UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Pa3e 27 Date 08/06/2006 Time 11:11:50 AM


Expanded Number S-0864-0004-06-00001

Tii!e Items-in-Public relations files - luncheons, dinners and receptions - Volumes XII, XIII, XIV

Date Created 04/10/1967

Record Type Archival Item

Container s-0864-0004: Public Relations Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant

Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit ro






Monsieur Lucien L. Lemieux, Cabinet du Secretaire general, Nations Unies, New York, N. Y. , U. S. A.

Cher monsieur,

Monsieur le maire aurait bien voulu repondre personnellement a la lettre que vous lui avez adressee le 8 Janvier. Des conditions de travail particulierement difficiles 1'en ont, helas, empe"che et il vous prie de 1'excuser.

Me Jean Drapeau vous serait reconnaissant de bien vouloir transmettre au Secretaire general de 1'ONU ses rernerelements tres sinceres pour les deux photos dedicacees qu'il lui a fait parvenir, par votre aimable entremise. Ce sont des souvenirs auxquels le maire attache beaucoup de valeur et qu'il veut garder dans sa collection personnelle.

Veuillez croire, je vous prie, en mes meilleurs sentiments.

Le chef adjoint du Cabinet,

Francois Zalloni Le 3 Janvier 1968

Monsieur le Maire, Le Secretaire ge'ne'ral m'a pri€ de bien vouloir vous envoyer deux photos d&licace'es prises lors de votre visite au Siege des Nations Unies le 29 de"cembre 196?. Je vous joins aussi la liste des personnalites qui etaient pr^sentes au dejeuner que le Secretaire general vous avait offert a cette occasion. Veuillez croire. Monsieur le Maire, a mes sentiments respectueux.

Lucien L. Lemieux

Son Honneur M. le Maire Jean Drapeau Hotel de Ville Montreal, P.Q. given fey tfce on 3J

ISr. Soia-Bsmiett x

x S.E. ifcp.

Bunclje x x 1*I» He* Beaulieu

x x HP. fifsarasimhaa

Mr. Vaaghan "*>* .V . .a SG luncheon to meet His Worship The Mayor of the City of Montreal, Mr. Jean Drapeau, Friday, 29 December 196?> 1*15 P-m., 38th floor . is Mayor Drape au Ignatieff Beaulieu

The Secretary- General I/ Dr» Bunche Mr. Warasirahan Mr* Rolz-Bennett Mr* de Seynes Sir Alexander MacFarquhar Mr. Wosek ^/ Mr. Vaughan no Mr. Djermakoye


cc: Mgt do MatiloinooDtci- George Si X M H

VM, I SG luncheon, Mr. Arthur Lall, Thursday., 28 December 1967, 1.15 p.m., 58th floor _

\S Mr. Arthur Lall-^30 £.#t J*.

The Secretary-General Mr. Rolz-Bennett / Mr. Urquhart no M3?-r-Sfa3?asiafeaH no Ba?-.-Biifielie no Mg-.-Velleg.3: (in India)

cc: George M fc*'.1 .a." i cs \ Ik* ffi:*$:i

;jog SO- reception to "bid farewell to H.E. Mr. Radhakrishna Ramani, Friday, 15 December 1967, 6 to 7 p.m., 58th floor _

Malaysia! j/H.E. Mr. Radhakri shna Ramani lX H.E. Mr. V. Manickavasagam., Minister of Labour i/ Mr. Raja Aznam, Deputy Permanent Representative i/Mr. All bin Haji Ahmad, Member of Parliament l/Puan Bibi Mshah binti Hamid Don, Member of Senate

j/ H.E. Mr. Salvador P. Lopez - Philippines .E. Mr. Patrick Shaw - Australia UE. Mi-, Charlea Oidw - Ifew gedlaiid . Mr. Anand Panyarachun - Thailand i/ H.E. Dr. Wong Lin Ken - Singapore ,/H.E. U Soe Olin - Burma H.E, M. Khamking Souvanlasy - Laos H.E. Mr. Gopalaswami Parthasarathi - India . Mr. Agha Shahi - Pakistan L/H.E. Mr. Hamilton Shirley Amerasinghe - Ceylon M) i/ H.E. Mr. Abdul Rahman Pazhwak - Afghanistan , Mr. Senjin Tsuruoka - Japan . Dr. Mehdi Vakil - Iran H.E. Dr. Adnan Pachachi - Irag . Mr. Mohamed Awad El Kony - UAR . Dr. George J. Tomeh - Syria . Dr. Adib Daoudy - Syria . The Rt.Hon. Lord Caradon - UK t/E.E. Mr. Arthur J. Goldberg - USA uXH.E. Cfcief S.O. Adebo - Nigeria

/ H.E. Sr. Fernando Ortiz Sanz - Bolivia H.E. Dr. Francisco Cuevas Cancino - Mexico

H.E. M. Tewfik Bouattoura - H.E. Dr. Leopoldo Benites - Ecuador i/ H.E. M. Geraldo de Carvalho Silos - Brazil (deputy PR) j/H.E. Dr. Pedro P. Berro - Uruguay i/H.E. Mr. George Ignatieff - Canada i/H.E. Mr. Edvard Hambro - Norway \/ H.E. Mr. Sverker C. Astrom - Sweden .E« Mr. Max Jakobson - Finland H.E. Mr. Milko Tarabanov - Bulgaria H.E. Professor Gheorghe Diaconescu - Romania H.E. M. Piero Vinci - Italy .E, Mr. Richard Maximilian Akwei - Ghana

The Secretary-General Abfljol Rahman

I/ Mr. Heurtematte V/Mr. Hill /\Jo i/-- Mr. Hoffman v/ Dr. Hoo i/ Mr. Labouisse T^-Si^Alesaiidei- i/ Mr. Warasimhan \/ Mr. Hesterenko Mr. Wosek (continued) SG reception - Mb. Barnard. - 3 -

Ppolaipob v/ Dr. Erotitch !/ Mr. Kolz-Bennett \/ Mr. Stavropoulos v Mr. Turner Mr. Vaughan Mr. de Meulemee ster

Total: X CUL. *—& jff.f. x™***^. ^jua-^fcT)

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y ^ ^\J&/ s?b^wfi^*+~t jr tfa^ sl-rW^C^ STJjy v./ Farewell Luncheon for f* Sir Alexander MacFarquhar and Dr. D. Protitch 15 December 1967 at 1.15 p.m. Thirty-eighth Floor

U Thant \*/ Dr. R.J. Bunche */ Mr, P. de Seynes \/ Mr. I..S* Djermakoye Mr. R. Heurtematte Mr. W,M. Hill Mr. P.G. Hoffman Mr. V. Hoo . H.R. Labouisse Mr. L.V. Michelmore Mr. C.V, Narasimhan Mr. A.E. Nesterenko I4r. J. Nosek . J. Rolz-Bennett \/ Mr. C.A. Stavropoulos y I^Ir. B.R. Turner i/ Mr, D.B, Vaughan

Guests of Honour

Sir Alexander MacFarquhar Dr. D. Protitch X Mi n$ W 0) H»

00 BY HAND 21 December 196?

Dear David, I thank you for"your kind letter of December 18. As you are no doubt aware, I have a very high esteem and admiration for you and John, and nothing gives me more pleasure than to be in your company even at very infrequent intervals. This is all the more reason why I thoroughly enjoyed your company at the lunch which was, as you know, a purely family affair. With best wishes and warm regards, Sincerely,

U Thant

Mr. David Rockefeller Room 5600 . 36 Rockefeller Plaaa Mew York, N.I. 10020 30 Rockefeller Plaza Newark, N.Y. 1OO2O

Room. 56OO December 18, 1967

Dear U Thant:

I cannot tell you how much Peggy, the Raisers and I enjoyed our lunch with you last week. We were greatly touched that in the midst of all the pressures of international crisis which you face daily you took the time to organize such a delightful and warm family gathering. I was particularly pleased to meet your daughter and son-in-law whom I had never had an opportunity to see before. They must be a continuing source of satisfaction and comfort to you. All of us join in wishing you and your family a happy Holiday Season, and in hoping that 1968 will see a lessening of your burdens through a dimunition of world tensions. Sincerely,

David Rockefeller

His Excellency U Thant Secretary General of the United Nations 405 E. 42nd Street New York, New York 10017 Luncheon given by the Secretary-General on Ik December 1967

Mr. Walter J. Kaiser

Mr. John Spencer ::, : Mrs. John Spencer

Mrs. Tin Myint U : : Mr. John D. Rockefeller, 3rd

Mr. David Rockefeller ::, Mrs. David Rockefeller

Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, 3rd : The Secretary-General

Dr. Ralph J. Bunche ::, Mrs. Ralph J. Bunche

Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, 4th 2 Mr. John D. Rockefeller, 4th

Dr. Tin Myint U :: Mrs. Walter J. Kaiser

Miss Joan Bunche >/


/Wv^ . ^ ,

12 [ o ^-Yi d^ ^(aJbLX i_»_ Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, 4th i/ Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer ,/vx Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, 3rd ,x L/ Mr. and Mrs. David Rockefeller . and Mrs. Walter J. Kaiser

The Secretary-General Dr. and Mrs. Tin Myint U t/'i/Dr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Bunche Miss Joan Bunche


cc: Don

Protocol and Liaison & December 196?


The President of the General Assembly, Madame Manescu and daughter Mr. Ravi Shankar Mr. Alia Rakha and Miss Jean Rakha Miss Kamala Chakravarty Mr. and Mrs. Yehudi Menuhin Miss Hepzibah Menuhin M. Jean-Louis Barrault Mr. and Mrs» J.K. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller III. Mr, and Mrs. Porter McCrae Mr. and Mrs, Kurt Weinhold Mr. Thomas Thomson Mrs. Eleanor A. Whitney Mr» and Mrs. Howard Dressner Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Friedman Mr. and Mrs. G.L. Obhrai Mr. and Mrs. G. Janecek Mr. and Mrs. J. d'Arcy Mr. and Mrs. R. Eriksen Mr. and Mrs. ¥. Powell Mr. and Mrs. V. Pavlichenko Mr. and Mrs. D. Ritchie Mr. and Mrs. Hayward Mr. and Mrs. P. Jankowski Mr. and Mrs. G. Movshon Mr. B. Grunzweig Mr. and Mrs. J. Nichols Miss K. Akester Mr. J. Sparks Mr. and Mrs. Marc Schreiber Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lawson Mr. and Mrs. K. Das Mr, and Mrs. ¥.J. Bruce Mr. and Mrs. V. Romanov Mr. and Mrs. I. Ltttem Mr. and Mrs. C. Campaigne Mr. G. Pagnanelli Mrs. Guri Zeckendorf Lie H.E. Mr. Parthasarathi H.E. Mme. Mara Radii Mr. Erik Nettel Mr. Adam Mohammed Mrs. Helvi Sipila H.E. Dr. Fereydoun Hoveida All Under-Secretaries and their wives attending the Concert 6 Ushers (guides) Miss Margrit Meyer (Protocol Section) Mr. and Mrs. Felix Greene and daughter H? r B1 So ' S • • M w,

S 1 m • g •Luncheon given by the Secretary-General on 8 December 1967

Mr. Stavropoulos Mr. de Seynes

Mr. Warasimhan ::. H.E. Mr. Astrom

H.E. Mrs. Myrdal :; :: The Secretary-General

Dr. Bunche :: :: H.E. Mr. Jarring

Mr. Urquhart Mr. Rolz-Bennett 4


\ Protocol sx«i Liais®a

Luncheon given by the Secretary-General on 8 December 196?

The Secretary-General

H.E. Mr. AstrQm c H.E. Mr. Jarring

Mr. Marasimhan |c Mr. Stavropoulos

Mr. Urquhart i Mr. Rolz-Bennett

Mr. de Seynes Dr. Bunche

H.E. Mrs. Myrdal SG luncheon, Her Excellency Mrs. Alva Myrdal, Friday ., 8 December 1967, 1.15 P'in.j 58th floor

j/Her Excellency Mrs. Alva Myrdal - Sweden (^e^J. /uu^Jt (^ l^^^[ £-'7 /*' j/H.E. Mr. Sverker C. Astrom - Sweden no

The Secretary-General I/ Mr. STarasimhan Dr. Bunche Mr. Rolz-Bennett Mr. Urquhart Mr. de Seynes Amb. Jarring no Geae3?al-£a6sa3?a j/ Mr. Stavropoulos

S 10

cc: Mr. de Meulemeester Don OT

• v_n >4 H M O

00 c+ Luncheon given "by the Secretary-General on 5 December

Mr. McCaw Mr. Vaughan Mr. Sanu

Mr. Rolz-Bennett : :: Sr. Lopes Correa

Mr. Ziehl : -, i: Sir Alexander MacFarquhar

Mr. de Seynes :r ;:: Mr. Ganem

Mr. Bannier : ., 2•*: The Secretary-General

Mr. Turner :s 3: Sr. Olarte

. Mr. Ulanchev : *1 ;: Mr. Warasimhan

Mr. Westerenko : : Mr. Serbanescu

-x: -x- X

Mr. Riad Mr. Smith Mr. Ciss Luncheon given' by the Secretary-General cm 5 December 196?

