(EXODUS 30:31 37:29) Comment from Timothy II: From a Vision seen on a mountain in the Philippines: DEVILS WILL FLEE because of the “Burning Spiritual Flames” that the “Holy Oil” produces. (Isaiah 14:24-27) THE “FRESH” HOLY OIL was given to Timothy II by the Lord in April, 1994. (Psalms 92:10) We are not to make up the Old Testament Oil or Perfume. (Exodus 30:32, 33, 37, 38) THE “FRESH” HOLY ANOINTING OIL is made up of part of the “Oil of Holy Ointment”, (Exodus 30:25) and the “Holy Perfume”. (Exodus 30:35) IT CONSISTS OF: : (Pure)……………...One of the “Principal Spices”. (Exodus 30:23) Representing the “Holy Anointing Oil” in the Old Testament. Representing “” in the New Testament. (Matthew 2:11 Song of Solomon 3:6) FRANKINCENSE: (Pure)…...One of the “Sweet Spices”. (Exodus 30:34) Representing the “Holy Perfume” in the Old Testament. Representing “JESUS” in the New Testament. (Matthew 2:11 Song of Solomon 3:6) : (Extra-Virgin)…One of the “Principal Spices”. (Exodus 30:24) Representing the “Holy Anointing Oil” in the Old Testament Representing the “HOLY SPIRIT”. (1 Samuel 10:1, 6 16:13 Isaiah 44:3 Joel 2:28, 29 Acts 2:16-18) PRINCIPAL USES: Anoint the sick: Those that are possessed or oppressed by the devil and/or have diseases. (James 5:14 Acts 19:12 Mark 6:13) Results: They will be healed. (James 5:15, 16) Because God does the Anointing. (Acts 10:38) Anoint the heavy laden: Those with heavy burdens and yokes. (Isaiah 10:27 58:6) Results: They will find rest. (Matthew 11:28-30) Including Pastors that are ‘burned out’. (Luke 4:18) Anoint for gladness: Those that are in mourning or just need joy in their life. (Psalms 45:7 Isaiah 61:3 Proverbs 27:9 Hebrews 1:9) To restore the ‘fruit of the Spirit’. (Galatians 5:22) Results: They will be made glad. (Psalms 45:8) Anoint leaders: Those that will be assuming leadership roles. (Exodus 30:30 29:29 40:13, 15 1 Samuel 9:16 10:1 15:1 16:1, 3, 12 Psalms 89:20 1 Kings 1: 34, 39 19:15, 16 2 Kings 9:1, 3, 6, 10) Results: The Anointing Oil of the Lord (The Holy Spirit) will come upon them, so that they may minister. (Leviticus 10:7 1 Samuel 10:6, 7 16:13) And they will be ‘set apart’ for God. (Exodus 28:41) Anoint the head: For all purposes. (Exodus 29:7 1 Samuel 10:1, Psalms 23:5 Matthew 26:7, 12 Mark 14:3, 8) Results: They shall be sanctified. (Leviticus 8:12) Anoint the hands: So they can lift up Holy hands. (Exodus 30:29) Anoint the ‘nail holes’ in the hands. (John 20:24, 25) Results: Reminds us of the price that Jesus paid. (John 20:26-29) They will have no wrath or doubts. (1Timothy 2:8) Anoint the feet: Jesus is our example; His feet were anointed for His burial. (Luke 7:37, 38, 46 John 11:2 12:3, 7) Then the actual burial. (John 19:39, 40) Results: We (our flesh) will be buried with Him. (Romans 6:4 Colossians 2:12) Also to break pride. (Acts 26:14-16) Wherever we walk will be Holy ground. (Exodus 3:5 Acts 7:33) Sometimes for ‘special’ service. (Joshua 1:3) Anoint the eyes: In order to see. (John 9:6, 11) Actually anoint outside the eyes on the eyelids or eyebrows. Results: They will see physically and/or Spiritually. (Revelation 3:18) Anoint the ears and/or the tongue: To hear and to speak. (Matthew 13:9, 15, 43 Mark 4:9, 23 7:16, 33 Acts 28:27 Revelation 3:20, 22) Results: They will hear and speak physically and/or Spiritually. (Matthew 11:5 13:16 Mark 7:35, 37 Luke 7:22) Anoint everything: To rid them of uncleaness. (Exodus 30:26-28 Leviticus 8:10, 11 14:15-18) Results: Whatever touches them will be Holy or will have to leave. (Exodus 30:29) CONCLUSION: (Acts 10:38 2 Corinthians 1:21) Amen! TIMOTHY II Copyright © 1994 By Timothy II Revised 1999 Web Site: www.Timothy2.org