DOC510 Prisons

Organizational Body Subjects ABC Anarchist Black Cross; Anarchist Prisoners' Legal Aid Network; Critical Resistance; Green Anarchy; Barricada Collective; Attica Committee to Free Black Liberationl Civil Rights; Dacajeweiah; Attica Defense Committee; National Lawyers Guild; Women of Youth Against War & Fascism; National Coalition of Concerned Legal Drugs; Human Rights; Professionals; Black Cat Collective, Nightcrawler ABC; Paterson anarchist Collective; Arm the Spirit; Bulldozer; Buffalo Chip; California Prison focus; Break Indiginous Struggle; Native The Chains Collective; Human Rights Research Fund; National Task Force for COINTELPRO Litigation & Research; Youth Law News; American Friends Service American; Political Prisoners; Committee; Prisoners Rights Union; Brothers for Awareness; Committee to Close MCU; Amnesty International; Health Committee of the Campaign to Prison; Women; Anti- Abolish Lexington Control Unit; Spear & Shield; International concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu Jamal; Pacifica Campaign; Free the Five Imperialism; Anti-Racism; Committee; Miami Coalition Against the US Embarcargo of Cuba; Free the Five Committee; New Orleans Time Pcayuue; Organizatio in Solidarity with the COINTELPRO; Resistance; Peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America; Western Region United Front to Free All Political Prisoners; Tear down the Walls; The Jericho Movement; Unions; Torture California Coalition for Women Prisoners; Legal Services for Prisoners with Children; Families Against Mandatory Minimums, Lindesmith Center-Drug Policy Foundation; Critical Resistance; Justice Now; california Prison focus; Human Rights and the Drug War; Prison Acticist Resource Center; Criminal Justice Consortium; The November Coalition; The national Lawyer's Guild; timers; Wose community Church of the American Way; Campaign to end the Death Penalty; The Other Side; American Civil Liberties Union; Murder Victims Families for Reconciliation; Artist Rescue Mission; Real Cost of Prisons Project; Drug Policy Alliance; Freedom Now!; Partisan Defense Committee; Prarie Fire Organizing Committee; Resistance Conspiracy Defense Committee; National Campaign to Abolish the Lexington women's Control Unit; Out of Control; Prisoners of Conscience Project; The Indigienous World Organization; Center for Constitutional Rights; Bethesda Co-Op; Citizen's Research and Investigation Committee; Crawdaddy; Woodstock Times; Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology; The Other Side; Minnesota Coalition to Prevent Repressive Federal Legislation; International Network Against New State Repression; Committee to End Grand Jury Repression; Task Force on Political Repression; The Task force on Political Repression; Comite de California Contra La Repression; Stop the Witch Hunts!; movemento de Liberación Nacional; Coalition to End Grand Jury Abuse; Non-Collaboration; Brigade Book Project; No Compromise; Movement Support Network; Human Rights for Political Prisoners; Human Rights Campaign for Political Prisoners; Malone Defense Fund; Justice for John; Western Prison Project; Colorlines; Agit Press; Progressive; Anti-Imperialist Political Prisoners; Missouri Prisoners' Union; Gay American Indians; Norma Jean Croy Defense Committee; Robinson Defense Committee; MSN Political Prisoner Project; ; Leonard Peltier defense Committee; The Eddie Hatcher Defense Committee; International Campaign to Free Geronimo Pratt; Jericho '98 organizing Committee; New Afrikan Institute; ; Committee to Save Mumia Abu-Jamal; Prisoners Union; Pelican bay Information Project; Pontiac Prisoners Support Coalition; Delancy Street Foundation; National Coalition to Free Angola 3; Coalition for Prisoners' Rights/Prison Project of Santa Fe; The Irish People;

The Freedom Archives [email protected] DOC510 Prisons

Keywords Formats Date Range General Description

Attica; Marion; Alcatraz; The Waiting Room; Newsletters, Pamphlets, 1971-2011 Publications and general media regarding Marilyn Buck; Bill Dunne; Norma Jean-Crow; Fliers, Essays, Transcripts, prison struggle. Includes information and Mumia Abu Jamal; Leonard Peltier; Ohio 7; Reports; Monographs; articles by current and former political Angola 3; Pacifica Radio; San Quintin; Ephemera prisoners, news clippings and media Lexington; Pelican Bay; Eddie Hatcher; Silvia surrounding resistance movements, prisoners Beraldini; ; Marilyn Buck; unions. Information on struggles against Geronimo Pratt; ; Shawnee repression and the protection of prisoners High Scurity Unit; Chuck Malone; rights.

The Freedom Archives [email protected] DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Basque Orain Herria Orain Bakea Rita "Bo" Brown Batasuna 2005 1 Monograph

ABC Anarchist Prison Action News Anarchist Black Vol. 4-1 2011 1 Periodical Black Cross Cross .January.2011.pdf

Information and Resources California 2 Monograph 510.anarchist.prisoner. Anarchist Prisoner Solidarity s.pdf

No Iraqi Called Me a Nigger Lorenzo Komboa 1 Monograph Ervin n.pdf

My Refusal to Remain Silent: A South Chicago ABC 1 Monograph 510.refusal.remain.sile Press Release of the SHU nt.pdf

One New Adfrikan Nation Toward South Chicago ABC 1 Monograph 510.afrikan.nation.tow Black August Memorial

Truth is Revolutionary South Chicago ABC 1 Monograph Distro ry.pdf

Decolonized Timothy Trusillo South Chicago ABC 2009 1 Monograph 510.decolonized.trujillo .12.2009.pdf

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 1 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Anarchist Black Cross Network South Chicago ABC Winter/Spring 2004 1 Periodical Newsletter Zine Distro etter.Winter- Spring.2004.pdf

Anarchist Black Cross Network Break The Chains Summer 2003 1 Periodical Joint Publication between Collective Break The Chains and etter.Summer.2003.pdf Anarchist Black Cross

Abolishing the Borders from Below Anarchist Courier September 2001 1 Periodical 510.abolishing.borders. from eastern below.September.2004 Europe .pdf

Prison Action News Anarchist Black July 2011 1 Periodical Texas chapter Cross .July.2011.pdf

Abolitionist CR The Abolitionist Critical Resistance Summer 2008 1 Periodical

The Abolitionist Critical Resistance Spring 2005 1 Periodical

The Abolitionist Critical Resistance Spring 2007 1 Periodical

The Abolitionist Critical Resistance Winter 2010 1 1

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 2 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Aplan Anarchist APLAN Anarchist Prisoners' Legal APLAN Anarchist 1 Flyer 510.aplan.flier.pdf (includes note from Aid Network Prisoners' Legal Dave Negation) Aid Network

National Mobilization against State Mobilization for 2002 1 Flyer Repression the Protection of bilization.against.2002. Civil Liberties pdf

Anarchists v. Oregon Department APLAN Anarchist 2002 1 Flyer 510.aplan.vs.oregon.pd of Corrections Prisoners' Legal f Aid Network

APLAN Needs Support APLAN Anarchist 1 Flyer 510.aplan.needs.suppo Prisoners' Legal rt.pdf Aid Network

Green Anarchy Green Anarchy Late Spring 2001 1 Periodical Spring.2001.pdf

Green Anarchy Green Anarchy Fall/Winter 2001 1 Periodical Winter.2001.pdf

Willful Disobedience: Selections Venomous ##### 1 Monograph reproduction with 510.willful.disobedienc from Vol.2-10-12 Butterfly handwritten notation e.2002.pdf Publications

We Never Sleep APLAN Anarchist November 2002 1 Periodical 510.aplan.we.never.sle Prisoners' Legal ep.November.2002.pdf Aid Network

Radical Prisoners' Correspondence APLAN Anarchist 2003 1 Monograph 510.aplan.radical.priso Project: A Listing of Socially Prisoners' Legal ners.correspondence.2 Conscious Prisoners Seeking Aid Network; 003.pdf Correspondence Break the Chains

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 3 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

We Never Sleep APLAN Anarchist October 2001 1 Periodical 510.aplan.we.never.sle Prisoners' Legal ep.October.2001.pdf Aid Network

We Never Sleep APLAN Anarchist January 2002 1 Periodical 510.aplan.we.never.sle Prisoners' Legal ep.December2001.Janu Aid Network ary2002.pdf

The Defiant: Prisoners in the Rob los Ricos APLAN Anarchist 2001 1 Monograph 510.aplan.defiant.2001 Global Resistance Prisoners' Legal .pdf Aid Network

Beyond Nationalism but Not Onward 2003 1 Monograph Reproduction. Similar article Without it appeared in Anarchist Panther, 10/99, vo. 1 iss. 1

Festival del Pueblo Barricada 1 Flyer 510.barricada.festival.d Collective el.pueblo.pdf

Free Matt, Free Petey APLAN Anarchist 1 Monograph Prisoners' Legal tey.pdf Aid Network

Prisons Attica Attica: Then and Now Attica Committee 1 Monograph to Free ll.fighting..pdf Dacajeweiah

We Are Attica: Interviews with Attica Defense 1 Interview 510.we.are.attica.pdf Prisoners from Attica Committee

Solidarity Statement David Johnson; San Quentin Six 1 Corresponden 510.solidarity.statemen "Willie" Sundiata ce t.san.quentin.six.pdf Tate; Luis Talamantez

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 4 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

NLGNYC: Attica is All of Us, Spring National Lawyers 2006 1 Ephemera Fling 2006 Guild New York City Chapter

Herbert Blyden, 61, Speaker for New York Times 1997 1 Article Newspaper Clipping. Inmates in Attica revolt Online Version Available

Ex Attica Inmate Wins $4 Million in New York Times 1997 1 Article Reproduction Suit Over Reprisals After 1971 Uprising

Long Haul 2004 1 Article Reproduction of articles in 510.long.haul.pdf packet from the Black Panther, Borrowed Times, Free Press, San Battle Acts Women of Youth October 1971 1 Periodical 510.battle.acts.October Against War & November1971.pdf Fascism

Verdict National Coalition July 2001 1 Periodical of Concerned Legal Professionals

Attica: Two Decades of Prison Black Cat 1993 1 Transcript Reproduction of transcript 510.two.decades.priso Resistance Collective, from speech given at Seton n.resistance.1993.pdf Nightcrawler ABC; hall Law School, NJ Paterson anarchist San Quentin to Attica: The Sound National Lawyers 1 Monograph Reproduction from 510.san.quentin.attica. Before the Fury Guild New York pamphlet. pdf City Chapter

Liberated Guardian Hard Rain, inc. September 1972 1 Periodical Includes articles on Attica and prison struggle.

510.liberated.gua The Freedom Archives [email protected] 5 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Liberated Guardian Hard Rain, inc. February 1973 1 Periodical Includes articles on Attica and prison struggle.

510.liberated.gua ATTICA: "We are men. We are not Pontiac Prisoners beasts and will not be driven as Support Coalition such" 510.flyer.pontiac. Arm the Spirit Harriet Tubman Arm the Spirit 1 Ephemera greeting card

510.harriet.tubma [Graphic of children clapping] Arm the Spirit 4 Ephemera greeting card

510.greetingcard. [Graphic: Line drawing of woman] Arm the Spirit 1 Ephemera greeting card

510.greetingcard. Free the Land! [graphic] Arm the Spirit 3 Ephemera greeting card

Arm the Spirit: For Revolutionary Arm the Spirit October 1991 Periodical 510.arm.spirit.OctDec1 Resistance 991.pdf

Arm the Spirit: For Revolutionary Arm the Spirit January 1992 1 Periodical 510.arm.spirit.JanFeb.1 Resistance 992.pdf

Arm the Spirit: For Revolutionary Arm the Spirit June 1992 1 Periodical 510.arm.spirit.JuneJuly. Resistance 1992.pdf

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 6 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Arm the Spirit: For Revolutionary Arm the Spirit August 1992 1 Periodical 510.arm.spirit.OctDec1 Resistance 992.pdf

Arm The Spirit Regional Young 1 Periodical Adult Project

510.arm.spirit.nod Arm The Spirit Regional Young Fall 1982 1 Periodical Adult Project

510.arm.spirit.Fal Bulldozer Prison News Service Bulldozer September 1989 1 Periodical Includes The Marionette e.SeptOct1989.pdf

Prison News Service Bulldozer January 1991 1 Periodical Includes The Marionette e.JanFeb1991.pdf

Prison News Service Bulldozer July 1991 1 Periodical Includes The Marionette e.JulyAug1991.pdf

Ohio 7: On Trial, Dare to Struggle, toronto Anarchist 1 Monograph 510.ohio.7.on.trial.pdf Date to Win! Black Cross

Prison News Service Bulldozer May 1990 1 Periodical Includes The Marionette e.MayJune1990.pdf

Buffalo Chip Buffalo Chip Buffalo Chip Fall 2001 1 Periodical 510.buffalo.chip.Fall20 04.pdf

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 7 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Buffalo Chip Buffalo Chip Spring 2002 1 Periodical 510.buffalo.chip.Spring Fall2002.pdf

Buffalo Chip Buffalo Chip Winter 2001 1 Periodical 510.buffalo.chip.Winte r2001.pdf

Buffalo Chip Buffalo Chip Fall 1999 1 Periodical 510.buffalo.chip.Fall19 99.pdf

Buffalo Chip Buffalo Chip Summer 1999 1 Periodical 510.buffalo.chip.Summ er1999.pdf

Buffalo Chip Buffalo Chip Spring 2000 1 Periodical 510.buffalo.chip.Spring 2000.pdf

Buffalo Chip Buffalo Chip winter 2000 1 Periodical 510.buffalo.chip.Winte r2000.pdf

Prison Focus Prison Focus California Prison Spring 2001 1 Periodical focus

Prison Focus California Prison Spring 2003 1 Periodical focus

Prison Focus California Prison Spring 2005 2 Periodical focus

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 8 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Prison Focus California Prison Summer 2005 1 Periodical focus

Prison Focus California Prison Fall 2006 1 Periodical focus

Prison Focus California Prison Spring 2007 1 Periodical focus

Prison Focus California Prison Summer 2007 2 Periodical focus

Prison Focus California Prison Winter 2007 1 Periodical focus

Prison Focus California Prison Winter 2011 1 Periodical focus

Break the Chains Break the Chains Conference Break The Chains 2003 2 Monograph 510.break.chains.confe Manual Collective rence.manual.2003.pdf

A Manifesto for Break the Chains Break The Chains 2003 3 Monograph 1 copy in newspaper format, 510.break.chains.confe Conference Collective 2 copy as codex rence.manifesto.2003. pdf

Break the Chains Newsletter Break The Chains Spring 2005 1 Periodical 510.break.chains.newsl Collective etter.Spring2005.pdf

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 9 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Break the Chains Newsletter Break The Chains Summer 2004 1 Periodical 510.break.chains.newsl Collective etter.SummerFall2004. pdf

Break the Chains Newsletter Break The Chains Winter 2004; 4 Periodical 510.break.chains.newsl Collective 2005 etter.Winter2004.2005 .pdf

