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Deming Headlight and Deming Graphic, 1890-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

5-10-1890 Deming Headlight, 05-10-1890 J.E. Curren

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Recommended Citation Curren, J.E.. "Deming Headlight, 05-10-1890." (1890).

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IHtOFJMSIONAL CAltH. COJtAtl'.XT. DEOrtADIHO THE ZXE0UTIV2 OFHOS. tho Convention tlint framed this 8. LIN UA, DiiMiNCJ SESE I. WQJtMSEU, San FitAatiWo, 0, WOltMBEH, DHfaalT; x, color, Tlio political pnrty of Now Constitution waro also members i LAW, All oxiimliiatioii ofthopropoflcil ATfORHSfAT the lata Legislature tho fcmlHff, Jtw Mstlen Muslim tlint forties tho Ibaito of Goiistltutloii formulated lit Bantu of that will dofoiUoil Territorial Governor at that time fitutchood be at tho l'e Inst fltimmor, disolosos a polls tlita full, ltntou Jlnngo. stood In the way of vory many of AUER. WORMSER & CO.. Ilnoint H nrnl ti Honk Building. studied mid consistent purpose " tho acts of Icglslntlvo Infamy TWcVu llOO.MK. Immediate Btntoliood for New nnd effort on thn part of that con. U AtronnnT-A- Law. , that characterized that Legislature Mexico menus permanent ring volition to degrade tho ofllco of Will rtlc4 In Ml ttin courts of mo Tf rtl. mid which wore concocted and jr, (h 1,411 J offlv at . Oruers mm rule, mid death to public bcIiooIs Governor of the state to n condi- tsniltf tn business with the Dniisrtrneiits at railroaded throtigji by these very Wholesale VVsiWIiikton. tion of inferiority subject to tho Merchants. mid proarcsn. What ttiiukinir Qonviintloii personal mitl partisan caprices niombcru of tho that Ttt.B.r.8rovAi.i,, tnxpuyer cun tnko the Hfllc. of XJ rhyslolsn andflit.Kan. tho Legislature. From tho posl they oipoot to become incmbtrH nnitiSHr Aurrtamt for A. T A B. r. It. It, Uo of mid rliraet tho policies aud con- (iiluumi liunlnp litilltll". Wo would cull nttontioii to u Hon of a coordinate branch of tho duct of tho expected State Legis- Wholesale & Kotail Dealers I WM.UAVa, M. I), Bitinninry of Sointtor Veat'H beef Government, lid la reduced to tlint w l'lij-ilcl- snd fearful snmo IN Kuron. report, which: wc publish in tlilo of a subordinate ofllclal. lature, ami, that tho Qfflf tiOtt'nntrcLstretr, west ot I'ostOffle. impediment tuny again stand in All mils MtauHeU dt or nlnlil. iHAiie. Thin Biiintitnry is intcrent It is universal diatom, in pro tho way of tho accomplishment Flour, Grain, Potatoes, lubricating and.Goal Oils, 11. HKM lug, but ovary cntUenimi Hhotttd of steel, Ironjaiia, Wire, CIIAIlLtS AtIf(H5 scribing tho diitleR mid powers of their InlqiiltouS schemes, they I'mtnrttea Ilullillni. n n ttiln. oiidouvor to teottro mid rend tho tho Governor u state, In terms ("llTerOllr, Hum l(rjfO, I of proposed to foreTotid against any IT,fiili ronorit to clotho him with exeotitlvo pow- such contingencies in tho future ' AITOHKT-AT-LA- In tho controversy ween J), ers. Tho Constitution of the AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. VaitoOku Dullrtlntf, a. bet by disarming him by constitutional City, United proscribes (hat mlrsr Newaisxico. 1. Onrr nntl Ira M. Uond, ah cur- States "tho enactment and reducing tho Exe- STUDiJBAIOBR AND BAIN FARM AND SPRING WAGONS T. K. OouwaVt (I. IWy, W, A. Haw Mns. ried on through tho coIiuiiiih of Bxeeulivo power shall bo in n cutive ofllco to a mcro porfiinotory ' ' rXHISY IIAiYKINfl. ANHEUSER, CUNWIY, . President." Tho organic net of ASoUOUSSBLORS-AT-LAW- tho Optic, tlint pnpor In tho iniilii force. LEMPS AND FALK'S BEER, Mirer Oltjr, NnwMsslro. lotter. Nobody in llorimlillo or the Territories, which Is to them That was mi ittiforttiunto slip of A BIIRSfKLTKtt A IIOKAIIOK, Grant co'itntlcH, enrea to read tho a uoustltuuoii, prescribes that tx. Atluriiert-st-Ui- "tho Executive powers each tho tongue by Gov, I'rlnce, in his nrnl Sollfltois In Chancery, TuporingB of either Bond or Curr. of flninliiir, New Mnilco. Territory shall bo routed in a intorvlow vtlth the Chicago Tri- Piper Heiclsick: and Hclipse Criampagrie. Itulgo O'llrlon's decision Govoruor." bune, tho dthor day. Aftor all those years of fawning nutl slob-borin- g itgnitiHt the Xtw Mexico incut Tills is also the usual formula 1'illS MJdT a'JOOK OP THE ST. JAMES. over tho native citizens law, throws out of em of stato Constitutions with refer-eiie- o of Ob Sllrsr Arsnun, south of dpot. ployment u fuunll nriny of very to stnto governors, and has Now Moxlco, apparently in untie!-pittlo- u dny Dry Goods, Boots and Newly Opened! Thor- hungry inspectors, who held tho been thomothod of signalizing tho of tho whon canting shoes. plncci in return for vnlunlilo politl hypocrisy might bring him In! oxcotitlve fittiotion of tho Gover- FURNISHING GOODS AND HATS, oughly Henovatod! cnl sorvicco. But tho butohoro nor nnd distinguishing it from sight of co voted honors incident to ho should In nrc Jubilant. that of other exeetttivo or stato statehood, that a TO 8KLK0T FItOSt. COKKESl'ONDENOK SOMOH'KD. Tho tnblo In fitrnlsliotl with well moment of fatal forgetfulucBS wo oniccrs, slnco the beginning of tho eonkod, Bttltstmitiiil food. ttoomn Just iia prophealod, hist apply to de- describes him them tho ugly and clean mid ulry. wock, tho Jtopubliomi preis of tho Government. It at LINDAUER. WORMSER & COMPANY. once, distinctly mid unequivocally, grading term of "greaser," is Territory Iiiih commenced howling NI5W --UBXICO. something in tho nnttiro of mi as- naraanm nt Chief .TiiHtieo O'Urlon for re- - as tho chief Exocutlvo ofllccr of tounding ridiculousness. The (it mutili n lini'l to thoso who kill Iuh tlia state. P. II SIK1I0L0, Cashier. 0. II, DANK, I'reilJstit. Prlco retiucort to $J.R() nor dny tnlning Clork Bunker mid Stouo Territory Is fairly convulsed with than th staled ntimlior. A't'ie But this Constitution docs noth- It IS also Shown that the mnnmuili- - lu snouts, grnpher Qortuer. Tho Mexi lu Willi for transient ltetrulnr ing of tho kind. The Exocutlvo the great faux pax, socio with !enll till' New York Trunk lionril 90.00 linr wuok Hoard can liends tho puck, of course, and laughter, his immediate friends Line Association, which cnnlrnl. Ilm mid lodi;luir 07.00. othor sheets jolp in echo. Cliaptor, Article 5, Section 1, pro- Central Trullh' Aaswlallmi; thut ths Bank with chagrin, roads National vides that "the Executive depart- the object of his discriminate against live stock first shippers who tue Improved cnltle Hiun-iiiuit- characterization with undisguised cars, OF DEMING, NE5W No need to look in tho ment shull consist of a governor, and that the illdcrlmltmtlou oporutos MEX, J, W. POSTER Proprietor, and justlllablo anger, all with as a to 11 nd whon Gov. Boss lieutenant governor, meeretmy of and rubato to the "Dig Four". amazement that a politician of It Is developed Incidentally on tho $100,000. strikes a blow nt tho Inst legisla- state, auditor of public accounts, testimony of CAPITAL PAID IN such cloveruoss should tho secretary of the Union ture or the constitutional conven- stato treasure:', attorney general, reputed Slock Yards at Chlrugo that their stock TREMONT HOUSE tion. You can one of make such u lidioulotia mid disas- wax originally subscribed by tho railroads, hear noino and superintendent of public and the report shows that railroad olll- - tho crowd grunt, and It is often a trous "break." The clrcumstanco clals, controlling stock yards nt different Transacts a General Banking- Eusmog. hybrid grunt; a sort of mixture of Hero is not a woid to show tlint will cost Prluoo it thousand or puiniK, oimrgH oiiinigcousiy exoriitiuni SILVER CITY, N.M. more explanation, aud, price, for feeding and yarding llvo cattle, gromi of pnlii mid howl of rugo. tho Governor s superior In tiny letters of thus decreasing producers' tirollls nnd OKKtaicHta oven ho will ever havo tho strengthening tho hold of tho Dressed 0. II DANE, I Siiuta Ko Bun. respect to ituy of these- - nothing then, President F, H. SIEBOLD, Casjiisi haunting consciousness thut tho lleef monopoly. Hon. Antiiimy snytt lio "would that clothes him with Executive ino ropon present tlio subject so E, J. CALLAHAN, PROFR. Juiii is bo clearly rntlmr live lit u lli'iiilillcnii utiito than a power iiothIng to show tlint ho thing liable to sprung on and forcibly that Congress cannot DIREOTORSi Dimioonitlr Tflrrlloiy." him ut any Inauspicious tnomout. help noting on It. It strikes tho lleef is anything more than mi ordinary monopoly a decisive blow, nnd It has Tho Item Is ilouting a ijiiiiinu, oill f. I'l.MISN.MAN. Flrot-elhs- above Tho timo may come when L. Brad- lilgii value aside from Its special unnorii M II Sample Rooms for etnto oilicer with a proscribed subject, r. r. McurtOUIT, SUnlii Fc, N. M. V. II. DXSH. through tho Republican press of will feelings as It Is the Hint succinct, complete ami II II routine of dutlos to perform, tho ford understand tho authentic review processes by F. II. HlKIIOI.n, DomliiL', N. M. Ooniiuorciut Travelers. tho Territory, but cannot bo of thn snmo as the other olllclals of tho whipped parrot, who which monopoly lius secured control of I traced to any authentic source. no mo sollloqitizod 'Tolly! You talk too the American market. Houatnr Viwt enumerated round unless. bus made a mngiilllcent light. Ifo hn is Eafo to iiHstuno that Mr. Headquarters for Mining mid It This is followed in section 8 of mitolh" rougiit to win. ami ho will win In splto fooliBh of the tremendous odds.- - St. Jnsoph never miido so a tho Hiimo nrtlolo, by a monstrous Iiuls TUB DItEBSED DEEP REPORT-- Stock Mon, remark. provision which makes It posslblo Statehood mid tho inevitnblo to suspend him by the preferment fipimtor Vest's report nimlo for the Iloulamlu 1 lllltler's estlmntn of thn hiilehfediiess of the farmers of the coun- HATES: S2 50 Per Day by foiniiilttco nnitoliiteil to IiivmIIbiUo tlm Jobbery which would follow would of articles of impeachment the luttlo trnilu, roroiM uti Uu uuuhint tho try may he an exnesernted one, hut tills Now Mexico payers fully Ilotiso, and keep him out of his l)reeu llof monopoly wliluh will makes very little tluiorcuuo, fortlioiols FIKST NATIONAL HANK HU1I.D1NO. cost tax no doubt that their comblueil ludnbted ollieo from begin- Dually overthrow it. ino ruporl Is a DEMINU, French Restaurant, two per cent, additional taxation, practically tho ilooumunt of elgiiul ability, uoiutlttitln uess reaches so high Into tho hundreds N. il. mid pluco our affairs in tho abso- ning to the end of his term, mid siicii n roviinv oi ino intiiuiry of millions that no udeuimto conception JIM WJISM, Proprietor, tin onntry u Iiuh uovcr licua luiulu ho- - ran be laid of the mennlnif of thu total. un- without trial, solely at tho will of l lute control of u sot of foro, unil uuiirliirf In ovory point on the Tho llutler estimate of f,mo.