Moonshine 2020 Up, Art Witches!

In case you're new here, I'm Effy Wild, and I’m an artist, writ- er, and teacher. I’m the founder and faciliator of the year long collaborative e-course, Book Of Days, and I’ve been a practic- ing pagan since the late 1980’s.

I’m best known for my ‘authenticity’, which I think might be code for ‘bed head and swearing’, but might also have some- thing to do with the way I feel compelled to share my lights and shadows honestly & vulnerably. I take this quote from a poem by Muriel Rukeyse very much to heart:

“What would happen if one woman told the truth about her life? The world would split open”

I’ve been art journaling since late 2009 after a terrible case of writer’s block led me to look for other forms of creative expression. Before that, I was extremely invested in self-inquiry, self-love, therapy for recovery from childhood abuse, writing as my primary mode of creative expression, exploring the things that make us human beans tick, and exploring the deepest depths and highest heights of living this one wild and pre- cious life.

In the midst of all of this creative work, I have also been an avid student of traditional and alternative spiritual modalities. I have a Bardic Grade in The Order Of Bards, Ovates, and , I’m a dedicant in an American tradition of (though I am no longer practicing), and a former student of Karina Blackheart of the Blackheart Feri Tradition, and Christopher Penczak of the Temple of . My spiritual influences include , Rumi, Victor & Cora Anderson, Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung, St. Francis of Assisi, Leonard Cohen, Ram Dass, and Mary Oliver, combined with a library worth of books + decades worth of curiosity & practice.

As you may have surmised by now, I resonate with a ‘magpie mystic’ approach to spirituality in that I pick and choose what works for me. My eclectic taste in spiritual practices includes lore, myth, and practices sourced from the British Isles, among other cultures. More on this later.

I will be bringing my studies and experiences into this class by providing *gentle* and deep ways of devel- oping your own spiritual practices that include creativity – especially mixed media art + art journaling.

In short, Moonshine is a witchcraft tradition with an emphasis on art as its primary spiritual activity. I cre- ated this tradition for *me* but I am thrilled to be sharing it *with you*.

During our time together this year, we will focus on:

Mixed media art & art journaling as way to raise and direct energy toward the attainment of our desires, and to connect with the divine as we understand it.

1 Working with the phases of the moon, moon lore, the Celtic Tree calendar, the Zodiac, and other lore to im- bue our work with meaning and power.

Becoming familiar with and engaging with all of our parts in an effort to know ourselves, love ourselves, and meet ourselves on the page in a way that empowers us.

The use of oracles of our choosing (tarot, runes, animal oracles, etc.) as portals into our creative practice.

Participating in montly live activation gatherings with the intention of deepening our understanding of the content, and connecting as a coven.

Monthly (optional) coven work designed to heal & empower ourselves, our coven, and the world beyond our coven.

Engaging with a coven of art witches, both new & experienced, with the intention of supporting one another, and amplifying our collective energies towards the attainment of our desires.

And so much more... A Bit More About How Moonshine Came To Be

Moonshine began in 2013 and originally focused entirely on iconic portraits. After teaching it in a couple of different permutations, I took a break to figure out exactly what I wanted to do with what I thought could be a much more comprehensive program. In 2018, I expanded on the ‘art witch’ part of the program, and also shifted its focus to include whatever imagery feels most relevant to us based on our own journeys.

How Moonshine Works Now

In this present incarnation of the program, along with everything mentioned so far, I will be demonstrating working with art as a spiritual practice in two art-related lessons per month - one lesson, which will be time lapsed, is a new moon art journaling project and the other, a full moon mixed media painting that can be done either in the art journal (my favourite way to work) or on any other substrate (canvas, wood panel, loose watercolour paper, etc.) that you desire.

We won’t do our first official piece of art until the first of January 2020, but you will find some preliminary projects you can undertake in this PDF & in your classroom that will get you ready to go on our start date.


I want you to take a deep breath. You’re here. We’re here. Woosah! However new you might be, you belong here. However expert you might be, you belong here. Whatever you come into this with in terms of expec- tations or desires or questions or answers, you belong here. You’re going to find something in this to keep for yourself. That’s a promise. I’m pinky swearing. Take another breath. Grab a bevvie. Feel yourself in your own skin, right here, right now, willing to start where you are. Right here, Right now...

2 Start Where You Are - Journal Prompts

Engage the following prompts in a written journal. Be gentle & honest with yourself as you explore these questions. Share whatever you wish to share in the coven. We are waiting to embrace you with open arms, so have no fear. Once you’re done, come back to this PDF for more on art witchery, woo woo, and how seriously we’re taking all of this ‘witch’ stuff.

1.) What questions are coming up for me as I read through this introduction?

2.) What am I feeling right now, in this moment? Excited? Afraid? Ready to dive in? Be specific.

3.) What am I most excited about? Most afraid about?

4.) If I could ask Effy anything right now, I’d ask her...(fill in the blank).

5.) What do I most want to get out of Moonshine 2020?

6.) What am I bringing to the table in terms of experience, skills, ways of being (supportive, gentle, witnessing, empathic).

7.) What skills do I hope to build over the course of the year?

8.) How do I feel about the words ‘witchery’, ‘witchcraft’, ‘witch’, ‘power’, ‘desire’, ‘creativity’, and ‘devotion’.

9.) What one thing do I want my coven to know about me before we begin?

So, What Exactly *IS* Art Witchery?

Art Witchery is the use of visual arts and art journaling as a way to change our consciousness in accordance with our will. Art Witches work with colour, shape, symbol, and our own effort as offering to raise energy, which we direct towards the attainment of the things we wish call in to our lives and the world. These things may be as simple as changing our habits (walk more, smoke less), or as complicated as working for justice. Whatever you bring to the table can be ‘art witched’ through creative practice, and I will teach you how, and support you while you learn and do.

Art Witches also work to enchant the every day with small and large acts of ritual, spiritual attunement, and mindfulness that may or may not include the flinging of paint or the drawing of doodles. While our emphasis here in Moonshine will be on art as a spiritual practice, I will also be offering witchery of other types for you to explore. Take what serves you, leave the rest, and know that you are always welcome to tweak, discard, experiment, and make this path your own.

How Seriously Are We Taking This 'Witch' Thing?

