
Heredity 74 (1995) 274—285 Received 18 May 1994 Genetical Society of Great Britain

Population structure, stepwise , heterozygote deficiency and their implications in DNA forensics

LI JIN & RANAJIT CHAKRABORTY* Center for Demographic and , Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Texas at Houston Health Center, P.O. Box 20334, Houston, TX 77225, U.S.A.

Ina substructured population the overall heterozygote deficiency can be predicted from the number of subpopulations (s),theirtime of divergence (t),andthe nature of the mutations. At present the true mutational mechanisms at the hypervariable DNA loci are not known. However, the two existing models (the infinite model (JAM) and the stepwise mutation model (SMM)) provide some guides to predictions from which the possible effect of population substructuring may be evaluated, assuming that the subpopulations do not exchange any among them during . The theory predicts that the loci with larger , and consequently showing greater heterozygosity within subpopulations, should exhibit a smaller proportional heterozygote deficiency (GST) and, hence, the effects of population substructuring should be minimal at the hypervariable DNA loci (an order of magnitude smaller than that at the blood group and loci). Applications of this theory to data on six Variable Number of Tandem Repeat (VNTR) loci and five short tandem repeat (STR) loci in the major cosmopolitan of the USA show that while the VNTR loci often exhibit a large significant heterozygote deficiency, the STR loci do not show a similar tendency. This discordant finding may be ascribed to the limitations, coalescence and nondetectability of associated with the restriction fragment length (RFLP) analysis through which the VNTR loci are scored. Such limitations do not apply to the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method, through which the STR loci are scored. The implications of these results are discussed in the context of the forensic use of DNA typing data.

Keywords:coefficientof diversity, DNA forensics, heterozygote deficiency, stepwise mutations, VNTR loci.

Introduction isolation, gene differentiation between subpopulations proceeds with a speed governed by the mutation rate Thestudy of genetic structure of subdivided popu- and effective sizes of subpopulations. Partial lations is at least 60 years old (Wright, 1931). Although between subpopulations retards the process of genetic the phenomenon of population substructuring is gener- differentiation (Nei & Feldman, 1972; Chakraborty & ally discussed in the context of evolutionary studies, its Nei, 1974; Li, 1976a; Slatkin, 1985), so that eventually implications can be much broader (Chakraborty, a steady-state will be reached with regard to inter-sub- 1993), as evidenced in the recent controversy in DNA population . The dynamics of this pro- forensics (Chakraborty & Kidd, 1991; Lewontin & cess depend on the nature of mutations and their Hartl, 1991). A population is said to be substructured selective differentials, as well as on the pattern of gene when it consists of components (subpopulations) migration. These issues received a great deal of atten- among which gene flow is somewhat restricted. There tion, theoretically (Morton, 1969; Karlin, 1982) as well could be a complete absence of gene flow between sub- as empirically (Jorde, 1980). The common theme is populations because of geographical, ecological and that under isolation of subpopulations (complete or social, as well as biological barriers. Under complete partial) the allele differences between sub- populations produce frequencies in the total *Correspondence population that differ from what would be expected if 274 Received 18 May 1994 STEPWISE MUTATIONS AND POPULATION STRUCTURE 275

