
Proposed expansion of Sugar Plant from 4750 TCD to 7500 TCD Cogeneration power from 15 to 34 MW & Distillery of 60 KLPD along with 3 MW power plant



E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report


E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited is an existing Sugar & Cogeneration Power plant at Nagaral & Nainigali Village, Bagalkot Taluk and District. The following is the capacity of the existing Plant Sr. No Unit Capacity 1. Sugar 4750 TCD 2. Co-gen Power plant 15 MW Total area already in possession of the management is 177.2 acres.

Now the company has proposed to enhance the Sugar Plant capacity along with Co-gen Power and put up a new 60 KLPD Molasses based Distillery. The proposed expansion will be taken up in the existing plant premises only. The following will be the capacities after proposed expansion Sr. No Unit Capacity Existing Expansion Total 1. Sugar 4750 TCD 2750 TCD 7500 TCD 2. Co-gen Power plant 15 MW 19 MW 34 MW 3. Distillery -- 60 KLPD 60 KLPD 4. Power from -- 3 MW 3 MW incineration boiler

The following is the summary of the proposed expansion project

S. Parameters Description No. 1. Existing Plant capacity Sugar – 4750 TCD Co-gen power – 15 MW 2. Proposed expansion Capacity Sr. No Unit Existing Expansion Total 1. Sugar 4750 TCD 2750 TCD 7500 TCD 2. Co-gen 15 MW 19 MW 34 MW Power plant 3. Distillery -- 60 KLPD 60 KLPD 4. Power from -- 3 MW 3 MW incineration boiler

3. Total area already in 177.2 acres possession 4. Sy. No. of the land 29, 32/1, 32/2, 33/1/B and 33/1A, 36, 27/2, 27/3,28/1,

1 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

S. Parameters Description No. 28/2. 29/1, 30/6, 30/3, 30/4b, 30/4a, 30/4c, 30/5a, 30/5b, 33/2a, 35/2, 36/1b, 36/2, 48/1a, 48/1b/1. 39/1, 36/3, 62/1a, 3/3 + 4/1, 30/1+2, 39/2b, 43/1+2/c, 43/1, 135/1 5. Project cost Rs: 351 Crores 6. Water requirement a. Water requirement for 406 KLD existing plant b. Water requirement for the 1504 KLD proposed expansion c. Total water requirement 1910 KLD d. Source of water Krishna river 7. Total effluent generation a. Effluent generation from the 596 KLD existing plant b. Effluent generation from the 1083 KLD proposed expansion c. Total effluent generation 1679 KLD 8. Existing Effluent treatment Sugar Plant Effluent generated from the Sugar plant is being treated in specially designed ETP and treated effluent is being utilized for greenbelt development after ensuring quality of treated effluent with standards stipulated for onland for irrigation by CPCB / KSPCB.

Power Plant Effluent from the power plant is being treated in Sugar Plant ETP and treated effluent is being utilized for greenbelt development in the plant premises after ensuring quality of treated effluent with standards stipulated for onland for irrigation by CPCB / KSPCB 9. EEffluent treatment (proposed Sugar Plant expansion) Effluent generated from the Sugar plant will be treated in specially designed ETP and treated effluent will be utilized for greenbelt development after ensuring quality of treated effluent with standards stipulated for onland for irrigation by CPCB / KSPCB.

Power Plant Effluent from the power plant will be treated in Sugar Plant ETP and treated effluent will be utilized for greenbelt development in the plant premises after ensuring quality of treated effluent with standards stipulated for onland for irrigation by CPCB / KSPCB

2 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

S. Parameters Description No. Distillery Plant Spent wash generated from the Process will be concentrated in Multiple Effective Evaporators up to 55% solids and will be incinerated in the Boiler mixing with other fuels like coal or biomass 10. Steam requirement (existing) Steam requirement existing sugar plant is being met from existing 85 TPH Cogeneration power plant Boiler 11. Steam requirement Steam required sugar plant will be met from proposed (expansion) 110 TPH Cogeneration power plant Boiler Steam required for the Distillery plant and Multiple Effective Boilers will be met from the 25 TPH Incineration Boiler

12. Air emissions (existing) Emissions from Project are Particulate matter, SO2 and NOx ESP has been provided to Boiler to bring down the particulate matter to below 100 mg/Nm3. The exhaust gases from the boiler are being discharged into the atmosphere through a stack of 70 m height for effective dispersion of gases into the atmosphere.

13. Air emissions (expansion) Emissions from Project will be Particulate matter, SO2 and NOx ESP will be provided to 110 TPH Boiler to bring down the particulate matter to below 50 mg/Nm3. The exhaust gases from the boiler will be discharged into the atmosphere through a stack of 67 m height for effective dispersion of gases into the atmosphere. 14. Noise levels Ambient Noise levels are within the standards prescribed by MOE&F Notification and its amendments and after proposed expansion also similar practice will be followed. 15. Solid waste generation Sugar Plant (existing) Press mud generated from the Sugar plant is being given to farmers as organic manure Bagasse generated from the Plant is being utilized for power generation in Co-gen Power plant boiler

Power Plant Ash generated form the power plant is being given to farmers as organic manure when bagasse / biomass is used as fuel and being to disposed off to brick manufacturers when coal is used as fuel. 16. Solid waste generation Sugar Plant (expansion) Press mud generated from the Sugar plant will be given to farmers as organic manure Bagasse generated from the Plant will be utilized as fuel for power generation in Co-gen Power plant boiler

3 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

S. Parameters Description No.

Power Plant Ash generated form the power plant will be given to farmers as organic manure when bagasse / biomass is used as fuel and will be disposed off to brick manufacturers when coal is used as fuel.

4 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report


2.1 Identification of project and Project Proponent

EID Parry (India) Limited is a distinguished and rapidly expanding sugar producer in India. Our sugar manufacturing facility is certified ISO 9001:2008, FSSC:22000:2005 and the distillery is certified "zero-effluent.” We are deeply committed to a larger vision of our social responsibility, of looking after the needs and quality of life of the farmers and local communities. Through our effective farmer partnership model we provide assistance in farming practices and undertake various economic initiatives for the benefit of the local communities.

The Promoters The following is the list of promoters of the group

S.No Name Designation 1. Mr. A.Vellayan Chairman 2. Mr. V.Ravichandran Vice Chairman 3. Mr. Anand Narayan Bhatia Director 4. Mr. V.Manickam Director 5. Mr. M.B.N.Rao Director 6. Mr. Rca Godbole Director 7. Mr. V.Ramesh Managing Director 8. Mr. S.Suresh Dy. Managing Director

2.2 Brief Description of nature of Product: 2.2.1 Sugar

Sugar known as sucrose or saccharose is an anhydrous crystalline organic product of comparatively 99.96% purity. The physical properties of sucrose are defined as follows


Sucrose crystals are hard and belong to the mono-clinic system, characterized by three axes of unequal length. Density of sucrose is equal to 1.606 gm/ The presence of impurities in sugar has a remarkable influence on the formation of the crystals.

5 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report


Sucrose is very soluble in water and in dilute ordinary alcohol. The solubility in water increases with the rise in temperature, such that for a 10% sucrose solution, the boiling point is 100.04 Deg.C and for a 90% sucrose solution the boiling point is 130 Deg.C. It is insoluble in chloroform, in cold absolute alcohol, either and glycerine.


The specific gravity of sucrose varies from 1.033 to 1.106 according to the concentration of the solution. The density of the sugar solution is determined in practice by brix and beaume spindles or balling saccharimeter.


Sucrose and glucose rotate the plane polarised light in a `clockwise‟ direction or to the right and are called dextro-rotatory. Fructose, rotate in a `counter clock wise‟ direction or to the left and is known as levorotatory. The specific rotation of sucrose is 66.5 Deg.


Dry sugar (sucrose) melts at 160 Deg.C into a thick transparent liquid which on cooling again becomes crystalline. If heated for a long time at 160 Deg.C sucrose splits up into glucose and levulosane. At higher temperatures between 190 to 220 Deg.C the decomposition is more complete and caramel is produced. On further, heating, carbondioxide, carbon monoxide, acetic acid and acetone are produced.

In the presence of moisture, sucrose decomposes at 100 Deg.C and becomes dark in colour liberating water. On prolonged heating of sucrose at the boiling point and at ordinary pressures, the dissolved sucrose combines with water and breaks up into glucose and fructose in equal parts and the phenomenon is called Hydrolysis of Inversion.


The principal use of sugar as explained is as the sweetening agent in foods. The consumption of sugar is distributed in the various sectors such as for daily human consumption in household sector for food processing industries, beverages, baking industry, confectioneries and miscellaneous users. Sucrose serves as raw materials for manufacture of glucose, fructose, invert sugar syrups etc.

6 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

Non food uses of sugar constitute a small amount of total sugar consumption. They include use of sugar as a scurose octacetate, a denaturant in ethyl alcohol, as sucrose diacetate, Hexa- isobutyrate, octa benzoate, as mono and difatty acid esters for surfactants, as allyl sucrose, in plasticisers and as raw materials for manufacture of various chemicals like glycerol, mannitol etc.

Dextran is a polysaccharide produced from sucrose by the biological process and is a very effective plasma volume expander. Sucrose when administered by intravenous infusion relieves shock and prevents loss of body fluids after excessive burns, wounds or infectious diseases. Other industries wherein sucrose is finding application include drying oil esters for surface coating industries and sugar derived detergents.


The specifications required for white sugar complying with Indian sugar standards are defined as follows:

Characteristics Requirements Moisture (%) weight 0.05% Max. Pol 99.5% Min. Reducing sugars (%) by weight 0.10% max. Conductivity x [106] 100 max. Sulphur dioxide (ppm) 70 max. Calcium oxide (CaO) (mg/100gm) 30 max. Turbidity, (%) by weight 15 ax.

2.2.2 Power

Power is generated by converting the mechanical energy i.e steam generated from Boiler into electrical energy through Turbine. The power generated will be utilized for meeting the power requirements for sugar, Distillery and other auxiliaries. Remaining power after meeting the power requirement for the project, will be exported to nearby grid


Extra Neutral Alcohol  ENA IS 6613 – 1972 is an Extra Neutral Alcohol, Basic raw material for IMFL.  Produced from Molasses, Sweet Swargam, Cane Juice and Grain etc.  Rectified Spirit IS 323 – 1959 Quality is inferior to ENA.  ENA is nothing but refined Rectified Spirit.  ENA Process is a physical process in which Aldehydes, Esters and Fusel Oils impurities are separated by virtue of their difference in Boiling Points by steam Distillation.

7 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

ENA RS ETHANOL 01 Ethanol content percent by Volume 94.68 94.68 99.50 at 15 . 6O C,Min 02 Acidity gms/100 ml1 Max 0.002 0.002 0.006 03 Residue on Evaporation gms/100 ml1 0.002 0.005 0.005 Max 04 Ester content gms/100 ml Max 0.01 0.02 0.02 05 Aldehydes gms/100 ml1 Max 0.004 0.006 0.006 06 PP Times, Minutes 30 Nil Nil

2.3 Demand – Supply Gap:

The sugar industry today is facing fierce competitive situation due to fluctuations in sugar prices in the national & international markets, higher cane prices to be paid to the cane growers, rising input costs, etc. The survival and growth of this industry depends on energy efficiency, cost optimization and revenue generation from bi-products and down steam products including power, ethanol, chemicals, etc.

The implementation of cogen power plant concurrently with the sugar modernization cum expansion project along with other by-products, right from the beginning goes a long way to integrate the operations and improve sustainability.

Sugar Industry Overview, India & Karnataka

The origin of Indian sugar industry dates back to 1930, when the first sugar factory was set up in the pre-independence era. Over the last 76 years, the sugar industry has steadily grown and has become the backbone of the agricultural and rural economy in India. Today, sugar is the second largest agro processing industry, next to the textile industry. India is one of the largest producers of sugar in the world, with a production of over 15 million tones. Sugar factories are located mostly in the rural India. They act as centers of development, provide largest direct employment in the rural areas and contribute substantially to the Central and State exchequers. The prospects of earning foreign exchange from export of sugar are also quite high.

