Tii!E Items-In-Public Relations Files - Luncheons, Dinners and Receptions - Volumes XII, XIII, XIV

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Tii!E Items-In-Public Relations Files - Luncheons, Dinners and Receptions - Volumes XII, XIII, XIV UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Pa3e 27 Date 08/06/2006 Time 11:11:50 AM S-0864-0004-06-00001 Expanded Number S-0864-0004-06-00001 Tii!e Items-in-Public relations files - luncheons, dinners and receptions - Volumes XII, XIII, XIV Date Created 04/10/1967 Record Type Archival Item Container s-0864-0004: Public Relations Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit ro M CJ1P fD M f VILLE DE MONTREAL CAB.NET DU MA,RE Monsieur Lucien L. Lemieux, Cabinet du Secretaire general, Nations Unies, New York, N. Y. , U. S. A. Cher monsieur, Monsieur le maire aurait bien voulu repondre personnellement a la lettre que vous lui avez adressee le 8 Janvier. Des conditions de travail particulierement difficiles 1'en ont, helas, empe"che et il vous prie de 1'excuser. Me Jean Drapeau vous serait reconnaissant de bien vouloir transmettre au Secretaire general de 1'ONU ses rernerelements tres sinceres pour les deux photos dedicacees qu'il lui a fait parvenir, par votre aimable entremise. Ce sont des souvenirs auxquels le maire attache beaucoup de valeur et qu'il veut garder dans sa collection personnelle. Veuillez croire, je vous prie, en mes meilleurs sentiments. Le chef adjoint du Cabinet, Francois Zalloni Le 3 Janvier 1968 Monsieur le Maire, Le Secretaire ge'ne'ral m'a pri€ de bien vouloir vous envoyer deux photos d&licace'es prises lors de votre visite au Siege des Nations Unies le 29 de"cembre 196?. Je vous joins aussi la liste des personnalites qui etaient pr^sentes au dejeuner que le Secretaire general vous avait offert a cette occasion. Veuillez croire. Monsieur le Maire, a mes sentiments respectueux. Lucien L. Lemieux Son Honneur M. le Maire Jean Drapeau Hotel de Ville Montreal, P.Q. given fey tfce on 3J ISr. Soia-Bsmiett x x S.E. ifcp. Bunclje x x 1*I» He* Beaulieu x x HP. fifsarasimhaa Mr. Vaaghan "*>* .V . .a SG luncheon to meet His Worship The Mayor of the City of Montreal, Mr. Jean Drapeau, Friday, 29 December 196?> 1*15 P-m., 38th floor . is Mayor Drape au Ignatieff Beaulieu The Secretary- General I/ Dr» Bunche Mr. Warasirahan Mr* Rolz-Bennett Mr* de Seynes Sir Alexander MacFarquhar Mr. Wosek ^/ Mr. Vaughan no Mr. Djermakoye 12 cc: Mgt do MatiloinooDtci- George Si X M H VM, I SG luncheon, Mr. Arthur Lall, Thursday., 28 December 1967, 1.15 p.m., 58th floor _ \S Mr. Arthur Lall-^30 £.#t J*. <??•£-. 0773 The Secretary-General Mr. Rolz-Bennett / Mr. Urquhart no M3?-r-Sfa3?asiafeaH no Ba?-.-Biifielie no Mg-.