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LONDON Gmlette; 124; ? \ "So LONDON GMlETTE; 124; ?. 'To take, usej-and appropiriate 7o Derby Waterworks. .- . - poses of the said new works the waters "of 'ine : River Berwerit, and-.other:w.ater"s,r:which; waters (Extension of Limits ; New Works ; Amendment now directly or derivatively flow.::or, proceed into, ?~'\ "-"-' '-'•' ~;'- of Act) •••••'.-• - • - :• ; ; : the Derwent Navigation^'the Derby ICanal, ;the JiyFpTIC:E is hereby given, that « The Derby Erewash Canal', the Navigation .from: the .Trent'to 'ji/Y1- Water works Company ""(hereinafter referred :w the Mersey^ otherwise the-.Grand ^Tr'unk; Canal, Was the Company") intend to apply to Parlia- the' Nottingham. Canal, and the-River vTrentvNavi-- ment in..the next session, for leave to bring in'a' gation, or some or/one jof• them j "and also to: .take Bill to confer upon"'them the -follbwingi or some or use all.sucli. springs; and' streams'v6f> water? 'ot-the following, among[other powers: "" ' ' may be found in, upon, or under: any:of:the: lands •^.'Jh,,' To .'construct and maintain the following for the time being belonging .to the 'Company, "dr 'riew^wjorks in the. county of Derby: . over or in respect of which they-Tnay,'.hav.e.:dr ,„ „£!*)'• A reservoir or reservoirs and other works, acquire easements.1 . -. ,, r.:> C:::•.•*".*..;'.•& ^.'i,!. to be situated in a certain field in the parish 3. To enable the^Qompany to.,deviate from .the Ti, ""•• of Breadsall, adjoining the existing works of line of works, both vejtic^lly.ahd^horizont^j,^4o -c.V7.the Company, and known by the. name pf: purchase lands and other ..prbperty'cbmpulsbriljr^ir T"^ Hengreaves, and belonging,, or reputed to !by agreement, and. to, taji'e cbmpuisoriiy,;.or"by *f^'.' \ belong, to'the .Rev. Hugh.Ashwbrth Stowell, agreement, grants of easements: over^,lsinds; a£d """'""'"as Rector of Breadsall aforesaid, and in the other property, for the purposes,of., ^ ?iV occupation of John Merry : - •."..' and to levy, collect, and recover rates, 1 rents, j,Z(-2.)' A filter tunnel (No, 1), to be wholly situate charges, and remunerations within the'new district ™"~"" in-the parish of Allestree, to commence in a: and places to be supplied by the] ?Companyi[ and,;to L \r;field, known1 as', the " Far Arjes," belonging confer exemptions from thV payment thereof.v :;3 V ',^.to. Thomas' William Evans, Esquire, M.P., 4. To extend'thie limits # of .--the."CompShy/s i,".-'"and .Sau'uel .iSvaid,' Esquire, and occupied existing Act, and to enable, them: to supply with 4",^ "by" j^j^ - jjodgkinsori, and to terminate -water the several parishes, townships, chapelries, ^."! iri^a.tank or well, to be constructed in ,a and places-following, or some of thena, that~is:;to ;? :?;field called "The Alders," belonging to say, Allestree,. Alvaston, " Boultori/ 'Breudsali, • Chaddesden, Cheilaston, Duffield,Elyaston, Little J 7t" fcj John Eite : Eaton, Littleover, Mackwprth, Markeaton, Mickle- '!--'(?•) A filter tunnel (No; 2), to be wholly situate over, -Normantpn, Osmasfcon, and Spondon, alL in '-".' •!' in thVsaid parish of 'Allestree, to commence , the county; of Derby:, •-..:••; '*;;,%• ,.:« in 5. To lay down and maintain pipes,: culverts, ^.V. known as -the "'Mickle Meadow," belonging and other works, in, under, over, or across, an,d to ^.:"*"-~to "the said,; William. Pole Thornhill, and cross, break up, wlter,' divert; orr- stopr upi,Cither U ^ T/—occupied, "by the said John Eite, and to ter- temporarily." or permanently, ; roads, ^higtTwayis, ° "" minate in the before-mentioned.tank or. well: footpaths, streets, public; places, bridges, "canalls, (4.) A communication, ;by .an iron pipe or towing-paths, railwaj's, tramways', sewers, drains, otherwise, to connect the before-mentioned streams, brooks, and watercourses in the pariihes, ^<.y-tahk or well with another tank or well to be townships, chapelriesi and places hereih mentioned, ^x;,eons.truc'ted in.the;,said; .parish of Allestree, or some.of thein. "•-•': :•• "••••''>"• ,.'