CISRA Brochure

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CISRA Brochure


– Since 1984

ell for Industrial Safety & Risk Analysis hemical Engineering Department entral Leather Research Institute C ouncil of Scientific & Industrial Research

The Genesis

The rapid technological and industrial growth has its own disadvantages; the manufacture, storage and transport of man-made chemicals invariably pollute the atmosphere. The massive industrial complexes bring with them the palpable danger along with employment potential and modern consumer durable and other day-to-day comforts. The major examples are , drug and agrochemical industries.

When the production is large, the problems created also turn large and so are the magnitude of the accidents. This seems to be a global phenomenon. Bhopal, Chernobyl, Mexico City, Three Mile Island and Seveso stand immortal testimony to the magnitude of the chemical industrial disasters and their immediate and after effects. The onus of identifying such disasters and use the same science and technology to prevent them fell on the scientists all over the world.

The Cell for Industrial Safety and Risk Analysis (CISRA) is the brain-child of Dr. G. Thyagarajan, the then Director of the Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI), who was also in the investigation committee of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy in . His vision and Dr. K.V. Raghavan’s efforts resulted into the setting up of CISRA as part of the Chemical Engineering Division of CLRI. It was initiated with senior scientists like Dr. M.M. Mallikarjunan and Dr. P.G. Rao and a host of young chemical engineers and chemists.

The CISRA came into existence in 1985 at the CLRI, as an advisory body on industrial safety in 1987 and later it was transformed into a professional cell with the following objectives:

• Create awareness about the importance of industrial safety • Development of infrastructure facilities and engineering expertise in hazard and risk analysis • Creation of information and database on chemical hazards • Technical education on chemical hazards and risks • Technical consultancy on hazard/ consequence / risk analysis • Research and Development in process hazards and cascade or domino effects.

Areas of Expertise

Risk Analysis

Within a short span of five years, the CISRA group developed high level expertise in Maximum Credible Accident and Consequence Analysis (MCAC), Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) studies, Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Risk Analysis (RA) and Equipment/Instrument Reliability Analysis.

Though there were changes taking place in the organization and in the core group of CISRA, the expertise was very effectively transferred equally to almost all the scientists of chemical engineering. A competent team of specialists in modeling and simulation, chemical reaction engineering, thermodynamics, transport phenomena, probability analysis, chemical hazard analysis and allied fields work in CISRA.

Thermochemical Studies

CISRA also houses a special team of chemical engineers and chemists with excellent academic and research background in thermochemistry, reaction kinetics, polymer chemistry and computer science. The team contributes for several major consultancy assignments of CISRA. The research interests are in the studies on runaway phenomenon in polymerization, oxycarbonylation, nitration and other exothermic reactions. Exclusive consultancy programs are offered to chemical industries in assessing intrinsic safety, hazardous processes, special thermal properties, development of safety protocols, scale-up of hazardous reaction systems, degradation of chemical compounds and design of vent systems etc.

Services are offered in:

• Chemical screening • Relief sizing and explosion venting • Reactor safety • Calorimetry • Process development


For a group that has started with the lofty goals set above, to achieve the target, the infrastructural facilities were very essential. Further, this was an area, which was virgin in Indian industrial field and to impress on the industry and the statutory authorities the cell required computers and software to work. The Netherland Organization (TNO) at Apeldoorn and internationally known group of Risk Analysts came forward to promote CISRA with their software EFFECTS initially.

The cell has an impressive infrastructure as follows:

Specialized Library

CISRA library houses more than 1000 publications on the following topics

Physical, Thermodynamic and Transport Properties CHRIS Material Safety Data Sheets for more than 3000 Chemicals Hazard Identification Consequence Analysis Reactive Chemical and Process Hazards Quantitative Risk Analysis Emergency Preparedness

The library contributes to several important journals on safety. Bretherick, internationally known expert on Reactive Chemical Hazards had donated his life time collection of books, reports and communications on Reactive Chemical Hazards to CISRA.