the individuals in the total population were to mix at (Chakraborty & Zhong, 1993). Furthermore, empirical random (i.e. no substructuring). data on distributions at hypervariable Such a deviation, quantified in terms of summary loci are not as extensive for diverse populations as yet measures of genetic variation, has been termed the and, therefore, at present inference regarding the heterozygote deficiency and their (Wright, 1943), kinship (Morton, 1969) extent of population structure at VNTR loci has to be or coefficient of gene differentiation (Nei, 1973). inferred from the second type of studies mentioned implications in DNA forensics Unequivocal is the observation in all these studies that above. in the presence of substructuring heterozygosity in the The purpose of this work is to provide a theoretical total population at codominant loci would be reduced expectation of a measure of the effect of substructuring from what could be predicted from allele frequencies on genotype frequencies. Specifically, we extend our Center for Demographic and , Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Texas at in the total population assuming Hardy-Weinberg earlier work on this subject (Chakraborty & Jin, 1992) Houston Health Science Center, P.O. Box 20334, Houston, TX 77225, U.S.A. genotypic proportions. Such a deficiency of hetero— and derive expectations of the coefficient of gene , although a crude measure of the effects of diversity (G51; Nei, 1973) under the stepwise mutation a substructured population the overall heterozygote deficiency can be predicted from the population subdivision, when normalized (Nei, 1977), model (Ohta & Kimura, 1973) for a given number of the nature of the mutations. At may allow examination of the strength of the effects of subpopulations and time of divergence from their present the true mutational mechanisms at the hypervariable DNA loci are not known. However, substructuring in terms of how many subpopulations common ancestry. As the proportional heterozygote the two existing mutation models (the infinite allele model (JAM) and the stepwise mutation model exist within the total population, as well as their evolu- deficiency is mathematically equivalent to GST (Nei, tionary time of separation from the common ancestry. 1977), we examine whether the observed proportional (SMM)) provide some guides to predictions from which the possible effect of population heterozygote deficiency at the VNTR loci in two USA substructuring may be evaluated, assuming that the subpopulations do not exchange any genes Of course, the mutational pattern as well as the role of among them during evolution. The theory predicts that the loci with larger mutation rate, and have to be postulated in such inter- cosmopolitan populations (Budowle eta!., 1991), consequently showing greater heterozygosity within subpopulations, should exhibit a smaller ference(Nei, 1975; Li, 1976a, Slatkin, 1985). scored by the restriction fragment length polymor- proportional heterozygote deficiency (GST) and, hence, the effects of population substructuring Because in the presence of substructuring the phism (RFLP) analysis, can be explained by substruc- should be minimal at the hypervariable DNA loci (an order of magnitude smaller than that at the genotype frequencies in the total population cannot turing within these populations alone. We find that strictly be predicted from the overall allele frequencies substructuring alone cannot explain the observed Applications of this theory to data on six Variable Number of Tandem Repeat (VNTR) loci and using the Hardy—Weinberg rule, but the average magni- proportional deficiencies of apparent heterozygotes in five short tandem repeat (STR) loci in the major cosmopolitan populations of the USA show that tude of of such a prediction may be evaluated the RFLP data on VNTR loci. To confirm our conclu- while the VNTR loci often exhibit a large significant heterozygote deficiency, the STR loci do not from the summary measures mentioned above, two sion that these result from the inherent limitations of show a similar tendency. This discordant finding may be ascribed to the limitations, coalescence types of enquiries may be made with regard to popula- the RFLP procedure (described in detail below), we and nondetectability of alleles associated with the restriction fragment length polymorphism tion structure. In one, we would have to identify each also consider a parallel set of data on comparable (RFLP) analysis through which the VNTR loci are scored. Such limitations do not apply to the component subpopulation within the population, have populations for which the hypervariable loci are scored polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method, through which the STR loci are scored. The implications representative samples drawn from each of them and by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based protocol, of these results are discussed in the context of the forensic use of DNA typing data. evaluate the errors of prediction of genotype frequen- where the same technical limitations are not so critical. cies in the total population sample. In the other, a Analysis of these data shows that at hypervariable loci, sample from the total population would be analysed where all are unequivocally identified, the from which the nature of substructuring has to be effect of substructuring on GST is only trivial, in inferred from the errors of prediction observed. accordance with the expectation when mutation rates Whereas the first approach gives a direct observa- are high, and consequently, when the loci exhibit large isolation, gene differentiation between