McGill University Retiree Association

In this issue:

• Retiree Reflections │2 • Book Club │5 • Bike Group │5 • Restaurant Group │7 • Volunteering Experiences │7 • Cognitive & Physical Fitness │10 • Travel │13

We look forward to your feedback and

contributions to this newsletter.

MURA now has a permanent office located in a To view information on all MURA Events & beautiful Victorian building on Pine Avenue on the Activities, please go to our website at: McGill campus.

Our first newsletters were designed to to write the newsletter by contributing your transmit information on current MURA experiences. events and activities. Regular “Communiqués” now inform you of these. I Earlier this year Gregg Blachford and I therefore needed to rethink the frequency assisted at several pre-retirement of our newsletter and I decided it should workshops for McGill staff, and this perhaps be an annual production of greater opportunity made me look at the retirement length. Most importantly I had to rethink the experience in a systematic way. Staying content. I decided I would encourage you healthy and active both physically and cognitively featured large in the literature. A new, very readable, book by Antoine Many MURA members I encounter are Hakim “Save your Mind: Seven Rules to busy and engaged in a variety of activities Avoid Dementia” emphasizes how which fit this bill of health. One of MURA's important activities which keep us principal objectives is to provide cognitively and physically fit are, and gives opportunities for members to remain good suggestions for the sort of activities actively involved. I hope you will find it that are most desirable to develop and interesting to hear what some of your maintain what he terms “cognitive fellow members are doing both within and resilience.” Challenge and change in outside of MURA, and I sincerely thank all activities are important. Remaining socially those who contributed. If you would like to engaged is essential. submit your own information for the next newsletter, please send a contribution to me at: [email protected].

and was now struggling to understand it all. I was also very lucky to have a great wife, family, and personnel support structure. Even so, my wife was more than curious to It’s not easy trying to summarize what its know exactly how we were going to pay the like to retire from McGill, especially since I bills once my salary cheques stopped had worked there for over 40 years. Much coming in. Little did she know that I was of my life and friends revolved around the wondering the same thing! university and there is a natural unease as you realize that your life will now be very It was amazing how quickly the deadline different, but you’re not sure exactly how. I approached, and before I knew it, I was was one of those lucky ones who knew cleaning out my desk and wrapping up well in advance exactly when I was going projects, for others to take over. My to retire…June 1, 2017…which was department was very supportive, and several years past my 65th birthday. I was organized a great send-off for me, and therefore well versed in the new several colleagues, who were all retiring at ‘vocabulary of retirement’…RIF’s, LIF’s, the same time. It was difficult to say annuities, RAMQ, QPP, OAS, medical goodbye to the many colleagues from benefits, personnel Outlook software, around the University who I had sometimes Morneau Shepell! I was grateful for the worked with on projects. In my case, this many university/staff association staff who was a very large number, and I felt badly gave group seminars on retirement issues, that I was not able to touch base with many as well as those individuals/units who of them before I left. It was disappointing providing counselling to impending retirees that the University itself was not more on specific issues, like emails, telephones, proactive in this area. Hopefully, in future, computers, medical/dental benefits, the University will at least get all the new government drug plans etc. It was retirees together and have a wider social comforting to sit at sessions where the gathering for them. Unfortunately, almost quizzical looks on the faces of other future all my interaction with the University in the retirees confirmed that I wasn’t the only last months was with HR, dealing with one who had not been particularly benefit/pension stuff – not the most exciting interested in this stuff while I was working, 2 way to finish your career. As usual, the Honora Shaughnessy: Easing into computer ‘help desk’ staff were very helpful Retirement in ensuring a smooth transition exiting the McGill computer network, except for email I always thought I would ease into of course. retirement and have no trouble filling my days, given that there was never time to do So, after my first six months, I can honestly all I wanted when I was working. Two years say that retirement is great, and my advice in I can honestly say it has been a journey to everyone is to not stress about the figuring out how I want to spend my time. uncertainties, but to cherish the new Lessons I learned along the way are that I freedom. High on my list of things that I need structure, and some kind of a don’t miss: those never ending incoming schedule. Much to my surprise, I don’t do emails, time consuming meetings, fighting well with too much free time. In my case, rush hour, rushing to the gym at lunch time, tennis is a lifelong passion and I have thus eating lunch at your desk, and of course, spent many, many hours on the tennis we all have those ‘special’ clients who we courts, daily in the summer months, and are now glad that we no longer have to be during the indoor season I play at least nice to. These things have been replaced three times a week. I also take courses at by sleeping in, deciding spontaneously Concordia and volunteer (see below). what the day’s agenda will be (doing When not doing all this, I babysit for my nothing is always a viable option!), enjoying nieces two young children, something I being outside when the weather is good, thoroughly enjoy. Retirement has been a and finally having time to do favourite journey and really it keeps changing. I feel hobbies. My wife would add to this list all fortunate at the freedom I have to choose the household projects that I have put off how to spend my time. for the past 20 years, but I digress! Kate le Maistre: A Busy Of course, the hardest things I miss are the Retirement people, not only those colleagues who became part of my campus family, but especially the students, who supplied Before I retired, someone asked me what I endless supplies of energy, optimism, and was planning to do next. I thought that after enthusiasm. One of the most difficult 40 years of planning, I’d done enough of challenges will be keeping in touch with that, so it comes as something of a this McGill world. I still go to the McGill gym surprise to me that I’m still the Chair of the often, and lunch with close colleagues as province’s Advisory Board on English much as I can, but its not easy, and I can Education. Started by the late Gretta see it will get more difficult as time goes Chambers, the Board comes from all over on. I think MURA will be a great asset for the province and all levels of the education this, although I have not yet been able to system and we advise the Minister of attend many of their events. They have Education on anything that relates to the already saved me several hundred dollars English school system. This, combined by negotiating a reduced retiree staff with quilting, including making crib quilts to membership to the gym. I will be looking donate to the Children’s Hospital; helping forward to getting more involved. I’m still to organize an annual trip to the Stratford not sure that all my bills will get paid, but I’ll Festival, and seeing six productions in let you know next year, or my wife will! three days; The NYT crossword; grandchildren; and some river cruises

