Ralph Toask for Civilian Police Head
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Chain stores THE s TJ s > > > H 73 H fined for sales > ?? > rC g on Sundays > > > II AZLET 2 < 2 • m Five township chain stores . TJ were fined by Municipal n d e p e n d e n t 2 C I • CJ Court Judge Ronald Horan ft ft ^ ft ft The Weekly Newspaper c, n and warned last week not to • 3 « sell prohibited merchandise £ O on Sundays. Vol. 4 NO. 51 Wednesday, Nov. 6, 1974 15 Cenf§ 5 The stores K-Mark, per- — -- - *-» gament, Genovese Drugs, ^ CO O -O H 70 W.T. Grant, and Rite Aid • > Disocunt Drugs- were fined 73 $25 and told they must rope Independents do it again; off sections of their stores on Sundays. According to a court spokesman, the judge told the offenders that a “second 3-man tax board approved offense will be dealt with more severely.” Conviction on a second Ralph toask offense brings a $50 fine, a third offense, a $100 fine, and a fourth offense, a $200 fine. for civilian The judge also told the five stores that it was unfair of police head them to sell the prohibited merchandise when smaller KEVPORT businesses are unable to Piling up large pluralities staff a store on a Sunday, in Brown’s Point and Lock- according to Ihe spokesman port, Mayor Willi, n Ralph There were several sim i and his Independen running lar complaints signed mates, Councilmei George against K Mart, but Judge Leone and Harold Stout, won Horan merged them into one re-election yesterday as an charge, the spokesman said estimated 70 percent of the Representatives of the five borough's registered voters stores agreed to comply with went to the polls. Horan's ruling, the spokes Ralph defeated his Repub man said. lican opponent, Harry Way, According lo Det. Sgt. by 65 votes and the Demo John Fetherston who made cratic candidate, George the complaints, after loin Bolte, by 222 votes. convictions, a store "can be Leone led all voters with deemed a nuisance and ac 960 votes, and Stout defeated tion can be brought to close it his closest opponent, Repub down,” lican Robert McLeod, by an Under state law. mer 872-794 margin. chandise such as clothing, Ironically, the Democrats’ electrical appliances and air main campaign issue, crea conditioners can not be sold tion of a three-man tax on Sundays, Fetherston said. assessment boad to replace Incumbent Councilmen George Leone (left) and victory sign after they won re-election yesterday on the incumbent Assessor L e o Police car Harold Stout (right) and Mayor William A. Ralph give Independent ticket in Keyport. Brown, was overwhelmingly approved, 1,108-771. hit by bottles Republicans see hope for next year Republican party leaders KEYPORT said last night that the tax Two special policeman assessment issue had hurt responding to a resident’s their candidates. Brown was complaint Wednesday that Filardi, O ’Brien re-elected treasurer of the GOP cam her car was being showered paign. IIAZLET with bottles found them vote, with Filardi edging districts. McCann outpolled mittee will discuss a succes Bolte said he was “grati selves in the same predica Incumbent Township Com McCann by eight votes in his running mate in all but sor “within the next week ” fied by the vote on the tax ment. mitteemen Francis O’Brien District 11, the Republican's two districts also. “We are not going to have assessor question." Donna Kneutt, 96Third St., and Stephen Filardi attribut home district. With the vote of con consecutive mayors,’’ Before t h e Republicans ed their easy victory yester was traveling near Atlantic McCann scored higher fidence, Filardi and O'Brien O'Brien said, but indicated it and Democrats had finished day over two Republican Street and Maple Avenue, than Tuschmann in District said they would work to was possible he would be tallying the results, the In newcomers to a high voter according lo police, when 10, which is both Filardi's "finish what we started." mayor agiain in 1976. dependents had started a turnout. her car was hit by the and Tuschmann's home dis O'Brien noted that his McCann and Tuschmann victory motorcade. bottles. The state casino gambling trict. term as mayor will expire both said last night that they "The people had faith in question “brought out the Reporting to headquarters O'Brien led in all but two Dec. 3’ , and said the com (Continued on Page 19) (Continued on Page 19) voters," O'Brien said, after from the scene, Ptl. Bob C’iecierski and Thomas Shut he and Filardi had defeated ter said their patrol car was Republicans George Tusch mann and Gerard McCann Dems gain control of council "being bombed" wilh bot by a margin