subpopulations tion on the level of significance of allele frequency numbers of alleles as well as high heterozygosity within proceeds with a speed governed by the mutation rate differences between subpopulations, it does not esta- subpopulations. These results have an indirect bearing and effective sizes of subpopulations. Partial gene flow blish whether the subpopulations themselves are sub- on the statistical interpretation of DNA typing data lations is at least 60 years oldbetween (Wright, subpopulations 1931). retards the processAlthough of genetic structured. The problems of the second strategy are used in forensics, because the predictions of this differentiation (Nei & Feldman, 1972; Chakraborty & mainly statistical; namely, the power of detection of model, in conjunction with our previous work (Chakra- ally discussed in the contextNei, of1974; evolutionary Li, 1976a; Slatkin, 1985), studies, so that eventually its deviation from the Hardy—Weinberg predictions of borty & Jin, 1992), provide estimates of the effect of implications can be much broader (Chakraborty, genotype frequencies is notoriously weak (Ward & population substructuring that can be incorporated in 1993), as evidenced in thepopulation recent genetic controversy variation. The dynamics in ofDNA this pro- Sing, 1970) and, consequently, large sample sizes are the evaluation of the strength of DNA evidence in a cess depend on the nature of mutations and their required to detect realistic differences from the forensic case study. Hartl, 1991). A population is said to be substructured Hardy—Weinberg predictions (Ward & Sing, 1970; when it consists of componentsmigration. These issues(subpopulations) received a great deal of atten- Chakraborty & Rao, 1972). Whereas these conclusions Theory tion, theoretically (Morton, 1969; Karlin, 1982) as well are valid for traditional serological and biochemical as empirically (Jorde, 1980). The common theme is markers where the levels of polymorphisms are limited The proportional heterozygote deficiency as an populations because of geographical,that under isolation of subpopulations ecological (complete and or because of small numbers of alleles and consequent indicator of population substructure social, as well as biologicalpartial) barriers. the allele frequency Under differences complete between sub- low levels of heterozygosity (Roychoudhury & Nei, 1988), the use of data on hypervariable loci (such as Considera population with ssubpopulations.Let Xik population that differ from what would be expected if the Variable Number of Tandem Repeat loci, the bethe frequency of the ith allele in the kth subpopu- VNTR loci) gives a somewhat different picture lation at a . If Hk represents the proportion of 276 L. JIN & R. CRAKRABORTY heterozygote individuals in the kth subpopulation, the than H (because, in such an event, each subpopulation actual proportion of heterozygote individuals in the would be in HWE, so that Hk= 1 —Xx).As a conse- total population (He) is: quence, GST of eqn 3 would always be positive. There- fore, negative observed values of GST from eqn 3, as H=>I NkHk/N, (1) well as its exceptionally large values, cannot be k ascribed to population substructuring alone, as dis- where Nk is the size of the kth subpopulation and cussed later. N =kNkis the size of the total population. Let ,= kNkxj/JNbe the frequency of the ith allele Mutationmodels for hypervariable Foci and in the total population. Under Hardy—Weinberg expectations of equilibrium (HWE), the proportion of heterozygote For inthe total population becomes: the analysis of traditional serological and bio- individuals (HT ) chemical polymorphism, two mutation models have been invoked to explain the maintenance of new allelic variations within and between populations. In the first, it is assumed that each mutation arising in the popula- so that Nei's coefficient of gene diversity (GST; Nei, tion is a new one, not previously seen in the population. 1973) reduces to This is called the infinite allele model (JAM), whose GsT= (HT— Hs)/HT, I 3\ analytical properties are well-studied (Wright, 1949; Kimura & Crow, 1964; Ewens, 1972). For studying the proportional heterozygote deficiency in the total genetic variation at a molecular level where genetic population (Chakraborty & Jin, 1992). alterations can be interpreted in terms of Equation 3 dictates that as Hk within each sub- substitutions, this model appears most appropriate. population increases, so also would and conse- Ohta & Kimura (1973) showed that when genetic quently GST would reduce. In other words, for any changes are noted by charge changes produced at a given structure of subpopulations (i.e. when s is fixed), through changes caused by GST for hypervariable loci (with large Hk), in compar- nucleotide substitutions, mutational alterations can be ison to that for the traditional loci, should be smaller. studied by a stepwise mutation model (SMM). In this Nei(1973)defined GST as: model, the allelic states may be represented by a ladder of integer values, so that each mutation may change the DST allelic state either in the forward or backward direc- (4) Hs+DST' tion. Analysis of genetic data gathered through protein electrophoresis in natural populations demonstrated where DsT=kjDkl/s2,inwhichDk, is Nei's (1972) that the stepwise mutation model is an adequate minimumgenetic distance between the /th and kth description of mutational changes for the protein subpopulations. Under any mutation-drift model, DST electrophoresis protocol of genetic studies (Weir et a!., can be obtained by using: 1976; Fuerst eta!.,1977;Chakraborty eta!., 1978). — DST =s(s1)D/s2, (5) The recently