Sugar factories in India have capacities ranging from 1250 TCD to 10000 TCD. The Indian sugar industry has developed indigenous capabilities for design, manufacture, supply, operation and maintenance, R&D and cane development. The major stakeholders of this industry in India are Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, federations of co-operative and private sector sugar factories at the national and the State levels, sugarcane growing farmers, equipment and technology suppliers, research institutions, consultants and service providers, financial institutions and Central / State Governments. A total of 619 sugar factories are in operation today, with additional few new sugar factories under implementation in different parts of the nation. The area under sugar cane cultivation, sugar cane

8 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report production, sugar cane crushing in sugar factories, average season days, sugar recovery and sugar production has increased steadily over the years. The crop yield per hectare and recovery has improved, particularly in the last decade.

Sugar factories in India are spread over the entire country, however 92.73% of them are located in 9 States viz., Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab and Haryana in the north, Maharashtra and Gujarat in the west and Karnataka, & in the south. More than 80% sugar factories are below 3500 TCD capacity and balance have higher capacities. About 61.23% of the Indian sugar factories are in the co-operative and Government / joint sectors / Public and balance 38.77% in the private sector.

Following Table no 1.3 shows the distribution of sugar factories all over India.

Status of Sugar Factories in India

State Private Public Co-op Total Assam 1 2 3 Orissa 4 4 8 Bihar 13 15 28 Uttar Pradesh 116 14 28 158 Uttarakhand 4 2 4 10 Punjab 8 16 24 Haryana 3 13 16 Andhra Pradesh 20 1 12 33 Telangana 10 1 11 Tamilnadu 27 3 16 46 Maharashtra 80 169 249 Gujarat 5 22 27 Madhya Pradesh 16 2 5 23 Kerala 1 1 2 Rajasthan 1 1 1 3 Karnataka 48 3 25 76 1 1 2 Goa 1 1 Chattisgarh 1 1 Dadra Nagar & Haveli 1 1 West Bengal 2 1 3 All India Total 360 42 325 727 Source: Sugar India Year book, 2016

9 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, and Government of India revised the standard specifications for sugar plant & equipment, in the year 1987. The special committee finalized specifications for economical capacity of 2500 TCD, expandable to 3500 TCD, employing higher-pressure boiler and turbine configuration and efficient equipment, with a potential to export incidental surplus power to the grid.

The Indian sugar industry was de licensed in the year 1998 vide press note No. 12 issued by the Government of India, Ministry of Industry, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, on August 31, 1998. The salient features of de licensing are as follows:  The sugar industry stands deleted from the list of industries requiring compulsory licensing under the provisions of Industries Development and Regulation Act, 1951. However, in order to avoid unhealthy competition among sugar factories to procure sugarcane, a minimum distance of 15 km would continue to be observed between and existing sugar factory and a new factory, by exercise of powers under the Sugar Control Order, 1966.  The entrepreneurs, who wish to de-license their sugar factory, would require filing an Industrial Entrepreneur Memoranda (IEM) with the secretariat of industrial assistance in the Ministry of Industry, as laid down for all de-licensed industries, in terms of the press note dated August 2, 1991, as amended from time to time.  Entrepreneurs who have been issued Letter of Intent (LoI) for manufacture of sugar need not file an initial IEM. In such cases, the LoI holder shall only file Part B of the IEM at the time of commencement of commercial production against the LoI issued to them. It is however open to entrepreneurs to file an initial IEM (in lieu of LoI / industrial license held by them) if they so desire, whenever any variation from the conditions and parameters stipulated in the LoI / industrial license is contemplated. The statistics on economic and commercial performance for the industry is quite fluctuating. The changes in the agro climatic conditions and sugarcane crop production, as well as the sugar markets have been mainly responsible for these fluctuations. Efficiency, quality, and integration have become order of the day for this industry. The industry has grown till today over the last seven decades. The strength and capacity built so far will surely help meet these challenges. The following are major options to meet these challenges: a. Effecting substantial improvement in cane development and management, including cultivation practices, varietals and water management, so as to improve yield and recovery, without affecting the average fibre content. b. Effecting visible improvement in the operational efficiencies and reduction of sugar losses. c. Effecting and sustaining improvement in energy efficiency, both in steam and power, for saving of additional bagasse, for both sugar and by-products manufacture.

10 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

d. Expansion of capacities and diversification into absolute alcohol/ethanol and cogeneration power projects. e. Effecting adequate capacity building within and without. f. Maximizing sugar exports for value addition. g. Effective marketing in the national and international markets. h. Product quality and diversification. i. Commercializing the excess power capacity by exporting to utilities or to other bulk power consumers.

Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution Department of Food & Public Distribution Government of India has issued a revised order dated November 10, 2006, amending Sugarcane (Control) Order, 1966. The key provisions of this order are outlined below: a. No new sugar factory shall be set up within a radius of 15 km of any existing sugar factory or another new sugar factory in a State or two or more States. b. Before filing the Industrial Entrepreneur Memorandum (IEM) with a Central Govt., a certificate from the Cane Commissioner or Director Sugar or specified authority of the concerned State Govt. shall be obtained regarding the distance criteria re-defined as above. c. Submission of performance guarantee of Rs. 1 crore to Chief Director, Sugar, Dept. of Food & Public Distribution, within 30 days of filing the IEM, as a surety for implementation of the IEM within the stipulated or extended time. d. The stipulated time for taking effective steps shall be 2 years and commercial production shall commence within 4 years from the date of filing of the IEM, failing which the IEM shall stand de-recognized and performance guarantee shall be forfeited. e. If an IEM remains un-implemented within the stipulated or extended time limits, the performance guarantee shall be forfeited after giving a reasonable opportunity of being heard. f. The above clauses will be applicable for IEM already acknowledged as on the date of this notification, but who have not taken effective steps for its implementation, duly defined, shall furnish a performance guarantee of Rs. 1 crore to the Chief Director, Sugar.

Power Sector Review

The maximum demand met by the state has increased from 7,815 MW in FY 2011 to 9,549 MW in FY 2015 showing a growth of 22% during the 4 year period, while energy requirement has increased by 29% during the same period. The maximum demand deficit has however reduced due to many DSM activities undertaken by DISCOMs and sourcing of power on short term basis to meet the need.

11 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

The average daily consumption of registered rural domestic consumers has increased to 1.19 kWh in FY 2015 at CAGR of 4% during the last 6 years. On the other hand, the average daily consumption of registered domestic urban consumers has increased to 3.00 kWh in FY 2015 at CAGR of 3% during the same period. As per projections made in 18th EPS of CEA, the projected energy demand and maximum demand for the state of Karnataka was 89,285 MU and 14,945 MW in FY 2019 as against the now calculated energy requirement of 87,626 MU and maximum demand of 14,710 MW in FY 2019.

Ethanol Sector Overview, India and Karnataka

The use of alcohol as a drink is an age-old story. It appears that in India the technique for fermentation and distillation was available even in the Vedic times. Alcohol is an integral part of the Ayurvedic system of medicine also.

Carew & Co. Ltd. set up the first distillery in the country at Cownpore (Kanpur) in 1805 for manufacture of Rum for the British army. The technique of fermentation, distillation and blending of alcoholic beverages was developed in India on the lines of practices adopted overseas, particularly in Europe.

The original use of alcoholic fermentation was of course for preserving fruit juices. Now the fermentation is adapted for the preparation of fermented grain beverages and then distilled beverages. The utilization of Ethanol, for industrial use is a recent phenomenon. It became important towards the end of the Second World War. When large-scale production of alcoholic beverages was taken up, various Governments found that alcohol was a good source for increasing government revenue through collection of tax. When synthetic organic chemistry advanced rapidly, about a century ago, alcohol became an indispensable chemical for this industry. However extensive manufacturing of alcohol for industrial use was hampered due to excessive taxes. The problem was to device a means for conserving government‟s interest in tax collection on potable alcohol and at the same time making alcohol for industrial use relatively free of tax. Thus different governments introduced the process of denaturation of alcohol for industrial use.

During the Second World War, the demand for the industrial alcohol increased 4-5 times, above the prewar period, due to the production of smokeless powder for weapons. The imports of molasses were hampered due to war conditions. This leads to evolving the process of grain fermentation for meeting the requirement of Ethanol.

12 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

In India, after the protection granted to the sugar Industry in 1932, a large number of sugar factories were established in the country, particularly in Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh where irrigation facilities existed for cultivation of sugarcane. Increase in sugar production resulted in accumulation of molasses, which resultantly, caused unmanageable environmental problems. At that time the demand for molasses was almost insignificant and the sugar mills had to incur considerable expenditure for disposal of molasses. For resolving these problems a joint committee of U.P. and Bihar was constituted in 1938 to explore the possibilities of using molasses for developing alcohol- based industries. The Committee recommended establishment of distilleries for production of alcohol, utilizing molasses as a substrate.

The committee also recommended that alcohol produced by the distilleries should be admixed with petrol, to supplement motor fuel. This helped in solving the problems of disposal of molasses. It also filled up the gap in the demand and supply of motor spirit.

As a result, after meeting alcohol requirement for manufacture of gasohol, substantial quantity of alcohol was diverted for production of alcohol based chemicals.

Present Status

Fossil fuels are declining. Transportation sector consumes more than 50% of the fuels. Environmental degradation from these fuels is a major problem all over the world. World oil production is expected to last till 2125 A.D., if consumption at the present level is maintained. On this background the use of Ethanol for fuel blending should be given a top priority.

India requires ethanol for the following three major purposes:-

 For potable liquor  For industrial use  For fuel blending

Today, the distillery industry of India uses only molasses for manufacturing alcohol. There are handful of grain distillery units (e.g. Seagram Manufacturing Ltd.) and the alcohol produced by them is used for captive use to make value added liquors.

All other liquor (IMFL) manufacturers use alcohol produced from molasses. In advanced countries, liquor for human consumption is made only from grain alcohol. It is known that alcohol produced from molasses can have residues such as sulphates, sulphites, higher aldehydes, higher alcohols, higher acids and ketones etc., which are not present in alcohol from, grains.

13 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

However, no such above-mentioned distinction is made in India. Thus alcohol produced only from one source i.e. molasses is used for all 3 purposes (liquor, industrial use, fuel blending). There is an urgent need to bring in above quality consciousness in the IMFL industry and appropriate policy measures by the Govt.

Today, Indian distillery industry broadly consists of two parts:

One is alcohol production from molasses for industrial alcohol and two alcohol production from molasses for liquor purposes.

Ethanol demand for fuel blending is a recent phenomenon. For this purpose, alcohol from molasses is used.

The potable distillery producing Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) has a steady but limited demand. The alcohol produced is now being utilized in the ratio of approximately 52 per cent for potable purpose and the balance 48 percent for industrial purpose.