(KM),000 pry DRUGS AND DRUGGIST'S SUNDRIES. Best Eating House in Detiiing. principled nuouudrolM. Can wo an unfriendly majority In tho monopoly throngn which Imth uoiiHuniorrt urn means ttiat itepubuenu leUla unil product' urn ruliliod. Atuoiiipatiy- - tlou has for UO years diverted tlie prollts 1I00IC3 AND afford to pay four por cent, taxes, House of Bopresontittlvos. working STATIONERY". msn orsTnaa in Bvpar Bine iiik it uru inrso mm una u joiiii roxoui of tho farmer to tho favored and be ruled by robbers? Those two provisions for the Hon, and thu mmagu of tho Henate trust capitalist. Of tills there Is no doubt, III (li or All Dslloaclus of Miou to orditr at degradation of the Exeoutlva nfllce hill Is recoinmiMidoil - this hill, when ami tnroo four Hundred million more n or less on the llutler estimate makes no Us (tollable RaUs. DuloKiito Antonio .I(nipli, Clmlrinnii roforrail to thu tkmnto .Imllclury Coin-i- Perfumeries and Toilet Requisites nro still further supplemented by It toe. litiuu changL'tl with a dlaereiire. Ullilarnloovo, of tho Dnmourutli' ctMitrol having ' 8n.vKit AVKNtllt, l)i:.MIN(J foiiiniltteo, mid Juilgu Trlmlilo, of Allm-qiivniu- tho practical destruction of tho Hpi'ilai vlow id lirvaklng tho corrupt A Kansas City wag with n bonovolant We hftvo on baud a ore In favor of itutoliooil, t 7, ciimlilnutton by whlult tho cattle uiarliot veto powor, in sootion of tho In controlled. Tho mlilltloiml hilts face procured a twenty dollar gold piece iitntn tho iYn Mutimn latutt nitvlcim thrco by from Vi'itslilimton. bundle Biiuto urtielo, under which it Is iirovldo thai. rlcarnneiiK shall ho rcfunod purchase, aud started out on the Tho ring streets to see Iin could Unit A Full W. P. TOSSELL, ovlilontty Inu lost It mwor with theso to vctnols Avhtcli nut under monopoly If hiiv one stoek of Cigars and Tobaeeo made possible for it bill to be who It. Thirty-on- e tlircu H can not ho t'ontruct In fxportlng cattloi tlint the had lost rsnutablo Ditmocrati. rivaled business men assured film at dllTcrrut OF THU 0UOI0E3T IHIANDS, that thoeo tiro men of Inllu-enc- o passed in tho Legislature ororlho ralirouil shall not tlUcrliiilnalo itHitliut hitler three iiMces and times that they hud lost tho In tholr party. Tho littlu knot of Executive objection by uless vott liiiirovci card for uhlpplng llvo cattle or The OLD RELIABLE JEWELER of DE1I1NG. In favor of refrigerator cars, anil thut oolu, and were anxiously looking for It. Alliiiiincriiuu nutl Doming Domooratlo puss sumo r our would-li- n lionHUK (Ioch than is ronulrod to the hvot offered fur export shall ho Inspected. oi iiicm named tue iiato, aim tnrse not run tlilngK hi succiHWfuly AS ALSO ALL SMOKERS' Tho rosolntion culls roirespon-ilwii'- o guessed nt th mint. Then ARTICLES. iho Damocjrntls party any totiKr, it bill In the iirst iustmice. joint lor (ho seems. INew .Mexican. with KiihIhiiiI looking to the nliro-t;atli- perpetrator of this practical lake Section 0 of tho sumo article re of tho regulation uiulur which (jult In fes jralr aud expnuiled the olrcntl- - 11 Is rather unkind in tho New mg gom-pice- WATC1LES, quires that tho Governor shall re- Amorlcnii llvo rattio must be shuightored A OltEAT VAKIUTY OF Mexican, to cluirgo that its now at tho Hnglish port of entry. in CLOCKS, port to tho Legislature, "fully and In reviewing tho decline In tho prlenof Whon n culnrlt Is cnllwl to nlead to an converts to tlia uauso state. lOnhuudrml-wclghth- of in writing," his reasons for every llvo stock from $7 i Indictment for larceny ho does not better JEWELRY, hood, arc fresh from tho power of Janunry, 1HHI. to 83 tuuhumlrod-wolght his case by nn attempt to make It appear TOTS AND NOTIONS pardon or remission of lino tlint In January, IwU, tieuator Vest shows, on that ho (foes not euro enough for the n "boodle ring." proceotuug nonce .Air. PLAT.EWARE, ho may grant making the chief tvsllniiiiiy taken by tho committee, that in ii. .matiusw Drags dispensed it Is due to u L'liiuoliiall'Ui between tho Htakliiy OCAV may bo boss of rentisvl and Inscriptions accurately compounded. Wo will refuon tho Territory de- vnula and dictator of ltepubllomi Just, Keceivod. trust Oongrcds executive oilicer of "Hlu l'nur" anil tho railroads. Tho the !( LOUIS .'.IritAW, to nuiko any appiopilutlon for a accouniablo to tho legislature for cline follows after tha "Kvoner's coinbl-imtlou,- " imriy. but lie Is mlstnken If hoeonoludes wulch owmted from I87J) to that ho Is on that account stmiigur thsii Cli and Examine Now sossloii of tho Now iMcxico Logiu- - tho performance of mi net for 1HT8, contrallr.lnif tho control of tho llvo the nubile aversion for embw.fors.--S- U laturu, this wlutor. Tho lastloglu. which ho iilono Is responsible to itattlo trnilu hi the hands of tho Chicago iauiis impuuiio. 4& Goods and Prices conspirator, who reculvud a relwlo of JOHN OOBBETT, hittiro, us a body and in its work, the peoplo of his stato, and for u $15 a car on all uattlu shipped Kant over llnuutles as poutlons for the crippled was a disgrace and a curso to tho singlo fullttro to so account ho tho New York Central, tho I'emisvlvunlu nun uinmsuu iiuiusirins oi uigll "proiso-tlve- " t Krlo rullrouiU. con- hues Is one of thoM "new Territory, nutl thoro Ib no pros- by and The monopoly another FINE WATCH REPAiniN'h A Sl'ECIALTV may bo Impeached tho House spiracy imvwl th wy for ttis llressmt departures" we hsartl so much moat pect of any Improvement. Wo and removed without trial. It es- iieof monopoly unit iiuiilu possible Its when thn North wilt put Down-Itn- it tlord Manufacturer of Soda Waters Aud Wnrrnitlad. 111 aird; will bo much without snecoM. control of tlm American Homo of better oft tablishes over tho Governor a Tho evldutioo taken tiy Senator Yost's Hopreseuttttlves. loglHlatures, until wo can Improve Wich Impector for A. T. k fl. P. Jt. It. most obnoxious censorship in committee has proven thut Aia'tiUit A on (lie material of which they have what may bo a more trivial ufTalr Co.. Bvtm (fcCn., Nkijon Jlonnis & Co. Why should silk nnd sunnr b rilnsod 3B.f ami oi Co. (tho Ills; Four) con on tho pension rolls, whn other wpmlly Denlor In heretofore been composed, of ills office, in which tho Legisla- trol the cattle ami beef markets) that wormy veterans ot tue nmn inx systu u, ture mid tho public may not havo tliev foreo shippers who refuse tholr which nro in a worso condition, nrr left Tho Now Mexico mout Inspec- II rut bid to accent n lower price, unit that nothing own tho slightest Interest. with but their rtwouruos tion law lias followed into tho they conspire to bnnlirupt butchers who between them and tho poor bouse T slaughter cwu hoof ii of ThoBo Beveral propositions of buy and their rattle. &, MutiUtiiulurer grave of faulty legislation tho Is shown on AuMoim's own ovldenco SOS, BOTTLED EBER. this Constitution otitphssUo a It What right have tho sugar planters of KM mtmorous incisures of like ohar that they uro In a "combine," "trust," or Louisiana to n pension ironi. too luuu deposition to establish a degree conspiracy to tlx tho price of hoof to tho of the of this country? Yvha & Shoes, autor which lutvo been declared consumer, Boots of power lit tho Legislature whicu purchaser or ami that they riuht has nuy "prlpnlwt Imttutry" to lib Iiavu nn agreement not to lutnrferagvvltli s unconstitutional wherovor toBted. put on the government pay-roll- along U13.M1NG, NKW Fina Work Specialty. - would destroy tho each other In ceitulu markets and locali- witti tno military rreiortansr MBXIOOj r a Chief .Tustioo O'Brien, prositliug ties. Ami proven by tho quality of the throo branched of Ills further 4 over the district court at Lai ovldenco that limy conspired lu filling The demand that thn Hontibllcansii. ills It government mid mnko thn legisla- government contracts to supply meat to PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. Yogas this week, lit deciding th'o Home, plnro Senator from tho tilialntmn JUpxIrhnj Nely nnd Promptly Done tive branch tho dominant, over- ino Hampton Boldlers' to tho ship of their National Committed Is caso of Tho Territory vs. 0. 0. National llospltui anil other Institutions, Gold Avenue, shadowing foreo in administration hhlilliig nil seuselHS. Where would NanrSpruoeSlrael Nolbuhr, doelarotl the law of no one llrm and four furnishing bigger rwoal tn put lu his Bt vesting it at oitco with execu- tho meat lu rotation. It Is proven also aw UKMINQ, . - - NEiOlKXlCO effsut, but rondered no willtan that they combine In opening shops to l.ouis jiepuuue. tive us woll as legislative func- opinion, stating that tho merits of undersell and mill butohtir who liny only llvo cattloi that Ihey combined In re A duty on hidns would lucrtass Deming n Bfewery tions mid giving it power of ai such a law had boon so often il fusing to toll meat to the butchers of the price of GALIF0RH1A RESTAURANT, dtlt. y plmitthii billy' in docrooB,ho did not think supervision mid surveillance over Washington who bid ngnliut them on Tho on liicreniies DKUKnt a hArritF.i,, rwieleriti Hit action tho Executive that tfovornmeut contracts, and that lu Chi the price or piougns. i.ouis unpuu raiva iUiku, It neeosntiry to do more than to of lie. decide the ease. Tho law was of practically makes that oflluer a cago they acted under agreement hi FIIIST-CUS- A STitlOTLV S KITING DOUSE. ino conirnnioo a process. to tho cattto uvmunir If the corn bin iters r,ro ruined Ii; no beuolU intercuts liioro llguro lieu' nth administra- As it bus been argued iiiattuoiucreaswi ,,...,., lul eanuus ',.,,. W,'3rRr, hides owens ik uvmtr 8rn.K. Of 'ho territory, unil tho only tion of tho fuuoUoiiB of hlu oflleoi siiiimv of pork tho price of & BOTTLED mourners over ltd annulment will cattle, senator Vm shows on Aituour.'s "i 2 11 KG It may bo worth noting In this swotn iuIuiImIiiiis that tha "Dig Pour" Is All tlia ilejloftcles of tlm nemoii to onlcr. bo it fow political pensioners who oonnnectlon that u consider-tibi- a In n combine or conspiracy with the Wines, were getting piuklitgs out of its Chltwim poik-pniikor- itmliirllie terms Fines! llouors and Ciurs In.StMlrBi . djljiuilU Unblitel Saloon, number of tho most iiollve enforcement. (Ints Vegas Stock of which puckers who kill more than Hi QoU number of Uog arc iwund ' GinH; - Atobu SlUir Atcuu. DHMINU. grower. and Uitlucutliil members of certain miif' DXATUor SEW ATOH BECK. OBTAtKiKO aClOM UHDJSIi TAtSR f mm TBKSB9. k. w -- UY TII- R- Senator Jus. 11. ilook, of Ken S0UTHK8STRRN PUBLISHING CO, tueky, died suddenly at Washing- In proof of the ohargo nindo bv QtJXNN- & OO. Hits HhAUMOIIT, J, Though that the mnlu JOHN ton, on Monday Inst. he had not boon In good henUh fdr tiurposo of those who nro tho delegation of Now BAWMAY, MAY 10, 18TO. thj past two years, the nu nonncomont of his death, especial- Moxlcitns now in Washington, is tho admission of Now Mexico tin. Another lusnnc Asylntn burncil ly In Its suddenness, was a shook to country. He had boon so tier tho Bantu Fo Constitution, the oil Thtirdiky, ami the seven persona strongest com-mittoo- s long conspicuous In public life, and largost of tho burned to death tui time at and ordinarily so vigorous, that Into which tlio delegation Norwich, N. Y. Thl timkou hns been orgnnlRcd, the public had come to regard Is known as throe Inmuie asylums iiurnod with tho Commltteo onBtntohood, htm as a fixture In Congress with Tho fearful loss of llfo, within a woolc. membership of tho com-tnitte- many years of usefulness beforo several Dry numbers from throo to six Clothing, Goods, Boots, shoes, In Uta neimta tho consideration him. Hats delegates, und the most Important of tho eRyer bill hns, by ununl-mo- n Mr. Hook had been In Congress of all, tho Land title oofUnt, boon poslponod since March 4th, 1801) with tho ex Committee, numbers four, while tho Stntohoott ntttU Monday, vrlion It will bo ccptiou of two years, entering the Oommltloe.tho least lu taken up, nud to bo Home nt tho boginuiug linportniico, LADIES' GENT'S FURNISHING COODS, not laid neldo of tho numbers six, with Gov, and 1 Trlnoo at niitll final action hud. Tho tur-rltorl- nl Fortieth Congress nud continuing Its head, und nearly every othor bill go over until nflor till tho close of the Forty-thir- momber being nn exceptionally atjtlon on tho silver bill. eight-year- s, whou ho deollutd a prouduont man, and all two, OrtUKItfi BY MAIL Oil KXPIU2SS XIECKIYK PROMPT ATTENTION, Ho wns subsequent but i fat Tlicro is not u public sohool Itepublloans. ly elected to tho Senate, which ho Iiohss in Now Moxloo orootod Well knowing u largo entered on March 1th, .1877, and that nia. frotn any fund provided by Jnrlty law, continued till his death, In of tho people nro Inexorably ami yot 8toror tho and Prince havo llrst half of his third term. opposod to tho udoptiou of that tho nBBtimiiao to In Wash-Ingto- n state nearly twenty years Mr. Constitution, and well knowing . l'or Gall and Otxt that ''wo havo as good Examine Stock. a Deck has been a conspicuous fig that tho projoct of Bonding a fitihool ayatoiii as there Is In tlio tiro lu untlounl politics nud legls strong delegation to Washington country." lutlon, Kntorlng Congress during would not havo been sanctioned Pine Stroet, Doming, New Moxico. At Wnahitigionrstovcr, rrlnce tho era of having by tho gonernl public of either pnrty If tho purposo and Bond stated Hint Now Mexico come to this country from Scot- of working project of linmcdlato