discovered hypervariable poly- morphisms (Wyman & , 1980; Jeifreys et a!., where is the mutation—drift (evolutionary) expec- 1985), where the genetic variation is caused by copy tation of Dk,s,whichis the same for any pair of sub- number variation of short tandemly repeated DNA populations. Algebraically, may also be written as: sequences, may not precisely fit these models of muta- — tions. As of now, the exact molecular mechanism of D= 1 —H5 (6) copy number changes of tandemly repeated sequences where Jxisthe probability that twogenesdrawn is still speculative. Several mechanisms are postulated, randomly, one from each of two populations X and 1', such as strand slippage in DNA replication (Levinson are identical (Nei, 1977). & Gutman, 1987), and unequal exchange When GST is interpreted as a proportional hetero- in (Jeifreys et a!., 1988; Wolff et a!., 1989). zygote deficiency (eqn 3), negative values of GST are Whereas none of these mechanisms may strictly con- permissible (when HT< H5). But, in its alternative form to either of the two existing mutation models, formation (eqn 4), 0 GsT 1, as DST as well as II are several authors have shown that the empirical data on both bounded by 0 and 1. Of course, if the difference genetic variation at the hypervariable loci often follows between HT and I-Is (eqns 1 and 2) were truly the result predictions of these models (Clarke, 1987; Jeifreys et a!., of population substructuring alone, HT would be larger 1988; Flint eta!., 1989; Chakraborty etal., 1991; Deka STEPWISE MUTATIONS AND POPULATION STRUCTURE 277 eta!., 1991; Edwards eta!., 1992). Two recent studies By using eqns 4, 5 and 6, we have: examined this question in further detail. When the hypervariable loci are grouped according to the length — (s—1)(1—Hs—Jy) of their repeat units, e.g. rnicrosatellites (1—2 GST_H+(l)(1HJ) (10) (bp) repeat unit), short tandem repeat (STR) loci (3—5 bp repeat unit) and minisatellites (9—70 bp repeat unit), giving the predicted GST value under the stepwise Valdes et a!. (1993) and Shriver et a!. (1993) showed mutation model. Substituting eqns 8 and 9 in eqn 10, that the STR and polymorphisms follow we may then define GST under the one-step stepwise the predictions of the stepwise mutation model more mutation model as a of s, H and T=(t/2Ne). consistently than the predictions of the infinite allele Therefore, like lAM, for a given level of gene diversity model. However, the minisatellite polymorphisms are (or heterozygosity) within subpopulations, the coeffi- better described by the infinite allele model (Clark et cient of gene diversity (GST) is specified by the number a!., 1989; Flint eta!., 1989; Chakraborty eta!., 1991). of subpopulations (s) and their time of divergence These results may still be only tentative and provisional (t/2Ne) in units of 2Ne generations under the SMM. but it appears that these two models (TAM and one Figure 1 shows the relationships of GST with the step SMM) may provide plausible realistic magnitudes number of subpopulations (s) and the isolation time of genetic variation that may hold for most patterns of since divergence (T) where H =90per cent. For any hypervariable polymorphisms. given number of subpopulations (s) and their diver- Using the JAM of mutations, Chakraborty & Jin gence time (T), GST of lAM is always greater than that (1992) showed that GST can be written as a function of of SMM when the mutation rates for both models are the number of subpopulation (s), the within-subpopu- the same. This is so because for a given time of diver- lation gene diversity (He) and the divergence time gence, under the JAM subpopulations would exhibit among subpopulations (in generations t), given by: greater differentiation than that which would be pre- dicted under the SMM for the same rate of mutation. s')(l — — However, for the same within-population diversity G — (1— H)[1e_HsT_] — (7) (Ha), the ratio of the mutation rates of the SMM (v sMM) sTH +(1 —s')(l —H)[1e_HsTIi and of the TAM (v lAM) under the assumption of mutation-drift equilibrium is 1 + 2NeV JAM which is where T= t/2Ne, and Ne is the effective subpopulation always larger than 1. Interestingly enough, it can be size. To determine the maximum expected effect of shown numerically (e.g. Fig. 1) that the G1 under the substructuring, the above result considers the s lAM is still larger than that under the SMM. subpopulations (each of which is at Hardy-Weinberg The numerical computations shown in Fig. 1 also equilibrium) to have diverged from their common illustrate other parallel properties of expected GST ancestral population t generations ago, and to have under the two mutation models. Under both models of remained in isolation from each other since then. mutation, GST very quickly reaches its plateau as a Furthermore, we also assume that the effective sizes of function of both s and t/2Ne. In fact, the number of the subpopulations are the same (Ne) as that of the subpopulations beyond 10 has hardly any effect on ancestral population, and that within each subpopula- GST in either model, and even in terms of tI2Ne, the tion allele frequencies are at mutation—drift equili- rate of approach to the asymptotic GST is much slower brium. under the SMM in comparison to that under the JAM. Under the one-step stepwise mutation model, J(of Equation 8 also shows that Jy goes to zero when eqn 6) can be written as (Li, 1 976b): t -co Inother words, the subpopulations eventually will share no allele when each of them accumulates a +M—(1 large number of new mutations. In this case, the asymp- JxyeMT M_HsY'](l H8)11(MT), totic value of GST of the SMM is the same at that of the [i (8) JAM, i.e.

