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The Oxford Democrat <Hmm k> lU failur* af tk* copy for (\*tM u» mrk M ii If*. Mikfi' tka «*> • far pakiw*ta,i, tkpartiaeat »wt -Ki*. Dukh «ti ^ umm | -4 ] I'l i\H, ^ *\ot Ll» H* >M« m-rat- \i • dak du»a*» ta Ham Yotk rvlatrtl tk* M- h, aa « tamiatftf turfvuti kww lk» Af- Ju, t ikmImiI. %«l ifo«*k>pml pr**i*m out of mJ *+i*Tt\mt mma. I >.in ay aaa a u( an ., •*! h< »ufio infantry RAT > .. ..• W V*a it* r n-t.ul hM •rat r* llM !'»*<» man in lb* I'ninn to iaalao POLITICAL w- it it cer- popular day, fur i*« I«*» an. ia blue 1 aihar, N m- ten** and at rode rapidly away. And Ik* -S«*«««ll. aittinrf bvhlfttl 4 tripping OF A NKW KNOl.AND ait ia|M Wtk li'tle mt*( had a NOTM k irlf-IRkk moil, «n<l, Irishman Curat Scrotala. ErynlpeltLi, 1 BY r iW fl-«* In meet iWid liia that lb* coquette »( » *af» «l»*taac» (tu« ik* «lai»-l Itrin lM»a upHintaia Halo aaa, aad Faca Orob.1. in*, TRIP. • of Pimpita ^ ••OK, M »uiW," aba cr (d, whan tha In. enUrtaiaing eaoort than yo\ing ha* just remarked, "bf did food job A n l »tm r« mr lb- l*hi. k**- ^ v*> uf IW Krm la taw roltof* J«* «H •*•*•! "«• on lb* 1irwu Dlotchas. Dolls. Tumor*. 7at- tk/k'iaf trtUag »ai that waring loyal fir*? «(K otir, "who J) you night. • .►< m hit. Salt Rheum. tMWMl I- gr< Campbell MO. VI. ; it too." Otir blaftaln'a |i1>iimp tar, Hnmon. i— f >** An hour later Maud' aloud on the He Merc aria J o<Mlmt'i IM, W> think »■ h-r- r«ti»ro#.l from l<ov of about Illainp'a Mil* white rrrti Mi nPVPr aid Head. Sorea. •What »i» bar*. VMIn| IM —ju«' Augusta Km a ft,. )«m Jv>iaf captain*' 1 hrr houae Black population »u Female WaaMaeat k«*. J<>n •trpa of bidding Stephen Ai «.i t*. M» June 11,'tl. lr*l Disease*. »fo»«ur we think are eotatder at 1* Ab>l ti.lco rang p|< >r Hill I*ttiil ».a*0 tka Ito ror u4 ink), There !/«*«'■ and trragularitlea. Diaxlaea w<iw kilto to riant kM, »um cant Mil Maude Mr, KLtf liw It tild** Mr *fi„ i*\l |Im "I'm | g<v>d-Bight. Anil Loaa ot Jutadice. "| ■ Mt fr«iiag r«-|> SM, call to take to ride manufacture* here and tion for many Appetite. •niliai s«ked George, "And I may you a NVe Juo't aWMia tow* "A»oth« prHtjr girl Thia i« Utter. M lib Illt'Mt, *f Malm w«*ll IIh1 lait.1, Affectloa* ot the Llrer. ladt thai, m a «k4»fjl *»j o* ««••, • pAfiia* to titjiltl of iicbiir *ui*i iato f~!ara'« ratSer tomorrow V be aaid, on m<iN. A crew of Frenchman are dig- A* In Ihf •lava )■>», »»» af- U»km4 admiriag'y parting. mean t>.»t it t« 4 «mI uw, r» »f that it grsttoa. DtUousaaaa. Djnp*l> Tt* *urf*va loo bai; lu.k,o| Jut. tc Kmm <»M AtUnttu'a atranl "Vw, I ahall be to go, aaid a I'arlflc'a tlMtrr *la aad Oeaeral Debility la bold blue ejre« delighted now, th* foundation of To nil •" aa«I tin a* • of what call (Ting t>>-day, <ti ik* »«-ami*U *»op , tw HlUl to rotori la lining (T.M, mi M«» * then Mr. Mack into ba« rupeiriaitj printera ^ w fciini 11 < V*#** irniMil As if 1 akoulJ U Maude and aprang ibmala tab* «• "•* A fr« ««*k» iai*r •'IVatty gul, new cotton b*low tka A nllllon up lit* a<rala, ii'i4 ts k» cumplaiat. tha nmiMil at, and drove but it it written from the large, factory ju*t Tpu million b«*rta rritljr, ia hrr **ii Clara, ia di«dain. In* carnage rapidly away. capital ni> i. • uvivr lr». %«4 ottovi Mtktofl ■!■■*< «' I, v»l 4)*0 «Mk ittarrstad BtalM, of tb. .lay w»'il lain, ■MiMI w F tat rrf kM*at atf».u gut By when dam A fin* bridge, VJO feet long, Willi Main*, m IrrJ a haadtome Maude turned to enter the bouae, of the State >ur S'ato Ira.N Ihuri'lPrtfl lo Ikritr «<•»'* vy aaaar »>«W» <1)*. "No, it'a j.ning city Ihrifo I* fosTiR, mi im* 4 co. rut'i. im N»J tka »)i(aii ia nar- '»i|"» rk«M« voice arretted her. tk* rircr hare. The rim .. TV itwlNI la tlM *11 Ma—n ac other thaa your ol«l admirer. a well-known in more than oae thia Tear, ant] •pan* A»fl UK tha l".i« pa apai tn b«. 