admission STATEMENT. had good land im- tor tho adoption of that Constitu- Of "as a school system as a young man thoroughly muot come, Tho signs of a gou-or- eendlUn of ths trml iBfuranc wmpsnlf, ! ! there was in tho country, and bued with nud comprehending tho tion hnd been nvowed, thnt pur- rrprrwnlril bf tbe McKcjrra A Woililnslon gn-r- IDOLS! IDOLS that Hcmocratlo success In the at Ut Meilro, IWOi pose wna Htudledly mini, Jan. tit, jinoro than half of nil tho tuxes spirit of our dotuoornllo Institu kept in tho coming Congressional elections background, and tho laud title bill AMKIttOAM KIIU! INHUIIANCR COill'ANV pnld in Now Moxloo woio puld for tions and forms of govoruinont, nro too apparout to permit of Ml' l'UILADKM'lllA. nut forward INDIAN AND MEXICAN tho support of common schools." nud tho necessity for thoir preser as tho real object of remaining lu Washington u Awt Xtn,ttD.VI CURIOSITIES! tuo their l.ubiiitiiw, aiM,ocan do-fea- movemontjtlll Wnshlngtdu was Such gross misrepresentation ts vation, ho nt once aligned himself day longer tlinn Is necessary to miriuin, .... ,UIU.TU reached. its own purpose, and Sena- with tho IJomouratio side of tho tratisnot the business now !u MON KII1K....1NMUIIAM0K CIDII'ANY. Old M Pottery, Paintings, & tor riu ml), to whom tlipno gentle- House, and his stalwart form, Now, however, that tho delega- Uapltal up, i!M,a.m Feather Hair Woil hand. wa,!Mur tion is in Washington, twonty-flv- o Ani, men uindo the stittemiiut. hns been rugged honesty, clear houdoduess Furthermore, n Conatllutlon !.llilllllw, 315m.W - miles from NelSnrpbiK, fUJTjSSOB fully Informed as to the real facts. and forcible diction were cousnl- hundred Now Mexico which .... TTVO has the effect of absolutely THOUSAND PHOTOaitAI'Hl OF NOTED INDTAKB, onoiiH nud to a degree beyond IMI'KIIIAt. FlItE....INSUnArTdib COMPANY. An explanation fenturcu of that turbulont tho Inter- from Stover nud precluding tho erection of a pub- up, . IuclutllBK Apachei, Ymnas, IMmaa, time, as thoy havo sinoo vention and protest (.plil PI1 fvm,o).ni) Puebloa, Nnvajoca. Sloux, Comanche, Ao. Frineo is now In order. been of of tho people lic sohool liouso lu tho Territory, Aiwli, l,fllT,OaT.W both House and souato, most interested, tho laud title hill i.uiiiiuiM m,wm Bows. Arrows. War Clubs. n this docs, is n dofoct which is Nft Biirs,)u, J'W,i?RIJ Shields, So. It is understood that lion. John These traits, with Ida devoted and tho public school bill havo hardly likely to bo overlooked in OIIIRNT ....I.NaUllAMJI! COMl'AMV. TAItANTULAS AND KI3PTILE3 MOUNTED ON Oarlislo will sueeocd to OAttDS. 0. tho sincerity and Scotch pertinacity, bocomo more a foot bnll than CnplUl puld up, . . . (1,000,000.00 vnuauoy In tho U. tho discussion of that question. S. Senate caused mudo hint at onto a striking llgnro otherwise, kept In view simply to YUCATAN CARVED COFFEE AND CACTUS CANES. by tho death or Hon. .Tamos 13. W. A. Hiuvkliu.nttornpy for tho l'rcns UaUtltl, etTjWTW nnywhore, and a valuablo ally and catch the uttontlon and allay the - - . lrrlgiitlng nml Inroitmritt company, la NtHnrpln, .... I iBi,8ai,4l Ueblfj of Kentucky. Mr. Carlisle naded Moccailna, Blanked, 8carf. b.j Mexican Hati, and Jndlaw Jewelry dangerous antagonist. IIo hns suspicion of tho people nt home, nt Lincoln with nooiiia of engineer, NATtOHAI. FIIIK INSOltAKOK COMI'ANV, lias been a member of the House impressed himself upon tho his- while seeking to force laternla from tho mnlu dltcbi nlso Capllal paid up. $l,ou),ono.oa admiisiou looking any AMl NEWSPAPERS, DRUGS from Kentucky for 11 vo full tonus nfter illtuhca coming from 2,4,KrTJ5 BOOKS, & TOBACCO. tory nud institutions or his uudorn measure that has been tho Hondo, llort'tido or Bprltig rlvera MalillltIM J5S12?m and is now In his sixth, and Speak- udopted country in ways and to a overwhelmingly nud indignantly thnt limy hnvo bcoii or nro holng enlarged KtlSnrplui, URfiUJH MEXICAN Ol'ALS. or er for throo tonus. IIo was ouo ninro tun lonnntioti tunt company, ST. l'AUb HUB....A MAUINB INSUItANOK degree for good thnt havo never ropudlnted by their constituents. IKdily Argua. IQNAOIO of thi ablest and fairest members COMPANY, J A.N OA UY I, 110. BROWN. before boon nolilovcd by a foreign It is true that a number of the Very significant of the polloy Capllal ) HU,n.00 Depot Newi Stand, Demlafr. nud apankors'tho House over had, born Ami, t,Tit,tui.m American citizen. It will delegates tiro strongly opposed whloh tho Pccob Company pro . and will go into tho Somite thor- joiai i.uuniiio, . . TO,aKi,ri be long years before his pluco in to the adoption in any form of the poses to purstto, und nlso sugges Hnrptun ovyrall llabllltleii, - $ t,ii)tWtM oughly oquippod, and nt onco American polities, and in tho SnutnFo Constitution, but these or tno mot tlinl tlio company muuakx nna ixiuiuxca ro, or kw runic. tire - take rank with the tnoBt conspicu- for-tutiu- Aiwli, Jan. I, t3,400,GM. of thoso who wore so gentlemen nro carefully kept off anticipates a scarcity of water. 10, ous members of that body In UI.IIIUe, t.i,iaa. as to know him intimately, tho r3tntehood Committee, and Of coiirso the big corporation will Hurplm, . ) ri,bii. THE CABINET point of nullity, in iutolllgout com Lwill bo similarly filled. generally speaking, ofT nil commit- claim all the rights whloh rc-u- lt iivttx imrnnra to., or uthiiwu prohoiisinu of the country's neotli Aifli, Ju. I, iko. . . . tffiaajvQ, tees. It is thus made manifest from prior appropriation, and tho LlaklllllM. " nud In kuowlodgo of tho methods TUB NEW CHIEF JUSTICE. WMtllir. that their wns men Surplui, . JpfflpTl- - ESTBLIBI1ED 1882. of legislation. selection t tistako above them on the mnlu In tho oppolntmout of Judge on tho part of tho Qovornor, nud stream or any will bo iiiiehu iNtcaixca ro., or lomwn, rxi conduct 1.IW0, . . . Wasihmitox, April n. --Tlio ilHlogatlon AU,Jn. $t,HI,mj. O'Urion of M inesotn, to tho Chief thnt t clr invitation tho stopped from enlarging or oxtoud LlaMIUift, " " . . (if oHlxeim of Ne'v Mi-xlu- in to Join mji Interested Surplu., - . . . imxinrliiff iHgialntluii fur Hint territory, Justiceship of Now Mexioo, Troiif. delegation wn given under tho lug their ditehcB or bringing uny k iotl.KM. npiHNirar today baton Uih ammte n dent Harrison appears to havo supposition thut they would favor moro laud under Irrigation. The IIIirlL IH,ITlNr m . n ..hi .mm turrilorloa In Mmlf of ttie hill "bullded AmIii In Unllrtl Stale, Jin. 1, 1BUH iS.40n.TM.OT juiet Xooms ttached, better , than he know." li ii .1 iluD lirovtillujr for tho mlmiaalon of Ni-- tho action tho leailoru of tho same controversy Is nt hand) In l.llblllllM fl,BS,10l, Moxloo Into the 1'iilon us n Htuto. Oov-nrno- r Certain it is thnt ho mudo a vast inoveiiiont had most' at heart tho valley of the JUo Grande, and I'rluon made tho rlni'lml aililreni. xenoA-Tii- .it improvement upon his preced- tho now NiniTK nmnni a ixmiuxca or ' Which conclusively proves ndmlsslon utonoe nntfai nny cost ditch companies of the that ing Torrl-tor- y. S, 1. . H. C. appointments for this public flohoolH, land titles, and upper valley may as well tako Anwlut'. llranch.Jaii. law. si.VAtiai.00 MOORE, Proprietor. the delegation merely matlo a Thoroughly Independent i.i.wiiiif. " . i.asi.ioafo all other of tho purposes nvowod, warning now, that those owning surptna ilHu'llITI lying pretense of the laud court and non-pnrtlsn- u on the bench, ho" ... being of Hooondary consideration, vested rights In nud about Las wkiiok a UMMiiiini rum tuiBi-ixe-a co., or and irrigation a. a business. is prompt nud fearless in his i vui avnuuiHlli DBMING, - - - NEW MEXICO resorted to simply to blind tho Orttcos, will stop water stealing in AU, Jan. 1, 1HU0, . . . jl.ooiMrr, Clil-nes- e methods adjudication, Doming contains tunny atrongo of und ptnilo to thoir real purpose tho tho counties ubove. , - - - - i.TaijM. tlieia (layi, nil It Is vrhli)(iretl briugB to Ills oflleo a strength of H'"i'' ttmjm. nroutul that lurgo iiunilKjra of colentlnU mrro rondlly to ncoonipllslt the character and a fund togul Tim rroaldcnt la right lu aaylug thnt TnAiian iwii'iUNca to., iiueiuo, ire BuoflKiiiK nerona into tin rniintry of lore cotilluod subjugation all iu. of tho nuiiii'iiuiiE siiiiiiiu long Hgo imvo ucen A,' il,WI,Bl7.a rout Old Moxloo on the new griulu of thnt will bo nt onco a of LlAUllltllMl. tower done by (Tonaroaa to mlitiHt ! - " Wli.ltf,)MJnuM.. MO Homing & Storm Mmlru mllroml. best Interests of New Mexico to tho Hnaiilah strength to the bench of New land cialnia hi Now Mexico. No other sirpiu .... the alms of tho sohotuors after 'i'lmt lie, stolen from tho locnl one tiling liui operated to retnnl tuo de- rw Moxloo and n bulwark of protec- liuimitus co., oa toxnox. sountorshlps and all velopment of thut ao aa ifiuKt pngo of a Silver City paper, is the various Territory much... $l,Bls,to), tion to its peoplo nguiiiHt the degrees and phases of fatshlps flu. llnn.tHiiliitw .itti.l.l... .1.1.. .f j.iauunni m,m. published us an original editorial (KtnU'i nnil It 1 to be oormorautB who for near n gener- hoped that tho "urpiui, . . f-s- by Independent. that are hoped for from ndmlssion nreaeut Congreaa will provide the legl tho Lincoln If with n Intermit-slon- , rmaXAX'a ruxo ation, but brief lutlon thut In uuceaanry to remove till ixaviuxca to., iah nuxciiitii. aniiplcM Klbbce must steal his editorial under ring rule. a,l,7IT.T (Vmlar tha oftba I'l.h CoMMhalin.f made tho courts mora n pur-tlsi- aenoua iimwnacK in pniaperity una pro AiU he should at If this docs not come legltl greea. lOlohe Democrat. "uiiiiw l.iuT.mai matter, least be suro engine of persecution nud Bntplnt, - . . jBI,4aTui Is mntely under tho chnrgo of ob that what stolen has tho merit tlicro-from- . in THE) robbery than of protection HOLD.UP AT LAKY. Tiuirauira uiuiUxca co., niirrnmn. coxx. AQUARIUM? taining goods undor falso pro-tense- of truthfulness. . IUi Vc Onllf.l Al $ll,62rt,8la,a0 Unkimwu "'oil aovnral ahota i.iBUiiliii, . . . 0,103,115.31 Quo iTlttrlot tho dictionaries had butter nlw Evory thing In tlio lino of liquid rofrcihmont. of tho uttnriivyi nppolntml Though n pronounced Republi- which pnaaed over wny-cu- r of train No. Hutplu i'sljIUi IwoX-Gov- . .Monte. ItiNW. uiiilorthiiliooillo bo rovlsed. 113, HPcond dlvlalou, nlioiit two mllea veat can nud a sincere und devoted coMXEiirub vniox it)., uxrrrp, or numliihtmtlon from 1883 to IStl'J.altliiiiwI Tho game is too transparent. It ol Pun Miguel liut evening. Conductor iiiunixc out, mill another one via compelled to Komiin Catholic In profession and unieiioil anya mat ha brunt tlio bullota Aaaata, lfm,m,m Tracy & Hannigan, 111 will not succeed. Proprietors. illagorgo aumo of Jits jwjUoii ealtu. No practice, Judgo O'Urion Is wuixing tnrougii me cupola utu;;iu p, m. I.lablllilpi, ... 