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Thursday, August 27,1992 A Forbes Newspaper "50 cents Vol. 99, No. 35 I CRANFORD • GARWOOD •KENILWORTH student roomed Sooii-Yi Triathalon coming By CHERYL HEHL roonMmte'crying "all the time." of the time. Like.mpst freshman students by liirho. There also were nightly calls from a "At first I didn't even know her rriother. . the adopted, daughter of Mia Farrow and person she assumed;was her boyfriend "the to Cranford Sept. 13 THE CHRONICLE . was Mia Farrow, ft was my Monti who,men- Andre Previn had to adjust to college life, actor;"'. • ••. •..-•••"• ;;• " .;• • ' / • •' Gold Medal Fitness Center of ... Last year Stephanie Dixon left Cranford . tioned. it to me, so I asked Soon-Yi. She but.according to Ms. Dixon, Sooh-Yi spent Although Ms. Dixon respected her room- Cranford and the Crawford Bike for Drew University and wound, up rooming ; seemed to not want anyone to know, so I most, of her time studying. Soon-Yi was mate, she does not approve of her liaison Shop are Sponsoring a triatha- ; with Soon-Yi,.who has been the subject of respected her feelings," said. Msi Dixon, who "meticulous" about her college papers, and with Mr. Allen; and finds fault, with the v/ay lon SUhday, Sept 13.'Proceeds . worldwide, multi-media coverage of. a love s.till seems shocked by the entire revelation. would have friends check over her work for the romance came about. "••'. ; .will'be donated to the_^erican':: trislngle among her,. Woody Allen and Mia However, her roommate's desire to keep her ^nistakes in spelling-end grammar.' "i thjnk what Soon-Yi is doing is wrong. It. ' Heart AsspcjaliOn, . • personal life to Herself often wasnxpsterious, But Ms.; Dbron dispels the rnyth that^-te is not what she is doiiig'as much as who she "•;.. • tKe ail^y eVerrt \ M y l consist "..• 'Ms. Dixon, 19; may be the only j^erson especiallythis pasTSprtng.-: •; :'"*"'h rich,have everything. Soon-Yi did not have ;is seeing; After,all,her mother has done for! . of a 20-mile; Indoor stationary. closer to- the principals whom the major "I knew she was seeing someone who toas a lot of clothes, but what she did have was .her, tafcirig her in arid all, it just. does; riot .tike ride, .a.'five-mile! treadmill' expensive. I do know she land her brothers seem right, especially with someone his' run, and a 2(XMIight stair climb. media have not yet caught up with. She an actor since I would hear her talking hasn'tbeen hiding; in fact, she has spent the ^ about; sets and. lighting, but I never thought and sisters had to do chores around the age," she added. ;. . • '., i. All' entrants will receive a T-. last few weeks in her Retford Avenue home She does .remember Ms. Farrow "scream- shirt, The_best overall time will '.. it was Woody Allen," she said, adding that house and basically work to pay for things watching television. . Soon-Yi would ask her to leave the room so they wanted,1' she said. Ms. Dixon said that ing at her daughter at 6 a.m. on the phone win a bike; ' • . each morning for a long period of time, ask-; Participants must register by Ms. Dixon spent her entire freshman year she could "talk in private." : Soon-Yi often spoke pf how her mother ex- in the same room with Soon-"Yi and never - "Now 1 know why her mother was so pected all of the children to earn money for ing "Why are you doing this to yourself?*' As Friday, Sept. 11; Call Gary Patti far as Ms. Dixon knew, her mother was. just :at the Gold Medal Fitness Cen- knew .hef roommate's "boyfriend" was angry with her, but Soon-Yi was constantiy things they wanted. •'••'. ter, 276-7566. Woody. Alien; She knew "something" was. crying," she said, but Soon-Yi never disv Since the two had private telephone lines displeased with Soon-Yi's choice of a boy- upsetting her roommate, and that some- cussed her personal life. into their room, it was rare for Ms. Dixon to friend, something quite common for teerv- thing had made Soon-'Ws mother, Mia Far- Still, as Stephanie sees it, spending a year answer her roommate's phone. . • agers. : • ••" •: • •'•• ' • .- ' •••. • •• •••• •"/ .:••' ; RVSA to hold pub- row, so angry prior to Christinas that heated living in such close proximity to one of the Ms. Dixon did notice Soon-Yi went The Cranford resident, will have a new- lic hearing exchanges on the phone resulted in her rich and famous was "pretty normal" most "home" every weekend by bus and returned roommate this falL ';" The Rahway Valley Sewerage Authority (RVSAy will hold a . public hearing at 7 tonight, to obtain public comment on the ' Hitting the book long-term amendment to • its Land-Based Sludge Manage- ment Facilities Plan.The hearing Oil will be held in the board room year's :eve| • of the RVSA's administrative of- ing to shift students into smaller/, fices at 1050 E. Hazelwpod By BOB SULLIVAN THECHHONICUi classes at Livingston School I Ave., Rahway.. . But board members felt the hir-^ The proposal calls for the On the eve of the new school RSVA to enter Into a long-term ing of a new teacher r- which will year, the Board of Education voted cost the district an estimated contract with AgOrgahlQ Inc. for Monday to hire one nw te8wer . processing of the sludge (waste rather than maintain two fourth- water) produced at the RSVA fa* grade classes of 27 students at Hill- cility. The contract with.AgOr- side Avenue School ganic would be in lieu of the The board has traditionally lim- RVSA's purchase of new land ited elementary class sizes at 25, for sludge disposal. but Monday night considered a proposal from Acting Superinten- $42,000 —- was both fair and edu- Registration set dent William Cashman that class cationally gouncL The vote to split sizes of 27 students be maintained.. the class into three sections was for Cub Scouts Last year's two third-grade class-' unanimous. .;,; ,. ; ''-.••• ;• ' ... ,' Students of Hillside Avenue, es at Hillside School were below • Prior to discussion, several par- Walnut Avenue and Livingston the 25-student limit, but transfers ents complained about the draw- schools may register now for caused the numbers problem for" backs of larger class sizes. ','•': the Cub Scout program year. the upcoming year, Mr. Oashjnan "There are a consMerahlfc The Tiger Cub program Is. open said He suggested that the twoamount of students in that class to boys vvho will, be entering classes of 27 be maintained and a who need a lot of help. Last year's first-grade in September. This Is classroom aide be hired to assist third grade teacher is adamant that the first stage of Cub Scouting. with clerical work; He also sug- the class be split," Janice Rosens Each Tiger Cub attends a gested some parents might be will- crantzsaid. . ,: monthly meeting with an adult partner, usually a parent or. rela- OEOnQH PACCKLLO/THE CHROMCtE tive. Schools are about to reopen and It's time to stock up on supplies, Just as Marc Perrette, 10, The Cub Scout program Is and his mother Barbara did recently at Drug Fair In Cranford. open to boys entering second- Flooding relief OK'd grade and up to 10 years old. Pack 75, sponsored by the Cranford Methodist Church, is Glaiit board again postpones vote for downtown shops for boys attending Hillside Av- enue School. Pack 174, spon- By BOBtULUVAN before construction. - By BOB SUUJVAN to the Township Committee, prelimi- sored by Walnut/Uvingston PTA, nary estimate of damages to five of Cranford residents Loretta Smith and Rae Kane THECHRONICLB Is for boys attending Walnut and THECHRONIC1E were among the chanters. the stores Is nearly $36,000. Livingston Avenue Schools. After listening to 60 minutes of chanting picketers "We're concerned that once they change that land' The Cranford Township Commit- But the Township Committee be-, Call' Domlnick .and Barbara and another three hours of public testimony, the to light industry, rones in the area will change piece tee has unanimously authorized lieves the project sent to bid Tues- Esolda at 27^6841 to register dark Board of Adjustment again postponed decision by piece. The flavor of the area will change," Ms. bidding on a project designed to day vyiH solve the problem. Plans by Sept 10. on!the proposed cogeneration plant Monday night Smith said. ''They (board of adjustment) have stifled, relieve flooding at a series of North , call for the Installation of new drains Most of Monday's hearing was devoted to com- us, have not let us speak, and practically thrown Avenue stores. across the lot, two new catch ba- down our committee members with no courtesy." Bins, and Increased curbing height Eighth-graders ments from Clark residents while concerned Cranford The flooding Is caused by a outside the stores. Cost of the citizens will have an opportunity to testify at the neat But another Cranford residents who lives just as steeply graded public parking lot In have "Night Out" dose to the plant supports its approval and con- project will be about $25,000, which meeting, scheduled for Sept. 8. That night the board the rear of the stores. Running wi be paid by the Downtown Man- Garwood's eighth-graders struction, •.'•', . also may begin deliberations on the proposal, but water from fast, hard rains cannot agement Corporation. and Burger King vviH host a there is no guarantee that any decision will be made. Joe Pagano was one of about SO U.S. Gypsum em- be contained by small drains In the night out Saturday, Sept 12, ployees who appeared at Monday's meeting wearing area, and water Jumps the curbs "This Is a very straightforward More than 100 residents from both Clark and Cran- proposal which wont cost a lot of f baseball hats wnich>read, ''Cogeneration — clean and and runs Into Cortina Restaurant, ford marched outside Clark's Brewer School Monday money or take a lot of time but It will Cash receipts should be green." ••• •. '•' .-...'•. .'• • '" ' '". ' •- Martin Jewelert, Gelger's Fine prior to the meeting, holding picket signs and chant' solve the problem," Commissioner placed in a special box at Burg- "It's safe and it's something we need here in the Women's Apparel, and several ing "One, two, three four, we wont take it any- United States," Mr. Pagano, a 45-year Cranford resi- J. Robert Hoefller said. er King marked eighth-grade more...five, six, seven, eight, we will not cogenerate." other stores, fund-miser. Burger King will do- dent said. "It's something U.S. Gypsum needs tocom - Mr. Hoeffler said tha problem The strip of stores In tha heart of began when the back lot was rede- nate 20 percent of the receipts The protesters oppose a proposal by EJEA, Devel- pete with foreign companies, and there's no evidence the downtown has compiled a list of signed a year ago. "Th»y dldnt to LJncoln'8 eighth-gradem. opment Inc. to construct^ plant on Raritan Road near that it's a danger to anyone." Cranford's border that would provide steam to United , Cranford school b^ard menibers Rich Sails and Dee recent damages caused by the take Into account that the sewer States Gypsum at discounted rates and excess elec- Sugalski and Township Committee member Barbara water runoff. According to a memo leader to the street. makes three Yak payments tricity to 's Con-Edison public utility. The Bilger also were among the picketers. Committee tent from Cranford Chamber of sharp tuins. That prevents the water due Monday proposal requires at least one use variance and must members Daniel Aschenbach and Bob Hoelfler spoke Commerce President Paul taCorte from escaping fast enough." receive the blessing of the Clark Board of Adjustment Cranford residents have until before the board, . Monday.to meet their third- quarter tax payments. Property tax bills were finally Town policeman boldly mailed Aug. 14 after budget DiFabios worry as Andrew roars at them wrangling at the state level de- By BOBSUUJVAN leaving. They were boarding up the house and getting layed mailing for more than one handles gun incident ready." month. The original payment THECHRONICIiE Key West had braced for Hurricane Andrew, which due date was Aug. 1. The delay An off-duty Cranford police of- McArthur Drive allegedly had shot delivered record winds and rainfall. Hurricane forecasters caused more than frustration for ficer aided a gunshot victim and Donald GrauB around 7 pjm. after When Hurricane Andrew ripped through Florida Mon- tax payers and town administra- the two were engaged in a personal day morning, Joe DiFablo could only wait. \ predicted Andrew would be a category 5 — or cata-. helped arrest a suspect Saturday , The program coordinator for Cranford's recreation de- strophlc — storm when it hit the coast, tors. The interruption in cash near his Edison home. dispute. flow forced many townsto bor - "I found the gun sitting in near- "partment tried unsuccessfully to contact his brother Al by Joe, who'also graduated from Cranford High School, Det linn Lockwood was home telephone that morning and, at press time, he was still lived for several years on Key West before returning to row short term notes to meet and off-duty Saturday when his by bushes and I left it there," Mr. payrolls and bill payments. Lockwood said."Then I located the unable to confirm his brother's safety. Al, a Cranford Cranford a few yeafa ago. girlfriend heard what sounded like High School graduate and former Cranford resident, has Cranford Director of Finance alleged shooter standing on his "I'm pretty upset (about not being able to call), but a gunshot She called police while porch. I kept my eye on him until lived on Key West for the past 10 years. they're made of hearty stock down there. They have a Tom Grady said use of town Det Ijockwood headed outside. surplus, and cooperation from the police arrived." "There were no communications to the area," Joe way of living through these.thirigs down there," ho said the school board has saved the "I saw the victim on all fours on Mr. Gratis was listed in satisfac- DIFablo said. "My parents have been trying and trying. on Tuesday. "They have ample warning. The National township the costly interest tees the lawn, bleeding," he said, "He tory condition at Robert Wood They might not have phone lines and electricity in Key • Weather service la right down there in Miami." "' - of 5hort4erm borrowing. had been shot through the mouth, Johnson University Hospital in West,for a week or two. We Just have to sit and wait. We Wednesday at 5:45 am the good news came in a call but he was talking and coherent" New Brunswick Tuesday. talked to them (Sunday) and we know- they weren't from Al: all is OK. .. Guy Messina^... of Edison's ^^BOB SULLIVAN

.*.. A-2C News August 27, 199gl Artist 27,1992 Garwood A-3:

for a decision on the matter. —Devdoper-and~lOTigtfane -Kenilworth-Garwood-Briefs^ ilworth manufacturer' Frank __ - -Jfc ^ liello proposes to clean the con- Cleaning tip - taminated-toitner-Voieo7±Jrass-and Copper site on Market Street aS« the Boulevard, pay at least thrdt renew schools' study years bacmaxes and build a super- -lot,: ' •• •/ . •...••• • • • ...... •• • .-.••. i •••.'•/.. market ^chc^rwashjoni an 8-a new programs in; Westfield responsible Water and Hazardous Waste Divi- parcel '."at the cofherToT the sion of the DEPE issued the viola- vard and Market Street new committee for sewage spills tion Aug. 18 after determining the Frustrated bythe delay and the break originated in Westfield. GARWOOD — The Department fact he has A&P Superman JOANNE McFADDEN count for six. of Environmental Protection and However, conflicting reports chain ready to sign on the do: "In spite of all of the sbphistica- Energy (DEPE) has served a notice from the DEPE and Westfield of- line, Mr. Oriscitiello began to CHHONICDE •.•;•".' ,:. tion of demographic data, federal teacher," said Mr. Boright of violation on Westfield for recent ficials continue to cloud whether the site a few weeks ago at his.own By JOANNE McFADDEN •T-ATrising enrollment has sparked census tract information, profes- THE CHRONICLE ! ~' spills of raw sewage into the Gar: the break was repaired, or if any- expanse, including spending Sflf Board of Education into estab- sional research and local birth At Franklin School, a modifiefl wood brook. one, knows where the actual break $30,000 to gut the interior of. tjje an ad hoc facilities Com- records, the only accurate way to With a number of new programs self-K»htained approach will be irr, - Finding a solution to the prob- is located. . : ' . . building sitting pri one portiori'.pf to review how well the dis- project school' enrollment is „ to, set to debut this fall, students in plemented.that will, allow, student 3 lem, though, may take some time, Volco developer the property; - '-".'V^ trict facilities and equipment are record who enters school on open- the Garwood school district should to ejqierienc^ other teachers for -i i considering the poniusion suiv Mr. Criscitiello and his attorney, ing day," said Mr. Boright . reap the benefits of a successful few of the rriajor subjects. Fourti rounding the issue. wants a decision [the needs of each student grade students Will have their DaVid Buinno, came before the t results, of that report are ex- According to Mr. Boright, the ' ' ' ' ' The DEPE responded after Gar- KENILWORTH ^ The attorney council once again this week, ask- So says.Garwood Superintendent representing the developer seeking 1 tob e released in December, first year or two of school, is the wood residents complained several ing to have the Volco site rezonea report will assist the dis- most critical in projecting student of Schools Walter Boright times in the past two weeks about to rezone the former Volco site in from industrial to commercial. But "There are many delightful the odor of raw sewage corning Kenilworth has told the Borough |%in determining a future course populations in the first grade and a decision by council will havfr'w dealing with potential iri- beyond. With most of the upper things that will take place," said from the. brook running through Council it was time to "fish or cut wait until a special meeting ^ Mr. Boright who also mentioned - i of students," explained: Su- grades in the mid-30 range of en- town- A representative from the bait," after nearly a year of waiting. 10. /•' •.•'• • . • perintedent of Schools Walter rolled pupils and the: prekihder- the upcoming realignment in the- - garten classes numbering around district "This will be a fun-fiUed, •'•& ^g; 40 each of these last three years, a academically rich school year." For the first time in many years, The realignment plan will bring . : ROB PAINEmiE CHRONICLE a -steady enrollment rise is expected. Garwood feces an increased enroll- students of the^ame age into the' experience in home economics, iril President George Bush addresses crowd Monday morning at Uncoln Tech In Union. : A Rahway man was charged Four cars in the same area wertf ment as it prepares to open its "The graduating eighth-grade, same buildings. Washington School ' ^.--..-. class.is being replaced with a larg- dustrial arts arid computers. Fifth- Aug. 12 with four counts of assault- broken into between Aug. 19 arid floors for schopL According to Mr. will accommodate children in the grade students will have expandeji ing a police officer after ramming a 20. Three were parked on the 78Q | Bright, that increase is 18 stu-er number of students in prekih-. prekindergarten through first- dergarten arid kindergarten," Mr. time and opportunities in honus police car and trying to hit police block of Hory Street and one. dents, or 5 percent over the June grade; Franklin School, children in economics and industrial arts, as tocalpols greet Bush in Union : :; officer on foot •.;••'••' nearby 131m Street Two AM/FM"j»>°\ •.eKrollmerit •••"••;'•' •'''••": - - • • Bprightstates. : grades 2.through 5; and. Lincoln receptive ears since New Jersey/unemployment is at Officer James Wosnizk stopped dios were stolen. Attempts to.steal cail yet go up ahd Although the district enrollment School, grades 6 through 8. Lincoln . ''Of interest to fifth-grade By CHERYL HEHL Michael Latulippe, 32, on Centen- radios from the other cars failecLoh remains below, .the ,mid-rtoge pro- School will function as a middle ; THE CHRONICLE . . . . 9,8 percent . . •. '••'...' • •••...... as registration rernains ents is the newly .designed ,:.' ••' - w*' - ._. . ..• \ _ ' ' _ jections of the 'Kiernan Profes^ school with. emphasis on middle ( But ^unemployment and job training, wasn't really nial Avenue after hemade an al- V; open," Mr Boright warned. guage'•arts' course titied "Language ,1: Local politicians rubbed elbows With George Bush on the mijids pf several GOP partymembers from leged illegalTturn off the Garden Wednesday, Aug. 19 r'. The total' student population sidnal Report, a consultant's group school concepts. and living," said Mr. •."•Boright, It fyfonday when the1 President visited Union County: onCranford Who attended the event Instead* it was a State Parkwayi After stopping, Mr.; . .:.Crirninal'ndscnief.to..the Center* which analyze4 bid projected.en- ' "MrsTbf all students, will be.-toi' wiU be offered as an. elective posi- nial.Ayenue pool was reported atu3i : wambers 402.' Washington: Schod a mid-morning campaign stop. chance for some to meet with me country's chief latulippe turned his car hard to- ;'- Friday, Aug. 21 rollment, ..the fact .that the district gether will all.of th'e-other students; tioned with . the .Spanish: foreigii sum. Several, chairs were-,throve totals 137 • students; Franklin: : ward the officer and sped off. The Officer -Chris Chapman stopped enrollment, would grow was pro- In a fluriy of tight Security and gridlocked roads, •executive.' '; "; '.• •'.V'..:•'••• " . - '. ':.•/'•;•'..•••• • 151; and Ijncoln School, of the same age," said Mr. Boright language course. . '•...'.., ;'. suspect later rammed one car witij ah East South'•'•Avenue driver for. into the pool, the contents of tt^ jected by that report, • \ '••••... "What a great way ;to get to know local^^ politicians w;ere"among those invited t6 Lincoln Barbara B$ger, who has servedone three-year term Outrof-district placementsl ; As the Lincoln .school, shiftsi Technical Institute, in Union to hear, and in some oh the Township Committee and is in the running two other Cranford pcrijce/ officers making an illegal turn and later guard house were scattered, and '•': \ '-•-- ' ' ' " one another/ better and ^ build more closely to a middle school ef£ cases, meet the President this fall for the second, had a bird's-eye view of the and attempted to ram the car Of—arrested him for driving while in- the yjool lane guide was pulled qff longer lasting friendships." ; . vironment tiiere will. be an eifr It was an exciting, action-packed morning for local President during his speech and managed" to speak ficer Wosnizk was driving during a toxicated. Gordon Coletti, 39, Gar-its spool. '••'.- •"• • ?'{ Washington School has been re- ponded opportunity for after-school wood, was stopped at 2:20 am'* *'•; '••..'.•'''••••'••" j feblins from tiranford and Kenilworth, but due directly to him. . chase through linden, the park- decorated, mostly through the ef- activities, said Mr. Boright ; ft to sortie type of confuijon, few were included in a "I told him I was running- for re-election, and he way, and Kenilworth. A 1985 Blazer was reportedsto - A bicycle was stolen from the forts of parents and teachers. In addition to the regular varsity ' wished me'luck, so I wished him luck too," Ms. Bilger The suspect was also charged len from Kenilworth Boulevard at Cranford train station between- 7 "Your teachers, parents and aides;' sports of soccer, field hockey, bas} private reception held prior to his public speech. with eluding, resisting arrest, driv- 2:30 a.m. Nearby, police discovered '-<• Despite the oppressive heat in the cavernous ware-, •said. .• . ' .' ••' •'"•'••.'..". • •••'' '.••..•••.•' a.rh. and 5 p.m. A commuter IeTjt have been in throughout the sum- ketbalL baseball, and softball, an-.' Despite representing Cranford as the deputy mayors ing while intoxicated, driving while a 1982 Cadillac stolen from Eliza- the 18-speed men's bike during ttiB mer setting up the classrooms with after school dub programwill offet house, blue-collar workers mixed.casually with digni- on the suspended list He was' re- beth which had been abandoned. * taries, media members, and other GOP dignitaries. Ms. Bilger was not asked to join the approximately 40 day. It was valued at $700. : GEORGE PACCIgLLO/THE CHRONICLE learning centers, more ma- activities including tennis, golf, vol» £hitside the large facility, crowds lined the hillside other mayors and representatives of Union County leased after posting $2,000 bail • •'"• '-.'•"•.•• •' • '•* . . •." ' Katie Knlerlm, 13, washes a van during Lincoln School's nipulates and some really great l^ybalL computers, "basketball A window at Hillside Avenue and streets in ah effort to get a glimpse of the Presi- municipalities at the pre-speech get-together. How- Tuesday, Aug. 18 fund-raising car wash In Garwood on Thursday. and colorful decorations in the crafts, modeling anc^ grooming. ie dent, who arrived by motorcade and departed by heli- ever, Ms. Bilger was content to wait in the warehouse Sunday, Aug. 23 school was discovered broken at Officer Anthony Dobbins classrooms and hallways," stated Special pro^anis thfraiighout ti^a copter. With other GOP members. A Union cab company driver 5:15 ajn. by police. No entry to the rested Patrick Starega, ?5, of Mr. Boright district will continue as welL "Mn sighed a complaint against David building was gained. *** •' While the President chatted with mayors and other Robert Hoeffler, serving the first year of a three- field for driving while intcodcat nidpalities do." In addition, field trips to local Sciehce" will visit with grades kin- . year term on the Cranford Township Committee, also Levy, H Cranford, alleging he Five juveniles cornered an 11-at 8:18 p.m. Mr. Starega JOANNE McFADDEN arid ; community establishments dergarten tiirough third on a, regi® Republican Party officials in a sequestered room, failed to pay his cab fare from Board of Education members former Goy. Tom Kean and Republican Congressman : attended the event year-old Cranford youth and stole stopped while driving on Wa will be given cbrnprehensive on- and dasses-on-the-lawn are being Jar basis, aind Operation Archaeol- "When you have a bad economy it is very impor- Roselle Park to Cranford. Mr. Levy his bicycle a 6:30 pjn. in the wood- Avenue. "••", Trailside opens mammals planned, weather permitting. As- ogy, a four-day dig in the Deserted Matthew Rinaldo paved the way for the President's maintains he paid the driver, ed area behind the Cranford Com- Raymond Kroy; the Garwood going financial statements that will : tant to have a candidate who has working experience •' • ... • >'•' . .-•;.•• sembly programs geared especially Village area of the Watchung ReSr ' .entrance. ,• '. • ',. ' ' -. • •••• • ' •'" . • schools business adniinistrator, will in the White House," he indicated. "He has qualifica- Jaime Rivera, 26, but there was munity Center near the Adams Av- .OH for the student population, aged 3 ervatipriv will also take place. "This visit is about job training and jobs for the disagreement over the amount enue ball field The youth was not A Centennial Avenue ^ersee the implementation of a exhibit of the Watchxings Unemployed," Mr. Kean said. "Something this state tions that take us through the hard times as opposed reported the theft Of a 1991 Hbuble entry accounting system for line item. Each report will be 12 to 7, are also being scheduled. "Mr. Science was very populaj to bringing in someone new." owed. He signed a complaint injured, but he was restrained A new exhibit, "Marnrnals of the natural setting. A red fox'pup seen The realignment of students in and educationally enriching an,d Should be all about" against the driver. while others took his $350 Huffy 21 at 9 pjn. The car had been stolejj} fh^ o!istri<^ finances; which will re- pages long and list all revenues Regardless of his experience in politics, Mr. Hoef- sometime during the . previous, and expenditures. Watchungs," has opened at. Trait emerging flt*• irnmediately," seumi Association:; was' -designed least once each week with bomffie •President's arrival, commenting, "He's the best man Thursday, August 20 car driving erratically. He. later dW ( viewed from i-5' pjtri: • daily. For classroom teacher, and computer. ceni, qr. pro ment led to rousing rounds of cheers from the audi- Avenue house at 2 p.m. thevgener^k accounting principles expJaiffflcMr.rKBov;:' A1; aiglance, and installed by 'exhibit? -artist, : fbrthejdb." ; • •.,. : iu '••; A 1986 Oldsmobile belonging to rested Jason Alvatoiv 1,9; Granford} Ivminis^tqr^ or^.teachers,, kiip^ ence. •... , V-V .• .-•.. — -ou;.:; .• . • a Staten Island resident was re- v (GAP).as requirediby the stat& De- they.will;be.able toitell the,.finan- Doug Schiller.: It features 10 cases '' '' ''" ; •'.. Paul La Corte, former Cranford mayor and CKam- for driving while intoxicated, car& about'ivhesaid.-'' : -, '"'vVr'a Ironically, the President unveiled the job training bef of Commerce president said he supported Presi- A 1990 Acura Legend was stolen ported stolen from the Days Inn. less driving, underaged drinking: partment of Education by 199?; He cial cdnditionof the district" housing 14 diffefeht species of ^proposal within months of when taxpayers may de- dent Bush because, "he represents the best hope for a from Prospect Avenue between •.•".•...'••;••**••• : ' ' having an open container of beec Decently completed, three training Mr. Krov replaced Louis CSrangle mammals native to, the Watchurig (dde to end his. But the employment plan fell on prosperous social and economic future.' "•'•.,' midnight arid 8:30 am. It was A Huffy 12-speed bicycle was in a car, and driving while susa sessions facilitated by state officials as the board secretary and school Reservation. According^ to Unibn found by Newark police at 2:15stolen from a Centennial Avenue pended. His passenger, Charies regarding•:.j;thej..:.'dciibte^t!^'._.afr. business adniinistrator. A part-time County Manager Ann Baran, "The • parking lot between 3 and 4 p.m.Rapp, 19, Cranford,. was also counting system. employee, he is assisted by Betfy exhibit provides visitors to the mu-: The bike was valued at $300. • * * charged with underaged drinking. , . .^Basically, the implementation Faggiano. Since he; holds a school seum information about the ani- : business administrator certificate, ••'." •' . ' ••' '••• . ;" ••'••••bio of these GAP procedures will bring mals' habitat, habits and food re- New Jersey school districts in line the state willf reimburse the district quirements in an interesting and other states and allow' for for his Social Security arid pension. eaisy-to-understand format" iparisonsj" said Mr. Krov, "Cur- payments. itty, sdaool boards are the only "Eveh my employment will end The public will see examples of entities that do not have to up saving the district money," he these Watchurig Reservation in- habitants depicted in their own iply with these principles. Mur jokes. ATTENTION CRANFOHD AND GARW0O0 RESIdENTS INTERESTED IN PLACING A CLASSIFIED AD? Efflftiye September i, 1992 the^ Union County Utilities Authority Gall Or Stop By Our Westfield Office Regional Curbside Recycling Program Will be picking up PLASTIC Monday-Friday •' BOTTLES, TIN CANS AND CORRUGATED CARDBOARD in your 8:30 A.M.-5:00 P.M. municibality on your regularly scheduled recycling days. : ;: :V '..••'•.'•• 231 Elmer St. ,- ••••.;"••• •/; ' . •'• ::•••• - :;--/-.:vV. • NEXTPICK-UP: - .- J • Westfield CRANFORD WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1992 ROB PAINE/THE CHRON CLE '• • :'. ','• ••• :. '••••': :: :•• 908-233-9696 ; '• v :,•;.: — ,•.;: .,:-:. GARWOQD THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER ^,1992 Chatting after the excitement at Lincoln Tech where President Bush visited Monday are Paul ...CHOOSE SmrEWIDElO-BOUNGE" CHECKING LaCorte, former Cranford mayor and now Chamber of Commerce president; Township Committee FAX 908-232-1621 WHATANDHOW PLASTIC BOTTLES j candidate Joe Carroll; and Township Committee members Barbara Bilger and Bob Hoeffler. TO RECYCLE VL Rinse well. -a Unsure of your checking balance? Waiting for funds to clear? & Remove caps and NEWSPAPERS lids' ;a Relax. With Statewide "No-Bounce" Checking you can twine in »> Tie with (^ All bottles should bej • bundles no more write every check with absolute confidence. flattened. 1 "No-Bounce" Checking is available to all Statewide : • than 12" high. Do Y NOT use tape, wire v> Only plastic bottles thatj Regular and Superior Checking customers. There's no fee to or rubberbands. contain pourable liquids,! SHINE A LITTLE y NO magazines, paper such as milk, soda, juice [ start the service. And there are two ways to use it: bags, telephone books or - - or--detergent, will ac-1 1) You can elect to have funds transferred directly from a cardboard. ••: cepted. ; ' • • | PINUPWALLIAMP ON YOUR GLASS BOTTLES »> NO squeeze bottles, pack-1 designated Statewide account, or... Miuhroom-pleatcd ihade AND JARS aging, plastic wrap ori All Solid Brm in Polllhed containers holding food\ 2) You can establish an automatic lihe^f credit—at an interest Bns* « Sniow White STUDY HABITS v» Rinse well. 3-way socket; 150 Watt Mw., i> Remove caps and lids. or hazardous materials ~\ such as motor oil or antl, COMPARE OUR INTEREST RATES WITH rate thiU^^iyipflres favorably ExUtuIon 24" Hurry in and Save on a large selection of wall, f Only bottles and Jars will singles be collected. •freeze. '•'..•"'.' . THOSE OF BANK CREDIT CARDS with those of bank-credit floor and desk lamps. ' i> Acceptable materials wllh You'll also find BIG sayings on fluorescent and 'v* NO window glass, dishes, cards. Your credit line will be Pyrex, mirrors or crystal. have a PET, PETE or; 'gal) n. 1. Tfaose who can be wlnnerBl ' halogen lighting: CURRENT RATE available when you need it. CORRUGATED CARD- HDPE mark or the nurn-5 BOARD • • •; ••.•.:••...•• •-;. . ber 1 or 2 in a triangle: When you place your FREE Forbes Newspapers' "Introductions" ad, With no interest charges SOLID Imprinted on the bottom you'll automatically be entered in a drawing to win one of five weekly BRASS • Must be clean. "Singles" prize packages, Winners will receive: % unless you use it. . i> Must be flattened. of the bottle. PlIARMACV PIANO OR i^Must be tied In bun- ALUMINUM & TIN CANS If you want the security of FLOOR DESK LAMP i> Must be well rinsed. • A pair of tickets to the new movie, "Singles" LAMP $4988 Single light dles. starring Matt Dillon and Bridget Fonda 3.9 APR overdraft protection...just Brilliant Poliihwl HeightU W ^ NO paper bags, maga- ^ NO paint cans or spray : •A CD soundtrack from the movie featuring ' SOLID BRASS cans.'—. UtUi 90 zines, telephone books, GLASS AND PLASTIC RfeCY Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains and Soundgarden . open a Statewide Regular or y PIANO LAMP Octagonal Heavy Duly *65 Junk mall or newspapers. CLABLES MUST BE SET OUT IN ; • A pair of tickets to an exclusive "Singles" party Superior Checking account...and add on "No-Bounce" Adjustable height SEPARATE. STURDY, REUSABLE \ at Wurllzters, Friday, September 18th ISO Watt Mu., BANKER S LAMP Solid Brail 14" with Brilliant Polished Cut Brau Piiiiih, CONTAINERS. • Checking. For more details, visit your local branch, or call 1 ALUMINUM AND TIN CANS CAN ! 21luhU Bis* 6 W «q.; BE COMMINGLED IN ONE CON-^ Advertise In Central Jersey's #1 source for meeting people: iNTRopy.CTlONi (201) 795-7700 today. 60Wattx2;lleifihtl7" Height 14" with Bra** Shade •' • • MATERIALS PLACED IN PLASTIC: Winners will be announced, weekly starting August 13.. The deadline OR PAPER BAGS WILL NOT BE for placing your "Introductions" ad is Monday, noon, for that week's COLLECTED. newspaper. Call l-8dO-BB0~949B today to place your FREE H "Introductions" ad and be eligible for the "Singles" prize package. O UNION COUNTY UTILITIES AUTHORITY £j Statewide Savings Bank u ANGELO J. BONANNO, CHAIRMAN HOUSE of LIGHTS HELEN MILLER, VICE CHAIRMAN We pay attention as well as interest I \s. IIKillWAY 22 • <.K1 IN UKOOK. N,|. WILLIAM CIERI, SECRETARY General Cinema • • . : . ' i CHESTER HOLMES, TREASURER Newspapers EPIC RECORDS I with thoohsi locolod In FDIC GARLAND BOOTHE * JOSEPH COOK * ANTHONY DECARLO Sponsored by: Flam, SonutrvUe. Huo Sic* SOUNDTRAX Hnnii/irs in: Jersey City Xrtwiru.1 CllfjiuU Vnrk 1.mil l\lknl»ih lumn'oml ( Sill. 10 AM - 5 I'M • VSVcUniHlUs Ut y I'M' [Vur»w

