Mt -Mt UN Security Council " the Motion Was Tabled by Labour M's Bob Hughes, Ivor Clements, Ian Mikardo,' John Horam
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-mt -mt UN Security Council " The motion was tabled by Labour M's Bob Hughes, Ivor Clements, Ian Mikardo,' John Horam, Alf Bates and Liberal David Steele Soviet delegation visitsritain IN October a two-man gation from the Soviet Asian Solidarity Comm visited Britain at the invitc of the Anti-ApartheidMiment AA NEWS nterv them about the work, of Committee, page 11 ta tollow the new AA rL Anti-Apartheid MOy supporters are asked to lo iani for advertisements that ir the ASA ruling and send. of anysuch ads to the i-Apartheid office. itmie and lirmingham mber11to IBA Chairms Movemi on all rn South A "parasta as SAT( able bric-a-bracwelcome. E sc t Contact: Betty NQrthedge, 19F Ennismore Gardens, London EA TCOTE Constituency Labour S W . Tel. 589-8243 Partyhas decided to campaign i x . 1 foraboycottofSouthAfrican Portsmouth prodcts.I the Anti-Apartheid Movement. PORTSMOUTH and Gosport Itsactionfollpwsameeting AniAartheid Movement cm rs itish e~nomic Involveem berve been using the fiSouthen Africheld on lettercolumnsofth~irlocal eber was addresnewslpaper, the Hampshire Telk sed by Paul Joseph on behalf ofgrapi,tio educatep e about theA -Apartheid Movement' grupmebr sk i t, a- - Network South -Africa's ms motn H CTIHNS Mnt -friend i twor work. of student activists on friend~ ~ 1_nt-_ -1o- _---A -:f : x. ,^.;,, .o.* Surreyr SURREY Anti-Apartheid Movement has received an undertakIng' from BBC Publications Advertising Departtnent that it will not publish ads showing segregated facilities in South Africa. The BBC says that it will follow an Advertising Standards Authority ruling that advertisements for holidays in South Africa should only show facilities that areopen to people of all races. The ruling followed a sustained campaign by Surrey AAM. Because of the assurance given by the BBC, Sur ey AAM has withdrawn its complaint against the Radio Times to the Press Council (November AA NEWS). It has told the Press tnan it would be it lett a tree hand. e Ite Iiethehallthey harM* "and answered The group holds a monthly about the "natue of Saturday morning stall oR Porto- and told the audien belloRoad markettoraise funds Vorster's pro-Nazi syn for the Anti-ADartheid Move- ent timne to mbn eirstruggle CV 1SlN J * . Scottish NUS td ~a fund-r paerty~ on SCOTTISH NUS will launch a 7BDukes campaign to pressure univer0 Tckets sities and collegesin Scotland to esh Tel. sell their holdings in companies L el. with Southern African connecte T1el. tions, at a press conference on a Guma November 25. The campaign includes local authority holdings as well as university aind college investn ments, and so will in ve all students in the binary education tsartheidi system. yeday of At'a meeting on Novelsiber y 17 15-16 the -NUS Scottish Council .in adopted an emergency resolutrat- tion supporting the government ! vil. formed by MPLA in Angola and e o Ii era- calling on the British governfa u ment to recognise it. ioyt of ...Dundee or w in OVER 200 Dundee students h e Is held a rallyon Noveiber 1J4 ,to Dave protest against an invitation to a Drd Road, South African Embassyofficial 2263 to address a meeting of the . - , University Conservative Group. Demonstrators held a rally in Oundee's City Square, followed by a picket of the Dundee Hotel, sof t where the meeting was to take 4oement place. of the *b St. Andrews leaflets AN Anti-Apartheid Group is to the hall be formed in St. Andrews, v .as be' g followiig the formation of a St. parthid Andrews University AA Group. in blacks. Activities plans include leafasked - letting, the rrganisatiof of a questions public meeting and ans AAM apartheid recruiting drive. ce about Contact: Quintin Oliver, 8 Balliol BALLIOL College Junior common Room Ihas adopted South African student leader Gerry Mate as an Honorary Member and appointed a member to take a interest in his welfare until his release. Gerry Mare was detained under the Terrorism Act in August and has been held incommunicado since then. Balliol JCR also sen t a messago stidarity to NUSAS (Nvaional Un ion or South African Studen s). NUS'AAM TI4E NUS-AAM student network called on all student unions to protest against South Africa's invasion of Angola, at its greeting in London on November .22. The meeting asked student unions to. take direct action against South African ag ecdes in their area in protest against the invasion and to pass resolutions at their g~neral meetings pledging support for MPLA. It asked them further to send the motions to the British government asking it to recognise the People's Republic of Angola The meeting also decided to hold a week of action on Southern Africa, February 9-13 during which action will be mounted in support of student detainees in South Africa and on investments held by universities and colleges in companies with