Non-blo cking Data Sharing in Multipro cessor Real-Time Systems

Philippas Tsigas and Yi Zhang

Department of Computing Science

Chalmers University of Technology

S-412 96 Göteb org, Sweden

iii) have to b e ecient in time and in space since they Abstract

must p erform under tight time and space constraints.

A nice description of the ne challenges that inter-task

A non-blocking protocol that al lows real-time tasks

communication proto cols for real-time systems haveto

to share data in a multiprocessor system is presented

address can b e found in [11].

in this paper. The protocol gives the means to concur-

The classical, well-known and most simple solution rent real-time tasks to read and write shared data; the

protocol al lows multiple write and multiple read opera-

enforces . Mutual exclusion protects

the consistency of the shared data by allowing only tions to beexecutedconcurrently. Our protocol extends

one pro cess at time to access the data. Mutual ex- previous results and is optimal with respect to space

requirements. Together with the protocol, its schedula-

clusion i) causes large p erformance degradation esp e-

cially in multipro cessor systems [12]; ii) leads to com- bility analysis and a set of schedulability tests for a set

plex analysis since tasks can b e delayed b e- of random task sets are presented. Both the schedula-

bility analysis and the schedulability experiments show

cause they were either preempted by other more urgent

tasks, or b ecause they are blo cked b efore a critical sec- that the algorithm presentedinthispaper exhibits less

overhead than the basedprotocols.

tion by another pro cess that can in turn b e preempted

by another more urgent task and so on. (this is also

called as the convoy eect) [2]; and iii) leads to priority

inversion in which a high priority task can b e blo cked

1. Intro duction

for an unb ounded time bya lower priority task [4]. Sev-

eral synchronisation proto cols havebeenintro duced to

In anymultipro cessing system co op erating pro cesses

solve the priorityinversion problem for unipro cessor [4]

share data via shared data ob jects. In this pap er we

and multipro cessor [3] systems. The solution presented

are interested in designing shared data ob jects for co-

in [4] solves the problem for the unipro cessor case with

op erative tasks in real-time multipro cessor systems.

the cost of limiting the schedulability of task sets and

The challenges that have to b e faced in the design of

also making the scheduling analysis of real-time sys-

inter-task communication proto cols for multipro cessor

tems hard. The situation is muchworse in a multipro-

systems b ecome more delicate when these systems have

cessor real-time system, where a task maybeblocked

to supp ort real-time computing. In real-time multipro-

by another task running on a dierent pro cessor [3].

cessor systems inter-task communication proto cols i)

Non-blo cking implementation of shared data ob jects

have to supp ort sharing of data b etween dierenttasks

is a new alternative approach for the problem of inter-

e.g. on an op erational ight program (OFP), tasks

task communication. Non-blo cking mechanisms allow

like navigation, maintaining of pilot displays, control

multiple tasks to access a shared ob ject at the same

of and communication with a variety of sp ecial pur-

time, but without enforcing mutual exclusion to ac-

pose hardware, weap on delivery, and so on; ii) must

complish this. Non-blo cking inter-task communication

meet strict time constraints, the HRT deadlines; and

do es not allow one task to blo ck another task gives sig-

nicantadvantages over lo ck-based schemes b ecause:

Partially supp orted byARTES, a national Swedish strategic

research initiative in Real-Time Systems and TFR the Swedish

1. it do es not give priorityinversion, avoids lo ckcon- Research Council for Engineering Sciences.

Local Memory Local Memory Local Memory

voys that makescheduling analysis hard and de-

lays longer.

Processor 1 Processor 2 Processor n

2. it provides high fault tolerance (pro cessor failures

will never corrupt shared data ob jects) and elim-

k scenarios from twoormoretasks

inates deadlo c Real-Time Interconnection Network

b oth waiting for lo cks held by the other.