1.8H1.1W6J neither woiiUit tU In hot under the At 11U tliU morning two unkuowii Snrpluj, .... lujl)TiiHH collur nt the A' Mt'im for allowing on tho bunch, but oitnply and JJONIESEHI OlF ADBtlBBIO.T men, uruii'd with rovolvere, entorcd DAUOEjl the ruutxix ....ixivaixCa on., niiiTrunii. coxx. unit kpopinij a tip lmfrt tho peoplo tint thoroughly a Judgo. A bellover Btmioiiai jjimy, nuout eixty-uv- mllea riirnipllim iinil lliut oxUtml from here IiuM AtU, $5001. illtionty Lnto dispatches from Washing- nud up tlio ontlro train Malillltln, 3.ooa,TBB. under th ImkmIIo iMliiiliiUtratlou in and friend of tho American wu Includ- during ton Inulcnto the orew whluh uwitlting ordora, Burplua, the Mil few jfHr. We do not Iji.miti public school system, that immcdiuto ing Conductor Uiituhell nud Lonu, tho his interost JIcKKYKU lilnii of rourw tin iUm not Ilk wnUihinuu.Kiigltioora Hoard-mii- WASI11NIITON, Aganli. the truth will Btatohood members nf tho delega- Wallorn und told about tin thlnni Ihn truth hurt. be uotivo and his efforts n conl wdmti) laborer, n brakeinau BtalsiTi Ha tion now tlicro are in iiHcen-dituo- y H'if Rinl Hint jrrenily nail painfully. Ami offeetlvo, In all ways becoming his the and the night ojiemtur In vhitrgo of tho thru Aaumfalter having to mako n position, for tho promotion and coutldeut of speedy atutlon. Purl of tho if lull nm were lu the with UlMrlct Attorney Vadi of tho atutlnn proper nml pint nt tho conl achuto tho ahoi-tlo- u how It mimru, how It burn, hour It outa! edttentlnual nud all groat Interests under Santa Fo below, taking on coal mid wntor. Only T. S. ROBINSON'S (New .Mfxlrau. of New Mexico, und of general of a Constitution. two robtwra were aueii. Conductor Ixian It In quite apparent that the They may or may not hnro lot thirty dollar In euah nml ouo watch, progross and development on nil (Intehell lout two wiitcliea, the operator, Dispensing Druggist. poor fool who GBOOBBX wroto tho ubove, the linos thnt dis- grounds for this eoulldoueo, but bnikeinnn. oilulnooni. nud lalKirera nt tho mifTnMI llllltl llt.uli.tfll. ..tun Nohulo one witti'li onuh. Tim nibbora . mj.u tllflt'A1 w . wu, ...... v,Dvt. it is not noncssnry that anybody .....i, j tinguish tho Amorlcau people. nfter araurliig their plunder went to the AND from those Stuarts and burns mid should ho deceived by theso In- aloro from tho atntloit but aeuurrd out. Tho following from Washington dications. Thero nro thoio in tho iiothlng. J. P BYRON delegation, us woll in 8AKTA F BI00Kl!0t,DEB MEETUIO. correspondence, shows pretty as both An liiiunielent rovtmuo to meet exuen- - CONFECTIONERY olottrly tho position which Matt lftniNdS of Congress, who know aoa la probablo during tho year to coiuo. Wkolemitt anJ Itfttail DeaUr la Tho annual meeting tho stouk-holder- s I of hood-lor- , too much about that Constitution Coiiildcrnbto minartnliitv limiilfoit Quay, tho groat Republican In of the Bantu I'o lluilroutl t'onurcw ooneernliiir tho tlliooaltlon li located on now occupies: nud Its history, nud about public of the allver bill. Pure Drugs, Chemicals. Company was held at To point on Now per- Fine Mutliew HUnlvy UtHU' made li la ni- - sentiment lu Mexico, to Honutor ()imr hn reiterated Ida deter Thursday hist. The only oliange pestHiiee lu the otwte y for the II wt mit themselves to bo diawn into mliiatlou not to riwlgn from the Kntlounl time In tliwi week. IIo Pino Btroct, tlireo doors west of in tho board of dlrootorn nmo ii looked lli'piiUllcnii rouiiultton. TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY SCHOOL BOOKS was the rery murh m If tils "mailed Imuii" hml the support of this iuovement for and substitution of Levi 0. Wudo, lieeu pulrerhml. lie nl alouv. ulouiny statehood who son that it would 1'ehillcliin onj Jlirrll, First National Bank, ami cloudy i.klng. None of hU lirother ta. J H.. In Jmllfo Cnmt jirefijlleut of tho Mexloan Oeutral, bo promptly und indignantly W. Ilimiloj. t Mx, eeiialBni ioftflMd tii tnke any untloii liounlruf tlunt.K. Mr,p,,,rj DEMINO, NEW MEXICO IK n' Tli nud ittl'UiUiit, W, llouilejr, Ii lirlijr noil. HU Block of for 18. l'cabody. him or pny nny utteiiilon to hi in, und voted down If submitted to the fll UmtaMill In jixllm nmrt iirnliiet tia. II, The following wheueror fie nttonipted to uet up a u people, und will not full to sou tlio lia lin iwmmriiewi iBnluil Mm In Mill euuit ljr oflloers wece lu Imiiin-tllnt- rflil pulnlllti, IViillbli anil Mrrrlll. Ilamaiitt with tho ttmntora hit rlniin (Illy iilnit BTAl'LE AND PANOY ! Con- wmm dollar! mil rrnln, and utianiinniiKly (looted "ie now vicinity It mm uotloed thnt they farce of wasting tho time of juu biiui tuur amiMrtiica In "lil null on nr f i rill hutliwM elaewliero ninl ItumiMllntoly gress In tho passage n measure SMan III Sllb iU ut Map, I'M), juilginvnt tr tUf PIONEER dlrcolnrst of Mill l bond of 4ft IjiolrHuaM. It l net douhtwl thut liull mi.lorwl ngiiliiit you. Almllnta full fur ilia furuui ot a Irlu upon ti iiIuIm Alton Munvul, pro .. die fwjpuhlltfttu neiinton hare nmdo up which is certain tube rop'tdiutod Imjiii ortiijilut h a Wwnllng liniiii, nmlaiiolher ' UUjlrmkdi thnt Quay mutt either bring occiMilnlti Mlonn, IkjiIi ul mill liullillnifi illil-aln- t Itolnhitft flrst by the peoplo lu tho end. In Uw rLpioa' .it 3 flUl Mlt ngnlnit tliu New York iinnlinrii mrt nl llarlilla, llrant roniiljr, GROCERIES is Nrwlliiko, iiwirilm Aiiicrlcau nilna and about Bakery and Confectionery. iilmrjjo of tho ilniiucliil nud Urn) lutve fruely anil nupqnlvociilly The time of Congress too lul iraiiU Bail : mt nu yuu rnur runr apimr-a- n elinrged.lilm ltlt looting tho trcunury U'for Mid miuu JiHtamcnt will l riudirrd uiTiilrst A. A. Iiohluson, valuable, and thero Is too much Iff i1IjU uu iwl of rmiylrnula mid other orluiM, or olie iild lia i.rntwrl onlirfl to U Cannot be bent In tbo County. Hiioond awaiting xlil. Seninmi I'IkIiI, J. I'., vlue president In oliurgo nilileot hlmrelf to noclitl oitrnolmn. It U important business Its I'rrcluH Nu. It, tlrnut counlr. ED. PENNINGTON, Proprietor. of trnlllo itmilrs: lid ward Wilder, tumor tood that ()uuy hn not inndo nny ucllou to permit of any such non- nuewer to the (mmmuulrHtlon Iip rrelvntt Matlaeof Fntdlcatlcn. Jlli Catidlea iro ot th (ituratitryuud tioasuror. Oeo. U froiii th Pnmlitunt rtxpiitntlng him to sense. This is an Important polit- Goodwin, nsslelaut 0. roilgn the olmlriiiuuhli of tho Nathmnl ical year with nil the members, Una Ofllo at Ia$ CriigyN . 51., FRESHEST AND PUREST. ROLLSi'PlS'CAKES, treasureii Uoimnlttee or oxnlnlii the ahnrgiwi tiiuitn FRESH BREAD, Etc, nud every day's delay of adjourn- VeUm it imbj aljtn tlij'll!e flillowjii O.Tuokor, nanlHtiuit seurotarvi J. ngnitut lilm by the Now York tioivi-wrMrsa- ninI J. Cook, general ennusol) (len. 11. Mr. .on of l'lilltulclpbln. ment InureiiHos their Impatience flUilpOMtle Wpfllrtnf htr claim, and Ibal Md llcst Assortnicnt of Sweottncats irtif uln U wtiV. lfsr ItieitUr and 0ANDIE& NUTS, FRUITS. 1 to end got back llftr ak, general solicitor) J. W. Iteln-- j the sosslou and The labor eltnatlon In thowa ffeimii, imfi. fa f, for I it B vf ir. of tit. to, IN DEMINO, jKensrul J. V. White little flliRiige. TreojM etlll hold lkrsu- - homo nud to their respective poli- auditor; " 'tHSsJ.L'h.?.".!!.''... lomptrolleri Barton Safe mm. tical fields, ThU is especially true I mhw tHTjUii am eul f aiTon uf.ftM aorruntloji (aikL T, Doon ftlwaya and Cigars ItemiblluAU lu Alabama haa of-tli- o !Wt.l ilars. Jobn fliMo. epenj Tobacco, Republican members, front KM. and and Trufit compiiiiy, linen Ifdd f'are tmfffre the ceiiur&MlenaL miAii, aim KttMan rwril, nil bf W)ijlt li. invt(gnHg rommlllrc whom tho principal support of tho Orders Promptly Filled. Oor. Silvci' Ave; 'hud Spvucti St. - - DBMING, N, M 1 . y

The attempt nf n anrrwtpoHdeni of tvti-fldnf- it a' ll 'BHtt HBAI3H'1, ttio lay nf tho ground, Mr. Dhttpmatt Is Tito Iflfitn h New uMexlenn wy 'i,o n. v. aicKjjvjis. F.I Itao 3Ys tir liMo the InrprMtan Hint n etlatilMinient nan liuiii who rsnrepiiliUfeu wlih fi 'lf'i not the kind offtYi ititmft H), that Rl Fiwi will bo tho hetidqunrter nf Iw jmt up nt any imlitt, for rlllit nv ATUIU)AY, MAY that pilot. ill fHNeTltou of ftfciler." mav !(. tho Demlug tJiernt Mmtro itilliwwl, I titi it That The advantage nro too obvious to ! Ko Mesleo ftipllullortiilsin, but ono of uioiit WiCO year. those llillo msnlfestntlou which extended notice. Mr. Cliaitmnu miywhnte else that klfjd of doctrine well ir do not hurt plaeo ur help tin IMltflMJjtrMkljr on Hnturdny. aim other, and the lluckeye Commtiy are entitled follnwwl, wrfltld iiulculy rmliiMi the piirly IVIgKEYE WASHINGTON tint ttrvo to demouiirato that tho fool to credit for this preotloal demonstration to n corimrnT gtmnl Of loadsrs. Azteo been Ijmtlenllve to work. ludex. MT'AitdroM all bUtilneM eommtinlon-tlnfilt- o killer ha hi of what can bo dime, lllght here nt the A mimlier of lmllo and goutlemsn homo ranch thoy onn wntor the entire fJ, 31. A vnlimhle Uirnt ofiiily acres AflllMNVlSfrBH. eight thousand bend of cnttln on their within Aswelnto JMItor, who are uniting our leading miittcliu, one mile of tho iMHtofllee, at Demlng, "PIONEER" UaiiitRi. N. Jt. nnd who nro Interested In helping to ranges, besides being able to neoommo-dntenn- y Now Moxloo, onn bo purohnsed wlthlti build up Doming, nro prewiring in give jmsstng herds, nnd having it the ensuing sixty da at n very low nere, LOCAL. n concert In nld of the ISplscopal church within their power to cultivate, through pilco psr irrigation, a cousldernblo tract of the Tho soil Is deeit nnd rich, snletnlhl no- - Mnjor 8Im:i Is okpeotod here within bulhriig fund. 'I ho exact date ha not iHirttinltr to obtnlit land that within two land below I JReal them. Thoro prollt lu Insiipatt n few day. yet been llxcd, hut It will probably bo year will bo worth much per front & nf Estate snob enterprise, nnd uttmbers of our foot as U now nsked acre. For (Jovqrnor Hot returned to on during week nfter nn.xt foroile DdmltiR cattle companies will net upon pitrtiFtiinrs onn ou or ndtircs WednoVlnjr, doubtless AGENTS, Tho California Opera Company, com tho good oxnmplo of tho lluckeyo Land MtiKiiVU it Wasiiikotox, r Ileal estate agent, Demlnir, N. 'I hero arn t number of now rnttlo posed of ttS people, will piny nltho Dem A Live Stock company. Solo Agents 1 Doming Townsito. Best Faoilltloa for Business with OrtioeJi Ofllca Utiyor In town. lug Oporu House, Hominy night, produo Land ' I.OOAI. ANll TkKIIITOUIAIm ltos Inst " -- .. l , Kumrrdiis renl mint transfers, lltl lug tho latest oomlc operatic succom rottirnwl night " t for Demlug, the field of his labors lu the I.I .1.1.. wcolt, mid moro In prospect, "Said Piwbn," ThU PomiKiny Is proba The recent storm Injured enrly fruit lit Colfax county to inisrcst of the people. The governor lily one of tho most complete ever considerable extent. will be In ThB new HpUoojwl ohiiroh will bo un- that Alhtmucnitin on the lilih lust. arossed,the continent, mid our people Neatly furnished nlwbo room for rent. to enjoy thn Hrst annual meeting of tho HERB WE AKB roof within ft very fuw day. der may expect n rare treat. Tho continues Apply nt the rrsldeneo of Mrs. Hopkins, liomiuincu n iirivtug assooiniion.iAl buqiteniio Democrat. . The work of unloading tlo for (ho nro detorlbod a magnificent, tho imiilo That hacking cough onn bo so qulefy If you want to bo happy and make others mired hy HhtloTi's Cure. Wo j unox, happy Domini; te Slerrn Jthtlro progroMM I very taking nnd tlr situation nro guarantee or mine sine or enest, use It. At Illlte Pharmacy. HhlloU's roiotts I'lustor. Price 3o cents. HUY AN ACOUN STOVI3 nparcw droll In tho extreme. TltKot. $1,00 und At Ullto iDoeclr; tl;o OU UANOK. H. M. Hand W. ex- Pharmacy. The tntlnetl showman returned to $1,20 for sale nt liilte I'hnrtnaey. and F. Aiken nre iog pected to rstiim from 8mth America Unramor Hill has flnnllv slirueil ihn REDijnT'QN p.RonKFny. Jil I'nso, hut prinnlies te ho lion) ngnln, - GEM! in ni,as;wiRH and lampsi Colonel J. A. Lnckhart, of Demlng, n this week.