Southern African subsidiaries. The NUS is to hold an international meeting at its conference in Scarborough, December 4-8 which will include speakers on Southern Africa. Br BIRMIN P .iestcen Rd., St. Andrews, Tel. St. Andrews 2950. AAM dem1onstrators call for end, to hangings iajority rule now 'in Zimbabw metodmnfia icueaotnet fo ahgopfoer ationmo -vment rity ...ty, C .t tiiett, m utr ,v lt rts oer Lynom e d ton +h ever e sarc:hers called for an nvriyeot'Lf~ rlefgsesb h S..ith....est} +ionSef Africa+ in' MEILA leader s the eectin of freedom }Pot!te~hnic, 'Readngierg - igginsi6t. They held iil hcards th; ir union-. III( rrth~:eSmith regimeand ty,; Si, And Tpetslde comemraingd+e32fread+m 1 sa tradi+ioisssmesr U L|J+++kU1+ +;+ tred-heir suport f'or th oyehi.fgtr hoaejsw ohv ih for teIplmnaino MPArrenttvNeSud ore+ stugl being.. + waed + big +F ; group+ marhe bein bee hager *TUC ro ,+; esolutions o kitate h rn aedof t successfulv~ spm eak e ibawa pole h bannerhofdiebleckwokes in; TNaalatSquar+eth Ademad rnexis t poic inltou ofe mao Brts citiensa ofte AA xttv Facit lso U- itip the/..nas'. sp-echs-fro Me;SaO t diat°n ; Pete 'J'hinsaidtht ll the of the b xecuti Com ite of ntee m on them is liealUeeere pr:Ba esente bymast nister Dazv + w~ars, Roe niAatedMvmn must str:oa the ngola Trade Uno /ice hairman Bob H. ghes..he n on of......... Liberal . t. s L.tidnaOffice of expos t shame.ul.recor of .. ederati... incthe n iarched-c #onari- +0++ Liberals. Prgei lentoflt4the hioLa o bbe and a~i +c cused the :anpubic etin in+ Lodo at;; fr~m theLonon o- Man logI ntiepathed ' sgJbe~is he allywas ForignOffce f acing"asa teLS tiuinethewee heals -AptheAica M aovmnt Londrson, sot dic ndoi, s bu th wchite dand c am paeriemn tol confrot t- Seon aneswt ne tets i Anti-'Apartheid Movemnt AGM Campaigning priorities: 1976 ATITS AGM on October 6 ' of us accepti that the people of befre s hold prepare us~p toAtgether- 17 r the Anti-Apartheid Movemnt Zi m babwe will Itiimately detelrfedouble ouir efforts to win the were assed by the discussed its response to the . i oinetheirown future. This must support and solidarity of the calling n the Moveme current crisis for the vhite not lead us tothe conclusion British working class. intens-y i or itfl- that Britain has no role to play -One way of ensuring a citi5t t a tes in Southern Africa. BOB other than simply <agreeing to coheent acohesive policy ainst international HUGHES MP, Vice-Chairman thefinalsettlement gia istodevelop and herm of the Anti-Apartheid Move- The Pary's programme w strong links between ourselves tion Wi the South meteaminesc andM government rmpaniesnforthecomitgyear Weiutofcoursebe.upset presswith renewed prrt h oii er independenceshouldnotbe thatheclearpldet aclforthereeas ofa TERisnolc fcmagi gcantedtoSouthernRhodesia theatoienegeotatfo fia P oliiarsc the Anti-Apartheid unithereismajorityrulen trium rgycanra raa M tour annual country baedon abeatnded.Norcanwebe pressure th British genalmeetingweiissed suffrage. happywt theBrit Steel - ant hban imned * Z Ibabwe(Rhodesia),amibia Tstatementisextemely io' contract for flsetent inSouth A arid South Africa's illegal occt,- importantwt the -curren is4 = fo South Afrco at uretheTUCandtlpatio,Britishivestmentin pute tth Africn Briteyla n vesteett ,hfrica, the arrests at- Nationalists raising the possibil- 'there. ecothisn full- scale- camnpaignstuent inSou~trca ndof tythat Smith will reach an r await thereotofa1bu hm eigtontSuhr course, the fundamnsital evil agreement- w ithoegroup. Partystud ru withineet ofthe AsntiApartheid Miivc nt irtoluh ntuoaeilthatmen to a settlement The-mam a - Press fopr the o)Utlas tureoftrheugiou Asreementt pi amewouldfollowedbythelifting forthecomingyearmsbto holidays and jobs i prioritywouldbe fin us- of sanctions. Whaverthe win thae neharted commt- A Africat What we have to dos is to look~ at ubsequent events, sanctipons m fte aoradTrd u l posble pres ou~roverall strategy and fashion would4 never be re-imrosedl n enio Moet urgids Tpard- he Briishj h oe UponM mntgant4pat heori goenie aathemewhichwilllinkallthe thissituation Britain'srole hei t x supporttheliberation issuestogether. cannotbe peripheral andwe will T6coingtogether-ofPre - of the Zimbabwe peo Wemustbendoureffortsto haverisbvigilanttoprevent> d a m usere ieaseits tppc <obtain from the Labour Govern- any asy acceptance -of 'some Vorter- has causedt :omplica- -ee t AP-0ihWe ment the sane degree of agrehnentt. - tionsThere is an aft of btenrte' SOIDARI I geetings- o PO (outhnstin * on as was -manifest when Few people, -myself included, around. We are aske not to Angola, SouthAft andthe 'Pogge'Ogaisatie hePartywasinoppositionWe belevethat theSmithregiuenroekt b t ini asy ihwe nylaatinst theE must demand the implementa r will volntarilytransfer power t wopardisea pea ttlen i s ea's a' al ge eet . the maret. e tionsofted dmcatiy eceaddeat inRhodesiaandurgedtoacepnl oftheAnti- Apartheid Move- of the 1973 esoutiof gramme.