OKLAHOMA CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE INSIDE PIONEER ONLINE To comment on stories, or to access the latest news, features, multimedia, IONEER online exclusives and PAPRIL 13, 2012 WWW.OCCC.EDU/PIONEER COVERING OCCC SINCE 1978 updates, visit occc.edu/pioneer. Walk for life Student award ceremony set EDITORIAL PASSWORDS for April 20 DON’T BELONG TO EMPLOYERS MARY MCATEE Staff Writer Reporter Joey
[email protected] Stipek says your social networking passwords should he 36th annual Student Awards not be in the hands TCeremony will take place at 6 p.m. of employers. Read Friday, April 20, at in the General Dining more inside. Area of OCCC, said Student Life Assistant OPINION, p. 2 Marcy Roll. Roll said several students and teachers would be honored at the ceremony for lead- CAMPUS LIFE ership, academic excellence, and civics. KNOW Student Life Director Erin Logan said YOUR OPEN about 120 students will be honored. Chris James/Pioneer “The awards are plaques, medals, certifi- RECORDS Trish Stutson, political science and pre-law major, takes a stroll around the walking cates, and graduation cords, depending on OCCC is bound trail around the OCCC pond April 4. Wednesday marked National Walking Day during by Oklahoma law which students and faculty took to the sidewalks to fight heart disease. the award,” Logan said. to release certain Faculty, staff, students, and their families records to the public. are all invited to attend the ceremony, Roll Find out which said. She said different faculty and staff will records the public present the awards. can get and how to obtain them.