Well, how seriously do you want to take it? You can absolutely take this class as an art journaling enthusiast, pick and choose whatever you find here that makes your soul sing, and never think about or use the word “Witch”. Alternatively, you can dive in to all the rabbit holes this class will lead you into. You can learn how to come into attunement with the land you live on, the sky above your head, your inner wisdom, and your

3 relationship with the divine as you understand it. You can ask yourself all the hard and soft questions and marry your creativity and spirituality into a practice that will nourish your soul.

I’m coming at this topic as an agnostic (yes, you can be an agnostic witch!) who experiences the power of ritual, ceremony, poetry, and art from an almost strictly psychological perspective. I don’t believe in the su- pernatural. I believe that if it is happening, it is natural. I don’t know about the ‘actual existence’ of personal gods or goddesses who literally exist. I know that working with their stories empowers and emboldens me in making the most out of my life. I don’t know if ‘spells’ work. I know that when I work with magic, I’m priming my own power to create the life I want. I believe that being a witch is bigger than being a member of a particular ‘denomination’ or ‘spiritual modality’. I believe that when I use the word, I am alerting all my parts, especially the parts that are in cahoots with the universe, to the unshakable certainty that I have the power to shape my reality.

I also believe that art is magic. Art doesn’t have to be done any particular way to be magic. It just *is* magic, and that is something I’ve proven to myself over the years by using it as I have and watching my life change in ways I never could have previously imagined.

But, wait!! What If I'm Not At All ‘Woo Woo’?

If you’re here, I’d be willing to be that you are *at least* ‘Woo-Curious’, but even if you are just here to play in my artsy virtual temple, you are so welcome. You can dip in and out of the ‘woo woo’ as you wish, or ignore it altogether. It’s totally cool with me.

That being said, as a student in this class, you will be invited to work with the energetics of each cycle using a variety of different guides as your portals into the journal.

I’ll be exploring the Celtic Tree Calendar, tradition moon names, and the astrological sign the moon is in at the time of my workings, and I’ll be sharing that with you in your PDFs. I’ll also be considering what is actually happening outside my window (seasonal cycles), the traditional names given to each full moon, what is happening in my personal life (personal cycles), what’s happening in my family, and on the calendar (social and cultural cycles), as well as whatever comes up as a result of my work with tools (tarot, ogham), dreamwork, therapy, etc.

In other words, we’re looking for ‘ways in’, and we’re going to find them. Some might seem really ‘woo woo’ and some might seem really mundane. All will be effective, and result in deeper, more personal spreads.

This will all be explained as we go, so if you have never done anything like this before, and you have no idea what I’m talking about, that’s okay! Your understanding will grow as we progress through the class. What I want you to hone in on and explore is what structures work best for you in designing a spiritual practice that will inform your creativity, and a creative practice that will inform your spirituality.

This is the marriage we’re after here in Moonshine - creativity + spirituality, however that manifests for you. A Note About what we'll call 'Working The Cycles'

This class is designed so that, as a group, we are working from new moon to new moon in cycles through- out the year. Your two moon-based mixed media art lessons will be released in time for you to work with the New Moon and the Full Moon, and will include PDFs that are specific to the energies that are present at that time. All of your monthly PDFs plus your monthly theme painting will be released on or before the 1st of each calendar month so you can have a peek ahead at what we’re doing, but also so that, if you choose, you can work according to your own timing.

4 If you are not comfortable working with the moon phases or if it feels too complicated for you to do so, you can set your ‘working dates’ as you wish. This will put you out of sync with the group energy, but that’s okay! What matters is that you feel comfortable and you’re actually making the time to do the work. Maybe the first and third Monday work for you, or the first and fourteenth of every month. Work it out so that you come to this work twice a month, and that will do nicely.

About The Dates Of Note

At the end of this PDF you will find a listing of all the new and full moons (and their astrological + tree calen- dar associations) that you will be invited to work with this year. This will give you a snapshot of our proposed schedule and a way to plan ahead. If you’re feeling ambitious, you might sit down with a paper or electronic calendar and make a note of these dates so that you’re never taken by surprise. Between Now & Our First Cycle

Here are some things you can do between now and our first cycle to prepare for class to begin. Some of these things are mundane (like getting or making an art journal) and some are woo woo (like personal & space clearing and making). Do whatever feels good, right for you, and full of fun or joy. If you have any questions, Google first, (because Google is magicks!) and thenemail me if you get stuck. Space Clearings

On the day before the new moon closest to beginning of the calendar year or on the day before Winter Sol- stice, I like to clean the house, including my art space, and do a mini ‘toss, keep, donate’ run through it. Once the space is looking and feeling spiffy, I like to go clockwise around my home with salt water, sprinkling as I go, and then with incense, and then with a blast of light from my own imagination. This triple meander around my space is something I do as a way to clear out the old to make space for the new.

Asperging (sprinkling salt water, sometimes with added herbs or scents) employs the power of earth (salt) and water to purify. Fumigation (using a smoking, scented substance like incense, herbs, etc.) employs the power of air (scent, smoke) and fire to purify. I use my own imagined light in this exercise to employ the power of spirit to purify. Known among neo-pagans and witches simply as “The Elements”, these natural powers are tools of our trade as art witches as well, and you will find them coming up a lot throughout this program.

This kind of space clearing can be repeated as often as you like throughout the year - the more often the better, and I’ll be reminding you of this in each month’s new guidepost. This practice can help you feel light- er, and less encumbered by ‘stuff’ - both spiritual and material, and it has the added benefit of allowing you to take stock of what you’ve got so you’ll actually use it.

In this clearing process, don’t forget your devices. These are spaces our minds occupy, and what’s coming in through our screens is important. Portal clearings, as I like to call them, can be simple. Delete old programs or apps that you no longer use. Unsubscribe from anything that no longer inspires or serves you. Archive old work. Make space for new work. Leave Facebook groups that you no longer visit. Let go of the things you signed up for that you find you aren’t interested in. Wipe your screens and keyboards down. Give them a dose of fragrant smoke (but don’t asperge, for obvious reasons. water + electronics don’t go together.).

If you have other purification practices that you’d prefer that are specific to your own spiritual traditions, please feel free to use those instead. Please note that I’m careful about appropriating indigenous practices in this class (and in my life in general). “Smudging” is a specific indigenous practice, and I have not been given the teaching or permission to share it by an elder. Therefore, I do not ‘smudge’. I use smoke in a much more universal way, and you’ll find more about that in the footnote on the last page of this document. Always check to see if a practice aligns with your integrity around cultural misappropriation. Always check to see if

5 there is a practice that is connected in some way with your ancestry (if you are aware of what that might be - more on this soon!) before adopting the practice of another culture. Always be mindful of the words you use and the powers you seek to engage with. Do they belong to you? Have they been lifted from a living, but colonized or oppressed people? The more a practice actually belongs to you on an ancestral level, the better it will work for you. There will be more about this as we go.

