HILLESLEY HAPPENINGS ISSUE 330, October 2020 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY OCTOBER Black History Month : Breast Cancer Awareness Month Thursday 1 National Poetry Day Sunday 4 World Smile Day J Sunday 4 Harvest Festival Service, 10am St Giles Sunday 4 to Sunday 11 Elves and Fairies sponsored walk, Hillesley Thursday 8 International Clean Air Day Saturday 10 World Mental Health Day Sunday 11 A Communion Service, 8am St Giles Tuesday 13 Parish Council Zoom meeting, 8pm Sunday 18 Anti Slavery Day Friday 23 KLB halfterm start, NB no school today Sunday 25 Monday 26 to Friday 30 Hillesley School halfterm Saturday 31 Halloween Monday 2 Nov KLB and Hillesley School start term 2 Sunday 8 Nov Remembrance Day Monday 26 October HH copy deadline for November edition Facebook @HillesleyHappenings www.facebook.com/HillesleyHappenings ‘Like’ the page to stay in touch, 196 people currently follow this page Hillesley Happenings WhatsApp Please message Jacqui Moore (07799 618009) or Mez Elcome (07849 833001) and we can add your phone number. Around 100 people in the group. All contributions welcome – this is your local newsletter so send us your info about local events, clubs and all-sorts. Editorial to Louisa Lockwood
[email protected] and advert enquiries to Arlene Greenwood
[email protected]. Printed at Hillesley Primary School and kindly delivered to local houses by Lillian Mountford, Maria Chappell, Margaret Plummer, Louise Clements, Chris Taylor, Kate Woodrow and the Whitbreads. The printing is paid for from advertising revenue. Hillesley Happenings Help – how to get in touch! With rising cases across the UK and new government guidelines from 23 September to follow, we might also be anticipating a two-week national lockdown at some point.