Mr. McCaw ** Mr. - •• x

•Mr-it x Sr. Correa

> Ziehl x Sir Alexander MacFarquhar

Mr* de Seynes Mr. Ganem

Mr. Baanisr X file Secretary-General

Mr* Tismer x Sr» Olart©

Mr. Mr, Narasiuibati

Mr, Mesterenko x Mr. Serbarisscu

X X X Mr, Eiad Mr. Smith Mr. Ciss SG luncheon, Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, Tuesday, 5 December 1967, 1.15 p.m., 58th floor

Advisory Committee; i/'C^^dA, vwU, I/ Chairman: Mr. Jan P. Bannier (Netherlands) Members: y/ Mr. Abdou Ciss (Senegal) j/Sr. Paulo Lopes Correa (Brazil)

ix/M. Andre Ganem (France) i/ Mr. Pedro Olarte (Colombia) no M3?-.-J,I,M,-Bjae^.es-(¥Hited-KiHgi.effi^ (ill) i/Mr. Mohamed Riad (UAR) i/Mr. E. Olu Sanu (Nigeria) ,/^Mr. Dragos Serbanescu (Romania) no .XMrT-S-.-ier-S±Tagir-(-IndTa:> (in India) t/Mr. V.P. Ulanchev (USSR) ^Mr. W.H. Ziehl (USA)

Executive Secretary: Mr. C. Roy Smith

Hie Secretary-General v Mr. Narasimhan no E6p-.-BHaeKe (away) . Turner . McCaw , >/ Mr. Ne sterenko Sir Alexander MacFarquhar Mr. de Seynes no MF-,-Pal*hy (left New York) ^/ Mr. Vaughan yXMr. Rolz-Bennett

Ml$ 20

cc: Mr. de Meulemeester Don g o o O



00 tri Luncheon given "by the Secretary-General on 4 December 1967

Mr. Rolz-Bennett Sir Alexander MacFarquhar

Mr. Nosek 3: : Mr. Nesterenko

Mr. Bing The Secretary-General

Mr. Harasimhan :: M. de Seynes

Mr• Urquhart A\ SG luncheon, Mr. Rudolf Bing, Monday, 4 December 1967, 1.15 p.m., 58th floor J Ca^tU, /Le^jC f

. Rudolf Bing, Metropolitan Opera

The Secretary-General Mr. Haraslmhan . Rolz-Bennett Mr. Urquhart t// Mr. Westerenko j/ Mr. Wosek Mr. de Seynes Sir Alexander MacFarquhar


cc: Don

•Dinner given "by the Secretary-General on 28 November 1967

Mr. Urquhart

Major-General Rikhye ;:, : Mr. Michelmore

Mr. Nesterenko ::. : H.E. Mr. Astrom

H.E. Mr. Jarring i : The Secretary-General

Dr. Bunche 3; Mr. Narasimhan

Mr. Stavropoulos :: i: Mr. Vaughan (*-VS 4-S.c.

C.v. SG dinner, H.E. Mr. Gunner Jarring, Tuesday, 28 November 1967, 7- 50 p.m., 38th floor, informal _

I/ H.E. Mr. Gunnar Jarring ( ia^-d (Lt^x s-o tLv^tnJr U^ Vt. , (j ^ H.E. Mr. Sverker C.> Astrom - Sweden

The Secretary-General I/ Dr. Bunche ./•• Mr. Narasimhan / Mr. Michelmore General Rikhye Mr. Nesterenko Mr. Stavropoulos Mr. Vaughan Mr. Urquhart


cc: Don ro kuneheon given by the on 21 November 1967

Mr. Kampweier Mr, Dang&ard Mr. Schaaf

Mr, Aylen Mr. Cohen

Mr. Owen X. Mr.

Dr« Binson x Mr. Ghhat

Mr« X The Secretary"•Gepsral

Mr. Souvannavong x x Mr. Huu Vi»h

Dr. Hoo x Mr. Narasitnhan

U Kyun Sir Robert Jaekson

X X x Mr. Bnglrind Mr. Paw U Mr. Keedman SG luncheon for the Mekong Committee, Tuesday, 21 November 1967, 1.15 p-m»j 58th floor _

-Mekong Committe B -e Member -s I/ *Mr. Phlek CShhat (Cambodia) i/.* Mr. Oufce'o Souvannavong (Laos) »//*Mr. Eham Huu Vinh (Republic of Viet-Nam) I/* Dr. Boonrod Binson (Thailand)

Resident Representatives I/** Mr. Karl England (Cambodia) l/** Mr. Peter Aylen (Thailand)

ECAFE X*U Nyun X* Dr. C, Hart Schaaf

The Secretary-General \/ Mr* Hoffman


* through Mr. Richard Paw U ** through Mr. Myer Cohen

cc: Don Mr. de Meulemeester ro a

CO c+ SG luncheon, Monday, 20 November 1967, 1.15 p.m., 58th floor

; i/C«*^«?6L fi-B^A^ /~*^ (S Mr. Wes Gallager, ,^// / / Dr. William von Stein y Dr. Donald Brandon

The Secretary-General



PHONE: PUAZA 4-1234 - EXT. 319S


SG Reception - 17 Hbv. 1967 350 invited 267 attended

Date: FROM: DE:


ARGENTINA DENMARK Horacio Bstol Torben Krogh Simeon Baker Ole Arndal Juan Fercsey Viggo Steenstrup ALGERIA • Simon Malley Anne Wei 11 Tuckerman Georges R. Wolff 'AUSTRALIA : Maz Dorian Leo Armati Leo Sauvage S. Sandal Heymanson Philip Ben George MeCadden Louis Foy Maurice Adams Felly Marans BELGIUM 'FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF Nestor De Pauw Otto Leichter Gerhard Penning BRAZIL Satina Lietamann Louis L. ¥iznitaer Heina Pol BULGARIA EAST GERMANY Georg Todorchev Kurt Olivier Wolfgang Meyer CAMBODIA Tran Van Ky GHAffA Samuel Quaicoe CANADA Rodney Currie GREECE Arthur Cole Spyridon Triantafyllou George C. Veniaelos CEYLOfl Solom Condomitros Tilly Eeilbron GUYMA CHINA. Felix Cummings Chen Chi Lin ''-, '• HOTGARY . CUBA' Csaba Kis: Itancisco Portela Alfonso Villacorta CTDIA ^y Jogimdra K, Baner ji CZECHOSLOVAKIA P.R. Reddi V Karel Krai Chakravarty Raghavan ^Premysl Tvaroh . INDONESIA . Djawa Dinia Winston Berry ISSlEL : : POLAND Samuel Shneiderman Stanislaw Glabinski Lazare Wiesel Zygmunt Broniarek ITALY -.'•'. Clotilde Colmant . Ion Cirje Dgo Stille Cornel Raducanu Graziano Sarchielli R. Capleacu John Capelli Geo Bogaa Giovanni Gapra SENEGAL JAPAN ' Charlotte Kahler Kazuo Tatsuno Yoshio Yushida SOUTH .AFRICA Joji Ishijima ' ••' . Albert Fick Kikuo Sato : Toshio Horikawa SPAIN Michiomi Suwabe . Jose Massip Yuso Hatano Gustavo Valverde Euia Takuo Hayashi Juan Eoldan Takuji Onodera .. • . Jose Carrascal Takuji Makino Guy Bueno Yukio Egarai , . Matsutaro Sekigiichi SWEDEN - Sven Ahman BEPUBLIC OF KOREA Chi Lew SWITZERLAND David Bong George ¥ronkow • • , Margo Wolff LEBANON Rudolph Hafter ,Moursi Rajaa • Emilio Von Hofmannstahl ..., Tarek Jabri '•' David Mizrahi • - ' TURKEY Muaramer KayIan MEXICO ' Tarik Berkand Fernando Cruz. Feridun Demokan ,NPEMY;.-,.>:,-^ pNiqer OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS Else Hvistendalal , Vasily Gromeka Ingegard Galtung ' Stanislav Kondrashov , Markup Markussoh Robertasse Jiougjda Guenrikh B.orovik PAKISTAB'J '.'=.- Nikolai JCurdyumov Theodore Morello Ergeni Egorov EjaE Husain Harry' Freeman Serguei Lossev PANAMA Yuri .jRomantsov Rita Eosenthal : Ivan Ablamov A. Poroshin "°"J**"

STATES (continued) TOITED ARAB REPUBLIC Anthony Hartley Levon Keshishian Shelomo Ben Israel DUITSD KINGDOM Saul Carson Richard T* Lilian Gorrie Cloyes Stanley Burcii Joseph Kaye Geoffrey Meyers Inta Paegle John William Lord Daniel H. Watts Jean Campbell Ernest Dunbar Richard Evans Louis Flamming Richard Yaf fe Mary Grant John Parker Alba Ziazaraia Mildred Adams Gerald Clapso Anita Horwich Issa El Korashi Joyce Eggifagton Martin J. King Barbara Fischer-Williams Peter J. Wallenberg Evelyn Irons Michael Berl|Ln, Eric Britter Sam Pope Brewer Michael Littlejohns Juan De Onis Gerald Ratzin Hrew Middle ton 1 Robert Ricci Catherine Shea Alexander.McGowan Kathleen Teltsch Max Wiener 1 Marilyn Bergej Carl Pell Valerie Gerry Gershon Swet Stella Margold Ernest B« Boynton Marguerite Cartwright Max Barrelson Margaret lysart Thomas Hoge Jeff Endrst William Oatis Irving D. Talmadge Charles Storer Donald Grant Linda Eder Paul Ward : Florence Jennison Joseph North Darius Jhabvala Fredrick Gruin Franklin Fischer Alberto More Betty Flynn Bruce Munn William Falton E.G. Stannard, Jr. Earl Foell Ivan Zverina Mario Eossi Alexander Gabriel J*A. Gonzalea-Gonaalez John Black Erioc Waters C.D, Harvey Leonard Leonard Glen Nixon Morris Rivlin S. Uarkeleunaite Jan Papanek. . Marion Bijour Ona Labanauskas Norman Sklarewits Boleslaw Wierbianski •Richard Hudson Henee Gestnar James Boyd Kay Bainey Gray Robert Estabrook John Harris William Frye Charles P. Howard David Horowitz Louis Halasz Moshe Sache Avrahoi Mezerick Vivian Fletcher Mrthur Scott Nathan Silberberg -4-

YUGOSLAVIA • Zdravko Colic . Aleksander"Hanadovic Boaidar Bjurica Zvonirair Kristl Dragari Markovic Naum Hacevski


AEGENTIHA JAPAI Juan Carlos Blanco YoshiMsa EfisMkawa Takashi Suetsune AUSTRALIA Tadayuki Matsumura Timothy Bowden LEBMOU BBLOIUM ISfadim Makdisi Peter Schroeder HBOHEBLAHBS CAUAM ' Willelarord Uieuwenhuis Louise Lamoureux Bernard Person Tom Leach Delmar MacKenzie JSrORWAY Torstein Sando CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Miloslav Pancliartek POLAHD Bartoaa Janiszewski \. Glaus Toksvig BOMA3JIA Nicola© Popescu FIKLA1TO • Jussi Himatika SWEDBH Arne Thoren

Jaques Sallebert SWITZERLAND Loir FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GEEMAKY Hans Friedrichs THRKEY Erwin Behrena Guntekin Orkut

HUgGAEY • USSR , • Pal Ipper Vitaly L. Beloborodko

ISRAEL MITED Zvi Gill Wigan Joanna Vandamm ITALY Peier Watson Antonello MaresealcM -5-

UNITED STATES Jolin Mac Vane Mai Goods : Richard C.. Hottelet Margaret Ognier George Hi Combs Gerda Pugell Pauline -Frederick Joseph Groger Betty Pilkington' Moses Schonfeld ."' Beryl Bernay Oscar Hose Seymour Siegel YUGOSLAVIA L'ado Pohar'

. , . AUXILIARY PEESOMEL (, media personnel assigned to the UM on a year-round basis but not actually involved in news gathering) Eva-Karie. Selan (DPA) Anne Beane (Los,Angelea Times) Jane Westheimer' (international Eeview Service) Faye Ainscow ( Telegram) Rioca'Meta (Christian Science Monitor) Sandy Blafcesley (U.Y. Times) Betsy Wade "(^«Y. Times) Rosemarie .Fredo (l)utch Broa'dcasting) Mai-y Kennedy (Christian 'Science Monitor) Jfenise Kroner (Algeria Press Service) Debby MOJOEQ^ (ABC) : ' Margaret McGaughey ('Times) Dorothy Haynes (BBC) Inge 'Meyer (German General Hews Service) -6-

SSCEETABIAT : Mr. C.V. Uarasimhan Miss Lalla Rookh Shelley Mr. Jose" Rolz-Bennett Mr* Arthur Adams Dr. Ralph J. Bunohe 'Mr. Ben Dorkenoo Mr. C.A.. Stisvropoulos . Miss Sonia Carlstroem Mr. B.R, Turner Miss Kathryn Rose Mr. Brian Urquhart Mr* George. Movshon .Mr. Philippe de Seunes Mr. Raphael Klein Mr. Alexei E. Nesterenko Mr. Jorgen Grinde Mr. Jiri Nosek Mr. Eamakanta Sarma Mr. David. Vaughan Mr. ATsdel S. Dajani Mr. Reinholdt Eriksen Mr. Alexander Zatnenek Mr. Stephen Przylucki Miss Eliza Fazari Mr. George J. Janecek Mr. Charles Gaulkin Mr. Herman Ho Mr. Allan Chang Mr. Jean d'Arcy Miss Kay Akester Mr» D. Sitchie Mr. B. Grunzweig Mr. Roger Bayldon Mr. E. falters Mr, -M. Hayward Mr. Zeno~Zenkovich Mr. David Sxley Mr. Andre Fontaine Mrs. Janette McNeill Miss Betty Katzner Mrs. A* Langs ton. Mr, Paul Jankowski Mr. J. Mchols Mr. Sari Cahail Mr. Goverdhan Obhrai Mr, William Powell Mr.- Ramses Hassif Mr. Isiiiat Kittani ' Mr. Vladimir Pavlichenko Jlr. Mkolai R. Makarevich Mr, Maiirice Liu Mr. Cesar 'Ortiz-Tinoco Mr, Jeffrey Rajasooria U Tin Aung Mr. Gilterto Rizzo Mr» Eeith Beavan ; Mrs. Marcia Cooper Pinchas Mr. Vincent Donahue Mr, Rudolph Skeete Mr. Kenneth Kelly • Mrs. Josephine Blaoklock Its. Ghislaine Mailloux UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES


TO: Mr. Ramses Massif DATE: 27 October 1967 A:


FROM: Earl Cahail, Film Assignments, RV3, DPI OK:

SUBJECT: List of Photographers OBJCT:

1. In response to your request, in the absence of Mrs. Langston I send the following names based on previous submissions. Misa Lie, Mrs. ^arigrton'a assistant, has been supplied a copy of this memorandum so ti.at when Mrs. Langston returns she can contact you further if necessary.