3 mean that the days (and weeks and I have learned Italian mostly through the months) are full and enjoyable. internet program called “Rosetta Stone”. The program is interesting, easy to use, Sharon Bezeau: Keeping mentally and intuitive. I had taken a grammar course and physically active in my beforehand, which was helpful, but I was unable to speak until I started learning retirement Italian with this program. Now I have found a few buddies in Italy with whom I My husband claims that we should focus exchange Italian-English conversation. I on five upkeeps every day. I keep happy found them through the Conversation and active and achieve this in the following Exchange website. ways: House Upkeep: We don’t have a cleaning lady, nor have we ever hired an interior Another retirement project has been to get decorator, much as I have regretted that on back to learning the piano. It is amazing occasion! But I do get exercise and how much focus is required to play a piano satisfaction from cleaning and decorating piece correctly. Even more of a challenge the house myself, being responsible for the is to play a duet with my friend the flutist, or space we live in, and in maintaining with another friend who is a pianist. Twice comfortable and cozy surroundings. as much focus is required then! Body Upkeep: I love to walk, and I walk I read every day, preferably only one book briskly. I also try to do 30 minutes every at a time so that I can absorb it and reflect day of Qigong, an ancient Chinese on it more readily. I read both fiction and exercise program that was the precursor to non-fiction, either in English, French, or Tai Chi. It is a simple and yet powerful way Italian. I have always enjoyed photography, to stimulate the energy paths in the body and in the last year bought a digital camera and to maintain flexibility. I also do another and went on a photography trip with my 15 minutes of hip flexor exercises, which brother to Utah. What a challenge to learn are designed for people who sit a lot. Here how to use the camera! The instruction are a couple of links that you might find manual is hundreds of pages long. useful: Social Upkeep: I believe it is important to contribute to the society we live in, in whatever small way we can. Every stretches-for-tight-hip-flexors/ November I get involved in the fund-raising Mind Upkeep: One of my retirement campaign for Huntington Society, selling projects has been to learn Italian so that I amaryllis flowers to friends and ex- can travel comfortably in that beautiful colleagues who also appreciate supporting country. We have been going to Italy every a cause. Each year when the campaign is year now since we retired, and it is always finally over, I realize that the effort of fun to get involved in a conversation with having gotten involved was minor the Italians we meet. We like to learn about compared to the satisfaction of having renaissance art and architecture and our made a useful contribution. We enjoy last trip took us to Orvieto, a fortified seeing our friends regularly, either at Etruscan village situated atop a mesa, concerts, movies, lunches or dinners, or for totally charming! special outings. Keeping up with friends is extremely rewarding, probably the most important activity of all.