Letters to the editor

Acnoss • you" 72 Ilililical 1011 Slot mod . .12 |ln|nl p.ilni Inad'ln 1 •— 42 MIMI or wolk 73 Cinnk . 10'J Italian uplc 35 0.11k S and r.hiiior.o c\\'., ulliin School boartf member opposes Clark (regeneration plant CCiMlor a loail'ln / ihyr.lcliui v 43 "...lliou liasl 74 InloKlr.alliuJ :i(i t.ir.l /OCImril To The Chronicle: ^ •the proposed 150 megawatt Clark sulphuric acid storage tanks, con- It Punctuation nii.Tiinilh.il- M IM.iiil shool sounds. As a member of the Cranford cogeneration plant Not far fromtinuous deliveries of fuel and voHff oiaiks lliou —" 75 Con||i'i(|a- 2 I.I .nil 1 on ,n 3Uorary Clark, which will belch some of the air pollution presented by this pro- native of all. '•'••''• :; •:• . • A few New (school) Year's Resolutions lor Cnsn.ls 52 flnllroad 07 Wild ox- -: mounlnlii InniMn . MihsliUrld harshest pollutants into the air that posed plant EEA tells us that air 22 Lni|)asl livliirj • hnrtdcnrr..' , on All.nr plungn . "• cror.l 4ll'Chii>cli p.Tilr. 70 Mi)r.lnni ; . . For the sake- of bur children, the 5C Scliomos Uli Siinwmii. OGullorluy 40 I'olnlol viuw magir-tialo we breathe, are . two elementary pollution levels from ' the plant Clark Board of 'Adjustment must_ "from three top county education officials 24 Auk donus . 57 Owlish rnlinslwrr. lullowor 50 Gr.ncrjlul 79"—•"tlker l| schools in Cranford: the Walnutwould be within present federal llof realke that this proposed plt 25 Handlod • sounds. !)0 Iliiii) down '9 Sos.imo d.incn Avenue School and the Livingston guidelines, however, any more air not light or limited industry, serve "o one believes it, but most schools will . students with their homework. (Somerset Coun- 27 Small. 50 povo . 91 1 li(|h. crayuy 10 lioguloliag . 51. London 00 In constant ' sudclnn shollors lorllnss rnuljon Avenue School These schools have pollution in. this heavily residential no comrnunity good, and has have reopened in less than 10 days. The ty Superintendent Dr. James H, Mundy) nyploslons . 59 tourist's.'. OZPiilin loal 11 Drop by SZPImcod will) 01 Suitors over 450 healthy children, who play area is too much. business siting itself in a h 1992-93 school year dawns, presenting a Give maximum support to youngsters so that 29 Fonclng • nood •usodliv 121-laidy \ horns 02 Asiatic plants in the area, travel to and from This proposed plant will burn residential area. . . they become^ the best they can be and perform sword - GO CtjnlnssmJ Io . Ilinlchind hnioino 53 Adull insocl 05 Circus vyielcbme occasion for parents, students and . 30 —iwllol ' n cilnio 04 Aii.TgrnnUor. 13 Tnbln scrap Sl.1()O . workors school and spend most of their gas or oil-continuously. There will RICHARD J. SAjy. at their maximum level.. (Union Superintendent 31 Oownlotlin G1 Acls snrvllnly . llmo 14 i'lnrro's 54 Uowliny Of. Incrnased days within breathing distance of be fuel oil, aqueous ammonia and Cranford Board of Education teachers, the Big Three of forces in education, : Dr. Leonard D, Fitts) — (to Ihn C2 PMIIpplno D5Mor.Inrld Isilhor nllriys 90 llacknnyod - • ' ' : i to make some "New Year'sResoiutions." vnrynnil) Moslems • B7 Ln.uvlo ISKIock 55 Scanty ' 93.Hlvnr In Italy oi 32 Slnrl ol tho G3 Frog onnus 9d t-lcli Uosl(jns: 1C Wisconsin 57 Slmllorod 04 — Knlovnl. Students... .inchora()o Don't underestimate parent power in educating young J ,Forbes Newspapers asked superintendents piny 64 Chnnp's CIlV . •. ' '•' :. clly 95 Mopo or line Be accountable for your part of the task of : lOOCIly Oil Iho-• ISSuccosslul . 50 Galhnrlng ol . load-In of schools in Somerset,.Union and Middlesex 33 Gronk loltor . brolhpr s Chronicle: as welL This program works beau- can approach her with .almost any : learning. Go to class with the right work ethics. 34 Jnp.inoso 65 HoscumJ - \'O . . pln.nl • wilchos 9G Salad, lish In this age of belt tightening and tifully with process writing now idea and discuss it openlyp . • i° to suggest New Year's resolutions to the Big '(Somerset's Dr. Mundy) bllg 66 P^iil or broak rrjlocallon 01 Sniall 97 Fr. holy used in Cranford. I'm sure there 36 River. oil nviclloKS',. 20 Uolloyor In a .. souvonirs. . . wonion budget cuts, it is imperative for Parents, get-inyolvedUvIake: ©J . Three. . " . ; Dedicate yourself to producing the very top 67 Apod boor. 1'04'SUiplU or'silly niodern G2 Appoillons •' 99 — Annlo; ol parents to make time to get in-are many other examples from difference in your children's educ^j. i , •• • • . • • ' • • . .• .37 Sings Uko 60Nlghi's Inllow •.•'•• rrtliglon G3 Spanish Oftwi other schools. Let's hear them! quality work qf which you are capable. (Union's i vblved in their children's educa- tion. Therese and Wayne haye ;P[ere, with our explicit endorsement arid Bing -- pauso on a : i'OS.HalnlorJ on 23 Hobbory. • arbor •. ; 101 Morkolol*~Zl Dr. Fitts) . : . :.-.: •• ; G5 Choir plum movlflS tion. One need not have a back- Share your ideas with, your prin». shown us how ah idea at their chll-. highest hopes for implementation, are their 39Boxarand niom's sldt). s 2G Rural ; caliph .70 Appralr.nd IOC O'ptins '., slruclgro GG Old rnailnors 103 Childless: ground in education to make a dif- dpals. Hopefully, they will be as dren's school can affect.the educ|Hi suggestions for resolutions: . Teachers.;. 40*,— show 7 T Branching 107 Slnrio (|r,uiu|)!) 20 Indian G7 Ugl'l or post plural abbr. ference in the educational system receptive as Walnut's Joan Melviri. tion of children in the entire schq^g. Continue to deliver an education program • , in our town. Mrs, Melvin is willing to take a 2 '/'•: 1 TTo" II •• 12. 113 114 district with little or no cost to the. £or parents... of quality. Arid coniihue to serve as pseudo- • r Take, for example, —Therese-chance arid try new ideasjbr the taxpayers .of Cranf6rd.^,.i; _i;i_-->O:, : '. Continue to support public schooir education , counselor. (Dr.Mundy) /; . . P Koellner at Walnut Avenue School good' of the ytuldren.: We, as par- Thank you Therese and Wayne) . Mr • • Therese, concerned about the lack ents, appreciate the fact that we KATHLEEN BAER, by attending meetbigsi volunteering in aiay : Dedicate yourself to being the finest teach- r nzp? 23- way in the schools, and helping your own 20 of hands-on science in her son's ••,_•• 52HillcrestAvfe" er and models for the kids. (Dr. Fitts) I class, apprbached Principal Joari Melvin expressing some concent Out of this concern came Family 55- Science l^ght, now incorporated 3i. not only m Walnut School, but 1 —- c^her schools in Cranford, as welL 1«• r County-wide rape crisis center calls for During Therese's many hpiirs of research for family science, Mrs. LIQUOR AND CORDIAL SPECIALS Koellner came across ari applica- Fleischmann's I 55 Smirnoff Beefeater 49 50 w. tion for a grant from Rutgers Uni- ; special, mature volunteers to help victims Vodka Gin Preferred i versity which established Linda 1 , The pressure on the staff at the County's each yeat and about a third of them, all women, 59 1,75 Liter t.75; Liter •,• .1.75 Liter /i 15/ Madison's third-grade science pro- S-f Q99 piiisS3.00jL Hiape Crisis Center in Westfield is buildings are assigned to the Hotline. Day time help is of $ 99 plus 55.00^ it.... _ gram. Mrs. Koellner's interest iri mlg. robalo \ C. mlg. robatear) because the nurnber of women calling for particular value right now, any age (at least 21, Letters to the editor G0~ her child's education combined 13" support in the wake of recent rapes, or even though) is acceptable, and fluency in language with Linda Madison's expertise Castillo Southern Glenlivet Drambuie crimes committed years ago, is growing. other than English is welcome. Carroll backs South Avenue supermarket rezoning woh Mrs. Madison recognition Bum Comfort Single Malt Scotch 750ml. .•: GiT~ from President Bush and award S 1 75 Liter 750 ml There also are growing requests for the staff The Center, how in its ninth year under coun- To The Chronicle: bling the; ordinance until an ex- Committee must accept leadership i Liter ty control, provides individual and group coun- money which bought supplies for § $18" 5 99 to. make educational presentations and talks On July 28, the Cranford Town- isting suit brought by the owners roles when matters of importance tir the Cranford school district All of g 510" 2O in schools, club groups and at health fairs. seling, a 24-hour hotline, speakers bureau, in- ship Committee approved the re-of the lot in question against Cran- to CranfordJs future are under con- IIU 02 1 /5 —~MT/G <•• this came out of concern for Scott's £ WINE & CHAMPAGNE SPECIALS •The Center needs volunteer help to free the service training to hospital, law enforcement and zoning of a parcel of land on South ford was settled. Democratic can- sideration. I faiTto understand why education. What a payback! ^ •o Commissioner Aschenbach wag 1 * Gallo Columbia Crest $C99 Mumm Extra Dry staff to meet such demands. But not just any mental health professionals, consultation to pro- Avenue to permit, among other didate Albert endorsed this pro- 03 Wayne Orshak, postmaster of the e willing to cede his responsibility ori II" Chablls 4LH«r Chardonrtay 750 mi w Champagne 75O fessionals working with survivors, and informa- uses, the building of a super- posal in his comments during, the t».l volunteers. These people compassion, a non- UU UU uo Short Hills Post Office, brought the § tion and referral services. market I support this action and public hearing on the matter. Such a matter so important to Grariford,! SQ99 Markham Tott's Brut or judgmental approach to victims and their I want a Township Committed Wee Delivery Postal Service to 1989 Napa Valley HI" Extra pry The Rape Crisis Center's volunteers play a . applaud the members of the Town- action would have cost, the. town- rj Cabarnat Sauvlgnon 750 ml Meriot Champagne 750 ml farhilies and friends, and enough commit- ivilling to face their responsibility »z Walnut Avenue School with the co- Martini & Rossi critical role iri its operation, but just as impor- ship Committee who accepted their ship legal fees in defending the — operation of Mr. Schaeffer, Cran- Rob»rt Mondavi Gallo Prench ment to the work to stick with it, no matter and do what is right for Cranfordl " •Hio2~ 199 Astl-Spumante S799' tantly, in the jarred lives of the rape victims and responsibility and voted on the suit, but more important, would or- ford postmaster. Again, parental in- Woodbridg* Columbard the intensity of any one.case or call. Most are Commissioners Bilger, Valero and volvement riot only touched the Sauvlgnon Blanc 750 ml .. 750 ml their Mends and families. Providing medical issue in the best interest of Cran- have left the.zoning of this impor- Mayor Robinson did sq, ' DOG ""~^BiOG" women, and worAen are better in rawSjuaf the an4 legal information, and the solaceJttP,ah%l- ' ford. '. .' -'.f-•'••••••>•'...... ;•.';.. tant parcel of empty Cranfora'l&d school ,wherc,Mr. Orshak!s. daugh-, WARM BEER SPECIALS ( JOSEPHt/CARROLL ; vf|iunteJer roles, but men also are welcome to lioS~ -•i«r ter attended btit lyill now bie insti- Coors " $4 * Corona •derstandjrig pe.rsbii willing to listen arid then' •''*' I found it d&tiirbing that Com- in the 'hands of an out-bf^tpym i Union Ave. 99 99 ] 1 tuted at Brbokside AyeAUe School n^ Lk)hti tana | | Reg., Lighl bll9 '16 24-12 Qi. rans apply- •..''•.••• " ' • : ' •••-_. . •' '•.••• help generates the satisfaction for the Center's '' missioner Asc&eribach proposed ta- judge. Members of the Township Cranford 1• £»»• Oold !;App]y is a key word. Volunteers first face , | Stroh's -30-12 of'iJ A99 BUSCli 24-12 02. $399 Lowenbrauplu In this ad are set by DIHrlcks and may not ba available at jfz work areas and to hours anywhere around the 0••••••• m other locations. "All price* DO NOT Include sales tax. . ..,',•'_ . - the first call for those volunteers who have the known about since December 1991. priced, highly reputed Democratic David, Pepe, Testa - yvill all ?b^ YVETTE clock. stuff to truly make a dif^rence in tiiis impor- The attorneys seem to feel that ad- appointed attorney says,."Let's roll. gone. That's a great way to solve fc; I DinRICK'S DISCOUNT WINES & LIQUORS f I'The Center carries about 50-60 volunteers tant, trying area of humat; need. mitting liability is a great tactic. over and. ask how much, we don't problem..,leave it for the next guy*; |' Ilem I 2 North Avenue • Garwood • 789-0525 T Let's hope it is! have a good case. It. cost us an DANCE STUDIO By the. way, those same guyfcj "Our 39lh Season m Mon.-Sat. 9 am to 10 pm» Sunday! to 8:30 •..-••• awful lot of money for that deci- or We admit liability and then ask, didn't hesitate at all when they ap-; LBBIM m Valuable Coupon Good Thru 9/1/92 m mm «• asa m3 "How much do we pay?" I'm afraid sion, after winning an appeal, too. proved the $2.75 million bond issufe: You Deserve The Best! CHEERING, LEARNING SKILLS & SUPPORTING I have to admit I don't understand. Imagine, gathering up all of the sold last year. We're already paying; The insurance company attorney a QHILDBEN • TEENS •ADULTS YOUR TEAM Viewpoint ; same information Mr. Irwin had al- for that one. '»•"•i ready obtained, at more cost and „ BALLET • JAZZ • TAP .• POINTE • ACROBATICS then a highly questionable result. Sadly for us, a plan has ' bee$> REdlSTRATION available since 1989, but it wa>j • PRE-DANCE FOR 3 YEAR OLDS • BALLROOM Now, I can' understand the at- '& « FITNESS CLASSES FOR MEN & WOMEN Take The Shirt Off Your Back torney advising the council not to never adopted, or even seriously Septembers talk about the case publicly (I discussed. The political misfl$ mentioned before, just tossed,'itj REGISTRATION 7-8:30 pm I Question: What are the best and worst parts about going back to school? wouldn't be proud of the decision, either)...But,. how could they not aside because it was a "political,' •aut—y, Municipal Building talk about how to pay the bill? No (Republican) solution." Their ialteiJ-l native plan was brilliant, dor^i TUES;-THURS. • Sept. 1-3 *A-V pm Any Girl 10 Years or Older matter how much or how little the (or starting 4th gr^de) thru 8th Grade final tab is, we still need a pro- bother to plan at all,, it will all g^ away, it's a piece of cake. At th& There wlUbe a short meeting at 8:30 p.m. gram, a plan, at least a slight idea You and a parent — please be present of how to pay it. point in time, wittibut a plan readjfj To Register Call: 276-3539 Any Questions Contact: The council* knew, over six which would require state coo^era-I 118 Walnut Avenue • Cranford, NJ months ago, what-the case strategy - tior>,_the_ .ultimate- judgment-wijL QINNYHANNA „, BARBARA GREGSON was and did absolutely nothing; have to be paid in five years. Ho$ will you like that in your property ,*••••••••••••••••••••••••••• &&$$72 272-8875 When Councilman Schultz sug- Directors of PAL Cheerleading gested we try to "share" some ex- tax bill? -, -, penses, did he get much support? It will take at least a year to del When he said, "Don't hire another vise and implement a payment YOUR HEALTH. Back To School Specials AlexShopIro John Levins Gary Conrad Becky Greg son Paul Zema Sean Szczyglel policeman right now" or "don't plan. In the meantime, interest orj Kelly Armstrong Cranford . Brearley High Westfield Westfield Garwood Cranford High give 7 and 1/2 percent raises" or the money starts on. day one, not Bell's Pharmacy Westfield "The best Is get- School, Kenllworth "The best Is see- "Getting back In "The worst Is lis- School "cut the budget more," did he get when the plan is ready. Remembef Winter Registration "The worst thing is touch with friends tening to teachers "The worst la get- ting away from my "The best Is see- Ing my friends, the support? Heckri'no! Why bother, what I said, "no paddle..JIO oar.* worst Is home- Is the best. Tne and doing home- tingup Iri the parents, the worst Ing my friends Begins that we have to when the taxpayers can just pay Supports YOUR | 5ShirtsLaulidered worst is home- work. The best Is I morning, the best Is not seeing my again, and the ..not even a rudder to steer with?' start before Labor work." more. The political misfits and work." won't have to summer friend." worst will be trying What is the correct term?. Malfea,' September 1, Is seeing my mental midgets who have gov- Knees*.* Day. The best Is watch my two-year friends again." to get to work on sance or misfeasance in officet that I get to see all old niece any- time after school." erned this borough for the past few When is someone going to smell years have sold us down the riv- [For The Price of 4 my Wends." .more." the coffee and take chargege? • \ er...no paddle...no oar...not even a Incoming orders only — Expires Sept. 30,1992 WILLIAM E. CONRAO • Aoroblc Rowers rudder to guide us past the fi- KenilwortK • Nautilus Camp