Ethanol blending

Ethanol blending is the practice of blending petrol with ethanol. Many countries, including India, have adopted ethanol blending in petrol in order to reduce vehicle exhaust emissions and also to reduce the import burden on account of crude petroleum from which petrol is produced. It is estimated that a 5% blending (105 crore litres) can result in replacement of around 1.8 million Barrels of crude oil . The renewable ethanol content, which is a byproduct of the sugar industry, is expected to result in a net reduction in the emission of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (HC). Ethanol itself burns cleaner and burns more completely than petrol it is blended into. In India, ethanol is mainly derived by sugarcane molasses, which is a by-product in the conversion of sugar cane juice to sugar. The practice of blending ethanol started in India in 2001. Government of India mandated blending of 5% ethanol with petrol in 9 States and 4 Union Territories in the year 2003 and subsequently mandated 5% blending of ethanol with petrol on an all-India basis in November 2006 (in 20 States and 8 Union Territories except a few North East states and Jammu & Kashmir). This was also an attempt to reduce the Under-recovery of Public Sector Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs). Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, on 1 September, 2015, inter-alia has asked OMCs to target ten percent blending of ethanol in Petrol in as many States as possible. In countries like US, blending is allowed upto 10%. Subsequent to Brazil's bio-fuel programme, which began in 1976, close to 94% of cars sold in Brazil are flexible fuel cars that can handle ethanol blends from 18 per cent upward . Ethanol blending first found mention in the Auto fuel policy of 2003. It suggested developing technologies for producing ethanol/ bio fuels from renewable energy sources and introducing

14 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report vehicles to utilise these bio fuels. Later, as per National Policy on Bio-fuels, announced in December 2009, oil companies were required to sell petrol blended with at least 5% of ethanol. It proposed that the blending level be increased to 20% by 2017. Ethanol, being a by product of the sugar industry, was expected to be freely available. However, Oil marketing companies (OMCs) were not even able to get bids for more than 50% of the amount offered for purchase . Further, the Government decided on 22.11.2012 that procurement price of ethanol will henceforth be decided between Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) and suppliers of ethanol. In addition, on 03.07.2013, it was decided that ethanol would be procured only from domestic sources. This led to a rise in ethanol prices, which to a great extent reportedly eroded the economy of the blend. At present, government has permitted OMCs to implement the ethanol blending programme in notified 20 States and 4 Union Territories as per the availability of ethanol. There are reportedly significant transaction barriers which impede smooth supplies of ethanol for blending. In several States, State not only imposes levy on molasses but also regulates the movement of non-levy molasses. Inter-state movement of ethanol requires No-Objection- Certificates (NOCs) from the State Excise Authorities along with permits from dispatching and receiving States. Most States impose “Export/Import” duties on ethanol leaving and entering their boundaries. There are some instances where Octroi is levied on ethanol for entry into municipal limits. Hence States were requested by the Central Government to liberalise restrictions on the supply of ethanol so that its blending with petrol can be encouraged while improving the financial health of sugar sector and also liquidation of cane dues of farmers. As per the estimates given in Auto Fuel Vision and Policy 2025 issued in May 2014, blended petrol is available only in 13 states and the average blend is 2%. During the sugar year 2014-15, OMCs have achieved a blending percentage of 2.3% as per the press release dated 25 April 2016. Hence, in order to improve the availability of ethanol, the Government, on December 10, 2014, fixed the price of Ethanol in the Range of Rs. 48.50 to Rs. 49.50, depending upon the distance of distillery from the depot/installation of the OMCs. (The rates are inclusive of all central and statutory levies, transportation cost etc, which would be borne by the Ethanol suppliers). Fixation of ethanol price based on distance, has encouraged movement of ethanol to longer distances, including States having lack of distilleries. Further, ethanol produced from other non-food feedstocks besides molasses, like cellulosic and ligno cellulosic materials including petrochemical route, has also been allowed to be procured subject to meeting the relevant Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) specifications.

15 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

2.4 Employment generation (Direct & Indirect):

The man power required for the industry is 500 Nos. which is inclusive of 275 nos. on permanent basis and rest all will on Temporary or contract basis.

S.No. Particulars No. Employees 1. Technical & Administrative Staff 150 2. Skilled & Semi Skilled 275 3. Unskilled & Helpers 75 Total 500

16 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

3.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 3.1 Type of the Project: The proposed Project mainly involves  Production of Sugar from Sugarcane  Power generation using Bagasse / Coal as fuel  Production of Rectified Spirit / ENA / Ethanol using Molasses as raw material

3.2 Location

E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited is an existing Sugar & Cogeneration Power plant at Nagaral & Nainigali Village, Bagalkot Taluk and District. Now the company has proposed to enhance the Sugar Plant capacity along with Co-gen Power and put up a new 60 KLPD Molasses based Distillery. The proposed expansion will be taken up in the existing plant premises only.

3.3 Details of the Alternate sites:

No Alternate sites have been examined as existing premises has been given permission to set up Sugar Plant.

3.4 Size or Magnitude of Operation:

The following will be the capacities after proposed expansion Sr. No Unit Capacity Existing Expansion Total 1. Sugar 4750 TCD 2750 TCD 7500 TCD 2. Co-gen Power plant 15 MW 19 MW 34 MW 3. Distillery -- 60 KLPD 60 KLPD 4. Power from -- 3 MW 3 MW incineration boiler

3.5 Process details: 3.5.1 Sugar Process Description


Sugarcane from the fields are weighed and fed in cane carrier by means of cane unloaders. The cane is passed through kicker, leveler and Fibrizer. The Fibrizer improves the extraction of the mills by breaking the rigid ness of the cane and so facilitating its disintegration and extraction of its juice. The fibres are then crushed in mill house, consisting of the 4 mills. During crushing, juices present in

17 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report the cane cells are extracted by the mills. The juice obtained from milling is sent for process, fibre that comes out from 4th mill is termed as bagasse and it is used as fuel in boilers.


In boilers condensate water is converted into steam by burning bagasse as fuel. Steam produced in boilers is used in the steam turbine to generate power and the exhaust steam coming out from the turbine is used in the process for sugar manufacturing.

Power House:

Power House consists of steam turbine and alternator. The alternator is driven by steam turbine and power is generated. The generated power is used to meet the in-house power requirement of the factory and the surplus power is exported to grid. The in-house LP steam from the steam turbine is used for sugar processing at the boiling house.


The extracted juice from mills is called as raw juice and it is heated to 70 – 75 Deg. C. in juice heaters and treated simultaneously with the milk of lime and sulphur dioxide gas in order to separate the impurities. The sulphited juice is again heated to 102 Deg. C through juice heaters and allowed to settle in the clarifier. The purified juice, which comes out from clarifier, is called as clear juice and is sent to evaporator for concentration. The settled impurities are called mud. The mud contains small amount of juice, which is separated in vacuum filters.


The clear juice after clarification is concentrated in evaporators by evaporating the 75% of the water present in it. Evaporators are huge vessels consist of calendria where the juice is made to flow through the tubes and around w3hich steam is passed. The clear juice of 12 – 15 Brix is concentrated to 60 Brix. Concentrated juice is then called syrup. The syrup is again treated with sulphur dioxide (Bleaching agent).


The sulphited syrup is concentrated further in the vessels called pans. During the above process, sugar crystals are developed by means of exhaustion. The formed crystals are then cooled in crystallisers. The crystals are surrounded by thin film liquid called as mother liquor. The crystal along with the mother liquor (Molasses) is called as massecuite.

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The above massecuites are centrifuged in centrifugals, where crystals are separated from the mother liquor. Separated mother liquor of A & B massecuites are again used for boiling and maximum exhausted mother liquor is called as Final Molasses, which is stored in the steel tanks and sent to distillery for manufacture of Ethyl alcohol. The separated sugar crystals are dried in hopper, sieved in graders and bagged.

19 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report


Sugar is bagged in `A‟ Twill Gunny bags and each bag contain 100 kg / 50 kg sugar nett. The bags are stacked in sugar godowns and are dispatched as per the directions given by the Directorate of Sugar, New Delhi.

3.5.2 Co-generation Power Plant

Sugar plant will be installed with 2750 TCD in addition to existing 4750 KLD capacity. The cogeneration capacity is so designed that the plant will be able to feed steam and power requirements entire Sugar Complex. The capacity of the boiler will be 110 TPH at 108 ata and 540ºC. The turbine capacity would be 19 MW at 110 TPH at 108 ata and 540ºC steam parameters. The turbine will have 3 extractions and condensing mode. The two numbers of HP extractions will be uncontrolled and one no. of LP extraction controlled. The first HP extraction (higher pressure) will feed HP heater – II and second HP extraction will feed HP heater – I and process HP steam requirement of Sugar and Distillery. The controlled LP extraction will feed the requirements of LP steam of Sugar process Dearator and Distillery. For off-season operation, we have to utilize the purchased biomass fuel and imported coal. The season period will be 5 to 6 months and off-season will be 3 to 4 months depending on the availability of fuels at economical price. Fuel Balance:

 Cane crushing per hr 315 TPH  Bagasse % on cane is 30%  Bagacillo consumption 1.0% on cane  Net bagasse available for cogeneration 29%  Steam fuel ratio for bagasse is 2.50 for new Boiler of 110 TPH @ 108 ata  Steam generation from mill bagasse is 110 TPH and Procured Bagasse. For off season we have to procure biomass fuels and imported coal to ensure 25% of the total fuel consumption is from coal and other biomass in a year.

3.5.3 Manufacturing Process (Rectified Spirit/Ethanol/ENA) Yeast propagation:

Yeast seed material is prepared in water-cooled yeast vessels by inoculating molasses with yeast. The contents of the yeast vessel are then transferred to the Yeast activation vessel. The purpose of aerated yeast activation in the yeast activation vessel is to allow time for the yeast cell multiplication.

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The fermentation technology adopted in the industry is of continuous fermentation with yeast recycle with this technology the total spent wash generation will be restricted to a max. of 10 kl/kl of R.S. (As per latest CPCB recommendation).

The purpose of fermentation is to convert the fermentable sugars into alcohol. During fermentation, sugars are broken down into alcohol and carbon-di-oxide. Significant heat release takes place during fermentation. However the fermentation temperature is maintained at 32 – 35 0C by forced recirculation heat exchangers.

At the end of fermentation, the wash is fed through a yeast separator where the yeast cream is separated, acidified in the yeast treatment tank and returned to the yeast activation vessel for activation. Sludge is separated in a sludge decanter. The clear wash from both the yeast separator and sludge separator flows to the clarified wash tank. The wash is then pumped to distillation.


Fermented Wash about 8% v/v alcohol is preheated in two stages i.e. in the beer heater using the Rectifier vapours and then in the Fermented wash PHE using the effluent. The preheated wash is then fed the Degasifying Column to remove residual CO2 and volatiles.

The wash then flows down to Analyser Column, which acts as a total stripper. The alcohol water vapour mixture which rises upward in this column is fed to the Rectifier Column. The spent wash, which is devoid of alcohol, flows down the Analyser Column for suitable treatment.

The lower boiling impurities are concentrated in the Aldehyde Column where about 5% spirit is drawn off as impure spirit with a minimum strength of 660 OP.

The alcohol vapours are concentrated in the Rectifier Column to produce Rectified Spirit of 95% v/v strength. Higher boiling impurities, which are formed during fermentation, are removed by taking side draw purges to a decanter from the Rectifier Column. A trace stream of spirit is drawn off as impure spirit (about 2% of plant capacity) to remove the concentrated volatile compounds. The high grade Rectified Spirit is taken as a draw from the upper trays of the Rectifier Column.

The Rectified spirit is fed to the purification column. Dilution water is fed on the top most tray of the column with a dilution ratio of 1: 9. This column serves to remove the impurities based on the principle of HYDROEXTRACTION. The water is fed to the column in such a way that it selects the higher alcohols and other impurities to move upwards and extracts ethanol down. The purifier bottom alcohol composition is maintained at 12 % v/v. At this composition there is an inversion in

21 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report relative volatiles of higher alcohols as compared to ethanol and these alcohols get separated in the top distillate. Top draw for volatiles is fed to the Fusel oil concentration column.

The purified dilute ethanol is removed from the bottom of the purification column and fed to the rectification column, which concentrates the ethanol to 96% v/v. The high grade spirit is drawn from one of the upper trays of the rectification column. A small heads cut is removed from the overhead stream as technical alcohol (T.A.) cut to with draw impurities and is fed to the heads concentration column. The lees from the exhaust column is recycled as dilution water after a part of it is purged. The purged spentlees is used to preheat the make-up dilution water. Lower side draw streams are taken from rectification column to avoid fusel oil build up in the column. These streams are then taken to the fusel oil column. This column concentrates the dilute streams of ethanol containing esters and fusel oils to approximately 95% v/v of ethanol. The concentrated ethanol is removed as T.A. cut from the top of the column. T.A. cut is removed out of the system in order to remove propanol and remaining is fed to the heads concentration column where the heads from the purification column and rectification are fed to the static mixer. Soft water, which has been preheated, is used for diluting the high proof ethanol. An impure spirit cut of about 5% of the rectified spirit feed is drawn from the top of the column. The dilute ethanol solution at the bottom of this column is pumped back to the purification column for repurification.

Carbon Dioxide Recovery System (By Product):

Carbon dioxide produced during fermentation will be recovered by means of scrubbing arrangement, chemical treatment drying process and finally liquefaction. The water utilized for scrubbing will be recycled back into the fermentor.

CO2 gas will pass through scrubbing tower, where the gas is scrubbed with water. From the scrubber after washing the gas will pass through air compressor and then the gas will pass through a tower containing sodium dichromate to eliminate the impurities, if any and then to drying arrangement with sulphuric acid. Subsequently it passes through a tower containing coke coated with washing soda to eliminate odour. Finally it goes to the chilling unit to cool the gas before passing through different cylinders, where the cooled gas will be filled into the cylinders under pressure. The scrubber blowdown will be recycled into the fermenters.