Psycho-spiritual Upkeep: This category deserted beach or in the woods, a quiet is one of reflection, where we take time to moment listening to beautiful music or process the past and reflect on the future. enjoying a beautiful view. For me these are Surrounding myself with the beauty of spiritual moments that fill me with nature or the beauty of sound facilitates enjoyment and pleasure. this type of reflection: A long walk on a

Laura Lavergne: As a great lover of Pat Forbes: This is my first experience literature I am enjoying our MURA book club get togethers and the opportunity to of being in a book club. Each month we be introduced to new authors and different read a selected book, and one member ways of looking at life. Of course, I am also reviews it first, and then we discuss it enjoying the amiable companionship of as a group. As a result, my enjoyment intelligent women from the McGill of a book has been greatly enhanced, community. We share a history and keep and I am looking forward to my own each other up to date on the latest news. critique if Katarina Vermette's book "The Break” (February selection). Helen Apraxine: I joined the MURA Book Club at then end of the first year. It has Ed. Note: Selections for 2018 include opened my eyes to various “Clara Callan” (Richard B. Wright); “The Canadian authors I did not know-beyond Diviners” (Margaret Laurence); “Ru” Margaret Atwood. I enjoy the lively discussions that sometimes go off topic. (Kim Thui); “Five Roses” (Alice Zorn); We're serious, but we laugh a lot. I have “The Lonely Hearts Hotel” (Heather met a great a group of ladies. O’Neill).

Norman White

1. To participate in the MURA Bicycle Riding Group you need to like to ride a bicycle and, ideally, have been riding somewhat regularly over the years. If you haven’t ridden since you were a child, it’s probably best to get a bike and ride a few times on your own before joining the group.


2. There is no formal membership. To 7.This brings us to the best feature of these participate you simply ask the organizer to outings: the members of the group. We are put you on the (e)mailing list. You will then all retired from various academic and non- receive notices of the weekly rides and be academic jobs at McGill, which gives us asked to indicate your intention to something in common. We (mostly) participate each time. enjoyed our jobs and most of us did them 3. Since MURA is an association of retired for a long time. Now that we are retired, we people, all participants are of a certain age. no longer have the social network that This means that no-one rides very fast and going to work every day provides. The that everyone is very tolerant of both weekly rides go some way to providing a slower and faster riders. The group replacement for this loss by allowing us to generally spreads out along the route. At participate together in an activity we all the end of a enjoy. ride there may be 10 -15 minutes or more between the first and last arrivals. Hugh Ray: I love all seasons and find I 4.Most participants’ bicycles are fairly mourn the passing of each one. As winter ordinary and, often, somewhat older approaches I look forward to dark quiet, models. Similarly, no-one wears fancy nights, and the magic of a snowfall, riding outfits, although a few specialized but with the end of warm weather I know items of clothing are seen. that activities like biking will have to wait 5. Rides are held at various places in the until spring. I have been a keen cyclist my suburbs and exurbs of the city, most of whole life and this past year joined the which are less than an hour’s drive from MURA bike group. I'm glad I did. The downtown. We meet at a designated area participants were warm, friendly, and (where there is always a place to park) at supportive, and cyclists at whatever ability the civilized hour of 10:30am, and usually were welcome. The distances were start riding by 11:00am. Most rides take usually very do-able 20-30 km mostly along between 1 and 1.5 hrs in each direction, off-road trails so even those who only bike with a stop for lunch at the far end. occasionally found the rides Most of the riding is on paved or smooth pleasurable. And it was a treat to discover gravel bicycle paths; only occasional short so many tranquil and beautiful off-island stretches are on streets or highways. Many bike paths that I had never been to of the paths are along the sides of canals, before. I now have more routes to which means there is very little change in explore. It bears repeating even though we elevation. A few rides are along disused all know it: physical activity, particularly railbeds that have been converted to when done out of doors brings many bicycle paths. These are flat, but some of benefits physical and psychological. I them have grades which require some hope to x-country ski regularly this winter effort in one direction and almost none on and walk whenever I can, but come next the return trip. spring I will be back on my bike and to 6.Most of the lunch venues have picnic enjoy the many joys of cycling. facilities but no restaurant, so participants bring their own lunches and drinks. On a Eduardo Pereira: For me, we are a small few rides there is a restaurant at or near bunch of liked minded chums and we like the lunch area. The starting (and ending) each other. I enjoy the camaraderie of places often have restaurants nearby, and exploring the beautiful bike paths that we people usually stop for a drink and/or have around . It is for pleasure snack together after the day’s ride. seekers. After each ride we talk about our