• Air-Schwlnn Bicycle U *ir.»| , • Air-conditioned locker room EDITORIAL CIRCULATION Choryl F«nsk» OTC Ed Carroll DrIJn Florczak Rob Furth Karon Walsh John ChM Copy Editor Editor Managing Editor Altumata Dallv«ry ManuQor Fullillmenl Manager SlngW Copy T*bmiirk*«r\g Mof. Robin J. Phillips Bill Howard Copy Desk: Mike Boottchor Janis Hassel Mark And'ia Henry Whltnrtore 20% OFF Janis ftisch Tom Swalos Dave Allona j' Mrvln< n» CommuiMUti o) Otrwaod i [Joseph Androano Judith Bronner Eric King Glen Meyer Ken Schwartz Dana Cole man Lorie Russo Miko Skara Rosalie Gross Jim Wright Goorfjo Chlfjl Jr. Jamos Larocs Norman Roberta Dorlf Singlevlch Bell-Horn SharilriB Chiang Siophon Simnsky Scon Zupkor Gone Coto Joann Lsruo-Tjmm • S lane, 25 yard hoatod pool Kip Kuduk William Wostnovon ~ FORBES NEWSPAPERS, A DIVISION OF FORBES INC. Laura Richerson Dobora Tagllsrl Mik« Deak Roberl Wagnor Holon Clancy Marilyn Maier Elizaboth Lynch Sports Interns Jack Dutschlag Joan Robertson Misty WlibesW — • Stalrmasters Brian P. Dunlqavy Cynthia Flavoll Jonnitor Moinlvlosor Ana Rodriguez DRY CLEANING Susan Valontl Jossica Brooks Nows Assistants: Published every Thursday by Forbaa Newapap»«, A Division fo Forbes Inc.. 102 Walnut Antolnotte ZaretsW • Individual weight machlnos Denise M. Fuhs Roy Hopkins Vida Mucchlello Eric Greenbeto Charles Zangara Scon Burton Charlos Evorott Av«., Crantord, NJ 07016. S*xx*i daw postage paid at Cranford, NJ POSTMASTER: Lawrence Spullck • Treadmills .. . Cartilage and hinged knee Incoming ordors only — Expires Sopt. 30, 1992 Robert Gelchion Graphic*: Photography: Floronco Kossol please tend charge* to Forbes Newspapers, Fulfillment Office, PO Box; 757, Bodmlnstw. NJ Minx McCloud • Aerobic Bicycles *" ~ supports available Kathlsen Hail Barry Rumple Sharon Wilson 07021. Subscription rates by mall ,one year within Union County $22, out ol county $26 out PRODUCTION 1 Paula Ingrassia Sport*: Diano Malllord Phyllis Rockol ol state $20. To subscribe caH: 1 -800-300-&321 • Lap Swimming - water oxorclse classes Janet Davle* I Ba/bara Mandoza Allan Conovor Goorgo Pacdollo Charlea Herrera Tom Torgarasn Edward Torfl*r»*n - aerobics - aquatic classes fitting room - certified fitters Cheryl Moulton Hehl David SiminoH Daryl Stone Con^xxlng Room Manajw Pnuioom M*n*gnr Mullrooni M«n«g*r Aul PtturotMn Maiu" IMar. Puta Jeff Hanoy Linda Epstain . Malcolm S. Forb«s, Jr.. Composing: Pressroom Alice Bird Charles Davis Angeli MaceM Ed»«-ln-ChW Vivian Bonnor Batty Black Maria Marcado ADVERTISING Usa Kolvltrjs . Juan Floras Fablo Blanco 276-3300 Ch*rl«« A. Lyons Kathleen Lunlnl Edward F. Carroll William Thomas Gantry Gradela Pordo Gordon Davios Victoria Bombach Alfredo Pitt EdHw Weathovitn Peter Hnasko L»a Moor* Ororjfj Fitzgerald auvl Vlo* Pr««ld«it,EdlUMU Frod Holub William Burke Robart Roman CRANFORD INDOOR Adv«rlulng R«piM«nttllu* W»*lwnd Ru« Jotl Jakowlow - Gllbor Jimonar Ariel Cartagena "The Experts In Anthony Wideman Judith S*rna Jim Haydan Qaorfj* Gannon Norb Danielle Loch Wayne Dafgard Hel«n Zapl»boylo CUSTOM Lance Osborn Graphic*: Wayne Wright Brad Davi« Lynda Koch Vk» PW Circulation Sport* Editor (Ullckl PulalnelU Philip Malorca . Jeanna Desimone POOL & FITNESS CENTER DRV Donna Pol If or Nancy Longyol Esther Relmlingor Mallroom Thomai Hnasko frltd Gray Linda LeBoaul ' Enl»rtainm*nt Sytlemi Uina 17 N. Union Ave. • Cranford CLEANING" Lawrence Mirota Mary Raimondo Jill Simonolli Scott Rowlands Emma Anthony Anna Jackson tjnda Gargiulo , Adv*rtiiing. Oiwdor Douglas MMard Since I9?4 fran Holltday Ron MacCloskoy Donna Scharnlkow Mike Scaocorra Sophie Baron Susan Lett Rofl*r 3. Sllv.y Bllll* M. pavla Jean Caell« CALL 709-7260 FOR INFORMATION Lea Hopkins Joyce Musto ! Crtinlord, Nd 07016 Krltrin Benatlch Kim Strlba • Maryann Mann Richard Thlrton 9 8:30-i0fM-F 9:00AM to 6:00PM Sat. Rui»*H Du-Bols George Hllger Ruth Rivera -the Chronicle- \ ••• ..-A A-6 Kenllworth August 27, 1992 August 27, 1992 Community Life A-7 Edutator says stiideiitsmust Summer finale Obituaries 84^ Anna Vo^ 92 Testing^prrar

CRANFORD - Louise K Kruse Surviving are three sons, Warren CRANFORD — Anna H . VoV n ..terst , VirginiViii a SSeavy of Scotch Blakley,84, a secretary with the R Blakley of Morgan Hill, Calif., Lynn, 92, aiongtime township^si-. Plains ajV^Helen Jeffers of Ro- ,JQ|» By CHERYL HEHL skills is three-fold: ' . . "more serious" approach to stand- v • Reading arid writing are vital for ardized . tests; Results from last Cranford Board ofEducation from Robert H. Blakley ofWarren, and dent and a member of ^^^ THECHRONICLE . . ; day Morning Club,.died Aug. 19,and 11 great-grandchildren. Union County. College has estab- • —^ • • . •• - •' year's HSPT test for lith-graders 1958 until her retirement in 1978, communication .' , Bruce G. Blakley of San Diego, 1992 at Mountainside Hospital, A memorial service was held lished a "challenge examina'tiorf" "When the 1992-93 school year be- 9 When the High School Profi- were "simply not up to par," he . died • Aug. 21, 1992 at Somerset Calif.; a daughter, Elizabeth Can- said, hoting he felt students were Romah Grlfri Ridge. •'"' •••• .''•'. • '. Monday at the First Presbyterian policy to set standards for. granting^ gins/at bayid Brearley Regional ciency Test (HSPT) becomes an Medical Center, Somerville. right of Warren; nine grandchil- •Mrs. Von1 Lynn, was born in Ger- Church, of which Mrs. Von. Lynn advanced standing credit to stiiH High School, Garwood arid Ken- llth-grade test requirement in De- capable of performing much better ; dren; six great-grandchildren; a "if they take this test seriously." Retired engineer, Mrs. Blakley, who was born in many and lived in Cranfprd firom. was a member. , dents who successfully pass a devii ilworth. students will. be asked to cember 1993, students must dem- New York City, lived in Cranford brother, Andrew Kruse of Water-; 1923 until 1988, when she entered In lieu of flowers, contributigni partmental test in a subject are$h rise to the challenge of reaching onstrate very strong reading and As the new. school year begins, naval officer from 1948 until she moved to bury, Conn.; and a sister, Jose- the. Green Hill Memorial Center for m&y be made to the First Presbyte- taken many years ago. idi for hewer and higher ac- •; • he pointed put students CRAW V Eoman Popiel, Toms-River in .1981. She had re-phine Matthews of Rbselle Park. , Women in West Orange. . rian Church Fund, 11 Springfield These so-called challenge ejfefi. ademic goals. heed to be attentivejand 72, a retired mechanical engineer sided in Warren since 1986. , Her husband, Charles Von Lynn, Ave;; Cranford, 07016. amlnations have been imple- It is Dr. Merachnik's hope that teachers aware of the healttr edu- Her husband, George R. Blakley, meilted due to the increasing riun&- and Navy officer, .died" Aug.; 17, She formerly:was a.member of died iri 1960. Another son, James diedinl979; Arrangements were by the Gray . -Donald Merachik, su- cation program concern- Memorial:Funieral Home. ber of students who return to cobq perintendent of the Re-will instill enthusiasm for learning and ing AIDS. The regional 1992 at Raritan Bay.Medical Cen- the' Altar Rosary Society at .St•.G. Blakley, died in 1954. •. - She is. survived by two daugh- lege. following a long-term infa . gional High School Dis- achievement in all students at Brearley. district HIV-AIDS Pre- ter, Perth Amboy Division. ; Michael's Roman Catholic Church. A Mass of Christian Burial was terruption of their studies. Theshi trict, said, today's high vention Advisory Com- ^ He was born in Carteret and had Mrs. Blakley belonged to the War- offered Monday at Our Lady of the exaininatioris would be used to vab?. school students must be This will need the cooperation of parents mittee is continuing to lived in Cranford since 1959. ^: ren Township SenioF Citizens club Mount Rornari Catholic Church, Frank E. Lazier, 66 idate successful knowledge about*ai. work closely with teach- ; From 1969 until his retirement in course that was taken more, tharii prepared for the world of anGf members of the community so 1981, Mr. Popiel was a mechanical, and . the Friends of the Warren Warren, following services at the Retired Anheuser-Busch truck the 21st century, while : • • .„ . - • ... . ,, ers, health care pro- Township library, and participated Higgins Home for Funerals, 10 years ago^ . >4the former the Gray Memorial Funeral Home. achievement as the "foremost pri- own cost to determine just what the. fcuvlike substance onto the and a sister, Marie Handler, ; •retirement.early in the 1940s, died A Mass of Christian Burial was If he or she is deemed eligible afUjr0 Library Friends present awards to students 1 Council instructed Bqrough At- Supplex Co. of Garwood. She be- Burial was" in Hampton Cemetery. offered yesterday at St Theresa's an interview, the student musif oriiy of the district" During the went wrong last fall whfen outside road surface arid ultimately-into 'Private services were held under In lieu of flowers, contributions Aug. 22,1992 at Union Hospital. 1092-93 school year and beyond, he The friends of the Kenilworth Ii- . president contractor Dosdh-King applied the the homes of irate residents living torney Bradford Bury to irivestir the direction Of the Dooley Funeral longed, to the Margaret Greene As- „ Mr^Schlichting was born in Jer- Roman Catholic Church, Kenil- complete various, forms before predicts students will have to dedi- brary recently presented awards in Kelly Quigley^of Harding School widely used method to borough on Sorrie of the streets. • gate the bid specifications with th£: Home. sociation at. the First Presbyterian may be made to the Memorial sey City and had lived in Cranford worth. Burial* was in St Gertrude's ing the test and then pay the cate. themselves to learning and creative writing, in memory of and Michael Morley of St. There- streets, The result of that report Also disputed by residents last ultimate goal legally pursuing 'a 'h Contributions may be made to Church, of which- she was a mem-' Fund of the First Presbyterian since 1935. ... ' . Cemetery, Colonia. quired tuition. -• • 'mi Call 709-7517 for. more ^ ^ improving in all subject areas, es- Rose Emmeii, founder of the Ken- sa's School each received a $100was presented to the Borough month was the consistency of the turn of, some of the nearly $30,000: tte Cranford First Aid Squad! .ber. • • -.-..'. . • .-: •• • :. Church, 11 Springfield Ave., Gran- His .wife, May Robinson Arrangements were by. the poo- pecially the basics of verbal de- savings bond. Council last week. . chips or. stone shavings used by it cost Kenilworth taxpayers. Her husband, Charles E. Lam-ford, 07016. Schlichting, is deceased. ley Funeral Home. •...'••; tioh. . ••..". .. • fov velopment-reading and writing. ilworth Friends chapter and a past The.writing center at Brearley, hej stressed, "must be a major part PAINTING . of [this effort and used by all with Open Mori.-Fri. 9-8 3" "greater frequency." The impor- Thurs. 9-9, Sat. 9-6 PLUS tance of developing these critical Fully Meet • Kid's Love Insured Your Interior & Exterior Painting PERSONAL CRANFORD BIKE SHOP Kid's Country ! Paper Hanging t PSYCHIC 272-0184 276-6186 276-9394 "i will toll you all before you say anything. For Back To School TOM VIGLIANTI - GEORGE JOHNSON I j havo 20 years oxporlohco - you've Ftrobably road about me in tho paper. Sales & Service 1 "YOUR ONE STOP PHOTO CENTER' NOW seo me In person. 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-The Chronicle- -The Chronicle- A-8 August 27, jgusf 27, 1952 Community Ufe A-9 A

', Christian illusionist-Toby. Travis will appear ill performances at two It Commander Lesak Laurie~Gabrfellrtsr ifm. Sunday, Sept 13. His appear- " ance will feature illusions, comedy, news and inspirational challenge. The takes part in ceremony bticle of MichaelHVlonr shows are free and open to the Navy Lt Gommander Wllltem Laurie Patricia Gabrielli, daugh- Ken Goldstein of Cranford^ public. A> worship service will be P. Lesak, son of Anne M: and terr'of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gabri- friend of the bridegroom, was best; |pinner at temple held 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept 13. James J. Lesak Sr. of 461 Fourth Military elli of Craiiford, was married to. man. Ushers were Michael Gabri- For information, call 276-1617. Aye., Gaiwood, recently particpated Michael Donald Mohr, son.of Mr..,elli and Kevin Keating of Clark, |for Russian emigres In the commissioning ceremony of and Mrs. Donald Mohr of Cranford. • brothers-in-law, Richard Thomas of, NeW Americans from the former Nfew officers to lead the Navy's newest aircraft carrier; news The wedding, which took place Keasby, cousin; and Joseph De^ I Soviet Union will be. welcomed by the USS George Washington, on June 5, 1992 at St Michael's Marco of Cranford and Casey Cam- iTemple. Beth-El at. a Friday St Paul's circle the Rourth of July, at Norfolk Naval pleted basic training at LacWund Air Church, Cranford, was officiated by pagna of Elizabeth, friends. •; New officers of the Women's Cir- the way for the children who wHP I qyening service, following, a tradi- Base.VaLt..; ; • :'.. Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. the . Rev. Warren Hall. The re- Patrick Keating of dark, neph: planning how to use them best in roundings for the little ones who cle of.St..Paul's United Church of ception was held at the Richfield ew, served as ring bearer. - • t By ELIZABETH GROMEK the classroom. Because teachers will return to schooL • '•' v '•;'-.. race through the door, in just a f Itipnal-Shabbat dinner beginning at Commander Lesak is a 197T. The son of Kenneth A and Patricia |I5;3O p.m. Sept 4 at the temple, 338 Christ, Garwood, will lead the first graduate of. Seton ;Hall University . Curtis of 102 Hawthorne St; Cran- Regency in Verona ; . The bride graduated from Cran^ and CHERYL HEHL need to give the children their full Joe Binder* a teacher at Harding weeks. What does she. hope for. meeting of the season Wednesday, and a 1976 graduate of Immaculate The maid Of honor was Stepha- ford .High School in 1986 arid is attention when they are in the coming year? '••.•'. . - KValnut Ave., CranforcL [; : ford, AlnrnanCurtis is a 1990 gradu-. for 28 years, was busy putting the I Roz Reiss, event chairwoman, in- Sept 9, at noon. ... . Conception seminary, South Or- ate of Cranford High School. nie Gabrielli of Cranford, sister of employed at • Investors. Saviiig^ THECHRONICLE ; classroom, being prepared is cru- finishing touches on his thirdr "That they don't cry," says ifa Dessert will be served by host- ange! He joined the Navy in Sep-. the bride. Bridesmaids were Donna Bank. . •' . .-. •••'.. . • ' -..••; es an Jyi'tes the community to attend and dai, she said. s esses Catherine Heisch and Helen s veryone expects students grade classroom. Wagon trainsi col- teacher-who ,giy abundance 116 bring ritual objects ;— kiddish tember1981, . Marine Lance ••':. Cpl. .•. •. Rotco Gabrielli of Clark, sister-in-law Of The bride groom graduated fron) to have butterflies in their "You can't do this job by the seat orfully edge the walls, each depict- hugs to the newest addition to tjy Sedlak; devotions, Helen " Sedlak. .'• ..'.•'*• *' * ,•' • •.•'...''• : the bride; Km Marie. Buonternpo, Cranford High School in 1986 arif;yourig peopledeep in the wilder- Daniels; Sept 11 at 8:30 p.m. School in Westfield, said it takes at" ness who find that more than their Airman Daniel Curtis hias com-' in January 1989. ' • with Marty or Betty McCrea fot eratefre-basfed reading will be a pri- to dispel rumors some-little ones, . in.the SQryearold building. Whilst At this service, Sha'arey Shalorn The monthly birthday party will more dates and, times. There als<) least five, flill days, to get.the class- ority in the school this year.. . fr^en(jship'.is. at:stake in the ob; will conclude its year-long pro- room ready. But, because she is hear "through the ; grapevine," seems a lonely life, just a custodjfiri... beTheld Tuesday, Sept 15, The are jrrionthly trips' to Atlantic Cityi^ • Normally teachers would be about third-grade. , and his paintbrush, it is not so bMj •', shades they face. There is no ad- gramming • honoring' the. an- switching from teaching first-grade rrfssion charge. niversary of the year 1492, the year to kindergarten, she started last drifting in and out throughput the As for normal third-grade "tattle according to Ed Wittel, one of pe" '"'The Rev. Robert Bashioum's ser- Jumble last days of August preparing their tales," Mr. Binder has hit on a custodians oh staff at the elemgnj of the expulsion of Jews from Thrift & ..^s: week. Her classroom walls are cov- rribn will be on."Elijah's Prayers" Spain/ Through a creative service Consignment. £ "*i*^ Store ered with colorful cutouts with the classroorhs for the coming school cure. .• .;'•••, •..•.•-•.•.' . tary school. ' . ; jfi at the 10 a:m. service. Music will be Store year. But this year the union con- "I have them confront each titled "A Night in the Gardens of .<•- alphabet or numbers on them. 'Tve got my music cranked j^ jilovided by Bertha Shershinger. Spain," the prose, poetry and songs .:'+* Junior League of One.other distinctive challenges tract remains unsigned, which other instead of coming to me," and nobody bothers me," Mr. \S§fc Assistajit Minister Paul Thompson of a variety of Spanish Jews, will Ellzabeth-Plalnfleld this yeaiT'WM be having several means teachers will not come to Mr. Binder explains, "they tell each tel said. "During the sumn^er, yau will assist in leading worship. be presented. Japanese students in her class. school until the children do. other they are sorry and it is over. want to spend time alone, but it's They, will be participating in the At Harding School in Kenilworth Most of all it works." He will spend always great when the kids jg«i English as a second languagg e p the silent reprieve of summer has the next week or so working on a back." special math program. But the Start Your School Season at gram, bbut t stiltilll spen d tthh e majoritj y been over for a few weeks. Class- The three custodians. try of their time in her class. rooms are now freshly painted, the night before, well that will find the McDonald's floors gleaming, and the windows popular third-grade teacher tossing squeeze in some vacation time i s STEP UP TO: "We use a lot of pictures, any- ing the summer, so usually tl The Jumble Store way," Ms. Molnar said. "The writ- washed. Custodians prepared the and turning. way for teachers, who began drift- " I always get excited the night are only two working at a time; ten word is a foreign language to that does not concern Mr. Wit 216 North Ave. • Garwood all the kids at this point" ing back the beginning of August before school opens," he admits. FITNESS 118 i Open for Receiving The planning for the year is also Armed with boxes of supplies, Marti 'Tisch, who teaches kin- "It's .the same routine — yc Store Opens important, according to second- rolls of crepe paper, and a bevy of dergarten, has just started her know what you gotta do and „ Consignment Articles grade teacher Eileen Cambria. She other decorating helpers, teachers classroom decorating. There is still just get down and do it," Mr. Wit Sept; 1,3, 4 Tuesday, Sept 8th COME FOR A VISIT & is reviewing new materials arid began to enhance classroom sur- plenty of time, though, to prepare said. •. .