- IHouthwest Sentinel. llallot (reform bill, after the ltopublleoiis overt noxt weox. prominent mining man and Intlnentlal nan omigiugiy smasouinHKi most of iho onk Our stock of staple und fnnoy groceries, H'ccio llUl'clcoDecorntoil Dinner Hot, Only 1JOO J. Harris of Ooqkn l'euk, It working a Itepubllettn of Now Mexico, was In the liquor and cigars turpatae anything In reform out of It. A careful examination lease on the Inez mine, with moat excel- oily ycitordny, nnd ho too, like all repre- tho southwest. will prtbahly fall to show that anything 100 l'looo JDocoratotl Dinner Hut onJyjpiU.rtO wn In ft Interfere-- sentative thinkers, regard! of general l.i.viiAt'Kii, Woitusim S: Co. loft to with another lent prospeots. n 10 lolocl)ooiratoil Sot Only twlltlesi an ndvoonte of the iiutmmmgl-o- d combine. Toilet ?7.0 tin) I.lnooln-r.uok- y initio entmnne Moxtoau lead HI 8chool Is now held In the now M. It. 1 Col. Wobh of of ore. A now lot of Mrsslna lemons re- ' oh ti mil building nt Hotvell. Just Lamps Prom BOoto. to ty0. lit Ban Pedro, vni In Doming laat Turn, rastiTlfnfii. ceived nt Llnil.iuor, Wormier & Co. When the Nfcw Mexico delegation 0. II. Dnuo & Co. hnvo lust reeelveil n dpj and Wotlnosiliiy. The lteimbllcims the Little Hook Wo nbod room for our Hollidny Goods nnd mimt hnvo If, nt started for Washington, tho largo consignment of new tinttorns of of HI l'nao, wn In s, Investigating contnllltco no tryfna Ilonry Jlanekc, of carpet Ingrains, tnpostrie and Unit-sol- hard any prico-CO- ME papers gnve Col. s EARLY AND Dmufhffuii Wi'dnwdny mid wont wot the iinmo of Jioekhnrt, and Smyrina rugs. to provo that tho Democrat ran Arhnit-wi- SECURE JiARUAlvS on tlm QTenlng train nf that day. as ono of tho delegates cm tho train. ou tho same plan under which tho for Latiip (londnof Jt. A. Levy, merchant at Sablnal. Is Itennbllonu lteprescii-tntfc- . CurirohdannrlorH . all Kinds, Ordom From Thinking tho delegation might really do run the House of A t I i. 1 . MM ...... Air. nnd Mrs. Dbiio uro exported In hy spoken of for tho next senator from voronu nccciYO something for tho Territory, wo did not tniln, returning limn thulr visit Bocorro county. i. at the lime, feel called upon to contra Look at our Intcrit nivlna of MONEY &UlVx,xj j, XOKTEY MADE. Uiioktisk. tho finest nrennratlon for cut-awa- y TJ.' in the northurn purl of tho Territory. diet Horgo hiiUh, tho statement. It Usafo to say that, cleansing und whitening tho teeth CMiual to ctiHtom tiiudo. anil Jlr. Ilimmiin, whti luui lienti In Colorado, had Col. Ixicklmrt been of the party, lunitufiHiiurod nnd sold only by tho Kllto niaiiurauturcil cHpcnlnlly lor our IHirohusltig mnolilnory for tho miipllug pm up ou cent y & much of their foolish conduct regarding in ami triulo. iJ.iI, (jultui. OOMl 'AVKNt'B HUM (NO, Allen, MKXICO I bottle. Mahone NBW works, expected lmck early next statehood would hnvo been omitted from It mny bo remarked cnusnlly that the week. tho pmgrnmiiie. There Is considerable working of eight-hou- r heaven Is nlMiut - that to open K. llttrdlek returned from mluo uiiIiil- on nt mid about the vlclnliv ton portion of tho world's toller will Jlr. Ji C. Altos now, on Wrdnosilny, having conipletod F. Howell, Itsip, of Hiuhlta, has of l'luo under lenses. not Include farmers nor tho women who announced ho will be do their housework. Tho two clssees iirrangoinoiits to pasture 0,000 houd of that n oandldnto Arrival of now Mook of Sutu-ni- er Bed Ridge Poultry Yards. on tho ltepnhllonu tlokel this fall for the OooiIh at J. Qttltin'H. will work nineteen hour a day ns here- cuttle on tho northern range. tofore. The slaves who get out the nllloe of shorlff of Uraut county, subject A. W. (.3 lick, of Albiiqueniue, und M- - (Ireoley of Artlo fnme, chief newspaper will do the mime. U FRED. SMITH, PROPRIETOR, General to tho ncttoti of tho Kepubllean county adlo A. Hulev. of Las Vmms. were m- - signal ollleor of tho United Htntes iirmy, convention. cently married by Hov. A. iTolImiin, pas fthlloh vltnllscor Is what you need for llreedcr of Pure llrcd wns In Demlng on Tuesday lonkliiK lifter tor or tin- - first .Methodist church, ut his coosllpntlou, loss of appetite, dizziness Mr. Howell eoeni to have a good fol- and all symptoms of dyspohun. Prl(- - ! In l vicinity. resilience, in uast vegas. the hdllogroph service lb lowing. He Is n ranch nnd cuttle man, iis 10 mi l 75 cento per bottle. At BROWN LEGHORNS, PARTRIDGE COCHINS, Will von suffer with ilvstiotinhi nmt Tho meeting of the 7)emlng Literary nnd well respected by all who know him. liver ooinphdiitf Hhlloh' VltBllxer Is A .V l Association U now potpnncd until Mon- He lias resided In (Smut county for Ma- guaranteed to cure you. At Ullto J'lmr-mac- Perhniis your linen tins become slight frayed. day tho 10th' tis tunny of tho member yoral year. For Mr. Howell' bsneflt, iy If so, you enn renlenlsh It to W. howover, we wo Wn hold tu advantage hy calling on J. Mc(iiiiIh Laced . to nttend tho Opera, next Monday will sny that have every It bv .llliltro O'tlrten. II". Silver Wyandottes. II tho Deoknrt & 1 a Ihet bulldlnir. RIMI reason to district court, In nu Indict-mon- t hellovo that no matter who tho that oelebnded crown I for cowstoiillng, a deserlpthm of brand, ply linen Lieut. IJrlttiui Dnvls, superintendent nominee of the party may be, ho will bo collars, nt 10 cents enel t sold the brand Is n neceswiry n Is that of the everywhere l defeated nt W cents. A full line of of rho Corrullta eompaiiy, expected at tho poll by tho DomocnitH. slzo nnd color of tho nnlmal.-(Opti- c. Jlonarch KOU8 for hatching from any of tho nbovo vurlotle. shirts nt if 1 each. Neck wear, and every back In Doming, within a few day, nnd This Is their special yenr for Immoiiim - Wo make n stieclntli- nf mmi' linn thing lu men' wear at correspondingly will horcuttor muko thli place his head- success. The Itepulillcnns nro on trial boots nnd shoo. low prices. mf. quarter. now, and nil their time will bo occupied Lind.u-hii- , Woiimhkii & Co. for If raw sugar makers are crippled One Dollar Tliirteen. J nan Torre und (.tarloa Miirtlnc?. made III trying to explain uwny tho record that Tho Chamiia nailer wlhllv sialic that enough by "protection" to deserve a their lint tample shipment of lead nnd hu been mndo by their party within tho three republican dallies of 'New .Mexico bounty pension, wool manufacturers Notlcs ts tb rutlle. last year. Wo mvor iiou. T. Jlurtis. of n Arr ba one ns This Is In firlif)', I tin I t Hits lUy mM mr bullion, Doming don't deslro to dlscoumgo deservo twice high, for they nre liili-m- silver through this county, I. t la tho flrm o( I. 1'lri.limnii A l u.. to Kml for delegate to congress. twice a badly crippled by lloptibllcan-Ism- , II- 1 week. This bullion Is produced at their you, Mr. Howell. Sail In. This I sup Jt. Hiullli ami llnrrr - Fli'l.lniisii will millpct (llvcorlue Lotion. eiirniiiliniiiiKil linmla. sit onl.lnnillnif hccuvkIs, suit paj til Imlolitnlnrr) BOIn TON STABLES. mine uenr l.ivko Utmnun. posed to bo n free country. 8outhvct lo llii iial. chafed ami sealed skin, remove tan mid Bhlloh's cough and consumption euro I lulfit nf tliniiltlnt tnv tintnitiM Tho owner of the Flower Queen mine Sentinel. ijr freckles. Sold at tho Kllto I'hannnoy. Is sold by us on a cunrmitce. It cure lor mii tmr, shaMit e ilwlr jlnmtg, lit Cook's l'cak District, hnvo shlppod ml k n roiiloiusorfl ut th .Hmc.ln IwliaK ol WACTIOAiu DEM0H8TRATI0K. Tho "mllkmulds' convention." nt Albu consumption. At Kllto Pharmacy. hi" now nrm. hmjwiiium)', tliolr first thrno carloads of oro to tho querque, caused n great tiMiemblngo cf thiLiInc, N. .'I., Mr 1. 1W". I. IUiIiioiak. It has been demonstrated nt more person If free hide nro n good thing, what Is richer Lead Co., of Joplltt. Mo. Thoy than who nro Interested lu lacteal Ilnvliitf llil ilir nufehmml I lid liilnrc.l nf I Feed and Sale. tho with Livery, matter frco ploughs? (1 ,lia contract tojliillvor &W) tons. ono point lu Uraut county, that thoro Is matter a well u the good of tho I'res-bytorla- u KIpI.Iiih.iii, ul lli r ii nt I. Pkl.hinpii A Co., wit church. Croup, whooping cough mid bronchitis take ila.mii III imllfjliia th ubllr that wn will .rWhit pluulo party of last Sunday, had no renl ground for complaint of scarcity ninlhiim to curry on l'- lunlnrx at tlm Mina , Immediately relieved by fthlloh's Cure. Uinit, nml vmtr-nvor- liy . , ml 13 $8ijJItond time In the l'lorldiw, and tho of water, If tho problem but bo grasped Mnhonoy tt Allen have lust reeeit-m- t n .virnbla lair dralliiR, SILVER AVENUE, BELOW PIN STREET, car loud of windmills At KlltaPhurmnoy. in mrrii juur cvniiou'u tafur. rjrfiowti only nddod variety to tho In an Intelligent wny, and energy dis- Jtclliwo nnd tanks, ItSnurttluUr, now ready for wile. This mill In nf If free trade In hide Is necessary, KlIKli JI. Hmi, 5gO$il()U played In Its solution. x nnd zest to their enjoyment. The wntor supply unquestioned superiorly, nnd ospeolnlly free trade lu all manufactured good Is llAiniT II. nrimmx. Jfi tlUUirbed lioworor. DEMING N. M, the town Joker, may uol be apparent nt tho surface, but suited to this locality. Tliev will bo Just a iieress.ry. No tax on hides glad to I'OS BALE! 6dm MoQiilnch, returning from a live there nro hundreds of points In the coun- correspond with those wanting moan low tax on everything else. Omt flral-ela- iinllmllfil llckit to Hi liuls. windmills, tnitks, Oobiiwl. mouth's stuy In the cast, was In Doming, ty where Inexhaustible supplies are to puiiiis, and are pre- (llyccrltie Lotion, tho most exqulsllo Cliaei At list IMt pared to give rates that oitunot be met lost Tuesday. Bum expressed himself in he found, near enough to tho surfaco to elsewhere. preparation for the skin, Prepared and noo m war. Hay Grain in. sold l dealt Kllto and umphatle term when alluding to his bo made readily nvallablo even for pur ut the Pharmacy. Arownrdnt Vivo Ilunilrf Dnllsrs will lie Thurwlny paid hy llio Motithwoatrrn Uoukiiii'ii'a Aa.n-elatio- New ns u place poses or night, 1st lust, the A ballot rororm bill preference fur Mexico of Irrigation. Tluwo who are Dnvlilwui lint passed tho of Uranl county. New llimco, forino nu iiiuruiiiumimi store of .b Semite l niul of uny per. osldcinio. familiar with thesotithorn portion of the at Maryland with ottlv n single vote srn inroiior STOCK BOARDED BY THE DAY OR WEEK, llllilev. rinos Altos. Iiiirnwl m tin. In opposition, vote oust sona (ooit t itiilnwliilly ilontliiK In or lisnil. county, who have ground. I that wim In it Ilmr, or uiilNWIully hhnolniK, liislmlitK or Tlnnk Dorsoy has struck a good sized hut net visited thntfi Am nbout (18,000; lnsura,uoe republican. Senator Untcr, who bus tn,0(Hl. The tire Is Just tinitoiiliiK any sinck lrlnnulm t nny liody.of zinc oro rocently, In tho JIorldit section during the mst six month, supposed to have been appointed Naval Ollleor of llaltl-inor- MmioUtlmi. IiihII rnrn nt aaln originated frqm n defectlvo Hue. I old Kooky would bo astounded In passing one the most lucrative and res- inHinlmia arn reiulrml lo ilnllrur bill of ala and and SOIiU. iiiottutitliis. Hunk an dowti the of with ami of Mnoclatlun HIDES PELTS BOUGHT An endless Mir attncUtil. Mountain prospector, and has been very Victoria valley to 11 nil nu extensive hike vnrletv of cloih! nrul ponsible United Stutes olllces within the SK4KI. Ktsu, U. Iluninx, furnishing goiMls nt state. I'rwalilmit fortunate In many ol his dlscorurlo. of "sure nuf" water, Just where thoy , Hniarv I.INIUI-KII- UOIUISIIII a L'O.'S louthwct HontlnoL had been accustomed to see the delusive Wo Invito Inspection of our 1 1 on Holt, was olfects of the mirage. iiuiiv oroimiii ii iniiriHiu man wno now n of ALIJKHT L1NDAUI5H. Doo. former deputy sheriff, Jumped u board bill of t)IU0 some time OctttH Hllk Ncsrlliro BlilrlN, In town Monday, on his wny to Gold Heated lu Max Chapman's light buck-boar- d Hgo. was sent to tho county Jail by Judge ' Poulo Hill to take ohargo of weak on Tonkins nnd behind n team of spanking Mcllvnlu at Alhuoucrquo tu nwult tho " KtifjIlHli Mium " new mill. Doe Is ono of tho few men boy, tho rer iter of tho action of the grand jury. " " Minim Cloth. whom long tarm In otllco ha not could scarcely hi (J rami otiMiiliitr RIlvorOrolHo .DKAI.KU IS- - 'a credit vision, when he ofMnrlnir anil In liciiiitll'nt HtylcK mill hIiuiIch, spoiled for active work. tlrst cmno In sight of tho line shoot of Kiiiiiinor uootlH noxt at foliii Qiilnii Co. at 1. J. (julun'H. A Georgia editor say that n man who water, which now makes tho Iltiokcye J. , Ii. (1. IIom U h u... Miss HexselL-iugh- n teacher In the would cheat u country editor out of n Hunch n prominent point In this secttou. Hdticntlottnl The governor always find u Home nt Philadelphia, uu year's subscription would give a nlokel It I located In tito Victoria Valley, warm welcome nwultlng him from our married to one of Iter pupils, u full blooded Indian. with a holo In It t tho foreign mission- about twenty mile distant from Demlng, citizens. I!r will remnRi with us suve-rn- l ary fund, nnd sigh beeauso tho holo wn In a nuthwostwnrdiy direction. Tho days. -- Optic, May 1st. Wo carry Iho host atsorted and largest Silver City, New Mexico, not bigger than the nlokel. lako Is four hundred nnd fifty feet long, The Olllv tllur-- III flrniit i'lltllltt I'lllMVf. stock of dry goods In this section. & d UllW III C. I Li.Nimimt, WonitsKii Co. J. A. Jliihonoy of Demlug I being by and soveuty-flv- o feet Hurt's llllii ImllrH. it..d spoken of a a suitable man for County wide, being a parallelogram In ilinne. children's shoe can be. found 1 at The charge of diverting 0O,OOO ufn i.iNiuujut; Co. special appropriation und using It In an Treasurer. Joe I capable and popular. and tho water 1 ilvo feet deon. Tho itiun is AmoiiL' lmiimvemehti unauthorized way Is made against Major 0 rant county could not Unit a better well, or rather shaft, which Is the source othor tmuin n.u spring at Fort Wlngnto, Is tWplacllig Powell by the majority report of the treasurer, or ono In whom tho pcopla of supply.! fifteen feet by eight mid n of Hennle cniiiinlltoi) on Irrigation. s forty lingle Rooms, aorcH of farming ,iud under n would hnvo more conflilonee. I Hats, uair feet in dimension, and In nil fifty Bluing wire mm oouui juiice. Bpotted fevir Is depopulating Tennes- k feet deop. Tho distance to how-- see In the vicinity nf Franklin. It may bo a trlllo premature, hut tho water Bleenles iiv thlrty-il- nluhts. mudo inlnnniiii.. I ovor, Ih but feet, thus leaving dUcitNlou on, and we will onrry the thai terrible cough, bhlloh's Cure Is the WolmvolieoiiiiimoliitoilniroiitB Rooms En a reservoir of fourteen depth lit Co, announcements of aspirants for ofllen, feet the reiueiiy lor you. u unto I'hnriuney. for lliWnliifr, Itliitr it Saw Sol4 well. This has rather lucrousod during Louis tliu luriri'Ht,, inoroliiint from now until convention dny, tit the Tlmmor has boon niin,i,n,i r... (ttllor In Alitor-le- a, & the past fortnight, tho appear- Clf.