of almost 5-:!. tles. By Terry Straight O'Hara won five of seven feat to the Democratic land that’s what they voted for.” The vote yesterday ensures There were no injuries, MATAWAN BOROUGH districts, losing only District slide in the county. “You Enactment of a property Democratic control of the The car received minor The election of Thomas 3 and District 5, Scaccia's can't beat a trend." he said. maintenance code, building committee for at least two damage. O 'H a r a and Richard home district. Ryan said they ‘‘had of senior citizens housing more years. Two youths who police said Schwartz yesterday gave the O ’Hara polled a total of fought a good fight.” and teenage recreation fa Winning in all 16 districts, were seen running from the Democrats control of the 1,685 votes; Schwartz. 1.378: The Republicans "did not cilities, and sewers for the O ’Brien said the voters rec scene, were not apprehend Borough Council. Ryan. 1,212: and Scaccia, run a positive campaign," Freneau section were the ognized that “we work hard ed. The Democratic c a n 1,153. O'Hara said. "We ran a primary issues in the cam in Hazlet and try like the didates won by almost 700 Schwartz's home district, good, positive campaign and paign. devil to keep taxes down." Fire suspicious, votes over the Republicans, which includes Freneau and that's what the people want Ryan and Scaccia had “There were no real sur Thomas Ryan and Joseph Contempra, gave the Dem ed." supported enactment of a teens arrested prises in the election," Fil Scaccia. ocrats their largest margin. Schwartz agreed. "Our property maintenance code ardi said. h a z l e t In an election in which 60 The vote there was almost campaign was positive,” he for both homes and apart The Democrats won ap Three township teenage percent of the borough's 2-1. said. "The people of Mat ments. proximately (i0 percent of the boys were arrested Friday registered voters turned out. Scaccia attributed the de awan wanted a change and While a proposed senior morning in connection with a citizen housing comples in suspicious fire near Bren the Freneau section had nan's Lane and Union Ave been supported by O’Hara, nue. Dems sweep county races the Republicans said they According to a police report, doubted it "w'ould meet our FREEHOLD margins in all but the sher Benjamin Danskin, his Re a former fire chief observed son, were defeated by Dem needs". A Republican freeholder iff's race. several juveniles standing" publican counterpart and the ocrats Thomas Lynch and O’Hara. Recreation Com director was defeated yes Incumbent Sheriff Paul incumbent county clerk. The by the fire. When the chief Raymond Kramer. mission chairman, also fa stopped his car to question terday after 35 years on the Kiernan easily overcame the almost 2,000-vote plurality vored giving top priority to The Democrats polled ap the boys, they ran off into the board as Democrats gained challenge of Republican Jo represents one percent of the providing a teenage rec seph Began, winning 64 per proximately 53 percent of the woods. control ol the county's gov total vote. reation facility, and support cent of the vote vote for freeholder. Fifteen minutes later, ft). erning body for the first i mu Joseph Irwin's 3 5 - y e a r ed a plan to convert the John Fiorino, the Dem Larry Hawkins apprehended ni 38 years reign as freeholder ended Kramer, mayor of Asbury Jackson Street YMCA build ocrats' county leader, re two 14-year olds and a 15- Democrats defeated Re yesterday when he and a Park, outpolled his running ing at an estimated cost of vear old vouth. publican incumbents by slim ceived j . im iii more votes than nother incumbent, Axel Carl mate. 73.282 to 72,-199. $35,000. Page 2 THE INDEPENDENT Nov. 6, 1974 Cox, Young win by large margins Denis’ landside stops at Holmdel line HOLMDEL Clerk John Waddington call ed, because of the untiring continue to serve a s a Township voters ignored ed the turnout "average." efforts of GOP campaign “watchdog" of the Repub the nationwide Democratic Cox and Young carried workers. lican committee. “ I will landslide and elected two five of the six election dis Young said that the party pursue the question of fi Republicans to the Township tricts, losing only District 1. workers’ efforts were the nancing," McEnroe said. “I Committee yesterday b y The victory enabled the “ key" to the GOP victory am still not convinced the substantial margins. Republicans to retain a 4-1 when Democrats were township is getting the pro Incumbent James Cox, ap majority on the Township sweeping the county and per returns.” pointed to the committee Committee.