,i •;••..•. CHERYL HEHL/THE CHRONICLE NEW FALL CLOTHING FOR CIIILDKEN & ADUL'IS • IIOUSKWAUES • JKWELKV DRIVE 0M THRU ! loe Binder, a third-grade teacher at Harding School In Ken- Foreign exchange program 110 Walnut Ave. •Cranford • 276-0222 : Gome Help Celebrate The Re-Grand Iworth for almost three decades, spent part of last week get- ; . •'• • Daily y:JI)r3:3ll • Clmctl Weil. •.Tliursi. 7-9 pm • SM. 1.0:2 ! Ing his classroom ready for the upcoming school year. Teach- seeks hosts for students Opening Of The Drive-thru At I ;rs throughout the area will soon be welcoming back students darwoofil" McDonalds;' is summer vacation comes to an end. Y ASSE International Student Ex- change Programs invites residents BLOOD PRESSURE KITS The Entire Month Of September Will to open their homes, hearts and Club news A Great Time FoFFaster, Friendlier heritage with an exchange student. Service & Great Savings In Our Eileen Vborhees of 340 Goplidge DOCTOR'S SCALES Drive, Kenilworth, is the local.con-., .. Drive-Thru. tact of the non-profit, public ben- efit organization. Those interested "~~~ Sept. 1-7 8.14 in becoming an ASSE host family .99'Egg McMuffins' .99"* BacorvEgg CH. Biscut or would like more information, athletic and health-related issues?] irths For more, information on ."..: .99''Big Macs 2.99 QTR. CHB. Value Meal call Mrs. Vporhees at 276-7514 or Mark and Elizabeth Benner of of Cranford, now residing in Hilton New Jersey Spinal Cord Outrea Drive Thru Onlv Drive Thru Only . 800-877-ASSE. • Prenatal Classed &nilworth announce the birth of. Head,S.C. Group, call •' Sue Claire Harper' « - r heir son, Russell James, July 22, 800248r3221, Ext.769. For moreT # Babysitting Available "T """ Sept. 15-21 . Sept. 22-30 * * * : : C ^.992. He joins two sisters Melissa, Residents elected formation on the Spinal Cord J • 6 a.m. Step Class Available .99" Egg McMuffins .99 Bacon Egg GH. Biscut Dominic and Mary Vaccarello of jury Family Support Group, fe, and Aimee Rose, 16 months. Ma- Cranford announce the birth of to diabetes board 2.99 Big Mac Value Meal 1.99 Happy Meal ternal grandparents are Mary Jane Diane Gusack at 800-248-3221,! • Drive Thru Only -V their daughter, Lauren Marie, June Officers of the board of directors 365. Register for Fall Classes Now! : .;.. Drive Thtu Onlv' • .• ••. . fifones of Chesapeake, Va., and the 16, 1992 at Overlook Hospital Ma- of the Diabetes Center of New Jeiv *|ate James Jones. Paternal grand- ternal grandparents are Mr. and sey have been re-elected to one- . Please present coupon when placing order at the ipedker. : parents are Richard and Vivian Mrs. Alfonso Pisano of Roselle year terms, They incjude John H. JCC to run trip 276-3539 Benner of Cranford. Russell Park. Paternal grandparents are Kopicki of Cranford, trustee and to lower East Side WE BILL MEDIGARE DIRECT Watch For Next Week's Savings!! weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces. Mr. and Mrs. Domenick Vaccarello president, and Robert W.. Lee of Fanwood. The Jewish (Community ofPatersoh. of Central New Jersey, 1391 The Yvette Dance & Fitness Studio * • * Clark Drags & Surgical tine Ave., Scotch Plains, is sp 6o Sharan and Jim Hardman of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Craft Jr. Party Saturday WcstHcltl Ave., Chirk • 381-7100 . soring an all-day outing to 118 Walnut Avenue • Cranford D^jd M.ukowit:! B.S.R.P, granford announce the birth of of Kenilworth announce the birth Lower East Side Sunday, SeptvJ, 1962 neir daughter, Kelly Susan, July 8, of their children, Rachael Louise for Rider alumni A bus will, leave the center at Classes begin September 81 and Matthew Thomas, on May 7, Bider College will host an alumni a.m. and will travel to the Ter 1992 at Rahway Hospital. She joins beach party at Bar Anticipation in sister, Kristin, 2 1/2. Maternal 19^2 at Overlook Hospital Mater- ment Museum on Orchard Street i'O. nal grandparents are John and South Belmar Saturday, from 2-8 where the group will take a guided rate randparents are Tom and June p.m. The $5 pre-paid per person Tear Oft Here ?ord. Paternal grandparents are Maryclare Filipek of Union. Pater- Jewish heritage walking tour, vEJ- nal grandparents are Tom and fee includes admission, drink spe- iting many of theJandmarks in the ^COUPON (George and Pat Hardman. Peggy Craft of Edison. cials; barbecue and live entertain- area Following the tour, the group our Home Equity horn j • • • * • * ment A Rider/Bar A mug will be returns to the museum. Lunch and | Matthew and Peggy (Walsh) Dawn and Robert S. Gower of given to the first 500 attendees. shopping is on your own. The bu|s I jFitzgerald announce the birth of Cranford announce the birth of Call (609) 896-5340 for reservations. leaves New York City at 4 p.m. ra- more interesting. jtheir fourth child, Clara Jeanne their daughter, Chelsea Tianna, turning to the JCC about 5 p.m. ! T MANAGER'S JOHN OBLACHINSKI and CAROL ANN SHUSTA (Marie, born April 22, 1992 in Balti- June 2, 1992 at Rahway Hospital. Support group The cost for JCC members is Mike DiFabio jmore. She joins brothers, Garrett She weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces $22; students and seniors $20; noti- on his appointment as meets at Kessler members $26. Special price ar- [Matthew and Kennedy • Michael, and measured 21 and 1/2 inches. Sales Manager jjand sister, Margaret Rose. Paternal Maternal grandparents are Ronald Anne Shusta is engaged On the second Tuesday of each rangements will be made for fami- S ' ••;•• ; .:. , . ••••fd.r .;/•.;.•. -,. (grandparents are John and Jeanne and Carol Grosso~orCranfbrd; Pa- month, Kessler Institute for Reha- lies with young children. Call tHe TREAT bilitation hosts meetings of the JCC at 889-8800 for reservations.-1 REEL STRONG FUEL CO. jFitzgerald, formerly of Cranford, ternal grandparents are Paula to John "•'£ Oblachiriski New Jersey Spinal Cord Injury DINNER FOR TWO ONLY jnow residing in Middletown, Ma- Breedlove of Locust Grove, Okla. Outreach Group and the Spinal iternal grandparents are John and and Robert H. Gower of Waco, Anne T. Shusta of Garwood an- employed by the law Him of Social club plans | Mike, formerly service manager of Cord Injury Family Support Group. Rankin Fuel Go., has 15 years (Claire. Zimmerman, also formerly Texas. nounces the engagement of her Wilentz, Goldman & Spltzer of The free meetings, which are open trip to Kelly's | experience in the oil heating & air daughter, Carol Ann, to John J. Woodbridge as a legal secretary In to the public, begin at 7 p.m. at Garwood Social Club, h4s OblachlnsW, son of Joan Oblachlrv pereona) injury litigation. Kessler Institute's West Orange fa- planned a trip to Kelly's in the Pp1' conditioning field. ski and the late John C. Oblachlrv Her fiance graduated from David tality. conos Nov. 8-12. The cost of $285 jjunior League plans session ski! The future bride Is the daugh- Brearley Regional High School In The meetings, providing support per person includes spa, indoir He has worked as a service ter of the late Cari T. Shusta. 1982 and attends CaldweH Col- and information to individuals and pool, contests, nightclub entertain- technician with Reel Strong for 2Va [for women interested in joining The bride-to-ba graduated from lege. He Is employed by General family members whose lives have ment each night, and three mealsia years and is married to the former David Brearley Regional High Electric Co. In Union. been affected by a spinal cord in- day. A few seats are available. Call Available only at Th(? Junior League of Eflzabeth- patients; hands-on and promo- jury, cover a wide range of social, Pat at 789-1455 for reservations. I Michefe Verdi. They have an Plainfidd (JLEP) will sponsor an tional support of a comprehensive school in 1983 and Katharine The wedding Is planned for Oct. 8-year-old daughter, Nicole, and a United Counties Trust Company informational session for prospec- immunization program for young Gibbs School In MontcJair. She Is 16,1993. 3-year-old son, Danny. Mike has tive members at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, children and infants run by the Software specialist certification offered William Mmuoii. Mnmifier Plainfield Health Center; and sup- experience with all types of heating APPLY BY PHONE Sept. 8. This session will be the last Union County College's Depart- text entry, editing, formatting, i: "I'll like to invite you to an incredible dinner for two, and air conditioning equipment.., r opportunity to join the 1992-93 pro- port of AIDS education for school- ment of Continuing Education will rt age children through implementa- multi-formated pages, special ef- t prepared hibaehi-style right at your table, (or jusfJ21! CALL 1-800-660-8282 visional class. offer a non-credit computer soft- fects and fonts, column modqs, I Your meal will include Japanese onion soup, Bemhana this Is a limited olfor lo qualified borrowers within our Irado area and Is subject to change or tion of the Kids on the Block edu- withdrawal at any time and without prior notice. The JLEP is part of the Associa- cational puppet show. Lynne Marie Proebstle ware specialist certificate program mathematics, spell check, thesau- 'I salad, shrimp appetizer, hibachi vetfetab es, I cnyaki Beef If you have any questions or problems with your present tion of Junior Leagues, an interna- for persons wishing to obtain an rus, document merge, mail merge, ' Annual percentage rate may vary. Maximum Illetlmo rate cap is 8% over Iris initial Interest JLEP funds its projects primarily 1' Julienne cooked with seallions and mushrooms, Chicken equipment, give Mike a call today at 276-0900, rala The $50 processing lee will be waived through 9/30792. There is a $250 appraisal foe applications expertise in a variety library, function, and file impart charged on credit lines bver $100,000. 1 lional organization of woman com- with money raised through its corv to wed Kenneth D, Hogan mitted to promoting volunteerism of software types. and export. t with sesame seeds, fried rice and green tea Let Mike take care of all your heating and air conditioning signmenVthrift shop, the Jumble Lynne Marie Proebstle of Cardiff, State College. She is employed by and to improving the community Store in Cranford. This fall, all four of the courses Participants may select from six \ So bring my ad in for the food, the fun, and the fantastic price. problems. through effective action and lead- daughter of Robert C. Proebstle of Belly's Corp. required for the certificate will be time slots: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesdayk } • It's my treat!" Offer wlid Sc;X. '-™- ««>"'«v thru Tlmrsdoy only. UNITED COUNTIES Women between the ages of 21 Mount Laurel, and the late Celine Her fiance graduated from Cran- ership of trained volunteers. and 45 are invited to attend. The available, either on the Oranford, Sept 15 to 29 in Cranford, or OctJi8 Proebstle, is engaged to Kenneth ford High School and Pace Univer- Elizabeth, or Plainfield campus, or to 20 in Elizabeth; 9 a.m.-noon Sat- TRUST COMPANY, The league's community in- information session will be held at sity. He is nn accountant with volvement for the upcoming year JLEP headquarters, 110 Walnut Donald Hogan, son of Mr. and Mrs. all three in some cases. urdays, Oct 10 to Nov. 21 in Plain- deludes hands-on assistance at St Ave., Cranford. RSVP by Sept. 2. Albert S. Hogan Jr. of Cranford. Weinick, Sanders and Co. in New "Applications in Word Process- field, or 6-9 p.m., either on Mon- tSEiwBh£SE5ttHKH HEEL-STRONG FUEL Clare's Home in Elizabeth, a tran- For more information, call 709- The bride-elect graduated from York City. ' ing" will cover two of the toppro - days, Sept 14 to Oct 26, Wednes- Short Ilills: 840 Morris'I urnpikis:: 467-««SO. sitional home for pediatric AIDS 1177. WiUingboro High School, Atlantic The wedding is planned for Oc- fessional word processing pack- days, Sept 16. to Oct 28, or Thurs- TIT our Authentic Sushi.Hur. Community College and Stockton tober 1992. ages, Microsoft Word and Word days, Oct. 8 to Nov. 19, all in i Not valid with nny other promotional oilers. . ;J 549 LEXINGTON AVE. • CRANFORD • 276-0900 Perfect Topics covered will include bettt. -The Chranido- r

•A-10 Community Life August 27,1992^ Community Life A-1 Tith j few minor adjustmeiitsV TJIimer-dancei | J^sK^Commuhity Genter

:omedy for: tfre deaf plays globally • ,1 Union County Area Five Special ^Center State, the new adult the- formers. This course will culminate Individuals and, companies are sociatioh over many years. :'.••• Olympics recently held its first an- making donations for the1 25th an- A gerierous • patron donated a ,.»: Bridging cultural gaps through Amerjca. Mr. Clerc helped to estab-. whom they are communicating, so ater program, at the Jewish Com- in acting out scenes selected by nual dinner dance at the Knights munity Center of Central New Jer- nual art show and sale to be held bond in memory of Mrs. Emmert, tloaf comedy has been no easy task lish the first American school for CHALB made a joke of how people of Columbus. Special Olympics jjs class members. The fee is $45 for who taught and initiated the chU^ sey, 1391 Martine Ave., Scotch JCC members and $55 for noh- Sunday, Sept 13, at the Harding : for Union County College's profes- the deaf in Hartford, Conn. get callouses from too much touch- the world's largest program ,i

-The Chronicle- -The Qhronicle- •V •»•••••>', August 27, 1992^' A-12 . j August 27,1992 6-1

Oil the inside: You said it: 7 hjave a good chance of winning the tod Tj3> Scoreboard—.^7 merit' —— ; ' • •p- ' •O tailgattiltee recipei s ;..... B-2 —Andre Scott itt on table tennis at the Para Olympics.

'•Jt Scott heads to Spain to Matters AIR CONDITIONING COMPUTERS FUEL OIL PAVING ! ROOFINGS REMODELING take on Para Olympics

J. PASTORE & SON, INC. By SCOTT ZUCKER pital in Mountainside. He was MCDOWELLS SHOES & STILES by AJ Lies oeing treated for a degenerative Since 1928 . THE CHRONIOJB . SPEIALIZING IN condition in his joints. He also has [ PROVIDING QUALITY SERVICE TOR OVER 30 YEARS] Family Owned & Operated The Summer Olympics are long a severe spinal problem. ; INTEL 4S6SX-25 CPU with 4 m*. 1AM • TEAROITS •SIDING' , . over withi but Andre Scott is still ^ He returned.Sunday night from . Heating and Air Conditioning •Budget Mans 5W & 3VV Ttac Fbffia IIS M» • RE-ROOFS . •REPUCEHEm'.WlNlWWS seeking glory in Barcelona. California. He spent most of thei . . . .Since 1945. Sales & Service IDE hard driWWhiten 3J, •Service Plans . • FLAT ROOFS • ALL REPAIRS Viccis uphold The Union County College stu- summer training with his doubles MS-DOS 5,0 MtMitirOptiMnL • Plumbing/AC .' . Asphalt Driveways • Parking Lots •cirrress & LEADERS • ALL CARPENTRY wokic' . dent leaves for Spain tomorrow to partner Mike Dempsey at the Ven- aYORKV Curbing • Resurface and Repair; SALES * SERVICE FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES grid tradition compete in the Para Olympics. tura-Oxnard Table Tennis Club. He • Huntidlftar* • Electronic.AlrrClunera 450 North Aye. E. Free Estiniaieti Scott, who is confined to a wheels chose, to train; oh the West Coast • Clock Thermottats • Attlo Fans . C.S.E*, INC> • REASONABLE RATES Another football season Is • Blown-ln Inaulttton chair, will compete in the table ten- because of the sirfiilarities to Spain. Westfield phone • 908-688-6370 • ALL WORK GUARANTEED about to begin. Throughout the 908-654-9355 nis : tournament The Para Olym- "The altitude, is a lot like Barce- Westfield 233-6222 233-3213 FAX-908-964-1374 CALL 908T322-4363 years the fathers and. sons of pics! which are designed to allow lona and the weather is similar," many Cranford families have disabled players a chance to show Scott said of southern California. F worn the blue and gold In both* their athletic prowess in competi- "It's around sea level At the lower MOVERS & good, seasons and bad. One of -altitude the ball moves slower and AIR CONDITIONING 1 COUNTERTOP GLASS PLUMBERS TREE SERVICE the most representative families "tJonrwfll run frorrrSept, 3-14. The are the Vtocl's. event involves a variety of sports the higher the altitude the faster it including: cycling, svwirning, moves because there is less resis- Are you tired of the way AUTD SAFETY ROBBINS a ALLISON, INC. , Vince Vied, bom in, town, MCDOWELLS MCDOWELLS and president of the Cranford- track and field, judo and fencing. tence from the air." your Kitchen or Bathroom GLA55 CO. Since 192S . : . Lie. #1268 based HuU Vicci Construction "We get in there a little early to Scott's daily training routine in- Since 1928 looks? If you said YES!!! JEST. 1946 Public. Movots • Water Heaters "Local ;•'• Co.v graduated itbm the High ~ adjust to the change in time," said! volves stretching ahd drilling. He& APPROVED INSURANCE REPLACEMEHTS" Moving 4 Ucmiita • Sewer Cleaning : does drills/'-to xetum an attack yol- . GIVE YOUR KITCHEN OR BATH •PtCUlMTI It* AUTO UU> C0UUMCtU.»OOV SUM . • Sump Pumps WOODSTACK 03 School In i.954. He quarter, Scott "It gives us a chance to- get OUR TEGHWCJANS ncpuauiHis ON *u CONSTRUCTION lauir. Storagt 00172 • Drinking Wator backed thai Cougars to a in some practice." ' ( ley, hit a fast ball and handle loops - A New Fresh look with a • Electrically Operated Windows ARE THE BEST Systems TREE SERVICE •0 Group II State Championship In : Scott, who liv^s in Eli2apeth,,wi]T and other challenging shots. l*revi- CUSTOM MADE FORMICA OR • All Curvod & Panoramic Windshields • Water Conditioning INSURED hia s'ertloryear.- He earned it ^JKsnllworth's Phil Tbrlitb (top) grapples fopposition In the 86 pound rtatch:«^ be LeomEeting against a field of ousfy/he pranced regularly.at the" .CORlAN COUNTEBTOP & Channels &. Regulators Systems, 1 varsity letters, participating In : : : •nearly 400 players. The 27 year did; Westfield^ Table Tennis dub, one 233-3213 • Rear Windows ... . ' ' v LOW, LOW SUMMER RATES Classic In Bridgewater earlier this month..;.'...':''/"' •':'••'.;,' ':Y.'.': ••. ,-.,• •...'.:':'.;.'- .:...... -... '." '. .;-v';'..';' •:''•• CALL MR. COUNTERTOP No Job Too Small jut football, basketball and track. is currently ranked.first In the of the nation's leading clubs under 908-289-1182 241-8555 AGENT ALUED VAN LINES 450 North Ave. E. Senior Citizen Discounts He was captain of the football United States and.fifth in"*the Coach Chris Lehman. The coach 450 North Ave. E. 213 SOUTH AVE E FREE ESTIMATES tearrr,> earned all-state and all- world among the disabled He has has spent the past 10 years! work- 908-232-1177 573 W. WE6TFIELD AV. CRANFORD Westfield ; 00 county honors and led the been preparing for .theevent by ing with topri*ated table tennis Westfield Full Insured • Ree Estimates ROSELLE PARK TEL 276-0898 276-5752 MAN OAMMH kTAtg fAMCWAV U(T tj! (COMMtM OfVAUKV N)| 233-3213 county In touchdown passes In Area man on playing in a variety of tournaments players.. : . : "'• . both tils Junior and Senior around the world. Scott is confident that he will '•' PAINTER PLUMBERS TREE SERVICE years.' ..• ••.•.'. ' "••• •'••' '• "In June a played in a tourna- have a good showing iri Barcelona. ' "We really Had a ; great :. ment in England," said Scott. "I "I've been playing the'-'best Fve team," said Vicci. "I remember of leiicingy sabre make it to the finalsv but lost to the ever played right now," Scott said LENNY'S PLUMBING my primary receivers were: number two player in the world, "I feel really good with the new ELOIDES GARCIA Ellis ;•..:• George Lincoln, Jesse Bell and field resident Rocco DeCicco and REILLY finfcdesign By K1PKUDUK who was the top-ranked player equipment I've been using. I have '. Painting & Decorating HEATING Tim Schuman. In my junior and . Steve Kaplan of the New York CABINETMAKERS 7^ Tree Service THE CHRONICLE a chance to win the tournament I OLDSMOBILE, INC. senior years, they caught most ..there." -••• V v--.- • • ' '. ' • Healing Sewer Fencers Club, as his biggest influ- "Old ^Fashion ty • INTERIOR • EXTERIOR ALL TYPES OF TREE CARE : think, my partner ahd me have a of 23 touchdown passes." ences. .,'•..:'••;•...... ;- .' . He also competed in the U.S. AUTHORIZED . Distinctive Kitchens • POWER WASH • PAPERHANQINQ Cleaning ; •AFtEMOVAL He doesn't have any vacuum good chance of winning the team Wit/i JfoJcsn &thou> &Tmi>" Todayi.Vicci spends most of Open Tournament in Midland, cleaners and he's not soliciting any No^j, LaTorre is ready to. mike ; . OLDSMOBILE • Complete Bathroom* • Plumbing & Heatjng • Firewood ."event''. ' ..-; ... •.-'•• '•:'••••• ' '.''-•• Wall Units-Mantels FREE ESTIMATES PROFESSIONAL Iri • his free time on the golf course, Mich., in, mid-Juiie. He finished • Til*, Quarry and Marble InttaHod Repairs • Woodchlps conbibutions, but George LaToiro house calls to share his knowledge Scott is a recreational therapy s SALES & SERVICE Entertainment Centers • Smill Bathroom Repairs FULLY INSURED QUALITY where he is a past winner of seventh in a field of 510 of the • CarpMitry Windows and Doors . • Hot Water Heaters • Snow plowing . will be happy come to your hou:.f and zeal of the sport Already with the President's Cup at the > world's top players:The toilrna- major at Union County College and • Deck*, Basement and Additions • Sump Pumps :• Landscaping . . •'. and teach the finer points Of feiK - a strong base of students in West- Raised Panel Wainscoting Metuchen Country Club. Last, ment included both able-bodied hopes to receive his certification in • Plumbing and Eloctrlc . 233-7469 '.ing.; •:•;•;•; •:• ••••;-; .'• •'. . .-. • •': field and Cranford, LaTorre is will- 232-7651 Free Eat. -State License #6249 (908)245-1203 1994. In addition to table tennis he Contemporary-Period reproduction year he scored a hole in one at and disabled players. SUMMER BATHROOM SALE ElOIDtS GARCIA P.O. BOX 2013 ; LaTorre, a resident of Uni(iii, ing to give lessons to anyone in the or. -.': •• • Greenbrook In Caldwell. Scott began participating in table also plays wheelchair basketball 560 NORTH AVfe. E. starting irt $3,478.00 President : WESTFIELD, N.J. 07081 LennyGrleco '10. (908) 486-5806 who's been involved with fencing immediate area. Although most of tennis about 11 years ago as apa- and participates in water and snow WESTFIELD - 789-0215-950-0865 /F EtJI) His wife, Joan, is also a for 23 yeari and specializes in Call Bob at 909-281-0716 MEMBER PROFESSIONAL PAINTERS ASSOC 574-0480 INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES LaTorre's students are between tient at Children's Specialized Hos- skiing. &• Cranford High School gradu- Fully Insured 15 Yeaw experience transforming high school and col- junior high and senior high school ate. They first met as dass-; lege programs on the brink of ex- ages, anyone who wants to learn or. mates in Sherman School. tiriction into champions. hone fencing their technique is a BUILDERS HOME IMPROVEMENTS PAINTING PLUMBERS Later, Joan was co-captain of PTG Run Registration opens DRIVEWAY LaTotre not only excels as a prime candidate for instruction. '..the..,'.'.'Cougar cheerleading ucation, the District Adminis- fencing teacher, but he's also one 'Til show the first timers the The second Cranford PTC Run RESIDENTIAL squad. She also played basket- GEORGE LATORRE for: Education wilj be held on Suit; tration, the Teachers Union ahd 'COMMERCIAL Si IAVITOL PAINTING Donald S. Rockefeller ball, track and softball. Through . of the sport's top competitors. The weapons, the scoring areas and the : For information Sept 27 at Orarige Aye>; •: SchooL*Representative. s at large. INDUSTRIAL PLUMBING & HEATING INC. the years, she has been .a 35-year-old, who specializes in the blocks," said LaTorre, who has : t > • Exterior • Fre?: Estimate sabre, finished second in New Jer- Last year, he took over the head The one-mile .^ ;nm vand''''j&thesij; • Interior • Fully Insured mainstay In township activities. taugHt all three types of fencing CONSTRUCTION « fe-Roofs or Walls Complete about sey state tournament, qualifying in coaching reigns at the New Jersey walk will begin at 1 pin. The four- Free • Expert • Carpentry She Is a past president of the (sabre, foil and epee); "There are mile race will start at 1:30 pjn. Pto- Interns needed Complete Remodeling Plumbing Booster Club as well as the the sabre in';April. On June 8, heInstitute of Technology, heading a • DRIVEWAYS Estimates Preparation three blocks you can learn to de- ceeds will benefit trie Ruth S. ::••• :&';; advertising lii placed 25th in the sabre in the Na- team which totalled eight victories Forbes Newspapers is looking for Service • PARKING LOTS "WeW Still Working Our Way Through grammar and high school fend against any attack. After a • All Structural Repairs • Buildings Heating tional Finals iri Chicago in its previous'••four..'.seasons; Under Janovsik Scholarship Fund sports interns during the school RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • SEAL COATING Jacked and Leveled • Sills Replaced Town and We Do the Bui Work Around ' PTAs; She's also a board short amount of time; I show the • BELGIUM BLOCK CURBING • Foundations Repaired • Insert Damage Services this directory rriember of Deborah Hospital; He has also found success as a,LaTorre's tutelage tiie NJIT fenc- The cost of thei run is $3 without year. Interns must be in high .-,<•• basic attack and retreat moves. • RAILROAD TIES •STUMP GRINDING^ Repaired • Emorgoncy Service SAVE ENERGY.-We Install ers went 10-8 and won their first a shirt and $6 with a shirt and a Fully Insured Vinyl Replacement Windows v'They Vied family's paitJdpa- teacher. LaTorre revived a pair of school and are. required to work a • Fully Insured . •' •' ' State Up. f 4205 ever conference championship. But, I believe in tactical lessons. maximum family entry fee bf $18. "SEWING YQUR AREA FREE ESTIMATES • Check our Recession Proof Prices call Donna tion In sports, particularly foot- varsity fencing programs almost; 1 minimum of two nights for two se- FOR 0VEH4ff YEARS" FlALY INSURED It's easier to learn in an actual Registration forms are available at 769-1680 • Hoofing • Leaders and Gutters h ball, has been one of the most single-handedly. LaTorre was also a, pioneer and bout TU actually go to the level of mesters to qualify for the annual' ' FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED 27&&677 908-233-9696 most Cranford stores or by calling 1-800-875-4875 " enjoyable parts of our lives," In 1982, he took over the varsijy instructor for the Westfield Fenc- the person I'm teaching and have a sports intern scholarships. John Dwyer (908)349-2001 272-4033 7 Raleigh Ave. • Cranford T 276-9025. •.•'; : Scoteh Plains 753-7281 Joan said. "Besides Vince and program at Essex Catholic High ing Club, which still meets on Sat- competitive bout with them. Duties include writing, photo and myself, just watching our chil- urday mornings and Thursday eve- The race is presented by Wal- School, where he graduated from . "I enjoy the movement of the dip filing, agate typing and phone dren throughout the years and nings at Edi?on Intermediate greens" and is co-sponsored by in 1974 and helped the Eagles win sport It's quick paced. There's a interviewing. ; BUILDERS HOUSEWASHING PLUMBING TV REPAIR •* being around other Cranford School Although he does not teach Forbes Newspapers, the Cranford ELECTRICAL PAINTING a state titie the same year. lot of balance, grace, speed and We're currently accepting ap- "football families Is something there anymore, the program is Chamber of Commerce, Merck & When he took the job, the team strategy. I enjoy teaching it and I plications for both the Somerville' Specializing in: We'll never forget" had only four members and the fu- flourishing under the leadership of Co., Schering Plough, Suburban POLYPHASE ELECTRIC N.M. (NICKI) PAINTING " evince, Jr., the eldest son, Theodore Schlosberg. try not to make it tough to learn. I Cablevision and many local busi- and Cranford offices. If interested, CHAPMAN BROS. ture of the program was in jeop- try to make it fun." send a letter explaining why you'd MICHAEL M. MASON .-.-All Phases of Electrical Work GllIMl Residential •Commercial M "graduated from the high school ardy. Three years later, the squad "I'm thankful to have the op- nesses."' ••" : • ;•' ;• ' '•"•-.. •' . '.. UtMTill Cunlrurtnr Lie. #1428 like to work as an intern to: Norb From Pole to Plug RESIDENTIAL SPECIALISTS In 1972, where, like his father, earned a district championship, portunity to teach. Tve benefited Anyone interested in contacting The Cranford Parent-Teacher • Residential FIGHTERS • Plumbing he captained the football team. and in his final two years the Ea- from good coaching myself," said LaTorre for private instruction! may Council is a non-profit organization Garrett, Executive Sports Editor, • Heating - Cooling . •Commercial Steam Cleaning & PowerWashlng Exterior and Interior •••a He was named MVP In his se- gles went undefeated while win- LaTorre, who cited former Monk; call 688-5592 for an appointment comprised of representatives from Forbes Newspapers, P.O. Box 699, ADDITIONS • ALTERATIONS • Industrial N • Alterations - Repairs nior year. Later he played var- Somerville, NJT. 088^6 . • Housowoshlng1 Brush* Spray • Roller ning back-to-back state titles. clair State varsity coach and WesV You can leave a message. individuals PTAs, the Board of Ed- • Electric Heat • Aluminum Siding • Paint Preparation . • Air Conditioning sity football at Muhlenberg Col- DdCKS'• KITCHENS • BATHS 4 W V^a/s ol Experience • Vinyl & Stucco • Patio & Pool Areas FREE ESTIMATES SALES & REPAIRS lege (Pa). He Is now an op- • Cedar Shake • Deck Rostoratlon FULLY INSURED • QUALITY WORK 2764320 (30 Years.In Business) tometrist here In town with a CRANFORD HIGH SCHOOL FALL SCHEDULE - FREE ESTIMATE - Plus Much Moro... We Power Wash Before 15 (ThU.) WESTFIELD ....,...... ; 4 p.m. j) .4 p.m. 14 (Wed.) UNjON ...... „.,.;. »«.4 p.m. Unsurpassed Quality Workmanship Every Job! wife and two children. : • COMPETITIVE PRICES • CENTER TV ., 19 (Mon.) at Summit...... , 4 p.m. 8 (Mon.) at No. Brunswick ...... 4 p.m. 18 (Thu.) at Metuchen...... , 4 p.m. Uc. #7194 Vince, Jr.'s younger brother VARSITY FOOTBALL FIELD HOCKEY Call Nick 36 NORTH AVE. E 20 (Tua.) at Elizabeth 4 p.m. 8 (Thu.) WESTflELD..., .....4 p.m. 10 (Frl.) at Ellzabath...... 4 p.m. 276-4048 753-5134 907 Wood Ave. • Roselle Rob was also a Cougar football CRANFORD/ : 22 (Thu.) RAHWAY , , 4 p.m. 8 (Fri.) at Dayton Toum. 4 p.m. 19 (Mon.) at WB8tfield...... ,...... 4 p.m. (908) 789-3131 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED .._SN3^_aM.MyP_before gradu- SEPTEMBER 8EPTEMBEH Family In Cranford 36 years (908)245-4835 _____ 276-2331 _ S7-fTue;Va^lrvln(|b)n-.:.m^'.'ii;.»v.ii.umi>nr4 p>m>-- -12 (Mon.) «i Clark,..^...... Anm.. 26 (Sat) SHABAZZ 1:30 p.m. l r 'f8(FrlTVERflONTWP...; ...... -2r(Wed^Clarkri^7.^^.^7.^r..^^7r4p;m7- arJng In 1976. He quarter- 29 (Thu.) at Union Catholic , ...4 p.m. 14 (Wed.) at Elizabeth 4 p.m. OCTOBER 19 (Sat) at Hackensaek...... 11 am. 22 (Thu.) ROSELLE CATHOUC ...... 4 p.m. backed Cranford to Its only 20 (Tue.) UNION CATHOUC , ..4 p.m. 3 (Sat) at Keamy 1:30 p.m. 30(Frl.)KENILWOtmi, 21 (Mon.) at Oak Knoll...... ; ...... 4 p.m. PLUMBING WALLS AND CEHINGS 1 stale playoff appearance In 23 (Fri.) at Scotch Plains 4 p.m. 23 (Fri.) at Union Catholic ,.....4t>.m. CHIMNEY REPAIR FUEL OIL KITCHENS/BATHS 10 (Sal) at Scotch Plains...... 1:30 p.m. 26 (Fri.) at Hlflhland Pk.t.. 4 p.m. 1975. He also lettered In base- 28 (Mon.) KEARNY...... 4 p.m. 28 (Mon.) at Shabazz ...... 4 p.m. 17 (Sat) at Rahway ....1:30 p.m. 30 (Wed.) at Weatflald,.;...... ,..,...... ,4 p.m. 28 (Wed.) at Bloomfleld 4:30 p.m. 28 (Wed.) EASt SIDE. 4 p.m. ball, basketball and track. He 24 (Sat) SUMMIT...... „..:. 1:30 p.m. OCTOBER REYNOLDS NOVEMBER 30 (Fri.) at Rahway..,; ..4 p.m. "BACK-TO-SCHOOL" ^H y went on to play three years of 31 (Sat) at Clark...... , 1 p.m. .'•.•.' SEPTEMBER 2 (Frl.) SAYREVILLE 4 p.m. Call For PLUMBING & 2 (Mon.) ROSELLE CATHOUC...... 4 p.m. : SOLID/FLUE* REFACEDEAL better y varsity football at West Point NOVEMBER 18 (Fri.) at Scotch Plains.,., .4 p.m. 8 (Thu.) atMontclalr...... 4p.m. • '," .•.'. ,'..•'• "' NOVEMBER '• • • . • •:; . : HEATING INC. 5 (Thu.) at Union...... ;...... 4 p.m. He Is how vice president of the 6 (Frl.) at East SldB...... ; ,.»2 p.m. 22 (Tue.) UNbEN...i....;....l ...4p.m. 10 (Sat.) NO, HIGHLANDS :...... „...... 11 a.m. 2 (Mon.) SCOTCH PLAINS...... 4 p.m, SOLID Chimney Savers Service or INCLUDES: Residential & Commercial ti. Lou DIFablo ' •. ' • Tony DIFablo family business as well as an 14 (Sat) PLAINFIELD.; >... 1:30 p.m. 13 (Tue.) at Parslppany Hills...... ,4 p.m. • Up to 15 doors Asphalt Work • Driveways & Sons 24 (Thu.) VOORHEE9...,...... 4 p.m. 4 (Wed.) SUMMIT ...... ;.....„;....,...... 4 p.m. Over 35 Yrs. Experience 26 (Sat.) ELIZABETH 1030 a.m. 14 (Wed.) at Somervllle ..4 p.m. GIRLS TENNIS Fuel Oil (white/almond Melamlne) Army Reserve helicopter pilot 26 (Fri.) at Rosalie Catholic...... 4 p.m. Parking Areas • Sidewalks SAME DAY SERVICE t 18 (Frl.) at Roselle Park ...... 4 p.m. "^ "We Make Chimneys Safer" • 12' post form count6rtop Plastering He too has a wife arid two chil- 30 (Wed,) at Summit.:... , 4 p.m. Sealing • Resurfacing Bathroom and Kitchen 19 (Mon.) WESTFIELD...... 4 p.m. | CROSSCOUNTRY • Now hardware .' ' • '..•'•• ' OCTOBER .• SEPTEMBER CHIMNEY & FIREPLACE Curblngs • Snowplbwlng Patching dren. BOYS SOCCER 28 (Mon.) KENT PLACE ..,...... ;...... 4 p.m. 908-276^0900 • Styles and rails remain Moderlzatlons 1 (Thu.) at Clark...;,...... ;..TBA M 18 (Frt.) at Shabaa..., 4 p.m. RESTORATION • REUNING • REPAIR TRUCK & BACKHOE RENTAL Daughter Susan followed In 28-(Wed.) at Chatham 4 p.m. SERVICE . SALES REPAIRS Textured Ceiling 6 (Mon.) at Union Catholic TBA 21 (Mon.) EAST SIDE.....,..•. 4 p.m, Free Estimates • Fully Insured We Do The Cbmplote Job her mother's Cougar cheer- SEPTEMBER 30 (Fri.) W. MORRIS CENTRAL 4 p.m. SEPTEMBER HURRY! HURRY! FREEEST. FULLY INS. 6 (Tue.) at Keamy...... 4 p.m. 23 (Wed,) RAHWAY. 4 p.m. REASONABLE RATES Sheetrocking - IB (Frl.) SCOTCH PLAINS...... 4 p.m. 22 (rue.) UNDEN...... ; 4 p.m. Offer expires Sept. 1,1992 ALL YEAR SERVICE [I leader footsteps before gradu- NOVEMBER 24 (Thu.) at Union County Toumoy ,i.TBA 800-336-5688 Reel-Strong Fuel 276-5367 22 (Tue.) at Linden 4 p.m. 8 (rhu.) EAST SIDE ;.' 4 p.m. Call Qrazlano Kitchens/Baths Taping & Finishing ating In 1977. She attended 2 (Mon.) E. BRUNSWICK...... 4 p.m. 25 (Fri.) at UCT., TSA 20 (Tue.) at Scotch-Plains 4 p.m. .. Serving Union County Lie. #1106 J 28 (Frl.) CLARK...,...... ;.., 4 p.m. 12 (Mon.) RAHWAY...... ,.4 p.m. 908-782-5066 Cranford 4 (Wed.) WAYNE HILLS ,..„. ....;4 p.m. 30 (Wed,) at Summit 4 p.m. OCTOBER "CALL 7 DAYS A WEEK" 358 NOrUWAVENUE E I. FeJrtelgh Dlckinson_and Is now 3Q(W9d.)SUMMrr. 4 p.m. IB (Thu.) at Westfield .4 p.m. As seen on TV's "this Old House" Sewing All Of Union County - 908-289-1182 1 OCTOBER 687-0614 789-9508 CRANFORD 276-6945 709^0591 a/cardlao Intensive care nurse OCTQBER I 18 (Fri.) SCOTCH PLAINS .....i...... ,....4 p.m. 6 (Tue.) SHABAZZ ,...;., , 4 p.m: SERVING YOUR AREA' Slnre I02C i > GYMNASTICS 1 OhU.) UNION CATHOUC ...... 4 p.m. 908-232-1177 at Robert Wood Medical Center 8 (Fr|.) at Unton ...,.,;;...... 4 p.m. 19 (Mon.) SUMMIT..., .,,...... ,...'4 p.rn,; 18 (Tue.) at Summit ...•...... „..., 4 p.m. &* ~ \ *£ii 2 (Fri.) IRVINQTON.;...... ^..,,,.,.:,..,.... 4 p.m. It) New Brunswick; She is mar- 8 (Mor|.) UNJON CATHOLIC. ...<....,.4 p.m. 23 (Thu.) attUhway...,..:..,.,...... ,....,,4'p.m. 20 (Tue.) UNION CATHOUC...... 4 p.m. S (Mon.) at Linden...... "..... 4 p.m. ried and two children, 6 {Tile.) KEARNY ,...•...... , i...4 p.m. 26 (Mon.) OAK KNOLL...... :..:..;.,.... ,...4 pirn. SEPTEMBER . 24 (Sat) at Watchung Conference ....:. S (Tue.) at Scotch Plains 4 p.m. ...TBA COLLISION REPAIRS LANDSCAPING PAVING ROOFING .& REMODELING TO ADVERTISE 6 (Thu.) at East Side...... ' 4 p.m. 27 (Tue.) irWINGTON. .;...,...... ,....4.p.m. 18 (Fri.) COLUMBIA...... 4 p.m. finally, youngest son John 7 (Wed.) KEARNY 4 p.m. 30 (Fri.) at Union County Tourney...... T8A 18 (Mon.) at Rahway.. j 4 p.m. 29 (Thu.) UNION CATHOUC...... ;.4 p.m. 28 (Fri.) KENILWORTH. 4 p.m. (Please turn to page B-2) 13 (TUB.) at Plalnflald....;.. 4 p.m. OCTOBER 0 (Fri.) at Plalnflald.. 4 p.m. P.S. LANDSCAPING, INC. W STOP LEAKS! Benner's BIG MAN PAVING CLARK BUILDERS, INC. For Information Complete Design & Maintenance Commercial & Residential Commercial and Residential • COMPLETE HOOP STHIPPINQ Auto Center SPECIALISTS- . •" about SALES SERVICE • Spring & Fall cleanups No Job Too Small • FLAT ROOFNItil A SLATS SSnVICS SPECIALS FOR MOM'S TAXI • Seed, sod, planting Complete Auto Body & Mechanical Fuel Oil Seal Coating on Driveway also • GUTTERS * LEADERS advertising in • Walks, patios, retaining walls (908) 469-4500 (908) 469-4100 with the latest technology. Complete heating SERVING UNION • Mulch, stone Water Seal Coating on Wood & MIDDLESEX COUNTIES NJ Inspection U Reinspection • Repairs & Service • Tre« trimming & removal , FOR 22 YEARS this directory ROUT&22 EAST • Pontiac Master Dealer • Air Conditioning Decks and etc. FULLY INSUntD ~ i SERVICE HOURS: • 51 Years Dependable Service HIGH QUALITY WORKMANSHIP AT 287 OVERPASS 606 Sbuth Ave., E. • Free Estimates • Fast Service NJ. uc. NO. oioreo call Donna 7:45-5:1'5'Mon.-Fr!.< 1941-1992 1245 Westfield Ave. FULLY INSURED • REASONABLE RATES • Great Price Cranford, NJ 381-5145 - BRIDGEWATER CLARK Free Estimates 908-820-5204 1-800-794-LEAK 908-233-9696 396-8100 908-654-5296 Office hours: 7:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. (5325) TIRES "& FILTER ''INSPECTION'! «0M..;;*24«?: :$2i95! ^^ ^m m ". Remove Whsols 4 Wlied Alignment (Balancing I Drain, Flush and add up Transmission Fluid Premium Oil Filler > > • Ch«ci< lor Wear & looks • to 2 gallons ol nnllliwio. | | at Addlllonal Additional) 'mrrtlum OH up lo5 qlsl I • Cl««n»nd Ad|u»i I I Inspectio^ n ol' ^ Charge FN Expires 9/2/0«22 i |FN Expire*9/2/92j IFN' Explrw0/2/Q2J ^FNT^ Explr«rO/2/92J t l N 9 ^ l^ ^J LL ^S^ ^ Sports -August 27, 1992 (CranfotdttittDttkle

