The Devil and His Imps
Vol. xxvi.] The Devil and his Imps. 79 VII.- The Devz'l and his Imps: an Etymologicallnquz'sition. BY CHARLES P. G. SCO'IT. IN writing a paper on "English Words which hav Gaind or Lost an Initial Consonant by Attraction," which has been publisht in three successiv parts in the TRANSACTIONS for 1892, 1893, and 1894, I had occasion to deal, among other classes of words, with three classes of familiar household names, Ned, Na11, Nell, etc., Hick, Hob, llobbin, Hodge, etc., Dick, Dob, Dobbh;,, etc., these three classes being derived by different kinds of Attraction, which I explaind, from a fourth class, Ed, Ann, Ell, etc., Rt'ck, Rob, Robilz, Rodge, etc., and these being in turn derived, when not original, by mere curtation from the full names Edward, Ellen, etc., Richard, Robert, Roger, etc. Some of these short names and their diminutivs, Hick, Hichcock, Hob, Hobby, Hodge, etc., Dick, Dobbht, Dobby, etc~, wer shown to be also used as common appellativs for a person markt by some physical or mental peculiarity, an awkward, clumsy man, a stupid fellow,. a simpleton, a fool. See the papermentiond (TRANSACTIONS, xxiii. 231-236; xxiv. I 13-120, 128-134; XXV. I I8, I3Q-I3 I). Connected with these la&t uses. there is. 1:t. serie~ of names of ,similar form applJ,ed to ~~ tbe ~v~l and his Imps/' the Devil hitnself, .the .. devils his "flaming min~sters.. " hQusehoJ.d goblins, rural demons, 'bogies, .spnte~, and flltiti~~ ,of. aU sQJt~; Tho some Qf ,th(i)se 11ames an::l¢arly ·identicM whb.
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