STORED-PRODUCT Differential Heat Shock Tolerance and Expression of Heat-Inducible Proteins in Two Stored-Product Psocids

1,2,3 4 2,5 2 R.N.C. GUEDES, K. Y. ZHU, G. P. OPIT, AND J. E. THRONE

J. Econ. Entomol. 101(6): 1974Ð1982 (2008) ABSTRACT The recent recognition of psocids as a major concern in stored products and also the reemergence of heat treatment as a control tactic of stored-product led to the present investigation. The objectives of this study were to determine whether there are differences in heat shock tolerance of two species of stored-product psocidsÑLepinotus reticulatus Enderlein (Trogiidae) and entomophila (Enderlein) ()Ñand to determine whether heat shock proteins (HSPs) underlay such tolerance. TimeÐresponse bioassays were therefore carried out at

increasing temperatures for both psocids. The lethal time (LT)50 and LT95 estimates were correlated with the expression of heat shock proteins after exposure at the same range of temperatures for 30 min. The expression of HSP was determined through Western blot analyses using HSP 70 antibody. Liposcelis entomophila was more than two-fold more tolerant than L. reticulatus for nearly all of the range of temperatures (Ն40.0ЊC). Expression of HSP 70 was not observed for either of the psocid species, but the expression of two low-molecular-mass heat-inducible proteins (HIPs; 23 and 27 kDa) was observed in L. entomophila. The expression of these small proteins was induced by exposure to higher temperatures, and the trend was particularly strong for HIP 27. In contrast, no expression of small heat-inducible proteins was detected in L. reticulatus, reßecting its higher susceptibility to heat treatments. The relatively high heat tolerance of L. entomophila might help explain its more common occurrence in grain stored in warmer regions of the world.

KEY WORDS heat stress, heat treatment, reticulatus, Liposcelis entomophila, heat shock proteins