Break the Chains Newsletter Break The Chains Winter 2002 1 Periodical 510.break.chains.newsl Collective etter.Winter2002.pdf

Break the Chains Newsletter Break The Chains Spring 2004 1 Periodical 510.break.chains.newsl Collective etter.Spring2004.pdf

Break the Chains Newsletter Break The Chains Winter 2004 1 Periodical 510.break.chains.newsl Collective etter.Winter2004.pdf

Break the Chains Newsletter Break The Chains Issue #22 2005 1 Periodical 510.break.chains.newsl Collective etter.Summer2005.pdf

Cointelpro Human Rights in the US: The Nkechi Taifa, Human Rights 2001 1 Monograph Unfinished Story of Political Kathleen Neal Research Fund, 2001.pdf Prisoners/Victims Cleaver, Michael Release 2001 Tarif Warren, Los Derechos Humanos en los Nkechi Taifa, Human Rights 2001 Monograph 510.los.derechos.huma Estados Unidos: El Relato Kathleen Neal Research Fund, nos.estados.unidos.200 Inconcluso Sobre Los Presos Cleaver, Michael Release 2001 1.pdf Politicos y de las Victimas de Tarif Warren, FBI Secret COINTELPRO National Task 2 Monograph reproduction of documents Documents Against Black Force for Community COINTELPRO Litigation &

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 10 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

The complete collection of Political WIN Magazine March 1972 1 Periodical documents Ripped-off from the /doc/46984771/The- FBI Office in Media, PA: march 8, Complete-Collection-of- 1971 Political-Documents- Ripped-off-from-the- [FBI List of Suspected Security 1 Catalog reproduction with Lists] handwritten notation

Works In Progress Works In Progress April Vol. 21-12 2011 1 Periodical

Tip of the Iceberg Committee for the May 1981 1 Periodical Clark Plaintiffs Confront FBI; Suit Against Victory in Pontiac Trial - Government State's Strategy Defeated; US Misconduct "Anti-Terrorism": Counterinsurgency of the 80's; US Gov't Escalates Attacks on Black Liberation Movement; Reagan Pardons Cointelpro Criminals; Arab Student Fights Deportation; Zairean CIA Agents in the US; Red Squad Settlement Continues COINTELPRO Cover-up; Committee Targests Struggles for Human Rights; David Truong Appeals Court Decision; Puerto Rican POW Kidnapped by State


The Freedom Archives [email protected] 11 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

COINTELPRO - Domestic Committee for the 1978 2 Monograph Subverside Warfare: The Case od Suit Against Clark, et. al. Versus The United Government States Misconduct

510..cla President to president on the National RNA-11 1971 1 Transcript Available throught eh http://archive.or question of human rights : Imari Defense Internet Archives g/details/Presid Abubakari Obadele, I President, Committee the provisional government, the entToPresident Republic of New Afrika, named a OnTheQuestion political prisoner by Amnesty OfHumanRightsI International, challenges U.S. mariAbubakari President Jimmy Carter on oppression of blacks, Indians, & others, genocide, slave labor in prisons, prisoner exchange and the U.S. silence on the vicious anti- black "Cointelpro"

Prison Conditions Shattering the Myth of Humane Prison Discipline 3 Monograph 2 copies as codex, 1 Imprisonment in the US Study reproduction stapled loose mane.imprisonment.pd leaf f

The Inside Story - Brutality in US Prison Discipline 1 Monograph reproduction with 510.inside.story.brutali Prisons Study handwritten notation ty.prisons.pdf

Quality of Prenatal Care for Ellen Burry Youth Law News November 1985 1 Article reproduction of article. Incarcerated Women Challenged

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 12 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Statement of Principles Prison 1972 1 Monograph 510.tear.down.walls.19 Action Conference; "The Struggle 72.pdf Inside"

The Hidden War: A preliminary Prison Information 1 Monograph Includes handwritten notes 510.hidden.war.pdf Report: Laws-Courts Prisons Committee

Connections Connections 1 Monograph Includes handwritten notes 510.connections.pdf

Letter to Elizabeth Bonnie Kerness American Friends 1999 1 Corresponden Reproduction of letter and Service Committee ce documents pertaining to the son.2009.pdf intelligence community targeting of From Slavery to the Prison System: Bonnie Kerness American Friends 2009 1 Transcript Presented at Mammouth Human Rights Violation in America Service Committee University hosted by The Presented by Bonnie Kerness Human Rights Advisory council Control Units From Alcatraz to Marion to Fay Dowker, 1 Monograph 3.cu_in_us.html Florence: Control Unit Prisons in Glenn good the United States

Uses and Effects of: Control Unit Bonnie Kerness PAC, Philidelphia 1996 1 Interview Reproduction. Bonnie 510.uses.effects.contro Prisons ABCF Kerness interviews with l.unit.1996.pdf and (Bottom) Women's Control Unit: Marianna, Silvia Baraldini, 1992 2 Monograph Essay. 1 copy reproduction FL Marilyn Buck, na.1992.pdf Susan Rosenberg, Laura Whitehorn Politics of Prisons Brothers for 1 Transcript reproduction of flier with Awareness transcript attached. Possibly by Bonnie Kerness

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 13 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Refusing Military Work in a Raymond Luc 1 Article Reproduction of article from "Control Unit": Armed and Lavasseur unknown periodical. Dangerous

Control Unit Prisons, Racism and Ward Churchill 1992 1 Transcript Reproduction of transcript Political Repression from speech given by Ward Churchill

What is a Supermax Prison? 1 Monograph reproduction 510.what.supermax.pri son..pdf

Harry Pack, et. al., Plantiffs, v. United States 1 Monograph 510.pack.v.beyer.pdf Howard Beyer, et al., Defendants District Court District of New Jersey Method(s) of Placement - Ojore N. Lutalo 1 Reproduction of packet on 510.methods.placemen Management control Unit (MCU) - conditions and placement Trenton State Prison - Trenton - criteria in Control Units New Jersey ACLU Plans Suit to Challenge Prison Hanna W. Rosla New Jersey law 1992 1 Article reproduction. Censorship Journal

Topical Survey: Super Max Summary for Winter 1993 1 Article Reproduction of Article Facilities and Units Corrections Administers

Prison Guards' Appeals Denied The Trentonian 1990 1 Article Reproduction of article. Includes typed notation

Control Units AFSC This was No Riot, It was a Revolt: David H. Newsweek 1992 1 Article Reproduction How to Stop it Before it Grows Hackworth

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 14 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Maybe We Should Bar Failed Michael J. Chicago Sun Times 1993 1 Article Reproduction Prison Policies Mahoney, Nancy Kershan

Letter to Raymond R. Coffee Nancy Kershan 1993 1 Corresponden Article Attached: Whole ce Truth on Sentencing: It's a ffee.1993.pdf Joke. Chicago Sun-Times: March 25, 1993 Super Prison May be Pete Rosenbery Southern Illinoisian 1992 1 Article Reproduction Recommended for Illinois

Lawmakers, guards Push New Copley news 1993 1 Article Reproduction 'Super' Prison Service

Open and Shut case: Prison Space Chicago Sun Times 1993 1 Article Reproduction Needed

Council Tells Corrections Panel: 1 Article Reproduction Safety First!

State Expected to Address Crime Chicago City News 1993 1 Article Reproduction Problem With a Super Max

Control Units: An Opressive New Nancy Kershan 1 Article Reproduction 510.control.units.opres Order in US Prisons

More Prisons Using Iron Hand to New York Times 1990 1 Article Reproduction Control Inmates National

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 15 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Prison: Town Takes Good with Bad Laurie Goering Chicago Tribune 1993 1 Article Reproduction

Do More Prisons Mean Less Crime Eugene Methvin State Peace 1 Article Reproduction Officers Journal

Supermaximum Prison Warned Erik Christianson Chicago Tribune 1993 1 Article Reproduction

Super Max' Prison Has Its Foes Matt Krashowsig The Courier 1993 1 Article Reproduction of Artcle from The Courier, Lincoln, IL

The Case Agains MCU Committee to 2 Monograph Close MCU df

Control Unit Madness Shep Z Magazine December 1994 1 Article Reproduction

Social control and the Politics of 2 Monograph reproduction.Collection of Prisons! articles from prisoners cs.prisons.pdf

End the Nationawide Lockdown 1 Monograph Includes original graphic kdown.pdf

Brough to You by Amerikkka's Illegible 1993 1 Monograph Reproduction of handwritten 510.brought.amerikkas "Control Units" essay by prisoner .control.units.pdf

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 16 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Midwest Regional Hearing: Control 1 Flyer Advertising event 510.midwest.regional.h units, Prisons & Political Prisoners earing.pdf

Buried Alive Daniel Burton Boulder Weekly 1997 5 Article Reproduction of Article Rose

What is a Control unit 1 Flyer Short informational essay on 510.what.control.unit. the definition of control units pdf

[Graphic: Control Unit] 1 Graphic Reproduction 510.graphic.control.uni t.pdf

Ohio Control Unit Monitoring John Perotti 1 Monograph Short essay printed on back 510.ohio.control.monit program: Outside Support and of unrelated text. oring.program.pdf Inside Report

Control Unit Emergency Response 1 Graphic Organizational chart Network Flow Chart

Rothman DJ. The American David J. Rothman 1 Monograph Published as: Rothman DJ. 510.untitled.essay.pdf Way of Jail (review of Crime The American Way of Jail and Punishment in America (review of Crime and by Elliott Currie and Punishment in America by The Black Cat Collective Presents 1995 1 Transcript Transcript of speech given at Black August event. Reproduction of flier .black.august.1995.pdf and graphic attached.

United States of America: The High Amnesty 1988 1 Monograph 510.amnestyinternatio Security Unit, Lexington Federal International nal.hsu.lexington.1988. Prison, Kentucky pdf

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 17 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Control Unit Prisons: Health and Health Committee 1988 1 Monograph Presented to the american Human Rights Violations of the Campaign to Public Health Association on ntrol.unit.violations.19 Abolish Lexington november 15, 1988 by the 88.pdf Control Unit Socialist Caucus Youth Institute on Prisons, Racism National Campaign 1997 2 Flyer and Society to Stop Control ons.racism.society.199 Unit Prisons 7.pdf

Security Threat Groups in Prisons Department of 1997 1 Report Reproduction Justice, Bureau of Justice

Justice/Injustice: A Project to 1 Monograph Attached to flier: Rothman 510.justice.injustice.ja Benefit the Mumia Abu-Jamal DJ. The American Way of Jail Legal defense Fund (review of Crime and Punishment in America by [Untitled Essay] Ojore N. Lutalo 1996 1 Monograph Essay with diagram of 510.lutado.1996.pdf Control Unit Attached

NJ Political Prisons Do Hard Time in Bill Sanderson The Record 1992 2 Article Reproduction Solitary

High-Tech Deprivation John Roemer San Jose Mercury 1992 1 Article Reproduction News

Isolated Torture: Prison Protesters Emily J. Hornday Newark Star- 1992 3 Article Reproduction of article with Call for end to Isolation Units Ledger typed note

Modules' or 'Cages'? TSP Peter Page The New Jersey 1991 12 Article Reproduction Enclosures Stir Protest Times

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 18 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

[Graphics: Diagrams of Control R. Deer 1994 2 Graphic Reproduction Units] ntrol.unit.1994.pdf

Crossroads Crossroads Spear & Shield January 2004 1 Periodical 510.crossroads.JanMar 2004.pdf

Crossroads Spear & Shield July 2003 1 Periodical 510.crossroads.JulySep t2003.pdf

Crossroads Spear & Shield June 2003 1 Periodical 510.crossroads.MayJun e2003.pdf

Crossroads Spear & Shield May 2003 1 Periodical 510.crossroads.MayJun e2003.pdf

Crossroads Spear & Shield December 2002 1 Periodical 510.crossroads.OctDec 2002.pdf

Crossroads Spear & Shield May 1999 1 Periodical 510.crossroads.MayJun e1999.pdf

Crossroads Spear & Shield January 1997 1 Periodical Reproduction 510.crossroads.JanFeb 1997.pdf

Critical Resistance Critical Resistance East: Beyond 2001 1 Monograph Program pamphlet for event 510.pamphlet.critical.r the Prison Industrial Complex on 3/9/2001. Part of esistance.east.2001.pdf conference packet

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 19 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Rise up and Break Down the Walls 2001 1 Flyer reproduction of flier with transcript attached. Possibly by Bonnie Kerness,. Part of conference packet Critical Resistance East: Beyond 2001 1 Ephemera Bookmark. Part of the Prison Industrial Complex conference packet

Stand with Mumia on his day in International 2001 1 Ephemera Flier asking for funds. Part of Federal Court concerned Family conference packet and Friends of Mumia Abu Jamal Critical Resistance East Resource Critical Resistance 2001 1 Ephemera Forms and general Information information on the Critical Resistance East conference. Part of conference Prison Legal News Prison Legal News Febuary 2001 1 Periodical Part of conference packet.