6 impressions of the sites we pass by. We Ed. Note: This year we took 18 trips. We even went on a wine tasting. For me, they are looking at least one overnight trip next were most enjoyable and rewarding trips. season. For next year's schedule contact There is nothing quite like getting on your [email protected], or bike and simple heading out for a short trip [email protected] in the Spring. with yours friends. If you like cycling, you will love these trips. I have found tranquility in bike touring though I often have someone coming alongside for a chat!

This group had a pleasant time visiting a couple of restaurants and hopes to meet monthly in 2018. Chosen restaurants are mainly BYOB but the choice and organization of the evening is left to that month’s designated organiser. Upcoming restaurants:

l’Ḗtoile de l’Océan on Jan. 25th (contact: [email protected]) YUUKAI sushi on Feb. 28th (contact: [email protected]) Al Dente on March 27th (contact: [email protected]) Le Quartier Général on April 26th (contact: [email protected]) Launch of Restaurant Group at Le Margaux, on 27 September 2017. Ed note: To be added to the info list e-mail:

[email protected]; after March 12:

[email protected]

affordable shelter, lack of food, difficult family relationships, etc. When I retired (or

as I always say, was “liberated) I became Judy Pharo: As an Academic Advisor at exceedingly aware that these same issues McGill I was continually working with young exist in our own communities, including the people completing their studies. But West Island! Poverty is present in all our academic advising crossed many areas in neighbourhoods, and through illness, the students’ lives, and I was often involved in death of a spouse, or the loss of income, it conversations regarding lack of money, can hit any of us. Volunteering with West Island Community Shares, preparing and delivery food baskets at Christmas for the