ASSOCIATED PRESS. 50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 10020

44^~-~tta44^*Ihigki nj l^ntn flr.n-ignmi.int V^fcU^ Mr. Martin Leiderhandler, Photographer Mr. John Lindsay, Photographer

UNITED PRESS. 220 East 42nd Street, New YorK 10017 Assignment* Ldi%er Mr. Joel Lanriau, Photographer vir. 'lua i'iajeaki, i hotoi rapher Frauce-Presse, 660 First Avenue, New Yuri: Mr. ^aa ^chuluari, ricmre editor ajid I'hotog- apher VJ YuRK o. 229 West 43rd Street, hew York ai^-Aaaiiiittent Lditor Mr , Mr. Carl Ooasett, Photographer Mr. Neil Boenzi, Photographer &i YOltK DAILY NLWS. 220 E. 42rd Street, New York 10017 Mr. Arthur aiebelist, Picture Editor FREE .CE I HuT..C-i.KPH^ J Mr. Leo 'no. enthal, lioora CE 28 . Mr. 1-lax i-iachol, Room CB 28

Mr. .Yutaka Nagata, R -orn 955E Mr. H. T. C;,en, Kocrn 955E

ce: .Rvton. uf t 955

Protocol and Lialsoa

Luncheon given by the Secretary-General on 1? November 196?

Mr. Makarevich Mr. Kulebiakin •*-

Mr. Zakharov :: Mr. Narasimhan

Mr. Nesterenko :: H.E. Dr. Fedorenko

H.E. Mr. Kuznetsov '. I '. 1 The Secretary-General

Dr. Bunche c H.E, Mrs, Dirzhinskite- Piljushenko

H.E. Mr. Morozov Mr. Rolz-Bennett


Mr. Shevchenko Mr. Potrubatch SQ luncheon, Friday, 17 November 1967, 1.1$ p.m., ?8th floor

V/H.E. Mr. V.V, Kuznetsov V

The Secretary-General \/ Mr. Hesterenko j/ Mr. Warasimhan jXDr. Bunche ,/Mr. Rolz-Bennett / Mr. Makarevich / Mr. Potrubatch


cc: Mr. de Meulemeester Don 8; o

S » o rhp LUNCHEON

given in honour of


by the

SECRETARY-GENERAL on Thursday, 16 November 1967

at the


Le Petit Vol-au-Vent Armoricaine

L'Escalope de Veau Cordon Bleu Les Asperges Blanches an Beurre La Pomme Fondante

La Salads Chiffonnade

La Timbale de Poire Bourdaloue Les Friandises .Luncheon given by the Secretary-General on l6 November 1967

Sir' Edward Warner M» Fradith

Ur. Hoo . Nesterenko

H.E. Mr. Mori H.E. M. Berard

H.E. Mr. Goldberg H.E. M. Manescu

H.E. Mr. Eisaku Sato The Secretary-General

H.E. Dr. Fedorenko H.E. Mr. Miki

H.E. Mr. Tsuruoka H.E. Mr. Liu

H.E. Mr. Rimura Mr. Narasimhan

-si- Mr. de Meulemeester Mr. Rolz-Bennett .Luncheon given by the Secretary-General on l6 November 1961

"Dr. Huir M. Eradith

H.E. Jfc-Jferi x Mr. Nesterenko

H.E, Mrr-T-mmnl x H.E.

H.E. x H.E. M, Manescu

H.E, Mr. Eisaku Sato x The Secretary-General

H.E. Dr. Fedorenko x H.E. Mr. Miki

H.E. M. BoWel x H.E. Mr. Liu

H.E, Mr. Kimiira x Mr. Efarasimhan

x I ^ x Mr. de Meulemeester Mr. Rolz-Bennett Protocol and Liaison


The Secretary-General H.E. Mr. Eisaku Sato Prime Minister of Japan H.E. Mr. Takeo Miki Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Tsuruoka Permanent Representative to the UN H.E. Mr. Toshio Kimura Director General of Cabinet Secretariat H.E. Mr. Haruki Mori Deputy Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Delegations: The President of the General Assembly, H.E. M. Manescu H.E. Mr. Liu (China) H.E. M. B&rard (France) H.E. Dr. Fedorenko (USSR) Sir Edward Warner fi~E7-iord-€arati«n (United Kingdom) H.E. Mr. Goldberg (USA) The Chairman of the Afro-Asian Group, M. Pradith (Laos) Secretariat: Dr. Hoo Mr. Narasimhan Mr. Resterenko Mr. Rolz-Bennett The Chief of Protocol, Mr. de Meulemeester

Total 18 Protocol ©ad


12:15 p.ia. HpS. Mr. Eisakw Sato, Prtsse Miatster of Japass, w£H arrive a* the Secretariat entrance aeccanpasiisd by H.E» Mr. Ifckeo MHsi, Mtaister for ibreign Affairs, H.S. Mr. Bferuki Mori, Dajwty Viee~*iinist3? for Ft>3naiga Affteiirs, H.E. Mr. Toshio Klmira, DirectoaMgeasral of tbe Frists Minister's Cabinet and H.8. Mf. Senjin Tsuruoka, ?smaa«at Repmsmtativs, Erisaffi Miaistsr and the members of His party will "ba recelvad ly Me. Piexra de Mauleoseester, Chiisf of Protocols and escorted to the 58th. 12:80 p.a. H.B. Mr* Comaliu Ktoaecu, Prasid@nt of th@ Geo^mL Assoabiy, vill receive the Prime Minister sad th® e&et&re of His in hia office on th« 36th Floor. 12: to p.m. Tfe0 PrlBse Minister will take leav® of t$& Presideat of General 4&8®&bly in hie office oa the 38th Escorted bar the Chief of Protocol, th@ Prime J.finiet©r go along tto hall of the 58th KLOOF to ths Office. ISw SocrstaxTHSaxueral will a&et ths Pri%® Hiaisteir is

Priaa MSuiats? Hill ecstfer with th@ in his private office. p.m. At tifee ecaclusicaj of tha priest® emversatl^siSg tfes O^aaral will eaeert tha Prias Mialet®? lato his Rocsi cm the 38t*. Chief of Protocol vill iatrod'tace tba sweats iavited to the Ivoohfion offered b/ tits Secrotasy-Gsaaml in hcaoax= of the Prime Ministor. y JAxxangeBe&ts vill be mafi® to enable pfaot0gsTaphf83*s to take //the official photographs of the Friae {Sinister, the / / of the Geaeral Assembly and the SecrotasjMJsasml in the ' f Secr®tary-aenerol*s private office. 1:30 P.B. Ixmeheon vill be served. 2:30 P.JB. luxushaan vill be concluded. Ike Saeret@zy«Gener%l vill eecort 1^ia Prijn® Minister and the ambers of His party to the olemtora on th@ 38th Floor vhere he vill ttik© leave of th@ party. Chl«f of Protocol will escort the Priaa Minister and the ajfiKbera of Hie party by special elevates- ttetm to ths Secretariat eatranc®. P-1*- 2Sia Prima tJlnleter and the mamba^s of His party depart from B ^& 3?1JP £ m_ Luncheon given "by the Secretary-General on lA November 1967

Mr. Stavropoulos Jonkheer Quarles van Ufford

Mr. Rolz-Bennett ; s •*y. M, Djermakoye

H.E. Senor Pi Sera : ; ; H.E. M. Schuurmans

H.E. Chief Adebo :j : H.E. Lord Caradon

H.E. Dr. de Beus 3 i The Secretary-General

H.E. Mr. Goldberg : H i• H.E. M. Vinci

H.E. Mr. Tarabanov : Senor de Pinies

:: Mr. Narasimhan Mr. Nesterenko 3 -.

Mr. de Meulemeester H.E. Baron van Braun Px-otocsl

Luncheon given by the Secretary-General on 14 November 196?

Mr. Stavropoulos Jonkheer Quarles van Ufford

Mr. Rolz-Bennett s M. Djennakoye

Sr. Pinera c H.E. M. Schuurmans

H.E. Chief Adebo x. H.E. lord Caradon

H.E. Dr. de Beus 3: - ^ The Secretary-General

H.E. Mr. Goldberg t H.E. M. Vinci

H.E. Mr. Tarabanov 3 c Sr.de Pinies

Mr, Nesterenko :t Mr. Narasimhan

Mr. de Meulemeester H.E. Baron von Braun SG luncheon to bid farewell to H.E. Er. J.G. de Beus, Tuesday, lh November 19^7, 1.15 p.m., 58th floor

H.E. Dr. J.G. de Beus - Netherlands oil I/ /Jonkheer Leopold Quarles van Ufford - Netherlands ^ /'H.E. Mr. Arthur J. Goldberg - USA j/"E.E. The Rt.Hon. Lord Garadon - UK no no H-»ET t/H.E. Mr. Mllko Tarabanov - Bulgaria j/H-E* Chief S.O. Adebo - Nigeria ,/H.E. M. RLero Vinci - Italy .E. M. Constant Schuurmans - Belgium .E. Senor Jose' Pinera - Chile Sr. don Jaime de Pinies - Spain H.E. Baron Sigismund von Braun - Fed. Rep. of Germany

The Secretary-General Narasimhan no E5?»-BHaefee ^XMr* Rolz-Bennett . Westerenko Mr. de Meulemeester no MF»-de-Seyiaee (away) t/Mr. Stavropoulos Djermakoye

18 en

M •n 3 co o• Hj Q Luncheon given by the Secretary-General on 7 November 1967

Vr. Tin Myint U

Mr. Narasimhan 2 Madame ULaconescu

H.E. M. Malitsa : H.E. U Soe Tin

Mile Groza :: Madame Manescu

H.E. M. Manescu :: The Secretary-General

M. Celac c Madame Malitza

Mrs. Soe Tin :: H.E. M. Burtica

H.E. M. Biaconescu :: Mrs. Tin Myint U


Mile Manescu c.v. 4- SG luncheon, Tuesday, 7 November 1967, 1.15 £-m., 58th floor

ROMANIA 3' /'/-A 7 j/ H.E. M. Corneliu Manescu and Madame Manescu k/Miss Alexandra Manescu (daughter) i/ H.E. M. Mircea Malitza and Madame Malitza L/H.E. M. Gheorghe Diaconescu and Madame Diaconescu i/Mlle. Maria Groza .E. M. Cornel Burtica M. Sergiu Celac (interpreter to President)

BURMA H.E. U Soe Tin and Mrs. Soe Tin

The Secretary-General Dar. and Mrs. Tin Myint U Mr. Narasimhan


cc: Mr. de Meulemeester Don g. osr:


1 . r~ r* ? r* ••*•»— '•"*,v- r»i R, L.U i

December 26, 1967.

Your Excellency, ¥e were very glad to meet you again in New York and we are grateful to you for the lovely gift and the nice luncheon you arranged for us during our visit to the United Nations. The United Nations remains the only glow of hope for mankind and we in Nepal whole-heartedly support you in your noble efforts for world peace. With our best wishes for the New Year,

Yours sincerely,

His Excellency U Thant Secretary-General United Nations NEW YORK, N.Y. 0 ROYAL NEPALESE EMBASSY 2131 LEROY PLACE, N.W. WASHINGTON 8,D.C.

His Excellency U Thant Secretary General The united Nations NEW YORK, N.Y.


10 JJ&vember 1967

ctear Ambassador* you foa? ^»ir kind letter la •whic^i you included two ttF&tt ¥es«&a» As xismlr tfeey were aast afjsiwpflate and ° aread'^em* I tjas al&o very pleased that you to ^oia the Itimiheoa to faemour of "Eteeir Majesties the Kisg asd Qaeen of J-Iepal.

Ambassador Syed Aujad. All o/o Permanent Mssion of Pakistan • • -to ' ' -8 ' Sasfc '» H.t. 10021




/< £tf o<

'O \/


& ^<.a^i/ 7 J-

.••s'^r-VK' - S-K'SiSKI / S* .

, 9 ** ' LUNCHEON GIVEN BYH.E.THE SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE UNITED NATIONS ORGANISA- TION IN HONOUR OF fflS MAJESTY THE KING OF NEPAL Shrine and Temple of World Peace and Human Welfare. The industry, im- partiality and devotion to duty shown by the Secretary-General in dischar- ging his responsibilities is, I must Mr. Secretary General, say, highly commendable. I sincerely Your Excellencies, Ladies and pray to God to bless him with Gentlemen, necessary strength and wisdom for the peace and welfare of humanity. 1 dul very grateful The memories of the Secretary- to you, Mr. Se- General's visit to Nepal just a few cretary-General, for affording me months back are still fresh in our this opportunity to meet and know minds. I am glad to know that he one another. enjoyed it. We from different Before concluding, nations are in fact members of one I request all present here to join me worldwide family. We should enter in proposing a toast to the health and remain in this world institution and long life of the Secretary-Ge- U-iN.O. with the same lofty feelings neral, to world peace and to the and ideals as we cherish according success of the United Nations in to our respective religions, beliefs its laudable efforts for maintaining and traditions. We should never peace on earth and space. hesitate to declare the United Thank you. Nations Organisation as the Sacred November 6, 1967 LUNCHEON

given in honour of


by the


on Monday, 6 November 1967

at the


L'Aspic de Langouste La Gelee d I'Amontillado

Le Supreme de Volatile Bristol Les Croquettes de Riz Les Petits Pois d la Frangaise

La Petite Laitue d I'Huile Douce

M .