Grand Theft Radio: why corporate Pacifica Campaign 1 Monograph Pamphlet. Part of Conference Vultures Pouncing on Pacifica Packet

Critical Resistance: Beyond Prison Critical Resistance 1998 1 Monograph Part of conference packet. Industrial Complex

Justification For the Abolition of Critial Resistance 1998 1 Monograph 510.justification.aboliti the Prison Industrial Complex -- 40 Acres and a Mule: An Education mplex.pdf Guide for White People of Critical Resistance South Critical Resistance 2003 1 Monograph A report from the southern 510.critical.resistance.s conference & Strategy outh.2003.pdf Session. Includes small calling card and correspondence

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 20 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Cuban Prisoners Free the Five Free the Five 1 Flyer Committee itical.prisoners.pdf

Defend Democratic rights! Free the Miami Coalition 1 Flyer Cuban Patriots! Against the US cuban.prisoners.pdf Embarcargo of Cuba John Ashcroft: Let the wives and Free the Five 2 Flyer Children of the Cuban Five Enter Committee ive.pdf the US for Family Visits

Jailed Cubans in Legal Limbo David Snyder New Orleans Time 1991 2 Article Reproduction Pcayuue

Cuba Stuff Tear Down the Walls! Organizatio in 2001 1 Flyer Solidarity with the Peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin Correspondence Curly Estremera Western Region 1 Corresponden United Front to ce Free All Political Prisoners Email to Claude Marks Nadine naber 2001 1 Corresponden Includes handwritten notes ce

Untitled Speech 1 Transcript Speech to Sisters and 510.untitled.speech.sis Brothers pertaining to ters.brothers.pdf repression, social control, COINTELPRO Letter to Tear Down the Walls/NCC Ashanti, Oscar, 2001 1 Corresponden Expression of concerns from Blood, Chango ce former political prisoners hanti.oscar.blood.chan go.2001.pdf

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 21 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Memorandum to Ashanti, Oscar, Muhjah Shakir Tear down the 2001 1 Corresponden Memorandum in response to 510.memorandum.nnc. Blood and Chango Walls/NCC ce letter tear.down.walls.8.22.2 001.pdf

Letter to Jalil Bottom, Curly 2001 1 Corresponden Reproduction. Author Estemera ce unknown .bottom.estemera.8.21 .2001.pdf

Letter to Jalil Bottom, MS 2001 1 Corresponden Reproduction. Author ce unknown .jalil.bottom.8.21.2001. pdf

Letter to "brother" 1 Corresponden Reproduction. Author ce unknown .brother.pdf

Email to Claude Marks Re: Donna Wallach 2001 1 Corresponden Reproduction. Includes Statement on Freeing all Political ce forwarded emails from Prisoners royboomba

Tear Down the Walls Areas of Tear down the 1 Contact information Work Walls

Tear Down the Walls Agenda 2001 1 Agenda

PPOW List 1 Catalog List of Political Prisoners of War

Letter to PP/POWs, ex PP's and Susan 2001 1 Corresponden Updates on the coditions and 510.correspondence.p PP/POW Supporters ce transfers of prisoners p.pows.supporters.7.1. 2001.pdf

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 22 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Petition for Amnesty and Freedom The Jericho 2001 1 Ephemera Petition to Senator John of All Political Prisoners Movement Burton to release all political eedom.pp.2001.pdf prisoners and prisoners of war Letter to Thomas Bashir 2001 1 Corresponden Reproduction of letter in ce response to letter to Tear omas.6.28.2001.pdf down The Walls/NCC concwerns (copy of original Wanted: end the US Drug War California Coalition 3 Flyer Reproduction of 510.wanted.end.drug. for Women advertisement for event war.2001.pdf Prisoners; Legal Services for Email to Freedom Archives Re: Diana Block 2001 1 Corresponden Reproduction of email cuba Conference ce forwarding response to concerns of conduct by RNA/NCC Email forwarding Statement on Donna Wallach 2001 1 Corresponden Printed by Claude Marks. Freeing All Political Prisoners ce Response to concerns of conduct by RNA/NCC

Tear Down the walls Conference Tear Down the 2001 1 Agenda Draft of conference: June 19. Program: Draft Walls 2001 nference.program.6.19 .2001.pdf

Prisons: Death The Waiting Room: An Interactive Sam Houston 2000 1 Flyer Information pertaining to Penalty Installation by Richard Kamler Memorial exibit Museum, Huntsville, Texas Five Reasons to Oppose the Death Campaign to end 1 Flyer Reproduction Penalty the Death Penalty

The Other Side: Voices from Death The Other Side September 1992 1 Periodical Reproduction of except from Row periodical

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 23 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Email from "nattyreb" Re: FWD: 1999 1 Corresponden Reproduction of forwarded Execution Alert for Mumia, Shaka, ce Press release "to announce Domingo recent ruling on cases of innocent death row prisoners Email to "brc-news" Re [BRC- Amnesty 1999 1 Corresponden Reproduction of emailed News] US Supreme court:Dealing International ce public statement Justice a Lethal Blow

Death penalty The Case Against the Death Penalty Hugo Afam Bedau American Civil 1992 1 Monograph Revised edition Liberties Union .death.penalty.1992.m ht

Death Penalty Focus: General Death Penalty Monograph Contains reproduced articles 510.death.penalty.focu Information Packet Focus of California and essays s.information.packet.p df

With the State Marshalling Death Penalty Flyer 510.state.marshalling.e Resources to execute Teenagers, Focus of California xecute.teenagers.pdf Can We Risk an Unfair Trial?

Premeditated Execution Hendrik Time Magazine May 18 1992 1 Article Reproduction Hertzberg

Death Letter to Concerned Citizens and The Waiting Room 1 Corresponden Reproduction asking for Penalty/Waiting Death Penalty Opponents ce support of exhibit Room Rick Kamler

Letter to Fellow concerned Citizens Richard Kamler The Waiting Room 1 Corresponden Reproduction asking for and the Staff of ce support of exhibit The Waiting Room The Waiting Room: An Interactive The Waiting Room 1 Monograph Reproduction of installation Installation of Images, Sounds & praposal concerned Citizens

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 24 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

[Hand Drawn Graphics from The The Waiting Room 1 Graphic Reproduction of a collection Waiting Room] of graphics for the exhibit

Kamler Recieves Soros Fellowship Artweek June 1999 1 Article Reproduction

The Alchemy of Murder Judith Coburn LA Weekly December 1996 1 Article Reproduction

Artist brings Together Victim and Joan Smith San Francisco 1 Article Reproduction Assailant Examiner

Letter In Support of The Waiting Larry Thomas San Francisco Art 1997 1 Corresponden Reproduction Room Institute ce

Letter In Support of The Waiting Pat Bane Murder Victims 1997 1 Corresponden Reproduction Room Families for ce Reconciliation

Letter In Support of The Waiting Lance G. Lindsay Death Penalty 1997 1 Corresponden Reproduction Room Focus of California ce

Letter In Support of The Waiting Gertrude Artist Rescue 1997 1 Corresponden Reproduction Room Barnstone Mission ce

Letter to Richard Kamler in support Corey Weinstin California Prison 1998 1 Corresponden Reproduction of The waiting room focus ce

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 25 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Protest and testimony: Richard Donna Sculpture July 1997 1 Article Reproduction Kamler Schumacher

Prison - Drugs Prisoners of the War on Drugs Real Cost of 2005 1 Monograph Comic strips detailing major Prisons Project issues in the war on drugs. Available through external website Drug Policy Alliance: Reason. Drug Policy Flyer General Information. Part of Compassion. Justice Alliance conference packet.

The Drug Policy Alliance is Moving Drug Policy 1 Flyer Postcard detailing Alliance organization's new addressPart of conference packet Letter to Friend Deborah Drug Policy 2002 1 Corresponden Details updates on the Peterson Small Alliance ce organizationPart of conference packet.

Breaking the Chains: People of 2002 1 Report Reproduction. Part of Color and the War on Drugs conference packet. nference.fact.sheet.20 Conference Fact Sheets 02.pdf

Breaking the Chains: People of 2002 1 Report Reproduction of newspaper Color and the War on Drugs clippings Conference Press Clips

Study: Drug Crimes Aren't Cut Michael J. Smith Press-Telegram 1997 1 Article Reproduction Effectively by Mandatory Terms

Justice Narrow definition of 'Using' Linda Greenhouse 1 Article Reproduction a Gun

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 26 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

When Drug Kingpins Fall, Illicit Mireya Navarro 1 Article Clipping Assets Buy a Cushion

In Japan, a Ritual of Mourning for Sheryl WuDunn New York Times 1996 1 Article Clipping. Includes Abortions handwritten note and highlighting

Folsom Manifesto The Folsom Prisoners Manifesto of Connections 1970 1 Monograph Reproduction reproduced as 510.folsom.manifesto. Demands originally submitted and 11.3.1970.pdf distributed by connections

Freedom Now FN - Freedom Now!: Campaign for Freedom Now!: 6 Monograph Pamphlet on human rights 510.pamphlet.freedom Tribunal Amnesty and Human Rights for Campaign for violations toward political .now.pdf Political Prisoners in the United Amnesty and prisoners in the US States Human Rights for US Convicted: People Imprisoned San Francisco 1990 1 Article Clipping of newspaper article for Politics Guardian

Letter to Marilyn Kalmen Corey Weinstin Partisan Defense 1 Corresponden Reproduction of handwritten Committee ce note.

Memo to Richard Harvey, Adojoa Aiyetero, Freedom Now! 1989 1 Corresponden Reproduced by the Center Johnathan Lubell, Chokwe Joan Gibbs, Gloria ce for Constitutional Rights mo.harvey.7.21.1989.p Lumumba, Margaret Burnyham, Weinberg df Lennox Hinds, Debra Jackson Special International Tribunal on Tribunal on 1990 2 Monograph Reproduction of pamphlet on 510.pamphlet.internati the Situation of Political/POW Political/POW Tribun al held at Hunter onal.tribunal.7.10.1990 Prisoners Held in the United States Prisoners College NYC .pdf Prisons and Jails An Open Letter to Participants in Partisan Defense 1990 1 Corresponden Reproduction 510.partisan.defense.o the "Tribunal on Political Committee ce pen.letter.pp.pow.12.7 Prisoners/POW": Condemn .1990.pdf Physical Violence and Political

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 27 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Letter to Political Prisoners and 1990 1 Corresponden Reproduction. 510.correspondence.p Prisoners of War ce Author/Organization p.pow.2.1.1990.pdf unknown

Letter to Member Freedom Now: 1 Corresponden Letter updating on the Campaign for ce development of a tribunal on Amnesty and Political Prisoners in the US df Human Rights for Survey of Human Rights Violations 1 Survey Survey of incarceration and 510.survey.rights.violat of Political Prisoners and Prisoners prison experiences. ions.pp.pow.pdf of war in the US

Outline of Complaint to be Adjoa Aiyetero Freedom Now! 2 Monograph 510.tribunal.complaint. Presented to Tribunal outline.pdf

Face Reality 1990 1 Flyer Advertisement for 12/7/1990 510.flier.face.reality.19 Tribunal in NYC 90.pdf

Letter to Friend Margaret Randall, Freedom Now! 1990 1 Corresponden Reproduction 510.correspondence.ra Rafael cancel ce ndall.miranda.berrigan. Miranda, dan 9.15.1990.pdf Berrigan Political Prisoners Journal Ad Form Freedom Now! 1 Ephemera Advertisement order for for Freedom now Journal ad space

Letter to Friends Luis Nieves Falcon 1990 1 Corresponden Letter pertaining to the 510.correspondence.tri ce Tribunal on Politica/POW bunal.falcon.10.1.1990. Prisoners in the United States pdf 12/7-10/1990 Graphics Urgent Action Network Freedom Now! 3 Flyer Outreach fier for the 510.pamphlet.special.t network. 3 copies as ribunal.pp.pow.12.7.19 reproductions 90.pdf

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 28 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Marion = Alcatraz = Slow Death Committee to End 1 Flyer Flier for demonstration with 510.national.lawyers.g Penalty the Marion general information on Lockdown, John reverse side. Reproduction 1973.pdf Brown Anti-Clan Resistance is Not a Crime 1 Graphic t.crime.1988.pdf

Dykes to Watch Out For: Free Alison Bechdel 1990 2 Graphic Reproduction. Comic Strip Lunch

West Coast Video Premiere: Resistance 1 Flyer Reproduction 3.west.coast.premiere. Resistance Conspiracy Conspiracy resistance.conspiracy.p Defense df Committee The Outside Agitator National Campaign August 1988 1 Periodical 510.outside.agitator.Au to Abolish the gust.1988.pdf Lexington women's Control [Line drawing of figure] Out/Look 1 Graphic Clipping from Out/Look

[line drawings of woman holding Marilyn Buck 1 Graphic sun and bird]

Resistance Conspiracy Case: April 1989 1 Periodical 510.resistance.conspira Update from washington, DC cy.update.April.1989.p df

[Graphic of hands bending bars] 1 Graphic Reproduction

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 29 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

The Real Dragon Project: Sending Real Dragon 1 Flyer 510.real.dragon.project Political books to Political Project .pdf Prisoners

Resistance is Not a Crime! Stop the A Campaign to 1 Flyer 510.resistance.not.crim Political Show Trial! Drop the Support the e.1989.pdf Charges Now! Resistance Conspiracy Case [Comic Strip on Supreme Court 1 Graphic Reproduction Ruling]

Letter to Lincoln Bergman; Suzanne National Lawyers 1973 1 Corresponden National Lawyers Guild Press Guild New York ce; Press rgman.nlg.release.1973 Release City Chapter release .pdf

Freedom Now Freedom Now!: Campaign for Freedom Now!: 3 Ephemera Addressed to national office Amnesty and Human Rights for Campaign for in Chicago, IL Political Prisoners in the United Amnesty and States [Envelope] Human Rights for Freedom Now!: Campaign for Freedom Now!: 6 Monograph Pamphlet. 3 copies as 510.pamphlet.freedom Amnesty and Human Rights for Campaign for reproductions .now.pdf Political Prisoners in the United Amnesty and States Human Rights for Face Reality. There are Political Freedom Now!: 10 Flyer Information on political 510.face.reality.pdf Prisoners in the USA. Freedom Campaign for prisoners in the US Now! Amnesty and Human Rights for Letter to Marilyn Buck Marilyn Kalman 1999 1 Corresponden Reproduction 510.correspondence.ka ce lman.buck.11.12.1999. pdf

Who Are the Political Prisoners in Freedom Now!: 1988 3 Monograph Includes 1988 press release the USA? Campaign for and information on political 8.pdf Amnesty and prisoners Human Rights for

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 30 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

VIII. Summary Statement of FN Freedom Now! 1989 1 Monograph Reproduction. From 510.exerpt.committee. Discussions Regarding Definitions September 16, 1989 national minutes.pdf of Political Prisoner and POW meeting minutes

The White North american Political Rita "Bo" Brown 1992 1 Transcript Reproduction Prsioners in the US Speech Given h.pdf at the International Tribubnal

Proposed Preamble and Program - 1 Monograph Reproduction. Revision by 510.proposed.preambl For Discussion by the Coordinating the Steering Committee of e.program.9.17.1990.p Body the proposed preamble df

Letter to "Sisters and Brothers" Out of Control 1991 2 Corresponden 1 copy missing last page 510.correspondence.o ce oc.fn.1.1990.pdf

Letter to "Sisters and Brothers" Out of Control 1 Corresponden Includes handwritten notes 510.draft.corresponde ce nce.ooc.fn.1.1990.pdf

Letter to "Friends" Out of Control 1991 1 Corresponden Reproduction 510.correspondence.fri ce ends.5.15.1991.pdf

FN Mission Statement Freedom Now! 1990 2 Monograph Includes: FN Mission 510.fn.mission.stateme Statement; Membership nt.11.15.1990.pdf Introduction; Chapter Guidelines and Organization; Freedom Now!: Campaign for Freedom Now!: Ephemera Blank stationary with Amnesty and Human Rights for Campaign for letterhead Political Prisoners in the United Amnesty and States Human Rights for Letter to Vicki Legion Bill Dunne 1990 1 Corresponden Reproduction of handwritten 510.correspondence.d ce letter 90.pdf

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 31 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Human Right Conference: Special 1990 1 Agenda Reproduction. Includes International Tribunal on handwritten notes Violations of Human Rights to Political/POW Prisoners in US Jails Mandela was Released: There are Freedom Now 1990 1 Flyer Advertisement for dinner and 510.flier.mandela.relea Over 100 Political Prisoners in the Network video screening sed.pdf United States They Must Also Be Released! Letter to Marily (sic Marilyn) 1990 1 Flyer Signed in pencil 510.correspondence.fn Kalman Re: Freedom Now Network .to.kalman.9.9.1990.pd Meeting of Spetember 9, 1990 f

Letter to "Sisters and Brothers" Bo (Rita Brown), Out of Control 1991 1 Corresponden Reproduction 510.correspondence.o Julie and Blue ce oc.sistersbrothers.1.31. 1991.pdf

