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Official~)Gazette Reg. No. GR/RNP/GOA/32 2003 YEAR OF THE CHILD IRNI No. GOAENG/2002i6410 I Panaji, 19th June; 2003 (Jyaistha 29, 1925) I SERIES I .Nj:); 12 .OFFICIAL~)GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF' GOA EXTRAORDINARY GOVERNMENT OF GOA Department of Revenue Directorate of Settlement and Land Records Order 28/l/97-RD (4231) The following interim statement of minimum land rates which are ,p~oposed to be made under the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (Central Act 2 of 1899), are hereby pre-published for information of persons likely to"be affected hereby and notice is hereby given that the said interim statement of minimum land rates wilJ be tak~n into consideration by the Government on the expiry of 15 days from the date of pilblication ot this Notificatrpn .-' in the Official Gazette. All objections and suggestions to the said interim statement of minimum land rates may be forwarded to the Under Secretary to the Government 'of Goa, Revenue Department, Secretariat, Panaji before the expiry of 15 days from the date of publication of this Notification in the Official Gazette: Draft Interim Statement of Minimnm Land Rates In exercise of powers conferred under Rule 4(4)(b) of the Goa Stamp (Determination of True Market Value of Property) Rules, 2003, the Government of Goa is hereby pleased to issue interim statement of minimum land rates as follows:- The below mentioned Taluka-wise minimum rates are base valnes and m'e applicable to S 1 zone and upto all' area of 1000 sq.mts. Depending upon the zone and~rea involved, the base values will change as indicated in the appendix' to this statement of rates. Q.$'fRI~T .. gj~ NOR"" (;E)A ~'" CIl.... (l)TALUKA TISWADI ~ .... N URBAN DEVELOPING RURAL COASTAL Area Rate per ' Area Rate per Area Rate per Area Rate per sq. mt. in Rs. in Rs. inRs. inRs. , i Panaji City-I 3000/- 2000/- Village - Capao 100/- - - Village - Taleigao I (Ward Nos. 1,2, - do - Durgavado 2000/- - do - Ambarim 200/- o 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 500/- - do - Batim 200/- :;J I - do - Bambolim , 12, 13, 14, 15 & '•.·[ - do - Bainguinim 500/- ,- do - Caraim 200/- .. o 16) 1. - do - CorJim 500/- - do - Gancim 200/- ~ I: - do - Calapar 500/- .- do - Gandaulim 200/- -p Panaji 2000/- - do - Clumbel 500/- - do - Goalim-Moula 200/- I, 500/- ,I City-II - do - Cujira - do - Goltim 200/- ',I 500/- 200/- I (Ward Nos. 17 - do - Carambolim - do - Jua !~ 500/- 200/- eJ~ & 18) - do - Ella . - do - Malar zl - do - Morambi-o-Grande 500/- - do - Naroa 200/- 500/- - do - Navclim 200/- ~8 ~! - do - Morambi-o-Pequeno . -~ - do - Murda 500/- - do - Talaulim 200/- - do - P~eJim 500/- - do - Chorao 250/- fil 500/- . p - do - Renovadi - do - Cumbatjua 250/- o - do - Curea 250/- ;.. - do - Neura-o-Grande 350/- - do - Neura-o-Pequeno 350/- - do - Azossim 400/- - do - Goa-Velha 400/- - do - Mandur 400/- - do - Mereurim 400/- '.. 