Pay Special Attention To Your Art Studio/Craft Corner

If you’re anything like me, you probably have a corner or studio full of stuff you haven’t used in a while that you might want to revisit or re-home. My studio reminds me of my childhood room. Whenever I had to clean it, I found things I’d grown bored with that delighted me anew. The studio (or crafty corner) is to the Art Witch what the temple is to the monk, so it goes without saying that it should get special attention during space clearings. The question ‘does it spark joy’ as emphasized in the Konmari system for decluttering & organizing can be really helpful here. Does it spark joy? Do you love it? Keep it. Otherwise, toss or donate. Remember that you can swap this out for whatever purification methods you prefer. If you’d rather not use the moon as your time keeper, you can opt to do this on December 31st. Personal Clearings

On the day before every New Moon, (as often as I remember/have time - I’m not a tyrant about this) I perform a personal clearing that happens in three phases. First, I take a long hot shower or soak in the tub (deliciously scented with Epsom salts), and I imagine the energy of anything I want to release draining out of my body and into the water. You’ll notice that in this case, I am calling on the powers of earth (salt) and water to purify. You can also simply sprinkle yourself with salt water if you prefer. Then, I take a smoke bath by fumigating myself with a purifying incense blend from the soles of my feet, to the crown of my head, employing the powers of fire and air (smoke/scent). Then, I engage in a long free write where I release, release, release, the disappointments, the failures, the sorrows, the stories. Out, out, out onto the page and then I will either rip it up, burn it, and toss the ashes into the wind, or I’ll paint over it. This choice is entirely dependent on my mood, but both I intend for either choice to invoke the power of spirit to purify. Remember that you can swap this out for whatever purification methods you prefer. If you’d rather not use the moon as your time keeper, you can opt to do this at the end of each month.

The Studio Altar

Before we begin our first cycle, find a spot in your studio (or crafty corner) that you can keep a few sacred objects. This can be a tray, or a little table, or a shelf in the corner. Find or purchase a few things that de- light your senses to keep in this spot. There is no formal ‘layout’ for this studio altar. It should suit your own personal aesthetic, and feature items you love. You might include objects that represent creativity, or an ode to your creative lineage (beloved teachers, artists who inspire you, etc.). You might include a candle, a shell, a feather, and a stone to represent the elements of fire, water, air, and earth. We will be adding things to this basic altar setting over the course of the year and decorating it in accordance with changes in cycle/ season, so make sure there’s ample space to add things.

If you are already the kind of person who keeps an altar (or multiple altars) but you don’t have one in your studio or crafty corner, add one. You’ll want this to be within the space you consider your ‘working space’ for this class, (if possible), and not in another room.

If you already have an altar in your studio, include it in your ‘space clearing’ exercise, and refresh it by toss- ing (or donating) objects that no longer spark joy, adding objects that feel delightful and good to you, and making sure it’s fresh and new in time for cycle one.

If you can’t erect a permanent altar space for whatever reason, consider getting a decorative box (or deco- rating one yourself) that you can use as a base, and then as a storage container. This isn’t ideal, but it’s an option for those of you who can’t make the space. 6 Get, Or Make Your Moonshine Journal

This is a notebook of your choosing of any kind (I use altered composition notebooks) in which you will do whatever journaling, note taking, brainstorming, etc. you are prompted to do throughout the course of the year. Get, Or Make Your Art Journal

This is an art journal of your choosing of any kind (I use a hand bound journal in style as taught in Book Of Days Boot Camp, which is included with your membership in Moonshine!). It does *not* have to be a dedicated journal, by which I mean that you can use it for all of your art journaling if you like, but it *can* be. I will be doing all of my art journaling in one book this year, since that is what works best for me. Find more information on art journals in Book Of Days Boot Camp, which you will find in yourstudent dashboard.

Get A Three Ring Binder & A Hole Punch

This will be where you store the PDFs and other print outs that I release each cycle. If you collect these over the span of 2020, you will be able to refer to this collection of musings forever! You can also simply store your PDFs on your hard drive if you prefer. Decide On (and if necessary, get) An Oracle To Use

I like to use oracles as a portal into my art journal on a fairly regular basis. This part of the class is optional, but you might enjoy it, so it’s best to be prepared. I will be using a combination of Tarot and Ogham (more on these later) this year, but I’ll also be featuring a variety of different oracles for informational purposes throughout the span of our time together. Oracles that might work with this class include but are not limited to: Tarot, Runes, Ogham, Oracle decks of various kinds including Goddess, Animal, Tree, etc., Pendulums, Tasseomancy (tea reading), Bibliomancy (using books as oracles), and good old fashioned “Paying Atten- tion To Stuff” aka Signs & Omens. <-----This is a grossly underrated oracular practice that belongs in every artist’s tool box. Take or Review Book Of Days Boot Camp

While this bonus workshop was designed specifically for Book Of Days (my more secular, less woo woo art journaling offering), it has all the mixed media art journaling goodness you are going to want to know before we begin. Once you’ve taken boot camp, you are welcome to use whatever you learn there in whatever way you like in your own personal art journaling practice, in or out of the context of this class. You will find this complete workshop in your student dashboard. Gather (or take stock of) Your Supplies

Check out this list of my favourite supplies, and review the supplies in Boot Camp, but please note that I will always suggest substitutions, so don’t go bankrupt trying to duplicate this list: Acrylics paints, pens that work on painted surfaces, collage materials, scissors, brushes, rags, and some kind of glue (I prefer either gloss medium or matte medium depending on my mood). Things I always, always use include Stabilo All pencils (black and white), Fluid Acrylics (Golden), Sakura Glaze Pen (Black), Uniball Vision Pen, Uniposca paint pens (black and white), text papers (out of old paperbacks), Krylon Workable Fixative (to set things that otherwise smear), scrapbook paper (your old stash or a new stack), stencils, ink sprays, and my printer, which I use to print photographs and other ephemera. Now Sit Tight... 7 This class is designed to run from new moon to new moon, but we will have a warm up lesson on December 31st in which I will walk you through a couple of different ways you might approach the art journaling aspect of this class, as well as instruction on how to use the monthly PDFs that you’ll receive throughout the year.