Total CO2 production : 45.6 T/day This carbon dioxide in cylinders will be sold to industries like soft drink manufacturing units, etc.

22 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

Ethanol Production:

This plant is filled with imported 3A grade Molecular Sieve. It is operated with vaporized Alcohol and removes water completely. Then Molecular sieves are regenerated under vacuum of 710 mm Hg. Feed Alcohol comes to this Plant in a Day Tank continuously from bulk storage tank. From this tank alcohol is pumped to a steam vaporizer at 4 Kg/cm2 pressure. This is vaporized in a steam heater and then vapor is super heated to 160oC in a super heater and taken to Molecular Sieve Unit. This super heated vapor now pressure through one Molecular Sieve column for moisture removal. There are 2 Molecular Sieve columns. At a time one column remain in drying cycle while other columns under goes vacuum regeneration. Each column remains in cycle for 6 minutes. Here drying process takes place at 3.0 Kg/cm2 pressure and dry alcohol vapor of 99.8% purity comes out as final product. This alcohol vapor is condensed in a water cooler and then collected in another day tank. From this tank dry alcohol is continuously pumped to bulk day storage tank through a level controller and a control valve. In the regeneration process some left over alcohol also comes out which is condensed in regeneration condenser. This alcohol is around 95% strength and is re- cycled in to rectifier column continuously. The other Molecular Sieves column under goes regeneration by a vacuum pump. In this column vacuum pumps pulls and creates vacuum of 710 mm Hg. At this vacuum the moisture from Molecular Sieve pores comes out and along with 30% pure alcohol from on line Mole Sieve bed is sprayed. Thereafter during vacuum process, some left over alcohol and water from Molecular Sieves comes out and is condensed. Concentration of this lean alcohol is around 70% alcohol, which can be recycled to the Rectifying Column. From Rectifier the pure water will be sent out automatically.

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3.6 Raw Materials

The following will be the raw material requirement for the for the existing and proposed expansion project QUANTITY ( TPD) S.NO RAW MATERIAL SOURCE METHOD OF TRANSPORT Existing Expansion Total Sugar plant : 1 Sugar Cane From Bagalkot 4750 2750 7500 By trucks 2 Lime Local area 11.875 6.875 18.75 Through covered trucks by Road 3 Sulphur Local area 3.325 1.925 5.25 Through covered trucks by Road 4 Phosphoric Acid Local area 0.285 0.165 0.45 Through covered trucks by Road Co-gen power plant : 1 Fuel Bagasse From Sugar plant 1050 1200 2250 Conveyor (or) Coal Imported 395 495 890 By Sea/ Rail/Road Covered trucks Distillery : 1 Molasses From Sugar plant & --- 230 230 Through Pipeline/Tanker External 2. FUEL For 25 TPH Boiler Concentrated Spent wash From Distillery Unit --- 166 166 Through Pipeline

Coal (100%) Karnataka --- 116 116 Through covered trucks by Road

24 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

3.7 Resource Optimization / recycling and reuse:

Sugar Plant

Condensate from the Sugar Plant will be utilized for Cooling tower make up

Power Plant

The effluent generated from the Plant will be treated in Neutralization pits and will be utilized for dust suppression, ash conditioning and Greenbelt development after ensuring compliance with stipulation for on land irrigation by MoEF / CPCB


Spent wash generated during the process of Fermentation, will be treated in Multiple Effective Evaporators to concentrate the solids content up to 55% and concentrated spent wash will be incinerated in the Boiler along with Coal. The condensate generated during the process of Multiple Effective Evaporators will be reused in the Process thus decreasing the net water requirement.

3.8 Availability of Water:

Water requirement for the existing Plant is being met form the Krishna River. For the proposed expansion also, water required will be met from the Krishna River. Water requirement for the existing plant 406 KLD and for proposed expansion will be 1504 KLD. Hence after proposed expansion the total water requirement will be 1910 KLD. Prior permission from Irrigation Department will be for enhanced water requirement in due course.

WATER CONSUMPTION (in KLD) Sugar Co-gen Section Existing Expansion Existing Expansion Total after (4750 TCD) (2750 TCD) (15 MW) (19 MW) expansion a)Domestic 10 10 10 10 40 b)Industrial purpose 1. Process water 23 14 -- -- 37 2. Boiler feed 234 270 504 3. DM plant 30 40 70 regeneration

4. Cooling water make 89 100 189 up 5. Service water 10 10 20 Total 33 24 373 430 860

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SECTION Water requirement Process water 560 Make up water for Boiler 40 DM water for RS dilution 190 Cooling tower make up 220 DM plant regeneration 30 Domestic water 10 Net water Requirement 1050

Water requirement for Sugar (Existing) : 33.00 Water requirement for Sugar (Expansion) : 24.00 Water requirement for Co-gen power (existing) : 373.00 Water requirement for Co-gen power (expansion) : 430.00 Water requirement for Distillery : 1050.00

Total water requirement for after proposed expansion will be : 1910 cum/day

3.9 Power Requirement:

The power required for the existing and expansion project will be met from the Co-generation Power plant and proposed 3 MW Captive power plants.

3.10 Quantity of wastes generated: 3.10.1 Waste water generation

Waste water generation from the existing Plant 596 KLD. Waste water generation from the proposed expansion will be 1083 KLD. Hence total waste water generation after proposed expansion will be 1679 KLD

SUGAR CO-GEN Total after SECTION Existing Expansion Existing Expansion proposed (4750 TCD) (2750 TCD) (15 MW) (19 MW) expansion a)Domestic 8 8 8 8 32 b)Industrial purpose 1. Process & 82 48 -- -- 130 Washings 2. Boiler Blow down -- -- 24 28 52 3. Tube cleaning 218 122 340 4. DM plant -- -- 30 40 70 regeneration 5. Cooling tower 176 104 40 45 365 blow down 6. Service water -- -- 10 10 20 Total 484 282 112 131 1009

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WASTE WATER GENERATION FROM 60 KLPD DISTILLERY PLANT & 3 MW CO-GEN. POWER PLANT SECTION Water requirement Spent wash 600 Cooling tower blow down 23 Boiler blow down 9 DM water regeneration 30 Domestic water 8 Total 670

Waste water generation from Sugar (Existing) : 484.00 KLD Waste water generation from Sugar (Expansion) : 282.00 KLD Waste water generation from Co-gen power (existing) : 112.00 KLD Waste water generation from Co-gen power (expansion) : 131.00 KLD Waste water generation from Distillery : 670.00 KLD

Total waste water generation for after proposed expansion will be : 1679 KLD

3.10.2 Waste water Treatment: Sugar Plant

Total wastewater generation will be 750 cum/day. Effluent generation per ton of cane crushed will be below 100 lit/ton of cane crushed as per CREP recommendations. Capacity of the existing ETP is 1000 KLD. Hence existing ETP is adequate for proposed expansion also.. The following is the ETP description.

Design Data & Performance Projections

This Wastewater Treatment plant is designed for following parameters & shall perform as under upon reaching steady state of its operation:

PARAMETER RAW WASTEWATER TREATED WASTEWATER Flow (KLD) 750 750 pH (S U) 5.0 – 6.5 6.5 – 8.0 BOD (mg/l) 3000 < 30 COD (mg/l) 6000 < 250 TDS mg/L 2000 < 2100 TSS mg/L 500 < 100 Oil & Grease mg/L 100 < 10

Note: The Sugar ETP has been designed for 1000 KLD, to treat 750 KLD of trade effluent from Sugar plant with a cushion of 25% in order to treat the non process effluent like cooling tower blow down and tube cleaning. However necessary provision shall be made to operate the ETP with a minimum flow of 750 KLD of trade effluent in the Digester and Aeration tank.

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The proposed wastewater treatment plant shall consist of following treatment units. PRIMARY TREATMENT  Screen  Oil & Grease trap  pH adjustment  Equalization Tank SECONDARY TREATMENT  UASB Anaerobic reactor  Aeration Tank  Secondary Clarifier  Sludge Drying Beds

Screen Chamber: Screen chamber constructed in RCC shall be provided with SS 304 fabricated bar screen for removal of free and floating material. The screen shall be inclined at 45 Deg with horizontal.

Oil & Grease Trap: Oil and grease trap constructed in RCC shall be provided for removal of free and floating oil from the Wastewater. The oil trap shall of gravity type and shall be provided with Belt type oil Skimmer.

Lime Preparation Tank: A lime preparation tank constructed in RCC. In this tank is used for lime solution preparation and continuous mixing of lime. Lime solution is then feed to equalization tank for pH correction in a required proportion. 1 HP agitator shall be provided for mixing in the tank content.

Equalization: Wastewater emanating from sugar has fluctuations in wastewater quality and quantity. Equalization tank shall be provided for dampening these fluctuations. In equalization tank the raw effluent is collected and equalized for adequate time. An equalization tank shall be provided with an agitator to mix the tank content thoroughly. The equalized effluent from equalization tank shall then be pumped to buffer tank. A stand by floating mixer shall also be provided for equalization tank

28 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

Buffer Tank: Buffer tank constructed in RCC shall be provided for preconditioning / pre-acidification of the raw effluent. In buffer tank the Raw Effluent is mixed with treated effluent form UASB Reactor. The nutrient required for the process will also be added to the effluent in Buffer tank. The content of buffer tank shall be mixed hydraulically using UASB Reactor feed pumps. The tank content will then be pumped to UASB Reactor for first stage biological treatment.

UASB Reactor: Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket reactor is provided for anaerobic treatment of dairy effluent. The UASB reactor shall be constructed in RCC M-25. The reactor consists of three zones viz. Influent distribution zone, Reaction zone, Gas solid liquid separation zone. Influent Distribution zone: The raw wastewater enters into the at the bottom through influent distribution zone. A sophisticatedly designed piping net work is provided for uniform distribution of the effluent in the tank. The effluent then travels upward in the reactor. Reaction Zone: In the reaction zone the anaerobic bacteria are maintained in the form of sludge blanket. The organic matter in the wastewater comes in contact with the bacterial population and is degraded anaerobically to methane rich biogas, the end product of anaerobic digestion. The process of conversion of organic matter in to the biogas is a two-stage process. In the first stage the organic matter in the raw effluent is converted in to the volatile acids by acid forming bacteria. In the second stage the acid produced in the first stage are converted in to methane by another group of bacteria i.e. methane formers. In UASB process both the stages are completed in single reactor. The biogas so produced is bubbled through the effluent and is separated out in the third section i.e. Gas-Solid-Liquid separation zone. The suspended solids are also separated to prevent escape of solids from the reactor.

Gas-Solid – Liquid Separation: In gas solid liquid separation a hood fabricated in M S and duly painted with corrosion resistant paint is provided. The hood separates the solid from the overflowing reactor content. Gas collectors are provided for collection and conveyance of gas. The treated effluent overflows through a launder and will take to a secondary treatment.

Aeration tank:

The partially treated effluent from UASB shall then be subject to activated sludge process for further reduction of organic matter. Aeration tanks are provided for degradation of organic matter through biological process. Microorganism in the controlled environment carries out the biodegradation process. The container i.e aeration tank of requisite capacity is provided for this purpose. The tank shall be provided with an aeration mechanism to transfer the oxygen from air to tank content for survival for microorganisms. Slow speed fixed type surface aerators shall be provided for this

29 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report purpose. The content in the aeration tank is kept under constant aeration and mixing. The aeration thank shall be constructed in RCC.

Secondary Clarifier:

A secondary Clarifier in the form of circular tank shall be provided for settlement of fully aerated Effluent from the aeration tank. The tank shall be provided with centrally driven fixed bridge type clarifier mechanism. Part of the settled sludge at the bottom of the settling tank will be pumped to the aeration tank and part of it will be discharged on sludge drying beds as per operational requirement. This sludge being fully mineralized is suitable for sun drying on sand drying beds.

Sludge Drying Beds: In aeration system the sludge is sufficiently mineralized and does not need any further treatment before dewatering and disposal. Sand filtration drying beds will be provided, where sludge will be dewatered by filtration through sand bed and sun drying of the dewatered sludge is scraped & may be used as manure after composting.