— (s—1)(1—Hs) where M =[(1 —H)21]/2,T= t/2Ne, and 1(x) is a (11) modified Bessel function of the first kind and defined GsT—s —1+ H as: In the light of eqn 11, the numerical calculations shown in Fig. 1 may appear deceptive as it seems as though 1(2x) x2/[s!(i+ s)!] (9) the asymptote for GST under the SMM is lower than sO that of the JAM for fixed s and H5. Actually, this is not the case; it simply reflects that the slower rate of 278 L. JIN & R. CHAKRABORTY



7.5 5.0

5.0 2.5

2.5 0.0


Fig. 1 Expected coefficient of gene diversity (GST as a percentage) in a subdivided population as a function of the number of subpopulations (s), and their time of divergence, T( t/2N). The higher surface is for the Infinite Allele Model (JAM), and the lower surface is for the one-step Stepwise Mutation Model (SMM) of mutations.

approach to an asymptotic GST value under the SMM that at hypervariable loci (where the average hetero- in comparison to the JAMapplieseven when the zygosity is of the order of 90 per cent, or higher) the within-subpopulation heterozygosity (H 90 per cent kinship (mathematically equivalent to GST) is almost an in Fig. 1) is kept fixed for both models, and conse- order of magnitude smaller than at the traditional quently the mutation rate is made larger for the SMM blood group and protein loci (where H5 is generally 40 (in comparison with the JAM). per cent, or lower). In our previous work, we indicated that, for the These analytical properties may also be described in JAM, GST should become smaller as H5 becomes terms of isolines of GST for various values of s and larger (Chakraborty & Jin, 1992). This property also tI2Ne. Figure 3 shows some computations in this holds for the SMM. Figure 2 shows the relationship of regard, where combinations of the time of divergence GST with H5 for three sets of s and t/2Ne, with t/2Ne (t/2Ne) and the number of subpopulations (s) required ranging from 0.05 to 0.5 and s from 2 to 20. For both to explain a given value of GST (=5per cent) are plot- models GST decreases when H5 increases, indicating ted for the two mutation models (TAM and SMM) for that a locus with a higher mutation rate generally H5 =70 per cent and 90 per cent. These computations exhibits a smaller coefficient of gene differentiation again illustrate that a number of subpopulations larger (GST) compared with the locus with a reduced than 10 has virtually no effect on the value of GST, and mutation rate. A locus with a higher mutation rate can even when subpopulations exchange no genes among accumulate more new mutations and thus will exhibit a them, large GST (say5 per cent) would be unlikely to larger within-population heterozygosity (H5) and arise from population substructuring when each sub- between-population divergence (DST )thana locus with population exhibits high levels of heterozygosity (say, a smaller mutation rate for any given number of H 90 per cent). Chakraborty & Jin (1992) also subpopulations and the divergence time. The numeri- showed that a small amount of gene flow among sub- cal illustrations shown in Fig. 2, therefore, provide a populations reduced the values of GST even more theoretical support of Morton et al.'s (1993) finding drastically. While the effect of migration was analyti- STEPWISE MUTATIONS AND POPULATION STRUCTURE 279




4-, 0.2 C V I'-.

'a) V C V

"-4 Fig. 2 Expected coefficient of gene 00.1 4.2 diversity (GST) under the two mutation C models ([AM: solid lines; SMM: dashed V lines) in a subdivided population as •4 '-4V functions of within-subpopulation 00 heterozygosity (J) for three different situations of substructuring: (a) s=2, 0.0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 t/2Ne =0.05;(b) s= 5,tI2Ne =0.10; and (c) s= 10,tI2Ne =0.50. Gene diversity within subpopulations (H8)

1.0 (a) z5.) C'1 -4

a) 0.6 C.) 0

a) 0.4

"-4 (a).

a) 0.2 Fig. 3 Isolines of different substructur- E ing situations (sandt/2Ne) resulting in GST =5 per cent under the two muta- tion models (lAM: solid lines; SMM: 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 dashed lines) for (a) H8 =70 per cent and (b) H5 =90per cent. Numberof subpopulations (s) cally studied for the JAM,comparableanalytical a!. (1991) observed significant deficiencies of apparent results for expected GST in the presence of migration heterozygosities at two loci (D1S7 and D17S79) for for the SMM are not yet available. the USA Caucasians and at five loci (all except D4S139) for the USA Black populations, in which all single-banded DNA patterns at each locus were Data analysis treated as homozygotes. The proportional hetero- zygote deficiencies observed in these cases range RFLP data between 3.07 per cent (D1S7 in Blacks) and 10.75 per Firstly, we consider data on six Variable Number of cent (D17S79 in Caucasians) (see Table 1). Table 1 also Tandem Repeat (VNTR) loci (D1S7, D2S44, D4S139, includes the GST values under the two mutation D14S13, D16S85 and D17S79) as reported in models (JAM and SMM), assuming no gene migration Budowle eta!.(1991), which were reanalysed in our among subpopulations within each racial group. As previous work (Chakraborty & Jin, 1992). Budowle et GSTisvirtually unaltered for s>10(see Fig. 1), the 280 L. JIN & R. CI-IAKRABORTY