I/O Shared Memory

3. and more signicantly it completely eliminates the

interference between pro cess schedule and syn-

Figure 1. Shared Memory Multiprocessor Sys-


tem Structure

Non-blo cking proto cols on the other hand havetouse

more delicate strategies to guarantee data consistency

than the simple enforcement of mutual exclusion be-

istics of a multipro cessor architecture and describ e the

tween the readers and the writers of the data ob ject.

formal requirements that any solution to the synchroni-

These new strategies on the other hand, in order to b e

sation problem that we are addressing must guarantee.

useful for real-time systems, should b e ecient in time

Section 3 presents our proto col. In Section 4, wegive

and space in order to perform under the tight space

the pro of of correctness of the proto col. Section 5 is de-

and time constraints that real-time systems demand.

voted to the schedulability analysis and schedulability

In this pap er, we present an ecient non-blo cking

exp eriments that compare our non-blo cking proto col

solution to the general readers/writers inter-task com-

with the lo ck-based one. The pap er concludes with

munication problem; our solution allows any arbitrary

Section 6.

numb er of readers and writers to p erform their resp ec-

tive op erations. With a simple and ecient mem-

2. Problem Statement

ory management scheme in it, our proto col needs

n + m +1 memory slots (buers) for n readers and

writers and is optimal with resp ect to space re-

m 2.1. Real-time Multiprocessor System Configura-

ts. Sorencen and Hemacher in [8] haveproven

quiremen tion

that n + m +1 memory slots (buers) are necessary.

Together with the proto col its schedulability analysis

Atypical abstraction of a shared memory multipro-

and a set schedulability tests for a set of random task

cessor real-time system conguration is depicted in Fig-

sets are presented. Both the schedulability analysis

ure 1. Each no de of the system contains a pro cessor

and the schedulability exp eriments show that the al-

together with its lo cal memory. All no des are con-

gorithm presented in this pap er exhibits less overhead

nected to the shared memory via an interconnection

than the lo ck based proto col. Our proto col extends

network. A set of co op erating tasks (pro cesses) with

previous results by allowing any arbitrary number of

timing constraints is running on the system p erform-

tasks to p erform read or write op erations concurrently

ing their resp ective op erations. Each task is sequen-

without trading eciency. In previous work, Simpson

tially executed on one of the pro cessors, while each

[6], presented a non-blo cking asynchronous proto col

pro cessor can serve (run) many tasks at a time. The

for task communication b etween 1 writer and 1 reader

co op erating tasks now, p ossibly running on dierent

which needs 4 buers. Chen and Burns [7] presented a

pro cesses, use shared data ob jects build in the shared

non-blo cking synchronous proto col for n readers and 1


memory to co ordinate and communicate. Every task

writer that needs n+1+1 buers. Kop etz and Reisinger

has a maximum computing time and has to be com-

[2] also presented a non-blo cking synchronous proto col

pleted by a time sp ecied by a deadline. Tasks synchro-

for n readers and 1 writer that contains a mechanism to

nise their op erations through read/write op erations to

congure the numb er of buers to the application re-

shared memory.

quirements, trading memory space for execution time.

e also b elieve that the memory managementscheme

W 2.2. General Reader/Writer Problem

that we intro duce in this pap er and use in our pro-

to col is of interest and can b e used as an indep endent

In this pap er we are interested in the general

comp onent with other non-blo cking shared data ob ject

read/write buer problem where several reader-tasks



The rest of this pap er is organised as follows. In

throughout the pap er the terms and tasks are used

Section 2 wegive a description of the basic character- interchangably

(the readers) access a buer maintained by several

Compare_and_Swap(int *mem, register old, new)

writer-tasks (the writers). There is no limit on the


length of the buer that can b e increased by the writers

temp = *mem;

on-line dep ending on the length of the data that they

if (temp == old)

want to write in one atomic op eration. This shared


data ob ject can b e used to increase the word length of

*mem = new;

the system.

new = old;