send us your comments: Call in your scores: Attn: Sports Editor Phone: (9D8) 276-6000 102 Walnut Ave. FAX: (908)276-6220 I Cranford, NJ 07016

The Garwood Junior Bowling League will be held at the Ramada Hotel In Clark, tt will taway, NJ. 08854. IN THE NEWS open the new season September 12tfr M 9 .take place on Sunday, September 6,11 am -2 . a.m. The sanction'fee Is $5 and the bowtlng pm. The cost Is $30 for pre-reglstrabon. For ROADRACING fee Is $4.50. Applications for new bowlers may more Information, call (908) 276-2929. ' Fail class registration under way at Nicole's Yoga Center in (Janvood . Triathalon registration . • • , pick up at the home of Angle SimoneL '-... ini ' Gold Modal Fitness ^ Center and Cranford ' Army Reserves plan race* Cranford Nicole's Yoga Center, 94 Nbrth a ftiH yoga class lead by NiNicoll e wonderrudftl l experience,ri" " saiidd Ms M . Alll YYog a classel s for this session -Bike. Shop are sponsoring a Trlattvalon pn SWIMMING The' 78th Division U.S. Army Reserves will are filled but the center is holding Sun., Sept 13. All proceeds will be donated to FOOTBALL Ave., Garwood, held its fourth an- Mode, owner of Nicole's Yoga Cen- Mode; "You are taking care of your hold its third annual 5K race and tme-mllo fun body insid^ arwtoutvriiile being in registration for the . fall session the. local. American Vhtet Association. The SWImmer* Wantedfor Ne w Team ' tun Sunday, Sept 13, at d:3Q a.m. at the Sgt running, fitness organization nual Yoga in the Park at Unami ter. Over 45 people of all ages at- • event consists of a 20-mlls Indoor stationary PAL football registration ' Coming off of the. Garden State Games, the Joyce Kilmer U.S. Army Reserve Center In Edl- Park early last month. . tendeed d the free event direct contact with nature and the which begins Sept 14. For more, bike ride, a five-mile treadmill run and a 200 The Cranford PAL football Mason kicks Off hawty-formed Centennial Masters Swim team ie American Running arid Ht- nonprofit educational organization son. . " .••; ' • • • '••••. information, call 789-fi42fl. flight stair climb. Participants roust pro-register with a.registration-dink) for all boys age 9-14 The morning's activities included "Yoga in the open outdoors is a' warmth of the sun." Is looking for competitors, fitness Instructors The entry fee Is $10 through Aug. 15 and dedicated to enhancing the physi- by Frl.. Sept. 11. For registration Information on Mon'. Aug. 31 at 6:30 on the Cranford High and trtatheletes alike. If you are looking for a . Association announces that it $12 until race day. Runnera can contact MaJ. PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE cad Gary Battl at Gold Medal Fitness at 276- School rear field. Anyone, not In the program high quality workout end stroke work; but not accepted Dr^ John DeLuca of PUtiUC NOTICE pgBUC NOTICE : •Tom Cuslmanb or Capt Bob Sova at the 78th PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE '7fe66. • '. '.' •: • " ••• •• last .'year; may pick up a registration form at competition, the Masters are still Interested In through the promotion of aerobic j; -mat a Flxad A^i accounting n»«»m be' Implamaolab to Uomply whh.Divialonyol Lpcal Governmwl Sarvlcaa Dlvlslori. Sgt Wlmer USAR Center, Edison, • .'•••'.. . •'•;••* Police Headquarters. Cranford varsity coach your participation. The Masters conduct prac- , a qxirts medicine chiro- "•sports, including running, walking, . ""^ . BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH . .• ' raqulramanta; . ' • . • •.•...'• ',•• • ' , '•'..'•' Breakaway three-peata Nick Brown and his assistants will be on hand tice at the Centennial Pool (n Cranford and NJ. 08817-2487 for applications and Informa- • ••''•'• SUMMARY OR SYNOPSIS OP AUDIT REPORT • . • .,_ 4 Thai tha (ollmilna balancaa b* ravlawad for propar dltpoiitlon. r^.as a professional member, • .' •• ,E«hlbllNo. . .. . • • • . . ._„„*. to Instruct on basic fundamentals. The clinic tion. . ' •'..-..'• . ••. ." . •., cycling, swimming, aerobic danc- Attantlon la *acud to th. fad thai a aumenary ol lh» auoit raport. tooather wWith».r»comn)e«)at|ona, I. tha minimum ' The Breakaway Frozen.Yogurt softball team cometltlon Is open to all swimmers agedv25 , . . A-25T« OvarpaymanU : , .' 1Vi>m ; of Scotch Plains, won Us third consecutive Gar- will continue at Memorial Field on Sept 1, and older. For more Information, please call association is a national ing and rowing. ^ . ,., h. Couniy o(:Unlon,aa r^lr»dbyNJ.S. A-29Raaarv» fcy Ma»tM Wan . ; . .n'inrtw wood Men's Softball League title last weak. Each participate should wear shorts and the pool at 709-7260. COMP VEBA CE8H • . . X^ODMrvt lor Ravaluallon . ; . 2'15?"52 ^ ^ ^.-, «, o-^pjai A-32HMaiv«torPn>paraliooo(Ta«Map ' «Tno« After finishing first during the regular season, sneakers and will be placed on a team on this 1 B-i4P»tSanA» 063.274.42 night Any other questions can be directed to 5 That tha Mica r^partmanl a«J Qa* tfepoah all iw^lpia wWJo 48 hoor* a« par NJ.S.A. 40A.5-15. • Breakaway dropped Its first two playoffs games •Secretaries set Wednesday meeting Taxea,Aiaaa«>»nt«.U*ia and Utility Charoaa Racahrabla 22,180.00 In the triple elimination format. Breakaway do- Chuck Archdeacon at 272-6922. KARATE llT^^Vl e. That tha' Tin CooectWa annual raport be clad with the Borough Clark. (Continued from page B-l) 1 Professional Secretaries Interna- International, on "Ycnxr Commit- 7. That all quarterly and yeaity payroll daduitiort.retuma be W«d qn a tlnwly basla and be correctly calcuUled Ip avoid . feated Dlrtrlck's Uquors with a dramatic sev- upheld the tradition and cap- HS^TSS^J^SM-:'"-. -•'••:• . : j'SSSof - STT&OS enth-Inning rally In. Game 3. H took extra In- AWARDS NJ Karate T-Leagu* Championship* . tional, Union County chapter* will ment to PSI and What You Gala" Oalarrad Charaat Io Futura Taxation. Qanaral Captal 4,328,078.01 >».' ««"*" •alawaa prapared tram the Report ol Audii-of th« Borouflhol Kenllworth.' County ol Union. nings to win game four against Garfleld's. After The 1992 New Jersey Professional Karate T- tained and was named MVP of the D»faitae above-eteled writ ot.execotlon' io me dh .•- '•.'.'••• . • ARY1.19te • " • ••: '.'. ''. to play.. It certainly helped all of us Budflet Expenditure.: reded I ehel expo#v aale bypublc vtndue, at Room 207.. EoVwd M. Robineon, Chairman to include your, name and phone number.. We'll print the tastiest souring Bank.; •- • tions; systems and programming; •• Municipal Piitpoae : ..... k\ the Court HcuaeJK t» Cty ol Eliebeth, NJ. on • Vicci's to deal with life's chat 3.204,080.12 •...,.•'•.••••••' • '••' • •Tfel Countytejw . •• .••••..• . WEDNESDAY. «eaolrioOnJnanMV«»ne»yp»aAdasBm«ndod«a : lehgesi'just as we dealt with the •• ;- •'*'. •'••••• •'•' .. :•. •"'""" l ; Othec Enpendlture. .' . . . The property to be eokj la. loceied In the Twmehlp ol Back in the swim 1 and^favorite, high school team;'. :•; "'.•' ; • : -. • *'•". •''••:'• ' -;'-'- • •.'• •••; ••:-Joi\ sociation with the- bank 25 years communications; deposit;; opertir meeting of Towrartp Commmee ol Ww Townahlp ol Cranbnl .15.391,764,88: challenges on the football field' •• • Total Expenditure. .. ..' , CnWord in tie County 0ILW01I, New Jeraev. ' •'NilaiTi»»idey.Auoual2S,198Z :'.•. '" ; .. , .' . ago,.most recently was vice presii tions; arid the ayministxaitive sup-' Lew; Expenditure, to be Ralaed ,', • Commor*/know ; n aai S5 Woodlesw; i Avenue. Cranlofd. New ATTEST;. ,-.;.'• :•••:.'• •: . .. ; , .-. • by Future Tex*. ;.'.•', . ' .-' JereeJ"y • '. '" : .' '• ' ' . Arteeo '' • "dent and manager, of the bank's port units. . \ ' Total Ad|uated'ExpendrrUrae .' . TaxLotNa'20 .•- • • •-•"^"LV? •>• * • ."'. •-. '" Munldpel OM( • . •('.. <.• . • •:-•' ••* Exceu.ln Revenue. • . Bkxk Number 473 "• • .. " ' •. ' ' W.1B OC80B1TAug,27.1992 Dlmenelona of lot (ApprodmaMy). 197.50 fa* wide by ,:J , f\' . /. !?;'•: V-' i.t'J -, • v'.'•*,, "-I .'i1,-. \\ '•>'.. .\ ,• . . Fund Balance January 1 . •• 2.400.0S8.79 33.00leetlong 7 ••••• : •. '. ••.•. •. . ':• ••' . • '••',. A'V :••'.' .:','•".• •.'.'":,'••" ,'• :••'•.•, • lleereet Croaa greet Skiae. on the Southweet aide d Si® Sfj jntliey now aecount coordinator Laaa: " • .;•;:• •..'•; .•.'.'. . . •' •• ' • ••' . Woodewn Avenue 780 M torn lha Northwee) aide ol Union sponsible for implementing UtUliallon aa Antldp«.ted .Revenue . . : ...... Averue. -• . . . '. ' '.••'• . ' . ' Beritley has been pro- . Fund Balance December 31 There le due -eppraxImateV lha aum ol 1157^9870 to- •JEjaua, grams for several of the firm's . '•..;•'.'• • . SECOMMENDATIONS giM# lewlul Inknel Bom October 11.1891 andcoata. kv'n Jrfc account coojdinator; at Thei» le a U legal deacrtstlon on «e In Die Union County Advertise fell . ' ,'"** * 5*TB SSn|[i'arid Associates^ it was an- major clients — including Steel- 1 That an outatandlna ball U«1 be prepared on a monthly baila and be In aoreement wilh the caah oaUhcaa. ., 'ShereTeOSoe. • ' '• • J' That^^^owinil Woer^^"yatarn. be>iple(nanted to comply wilh the' Divlalon ol Local Government Service. The SharMteaeivea the right to adjourn »

1 administrative assistant In herquehanna University's Sigmund ^ JAM 1 von new position, Ms. Bentley is re^Weis School of Business. 8? FOR THE WEEK OF FRIDAY, AUG. 28-THURSDAY, SEPT. 3