Munites: Freedom now National Freedom Now! 1990 1 Meeting Reproduction 510.fn.steering.commit Steering Committee July 22, 1990, Minutes ee.minutes.7.22.1990. New York City pdf

Freedom Now! Invites You to an Freedom Now! 1 Flyer Reproduction 510.flier.fn.evening.soli evening in Solidarity with Political darity..pdf Prisoners in the US

Minutes of Freedom Now! Meeting Freedom Now! 1990 1 Meeting Reproduction 510.fn.meeting.minute 9/23/90 Minutes s.9.23.1990.pdf

Minutes of Freedom Now! Meeting Corey Weinstin Freedom Now! 1990 1 Meeting Reproduction 510.fn.meeting.minute 12/17/90 Minutes s.12.17.1990.pdf

Freedom Now! Eighteen Things Freedom Now! 2 Flyer Reproduction You Can Do to Win Freedom Now National Office do.pdf for Political Prisoners in the US

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 32 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Letter to "Friends and Supporters Freedom Now! 1990 1 Corresponden Handwritten notes from 9/15 of Political Prisoners National Campaign ce; Agenda stapled to back enda.notes.7.30.1990. for Amnesty and pdf Human Rights for Freedom Now National Sterring Freedom Now! 1990 1 Meeting Reproduction 510.fn.steering.commit Committee Meeting October 27th, Minutes ee.minutes.10.27.1990 1990, New York City, Minutes .pdf

Argument in Favor of Making Rita Sheila Medina Women's 1989 1 Monograph Reproduction Silk Nauni an Official Political Commision (sic .1990.pdf Prisoner of Freedom Now Commission)/West coast Freedom US Political Prisoners Denied Rights Barbara Day San Francisco 1989 1 Article Reproduction of Article Guardian

Minutes of Freedom now National Freedom Now! 1989 1 Meeting Reproduction. Includes 510.fn.steering.commit Steering Committee Meeting July Minutes outline for complaint to be tee.minutes.7.22.1989. 22, 1989 presented to tribunal; Draft pdf of letter asking for financial Letter to "Friend" Freedom Now!: 1990 2 Corresponden Reproduction. 10.correspondence.fn.t Campaign for ce o.friends.4.11.1990.pdf Amnesty and Human Rights for Letter to "Jose" Luis Nieves Falcon 1990 1 Correspenden Reproduction of translation. 510.correspondence.fal ce df

Minutes from Freedom Now Freedom Now! 1989 3 Meeting Reproduction. Copies vary in 510.fn.national.meetin National Meeting New York City, Minutes completeness. Most g.minutes.9.16.1989.p Sept. 16, 1989 complete copy scanned. df

Right Here, right Now: Stopping Freedom Now! 1 Monograph Reproduced with Human Rights Violations in Our handwritten notes. "Final w.pdf Own Backyard The Freedom now draft for fin alization Jan 6" Urgent Action Network

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 33 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Freedom Now Coordinating Body Freedom Now! 1990 1 Meeting Reproduced. Originally found Minutes January 6, 1990 Minutes in envelope addressed to dy.minutes.1.6.1990.p Marilyn Kalman postmarked df 15 Feb. 1990 The Outside Agitator National Campaign August 1988 3 Periodical 510.outside.agitator.3. to Abolish the March.1989.pdf Lexington women's Control Proposed Agenda -- National Freedom Now! 1 Agenda Reproduced with 510.nt.steering.commit Steering Committee of Freedom handwritten notes. ee.agenda.pdf Now!

Minutes of October 21, 1989 East Freedom Now! 1989 1 Meeting Reproduction. Attached to 510.fn.east.minutes.10 Coast Region of Freedom Now East Coast Region Minutes envelope addressed to David .21.1989.pdf Chair: Shelly Miller Block/CA-FN postmarked 10 Nov. 1989 Freedom Now Prisoners and Freedom Now! 1 Catalog List of Political 510.fn.chicago.opening Prisoners of War Prisoners/POWs by holding .4.8.1989.pdf institution

Freedom Now! -- Campaign for Freedom Now!: 1989 1 Meeting Human Rights and Amnesty for Campaign for Minutes Political Prisoners in the US April 8- Amnesty and 9, 1989 in Chicago Human Rights for Political Prisoners in the United Letter to "Sisters" Marilyn Kalman Women's 1989 1 Corresponden 510.correspondence.ka Commision ce Freedom Now 988.pdf

The Outside Agitator National Campaign No. 1 1988 1 Periodical Reproduction to Abolish the 1.pdf Lexington women's Control

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 34 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Letter to "Larry" Akil Al-Jundi; Freedom Now!: 1990 1 Corresponden Reproduced with 510.correspondence.fn David Block; Campaign for ce handwritten notes. .to.larry.6.10.1990.pdf Marilyn kalman; Amnesty and Vicki Legion; Human Rights for First Draft of Letter to Bill Dunne Vicki Legion for Freedom Now! 1990 1 Corresponden Reproduction. First draft Coordinating ce Body of Freedom Now! Second Draft of Letter to Bill Vicki Legion for Freedom Now! 1990 1 Corresponden Reproduced with Dunne Coordinating ce handwritten notes. Second Body of Freedom draft Now! Letter to Bill Dunne Coordinating Freedom Now! 1990 1 Corresponden Reproduction. Final draft Body of Freedom ce sent Now!

The Outside Agitator National Campaign March/No. 3 1989 1 Periodical 510.outside.agitator.3. to Abolish the March.1989.pdf Lexington women's Control Letter to "People" Bill Dunne 1989 1 Corresponden Reproduction of handwritten 510.correspondence.d ce letter 89.pdf

Who Are the Political Prisoners in the USA?; Press Statement - Human Rights Day 1988 - New York City Human Rights Violations in United Freedom Now!: 4 Monograph Reproduction 510.fn.rights.violations. States Prisons Campaign for us.prisons.pdf Amnesty and Human Rights for Letter to Coordinating Body Vicki Legion Freedom Now! 1990 1 Corresponden Reproduced with 510.correspondence.le Members ce handwritten notes. gion.coordinatingbody. 4.13.1990.pdf

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 35 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Letter regarding Freedom Now! S. Michael Prisoners of 1 Corresponden Reproduction. Form letter. Yasutake Conscience Project ce om.yasutake.pdf

Form Letter Freedom Now!: 1990 1 Corresponden Dated February 22, 1990 510.fn.correspondence Campaign for ce .2.22.1990.pdf Amnesty and Human Rights for Bethesda Co-Op News Bethesda Co-op; December 1989 5 Article p3, 5, 6. Includes information 510.fn.bethesda.Dec.1 Freedom Now on Political Prisoners and the 989.pdf Freedom Now movement

Item 12, 46h Session commission Robert J. Boyle Freedom Now!: 1 Monograph Reproduction 510.46.comm.human.ri on Human Rights Geneva, Campaign for ghts.pdf Switzerland Amnesty and Human Rights for Freedom Talk: Newsletter of the Freedom Now December 1993 3 Periodical Reproduction Freedom Now Network Network 993.pdf

Freedom Now! Freedom Now!: November 1990 2 Periodical Includes inserts: Poetry by 510.freedomnow.vol1. Campaign for Marilyn Buck; Urgent no3.Nov1990.pdf Amnesty and Response Update; Human Rights for Subscription request Announcing: Political Prisoner 3 Flyer Hotline!

Can't Jail the Spirit Freedom Now!: 1991 1 Flyer reproduction with 510.cant.jail.spirit.1991 Campaign for handwritten notation. .pdf Amnesty and Human Rights for Freedom Now! Freedom Now!: April 1990 1 Periodical 510.freedomnow.vol1. Campaign for no1.April1990 Amnesty and Human Rights for

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 36 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

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Freedom Now! Freedom Now!: July 1990 2 Periodical 510.freedomnow.vol1. Campaign for no2.July1990.pdf Amnesty and Human Rights for Did You Know: Geronimo ji Jaga The International 1 Flyer (Pratt) is one of the Longest Help Campaign to Free nimo.pratt.pdf Political Prisoners in the US Today Geronimo Ju Jaga (Pratt) Torchlight March and candlelight Freedom Now 1 Flyer 510.demonstration.tor Vigil Network chlight.vigil.pdf

Political Prisoners in the United Freedom Now!: 1 Flyer Flier to raise funding for States…. Physical and Sexual Abuse Campaign for International Tribunal on US by Prison Officials… Sensory Amnesty and Political Prisoners and POWs Deprivation and Psychological Human Rights for Freedom Now: Campaign for Social Justice 3 Article Reproduction of Article by Amnesty and Human Rights for Freedom Now! Campaign Political Prisoners printed in Social Justice Vol. 16, No. 1 The Role of Prisons in US Society: Freedom Now!: 4 Monograph Reproduction Political Prisoners and Prisons as Campaign for centration.camps.pdf Concentration Camps - It Cannot Amnesty and Happen Here or Can It? Human Rights for For the Commission on Human Ahmed Obafemi The Indigienous 1989 1 Transcript Reproduction of Item 10: 510.commission.huma Rights, 45th session - February, World Human rights of all persons n.rights.45.1989.pdf 1989 organization subjected to any form of detention or imprisonment, A Call to Justice: A People's Greg Tewksbury Social Justice 1 Article Reproduction of article which Tribunal on Human Rights in the appeared in Social Justice, f United States Vol. 16, No. 1

Best Kept SecretL There Are 1 Flyer Advertisement for screening Political Prisoners in the US of "Through the Wire" and ws.service.Sept1989.pd discussion. f

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 37 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1

Folder Title Author Organization or Issue Date/No Year No. Copies Format Description File Name Publisher

Freedom When? Prison News September 1989 1 Article Clipping of Article from p. Service 3,4,10

510.cant.jail.spirit Now Available! Can't Jail the Editorial El Conquí Monograph Pamphlet advertising book 510.cant.jail.spirit.biogr Spirit!: A Collection of Biographies aphies.pdf of Political Prisoners in the US

Press Statement - Human Rights Freedom Now!: 1989 2 Press Release 510.fn.human.rights.da day 1988 - New York City Campaign for Amnesty and Human Rights for 2 Letters to Paul Susan McNish Freedom Now!: 1 Corresponden Original handwritten notes. Campaign for ce Amnesty and Human Rights for Movement Support Network News Center for Spring 1989 1 Periodical 510.movement.suppor Constitutional Rights; National 89.pdf Lawyer's Guild Bethesda Co-Op News Bethesda Co-Op December 1989 1 Periodical

Freedom Now! Freedom Now!: November 1990 1 Periodical Includes inserted Campaign for subscription card Amnesty and Human Rights for Don't Talk to the FBI Breakthrough 1984 1 Article Reproduction of Article 510.don' ough.1984.pdf

500 Years of Resistance Freedom Now 1992 1 Flyer 510.500.years.resistanc Network e.1992.pdf

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ardian.September1972.pdf The Freedom Archives [email protected] 43 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 1






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Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

FBI, Grand Jury, The Glass House Tapes Louis E. Tackwood Citizen's Research and 1973 1 Book Reproduction etc. Investigation Committee

Open Fire: Or the FBI's History Judy Gumbo Clavir Crawdaddy 1976 1 Article Reproduction Lesson and 976.pdf

The FBI Story Woodstock Times 1976 1 Article Reproduction 510.fbi.stoy.wo odstock.times.n o41.10.14.1976 .pdf

The Improper use of the Federal Michael E. Journal of Criminal Law and 1984 2 Article Reproduction. Article Grand Jury: An Instrument for The Deutsch Criminology available from Law Internment of Political Activists Collective article.php?id= 17

If an Agent Knocks: Federal Center for Constitutional Rights 1 Monograph Pamphlet Investigators and Your Rights ocks.4.1985.pdf

The FBI takes Aim Ward Churchill; The Other Side 1987 1 Article Reproduction Jim Vander Wall m.other.side.Ju ne1987.pdf

Criminal Justice: New Michael E. 1 Monograph Reproduction 510.correspond Developments in the Judicial Art of Deutsch ence.comm.end Repression .grand.repressi on.friends.pdf

Chicago Guild Update National Lawyers Guild Chicago February 1985 1 Periodical Includes handwritten 510.criminal.jus Chapter notations sion.pdf

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 37 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

Organizational rights: Tips on Minnesota Coalition to Prevent 1 Monograph Factsheet 510.organizatio Surveillance and Security Repressive Federal Legislation nal.rights.survei pdf

Common Sense Security Sheila O'Donnel Political Repression Project of 1 Monograph Distributed by the Public Eye the Center for constitutional Network Rights; National Lawyers Guild curity.pdf Civil Liberties Committee

Repression in the Land of the Free International Network Against 3 Monograph Newspaper Format 510.repression.l New State Repression pamphlet

End Grand Jury Repression Committee to End Grand Jury 1 Monograph Single leaflet 510.end.grand.j Repression ury.respression. pdf Free to Protest Task Force on Political 1 Monograph Pamphlet Repression; The Task force on est.pdf Political Repression

When The FBI Comes Knocking: A. Mouthpiece 1 Article Newspaper clipping Keep Your Mouth Shut

Police Repression: The US N.Y. Committee Against 1 Monograph Includes information on governments answer to the just repression police murders and struggle of opressed people for Police/FBI alliances 510.police.rep The New State Repression Ken lawrence International Network Against 1985 1 New State Repression 510.lawrence Grand Jury Letter to "Friends" Committee to End Grand Jury 1 Corresponde 510.correspond Repression nce ence.comm.end .grand.repressi on.friends.pdf

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 38 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

Firmes En La No Collaboration Federico Cintron; Comite Untario Contra La 1983 1 Monograph Spanish Portavoz; Cucre Represion apartado 20190 ollaboration.19 83.pdf

Comite de California Contra La Comite de California Contra La 2 Monograph English pamphlet 510.comite.calif Repression Repression pression.pdf

Our Constitutional Rights: For a Clayton Van 2004 1 Monograph From Grand Jury Comix - A 510.lydergraf.o Statement Read Before the San Lydegraf guide ur.constitutiona Francisco Grand Jury l.rights.2004.pd vironment/vail/OCR.html f printed on 6/28/2004. Originally presented Jan- Feb. 1973; Reproduction

Liberation June 1969 1 Periodical 510.liberation.v ol14.no3.June1 969.pdf

Liberation August 23 1969 1 Periodical

510.liberation The Political Grand Jury: An New York Committee Against 1 Monograph Pamphlet 510.political.gra Instrument of repression Grand Jury Repression nd.jury.repressi on.pdf

Non-Collaboration: The ONLY Stop the Witch Hunts! 2 1 Pamphlet 510.non.collabo Answer to Political Investigations ration.only.ans wer.pdf

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 39 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

Your Rights and the Grand Jury Coalition to End Grand Jury 1 Monograph Pamphlet 510.your.rights. Abuse gran.jury.pdf

From Clandestinity: Face to Face Raisa Namikin; New York Committee Against 1981 2 Packet Reproduction of writings on with the Grand Jury, Clandestine Pedro Archileta; Grand Jury Repression; New the Puerto Rican Liberation Struggle Mass Struggle, The Maria Cueto; Movement in Solidarity with movement and the freedom Macheteros on Poland, Crossroads Rafael Cancel Puerto Rican Independence; of political prisoners and and Exit Miranda; Rebeldia Publications prisoners of war. Grand Juries: Did you know? New movement 1 Monograph Pamphlet ow.pdf

The FBI is in Town…Don't Talk! National Lawyers Guild 2 Monograph Pamphlet

Emergency Committee to Stop the Grand 1989 1 Press Release Reproduction 510.emergency. Jury committee.stop .grand.jury.9.25 .1989.pdf

Grand Jury and FBI Activities Non-Collaboration 1 Report Reproduction 510.grand.jury.f bi.activities.pdf

Guerilla USA: The Life and Times of Daniel Burton Brigade Book Project 1 Corresponde Reproduction 510.guirilla.usa. the George Jackson Brigade Rose; Bo Brown; nce proposal.pdf Mark Cook; Ed Mead; Janine Bertram Letter to Claude "Daniel" 2003 1 Corresponde Handwritten note. Deed of nce gift for "copies of the grand Jury materials from the '70s and '80s".

