SSmmiitthh SSppeeccttaaccuullaarr NOVEMBER 20, 2020

DEAR FAMILIES, November is nearing an end. I'm still not sure how time has moved so quickly, but the crisp air has reminded me snow is right around the corner! I want to thank every one of you for sharing your children with us, in person and/or remotely. The Smith School Staff is one of the most dedicated and loving anyone could ask for. Each day there are stories of the successes of the students. We are all so happy to be able to stay connected.

Please stay safe and healthy over this November break. Enjoy the time with your child(ren). We at Smith School are thankful every day for your commitment and participation in your child's . Sincerely,

Dawn Moore Smith School Principal


During the upcoming holiday season families may be planning for travel. We wanted to take a moment to communicate a travel notication procedure that we hope will keep our Smith School community safe. The most recent travel guidance for Maine residents who travel out of state is on the state's : 1. Note that this detailed guidance makes exceptions for travelers to certain states. This guidance is constantly being updated so please check before travel and upon return. 2. If a Smith School family plans to travel outside Maine to somewhere other than the exempted states, please plan for Covid-19 testing and send your negative test results to our school nurse, Laura Norris at [email protected] prior to the student’s return to school. Alternatively, let us know if you plan to complete a 14-day quarantine before the return to school. If a household member travels outside of Maine to somewhere other than the exempted states, a student in that household is allowed to come to school. If you have any questions please reach out to the school nurse or call the 211 Covid Hotline for more guidance. Thank you very much, Mrs. Moore

If you are planning on traveling outside the State of Maine and your child will be absent from school, you must ll out this form 7- days prior to your departure. This form must be returned to the Smith School oce prior to travel. Pre Planned Absence Form

P.I.E. A slice of Pie! (Partners in Education)

Box Tops for Education! Have you seen any Box Tops on products you have purchased? Although the program has gone digital, Smith School is still enrolled in the Box Tops for Education program and would really like to increase our community participation! Most Box Tops are now digital and require you to scan your store receipt into the Box Top app. This is very quick and easy! Just download the app, save store receipts, then follow the instructions in the app for scanning the receipts. If you receive digital store receipts, you can simply forward those to: Give it a try to help raise money for Smith’s that easy!

Clynk Bags: Did you know that so far this year, PIE Clynk donations have saved enough energy to light 13.9 light bulbs 24 hours a day for a year? Your contributions have diverted enough containers to ll 94.7 lobster traps! Clynk bottles and cans for PIE have saved the emissions equivalent of driving your car 2,625 miles! Let’s keep up the great to help the planet AND help Smith School! If you need bags for your bottles and cans, please Cathy Adamo at [email protected] and we can send bags home with your child. Or, feel free to pick some up anytime from our tote located at Farm House Coffee Roasters on 1312 N. Main Street in Winterport. The tote is on the left side of the big red -- Help yourself! Full bags can be returned in the Clynk shed at the Hampden Hannaford.

PIE’s Wishlist Fundraiser: If you would like to purchase and donate an item from a Smith School teacher’s wishlist...thank you! Here is the link to do so:

Smith School Merchandise: The next Smith School Merchandise order will be placed on Friday, Dec. 11th. Any order forms received before this date will be included in our December order. Order forms are available on the Smith School website.

Monthly PIE Meetings: The next PIE meeting will be on Tuesday, Dec. 8th at 6:30 pm. Due to Covid precautions, this will be a virtual meeting. If you are not a current PIE member and are interested in attending a meeting (or if you have any PIE-related questions), please contact Co-president, Cathy Adamo at: [email protected]

Amazon Smile! Remember, if you plan to do any on Amazon for the holidays, sign on to instead of “” and Amazon will give PIE a percentage of the sale! It is quick and easy to set up an “Amazon Smile” account and designate “Partners In Education, Inc.” as your charity. Thanks for supporting Smith School while you shop!

THINKING ABOUT GETTING INTO EDUCATION? INTERESTED IN BECOMING PART OF OUR TEAM? RSU 22 is excited to be a partner school for Eastern Maine Community College’s Learning Facilitator Credential Program.

The program is a short-term education training program available at no cost to participants -- including tuition, , and ngerprinting! All instruction is offered in a hybrid format using Zoom and the online platform Brightspace. To accommodate working participants, required live Zoom sessions will take place from 4:00-6:00pm.

Participants will complete a one-week 3- Educational Boot Camp designed to prepare them to enter classrooms and provide instructional support under the guidance of a certied classroom teacher. Additionally, participants will join a professional learning community, facilitated by EMCC faculty, and complete at least 315 classroom hours under the supervision of a mentor teacher and/or Maine Community College System faculty.

Participants will earn digital badges that lead to Learning Facilitator Micro-Credentials, which can be turned into toward a certicate or degree program.

Ooops. This should have been part of the ad. Enrollment is very easy. Learn more about the Learning Facilitator Credential Program by visiting the Workforce Development section of the EMCC website and apply by selecting Learner Application.

The next session with available spots begins January 4th, 2021. LIBRARY Library: Dear Parents and Families: We are working hard to keep kids reading and raise funds for our school with our Scholastic Online Fair from November 9th - November 22nd. The Fair will connect your kids to notable books and inspiring characters—helping them become lifelong readers. You’ll love the new option to experience the magic of the shopping experience through a Virtual Book Fair! Plus, enjoy these special features: Access to over 6,000 products All orders ship direct to home FREE shipping on book-only orders over $25 All purchases support our school and earn 25% in rewards Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with online shopping: Thank you for continuing to support our school. Happy reading!


Wednesday - Friday, November 25 - November 27: NO SCHOOL, Enjoy the break!

Tuesday, December 1 - First Trimester ends

Thursday & Friday, December 10 & 11: Progress reports go home

Thursday, December 24: Winter break begins


Every day is considered a school day. Students have multiple ways to show they have attended school for the day. Participation/Engagement (posting on the platform SeeSaw/Google Classroom); Check-Ins (morning meeting; emailing the teacher); and Work Completion (submission of expected work, electronically or in person at school) are all ways to show your child has attended for the day. There is exibility as to when the work gets completed, but there must be communication so the teacher knows the student is working/has worked on it. Please let us know if you have any concerns or questions about what is considered attendance for the remote days. Students who do not participate in some way with the remote days will be marked absent. Please contact your child's teacher with any questions. Students who are hybrid must be in person on their in-person day in order to be counted in attendance. Remote work will not be provided for these days in place of in-person time unless there is a known extended absence and prior plans have been made with the teacher.


At home health screening tool for students

At home health screening tool for staff

SMITH SCHOOL WEBSITE You can nd a lot of useful information on our Smith School Website. The calendar on the left side of the page lists any upcoming events. The blue backpack at the bottom of the home page has information for PIE, Scouts and the Winterport Recreation Department. Don’t forget to check out the Leroy H. Smith News Section. This has up to date yers as well as a copy of this newsletter and the school breakfast/lunch menu. Guidance just added a new Virtual Calming Room to their information. Click on Academics and School Counseling to nd this wonderful resource.

SMITH SCHOOL PARENT HANDBOOK Smith School Parent Handbook 2020-2021


319 South Main Street, Winter… [email protected]