West Island Mission, assisting the flood Although I’ve been involved in volunteer victims during the Spring disaster in the work in different ways over the years, this West Island, and hosting my Hats 4 Kids is the first time I’ve been on a Board of fundraiser in support of the West Island Directors. It’s different because I don’t Women’s’ Shelter, has given me a have to do the actual work of the glimpse into the lives of others who organization (although I do help out from through, no fault of their own, are living in time to time). The main work of Directors difficulty. It has opened my eyes and is the governance of the organization, not helped me to realize that there is a whole its day to day work. We work with the subculture called volunteerism: individuals Executive Director (ED) to ensure that the who carry on exceptional work, not for pay, organization functions well and try to not for recognition, but simply to offer a troubleshoot any problems before they get glimmer of hope for those less fortunate. out of hand in the areas of finance, human West Island Community Shares resources and programs. We have to have; confidence in the ED to make sure that West Island Mission; he/she brings us problems to help solve West Island Women’s Shelter them rather than cover them up. I’ve worked with 2 good ED’s since starting on the Board 3 years ago and they have Gregg Blachford: Being retired gives us different personalities, strengths and all the privilege of deciding how to spend weaknesses. every minute of our day. And we don’t have to rush out the door in the morning, But, truth be told, I feel that one of the main giving us time for a second cup. But this reasons they want us “retired types” on flexibility can be both a blessing and a Boards is to help them fundraise. Money curse. Now we have the freedom, we need is a constant worry in a climate of fragile to do the work to figure out for ourselves funding where grants can come and exactly what it is that gives us not only go. Therefore, they need us to get our pleasure but also lets us keep physically, friends and family to come to fundraising mentally, spiritually and socially alert. events and/or at least donate. I’ve never These activities will be different for really liked asking people to give money everyone. From amongst the activities but I’m getting more used to it now and that I’m involved with, I’ve decided to write sometimes it even works! I’ve learned that about one. I am on the Board of Directors people, not surprisingly, are very sensitive of a voluntary community organization about money and I need to be careful how called ACCM (AIDS Community Care to approach people. Everyone of us has Montreal). Being on that Board keeps me demands on our charitable donations and on my toes, mentally and socially, reasons for giving - or not giving - can vary especially since it’s a cause dear to my greatly. I need to be sensitive to that. It’s a heart. The work of ACCM is split between delicate balance. providing services to people living with HIV, Aids Community Care Montreal many of whom did not expect to live very long but who are now long-term survivors, and education and prevention programs helping young people to develop knowledge and strategies about ways of minimizing chances of contracting HIV or Hepatitis C.


Carolyn Pepler: Being a Guide at the bread making process independently with Château Ramezay Historic Site and minimal instruction, but little children Museum usually need some help and then they are delighted to eat their very own fresh bread.

Our group of guides have become good friends and apart from the outings to other museums and historic sites we have social events several times a year. I am constantly learning more through reading and special lectures at the museum. This year I gave a presentation at the National Docents' Symposium that was held in Montreal. This association of predominantly American art museum guides holds biennial meetings that are I spent my career in the health care system more like a huge social event than an and health education, but knew when I academic conference, so it was lots of fun. retired that I would like to do something I have held most of the administrative roles different. History had always been of in the English Guides Association, interest and I met an enthusiastic Château President, Course coordinator, Booked Ramezay guide at a party just around the tours coordinator, Librarian, Outings time I retired. About 6 months later there coordinator, etc. That part is not so much was a notice in the paper asking for guides fun, but one of the necessities in voluntary so that's how it began. That was in 2002 organizations. I have now retired from all and I've been guiding ever since. those and just enjoy guiding at this point. I like the school programme best as I find Become a Guide at Museum. 8-9-10 year olds full of energy and eager to learn, especially if it is fun. I also do ions-events/ booked tours for special groups and it is McGill Book Fair: My other major hard to say which are the most enjoyable, volunteer activity is the McGill Book Fair - but the teenagers are the most challenging. also lots of year-round work and lots of fun! Summer and weekend tours with tourists That's where I get all my reading material. who drop in are challenging in a different way because there may be large groups that are very mixed in nationality and Honora Shaughnessy: NDG Food Depot knowledge of Canadian history. Maybe one Perhaps the most rewarding way I spend of my most rewarding groups this summer time is at the NDG Food Depot. What a included some Montrealers and one of the great resource it is for the local community. visitors enjoyed it so much he decided to Once a week I spend a few hours helping become a guide - he is finishing the with food basket distribution, and this has training program now. been both a rewarding and a humbling experience. The face of poverty in our I also like doing the holiday events like community has many guises and many bread-making. Visitors can do the whole ages, and really anything we can do in some small way, is a help. There are lots of volunteer opportunities at the NDG Food Depot. I have also helped in the kitchen

9 and at local food drives. I always come someone else. away feeling more than ever thankful for all NDG Food Depot I have, as well as happy that I can help Volunteer coordinator Julie: [email protected]