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 40 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

No Compromise No Compromise 2003 1 Periodical

Berkeley Tribe Red Mountain Tribe Vol. 6-5 1971 Periodical 510.berkeley. HRC: Human Letter to "Compañeros"; Filibuster Human Rights Campaign 1989 1 Agenda; Reproduction 510.correspond Rights Campaign Resignation with Agenda Corresponde ence.companer nce os.resignation.1 989.pdf

Human Rights/Amnesty Campaign Human Rights Campaign 1988 1 Meeting Reproduction 510.hrc.minute for Political Prisoners Minutes of Minutes s.10.30.1988.pd Interim coordination Body f Meeting

Minutes of National Human National Human Rights/Amnesty 1988 1 Meeting Handwritten original. 510.hrc.minute Rights/Amnesty Campaign IB Campaign Minutes s.handwritten1 10/30/88 0.30.1988.pdf

Amended West coast Proposal for Human Rights Campaign 1 Monograph 510.proposal.a National Campaign Structure paign.structure. pdf

Letter to "Sisters and Brothers, The interim National Campaign c/o 1988 1 Corresponde 510.correspond Inside and Out" Coordinating Body Movement Support Network nce ence.hrc.mailin g.11.25.1988.p df

Position in Opposition to the Maggie Smith; 1988 1 Monograph 2 short memos on single 510.prisoners.c Prisoners' Commission; Why a Linda Backiel leaflet. ommission.opin Separate Commission for Prisoners ions.11.22.1988 .pdf

In Search of an Intelligent Monthly 1 Proposal Handwritten notes. 510.intelligent. Newsletter Proposal Reproduction monthly.newsle tter.proposal.p df

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 41 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

Internal organization Principles 1 Monograph List anization.princi ples.pdf

Letter to National Human Rights Alan Berkman; "Resistance Conspiracy Case" 1 Corresponde Reproduction 510.correspond Campaign Timothy Blunk; Defendants nce ence.resistance. Marilyn Buck; Linda Evans; Susan .pdf rosenberg; Laura Whitehorn

Agenda: Human Rights for Political Human Rights for Political 1988 3 Agenda For 10/1/1988 meeting. 1 510.hrc.agenda. Prisoners Formative Meeting Prisoners copy missing title page. Reproduction ing.10.1.1988.p df

Agenda: Human Rights for Political Human Rights for Political 1988 1 Agenda For 12/10/1988 meeting. 510.hrc.agenda. Prisoners Formative Meeting Prisoners 12.10.1988.pdf

Agenda: Human Rights for Political Human Rights for Political 1988 1 Agenda For 6/18/1988 meeting. 510.hrc.workin Prisoners Formative Meeting Prisoners g.paper.6.18.19 88.pdf

Letter to Human Rights Campaign Vicki Legion Administration Finance 1989 1 Corresponde Re: Your Suggestions for 510.hrc.activitie Activities Board Commission nce Names of People who would s.pdf Serve on the Campaign's Advisory

Letter to Coordinating Body Shelley Miller Administration/Finance 1989 1 Corresponde Re: February 11, 1989, CB 510.correspond Members nce Meeting rc.coordinating. body.1.24.1989 .pdf

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 42 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

Letter to Julio Rosado, Kathy Edward A. Mead Washington State reformatory 1988 1 Corresponde Letter to National Lexington 510.correspond Wilkerson nce Campaign Re: National Political Prisoner/POW osado.wilkerso campaign. Post-it note with n.9.25.1988.pdf "PS: Copies of this were sent to Gloria Alanzo and Josefina Rodriguez"

Inauguration of a Human Rights Human Rights Campaign for 1988 2 Press Release Released December 5, 1988 510.hrc.inagura Campaign for Political Prisoners in Political Prisoners tion.12.12.1988 the United States .pdf

Human Rights Violations in United Roger Wareham Human Rights Campiang for 1 Monograph Essay on the general scope 510.hrc.wareha States Prisoners Political Prisoners and gravity of human right m.human.rights violation in United States .violations.pdf prisons and highlights particular cases

Opening Statement Josephina Human Rights Campiang for 1988 1 Transcript Statement given to the UN 510.hrc.openin Rodriguez Political Prisoners on 12/12/1988 g.statement.12. 12.1988.pdf

National Human Rights Campaign: Human Rights Campiang for 1 Monograph Reproduction 510.hrc.propos A Proposal Political Prisoners al.pdf

To the Meeting to Form a National Alan Berkman; 1 Corresponde Reproduction 510.correspond Human Rights Campaign: We Send Timothy Blunk; nce ence.greeting.s Greetings of Solidarity Marilyn Buck; olidarity.pdf Linda Evans; Susan rosenberg; Laura Whitehorn

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 43 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

To the Human Rights/Amnesty Alan Berkman; 1 Corresponde Reproduction 510.correspond Campaign Timothy Blunk; nce ence.resistance. Marilyn Buck; conspiracy.defe Linda Evans; Susan rosenberg; Laura df Whitehorn

Universal declaration of Human United Nations 1 Article Excerpt from book. Rights Reproduction

Letter to Coordinating Body Dhoruba Bin 1989 1 Corresponde Reproduction 510.correspond "Freedom Now National campaign Wahad nce for Amnesty and Human Rights for hrc.2.6.1989.pd Political Prisoners" f

Resolution Freedom Now! 1988 1 Monograph Resolution condeming the 510.resolution. repression of political 12.10.1988.pdf prisoners and their attorneys in the Federal Republic of Germany Annex 8b: International covenant 1 Article Excerpt from book. 510.correspond on Civil and Political Rights Reproduction ence.weinstein. kalman.11.9.19 88.pdf

Letter to Marilyn Kalman of Corey Weinstein 1988 1 Corresponde Handwritten letter. Bayside Legal Advocates nce

[Packet] sent to Marilyn Shakir

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 44 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

Insurgent Newsletter Proposal 3 Monograph 1 copy includes handwritten 510.insurgent.n note to "Marilyn" on back. ewsletter.propo sal.pdf

The Insurgent Committee to Fight Repression Vol. 2(3) 1986 1 Periodical 510.insurgent.v Winter ol2.no3.Winter 1986.pdf

The Insurgent Committee to Fight Repression Vol. 3(1) 1987 1 Periodical 510.insurgent.v Summer ol4.no1.Summe r1987.pdf

The Insurgent Committee to Fight Repression Vol. 3(2) 1987 1 Periodical 510.insurgent.v Fall ol3.no2.Fall198 7.pdf

The Insurgent Committee to Fight Repression Vol. 4(1) 1988 5 Periodical 510.insurgent.v Winter ol4.no1.Summe r1987.pdf

The Insurgent Committee to Fight Repression Vol. 4(2) 1988 3 Periodical 510.insurgent.v Summer ol4.no3.Summe r1988.pdf

The Insurgent Committee to Fight Repression Vol.4(3) 1988 1 Periodical 510.insurgent.v Winter ol4.no3.Summe r1988.pdf

The Insurgent Committee to Fight Repression Vol.5(1) 1989 1 Periodical 510.insurgent.v Spring ol5.no1.Summe r1989.pdf

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 45 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

Libertad National Committee to Free July 1988 1 Periodical 510.libertad.vol Puerto Rican Prisoners of War IX.noVII.July198 8.pdf

Interfaith Interfaith Prisoners of Conscience Interfaith Prisoners of Spring 2003 1 Periodical 510.interfaith.p Prsioners of Project: The War on Civil Liberties Conscience Project risoners.conscie Conscience nce.project.Spri ng2003.pdf

Proclaim Release!: A Call to Interfaith Prisoners of 1997 1 Booklet 3rd ed. Conscience and Action for the Conscience Project lease.ed3.1997. Release of Puerto Rican Political pdf Prisoners

Irish Boston Trial Convicts 3 Irish Constitutional Defense Fund 1990 3 Monograph Activists: Join the Campaign to victs.3.activists. Overturn the Convictions! pdf

Young Engineer Jailed Before Constitutional Defense Fund 1990 1 Flyer Reproduction 510.young.engi Appeal is Even Heard! neer.jailed.pdf

Bay Woman Guilty in IRA Arms Milt Gun San Francisco Examiner 1990 1 Article Rreproduction of 6/19/1990 Race article.

US and Brittan Continue to Harass People's Tribune 1991 1 Article Reproduction of 4/15/1991 'Boston Three' article

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 46 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

FBI Raid INA National Office Linda A. Dixon The Irish People 1991 1 Article Reproduction of 5/25/1991 article.

US Irish resistance William Hughes The Irish People 1991 1 Article Reproduction of 5/18/1991 article.

Little-Known Espionage Law Cloaks Elizabeth Neuffer Boston Globe 1989 2 Article Reproduction of 7/23/1989 Wiretaps in Secrecy article.

Johnson Ends Defense on Anne Brennan Cape Cod Times 1990 1 Article Reproduction Credibility Issue

Johnson Weapons Case Sent to Anne Brennan Cape Cod Times 1990 1 Article Reproduction of 6/15/1990 Jury article.

Who is Chuck Malone (And Why is Malone Defense Fund 1 Monograph He in Jail?) ck.malone.pdf

Up-Date -- Bulletin #2 Malone Defense Fund 1990 1 Monograph Reproduction of 9/5/1990 510.update.bull bullitin. etin2.9.5.1990. pdf

Statement by Chris Reid to Court Chris Reid Constitutional Defense Fund 1990 1 Transcript Reproduction on August 20, 1990, the day of the sentencing

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 47 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

Justice for John Press Release #1: Defense Justice for John 1996 2 Press Release 3/13/1996 press release. Investigator Diles Lawsuit After se1.3.13.1996.p Police destroy Evidence Sought for df DNA Testing to Free Wrongly Convicted Man Press Release #2: Police Withheld Justice for John 1996 2 Press Release 4/12/1996 press release. Evidence That Proves Ewing's se2.4.12.1996.p Innocence, According to Appeal df

Press Release #3: Michigan Justice for John 1996 1 Press Release 8/30/1996 press release Appeals Court Refuses to Consider se3.8.30.1996.p Evidence of John Ewing's df Innocence

Press Release #4: Benjamin Justice for John 1996 2 Press Release 9/30/1996 press release Cardozo Law School's Innocence Project Joins Effort to Prove John Ewing's Innocence

Press Release #5: evidence Justice for John 1997 1 Press Release 1/20/1997 press release. destroyed by Chief Investigator to se5.1.20.1997.p Prevent DNA Testing in Eqing's df Appeal

Press Release #6: Lawsuit Settled: Justice for John 1997 1 Press Release 3/19/1997 press release Evidence Trail Reaches Dead-End se6.3.19.1997.p df

Press Release #7: Lawsuit against Justice for John 1997 1 Press Release 4/30/1997 press release Jackson County Sheriff's se7.4.30.1997.p Department Seeks $12 Million df

Press Release #8: Supreme Court Justice for John 1997 1 Press Release 6/19/1997 press release Grants Appeal, White Court of se8.6.19.1997.p Appeals Denies Appeal df

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 48 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

Press Release #9: Composite Justice for John 1997 1 Press Release 8/20/1997 Forgery Clinches case se9.8.20.1997.p df

Press Release #10: Lawsuit Justice for John 1997 1 Press Release 9/20/1997 Dismissed se10.8.20.1997. pdf

Press Release #11: Former Jurors Justice for John 1997 1 Press Release 10/17/1998 support request for New Trial se11.10.17.199 After Reviewing Withheld Evidence 8.pdf

Justice Matters Justice Matters Western Prison Project Winter 2002 1 Periodical Available online at: http://www.safetyandjustic

Justice Matters Western Prison Project Summer/F 2002 1 Periodical Available online at: all http://www.safetyandjustic

Prison Labor Inside Job$: Legalized US Prison People's Weekly World 1996 1 Article Spread: Pages 12-13 of Sweatshops Can Cost You Your Job 2/3/1996

The Bottom Line: California's Willie Wisely 1996 1 Article Reproduction of article 510.wisely.calif Prison Industry Authority originally printed in ornia.prison.ind California Prisoners and ustry.html.mht Prison Legal News

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 49 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

Email forwarded to Eve Goldberg; Prison Activist 1997 1 Corresponde Reproduction of article [email protected]: The Linda Evans nce; Article forwarded by Tom Prison Industrial Complex & the Burghardt. Global Economy

Rethinking the Big Crackdown Christian Parenti Colorlines 1999 3 Article Reproduction of article featured in Winter 1990 issue of Colorlines

Challenging White Supremacy: A Tides Center 1998 1 Flyer 510.challenging Workshop for Activists .white.suprema cy.workshop.pd f

Justice for the Abolition of the Critical Resistance 1998 1 Monograph Pamphlet 510.justification Prison Industrial Complex -- 40 .abolition.priso Acres and a Mule: An Educational n.complex.pdf Guide for White People of Conscience The Prison-Industrial Complex Eric Schlosser Atlantic Monthly 1998 1 Article Reproduction of article from December 1998 issue

Hard Time: From Alabama's Past, Douglas A. Wall Street Journal 2001 1 Article Clipping from 7/16/2001 Capitalism and Racism In a Cruel Blackmon issue Partnership

Prison Blues: An Audit Find the Maureen O'Hagan Willamette Week 1996 1 Article Clipping from 12/27/1996 State's Inmate Work Program isn't issue Working

Prisoners at Work Sam Whiting San Francisco Chronicle 1996 1 Article Clipping from 10/24/1996 issue

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 50 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

The Prison Industrial Complex and Eve Goldberg; Agit Press 1998 1 Monograph Pamphlet the Global Economy Linda Evans nomy.1998.pdf

Recession Update Left Business Observer 1 Article Reproduction of article

Behind Bars, Reaching Out to James Brooke New York Times 1 Article Reproduction of article Others