-Velleg.3: (in India) cc: George M fc*'.1 .a." i cs \ Ik* ffi:*$:i ;jog SO- reception to "bid farewell to H.E. Mr. Radhakrishna Ramani, Friday, 15 December 1967, 6 to 7 p.m., 58th floor _ Malaysia! j/H.E. Mr. Radhakri shna Ramani lX H.E. Mr. V. Manickavasagam., Minister of Labour i/ Mr. Raja Aznam, Deputy Permanent Representative i/Mr. All bin Haji Ahmad, Member of Parliament l/Puan Bibi Mshah binti Hamid Don, Member of Senate j/ H.E. Mr. Salvador P. Lopez - Philippines .E. Mr. Patrick Shaw - Australia UE. Mi-, Charlea Oidw - Ifew gedlaiid . Mr. Anand Panyarachun - Thailand i/ H.E. Dr. Wong Lin Ken - Singapore ,/H.E. U Soe Olin - Burma H.E, M. Khamking Souvanlasy - Laos H.E. Mr. Gopalaswami Parthasarathi - India . Mr. Agha Shahi - Pakistan L/H.E. Mr. Hamilton Shirley Amerasinghe - Ceylon M) i/ H.E. Mr. Abdul Rahman Pazhwak - Afghanistan , Mr. Senjin Tsuruoka - Japan . Dr. Mehdi Vakil - Iran H.E. Dr. Adnan Pachachi - Irag . Mr. Mohamed Awad El Kony - UAR . Dr. George J. Tomeh - Syria . Dr. Adib Daoudy - Syria . The Rt.Hon. Lord Caradon - UK t/E.E. Mr. Arthur J. Goldberg - USA uXH.E. Cfcief S.O. Adebo - Nigeria <XH,E. Mr. John W.S. Malecela - Tanzania -ty^J-.K. Tdj TOndaHtaohcw Makonnen - Ethiopia — • . Mr. Joseph Ben Mwemba - Zambia . M. Ahmed Taibi Benhima - Morocco . M. Mahmoud Mestiri - Tunisia is H.E. Dr. Muhammad H. El-Farra - Jordan H.E. Mr. Abdulrahim Abby Farah - Somalia (continued) SG reception - Mb. Ramanl - 2 - / H.E. Sr. Fernando Ortiz Sanz - Bolivia H.E. Dr. Francisco Cuevas Cancino - Mexico H.E. M. Tewfik Bouattoura - Algeria H.E. Dr. Leopoldo Benites - Ecuador i/ H.E. M. Geraldo de Carvalho Silos - Brazil (deputy PR) j/H.E. Dr. Pedro P. Berro - Uruguay i/H.E. Mr. George Ignatieff - Canada i/H.E. Mr. Edvard Hambro - Norway \/ H.E. Mr. Sverker C. Astrom - Sweden .E« Mr. Max Jakobson - Finland H.E. Mr. Milko Tarabanov - Bulgaria H.E. Professor Gheorghe Diaconescu - Romania H.E. M. Piero Vinci - Italy .E, Mr. Richard Maximilian Akwei - Ghana The Secretary-General Abfljol Rahman I/ Mr. Heurtematte V/Mr. Hill /\Jo i/-- Mr. Hoffman v/ Dr. Hoo i/ Mr. Labouisse T^-Si^Alesaiidei- i/ Mr. Warasimhan \/ Mr. Hesterenko Mr. Wosek (continued) SG reception - Mb. Barnard. - 3 - Ppolaipob v/ Dr. Erotitch !/ Mr. Kolz-Bennett \/ Mr. Stavropoulos v Mr. Turner Mr. Vaughan Mr. de Meulemee ster Total: X CUL. *—& jff.f. x™***^. ^jua-^fcT) fl - fl t / to .//%. ./. .13 ~^fc_ /.]i /JO. i- / / 2}«-*uJU — U-jc. -roj^ \^J^^JUL a> /A^$c6^^>vu,,£M6UA^ ^u*c^*^o 7 ® :a-^-*^. _u/X t. .Z..E, V^_ . \Kxrw> tf 4 •> vn M UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES SIR ALEXANDER MACFARQUHAR y ^ ^\J&/ s?b^wfi^*+~t jr tfa^ sl-rW^C^ STJjy v./ Farewell Luncheon for f* Sir Alexander MacFarquhar and Dr. D. Protitch 15 December 1967 at 1.15 p.m. Thirty-eighth Floor U Thant \*/ Dr. R.J. Bunche */ Mr, P. de Seynes \/ Mr. I..S* Djermakoye Mr. R. Heurtematte Mr. W,M. Hill Mr. P.G. Hoffman Mr. V. Hoo . H.R. Labouisse Mr. L.V. Michelmore Mr. C.V, Narasimhan Mr. A.E. Nesterenko I4r. J. Nosek . J. Rolz-Bennett \/ Mr. C.A. Stavropoulos y I^Ir. B.R. Turner i/ Mr, D.B, Vaughan Guests of Honour Sir Alexander MacFarquhar Dr. D. Protitch X Mi n$ W 0) H» 00 BY HAND 21 December 196? Dear David, I thank you for"your kind letter of December 18. As you are no doubt aware, I have a very high esteem and admiration for you and John, and nothing gives me more pleasure than to be in your company even at very infrequent intervals. This is all the more reason why I thoroughly enjoyed your company at the lunch which was, as you know, a purely family affair. With best wishes and warm regards, Sincerely, U Thant Mr. David Rockefeller Room 5600 . 