We’re about to hit a super busy holiday season, and there’s enough in this packet to keep you occupied be- tween now and when we begin. That being said, this is your permission slip from me (not that you need it) to take a moment to yourself as often as you can. Have a bevvie. Light a candle. Take a breath. Make sure you are caring for yourself in the midst of all the busyness!

You’ll find some resources, and relevant dates listed in the next few pages. Print them out, and put them in your binder if you like.

I’ll see you soon, and if you’re really chomping at the bit, go ahead and read the introduction to art witchery and more, which you’ll find directly after the schedule of events below.

Dates of Note

Monthly Musings + Art Witch Primers come out on the 1st of each month. These will include the theme we’re working with for the month and exercises to explore throughout the month. You will also be getting an Art Witch Primer for each month of the year that includes information on moon signs, the Celtic Tree Calendar, moon names & correspondences, holy days, bits of poetry, art witchery and ways to imbue your art practice with magic, recommended resources, journal prompts, and suggested activities, quotes, and other things that I feel called to share.

Live activation gatherings, which take place in the Facebook Group (our covenspace), will be scheduled a few days after the PDFs are released.

Please note that while cultural holidays (Christmas, Easter, etc.) and Neopagan holidays (The Sabbats, such as Samhain, , etc.) will be noted, and in some cases explored, these are solar holidays and are not the focus of this class. Schedule of Events Your art lessons - new moon time lapse (marked NM) + full moon full length tutorial (marked FM) - will be released on or before: December 31 (Introduction) July 5 (Capricorn) - FM January 10 (Cancer/Moon Child*) - FM July 20 (Cancer/Moon Child) - NM January 24 (Aquarius) - NM August 3 (Aquarius) - FM February 9 (Leo) - FM August 19 (Leo) - NM February 23 (Pisces) - NM September 2 (Pisces) - FM March 9 (Virgo) - FM September 17 (Virgo) - NM March 24 (Aries) - NM October 1 (Aries) - FM April 8th (Libra) - FM October 16 (Libra) - NM April 23 (Taurus) -NM October 31 (Taurus) -FM May 7 (Scorpio) - FM November 15 (Scorpio) - NM May 22 (Gemini) - NM November 30 (Gemini) - FM June 5 (Sagittarius) - FM December 14 (Sagittarius) - NM June 21 (Cancer/Moon Child) -NM December 30 (Cancer/Moon Child) *The moon is said to be ‘at home’ in Cancer, and so some of us refer to Cancer as “Moon Child”.

Get dates and times in your timezone here. 8 Celtic Tree Calendar Traditional Moon Names

Beth (Birch) - December 24th to January 20th Wolf Moon – January Luis (Rowan) - January 21 to February 17 Snow Moon – February Nion (Ash) - February 18 to March 17 Worm Moon – March Fearn (Alder) - March 18 to April 14 Pink Moon – April Saille (Willow) - April 15 to May 12 Flower Moon – May Uath (Hawthorn) - May 13 to June 9 Strawberry Moon – June Duir (Oak) - June 10 to July 7 Buck Moon – July Tinne (Holly) - July 8 to August 4 Sturgeon Moon – August Coll (Hazel) - August 5 to September 1 Harvest Moon – September or October Muin (Vine) - September 2 to September 29 Full Corn Moon (Harvest) – September Gort (Ivy) - September 30 to October 27 Hunter’s Moon (Harvest) – October Ngetal (Reed) - October 28 to November 24 Beaver Moon – November Ruis (Elder) - November 25 to December 22 Cold Moon – December December 23 Extra day for “Year and a Day” Blue Moon - Second Full Moon in any month

You can learn a lot from Thoughtco.Com on the subject of the Farmer’s Almanac is a fantastic resource for moon lore from an Celtic Tree Calendar. agricultural and calendrical perspective.

9 Notes Art Witchery INTRODUCTION I have a personal belief that whatever I do with intention is magic. That means I can sit down with my yearly planner and make magic, if that’s what I intend to do. I can bathe, and it’s magic. I can cook, and it’s magic. I can *paint* and it’s magic. But let me be clear. I don’t believe that journaling my wishes in paint and glitter is enough to make them come true. I have to follow up that part of my magic - the ‘stirring ’ part, as I like to think of it, with acting in accordance with my will. That means that if I am witching up better self-esteem, I also go to therapy. I don’t just wish I had better self esteem. If I’m witching up a greater sense of strength in my body, I go to the gym, or do yoga. Better overall health? See a nutritionist or a doctor. More money? Apply for a job or create a new program. A new lover? Get out of the house once in a while.

For me, magic is mostly about getting the hell out of my own way, clearing old stories, and making room for new ones so I can move in the direction of my desires. It’s about telling myself “HEY SELF - THIS IS WHAT’S UP!”. It’s about creating and maintaining an open line of communication between my ‘small s’ self and my ‘capitol S’ SELF.

I want to begin this class with an understanding between us that most of the witchery (aka ‘woo woo’) we will be engaging will be of the subtle ‘best self’ variety. I also want to start us off by mentioning that I don’t believe in the supernatural. If it exists, it’s natural. If it happens, it’s natural. That doesn’t mean I don’t believe in miracles. I just don’t believe in the kind that defy the laws of physics. It may also surprise you to note that I’m agnostic. I believe in the power of ritual, ceremony, intention setting, and magic from an almost purely psychological point of view. This stuff works, so I work it. I don’t worry too much about what powers it. I don’t think overly much about ‘deity as an actual thing’. I work with metaphor. I work with arche- types. I let the divine reveal itself to me through nature and science. I don’t worry too much about theology.

Your mileage may vary. You may be a theist or polytheist. You may be a completely secular atheist. You may be a devotee of any of the currently practice religious systems. All of that works in the context of this class. Check in with your guts around suggested practices. Use what works (as long as you aren’t misappropriating it - more on this as we go), and leave the rest.

As Above, So Below.

My brand of ‘woo woo’ begins with asking myself the right questions. What’s standing in my way? What conditioning or old tape am I carrying that prevents me from attaining this desire or that one? What do I actually want here? What do I really feel about this? It’s also about acknowledging and building upon what’s right, which requires me to drop stories about being too big for my britches or being too full of myself. Dropping the ‘humble brag’ in favour of a clear-eyed assessment of where I’m rocking this thing called life is an important part of my practice. Witches are powerful. I will act like that’s true by foregoing all the ways we dumb ourselves down in order to fit in or make nice.

