Worksheet 14 The long view

e. Saint Augustine is sent by i. In the 1530s King Henry Pope Gregory the Great VIII breaks with the Cathedral has to re-establish Christianity Pope... Canterbury been at the centre of some in England. He establishes Cathedral’s monastery very important events during his cathedral on this site is dissolved by royal its long history. Some of the and becomes the first command during the most dramatic events are . and listed here. its monks are forced to leave. It is the last Can you arrange these f. Archbishop Thomas monastery to close. events in order? Becket is murdered in by four of King Henry j. The Cathedral’s a. A fire destroys the Anglo- II’s knights. He is buried interiors are damaged Saxon Cathedral. in the Crypt and soon and ‘blasphemous art’ after his death, numerous destroyed by the Puritans b. Baedecker Raids destroy healings and other miracles during the English civil large parts of Canterbury are reported. He is later Wars from 1642 to 1643. and the Cathedral is made a saint. Canterbury damaged but survives Cathedral becomes an k. The North West Tower thanks to the bravery of important and very popular of the Cathedral is built. its Firewatchers. place of pilgrimage. The Cathedral building now looks much like it c. A great plague – later g. Archbishop Lanfranc – the does today. called The Black Death – first Archbishop after the sweeps the country. The , orders city’s burial ground has the Cathedral to be rebuilt to be enlarged to take in the Norman style. the dead but most of the Now pick which event monks survive. h. Geoffrey Chaucer you think of as the most begins writing the important. You can d. A Viking called Thorkell the Canterbury Tales, a discuss this with others, Tall and his army besiege series of stories shared but you must be able to Canterbury and kidnap by a group of pilgrims explain and present why the Archbishop, Alphege. as they travel together you made this choice. The city and Cathedral are from London to Saint plundered and burned. ’s Shrine in

Canterbury Cathedral. B 11. K 10. J 9. I 8. H 7. C 6. F 5. G 4. A 3. D 2. E 1.