John Wolforth: McGill Community for other groups, concerts at the Schulich Lifelong Learning: For reasons I have not School of Music, and exhibitions at our been able to fathom, the McGill Community local museums. In short, keeping busy is for Lifelong Learning (MCLL) does not not a problem. count Concordia Senior Audit Program: many McGill academic retirees among its [email protected]; members. Perhaps we do not like to go Friends of the McGill Library outside the comfort zone of our areas of proven expertise. MCLL, like the similar institutions at many U.S. universities or the British U3A (University of the Third Age), is based on the idea of peer learning –taking a subject for which no one in the group John Wolforth: I am not a choir member claims strong expertise, and learning about at the present time, but for 10 years I was a it together through individual research and member of the Côr Meibion Cymraeg discussion - a bit like a graduate seminar Montreal, the Montreal Welsh Male Choir. without the pressure. So why does MCLL No, I am not Welsh, do not read music, and seem to attract retired secretaries, lawyers, do not have a particularly good voice. medical doctors, business people, However, I found the experience of singing engineers and homemakers, but not many in a choir exhilarating. We gave concerts professors? Maybe your interest might be locally, but also toured to Cornwall, Ottawa, whetted by visiting the MCLL website City, Fredericton, Halifax and, soon after I joined, to Carnegie Hall in New grams-and-courses/mcll York with 400 other singers from across North America and the UK. Above all, I Honora Shaughnessy: Concordia Senior enjoyed the comradeship of other Audit Program. I have really enjoyed choristers, all of us working to give our taking courses through the Concordia audiences as good a performance as Senior Audit programme. I get to attend possible. Singing in a choir is a retirement the courses, do the readings and that’s it – activity I would strongly recommend. There no pressure for presentations or exams! So are many choirs in Montreal, some far, I am delving into Irish History and requiring strong musical abilities, others not learning a lot about my ancestry. as much so. Google “Montreal Choirs” or go to their I have also attended many great lectures at website: McGill through Friends of the Library and .


Joan Barrett: Montreal New Horizons Band is a bilingual and intergenerational band, open to all, that offers the opportunity to learn (or relearn) how to play a musical instrument in a friendly and dynamic environment. No prior musical experience required. I began the band 4 years ago and indeed had no musical experience. There is a tremendous sense of accomplishment that comes with mastering something new and different, not to mention the brain exercise that goes with it. The philosophy of the band is 'your best is good enough’ - the band has provided me with an opportunity to be challenged in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere.

A fellow band member who learned to play Dancing is one of the most beneficial and the saxophone said this of the experience. pleasurable activities there is, and Scottish "It is such a wonderful feeling being able to Country Dancing is a most enjoyable form play a piece of music, but to come together of dance. All the benefits of dance – and play in a band is a completely different improving our bodies, minds, memories, feeling - almost a "bond" with fellow social interaction and happiness levels – musicians. Each musician and instrument are doubled in SCD. This is social have their role in a piece, but when we all dancing, somewhat like square dancing but play together and feel our improvement with wonderful traditional music and spirit. each week, it brings not only a sense of Dances are done in sets, typically 8 satisfaction and pride, but a great sense of dancers in 2 rows of 4, and all dancers belonging to a team of like-minded perform the patterns of the dance until people." each couple has done it twice from each For questions and information about joining position. No partner is needed, as sets the band: are formed up for each dance with new https://nhmontreal- partners. Anyone can ask anyone else to dance, so no need to sit out a dance unless you wish to! you-need-to-know.html Dances can be in slow tempo, called strathspeys, or more lively, the jigs, reels Jodie Hebert: Scottish Country and hornpipe tempos. Dancers themselves Dancing: come in all sizes, shapes, ages and ability, I was lucky to be introduced to Scottish but the one thing we have in common is Country Dancing by a McGill colleague in the pleasure of moving with others to 1988 and have been hooked on it ever perform each dance. since. I met other McGill members dancing, and made many close friends Soft-soled comfortable shoes are all that both in Montreal and elsewhere through you need to come to a class and make this activity. instant friends. SCD groups are found around the world, but information on 11

