Spatial Covariance of Herbivorous and Predatory Guilds of Forest Canopy Arthropods Along a Latitudinal Gradient

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Spatial Covariance of Herbivorous and Predatory Guilds of Forest Canopy Arthropods Along a Latitudinal Gradient Ecology Letters, (2020) 23: 1499–1510 doi: 10.1111/ele.13579 LETTER Spatial covariance of herbivorous and predatory guilds of forest canopy arthropods along a latitudinal gradient Abstract Ondrej Mottl,1,2,3* Pavel In arthropod community ecology, species richness studies tend to be prioritised over those investi- Fibich,1,2 Petr Klimes,1 gating patterns of abundance. Consequently, the biotic and abiotic drivers of arboreal arthropod Martin Volf,1,4 Robert abundance are still relatively poorly known. In this cross-continental study, we employ a theoreti- Tropek,1,5 Kristina Anderson- cal framework in order to examine patterns of covariance among herbivorous and predatory Teixeira,6,7 John Auga,8 arthropod guilds. Leaf-chewing and leaf-mining herbivores, and predatory ants and spiders, were > Thomas Blair,6 Phil censused on 1000 trees in nine 0.1 ha forest plots. After controlling for tree size and season, we 1,2,5 found no negative pairwise correlations between guild abundances per plot, suggestive of weak Butterill, Grace signals of both inter-guild competition and top-down regulation of herbivores by predators. Inter- Carscallen,9 Erika Gonzalez- guild interaction strengths did not vary with mean annual temperature, thus opposing the hypoth- Akre,6 Aaron Goodman,6 esis that biotic interactions intensify towards the equator. We find evidence for the bottom-up lim- Ondrej Kaman,1 Greg P. A. 1,2,7 itation of arthropod abundances via resources and abiotic factors, rather than for competition Lamarre, Martin and predation. Libra,1,2 Maria E. Losada,10 8 Markus Manumbor, Scott E. Keywords 10 8 Miller, Kenneth Molem, Araneae, community ecology, competition, Formicidae, guilds, Lepidoptera, predation, spatial 6 Geoffrey Nichols, Nichola S. interactions. Plowman,1,2 Conor 1,2 Redmond, Carlo L. Ecology Letters (2020) 23: 1499–1510 Seifert,1,2 Jan Vrana,11 George D. Weiblen12 and Vojtech Novotny1,2 the context of tree species richness and biomass, both of INTRODUCTION which typically decrease with increasing latitude and altitude Generations of ecologists have sought to identify and disen- (Del Grosso et al., 2008). In addition, the standardisation of tangle the factors that generate and maintain the large num- arthropod abundances per unit of forest biomass is advisable bers of species living in forest canopies (Basset et al., 2015). for consistency in analyses but has previously been omitted. The fondness for species richness (Hammond, 1992; Ozanne Such a crucial knowledge gap is perhaps not surprising, con- et al., 2003; Hamilton et al., 2010), however, often means that sidering that arthropods are predominantly studied at the equally important patterns of arthropod abundance are over- level of individual plant stems and/or limited sets of species, looked in forest ecosystems. The species-energy theory pre- rather than in plot-based surveys (but see Volf et al., 2019). dicts that large-scale patterns of diversity follow patterns in Thus, the extent to which arboreal arthropod abundance pat- the density of individual organisms, which in turn track the terns are driven by plant biomass along fundamental ecologi- available energy over space and time (Wright, 1983; Clarke cal gradients remains relatively unknown. and Gaston, 2006). Indeed, there seems to be a general Patterns of abundance and their drivers often differ or con- increase in arthropod species richness and abundance, as well trast among arthropod guilds. For example in contrast to the as in herbivory and predation rates, with temperature towards general trend, the abundances of predatory and herbivorous lower latitudes and elevations (Dyer and Coley, 2002; Lim arthropods responded negatively to mean annual temperature et al., 2015; Roslin et al., 2017; Lister and Garcia, 2018; Libra in a grassland ecosystem (Welti et al. 2020). Additionally, no et al., 2019), albeit with exceptions (Basset et al., 1992; significant increase in herbivory rate was observed for leaf Supriya et al., 2019). These trends should be reconsidered in miners and external chewers along a latitudinal gradient 1Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Entomology, 7Center for Tropical Forest Science- Forest Global Earth Observatory, Smithso- Branisovska 1160/31, 370 05, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic nian Tropical Research Institute, Ancon, Panama 2Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice Brani- 8The New Guinea Binatang Research Center, P.O. Box 604, Madang, Papua sovska 1760, 370 05, Czech Republic New Guinea 3Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway 9Department of Biology, The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada 4German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, 10National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, Leipzig, DE, Germany DC, USA 5Department of Ecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Vinicna 7, Pra- 11The Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic gue 12843, Czech Republic 12Bell Museum and Department of Plant & Microbial Biology, University of 6Conservation Ecology Center, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, Minnesota, Saint Paul, MN, USA Front Royal, VA, USA *Correspondence: E-mail: © 2020 The Authors. Ecology Letters published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1500 O. Mottl et al. Letter (Andrew and Hughes, 2005b). Furthermore, caterpillar spe- enemies), their abundances