LA Prison Times LA Prison Times Fall 2007 2 Periodical

Lexington File [Photograph of Susan Rosenberg, 1989 1 Graphic Photo taken at Lexington 510.rosenberg. Silvia Baraldini and Alejandrina Penitentiary. baraldini.torres. Torres] 1989.jpeg

Tribunal Statement: From Women Susan Rosenberg; 1987 1 Transcript Statement given to the UN 510.tribunal.sta PP's and POW in HSU Silvia Baraldini; on 12/12/1988 tement.women. Alejandrina Torres pps.1989.pdf

The Crime of Politics Matthew Progressive 1989 1 Monograph Reproduction of article from 510.crime.politi Rothschild May 1989 issue cs.1989.pdf

Buried Alive in the Lexington National Campaign to Abolish 1 Monograph Pamphlet 510.buried.alive Women's Control Unit the Lexington Women's Control .lexington.wom Unit ens.control.198 9.pdf

Yale Journal of Law and Liberation Fall 1989 1 Periodical

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 51 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

Female High Security Unit Daedalus 1987 1 Flyer Reproduction. Media 510.female.hig Productions, Inc.. mateirals attached. 1987.pdf

Letter/Phone Campaign to Shut Committee to End the Marion 1987 1 Flyer Advertisement for Down the Lexington Control Unit Lockdown 11/23/1987 phone/letter campaign to the Bureau of prisons

Greetings from Alejandrina Torres, Susan Rosenberg; 1987 1 Corresponde Statements of solidarity, 510.greetings.t Susan Rosenberg, and Silvia Silvia Baraldini; nce October 1987 orres.rosenberg Baraldini Alejandrina Torres .beraldini.1987. pdf

Women's High Security Unit, Jan Susler; Adjoa 1989 1 Monograph Reproduction 510.womens.hs Lexington KY Update report to A. Aiyetoro; u.resport.amne amnesty International Elizabeth Fink; sty.internationa Mary K. l.1989.pdf O'Melveny; [Graphic of Lolita Lebron and 1 Graphic Reproduction. Handwritten 510.graphic.buc Marilyn Buck] caption indicates "mid-70's" k.lebron.c1970. pdf

United States of America: The High International Amnesty International 1988 1 Monograph Reproduction of summary Security Unit, Lexington Federal Secretariat published August 1988 ternational.lexi Prison, Kentucky ngton.hsu.sum mary.1988.pdf

Move Alejandrina, Susan, and Campaign for Amnesty and 1 Flyer Reproduction 510.move.aleja Silvia to General Population Human Rights for Political ndrina.susan.sil Prisoners in the US via.pdf

There Are Women Political Out of Control: Committee to 1 Flyer Reproduction 510.there.are.w Prisoners in the US Shut Down Lexington Control Unit f

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 52 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

National Campaign to Abolish the National Campaign to Abolish 1988 1 Monograph Updates as of 6/18/1988 Lexington HSU the Lexington Women's Control mpaign.abolish. Unit hsu.update.198 8.pdf

Women Political Prisoners in the Shelley Ettinger Gay Community News 1988 1 Article Pages 5-6 of 6/26/1988 510.women.pp. US Ad issue; Page 6 scanned.

A Living Tomb National Campaign to Abolish 1988 1 Flyer Originally published in The the Lexington Women's Control Nation 3/26/1988 .nation.3.26.19 Unit 88.pdf

United States of America: The High Amnesty International 1988 1 Report Reproduction of full Security Unit, Lexington Federal summary and report ternational.lexi Prison, Kentucky 88.pdf

Brainwashing in America?: The William A. Ruben; The Nation 1988 1 Article Reproduction of article 510.women.lexi Women of Lexington Prison Carlos Norman ngton.nation.19 87.pdf

People's tribunal to expose the Committee to End the Marion 1987 1 Flyer Flyer for 10/24/1987 3.tribunal.Flyer. Crimes of the Marion & Lexington Lockdown; Committee to Shut tribunal. 10.pdf Control Units Down the Lexington Control Unit; National committee to Free Puerto Rican Prisoners of War Special Incapacitation: The Gilda Zwerman Social Justice 1988 1 Monograph Excerpt from Social Justice 510.special.inca Emergence of a New Correctional Vol. 15(1) pacitation.1988 Facility for Women Political .pdf Prisoners

Silvia Beraldini, et al. v. Richard L. United States Court of Appeals 1989 1 Monograph Court opinion. 510.beraldini.v. Thornburgh, Attorney General, et. thornburgh.198 al. 9.pdf

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 53 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

The Shame of America - National Committee to Free In English and Español 510.americas.s Psychological Torture: US Style Puerto Rican Prisoners of War hame.psycholo gical.torture.pd f Literary Prisoners Inmate Optimistic Thanks to Prison Suzanne tay-Kelley The Sunday Review 1995 1 Article Reproduction of 4/2/1995 reading Program article

tutors break Inmates' Chains of Vince golla Valley Times 1995 1 Article Reproduction of 5/28/1995 Illiteracy article.

Still Angry - After All These Years Robert danin; Jolie 1 Transcript Reproduction of 510.dannin.stah Stahl transcripted interview with l.still.angry.pdf Donald cox, former field marshal of the . Daughter, I Hope to see You When Luís Nieves-Falcón 1 Monograph Personal essay 510.nieves.falc the Day of Liberation Dawns

Trip to Prison: To Those who Luís Nieves-Falcón 1 Monograph Personal essay 510.nieves.falc Conspire to Resist -Washington on.trip.prison.p D.C. df

I Am With You in Prison, Luís Nieves-Falcón 1 Monograph Personal essay 510.nieves.falc Alejandrina jandrina.pdf

The Moral Strength of the Puerto Luís Nieves-Falcón 1 Monograph Personal essay 510.nieves.falc Rican Prisoners of War on.moral.streng th.puerto.rican. pdf

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 54 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

Capitalism Has Won a Game, But Mario Benedetti Claridad-En Rojo 1990 1 Monograph Reproduction 510.benedetti.c not the Championship apitalism.6.8.19 90.pdf

A Child Lost in the storm Eduardok Galiano El Pais 1990 2 Monograph Reproduction of personal 510.dannin.stah essay excerpted from El Pais, l.still.angry.pdf 28 March 1990

Due Obedience - Fires Gino Lofredo 1 Monograph Reproduction of personal 510.galeano.chi essay translated by Marilyn ld.lost.3.28.199 Buck 0.pdf

Political Prisoners Write Critical Mumia Abu-Jamal; Critical Resistance 1998 1 Compilation reproduction of articles by 510.political.pri Resistance silvia Baraldini; various Political Prisoners soners.write.cri Herman bell; tical.resistance. Marilyn Buck, pdf Susan Crana, Linda Evans, Dylcia Pagán, Alicia Rodríguez, Lucy Rodríguez, Carmen Valentín, Laura Whitehorn; Jalil Abdul Munatqin; Russel "Maroon" Shoats; Albert Nuh Washington;

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 55 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

Marianna Women's Control Unit: Marianna, Silvia Baraldini; Anti-Imperialist Political 1992 1 Monograph Reproduction of Fall 1992 FL Marilyn Buck; Prisoners piece ntrol.unit.maria Susan Rosenberg; nna.1992.pdf Laura Whitehorn

[Personal essay of experience at Carol S. Manning 1 Monograph Reproduction of 510.manning.p Marianna FCI Women's Unit.] handwritten personal essay ersonal.essay.p df

Report of October 13, 1988, Visit Sue Sturtz 1988 1 Report Update on visit to marion. to Marianna FCI Women's Unit Attached envelope indicates sent from S. Sturts to Marilyn Kalman

Report on August 26, 1988, Visit to 1988 1 Report Attorney's personal account Marianna FCI Women's Unit; of visit to FCI Marianna. marianna.8.30. Men's Unit tour, September 9, 1988.pdf 1988

Marianna - The BOP's Marion for 4 Monograph Essay on the opening of 510.bop.marion Women Marianna FCI, FL and the .women.pdf governments efforts to transfer female political prisoners there.

"Dear Women"; Open House at Jan Susler; Sue A series of descriptions and 510.susler.dear. the camp and Women's Unit Sturtz accounts on the Marianna federal correctional Institution, FCI from various authors ouse.6.21.1988. Marianna, Florida, June 21-24, before its opening pdf 1988; Federal Prison Camp, Marianna, Florida

Solidarity Statement from Silvia Silvia Baraldini; 1988 1 Corresponde 2/6/1998 statement Beraldini and Susan Rosenberg, Susan Rosenberg; nce regarding state of women Anti-Imperialist Political Prisoners, political prisoners, at HSU Lexington, Kentucky particularly the deteriorating health of Alejandrina torres.

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 56 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

Report on the High Security Unit National Prison American Civil Liberties Union 8/25 1987 1 Report Reproduction of report on for Women Federal Correctional Project of the tour by Alexa Freeman and Institution Lexington, Kentucky ACLU Foundation Adjoa A. Aiyetoro

Marion Marion Mind Control Prison of Committee to defend the 1976 1 Pamphlet History and conditions of Today Marion Brothers Marion prison's Control Unit

510.marion.m Prisoners - Healing on Parole: Doctor and Ex- Jan Hoffman New York Times Metro 1994 1 Article Reproduction of 1/10/1994 Medical Care Prisoner, He treats Others on article. Probation

Dying Behind Bars Nina Siegal San Francisco Bay Guardian 1997 1 Article Reproduction of 2/5/1997 article.

Telemedicine Getting a Test in Kate Murphy New York times 1998 1 Article Clipping from 6/8/1998 Efforts to cut Costs of Treating article Prisoners A Collection of Materials on ACT UP 1 A survey of literature on Prisoners with HIV/AIDS prisoners with HIV AIDS, with special emphasis on activism Midnight Special Midnight Special Prisoners News National Lawyers Guild; Prison October 1972 1 Periodical 510.midnight.sp Justice Committee Vol. 2-8 ecial.vol2.no8. October1972.p df

Midnight Special Prisoners News National Lawyers Guild; Prison February 1977 1 Periodical Justice Committee Vol. 5-10


The Freedom Archives [email protected] 57 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

Midnight Special Prisoners News National Lawyers Guild; Prison June 1977 1 Periodical Justice Committee

510.midnight. Prisons - Military Military Tribunals; The Castle of Independent News 2001 1 Article 2 Articles. First has a number tribunal Death of underlines and highlighted notes, including the handwritten attribution "From Attica to Qalai Janghi"

Missouri Prison Off the Hook Missouri Prisoners' Union January 2007 1 Periodical Labor Union k.no13.Jan2007 .pdf

Off the Hook Missouri Prisoners' Union Winter 2003 1 Periodical k.no5.Winter20 03.pdf

Off the Hook Missouri Prisoners' Union September 2006 1 Periodical k.no12.Sep2006 .pdf

Off the Hook Missouri Prisoners' Union May/June 2004 1 Periodical k.no6.MayJun2 004.pdf

Prisoners - Mental Prison Officials Want Input on Use Stephen Hunt Salt Lake Tribune 1997 1 Article Reproduction of 3/26/1997 Health of "the Chair" article

Prisons Replace Hospitals for the Fox Butterfield New York Times 1998 1 Article Clipping of 3/5/1998 article Nations Mentally Ill

Muslims The Charmer Henry Louis Gates The New Yorker 1996 1 Article Reproduction of article in April 29-May 6 issue

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 58 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

Mobilization to They Will Not Kill Mumia Abu- Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu- 1999 1 Flyer Advertisement for Free Mumia Abu- Jamal Jamal 5/12/1999 demonstration Jamal A night to free Mumia Abu-Jamal Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu- 2000 1 Flyer Advertisement for Jamal 10/7/2000 benefit rally

Race for Justice conference Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu- 2000 1 Agenda Program for 3/6/2000 program Jamal western regional conference

Prisons - Life In Prison Edwin Hubbell 1 Article Reproduction of article on Narratives the personal experience of former US Attorney general Edwin Hubbel's time in federal prison In a Hard Place: The Meteoric rise Pam Widener Prison Life 1 Article Reproduction of article of Charles S. Dutton

Native Prisoners Commemorating 500 Years of International Indian Treaty 1992 1 Flyer Pamphlet on Oct 5 - 12 ITC 510.commemor Indigenous resistance Council alternatives to Columbus ating.500.years. Day celebration 10.5.1992.pdf

International Tribunal of Out of Control: Lesbian 1992 1 Report Brief on tribunal 510.internation Indigenous Peoples and Oppressed Committee to Support Women al.tribunal.indig Nationalities in the United States Political Prisoners; Prarie fire inous.program. of America Organization 10.2.1992.pdf

[Graphic of Patrick "Hooty" Croy] The Recorder 1990 1 Graphic Reproduction of graphic. Caption reads "Patrick "Hooty" Croy celebrated after he was acquitted at his second trial murdering a police officer."

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 59 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

Statement of Facts 1 Narrative of the arrest of 510.statement.f Patrick "Hooty" Croy acts.pdf

Croy Sentencing: Defense 1990 1 Corresponde Email with imbedded news 510.croy.senten Attorney Says He Shouldn't Return nce article on the sentencing of cing.1990.pdf to prison Patrick "Hooty" Croy

SF Retrial Clears Indian in '78 Cop Martin Halstuk San Francisco Chronicle 1990 1 Article Reproduction of 5/2/1990 Death article.

Retrial in 1978 Killing to Focus On Martin Halstuk San Francisco Chronicle 1989 1 Article Reproduction of 11/15/1989 the Civil rights of Indians article

From the Arawak Indians to Norma Gay American Indians, Norma 1992 1 Flyer Pamphlet for Lesbian and Jean Croy: 500 Years of Resistance Jean Croy Defense Committee, gay Benefit for Norma Jean norma.croy.199 Out of Control - Lesbian Croy 2.pdf Committee to Support Women Political Prisoners, Lesbians and Gays Against Intervention, Revolting Lesbians, The On Our Rag Collective

Oyate Materials List Oyate 1992 1 Catalog Materials list for pre. K - 12 510.oyate.mate native education rials.list.1992.p df

Unsolved Murders (Partial List) Robinson Defense Committee 1 List of unresolved crime 510.unsolved.m against citizense of Robeson urders.pdf County

Hatcher Attorney vows to Fight Fayetteville Observer Times 1989 1 Article Reproduction of 5/8/1989 Trial Efforts article.

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 60 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

Civilize Native American People?; John F. Lame Deer Tayac Family 1 Corresponde Reproductions of: Unnamed 510.lame.deer. Excerpt from Lame Deer, Seeker of nce; Book letter to journal concerning exerpt.pdf Visions: Women on Their Moon the racial and religious supression of Native American prisoners; Ecerpt from Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions Chapter 9: Medicine Good and Bad (p.159-182 with handwritten annotation); Letter from The Tayac Family regarding Moon Lodge for menstruating women and related traditional practices.

