South)

24 of 28 Planning Committee 14/08/2013 Schedule Item 01 There is a property at close range from the northeast corner of the subject site; this is 1a Ravenor Park (backland development). The rear of this bungalow adjoins the subject site and the distance between them would be approximately just over 15m, which is the distance between existing buildings. Mature trees and vegetation would mostly conceal the proposal but it is noted there would be views between the buildings at high level. This is due to the landscaping characteristics not being as dense in this corner. The proposed building would feature first floor corner windows at this end, which are proposed to be fixed shut and obscure glazed to mitigate overlooking and address privacy issues.

With regards to the outlook currently enjoyed by this neighbouring property, it is not considered that it would change significantly as the proposal would be mostly concealed and the open and green views in a south direction they currently enjoyed would be retained.

A community facility (temple- Shree Jalaram Mandir) sits beyond this neighbouring residential property; however no detrimental impacts are anticipated to this neighbouring property, particularly as the area at the rear of the temple is used for car parking.

Properties sited east (Oldfield Lane South).

These properties, nos. 31A – 37 Oilfield Lane South, are sited at a different angle when compared to the proposed building, as they would splay away towards the northern end of the site. The distance from the proposed building (southeast corner) to the rear elevation of the property sited the closest (31C Oldfield Lane South) would be 24m. It is noted the rear gardens of these properties are not as deep as the properties fronting onto Ravenor Park Road. However, a 24m-distance at the closest point is considered a reasonable separation distance between the proposed building and existing houses, which would not result in undue adverse impacts on residential amenity. Particularly as there is a green area between them, which is part of the land leased to the London Motorcycle Museum and also features mature trees at close range from the boundary shared with the application site.

With regards to noise and disturbance to all the properties aforementioned, the proposed building would be used for activities that are office based Monday to Friday and within the building. The application also proposes the use of two ground floor rooms of the building for community purposes during weekends with limited hours. Noise arising from the parking area is not anticipated to be significant due to the area allocated for this purpose.

The building would form a buffer between the forecourt proposed with the car parking area and properties to the north (Ravenor Park Road). The only rear gardens at close range from the forecourt (car parking area) would be those from 31A-31C Oldfield Lane North. However, in addition to the green land between the rear boundary of these neighbouring gardens and the side boundary of the subject site, the applicant is proposing an acoustic timber fence along the eastern boundary for a length of 36m to minimise noise/disturbance arising from the car parking area and the use of the ground floor activity rooms (southeast corner of the building) during weekends.

Furthermore, Regulatory Services have suggested conditions requesting details of insulation of the building envelope with windows shut and alternative means of ventilation, which would ameliorate noise break out from the building.

The London Motorcycle Museum

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The proposal would not interfere with the operation and running of the museum during its opening hours. An objection was raised in relation to the grounds used when large events are organised by the museum and the proposed materials for the forecourt as it is intended that this areas is used by the Museum to carry out its yearly events.

The applicant has confirmed that an agreement would be offer to the Motorcycle Museum to use all of the forecourt proposed up to 6 times per year (pedestrian hardstanding, parking area and the reinforced turf area); and the ground floor areas within the building (toilet facilities, the waiting area and activity rooms (x2).

The material currently proposed for the forecourt is tarmac, which would have to be conditioned for approval and the specification would have to be assessed so it is practical for the shared used envisaged. The applicant has confirmed that alternative options are being explored.

In conclusion, it is not considered the proposed development would detrimentally affect the living/ working conditions of adjacent occupiers in the area as described above, which is in accordance with Unitary Development Plan policy 4.1, London Plan Policy 7.4, and emerging Ealing Development Management DPD Policy 7A and 7B.

The Quality and Layout of the Proposed Development

The layout of the proposed development would not raise concerns given the use and type of activities to be carried out within the building. The layout is designed to meet the functional needs of the proposed use.


The proposal does not raise concerns in this regard. A condition is recommended to address disabled access.