are likely to be negatively corre- cialists and generalists responded differently to latitude in lated (H3) via a negative trophic cascade, where the negative terms of abundance (Salazar and Marquis, 2012). Such exam- impact of natural enemies on predators benefits their herbi- ples highlight the need for detailed multi-guild studies as well vores (Mooney, 2007). If driven by abiotic factors, we would as the importance of clearly defining guild concepts (Sim- see a positive correlation between abundances of both herbi- berloff and Dayan, 1991). vores and predators, as they would be affected by local abi- Arthropod abundances in canopy ecosystems may be lim- otic fluctuations in a similar way (H4). ited by the agency of several theoretical mechanisms: bottom- Guild covariance can indirectly indicate the processes that up effects of quantity and/or quality of resources (hypothesis drive their abundances, although numerous scenarios become 1; H1) and competition (H2), or top-down impacts of natural possible when individual guilds are each controlled by a differ- enemies (H3) and abiotic factors (H4). The relative impor- ent driver. Unfortunately, multi-guild analyses are rare. Bird et tance of these factors may determine covariance in guild al. (2019) showed in their meta-analysis that competition tends abundances across individual host trees or forest plots to be stronger among herbivorous guilds (inter-guild com- (Table 1). The abundance of primary consumers (herbivorous petition) rather than within them (intra-guild competition), guilds) could be positively correlated across their host trees if suggesting a greater importance of studying inter-guild compe- driven by the local abundances of primary producers (plant tition in herbivorous arthropods. In contrast, species diversity resources) (H1; Whitfeld et al., 2012). A negative correlation was not correlated among five herbivorous guilds across 38 among herbivorous guilds could indicate inter-guild competi- plant species in a study from Papua New Guinea, pointing to tion (H2), whereas uncorrelated inter-guild abundances would the weak effect of competition (Novotny et al., 2012). This be an indication of top-down control by natural enemies could be explained via the Green World Theory, which posits (H3), assuming that the natural enemies act in density-depen- that herbivorous arthropods should be under such intense dent fashion, thus suppressing the densities of various host pressure from natural enemies that strong competition among guilds similarly (Walker and Jones, 2001; Floren et al., 2002). them is scarce (Hairston et al., 1960). Net Primary Production (NPP) is one of the most important Similarly, inter-guild competition can be observed in preda- variables in terrestrial ecosystems (Roy et al., 2001; Pontarp tors. For example spiders partly compete with ants for prey et al., 2019), and the seemingly simple temperature gradient (Halaj et al., 1997; Mestre et al., 2012), and negative co- (as a proxy for NPP across latitude or altitude) could be a occurrence of ants and spiders was observed in the canopies limiting factor in arthropod abundance for individual trophic of a lowland rainforest (Katayama et al., 2015). However, levels and their taxa (Oksanen et al., 1981). Therefore, posi- arboreal ants are well known to consume the sugar-rich secre- tive correlations among herbivorous guilds could indicate abi- tions of Hemiptera and plant extrafloral nectaries (Davidson, otic factors as drivers (e.g. climate), since the abundances of 1997; Davidson et al., 2003), and can therefore be considered most guilds will tend to respond similarly to key climatic vari- similar to primary consumers (herbivores). This would result ables (e.g. temperature) at a local scale (H4). Analogous in different than expected patterns between spider and ant expectations would also apply to abundance covariance

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    Myrmecological News 21 Digital supplementary material Digital supplementary material to PEETERS , C. & ITO , F. 2015: Wingless and dwarf workers underlie the ecological suc- cess of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) . – Myrmecological News 21: 117-130. Appendix S1. List of 286 ant genera in which head width of workers was measured (maximum width of head capsule excluding eyes, in full-face view), as well as 21 eusocial bees and 25 eusocial wasps for which data were obtained in the literature. Species for which results are not indicated have worker heads wider than 1 mm, i.e., there are no "dwarf" workers. All data are summarized in Fig. 2. * measured from photographs available on FORMICIDAE Aenictus sp. < 0.5 mm (see BOLTON 2015) Asphinctanilloides amazona* < 0.5 mm Cerapachys sp. < 0.5 mm Agroecomyrmecinae Cylindromyrmex brevitarsus* < 1 mm Ankylomyrma coronacantha* Dorylus laevigatus < 1 mm Tatuidris tatusia* Eciton sp. Labidus spininodis* < 1 mm Amblyoponinae Leptanilloides biconstricta* < 0.5 mm Adetomyrma caputleae* < 1 mm Neivamyrmex sp. cr01 * < 0.5 mm Amblyopone australis < 1 mm Nomamyrmex esenbeckii* < 1 mm Apomyrma stygia* < 0.5 mm Simopone occulta* < 1 mm Bannapone scrobiceps* < 1 mm Sphinctomyrmex cribratus* < 0.5 mm Concoctio concenta* < 0.5 mm Tanipone aversa* < 1 mm Myopopone castanea Vicinopone conciliatrix* < 0.5 mm Mystrium camillae < 0.5 mm Onychomyrmex hedleyi < 0.5 mm Ectatomminae Opamyrma hungvuong* < 0.5 mm Ectatomma sp. Prionopelta kraepelini < 0.5 mm Gnamptogenys cribrata < 1 mm Stigmatomma besucheti* < 0.5 mm Rhytidoponera sp. < 1 mm Xymmer sp. mg03 * < 0.5 mm Typhlomyrmex pusillus* < 0.5 mm Aneuretinae Formicinae Aneuretus simoni* < 0.5 mm Acanthomyops sp.
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