Domination, masculine sexuality and prostitution in Spain: why do Spanish men consume paid sex? Águeda Gómez-Suárez /
[email protected] Silvia Pérez-Freire /
[email protected] University of Vigo, Spain Rosa Mª Verdugo-Matés /
[email protected] University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain Abstract: This paper focuses on the study of clients of prostitution in Spain in order to understand why these men pay for sex. We analyzed the narratives of clients of prostitution through in-depth semi- directed interviews, group interviews, and discussion groups. This material is given structure by the application of the theory of frame analysis. We obtained four ideal client types of clients were obtained, namely: misogynist (hatred of women), consumerist (everything is for sale), friend (affectionate but abusive), and critic (occasional and repentant). We reach the conclusion that From this point of view the purchase of sex has nothing to do with is not due to the searching for quality sex, fun and hedonistic pleasure, but rather it is a strategy to that reinforces a masculine identity that conforms molded by to the expectations of the peer group. Key words: gender, prostitution clients, frame analysis, theories of masculinity. Resumen: Este artículo se centra en el estudio de los clientes de prostitución en España, con el propósito de entender por qué los hombres acuden al sexo de pago. Para responder a esta interrogante, se analizaron los discursos de los hombres consumidores de prostitución mediante entrevistas en profundidad semidirigidas, entrevistas grupales y grupos de discusión. Con el fin de estructurar coherentemente las narraciones obtenidas y clasificarlas en categorías se aplicó el marco teórico del “frame analysis”.