l T \atiisha% Siarcast! day-Thursday: 7:15, 9:15 p.m. Sat- ] , * DARYLTHOMAS ^ C1 Schedule)* «ra tubjact to last- DUNEUEN THEATER Friday, Saturday: Midnight. * -K * 4 ^ l900454*5*3 mlmrte oh»r»i». 458 North Avo., Dunalleh GENERAL CINEMA urday, Sunday: 1:15,3:15,5:15, MORRIS 99' per niinute • 24 hours a dayl Must be 18 +• (908)968-3331 , ' . BLUE STAR 7:15. 9:15 P.m. . , f Thomas, a student at Cranford High . Touch Tone or Rotary Phones AMC HEADQUARTERS 10 School, Is a member of the Cougars football •Call theater (or showtimes. Route 22, Watchurig .. •' Daily-.>lonthly- GompaUbllitj' Horoscopes MIDDLESEX KENDALL PARK CINEMAS (908)322-7007 72 Headquarters Plaza • team. Daryl was the starting quarterback last Plus the spoken tarot powerful 3 card reading UNION AMB0Y MULTIPLEX .3560 Route 27. Kondnll Park ~- •Call theater for showtlmes. Morristowri . season and Head Coach Nick Brown Is ex- Routes 9 & 35, Sayreviile CINEPLEX ODE0N CRANFORD &»!» (908)422-2444 ;..,.'„•• GENERAL CINEMA (201)292rO6O6 , pecting big things out of the junior this year. 25 North A«e. West . » ytfswj (908)721-3400 •Pet Semaiary Two (R) Friday, Snt' BniDGEWATER COMMONS •Christopher Columbus — The Dis- •fiwWte as £R.0.7. (PG) Friday- Cranford ... : - J^ •*" urday: 2:20; 4:15, 6:20, 8:25. Routes 22'& 202-206. covery (PG-13) Friday, Saturday: 5, Free tntroducUon to explain cost • 5)2.95 per minute ! (908)276-9120 1* i * - ~1B Thursday; 1M5. 3.40, 5:35 p.m. ';•;.. ,. 10:30 p.m. Sunday-Thursday: 1:25, Bridgewater.... ' ' • . 24 hours n dayl Touch tone or Rotary Phones ; 7:30. 10 p.m; Sunday, Monday. I ; B ... ' . '••'. "•P»(S8/na(ary7Vw (R) Friday- , ' •Call theater for showllmes. i. '^I0t P it.^i>i;: ^i-'t-i''i'iV';.'v ' *'••''".•.•'•••. :'•,•••'•••','•',• ••".'"; (908) 725-1161 ; Speak to Astrolger • Tarot Reader . 3:30, 5;35, 7:40, 0:45 p.m.- 5:10, -7:30. 9:45 p.m. Tuesday- 1 1 r : "As chosen by .?orbes Newspapers' Sports Dept." CINEPLEX OPEON UNION .....y;.....,;. ;-^;:^ r.:..-! . :',, '•-.•,{ ^.-*, : :->; '•; vj ''•,. Must he 18 Years or OMcr Thursday: 1;2S. 3,35, 5:45, 8. . •Honeymoon in Vegas (PG-13) Frl- , •Honoymoon In Vegas (PG-13) Fri- 990 Stuyyesant Ave., Union " Thursday; 5120, 7:40. 9:45 p.m. A Service of IntcrMedla Inc. 10:10 p.m. Late stow Friday and day, Saturday: 1. 2:55. 4:50.6:50, day; Saturday: 1:30, 3:35. 5:35, 8, •A League of Their Own (PG) Friday, Wmmkk Saturday at 12:30 a.m. 8:45,10:45 p.m. Sunday: 2:10, 10:15 p.m. Sunday-Thursday: 1:30, (908)686-4373 Saturday: 1:40. 4:50, 7:'3O, 9:55 •TWrt Peaks: Flm Walk with Mo (R) 4:05,6:05,8. 10p.ni, 3:35, 5:35,-7:45, 9:45p.m. •Call theater for showtlmos. SHARON WILSON/THE CHRONICLE Friday-Thursday: 1:30. 4:10. 7, : FIVE POINTS CINErvIA p.m. Sunday, Monday: 1:50, 5. : -Single White Female (R) Fridtiy, ; 'Single White Female (R) Friday,- Cranford's Silvia Santos shows her backstroke form against Rlvercrest Swim Club of 9:40 p m. Lala show Friday ond. 327 Chestnut St., Union ' . ' SatUfdny: 1:20,'3:30,. 5:40i 7:50. Snturday: 1:50, 4;30, 7:30, 10:.10 7:30, 9:40 p.m. TuOsdoy-Thursday: Plscataway earlier this month. Saturday at 12:10 am. 10 p.m. Sunday-Thursday; 2:10, p.m. Sunday-Thgrsday: 1:50, 4:30, (908)964-9633 2.5:20,7:30,9:40 p.m. "Honeymoon In Vegas (PG-13) Fr|. 4:35, 7:20. 9:30 p.m. • • 7, 9:25 p.m. ' •Call theater for'showllmes. •Single White-Female im Friday, day-Thursday. 1:30, 3'35, 5.35. ' UNDEN FIVEPLEX PUBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE •Rapid Flm (R) Friday, Saturday: . •3 Nlnjas (PG). Friday-Thursday: Saturday: 1:50. 5:io, .7:30.10:10 PUBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE 7:45,9:50 p.m. Late show Friday 1:15. 3:10, 5:05, 7:05, 9, 11 p.rti. 1:45, 3:40, 5:30 p.m. ' . 400 North Wood Ave., Undon said Ordinance for final passage on tho 14th day of Septorn- > p.m. Sunday, Monday:l:50. 5:30, BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH YOUR SPORTING- GOODS COMPLEX and Saturday at 12:10 a.m. (908)925-9787 bor, 1992, at tho Kenllworth Municipal Building, 667 Boulo- SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY Sunday-Thursday; 2:10, 4:05,6:05, •Dlggslpwn (R) Friday-Thursday: ORDINANCE NO. 02-14 . ' - 7:40, 9:50 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday; vard, Konilworth, Now Jersey, at 0:00 P.M., at which time and CHANCERY DIVISION •WapWRre (R) Friday-Thursday: 1, 1 . • ' PUBUC NOTICE 513 W. UNIQN AVE.. (RT. 28) BOUND. BROOK, NEW JERSEY/908-356^604 •Honeymoon In Vegas (PG-13) Fri- place any poraons who may. bo interested therein will.bo. UNION COUNTY 8,10p.m. 7:20,9:20 p.m; ' • . Qhton on opportunity to bo hoard concerning such Ordinance. 3:05,5:10, 7:15,9:20 p.m. Late 1:50, 5:30, 7:40, 9:45 p.m. . PUBUC NOTICE is horoby glvon thai on Ordinanco. ol Moh., Tubs., Thurs., frl. 8;3O AM to 9 PM/Wed, & Sat, 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM •Uttle Nemo (G) Friday-Thursday: day-Sunday: 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, . Margarot Adler Plaint* JAMES F. KEEFE, P.C. cranford eye care •3 Wrtfas (PG) Friday-Thursday: .w/hlch tho Wlowtng b a. oopy, was introducod.. rood and show Friday and Saturday at 11:15 •3 Nlnjas (PG) Frlday-Vhursday: , '.•'.'.. . '••."' Borough Clerk BERGEN-EASTERN PENSION TRUST 7:30, 9:45 p.m. Monday-Thursday: : pasMd on Brnl rending by Ihe Mayor and Council ol tho Counsellor at Law 33 Norlh Avs W (Mc«» Crnnlold Thoiler) | 1:25,' 3:15 p.m. . . 1:30 p.m, • Borough ol Konilworth at a mooting on Ins 25lh day ol p.m. ORDINANCE NO. 82-13' Cranford, NJ (908) 276-0200 7:30, 9:35 p.m; 1:50 p.m.. •!•' August, 1002, and that said Council will further consider tha rMmiantt: 190 NORTH AVE. EAST •A League Of Their'Own (PG) Friday- •S/sterAct (PG) Friday, Saturday: . AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 03-20 AND uld Ofdlnanco tor final psssago on Itio 14th day of SoDlam- Q»oro» Uddy »nd DCIOTM Udd/, Tru«»M TO AMEND PARAGRAPH 81-1 OF THE CODE OF THE Dr. Alan Gllckman 'Christopher Columbus — ThaO/s- 'Single White Female W Friday- •Deal/i Becomes Ho/ (PG-13) Fri- . bar, 1992, at the KomKrorth Municipal Building, 587 Boulo- . . ' . Dod<« No. F 000-82 P.O. BOX 150 Thursday: 7, 9:30 p.m. 3:20, .5:20, 7:4b, 10:20 p.m. Sun- BOROUQH OF KENILWORTH WITH REGARDS TO FEES Oplomolrlvt wild, Ksnlrwortb, Now Jorsoy. at 0:00 P.M., at which Urns and CMIAcUon FOR DOQ LICENSES (CHAPTER S3).. CRANFORD, N.J. • Comprehantlv* Ey« E«am» cowry (PG-13) Friday-Thulrsday; day-Thursday: 3:20. 5:20,7:30, Sunday: 1,3, 5, 7:35, 9:45 p.m. day, Saturday: 1:2b, 3:20. 5:30, ~~* placo' any pateons who rhay bo iniorostod thorein will, bo NOTlce OF TIME AND PtACE TOED FOR REDEMPTION •Dtggstown (R) Friday-Thursday: 5 BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Body ol the Borough of • Full S«l«cllon ol Eyewe»r ' Qlvan an opportunity to bo heard ooncemino cuch Ordinanco. 2*6 1100* 276-4766 1:05,4, 7:10,9:45 p.m. Late show Monday-Thursday: 7:35, 9:40 p.m. Kenllworth In tho County of Union. New Jersey as follows: • AM TypdJ ol Conlact L«n»B» Filled '.p.m. '-.'.••' • • 9:35 p.m. 7:40, 9:55 p.m. Sunday, Monday: . Margaret Adlor' To QMTQ* Uddy. TruriM ' ttetfdtnllal I ComnwcUl H««l EllaK Clollngl SECTION 1. That Paragraph 01-1 ol the Code ol tho Bor- • Mcdlcara Aiilgnmtnl and Miny Borough Ctork TAKE NOTICE thai the Court has *ipolnl*d the 10th day of WIM ElUUl 1 Trulll _ Friday and Saturday at 12:15 a.m. 'Freddy as F.R.0.7. (PG) Friday-. ' «Pot Semataiy Two (R) Friday- 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:40, 9:40 p,m. ough of Kenilwdrth be amended Insofar as tho same estab- SoptxrfcW 1662, betwton tho hours bl nlno o'clock In the Conanmltlt * Small BinlMia MaltMt Insurance Worn Acccplad •Uttle Nemo (G) Friday, Saturday: lished fees In regards to dog licenses (Chapter 83) so as to lowwon tnd lour o'riotk In th» atomoon, rVwaUng bmo, at • Personal Strvlcel •Ultfe Nemo (G) Friday-Thursday: 1 ; ' Thursday: 1:55, 3:50, 5:45 p.m. Sunday: 1, 3, 5, 7:30. 9:45 p.m, ORDINANCE NO. 02-14 Incroaso Iho toefro m $4.70 to $6,00 effective January 1, apers 1:10,2:50 p,m. Sunday Thursday: Tuosday-fhursday: 1:40, 3:40, ttw CXk* of th» Tax CoHocfcy of ttw TowuWp ol Cranlord, 8 ORDINANCE CHEATING THE POSITION OF PUBUC DE- 1092, and to S7.00 effective Fobruaiy 1, 1993. Thl» fee In- SpiVioWd Autnua, Municipal BuUno. CrantoKt, How Jentsy, aaaBBaaaa^Bm^ ^ L i i i y . . .Try^iy, ^.,^ , ^ in p.m. Monday-Thursday: 7:30, 9:35 p.m. FENDER, , • • • . N l'30.p.m. ••.•'•—•'-.—•••• : . •Raising Cain (R) Friday, Saturday: cludes $1.00 Suite Registration.Foe and $.20 for Sttto Pilot at \h» 1m» and plaot uhan and wtora one or any d you that 5:40, 7:40, 9:40 p.m, BE IT onDAINED by Iho Mayor and Council. Borough of Clinic Fund. pay to th« plaMM tSUOCOM. tho amount feund to b* dua oh •Whispers In the Dtrit (R) Friday- 7:50,10:20 p.m. Sunday-Thursday: 'Rapid Flm (R) Friday-Sunday; 1:15, Ksnilworth In Iho County ol Union. State ol Now Jomey, that a •Unforglven (R) Friday. Saturday: ' SECTION 2. In addition to the above fee, there shall bo an account el tha prlndoal, Warost. aubsaQuanl tent and dun> •Raising Calh (R) Friday, Saturday: Public OolsnoV lor tho Borough 0) Konllworth Is horoby additional feo of S3 00 for any dog of reproductive age which u. on lha tax ttl* oarWoat* bsaurod by the Tax CoJl«ctlno Thursday. 8.10'20 p m. Late show 7:50,10:20 p.m, 3:15, 5:15. 7:40, 9:45 p.m. Mon- appointed to represent tuch Indlgont dolondants who appear 4.30. 7:10, 9:45 p.m. Sunday- has not hod Its reproductive capacity.permanently altered Ofkw to lha plalntW, tooettw w«i t*x*d eosls ol this wH and 7:50, 10:10 p.m. Sunday, Monday: baton) tho Municipal Court ol tho Borough of Konilworth aj. Friday and Saturday at 12 30 a.m. thrbuorislenitotlon'pursuant'to Section 12 of P.L 1041 c. a counaal tut ryj66O.B3 oouarino prtrnlaM HtutM In lha Thursday: 3:20, 6:15, 8:50 p.m. •A League of Their Own (PG) Friday, day-Thurstlay: 7:40, 9:40 p.m. shall bo assigned to Iho Public (W*td« by Jh» Munrop.il Afrwftn 7:50, 9:55 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday: 161. rot/niUe ol Cntnlord In tha County of Union end Sttla of Naw 1 Court Judoo In accordanos with law mil wtenouer luslito to •Death Become* Her (PQ-13) 'Untorgheri (R) Friday-Sunday: Jtnay/daacHbad aa fetowa on tha Tail Dupikaia for the year •Death Becomes Her (PG-13) Fri- Saturday: 1:35, 4:10, 7:10, 9;50 reQuIroa. Tho .Public Defondor ahaJI bo an attomoy at law ol SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon final 7:50, 9:50 p.m. tho Stflto ol Now Jor&oy, shall bo appoirxod by mo Mayor passage and publication according'to law. ' Friday-Thursday: 1.05, 3:20. 5:35; day, Saturday:.6. 8:05,10:15 p.m. p.m. Sunday-Thursday: 1:35, 4:10, 1:30, 4:15. .7:15, 9:40 p.m. Mon- with tho consom ol tho Council for a lorm of ono yoar. " Mayor Lot No-l, Block Ho. H2. Tax Asswsmsnt Map, 6 Haiti Btrool, •Pol Sematary Two (R) Friday, Sat- ATTEST: 7:50,10:10 p.m. Late show Friday • 6:45,9:15 p.m. . • . day-Thursday: 7:15, 9:35 p.m. —e**fJl«-Janu»iy-l ^-lh»-y«ar-of-oppoinlrf»nt,.«ncl-ihall— Crenford, Naw Janay. Sunday-Thursday: 7:10, 9:15 p.m. ~Mirgorot"Adlor, BorbUgrrctork • • "• T3«oroa MartlnrEoor rooorvo such Itxed annual componsatlcin as shall bo provtdod "and Saturday at 12 30:a7rri. r~~~ T LOST PICTURE SHOW -urday: 2,-5:20, 7:30,-10:10 p.m.-; by tho Salary Ordinance. $21.42 CCfl26 1|Aug. 27, 1002 P.O. Bon 3r •FmdctfeasF.aa777PG)Friday~ Upon cornplotlon of Bw klgnl servlcoi rondorod by mo Pwamus, Naw Jantay 07CS3-0O37 •S/iWr Act («3) Friday-Thursday: Thursday: 1:15. 3:05, 5:20 p.m. Frlday. Saturday: 1:40, 4:15, 7, 2395 Springfield Ave., Union Sunday, Monday: 2, 5:30, 7:40, Public Dotondar, N.J.SA «:6A-1 pormils tho Borough to (201) 670-WB3 BOROUC1H OF KENILWOFmi Ofo&rA a lien upon tho Defendant's property lor tho com of tho Attomaytor PtalnWf 3:05,6:10, 7:15, 9:30 p.m. ORDINANCE NO. 02-12 9:40 p.m. Sunday-Thursday: 1:40, (908) 964-4497 9:55 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday: 2, dofonso provldod to tho dolondnnt. NJ.S.A. 4Q:GA'4 hirthor MOVIE CITY . H ' (18.07 CC621 1T Aug. 27. 1002 END OF SEASON •Aieuiue of.Their own (PG) Friday- pormlia the Borough to compramlso &aid lion. Tho Mayor and Route 1 & Gill Lane, Iselin 4;15, 6:40, 9:10 p.m; •Call theater for showtlmes. 5:40, 7:40,9:40 p.m. Council horeby authoriio tho Municipal Court Judrjo. basod AN ORDINANCE APPROWNQ AN AGREEMENT GRANTING A UCENSE TO VILLA BAfiRITTA. INC. Va CAFE REPETTI Thursday: 7:30.10:15 p.m. Late . upon his rovlow of tho .Dolondnnt's financial condition to GENERAL CINEMA NEW PARK CINEMA ' . •Sister Act (PG) Friday, Saturday: FOR THE PURPOSE OF PERMITTING SEASONAL OUTSIDE (908)382-5555 racommand on oporoprlAlo sum to cornpromiso tho lien. Tho BOROUQH OF KENILWORTH AIR CONDITIONING DINING WITHIN THE BOROUGH'S RIGHT-OF-WAY. show Friday and Saturday nt 12:30 Municipal Court Judgo shall advlso tho Dolondant of hit ORDINANCE NO. 03-10 •Call theater lor showtlmes. RUTGERS PLAZA 23 West WestfleW Avo. 1:20, 3:20, 5:20, 7!40, 9:55 p.m. rooommondation, and upon Dofondanl's accopUmco ol samo, • ' • . STATEMENT a.im. ..•••. '•••', ROsOllePark sold £um thaH bo paid to the Municipal Court Administrator io AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 02-0 PRO- MOVIE CITY ' Easton Avo., Somersot Sunday, Monday: 1:30, 3:30, 5:40. Take nollco thai tho above Ordinance was passed on tho be hold In eccrow ponding the passago of a ronolution by lha VIDING FOR COMPENSATION FOR A BOROUGH EM- SALE •3 Ninja* Friday-Thursday:. 1:45. Unal reading aflor public hoartng at a regular mooting of tho (908)828-8787 (908)241-2525 . Govomlng Body oither approving or disflppproving tho com- PLOYEE OF THE BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH. . Oak Tree Center 7:50, 9:50 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday: Governing Body ol tho Borough ol Kenilwonh on the 25th day prorrtlso sum. In tho ovont the Mayor and Council disap- 3:45, 6:45, 7:40 p,m, '•. „ •Call theater for showtlmes. •Call theater for showtlmos. • of August, 1092. • 1665 Oak Tree Rd., Edison , proves the cum rocommanded by tho Municipal Court Judgo, STATEMENT • 'Single White Female (R) Friday- 1:40, 3:40, 5:50, 7:50, 9:40 p.m. the Municipal Court Administrator shall return tho funds to tho MarQAr&t Adler Take noUce but Iho above Ordinance was passed on the GENERAL CINEMA UNITED ARTISTS RIALTO Borough Clerk TO CELEBRATE TEAM USA'S OLYMPIC (908) 549-6666 - . (rial reading alter pubic heanng at a regular meeting ol the- •Honeymoon In Vegas (PG-13) Fri- ' Defendant a/id tho Borough shall retain all of tt9 original $8.10 CC625 1t Aug. 27,1002 Thursday: 1,3:15. 5:30, 8,10:20 . statutory ton rights. Governing Body ol tho Borough ol Konllworth on the 26th day •Call theater for showtlmos. SOMERVILLE CIRCLE 250 East Broad St. of August, 1082. day, Saturday: 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, Joseph (logo. Mayor SUCCESS, YORK IS OFFERING AN p.m. Late show Friday and Saturday Route 28, Raritan ATTEST: TOWNSHIP OF CBANPOHD Maroarot Adler UNITED ARTISTS Westfleld at 12:20 f.rn. M«igar(ifeint/401 ' Charles Wamlo. Jr. DATED DECEMBER 16,1074. Sunday-Thursday: 1:40, 3:40, 5:40 North Averuo, East, Block 3111, Lot 20 (or ovponslon of oi?''^. ' " Secretary Forbes Newwers brought home five Suburban Newspapers of 1:20,3:20, 8:20. 7:20, 9:30 p.m. SOMERSET p.m, p.m. non-conforming uss to allow starogo contiilnors and. sign ~ ~'Jfl,16 , CC62D1tAug. 27. 1002 STATEMENT UTILITY REBATES p.m. walvoni to alter twisting signs and installation ol now onos. America (SNA) 1992 Awards this past May. Ttie SNA orgiStSi is ' Utu show Friday and Saturday m DERNARDSVJLLE CINEMA •C/ir/slop/ior Columbus - The Dis- •3 Nf/>yfls (PG) Friday-Thursday: Approved with cavttou •Rapid Fire (R) Friday. Saturday: 2, BOROUGH OP KBNlLWORTH Take notice that the above Ordinance was p&asod on the 8 Canada FOR QUAUI-'ir-D 22-92 — PhlUp A Donlso ZamboM, Applicants, 10 Balmloro ORDINANCE NO. W-13 fcul reading a/tor public hearing at a regular mooting ol tho 11:30 p.m. . . Route 202, Bernardsvllle covery (PG-13) Friday, Monday- 1:15.3:15.5:13 p.m. Paikway, Block 109. Lot 11 to construct an uddibon with loss PUBUC NOTICE . , Governing Body of tho Borough of Konilwonh on iho 25lh Day SffisiwS^^ST ^ HV&F* ' Srbes shone miGH-F.PPICir-NCY UNITS. 5:20, 7:50. 10:10 p.m, Sunday, H>an %\ti required clda yiud setback and propdrty located in a ol August, 1002. •Mo'Money (R) Fribiy-Thuisday: (908)766-0357.. Thursday: 9:45 p.m. Saturday, Sun- •Sister Act (PG) Friday-Thursday: . mrough, wituung^prpmotional awards in both the advertising and classified Monday: 2, 5:«tO. 7:50, 9:55 p.m. flood tilnga area. Approvod. PUOUC NOTICE Is horeby OM}" tfiat an Ordinance, ol. MARGARET ADLER 'Flic mile•niiisl he mtulc hy'Liihor Day.willv 1:18,3:36, 5:30, 7:50,10 p,m. •Hon*ynioon in Ve/jas (PG-13) Fri- day: 4:30, 9:45 p.m. 7:40, 9:40 p.m. • ' Chorliu Kiamio. Jr. which the loaowlng Is a copy, was Inlroduaod, read and Borough Clerk departments. The Forbes Insider, Forbes Newspapers' company Socrotary passed on Irtl reading by tivs Mayor andiCoundl of Iho insinuation completed by Scpicmhcr 30,1002. Lata show Friday and Saturday at day, Monday-Thursday! 7;30, 9:30 'Ooath Becomes Her (PG-13) Fri- Tuosday-lhursday: 2i 5:50, 7:50, $0.B9 . CCC27 II Aug. 27,1002 Borough of KonUworth at a meoUng on tho 26th day ol $9.18 CC024 IT Aug. 27.1002 newsletter, also snatched up an award. Congrahiktionsto all ' ^ August. 1992, and that said Council will fmtiw oonildor tho participated in the winning effort JT midnight p.m. Saturday. Sunday: 1:30,3:30, day, Monday-Thursday: 7:20 p.m. 0:50 p.m. •Uifotffuen (R) Friday-Thursday: 5:30. 7:30, 9:30 p.m. Saturday, Sunday: 1:45, 7:20 p.m, HUNTERDQN •Unforfilven (R) Friday. Saturday: CINEMA PLAZA Category 1:30, 4:05, 7, 9:45 p.m. Lata show BROOK CINEMA MONTGOMERY 1:40, 4:50, 7:30, 9:55 p.m. Sun- Contiibutore Routos 202 & 31. Flemlngton First Friday and Saturday at 12:15 a.m. 10 Hamilton St. . CENTER THEATRE day, Monday; 1:50, 5, 7:30, 9:<15 Phone In: 1-800-559-9495 Fax In: Jean Casey, Eric WHERE YOUR SATISFACTION 1$ OUR CHIEP CONCERN •OJtftfstowr) (ft) Friday, Saturday: (908) 782-2777 908.-231-9638 ttlrd Best R0P Advertiaing^Promolion .Bound Brook RoutO 206, Rocky Hill p.m. Tuesday-Thursday: 1:50, 5:20, Late show at 11:30 p.m. (609) 924-7444 •Call theater for showtimos. First Best Ckssified Promotion Jean Cas^ Jill S (008)469-9665 . 7:30, 9:40 p.m. Third CINlPtEX 0DE0N •Enchanted April (PG) Ffiday, Mon- •Ollwllo (not rated) Friday, Monday- HUNTEHDON THEATER Mail In: P.O. Box 699 Jean Casey, Barry Rumple CINEMA 200 •'., Tiiird MtNLD PAHK day-Thursday: 7:15, 9:20 p.m. Sat- Thursday: 7:30, 9:30 p.m. Satur- Routo 31, Flemlngton 615 Central Avenue Routes 206 & 24, Chostor Somervllle, NJ 08876 Route 1, Edison urday: 1:30. 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 0:30 day, Sunday: 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, (908) 782.-4815 Westfleld, NJ 070£|0 (908) 879-4444 To AdyQrtise In the (oofl) aai-1412 p.m. Sunday: 3, 5, 7. 9 p.in. 7:30. 9:30 p.m. •Untorglwin (fl) Frlday-Thuisdny: 7, 908-233-6222 •Enchanted April (PG) Friday, Mon- 9:20 p.m. •Call thoator for showtlmos. Forbes Ntwtpipurs •Call thMtei" for khowtlmes. . "T/w Rocky Homr Picture Show (R), Forbes Newspapers See Weekend-Plus for reviews of current movies Authorized sales and sorvlcri