La Timbale de Fruits d la Parisienne Les Mignardises EC EC EC EC • *(SI EH s • & P CD *to o • '& 8 Ed to CD >rJ >r) Q ^ P> O CD I N E3 & c+ CD I CD CD 8- 3 CD a sr CT -H- -I 1 : H.B. Mr. Bista

co Cfl co tei tel Ladya Caradon t) CO CD O^ CD cn CD § CD a sr oj EC 3 \f a & CD CD W Her Majesty the Queen

The Secretary-General

X His Majesty the King

T-rH ^g to fel cn Manescu

C? CD 3 cfl p H- CD CD ff g: PJ c36 fc- (-3 I H.R.H. Prince Birendra S. H | ^ 5CQ

Mrs. Bista


H.E. M. Kante •e- -w- -H" EC ffi EC tc tel CD tel EC * o- S 01 ;CD O • ICD sr td CO Tl S1 CD 4 cr 8- P> I Cfl II Protocol arri Liaison


12«f50 poX&e Their Majesties the Kisg and Queen of Nepal will arrive at the Secretariat entrance?

Their Majesties will b@ accompanied by? H,FUHe Prince Birendra? HoSc the Ueputy Prim© Minister and Mrs*, Bisia, HPEU the Penaansnt Representative and Mrs.. Khatei arid probably a secretary or an aide~de~caiEp<, Their Majesties and the members of the Royal Party will ba nst csitside the building by Mr, Piss^r® d© Meulomsestaffg Chief of Protocol, and of fi dally greeted inside th© Secrstsriat Lobby by the Majesties and the aseEsbers of the Rovsil Party will, b© escorted by the S@cj68tar3r'=G©neral to tha 38th floor aiid into the SaeratarjMjajsBral0 s privat© of flee „ tdll tes .?aad© for the visit to be recorded by

1005 pom. Preceded by tlie Chief o^ Protocol j tfee Ssas^tEfj-^eneral will saeort Tfeair Majesties aM th@ aambars of the Royal Party along the hall of t&e 38feh floor to the office of the President of ih@ General The Praaidsat of th© Ganeral Ass®jS>lj and Jfeis S-lanssea

,? 10 poiBo A.'pranig«ffi®s3fcs -will b® juade in the adjoining arssa neafe to th© Presidesst^s office an the 3$th floor for the photographers to record th® vis it „ Ps^eeded by th© Chief of Pratosol^ Their Majesties and us^abers of the Roj'al PaHy^ aecfflapaiaied by tJss President of the Gtejfi@s°al Assembly ± Sfe® Kswsaeu SJM th© Secretayy^Generals tdH go in teo ele'^ators dowsa to tos second jQoor and iafco th® reeepbion area outside th© South The gaests invited to th© luncheon will b® introduced fco Thais* Ifejesties by the Chief of Prtfcoeol. pom., LfflichsoB idll be

pBra0 Lanchson *dll ba While Her Majesty the Queen and the fljssibsra of th© Royal Party will be escorted to reserved seats in Block WB'! of the General Asssatoly Hall, His Majesty th® Kisig will bs received by HoSo the President of the General Assembly in his office behind the podium, (GA,=>200)S 3*00 poEL His Majesty will address the plsnary lasting of t General Assemblya

3o25 p0!A« His Majesty will conclude His address,,

3,30 p;35 P»fflo HoS, fch©President , of tbs Gens^fsl Assembly vdl.1 tate 3j9av© of Their Majesties at the els vat or hshdrd the Esscutiv© Offices of GA»200» Praeeded by the Chief of Protocol, th» Sscrofcary ---General vdil escort Thai? Majesties down to the Delegates' entrance smd out to Thsir 3<>45 P«fflo Their Majesties and the nsmbsrs of the Royal Party will depart Protocol arid Liaison


The S

His Majesty King l-Iahendra. ^er Majesty Qusen. Ratna

HoR.H. Prince HoE. the Deputy Priaio Minister and Mrs,, Bista

H«S, the Feiraanent Kspressntetivc to the Iffi* and Zfr30 Khatrl Gfener&L Ii!alla Principal Bada Ca^i'P.R. JB8ianiarl Persosal Secset-ary Me®?. Sx\bba Isb^ari Man to His liajsstj

Sybba M0S0 Bhandas?! 4j to Hia E-Iajesty Mser Subba Hsnvi Lai Si Secret ary to His

Forsigr. Secrstasy to His Majesty0 s flr. S.C. Haider Royal Physician

a? the Pesstiansnit liission and &&sa Dsveadra

. the PrasidarA of the Gaaera}. Asssnibl^- and Mae of the Sscusrity Goisacil —J ;i*i- riri^^ (Heli)

H.So 4hs Porsssinsnt. Rspresentativa of Frence an-d J-Sas B€rard H,E« the I'easaansEfc Repraeentative of USSR, Di% Pedos-cnko H,3« the P«zE!an0nb RepsPdesatatlv© of UK and the Lady Caradon

Ht.S.. the Pexmamnt Repi^sent&tive of ll&l axi'4 Mr&o Goldberg a.^'i* v;;c * C!±HlCilJWiWj i"•'i';1 D 'J' iv© of Afghanistan, Mr« Paahwak n H.B. » II It Bimaa and B&s. Soo Tin SUE. II II » " Caabwlia and ghg Iluot Sasbath HJB, « II « " Ceylott, JSp. toer-asitigho JUS, 11 » II « India, tiy. Parttewworatbi n H.E, » » ir Iran ari

H.E. li » it " Sctii3,dor sad Sra. de Bsaitss H.S. ths Chaiisim of the Coisaditeo on d Asijsd Mi (Pakistan)

Or. and Mrs» Bonche Mr. Marasimhan Mr« and Hi^s. Jfe-. and Mrs.

Hr. Tajair, Chai«nan ct the Staff Cossdtites

Tha Chief off ProtacoJ. The Degmby CJhie? of Protocol -

y* Baghavan^ Presidasfc

5| •*- • -Jf 4 • '


X tilt $$ »8fdj3i «f ®£ tB l^si^^ @& ••feMfe ©£ Hs^l. '«»e to aiseegt ®s -s&s&i «m 6 ^s®l2- will ®M& fes t® fcecegjfc to in


t» ^^@

ee: ]^&r, Jlarasisahaa Mr, de Ifeuleme^ter JSr, I*estleux ^^ *' ^ i \ Oj It . „... ^ ROYAL NEPALESE EMBASSY WASHINGTON, D. C-

September 28, 1967

Your Excellency,

I have the honor to refer to your Excellency's letter of August 9th, 1967, requesting whether it would be convenient for Their Majesties the King and Queen of Nepal to visit the United Nations Headquarter on November 6th, 1967, during the forthcoming Royal Visit to the United States of America. i I have been commanded by His Majesty the King to thank your Excellency for your kind invitation and to inform you, that Their Majesties would be delighted to meet with your Excellency at the United Nations Headquarter on November 6th, 1967.

i "Please accept sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.


Padma Bahadur Khatri Ambassador

His Excellency U Thant ,f Secretary General United Nations Headquarter New York, New York

TlfTfeW"1*-^! *'"^^Tpr.'r*xwftt,^%wm7rf^;vTy-*~:-{-iB3i -v*.i»-wf •itx-f. £0; Mr. de Heulemeester Mr. Le

9 ABgast, 4.96?


lite© h«ft the of 0 ie-wsil^r $%ifc®. as0 «sll* I ksp© tfeis to , Sis', ifee assaraisges e«f sajr highest

t© t&s feitM Stst®@ of



,__, _ t/Q August 4th, 1967

Your Excellency,

I have the honor to refer to the conversation

I had with Your Excellency the other day regarding the proposed visit of Their .Majesties the King and

Queen of Nepal to the United States of America, this Fall.

During the course of our conversation, Your

Excellency has been kind to suggest that you would feel honored if Their Majesties, while in America, would find it convenient to visit the United Nations

Headquarters on November 2nd, 1967.

Upon my return to Washington, I had a meeting with the American Chief of Protocol to discuss the programme of the Royal Visit and it seems that the

State Department feels that Their Majesties should begin their visit from Washington, and that November

1st and 2nd are the only dates convenient to His

Excellency President Johnson.

Therefore, I wonder whether it would be . . ••*i-•;#••-•;*!••>r- . •••..:-•*;• •.•- • •. .-. > '•*''

convenient with Your Excellency to receive Their

Majesties at the United Nations Headquarters any

day from November 6th to November 10th, 1967.

I need not tell Your Excellency that, how

keen His Majesty is to see you at the United Nations

Headquarters and to address the UN General Assembly.

Please accept Your Excellency, the assurances

of ray highest considerations.


His Excellency U Thant

Secretary General

United Nations Headquarters

New York City, New York

Liincheon given by the Secretary-General on 2 Uovaaber 1967

Dr. Buncba x.

Mr. Owen x Hr. Steal

. Eidsdals x Mr,

H.E. Lorsi Caradon X X The Secratary^Gensral

M?. Ogdea x. Knight

Sir Alexander Mr. NaraaLmhan MacFarquhar

x Mr. HoLa-Bsnaett SG luncheon, UK Parliamentary Delegation, Thursday, 2 November 196? > 1.15 p.m., 58th floor _ __

/ Mr. A.H. Albu, M.P. ^ Mr. E. Ogden, M.P. ^Mrs. J.C. Knight, M.P. ,^/Mr. J.E. Ridsdale, M.P. yMr. D.M.S. Steel, M.P. H.E. Lord Caradon

The Secretary-General {/ Mr. Narasimhan j/ Dr. Bunche ^ Mr. Rolz-Bennett j/ Sir Alexander MacFarquhar Mr. David Owen


cc: Mr. de Meulemeester Don 17 Oct. • SG. You might wish to complete the list for this luncheon.

g / UNITED KINGDOM MISSION 9 u~~-O' Zib^to TO THE UNITED NATIONS „ _ _ 845 THIRD AVENUE «- 4*14*«O» O>» ( U«*<.»cl«* , NEW YORK, N.Y.

(22719/21/67) ^ <~~~~^-+ t *—• ^ 9 October, 1967. Co|t»* \ a I thougiit I should let you know that we expect to have an all-party Parliamentary Delegation visiting us from the British Parliament from 24 October till 8 November. The members of this Delegation are: Mr. A.H. Albu - Leader of the group Edmonton) Mr. E. Ogden (Lab., Liverpool, West Derby) Mrs. J.G. Knight (Con., Birmingham, Edgbaston) Mr. J.E. Eidsdale (Con., Harwich) Mr. D.M.S. Steel (Lib., Roxburgh, Selkirk and Peebles). I always hesitate to add to the heavy commitments of the Secretary-General but I know that the Members of Parliament would very greatly appreciate an opportunity of a talk with Secretary-General . They are working out their programme and if you could kindly indicate a time when the Secretary-General could spare half an hour for /a discussion Mr. Lucien Lemieux. a discussion with this Delegation they and I would be more than grateful. With best wishes.

(Caradon) w 1i 1 CYN/ec


1 asa ms§ $asSe$i& ts» 3f&« for 2S8SS- &tn& letter of ^e^seg1* ' ®es* m* it isaa a pleasures 'to to' a 33sseeg?t&*sa' M ^tg? toaemr ttefe 4^ 1 '"isaf Is© fi^t@ to- Flsit Be3?l»&3S aaail


Yx* 7th November, 1967,

In spite of your many commitments and the short notice that was given you of my presence in New York, it was exceedingly kind of you to have arranged such a delightful function for us and given us the opportunity of meeting so many outstanding personalities. We will always remember our visit to the United Nations and we hope that some day you will not only be intransit through Barbados but you will give us the pleasure of welcoming you at Government House. With many thanks and our very best wishes.

U Thant, Secretary-General, The United Nations. Protocol and Liaison


The Secretary ^General H,S«, the Governor-General of Barbados and Lady Scott

Permanent Mission of Barbados:

HoE0 Mr* Halcottj Pesscanent Representative

Mr« and Mr3e Jaekman Mr. and Mrs* Taitt

Delegations: IloSo the President of the General Assembly and Ife© Maneseu

Australia; The Pemaaeat Canada: Tha Permanent Rapreseaitativ© aad Jirs=,

Ceylons HoE. Mr0 Affierasingha Cypruss The Panaanent Representative and Rossides Doninicaa Republics The Permanent Reprsssntatlvs and Sra, de Ifelina Ureifi!a Ecuador: The PeKBanont Representative and Sra. d@ Benitee Frances The Permanent Ropresentaliive and Mm© Mrard Haiti: The Pezmanent Representative and Wsss Antoine Ghana: The Permanent Representative and Mrs. Akvrai

Guyana: H.E0 Mr» Carter, Minister of Infonnations Chairsaart of the Delegation to the General Assembly HoEo Mr, Braithwaite, PeKsanent Representafciv©

India: H0Eo Mr0 Parthasarathi? PenBamnt Representative

Jamaica; H0E0 Vlp0 Johnson, Permai^nt Representative Malta: The Psraanent Representative and Krs<> Pardo New Zealand2 The Permanent Representative and Mrs* Craw

Nigeria: The Pexmanent Representative and Mrs0 Adebo

Pakistan: HoSa Kr« Shahi, Permanent- Represetntati^ s

Sierra Leoao: Th® Per&aneftt Representative and MJPSO Cols Trinidad aad Tobago s The Persssnant Representative aad Mrs,. Solomon United Kingdoms Ths* Permanent Representative and the Lady Gasradon The Deputy Passanent Representative and Lady Glass Mr» and Mrs* Petss? Hope United States; The P®2%an@nt Representative and Mrs,- Goldberg The Deputy Peraianent Representatitre and Mrs» Baffum HoS<, Mr So Anderson

Dr3 and Mrse Buziche Mo de Seyaes Mr, and Mrs. Hofftean Sir Alexander and Lady MaeFarquhar

5fr« and MX^SO Owsn Mr, and Mrse Rola-Bsnnet-t

Mr0 Stavropoulos

Mr, said Mrs« Romld

The Chief of Protocol

TOTAL 69 Permanent Mission of Barbados To The United Nations


His Excellency Sir Arleigh Winston Scott, G.C.M.G., B.Sc., M.D. (1928), L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. (Edin), L.R.F.P. & S. (Glas.) (1926), 0. et A. Chir. (1931) became Barbados' first native Governor- General in May, 1967.