-tO- oHtdlillftliiiionl low M pumping lu Wash. Tor. Onn nf . Boots shoes rato of each. Itotmhllcani or to und have Jltnt rucplvsul a Dentourats, wlUiiwUllsltiictlnii. ing add to the volume of wntor supply. oyod creditor kept cuse on hint nnd lurrro anil lino I ulcirant ol'Hiitif tablo with all Delloles of Hie Tho woll heavily cribbed at top and made a grand pouueo h few days ago for ploH, Supply the Reason. Louis II. llroivu formor Fit iriinrtiiitcod, no fiitioy partner of bottom tho Intermediate ground brliiir tho amount stated Information from ju'lvoH. (livo us a call, Wo will Fred. M. Smith nnd now of Sioux City, and other source comes to us that Tlintm.r 1)0 plOltHOll to MllOW (110 (fOOllH. firm secure. Intends strnlehtoiiliiir llw Iowa, I visiting among his many Dom- nt htu J, Uulitii, Tho pumplug plant Is of tho very returning to Silver City. He Is J. I (Jnrry ing friends. Mr. Ilrowti Is principal dispu- Arrangements are nearly complete for Worth-Ingto- tt ted Wushlngtou. - finest desurlptlon, consisting of n with fiouthwost Sen- llhtltio-Damrose- h stockholder In tho Alamo IIuouu tho wedding. UnJsr' tnb new uisnRROinnnt till popnlar Hiitrl will bo oontlacrtsd' iV ranch, stonm pump, wlileh I supplied tinel. nnd ooinblnw IiuiIuom with pleasure. 1). K. llryant of Hherutnu wn appointed - with n column of steam carried down the Hlulcox, at Iiln bliiukfiinlth NllOII United mates Judge fur the Knstern HTUIOTIjY FIH8T OLA88 8TYI1U, on i The American mine at Ilachltn Is now shaft from a flflii-bo- r loco- Uolit Avo.. now Iihm a iiii.t District of Texas. Line Mwr . A Full lioi'Nuislioui-- Im bolng steadily worked, and It Is under- motive hotter. Tho pump Is of live anil w Inch ao ail kiiitiH or work'. " IMouecr Au'oncy. ZOIW A- - MOSES. Propriotor. stood tho oro output Is of largo quantity four-Inc-h suction and discharge, and, Major ntlBlllOUS lotS, I'UHltltlllOO lotn, IN itnil high grade. Tho shipments are to Vlltldever Is knnt ALL DEPARTMENTS working at the rate of eighty strokes n ate. There nre many Indian iitiprovotl propoity, lotifj-tortt- i the International (inciter nt HI laso. noiiilng HARRY DOBSONi - Wanager minute, has n capacity of 18,000 gallon luto the ageuoy at prosont-- iio loss than Iciikob itiul iroiurty In any nliupo, livery pound of this ore bo My should per hour. When tho tank wus tlrst one hundred hnvo already filed deohim-tlo- u unit on any tct'itiB ofTetotl by And Stock of by a Duiltismelter. of tholr Intention filled, It required pumping for sixteen to take up public & Smith & laud outside of tho 'while JIoKkvkh WAhiunuton, Fleishman, cojislitlne of Fred. r, reservation hour's out of tho twenty-fou- to keep up many mure Jteul ICstnto niul liiHtir-m- H. DANE &CO., It. Bmltli nnd Harry Fleishman, hnvo of tho lmlhum wim imv i. rioncor i C tho lovol of watorj hut now, that tho otr tho reservation have eo AL'Otito, wlio nro hIbo FURHISillKG GOODS bought out I. Fleishman & Co., mid will returned nnd ttgcntit GENTS' (IKNKUAL AGENTS AMD DKALHU8 percolation I diminished, but twelve s gullied their Intention of remalnlnir (or tlu l)ciiiliii,'T(iviiHlto. IN hereafter run tho - grocory husltie at hour run Is required each dny, und at there.- mniiup F.Ik I'tirulitiBorn tho bid stand ou Gold avenue, south of iirroeliiR to build tho prosout rate of such diminution, It Is btotsou hats in all utvim ntwl tiiiislituku on SotH introliiiHoil ou Domini; i'lno street. Fred, nnd Many nro both at I.lndauer, Vormer & Co,' thought that, within thirty day, tho Townslto (iropoily, will bo flvoii popular nod attentive to biisluoi, und tank he Is the Most Compete rait kept full by about two day' Ixill Hnrtiirau will rnmini.. .lli...l..l n Itenvy HiiliBtuitUul nro Certain, to sueoeod. uhnrgo reduction if pumping In each week. of tho flallup Jilk when thn lesso iimirovonioiita of n stlpttlntod James Martin, foreman of the Untplilo Tho fuel required of. expires, for tho sixteen J!01'1 ''lneinent vnliio iniitlo n rcaaotin-lil- o inlue, on last Tuesday purchased tho which will bo sometime lu July, jm ( nro within hours of pumping It about one cord of no IN QRANT COUNTY, Thnmpson property south of (1. mugwump nnd tho paper will oxpres (lino. Just J. mesqult root, nnd, n thesouro abundant not hlitg but solid Clark' tine retlileuco on Hllver Avenue. democratic principal If you wntit lo kiiovr wiiut to ou tho ranch, tho cost I comparatively under Tils charge. Mr. Martin contemplate addltlouul In- buy, wltcro to buy und when to Heleoteit trifling. Tho water supply Is, to nil Catarrh cured, nmt llsvlog Been vestment lu Demlug real estate, nnd n health buy, call on Inexhaustible und tho eoured, by Bhlloh's Catarrh liinm.ilv number nf others connected with the present MoICHTHB & WABIitNOTON. dry season Is certainly n thorough tent. r co fjOconl. Nasal injector free. At Grepltlo are said to entertain tho sumo Ullto Pharmacy. Kmperor William nnd Dliniarek nro Especially (Or (his Market) pi!rpoe. Tho tniikor lake, Is fenced securely, und likely to resume cordial relattoui soon, tho water Is piped out to n string of six Contend Tuuner uii-- nt !,.. there appear to be some ground for elections: List of Letter. feet wide troughs, extending out "The hoys In Indium nro tho rumor that an Itngllsli Hyudloato has being heard from and tho brigadier In uro The followlnc tellers remain Its Iho & bought out tho Doming & Blcrrn Madrc feet length, nt tho lower liot hnpiiy . Hy tho brigadier Tanner Fine Shirts end. It Is the purmso of tho company postolllce nt Denilnigforthn cfik ending railroad, look, stock nnd barrel, lint wo " uiunl noma ami jiusicy. May 10, to placo a similar string of trough nt Km understand tho old comjiany will go on, Wo will show tho vit-- i Iliirton (Jaorgo W Lewis Jtttno tho upper of tho lartfuat Underwear nnd wimpleto the 11 rut fifty mllos, before cud lake. The entire loty ol' Hllk Henri', four In IytorII W McConl W A Nlemnii August Power A turning over. I nliti of this plant and woll, with tho lnko IiiiiiiIh, Wliulaor ltotVH lit Troiiuc, Of livery Mod and '.it nil It tinted that tho AVllllums I J ffires. mbaiikmont, hn been about 43,ftOO,aud, Oropo, nnd WiihIi Llneim. Outlcrrez Ulho time for completing tho llity mllo, un- Our iiHHortinoiit tint lartrnuK Kodrlutlca Fuvlan Ortezn Manual tho cooCmiIpii, I although' In this Instance OAiiij MILLS, der oxttinded unlit them worn KOOllH llUKt, Orgela Follelaun. and TiwT vmvm. WIND iRHb. our tho Hllll prluoH July natural advantage for the lake, lu Hie IIU1 lOIVDHt. iJ,.J. yUlllll, 8AAAII HoixibUN P. M. Nesl Coor U 1st. Nnlionnt HnsiN. Mil DKMlNti, NEW MEXICO).

a it - - DmiCQ'fORY. Kep lioulu. "tUOYO." THE CLAIM WAS SALTED, Vfi I1KHO TBftKlTtJKlAJ ftORHB. Tho advice which Palitol Wcbxter mvo to n neighbor of Its the fob Hm Sji(k nf Maiuml Training Ttt Krtrk W.v L. Ilrmlftml hi. nn u. at ljfl Mill. Itkti, Hat tt lVlne. lowing anecdote, might bo followed lint Tumt'it in iimi)ti, Mmw tit M. Tlitmim. lll.lii'l it dolor. )ihlwiO,llflbsrt. with advantage by many people. In- Tlio wonl "Hlotfil" hut Imhiii nmi in "For ways that are dark nndlrlcka ' deed, thu reader will bo likolv to think print more or lew of Into years lit mug. V, tkiithil. Attorn;, k. A. Hklf. that arc vain," romnrked nn old Call liitvo to nen ns ivim nn al- WHOLESALE AND Ut ft. Hum hut, TriitlddllomrO. uiat u nitglit been followed uii iiewspituoiii lino fomln pwsjieetor to mo tho other day, RETAIL DEALERS IN MeUrorty. very good advantage by Mr. Webster ways lii conueotloit with tho vllnl comtnond mo to tho nvorego milling Olllwlof lut, Rsvattus, J. 1. of Tilnldsd AWiri. himself. question manual training mid 1U fihrtrp. Tlieso follows nro to bo found Trtm.nrtr, Anto.OrtlsyBAtRx.r On one occasion n man presented to intioditctlon into tha publio schools, hanging around every mining camp. Mr. Webster a bill for payment. It Is an aiiiflloiwHl foilnof They ntlttliai (Int1, K. U Ihe'wedlsh ml havo rich clalma located Furniture.GarpetSpUpholsteryfWalIpaper Xt WynVoop, "Why, Mr. N ." said tho states- slojd, iiifunlng doxlorlty or'uiaiiiml somewhere lis tho hills, and when a n. 11. AlirsltMn. man, "ilRccmu to mo thai I havo paid skill (coulpJno Noito Word Rlogd, leii'lorfoot puts In an appear. nco ho u V, KU r, N. U.) thatbill." sly). Of Into, however, thoir imrtlcular meat. INVWB ATfKNTION TO TriKUt SrCOIALlTIMfl OS" Mr. N protested that it had not tho wonl lias been restricted in lis ttso n inysolf, K.V. "I wis tenderfoot onco Jttitlcs, lhtf, been paid, ami Mr. Webster told him to denote u yslem of inuiiiul trniniiig, you W!o, I ;''' I Vf , to know. Bhall I loll you J'l-U- i t tun., w, u, Vi'Miemsii, to call in n few days and bo would d of which tlio host known is tlio mi howl was taken (lit Well, nlnnic In ln sh' Imitation MahagoDy, cnnift Wt, to tho matter. AfNr tho man called Nuns system, adopted somo llf-tee-n tho fall of 7tl, 1 think It was. I mot a QTTTTQ Ali)iiiHrfiu hail couo Mr Webster r".ed his clerk yeura ago in Uvrcdeii. onap in mn FinticlKco who represent' CHAMBER JiidftSnl Wit., ttun, II, WeMe, to look over u nunutlty of bills mid eu When thlB Ryslciii waa adopted nt ed to mo that he hud n rich litluo down Antique Oak and Walnut. 