Note: All the civil structures in the ETP except sludge drying beds will be constructed with RCC M20 grade to make them impervious. Sludge drying beds will be constructed with brick masonry. Sugar ETP diagram shown below

30 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

B) Cogeneration Power Plant Figure – 10.1 Total wastewater generation from power plant will be 227 Cum/day. The effluent generated from power plant will be sent to Sugar plant ETP. The treated effluent will be utilized for Greenbelt development, Dust suppression and ash conditioning. Sanitary waste water will be treated in septic tank followed by soak pit. Hence there will not be any adverse impact on environment due to the proposed activities. ETP diagram shown in below.

C) Distillery Plant: With Molasses:

As per CPCB recommendations the spent wash quantity will be restricted to a maximum of 10 kl/kl of R.S. for Molasses by adopting continuous fermentation technology with yeast recycle. The Maximum Spent wash generation from the proposed Ethanol plant with Molasses as raw material will be 600 KL/day. The spent wash will be concentrated to 60% solids in Multiple Effect Evaporators and then will be incinerated in exclusive 25 TPH Boiler. This is a ZERO discharge system already approved by Central Pollution Control Board.


The objective of Evaporation is to concentrate a solution consisting of a volatile solute and a volatile solvent. Evaporation is conducted by vaporizing a portion of the solvent to produce a concentrated solution of thick liquor with 60% solids and 40 % moisture content. The evaporation system consists of 5 evaporators, which are connected, in series. The spent wash will be pumped from distillation section, which will be fed to the evaporator by using feed pump. Gas Liquid separator (5 Nos.) will be used to separate the vapor and liquid. Both Vapor & Spent wash will be fed to the next evaporation effect so it is called as feed forward effect evaporation. The vapor from last evaporator will be condensed in condenser and transferred to the dryer while the condensate from the evaporators is first utilized for heat recovery. While vacuum pump maintains vacuum in the entire system. Product final thick spent wash with 60% solids will be used in boiler for incineration.


The final concentrate from the Evaporators (60% solids w/w) will be incinerated in the Boiler by mixing with coal. The condensate from the Evaporation system will be reused in the plant operation. Zero discharge will be implemented as per CREP recommendations. ETP diagram shown below

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Non Process Effluent Treatment & Disposal:

The boiler blow down & DM Plant & Softener regeneration water will be treated in a neutralization tank and after treatment it will be mixed with CT Blow down. All these treated effluent streams will be stored in a Central Monitoring Basin (CMB). The treated effluent will be used for dust suppression / ash conditioning and onland for irrigation within the premises after ensuring compliance with CPCB / KSPCB standards. The scrubbed water from CO2 Scrubber will be consumed in the Fermentation section. The effluent will be used for greenbelt development within the plant premises after ensuring the compliance with CPCB / KSPCB standards.

Storage Lagoon: A Spent wash storage lagoon of storage capacity of 5 days which is less than 30 days will be provided as per CPCB protocol. Closed storage tank will be provided.

32 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

3.11 Solid Waste: The following are the solid waste generation & disposal.

Quantity (TPD) S.No Solid waste Disposal Existing Expansion Total Sugar Plant 1. 1 Will be used as fuel in Co-gen Boiler Bagasse 1425 825 2250 . 2. 2 Will be used in the proposed Molasses 213.75 123.75 337.5 . Distillery 3. 2 Will be given to the farmers to use Filter cake 190 110 300 . as manure in the Agricultural fields 4. ETP Sludge 0.19 0.11 0.3 Will be used as manure Cogeneration Power plant When Will be disposed to farmers to use as Bagasse used manure in Agricultural lands 5. as fuel in Boiler 24.25 26.25 50.5 When Coal Will be given to cement plants/brick used as fuel in manufactures Boiler 18.8 24 42.8 Distillery Mixed with spent wash and 6. Yeast Sludge -- 2.2 2.2 incinerated in the boiler. 25 TPH Incineration Boiler When concentrated Ash generated will be used as 7. spent wash -- 10 10 manure used as fuel in Boiler When Bagasse used Ash Will be disposed to farmers to -- 3.5 3.5 as fuel in use as manure in Agricultural lands Boiler

33 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

4.0 SITE ANALYSIS 4.1 Connectivity:

Component Description Road The site can be well approached by a NH # 13 Rail Nearest Railway station located at 27 Km South west Nearest Airport located at Belgaum which is at distance of 145 Kms Air port from the Plant site

Sea Port Goa port is at a distance of 230 Kms from the Plant site

4.2 Land form, Land use and Land ownership:

The present use of the land is Industrial as Sugar and Co-generation power plant is under operation. Now the proposed expansion of Sugar and Co-gen power plant and new Distillery plant activities will be taken in the existing plant premises only.

4.3 Topography:

The topography of the land is more or less flat without undulations.

4.4 Existing land use pattern:

The present use of the land is Industrial

4.5 Existing Infrastructure:

The infrastructure required for operating the 3500 TCD of Sugar Plant and 15 MW Co-gen Power plants exists at the Plant site

4.6 Soil classification:

The soil at the site is Black soil.

4.7 Climatologically data:


Bagalkot district is located in the northern part of Karnataka state. The district lies between 15º46¹ and 16º46¹ north latitude and 74º59¹ and 76º20¹ east longitude. The district has boundaries with Bijapur district in north and Belgaum district in west and Raichur & Koppal in east and Gadag in south directions. Bagalkot district has an area of 6593 The total Population of Bagalkot district according of 2001 census is 1.65 million.

34 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report


The climate of the district is generally dry and hot. The hot weather season begins by middle of February reaches peak during April / May and slowly temperature declines. From beginning of June followed by the southwest monsoon season extending to the end of middle of September and last up to November end. The cold season starts from December, end by the middle of February. The season from December to February is a period of generally fine cool weather.


The highest mean daily maximum temperature in the district is in the month of May which ranges between 38ºc which is the warmest month, Over major part of the district with the onset of monsoon early in June here is appreciable drop in the day‟s temperature, January is generally the coolest month with mean daily minimum temperature ranges between 15ºc to 18ºc. The average relative humidity in July and August month is about 60 to 80% over major part of the district. The lowest relative humidity is in April / May months which is about 30% and even as low as 10% on individual days.


The average rainfall in the district is 562 mm. The actual rainfall for the last year is 228 mm. The district receives 40% of the total rainfall in the south west monsoon period from June to September.

4.8 Social Infrastructure Available:

The following are the educational and other infrastructural facilities in the district S. No Particulars Numbers / Values 01 Educational facilities a) Pre-primary NA b) Primary LPS 608 HPS 1035 Others 22 c) Middle NA d) High 349 e) Higher- secondary NA 02 Professional colleges a) Medical 1 b) Engineering 1 c) Agriculture / Horticulture 1

35 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

d) Veterinary / Fisheries - e) Others (Please specify) - 03 Number of Arts and Science Colleges 88 04 Institutional Credit Facility a) Name of the Lead Bank Syndicate Bank b) Number of branches of lead bank in the 182 district c) Other Commercial Banks 88 d) Primary Land Development Bank 6 e) District Central Co-operative Banks 1 f) Urban Banks 14 g) Primary Agricultural Co-operative Credit 207 Society h) Housing Co-operative Societies 20 i) Employees Co-operative Societies 58 j) Weavers Co-operative Society 111 k) Industrial Co-operative Society - l) Khadi and Village Industries Societies - m) Industrial Co-operative Societies 07 n) Primary Co-operative Stores 2 o) Co-operative Sugar mills 1 q) Other Marketing Society (please specify) 6

36 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

5.0 PLANNING BRIEF 5.1 Planning Concept:

The integrated complex will be of Sugar, Co-gen, & Distillery. Project at SSL will integrate sugar mill operations with enhanced energy efficiency measures and optimum usage of Molasses and Bagasse. During season, the Co-gen Plant will operate on procured bagasse, other bio-mass fuels and coal. All excess available power is exported to the KPTCL grid. During off-season procured Bagasse / biomass from nearby sugar mills will be used in the Co-gen plant and power generated, less auxiliary consumption will be pumped to the KPTCL grid. KPTCL has an attractive policy on the guidelines of MNES, to buy power from sugar cogenerations. Molasses generated from the Sugar Plant will be utilized for Distillery plant operation.

Further, the integrated Sugar, Co-gen, and Distillery projects will improve the overall profitability of SSL, through its additional revenue generation. This will enable SSL to give higher dividend to promoters & higher price per ton of cane to its cane growers. Also the project will help to improve Karnataka State‟s power situation apart from providing ethanol for use.

5.2 Population Projection:

Unskilled Man Power required for the proposed expansion Project will be met from the local villages completely. Qualified semi skilled man power require will be met from local villages if available. Hence there will not be much population increase in the area.

5.3 Land use Planning: The following is the Land use Planning of the area ITEM EXTENT OF LAND (ACRES) Existing Expansion After expansion Built-up area 57 25 82 Internal roads 5 5 10 Storage areas 15 5 20 Parking area 5 0 5 Greenbelt 60 Vacant area 0.2 Total 177.2

5.4 Amenities / Facilities:

Facilities like canteen, rest rooms and recreation facilities will be provided in the proposed expansion project. No other additional facilities are proposed.

37 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

6.0 PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE: 6.1 Industrial area The following Plant and machinery will be installed in the Industrial processing area List of Plant and Machinery for proposed expansion

Sugar Plant SUGAR PLANT MASTER EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE Item No. Item Description Nos. Type/Capacity 0100 Cane Weighment 0101 Cane weighbridges 2 1 #60 T capacity 1 #10 T capacity 0200 Cane Unloading Sling Type cane unloaders 7.5T 0201 Cane unloader 2 SWL Capacity,

0201.1 Gantry and structure 1 0202 Feeder table 2 1 # 7 m X 7 m

0300 Cane handling & Preparation Head end shall be suitable to 2200 0301 Feed Cane Carrier 1 mm swing dia. Fibrazor. Chain strength should be 60 T breaking load. Head end Sprocket is 16 teeth. 0302 Prepared cane carrier 1 2 #250 HP HP motor will run in 0303 Chopper 1 reverse direction at 300 rpm through gear box having 1.95:1 ratio 2 #350 HP HP motor will run in 0304 Leveler 1 forward direction at 585 rpm 2200 mm swing dia, 144 nos. 0305 Fibrazor 1 hammers of 23kg with new Pocketed type anvil. 1400 mm dia pusher driven by 30 0305.1 Cane pusher 1 HP/1440 rpm through speed reducer and open spur gear 0306 Auto cane feed control Lot 0400 Juice Extraction Plant 0401 Donnelly chute 2 2 # Mills 42" x 84" with pressure feeding system. First and last mill s to be provided 0402 Mills 2 with GRPF 0402.1 Under feed roller 2 UFR of 1100 mm PCD 2# 1250 HP AC /Planetary drives 0403 Mill drive 2

38 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

Rake carrier with 50 HP drive carrier 0404 Inter carrier 2 speed shall be 25m/min JUICE HANDLING EQUIPMENT 0406 Juice Screen 1 Rotary screen with 0.35 slit opening. Double scroll type 410 mm dia x 0406.1 Cush - Cush conveyor 1 7000. The screw conveyor is driven by 10 HP / 1440 rpm Mass flow meter for imbibition 0407 water 1 150 cu.m/hr capacity, 50 m head JUICE PUMPS 0408.1 Unscreened juice pump 2 350 cu.m/hr, 12 m head 960 rpm 0408.2 Screened Juice pump 3 400 cu.m/hr, 12 m head 960 rpm 350 cu.m/hr, 12 m head, 30 HP/960 0408.3 Imbibition juice pump 2 rpm - 2 nos. 200 cu.m/hr, 50 m head, 50 0408.4 Imbibition water pump 2 HP/1440 rpm 0409 Mill house crane 1 Install 1# 40 t EOT crane 0409.1 Mill house gantry Lot Install 1# lathe to be procured to suit 1200 x 5000 mm rollers 0410 Millhouse lathe 1 grooving

0500 JUICE TREATMENT 0501 Water flow meter 1 0-200 t/h, volumetric flow meter 0502 Water weighing scale 1 Install 1 # volumetric flow meter with 0503 Juice flow meter 1 density compensation in parallel with the flow meter. Capacity 200 t/h 0504 Juice weighing scale 1 0505 Driver trough 1 0506 Check weighing scale 0507 Weighed juice receiving tank 0508 Weighed juice pumps 0509 Phosphate addition system Install 1 # phosphoric acid 0509-A Preparation tank preparation tank. Capacity 1 cu.m 0509-B Storage tank Install 1 # dosing pump of capacity 0509-C Dosing pump 100 lph Install common control system 0510 Juice flow stabilization system 1 suitable for 400 t/h for both the flow meters. 0511-A Juice sulphitor 1 250 HL capacity

