Implementing a parallel world model using Linux containers for efficient system administration (Paper) Yasushi Shinjo and Wataru Ishida Jinpeng Wei Department of Computer Science School of Computing and Information Sciences University of Tsukuba Florida International University 1-1-1 Tennoudai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8573, Japan Miami, Florida, USA Email:
[email protected] Abstract—This paper describes the implementation of a par- software updates. However, this method does not help to run allel world model using Linux containers. A parallel world the production environment while testing. (or parallel universe) model allows a user to create multiple To address these problems, we propose providing a parallel execution environments, called worlds, in a single operating system and to manipulate these worlds. This model enables world model at the operating system level. A parallel world or a system administrator to create a new test world that looks parallel universe model is a model to describe time machines like a production world. The system administrator upgrades in science fiction (SF) and to interpret observations in quantum fundamental software and tests applications in the new test physics. In our parallel world model at the operating system world while running the production world. If the applications level, a world is a container of files and an execution environ- do not pass the tests, the administrator deletes the new world. If the applications pass the tests, the administrator merges the ment of processes. Using this parallel world model, a system test world into the production world. Prior to the merge, the administrator can upgrade fundamental software, as follows.