.:..: ::.'.^ .<e..:i»~2»± field:Eknpwnjfis:- the ^Little Alders," 6. To enable the Gonipany to > raise additi"otial belonging to George* Henry Strutt, Esquire, -capital by shares or by stock, and"'by borrowiHg, and occupied by Mary Tatam ; such commu- and to attach to such shares-and -stock any- prefer- nication pipe will be wholly in the said parish ence or priority-.of dividend, or any other, advan- of Allestree,. and w^ll be laid in,or under .the tage which the Bill may"define.".". ' ;.''.."„"~\.T..rij bed of the River Derwent: .7. To alter, amend, and enlarge the /powers (5.) ,A filter tunnel (No. 3), to commence in and provisions of ?.' The Derby Watefworki? Apt, 0 ^e,^the. .parish of-.Breadsall, a field known 1848," or to repeal the said Act, and to grant *"""' as "" Hojme- Meadbw," belonging 'to Sir John other and further powers, instead thereof, to alter Harpur Crewe, Baronet, and occupied by the. present number of the Directors of^the (Com- ?! ;.r.c ..James Forman, and to terminate in the said pany, and to confer upon the Company all needful s.i -parish 'of- Allestree,- in the said field called powers for. preventing their. waters fre'm being s^* ".-'*«. Little" Alders," in the before-mentioned fouled, and for preventing .any improper, inter- tank or well: :. ference with their, water or their•• wprksV and .'to =-r-.i(6.^r A .filter tunnel (No. 4), to commence in provide for the due strength and regulatipn of the eZi ythe; township or chapeiry of Little Eaton, in pipes and apparatus, whereby the water, of/the Y* .-the parish of Saint Alkmund, in a field known .Company is. conveyed .and used to..and by the .•cc':ot>. by: the: name, of " Towns Holme," belonging . persons supplied, by the Company, and .foir. pre- r cS : V'tQ the sii.d George Henry Strutt, and" occupied venting the^ waste, illegal ; use,, abstraction, lor •s*•;•:£.- by,the.said Mary Tatam, and tO;terminate in misuse.and wrongful use of the water!supplied, fv-- •,'the,;sajd;.parisli of Allestree, in the tank or and to adopt proper and, heedful regu1[ationa.3n :b»I .'-.vJ^;-in;the;field.-callled/.V]yttle Alders" before .reference thereto. '_ ' ".','.'.."' ''. ,. .?'[",'.:'..;."'£ SB;: :*>, des.crib.ed :.. .-.:...-;•-,.•; ^ .--:.' •;,:.-.• .. 8. .To vary and .extinguish all existing 'fights ££2 (7«) Ar.filter .tunnel, jmd'- conduit ;(N6. 5),. or and privileges which would interfere, with anylof *'•',.: partly, the,^one;.andvpartly the.other, .to com- the objects of,the Bill.. .,'. :. .!. '_'•-. ' ;"..'.'.'..', .^ ^ mence at the said; last-mentioned tank or well 'The Bill will incorporate with itself -the> nepes- '"n;'^:5?."Little Alders,"'in the said parish of sary provisions of."The Companies Clauses^Con- e, and to terminate, in the parish, of solidation ^Act. 1845 ;>? ''^^ei'Co.mpanies-5 Clauses li in' or n'ear to the receiving tank Act, 1863 j" "The Lands Clauses; Consolidation of the Company, at their Little Eaton pumping Act, 1845 ;" " The Lands Clauses .Consolidation;.'...- ."';"• -.,•"•:"•' :- - •;..-'" Acts Amendment Act, 186.6 j?> and." The'Wai(;er- (8.) All needful cuts, drains, engines,, machinery, wbrks Clauses Act,-1847 and 1863,"" or some Jof : 7 : ^?^xr.Qa^^CT;^6ag::|jingg} Works, and con- them, or some parts thereof, and also such .parts eniences with the proposed of" The Railways Clauses GonsolidationActi71815;," works, !)!»'*" 1 * ' relating ^lo roads and the3temporary xKscupatibni'of.
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