Sir Winston was born in Barbados on March 17, 1900, and received his early education at Harrison College, Barbados. Subsequently Sir Winston entered Howard University, Washington, B.C., where he studied Medicine, graduating with a degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1928.

After initial practice in New York State, Sir Winston resumed his medical studies at Edinburgh University where he specialized in Ophthalmic Surgery.

Sir Winston then practised medicine in London. He later returned to the United States where he spent eight years at Harlem Hospital in .

Sir Winston returned to Barbados in 1936 as a general medical practitioner. There he set up a Nursing Home in Bridgetown, the nation's capital, which has become famous throughout the Caribbean for its high standard of medical care.

In 1964 Sir Winston was appointed to the Senate of Barbados. In 1966 he was appointed a member of the Barbados Privy Council.

Sir Winston was knighted by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in May, 1967. He is visiting New York on his way from London where he was summoned for an audience with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. CVK/ce

kiaft letter of 25 October s that i&e SmnsrssDsvG^Eessl «&? Barbados* His Sir ^lasetasa 'Scatt* S.-.C*!?,,^, $&& £fe" ^seellencar Ifee la Sea' "fork ©a a pri'vafee visit dwriag

to til® etott iSiett J eemld ©ffes? a Iwsoetieon to B»efel2.eraei«&* I s&allj.ft0¥a i!ra,r»te ^pis rt o offer a ? mi aufeiali^ esswealeat ®& I Htofysssasear. i ''am a&Mirsg "Qie C3aief -of P3.x>toco to fes ia t^iscSi wlt^i ycm to

t® *

ICE S i^r TR»SE»' KiX* ec: Mr. de Meuleme^ster Mr» Mr. Permanent Mission of Barbados To The United Nations

801 Second Avenue, New York, New York 10017.

,,-v, October 25, 1967. (f 2* /Vc^-) ft

Your Excellency, r- .. l&t** \ ' \f \ I have the honour to inform Your Excellency that the Governor-General of Barbados, His Excellency Sir Wifl^To^^"^^,^TC7MrG7, and Her Excellency Lady ScottjJ^wil.!. be in New York on a private visit during the~period 28th October to 4th November, 1967.

Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.


OLIVER- HXJACKMAN Deputy Permanent Representative, Charge d1 Affaires, a.i.

His Excellency U. THANT, Secretary-General of the United Nations, United Nations Headquarters, New York, New York 10017. giireja' by the 0$. 5® Seisotosa*

x SG luncheon, Monday , 30 October 1967, 1.15 p.m., 58th floor

,/ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lippmann y' Mr. James A. Wechsler

The Secretary-General v Mr . xaasBbKifefflDSQ Brian E. Urquhart i/ Mr . Naraslmhan i/Dr. Bunche . Rolz-Bennett


cc: Don

3E" ro

X SG luncheon, Sunday, 29 October 1967, 1 p.m., Villa Bella Vista

DELEGATION OF BURMA: / 6/t// ,t 7 .E. U and Mrs. Soe Tin v/"H.E. U Aung Shwe .E. U and Mrs. Tun Win t.Col. Tun Lin Major Maung Aye y/ Major Thaung Lwin

\X U Hla AunS U w-^ U and Mrs. Aung Myat Kyaw U and Mrs. Ba Yin U and Mrs. Tha Hla and Mrs. Aung Tin and Mrs. Kyi Maung / U Myint Saw

UMITED HATIOHS: and Mrs. Paw U ,/U and Mrs. Kyaw U ^X U and Mrs. Balwant Singh

Daw Than Aye •V Mr. and Mrs. Roy Doliner

Mr. and Mrs. Y.S. Yee 251 East ?6th Street Hew York

/U and Mrs. Than Tin 315 East 70th Street (Apt. 6fi) ^ New York

. and Mrs. Hla Pe 240 West 26lst Street New York

Dr. Wan Wgo Lim 44-5 East 68th Street Hew York

The Secretary-General and Mrs. Thant

37 cc: Don



To: Mr. L. Lemieux 25 October 1967 Associate Officer Executive Office of the Secretary-General From: A. Tamir xjtbftM^ 0/130 ^ Chairman ^f^^^ ^ ^, W Staff Committee ./"~ -^^ Subject: j Meeting jtfith the Secretary-General

Following our telephone conversation, please find hereunder the list of names you requested: Mr. A. Tamir, Chairman, Staff Committee; Miss Lila Fenwick, First Vice-Chairman, Staff Committee; Mr. A. Garcia, Second Vice-chairman, Staff Committee; Mr. R. Hevson, Assistant Secretary, Staff Committee; Mr. S. Chao, Treasurer, Staff Committee; Mr. V, Khopkar, Eapporteur, Staff Committee; Mr. R. Klein, Presiding Officer, Staff Council; Mr. S. Zelleke, Deputy Presiding Officer, Staff Council. Miss Jean George, Secretary, Staff Committee, is presently in hospital and will, therefore, be unable to attend.

j ,/ SG reception to meet the members of the new Staff Committee Friday, 2? October 1967, 5.50 to 6 p.m., 58th floor '? Staff Council l/Mr. Raphael Klein l/Mr. Snifferaw Zelleke

Staff Committee i/Mr. Abraham Tamir (/Miss Lila A. Fenwick i/Mr. Angel Antonio Garcia I/Mr. Ronald Richardo Hewson no Mi66-J-.-Qee3?ge (sick leave) I/Mr. Samuel Chen-Hua Chao i/Mr. Vilas Khopkar

Staff-nominated members of Appointment and Promotion Board and Cottee i/Mr. William Powell no M3?-»-MH.llath-A-.-Velleeli (away) •. Kurt Gunnar Jansson •. Samuel 0. Okunribido •. Vladimir Baum •. A.J. Friedgut •. I.R. Khalidi t/Mrs. Margaret K. Bruce no MxSxMax-BeeyHej? (away)

Staff-elected members of Joint Staff Pension Committee I/ Mr. Alfred Landau Mr. Marc Schreiber rs. Patricia Koo Tsien no M3?-.-i4vu?ge6-B-.-Shields (away)

Chief Polling Officer / Mr. Ping-Hou Wang (continued) SG reception 27 October 1967 - 2 -

Chairmen of Sub-Committees of Staff Council /Mr. R. Chittenden /Mr. William Tze-Jen Liu /Mr. Catalino F. Rodriguez i/Mr. Thomas W. Oliver ,/Mr. Baha Ibrahim Fahmy j/Mr. Kaeem Rathore yMr. F. Detlef j/ Miss Isabella La Bianca I/Mr. William Byers I/Mr. Cecil T.J. Redman i/Mr« Milton A. Riedel j/Mr. N. Beredjick (XMiss Louise F. 0'Regan v Mr. Mayer Gabay

Editor of Secretariat News Miss Elisabeth Zachariassen

Secretary to Staff Committee •JMiss Mardie T. Holton

Under-Secretaries . /Mr. Harasimhan ,/Dr. Bunche Rolz-Bennett Vaughan j/ Sir Alexander MacFarquhar ^/Mr- Turner ,/ Mr. Stavropoulos

(continued) SG reception 27 October 1967 - 3 -

Others £/Mr. Joseph Groesbeck . William ¥. Cox - Thomas B, Kirkbride . David Miron i/Mr. Robert L. Smith 1/lflr. Skukir S. Salameh i/Mr. William Me Caw I/Mr. Arthur C. Liveran

The Secretary-General

Total: 51

cc: Don ro, .oN Luncheon given by the Secret any-General an 26 October 19 67

Mr. Rolz-Bennett H.E. Mr. Buff urn Mr. Karasinihan


Dr. Bunche x H.E* Mr. Tarabancvr

H»E. Dr. Ruda x. H.E. Mr* Parthasarathi

H.B, Mr. Hambro x H.E. Dr. Fedorenko

H«E. Mr. Tabor x The Secretary-General

H.E. Lord Caradon x H.E. M.

H.E* Mr. Shahi x H.E. M» Bouattoura

H.E. Mr. Boreh x x H.E. 1-Ir. Makonnen

x Mr. Kesterenko Mr. de Mexilemsester Mr. Djerraakoye SG luncheon to bid farewell to H.E. Mr. Hans R. Tabor Thursday, 26 October 1967, 1.15 p.m., 58th floor

\f H.E. Mr. Hans R. Tabor, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Denmark I/"' H.E. Mr. Otto R. Borch - Denmark no H~l-.-M3?-,-AFtka2?-J-r-&eMteej?g --- USA (in Washington) /H.E. Mr. William B. Buffum - USA . v/H.E. M. Armand Berard - France v/H.E. Dr. N.T. Fedorenko - USSR v/H.E. Mr. Edvard Harabro - Horway .E. Dr. Jose Maria Ruda - Argentina . Mr. Milko Tarabanov - Bulgaria no H-.S,-Chief-§-.0,-A4efe9-- -Migeyi a . M. Tewfik Bouattoura - Algeria . Mr. Gopalaswami Parthasarathi - India ./H.E. Mr. Agha Shahi - Pakistan . Lij Endalkachew Makonnen - Ethiopia . 0?he Rt.Hon. Lord Caradon - UK

The Secretary-General ^/ Mr. de Meulemeester {/ Mr. Narasimhan Dr. Bunche Mr. Rolz-Bennett Mr. Nesterenko i/ M. Djermakoye


cc: Mr. de Meulemeester Don FSSSfs?


1 :'J iff i'^i 'fc'-p? I1I Protocol and Liaison


The President of th© Gsssral Assembly and Jte Hanssca Miss Al©ssRd?a Manescu, daughter of the President Kaass givssi bj OPIs The Pemaffiant Rerorssentativ® of Atzstria and Mrs* WaldbsLia . and Dr. MsEfB I-Isgm jJ@^t-®a-8e8?y }

H0Em. Cardinal SpAlnui } ^ ' H<,Bo Monsignor Cook® ) Austriaa .. .HeE» Moasigao? Br€d©r@ck )

HaEo Sr, Garcia Robles, Chairiaan of the Delegi.feion of Meslco

The Mbassador of M&dco to the USA and Sra, de Th© Consul Gonaral of %xiee in New York aad Sra, ds Mr.. Sol Hurok' ' ' '" • "" Professoy aud Mrs« Wolfgang SauaUleeh, Conductor Mr. Hsn3?yk Saerj'Bgy fSoloist

!4r. dS©rge Bolets Soloist

Mr. Fe Austin Walters Choir Direetor

Dr, and Mrs. A0J« Prohaaka, Austrian Mission Herbert Vteg?ieht,- Orehsstra Adsiinisirator- Etisssaa Bosgasr (Mr. Szo^ag's "sponsors") Mr. saad fes<, Christiaa Boegsiss- (" " " )

I4re Walter Ps-ude (Mre SassTsig's aEihagas"} Miss KsHsr Walter (Agent for the QrehQ&tm ctod Mr, Bolet) Dr» sid ^rs. Masoa Gross, President, Rsjtgsrs Uaivsraity

MPO feruin Dickinson,, Prssidant, Rutgsrs Uni^rersitj Choi?

Mr,, and Mrs. Jtalitzs Blooa9 Director of Concerts „ Eaters University

Mr. and %se Curtis Da^s, Esaseutive of Katione^. Education Telavisi

Mr0 ssHi Jfrs. Robsrt Sqiiisr, TV Dirsctor of K0S0T0

Dr* and Mrs» RiehaM Schlatt®ra Provost and Vice-President, Rutgers

Mrs0 Gertrude Sandnsr, President of Orchestra Mr. and Ife-So d'Arcy Mr» and Ifeso Obhrai

Mre ajid Mrso Janacsk Mr« sad Mrs, Mr, aaod Mrs* ¥ilHaa Powell %, and Mrs. !%•, and te-So

tir, aad M.fS. Hovshon

Hr« and Mx>@a Jankowaki

Hr0 Grunawaig My, aM Mirs, Nltjhols Miss K» Aksster Mr, and Mrs. Walters (goidas)

All Uinder^Saeretarias asid thsir vdvoa

TQTAL 110 ro

O O CO £ en H- 3 CO SG luncheon, Monday, 25 October 1967, 1.15 p-m., 58th floor

i/ tAs^cLQ~ dJUvJC i^ l^^-J- 2*{*j 1,7 \j Mr. Norman Cousins

The Secretary-General ./ Mr. Narasimhan y Dr. Bunche Mr. Rolz-Bennett

cc: Don o ro S" H § • *

(?D 1CO H- CO P- Monsieur Lemieuxs

Note for the Secretary-General

/ H. E. Mr. LEE Kuan Yew,^rime Minister

of Singapore will be accompanied to-

morrow morning by;

H.E. Enche RAHIM Ishak Minister of State for Education

and H.E. Mr. WONG lin Ken ^ermanent "Representative to the UN Note to Mr. Warasimhan;

— This is to confirm that the lunch for the President of Cameroon has now definitly been set for 12:30 pm on Saturday 21 October The time has been agreed upon with Mr. Owono of the Cameroonian Delegation and Mr. Djermakoye.