Psocoptera (psocids) is a relatively small order notus reticulatus Enderlein (Trogiidae) (Sedlacek et containing several species adapted to live in stored al. 1996, Turner 1999). Psocids are a little-studied bulk grains, food processing facilities, warehouses group, but recent reports indicate that their occur- where processed food is stored, and urban retail stores rence in large numbers compromises the quality of and dwellings (Sedlacek et al. 1996, Baz and Monserrat stored commodities they infest leading to eventual 1999, Lienhard and Smithers 2002, Pascual-Villalobos rejection of the commodities for export (Turner 1999, et al. 2005). Psocids were generally regarded as scav- Rees 2003). Psocids are also allergens, causing dis- engers and mold feeders of little importance as pests comfort and health problems among storage workers until the early 1990s (Sedlacek et al. 1996, Turner 1999, (Burgess et al. 1991, Mills et al. 1992, Baz and Mon- Kucˇerova´ 2002, Rees 2003), when their nuisance status serrat 1999, Elston 1999). changed to that of serious worldwide pests of stored The behavioral and physiological peculiarities of products; this particularly applies to several Liposcelis stored-product psocids seem to make their manage- species (Liposcelididae), including L. entomophila ment more difÞcult. The short life cycle and parthe- (Enderlein) and L. bostrychophila Badonnel, and Lepi- nogenetic mode of reproduction of many species al- low them to rapidly colonize new habitats (Sedlacek et al. 1996, Turner 1999). The likely movement of Mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication psocids out of the dry bulk grain environment to ab- is solely for the purpose of providing speciÞc information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the Federal University of sorb atmospheric moisture at times of high ambient Vic¸osa, Kansas State University, Oklahoma State University, or the humidity probably limits fumigation efÞciency by re- U.S. Department of Agriculture. ducing their exposure to the fumigant in open-top silos 1 Departamento de Biologia , Universidade Federal de Vi- (Rees 2003). In addition, the relatively long period of c¸osa, Vic¸osa, MG 36571-000, Brazil. Ͼ 2 USDAÐARS, Grain Marketing and Production Research Center, egg development, sometimes 15 d for Liposcelis, de- 1515 College Ave., Manhattan, KS 66502. layed hatching in the presence of phosphine, and 3 Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]. phosphine resistance also compromise phosphine fu- 4 Department of Entomology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, migation against psocids (Nayak et al. 2003b). Among KS 66506-4004. 5 Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Oklahoma State stored-product protectants, pyrethroid insecticides University, Stillwater, OK 74078-3033. are reported as relatively ineffective against Liposcelis December 2008 GUEDES ET AL.: HEAT SHOCK TOLERANCE IN STORED-PRODUCT PSCOCIDS 1975 spp., and even organophosphate and carbamate insec- surface of wheat in steel bins in late summer. In their ticides show limited efÞcacy against stored-product 2004 sampling study, L. reticulatus and L. entomophila psocids (Nayak et al. 2003a, Wang et al. 2004). Novel were the only psocid species found infesting stored insecticides, such as spinosad, also seem unable to grain; in both the summer and fall, numbers of L. provide effective control against stored-product pso- entomophila in refuges were always much higher than cids resulting in use of insecticide mixtures to increase those of L. reticulatus. To test the hypothesis that L. efÞcacy to desirable levels (Nayak et al. 2005, Nayak entomophila has higher heat shock tolerance, timeÐ and Daglish 2007). response bioassays were carried out at increasing tem- Carbon dioxide-enriched atmospheres and heat peratures (37.5, 40.0, 42.5, 45.0 and 47.5ЊC) for L. treatments are possible alternative methods of man- reticulatus and L. entomophila. The estimates of lethal aging stored-product psocids; however, resistance to times for 50 and 95% mortalities (LT50 and LT95) were carbon dioxide in psocids is a concern (Wang et al. subsequently correlated with the expression of heat 2000). Heat treatment recently reemerged as a po- shock proteins after exposure to the same range of tential control method for stored-product insects and temperatures for 30 min. The results are expected to is currently drawing interest, particularly as an alter- help explain temperospatial distribution of these pso- native for structural fumigations with methyl bromide cid species and are relevant to use of heat treatments (Burks et al. 2000, Mourier and Poulsen 2000, Neven for control of psocids in structures. 