The accessing of the shared ob ject is mo delled by


a history h. A history h is a nite (or not) sequence


of op eration invo cation and resp onse events. Anyre-

new = *mem

sp onse event is preceded by the corresp onding invo ca-


tion event. For our case there are two dierent op era-

tions that can b e invoked, a read op eration or a write


Figure 2. The Comp atomic

op eration. An op eration is called complete if there is


a resp onse event in the same history h; otherwise, it

is said to be p ending. A history is called complete if

all its op erations are complete. In a global time mo del

eachoperationq o ccupies" a time interval [s ;f ] on

q q

interact with the environment (e. g. sampler for tem-

one linear time axis (s

q q q

p erature or pressure), and they are of high prioritiy. To

f as the starting and nishing time instants of q . Dur-


the b est of our knowledge the ab ove assumption holds

ing this time interval the op eration is said to b e pend-

in most real-time systems.

ing. There exists a precedence relation on op erations in

history denoted by < ,which is a strict partial order:


3. The Proto col

q < q means that q ends b efore q starts; Op er-

1 h 2 1 2

ations incomparable under < are called overlapping.


h is linearisable if the partial order

A complete history 3.1. Idea description

< on its op erations can b e extended to a total order


! that resp ects the sp ecication of the ob ject [1]. For


Our construction divides the memory into memory

our ob ject this means that each read op eration should

slots and uses a p ointer that points to the slot with

return the value written by the write op eration that

the latest written data. Each slot has a ag eld used

directly precedes the read op eration by this total order

by the sp ecial memory management mechanism in the

(! ).


proto col. Through this mechanism, i) writers can nd

To sum it up as weare lo oking for a non-blo cking

a safe slot to write without corrupting the slots from

solution to the general Read/Writer problem for real-

where overlapping readers are getting their values and

time systems we are lo oking for a solution that satises

ii) readers nd the slot with the latest information.


In the worst case, n readers o ccupy n slots to read

and m writers allo cate m slots to write and the p ointer

 Every read op eration guarantees the integrity and

points to another slot. So, in total we need at most

coherence of the data it returns

n + m +1 slots for our proto col. In [8], Sorensen and

Hemacher showed that n + m +1 slots is necessary for

 The behaviour of each read and write op eration

this problem.

is predictable and can b e calculated for use in the

scheduling analysis

3.2. Protocol Description

 Every p ossible history of our proto col should be


Our proto col uses the instructions Com-


pare_and_Swap and Fetch_and_Add. The re-

We assume that writer-tasks have the highest priority

sp ective sp ecications of these instructions are shown

on the host pro cessor and no two writer-tasks execute

in Figure 2 and Figure 3. Most multipro cessor systems

on one host pro cessor. Two writer-tasks may overlap

either provide these primitives or provide others that

but no write pro cesses can be preempted by another

can b e used to emulate these primitives.

pro cess. Reader pro cesses mayhave dierent priorities


and maybe scheduled with the writer pro cess on the

IBM System 370 was the rst computer system that intro-

same pro cessor. This is b ecause writer-tasks usually duced Compare_and_Swap

int Fetch_and_add(int *mem, int increment)

structure readwrite_buf



temp = *mem;

data: array[LENGTH_BUF] of Character;

*mem = *mem + increment;

used: integer;

return temp

/*-2*TASK'NUM means allocated & writing data


-TASK' NUM means slot is free

-TASK' NUM +1  -1 means slot is free but


readers accessing it Figure 3. The atomic primitive with

0 means validate data */

} LF_buffer /* Lock-free buffer */

workbuf: array[TASK' NUM+1] of LF_buffer

Figure 4 presents commented pseudo-co de for our

dataptr: pointer to LF_buffer

nonblo cking proto col. We use n + m + 1 =


TASKS NUM +1 slots. Each slot has a eld, called

function newbufcell(): pointer to LF_buffer

`used' that is used by the memory managementlayer

for i=0 to TASK' NUM

of our proto col. There are a number of values that

if (cas(work_buf[i].used,

this eld can carry, these values together with an in-


formal description of the asso ciated information can b e

return &work_buf[i]

describ ed as follows:

return NULL

 k =0 : indicates that the writer has nished writ-

function initdata

ing in the resp ective slot but no reader has read it

for i=0 to TASK' NUM


work_buf[i].used=-TASK' NUM

 k>0: indicates that this is the slot with the most


recentvalue and there are k readers reading this

slot at this moment

function writebuf(data: pointer to datatye)

temp = newbufcell()