Software for Risk Analysis

• Properties Estimation Physical, thermodynamic, transport and safety properties of organic and inorganic chemicals • Hazard Identification & Consequence Analysis FETI (Fire, Explosion & Toxicity Index) HAZOP-PC (Prima Tech) Effects I Effects - II (TNO) CISCON (CISRA) WHAZAN -II, Safety Audit PC PHAST RISK-Micro (DNV Technica) SAFETI (DNV Technica) ALOHA (EPA) CAMEO DEGADIS AUDIT PC

Specialties of the Software

The above mentioned software are meant for Consequence Analysis which is also known as Maximum Credible Accident and Consequence Analysis (MCAC) and their damaging effects as follows:

• Thermal radiation effects of pool, jet and flash fires, BLEVE etc., • Classification of atmospheric stability • Vapor cloud formation and movement • Unconfined and confined vapor cloud explosions • Passive and dense gas dispersions in atmosphere • Dense gas dispersions with chemical transformations in the atmosphere • Thermal behavior of partially and totally fire engulfed tanks/vessels • Cascade or domino effects • Gravitational settling of dispersed particles


In addition, the HAZOP Software provides guidance and assistance in carrying out HAZOP and the documentation of the proceedings. This exclusive software had been very productively applied in the long and brainstorming HAZOP sessions and also for the Training programs conducted by CISRA.

Similarly, the Audit PC reels out host questions to conduct the Safety Audit methodically for each and every segment in a plant and its operation. Though not all, the relevant questions can be employed in making the job of an auditor easier.

Onsite and Offsite Emergency Planning for chemical industries, industrial areas and clusters to identify areas covered and to frame proper guidelines and action plans, software like ALOHA (Area Location of Hazardous Chemical Atmosphere) and PHAST Risk-Micro are used.

Hazard Evaluation Laboratory

Laboratory for Thermal Analysis

The use of micro calorimetric methods for evaluation of chemical reaction hazards is gaining worldwide importance. CISRA is equipped with the most modern micro calorimetric facilities in India. They include:

• High pressure Differential Scanning Calorimeter (HP-DSC) • Differential Thermal Analyser (DTA) • Thermogravimetric Analyser (TGA) • Accelerating Rate Calorimeter (ARC) • Reaction System Screening Tool (RSST) • Reaction Calorimeter (RC)

A Table at the end shows the range of properties, which can be evaluated experimentally at CISRA. With the commissioning of the thermochemical laboratory, CISRA has joined the select band of Industrial Safety laboratories in the world with potential to integrate the micro-calorimetric techniques with the consequence analysis of runaway chemical reactions.

Thermal Analysis System

The Differential Thermal Analysis system consists of Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC), Differential Thermal Analyzer (DTA) and Thermo Gravimetric Analyzer (TGA). With plug-in mountings for the interchangeable cells, the module cabinet consists of operating software needed for controlling the system and to perform experiments and store the results, a random access memory with battery backup, the system assures integrity of operation and data.


The major application of Thermal Analysis Systems include:-

• Heat and Temperature transition • Oxidative stability • Thermal stability kinetics • Specific heat of compounds • Reaction exothermicity

Reaction Hazard Screening: Chemical samples (1 - 10 g size) can be investigated using the Accelerating Rate Calorimeter (ARC). This screening test provides the following information:

• Chemical/Thermal screening • Exotherm onset information • Hazard quantification • Pressure/Temperature data

ARC tests produce high sensitivity, full time temperature data of all exothermic processes or reactions under controlled adiabatic conditions. The results may be extrapolated to any industrial scale situation viz. production, storage and transportation. ARC is the world’s calorimeter for assessing the intrinsic safety of reactions systems. Its application areas cover reactor stability, contamination effects, chemical compatibility checks, process energy optimization, relief vent sizing and evaluation of thermal performance of catalysts, inhibitors and accelerators. Small quantities of liquid solid samples are subjected to programmed temperature increase in ARC to determine the point at which the sample starts generating its own heat. The ARC facility at CISRA consists of a spherical bomb suspended inside a calorimeter jacket, heaters, temperature and pressure sensors, micro processor control unit and power management module. The heating system is specifically designed to automatically step the sample temperature until self-heat rate is detectable.