Table 1 Observed and expected heterozygosities, and observed and expected GST without migration under the Infinite Allele Model (JAM) and Stepwise Mutation Model (SMM) at six VNTR loci in USA Caucasians and Blacks

Expected GT(t/2Ne=0.1)

Heterozygosity s =2 s 10 Sample Locus size(N)Observeda ExpectedaG5lAM SMMJAM SMM Caucasians D1S7 210 91.0* 94.2 3.503.06 1.325.37 2.34 D2S44 218 91.3 92.0 0.753.00 1.275.28 2.27 D45139 144 87.5 90.1 2.883.47 1.84 6.083.26 D14S13 218 89.9 91.2 1.423.20 1.485.62 2.64 D16S85 210 90.0 90.8 0.833.19 1.47 5.602.61 D17S79 209 70.8** 79.3 10.754.25 3.597.40 6.28 Blacks D1S7 268 91.4* 94.3 3.072.98 1.265.24 2.24 D2S44 295 88.1** 93.4 5.663.41 1.745.97 3.10 D4S139 304 90.8 92.6 1.973.08 1.355.41 2.40 D14S13 258 90.7* 94.0 3.523.09 1.365.43 2.42 D16S85 212 77.8* 83.7 7.034.05 3.047.05 5.34 D17S79 281 80.8* 85.8 5.903.92 2.726.84 4.79

a Heterozygosityand GST values are expressed as percentages. *Significant deficiency (P 0.05). **significant deficiency (P 0.01).

number of subpopulations (s) was chosen as 2 and 10 HPRTB and ARA) in four ethnic populations (Cauca- for these computations. We used tI2Ne 0.1, which sians, Blacks, Hispanics and Asians) currently residing amounts to 20000—25000 years for Ne 5000. This is in Houston, Texas. These loci consist of tn- or tetra- a conservative estimate of the time of separation of the nucleotide repeat units (Table 2), with respect to which different ethnic populations within the Caucasians or copy number variations were scored to determine the Blacks (Nei & Roychoudhury, 1982; Chakraborty & allelic types. DNA samples were first amplified by the Jin, 1992). In all seven population—locus combinations polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique and then where significant heterozygote deficiencies are the alleles were separated and identified by acrylamide observed, the observed GST values are larger than their gel electrophoresis. Of 20 population—locus combina- predictions under the SMM. Therefore, we reiterate tions, only two contrasts of observed and expected our previous conclusion (Chakraborty & Jin, 1992), heterozygosities resulted in significant heterozygote namely, if the observed proportional deficiencies of deficiency (Table 2). Both are only marginally signifi- heterozygotes at these six VNTR loci are to be cant (P —0.05).Therefore, although the populations in ascribed only to substructuring within USA Caucasians this study are comparable to the ones considered in or Blacks, we have to assume that the different sub- Budowle et a!. (1991), we do not find any evidence of a populations never exchanged any mates among them substantial degree of substructuring at these STR loci. and that their time of separation is much longer than This is particularly intriguing because in general these that suggested by their ethnohistory. Neither of these short tandem repeat (STR) loci show a lower level of postulates can be correct (Chakraborty & Jin, 1992), observed heterozygosities (39 per cent, 64 per cent, 71 considering the substantial amount of gene migration per cent, 75 per cent, 86 per cent) than the VNTR loci within ethnic populations of USA Caucasians and Blacks, at least in this century. (77 per cent, 84 per cent, 90 per cent, 90 per cent, 90 per cent, 91 per cent) and, hence, should substruc- turing alone be the true cause of the observed hetero- PCRdata zygote deficiencies, the effect should have been more pronounced at the STR loci. Furthermore, of the five Edwardseta!.(1992) reported the data at five short STR loci, the RENA4 locus exhibits the lowest level of tandem repeat (STR) loci (THO1, RENA4, FABP, heterozygosity (37—41 per cent), yet for no population STEPWISE MUTATIONS AND POPULATION STRUCTURE 281

Table 2Observed and expected (under HWE) total number of heterozygotes for five STR loci in four populations