 (n + m +1)

/* allocate a new buffer cell for write */

the slot with the most recentvalue but there are


k +(n + m +1) readers currently reading it. These

/* write data into new buffer cell */

readers started their op erations long ago when this


slot had the most recentvalue

/* means data valid in the cell */


 k = (n + m +1): indicates that this is not the

/* use cas to achieve non-blocking write */

slot with the most recentvalue and that there is

faa(old->used, -TASK'NUM )

no reader reading it; the combination of these two

/* if no reader then it will change to

makes it ideal for a writer to allo cate this slot to


its current op eration and use it

 k = 2(n + m +1): indicates that a writer has

function readbuf(): pointer to datatype

allo cated this slot and is currently writing in it

/* use fetch and add to mark

that current block is in use. */

The read/write proto col can b e describ ed informally


as follows.


A writer runs the following steps whenever it wants

until (faa(reading->used,1)>(-TASK'NUM))

to write data into the ob ject:

/* increase used by 1 if

it is greater than -TASK' NUM

1. First, it allo cates a free slot from the slots with

it can not be recycled*/

ags entry k = (n + m +1). The writer uses


Compare_and_Swap to read and change the ag


from k = (n + m +1) to k = 2(n + m +1)

in one atomic op eration, in this way if several

ant to allo cate the same slot, the Com-

writers w Figure 4. The Structure and Operations de-

are_and_Swap atomic op eration available at a p scription for our non-blocking shared object

are level will guarantee that only one will hardw Reader directed to slot increments flag

Each reader increments succeed. flag 0>flag> flag by one and reader =-(n+m+1) -(n+m+1) that return decrement by one Allocate

Last Reader Leave

Then, it writes the data that it wants to write 2. Slot for write the slot

Data pointer

into that slot. If one reader tries to access that flag= Points to another Cell


during this writing, the reader will give up slot Pointer Change

Data pointer

will be forced to try again as we will see in and Points to the Cell Last step ofa write

the readers proto col description. Reader directed to slot increments flag

flag=0 Each reader increments flag > 0 flag by one and reader

that return decrement by one

After the writing has nished, the writer changes 3. Last Reader Leave

the slot

try of that slot from k = 2(n + m +1) the ag en Slot is in Slot is in

"Writable" State "Readable" State

to 0 .

Flag Changed by Writer Flag Changed by Reader

4. As a next step the writer changes the data p ointer

variable to this new slot (so that consequent reads

Figure 5. Slot state changing graph

nd a p ointer to the fresh value) with the atomic

primitive Swap and gets the p ointer to the old slot

at the same time.

A description of the dierent states that a slot can b e

in, together with the description of the actions that

5. Finally, the writer changes the ag entry of the old

cause the change of these states, is depicted in Figure

slot from k>0 to k<0 by subtracting n + m +1.


From the ab ove description, it is easy to checkthat

A reader p erforms the following steps during each read

the proto col: i) guarantees continuous ow of infor-

op eration:

mation from the writers to the readers, without any

blo cking; ii) makes it p ossible to add or remove read-

1. reads the data p ointer variable to get a p ointer to

ers and writers on the y without any change to the

the slot with the most recently written value

proto col of the other tasks; and iii) do es not require

2. uses the atomic primitive Fetch_and_Add to get

information ab out how big the buer has to b e.

and to add 1 on the value k of the ag entry of

that slot

4. Correctness

3. there are three p ossibilities for the value that the h_and_add will return to the reader

fetc 4.1. Model and Definitions

(a) k  0, the slot has the most recentvalue writ-

In [9] one can nd a formalism for the notion of the

ten by all writers until now, and the reader

atomic buer and the global time assumption that we

can return this value, so go to 5 to get the

adopt. We assume that each op eration Op has a time


interval [s ;f ] on a linear time axis. We can think

Op Op

of s and f as the starting and nishing times of Op.