Study of the Reactions: Reactions under controlled conditions can be carried out using the reaction calorimeter (typically 500ml reactor). They are very valuable for both safety and process development purposes. The following information can be obtained:


• Reaction kinetic data • Process optimization • Adiabatic temperature rise • Enthalpy of reactions • Conversation / Yield data

Reaction Calorimeter: Reaction Calorimeter (RC) at CISRA is equipped with a medium pressure glass reactor (1litre capacity and 5 bar pressure) in safety housing, dosing, pressure and temperature controllers, reflux and distillation facilities, calorimeter, PC based user interface and other computer accessories. The reactor can be fitted with anchor, propellor and gassing stirrers depending upon the process needs. The equipment finds major application in behaviour of chemical processes when changes in process parameters such as stirring time, concentration, catalyst etc. with facilities to determine kinetic and thermal data.

RC can be applied for the evaluation of:

• Heats of reaction • Temperature-time curves • Heat flow-time curves • Process adiabatic behaviour • Maximum heat production rate • Heat transfer coefficients • Specific heats of complex mixtures

Runaway Reactions and Vent Sizing: Simulation of large-scale processes can be carried out using the Reactive System Screening Tool (RSST). The testing can provide:

• Thermal data • P r e s s u r e -Temperature-Time curves • Reaction system type (gas, vapor or hybrid)

RSST quickly and safely determine the potential for runaway reactions and measures the rate of temperature and

pressure rises to allow reliable determination of the energy and gas release rates. This information can be integrated with the computer-assisted methods to assess reactor system safety relief vent requirements. The RSST at CISRA consists of a containment vessel, the control box and computer control brand. The emergency relief vent requirements are evaluated by the computer software developed by the Design Institute for Emergency Relief Systems (DIERS) to AIChE.



Range of Properties for evaluation using Microcalorimetry

DSC/DTA TGA RSST ARC Polymeric Organic Inorganic PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Specific Heat PHASE TRANSITIONS Melting/Crystallization Evaporation/Drying Solid-Solid modification Glass transition, softening Polymorphism Liquid-Solid phase transitions Crystallinity Heat of fusion Purity CHEMICAL CHANGES Decomposition, moisture Oxidation, oxidative stability Dehydration, moisture Reaction profile, kinetics Heat of reaction PROCESS HAZARDS Detection of Exotherm Exotherm onset temperature Vent Product Characterization

Research & Development

Analysis of Cascade or Domino Effects

It is known that cascade or domino effects involve adjacent plant installations reciprocally with damage potential several fold that of a single primary event. No methodology for their quantification has been reported so far. Realizing the importance of this work for assessing accidents in complex and refineries, CISRA group had initiated research investigations in this area. A scientific strategy is evolved for the quantification of thermally initiated cascade effects. The centre of all computations is the assessment of combined effect of temperature and pressure on the failure characteristics of process vessels.

A keynote presentation of the above work was made by the CISRA team in the Indo-US work- shop of Risk Assessment held during 12-16 December 1989 at Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi. The paper has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Risk Analysis (USA). Recently, the Journal of Loss Prevention (UK) published an approach paper of CISRA on the quantification of thermally initiated cascade effects.

Nevertheless, the quantitative assessment of cascade and domino effects is an area still eluding feature. Qualitative projection of this and a concise report was submitted to Madras Refineries Limited for their plants and their operations. A concerted effort to quantify them is needed and CISRA is planning to do this work by breaking down the events to several individual clusters and finally integrate them.

Heavy Gas Dispersions in Atmosphere

Heavy gas dispersion in atmosphere is characterized by the transition from gravitational spread to diffusional mixing. The transition occurs at a location where the turbulent energy equals the average potential energy. The reported models have certain limitations

RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT in predicting low concentration ranges and dispersion characteristics at long distances from the source of emission. The CISRA group is investigating the above aspects to assess the long range behavior of airborne heavy gases in environment.