Montreal weekly classes, social events and Ste-Adele on gently ascending scenic more can be found on our website tracks that are always well set, especially ( early in the winter season. At Morin- er-info.html), Facebook and Heights, the Corridor Aérobique challenges Meetup. Many videos of dances have with modestly graded trails: 9 km out and been posted on Youtube, and you might then return to the chalet (toilets, warm enjoy seeing a recent sitting space). class dancing a lively reel called And for the adventuresome, Boutique The Music Will Tell You Courir ( ski-de-fond/ offers day-long excursions on tfVwZA). Saturday or on Sunday via luxury bus to the best cross-country ski destinations in Hope to see you on the dance floor! Quebec: Camp Mercier, Mont Sainte-Anne, Mont-Mégantic, Mont Tremblant, Mauricie. The variety of scenery and expertly set James Coulton and Judith Kashul: trails appeals to beginners and to Cross-Country Skiing: While facing the advanced skiers; the experiences are cold winds of winter may not warm your always memorable. thoughts, embracing outdoor winter sport Here’s hoping that you enjoy a snowy 2018 reinforces our Nordic resolve as cross-country ski season. Canadians. Some suggestions for the snowy season? Cross-country skiing Ed note: For info on other food for cognitive provides opportunity to enjoy either new or and physical wellbeing check out: familiar destinations, meet like-minded Adventure Cycling enthusiasts, and accent fitness. Here are some cross-country skiing choices: Quebec Drama Federation Local skiing (no charge for skiing; parking Phi Centre fees apply) on ’s 4.5 km of https://www.phi- trails starts at Smith House, just below the upper parking lot. Machine-groomed track Meetup setting ensures premier conditions the day Atwater Library Lunchtime Lectures after a major snowfall. Beware that pedestrians disrespect the tracks within me-series/ days. Chateau Ramezay Museum Cultural Other choices with fees: Cap St-Jacques Program is mostly flat; Morgan Arboretum also. For February 12 1:30 pm; Archeological out-of-city, try Le P’tit Train du Nord Findings at Old Montreal's Parliament Site beginning at the old train station of Mont by Hendrik von Gijseghem; 280 Notre Rolland (café, toilets, wax room, parking); Dame East; $5 for visitors; free for Friends equipment rentals (skis, boots, poles) are of the Museum fitted by knowledgeable staff at Espresso Sports. Enjoy skiing northward towards


volunteers at AARP and a refugee shelter, Bruce Shore: A Half Life in Tucson and goes to Spanish conversation groups. The year after I retired in 2010, Bettina I found a train club here and an S-gauge suggested that we might consider spending model train group a two-hour drive to several months a year (rather than a Phoenix once a month (Phoenix also has couple of weeks) in a warmer place during the only IKEA in Arizona!), and I do much the winter. We had enjoyed previous visits of the same as what I do in Montreal, glued to Tucson. The real estate market had to my laptop writing, supervising, and bottomed out, the Canadian dollar was providing the odd service to my department above par, and lovely houses were (e.g., helping with accreditation and available at prices not far off the value of cyclical-review documents), and Skype or McGill’s retirement incentive! So, we now Facetime with grandchildren. We get to own a house here with a community pool, more movies here than in Montreal spa (hot tub), and tennis court. There are (Tucson has an excellent repertory cinema, no restrictions on Canadians owning here. The Loft), and the University of Arizona We stay five months. Renting is also easy. School of Science packs the 2526-seat Centennial Hall with interesting public talks. The Tucson area has about a million residents, about 40% of whom are The music scene is active, the art museum Hispanic. It was recently and deservedly is decent, downtown is recovering and has named to the UNESCO Creative Cities list a new tramway line to the University, a in the gastronomic category (Montreal is desert botanical preserve (with a lovely there in the design category). Once you café) is nearby, and the Desert Museum is turn off the main roads with their strip- a must-see. Finally, we have had one malls, restaurants, and big-box stores, the dusting of snow in six years--it melted by neighborhoods are attractive and include mid-morning. We each come back for two many recognizable building styles from weeks to Montreal in January or February craftsman, art deco, and territorial, to to restart the supplementary health plan pueblo. It is surrounded on three sides by and see our young grandchildren. It’s not rugged mountains. It is the sunniest major the usual winter escape venue for city in the USA, rarely dips below freezing Montrealers, but we are delighted to live in even in January (maybe a couple of nights two culturally, politically, and visually of light frost), the desert is actually green interesting cities. because of the summer monsoons, the City of Tucson website: nights are 30 F degrees cooler, and it is a welcoming oasis in this part of the world. There is an abundance of cultural life (not always to Montreal standards, but no snobbery is needed). Politically, for those who are at least curious, it is overall liberal, and it is one of the places where people can disagree civilly. And house prices have not risen as quickly as on the coasts (they have climbed perhaps 50% in six years). In terms of what we actually do here, we have made another full set of good friends, some local, some snowbirds. Bettina 13