11 I believe that this focus on the microcosmic, the deeply personal, the self, is a pebble in the pond that rip- ples outward and changes and heals the world. This is a real thing for me. I am in the world, inextricably a part of it. When I change, I literally change the world. It’s a tiny change, but even the tiniest change has an impact. What happens with me micro-cosmically will be reflected macro-cosmically. ‘As Above, So Below.’ I don’t *know* that this is true, but I believe it, and so I act accordingly.

My kind of witchery

There are as many kinds of witchery as there are witches, but my kind, the kind that works best for me, is art journaling, written journaling, and therapy. It might seem mundane from the outside looking in. I’m ‘just’ playing with paint. I’m ‘just’ scribbling morning pages. I’m ‘just’ going over the same old trauma week after week with my therapist. But it isn’t mundane. It’s the Great Work. It’s me, inviting the divine as I un- derstand it to come play with me, lightly, with a good balance of mirth and reverence and plenty of room for the mysteries known as ‘destiny’ or ‘fate’ so that I might become the person that I was born to be and serve in the ways I was meant to serve. But this isn’t ‘law of attraction’ stuff. I don’t believe that we ‘ask for’ everything we get, and I don’t believe that the things that happen to us are things we invited in so we could grow. I believe that sometimes, shit happens, things don’t go according to plan, our lives are messy, and we are subject to the laws of nature, the over-culture, and the unpredictability that comes with being incarnate in a meat suit.

Witchery, for me, is about handling that. Witchery, for me, is about emboldening myself so that I can live as fully as I can *despite* that. It’s about imbuing my ordinary reality with what’s sacred, beautiful, and of service to my highest good so that I can heal myself, and through me, the world. It isn’t easy, and sometimes, it isn’t pretty, but it’s real, It’s gritty, It’s worthwhile, and I believe it works.

Your Mileage May Vary

You may be here for other reasons. You may just want to go a bit deeper with your art journaling practice. You may just want to make art that’s inspired by the phases of the moon. You might have no interest in the woo woo at all (waves at you!) but you’re curious and open minded and you want to see what makes us mystic artists tick. That’s all perfect. I’m going to do my thing, and you can take or leave whatever you like. Think of this class as a buffet. Grab a plate, and load up on what delights you. Some of the practices and suggested activities will excite you. Some will bore you. Some will create a powerful sense of resistance in you.

My suggestion is always to go where you are desire led to go, and also to investigate your resistance. Do the thing that feels like a ‘holy yes’ and then ask yourself about the ‘instant no’. Where does that resistance come from? Is this about that practice being wrong for you? Or absolutely right for you? Is this about dis- taste or fear? Where is your ‘no’ coming from? I find this practice of paying special attention to the “OH YEAHS” and the “HELL NOS” really potent.

12 Our Focus On The Moon

When I was a baby witch, one of the first things I learned was that the phases of the moon reflected the phases of our lives. The New Moon emerged and grew to fulfillment in the Full Moon, which ebbed sweetly towards death in the Dark Moon to be born again in the New Moon. I learned that any magical working I did should be timed with the moon according to what kind of working I was doing. If I wanted something to increase in my life, I should work in the period known as ‘waxing moon’ between the New and the Full. If I wanted something to ebb away, I should work with the period known as the waning moon between the Full to the New. New Moons were for setting things into motion. Full moons, for celebrating the fulfillment of de- sires. As I grew in knowledge and skills, astrological signs were added to the list of things I should consider before doing a working. What sign was the moon in that day? What did that sign signify? What energy would it lend to my working? Would it help or hinder? As I progressed in my training more and more ‘things like my desire’ were added for my consideration.

Like Attracts Like

Most of the magic I practice involves gathering and employing as many ‘things like my desire’ into my working as I possibly can so that the universe gets the message about what it is I desire. This is known as ‘sympathetic magic’ and works on the principle ‘like attracts like’. If I’m working towards a greater sense of abundance in my life, for example, I’ll work with colours that represent abundance (green), employ symbols or images of the elements associated with abundance (earth), play music that feels ‘like’ my intention while I’m working (Vivaldi’s “Summer” is so lush!), burn incense associated with my intention (patchouli, cinna- mon), use affirmative statements that reflect my intention, use mediums that relate to my intention (thick layers of jewel toned paint, lots of texture). The more I lay on the ‘things like my intention’, the better.

All of these ‘things like’ are called correspondences, and there are eleventy million books and websites dedicated to their exploration. I’m going to list a few resources for you to explore, but don’t forget that you already have your own list of correspondences to draw upon. We humans seek to connect things. It’s a part of what we do. When you want to draw in something you desire you can ask yourself what that looks like, feels like, smells like, tastes like, sounds like, feels like, and use those very personal correspondences in your work. Experience has taught me that these correspondences are even more effective than the ones we choose from a book, because they’ve developed for us over time and relate directly to our own experience. Is it easier to just pick them out of a book or off a website? Sure, but it’s less personal, and therefore, has less of your energy in it, and furthermore, is less effective.

Whenever you’re working with a specific desire or intention, you will be encouraged to discover and use as many ‘things like your desire’ in your art, and if you’re into it, your environment. This will help you get clarity about what it is you’re trying to achieve, and create a touchstone for you to check back in with as you make progress throughout the year. It’s important in this work that you only use those ‘things like’ that resonate with you. Don’t just pick a thing because a book (or I) said so. Do your best to develop your own list of correspondences to work with, and ignore whatever doesn’t float your boat. Not into astrology? Don’t force yourself to consider the moon sign. Yellow makes you think of puking? Don’t use it to represent clarity. Think the Celtic Tree Calendar is nonsense? Don’t work with it. Keep it personal. Keep it deeply personal. The more personal the better. That being said, I’ll be providing you with a list of correspondences each month to work with or ignore as you desire, along with suggestions on how to best employ them in both your new moon and full moon workings.

13 New Moon Is For Desire Our touchstone practice throughout this year together will be the creation of a new moon art journal spread in which we express our desires and vow to follow through on doing whatever it takes to bring them into being. Also known as ‘intention setting’ or the ‘new moon vow’, this practice of stating clearly what we want, and then focusing our energy on attaining it is a powerful form of art witchery. Doing this through art jour- naling employs powers we all have at our fingertips - attention, effort, time, even trance & mindfulness - toward the attainment of our desires. When we come to the page at New Moon, let it be with desire.