Exothermicity of Polymerizations and Oxidations

Exothermicity of acrylonitrile polymerization is being studied to establish the peak decomposition temperature, onset of temperature of runaway and kinetics of thermal runaway. The work being carried out under a doctoral research programme to enable CISRA to develop `a priori’ techniques for the quantification of exothermicity of polymerizations.

Gravitational Settling of Dispersed Particles

Dispersion of fine particles in the metal powder industries, soot from major fires in refineries and several other chemical process industries pose serious environmental problems. Advanced mathematical techniques are used in modelling these physical processes. The former work on the dispersion of metal powder dust dispersion and settling has brought several projects from the Fire- works Industries in Sivakasi, . Fireworks industry accidents mainly go unnoticed and the awareness of safety among the workforce is minimum. CISRA CLRI has signed a MoU with the Mepko Schlenk Engineering College at Virudhnagar, which has taken up a project on Firework safety and provides the technical assistance wherever needed in operation and determination of the explosion potential of chemical mixtures.

Consequences of Fire in Agrochemical Industries

The combustion of flammable organic substances result in the emission of large quantities of gaseous products. These can be toxic if the organic compounds contain chlorine, nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorous etc. Hence the consequences of fire in warehouse particularly in an agrochemical industry can be serious. The agrochemicals include pesticides (herbicides, fungicides and insecticides) and fertilizers. With the exception of synthetic fertilizers, the rest of them are organic sub- stance. The possible combustion products and products due to pyrolysis are theoretically pre dicted based on the chemical composition of the substance. Some of the commercial pesticides and fertilizers are considered and in each case the worst situation is considered. Appropriate dispersion modelling is used to predict the consequences of such fires. The Ministry of Environment and Forests, New Delhi has sponsored a project on this and had been completed successfully.

Modeling of Effects

The several models existing for evaluating the effects are studied theoretically and the parameters controlling them are analyzed. Further improvement of the same for greater accuracy is done by modification, incorporation of the factors, redefining the model etc.

Spreading and evaporation, pool formation, jet fire geometry, wind effects, ground effects are some of the parameters which are being studied for incorporation in the existing models appropriately. Presently, thermal radiation effects are under study.


Similarly, Risk Contour Mapping is another area of research where computer codes are being developed for Individual and Societal risk. Superimposing the curves on the plant/site plan Is the important aspect of this exercise.

Future Plans

CISRA is planning to expand its activities in the following areas in the coming years • Application of thermochemical techniques to biochemical reactions and systems • Occupational Health & Safety and Industrial

Hygiene for Leather, Fireworks and other Chemical industries

Detailed plans and proposals have been submitted to the Research Council and work is also in progress in these two areas of interest.

Successful Assignments

CISRA after its inception in 1987 had successfully handled more than a hundred consultancy proj- ects. These industries fall mainly in the chemical sector where chemicals of hazardous nature are processed and stored. The list of our esteemed clientele is at the end of this booklet.

Damage potential from an industrial complex on neighbouring areas

This is the first and unique assignment executed by CISRA in 1987 in collaboration with TNO (The Netherlands Organization) and RRL (Regional Research Laboratory), Jorhat. The work involved carrying out Maximum Credible Accident and Consequence Analysis for the cluster of large chemical industries in Manali Area near Chennai City. CISRA made its first major contribution to the identification of Cascade or Domino effects in this assignment.

Quantitative Hazard Assessment for environmental clearance of new and expansion projects

CISRA successfully completed several major assignments sponsored by the AROCHEM (Manali), Indian Additives Ltd. (Manali), Mini Refinery of MRL at Panangudi, Polyisobutane plant of & Company (Cochin), Benzol recovery plant of Steel Plant, Storage and handling of propylene for Manali Petrochemicals, benzene for Tamil Nadu Petroprod- ucts, HPCL, IOCL - LPG Bottling Plants at various locations.