-The Chronicle- August 27, 1992 The Chrohicl& B-5

PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE - PUBLIC NOTICE • PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF CfMNFOftD BOROUGH OF GAHWOOD NJ. en Tueaday, Aunusl 25.1992. in rfsrupting tta ma«ting, the Chairman may orbar Ihat pfcreon. -. 1V& PROVISIONS OF POUCE OFFICERS FOR EXTrW - .. . OAOMANCENO.M43 . . • ATTEST: to laava the meeting. H rw or th» does not remove hlmsaU oi ORDINANCE NO. 8MP ANORDN/kNCE TO ESTABLISH THE SALAflY POUCY AND r>rrir EMPLOYMENT . x_!^. Altai* M. Qloon herself, the Chaimwi m«y order Hie Seigeanl a Aims to NUIIUNOTICCE - - - .' X-TVg BAC£ Woe FOB-W6-SCt40OI.-CRO5Sllto- Tns.Qamodd Pole* Department wU oalafinkie^Sirourjh. -Munlolp«|-ct«rti ' —— jL ~ OUAflDSTOR THEDEPAHTMENT OF TUBUC SAFETY FOfT UL'mMW wMmwil I. II ..titli in.tr. nfflnf V- • rr- .I,!,'« Mnuiinn nmnosed Ordinance was introduced and passed on lirst readlnn al u *33flO • CC57a/6t2-1iar27/92 Section 7..Sergaart al Amu, . . - . THE VEAH 1982. ' shal be assigned to tSa otrtnKted tor"a»ifsrduiy amploy;- ...... „ -. -~ ~~—w. oi-me Donjuyn o, y~ ,,((„„. UD t0, further consideration lor trial passane at th» The Chief 0/ Polka, or «udi mamoor of the Department of 11th day of August. 1992 andI that "•fo "<*"»« » "^ ^ , Qi^ood, j,,,^ » ' . .STATEMENT . : polio* as the Chairman may designate, ahal be Sergeant el n jn Munlcip?| Bujld ngi Nsw |h Ttw fengaing CninvK* ims bitty puud as limwltd al a n V TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD Arms at Ihe Township Comrnftteo meeting*. The Sergeant at The ChW of Pofc. or hh cMgoea may datarmlrni*at any -*%*£,a, V « soon .he-e8l-er;.ls?id^"rJZ^t,*^"™ ° '> '™ »<: mating d TownaMp oonrrAte. ot «v> Twouhlp ol Cranfcyd. • • ORDINANCE NO. «2-31 Arms thai carry del a*' otdera given by tt» Chairman ter the proposed empbyment ooraauM a threat to tie Kalus of NJ. on TUMday, AUgud 25.1982. . are cualqmafily posted In 1 : AN ORDINANCE ESTABUSHlNQ A MANDATORY PROGRAM purpoee ol maintaining ooV and dtcorun at the. Township SgnHy of t* potoe aa a prdasslonal occupaton. In which . E<**«d M. Bbtfcaon, Ovtman FOR THE SEPARATION OF CERTAIN MATERIALS FROM THE CommWee meeting. On kistrootion of ihe Chairman, ihe Ser- j the time ol such meMirv, caae eueh ampbymant aha) b* oaamad InelgUe tor * con- .. at the Ice of the Boroutj • • . . . ' Township CommWei SOLID WASTE OF RESIDENTIAL AND NON.RESjDENTIAL geant at Arms thai remove from Ihg meeting an/Person Mho. tr»ctw«htiePoloeD*paitmant . ATTEST: '• . . . PREMISES IN THE TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORO FOR RECY- said Municipal Building In Garwood, New.Jersey. Allan* M. Qlgqn ' ' 1B-3S FEE FOft SERVICES RENDERED CLING PURPOSES. PflOMULGATlNa ROLES AND REGULA- Section 6. Resisting removal. Tha Mayor and Council shal, by onJnanoe or raaoWon, U • Dons Polidoie MunloipalCMi ' ' TIONS THEREFORE; AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR Any person who resists removal by the Sergeant at' Arms Borough Clajk' lha hourly (ae br aarvbaa rendarad to ba paid In companaa- • .. • .-•••: •••••••..•^..-••. RATES •'•:.• ,• . :•:•••••: •'THE VIOLATION THEREOF.. •hat be charged ttith Wolallng KIJ.SA 2C.33-8. Dsrupting bon tor antnhduty arhploymenl Said la* shall Induda.oom- WRITING TIPS 18.57 HOW fO PLACE Z7.1982 Edward M. Robinson meetings and'prooantons. ' ' . peneatton (or »ie poaca oSoar VIVOWKI as we» as an aomln- AN ORDIrttNCE FIXING THE you're flexible on price, include . 1 PRIVATE PARTY $Oft i\i\ C0MMERC|AL$OC| Of\ • : Start your ad with what you're selling, ' i Chairman, Township committee Section 9. Recordino. taping or photography. IsMon lea!lo be retailed by the' Borough of Garwood. 'negotiable" In your ad, . :. . ' . STATEMENT There shall be no recordino. taping or photography of any • Be descriptive. Ust Vie best features of .-"^ TOWNSHIP Of CRANPORb 18-38 PAYMENT ... for three weeks . WW* W.W for three weeks VwliiV • Be sure to include your phone number and The loregcJng Ordnance was Italy passed as amended at a Township Committee meatlng by any means whatsoever with- Paymari of al leas tor off-duty employment shall be made A CLASSIFIED AD your Hem first! •• ' . ORDINANCE NO, es-zr , meeting of Township Commlttse of the Township of Cranford, out the ejpreoa'prior approval of Ihe Chairman ol Ihe Township to in* Borough of Garwood, Payment shall bo made by the for four lines. Additional lines $2.70 each- • AN ORONANCETO ESTABLISH A SALARY POLICY FOR NJ. on Tuesday, August 25.1092. ' . Committee. • • .. . .person br *ri*y tor whom tie aarUoa* are rendered In ao- MININUM TOMAXUMUM •* Call 1-800-559-9495 PAY IN ADVANCE AND 5AVE 1G%! : AND TO RX THE SALAttES OF F«EFWHTEa 'RRE UEU- ATTEST: . • ' Section 10. Rules of conduct. . • oirdanoewlthlhaoonlnol • . POSITION :--.-.. TENANT AND RUE CAPTAIN MEMBERS OF THE BUREAU Anene M. Qigcn • . Township Commute* meetnos dull be conducted pursuant Section 2. Al onfciances,or parts of ordinances Inoonaistenl SJ6.192:00 . $49,000.00 • OF FIRE OP THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC SAFETY OF Chlel of Police 32.000,00 ,. • 10.000.00 • Mail to us at: Municipal Clerk ' . to Robert's Rules of Order. herewWi are hereby iapealad to trw a»iant of such Inconsis- : Municipal Clerk 0,000.00 13.0O0.Ob ! THE TOWNSWP OF CnANTOfiD BEGINNNQ JANUARY i. $9.89 ' • . CC6U IT Aug. 27, 1082 Sedan 11. When e»**e. ' . tenoy.. ' ' Treasurer . ' • ' 1092. • ...- SOO.OO ' 6.0OC.0O. ' P.O: Box 699 This Article shall become effective upon publication as pm- Section 3. K any. portion of this ordlrianoa thai be deter- Chief Financial Officer . : . . EoWd M. Roblnapn. Chatatan videdbyjaw, . '•'• ... . 10.000,00 .••'•' '24,000.00 '! . TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD mined to be kwalld.,sudi datarmlfMion shall not sKed the Clerk Stenographer/Assistant to the Municipal Clerk . • . Y&Hnofro Committaa Section 12.Repealer. •" . • 16,000.00 • . ". 21.000.00 . ] ^pmeryille, NJ 08876 8660 - Rentals and Charters )270v Vacation Rentals . .ORDINANCE NO. W-M . vatdav of tie remaining portions of aald otrJnanc*.' Clerk Typist ' 7 , . 1000's - PERSONAL . 2130 - General Merchandise . 4110-Instruction/Education \. . 8060 - Sportscars • • •• ~—T" STATEMENT All ordinances or parts ol ordinances Inconsistent herewith Section 4. ThJa ordnano* ahal tall' aaad upon trial passage 6.00 per hour .••.-.. •• 12.00 8670-S|ip Rentals'. : 3280-Weekend Rentals ' '" Tha foreoolng OroVwioe VMS inaty pauad aa amended al a • AN ORDINANCe AUTHORtaNG THE MAYOR AMD MUNICI- P(T derWMunlclpal Offices . ' ' '. ... 1,300.00 '. iO'0.4 • 60-Plus ' 2140 - Office Furniture and Supplies 4120- Insurance 8070-Family Vans are hereby repealed, ' :.• iridpubicatlonki accordance wkh law. . '.. •' . 1,500.00 r 908-231-9638 maatkifl of Tovtmhlp ConVnlllaa d the Towrnhip -PETS AND LIVESTOCK 4160 - Masonry •. 8110 -Automotive Parts, Accessories SBrvice, •• . 3430 - Townhouses and Condominiums : Reading at a mooting of Ihe Township Committee of.Ihe . ie*.ooo.od • . ' 24.000.00 > : • • Chairman, Township Committee Doris Poldom. Borourjh Clark,. Municipal Court Adfnlnlslralor ' . . 1 and Services " ..•• . 8710/.Miscellaneous Boating .; 3440 • Apartments .. • CC8101TAug.27,1082 Township of Cranterd. NJ. on Tuesday. August 25. 1992 and • fl.OO per Hour 12.00 ' • South Plalnfield Reporter ' 1010 - introductions ' . 3010-Birds '. • 4170-MiscellaneousServices • STATEMENT ' tW.06 • CC81B 11 Aug. 27.1BB2 Oarti P/T Municipal Court . .• 8120 • Automotive Repair wll be continued br consideration (or Final Passage altar 3.000,00 • . :' 4,060.00 '", • Piscataway-DUnellen Review 1020- Singles Organbatlons 3020-Cats . . •• • ' ••. 4180 - Painting • . -.• 9000'f - REAL ESTATE 3450 -Rooms •The loregolng Orctnanca was «nal!y passed as amended ot a Prosecutor • . . : Public Hearing at the Municipal Curding. Oantord. NJ. on 000 00 800,00 ' | and Activities ' ... 4190 - Party STEntertainment Services 813tt - Miscellaneous Automotive 3460-Boarding • '. .' ' / . • . TOWNSHIP OP'CRANFORO meeting otTrMnsnlp of Cranfard. NJ. on Tuesday. August 25, Superinlendant of Fire Apparatus • • ' . ' '.. • Metuchen-Edlson Review '.'.' .3030 -Dogs • 9010 * Homes Under $150,000 ' Tuesday. September B. 1002 *t 8.00 P.M. prevailing time. BOO.OO ' 80000 1 8200's - MOTOHCYCLES : ' ORDINANCE NO. SJ-28 . tsei . . '•••': TOWNSHIP OT CRAWORO Superintendsrrl of Fire Alarm Syslom . . ••...• Green Brook-North Plalnfield JCUrnal . 1030-Lost & Found 3040-Fish. • • • . 4200 - Plumbing, Heating & Cooling 9020-Homes for Sale 3470-Apartments to Share . AN OROIHANCe FnOMO THE SALARIES AND WAGES OF ATTEST:' . • Construction 'Sub Code Offldal 10.000.00' KOOO.OO' 1040-Personals , • . 4210 - Professional Services 8210-ATVs , .. 3480 - Homes lo Share . Anene M.OIgon ' ' Arlene M.QIgon . , ORDINANCE NO. 92-34 • . ••' 3.000,00 • 4,800.00 , • Scotch Plalns-Fanwood Press 3050-Horses .••••'.. 9030 -Farms CERTAIN OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE TOWM- Municipal dark ... AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE AS AMENDED Building Inspector . ••• ' . . . 1050-Coming Events .' . 4220-Roofing • .' . 8220-Mopeds 3490 - Wanted to Rent , SHIP Of CRANPORO, NEW JERSEY FOR THE YEAItiBSZ. Municipal Cleric ., ' . • ' 6.00 per' hour ' . ' •12.00 \. . • Highland Park Herald . 3060 - Livestock . 9040' Luxury Homes & Estates J8.16 . CC8t31TAug. 27. 1B92 AND KNOWN AS THE LAND DEVELOPMENT ORDNANCE P/T Sacretary^onstructlon Depl. . . 1060-Announcements . 4230-Wallpapering . 8230 • Off-Road Motorcycles 9500 - Miscellaneous. Rentals ' ••...... •.'"' Ed»wd M.'RoWneon, Chairman . Mfl.82 '•• . . ' CC8161TAug,27.1992 Fir* Sub Code Official '.. 3,000.00 ' 4,500.00 I • Cranford Chronicle, ...••.. 3070 -. Other Pets 9050 • Mobile Homes and.Lots OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD (ORDINANCE NO. 2.6O0.O0 • - 4,000.00 > 8240 - On-Road Motorcycles Th Committee 77-33) TO DELETE WSTnUTONAI. AND PUBLIC USES AS PiumblrioInspector .•• ' • . • ... 3080- Adoptable Pels 5000's - EMPLOYMENT • : 9060 - Waterfront Property 9600's - COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE 2,600.00 • • 3.500,00 .. "• •Hllls-Bedmlnsler Press '.'•;' 2000's -FOR SALE 8250 -Motorcycle Parts, Accessories- TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD. Dlractor of Recreation - 5010- Career Training and Services : ; .' BOHOUQHOf OARWOOO OONOmoNAL OR PRINCIPAL PERMITTED USES IN THE •."•••'• ' • Franklin Focus !. ' . • 3090 -Boarding; Training & Grooming 9070 - Condominiums 9610 - Business Properties for Sale • ''•'..' ••" STATEMENT ORDINANCe NO. 02-32 3.60 per'hour • ... 15.00 '• * 2010-Antiques • • ,andService '. '..'.. . OnWMANCE NO. 82-11 .'.. - ROM and ROt-2 Zones . . RecreaUon P/TH*lp ' '-. •'.'•• • . 5020 - Child Care Wanted : 9080 - Townhouses ' 9620 - Professional Properties for Sale . Tha Igraoolna Ordlnanoa IMS trtaly passed a» anwndeS al a ..'.'' CAWTALFUNb 10.000.00 12.500.00 .'• Westfleld Record • 3100 -Miscellaneous, Supplies and 8260 - Miscellaneous Motorcycle Nonce- WHEREAS, tha Planning Board of the Township of Cranlord . TaxAssatsof • •• . ' • ' 6.60 par hour '..• ' . 6.50 ' 2020 • Abpllances • - - .• 5030 - Employrnent Agencies ' 9090 - Multi-Family Homes .. •maaBno oTTowiahlp Committee ol IheToWMhip ol Crantord, • • . ' • BALANCE ORDINANCE has r*ocfnmsnd«d Institutional and pubic uses b* deleted as Special Pollc* Officers Class "B" • • . : • . ,-. • Warren-Watchung Journal ' . .'. Services . . • , : 963O.-_Retail Properties for Sale ' . NJ.onTuaaday,Augual2S, 1062. .'...- 2030-Art • '•'•*. 5040 - Employment - Domestic ' .•'..- 84OO'» - RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 9100-Lots and Acreage AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING S4.400.00 FROM THE . Nonce. Is HEREBY GIVEN lhal tne tellcvSng proposed . ekhar oondUonal or ronndp^perrnhted use* In the ROM and (School Crossing Guards) . . '•• '• New Brunswick pocus 4000's - SERVICES 9640 - Warehouse Properties for Sale . • ATTEST: ' • • * ••' • '.>••'• 3.5O0.OO ' 4i500.00 2040 • Auctions ' • • . W*ltar*" Director • • ' ' • • l 505O r Employment • GeneraT . 8410 - Campers and Trailers 9110-Out of Area Property CAPITAL FUND BALANCE OF THE GENERAL CAPITAL FUND Ordranoe w*s Introduced and passed on fnt reading at • v ROI-Zames In tie Township d Oranford: and • '. ; 1i400.O0 '.•••• Somerset Guide 4010-Adult Day Care 9650 - Office Rentals '. :- ••• . ' Artana M.GJdon ••.''.'•'•.• TO DEFRAY THE COSTS OF THE ACQUISITIONS OP VARI- Assessment Search Officer ' ' 2,000.00 .2050 - Clothing and Apparel 5060 - Employment • Health Care 9120-Wanted to Buy meeting of *w Borough Counol of the Borough of Qanvood, WHEREAS, th* Township Cornmat** of th* Township of 16.000.00 21,000.00 ; 4020 - Business Services 8420 - Motor Homes . 9660 - Industrial Rentals: Municipal Clerk OUS EOUPMENT AND IMPROVEMENTS. AND AUTHORIZ- Cranbrd fash that Ins recorrmndaoon of Ihe Cranford han. • Librarian ' • • '. . • • • • Middlesex Guide 2060-Collectibles . 5070 - Employment • Managerial W.1B. . . CC811 1TAU(J.27.1982 In the County of Union, Stale of New Jersey, held on ihe 11th •4,00 per hour .9,00 J 4030 r Carpenfry 8430 -RV.Parts, Accessories and 9130 - Mortgages and Financing' 9670-RetailRentals ' • ING THE IMPROVEMENTS THEREOF. day of August IBM and Ihal aald ordinance*«M b« taken up ' nlng Board has merit and ' Ubrary P(T H*lp 2070 - Computers 508O-Part-Time Employment • 9140 - Miscellaneous Real Estate ; Board of Health Secretary : . . 1.400.00 . •'•. 2,000.00 ' 1 4040 - Child Care . . '. Service • 9680 - Warehouse Rentals • - '... ' . .-• .EdwardM.Robinson,Chairman ter further oonelderetlon (or trial passage at tho meeting of VWF^EAEtTWE.aTowrahtoljanfordarh M . ~' 6.00 por.houf 2080 -Farm & Garden : Temporary Laborers/Slf»«l Dapl. . •8.00 • 1 • -.'••'. •TOLL FREE '• " •. 4050 • Cleaning Services ••',-•• 5090 - Employment Wanted 8440-Miscellaneous RV 9200'a - VACATION PROPERTY 9690-Commercial Real Estate Wanted ' TOWNSHIP Of CRANFORO • ' ' " Township commhee aald Borough Council to be held at Its meeting room In the dura* set forth In NJ.SA 40:680-1 of. seq.: . 1,500.00 • 1 2,000.00 ' J CRANPORD, NEW JERSEY Recycling Co-ordlnalor. •....• ; 2085»Firewood- 4060 - Convalescent Care 9210-Homesfor Sale STATEMENT: •' Municipal Bukfrw, Qanvood, New Jersey, on the .8th day of NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWNSHIP 6.00 per hour. . ' • 8.00 8000'a—AUTOMOBILES 8800's-BOATS . 98OO'a -BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ORDINANCE NO. B3-2S - The (0r»rMlrflOrrJnanc«was«nalry passed M amended at ••• September, 1M2 at eao P.M., or as aooh Ihireaftar as uld Recyclingp/THelp • •• • • . 2090 - Flea Markets, Sates and 9220 - Poconoj Properties COMMITTEE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD, NEW JER- 8,00 per hour 11.00 y 4070 • Electrical . 8010 - Automobiles Under $1000 9810 - Businesses for Sale matter can be reached, al which time and place an persons :' B r 8610-Boats : • ..' AN ORDINANCE PROVMNd THAT THE CRANFORD PO meeting of Township committee of the Township ol Cranterd, SEY: , • •••••.. . . "»dta 2 The '«SariMflx«d pursuant.to Section t horool for Iho Borouoh: Collector. Tranurar, Ass.saor, Judge'and Bazaars 4080 - Handyman Services B020 - Automobiles Under. $2500 9230 - Resort Properties UCC DEPARTMENT ENFORCE PARMNQ REGULATIONS-IN NJ. on Tuesday, August 25,1082.. who may be Intaraaied therein w«l be grvwt an opportunity to . Section 1, Thai. Chapter 138, Artlde V, S«S)on'.i38<«D (1) 8620 - PoWer Boats 9820 • Franchise Opportunities Clerk olthe^Municipal Court and Construction OHiclal or Employo'os.and all said fats which may be collected by.soB ' 2100 -Free to Goad Home 4090 • Health Care Services 8030 - Automobiles v- 9240 - Waterfront Properties . REStoeWULZONES. '..•".•• . ATTEST; be heard concerning lha same...... be amended^ delete IrwHutional and Publo us** as akher' 8630 - Sailboats . • 3250 - Lots and Acreage 9830 r Licenses tor Sale ; ' WHEfiEAS, tm To*nahlp CommWea ol Ihe' To*n»hlp ol OfHoerorEmploveesand all said leas shall be turnsd.ovorlp tho Borough Treasurer. '• ,, ''..-.' i 1#800t559-9495 4100 • Home Improvement 8040 - Antique and Classic Automobiles Arlene M. Qlflon ' ' A oopy of Ws ordlanoi.hu bean patted on the. Bulletin oondMonal or principal permitted us** In the ROM or ROLE 2110-Fumlturd . ... •••. •'• 8640-Motprs . 9260 - Time Shares - 9B40 - Investments/Opportunities Cranlord requMfcd In* Cranterd Planning Bond to look Into • Municipal Clerk '. Board upon which public notice* 'are customarily posted In .'1 jnr)« districts. • ' 1 •.'.,•. • • . ' . • • •. ' '^afitlw 3?Th?sIlariM and wsp.es provided to In .Section 1 hereof .hall ba. payabM bi-weekly unless olhorwl.j 2120-Garage Sales '. 4105-Income Tax 8050- Luxury Automobiles ' . In* <*Mfc*ry ol anboamenl ol oil rteel partdno reoulaflon* In (908) 722-3000 8650-Mannas •'•; .$8.69- . CC0151TAug.27,1892 Hie Municipal Bulkfcig of Die •Borough.of Qarwood. and a Section 2. This ordnance shall take effect upon publication , iniflonoevity bensmsVovlded for Undor the provision oi Ordinance:.81-O4 or such other.subsoquerrj "a«nMlo*nW»n*i:aV«M paridng ragiiaUona w tama apply to perking of various . . ORDINANCENO. 02-31 In.aald Mwldpal BuJUngln.Oeniwod, ttow JeraeyT^ . .- NOTICE OF PENWNQ ORDINANCE • .' 8:30 A.M.r5:00 P.M. Advertisement. Please check your •• vehWee In neldenU tone* vMinUi To*nabfc ol Cmnfcrd AN ORDINANCE TO ADOPT RULES OF DECORUM FOR THE 1 ' SscUon'e. All provisions of Ordinances No; 78-14 nnd Ofdlnanpe'No. 91-02 providing to* omployoobanelils ol cortolrt deadline for classified display is .5 PM on PAYABLE IN ADVANCE: A" ads for : S2.00 mailing charge • .' ' . " ,.' ''•••' :• .. '•••••• DorisPotidonj The torgolhg Ordinance was IntrorJuoed and passed ori First full-tlm* emrjloywa of iho Botouohbl Garwood shall romalh in full.loree and elfocl...... '• , .-...;.. • .< jhufsday 8t Friday 8:30 A.M^:0p P:M. advertisement the first week it runs. Errors in ' CONDUCT OF TOWNSHIP COMMrTTEE MEETING ; . and nMonnanoMohangaaln'lhaanbreenwil area: and . • .' ' '_ . .. . •'.-••:.'• '• •-' Borougheterk. .Rearing at a maaBng of th« Township Committee of. the Sectk>n-7!All wSlnsncas or parts ol ordinances Irtconslstonl herewith, shallbe end Ihoy are hereby repoaloct . ' adveftlsements.ruhning more than one time : . Garage Sales, Employment Wanted, Wanted (Box held for.30 days) . . VVHEREAS, th* ToM>»hlp CortmWee ol'ihe T6»mhip ol WHEREAS, the Township Committee d the Township of Townshb of Cranford, NJ. on Tuesday, Augusf2S, 1992 and Saturday 9:OO A.M.-2:OO P.M. Cnntofdhaa mvfewed the rtoonnanaatlons o/ tha Cnm fend'.. Cranterd has never adopted an ordinance, which sets (orlh the . SacHonB. This ordinance BhaH lako eHoct at the tlrtifj and In tho manner proscribed by law, ...... -. j must be carrepted- before the secxjnd to Rent, Houses to'Share or ApartrrVents to••-• •"•'• ' • ' ORDINANCE82-11. •'.••'• .'.••"••• "wit be continued for.consideration for Fnal Passage after •"'All capital letters $17fJ0 per week Ptanolng,. Bond and tlund those laoommendabons to have' procedures and.ruknol decorum tot membem of the.Town- - Put*) .Hearing at the Municipal Building,' Cranford, NJ. on' • Introduced:..August.11;'1992 •' ' ; '...-... '.' •'" •.-,.•••• .•• -.••.. . CANCEtUATIONS: Accepted up to4 Insertion or correction -allowance cannot be '. Share.AII ads-When.moyjng, all ads to shlpComhiltee, otrwemrjloyeeaof tr«.Tr«™hlpol.Cfanlbrd . AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHtfTEII 18 (POUCE) OF • All bold type faces $1.00 p&r week • M«dV. •' •• • • •••••.• THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF. THE BOOOUGH OP OAR- . Tuesday, September a 1992 at 8:00 P.M. provsWno lima. FAX: (908) # P.M. Monday prior to publication.. • made. Correction allowance' for errors shall • addresses outside of New Jersey;' ' V '••'•. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Township and the general public «t large; and •••' ATTEST: .'"•..' ' . : WOOD. 1974, TO PfHSVlOE FOR THE HIRING OF POUCE ATTEST: ••'•••.. ' 1 CommMa* ol Ih* TownahJp of Cninford: WHEREAS, Ihe Township oTCranferd leels that the adoption 'Arlen* M. Olgcn ' Doris Polldore, Bofouflh Clork : - OFFICERS OF THE BOROUGH OF QARWOOD BY GOV- 0C62O-11-8/27/92 , . SaoBon 1, Enfaroamanl. Enfercament' ol tha »c*w(n(j oil of an ordnsnee dearly salting brth the .'Rujaa ol Oecorum for %n.B6 . • . • • . • ' ' —.,'.... ERNMENT. PROFIT-MAKINQ OR NOT-FOR-PROFIT ENTI- Municipal Clerk . "• • •••..•.•••..•'.•••. 1010 1010 1010 1O4O 1040 r 1040 . tine) partdng nqulranwib shall be subject to enforce mart Township Committee meetings Is In the public Interest: TIES FOHEXTRA DUTY EMPLOYMENT. S10.89 • CC6i7 1TAug.27.1992 1O1O 1010 1010 JO4O . by, the Cnnkxd Polloa DepahmanL ' . NOW/THEREFORE, BE IT OR0A1NED BY THE TOWNSHIP Personals ' BE IT ORDAINED by Hie Mayor and Council of the Borough Fred Stmhlendorl, Mayor Introductions introduction* Introductions Introductions Introductions Introductions Personals Pwsonals Personals , . Section 2. PatMng In Raaldentlal Zonea. Only currently rarjls-' COMMITTEE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD. NEW JER- of Garwood: ' . ' . . : Sedton .1.- Sscbon 21-18 (Entranoss and.Exits) in AnSde K ' tared operational, nryxsornmercial HJW vehldas rnny bo parked. . SEY: ••...' : • . . . , BOROUGH OF OAIWOO0~ ' •• 1 Doris Pclldore, Section 1. Article W (PrMe Empbymenl of Police. Offcers) ORDINANCe NO. M-1I (Garwood Mai) »i chapter 21 (TfaBo and Parking) of the Borough Clerk : . on any property In a nmldentbl »ne. awept thai lha following Section 1. General Provisions. . • . • In Chapter 18 (Police) of the Revised Ordinances ol tha . RaUssd Ordnanoes of lha Borough of Garwood. 1974, Is ,L,AX>lES: tHIS SWM RETTY BLONDE DWF- SWF.Who Is fun loving, SWM, 31, 6'1", attractive, SWM- 39, handsome, WF; Attractive, small ADAPTION- adoring full THANKSGIVING NO- I place this cause in your vine gift to forgive ahd ..araalio permitted: .. . • Members of the Township Committee shall observe order • . ' '" NOTICE : • '•' ' " »7.23 CCBI9 1T Aug! 27.1992 L 1 Borough of Garwood, 1974, Is hereby enacted attellows: hereby emended to reed as blows: advontursomo, attractive, hands (3x). Holy Spirit, forget all evil against me and decorum during Township Committee mseonos. A mem- 'LOVES LIFE AND lender,'' professional 5' physically fit, non-well educated, athletic frame, health-conscious, time mom & devoted dad VENA TO ST. JUDE- , (1) One (I) Mmriwriillohlu>U»cleu»8d by ttwocojpart.it APmcCE IV - PfWAtE EMPLOYMENT OF POLICE OFFIC- AHTKXEX- QARWOOD MALL .. and that In all instances ber of the Township Committee shat neither, by conversation NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following proposed : "WANTS TO FIND SOME- li/2",, 120 pounds, ac- hyslcally fit, enjoys peo- smoker, brown hair & professional.. Ehjoys down-to-earth, caring, long to adopt your new- Holy St. Jude, Apostle you who solve all prob- -. omoad. , '.. • . • . - ERS ". • •'. • . i21;18ENTHANC£S AND EXITS. : in my life you are with . ' (2) Unrtobtared of nonoperational Brjhl vahldes owned by oYotherwtse,'delay or Interrupt ih» prcceadinoSiOftho commlt- OrrJnanoa was Introduced and passed on first reading at a ONE TO SHARE IT WITH; lompllshed with love of le, life, good food & eyes. In search of an at- sports, outdoors, tennis, honest, affectionate, non- born.' Happily married, ahd. Martyr, great In vir- lems, light all roads so tae nor Disturb any member while speaking nor refuso to obey, 18-29 PURPOSE ••."'•• meeting Df Ihe Borough Council of In* Borough of Garwood. In 29 years old, blond hair, champagne. An EX flight tractive, fit female, who golf, movies, travel the moker, occasional that I can attain my goal. me, I want In this.short ' Ina oocupmt U garaged. . . ' This purpoee of Ihls anide Is lo govern extra-duty employ- No person shall *nter or'wh tho Qsiwood Mall. Shopp.no BOROUGH OP KENILWORTH V nature, the arts, friends & educated white couple tue and rich In miracles, the orders of Ihe Chairman. Township Commltteo members . the County pi Unlon..Stale of New Jersey, held on the Ekwenth H You who gave me the di- prayer to thank you. for ' . (3) Two (J) kami ol recreation equipment belonging.to tha ment by members of Die PoUoe Department of tha Borough Center except a* tolow*: ' ,• pOBUcNonce .. . . blue eyes, 6', cute smile, family, seeks a passion- attendant whoso seen, likes going out, dining, arts & sunshine. Seeks drinker. I would like to. romlse Love, Security, near kinsman of Jeaus i - occupant. • oamoad. Any recreation tarn or Hems affixed on a shall Worm the'chairman before leaving their seats-during a day of August, 1992 and that Mid ordnance wM be token up he world & wishes to dancing ahd having a very attractive affection- meet a professional Christ, faithful Interces- vine gift to forgive and all things as you confirm Committee meeting. .