400/- .... - do - S iridao CD ~ '-. _l>i~ § BAR D E Z [;J (2) TAL U K A OJ til '"'-< URBAN DEVELOPING RURAL COASTAL ~ ~ Area Rate per Area Rate pe Area Rate per Area Rate per '" inRs. in Rs. in Rs. in Rs. Mapusa-I 2000/- Village Guirim 500/- Village Sangolda 300/- Village Anjuna 600/- (Ward Nos. 2, 5, - do - Penha-de-Franca 500/- - do- Moira 300/- - do - Candolim 1000/- 6,7, ·s, 9, 10, - do- Salvador-do-Mundo 500/- - do- Assagao 300/- - do - Calangute 1000/- 11, 12 & 13) - do - Pileme 500/- - do - Siolim 500/- - do - Nerul 700/- , - do - Colvale 500/- - do - Aldona 500/- 3 Mapusa-II 1500/- - do - Tivim 500/- , do - Arpora 250/- () (Ward Nos. 1, 3 - do - Bastora 500/- - do - Socorro 300/- :; & t" 4) - do - Reis Magos 500/- . - do- Camurlim 300/- -Q - do- Verla 500/- - do - Sircaim 250/- - do - Parra 500/- - do - Nagoa 300/- ~~ - do - Canca ·750/- - do - Nachinola 300/- ot;j - do- Ucassaim 300/- 81 - do - Marra 250/- ~Q - do - Nadora 250/- ><0 - do- Moitem 250/- -~ . - do - Assonora 300/- ;;J - do - Oxel 400/- Q o - do- Pima 250/- :>- - do - Revora 250/- - do - Paliem 250/- - do - Saligao 500/- - do- Marna 250/- I· - do - Calvim 250/- - do - Corjuem 250/- - do - Punola 250/- ~ - do ._, Pomburpa 250/- '"~ - do- Olaulim 250/- '-. - do Ponolem 2')0/- ----------- ~ ~N 00'> WW ( 3 )T A L U' K A P E R N E M tij2?~'" lii '"..... ~ URBAN DEVELOPING RURAL COASTAL .... Area Rate per Area Rate per Area Rate per Area. Rate per '" inRs. inRs. inRs. in Rs. Pernem 500/- Tuem 300/- Village Aagarvado 200/- Village TiracoI 200/- Municipal Dargalim 300/- - do- Amberem 80/- - do - Arambol 400/- area - do- Aloma 60/- - do - Morgim 300/- - do- Chandel 60/- - do - Mandrem 400/- - do- Cansatvomem 60/- - do - Paliem 200/- ~ I !j - do- Casnem 100/- ~ do - Queriin 300/- (J " do- Corgao 100/- - do- ~ Chopdem 100/- t;jO - do- lbrampur 60/- - do - Mopa 80/- ~§ - 'do - Ozorim 80/- O;J - do - Poroscodem 200/- - do - Parcem 100/- ~I - do - Tamboxem 100/- ~8 - do- Torxem 100/- -~ - do- Uguem 80/- ~ - do- Varconda 60/- o I - do.- Virnora 150/- ~ I . I I I I .... :il'" c... ~t>:i § ~'! I ( 4 ) T A L U K A - B I C H 0 L I M ~ ~ til '".... ~ URBAN DEVELOPING RURAL COASTAL ~ .. '" Area Rate per Area Rate per Area Rate per Area Rate per in Rs. inRs. inRs. in Rs. Bicholim 500/- 'village Carapur \ 200/- Village Adwalpale . 100/- - - Municipal - do - Maem 100/- - do - Aturli 100/- . - do - Sarvona - do - area 150/- Cotombi 100/- o - do - Mulgao 300/- - do - Cudnem 150/- ~ - do - Sanquelim 300/- - do - Curchirem 50/- o - do - Maulinguem-South 300/- - do- Dumacem 50/- - do - ~ - do - Arvalem 200/- Latambarcem 100/- '@o - do - Amone ISO/. - do- Maulinguem- North 100/- - do - Mencurem 100/- - do - Naroa 100/- . ~~ - do - ~[;j I Navelim \ 150/- zl - do - Ona 100/- - do - Pale 150/- ~8 - do - Piligao 100/- . -~ - do - o Salem 100/- "l - do - Sirigao 150/_ o - do - Surla 100/- ~ - do- Vainguinim 100/- - do- Velguem 100/- - do- Virdi 100/: ~ <so ~ c.., ~ 1:<i .' - cO)~'" ",m \ (5)TALUKA SATARI ~8l [;J ....til DEVELOPING RURAL COASTAL ~ URBAN ~ Area Rate per Area Rate per Area Rate per Area Rate per '" inRs . inRs. inRs. in Rs. Valpoi 1001- Village Onda 1501- Village Ambeli 201- - - Municipal - do - Nanus 1001- - do - Ambedem 501- area - do- Ansolem 301- -do - Advoi 401- - do - Assodem 401- 3 ('l - do ...: Bombedem 401- - do - Buimpal 501- ~ - do- Birondem 35/- 1.iJQ - do- Cararnbolirn-Brarna 301- - do - Choraundem I . 