— The Singapore Mission has reluctantly agreed to call on the SO at 11:45 am till 12:25 pm . They said that they would have preferred keeping to the hour which had first been agreed upon for their PM to visit the SG which was 12 noon to 1 pm.They (M.TAN even insisted that it should be maintained because the PM had other engagements made in accordance with the hours previously given to them. Though I got the impression that they were not very happy with the new times,they have nevertheless accepted after my pleading with them for their understanding. MENU

^ £ :& ,> -•' J K Le Homard en Belle Vue La Sauce Corail

LfltlA 6 Les Noisettes d'Agneau Les Haricots Verts au Beurre Les Pommes Amendine

La Salade de Cceurs de Palmier

La Mousse au Sucre d'Erable Les Mignardises DEJEUNER

offert en 1'honneur de

SON EXCELLENCE MONSIEUR AHMADOU AHIDJO President de la Republique Federate du Cameroun



le samedi 21 octobre 1967


SIEGE DES NATIONS UNIES Luncheon given by the Secretary-General in honour of H.E. M. Ahraadou Ahidjo, President of the Federal Republic of Cameroon, on Saturday* 21 October

Mr. Korle Mr, Balima x x Gapt . Ngoura x x H.E. M* Qwono Mr. Raghavan x x Mr. Narasiahen Mr. Kesterenko X K M. Djermakoye Dr. Bunehe x x H.E. H. Sanda H.B1. M. Toman x x H.S. M. Zollner H.E, Sr* Molina Urena x x H.E. Mr. Fakbreddine H.B. Sr. Montenegro x X H.E. M. BSrard H.S. Dr* El-Beuri x x H.E. M. Maneseu H.E. the President of \ X g^is Seergtaqr-General H.E. Dr. El-Farra 'X x H.S. M. Bindai H.S. Mr. Kjartaneson x x H.B. Maj.Gen. Siatri H.E. Mr. Shaw x x H*B. Mr. Liu H.E. Mr. Malecala x x H.E. Mr. Hambro H.E. M. KJine x x H.E. M. Masuke Mr. Mosek x x M. de Seynes Dr. Sissokp x x H.B. M. Tadji Mr, Tarair x x Mr, Grigg X x

Mr. de Ifeulemeester Mr. Hapi Pz-otoecsl and Liaisca

Luncheon given by the Secretary-General in honour of H.E. M. Ahmadou Ahidjo, President of the Federal Republic of Cameroon, on Saturday, 21 October 196?

Mr. Korle Mr. Balima

Capt. Wgoura H.E. M. Owono Mr. Raghavan Mr. Narasimhan Mr. Nesterenko M. Djermakoye Dr. Bunche H.E. M. Sanda H.E. M. Tomeh H.E. M. Zollner

H.E. Sr. Molina Urefla 3 H.E. Mr. Fakhreddine H.E. Sr. Montenegro H.E. M. Berard

H.E. Dr. El-Bouri H.E. M. Manescu

H.E. the President of Cameroon^ The Secretary-General H.E. Dr. El-Farra H.E. M, Bindzi H.E. Mr. Kjartansson H.E. Maj.Gen. Khatri H.E. Mr. Shaw H.E. Mr. Liu H.S. Mr. Malecela H.E. Mr. Hairibro H.E. M. Njine H.E. M. Masuke Mr. Nosek M. de Seynes Dr. Sissoko H.E. M. Yadji

Mr. Tamir Mr. Grigg

Mr. de Meulemeester Mr. Hapi Protocol and Liaison


The Secrstaiy-Genersl H.E. M, Ahatadou Ahid.jo President of the Federal Republic of Cameroon

The, presidential Party H.E« M« Bindai, Minister for Foreign Affairs HoEc M. Sanda, Minister of Justice HoEp M. Hastate j Minister for Economic Affairs and Planning

HPE0 M. Abdotilaye Ysdji,, Secrltairs d'Stat 4 1'Elevage HoEo M, KjiKS, Psraanent Hepres@ntativ® to the UN HoEo M. Owono, Ambassador to the USA M. Hapi, Chief of Protocol

Dr» 3issokos Private physician of the President Captain Ngcwra, Aide-decamp of tlia President


The President of the General Assembly, HoEo M0 Maneacu Vice-Preaideijts of the General Aaserably:

HoE= M0 B&fard - Francs

H0Eo Mr. Kjartansson - Iceland

H0E0 Or. El^Farra - Jordan H.E.Dr. El-=Bouri - Libsra g.E. HaJ. Gen. Khatri - Hepal H.E. Sr. Itontensgro . Nicaragua H^Eo Mr* FaichreddirB «= Sudan i -. .• HeEo Mr. llalecela ^, Tanzania •-"'-H.Efc.-Jlr. 'Stanr -Australia

H0Eo, Mr. Liu - Chijia HsE. H* Zollner - Dahomsy H.E* Sr. Molina Urefia - Desdnieaa Republic Chairman of the Main

H0Eo Mr* Tcsmh - Fourth Cessna btes HoSa Mr. Hambro - Sisfch Coasaittee

. Bunche

Mr. Mr. Hestereako Mr« Noselc

Mr. BallEsa

Mr. Tamr, Chairman of the Staff Consnittee

The Chief of Protocol The Deputy Chief of Protocol

Mr. Ernest Grigg, Regidenb Reprasentative In Cameroon

Mr. Baghavan, Prasidant of UNCA

TOTAL CO • ro o>

^ §

£ E*

ro &

V-« SO s?pftj givea "by tfes

H.S. MF*

Mr. ®®l£~Bgamtit 3t x &» Bctaelse

t»E* %:.. toseaae x . ' x S.S. Sfe*.

I.U.. M, g

. Up, Bal'aeJ at

l.i, M, Baeard

E&r. as Bsus K x i.B* Mr.

at Mr« Luncheon given by the Secretary-General to bid farewell to H.B« Mr. Gideon Rafael - Friday. 20 October 1967• 38th flocr

General H.E. Mr. Barnaul x x

Mr. Hola-Bennaiob x Dr. Bunche

/^ /-< H.E, Mr. Rosenne H.E. Ssv^fi

H.E. M, x. H.E* Lord Caradon

H.E. Mr. Hafael X Thg

H.E. H. Mlaaac

H.S. Dr. de Beus x H.E. Mr*

M. Mr. Kara.ai.mhan

x x Mr. d© Msulemeesfcer H.E. Mr. lavor SG luncheon to bid farewell to H.E. Mr. Gideon Rafael, Friday, 20 October 1967, 1.15 p.m., 58th floor V C^^tL^ ISRAEL: no I/ H.E. Mr. Gideon Rafael Y/ H.E. Mr. Shabtai Rosenne \/ H.E. Mr. Joel Barromi %/H.E. Mr. Hanan Yavor Richard F. Pedersen H.E. Mr. Arthur-Jr-Goldberg - USA V/H.E. The Rt.Hon. Lord Caradon - UK j/'H.E. M. Armand Berard - France i/ H.E. Mr. Salvador P. Lopez - Philippines I. Dr. Francisco Cuevas Cancino - Mexico C. M. Maxime-Leopold Zollner - Dahomey no H-»E-.-M,-J>ie3?e-ViHei—Italy ./ H.E. Mr. J.G. de Beus - Netherlands

The Secretary-General Mr. de Meulemeester Mr. Karasimhan " Dr . Bunche j^Mr. Rolz-Bennett no Mp-r-d r. Djermakoye Y General Rikhye

18 cc: Mr. de Meulemeester Don

given fcy the OK 2£ ®etober 1967

Sir* Sertrasd x x Mr. Ifell Mr, milisms » x id?. Soswami J&*. Beywsrd x x Mr. Derauth x x Mr- Bola-ietuaett

Sr. x Mr. Harasimhan

Twigt x . Wells


My. Ifevies x Mr. MUi Mr. x Hr. de Mr, ^bds x Mr. Owen Mr. Hestereriko x x Mr. Burner

Mr. lamder x x fifaf. Sehacfeter

x x Hr. ^otnibatc

. Mster x Mr. 2ollinser

Mp. ACC luncheon to be given by the Secretary-General on Thursday, 19 October 1967, 1.15 p.m. Library Penthouse

Mr. Hill x

Mr. Bertrand x x Mr. Dell

Mr. Williams x X Mr. Goswami

Mr. Heyward x X Mr. Demuth „ ,N«L*K MY* rn^^3"t~^¥^H'^T^f^ "X" X Mr. Boorma lr-«^-V

T3^T rt T> tn«^-t--{r X 1MTJJr- • rt

Mr'J Bunche x X Mr. Warasimhan Mr. Twigt x X Mr. Wells

The Secretary-General x X Dr. Candau

Mr. Davies x X Mr. Mili

Mr. Bannier x X Mr. de Seynes Mr. Abdel-Rahman x x Mr. Mi^h^-i P (

X Mr. Turner

Mr. Bender x X Mr. Schachter

Mr. Ridge x X Mr. Potrubatch

Mr. Lister x X Mr. Dollinger


Mr. Kassum ACC luncheon to be given by the Secretary-General on Thuirsday, 19 October 1967, 1.15 p.m., ------Library Penthouse

l\fc> -3-LO ' vX Mi" r- David Morse, FAO . Oris V. Wells, Deputy Director-General * UNESCO ^/Mr. Paul Bertrand, Director of New York Off ice WHO Marcolino G. Candau, Director-General IBRD ^/Mr. Richard H. Demuth, Director, Development Services Department IMF ,/Mr. ITU i/Mr. Mohamad Mili, Acting Secretary-General/ ^/ jyjr. David Arthur Davies, Secretary-General • '" ' O^ICAO ^/Mr. B.T. Twigt, Secretary-General -^ IAEA j/Mr. Upendra Goswami, Deputy Director-General/ x C'^'t^-r%**^ A UPU ,/ Mr. Tfi rhrl ff?iH , Director -Genera l xS

UNDP fll j/'t Mr. David Owen •/ UNHCR \/^ Mr. Albert F. Bender, Deputy High Commissioner C UNICEF-^Mr. E.J.R. Heyward, Deputy Executive Director ^- UNRWA \/9 Mr . Laurence V. Michelmore, Commissioner-General « UWITAR^/^Mr. Oscar Schachter, Acting Executive Director./ UNIDO ^/^Mr. I.H. Abdel-Rahman, Executive Director S UMCTADj/iMr. SuLui't Wnf it" ajJ^iol Aduluui to tho Cor-rot? WFP v/ Mr. A.H. Boerma, Executive Director ^

C.V. Narasimhan

The Secretary-General/ Dr. Bunche v/ * Mr- Rolz-Bennett ^ yvW, • Mr- Potrubatch s



TO: The Secretary-General DATE: 13 October 1967 A:


THROUGH: S/C DE: Mr. C.V. Narasimhan CONFIDENTIAL Chef de ^Cabinet

FROM: DE: Mart

SUBJECT: ^ACG —luncheon -. 19 October 1967

I attach a suggested list for the ACC luncheon on Thursday, 19 October. A number of the top people will not be able to attend. Mr. Sen, Mr. Schweitzer, Mr. Roullier, as well as Mr. Labouisse, Prince Sadruddin, Mr. d'Arboussier and Mr. ¥yndham White will not be attending the ACC at all, while Mr. Maheu and Mr. Woods, who will be here on the 18th will not be remaining for the 19th. I am assuming that all alternates (of observers as well as ACC members) should be invited if their principals are absent, also that you would wish Mr. Bannier to be included. You may possibly like to consider whether to invite also the President of the General Assembly (because of next year's meeting), the Chairmen of the Second and Third Committees; also perhaps (because of the importance of the item dealing with inspectors and implementation of the Committee of Fourteen's recommendations) the Chairman of the Fifth Committee. As regards senior United Nations staff, I have included Messrs. Nesterenk© and Nosek because they have participated actively in the preparatory work this timej also Mr. Turner because of his responsibility in regard to the Inspectors * and the recommendations of the Committee of Fourteen. r n&>• o 5^"* JA.COB BLATJSTEIN


Secretary-General U Thant United Nations New York, N.Y. 10017

Dear Mr. Secretary-General:

I want to thank you in writing, as I did orally, for a most enjoyable luncheon on October 17. It is always so good to be with you. And it was also good to be at the luncheon with those of your staff who were so cooperative and constructive in the Barbara Hepworth sculpture project.

Aside from the marine resources item which you and I briefly talked about across the table, the occasion did not afford (as we stated at the close) the opportunity to review with you several substantial items which I had in mind. I shall, therefore, take the liberty of having my secretary contact Mr. Lemieux sometime soon hoping to set up an appointment. _— —

With warm and higli regard, as always,

Cordially, SG luncheon, Tuesday, 17 October 1967, 1.1$ p.m., 38th floor

Mr. Jacob Blaustein ) Dr. Andrew W. Cordier The Honorable Charles W. Yost (Council on Foreign Relations 58 East 68th Street, NY 10021, LE 5-3300) .E. Mr. Robert S. Benjamin j/ Mr. Wallace K. Harrison no M3?-.-JeliH-B-.-Beekefelle3?j--53?€l

The Secretary-General no Mi?-r-£fa3?asifflkaH ^X Dr. Bunche no .Mr-r-Sel iX^ Mr. Vaughan tX Mr. de Seynes no Mp^-LafeeHisse r. Hoffman


cc: Don Luncheon given "by the Secretary-General on 17 October 1967

Dr. Cordier M. de Seynes

Mr. Hofflnan H.E. Mr. Benjamin

Mr. Blaustein :i :: The Secretary-General

Etr. Bunche Mr. Harrison

-K- She Hon. Charles W. Yost Mr. Vaughan


& Movesiber

of 1 lit ws 'a g$&a£ $&&!&ax>g %& fuedtoeaa^ ysm to la» Yorli and to- ns.%»Esg*3r' ^0£^£taSl1^r» I also asssrseisteia te meefc T^iife yeni s^S to esieMa^© viey® wltlt



JiHy Dear Seeretary-G-eneral,

r ' > I am writing to tfaanls: you most sincerely for the warm welcome you extended to me and members of my party during my brief visit to the Headquarters of the United Nations. It was a great pleasure for me to meet and exchange views with you on world issues and problems affecting Africa. I found these discussions very useful and rewarding,

I wish also to express my graiituue for the p; easaru ydu arranged in my honour anc lor- -he ©pport nity f the distinguished guests invitee to it. Alth*, agh H> visit to the United Nations was rather brief', I was deeply impressed with the magnitude of the task to which you have dedicated yourself with such singular devotion. It is ; .•* heartening to note that iaspite of the intractable problems confronting the United Hations, you and your able and dedicated i*' staff are working laboriously to promote international peace and understanding. I am confident that the members of the United Nations will not only continue to give material support to the Organisation but will also endeavour to implement its numerous resolutions designed to build a prosperous and peaceful world community.