Petition on Behalf of Leonard MSN Political Prisoner Project 1 Flyer Petition to the Canadian Peltier government to free Leonard Peltier International Tribunal of American Indian Movement 1992 1 Monograph Pamphlet for tribunal. Indigenous Peoples and Oppressed Includes pieces by PPs and Nationalities in the United States POWs of America

Join the Campaign of Non-Violent Leonard Peltier defense 1998 1 Flyer Advertisement for the 510.internation Civil Disobedience to Free Leonard Committee 12/19/1988 start of the al.tribunal.indig Peltier campaign inous.program. 10.2.1992.pdf

Eddie Hatcher Execution Date??? The Eddie Hatcher Defense 1 Flyer Pamphlet on the history of 510.flier.leonar Committee Eddie Hatcher's case, d.pelier.12.19.1 imprisonment and call for 998.pdf his execution.

Free Kakwirakeron Free All Political Prisoners 1990 1 Monograph History of Kakwirakeron's 510.eddie.hatc (a.k.a. Arthur Montour) her.execution.d arrest and incarceration as ate.pdf well as a demand for his release

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 61 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

Folder Title Author Organization or Publisher Issue Date/ Year No. CopFormat Description File Name

Statement of Facts [and Graphic] Norma Jean Defense Committee 1 Flyer Rreproduction of account of Norma Jean Croy's case with akeron.pdf line drawing on reverse side

` Letter to "Anna" Standing Deer 1988 1 Corresponde Reproduction of 9/21/1988 nce letter

New Afrikan New Afrikan/Black Political Jill Soffiyah Elijah 2 Monograph Essay on the conditions of Prisoners Prisoners and Prisoners of War: confinement for New .pp.pow.conditi Conditions of Confinement Afrikan/Black political ons.confinemen prisoners and prisoners of t.pdf war. 1 copy with handwritten notes Freedom for Johnny Spain: The Dennis Riordan The Conspiracy 1988 1 Article Reproduction of article from Final Push June/July issue on the incarceration of John Spain

Correspondence to Chairperson International Campaign to Free 1 Flyer Petition to US house of 510.petition.ho for the Committee on the Judiciary Geronimo Pratt representative to pass use.resolution.1 US House of Representatives Re: resolution 109 which would 09.pdf House Resolution 109 forward a new trial for Geronimo ji Jaga (Pratt) Jericho '98 - Amnesty and Jericho '98 organizing 1998 1 Flyer Flyer calling for awareness 510.flier.jericho Freedom for All Political Prisoners Committee campaign for PPs and POWs .98.pdf

Ahmed Obafemi: Dedicated New New Afrikan Institute 1 Flyer Includes biographical sketch. Afrikan Grassroots Organizer ed.obafeni.pdf

Research on International Law and Research on International Law 1990 1 Flyer Information on the institute 510.pamphlet.r Black Freedom Fighters in the US and Black Freedom Fighters in and its activities esearch.interna the US .freedom.5.199 0.pdf

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 62 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

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Mutulo Shakur: A Life of Struggle Campaign to Free Dr. Mutulu 1 Flyer Short biography 510.mutulu.sha Shakur .pdf

Letter to Brothers and Sisters in Black Panther Newspaper 1990 1 Corresponde Announcement for the Black 510.correspond Struggle [with enclosures] Committee nce Panther, Black Community News Service: Memorial .panther.newsl Issue. Includes explanation etter.Dec.1990. of purpose and front page of pdf Commemorator Commemoration Committee for 1 Periodical 510.commemor The Black Panther Party ator.vol1.no2.D ec1990.pdf

NAPD Genocide Waged Against the Black Mutulu Shakur; 1 Monograph Research paper on genocide Nation Through Behavior Anthony X waged against the Black rm.genocide.pd Modification/Orchestrated by Bradshaw; Malik Nation through behavior f Counterinsurgency and Low- Dinguswa; Terry D. modification in the United Intensity Warfare in the US Penal Long; Mark Cook; States penal system. System Aldofo Matos; Presented for consideration James Haskins by the Research Committee on International Law and Black Freedom Fighters in the United States

Prisons - Parole State Slams Door on Hopes for Jennifer Warren 1999 1 Article Reproduction. Jennifer Parole Warren, "State Slams Door on Hopes for Parole," , October 3, 1999. Nancy Vogel, "Gov. Paroles Second Killer," Los Angeles Times, November 27, 2003, A1.

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Partisan Defense International Campaign of Protest: Committee to Save Mumia Abu- 1995 1 Flyer Flyer advertising 2/25 rally. 510.internation Committee Mobilize Now Save Mumia Abu- Jamal Printed 2/19/1995. al.campaign.sav Jamal! e.mumia.2.25.1 995.pdf

International Campaign of Partisan Defense Committee 1995 3 Flyer Flyer advertising 7/14 rally. 510.internation Protest!: Save Mumia Abu Jamal! al.campaign.sav e.mumia.7.14.1 995.pdf

Emergency Demonstration: All Out Partisan Defense Committee 1995 1 Flyer Flyer advertising protest to to Save Mumia Abu-Jamal be held after a death .mumia.1995.p warrant is signed df

Stop the Execution of Mumia Abu- Partisan Defense Committee 1995 1 Flyer Flyer advertising 8/3/1995 510.stop.execut Jamal! protest ion.mumia.8.3. 1995.pdf

Mobilize Labor/Minority Power! Partisan Defense Committee 1995 1 Flyer Flyer advertising 8/3/1995 510.stop.execut Stop the Execution of Mumia Abu- protest ion.mumia.abu- Jamal jamal.8.3.1995. pdf

Free Mumia Abu Jamal Breakthrough 1991 1 Article Reproduction of article from 510.breakthrou Winter 1991 issue. Article a reprint of an open letter abu.jamal.Wint from the Black Cultural er1991.pdf Workshop at Lampoc Federal Penitentiary. Urgent call to action to save the life of Mumia Abu Jamal

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Facsimile Transmission with Kathy Ikegami Partisan Defense Committee 1995 1 Corresponde Correspondence to the bay 510.facimile.tra Subject: August 3 Labor/Minority nce area network regarding nsmission.7.22. March to Stop the Execution of 8/3/1995 march in response 1995.pdf Mumia Abu Jamal, to scheduled execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Includes endorsement form, Flyer and press release.

Class-Struggle Defense Notes Partisan Defense Committee April 1989 1 Periodical Includes: We Demand Mumia Must Not Die!; Mumia Resists Prison Hellhole; Black Journalist on Death Row; Abolish the Death Penalty; Handbook of constitutional Violations

Class-Struggle Defense Notes Partisan Defense Committee November 1989 1 Periodical Includes: Holiday Appeal for Class-War Prisoners; Victims of Racist Holocaust - Free ALL MOVE Prisoners; British Miners Hancock and Shankland: Heroes of the Class Struggle; Geronimo Pratt in Danger!: Pratt Exposes COINTELPRO Frame- Up; Join the Campaign to Save Mumia Abu-Jamal; 'On Tilt' by State Design" by Mumia Abu-Jamal; Freedom for Victims of Capitalist State Repression Black Journalist on Death Row! Partisan Defense Committee 1 Flyer Short biographical sketch of Mumia Abu-Jamal and plea alist.death.row. for support pdf

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Pennsylvania Supreme Court Gives Partisan Defense Committee 1990 1 Press Release 2/20/1990 press release Green Light to Execute Black Regarding Supreme court fense.committe Journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal decision to deny Jamal's petition to reargue his 2.20.1990.pdf appeal. Examples of PDC Work around Partisan Defense Committee 1990 1 Press Press and information Mumia's Case (Circa 1990) Release; packet on PDC work fense.committe Flyer; Petition surrounding the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Includes: 2.20.1990.pdf Open letter to members asking for support; 6/11/1990 press release "International Protest to Save Black Journalist on Death Row"; Black Journalist on Death Row; Press Covers Campaign graphic; Flyer for 7/14/1995 protest; Petition to Governor Robert Casey.

Campaign to Free Mumia Abu- 1990 1 Petition Petition to free mumia Abu- Jamal Now!: I/We Demand the Jamal. Immediate Freedom of Mumia Abu-Jamal, an innocent man.

Protesters Worldwide Partisan Defense Committee 2008 1 Article Reproduction of article from Demand:"Free Mumia Now!" ubs/press/2008-04-20.htm retrieved and printed 4/30/2008 8:45 pm. Article regarding 4/19/2008 international protest to demand Jamal's immediate release

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Partisan Defense Committee Partisan Defense Committee 2007 1 Petition Compiles 6/30/2007: Campaign to Free Mumia Abu- "Partial list of individuals, Jamal, Now! labor organizations representing thousands of workers, and other groups which have signed the following statement to free Mumia Abu-Jamal"

Free Mumia Abu Jamal! Abolish Reggie Moore American Federation of State, 2006 1 Corresponde Regarding AFSCME the Racist Death Penalty! County and Municipal nce 5/19/2006 vote to call for Employees Local 444 freedom for death row political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal Class-Struggle Defense Notes Partisan Defense Committee Number 35 2008 1 Periodical Includes: 22nd Annual Spring Holdiay Appeal for Class- War Prisoners; Class- Struggle Defense and the Fight to Free Mumia Abu- Jamal; LBL Speaker: Mobilize Labor Power in Fight to Free Mumia! Mumia is an Innocent Man Free Partisan Defense Committee 2006 1 Flyer Pamphlet on Jamal's case Mumia Abu-Jamal! Abolish the and appeal for support. Racist Death Penalty Includes order information for materials

[Letter of Free Mumia campaign Boyd and Company 2006 1 Corresponde 4/25/2006 letter of support endorsement from Boyd and nce to free Mumia Abu-Jamal Company]

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Mumia Abu-Jamal Mandla Rametsi Shopsteward 2007 1 Article Reproduction of article from Vol. 16-1 March 2007 issue regarding Consatu's International Relations Office correspondence to Governor tom Ridge expressing concern at the attempts to re-impose the death penalty against Mumia Abu-Jamal Partisan Defense Committee Partisan Defense Committee September 2001 1 Monograph Pamplet includes" Affidacit Pamphlet of rachel Wolkenstin; Affidacit of Arnold R. Beverly; Declaration of Mumia Abu-Jamal; declarations of Willian Cook; Labor League for Social Defense Sparticist Publishing No. 23 2001 1 Periodical June league.June200 1.pdf

Class-Struggle Defense Notes Partisan Defense Committee No. 28 2000 1 Periodical Includes: Fight to Free Winter Mumia Abu-Jamal; Ohio 7: Fighters Against Imperialism, Racism; 1985 MOVE Massacre: We Will Not Prisoners Union Business Cards Prisoners Union 1 Ephemera Small collection of business cards. Includes Prisoners Union membership card

Prisoners Union: Convicts, Ex- Prisoners Union 1 Flyer Pamphlet with general 510.pamphlet.p convicts, and Concerned information on the Union risoners.union. Individuals Fighting to Promote and subscription pdf and Uphold the Rights and Welfare information to the Prisoners of California Prisoners Union Journal

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[Prisoners Union Formation Prisoners Union 1 Graphic 3 photographs of mrembers 510.prisoners.u Graphics] collecting petitions for nion.vs.californi formation of the Prisoners Union rrections.pdf

The Prisoners Union Welcomes Prisoners Union 1 Agenda Flyer with list of events for You to Their 10th Anniversary the celebration Celebration The Prisoners Union…Plaintiffs, vs. Superior Court of California, 1 Monograph Government Document Case California Department of County of Monterey No. 76494 Corrections…Defendants

Jailhouse Lawyer Victoria Stewart Suttertown News 1991 1 Article Article clipping from March 14-21, 1991 issue.

The California Prisoner Prisoners Rights Union Vol. 19-2 1991 1 Periodical 510.california.p June risoner.vol19.n o2.June1991.pd f

Prisoners Union Journal Proposal Prisoners Union 1982 1 Proposal Includes: Definition and 510.prisoners.u 1981-1982 Purpose; Sentencing Laws; nion.propoasal. Civil and Human Rights; 1981.pdf Prisoners' Work in Prisons; Visiting Prisoners and Return to Society; Prisoners Union Journal; Budget; Exhibit A

Pelican Bay Pelican Bay Prison Express Pelican bay Information Project Vol. 1-1 1992 1 Periodical 510.pelican.bay October vol2.no2.July19 93.pdf

Pelican Bay Prison Express Pelican bay Information Project Vol. 2-2 1993 1 Periodical pelican.bay.pris July .no1.Oct1992.p df

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Pelican Bay Prison Express Prisoners Rights Union July 1995 1 Periodical

Pontiac Brothers Pontiac Prisoners support Pontiac Prisoners Support No. 1 1978 1 Periodical Nesletter for the Pontiac 510.pontiac.pris Coalition Newsletter Coalition October Prisoners Support Coalition. oalition.newslet ter.no1.Oct197 8.pdf Pontiac Prisoners support Pontiac Prisoners Support 5 Periodical Nesletter for the Pontiac 510.pontiac.pris Coalition Newsletter Coalition Prisoners Support Coalition. No Volume or issue number oalition.newslet given. ter.nd1.pdf

Pontiac Prisoners support Pontiac Prisoners Support 5 Periodical Nesletter for the Pontiac 510.pontiac.pris Coalition Newsletter Coalition Prisoners Support Coalition. No Volume or issue number oalition.newslet given. ter.nd2.pdf

Pontiac Prisoners support Pontiac Prisoners Support No. 4 April 1979 1 Periodical Nesletter for the Pontiac 510.pontiac.pris Coalition Newsletter Coalition Prisoners Support Coalition. oalition.newslet ter.no4.April19 79.pdf Pontiac Prisoners support Pontiac Prisoners Support No. 10 1979 3 Periodical Nesletter for the Pontiac 510.pontiac.pris Coalition Newsletter Coalition December Prisoners Support Coalition. oalition.newslet ter.no10.Dec19 79.pdf Pontiac Prisoners support Pontiac Prisoners Support No. 13 1980 1 Periodical Nesletter for the Pontiac 510.pontiac.pris Coalition Newsletter Coalition Prisoners Support Coalition. oalition.newslet ter.no13.Dec19 80.pdf

Correspondence to Judge James Thompson Illinoise Governor's Office 3 Corresponde Regarding trial of the 510.correspond Benjamin Miller nce Pontiac Brothers. Letter of contest to the dismissal of over 400 defense motions .to.benjamin.mi before beginning of trial. ller.pdf

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United Prisoners Statement on the release of 1 Monograph unsigned statement Union prisoners regarding the release of atement.releas prisoners e.pp.pdf

No. 1 Domestic Priority: New Arnold S. Trebech Transitions to Freedom 1 Article Reproduction of article Careers for Criminals forwarded by Transitions to 1.domestic.prio Freedom with note rity.pdf attached. Originally printed in City Magazine, October- November 1970.