Locus Statistics Whites Blacks Hispanics Asians Pooled HPRTB N 134 90 46 30 300 (AGAT )n Heterozygotes Observed 95 63 33 22 213* Expected±SE 103.2±4.9 69.8±4.0 33.1±3.1 19.5±2.6 229.2±7.4 THO1 N 186 185 192 77 640 (AATG)n Heterozygotes Observed 150 149 135 47* 481* Expected±SE 143.1±5.7 141.0±5.8 146.1±5.9 55.3±3.9 505.1±10.3 RENA4 N 177 186 187 75 625 (ACAG)n Heterozygotes Observed 66 77 71 29 243 Expected SE 64.6 6.4 82.2 6.8 72.1 6.7 29.2 4.2 249.2 12.2 FABP N 287 191 176 76 730 (AAT )n Heterozygotes Observed 176 159 91 42 468* Expected SE 186.0 8.1 153.4 5.5 100.2 6.6 43.6 4.3 503.3 12.5 ARA N 78 81 43 31 228 (AGC)n Heterozygotes Observed 63 67* 38 28 196* Expected±SE 64.8±2.7 73.7±2.6 38.8±2.0 27.7± 1.7 207.6±4.3

*Signlficant deficiency (P 0.05). does this locus show any significant heterozygote the JAM, and most of them (except two) are also deficiency. The only two significant heterozygote smaller than the predictions of the SMM. Keeping in deficiencies occur for locus—population combinations mind that a complete isolation of subpopulations was where the observed levels of heterozygosity are not so assumed in evaluating the expected GST values, the small (61 per cent for THO1 in the Asians, and 83 per generally lower observed GST values in relation to their cent for ARA in Blacks). In contrast, if we consider the predicted values indicate that a certain amount of pooled data (i.e. create a known substructuring), four of migration did occur in the past. In other words, these the five loci exhibit significant heterozygote deficien- calculations indicate that for populations with known cies (last column of Table 2). Therefore, we claim that substructuring, the extent of heterozygote deficiencies the effects of substructuring within these four racial in the total population can be predicted by observed groups at the five STR loci is very small, if not negli- values of GST. gible. By combining Caucasians with Blacks, Caucasians Discussionand conclusions with Asians and Blacks with Asians, we created three populations with known population substructure. The Theresults shown above for the two sets of hyper- observed GSTs and their corresponding expectations variable loci are apparently discordant with each other. under both the JAM and the SMM are presented in The six VNTR loci, scored by the RFLP procedure, Table 3. For times of divergence between subpopula- show significant heterozygote deficiencies for the two tions we have used 115000 years, 55000 years and major racial populations of the USA, whereas the five 120000 years for Caucasians and Blacks, Caucasians STR loci show results quite contrary to this. Translated and Asians, and Blacks and Asians, respectively (Nei, into terms of GST, the VNTR loci exhibit higher levels 1975). Only three of the 15 locus—population combin- of coefficient of gene differentiation than that at the ations reveal significant heterozygote deficiency. How- STR loci. This is contrary to the theory of substruc- ever, contradicting the situation for the six VNTR loci, turing presented above. Should the observed hetero- none of the observed GST exceeds the predictions of zygote deficiencies noted at these VNTR loci be 282 L. JIN & R. CHAKRABORTY entirely the result of substructuring alone, we would always be distinguished from each other, and the alleles expect higher levels of GST for the STR loci. Further- that are too small or too large may not be reliably more, for all locus—population combinations, the sized in such a protocol. As a result, the single-banded observed levels of GST should have been smaller than individuals may not always be true homozygotes. the predicted ones because we used levels of substruc- Coalescence or nondetectability of alleles in the turing more severe than the reality by allowing a larger Southern blot RFLP analysis, therefore, might cause time of divergence, and by assuming no gene migration apparent heterozygote deficiency, mimicking a sub- between subpopulations. These should have occurred structuring effect. Devlin eta!. (1990)have shown that for either of the two mutation models considered here. the coalescence phenomenon is inherent in allele sizing With construction of known levels of subpopula- from Southern blot data. Similarly, the presence of tions, the STR loci exhibit a tendency towards such nondetectable alleles is demonstrated by restriction predictions (Table 3). That leads us to conclude that digestion with alternative (e.g. PvuII), the apparently discordant findings at the six VNTR loci whereby small HaeIII derived fragments (that result from the designation of homozygotes and remained undetected in the original database) could be heterozygotes from RFLP analysis of hypervariable identified (see Budowle et al., 1991 and Chakraborty loci. Devlin eta!.(1990)and Chakraborty eta!.