Wanting things is powerful. It’s also complicated, because we aren’t really supposed to want things. We’re supposed to be happy with what we’ve got. Wanting is greedy. It’s kind of radical. If we do want, we’re sup- posed to want in secret, never speaking our wants out loud. Have you ever noticed how you’re not supposed to tell your birthday wish?

I want to turn this on its head. I want us, within this container we’re creating together, to want what we want ‘out loud’. I want us to speak our desires (in whispers or shouts) into each others ears without shame. I want to practice wanting with our whole hearts. I want to unravel the limiting beliefs that stand in the way of our attaining our desires.

Desire is the first requirement for magic. You have to really want what you are working towards. or you’re wasting your time. This requires some self-reflection, some deep listening to the wants of your true heart. You might say you want to be ‘fitter and healthier’ but maybe what you really want is to be loved and ac- cepted just as you are. You may think you want money, but what you really want is a sense of security that can only come from owning your own home. We’re going to get real with ourselves about our desires, and hone in on what they really are before we commit our energy to them through our new moon practice. You're going to have big desires and little desires.

Some of your desires will be big, life changing, soul stirring desires, like attaining a sense of personal sov- ereignty or self-possession, or making partner in your law firm, or having a baby. Some of your desires will be little things, like ‘an hour to myself once a week’ or ‘a pair of Fluevogs’ or ‘I’d like to be less irritable all the time’. I like to pick big, life changing, soul stirring things as my overarching theme for the year, and then add the little ones that will work to get me there throughout the year. Your mileage may vary. Want what you want. Want material things, states of being, or spiritual transformation. Whatever you want, it’s valid to want it.

You can't always get what you want.

It’s good to want things, but wanting things is risky, because a big part of being incarnate in a meat suit is the reality that you can’t always get what you want. Sometimes, our wants are not feasible. Sometimes, what we want can’t be delivered in exactly the way we want it, so it has to be delivered in some other, of- ten unexpected way. Sometimes what we want is in direct opposition to what is actually really good for us. Sometimes, shit just happens. But that doesn’t mean wanting isn’t worthwhile. It means we will get what we want some of the time, and not others. If you don’t acknowledge wanting anything, you’re pretty much guaranteed to get nothing much of anything at all, so I think it’s worth the risk.

I want to note here that a lot of the work I do around wanting & desire is informed by Renee Magnusson’s “Seven Sins Tour”, where the “sin of coveting” is celebrated as a powerful force for good. If you ever get a chance to work with Renee, I recommend you do. She is a valued friend, and a powerful coach.

14 Full Moon Is For Fulfillment Our work at full moon will to be acknowledge what we have. It’s for thanksgiving, for celebrating what’s come (or what’s coming) into fruition. If desire is one side of magick’s coin, gratitude is the other side. Want what you want, but also acknowledge what you have! Gratitude is fertile. It begets more gratitude.

On Full Moon, we get to make our ‘ta da’ lists. We will not just celebrate the blessings we’ve received, the desires we’ve attained, but also the part we’ve played in making space for those blessings. We are, as al- ways, grateful to the powers that be, yes, but we will come to know and acknowledge that *we are one of those powers*.

Whatever comes will rarely come through dumb luck. Our desires will not fall from the sky or be delivered on a silver platter wrapped in a red bow. We’ll work for them, so as much gratitude as we have for powers seen and unseen, for fortunate twists of fate, for serendipity, we can (and should) also include ourselves on that list.

Moon by moon, this will be our way in. Question. Contemplate. Check in. Tweak. Stir the cauldron. Acknowl- edge what’s working. Express gratitude and personal pride. Attend to your life. Attend to your desires. Sow and Reap. Do the work. Create beauty. Attune.

The Between Times Matter, Too

Between the ‘dates of note’ that will be our official working dates (new & full moon), are days that matter just as much. Every day is a day you can do something for yourself, toward the attainment of your desires. Every day is a day you can live fully or not as you see fit or are able. Every day comes with opportunities for awe, for mirth, for joy, for seeding your subconscious, for being in your own skin. Our working days are markers, x’s on the map from here to there. The rest of our days are for being with whatever work we need to do, whatever rest we need to take, whatever joy or beauty we can create. Introduction To The Monthly Musings One of the things we’re doing this year is creating our own virtual sacred space. Right now, I’m imagining you standing in a thickly wooded forest. I gave you the map to get here, and you found your way to this place, this place that exists in this screen of light before you. You got here, thanks to your own efforts. I’m really excited to see you!

Before you, there is an old wooden guidepost. The post has runes carved into it, and though they look mys- terious, when you gaze at them long enough, you realize you can read them with ease. They show you the way. Your hiking boots are strapped on. You’ve got everything you need in your pack. You are ready to begin a long journey.

As you look around, you realize that you are not alone. There are many of us, gathered together, faces bright with anticipation or clouded with wariness. Some of us know exactly what direction to take. Some of us have no idea. Some of us are raring to go and some of us are hanging back a bit. I’m there, too, smiling giddily at you. I’ve got a huge book under my arm, and a pack slung over my shoulder. I’m wriggling with delight that you’re here. I can’t keep still. A hush comes over us all, and I take a breath and speak:

15 Every New Moon and Full Moon throughout 2020, we’re going to meet in a virtual cabin in the woods. There are a million pathways to that cabin, and one is right for you. When we meet there, we are going to light candles and and brandish paint brushes. We’re going to paint our hearts, lights, shadows, desires, devo- tions, praise, and offerings. We’re going to go as deeply or as lightly as we wish, each to our own ability and desire. We’re going to prop each other up as we do this, cheer-leading, witnessing, deeply listening, and loving one another fiercely.

In the between times, we’re going to do our own work, solo, but with the awareness that we can always check in.

The work we do in the between time, on our own, but with the support of our coven, (aka our Facebook Group, where we will gather as often as we wish) will help prepare us for our gatherings, where we’ll fling paint together through the miracle we call the Internet.

Seeding The Subconscious

I prepare for paintings of the nature we’ll be doing here in Moonshine by ‘seeding my subconscious’, by which I mean this: journaling, reading, looking, walking, engaging with the intention of knowing, drawing tarot, deeply listening, wondering, meandering...etc.