1 Uruf tf ho could ifnd a receipt for tho Nobs, it was now only ns n wholo. Bon Clark 14 Uiit.eours, A L (Jiil-t- in IJoruurdino eotinly whioh ho uunu amount. To his surprise two receipts Tho iIoUiIIh had been worked out mid wished to Mill for cash. J had it few Wit, AtfySdllLt.Costt.V. A, Ano)iH.P ' wcro found, indicating tiio bill proved ho beuellclal dllfui-uit- l ESTADUSim 18th. siltartlty. tluil to by thousand dollars at tho tlmo, and, if hl been raid twice. itersous nt different times mid In l the man's story was true, I saw ft good Parloi Suits, Rattan Goods, coustt omoktw. In due tlmo Mr. N called, lust at tutilries, but not until then t'hniicn (o rcnllto it fortuno on a small Qommltfc'per rVI'.CJshisnti'r.Cn'riiliniiilns - tho dinner hour, an it uhauccu, and had they been collected mid mndo investment. Thou. U . Unbti. XIIvmi- tlilv. into t Sideboards, itinn flntysw-- llfors.lpwn Mr. Webster Invited him in to dine. a Hystomatla whole. Tho material " 'Of fourso I must look at tho prop- Office Desks, Hhoclrt. ii, it, m'iiiii,niiynr uiiy, After tho meal thoy proceed- imeu is wood, found, by o.tperltnont, myself,' I. ngrced tinimsn, win tivor erly said Tills was r Jitdee.w.u. Blert ed to tho business in bund. to bo tho cleanosl nml oaslost to, rrlimKtui.rk, A. ii Mii!ii(rtiiiNHvrptr,t. to work uml itwiis furtlior agreed and tt Wardrobes, rti wBaby Carnaeres, AM4r, It. UI Ixjril-tlltfK- - Mr. N , do you keep books ' Mr. --e most iirolllnblu soleatlon. us witli that if the initio was as rep- mm mm Webntor liiiulrel. proper tools It win be worked into mis- resented I was to pay $8,000 cash on lt. eetiools, II v j,mnli, silver Oil? "No," shape Looking was the rejily. or form. tho spot mid tako posseKsion of tho Glasses u4 Kt)US(HtmMrlit,i-lii,rru- l Window Curtains orrici'.tts thought so.'' mild Mr. Wobstor. Tlio s'liiyd ,r? "I iiiiiikmo of tho iiiHtruotiou property. I know a littlo about quarts, Jmtlconf ibol'eaec, SonniBt field. "Now, I uiTvIm) you to keep liooks. If Is by lui means only to give general unit concluded to trust to my own A.. rrink WoUllHeliejr you had kept books you would havo skill to thu bund, but also lo stimu- judgment mtber than send an expert bngravings, Chromos, Etc. hoiiooi. iiiniarrotts. known that 1 had this receipted bill," late mid broaden tlio mind, add to ox- - lo tho grounds. tllmltiimii, T. 8. nolilmon, sliowing him one. alto u love mid iipeot for nil honesl "Tho ledgo was represented us being Metalic Caskets, Undertakers' Goods, TfftsurfT, Jolm Worbtlt Mr, N was greatly surprised and worm ii i to ue loomti uim ns twelve feel thick, with n rich nav Etc, Constantly on Hand, Ultrk, Unlit Allinan. mortified and apologized an best ho eatiouni, a tiling wmeii will Help us streak Bomo four feel in thickness that would jilO ltpUirOiiltoRCOIIitor, W, II, lludion. couiu lor ins inutiiKo. nil ami freiierutloiw to cofno to be more p.iy over per Urn. Tho "os, it is always a good plan to fully mid ovonly tleveloiwd. wholo letlgo I was tola was good for Agents upecl-men- General Giant Co. keep Mr. On tlin vtirtniiM over f30. was s Powder HOUIICTIKH books," continued Webster, value of uvxlum I hIiowii several sUmvIuif him n second receipt. thorn is miiuli all of rook which Lodge No, 1J K. A ditseutt but believers I 'panned out' Ajax Triple Tore Caps, Best Brands o Fuse Dmlng A. M. Then, knowing Mr. N to bo an ngreo to fol wero no Always on Hand. met 3rd 'riiiirsdnys of month. in manual training thu myscii, wiiu results inin less honcMt man, mid not wls iiuir to an lowing prlnolplM: Tho work must, gratifying than astonishing. Agents for tho Celebrated Harden Hand GrnnatlBs.OflDER BT HAIL HECEIYB prompt attektioj. uoy him, ho suggested that perhaps iiuiirtisi tlio pupil. use- "Well, to makn it Ions storv shorL f.otiU AltiiiAii Kecfy l. uivu lUJiJ.lUJU!UHBBB ruuutpl"! bills bnu imhiii presented, bill ful articles iih it pnnluet. 0. Promote wo wore Hoon on the grounds. It was Doming Chapter No. 5 P. A A. 1!. rcullv loft unpaid, and insisted that general dexterity. 4. Dovclop the ndillh'ultplacotogct ut, but this was imrei nil J iwrsimy ui lliunin. Mr. N should tako tho money. souse uiid lovo of order and oxuatnew. Homing ii mo iniiio was an rigni. un I FlctlhlllSll. K. II. 1. 1 Youth's Companion. 5. Kucounigo mid iieul-i-i my iirrivat found two men at work Deming Field - Drug teainnn iJcely. 0.- Store cm. Tako into consideration tlio with tin mimlm. I was nhown tho re nemltur Council No V. & A. M. A Rehool rilrl's flgliU ability mid strength of thu pupil, 7. sult of u duy'H worldng, and became meet 1st 'Hiiirilsy of mutiui. In order to keoji paco with tho pro- - Cultivate tho mstbetio bonne, t). De- inoixi oxelled timu ever. About tho 1U J. Hetiitl P. I. M. gressivo spirit oi mo limes, mo iw velop nml strengthen tlio body. U. only W9i-- that hud been dono ou tho Usving bought the Darning Drug alms, wlt W pleaded to supply tae j e4 Louli Altimin initio NEW GOODS! GOODS! Recorder. higher cIokscs of tlio Women 8 Slcdi Counteract i.cdeiitnry oceunalioiis. was nshuflRomo sixty foot deep FRESH ot Dtmlng sail vicinity with Mcftrnrly Cominstidcry No. I meet cal collogo iudulgul in a 10. I'rogrosa methodically. 11. Train mm n low cross cuts ai tiio tiny loot 2nd Tbutsdny of month. regular eollego light Tho dispute tho porcepiluii nml tlovulop tho con- love!. Drugs, Medicines, Stationery, Toilet a ii. uauu k. a nroso over tho ownership of a beauti- structive mid itivontivo fmuiltleti. 12. "I saw thut tho lodgowas uwide Articles, Senmsn Flrld Recorder. ful green cushion. Cultivate attention, diligence mid one, but somehow I didn't liko tlio PLAIN AND FANCY A young lady entered tha lceturo These ouulitloN tho sloyd looks of tho rock nml so expressed my- PAINTS, OILS, OlIlfllCH' HBU VICES. room with tlio cushion. Blio throw it will bo found supply mora self. prosiRiet somo of it mid And lo fully ' 'Jtut everything generally kp( hi a first ehtts Drug Store, kt returnable prieen upon tlio bench, and, sitting upon it, than miv other system, while it is bet- see. Raid ono of tho inun. wlilch sutr- - JfethodUt Church s Sunday school 10 wild to her companion: "Oh, my, but tor calculated to secure it symmetrical gostion I lo follow. After ftt lit. Presetting 11 it. m. nml p. that U comfortablo." Boon after she development of mind mid body. carefully soleeting several nieces of GROCERIES Pure Drugs and Medicines Warranted. m. Prsyer mreilnit Weduettlsy 7:311 missetl tho seat, and, rooic tiiiioi-cn- t parts or tlio followed by her uosioii inuucripi. irom vein i MsTProtorlplliiiis carefully uuuipoumlsd at all hours."-!- ! p. in. JfoitT. ItotiosoN) I'ator. comrades, walked up ton senior, wlic pounded them up In n tuortav whicli I CongrpgRtloiutl Church: I'reaehlnr. by till time wasenjoylng tho soft stmt, A Villain nf Clit-i- t Vlnrrn, had brought with mo mid then care- SUGAR, COFFEE, wry HumUv mil n, hi. nml 7i:t0p. w. mid demanded lior property, On re- In tho neltthborhood of Ilalboir'adt. fully panned out tho pulp, using a KhtnW School 10 it. hi. l'rsrcr meet ceiving ii nogallvo answer to her re- in Wcstphnlht. Is tho vlllugo of Rtro- - lurg horn spoon for thu purpose lug Prhlity ut 4 p, in. ('oiumunluu 1i quest tho pluoky junior grabbed liold occit, wiiuro "Thu 'pen stood leaning over mo HundRy In .Jmiuat-y-, eiicssts laugltt nlsaliool Mured, ctu. oxituil-iiutioiiii- during of tho cushion and pulled it from un- to every young village". An i nis operation, apparently as Thompson's Hotel, A. M. l'ireii, I'liitor. der tlio senior. In an iiiHluiil there tho Rtunois uuld iiniitiullv in much interested ns I was. Very soon FLOUR Kplifiopul Cliiirvht Now bring ermtcd. was n regular tug of war. Tho mem- the upper form of tho school, nml tho tho color began to show, and when I bers of caeh claw cumo to tlio assist- best tax players, who, howovor, havo had panned tho stun" down us lino as Opposito tho Depot. CHntZE'YtAn-OLO'- 8 IDEA OF KISSES, ance of ;nreo 1 could it string of gold dust remaining their comrades. Each division to do victorious times running, SALT MEATS, CANNED GOODS, hold on to tho cushion, pulling and nro presented with n chess board, and iiliowcd that 1 had been handling mjiiio 1 thofrrmt upon lilt illmf '.d cheeini wrestling, mid finally both camo tr feasted font whole lomr summer's da v. vory rich rock. I tried thisn number ljr klnkm lij III mm?. times, AT Tliwi my iltirllnjf my blows. Tho custom Is wild to have originated of with tltosamo result moroor hutnl to bmrt, loss will Aifl i rte litt'ul jr man). Tho wildest excitement provoilcd, bcvorul centuries uo. wlien it recalci- each time. You not ho sur- l!a itM imt murmur it ojiimus. when tho professor, accompanied by trant priest ft out linlbersladt was nont prised then when I tell you that I took ON THU EUBOPBAN PLAN Hut Mill ntut iimIvUIi1i Romu gentlemen, entered tho lecture into exilu ut Timu ' jKWJcsfllon of the projicrty uml paid for In tlumslitful tia nulirtlma tbeai tugliig A. 11. TIIUMI'SON, I'nornUTeu ni(l room. Tho professor shouted for or- somewhut heavily on his hands, hu in- It thou mid there. Tony "Of Mliat nro ktae inaJnf' Clark's der, hut without avail. Ho then took structed tlio "A ten stump mill could bo started kJ cmuiat Ull jron, trrrliM on, tho peiuiauts In gamu of Call on Thompson for Cheap Jut mali) a fuw yaiirwir. a hand in tha light and captured the chess, mid ever biuco then the gamo ntouce.l concluded, and immediately Ratlroai Tiekots. rurhajni )fiu Xvta txin luuvrrr, drar. cushion, which ha bora oil' In triumph hits gouo down from generation lo started for Ban Fr.uie.Ueo to mako tho Ycur utry, you wwit elf." to his desk. genonitlon. Tlio pndoaiid glory of necessary arraiiireinonts. Of course, 1 Up earn ttru ruby, iixy liiw, Few Grocery When (pilot had been completely re- viiaiL-- u took u largo suck of tho rock along clu-r- t, mul inu is an out ciiosh uouru, On nrak. and brow, stored tho owner of tho cush.ou quiet- which kept wiiu mo, Hp inoJuiwmo fcbur; tlitui !l I. is in their board room by Legal in- Tender Stable, "Ab. eairt ynu antrtvr now" ly stonncd down lo tlio desk of thu nro tho ehlern of tho village, mid which "On urn ,ng at 8an Francisco I & I Bakery, w in- Willi IbMKhtfiil RilPtt ami InninR umllf. fussor nml returned to her place with tho great elector presented to jwas-ant- s vited ti number of my friends lo , tho WAnm-NQTON- Us htrwd bit rt iibuvit. mo nnr.o wnioii sue, not after ho had played cIiom spect my now purchase at least to AYenuo hi mIJ, "Wliy, nmn.u I link, iigunuiveiy, with Os Gold South Of Pine Street. NELSB Proprietor. Tbm ulrar, butjliterally, sat upon. Philadelphia them vil- prospect thu rock, us I bad done, and Tlirr'ro tuui. jtut uuda of lor." when iassiug through tlio 1IIJIOS. lage. Therdgnoftho board represents, seo for themselves. 'Just think, said aiLVKll AVJ3NUB, - - DKMINQ X, M. hi delicate wood tlio 1, 'a twelve foot ledgo, down sixty A I.IIIU (llrl' Cornjiinllliin curving, villngo Itiirhig thoroughly ronovnted ami refit- su-vo- feel on it mid $10 only V tltiplng H lllff Wolf. of Strobeek, mid tho llgures nro of r a ton rock and Tho cuternl liar is a cralin $8,000 foriL ted the room hi tho Clntk-Mrjiror- ty Young CSnpU Noise tiling for one, mid silver gilt for tho Why, it's worth $250,000 SINGLE DOUBLE TEAMS CARRIAGES Vnlloaux.n youth and hoars all over his back nuu fuiiuie least,' lllook, formerly known as and and (otweun 15 nml 10 yottrs of ngo, other side. Tho peasants toll ulso a at the round ono down her back mid it made - "A friend of mine present, wo ft feal that rUiihIr uiirlvnlnl in tale of bow Frederick- tho Great nuco a milling Vienna, lmvo laid In a liioerall liko overytbiiig, birds cut foro-fathei'- of oxploitA. , plnycd chrss witli their mulu engineer, who bud been pounding tho lilktory pralrln Jlounl-- mid givo ilium to their chil- nt of I Ladies' and Gents' Saddle Hosres. Moit-tan- n but there 'a tin tangible sign tiwny soino tho rock whllo was Fresh Assortment etl on iIk trusty mid wire fixitod dren to cat. 1 don't sco htjrivo how tlioy can that the Alio Frits has really added lo talking, wild at this juncturo that ho ho osRuyed to ca)turo v'" oat thorn, thoy nro Mich horrid tilings, Of Ooodi, and feel sure wo will plcnie long-distano- o Iniinoiise tho fume of tlio Htrobeuk chose play- had hion ivurM rock than that, but Outfits for ,a ost slaert notice. tho lariut an urny won. they look so ollly and feel 1 don't not much. the Publio. Our , tri Twice tho lxuut'a necl: wns unclrcltHl ers.