39 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

0511-B Prelimer 1 pH control system for juice 0512 sulphitor 1 pH control system 0513 Sulphured juice receiving tank 1 Cylindrical tank, Cap : 12.5 cu.m Install 2 # 400 cu.m/h, 60 m head 0514 Sulphured juice pumps 3 pumps. 0600 CLARIFIER & FILTERATION Install 1# flash tank suitable for 0601 Flash tank 1 clarifier Install 1# volumetric flow meter & control valve to control flow to the clarifier Install 1 # clarifier of 36' dia or 0602 Clarifier 1 Install 1# short retention time Clarifier suitable for 2750 TCD. 0603 Polyelectrolyte preparation tank 1 Install along SRT clarifier Polyelectrolyte storage / dosing 0604 tank 1 Install along SRT clarifier 0605 Polyelectrolyte dosing tank 1 Install along SRT clarifier 2 # Dia 3600 x Long 7200 mm (12' x 0606 Rotary vacuum filters 2 24') Vacuum filtrate Pick-up 0607 receivers 3 2 # Dia 600 x Long 1200 mm MS 1 # Dia 900 x Long 1500 mm MS 0608 Vacuum filtrate wash receivers 3 2 # Dia 600 x Long 1200 mm MS 1 # Dia 900 x Long 1500 mm MS 0609 Filtrate collection tank 1 SS make dia 1100 x 2490 long 0610 Filtrate pumps 2 Cap : 70 cu.m/h, 21.5 m head 0611 Filter condenser 3 2 # Dia 600 x Long 2400 mm MS 1 # Dia 750 x Long 1500 mm MS 0612 Entrainment separator 3 2 # Dia 450 x Long 900 mm MS 1 # Dia 600 x Long 1200 mm MS 2# 1200 cu.m/hr with 30 hp motor, 0613 Vacuum pump 2 motor rpm 1460 pump rpm 1250 1# 300 mm size water jet air extractor for both filters 0614 Mud overflow circulation tank 1 Dia 2235 x 1500 long 0615 Mud recirculation pump 3 Cap : 70 cum/hr, 21.5 m head Install 1# pump Cap : 10 cum/h, 0616 Cake wash water pump 1 55.6m head. 1 # Dia 1000 x 3500 mm long for 0617 Feed mixer 1 both filters, U shaped. 0618 Bagacillo blower and chute 2 Connected with 20 hp motor 0619 Bagacillo piping 2 1 # pipe of 500 mm dia 1 # pipe of 350 mm dia

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0620 Cyclone separator 2 1 # MS make dia 1500 x 3150 1 # MS make dia 1340 x 2700 650 mm width troughed, 36000 mm 0621 Mud belt conveyor 1 long 0622 Cake collection bin 1 MS make 2500 x 2500 x 1100 80 mesh screen vibratory type with 0623 Vibratory screen or filtrate 1 rectangular screen of 1075 x 1000 x 30 Filtrate Clarification System Cap : 20 cu.m, dia 2.5 m x 4.0 m 0624 Filtrate buffer tank 1 height, steam coil is installed inside to maintain temperature of filtrate 0625 Untreated filtrate pumps 2 Cap : 45 cu.m/h, 15 m head 0626 Flow meter 1 Cap : 0-50 cum/h, Magnetic type 0627 Lime sucrate preparation tank 1 Cap : 4 cu.m, dia 1.5 m x 2.25 m Ht 0628 Lime sucrate dosing tank 1 Cap : 4 cu.m, dia 1.5 m x 2.25 m Ht Cap : 800 lph, 1.5 bar discharge 0629 Lime sucrate dosing pump 2 pressure 0630 Phosphoric acid storage tank 1 Cap : 1 cum Cap : 100 lph, 1.5 bar discharge 0631 Phosphoric acid dosage pumps 2 pressure 0632 Flocculent preparation tank 1 Cap : 4 cum, dia 1.5 m x 2.25 m Ht 0633 Flocculent dosing tank 1 Cap : 4 cu.m, dia 1.5 m x 2.25 m Ht Cap : 800 lph, 1.5 bar discharge 0634 Flocculent dosing pumps 2 pressure Cap : 2 cum, Dia 1.1 m x 2.25 m Ht., 0635 Reaction tank 1 Impeller speed 48 rpm 0636 Aeration pumps 2 Cap : 20 cu.m/h, 15 m head 0637 Filtrate floatation clarifier 1 Cap : 13 cu.m, Dia 3.0 m x 1.8 m Ht. 0638 Automation Set Total system is automated

Milk of Lime and SO2 0700 Prepartion Electric hoist for bag lifting with 0.5 0701 Quick lime elevators 1 hp motor Cap : 1200 Kg/h, 5.5 KW, 12 final 0702 Lime slaker 1 rpm Koran, 3.7 KW, perforation dia 0.5 0703 Lime clarifier 1 mm Circular, 60 mesh size, 3.7 KW, 1.5 0704 Vibratory screen 1 m dia 0705 Dia 3000 x 3150 mm height, 20 cum 0706 Milk of lime storage tanks 2 each, 5 KW Install 1 # new pump cap: 10 cu.m/h, 0707 Milk of lime pumps 2 20 M head.

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Sulphur burners for juice, 0708 Continuous type 2 200 kg./h. Film Type Burners Sulphur burner for syrup, 0709 continuous 2 Cap. 70 kg/h one working Install 1# 1000 cum/h air 0710 Air compressor 4 compressor air receiver for compressor suitable 0711 Air receiver 1 for two compressors Juice heating and 0800 Evaporation Raw Juice Heater (Tubular 0801 type) 2 300 sq. m heating surface Collect juice condensate to common 0802 Condensate Receiver for JH 2 receiver for both juice heaters Use both pumps for common 0803 Condensate pump 2 receiver. One working and one stand by Sulphured Juice heater 0804 (Tubular type) 3 300 sq. m heating surfaces. Use only 2# condensate receivers 0805 Condensate Receiver for JH 3 one each for each effect bleeding 20 cum/h capacity, 30 m head 0806 Condensate Pump 3 condensate pumps for SJ1 & SJ2 0807 Clear juice Heater 2 2 # Direct contact Heaters 0808 Condensate Receiver for JH 0809 Condensate pump 0810 Clear juice column 1 Dia 3000 x 5000 height Install 2 # leaf filter for clear juice 0810 A Clear juice filters filtering suitable for 4000 TCD with all accessories Capacity 250 cum/h and 60 m 0811 Clear juice pump 2 head to CJ pumping

Intermediate juice receiving 0812 tank

0813 Evaporator Set Quintuple

2500 sq. m body as Quintuple 1st 0814 Quint I 1 effect. 2700 sq. m body as Quintuple 2nd 0815 Quint II 1 effect. 1250 sq. m body as Quintuple 3rd 0816 Quint III 1 effect

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600 sq. m body as quintuple 4th 0817 Quint IV 1 effect. 600 sq. m body as quintuple 4th 0818 Quint V 1 effect. Condensate receiver for Quint - Install 1# 1.2 mtr dia and 2.0 mtr 0820 1st effect 1 height mound

Condensate pump for Quint-1st Install 1# 130 cu.m/hr, 30 m head 0821 effect 2 condensing pump as common standby for quintuple 1 & 2 bodies Condensate receiver for Quint- Install 1# 1.2 mtr dia and 2.0 mtr 0822 2nd effect 1 height mound Condensate pump for Quint - 100 cum/h, 30 M head pump for this 0823 2nd effet 1 duty pump Condensate receiver for Quint - Quintuple 3rd effect condensate 0824 3rd effect 1 receiver Condensate pump for Quint -3rd 0825 effect 1 Cap : 50 cum/h, 30 m head Condensate receiver for Quint - Quintuple 5th effect condensate 0826 4th effect 1 receiver Condensate pump for Quint -4th 0827 effect 1 Cap : 20 cum/h, 30 m head Condensate receiver for Quint - Quintuple 5th effect condensate 0828 5th effect 1 receiver Condensate pump for Quint -5th 0829 effect 1 Cap : 20 cum/h, 30 m head Common condensate flash tank 2.5 meter dia and 5.0 meter length 0830 for 2nd Condensate 1 receiver Common condensate flash tank 2.5 meter dia and 5.0 meter length 0831 for pan and JH Condensate 1 receiver 0832 Syrup receiving tank 1 Dia 1000 x 1500 mm height 0833 Syrup Extraction Pump 2 Cap : 70 cu.m/hr, 30 m head

Syrup Clarification System 0834 Buffer tank 1 Cap : 32 cum, Dia 3.89 m x 2.5 m Ht 0835 Untreated syrup pumps 2 Cap : 70 cum/h, 30 m head HAS 77.5 sq. m, 144 tubes, 45 0836 Syrup heaters 2 OD/18 SWG/4 m length, 9 tubes / pass, 16 passes Color precipitant preparation 0837 tank 1 Cap : 1 cum 0838 Color precipitant dosing tank 1 Cap : 1 cum Cap : 100 lph, 1.5 bar discharge 0839 Color precipitant dosing pumps 2 pressure 0840 Phosphoric acid storage tank 1 Cap : 1 cum Cap : 100 lph, 1.5 bar discharge 0841 Phosphoric acid dosage pumps 2 pressure

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0842 Flocculent preparation tank 1 Cap : 4 cum, dia 1.5 m x 2.25 m Ht 0843 Flocculent dosing tank 1 Cap : 4 cum, dia 1.5 m x 2.25 m Ht Cap : 800 lph, 1.5 bar discharge 0844 Flocculent dosing pumps 2 pressure 0845 Reaction tank 1 Cap : 32 cum, Dia 1.465 m x 1.72 m 0846 Aeration tank 1 Dia 0.45 m x 2.0 m Ht. 0847 Syrup floatation clarifier 1 Cap : 32 cum, Dia 4.5 x 1.8 m Ht 0848 Clear syrup tank 1 Cap : 14 cum, Dia 2.1 x 4.0 m Ht 0849 Clear syrup pumps 2 Cap : 50 cum/hr, 35 m head 0850 Automation Set Total system is automated Install 2 # leaf filters to filter syrup 0850A Leaf filters for syrup filtration before going to pan floor 0851 Syrup sulphitor 1 Sulphitor of 15 cum working capacity

Cap : 19.4 cum, Rectangular type, 0852 Caustic Soda Tank 1 2900 x 2200 x 3000 mm 0853 Caustic Soda pumps 1 Cap : 100 cum/h, 20 m head Pressure reducing valve no.1 0854 (PRV-1) P1 to P2 1 kg/ (g) Pressure reducing valve no.2 Cap : NA, 150 mm size from 7 0855 (PRV-2) P2 to P3 1 kg/ to 1.5 kg/ kg/ (g) Pressure reducing valve no.3 0856 (PRV-3) P2 to P3 1 kg/ (g) Pressure reducing valve no.4 Cap : 5 t/h, from 13 kg/ to 7 0857 (PRV-3) P4 to P2 1 kg/ kg/ (g) Overflow surplus valve for One exhaust over flow surplus valve 0858 exhaust (OSV-1) of capacity 30t/hr 2# OSV's on two Quntiple two 0859 Overflow surplus valve (OSV-2) bodies, Cap : 1# 20 t/h and 1# 40 t/h 0860 Overflow surplus valve (OSV-3) 1#OSV as relief valve. Cap : 20 t/h 0863 Desuperheater No.1 Dia 1500 x 3000 mm height 0864 Desuperheater No.2 Install desuperheater for PRV 0900 Graining and Crystallization

Syrup & Molasses storage 0901 tanks 17 Each capacity 20 cum 5 # syrup, 2 # Melt, 1 # AL, 4 # AH, 3 # BH & 2 # CL Continuous type, between runoff 0902 Molasses conditioner 3 storage tank and pan supply tank 1 # Cap : 2.58 cum for AH 1 # Cap : 2.0 cum for BH

