To NGA Charts, Region 6
1 REGION 6 COASTAL CHARTS 2 Stock Number Title Scale =1: 61000 Algoa Bay to Cape Town 798,688 61003 Durban to Algoa Bay 830,131 61015 Webi Jubba to Zanzibar 971,600 61018 Hobyo to Kismaayo 973,000 61020 Mozambique Channel-Southern Reaches 1,000,000 61021 Raas Xaafuun to Hobyo 964,515 61300 Madagascar-North Coast and Seychelles 1,000,000 61400 Mozambique Channel-Northern Reaches 1,000,000 61450 Mozambique Channel 1,000,000 61500 Madagascar-South Coast 1,000,000 61550 Madagascar-East Coast 1,000,000 61650 Iles Kerguelen (OMEGA) 300,000 62000 Gulf of Aden (OMEGA) 1,000,000 62001 Red Sea 1,800,000 Plan: Khalig El Suweis (Gulf of Suez) 500,000 62024 Al Masirah to Ra's Raysut including Suqutra Island 1,000,000 62028 Gulf of Oman and Adjacent Coasts-Karachi to Jazirat Masirah 1,000,000 62032 Persian Gulf 1,000,000 63000 Karachi to Bombay, India & Pakistan (OMEGA) 903,500 63005 Bombay to Cochin including the Lakshadweep 1,000,000 63010 Cochin to Calimere Pt, with Sri Lanka & the northern portion of the 964,000 Maldives (OMEGA) 63015 Coast of India-Calimere Point to Kalingapatam (OMEGA) 945,197 63020 Kalingapatam to Goyagyi Kyun 900,000 3 REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA 4 Stock Number Title Scale =1: 61040 Yzervarkpunt to Cape of Good Hope 246,000 61050 Cape St. Francis to Ystervarkpunt 246,530 61051 Approaches to Mossel Bay 40,000 Plan: Mossel Bay (Not shown on index) 10,000 61060 East London to Cape St. Francis 249,500 61061 Approaches to Port Elizabeth 40,000 Plan: Port Elizabeth 10,000 61070 Mbashe Point to East London 251,860 61071 Approaches to
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