District Census Handbook, Ballia, Part X-A, Series-21, Uttar Pradesh
CENSUS 1971 PART X-A N & VILLAGE TOW DIRECTORY SERIES 21 UTTAR PRADESH BALLIA DISTRICT DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK D. M. SINHA, N ADMINISu,",.,... "'fIVE SERVICE OF THE INDIA OperatIOns Dwector of Census P desh Uttar ra . '"11.0 z CD '".. o :z.. VI o ,. cd ;:'" '" ;;r 0 '" ...~ ..:r -b c.., """I U1 .4 =~ """I - 0 ~ "l .... ==~ UI -3 (5 ==;.. <ii ~ IV ......~ 0 ;.. 5:'" r:o o ~L-----------------l-----------------------------~.------------------------------~IV~------------------------;zm % ~ ~ CONTENTS Palea Acknowledgement Introductory Note iii-xv TOWN & VILLAGE DIRECTORY Town Directory- Statement I-Status, Growth History and Functional Category of Towns 4-5 Statement II-Phvsical Aspects and Locat Ion of Townl, 1969 4--5 Statement III-Municipal Finance, 1968~69 4-5 Statement IV-CivIc and other AmenIties, 1969 6-7 Statement V -Medical. Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities in Towns. 1969 6-7 Statement VI-Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1969 6-7 Statement VLI--Popu}ation by RefIgion and Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes. 1971 8 V iIlaee Directory-- 1 RASRA TAHSIL (i) Alphabetical List of Villages 12-19 (ii) VIllage Directory (Amen ities and land use) 20-89 2 BANSDIH TAHSIL (i) ~'phabetlcal Libt of VIlla5es 93-99 (ij) Village Directory (Amenities and land use) 100--161 (iii) Foot Note 162-164 3 BALLI A T AH'HL (i) Alphabetical List of Villages 166-173 (Ii, Villag.: DIrectory (Amenities and land uee) 174"-243 (iii) Foot Note 244-249 APPENDIX-Tahsilwise Abnract of Educational, Medical d other Amenities ~jven in Villa~e Directory 250-251 A C K N 0 \V LED GEM E N T S At the 1971 Census it has been our endeavour to compile both Census and non-Cen.,us statistics at the village and block level in a uniform manner.
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