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1 # Cap : 1.3 cum for CL 80 t with mechanical circulator. With 0903 A Vacuum Pan - Batch 4 Pan automation. 60 Ton with Mechanical circulator 0904 Graining vacuum pans - Batch 1 with automation Install 1 # 30 t/h continuous pan for 0905 B' Vacuum Pan - Continuous 1 B massecuite Install 25 T /hr continuous pan for C 0906 C' Vacuum Pan - Continuous 1 Boiling Dia 2600 x 3800 mm for 2nd vapor, 0907 Pan Condensate Receiver 2 Dia 2000 x 2700 for 1st Vapor 0908 Pan condensate pump 3 2 # Cap : 50 cum/h, 30 m head 1 # Cap : 70 cum/h, 30 m head 0909 Dry seed crystallizer 1 U Shaped Net Cap : 40 t 0910 B Seed crystallizer 1 U Shaped Net Cap : 40 t 0911 Grain Seed Crystallizer 2 U Shaped Net Cap : 90 t 0912 A Vacuum crystallizer 1 U Shaped Net cap: 40 t 0913 B Vacuum crystallizer 1 U Shaped Net cap: 40 t 0914 C Vacuum crystallizer 1 U Shaped Net cap: 40 t 0915 Crystallizer for `A' massecuite 5 U Shaped, Net Cap : 90 t Strike receiver for `B' 0916 Massecuite 1 U Shaped, Net Cap : 90 t 0917 B' Massecuite transfer pump 1 9 „‟ x 9 “ PSP pump, 30 m Head 0918 Strike receiver for B Massecuite 1 U Shaped, Net Cap. 90 t Vertical crystallizer for B' Install 1 # 300 t mono vertical 0919 Massecuite 1 crystallizer for B massecuite Rota type, 8" x 8", Cap : 35 t/h, 30 m 0920 Liquidation pump for Vert. Cry. 1 head Strike Receiver for `C' 0921 Massecuite 1 U Shaped, Net Cap.90 t 0922 C' Massecuite transfer pump 1 Strike Receiver for `C' 0923 Massecuite 1 U shaped, Net Cap. 90T Vertical crystallizer for C' Install 1 # 300 t mono vertical 0924 Massecuite 1 set crystallizer for C massecuite Roto type, 8" x 8", Cap : 35 t/h, 30 m 0925 Liquidation pump for vert.Cry 1 head

0926 Cooler for hot water 1 Install 1# parallel heater 0927 Cold water surge tank 0928 Cold water circulation pumps 2 Cap : 36 cum/hr, 55 m head 0929 Hot water surge tank by gravity 0930 Hot water circulation pumps by gravity Hot & Cold water overhead 1 # 7500 x 3750 x 2500 for hot 0931 tank 3 water 2 # 7500 x 4500 x 2500 for cold water

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Concrete 40000 x 20000 x 2500, net 0932 Service water tank 1 capacity 2000 cum

0933 Service water pump 3 1 # Cap : 450 cum/h, 22 m lead 2 # Cap : 300 cum/h, 40 m head 1000 Centrifugals A Massecuite centrifugal pug U shaped 5600 long x 1000 wide. 1001 mill 2 Each catering to 3 Machines Install 4 # 1750 kg/charge fully 1002 A Massecutie Centrifugals 4 automatic DC drive Centrifugal machines. 1003 AH molasses receiving tank 1 Dia 1900 x 1250 height Screw type pump of 30 t/h capacity, 1004 AH molasses pump 2 25 m WC 1005 AL Molasses receiving tank 1 Dia 1900 x 1250 height 1006 AL Molasses pump 1 Screw type, Cap : 30 t/h, 25mWC Superheated wash water 1007 system Set Suitable for 7 batch machines 1008 Superheated wash water pump 2 Cap : 20 cum/h, 55m head 1009 Air Compressor 2 Discharge pressure 6 kg/ 1 # U Shaped, 4600 long x 1000 1010 B Centrifugal pug mill 2 wide, for batch machine 1 # U shaped, 6100 long x 1000 wide, for continuous m/c 1 # Batch machines of 1250 1011 B Centrifugals 3 kg/charge 2 # WK 1500, Cap : 15-18 t/h continuous machines 1 # U shaped, 6000 long x 1000 1012 B-Magma mixer 2 wide for batch machine 1 # U shaped, 4900 long x 1000 wide for continuous m/c 1# Rota type, Cap : 20 t/h, 30 m 1013 B Magma pump 2 head 1 # Rota type, Cap : 20 t/h, 30 m head Dia 1500 x 1200 height, 1 # BL & 1 # 1014 B Molasses receiving tank 2 BH Screw type pump of 20 cum /h 1015 B Molasses pump 2 capacity, 25 mWC 1016 CAW centrifugal pug mill 1 U shaped, 4600 long x 1000 wide WK 1500, Cap : 10-12 t/h. 1 # B 1017 C after Centrifugals 2 curing machine is common standby for CAW U Shaped, 4900 long x 1000 wide 1018 C After Magma mixer 1 for B & CAW continuous Machine

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1019 C-After magma pump 1 Common for B & CAW 1020 CL Molasses receiving tank 1 Dia 1500 x 1200 height Screw type pump of 20 cum /h 1021 CL Molasses pump 2 capacity, 25 mWC 1022 CF centrifugal pug mill 1 6800+1000 long x 800 dia wk - 1500 or equivalent machine for 1023 C Fore worker Centrifugals 3 C Fore curing 1024 C-Fore magma mixer 1 U Shaped 1 # 6000 long x 1000 wide, with planetary 1025 C-Fore magma pump 3 Rota type, Cap : 20 t/h, 30 m head FM receiving tank (below 1026 machines) 1 Dia 1500 x 1200 height Screw type pump of 10 cum /h 1027 FM Pump below machines 2 capacity, 25 mWC 1028 Final Molasses weighing scale 1 1029 Weighed FM Receiving tank 1 Rectangular type Screw type pump of 20 cum /h 1030 FM Pump below weighing scale 2 capacity, 25 mWC Cap : 7500 T each, 28 m dia x 9.50 1031 Final molasses storage tank 2 m Ht Screw type pump of 20 cum /h 1032 Final molasses transfer pump 2 capacity, 25 mWC 1033 Sugar Melter 2 Cap :: 35 t/h vertical 2 # Centrifugal, Cap 40 cum/hr, 30 1034 Melt pump 3 m head 1 # screw type, Cap : 30 t/h, 25mWC 1100 Sugar Handling & Bagging Single tray type, 2.0 m width, 12 m 1101 Gross Hopper Conveyor 1 long 1 # 40 t/h fluidized bed dryer along 1102 Fluidized bed dryer 1 with all accessories

Sugar elevator from FBD to 1103 grader 2 Cap : 40 t/h

1104 Sugar grader 2 1 # Cap : 35 t/h 1 # Cap : 35 t/h Sugar elevator from grader to 1105 bin 2 Cap : 25 t/h 1106 Sugar Bins 3 125 t sugar bin

1107 Slat Conveyor 2 Width 400 mm, 1.5 KW 1108 Bag stitching machine 3 Cap : 300 bags/h 1109 Dry seed magma mixer 1 U Shape, Cap : 5 t Rota type, 8" x 8", Cap : 300 t/h, 30 1110 Dry seed transfer pump 1 m head

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Dust collector system Set 1111 Dust collector tank 2 1 # Dia 3.0m x 3.7m Ht 1 # Rectangular wet scrubber, 2.5 x 1.5 x 2.0m 1112 Dust melt pump 2 Cap : 35 cum/h, 25 m head 1113 Sugar bag belt conveyor 6 Width 600 mm Sugar bags mobile belt 1114 conveyor 10 Width 600 mm 2 # 100m x 40m x 10m, Cap : 1115 Sugar Godowns 4 400000 bags 1200 Condensing Plant 1 #Single entry Vapor inlet dia : 1201 Evaporator condenser 1 1100 mm with automation 4 #Single entry Vapor inlet dia : 1202 Batch Pan condensers 5 1300 mm with automation 1 #Single entry Vapor inlet dia : 1100 mm with automation 1 #Single entry Vapor inlet dia : 1023 Continuous Pan condensers 2 1100 mm with automation Ejector for pans & vacuum Same system is to be followed for 1024 crystallizer 1 new condensers also 1025 Automation Set 1026 Injection pump 4 1600 cum/h, 22 m head pumps 1027 Priming pump 1 Cap : 25 cum/h, 3.75 KW 1028 Cooling tower 3 Cap : 1600 cum/h, each cell 1029 Cooling tower water pump 1210 Priming pump 1 Cap : 25 cum/h, 3.75 KW 1400 Electricals 1401 Distribution transformers 3 2.5 MVA distribution transformer 1402 Bus ducts 4 4000 Amps, 1403 Power control centre (PCC) 3 4000 Amps, 1404 Motor Control Center (MCC) 12 1405 Distribution boards Lot 1406 Push button stations Lot 1407 Lighting Lot 1408 Earthing LOt 1409 APFC panel 2 1410 LT power and control cables Lot Miscellaneous work (cable tray, 1411 danger baords, Lot rail for transformer, gravel spreading etc.)

48 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

Co-generation Plant: Machinery Details:

Equipment name Qty. Capacity

Boiler Capacity 1 110 T Turbine Capacity 1 19 MW Electro Static Precipitator 3 Fields FD Fans 2 ID Fans 2 Air heaters 1 Feed water system 2 HP heater-1 with 16 ata extraction steam HP heater-2 with 8 ata extraction steam Feed water pumps 3 80tph capacity,110kg discharge pressure HP LP dosing system 2 HP dosing pumps for steam drum dosing 2 LP dosing pumps for derator dosing Dearator 1 Bagasse Handling system 1 90 TPH Coal Handling System 1 45 TPH Biomass preparatory system 1 Feed regulation station 1 Control valve station with manual by pass station Atemperation system 1 Spray between primary super heater and secondary super heater D M plants 2 each 400 OBR at 30TPH Water clarifier 1 200 TPH Cooling tower system No. of cells 4 1600 Cum.Mtr/Hr Cooling tower pumps 4 1600 Cum.Mtr/Hr, Discharge pressure - 3.25 KSC Two pass surface condenser with cooling water flow 4200 Condensate extraction system Pumps 3 50TPH each at 6kg pressure Gland steam condenser 1 100 TPH Steam ejectors 2 Main 1 Hogging Turbine lub oil system/control oil 1 system package ST switch gear- 11kv Generator transformer - 36MVA- 11/110kv Distribution transformers 3 2.50mva each, 11kv/415volt 1 3.15mva, 11kv/415v Diesel generator set 1 1500 kva PRDS system 1 75 tph,87/8 ata 1 80tph,8/2.5ata

49 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

Pumping station at Kali river & Piping Pumps 3 100 tph each, Pressure-4kg Priming pump 2 20 tph Infiltration pump 3 100 tph

Electrical substation at Kali pump hose with 11kv/415 v transformer, MCC and 250 kva diesel set Switch Yard 110kva breaker 2 11kv breaker 1 100kv Isolators 3 CTs and PTs as per the requirement Double circuit 110kv line to Haliyal substation Bio mass storage yard area 20 acres with all Fire fighting system Fire fighting system for complete complex Fire water pump motor driven 1 100 TPH at 10 KSC Fire water pump diesel set driven 1 100 TPH at 10 KSC Jacky pump 2 30 TPH at 10KSC

Distillery Plant:



1] Weighscale / Loadcell for Check : 1 No. weighment. Capacity : 3 MT

2] Molasses feed tank : 1 No. Material of construction : M.S Capacity : 50 MT



A] Fermenter : 2 Nos Material of construction : MS Capacity : 500m3

Equipped with roof manholes, air sparger in stainless steel construction, sight and light glass assemblies, level indicator, defoaming oil sensor, pressure relief device and required nozzles and fittings.

50 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

All internal surface will be sand blasted and epoxy coated ( 1 primer coat followed by 2 finish coats - min. DFT (150 micron ).

B] Propagation Vessel I Design code : ASME VIII, Div. 1 Material of construction : SS 304 Capacity : 180 L

Equipped with sight glass, air sparger, cooling jacket, relief valve and necessary nozzles and fittings.

C] Propagation Vessel II Design code : ASME VIII, Div. 1 Material of construction : SS 304 Capacity : 2000 L

Equipped with sight glass, manhole, air sparger, relief valve and necessary nozzle and fittings.