2000, Tang et al. 2000, Roesli et al. 2003). The effect of temperature on the development and reproduction of Materials and Methods L. entomophila was studied by Wang et al. (1998), but to date the mortality at extreme temperatures has not Insects. Cultures used in the study were started with been studied except for the work of Beckett and Mor- insects collected during summer 2004 in wheat (Triti- ton (2003). This study indicated higher vulnerability cum aestivum L.) stored in steel bins at the USDA of stored-product psocids to high temperatures (45Ð Grain Marketing and Production Research Center in 50ЊC) than for stored-product beetle pests, but it did Manhattan, KS. The laboratory colonies were main- not include the key psocid pest species L. entomophila. tained on a diet of 97% cracked hard red winter wheat, Physiological changes caused by heat treatment, 2% Rice Krispies (Kellogg USA Inc., Battle Creek, MI), which are rooted in biochemical changes mainly in the and 1% brewerÕs yeast (MP Biomedicals Inc., Solon, form of production of heat shock proteins (HSPs) OH) (wt:wt; cracked wheat diet) in 0.473-liter glass (Feder and Hofmann 1999, Neven 2000, Malmendal et canning jars covered with mite-proof lids. Cultures al. 2006), have not been studied in stored-product were maintained at 30ЊC, 75% RH, and 24-h scotophase psocids. (Opit and Throne 2008a,b). Only adult females were Heat shock proteins work as molecular chaperones used in the experiments because L. reticulatus is par- that, under heat stress, may hold in situ the nascent or thenogenic and L. entomophila is not. Voucher spec- denatured proteins chaperoning them to the lysosome imens of L. reticulatus and L. entomophila used in this for degradation or helping them to refold after return study were deposited in the Kansas State University to favorable temperatures (Hendrick and Hartl 1993, Museum of Entomological and Prairie Re- Feder and Hofmann 1999, Neven 2000). Most of the search under lots 181 and 182, respectively. literature on insect heat shock proteins and thermo- Time–Mortality Bioassays with Increasing Temper- tolerance focuses on the stress proteins in the 60Ð80- ature. Adult female psocids of both species were sub- kDa range in a few insect species (Neven 2000; Mahr- jected to timeÐmortality bioassays at the increasing oof et al. 2005a,b; Shim et al. 2006; Bettencourt et al. temperatures of 37.5, 40.0, 42.5, 45.0, and 47.5ЊC (30ЊC 2007; Sørensen and Loeschcke 2007). This HSP 70 was used as reference temperature for assessing nat- family, as characterized by its molecular weight and ural mortality). These temperatures are representa- function, is the best characterized and its role in ther- tive of the temperature range observed in heat treat- motolerance in insects is well documented. Their ef- ments of ßour and feed mills (e.g., Mahroof et al. 2003, fects are usually short-lived but potentially important Roesli et al. 2003). Fifty insects were released in each for acute thermal stress as commonly applied in heat petri dish (3.5 cm in diameter), whose walls were treatments for stored-product protection. The induc- covered with Teßon PTFE (DuPont, Wilmington, tion of HSPs is important not only as a potential de- DE) to prevent insect escape. Three replicates of this terrent of insect control (by heat treatment) but also experimental unit were used for each combination of may be useful in predicting geographical distribution insect species, heat shock temperature, and length of and potential problems with stored-product psocids exposure. The petri dishes containing insects were associated with variable and unpredictable tempera- closed and placed on plastic wafße-type false ßoors ture variation (Dahlhoff and Rank 2007). that were placed in dark plastic boxes (26 by 36.5 by The abundance of L. entomophila in recent trap 15 cm) containing saturated NaCl solution to maintain catches in the central United States, particularly dur- 75% RH and 24-h scotophase (Greenspan 1977). The ing the summer (Throne et al. 2006), is suggestive of dark boxes containing the petri dishes with insects a higher heat shock tolerance in this species with were placed in temperature-controlled chambers potentially higher expression of heat shock proteins. (model 136 VL, Percival ScientiÞc, Inc., Perry, IA) set Throne et al. (2006) found as many as 400 L. ento- at the desired temperature of exposure. Temperature mophila per 8.9 by 12.7-cm cardboard refuge on the and humidity inside the chambers were monitored 1976 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 101, no. 6 with HOBO data recorders (Onset Computer, carried out using WesternBreeze chemiluminescent Bourne, MA); mercury thermometers also were used anti-mouse kit according to the manufacturerÕs in- to verify the temperature readings within the cham- structions (Invitrogen). Monoclonal anti-bovine brain bers. Mortality assessment was carried out 24 h after HSP 70 antibody produced from mouse (IgG isotype, the desired heat shock exposure, and psocids were Sigma) and anti-mouse IgG antibody conjugated with considered dead if they were unable to walk after alkaline phosphatase (Invitrogen) were used as the prodding with a Þne brush. The mortality assessments primary and secondary antibodies, respectively. The were carried out at regular and independent exposure chemiluminescent reaction was identiÞed by brießy intervals (i.e., with independent replicates in time) exposing an X-ray Þlm (Kodak X-Omat AR Þlm, East- preestablished after preliminary tests. man Kodak, New Haven, CT) to the membrane sand- Determination of Temperature-Dependent Ex- wich for 1 min. The Þlm was developed and Þxed using pression of HSPs. Adult female psocids of both species Kodak GBX developer and Þxer (Sigma). were exposed for 30 min to 30.0 (control treatment), QuantiÞcation of HSP was carried out using a gel 37.5, 40.0, 42.5, 45.0, and 47.5ЊC by using the same analysis densimeter and AMBIS Radioanalytic Imag- methods already described. After the heat shock ex- ing System (Ambis Systems, San Diego, CA). The posure, the insects were immediately frozen at Ϫ80ЊC densities from insect samples subjected to heat shock in an ultralow temperature freezer in which they were were normalized to the density of the representative maintained until used. Frozen insect samples were HSP band quantiÞed in the control treatment (insects homogenized in ice-cold 0.02 M phosphate buffer, pH exposed to 30ЊC). The objective of this procedure was 7.0, containing 0.2% (vol:vol) Triton X-100 (400 in- to correct for between-gel variation in HSP detection. sects/250 ␮l; three batches of such samples were used A similar normalization procedure was carried out for for each combination of psocid species and tempera- temperature-dependent HSP expression. Relative mo- ϫ ture). The homogenates were centrifuged at 11,500 lecular masses of HSPs were estimated based on Rf g for 3 min at 4ЊC. The supernatants were used for total values from linear calibration curves. protein determination and analysis of HSP expression. Statistical Analysis. TimeÐmortality bioassays with QuantiÞcation of total protein in the crude insect increasing temperature were subjected to probit anal- extracts was carried out in triplicate by using the ysis (PROC PROBIT, SAS Institute 2002). The selec- bicinchoninic acid assay method developed by Smith tivity ratio between both psocid species at each tem- et al. (1985) but adapted for use with a Vmax enzyme perature was obtained by dividing the LT50 and LT95 kinetic microplate reader (Molecular Devices, Menlo of L. entomophila by the corresponding LT estimates Park, CA) and bovine serum albumin as the protein for L. reticulatus. The 95% CL of these estimates were standard (Sigma, St. Louis, MO), as described previ- calculated following Robertson and Preisler (1992), ously (Guedes et al. 1997). and the LT values for the two species were considered Western Blot Analysis of HSPs. Sodium dodecyl signiÞcantly different (P Ͻ 0.05) if the conÞdence sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS- limits on the selectivity ratio did not include the value PAGE) of adult females of L. entomophila and L. re- 1. Nonlinear regression analyses were carried out us- ticulatus was carried out on 4Ð20% Tris-glycine precast ing temperature (ЊC) as the independent variable and gels, pH 8.6, by using a XCell II Mini-Cell gel apparatus the LT50 and LT95 estimates as the dependent vari- (Novex, San Diego, CA). Samples standardized for the ables, and also using these same estimates as indepen- amount of protein were mixed with 2ϫ SDS sample dent variables and the expression of HSP as the de- buffer (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA), heated for 5 min at pendent variable. The expression of HSP also was 85ЊC in a water bath following Mahroof et al. (2005a) regressed against the heat shock temperature. All of and loaded onto individual wells of the gel (120 ␮g the regression analyses were carried out using the protein/well for each psocid sample). Electrophoresis curve-Þtting procedure of TableCurve 2D (SPSS Inc. was carried out at 105 V for2hin1ϫ NU-PAGE MOPS 2000). SDS running buffer (Invitrogen). Molecular mass standards ranging from 20 to 120 kDa (MagicMark Results Western standard, Invitrogen), bovine brain HSP 70 (Sigma), and maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais Mots- Time–Mortality Responses. The timeÐmortality re- chulsky [Coleoptera: Curculionidae]) extract (25 sults from exposure of adult females of the two species adult insects/300 ␮l buffer; exposed to 45ЊC for 30 min of stored-product psocids under investigation, after and extracted using the same protocol for psocids) also correction for natural mortality (Ͻ5%), showed low ␹2 were simultaneously run on each gel for determining values and high P values (Ͻ11.0 and Ͼ0.05, respec- the molecular mass of the psocid HSP (molecular mass tively), indicating the suitability of the probit model standards) and serving as a double positive control for for Þtting the timeÐresponse curves and consequently