Goals of the Prisoners Union United Prisoners Union 1971 2 Monograph Statement of purpose, goals, 510.goals.priso strategies. ners.union.pdf

United Prisoners Union Bill of United Prisoners Union 1 Flyer 510.united.pris Rights oners.union.bill .rights.pdf Postcard to Governor Ronald Delancy Street Foundation 1 Corresponde 510.postcard.g Reagan Regarding Prison Cell Size nce ov.reagan.pdf

Open Letter Linda Castro; Prison Law Collective 1 Corresponde Appeal for support 510.correspond Richard Doctoroff; nce Brian Glick; Eve .collective.pdf Pell; Patti Roberts; Deidre Stone

San Quentin Must Be Closed! 1 Flyer 510.san.quentin .must.close.pdf

Cover letter to Accompany Goals Willie Holder United Prisoners Union 1971 1 Corresponde Regarding dissolution of 510.correspond nce Local #9 chapter ence.cover.lett er.10.15.1971.p df

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Letter to Member United Prisoners Union 1971 1 Corresponde Response to Cover Letter 510.correspond nce ence.from.unite d.prisoners.uni on.pdf

Alternative House, Oakland Alternative House 1 Report Statement of purpose. 510.alternative. house.oakland. pdf

Prison Art News Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 1-1 2001 2 Periodical November Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 2-5 2002 1 Periodical May Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 2-6 2002 1 Periodical June Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 2-7 2002 1 Periodical July Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 2-8 2002 1 Periodical August Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 2-9 2002 1 Periodical September

Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 2-10 2002 1 Periodical October Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 2-11 2002 1 Periodical November

Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 2-12 2002 1 Periodical December Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 3-1 2003 1 Periodical January Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 3-4 2003 2 Periodical April Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 3-7 2003 1 Periodical July

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Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 3-8 2003 1 Periodical August Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 3-9 2003 1 Periodical September

Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 3-10 2003 1 Periodical October Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 3-11 2003 1 Periodical November Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 3-12 2003 2 Periodical December Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 4-1 2004 1 Periodical January Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 4-2 2004 1 Periodical February Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 4-3 2004 1 Periodical March Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 4-4 2004 1 Periodical April Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 4-5 2004 1 Periodical May Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 4-6 2004 1 Periodical June Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 4-7 2004 1 Periodical July Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 4-8 2004 1 Periodical August Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 4-9 2004 1 Periodical September

Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 4-10 2004 1 Periodical October

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Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 4-11 2004 1 Periodical November Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 4-12 2004 1 Periodical December Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 5-1 2005 1 Periodical January Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 5-2 2005 1 Periodical February Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 5-3 2005 1 Periodical March Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 5-4 2005 1 Periodical April Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 5-5 2005 1 Periodical May Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 5- 2005 1 Periodical 5May Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 5-6 2005 1 Periodical June Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 5-7 2005 1 Periodical July Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 5-8 2005 2 Periodical August Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 5-9 2005 1 Periodical September Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 5-11 2005 2 Periodical November Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 5-12 2005 1 Periodical December Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 6-1 2006 3 Periodical January Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 6-2 2006 1 Periodical February

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Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 6-3 2006 1 Periodical March Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 6-4 2006 1 Periodical April Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 6-6 2006 1 Periodical June Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 6-7 2006 1 Periodical July Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 6-8 2006 1 Periodical August Prison Art Newsletter Prison Art Newsletter Vol. 6-9 2006 1 Periodical September Angola 3: In the Wake of Katrina National Coalition to Free Angola 2004 1 Periodical and Rita 3

Prisons - Private The Prison Industrial Complex and Eve Goldberg; AK Press July 1998 1 Monograph the Global Economy Linda Evans nomy.1998.pdf

Corrections a Documentary: The World Newsreel 1 Flyer Private Prisons are Back Jail Business Shows Its Weakness Jeff Gerth; New York Times 1995 1 Article Stephen Labaton

Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Coalition for Prisoners' Vol. 17-12 1992 1 Periodical Newsletter Rights/Prison Project of Santa Fe December r.prisoners.right s.newlsetter.vol 17.no12.Dec19 92.pdf

December 10th - 1998: Fifty Years Piles for Miles 1998 1 Flyer Pamphlet for 12/10/1998 510.piles.for.mi of Rights and Freedoms event supporting San les.fifty.years.1 Francisco Bay Area non- 2.10.1998.pdf profits.

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Raza Prison Before the International Tribunal Committee to Free Alvaro 1990 1 Flyer Includes 12/7/1990 prisoner 510.special.inte on the Situation of Political hernandez & Alberto Aranda statements rnational.tribun Prisoners and Prisoners of War al.12.7.1990.pd Held in United States f

Campaign to free Jose Luis Avina Campaign to free Jose Luis Flyer; Reproductions. Packet of packet Avina; Bario Defense Corresponde information from various s.avina.2001.pd Committee; Anarchist Black nce; Article sources f Cross Foundation;

Raza Prisoners and Colonialism 2001 1 Flyer Registration form for La Conference Raza Prisoners and Colonialism conference on 5/5/2001 Prisoners - Race Race statistics alone no not Linda Greenhouse New York Times 1996 1 Article May 14, 1996. Reproduction support a claim of selective- of newspaper clipping. prosecution, justices rule

Many Black Men Barred From Fox Butterfield New York Times 1997 1 Article 1/30/1997 newspaper Voting clipping

The Prison Slave as hegemony's Frank B. University California, Berkeley 2002 1 Monograph Presented at "Imprisoned 510.wilderson.h (Silent) Scandal Wilderson, III Intellectuals" Conference, egemony.silent. Brown University, April 13th, scandal.2002.p 2002 df

Number of blacks in prison rising Boston Globe 1999 2 Article Reproduction toward 1 million Jury rigging laid bare Jack McMahon Harper's Magazine 1997 4 Article From the transcript of remarks by Jack McMahon The truth about black crime R. Jeneen Jones 2000 1 Corresponde Originally sent Monday, 17th 510.jones.truth. nce Jan 2000 black.crime.1.1 7.2000.pdf

Crack and Punishment: Is Race the Charisse Jones New York Times 1995 1 Article Clipping; Published: October Issue? 28, 1995

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Study Examines Race and Justice in Fox Butterfield New York Times 1996 1 Article Clipping; Published: California February 13, 1996

Sentencing Under bail Reform Act 'Preventive Debra S. Katz Legal Times 1989 1 Article Reproduction. Published Guide/Corres Detention' Prevents Due Process 7/17/1989

Working Paper on Federal 1989 1 Monograph July 1989 essay by unknown Parole/Release for U.S. Political author. per.federal.rele Prisoners and Prisoner-of-War ase.pp.pow.7.1 989.pdf

Letter to Honorable Strom Benjamin F. Baer US Department of Justice United 1987 1 Corresponde Reproduction 510.correspond Thurmond States Parole Commission nce urmond.3.2.198 7.pdf

Letter to Benjamin F. baer Stephen S. Trott US Department of Justice Office 1987 1 Corresponde Reproduction 510.correspond of the Associate Attorney nce General ott.2.2.1987.pd f

Parents Fight Draconian Sentence Laura Flanders New Directions for Women 1990 1 Article Reproduction of article from March/April 1990 issue.

Prisons - States, FWD: America Behind Bars: One in Jan Susler 1999 1 Corresponde Forwarded article: America Geneva 150 in Prison Jail nce Behind Bars: One in 150 in prison/Jail, New York Times, week in review. March 7, 1999

Nonviolent prisoners - press nattyreb 1999 1 Corresponde Forwarded article: America release nce Imprisons Over a Million Nonviolent Offenders

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Letter to the editor: Look at 1996 1 Article Re "Survey Finds That Cost of White-Collar Crime, Too Crimes Cost $450 Billion a Year" (news article, April 22)

Prisoners of the Census Tracy Huling 2000 1 Article Reproduction of web article on people of color imprisoned in rural areas and its affect on federal funds via census data.

California has toughest law on William Claiborne LA Times - Washington Post 1 Article Reproduction guns Service Making Prison Pay Christian Parenti Nation 1996 1 Article Reproduction of article from 1/29/1996 Prisons v.s Schools 1 Graphic Reproduction of poster 510.california.p s.pdf Torture Chicago Police Commander G. Flint Taylor Police Misconduct and Civil September 2010 1 Article Reproduction Convicted of Lying About Torture Rights Law Report /October Vol. 9 No.17 When Democracy Turns to Torture Sekou Odinga Prarie Fire Organization Spring/no. 1986 1 Article Reproduction 501.break.13.sp Committee 13 r.86.pdf The Reality of Political Prisoners in J. Soffiyah Elija Harvard Blackletter Law Journal Vol. 18 2002 1 Article Reproducttion the United States: What September 11 taught Us About Defending Them Open Letter to Weatherman Breakthrough Oct 1977 1 Article Reproduction from reprint. 501.break.3.oct Underground from Dec./Vol. Scan taken from original .1977.pdf 1 no 3 4 The Bundstag vs. the Terrorists William M. Nation 1975 1 Article Reproduction Kunstler Torture, American Style Historians Against the War No. 3 1 Periodical

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On the correlation between the J. Heshima Democracy Project 2 Monograph 510.correlation. Willie Lynch method and the Denham lynch.debriefing Debriefing Process .pdf Prisoners - The Utmost Restraint, Prison Style; Donnatella Lorch New York Times August 23 1996 1 Article Newspaper clipping Violence Terrorism suspect has symptoms Indicating he was tortured, experts say

Video of guards killing inmates Elizabeth The San Francisco Examiner December 1997 1 Article Reproduction of newspaper Fernandez 14 clipping

Cover-up in cell 709A Mary. A Fischer Gentlemens Quarterly December 1997 1 Article Reproduction

Activists confront jailhouse abuses John Cole Vodicka Resist November/ 1996 1 Article exerpted pages Vol. 5 no. 9

FBI scare tactics Richard Moran New York Times 5/7 1996 1 Article Newspaper clipping

Bar none Roy Porter New Republic 2/26 1996 1 Article Reproduction

Stun belts offer prisoners chainless Peter T. Kilborne New York times 3/11 1997 1 Article Newspaper clipping chain gangs Officials Accused of Trying To Reynolds Holding San Francisco Chronicle 10/28 1996 1 Article Newspaper clipping; Page A1 Block FBI Investigation

Various news clippings on prison Michael J. Sniffen 1997 1 Article Percentage in prison doubles conditions in decade; Center challenges barbaric prison disciplinary device; Correctional atitude

Prisons - Visitor Informational packet and 1998 1 Corresponde Reproduction poacket.iontrac Search correspondence from Senator Ron nce, Article, .vacuum.sampl Wyden to Warden Joseph H. Report, er.1998.pdf crabtree on IONTRAC ITEMIZER Vacuum Samplet News clippings on prison violence 1995 1 Article Reproduction of newspaper at MCI Cedar Junction in Walpole, clipping MA

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Prisons - Youth Prop. 21 rally held at Encinal High Sherice L. Sheilds 1 Article Newspaper clipping

Senate Oks prison press interviews San Francisco Examiner 8/25 1999 1 Article Newspaper clipping

Senate's juvenile crime bill would 1 Article Reproduction increase federal role in juvenile justice 6-year-old charged with trying to Carey Goldberg New York Times 4/26 1996 1 Article Newspaper clipping kill baby

The Beat Within Beat Within Vol 4. 1 Periodical no.41 News clippings on Juvenile courts Fox Butterfield New York Times 1997 3 Article 1 original; 2 reproductions

Battered Women Justice for battered women: Free Compassionate Release Program 1 Flyer 510.justice.batt Claudia Reddy of the HIV/AIDS in Prison Project; California Coalition for audia.reddy.pdf Women Prisoners

Deadly defense: women who kill Candy J . Cooper San Francisco Examiner 8/30 1992 1 Article Reproduction abusers Prisons - Women Children of Incarcerated Parents San Francisco Partnership for October 2003 1 Monograph Incarcerated Parents; The Zellerbach Foundation

Prisoners of a hard life: Women Susan Willmarth, Real Cost of Prisons Project 2005 1 Book Graphic Novel and their children Ellen Miller-Mack, Lois Ahrens Free the New Jersey 4! Justice for the New Jersey 4 3 Pamphlet Newsprint rsey.4.pdf

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The Fire Inside California Coalition for Women No. 45/Fall 2011 1 Periodical Newsletter of the California Prisoners Coalition for Women Prisoners

The Fire Inside California Coalition for Women No. 2011 1 Periodical Newsletter of the California Prisoners 44/Spring Coalition for Women Prisoners

The Fire Inside California Coalition for Women No. 43/Fall 2010 1 Periodical Newsletter of the California Prisoners Coalition for Women Prisoners

The Fire Inside California Coalition for Women No. 2004 2 Periodical Newsletter of the California Prisoners 27/Spring Coalition for Women Prisoners

The Fire Inside California Coalition for Women No. 26/Fall 2003 1 Periodical Newsletter of the California Prisoners Coalition for Women Prisoners

The Fire Inside California Coalition for Women No. 2003 1 Periodical Newsletter of the California Prisoners 24/Spring Coalition for Women Prisoners

The Fire Inside California Coalition for Women No. 2001 1 Periodical Newsletter of the California Prisoners 18/Summe Coalition for Women r Prisoners Our voices within: Healing from California Coalition for Women 2003 1 Monograph Compilation of conference 510.our.voices. the inside out Prisoners papers within.10.12.20 03 pdf Women are in prison Workshop on Women Prisoners 2002 2 Monograph prison.3.23.200 2.pdf

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Legal services for prisoners with Legal Services for Prisoners with Spring 2001 1 Periodical children Children es.prisoners.chil dren.Spring200 1.pdf With more women in prison, Steven M. Homes New York Times December 1996 1 Article Newspaper clipping sexual abuse by guards becomes 27 greater concern

Prison law project legal journal Prison Law Project of the Winter/ 1996 1 Periodical National Lawyers Guild Vol. 4, no. 1 urnal.vol4.no1. Winter1996.pdf Remembering our sister Women's Building 2/4 2005 1 Ephemera Program for Judy "Juju" Ricci 510.rememberi memorial service ng.our.sister.ju dy.ricci.2.4.200 5.pdf Women and imprisonment in the Monkeywrench Press 1995 1 Monograph 510.kurshan.wo United States: History and current men.imprisonm reality

Through the Wire Committee to Return Silcvia 1993 1 Flyer 510.through.wi Baraldini to Italy; National re.flyer.1993.pd Committee to Free Puerto Rican f Prisoners of War and Political International women's day Revolting Lesbians 1 Flyer 510.flyer.intern ational.womens .day.pdf

Women, prison, globalization and Critical Resistance 1 Flyer Program for a collaborative 510.women.pri resi8stence performance work featuring son.globalizatio prominent radical female n.resistance.pdf activists and artists

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` Our voices within: Our Journey California Coalition for Women 2004 1 Monograph Compilation of conference http://www.wo Prisoners papers. Available through menprisoners.o CCWP website rg/fire/000532. Deep Water Khadijah M. Overdue Media 1991 1 Book Reproduction. hl Abdullah-Fardan

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The Freedom Archives [email protected] 100 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 101 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 102 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 103 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2



The Freedom Archives [email protected] 104 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2


The Freedom Archives [email protected] 105 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 106 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 107 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 108 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 109 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 110 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 111 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 112 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 113 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 114 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 115 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 116 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 117 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 118 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 119 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 120 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 121 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 122 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 123 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 124 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 125 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 126 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 127 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 128 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 129 DOC 510 Prisons Drawer 2

The Freedom Archives [email protected] 130