These projects were at conception or design stage when CISRA undertook the studies and were awaiting site clearance from the regulatory authorities. MCAC studies were extended to cover HAZOP of critical plant sectors and first level onsite and offsite emergency planning. Computer- ized techniques for fire and explosion indexing, atmospheric stability classification and HAZOP tabulation were employed for quicker decision making.

Risk Assessment of Gas/Petrochemical Complexes

These major assignments were executed by a consortium of CSIR laboratories in association with the TNO. Hazira Gas Processing Complex of ONGC sponsored full-fledged risk as assessment studies in 1987 and CSIR laboratories won the global tender against stiff

SUCESSFUL ASSIGNMENTS international competition. Coordinated by IICT (Indian Institute of Chemical Technology), Hyderabad, the assignment was participated by CISRA- CLRI (Chennai), NEERI (Nation- al Environmental Engineering Research Institute), Nagpur, ITRC (Indian Toxicological Research Centre), Lucknow and RRL (Regional Research Laboratory), Jorhat. Scientifically, this assignment was challenging since major activities of quantitative risk assessment including risk contour map- ping were implemented for a working gas processing complex.

CLRI coordinated the risk assessment project sponsored by IPCL, Baroda, IICT (Hyderabad) and TNO participated in the studies. This assignment demonstrated the need for intricate mathematical models of cause-consequence analysis. The CSIR team employed sophisticated models for dense gas dispersions, fire-engulfment of vessels and associated interactive events. CISRA, for the first time examined the thermochemical aspects of runaway polymerizations. Apart from the risk analysis for 4 major units of IPCL, there were several consequence calculations, and fault tree event tree analysis and probability estimation carried out as a part of this marathon assignment.

Quantitative Hazard Assessment of Chlorine and Fluorine Based Chemical Complexes

Cause-Consequence Analysis of chlorine and hydrogen fluoride dispersion was the main theme of the studies sponsored by the Andhra Sugars Limited, Kovvur, Chemfab Alkalis Limited, and Tamil Nadu Fluorine and Allied Chemicals, . The studies also covered the HAZOP of the vulnerable units and explosion effects of hydrogen.

Safety Audit of the Anhydrous Hydrogen Fluoride Plant of TANFAC was done with the assistance of RLI (Regional Labour Institute), Chennai for the first time and later CISRA independently carried out the safety audit for these plants.

Handling of LPG

Liquefied petroleum gas has wide domestic and industrial applications. Based on its demand for domestic consumption and because of the recent liberalization policies of the , several industries have come forward to import, store and bottle LPG for marketing in the domestic sector.

LPG being a highly flammable and explosive gas, if accidentally released, has every possibility to result in a fire with an immediate ignition source or explosion if the source of ignition is available elsewhere.

The projects assigned included the studies on identification of hazard zones, consequence analysis of accident scenarios, hazard and operability studies and emergency planning.

For several of LPG Bottling Plants of HPCL, BPCL and IOC, the risk assessment was done and being carried out by CISRA in addition to the some of

the small and medium size private bottling units.


Inorganic Chemical Industry

Risk involved in processing and storing hazardous material in fine particulate form was assessed for Procter & Gamble India Ltd. Investigations for safe storage temperatures were evaluated by employing thermochemical investigations viz., HPDSC & ARC. Thermally sensitive materials were given major attention. A similar work with major emphasis on HAZOP was done for Gujarat Heavy Chemicals Ltd.

Safety Studies in Port Operation

A highly challenging assignment involving risk assessment for transport and storage of several toxic and flammable chemicals in port area, and safety audit studies. The work was completed and suggestions for improving safety of port were given. CISRA has handled several assignments for port operations for various industries. In addition, complete risk analysis was carried out for Trust and New Port. The latter assignment included Safety Audit also.