Op Op

(b) 0 > k  (n + m +1), the slot has the

Moreover, we assume that there is a precedence relation

most recent value with resp ect to this sp e-

on op erations whichis a strict partial order (denoted

cic reader from the linearisabilty point of

by `< '). Semantically, a< b means that op eration

h h

view and the reader can return this value, so

a ends b efore op eration b starts. If two op erations are

go to step 5 to get the value.

incomparable under < , they are said to overlap.


(c) k<(n + m +1), the slot has b een recycled

A reading function R for a buer B is a function


by some writer and the data that the slot

that assigns a write op eration W to each read op eration

holds is invalid

R on B , such that the value returned by R is the value

written by W . It is assumed that there exists a write

4. goto step 1

op eration, which initialises the buer B , that precedes

all other op erations on B .

5. reads the data out of the slot

A complete history on a buer is an execution of an

arbitrary number of op erations according to its pro- 6. uses the atomic primitive Fetch_and_Add with

to col. With the linearisability denition describ ed in value -1 to change the value k of the ag entry of

section 2.2, a complete history on a buer B is lin- the slot

5. Schedulability Analysis earisable if there is a total order ! on the set of all


the op erations of the run such that: (i) The total or-

der ! extends the precedence relation < , (ii) every h

h 5.1. Worst Case Analysis

read op eration r returns a value which is equal to the

value written by a write op eration that directly pre-

As we mentioned in Section 2 we assume that writers

cedes r in the total ordering ! . An implementation


have the highest priority on the no des where they are

of a buer is linearisable if all its complete histories are

running. In our proto col i) write op erations are guar-


anteed to nish indep endently from interleaving with

other task op erations after a nite number of steps;

read op erations are sub ject to retry under certain

4.2. Correctness Proof ii)

circumstances. A read op eration might haveto retry

only if there are more than two write op erations con-

In this subsection will showthatany complete his-

currently with it. An overlap b etween a reader op er-

tory is linearisable. Our pro of uses a widely used

ation and other read op erations do es not cause reader

lemma in the area that can b e found also in [10].

to retry. In this section we will estimate the number

of steps that a read op eration will need, in the worst

case, b efore it nishes; any write op eration will nish

Lemma: A complete history h is linearisable i there

after 5 steps.

exist a function mapping each op eration in h to

For our analysis we will use the following notation:

a rational number such that the following three

conditions are satised:

 P : p erio d of the writer


 C : Compute time of task i

Precedence if one op eration precedes another,


then the value of the latter is at least that of the

 T : read latency caused by one retry



 D : the deadline of task i


Uniqueness dierent write op erations have dier-

 N : maximum numberofinterventions



 Wi: the worst case executing time of task i

Integrity for each read op eration there exists a

write op eration with the same value which it Because tasks on dierent pro cessors are decoupled,

do esn't precede. the scheduling problem for a multipro cessor system is

converted to the scheduling problem on several uni-

pro cessor systems. If we can nd out the worst case ex-

Nowwe asso ciate a tag eld with the p ointer variable

ecuting time of each task then we can use anyschedul-

that asso ciates a tag value to eachvalue that is written

ing algorithm for uni-pro cessor systems to schedule

in this variable in the following way: every time a write


op eration up dates the pointer with a swap op eration

If there exist a schedule that every reader task meets

the tag is increased by one. The tag eld and variable

its deadline, then the max numberofinterventions for

are auxiliary and are intro duce only to help the pro of.