201- ~~ - do'- ljlt;l , Codal 15/- • . - do- Caranzol 15/- zl - do- Curnarconda 301- ~§ - do- Cudcern 25/- ~~ - do - Cornpordern 301- - do - Codiem 201- fii Q - do - Codqui 35/- - do - .Codvol 10/- ~ - do - Carambolirn-Buzruco 15/- - do - Cotorem 201- - do -, Conquirem 15/- • - do - Dongurii 401- - do - Derodern 101- - do - Davern 301- - do- Dabern 25/- ~ - do - Darnodern 25/- <0 - do - Edorem 401- ~ - do - Gonteli 201- c... - do - § Golauli 25/- _t<i - do - Gov~nern 301- - do- Guleli 201- §'" Village Ivrem-Buzruco . 20/- ~ - do - Ivrem-Curdo 201- til - do- Morlem 301- '" - do- Massordem 501- ....'" - do - Mauzi 301- ~ - do- Maloli 201- ~ - do - Melauli 201- '" - do - Malpona 151- - do - Naguem 50/~ - do - Nagargao 501- . - do - Naneli 201- - do - Nanorem 151- - do - Poriem 351- - do - Podocem 401- - do - Pissurlem 401- - do - Pendral 51- o - do- Pale 301- ~ - do- Ponocem 301- o - do- Padeli 301- - do - Querim 401- ~ , do - Rav.ona 251- - do - Rivem 401- - do - Siroli 351- ~~ - do - Surla 251- ~~ - do - Satrem 10/- Eli:'J - do- Sigonem 151- zl I - do - Saleli 401- I ~g - do - Satorem 501- - do - Sonal 401- -~ - do- Sonus-Vonvoliem 301- fil - do - Sanvordem 401- o -do - Sanvorcem 40/- - do - Siranguli 151- ~ - do - Sirsodem 151- . I - do - Ustem 151- - do - Veluz 601- ! : - do- Vainguinim 51- - do- Vaguriem 301- - do - Velguem 30/- - do - Vantem 301- - do - Xelopo-Curdo 151- • - do - Xelopo-Buzruco ~ i51- «) - do - Zarani 51- - do- Zormen 301- :il '-< ~ ,l>i '"ON "'...,0'" -'r-i ·;1} " , ( 6) L U K A P 0 N D A -,: ~~ T A " ~oo til '"..... ~ ~ URBAN DEVELOPING RURAL COASTAL '" Area Rate per Area Rate per Area Rate per Area \ Rate per sq,mt, sq,mt, sq,mt, sq,mt, inRs, inRs, inRs, in Rs, , , Ponda-I 1500/- Village Siroda 200/- Village Adcolna 100/- , - - (Ward Nos, 1, - do - Borim 200/- - do - Betqui 100/- o "l 3,5, 6, 8; & - do ~ Queula 200/- - do - Boma 150/- "l 10) '- do - Betora 200/- - do - Candepar 150/- o .~ - do _ Curti 200/- - do - Codar 100/- - do _ Cundaim Ponda-II 1000/- 300/- - do - Conxem 75/- til ° (Ward Nos. 2, - do _ Marcaim 200/~ - do- Cuncoliem 100/- 4, 7 & 9) - do _ Usgao :500/- - do- Durbhat 150/- ~§ - do _ Bandora 300/- - do- Nirancal 75/- §t;l - do - Orgao 150/- zl , - do - Ponchavadi 100/- ~8 - do- Pliol 150/- -~ - do- Querim 100/- , fil - - do - Savoi-Verem 100/- - do - Gangem 100/- - do- Talaulim 150/- °~ - do- Tivrem 150/- - do - Vadi 100/- - do - Vitgurbem 75/- - do - Velinga 100/- - do - Volvoi 75/- I - do - Candola 150/- '- ~ ""~ '-< ~ .t<i § DISTRICT - SOUTH GOA [;j "til ! K L E T E ( 1 ) T A L U A S A C '"--. --: RURAL . COASTAL ~ URBAN . DEVELOPING ~ Area Rate per Area Rate per Area Rate per Area Rate per '" in Rs. inRs. inRs. inRs. , Margao-I 4000/- Village Navelim 800/- Village Ambelim 200/- Village Benaulim 500/- - do - Adsulim (Ward Nos. - do - Aguem 800/- 3001- - do - Colva 8001- - do - Assolna 200/- - do - Betalbatim 700/- 4, 9, 10, 11, - do - Nuvem 800/- - do - Chandor 2001- - do - Consua 300/- 12, 13, 14 & - do - Davorlim 700/- - do - Chinchinim 250/- - do - Carmona 400/- 15) - do - Calata 250/- - do - Cavelossim 400/- o - do - Camurlim 250/- - do - Majorda 6001- Margao-II - do - Can a 3001- - do - Semabatlm 400/- 3000/- - do - Cavorim - do - Varca ~ (Ward Nos.