HSP 70 (bovine HSP 70 and maize weevil extract). obtaining estimates of the mortality parameters LT50 The proteins resolved on the SDS-PAGE were elec- and LT95 (Table 1). The values of LT50 and LT95 for trotransferred onto polyvinylidene dißuoride mem- both psocid species decreased with increasing tem- brane (pore size, 0.2 ␮m; Invitrogen) at 25 V for 1.5 h perature, indicating more rapid mortality with higher by using XCell II blot module (Novex) with 1ϫ Novex heat shock temperatures (Fig. 1). Liposcelis ento- Tris-glycine transfer buffer (Invitrogen) containing mophila showed higher overall tolerance to heat treat- 20% (vol:vol) methanol. Immunodetection of HSP was ments than L. reticulatus (Ͼ2ϫ and 3ϫ on average for December 2008 GUEDES ET AL.: HEAT SHOCK TOLERANCE IN STORED-PRODUCT PSCOCIDS 1977

Table 1. Time–mortality responses for two psocid species subjected to heat-shock at increasing temperatures

Selectivity ratio Selectivity ratio Temp LT (95% FL) Species n df Slope Ϯ SEM 50 at LT LT (95% FL) (h) at LT ␹2 P (ЊC) (h) 50 95 95 (95% CL) (95% CL) Lepinotus 37.5 904 4 0.040 Ϯ 0.004 49.69 (46.83Ð52.98) 90.92 (83.00Ð102.35) 4.56 0.21 reticulatus 40.0 963 4 0.245 Ϯ 0.022 7.10 (6.67Ð7.60) 13.83 (12.59Ð15.56) 5.73 0.22 42.5 1,177 5 1.130 Ϯ 0.107 2.38 (2.20Ð2.57) 3.84 (3.50Ð4.36) 10.87 0.05 45.0 775 2 8.468 Ϯ 0.679 0.51 (0.49Ð0.52) 0.70 (0.67Ð0.74) 4.33 0.11 47.5 754 2 10.461 Ϯ 0.812 0.44 (0.42Ð0.46) 0.60 (0.57Ð0.63) 3.00 0.22 Liposcelis 37.5 919 4 0.021 Ϯ 0.002 34.11 (28.96Ð38.92) 0.69 (0.58Ð0.79)a 111.43 (100.19Ð126.88) 1.22 (1.03Ð1.42)a 1.51 0.82 entomophila 40.0 1,057 4 0.057 Ϯ 0.004 14.99 (13.24Ð19.51) 2.11 (1.84Ð2.38) 43.52 (39.90Ð48.23) 3.15 (2.71Ð3.59) 5.00 0.29 42.5 860 3 0.266 Ϯ 0.045 2.88 (1.33Ð3.91) 1.21 (0.92Ð1.49) 9.06 (6.96Ð15.68) 2.36 (1.82Ð2.90) 7.05 0.07 45.0 1,126 4 0.585 Ϯ 0.041 2.69 (2.49Ð2.89) 5.31 (4.88Ð5.75) 5.51 (5.16Ð5.95) 7.85 (7.17Ð8.54) 3.76 0.44 47.5 1,063 5 2.556 Ϯ 0.196 1.25 (1.19Ð1.30) 2.83 (2.67Ð2.99) 1.89 (1.81Ð1.99) 3.16 (2.96Ð3.37) 3.21 0.67

a The LT values for the two species were considered signiÞcantly different (P Ͻ 0.05) if the conÞdence limits on the selectivity ratio did not include the value 1 (Robertson and Preisler 1992).

Ն Њ temperatures 40 C, respectively, based on the LT50 curves for L. entomophila showed consistently lower and LT95 selectivity ratios) (Table 1; Fig. 1). In addi- slopes than those for L. reticulatus reversing the rel- tion, it takes longer to kill 50% of L. reticulatus at ative heat tolerance at LT95 compared with LT50 at 37.5ЊC, but it is quicker to reach 95% mortality of this 37.5ЊC. The lower slopes of the timeÐmortality curves species at this temperature than for L. entomophila. of L. entomophila, particularly at the highest temper- This takes place because the timeÐmortality response atures, indicates a higher heterogeneity of response to

Fig. 1. Effect of heat shock temperature on the heat shock tolerance (based on the LT50 [A] and LT95 [B]) of two species of stored-product psocids: L. reticulatus (E) and L. entomophila (ƒ). 1978 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 101, no. 6