- Once, tt Week. know how. Cattorpilars climb trees, " 'What do you meant' 1 nsked. by tho rawhldo lnrlnt mid twico the cater-erpiia- tlio other day 1 saw a big, big r Mow " 'Meant' wild 1 uiifuwiVn Hhurp tooth novrrcil Tlio riant. ho, why. just what Bakery & Confectionery tho and ho was ho horrid 1 t'br BtrundKim tho y hiirKoinuii won that A now liber plant has boon discov- I suy. lour mine, if nil tho rock in tuntr took it stick and kild him with it and His liko this, n to ilinblo tho bonnt. ered on the Islo of Trinidad which Isn't worth ilfty cents.' Is leading featute. - Ravago throw it nwtiy to let tiio Kwill man "This staggered mo, 1 fob- The third thiioNi'lsocAuglilthoyouni; promises to be an improvement on ra- of course, but ani nitooi'itirs tako it homo period caterpillars have mie. It was found by an thought ho iiuibt bo mistaken, and brrad wolf rfownl tlio iiiiddhi of tho body 1,1)00 moru ho hnvoso agriculturist or legs, may not named T. .1. Kt. Hill, who lias called it prospected sonio of it inysolf mid Promptly Dollvored. mid tihirtetl oti n run, tlnijinjr it nottr many, and ho may havo more tho big Hud tiim-bk- "maholtiiie," whoso couldn't it color. Boon wo wero tho edgo of a cut bnuk until no d hut seieiitilio no- Las Palomas, Mexico,, ones havo mora than thn littlo i cost pounding nwuy It, over tho ctk'o. NcUo hold menclature Is abutllon iieritilocifo-Hum- . all ut but nary u it Ihuu that but i don't know. CatlorphiiM color could bo found. I then hod tho CLARK, PIERCE & GO. thu wolf mmpendcil In tho utr ovnr tho (lies Tho great thing with this plant Loavoa Doming Evory Tuosday, Thureday cat and other insects, such as is that thu ribbons nearly rock ussuyed and was somewhat as- and Saturday, cdico of tho cut brink by fuitoniuir tho ants, iniscnlos mid others liku thnt. at ull times Hiuhllo. of tlio year tiro easily detached, from tounded at discovering that 'it trace' roiw to thoiKiituuol of tlio Ho Also thoy oat leaves, plum leaves ami was ull tho guld tha rock contained, 8 O'clock, thftiiiotiiitod Htoued nut-nm- l tho woolen ixirtioii by simply stripping at a. m. thou and tho in short nil kinds mid some llowers to. you can bet I wus them with tho haml. mid therefore "Well, just mad. AT THE STOHK OF LINDAUEH, A to tlootli. tho wall trtittiod bono Soino havo baby caltcrplllars, in short it I bundled oir for tho initio vory OFFim tVOItMSEn , CaMfAb" . wtiii)dliij; porfcclh fitlll decorticutiug mai'liliio Is not required that during thn ull of them. Ciittorpllurs drink wuter, afternoon. When 1 arrived obenttion.yort tlenton I'rcM. as for ramie. When it is known how thero thu (Fare for tho Round Trip, 5.00,) in short everything thoy can get. readily tho pluco wus deserted. 1 tried soino of I Rtems allow ihouwclvos to i:iiEllt IViipIs Lltmiiclnn Color, cannot say much more bo deprived of their coaling of KAJVNA5 OATTJ.I! CONrAHT, about cutterpilars, but ono good rool batk was Thbro U no ipuiRlioii thnt tho Eng- and liber it will bo seen what an ad- but thoru no string of gold dust U never throw it calterpilar at it man 8IM. HOLSTKIN lish iwoplo, nun wholo. nro ditrkouliiK vantage this simple fact gives tho now in is tune. ' Li or anybody for it glvoa them such u "I knew I had been swindled, Dut Msuager. v last 'i'hl duo to tho inllumieo of product over iiutiiy of tlio liber pro- Your fright. toll! Homes I liavo you all thoy eat, Q. Beautify town lifo. In country diatricM "lint ducing plants. All that Is required la how? That U wiiat puzzled mo. I was W. Milks drink how many logs it hat nml the to the stems, out t&OOOiu cash, butldau'lbellova 8ecrtsry. wlillo" clillilwu succeed to lint white rool. A cut which nro lullv ton parouta; hut limy inoround catlorpllar can climb, you feet long, split tho burk larger that this bothered mu m ar as much as MlMItltKS, N.M. 1 will f tirnlib nil vsrtattos Eiitsrn stid UsMferolo drift nioro cannot. Ma bo some 1 at tho fcoo-n- of you cun, thu fact that I had been taken in, and IUiioIi i hlck-e- to tho groat coutero, whoro In thu d end mid strip olF tho bark from end to nn cant, but most of tliu things that n cut-t- c bad no conception how It it, Illaclc generation tlicy boconio brown end without stopping, as fortunatoly of was done. ltd' 1I,..,.uImmI:bIioV pilar can do wo cannot, and most "Did 1 ever find Oh, nml hi tho third or fourth develop IhoRO the stems liavuiioHldo branches. Bam-vie- s it outl yes. ot the tilings Hint wo can thoy can (lie Horto brand, NAN on left thigh, iiiongiul hum whloli dislingiiiHlt n lo submitted tolAiudou brokers wero This is way it was worked. Ono Trees, not. Uullttlo Shrubs, any jwpu uur lepras. fuvorubly reported on mid wero val- of thu man who stood ovor mo dropped COOII3 IlltOTHKUH. union. Aim mnaiiR tluil u pinch of gold Uloy tltitoi'Iorato.--S- t. .luuiw aiixsttB. ued at from &17 to $0 per ton. Chi- dust Into tho mortur Cnltnl bjr fiirliiff. cago Herald. every (iiuo i iiiuiln it it prospect. Horsa orsnit ClmiiiKtil nml Nearly it ago fislierman Vf. T. "Knowing tills j on oan sou for your-sel- f isms si cow Vines, yir was bmuil In l an Etc. Van Dyke, occu- how easy It to deceive mo as MirihkI hands mid lip n com-nm- n whllo pursuing his jnt, tlioutdiir or aru l!ljritlll Hlncliluea. to. tho character of the New ooinplitlnt, 'J lis Ixwl propRmtlon pation olF shore, invitingly threw out n in. 1 Hue The KyypUiMis of tho present--Kop- ts York Horold. lUnie nit of Ami Sumo If Uonlrfd uvnr found for tlio lirmdii U; Three it Hilling with two well Ixiitcd UcinliiK.11 mllM riant on urn of luuion juiuo, tbrwo hooks, writus tho linking reporter of as well us Arabs run about oiiiiuon of . d with baro feet. Tho Rgyp-tfns- fimmU liiilliTtrtiici). VBSS, S. whim wiuo viiieyitt-flli- oue hnlf pint 'flip wing Bmnoh News. Pro utly undent PBIOBS SLOW and STOOK PIKST-di.A- iif.uhito Inniidv. For lliu Him: Oil of there was n jerk - tin Uit had "look. on the onttwry, who aro now "Nobody," said it man whoso long h-- . r VOKIlKfU'ONUKNOK SOt.lCtTBD. rowm, font oulicm; ono tiuiiao white Van Dyko was haullfg hand ovor only to i? in a dried condition In rosidonco in Now York untitles hltn to I.INI1AUXU OATTt.R OU. hand, when suddenly tho inuiouini., pvjiessed n very good meth- vcax. mill of Kneriniiofiti ouo-h- f mi tension tho distinction of being it deep nod old H. I.1SOA0SR, ounce. Stelt in a gluw votwl iitul Mir ooused mid the lino was gracefully ami od of knl" ig slookliigs, us ii shown observer, "Is so utterly indlirerent to itsnsRsr W. H. MEAD, Deming, N, M with n wihmIbii hjiooii. I'our into n adroitly whitketl into tho lioat inluui in tho coiteotion nt thu Louvre, in publio opinion as a fiudiionublo wo- I'niloffloti: ebiim cup or gam.ll. IS. Coullu's botlihookR. Ut foil Mr. Van Dyke, Paris. In tho grave of n iminimy man. She really does not cure a ran Imlff, N. ! Lottrr. in emptying one of ItU "pounds" of Its there was found a pair of knit tell ono way or liio other wliut tho world Blockings, over night oateh, dUcovered among which iruvo tho surprising thinks of her ns long ns shu has a piiss, on Uptiei Rnnta t'nra'lin IiuiIm. his captives u 'nig" II ih ami n tm hum evidence, firstly, tluil short stocking, oiiuuco to oxerciMi her )iet hobbles. 1 MlinOr). A. T. & S. F. R. R Urro is tr Ihnwimi prtivorb that Is unilml by n bit of (Ishiug cord, which resembling souks, wero worn by tlio suppose three of tlio most trumoudous llortabrsndi Ut ho rmtdlly iiiiuiout l&yptlous; aLoutliolcfl rurnlirbei lbs bait rout to toy point K4 et Moris enuul thu kueuoRl mithlo voin of u ideiitllled as Ills own. mid secondly, that crusades that luivo over been mndo suuulilsr. Hpaiitanl t "Deforo going to war pmy A hook had penet rated tho jaw of thu art of knitting stockings had al- ntrtiiust womuiiklud were, in tho first pfiuo; befum goluir to son pniy twiooi tnoh Ikh, and heeumlug linbwhlwl ready uttalned great perfeetfoii Juan-eliw- t place, tho movement against wearing J. A. XOCIIIIAUffl IIKANI). IlICAUSBi it hsi s iplondli rod bed ltld for ttit nioit part nlth rslfai - itl Mate imirt-ylfi- pmv thi-- timo." I the tho 11 cl i Inn? grown around ligypt. -- Now York Ledgor. uorsot Iheu tho iigitutloii about the 1'oitofflosi HKOAUtR- Ubthtiflmi(iiequliiieot-EI.Kint'liij'tottc- h.. sud J'uUmsn steeper ee, hare never bwrn ublu to uwii-wtiim- l their on run mid thus seeurely fustoiiod cruelty of women using tho dead bod- Homlne, Jt.M thro uibrgutsrpMBirtrslsi, DEOAVOKi Tonrlit slplu tut art ssnitdoe wliy the HpHtibih proverbs Ikiii ho tliem hi position. Thus hold Uigether Ill itmlji Uducutluii, ies of beautiful song olitU as orna- ltsiir: Ueilsr. UroT heirvlly on woiiuiulrind. Tim aiwiilsh for imarly it twelve mouth they hud A BL Paul iiinrcliunt gives tho fol- ments fur thoir hats t mid, thirdly, tlio Muunislns nut EXPRESS TRAINS TO ALL POINTS ro notoriously u gullitut. ohlvulrio coursed the briny in double team, lowing to it Ploiieor-Prus- s ns cruelty uml injustice of big hats in . lMrlnKii. sttsplngcarilnrousa Kb 1'AflO 1CANSAS jtwni o, yet wo find them oousbtutly held by it singlo twine, till death cut a reiiion why ho out n jileeo of goods theatres. Yet today tho women go rnt ..Cotniljr rom to mi without bsn. TUroneb to IndulgiuK in Mich subtle wiroMiim us their thread of life in twain. Thu in two mid sold one portion ut a high gloriously forth lucod to tho limit, this: f'Ilo Unit iuwtli ucoIhuiiiI skoleUmsof this curious pair of acci- and prleoi "Twenty-liv- e with lints covered with tlio Ilpre lirsmti hii thoothuratnlow their L on lull bin, Chicago and St. Louis, one change wifelmth n ijroflt losuof bin coin." dental Siamese twins, together with years ago 1 was sub-cler- corpses of beautiful birds, and wearing it in u For tall Information wtb regard to spply . bugeno Field's KiOttor. tho hooks and lino which constituted general store in Kalamazoo, Mieli. hats that would shamo tho mainsail of rstti tie. thoir Nole tie, jiumtr iiouiatk. It. ItiidioD, (l.norsl Agsat, Kt 1'sia, or Cio. T, Mlebelton, Usners. fktmsa domestiu now adorn the flio hefld Milesmnn Is - Allfiuplvil roiiI mo down a down cast suhooner. Man of tio SBdtlokot ARetit,ToptktRsnii J II uctlutnn, Agent DemlDR- BmIihIIIds. walls of tho fish house of Mr. Van stairs into the grocery ho (Ui department to account whatovcr when throws Udy tax olllou with dimiuutiro Uyke, on Ocean avenue, opposite do up it pound of tea for a prominent himself against a woman's notion of pugj- -I uiidcrsbiiul that Jogs lutvii to North Hath avenue. social louder. In forty-liv- e fushlon." New Bun. rrvUterrd. minutes it York roitonto, came baak from tint Iwnisn will, m, k Ueuilnv. HM. 11 Tux Uh'tkr-Yc- iimdaiii; cno dollar. t'ritrtlaljlu llcg lluutlnc. j dor to ohmigo it. Wliut (loos that head SUItt lUIIUtimtiti. Mrs. UFImiiligiin (with big bull A fiiso in Mime respects similar to of Ills dsA wb ih am MsswAerosHn r dog) iHiiimiiiui tiu out suaiio mo tea out or Tlio skin shed by a inlllosuako lUnRfl.sUinllct iimiii, lio'aaaheHtiit'nv m that of tho famous liiiiu who jumiieil tho brown paper, do it up In silk leu sttul XJouilns Ho only charged me wmi dollai 1c into n bramble bush is reported from paper, tie It whleh was found on tho bank of tho with n coloiwl eoitl mid Illinois river and is now preserved at SADDLES & HARNESS thbi big, fohte miluuil. New York Keniiebunk. Mrs. A. V. Wood, a lady send it buck to tho ludy. it tuild Weekly. whu hud lieen luuio wivoral yeurs, went this time, uml uho a boys' seminary nt Tuhlequuh, in tho IIUUKKYK & 1.1 VK HIUUU CUMFAVT uflerwaul told mu Indian territory, moustiro II! feet tl. iwrMMt Wolf it. to the bat'iilofttogulliorsomueggauuii Hint was al- B.A.IUXTRS, Klr that tho kind of tea she long, is iiijhcs in eirtutmforenco Flnsnnlsl Hutu "Wolves tiro no longer found in In sliding down upon tho hoy, with ways wanted to lilt hor orders. Thnt, tlj bus 10 bullous, Tlio cr8ou who nr,i.inin,o;iio. Short her lame limb, hearing something my boy. was nno Ollil-UIN- llopiiiiing Done on Nollce. pucks on this sliln of thoHt. Iawmmvo u part of my early edu- examined, measured uiid reported l. rlfer," seys The llitldefpnl (Mo.) crack tho felt she hud broken some cation hits llsnKO Wunnkor bone. Bhoenlled to her husband for tiK)ii i. says tluil It is n very dry skin, flsinllis'i H, M., Journal. "OfttkiotiHlly, single ones assumes that It alirtiuk 0, amy stray over Woruorof ltclp uml whan ho lifted her up t)m mid theivforo llemlnir. M. M Gold Av.i lielow Pine. the iiprthrrn A liimrnc, considerably in drying, but this Is not Uiinilfi, Undtr they old itadem whleh, , fouuil siiocoiild ilk bettor than be- 3siltifi. but am "Isn't Mr. Peuibone a, tlio Rkln of n wmko Is thoroughly (Iniworannli.M Iwvlng became srble or tkeimvit witli fore. The lignmciii which hud ad- somewhat of n a mile wjuIIi ot DKMlKtJ, N. M. hered to other by Itessjmi.u" dry when shell, mid coiiieqiiently rep" Uc m I n if, fff, tmimiUhxl in fight by some i each noli uwi wore Hons sin "Ilsi Oil. h liio slzonf u -B- eat-lie riiuteBiuph ot my uinkrs of 8nddle ! broken apart. Improving lamciiosii. not tton'lbeilevo in resents full snake. lirmiil.taiiia on lull ulii. MiibiibMis youiijf whelp, mid drirtu her miythitig."-llurpir- Lewkton Jouruul. 9 Bazar. Post Intelligencer. r.iiui on Ultsld Msikd,iUstpn belli Jiirulthed on apbllvsllou.