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    EDITORIAL Dear Members, Fellow Professionals and Friends, Seasons Greetings to One and All! Happy Independence Day!! We are very Happy to record that this is the “150th ISSUE” of the NEWS LETTER. The Successful journey has been possible with the devoted work of the ‘TEAM’ with the support of the OFFICE BEARERS and MEMBERS of the Association, the encouragement and suggestions from the assorted readers and the continuous support of all the ADVERTISERS. The month of August immediately brings to our mind the Independence Day on the 15th of August, which we will celebrate with Pride and Glory. It also reminds us of two important events that happened in the past in the month of August in connection with our Movement for Freedom. On 1st of August 1916, ‘Home Rule’ Movement was flagged by Annie Besant, followed by “Swaraj” movement by LokamanyaTilak and so on and on, which really laid the foundation for organized Freedom Movement all over the Country. On 8th August 1942, Mahatma Gandhi launched the Quit India Movement for freedom from British rule in Mumbai (then Bombay), which really gave the Big Push for the Freedom Movement all over the Country resulting in achievement of Freedom on the 15th of August, 1947. We are a proud Nation at present with admiration from all over the World as a large and vibrant Democracy with fast and appreciable Growth of Economy to become a leading Economic Power of the World soon. We are galloping to catch up with the Technological Developments all over with all the Glory around, we are aware that there are many ills like corruption, degradation of Moral Standards in all activities and Public life are plaguing our Nation and we have to step up our efforts to make them ‘Quit India’.
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    IREGD. GOA- 5 1 Panaji, 2nd March, 1974 (Phalguna 11, 1895) SERIES I Noo 48 OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU " EXTftl\ 0 ft DIN f\ ftV 3. Siolim 31-Canca, 30-Verla, 29-Anjuna, 33-Assa­ GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN gao, 36-Siotim, 35-0xel, 1-Camurlim, 2-Colvale, 3-Revora, 4-Nadora, 5-Pirna AND DIU villages in Bardez Taluka. 4. Calangute 21-Calangute, 20-Candolim, 19-Nerul (Re­ Office of the Chief Electoral Officer is Magos), .18-Pilerne (Marra), 22-Sa­ liga:o, 23-Sangolda, 27-Nagoa, 28-Ar­ pora, and 26-Parra villages in Bardez Notification "Taluka. 4·4-72/Elec. Vol. (ID) 5. Mapusa Mapusa Town and 34-Marna, 9-Moira, 14-Ucassaim, 15-Punola, 16-Paliem. The following Notification No. 282/GD/74 dated 24-Guirim, 25-Bastora villages in Bar­ 26-2-1974 issued by the Delimitation Commission, dez Taluka. India, New Delhi, is hereby published for general 6. TiVlm 8-Tivim, 7 -Sircaim, 6-Asoollora, a8-Moi­ information. tern, 39-Corjuem, 40-Ponolem, 41-Cal­ vim, 11-Aldona, 10-Nachinola, 12-01au" B. M. Masurkar, Chief Electoral Officer. lim, 13-Pomburpa, 17-Serula villages Panaji, 2nd March, 1974. in Bardez Taluka. 7. Bicholim Bicholim Town and 2-Sirigao, 3-Mulgao. 4-Adwapale, 5-Latambarcem, 6-Du­ macem, 7-Mencurem. 8-Salem, 24-Na­ Delimitation Commission, India roa, 25-Atrull, 26-Vaingunim, 27-Maem. 29-Maulinguem Nerth and 30-0na vil­ Nirvaoh(ln Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi 110001 lages in Bicholim 'l'aluka. Dated: February 26, 1974. 8. Pale Bicholim Taluka (excluding 2-Sirigao, 3-Mulgao, 4-Adwapale, 5-Latambar­ Notification cem, 6-Dumacem, 7-Mencurem, 8-Sa­ lem, 24.-Naroa, 25-Aturli, 26-Vaingui­ In pursuance of clau~e (a) of :;ub-section (2) of nim, 27-Maem, 29-Maulinguem North section 9 of the neliMjtaVon Act, 1!)72.
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