A Novel Scheduling Framework Leveraging Hardware Cache Partitioning for Cache-Side-Channel Elimination in Clouds
A Novel Scheduling Framework Leveraging Hardware Cache Partitioning for Cache-Side-Channel Elimination in Clouds Read Sprabery Konstantin Evchenko Abhilash Raj University of Illinois, University of Illinois, Oregon State University Urbana-Champaign Urbana-Champaign rajab@oregonstate.edu spraber2@illinois.edu evchenk2@illinois.edu Rakesh B. Bobba Sibin Mohan Roy H. Campbell Oregon State University University of Illinois, University of Illinois, rakesh.bobba@oregonstate.edu Urbana-Champaign Urbana-Champaign sibin@illinois.edu rhc@illinois.edu ABSTRACT on the Last-Level-Cache (LLC) that is shared across multiple cores While there exist many isolation mechanisms that are available [18, 23, 43, 44, 48] – these make defenses much harder. to cloud service providers, including virtual machines, containers, Many defenses against cache-side-channel attacks in cloud envi- etc. , the problem of side-channel increases in importance as a re- ronments have also been proposed (e.g., [6, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 31, maining security vulnerability – particularly in the presence of 32, 37–40, 45, 51]). However, the proposed solutions suer from a shared caches and multicore processors. In this paper we present variety of drawbacks: (a) some are probabilistic [25, 37, 51]; (b) oth- a hardware-software mechanism that improves the isolation of ers do not protect applications when SMT is enabled [51]; (c) some cloud processes in the presence of shared caches on multicore require developers to re-write applications [19, 22, 31], (d) while chips. Combining the Intel CAT architecture that enables cache others require hardware changes [39, 40] impacting deployability; partitioning on the y with novel scheduling techniques and state (e) some depend on violating x86 semantics by modifying the reso- cleansing mechanisms, we enable cache-side-channel free comput- lution, accuracy or availability of timing instructions [21, 24, 38] ing for Linux-based containers and virtual machines, in particular, and consequently require signicant changes to the applications.
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