These and other simple ‘mindfulness’ or ‘awareness’ practices plant seeds in the soil of my inner landscape. When the time comes to express myself through art, I’ve got all this stuff growing deep down inside. These seeds can come to me in the form of poems, music, movies I’ve watched, experiences I’ve had. Life itself, and the living of it with the intention of seeking my own inner wisdom is enough to seed my subconscious. These seeds come out of me as art or writing. The seeding process is really simple and I think of these as pathways to wisdom. As you journey solo be- tween our gatherings you can think of each undertaking as a pathway into your own internal landscape, your own inner knowing. Some of the pathways I list below will work for you, and some of them won’t. You may even have a few that aren’t on this list. Go with what resonates with you. Leave the rest. Your choices are perfect.

Some Ways To Seed Your Subconscious

Journal Read things Think deeply about things Be alone for a while now and then Go for walks Look at things that inspire you Listen to music Read poetry Flip through magazines Pay attention to your dreams Draw tarot or throw bones or use whatever oracle you are most adept with or most curious about Add your own here

Your path is yours. You get to choose it. That being said, you’re not alone! We have one another, and we have work done by those who’ve come before us to rely on, and to refer to.

16 So what resources do I use?

Aside from my natural environment (think ground beneath your feet, sky above your head), I use Google a LOT. (I call this “GoogleFu”, like Kung Fu for witchy nerds). For example, if I’m curious about the magical energy present during the upcoming full moon, I will Google “January full moon energy” or “January full moon goddess associations” or “January magical correspondences”. Reading, printing off, note taking, and highlighting are all a big part of my practice. I also use (and looooove) books. Here are a few I particularly enjoy:

The Book Of Symbols by Taschen – I use this book to explore the images that appear to me on nature walks or in my dreams. I also pick it up once in a while and just thumb through it for ideas.

Llewellyn’s Complete Book Of Correspondences - I use this book when I’m struggling to find a ‘way in’ to what I want to paint. Remember to always check your own gut associations against those you find in books or elsewhere. Go with your gut first, always.

Moon Magic by Rachel Patterson is a lovely little book that provides a great jumping off point for further studies. You could probably do the entire course with nothing but this little book.

I’ll be including recommended reading for further exploration in your monthly PDFs as well.

For those of you who are absolutely new to all of this woo woo stuff, this is a good introduction, and it’s free. I don’t endorse everything in this e-course, but it will give you enough of an overview that you can follow your nose to other, more in depth resources.

Every Month, You'll Get Several PDF Documents. We call this “The Moonshine Manual” but, in reality, it is your Art Witch .

These will include MONTHLY musings (released on the 1st of each calendar month) that explore the ener- getics present in the month we are in. You will also receive ART WITCH PRIMERS every month that include correspondences and further avenues of exploration, resources, links, and whatever else feels relevant. You will receive a new colouring page, designed by Art Witch, Lore Caldwell, a new oracle reading layout, designed by Art Witch, Shinjini Mehrotra, and a new essential oil blend recipe, designed by Art Witch, Kimi Bois. These witches have been in the program, know what we do here, and are designing this content with the way we work this program in mind.

You will also be getting FULL MOON musings that explore the specific energies of the sign we are in during Full Moon, (released with your full length Full Moon art journaling tutorial), and NEW MOON musings (re- leased with your speed painted New Moon art journaling video).

The Full Moon & New Moon musings will be specific to this year of our cycling together. The monthly musings and art witch primers will be ‘evergreen’ and something you’ll be able to use year after year.

You’ll get a video on how I’ll be managing my PDFs on December 31st.

Everything is optional. Nothing is forbidden. Obey your every impulse. Play along, or wander off. Ebb and flow, but know that I will be checking in regularly through our class e-list to remind you that we’re here for you, ready to embrace you, and lend our collective powers to the attainment of your desires.

17 Year Ahead Tarot Spread by Shinjini Mehrotra

13 6 7

2 3 1 10 11 5 4

9 12 8

READING KEY A Note From Shinjini

1. Goddess of the year. I have a love-hate relationship with year ahead tarot spreads. 2. Key theme While I love sinking into some dream time with planners and tarot 3. Key Challenge cards, I find that the traditional 12-card tarot spread - one card 4. Deep wisdom that represents a theme for each month of the year - just isn’t 5. What’s arising very useful for me. 6-9. The quarter points of the year. 10-11. Manifest Will For a while, I used Joanna Powell’s year-ahead spread. While I 12. Archetype/soul card did like that one a lot, it felt too spare for a year-ahead reading. I 13. Message from spirit wanted something gloriously big and expansive, yet practical and actionable/usable.


So I pulled out my decks and came up with a gloriously big, messy, juicy annual reading. This one com- bines oracle and tarot cards, and can be easily tailored to your tastes and your own unique oracle card collection.

How to choose your decks

When you choose your oracle decks for this reading, you’re looking for ‘big themes’. Pull out your goddess decks, animal oracles, archetype cards, or crystal, plant, or healing decks. The decks you’re looking for will give you an overarching theme for the year: so you may choose to pull a goddess of the year; or a plant ally of the year; or an animal to work with…you get the drift.

You can choose one or multiple decks, the choice is yours. How many of these energies/archetypes do you want to work with during the year?

You can pull one card for the entire year, or one per quarter for a total of four cards - it’s up to you.

If you have more than one tarot deck, choose the one you connect with the most. That will make it easier for you to interpret your spread.

Year ahead tarot + oracle spread

Here’s the tarot spread. This one is very customisable, so read the instructions/suggestions below.

1. Goddess of the year: This can be any themed oracle card, not necessarily a goddess. Maybe you’ll choose an animal or crystal or something else for the year.

2. Key theme: The theme card is also one on which you can base your word of the year. It represents the main lesson along your path.

3. Key challenge: This your transformation/ healing potential. Through the year, focus on the message of this card to see what needs to be shifted so you can continue to grow

4. Deep wisdom: When you come up against challenges, obstacles, this card will give you some much needed wisdom/perspective on your way forward (Tip: Choose from the middle of the deck)

5. What’s arising: This is what you’re opening up to this year, what you’re learning, the direction in which you’re growing

6-9. The quarter points of the year: Instead of choosing a card for each month, I choose a card for each quarter. You can pull from a tarot deck, or choose an animal/crystal/themed oracle deck to pull a focus point for each quarter of the year.