Liposcelis entomophila the lack of HSP 70 or a very low level of HSP 70 kDa expressed in these psocid species, undetectable with 120 the technique used. Curiously, unexpected reactivity 100 of the anti-bovine HSP 70 monoclonal antibody re- 80 60 sulted in protein bands of 27 and 23 kDa in adult 50 females of L. entomophila, here referred to as heat- 40 inducible protein (HIP) 27 and HIP 23, but not in L. 30 27 reticulatus (Fig. 2). The reference to these small pro- 23 teins as “heat inducible” rather than “heat shock” was 20 used because more evidence (e.g., through their pu- riÞcation and characterization) is required to recog- MM 30 37.5 40 42.5 45 47.5 BB MW nize them as belonging to any small HSP family and exhibiting chaperone role. Heat shock temperatures (oC) Relationship between HIP Expression and Heat Shock Stress in L. entomophila. The HIP bands of 27 kDa and 23 kDa observed in the Western blots of L. ento- 120 mophila were quantiÞed and their levels of expression, 100 based on the control temperature (30ЊC), were re- 80 60 lated to the range of heat shock temperatures in which 50 they were generated. Regressions were signiÞcant 40 (P Ͻ 0.05) for both small HIPs (sHIPs): HIP 23 and 30 HIP 27 (Fig. 3). The relationship was particularly 2 ϭ Ͻ 20 robust (R 0.79, P 0.001) for the expression of HIP 27 with a steeper increase in its expression with an increase in heat shock temperature. The relationship MM 30 37.5 40 42.5 45 47.5 BB MW for HIP 23 was not as robust and was more variable, although signiÞcant, with a smaller increase of expres- 2 Heat shock temperatures (oC) sion than for HIP 27 (R ϭ 0.49, P ϭ 0.001). The levels of expression of both HIP 23 and HIP 27 Fig. 2. Western blot analysis of heat shock proteins in from L. entomophila increased with the heat shock two species of stored-product psocids after exposure for 30 susceptibility of this species based on its LT50 and LT95 min to the range of temperatures indicated in the bottom part values determined at the heat shock temperatures of of each panel. MM, molecular mass standard; BB, bovine Ͻ brain heat shock protein 70 (positive control); MW, maize the current study (P 0.05). Because the results with weevil heat shock protein 70 (positive control; 100 ␮g/lane). LT50 and LT95 were very similar, only the LT50 curves Lanes contain equal amounts of protein for psocids (120 ␮g were presented (Fig. 4). The expression of HIP 23 per lane). showed smaller, although signiÞcant (P Ͻ 0.05), vari- ation in expression, with both LT50 and LT 95 of L. entomophila subjected to increasing heat stress (Fig. heat shock among individuals of this species compared 4). HIP 27 showed only vestigial levels of constitutive with L. reticulatus (Table 1). expression and a three- to Þve-fold increase in expres- Expression of Heat Shock Proteins. The gel bands sion with heat shock stress (Fig. 4), particularly during for the bovine brain HSP 70 and the maize weevil HSP, higher heat stress (at the lower LT50 and LT95 values; both used as a double positive control (Fig. 2), were Fig. 4). within the expected range of molecular mass of HSP 70s on the Western blot analysis and indicate that Discussion there was no problem in our experiments and that the monoclonal anti-bovine brain HSP 70 antibody pro- Our study shows higher variability and tolerance to duced from mouse was successful for detecting HSP heat shock stress in the stored-product psocid L. en- 70. This was expected because HSP 70s are highly tomophila than in L. reticulatus. HSP 70 was not de- conserved in different organisms and the HSP 70 an- tected in either of the psocid species, but L. ento- tibody used here also has been successfully used in mophila expresses small heat-inducible proteins (23 other insect species (Hendrick and Hartl 1993; Feder and mainly 27 kDa) sharing a common epitope with and Hofmann 1999; Mahroof et al. 2005a,b). In con- HSP 70, which were not detected in L. reticulatus and trast, the monoclonal anti-HSP 70 antibody failed to seems to underlay the higher heat shock tolerance of recognize any conserved epitope of HSP 70 in either L. entomophila. L. entomophila or L. reticulatus exposed to control A higher heat shock tolerance of L. entomophila was (30ЊC) or heat-treated conditions (from 37.5 to expected based on its abundance in recent trap 47.5ЊC) (Fig. 2), despite the concentrated insect ex- catches in the central United States during summer tracts used (120 ␮g protein per well) and the highly and fall (Throne et al. 2006). Haines and Pranata sensitive chemiluminescent detection technique used (1982) found L. entomophila to be the most frequently here for detecting HSP 70 in the Western blotting encountered stored-product psocid in tropical Indo- analysis. Such failure to detect HSP 70 could be due to nesia. Therefore, higher expression of HSP 70 also was December 2008 GUEDES ET AL.: HEAT SHOCK TOLERANCE IN STORED-PRODUCT PSCOCIDS 1979