Refuse Arrangements

The Council’s Environmental Services (Refuse) Officer has not objected to the proposal, a concern was raised as to whether the refuse trucks would be able to come into the site and turn around to leave in forward gear. Access and manoeuvring for servicing vehicles was considered in the design and layout of the parking area and transport services have not raised any concerns in this regard. There would be space available to store bins and any recycling containers within the forecourt. A condition requesting details of this storage is recommended in order to secure satisfactory provision.

Parking and Highways Implications

The only access to the site is via the vehicular lane from Oldfield Lane South. Transport Services are satisfied with the parking arrangement and access provision. Additionally there would be sufficient on site turning space to manoeuvre and egress the site onto Oldfield Lane South in a forward gear.

Transport Services have raised concerns about potential increase in pedestrian/cycle trips from/to the site and potential implications on existing road safety, which may result in an

26 of 28 Planning Committee 14/08/2013 Schedule Item 01 increase accident risk. This would be addressed via a financial contribution towards safety improvements in the vicinity of the site.

The proposed development would not provide off street car parking for staff. The transport statement submitted states that the trip generation arising from the development is calculated using comparable developments that represent similar characteristics to the proposal. The resulting trip generation is 8 vehicle movements during morning peak hours and 15 during evening peak hour.

This would represent one vehicular movement every 7 minutes in the morning and one movement every four minutes in the evening. The site is located within the Greenford District Centre with a PTAL level of 4. The fact that there is access to public transport and a public car park behind TESCO nearby, it is considered that on balance, the proposal would be acceptable on highway safety grounds and Transport Services have not raised any objections subject to planning conditions and agreed contribution of £5000 towards speed tables, discussed above, with the provision of a green travel plan.

On balance, it is considered the proposal would be acceptable on highway grounds and as such it is considered consistent with the objectives of section 4 of the National Planning Policy Framework, policy 2. 8, 6.3, 6.9 and 6.3 of the London Plan 2011, policies 9.1 and 9.9 of the Unitary Development Plan ‘plan for the Environment’ (2004) and Supplementary Planning Guidance 21 ‘Green Travel Plans’; policies 1.1 (f) (g), 3.1 (b) and 3.5 (a); and policies ELV 6.13 and 7A of the Draft Ealing Development Management Plan Document (February 2013)

Soft/ Hard Landscaping

The proposal provides information about soft/ hard landscaping, which would be acceptable in principle, however relevant conditions are imposed to secure details of external landscaping works to protect the amenity of the area.

The Mayor’s Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

CIL was adopted on 1st April 2012. This has introduced a charging system within Ealing of £35 per sq. of gross internal floor area to be paid to the GLA for applications decided on/or after the above date, which seek planning permission for new buildings. This development would create 1333 sqm of floorspace. The liable sum has been calculated to be £46,655.


The development is considered to comply with the National Planning Policy Framework, relevant policies of the London Plan 2011, the Council’s Adopted Unitary Development Plan ‘Plan for the Environment’ 2004, Ealing’s Development (Core) Strategy, regional and local supplementary guidance, emerging policies and other material considerations.

Human Rights Act:

In making your decision, you should be aware of and take into account any implications that may arise from the Human Rights Act 1998. Under the Act, it is unlawful for a public authority such as the London Borough of Ealing to act in a manner, which is incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights

27 of 28 Planning Committee 14/08/2013 Schedule Item 01 You are referred specifically to Article 8 (right to respect for private and family life), Article 1 of the First Protocol (protection of property). It is not considered that the recommendation for approval of the grant of permission in this case interferes with local residents’ right to respect for their private and family life, home and correspondence, except insofar as it is necessary to protect the rights and freedoms of others (in this case, the rights of the applicant). The Council is also permitted to control the use of property in accordance with the general interest and the recommendation for approval is considered to be a proportionate response to the submitted application based on the considerations set out in this report.

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