10-11. Manifest will: Choose two main goals/areas of focus for the year. Choose one card for each to see what energies you need to tap into to make those goals manifest

12. Archetype/soul card: Pull from an oracle deck. A nice, big, expansive theme you can grow into this year.

13. Message from spirit: One final pull - oracle or tarot, your choice - as an overall positive, affirming mes- sage from spirit.

19 Positions 12 and 13 are totally optional. I wanted to work with 13 cards (echoes the 13 moons and the divine feminine), but you don’t have to.

I’ve designed positions 1, 12, and 13 to be used with oracle decks of your choice. If you want to stick to tarot cards, I suggest you use 2 tarot decks. Pull out the major arcana cards from one deck and pull from those for these 3 positions.

Have fun with the spread. Make a lot of notes and refer back to them frequently.

Tip: with the quarter cards, depending on what comes up for you, design a magical working or think of a practice you can focus on to ground yourself in those energies.

I hope you enjoy this spread, and that it serves you well through the year.

©Shinjini Mehrotra 2019

Hi! I’m Shinjini. I’m an artist, tarot reader and seeker of soul. I combine my love for journaling, tarot and art in my art journal practice; and ex- plore my interior landscape and converse with the divine through paint and ink on my larger canvases. Tarot is my guiding light, writing is my salvation, and art is my medicine, and I am passionate about sharing these tools and resources with you. Come on over for art tutorials and ecourses; tarot readings; and more.

Website | Instagram | Facebook

Essential Oil Blend Recipe by Kimi Bois “Moonshine” 1 drop frankincense (Boswellia serrata) 5 drops Jasmine (Jasminum officiale) 2 drops Clary Sage ( Savia sclarea) Moonshine Our first blend of the year is good for connecting with the power of the moon and connecting with your inner self while creating sacred space for you as you journey.

Frankincense helps to slow the mind, calm the nerves and ease high paced into a slower crawl. It is also great for the complexion, blemishes, wrinkles and scars.

Jasmine warms the heart and soothes and protects the soul. It produces a sense of gentle optimism and euphoria, engendering a love of oneself and the beauty in the world around you. Jasmine connects us with

20 our sensuality and encourages a loving look upon ourselves and others. It’s also helpful for dry, irritated skin and to help ease muscle spasms and labour pains.

Clary Sage encourages us to look deeper, in every way. It helps us connect to our dream world and help us understand better. It’s a strong protector and stabilizes shaky emotional ground. It’s also great for head- aches and hot flashes because of its intense cooling quality.

This blend of essential oils can be used most especially during the full and new moons for energy and magic work, to help bring you into the space, protect you while you are there and help open you to the energies and knowledge at hand. Its would be a great blend to use when doing tarot and Oracle readings, to open your 3rd eye to see the messages.

This blend would be best used ‘straight’ in a diffuser, but can also be added to an unscented lotion or cream or swirled in some carrier oil (jojoba, grapeseed, or whatever you prefer) and stored in a roller bottle.

Please dont apply essential oils undiluted on the skin! Frankincense and jasmine are gentle oils, but clary sage can cause skin irritations. A 10% dilution is the most you would need for optimal effectiveness in any base.

Disclaimer: This information should not take the place of professional medical advice. Essential oils are the most concentrated essences of the plant material they come from, therefore never apply essential oils undiluted on the skin unless advised by an aromatherapist. NEVER ingest essential oils. Their concentrated nature makes it very difficult for your internal organs to process and can cause serious and life threatening reactions. Note that if you are allergic to the plant, you will also react to the oil. Be aware, know yourself and seek support if you need it. My name is Kimi Bois. I am a practicing aromatherapist. I studied at the West Coast Institute of Aromatherapy and have been researching and experimenting with essential oils, herbs and other ingredients for 20 years. I am a practicing pagan, making magic everywhere I go. I am fascinated by symbols, associations and magical connections and where scent can really help us focus on what our intentions are.

Website | Facebook 2020 Colouring Page by Lore Caldwell Hello Creative Beings, I’m Lore Caldwell. I have been making art for all of my days. I am a Board Certified Art Therapist by day and spend my free time being as creative as possible.

Art for me has always been a healing force and it is my passion to share that with others.

Download and print this beautiful colouring page on 8.5 x 11 inch cardstock, and use it however you like. You will be getting a new one each and every month, so by year’s end, you’ll have a collection of 13!

P.S. You can find me onFacebook .

21 Moon Water One of the things we do together as a coven is make moon water. Every full moon, put a glass container (a jar works perfectly) on a windowsill or outside where it will catch the energy of the moon we’re in. You can add crytals (be sure they aren’t watersoluble! Use your GoogleFu!), herbs, or oth- er objects to or around the jar if you wish.

Bring it in before sunrise, and decant it into a dropper bottle. I like add mine to pure vodka, and use just a drop or two in fresh water to make a moon elixir. If alcohol is problematic for you, be sure to use DISTILLED WATER or it will start to smell funky over time.

If you plan to ingest your moon water (which is a nice way to get yourself charged up with moon energy), don’t add any- thing to the water.

We use this water to add the energies of the sign the moon is in to our workings. For example, if we want to increase our ability to innovate, we might use a drop of moon water from the Full Moon in Aquarius. If we want to attract a sense of cosiness into our lives, we might use a drop of moon water from the Full Moon in Taurus.

I like to use moon water when I paint. I add a drop to my water vessel, and say a few words to indicate my intended use for it. For example:

“I call upon the power of the Full Moon in Aquarius to increase my ability to create in new and innovative ways...” or

“I invite the power of Libra to lend itself to this working for a loving relationship...”

You can also use the water as an elixir when you need a boost, or as a spell for ‘perfect timing’, which we will talk about later on in this class. The concept is simple, though. If we can’t actually do our working on the Full Moon in Aquarius, for example, we could use the water to create a little bubble of time in which, for us, the moon IS full in Aquarius. I do this by adding a bit of the moon water to a spray bottle, spritzing the air (or my page), and saying something like

“I call upon the power of my intention to invoke the rule of perfect timing. It is my will that this hour be infused with the energy of the Full Moon in Aquarius. As I will, so it is.” This is necessary for me since I

22 need to film your lessons before the new or full moon, so I make both new and full moon waters through- out the year. wisdom sayings 'A healthy witch makes all things sound.' - Francesca DeGrandis

It all begins with me.

See you on December 31st with more...

Meanwhile, if you’re looking for some cool witchy stencils, Sarah Trumpp designed a whole collection for Moonshine.