I wish you every success in discharging your onerous responsibilities.

Yours sincerely


Would you resoectfully draw the SG's attention to the difficulty we experienced at the last lunch given in honour of the President of Niger.Several guests,mainly Mr.Fedorenko,expressed their intention to leave before the lunch if they were going to be kept waiting much longer. - The lunch had been foreseen at Is 10 for 1:15 and we did not come down to the South Lounge before 1:35 Pm To-day the SG will have the conver- sation with Gen.Akrah till a little past 1.05 pm to give the General time to call on the President of the GA in his 3?th fl. office at 1:10 - He would then meet both the Gen. and the President at the elevators on the 38th fl. at 1:15 to go down to the South lounge together.

Thank vou.

P.de MeuYemeester LUNCHEON

given in honour of


by the


on Friday, 13 October 1967

at the



Le Saumon Froid en Belle Vue

UAloyau de Boeuf Grille Sauce Perigueux Les Endives Meuniere Les Pommes Amandine

La Salade de Poire d'Avocat

Le Souffle Glace Miramar Les Mignardises Ifr . Hoffma n * i 3 tS ""d S 4> O * %• £ 3d O P H ^C •"•^ fc-3 pi CO o i cr d O DO H- O CD •T L J ^5 0 3 3 (D o CD c+ i— • (u - -X W H j

?' * x Mr. Boat en

P i i m S o ^ : x Dr. Bunche P • • O cn o x x H.E. Mr. Alcwei •-s P M H.E . Mrs. Anderson 0) -5 P- C1O-|3 pa ' 0o1 o IT 3" Mr. Narasimhan x x H.S. Mr. Tomeh

H.E . Sr. Fernandini x x H.E. Dr. Montenegro

k x H.fi, Mr. El-Bouri H.E . Sr. Molina i Urena i H.E . Mr. Kjartansson x x H.E. M. Mane sou

H.E. Lt. General Ankrah k X The Secretary-General

1| ; H.E . Lord Caradon x x H.E. Mr. Ha slue k

; i H.E . Dr. El-Farra k x H.E. Mr. Liu

T) SC T) H.E . Mr. Fakhreddine k x H.S. M. Zollner o"-J •t s o"1 i j

• * H.E . Sr* Lopez k x H.E. Mrs. Radio' o 4 to Villamil i : H- • H Mr. Fahmy x x H.E. Mr. Hambro c1"

.-^...^ 1^.,.... „. j^..™ J • h. — -*"*y* T -rl r i •.__,_..,_ i , i 0. x-- CO s o • t-< cn s >£, 4 T O H- h^ CO * i ' a CD p g CD CD o^ p- a pT O CD w 30 Qj o CO c



H.E. It. Genaral J«A0 Chairasn of the National Libsration Council of

The Presldont of the General Assembly HoEo M» Ivlanescu Foreign liiniste?, Vice-»Prasldeat: HcEc Mr, Hasluck

H0Ea Dr. El-Fassra HcE« Dr. El-Bouri HoEc Sr., IjSfflg: Montenegro

HCE0 K^o Fakhrsddine

H0Ee Lord Caradoa Mrs. Anderson

HnEo MTo Zdtt

Sr>, Molina

Dre Booties

Chaisaen of tha Main H.E. SK-O Lopss Villamil

" HoB0 Sr0 Faraasidini HoSo Mrsc Radlc HoEe .Mr. Toasah

H0S0 14z»a Hanaro Mr. Fahngr Mr0 Morris Permanent Representative: SoE0 Mr. Shaw The Ghana party: HjSo Mr. Akweij Pesroaneat Representative to the UN Mr. flossso, jfesfca?; National Llber^t-ioa Council 0&3U3U, Attoi'Ks-GeaQra. of Ghana Beaten., Principal Secretary* Ms&sbsy of Esfcex-xsaL Affairs o HP,, SsJszssk,, Ambassador to ^s^x^ss Mexico

9 Principal Secrsfcs^j, Special 5M,Iss Q»ao, Ezincipal Secretary, Offica of fche Hatioaal Council H.E. Mr. van Lare, Higla Commissioner to Canada

Or, Bunehe H. da

Sir Kr« Harasiiahaa

!$£><, Rolz-B&msstt

Scientific Advisory CcaffiEitt.ee; Dr« Isvds lord Psms^f Prof. Ciiflts'a do Prado

M. Goldscbaidfc Prof* BlofeMsteev Prof. Secret aH.at! Mr. Gresfoyd, S3C9et«£^ of the Scientific Msisory Cojinaittee Mr* 'Pssd&y Chaixstan of the Staff Protocol: Mr* da Jfeulsaeester Mr, Korle President of UMCAs Kr« Eaghavan Total 50 Protocol and Liaison


I2o40 p»mc HoEo Lt» General J0A0 Ankrah, Chairman of the National Liberation Council of Ghana9 vdll arrive at the Secretariat entrance, accompanied by HoEo MX*. R«M» Akwei9 Permanent Representa&ivs to the United Nations s and Mr, J.S,,0:, Nunoo, Member of the National Liberation Council* the Chairman Kill ba met outside the Building by Mr, Pierre de , Chief of Protocol, and officially received inside the Secretariat Lobby by the Secratary-Gensral,, The Secretary-General td.ll escort HcE* the Chairman to his office on the 38th floor „ Arrangements will be made for the usual photographs to be taken in the SecrotargHSeneral11 a Conference ROG&.

H0Eo the Chairman will hold a private conversation with the Secretary- General in his off ice0 potto HoSo the Chainoan will pay a courtesy call on the President of the General Assembly in his office on the 33th floor.

la 15 |i The Seerdtary^Qener&L vd.ll meet H0E0 the Chairman and the President li of the General Assembly at the elevators on the 33th floor . Escorted by the Chief of Protocol; HoSo the Chairsaaiij accompanied by the President of the General Assembly and the Secrstary^Ganeral* will go by a special elevator from the 38th floor down to thd second floor and into the South Lounge,, The guests assembled for the luncheon will be introduced to HoE. the Chairaan by the Chief of Protocol., 1,30 Luncheon will be served. pea° Luncheon id.ll be concluded „ KeEo the Chairaan will take leave of the guests attending the luneheon The §ecretary~G«naral will escort H«E. the Chairman to the high-rise elevators on the second floor and take leave of him at this point »

2o50 pott Escorted by the Chief of Protocol* H«E0 the Chairman go down to 1-B and into Conference Room 1»

2o55 H9E» the Chairman will staet with the members of the Afro-Asian Group in Conference ROOK l.

3«20 The meeting with the Afro-Asian Group be concluded0 Proceeding along the concourse in 1~B and the neck, tte Chief of Protocol mil sscoa'ii HJ50 the GhairBian to thss elevators (GA-2QO) leading to the ground floor0

3o30 poffic H0Ec the Chaiiman -will laaira the United Hations by the Delegates9 entrancee (D O

0, > f 105 fcuaeheon given 1>y tbe on 12

. •*

. Mr. g.g, Jir *

x H.S. II.

»«&. ife, /awai x .. : ... .. • •• . . X ««&» H.

at tie. festereako Luncheon given by the Secretary-General on 12 October 196?

Mr. Gardiner x

Mr. Michelmore M* Djermakoye

H.3. Mr. Abduigani x I-I.E.

H*E. M. Zollmr H.E. Mr. Johnson

H.B.-Mr* Pachacbi X The

H.E. M* Kajnte H.E.

H.E. Mr. Akmi x x H.E. M. Bitsios

Mr. Marasiinhan x x Mr* Nesterenko

Mr. de I-feulemeester SG luncheon for new Permanent Representatives, Thursday, 12 October 1967, 1.15 p.m., 38th floor

t/" Mb. Wong - Singapore Zollner - Dahomey Pachachi - Iraq (/Arab. Bitsios - Greece l^/Amb. Johnson - Jamaica l/Amb. Akwei - Ghana i/ Arab. Be*rard - ffrance no Attb-.--^yS.«gtdi-—-Uganda Arab. Kante - Mali Mb- Abdulgani - Indonesia no Amfe-*- Mfeekea«i— Meiawi no Am'b-.-Bereh—

The Secretary-General i/ Mr . Narasimhan no Bar-»-BHH€fee no M3?-.-8ela-BeaHet% . Nesterenko Djermakoye . de Meuleme ester . Gardiner I/ Mr. Michelmore


cc: Mr. de Meulemeester Don p» given fcy the on

m& a »w « ' • x

0 Ba Uhauag x x Major 5hauug

x x H.I!. 0 Aung Sbwe

. t? x

. 0 %ua WiEi x x Meuteaaaf Colonel fun &tn

tfiiaAiaig x x 0 Aung tyat

.'*-, ..: • ' •• x

0 ^-4—


H SG luncheon, delegation of Burma to General Assembly, Monday, 9 October 1967, 1.15 P-m., 58th floor

H.E. U Soe Tin " x &fr /y v/ H.E. U Aung Shwe ^ j/H.E. U Tun Win I/ Lt.Col. Tun Lin (/Major Maung Aye \y Major Thaung Lwin Hla Aung U Aung Myat Kyaw Ba Thaung no >• no /U Tha Hla /U Pe Than y U Aung Tin

The Secretary-General Mr. Richard Paw U

cc: Don

Lioneheon given by the Secretary-General on 6 October 196?

Mr. Nesterenko x

Mr. Narasimhan x H.E. Sr. Pifisra

H.E. Dr. Vratusa x x H»E. Mr. Tarabanov

H.E. I4.e. Boyd x x H.E. Mr. Aiken

H..B* Mr. Biata X The Secretary-General

H.E. Mr. Grimes x x H.E. Mr* Nikezi6

Senator x H.E, Mr. Cremin

Dr. Bunche x H, Djeraakoye

Mr* Rolz-Benmtt SG luncheon, Friday, 6 October 19^7> 1-15 p.m., 58th floor


l/' H.E. Mr. Kirti Nidhi Bista, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs no ^ H-.E-.-Ma^or-Senerai-Padma-fiahadur-Khatri-j-Permanent-RepreBentatlve

IRELAND; / H.E. Mr. Prank Aiken, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs I/ H.E. Mr. Cornelius C. Cremin, Permanent Representative CHILE; no H-.I-.-Mp,-Ga'bFiel-Valde67-MiHiBtez'-fe3?-Fea?eigH-Aj:faia?s (away) \/ Senor Tomas Reyes, Senator, Chairman of Delegation H.E. Senor Jose* Pinera, Permanent Representative

DEM. REP. CONGO; no HjrEjr:iM3?'.-JTisti)a-Ma3?ie-Beffl'beke7-MiHiste3?-fep-F93?e±gH-Affai]?B (away)

BULGARIA; no H,i^-M*»-IvaH-Ba6feevy-MiHist9P-f93?-I'e3?eigH-A££ai3?s (left 5 Oct ») t/ H.E. Mr. Milko Tarabanov, Permanent Representative PANAMA; no EfE-»-M3?»-Fe?HaHde-lleta7-MiHi6te:p-£e:i?-FeFe±gH-A£fai3?s (away) H.E. Lie. Aquiline E. Boyd, Permanent Representative

YUGOSLAVIA: T/ H.E. Mr. Marko Nikezic, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs i/ H.E. Dr. Anton Vratusa, Permanent Representative LIBERIA; ^f H.E. Mr. J. Rudolph Grimes, Secretary of State no -H'.E-r-MF'

The Secretary-General i/' Mr. Narasimhan

SG reception to meet the members of the Consultant Group of Experts on Effects and Implications of Nuclear Weapons, Thursday, 5 October 6 to 7 p.m., 38th floor

CONSULTANT GROUP OF EXPERTS: /Dr. Wilhelm Billig (Poland) v/Dr. Alfonso Leon de Garay (Mexico) x/Professor Vasily S. Emelyanov (USSR) V/Dr. Martin Fehrm (Sweden) v/Dr. Bertrand Goldschmidt (France) \/Dr. W. Bennett Lewis (Canada) x/Professor Takashi Mukaibo (Japan) v/Dr. H.M.A. Onitiri (Nigeria) x/Professor John G. Palfrey (USA) \/Dr. Gunnar Randers (Norway) i/Dr. Vikram A. Sarabhai (India)

PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVES; x/H.E. Mr.. George Ignatieff (Canada) v/H.E. M. Armand Berard (France) v/H.E. Mr. Gopalaswatni Parthasarathi (India) \/H.E. Mr. Senjin Tsuruoka (Japan) ** / x/H.E. Dr. Francisco Cuevas Cancino (Mexico) v/H.E. Chief S.O. Adebo (Nigeria)

l/H.E. Mr. Edvard Hambro (Norway) i/H.E. Mr. Bohdan Tomorowicz (Poland) x/H.E. Mr. Sverker C. Astrom (Sweden)

.v/'H.E. The Rt.Hon. lord Caradon (UK) i/H.E. Mr. Arthur J. Goldberg (USA)

SECRETARIAT: . Mullath A. Vellodi, Deputy to the Under-Seeretary, PSCA v Mr. Guy B. Gresford, Director for Science and Technology, ESA \X"Mr. Milos Vejvoda, Disarmament Affairs Division, PSCA V/'Dr. Otto Frey, Associate Chief, Disarmament Affairs Division, PSCA . Alessandro L.E. Corradini, Disarmament Affairs Division, PSCA . George mmm Stuart Whyte " " " " . Naeem G. Rathore " " " " . / Dr. Francesco Sella, Secretary, SCEAR ^ / SG reception 5 October 1967 - 2 -

UNDER-SECBETARIE5; v/ Mr. A.E. Hesterenko y/ Mr. Philippe de Seynes x/Mr. C.A. Stavropoulos no Y/'M&^-Jiaa^JfcusaL y/^Mr. I.S. Djermakoye \/S±r Alexander MacFarquhar . Bruce R. Turner . David B. Vaughan . ¥. Martin Hill

38th FLOOR; Secretary-General Mr. Narasimhan Dr. Bunche Rolz-Bennett ^ Major General I.J. Rikhye / ; no v/ 'Mari-Urg«liar fe (away) no \/ ¥s£-\-¥&-&&x&. \/ Mr. Makarevich i/Mr. F.T. Liu I/ Mr. G. Sherry Lt.Col. L. Koho

Total: M)ffl4 MSP 55 (see page 3) Sfl reception 5 October 1967 _ J _

Additional guests, names submitted "by Mr. Vellodi

IX Mr. Robert Press

~i/ Mr. Jean C. Koechlin

Mikhail Shelepin

Roar Rose

Dr. William C. Grayson, Jr. Mr, M.A. Vellodi 26 September 196? Deputy to the Under«-Seerfctary tor Political and Security Council Affaire

C.V. Narasirahan Chef de Cabinet Meeting of Expertsi Report of the Secretary-*gen.eral on the effects of the possible use of nuclear vea-pona and on the security and economic implications for States of theTaeq|uiaition and further development of theae weapons The Secretary-General has seen your memorandum dated 25 September on tha above subject. He would be happy to invite the experts to a reception on the 38th floor between 6.00 and 7.00 p^m.jon^ October; l£6£v, I shall be grateful"Tf you could 1end~me a suggested gueit list urgently.