Fig. 3. Effect of heat shock temperature on the expression of small heat inducible proteins HIP 27 (E) and HIP 23 (ƒ) in the stored-product psocid L. entomophila. expected with increased heat shock stress in this spe- tomophila and L. reticulatus is not surprising, espe- cies compared with L. reticulatus. We indeed observed cially considering the differences that exist in their higher tolerance to heat shock stress in L. entomophila abundance and seasonal distribution in the central than in L. reticulatus. Although the patterns of heat- United States (Throne et al. 2006). Despite this dif- inducible protein expression were consistent with this ferential tolerance, heat shock treatments seem effec- Þnding, the HSP 70 family does not seem involved as tive against stored-product psocids based on limited chaperones providing protection against acute ther- studies (Beckett and Morton 2003; this study). How- mal stress in the psocid species studied. Such a role ever, insect acclimatation did not occur in our study, seems to fall with the small heat-inducible proteins but it may take place with some modalities of heat HIP 23 and mainly HIP 27 in L. entomophila, as re- treatment where insects may have up to a few hours ported in other species (Kim et al. 1998, Suzuki et al. to adapt and may lead to a different response from 1998, Feder and Hofmann 1999). what we observed. Differential heat shock tolerance among the stored- The variation of heat shock response among indi- product psocids Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel, L. viduals of L. entomophila also is suggestive of the po- decolor Pearman, and L. paeta Pearman was earlier tential existence of populations of this species exhib- reported by Beckett and Morton (2003). Therefore, iting differential susceptibility to heat shock stress. the differential heat shock tolerance between L. en- Because variation in heat shock response was already