36 Rockefeller Plaaa Mew York, N.I. 10020 30 Rockefeller Plaza Newark, N.Y. 1OO2O Room. 56OO December 18, 1967 Dear U Thant: I cannot tell you how much Peggy, the Raisers and I enjoyed our lunch with you last week. We were greatly touched that in the midst of all the pressures of international crisis which you face daily you took the time to organize such a delightful and warm family gathering. I was particularly pleased to meet your daughter and son-in-law whom I had never had an opportunity to see before. They must be a continuing source of satisfaction and comfort to you. All of us join in wishing you and your family a happy Holiday Season, and in hoping that 1968 will see a lessening of your burdens through a dimunition of world tensions. Sincerely, David Rockefeller His Excellency U Thant Secretary General of the United Nations 405 E. 42nd Street New York, New York 10017 Luncheon given by the Secretary-General on Ik December 1967 Mr. Walter J. Kaiser Mr. John Spencer ::, : Mrs. John Spencer Mrs. Tin Myint U : : Mr. John D. Rockefeller, 3rd Mr. David Rockefeller ::, Mrs. David Rockefeller Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, 3rd : The Secretary-General Dr. Ralph J. Bunche ::, Mrs. Ralph J. Bunche Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, 4th 2 Mr. John D. Rockefeller, 4th Dr. Tin Myint U :: Mrs. Walter J. Kaiser Miss Joan Bunche >/ 4) /Wv^ . ^ , </<• SG luncheon, Hhursday^ 14 December 1967, 1.15 P*m., 38th floor 2-3 KM 12 [ o ^-Yi d^ ^(aJbLX i_»_ Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, 4th i/ Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer ,/vx Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, 3rd ,x L/ Mr. and Mrs. David Rockefeller . and Mrs. Walter J. Kaiser The Secretary-General Dr. and Mrs. Tin Myint U t/'i/Dr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Bunche Miss Joan Bunche 16 cc: Don Protocol and Liaison & December 196? GUEST LIST FOR THE RECEPTION FOLLOWING THE HUMAN RIGHTS DAY CONCERT ON 10 DECEMBER 1Q67 The President of the General Assembly, Madame Manescu and daughter Mr. Ravi Shankar Mr. Alia Rakha and Miss Jean Rakha Miss Kamala Chakravarty Mr. and Mrs. Yehudi Menuhin Miss Hepzibah Menuhin M. Jean-Louis Barrault Mr. and Mrs» J.K. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller III. Mr, and Mrs. Porter McCrae Mr. and Mrs, Kurt Weinhold Mr. Thomas Thomson Mrs. Eleanor A. Whitney Mr» and Mrs. Howard Dressner Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Friedman Mr. and Mrs. G.L. Obhrai Mr. and Mrs. G. Janecek Mr. and Mrs. J. d'Arcy Mr. and Mrs. R. Eriksen Mr. and Mrs. ¥. Powell Mr. and Mrs. V. Pavlichenko Mr. and Mrs. D. Ritchie Mr. and Mrs. Hayward Mr. and Mrs. P. Jankowski Mr. and Mrs. G. Movshon Mr. B. Grunzweig Mr. and Mrs. J. Nichols Miss K. Akester Mr. J. Sparks Mr. and Mrs. Marc Schreiber Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lawson Mr. and Mrs. K. Das Mr, and Mrs. ¥.J. Bruce Mr.
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