Hazard Assessment for Petroleum Refineries

CISRA successfully completed a detailed risk analysis for the Madras Refineries Limited, presently renamed as Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited at Manali. The assignment covered all the 24 different plants of MRL at Manali. The major part of the massive assignment, Which included the old and new refineries as well as the expansion plants, was carried out by CISRA with assistance on risk contour mapping from DNV Technica, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. HAZOP leaders from the Refineries were trained as a special assignment. CPCL assigned the Risk Analysis work for their both refineries once again recently to CISRA; however, this time the risk was calculated by CISRA with the new software SAFTI-Micro. Risk assessment of refineries and refinery products was done for the Corporation Ltd. at various places, Madras Refineries Limited (Panangudi), India Ltd. HAZOP studies have been one of the major inputs. With the help of sophisticated computer techniques, it was possible to create incident scenarios and estimate the consequences and effects. This helped in preparing safe layout, emergency plan etc.

Pesticide, Bulk Drugs, Polymer and Fine Chemicals

These industries invariably involve batch reactor operations. They also handle hazardous chemicals and processes with potential for thermal runaway. CISRA has specialized in offering its expertise by carrying out studies on the reactions. The state of the art facilities available in the hazard evaluation laboratory have been extensively used in the assessment. The projects in progress for the Gharda Chemicals Ltd., Ltd., Herdillia Chemicals Ltd. etc. focus attention on under- standing the problems associated with chemistry, temperature control and discharging. These


three factors have contributed to large number of accidents in batch reactor. CISRA had also completed similar work for Hindustan Fluorocarbons Ltd., Shaw Wallace & Co. Ltd. etc. When large vessels are relieved following a mishap, the rupture disc needs to be sized keeping in mind the type of fluid that might get released. Using small scale adiabatic testing suitable vent sizing has been arrived at for several batch reactor operations for a number of industries.

Risk Assessment for Nitro Organic Industry

Nitration is the most widespread and powerfully destructive industrial unit process operation. But Nitro compounds are among the most useful intermediates. Hence the industry needs to give a high priority for safety. CISRA was involved in assessing the safety of (a) a major industry its inception, Narmada Chematur Petrochemicals Ltd. at Bharuch and (b) a running industry, Kothari Sugars & Chemicals Ltd., at Karaikal.

Fluoro Compounds

HF (in the presence of even traces of moisture) is one of the most corrosive and toxic compounds. HF gas can form reversibly the tetramer and hexamer on release into the atmosphere and hence exhibit the characteristics of a dense gas. These aspects were taken into consideration when risk analysis was carried out for the Tamil Nadu Fluorine and Alkali Chemicals Ltd.

Cryogenic Systems

The cryogenic storage and handling of chemicals are gaining wide use in India. It is recognized that nature of chemicals and inventory associated with such facilities have considerable hazard potential. These aspects were addressed to in several projects under this category. They include the following: (a) hydrogen generation, liquefaction and storage for Indian Space Research Organization (b) Ammonia storage for EID Parry (India) Ltd. (c) LPG storage for Southern Petro- chemical Industries Corporation. Later, there was a very extensive HAZOP was carried out for the cryogenic storages of Liquid Propellant Storage Centre of the ISRO, Mahendragiri, which included storages of liquid nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen.

Preparation of Offsite Emergency

This work is sponsored by the Ministry of Environment, New Delhi and involved preparation of detailed offsite emergency plans for the industrial estates at Cuddalore and Tuticorin in Tamil Nadu.

SUCESSFUL ASSIGNMENTS The emergency plan and the methodology for the Industrial areas were prepared and submitted to the MoEn. Emergency plans were prepared for several other industries as part of the Risk Analysis. These include EID Parry (India) Ltd., Shaw Wallace & Co. Ltd., Hindustan Fluorocarbons Ltd., Cochin Refineries Balmer Lawrie Co. Ltd. etc.

Recently, Offsite Emergency Plan for the Cuddalore Sipcot Industrial Estate Association was undertaken covering 29 industries located in the complex. Similarly, there is another assignment for the Chemfab Alkalis at Pondicherry for Chlorine release.