4, bakiad a k*ra " reapect .li.lia^ ••mm i«m, moment—I muat to -•ball !•»■>»" Ibal aaowy rn ti, u*u lilac k ''Maude—one apeak ig»M* IJ mil** from ita mouth t|.ia the ml a^ata k* a*ciaim*J. M»u<b—Ht»phn tbe borne of that man Maine of Almn lb* illlrtmpii of Ifet aar, Ttx Mlirt*! otflear la Um oyatrr -Hrliw ito or «uto »>y i>to* t»i. IkH toiar capital toif it ciirj MaiJr with a to i r A of tmuacment rroaaed .at* a.>|.l|pra <>f Ih» w»«t h«>aor tb« •• "U •«ibW'" ) tfleant which the dam enable* *tr*n.' TtiP place of U •bell Ik* fact i«, liociu*, I'm mm «t- i»*r p< .... pom', vt*U. toMt«f ar aa ahe turned to cob- Maiar -aho ia at th* &*(!</•/1A'• bl<i*h at the tfirl'a b face ( huh a — aa ««U «aa tkat uadiaffaiaad flwiurr. "Why, to tO ml#* above to Watcmlle. A Vkj.biivk bu rwtorol Oi<»ii«att<lt to Ml I may up •• a a-1 toll oi ww *< <11 lb* "IJea of T' p't, lnirra'i for lit* w>'l"n white. Hi,) •aw HmUtw ail art altt feat*. h* in, ittfr And how fr .t her lover. Not that there any- tbi* time and after ply enough I for Hip CIhiiipI Knight, health who had »*«•« tn l »uf- • Iteti m fu* »L j*»—tbenr " " •(earner to An hurrah long |>«ln.'aI | a >vaaiJ. krlp Itotoiyitf. to create amuaement in run* from here Gardiner, to handaom? be ia looking thing calculate-1 Norember t>t »l< lnr» an-l for Hlaina, tram urpgatw frrrr* •# cvamMatioaal. Nj», JucUr. V>« im ta tot al >a». %» <k>*a IIm road Mam* It ■<.•! feavlng • i< a« th<- man'a for be waa with tha "Star of tha Kaat" 11 W>x*»a hit* ilrtii|(( youn* ap|warance, I'olitica ran too t > me to atajr connecting Wall fitlhiw wUt-r« tba whllf |>l>imiN<«p< •k«i ■ tfc* <>t *y »ta* tag ia tk* ar- iim| ait). imph hi^fh pajr Tb« min t cur* t« very p>pu:*r la II—■ ara bo » white with and jeal- for Hoaton. The of ika dam ia TV araaaaa. fruia tka (wtamat liMM, jf Utut;,' funbM (Uir^f, by dutely |>aeaiou ao ma<l< an en- length k la lu um tb*r<* U a ia- Wvat )«a k*tp ■M frt % liu. out of Maine juat now, I —Th» (rpp.i'iit party |>r«Hpp« ton. bat la Waah.ojcion prr my taaat m'»i« J« with tbia turn <>f affair* » a »•» Ktat ^acfan. l.ghteJ >uay and JM feet and height 1 feet, atf >rding • in fj wn t'Mi It "'know# <tlr« to favor of Um alao-ror*. n •»*» I, IKU )«>*• on tbe "l.ife of Itlaine" afcff* I.Ik* lutaato Ira* atftl't "Oh, »e dout t<> *ee b-<# (ieorge la that you V aaked (j»(C«-mrnt V..I, n > N' »nh >i ifl'b * •Ufeifit th h* »a< tk* npect you "Why, fa*', water for ta* t4ff*«a vifkt <k-ing i* Jaaa' i* t power manufacturing par* an A um u Imm U a low»r ot hmji> IT charm. b# i»," Clara an*- M «ude in innocent "Where return*!, haTintf decided > "«cluae if «ti«t It kn>i«, «<T« rirlnagp, r*Kl aH»r- ;ig flippantly aurpriae. i«p auKk H *«l t Mo* a <*niM. *k*a a km Thu water ia • •«l I 'H'i h n» tr» 11 tha |>ir[> abro«4. Tra Ubm-« m •Matty day* ■ «•.. I b»«» MlWa, ah a IVrt'i *car be "ConfoundClara!" heexclaimed, r po**a. power being great* to! waalaaj» •*r*I; "it w»uU natural Clara?M on th'»e Nfw hogland Nctea" f the U vU*r. kc r*M«mm*adad tha' tk* man ba e"y I'M ilia umJ la U» tU m any •a/J. • *a*M ikt, II it Mau l* t >> much in earneet to rtdiculoua. and no doubt Augusta i* -It I* innouti ■>) that WiMra I' Walk dia- vtndrr the cirum»tanc««. ap|>ear Hut I a f*» "Notea"* ly improved, oa tk* af (antral aa I ik.a rtll •»! a<kar Mar, Wywiil tha »*• preeent. thought a anl l.a<llng lenvM-rat arf*«i gtwwad Ito) th.nk An I »h he'a "If it had not been for ber but never deitined *ome to bcrom* one of the p*. p#'| llf« long Tb« am til who haog* ar»ua>l the aa<l I JifCrently in tbe "I'ine Tree State" day for Hlaln* for hoy H* kaard of tk* iapta.a toa»* fp«m "traTfle" of Topaliam h»« «1prlartt| trior an I hUm farm at hi* iitUr'a i«aii •kJ.ty.
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