(1992) & Jin, 1992 for citations). Furthermore, Jeffreys et al. have shown that there is an inherent limitation of geno- (1991) present other data and cite examples of true type assigmnent from the Southern blot RFLP analysis 'nondetectable' alleles, and Fornage et a!. (1992) of DNA typing. Alleles of nearly similar size may not present direct evidence of small-size alleles that are detectable by PCR, which would have remained undetected by a RFLP analysis. Table 3 Observed and expected GST without migration If one entertains the possibility of 'nondetectable' under the Infinite Allele Model (TAM) and Stepwise alleles as a source of large apparent heterozygote Mutation Model (SMM) at five STR loci in three mixtures of deficiency at the six VNTR loci, it is reasonable to ask Caucasian, Black and Asian population data from Texas, USA what frequency of 'nondetectable' alleles would explain these discordant findings. Chakraborty et a!. (1 992a) Observeda Expected GSTa addressed this issue, and showed that even the largest Sample value of GST (10.75 per cent at D17S79 in Caucasians) Locus size H5 GsT SMM TAM can be explained with about 5 per cent nondetectable alleles. Although for some PCR primers, nondetecta- Mixture of Caucasians and Blacks bility of alleles may occur from differential amplifica- HPRTB 224 70.5* 9.13 8.75 13.52 tions or nucleotide substitutions within the primer THO1 371 80.6 5.49 9.85 RENA4 363 sequence (Callan et a!., 1993; Koorey et a!.,1993),no 39.4 2.72 17.41 19.35 such evidence exists for the primers used in the STh FABP 478 70.1 5.08 8.89 13.63 ARA 154 844* 7.57 4.31 8.11 survey data (Edwards et a!., 1992) of the present analysis. Therefore, we argue that the level of G5T Mixture of Caucasians and Asians values obtained for the STR loci are realistic effects of HPRTB 164 71.3 6.33 6.41 9.06 substructuring within the major cosmopolitan popula- THO1 263 74.9 5.43 5.63 8.58 tions of the USA. RENA4 252 377 b 10.64 11.24 Because at present RFLP data are the primary basis FABP 363 60.1 5.47 8.40 10.12 ARA 104 87.5 1.92 2.71 5.75 of forensic applications of DNA typing, one might ask, 'In the presence of such levels of heterozygote deficien- Mixture of Blacks and Asians cies how can one support the calculations of DNA HPRTB 120 70.8 7.28 8.77 13.65 profile frequencies using the traditional Hardy—Wein- THO1 262 74.8 3.45 7.44 12.29 RENA4 261 40.6 5.55 17.59 berg principles?' As argued in Chakraborty et a!. 19.75 (1 992a,b), three levels of conservatism support the cur- FABP 267 75.3 1.68 7.27 12.10 ARA 112 84.8* 7.27 4.24 7.96 rent computations. Firstly, allele frequencies used in DNA forensics are exaggerated as the binning of allele a Heterozygosity (H5) and GST values are expressed as sizes (Budowle eta!., 1991) produces allele frequencies percentages. that are on an average two times as large as they should b Heterozygoteexcess was found in these cases (and hence, be (in reference to the match criteria used by the foren- GSTshouldbe estimated as zero because negative G51 sic laboratories; Budowle & Monson, 1992; Chakra- cannotoccur). borty et a!., 1993). Secondly, in the presence of *Sigrjficant deficiency (P 0.05). 'nondetectable' alleles, the gene count estimates of STEPWISE MUTATIONS AND POPULATION STRUCTURE 283 allele frequencies are overestimates of the true allele guides to the appropriate GST in such special cases. frequencies in a population (Chakraborty et al., Until such studies are complete, we contend that when 1 992a). Thirdly, even if substructuring exists in a popu- the true identity of individuals contributing a DNA lation, the Hardy—Weinberg prediction of genotype fre- sample is unknown, the frequency estimates for the quencies for heterozygotes provides an overestimate combined multilocus profile should be presented for as for the true frequency of heterozygotes (Chakraborty et many populations as possible that are relevant in a a!., 1992b). The use of the modified estimate (2p forensic case analysis. instead of p2) of Budowle et a!. (1991) guards against the possibility of under-reporting of the homozygote Acknowledgements (single-banded) frequencies. These arguments, we might note, apply to the Thiswork was supported by US Public Health Service current forensic computations of the unconditional Research grants GM 41399 and GM 45861 from the probability of a specific DNA profile in a population. National Institutes of Health, and grant NIJ-92-CX- Some , however, argue that in a DNA K024 from the US National Institute of Justice. forensic analysis one might also attempt to determine Comments from an anonymous reviewer were particu- the probability with which an individual (say, x) has the larly helpful in improving the presentation. specific profile, given that a defendant has the same profile. In general, this is not the one predicted by the References unconditional profile frequency in the population. The answer to the above alternative question will vary BALDING,D. J. AND NICHOLS, R. A. 1994.DNAprofile match according to the degree of shared ancestry of x with the probability calculation: how to allow for population strati- defendant, which in turn may range over close rela- fication, relatedness, database selection and single bands. tives, similar ethnic background and the like. 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