Post-accident Investigations

A team of specialists from CISRA investigated the OSBL plant accident at Gas Cracker Complex at Nagothane, which occurred in November 1990. The first hydrocarbon leak, its dispersion, ignition and consequences were modeled for alternative accident scenarios to establish their credibility. Data for metallurgical and thermo mechanical investigations carried out by several specialist agencies was employed for corroborating the most probable scenario. This was an assignment in which CISRA has been entrusted with this scientifically challenging work involving modeling of post accident situation.

Computer Aided Emergency Operations Management & Alert System

After the above investigation, the committee recommended a computer aided alert system for any accidental release of the hydrocarbon, the MGCC. CISRA CLRI undertook that assignment and completed it successfully, by providing specific release scenarios of hydrocarbon in the storage area of MGCC, Nagothane. The plan also links the same with the software ALOHA (Area Location of Hazardous Atmosphere), which presents the dispersion distances immediately on the site plan with the emergency action plan on the computer screen.


Navi , Maharastra

Ace Glass Containers Ltd., Balmer Lawrie & Co Ltd., Valudavor, Pondicherry Cochin, Kerala

Aluminium Powder Company Ltd., Balmer Lawrie & Co Ltd., Thirumangalam, Tamil Nadu Manali, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Andhra Petrochemicals Ltd., BASF India Ltd., Visakhapatnam, Mumbai

Andhra Sugars Ltd., Bay Organics Ltd., Kovvur, Andhra Pradesh Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Aria Chemicals Pvt Ltd., Corporation Ltd., Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu , Kerala

AVR Infra Pvt Ltd., Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh Tanjore, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Balaji Domestic Gases Pvt Ltd., Caltex Gas India Pvt Ltd., Chennai, Tamil Nadu Madurai, TamilNadu


Caltex Gas India Pvt Ltd., Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Melakottaiyur, Chennai Manali, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Castrol India Ltd., Cuddalore SIPCOT Industries Madras, Tamil Nadu Association, Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu

Chemfab Alkalis Ltd., Dept. of Space Liquid Propulsion Kalapet, Pondicherry System Centre, Mahendragiri, TamilNadu

Chemicals and Plastics India Ltd., DRDO, High Energy Materials Lab Chennai, Tamil Nadu Pune, Maharastra

Chemplast Sanmar Ltd., EID Parry (India) Ltd., Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu , Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Cipla Ltd., Ennore Tank Terminals Pvt Ltd., , Ennore, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Cipla Ltd., Feena Petroproducts Ltd., Mumbai, Maharastra Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Cochin Refineries Balmer Lawrie Ltd., Gharda Chemicals Ltd., Ambalamugal, Kochi, Kerala Dombivli, Maharastra

Cordite Factory, Gharda Chemicals Ltd., Aruvankadu, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu Lote Parshuram, Maharastra

Coromandel Fertilisers Ltd., Godavari Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd., Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh


Gujarat Fluorochemicals Ltd., Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd., Gujarat Kappalur, Madurai, Tamil Nadu

Gujarat Heavy Chemicals, Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd., Veraval, Gujarat Quilon, Kerala

Herdillia Chemicals, Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd., Mumbai, Maharastra Tirunelveli, TamilNadu

Hi tech Carbon Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd., Gummidipoondi, Chennai, Tamil Nadu Vasco-da-Gama, Goa

Hindustan Fluorocarbons Ltd., Hindustan Insecticides Ltd., Rudraram, Andhra Pradesh Kochi, Kerala

Hindustan Organic Chemical Ltd., Hindustan Insecticides Ltd., Ambalamugal, Cochin, Kerala Udyogamandal, Tamil Nadu

Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd., Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Palghat, Kerala Ltd., Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd., IMC Limited (IMCL), Basin Bridge, Chennai, Tamil Nadu Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd., Indian Additives Ltd., Budge Budge, Kolkata, West Bengal Manali, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd., Innotech Pharma Ltd.¸ Ernakulam, Kerala Aurangabad, Maharastra

Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd., Indian Oil Corp. Ltd. & Kuwait Petro- Irugur, , Tamil Nadu leum Corp., Paradip, Orissa

Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd., Ltd., Kanjikode, Palghat, Kerala Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

CLIENTELE Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., IPCL Baroda Complex, Nagothane, Maharastra Baroda, Gujarat

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., IPCL Gandhar Petrochemicals Calicut, Kerala Complex, Gandhar, Maharastra

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Indian Space Research Organization, Chengleput, Tamil Nadu Mahendragiri, Tamil Nadu

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Karwar Port Authority Cochin, Kerala Karwar, Karnataka

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Keerthana Gases & Chemicals, , , Andhra Pradesh Tirchirappalli, Tamil Nadu

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Konkan Storage System Pvt Ltd., Madurai, Tamil Nadu Bangalore, Karnataka

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Kothari Sugars, Mannargudi, Tamil Nadu , Tamil Nadu

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., KWIK Patch Ltd., Mathura, Uttar Pradesh Chengalpet, Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Madras Port, Paradip, Orissa Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Madras Re!neries Ltd., Pondicherry Manali, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Manali Petrochemicals Ltd., , Chennai Manali, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Meena LPG Industries, Villiyanur, Tamil Nadu Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu


Ministry of Environment and Forests, Procter & Gamble (India) Ltd., Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu Mandideep, Madhya Pradesh

NALCO Metal Products Ltd., Ltd., Nilakottai, Tamil Nadu Vadodara, Gujarat

Narmadha Chemicals Pvt Ltd., Samson LPG bottlers, Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu Sanganapuram, Tamil Nadu

National Aromatic and Petrochemicals Sathyabama University, Complex, Manali, Chennai, Tamil Nadu Chennai, Tamil Nadu

National Institute of Ocean Technol- Shasun Pharmaceuticals Ltd., ogy, Chennai, Tamil Nadu Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu

National Metal Powder Company, Shaw Wallace & Company Ltd., Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

New Mangalore Port Trust, Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, Mangalore, Karnataka Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Oil & Commission, SHV LPG India Pvt Ltd., Hazira, Gujarat Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Oil & Natural Gas Commission, SJLT Bottling Plant Pvt Ltd., Nazaria, Assam Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Orchid Chemicals Pharmaceuticals Somayya Organo Chemicals, Ltd., Chennai, Tamil Nadu Ahmed Nagar, Maharastra

Park Sherton Hotels, South India Hydrocarbon and Chennai, Tamil Nadu Terminals Ltd., Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Petro-products Installations of North SPIC - SMO (division of SPIC), Chennai, Chennai,Tamil Nadu Dubai

CLIENTELE SPIC, The Arasan Aluminium Industries Chennai, Tamil Nadu (P) Ltd., Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu

SPIC, The Department of Inspectorate of Madurai, TamilNadu Facto- ries, Nilakottai, Tamil Nadu

SPIC, The Metal Powder Company Ltd., Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu Thirumangalam, Tamil Nadu

SPY Agro Industries Ltd., Thirumalai Chemicals Ltd., Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh , Tamil Nadu

Sri Kaliswari Metal Powders Pvt Ltd., UB Petroproducts Ltd., Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu Manali, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Sterlite Industries (India) Limited, United Storage and Tank Terminals Ltd Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu (IMC), Kandla, Gujarat

Sunmac Enterprises United Storage and Tank Terminals Ltd Haldia (IMC), Mangalore, Karnataka

Tamil Nadu Petroproducts Ltd., United Storage and Tank Terminals Ltd Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu (IMC), Pathikali

Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board, Virgo Engineers Ltd., Chennai, Tamil Nadu Pune, Maharastra

TamilNadu Dyes & Chemicals Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, Merchants Visakhapatnam, Kerala Association, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

TANFAC, Voltas, Cuddalore, TamilNadu Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh

Tanir Bavi Power Company Pvt Ltd., Mangalore


Contact us at:

Cell for Industrial Safety & Risk Analysis Chemical Engineering Department CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)

Phone: +91-44-24437115 +91-44-24916706

Email: [email protected] Web:

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