D] Propagation Vessel III Geometric Capacity : 100,000 L Design code : IS 803 Material of construction : MS (epoxy lined)

Equipped with shell and roof manholes, air sparger, sight and light glass assembly and necessary nozzles and fittings.

All internal surfaces will be sand blasted and epoxy coated (1 primer coat followed by 2 finish coats - min. DFT 150 micron).

E] Defoaming Oil Day Tank. Capacity : 1000 L Material of construction : MS


A] Molasses feed pump : 1 + 1 standby. Type : Positive displacement Material of construction : CI with SS wetted parts. Shaft sealing. : Gland packing. Drive : Variable speed -Molasses storage to feed : 1+1 -Weighing to diluter : 1+1 B] Fermenter Cooling Pump : 2 + 1 standby Type : Centrifugal Material of construction : SS 316

C] Fermenter Discharge Pump : 1 + 1 standby Type : Centrifugal

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Material of construction : SS 316

D] Wash Transfer Pump : 1 + 1 No. Type : Centrifugal Material of construction : SS 316

E] Sludge Pump : 1 + 1 No. Type : Centrifugal Material of construction : SS 316

F] Recycle Pump : 1 + 1 standby Type : Centrifugal Material of construction : SS 316

G] Propagation II Cooling Pump : 1 Nos. Type : Centrifugal Material of construction : SS 316

H] Defoaming oil dosing Pump : 1 Type : Positive displacement. Material of construction : GI

3. PLATE HEAT EXCHANGERS. [ Alfa Laval make ]

M.O.C of Qty Plates Nos.

a] Prop II Temp. Control PHE SS 316 1

b] Fermenter Cooling PHE SS 316 2 (Min.AK 20 FMI 168 plates each with back flushing arrangement)


A] Positive Displacement Blowers : 1 + 1 standby Type : Twin lobe Material of construction : CI body, cast steel. Braided with suction/discharge silencers, relief valve, non-return valve & suction filter.( water cooled) OR Alternatively Vacuum Pump may be considered for same duty. Capacity : 1700nm3/hr+900nm3/hr Head : 9 MWC

B] Carbon-di-oxide Scrubber : 2 Nos. Type : Sieve plate column Material of construction : SS 304 Plate material : SS 304

52 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

Diameter : 600mm

With water spraying arrangement in AISI 304, sight glass and packing support grid.

C] Strainers - : 3 Nos. For : 1) Fermented wash 2) Recycle. 3) Diluted Molasses Type : Basket Material of construction : AISI 304 Hole size : 0.6 mm

D] Sterile Air filters : 2 Nos. Capacity : 20 M3/Hr. & 120 M3/Hr

E] Water molasses static mixer in AISI 304 : 1 No.

F] Air Compressor for Instrumentation Air : 1No+1No (Common for entire plant including Mol. Sieve plant)


A] Yeast Separator [Alfa Laval make] 2 + 1 Nos. Indigenous model DX 409

B] Chain Pulley block with travelling trolley : 1 No. Capacity 1 MT

C] Cleaning table for separator in MS : 1 No.

D] Yeast Cream Funnel : 3 Nos. Material of construction : SS304

E] Hydrocyclones : 1 Set. Material of construction : - Body : AISI 304 - Cone : Ceramic


I CIP tank/Hot water tank : 1 No each. Capacity : 2000 L Material of Construction : AISI 304

II CIP Pump : 1 No. Type : Centrifugal Material of construction : SS 316 7. Cooling Tower : 2 Nos. 400 Cu.m./ hr.

53 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

SECTION II : Distillation

1 Analysing Column (Vacuum) Material of Construction : SS304 Type of Trays : Sieve No. of trays : 50 Tray spacing : 750mm Diameter : 1698mm / 2195mm (min. diameters mentioned)

2 Rectifying Column (Under pressure) Material of Construction : SS304

Type of Trays : Sieve

No. of trays : 144 Tray spacing : 300 Diameter : 1790mm (min. diameters mentioned)

3 Aldehyde Column Material of Construction : SS304

Type of Trays : Sieve

No. of Trays : 60 Tray spacing : 250mm Diameter : 710mm (min. diameters mentioned)

7 Beer Pre-heater : Shell & Tube type Material of Construction : SS 304 Tube length : 3000mm Tube thickness : 1.25mm

8 Analysing coloumn Reboiler : Shell & Tube type Material of Construction : Shell: 304Tubes: SS316 Tube length : 3000mm Tube thickness : 1.25mm Qty : 1+1

9 Stripper Rectifier Column Reboiler Type: Shell & Tube MOC: Tubes : SS304 Shell : CS, Ends : CS Qty : 1 Nos.

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10 Final Condensor : Shell & Tube type Material of Construction : Tube and tube sheet are in SS 304, water side in CS Tube length : 3000mm Tube thickness : 1.25mm

11 Aldehyde Condensor : Shell & Tube type Material of Construction : SS 304 Tube length : 3000mm Tube thickness : 1.25mm

12 Aldehyde Vent Condensor : Shell & Tube type Material of Construction : SS 304 Tube length : 3000mm Tube thickness : 1.25mm

13 Final Product Cooler : PHE Material of Construction : SS 304 plates Area : Suitable

14 Fusel Oil / Heads Spirit Cooler : Vertical type Material of Construction : SS 304

15 Fusel Oil washer decanter : Vertical type Material of Construction : SS 304

16 Steam Chest : 1 No. Material of Construction : MS

17 Hot water tank Capacity : 1 M3 Material of Construction : MS

18 Reflux Tanks : 2 Nos.

19 Plate Heat Exchangers:

Sr. Description M.O.C. (Plates) Qty. I Wash Pre-heating PHE SS316 2 II Recycle Wash Cooler (Recycle) PHE SS316 1 III Spent Wash Cooler PHE SS316 1

55 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

20 Pumps : With flame proof motors, mechanical seals & back pull out rotor design.

Sr. Description M.O.C. Qty.

IV Rectifier Reflux Pump SS316 1+1 V Weak Alcohol feed pump SS316 1+1

21. Cooling Tower : 2 Nos. 375 Cu.m. / hr.

SECTION III: Molecular Sieve Dehydration: 1 Mol Sieve Superheater Type: Shell & Tube MOC: Tubes: SS304 Shell: CS Bonnets: CS Qty : 1 Nos 2 Mol Sieve Unit Type: Dished ends; with packed bed of Molecular Sieves MOC: SS Qty: 2 Nos 3 Mol Sieve Condenser Type : Shell & Tube MOC: Tubes: SS304 Shell: CS Bonnets: CS Qty : 1 Nos. 4 Mol Sieve Product Cooler Type: PHE Qty : 1 Nos. 5 Mol Sieve Regenerant Condenser Type: Shell & Tube MOC: Tubes : SS304 Shell : CS Ends : CS Qty : 1 Nos. 6 Mol Sieve Regenerant Drum Type: Dished top & bottom MOC : SS Qty: 1 Nos 7 Mol Sieve Vacuum Pump Drum Type: Dished top & bottom MOC : SS Qty: 1 Nos. 1

56 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

8 Mol Sieve Recirculation Cooler Type: PHE Qty : 1 Nos. 9 Mol Sieve Regenerant Pump Type: Centrifugal MOC: Impeller:SS Casing: CI Qty: 1 + 1 No. 10 Mol Sieve Vacuum Pump Type: Liquid Ring Qty : 1 No+1No 11 Rectified Spirit Day Tanks: 2 Nos. MS , Capacity : 100 KL Each.

Additional Columns for ENA Production.

 Extractive Distillation Column  Recovery Column  Polishing Column

6.2 Residential Area (Non Processing area):

Facilities like canteen, rest room and indoor games facilities will be provided in the proposed expansion project.

6.3 Green Belt:

Total 1/3rd of the total area including existing will be developed in the Plant premises.

Greenbelt development plan  Local DFO will be consulted in developing the green belt.  Greenbelt of 60 acres will be developed in the plant premises as per CPCB guidelines.  15 m wide greenbelt will be developed all around the plant.  The tree species to be selected for the plantation are pollutant tolerant, fast growing, wind firm, deep rooted. A three tier plantation is proposed comprising of an outer most belt of taller trees which will act as barrier, middle core acting as air cleaner and the innermost core which may be termed as absorptive layer consisting of trees which are known to be particularly tolerant to pollutants.

57 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

6.4 Social Infrastructure:

Social infrastructure will be developed as per need based in the nearby Villages.

6.5 Connectivity:

Component Description Road The site can be well approached by a NH # 13 Rail Nearest Railway station located at 27 Km South west Nearest Airport located at Belgaum which is at distance of 145 Kms Air port from the Plant site

Sea Port Goa port is at a distance of 230 Kms from the Plant site

6.6 Drinking water management:

Drinking water required for the workers will be met from ground water resources.

6.7 Sewerage system:

Domestic waste water generated will be treated in septic tank followed by soak pit.

6.8 Industrial waste management:

6.8.1 Waste water management

Waste water generated from the proposed Project will be treated in Effluent Treatment proposed which is furnished under paragraph 3.10.2

6.8.2 Solid waste management:

Details of Solid waste generation and disposal is furnished under 3.11

6.9 Power requirement & Supply / Source:

The portion of power requirements will be met through KPTCL. Balance Power requirement will be met through in house generation through turbine.

58 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report


No rehabilitation or resettlement plan is proposed as there are no habitations in the in the Plant site.

59 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report


The total cost of the project has been estimated at Rs. 351 Crores. The Project Cost estimates include all expenses to be incurred towards the entire project development including Site Development Expenses, Payments to EPC Contractor, Non EPC Expenses, Pre-Operating Expenses, Start-Up Fuel & Commissioning Expenses, Contingency, Margin Money for Working Capital and Financing Expenses including Interest During Construction (IDC).

Detailed breakup of the Cost is given below. S.No. Particulars Cost in Crores 1. Land Development & Civil Works : 41.00 2. Plant & Machinery : 181.00 3. Packing, Forwarding and Taxes : 26.00 4. Erection, commissioning and structures 20.00 Power connection, PCC, Cables, yard 5. lighting etc., : 30.00 6. Contingencies : 10.00 7. Preliminary & Pre-Operative Expenses : 3.00 8. Margin Money for Working Capital : 40.00 Total : 351.00


1 PROMOTERS (33%) : 115.83

2 TERM LOANS (67%) 235.17 Total : 351.00

60 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report


With the implementation of the proposed expansion project, the socio-economic status of the local people will improve substantially. The land rates in the area will improve in the nearby areas due to the proposed activity. This will help in upliftment of the social status of the people in the area. Educational institutions will also come-up and will lead to improvement of educational status of the people in the area. Primary health centre will also come-up and the medical facilities will certainly improve due to the proposed project.


The man power required for the industry is 500 Nos. which is inclusive of 275 nos. on permanent basis and rest all will on Temporary or contract basis.

S.No. Particulars No. Employees 1. Technical & Administrative Staff 150 2. Skilled & Semi Skilled 275 3. Unskilled & Helpers 75 Total 500

OTHER TANGIBLE BENEFITS The following are the other benefits to the area due to the proposed project.  Educational status will improve in the area  Medical standards will improve due to the proposed project.  Overall economic up-liftment of socio-economic status of people in the area.

 Ancillary developmental activities like CO2 plant, Cattle feed plants will be created due to the establishment of the proposed unit.

SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTAL ACTIVITIES The management is committed to uplift the standards of living of the villagers by undertaking following activities / responsibilities.  Health & hygiene  Drinking water  Education for poor  Village roads  Lighting  Creating harmonious relationships

61 E.I.D. - Parry (India) Limited (Bagalkot) Expansion of Integrated Sugar Complex Pre-feasibility report

 Helping locals to conduct sports  Training to the unskilled manpower

HEALTH & HYGINE 1. Personal and domestic hygiene, 2. Maintaining clean neighborhood, 3. Weekly health camps offering free-check up & medicines 4. Ambulance services 5. Education & drug de-addiction, aids.

DRINKING WATER Making drinking water available at centralized locations in the village,

SUPPORTING EDUCATION 1. Providing books to all poor children, 2. Conducting annual sports festival in the village schools, 3. Providing amenities like fans, lavatories, 4. Maintain play ground etc.