TO: DATE: 25 September A: Mr. C.V. Narasimhan Chef de Cabinet REFERENCE:


M.A. Veiled Deputy to t

SUBJECT: OBJET: Meeting of Experts: Report of the Secretary-General on the effects of the possible use of nuclear weapons and on the security and economic implications for States of the acquisition and further development of these weapons

As you are aware, we have arranged for the twelve experts to meet in New York between 2-6 October to assist in the finalization of the Secretary-General's report on the effects and implications of nuclear weapons.

I do not think it is necessary for the Secretary-General to come to the meetings, except perhaps the final one which is likely to be held on Friday, 6 October, when the report will be finalized. Even this is not absolutely necessary. However, I feel that it would be appropriate for the Secretary-General to meet the experts and, for this purpose, I would suggest that he invite them to drinks on the J8th floor on any evening when he is free. I realize that the Secretary-General has a crowded schedule these days and I am sorry I did not suggest this earlier. However, I hope that it will be possible to arrange.

Enclosed is a list of the names of the experts, all of whom are expected to be present in New York next week. f '"

*•*•' /

Consultant Group of Experts on Effects and Implications of Nuclear Weapons

Dr. Wilhelm Billig (Poland) /Dr. Alfonso Leon de Garay (Mexico) / , / Prof. Vastly S. Emelyanov (USSR) / I/ Dr. Martin Fehrm (Sweden) Dr. Bertrand Goldscnmidt (France) Dr. W. Bennett Lewis (Canada) of. Takashi, Mukaibo (Japan) ,/flr. H.M.A. Onitirl (Nigeria) ./Prof. John G. Palfrey (USA) / \/ Dr. Gunnar Banders (Norway) Dr. Vikram A. Sarabhai (India) i' Sir Solly Zuckerman (United Kingdom)



TO: DATE: 26 September 1967 A: Mr. C.V. Narasimhan Chef de Cabinet REFERENCE:


FROM: M.A. Vellodi/i DE: Deputy to the

SUBJECT: OBJET: Meeting of Experts: Report of the Secretary-General on the effects of the possible use of nuclear weapons

With reference to your memorandum of today's date informing me that the Secretary-General has been kind enough to invite the experts to a reception on the 38th floor between 6.00 and 7.00 p.m. on 5 October, I give below a suggested guest list in addition to the twelve experts whose names I attached to my previous memo to you:

1. The Permanent Representatives of the following States:

iXCanada Pxi-*^ ^France (' ^/

<\/ I/Nigeria I/Norway ^/Poland I/ i/Sweden £ u/tJSSR ^ jXUnited Kingdom \s s ^/ United States ^/ H J-

J/ T 2. The following members of the Secretariat: A.E. Westerenko , Under-Secretary, Mr P.de Seynes, Under-Secretary, ESA M.A. Vellodi, Deputy to the Under-Secretary, PSCA /# . G. Gresford, Director for Science and Technology, ESA 0. Frey, Associate Chief, Disarmament Affairs Division, PSCA M. Vejvoda, Disarmament Affairs Division, PSCA A. Corradini " " " " G./S. Whyte N. Rathore " " " " Dr. F. Sella, Secretary, SCEAR CD } cr\ CO TO P : DINNER

given in honour of




by the


on Wednesday, 4 October 1967

at the

UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTERS Feteasca Odobesti 1961 (Roumanie)

Chateau La Mission Haut-Brion 1960

Champagne Veuve Cliquot 1961 MENU

Le Consomme Double des Ambassadeurs Les Paillettes Dorees

La Mousse de Brocket Parisienne La Sauce Mayonnaise

Le Tournedos Poele Chatelaine La Sauce Forestiere Les Pommes Noisettes Les Fonds"c^ttichauds Clamart

La Salade Romaine

Le Savarin aux Fruits Rafraichis Les Mignardises Protocol and Liaison


Tho Pj-esident of the General Assembly The

HoEcv Mr. Ma3ir®s ?ice-Presidant of Botswana H,,Eo Mr, Barrow, Ps^iaJ^ Mini3t©p of Barbados

HoE0 Mr. Bista - Nepal

H0Eo Dr0 Wai - China UoSo M, Zinsoti • • --Dahosasj

HoEc Mrc Jonsaon - Iceland

Pyesidant ,ii of , th®i ^Sscorit^ ^Coune^i

HnSo Mr. Tsuruoka •* Japan

Mr« Aiken - Ireland

H0Ea Ho Na Champassak = Laos H,Ee, Mr.

Foreign Ministers; HoSo Mr. Al-Jabsr = Kuwait

H0Ea Mo Haldm - Lebanon

H0E0 Mr,-, Grimes - Liberia

H0Eo M. Warn => Ifeiaritenia Ministers (eoat°d)s

HoEo ftTc LlBJS Norway

H0Eo Mr, Pirsada Pakistani

H0Eo Mra Samoa HnEe Or. Huller - South Africa

H0SS Mo Hunlade - Togo

H,Ee H, Bourguiba ~ Tunisia HcEo Ho Caglayangil - Turkey

H9E0 Hr0 Belokolos ~ Ukrainian SSR HcE, Mi', Riad - United Arab Sapublie » Uppar Volta i-Ir. Nikesic - Yugoslavia Mr. Kaaanga <=• Zambia

H0B. Mr. Toncio-Sopinj « Austria HoEo Mo Uarmel

H.E0 Hr, Kwako •=> Botswana HoEc Mr« Gurinovich - Byelorussian SSR H«St> Mo Bai-otm - Chad

H0E0 Mr, Kyprianou «° Cyprus H*E, Mr. David - Czechoslovakia HcE, Ato lifra - Ethiopia

H0E0 Mo BJgouboa ~ Gabon H.E. Mr. N«Jie

H0S, MrP Econ

HnE0 Sr. Arenalea Catalan Guatssnalst HcE. Mr» Rao^phal

H0Eo i'lr. Peter - Hungary

H0E, Mr. Zahadi - Iran HoEo !-Ir0 Stdan H«£« fcr. Fedorenko USSR HoSo Lord Caradoa United Kingdom KUEo I$r« Shaw Austria

H0E0 Sr<> Molina Ureaa Doasinican Republic HoE, Dr* Baaitea Eeuadoz* H,Eo Ho B^rard

H,E« Sr0 Montenegro - Kicaragtta

Cabingt Mtoistera: (Office of th© HoEp Mr* HaLawi (Education)

H»E0 Mr, Manieka-gasagan Malaysia (Labour) H<,Eo Mr. long Singapore (Hoaltb) HeEo Mr, Singh India (Dofene©)

Chairmen of the Sr. Lopez Viliamil - Honduras ~ Pera

H0Ec Radio - Syria H*E<. Mr» Hambro Mr* Fahffijy United Arab Republic

Mra Morris Liberia

of o Kr^ Johnson Jamaica

0 Mo Worth * Mr, Rakotoaslala., Madagascar Chairasan o£ Delegations (& H«S. M, Kante Kali HoE. Sr, Garcia Robles Mexico HoEo Ho Benhima Morocco

HoE. Mr. Craw New Zealand Eg. Hassans Niger H.Ea Sr. Btsyd Panajaa HJ3» Sr-o Solano Lopee Paraguay- H^Bo Mr. VJiniswics Poland

HoE0 H. Malitsa Romania HoE, H. Kabanda HoEo Mr, Lei^i Sierra Leone

H0S, H< Kandji Syria Sweden Dr<, Graaert Urugtiay

H,S0 Mr. Al-Futaih

HaEp M. Bwio Albania

H0E0 M0 Boaattoura

H0£» I-Ir-o TarabaKOT Bulgaria HeEo U S09 Tin Burma

H0Ea M. Huot Saffibath Cambodia

HPE0 Mr, Ignatioff Canada Central African Republic H.E. Mr. Ceylon Chile HcE» Br. Torbay Agrala Colombia HUE* Sr. Tinoco Costa Rica HoB. Mr. Borch Denmark

H0E0 Sr. Escobar Sari^ano El Salvador Chairmen of DoLegatiocs

HaEA I-ir. Akwsi H.Eo Mo Anfcoim Haiti

EoE0 Mr, Abdulgaai HUEo Dr. Paohachl - Iraq

PeimaagHfcuu]gei3re ajgnteti vest HoE« Mr« Crassin H,E,, M, Vinci Italy HoE, M, Ak© Ivozy Coast

H0Eo Dr. El-Farra Jordan

H«,Ea Mr0 Kabw®ra H»S° !-Iro Al-Mudhaf Kuwait Laos

HaEo Ho Takle Lebanon H,Eo Or. El-Boari Libya. HoE, H« Quid Daddah Mauritania

HoB0 5s*0 Cusvaa Cancino Mexico Mongolia

H0S, Mr. Khatrd Nepal H.E. Dr. de Bsus Netherlands

H0Eo Chief Adobe Nigeria Ha Bo Mr< Shahi Pakistan HoE« Mr. Lopes Philippines HoEo Mr, Tomorowlca Poland H,E« Mo Diaconescu

H.Eo i'I0 Soe4 Dlop

HPEB Mr,, Cola Sierra Leone H,Eo Mr. Wong Singapore Pemanent Representatives (confc»d)j HJS,, Mr, Parah - Sosnalia HoS, Mr. Botha - South Africa HoEa Mr. Pangraraehusa -» Thailand HoE* Mo Jfestiri - Tunisia HoEo H. Eralp

H,3Eo Mr. El Kbsgr United Arab Republic

H0BC Mr. Malecela Tawsaaia H«Ec Me Rouaiaba Upper Vblta HoEo Dr. Berro Uruguay HaB» Dr. Perez Guerrero H.Eo Or. 7ratusa ItigoaLavai

HaBo I9r. Mwasaba Zanisia

H0Ec Dr. Ruda Argentina HoS. Or. Waidheim Aiistria H,E, M, Sohuunmns Bolgium HaS* Sr. Ortda Bolivia

H0E0 Mr. Botswana HoE, H» Ksanz© Burundi HoE. H. Owono Casssxoon

Ii,E;, Mo Abdoul Chad H,Eo Sr. Pimra Chile

HcSo Mre Liu China H.E« M. Honisnsa Congo (Brazzaville) HoBo feo Ho30id©s Cyprus H.So Dr. Kluaak Czechoslovakia

HoE0 Me ZoUner Dahcsusy

H0BU M? Sandoungout Gabon HcE, M. Bitsios Greece » 7

[email protected] (contM):

H0SQ Sr, Cadsaa Gaatsisala SUE* Mr, Ba?aitfeKait© Hr. Csatoroagr

Mp, - Xsaflia Mo Ualdl

ShQwhealio Ukradsian SSR SSE

o tlr« Jessup , 3r« PadiOla Nsrvo , Mr,

Mr. Bannior

M. Or, Eco Six- ftp. HUl . 3 - (coat ' d)

Mr, Sosek !&•<> Owen Mr. Rols=>Bannstt Mr» Stswopoalos Mr« Ttonsr Mr, Vaiighan

RoEo !Mr. C&rvalho Silos HoE, Hr. Bufftsm - US& Mi*» Aanem « Malaysia SJP „ de Finite - Spain

Hc Kguea » Congo (Dam. Rep0) Mo Ousssini M« Vox Pinto ISr« Jaclanan Barbados Mr. Wodajo Ethiopia

Guasts of the President: Miss Groaa H.Ec, H. Burtica

H0E« M

Consultant GTOUP of Sapayts :

Dre BOlig

. Fohm Consnltafcivo Gi-oap of Esparfcs (coafol): Dr. GoMsehaidt D?. Lswia Prof. Mukaibo Dr. Oaltiri Pirof. Palfrey Dr. Handera br« Sarabhal Sir Solly Zticksrsnan

Ra^.s^ray, n of ,a the t .lat^a^afcianal, ..Court- i Mr, Aqoarons

Mr, Shahfeed » XIX)

Mr0 IVoodward - FAO Ho Bertrand « UNESCO Dro Coigncsy - WO Mr. Console = IBRD Mr. Williams - IMF

Representative, of the PAS?

Sr, E0 Penbeado

Sacretariat tlru Urrutia Mr. VsUodi

Mr0 Chal

£&><, Kassum Hiss Bruce Mr* « 10

Secretariat (conb}d)s Mr, Tamil"

Mt9 Kittani Mr« Maksravich Mr* Gaaarian Mr« Balima Mrs, Bautista

Mra Hizzo Mr. d Mr, Korle