two huge tourist destinations, Puerto Morelos has managed to retain some of its original fishing village character and Mayan Sharon Bezeau: Cozumel. We like to get culture. It is also within easy travelling away in the winter months for some distance to some Mayan Ruins if you feel luxurious sun and sand, where we can also like leaving the beach for a little learn more about marine life and the local culture. Tulum, Coba, Chichen Itza, Ek culture. Our last two winters were spent on Balam are fascinating although sadly often the island of Cozumel at the Iberostar overrun with tour buses from Cancun. complex, a spacious resort renowned for diving and snorkeling activities, and for its environmental protection policies. Cozumel el/iberostar-cozumel

Cheryl Savage: Puerto Morelos. I’ve always had an interest in other countries and cultures, so retirement presents a wonderful opportunity to travel. I no longer have to schedule and co-ordinate travel/vacation time with my co-workers and around work commitments, so, at last, freedom! A regular day starts off for us very early before the sun gets too hot. A two hour walk on the beach, some stretching exercises, a quick dip in the ocean and then it’s time for breakfast. A smoothie made with local mango, papaya and banana purchased from the thatch rooftop fruit/vegetable shop in town is a great way to start the day. Then it’s relaxing on the beach with a good book and frequent dips in the ocean to cool off. If we are feeling energetic we snorkel on the reef, a National Marine Park. Often, we take a late afternoon walk along the beach to meet the fishermen coming in with the day’s catch My husband and I have taken many that are sold at the fish co-op. Then we wonderful trips but like most Montrealers purchase a couple of avocados to make being able to take a break from winter in a guacamole and some freshly made tortillas warm sunny locale is high on our wish list. still warm from the oven. With an ice-cold The last couple of years our favourite Margarita....what more can you ask winter destination has been Puerto for? Sitting through a winter storm season Morelos, Quintana Roo, Mexico. It is a in Montreal - I can’t wait for our next winter port town on the Caribbean coast of the visit to Puerto Morelos! Yucatan Peninsula situated between Cancun & Playa del Carmen. Unlike these 14

David Brown and Ginette Lamontagne: Bucerias The activities that we especially enjoy are Bucerias is a small, quiet town about 20 market days when locals and tourists kilometers north of Puerto Vallarta on the mingle; visits to the Bahia gym for yoga Pacific Coast of Mexico. The town features 5 and zumba lessons; hanging out on the km of sandy beach along the Bahia de beach; weekly guitar and Spanish lessons; Banderas, cobble stone streets, countless dining out with friends; massages on the artisan shops, many fine restaurants with local beach; grand religious festivals, such as and international cuisine, and a relaxed, the Blessing of the Boats, and early comfortable and safe town center where evening drinks with fellow residents of everything is in easy walking distance. Villas Gardenias around the pool.

This year we will return for the third The weather, which varies between 20C consecutive year to Villas Gardenias and 29C daily from January to March, is (, which has 17 ideal. This climatic blessing is fully equipped villas set in magnificent complemented by the friendliness of the bougainvillea gardens. The villas at higher locals and quaint surrounding villages. levels, such as our Tropical Suite, also have breathtaking views of the sun setting A town like this one should have its own in the sea. song, and fortunately it does on YouTube ( 9-k6Q4) ¡A su salud!