each read op eration is b ounded by

m l

Now, it is easy to asso ciate a tag value to eachwrite



N =




op eration and each read op eration in a way that guar-

The worst case execution time of task i can then b e

antees the ab ove mentioned conditions. A write op era-

represented as

tion is asso ciated with the tag value that it writes and

l m



a read op eration is asso ciated with the tag value that W = C + N  T = C + T

i i i r i r



it read when it read the pointer variable; in this way

t write task are asso ciated to dierent values

dieren 5.2. Rate-Monotonic

(tag values only increase) and read tasks are asso ci-

ated with the resp ective write op erations that wrote

Once the worst case execution time of task i has

the values that they return.

b een determined, the schedulabilityforamultipro ces-

sor system can b e worked out as follows:

Theorem Each complete history of our proto col is lin- On each pro cessor, there is a set of p erio dic tasks.

earisable. These tasks are assigned priorities according to their

periods, T . Higher priority tasks can preempt lower i


y tasks. Then, a set of n p erio dic tasks can b e priorit 120 Lock

New Non-blocking

scheduled by the rate-monotonic algorithm if the fol-


lowing condition is met:


n 80





i 60


Number of Tasks

where 40


i 20

T W = C + N  T = C +

r i i i r i

2  P w 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5.3. Scheduling experiment number of processors

Figure 6. Fixed computing time schedule ex-

e conduct the following scheduling exp eriments:

W periment

In the rst exp eriment all tasks need to access to

the multi-word buer. There are xed number of writ-

ers that write to the buer with p erio d P . Every


reader tasks are the same as the rst exp eriment. The

reader task needs the same computing time and all

worst case execution time for the non-blo cking algo-

tasks havethe same deadline and p erio d. We try, in

rithm is calculated with the equation in section 5.2.

the exp eriments, to schedule as many reader tasks as

We create two sets of randomised computing time tasks

p ossible. All the exp eriment parameters are listed as

with dierent random seeds. Figure 7 shows the re-


sult of two task sets. The results also show that with

randomised computing time our non-blo cking proto col

C : Compute time of task i: 800usec


also gives b etter scheduling results compared to the

lo ck-based one.

T : Read/Write buer time: 100usec


D : the deadline of task: 10msec


6. Conclusion

T : read latency caused by one retry: 10usec


In this pap er, we presented a non-blo cking proto col

P : p erio d of the writer: 1msec


that allows real-time pro cesses to share data in a multi-

pro cessor system. The proto col provides the means for

P : p erio d of the reader: 10msec


concurrent real-time tasks to read and write the shared

bcnt : the numb er of buers for the message, used

data; the proto col allows multiple write and multiple

byKop etz's proto col: 4

read op erations to b e executed concurrently. Together

with the proto col its schedulability analysis and a set of

For the non-blo cking algorithm, we calculate the worst

schedulability tests are given. Both the schedulability

case execution time:

m l

analysis for a task set and the schedulability exp eri-





T = 800 + W = C +  10 = 850usec

r i i

ments show that the algorithm presented in this pap er

2P 21


exhibit less overhead than the lo ck based proto cols. In this exp eriment, we compare our algorithm with a

The space requirements of our proto col is the lo ck-based algorithm. The lo ck-based proto col is using

same with the lower bound shown by Sorencen and PCP to avoid Priority inversion. Figure 6 shows the

Hemacher [8]. Our proto col only needs n + m +1 mem- result of the schedule simulation. The solid line rep-

ory slots where n is the numb er of readers that p erform resents the ideal numb er of reader tasks based on the

their read op erations concurrently and m is the num- lo ck algorithm that can b e scheduled and the dashed

b er of writers that can write concurrently. Our proto- line represents that of our non-blo cking proto col. As it

col extends previous results byallowing any arbitrary can b e seen, the schedulability of our non-blo cking pro-

number of tasks to p erform read or write op erations to col is the same as or b etter than the other proto col

concurrently without compromising eciency. all the time.

We b elieve that the memory management scheme In the second exp eriment, we consider dierent

that weintro duce in this pap er and used in our proto col randomised computing times for dierent reader tasks.

can b e used as an indep endent comp onent with other All parameters except the computing time for the

non-blo cking shared data ob ject implementations; we

are currently lo oking at it.


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