Butt Joint Reinforcement in Parallel-Laminated Veneer (Plv) Lumber1
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BUTT JOINT REINFORCEMENT IN PARALLEL-LAMINATED VENEER (PLV) LUMBER1 Formerly Graduate Student Michigan Technological University Currently with Truss Joist Inc. Boise. ID 83707 L. B. Sandberg Assistant Professor Michigan Technological University Houghton, MI 4993 1 T. L. Laufenberg Research General Engineer Forest Products Laboratory,' Forest Service U.S. Department of Agriculture Madison, WI 53705-2398 G. P. Krueger Emeritus Professor Michigan Technological University Houghton, MI 4993 1 and Professor, Engineering Mechanics University of Wisconsin Madison, WI 53706 (Received November 1986) ABSTRACT Parallel-laminated veneer (PLV) is a high-strength structural material consisting of thin parallel- laminated wood veneers. The use of graphite-cloth reinforcement, placed on either side of a butt joint in 1l/2- by 3%- by 32-inch Douglas-fir PLV tensile members, was assessed. The finite-element method of analysis was used to predict the behavior in different unreinforced and reinforced butt-jointed PLV tensile members. Relationships between the reinforcing parameters-length, modulus of elasticity, and thickness-and the stresses in the wood and reinforcement components were developed by regres- sion analysis techniques. The reinforcing mechanism reduced the peak stresses at the butt joint and hence increased the ultimate strength of the member. Design of PLV material whose strength is limited by shear stresses that develop at the butt joint is facilitated by use of the proposed relationships. Experimental testing confirmed the predictions of the finite-element analysis. Failure initiated at the unreinforced joint in the specimens. Average tensile strength increased and variability decreased I Maintained in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin. This article was written and prepared by U.S. Government employees on official time, and it is therefore in the public domain and not subject to copyright. Wood and Flh~rS<.IC?ICC. 19(4), 1987. pp. 414-429 Larson rf a/.-BUTT JOINT REINFORCEMENT IN PLV 415 in reinforced specimens. Application of a small amount of reinforcement at the butt joint has been shown to enhance PLV performance. Kqvwords: Parallel-laminated veneer (PLV), laminated veneer lumber (LVL), joints, butt joints, stress analysis, design, reinforcement. INTRODUCTION A composite lumber material made by laminating thin wood veneers has prop- erties more reliable, uniform, and predictable than those of similar-dimension solid wood. This is because in veneering, gross defects are reduced. Laminating also tends to randomly distribute these defects. The strength-reducing impact of individual defects is thus lessened. Laminated beams of relatively uniform high strength can be made by placing stiffer veneers in the outermost portion of the beam and less stiff veneers near the center of the beam, i.e., the neutral axis (Koch and Bohannan 1965; Koch 1974). Placement of laminae with respect to modulus of elasticity (MOE) not only increases the average modulus of rupture (MOR) of beams, but also decreases the variability in strength and stiffness among beams. From 1950 to 1975, much research was performed applying various reinforcing mechanisms to wood flexural members in order to increase their strength and stiffness. Load-carrying capacity increased in direct proportion to increases in stiffness. Strength and stiffness of the reinforced beams was also more reliable, uniform, and predictable. A relatively new wood product called parallel-laminated veneer (PLV) lumber provides an excellent opportunity to apply reinforcing and laminating technolo- gies. Reinforced PLV is a high-strength, high-stiffness composite consisting of PLV containing interlaminar reinforcements. With the judicious use of reinforce- ment, relatively higher strength PLV can be made from low-grade logs containing knots and other defects as well as from logs of low-density, rapid-growing species. The technical and economic feasibility of reinforced PLV was determined by Rowlands et al. (1985) and Laufenberg et al. (1984). This paper presents the results of a study concerned with the application of reinforcement in butt joints. Butt joints in PLV can seriously degrade the mechanical performance. As a result, interlaminar reinforcement of PLV offers the potential of lessening the strength- reducing effects of butt joints. Butt joints occur where the square ends of adjoining veneers abut in a single lamina in PLV. As there is no continuity in wood fibers' connections, such joints transmit no tensile load. Stress concentrations in both shear and tension can occur in a localized area around the joint (Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) 1974). Failures in tensile test specimens of Bohlen (1974) were initiated primarily at the butt joint. In PLV with high-quality veneer, wood failure initiated at the outer butt joint, progressed along the glueline to the next butt joint, and so on, to complete failure. Joint strength can be increased using high-quality partial-load- transmitting scarf or finger joints. Aside from a concern for increased strength, economy of production is an important consideration in the development of new composites. Butt-jointing laminae eliminates the expensive step of fabricating scarf or finger joints (Koch and Woodson 1968). To preserve the performance benefits of PLV, reinforcing mats providing con- WOOD AND FIBER SCIENCE, OCTOBER 1987, V. 19(4) 1- 1- LAMINA WITHOUT BUTT JOINT . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' REINFORCING MAT 17 LAMINA WITH BUTT JOINT . ' * ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' REINFORCING MAT \ILAMINA WITHOUT BUTT JOINT FIG. 1. Hypothetical cross section showing the butt joint, with its local discontinuity and the reinforcing mats on either side providing local continuity. tinuity at butt joints can be placed between laminations (Fig. I). The reinforcing mat provides a high-stiffness element in the low-stiffness region of the butt joint. As the composite is loaded, the high-stiffness reinforcing material shares the tension load. The butt-jointed area, which now incorporates a stiff reinforcing mat, is restricted in its deformation (Spaun 1979). Mechanisms that would nor- mally initiate local failure, i.e., local discontinuities at the butt joints, no longer limit the tensile strength of the member. The objective of the research reported here was to develop the technology for sizing and placement of high-strength reinforcements of butt-jointed veneers in LVL. Finite-element methods, as used to analyze the reinforced butt joints, pro- vided the input on which we based the design parameters. Experimental results of a single joint design allowed a comparison to analytically predicted strain levels. BUTT JOINT THEORETICAL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN A laminated, reinforced, butt-jointed composite has varying properties across its cross section and a complex geometry that requires a sophisticated analysis. The finite-element method has many useful advantages applicable to the analysis of composite structures. The SAP IV, a structural analysis computer program, was used (Bathe et al. 1974). Unreinforced butt joint The composite modeled in this analysis (Fig. 2) consisted of one butt joint placed in a 1Y2- by 3%- by 93/4-inch Douglas-fir tensile member. The joint .was located at the center of the length of the veneer in the lamina below the top. A fine square mesh of two-dimensional plane-stress elements (0.09375 by 0.09 375 inch) was used to analyze the stresses and strains in the area surrounding the joint (Fig. 2). The member was supported by rollers and pins at one end and a tensile load was applied at the other end. The gluelines were regarded as straight-line inclusions producing no stress concentrations and having a negligible influence on the state of stress in anisotropic mediums (Savin 196 1). Therefore they were neglected in the analysis. Wood is assumed to be an orthotropic material, with unique and independent mechanical properties in each of its three axes. The direction of the parallel-to- grain (1) mechanical properties coincided with the longitudinal (93/4 inches) di- rection of the model; the radial direction of wood (2) coincided with the width (1% inches); and the tangential direction (3) coincided with the thickness (3% Larson et a1.-BUTT JOINT REINFORCEMENT IN PLV 417 inches). The properties of clear, straight-grained, 10°/o moisture content Douglas- fir were used (American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 1975): E,, = 2,280 ksi E,, = 155 ksi E,, = 114 ksi u,, = 0.022 v,, = 0.02 v,, = 0.39 Gb = G12= 146 ksi where E is elastic stiffness, v is the Poisson's ratio, and G is the shear modulus. The subscripts 1, 2, and 3 represent the longitudinal, radial, and tangential di- rections. Subscript b represents a bulk property of the material. For purposes of qualitative comparison, a tensile load of 6 kips was used. This results in an average uniaxial stress, f,', of 1.14 ksi in the longitudinal direction in the Douglas-fir member. A butt joint in the 1-2 plane will cause a redistribution of stress from the unjointed state to an f,, f,, and f,, state where (Savin 1961): where: f,' = 1.14 ksi (by definition) fil = 0 f,2' = 0. f,*, f,*, f,,* are the additional stress components due to the presence of the joint. Subscripts are directional notations of the principal material directions. Allowable unit stresses for structural glued-laminated Douglas-fir timber mem- bers stressed principally in axial tension (dry condition of use) are (American Institute of Timber Construction (AITC) 1974): Tension parallel to grain, F, = 1.800 to 2.000 ksi Compression perpendicular to grain, F, = 0.385 to 0.450 ksi Horizontal shear, F, = 0.145 to 0.165 ksi. The analysis shows large longitudinal tensile stresses occurring in the laminae above and below the butt joint (Fig. 3a, unreinforced). The finite element directly above the line of butt-joint elements shows an f, of 2.87 ksi, which is 2l/2 times larger than f,'. Large shear and perpendicular-to-grain compressive stresses occur in the laminae abutting the joint, with the axes of principal stress no longer coinciding with the material axes. Moving farther away from the joint, the ad- ditional stresses (f*) attenuate rapidly.