Fig. 4. Effect of the heat shock susceptibility (based on the LT50) on the level of expression of small heat-inducible proteins HIP 23 (E) and HIP 27 (ƒ) in the stored-product psocid L. entomophila. 1980 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 101, no. 6 reported in the willow leaf beetle Chrysomela aeneicol- 24-kDa protein detected may in fact be another fully lis Schaeffer (Chrysomelidae) (Dahlhoff and Rank functional protein of small molecular mass with suf- 2007), a species associated with an environment of Þciently high homology to the bovine HSP 70 to allow variable and unpredictable temperature variation, the its detection. We favor this last explanation in the case same may be true for other species. Although the of the sHIPs detected in L. entomophila because they stored-product environment does not have variable seem functional, and one of them, HIP 27, was par- and unpredictable temperature, the wild sources of L. ticularly strongly expressed with heat stress. In addi- entomophila infestation may afford such conditions. In tion, no vestigial sign of HSP 70 bands were visible, addition, altitudinal and latitudinal clines are likely to which would be expected if the sHIPs were the result afford environmental conditions for differential sus- of its breakdown. Despite this, the possibility of the ceptibility to heat shock stress among populations of sHIPs being the result of HSP 70 breakdown products widely distributed species (Sørensen and Loeschcke cannot be refuted at the present time. 2007), such as L. entomophila (Sedlacek et al. 1996, Clinal variation in the expression of sHSPs has been Turner 1999). reported in insect species (Dahlhoff and Rank 2007, Lepinotus reticulatus was more susceptible to heat Sørensen and Loeschcke 2007). This fact lays cre- shock stress and did not express any detectable level dence to the potential ecological role of thermal ad- of HIPs. Although consistent, these results are sur- aptation by clinal or other geographic variation in prising due to the ubiquitous distribution of heat shock insect populations (Sørensen and Loeschcke 2007). proteins in living organisms, especially HSP 70 and its Therefore, the causal relationship between heat shock association with acute thermal stress (Hendrick and stress and expression of sHIP in L. entomophila is likely Hartl 1993, Feder and Hofmann 1999, Neven 2000, to be a useful tool in surveying potential variation in Sørensen and Loeschske 2007). Lepinotus reticulatus heat shock resistance in this species and for assessing may, however, produce small heat-inducible proteins the potential for its evolution in the applied context of similar to L. entomophila, but these proteins do not the heat treatments used for controlling stored-prod- share homology with HSP 70 at the particular epitope uct insects. The high heterogeneity of response of recognized by the (mammalian) monoclonal antibody adult females of L. entomophila to heat shock temper- used in our study. Further molecular studies are nec- atures is suggestive of enough variability for further essary to elucidate the relationship between the heat- selection, which may eventually lead to the evolution inducible proteins identiÞed in our study and those of populations of this species with reduced suscepti- found in other organisms. bility to heat stress. However, high Þtness cost is usu- Liposcelis entomophila provides an interesting con- ally associated with the expression of heat shock pro- trast to L. reticulatus because of its higher relative teins (Feder and Hofmann 1999, Chown and Nicolson tolerance to heat shock stress, as expected, and its 2004, Sørensen and Loeschcke 2007), which may delay higher heterogeneity of response. In addition, this the evolution of heat shock resistance in stored-prod- species also did not express detectable levels of HSP uct psocids, and this deserves future research. In ad- 70 under heat stress, but it did express two different dition, the lack of detectable expression of heat-in- small proteins induced by heat stress (i.e., HIP 23 and duced HSP protein in L. reticulatus and the expression HIP 27). The nondetection of HSP 70 expression in of sHIPs (and not HSP 70) with likely homology with these species may result either from very low levels of HSP 70 in L. entomophila also warrants further study expression of HSP 70 in psocids, below the threshold preferentially encompassing more psocid species and levels of detection for the technique used in our study, populations. or from the lack of reaction between psocid HSP 70 Our study suggests that greater heat tolerance in L. and the monoclonal antibody used, which was devel- entomophila might lead to its more common occur- oped against a mammalian HSP 70. Small heat shock rence in grain stored in warmer regions of the world, proteins have been recognized as protective heat compared with occurrence of L. reticulatus. Indeed, stress agents in other living organisms (Kim et al. 1998, work by Haines and Pranata (1982) seems to support Suzuki et al. 1998, Feder and Hofmann 1999), but their this. Our results also suggest that heat treatments possible role in thermal tolerance in insects has been should be efÞcacious for both of these psocid species. barely investigated (Frydenberg et al. 2003, Mahroof However, the greater heat tolerance and higher het- et al. 2005a; Morrow et al. 2006). erogeneity of response to heat shock in L. entomophila A small protein also was detected with monoclo- might facilitate its development of thermal tolerance nal anti-bovine brain HSP 70 antibody in the red or resistance to heat treatments in the grain storage ßour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Tene- facilities. bronidae), although it was not inducible by heat stress (Mahroof et al. 2005a). The authors suggested that this 24-kDa protein observed in young larvae of the red Acknowledgments ßour beetle may have resulted from the breakdown We thank the Brazilian National Council of ScientiÞc and products of HSP 70. It might have been so, but then the Technological Development, USDAÐGrain Marketing and expression of additional 24-kDa protein bands would Production Research Center, and the Kansas State University likely have occurred in other developmental phases of Entomology Department for the Þnancial and structural sup- the same insect subjected to the same extraction pro- port provided for this study. The comments and suggestions cedure, which was not the case. Alternatively, the provided by two anonymous referees and by Drs. M. K. December 2008 GUEDES ET AL.: HEAT SHOCK TOLERANCE IN STORED-PRODUCT PSCOCIDS 1981

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