• . . ' • of Qarwood. ' .' • ' ' " tor lurthar consideration for final passage- st Ihe meeting tf said . (a) The easterly driveway of the Gar* -3d Mall Shopping Con- . who Is honest and has a ate male friend, 4g-55 ?oys & Joys. Medical , r»cn>atioaompllshed DWM, scien- lights,, champagne -,& brown hair, green, eyes, meet, a discreel, advon- In my present and urgent •'any ri lha rjrovhlonsolthla chapter ahall. upon conviction, be (d)Routlnetowaniorcenwittorpublloauthorities. .- . ' ,'tam'' ' ,'•••'•' time ahd. week-day ' ro- ca|l Diane Propert for us mercy toward me and must be published after '.punished by • line of not more than foe hundred dolla/e remark) (TOT tMm«^ by the SergrisntBl Arms. • . • request such copies, at the cfloe of th* Borough Clerk iri said tist, musician, art colloc- ihocolate, jeans & cow- SWF, 59 ysara old, good non-smoker, non-drug toursome, female, or petition. In return I prom- (l MunldpW Buldng In Gsnwod, New Jersey. Sedlon 3. K any portion of.'Hs ordinance shall be.determlned Al documents reiating to this application^^may be Inspected }6r, business leader, ac- bow boots & black tie af- figure. I. love concerts! mantic, discreet, relatlon- couple; to explore mutual at Adoption and Infertility ise to make your name mine; The person must tha favor Is granted. E.M. ; (»S00.00). A separata violation shall be deemed convnltted on Section 4. Length ol presentation. 1B-31 SCOPE . to be Invalid, soch ootormlnotion shsJ not affect Ihe validity of ' by the. public between the hours of IW0A.M. and 4:30 PM. user. Seeking SWF 22- a«oh day durlnfl or on i*hlch a vWatlcn occurs or continues. . Doris Polldorn -tlye In mariy sports, very fairs. I love to laugh & I'm looking for a SWM, ihlp, ext.3890 Interests, oxt.3891 Service at 800-734-7143 known and cause you to say this prayer 3 con- . Persons addressing the Township Commutes shun bo nl- No person, govemmem, profrl making or nol-lor-proM entity . • • . ' Borough Clerk • . tha rernalnkigponiona of said ordnanos. . In Ihe offtosol the'. Borough Clerk In the Borough Half. 567 31, Intelligent, attractive Section. 4. Nothing contained In .this ordlnanca Is rnaant'to lowed a maximum ol tve (5) minutes tor their presentatlofts. Boulevard, Kenlkvorth, New' Jersey. .. . •••' wide range of othor Inter- en|oy lite to the fullest. If no alcohol or smoking. be Invoked. (Say 3 Our secutive days. After 3 PRAYER TO. THE HOLY shall Wro or contract v* any pollco oMcer of the Borough of ORDINANCE NO; 92-1Z Section 4. This ordinance'shall take effect upon final passage & sl|m who enjoys danc- SWM- Italjan, 57, very WWWF- Younq 59, tall & COMMUTER WANTED days, the request will be SPIRIT- Holy Spirit, You i•• rapaaJ any of (hs.terma or requirements ol Chapter 138 errMlBd Sermon 6. Disorderly conduct. Garwood for any etdnvdury amployrnent avcept In ao< and puMcstion In aooordanc* »«h law, upon approval by tho Any. Interested parry may appear at arid partjdpsla in said iasts. Exlromoly fit, 6', IOU are a fit S/DWM 30- leaso reply, Ext. 3639. ing, going to the beach, Fathers, 3 Hall Mary's, 3 . Und Davelopment . No person In the audlenoo shall.engage In disorderly eon-. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 21-18 (ENTRANCES gentlo and caring liberal warm artd'; fun loving slim, looking for gentle- 6am from Cranford Rail- granted. This prayer who Solve air my prob- oordenoe with this arlide. . . ' ' ' : AND EXITS) IN ARTICLE X (0ARWOQD MALL) IN CHAPTER New Jersey Department of Transportation, end upon the post- hearing In accordance wtti the tulea of1h» Planning Board,^. 18 who has It all together taking romantic walks, would like to rneet a very Glory Be's). St. Jude, ,. Section 5. Thta orrjrumoe aha! take edecl'aflef pauaoo and dud such as hand dapping, stamping d feet, whistling, using 18-32 CONTRACT WITH POLICE DEPARTMENT ing rjfsppropriate signs. - .; Thki Notice Is published by lh* Applicant by order d iRo "Christian. I prefer close aut wants - more-lets go SWF- 27, pretty, blue man, of same age for road Station to Mldtown pray for us and all who must be published after lems, who light all roads ,. uponpubBcaUonajprovloadbytaw. ' - profane language, shouting or other, slmtar domonstrations 41 (TRAFFIC AND PARKING). OF THE REVISED ORDIr movies & spending quiet affectionate, sensual fe- . The person, oouemment, profit making or not-for-proM entity NANCES OF THE BOROUGH OF QARWOOD, 1974, TO DES- 8*dlon.S.'Trw posting of approprlaU) signs, Indicating tho Borough of Kenlfworth Planning Board. .Relationships, Informal lor It. Reply box 4104 eyes, 5'2, slender, seeks Saturday night dining out or downtown.. Invoke your aid. Amen. the favor Is granted.R.J. so that I.can obtain my ; ... Edward M. Robinton which may d3ib the peace and order of the Township . o*s^ to ernpievsrvpoios rjBcor of ihe Bcfouflhol Qar- restrictions and reguWont noted above. Is hereby suthoriod Schedno Corporation, Applicant non smoking SWM, 27-nights together at home. male who would like to and dancing partner. Bargain Rateat BO cants goals, You who give mo Committee meeting...... IGNATE THE WESTERLY DRIVEWAY OF GARWOOD MALL jipnall groups and quiet Reply Ext> 3949 • (Publication must be • • Chairman. wood for sxlna-duty employment shall enter Into a contract ,-•" .AS AN EXIT ONLY. ' •nddractod ' '' . ' . - " ~, S12.75 ;; CC822HAug.27',1992 31, who shares interest Share a laugh or a tear, a day, one way. Call the Divine gift to forglvo STATEMENT • Section 6. Repealed otttrubanca; lemovol Irom meeting. Intoduced: August 11,1992 .JJmes, but also enjoy SASSY HEb-HEAD- Please reply ext. 3648. . promised. This novena PRAYER TO THE7 w»i the Osiwood Police Oepartrnant by the Chief rjf Poica or pretty, 34, 5'7", SWF, in sports, camping, trav- listen to the rain, or each 212-858-5216 days or & forget all evils against ' .The toregolng ordniinoa was' finally peued " amended at a ~M persons Shan, at the request ol tho Cnalrmsn, be silent. K, oftcen shal be assigned to the oohtractodfor. extra-duty . Adopted: • . more sophisticated high- SWM- 27 quixotic, ad- others heart beat while WWWF— 57 woman, of has never, been known to BLESSED VIRGIN ..meeting of Township ComrWttw d the Township ol Cranlord. ' alter receMna s warring from the Chairman, a person persists emolovmenL ' - BE IT ORDAINED W Ihe Mayor and Council tif th* Borough of who loves to laugh, I'm el, amusement, animals 908-388-3658 after 6pm, fall. This prayer Is to ba (Never known to fall). me & that in all instances er vlsabllty events. I am or just, quiet evenings at jective minded existen- holding each Other close. substance, Interested In ask for Mike. honest, caring, playful, tialist with a taste for said for 9 consecutive Oh, most beautiful flower of my life You:are with —seeking a; woman who home. If this sounds like It would be nice to share meeting professional me. I want In this short desires true Intimacy and affectionate, Intelligent, pizza land other dairy/ days). My prayers: have of Mt. Carmel, fruitful physically & emotionally you, please reply to Ext. with someone who's male of same. Enjoys COMPATIBILITY prayer to thank you for- a lifetime partnership. bread derivatives. Ear- warm and sensuous. It good food, dancing tho- COUNTS— honest, car- been anawered:D.D.K. vine splendor o) Heaven, TO PLAGE AN AD OR New Jersey's #1 source for meeting people TO ANSWER AN AD: It, I'll try anything once 4044 Blessed Mother of the all things & to confirm One who balances, ac- 1 nestly searching for Eu- may be an encounter you atre movies, some Ing Indian male professor as long as, It's * not • life- ropean style earth girl *aon»cf Qqd, Immaculate once again that I never FOR CUSTOIVIER SERVICE: •. tnnil --" corripllshemnt • and per- SWF— 35, down to earth, will cherish for a long sports, & the finer things would like to hear from PRAYER TO THE" .want to be separated sonal growth.with youth- threatening, looklrjg fpr;a Intellectual. A woman 45+ ladles;.. Forbes Vlrjjjn, asaJsLJnaJn my, tall' male", ;30-8ofnetnlng^ beautiful, ,wavey, light time. Please call ext. In life. Caring hohest & BLESSED VIROIN- Worn You & even In spite 1«9O0»226«1OO3 ful energy^, optimism, cu- brown, shoulder length who wears Blrkenstocks 4039. sense of humor a must, Newspapers, Box. 105, n«c»*stW. ojv^star of We - w/lradltlonal' values, and (Never known to fall). Sea, helpJfrt»*i«d. hear of all material Illusions I $2 FOR THE FIRST MINUTE, $2 FOR EA, ADDTL MINUTE " 'rloslty, ami - playfulness. hair and brown eyes. 5' Veqardlesa of the com- 57-67, all replies will be P.O. Box 699,' Somervllle, Oh, most beautful flower &0 a GREAT sense of- r -summerlst implications, me, herein-you are rfiy wish io be with, you In If you "are a truly beautiful 6", larger frame but not TO GOOD TO" BE arfswered.. Reply ext. NJ 08876 humor.ext 3B93 ' of Mt. Carmel, fruitful mother, Oh, Holy Mary, eternal glory. Thank You woman who has a re- obese, a smoker, attrac- Who Is an artistic social TRUE- 35 yrs. old, 6'3, 4114 •:.•.. vine splendor of Heaven, drinker with passion for CHAPTERS WANTED- Mother of God, Queen of for Your mercy. toward garding life and are SDWM- 60, profes- tive, likes cooking, stay- 210lbs, trained by his 4 Blessed Mother of the me & mine. The person How to Place an Ad How to Answer an Ad seeking the romance, Ing homo for a quiet above philosophical sisters, he has learned WWWM- CAPTAIN Ryley School, S. Plain- Heaven and Earthl I sional, very active, fit, & son of Qod, Immaculate humbly beseech you must'say this prayer for 3 I.Take' some time to write down some characteristics about yourself, and your 1. Note the extension numbers at the end of the ads you'd like, to artswor. warmth and excitement evonfng w/a movie or slant, foodstuffs, and the how not to treat a lady. looking for his Mate. 5'9, field, Show & Sale, 10/3, Virgin, assist me In my financially stable. An av- 9-3 pm, 808-769-0249 or from the bottom of my consecutive days. After 3 preferences about the type ol person you'd like to meet. of a deeply toying rela- erage man-,no drinking ol n g . out. Works . If you By seeing the bums we trim, healthy, loyal, savy. necessity. Oh, Star of the 2. Call1-900-226-t003 from a Touch-Tone phone. . thanked your private reli- Come Sail with Mo & 756-3731 or 756-6512 heart to succor me In this days, tlie favor, request A WAY FOR PEOPLE TO MEET PEOPLE tionship, please call me or drugs, but I smoke, Iff.hours but kind of a went out with, he's no Sea, help me and how will be granted even.If it 2.You can place your "Introductions" ad lor Ireejust by calling 1-800-559-9ebe, 18 years or older to use this 900 lineline. "• + . Z" SAIGON- This attrac- on parallel paths. Call taking time to smell the' 9p's "Straight, from the me lished Immediately after 3. Your Bd will run for (our weeks, and can be renewed at any tlmb. be spoiled. and. knows knows how to treat a rific sense of humor & a Heart". Valued @ $12.§5. Heaven and Earthl I the favor Is granted with- tive, slim, very: success- lady, 5' 10" and over, av- now and get a free gnu. spontaneous. personality flowers. Please be In humbly beseech you herein you are my moth- Forbes Newspapers' Introductions Is a way to meet people, find a tennis partner, a fourth for bridge, or another classical music lover. how to spoil In return. Call 1-80O-724-4455 out mentioning the favor, MOST COMMONLY USED ABBREVIATIONS: ful, traditional, young 40 Must be level headed,- erage '. or solid larger Please call Exti 4025. that you can't help but your 40's, bright, caring, from the bottom of my er. Oh Mary, conceived Italian American' DWM athletic, good In an only your Initials should - Whatever your interests, yoi/should be able to find someone to share them. Personal advertisements and voice mall messages may • B.-Biack •F-Fettia!e . • M - Male • WW - Widowed Ilko sports, cars, dining frame, who wants a one love, If you want to settle POLISH HIGH SCHOOL heart to succor me In this without sin, pray for us apper at. the bottom. not contain language that/is overtly sexual, suggestive arid/or offensive to the general public. The publisher reserves the right to seeks Oriental female out, quiet eyes. Sense of on one relationship. No SWM- 28, 5' 11", 160 down, ladles this Is your emergency & free to be. EXCHANGE STUDENT, necessity. There are who have recourse to with similar qualities. "'lease call Ext. 3946. THANK YOU HOLY SPIR- reject any ad; This publication assumes no responsibility or liability for the content or reply of a personal advertisement. Must be 18 • C - Christian • H - Hispanic • S - Single. • WWW - White, Widowed humor a must! Ext. 4014. head games please, only lbs., brown hair, brown chance. May be the last boy 16 anxiously await- none that cart withstand thee (3x). Holy Mother, t IT. E.M. ; : Looking for fun, adven- serious minded callers eyes. Good looking and true prince. If you are be- place this cause in your years or older to use this/service. . - . • D — Divorced •J — Jewish •W — White ing host family. Enjoys your power. Oh, show ture and romance lead- SINGLE MOM- mld- need respond- ext 3606. romantic successful col- tween 28 & 39, 5'-5'7, 1020 swimming, sports, read- me herein you are my hands (3x). Holy Spirit, tafl-to a happy ending. 30's1, 5' 5", slim; brown lege graduate, financially not overweight, not into Singles Ing, ' computers, Arriving mother. Oh Mary, con- you who solve all' THANKSGIVING NO- ""Wease respond to ext. hair & eyes. Likes mov SWF- attractive', 35, pot- secure, home owner. En- drugs, not a smoker, August. CALL KATHLEEN ceived without sin, pray problems, light all roads VENA TO ST. JUDE— 1000 11007 1O1O , 1010 : loio 1M0 3O1O 3323. : les, cooking, old fash- tle, brown hair &. eyes, joys outdoor activities, very high morals, family Organizations (908) 389-3346 or 1-800- for us who have recourse so that I can attain my Holy St. Jude, Apostle professional, great sense, boating and sailing. oriented, reliable & de- and Activities goal. You who gave me. and Martyr, great in vir- PERSONAL Game Mayan Introductions lntro4ocUonm Introduction* LOOKING TO MEET- ioned romance, music & SIBLING. to thee (3x). Holy Mother, tetroducUoiu w sports. Looking for SI of humor, enjoys working Seeks SWF, 24-29, Intel- pendable, very sweet & I place this cause In your the divine gift to forgive tue and rich In miracles, "§Thgle/dlvorced women, I out, going to the boach, ligent, attractive, slim, gentle, looking for a -guy and forflat all evil against near kinsman of Jesus Enter ., -it am currently separated DWM for friendship & ALLOW ME TO GIVE hands (3x). Holy Spirit, Game PUyen it a ntin ARE YOU A MAN grown ATTRACTIVE FULL- DBF- middle agod, 5'6" DWM- High School & QWF- Professional^ fi- possible relationship looking for sincere, and fun loving, for friendship that will be there for you Advertise In ihe Class/Medf you who solve all prob- me and that. In all Christ, faithful Interces- FIGURED- SWJF, 38, professional decorator, College teacher w/no nancially and emotionally yiiwlth many married fe- honest man. Please call and relationship. Reply no matter what, but ex- YOU the gift of a lasting Instances In my life you sor of all who Invoke 1004 cUtiificMtion and is part of wiser through life's twists ..jiriiale friends, would like reply ext. 3034. relationship/ Personal- lems, light all roads so & turns, looking to truly seeking S/DWJM, 35-42, adore good living, out- hang up's or problems! secure. Petite, attractive, oxt. 4049 • to ext. 3911 pects the same from you, that I can attain my goal, are with me, I want In your special patronage In 60-f»*» Forbes Newspapers' Intro- non-smoker, who la ulti- door : life, beach, oc- 6' f0", 145 lbs,, blond -vrtd establish a network of ized, 16 yrs. experience. ductions, It M intended for share w/someone- Forbes Newspapers' non-smoker. Enjoys trav- SINGLE WORKING CAL- We urge you, don't let PRAYER TO THE You who gave me the di- this short prayer to thank time of need. To you; I mately willing to make a casional cocktail and, hair & blue eyes, attrac- biuinglo female friends be-[ SWF— I run a fast paced SWM- 28, blue eyes, Call Judy Yorio's Com- have recourse' i from the . me by people looking for bpenness &' honesty, el, theater, tennis and OTHIC ORINTIAL this one get away. Reply BLESSED VIRGIN vine gift lo forgive and you for all things as you commitment to marriage dancing. Must bo physi- tive, trim & athletic. Ivy golf. Seeking sameVwIth Hiitween the ages of 26-40. advertising agency and brn. hair, drug disease- patibles 90S!707!9086J1_ depth of my heart-and ATTRACTIVE, Youna. other people with whom to playfulness & affection, UDY- 26 yr8. old, 120 ext.4054. ...• •'..'.. (Never known to fall). forget all evil against me confirm once again that I & family. I enjoy theatre, cally fit'and outgoing educated, good disposi- professional femtSro 35- -28 am a 31 yr. old wpmani lbs., 5'4. Loves the out- would like to meet a siml- tree, enloys movies, din- never want to be humbly beg to whom 8WF, 61, ClaMy, Intell- play games. For more in- going & doing & Just -atwlth out .children, resld- CHRISTIAN Oh, most beautiful flower and that In all Instances being, sharing Imagina- concerts, classical with a- sense of humor. tion & sense of humor. 55 for friendship, pos- doors, rackatball, travel- larally prof, male 43 + . I Ing put, amusements, In my life you are with separated from you In Qod has given such a«nt, caring, honest' formation please call 1- new "singles" music, ballet, swimming, I'm looking (or something Wants to share life's iips . o?lng In Somerset County. am attractive, active In UNBELIEVABLE BUT of Mt. Carmel, fruitful aaaks roflntsd Cop-' tion & curiosity, learning sible relationship. PIOBSO ing, and romantic din- sports, and the outdoors. THUEI This .sharp look- DATING AND vine splendor of Heaven, me, f want In this short eternal glory. Thank you great power to come to 800-SS9-949S. fishing, camping, hiking special in my life. Please & downs with S/DWF, 30- respond ext; 3322. •>•> _ Reply Box4052 ' my work, love golf, quiet Seeks attractive non- for your mercy toward my assistance: Help me m«»Ion»te,w»ll-oroomBd, from each other... Bright; ners with the right some- walks, the beach and If ing SWM; 29, 5'10", ath- FRIENDSHIP Blessed Mother of theprayer to thank you for 811-65, seeks Interme- well-educated profes- & an occcailonal trip to call ext. 4040 40, attractive & slim, For one, If you are 26-32 yrs smoking SWF who en- all things as you confirm me and mine. The per- in my present and urgent' non-amokinrj a«ntl«m' AC. Stocky build. Is ok companionship & pos- ,G*IARRIAGE MINDED?! you have children or pets letic build, brown hair, son of God, Immaculate •mn. 60+ for dandng, diate tennis partner, w/ sional woman, 5 2, 110, HANDSOME SWM->'429, old and we have some- Joys the same. Please hazel eyes, wonderful & SERVICE Virgin, assist me In myonce again that I never son must say this prayer petition. In return I prom- contest. (then we can diet to- DWF, professional, slim, sible long term relation- 5' 10", brown hair, gr«'en noWant a child? I want a Its A + . If you are sin- call Ext. 3008 3 consecutive days. After ise to make your name 'dining In/out, thuatre, flexible schedule. Somer- previously married, quite thing In common I would giving personality. Non- For free Information necessity. Oh, Star of the want to be separated getner.) Reply ext.3648. stylish, attractive, good ship, who Isn't to busy to eyes, honest, slncowro- •ou/lfe: Let's make a cerely looking for a rela- 3 days, the request will known and cause you to movlss, ilohtBeelha, & set area preferred. pretty:..looking for kin- 1 like to hear from you. smoker/non-alcoholic, packet call Sea-, help me and hear from you In eternal glory. sense of humor, thought- get to know me or spend manllc, groat sense' of lo deal,,.Hardworking SWM, tionship with a gal who SWM- 28, wlshoa to 1 be granted. This prayer be Invoked. (Say 3 Our poaalbl* rBlatlonshlp. Please reply ext. 4063 dred splrlt/partner/frlend 1 •j(28, Very «V 6' .+ , very Please call ext. 4047. meet full, figured SWF for college degree, has ev- me,' herein you are myThank you for your 38-55 to share peak COLLEQE STUDENT- ful and considerate. time together to develop humor. Seeks same In at- wants to make life great 1-800-829-3283 mercy toward me and must be published after Fathers, 3 Hall Mary's, 3 W r«ply exti 3649. Call today to place your Handsome, Intelligent, a relationship. Reply ^Intelligent, suave looking, for the right fellow, friendship possible rela- erything he needs, but mother. Oh, Holy Mary, times & mundane; a man Great cook, good danc- tractive, SWF, 21-35, .for SJF- 27, 6'5, slim, enjoy that one special woman. Mother of Qod, Queen of mine. The person must the favor Is. granted. T.P. Glory Be's). St. Jude, 1008 u socially diverse, enloys 3821 fun, romance, adventuVo, ,a-flrof. needs mousy Coun- the outdoors and sports. please call ext. 4151. tionship. Please call- Ext; CONVERSATION BY pray for us and all who I AM A PRafTV.MtTiTE, who~values~creatlvlty,- er, loves classical music. 3004. . If you are outgoing, ad- Heaven and Earthl I say this prayer 3 con- Hobtytmt* sensitlvlty, kindness & theater- music, classical, "Looking-for-male coun-" and-posslbleHong term . mod.iaetions- ad oior In-between, 19-29 or SWF^~ mid "40's- Srvery venturous, attractively other cultured-profes- humbly-beseech you family. Love nature's and rock. In search of at- terpart, 50-60. Please DWM- looking for S/ relationship. Respond: to athletic, marriage minded SWM— 29, handsome, trim & like romantic from the bottom of my days, the request will be PRAYER TOTHE (Publication—must~bei" I am fid yr« old, but I tractive, educated, slim so, to share walks, mov- special': sweet, kind, lov- (lt sionals at a gracious promised. This novena look much younger. I beauty, hiking, exploring reply ext. 3638. DWF, 25-35, who likes Ext. #3831. professional SJM, ages physically profes- times. Please call 3207. heart to succor me In this granted. This prayer BLESSED VIRGIN- DANCER! WWWF, BALL female, with direction fn camping, boating, out- "Jes," dinner, cuddling, ing, deep, soft, sensitive diner party (15 men, 15 (Never known to fall). has nevor been known to hsvo much travallng ex- new places & Ideas, 1 27-32. Please reply ext. & vulnerable & often In sional, searching for a necessity. There are must ba published after ROOM DANCER/TEACH- dancing, photography, and be eligible for tlxe her life, between 18-25. It is the policy of this door sports & quiet eve- HANDSOME SWM-,39. -'beach, love (a business 3856. women). By Invitation the favor Is granted. M.C. Oh, most beautiful flower fall. This prayer Is to bo p«riwic« & would enjoy ER desires SWM to secure; very understand' very attractive Christian UNPRETENTIOUS AND only, telephone Interview none that Can withstand movies, being home, Reply to ext. 3827. newspaper not to publish nings at home. I am 29 looking to meet, S/D^F, •""lOBether?) Sacrificing lor female between 22-26, HEALTHY GENTLE your power. Oh, show of Mt. Carmel, fruitful said for 9 consecutive someons who likes trav- share tha Joy of quality nc SJF— 37, attractive, pe- Ing, loving, loyal, fun, cu- required. Fee $70. 201- vine splendor of Heaven, days), My prayers have eling as wall. I am time w/frlends. If non- DBCM- Professional, any personal advettsement yrs old,' 6*11, IBOIbs., who onloys Gunnlfpn fepuntlful life. Ext, 3926. with morales & values, MAN- 48, 5'6". .Edu me dancing and possibly as- smoker, trim, please tell that may be,overtly sexual, dark hair, very respon- Beach at Sandy Hook as tite with curly auburn rious, feminine, pretty, 567-2082 or 6308 PRAYER TO THE Blessed Mother of the been answered: E.M. searching (or a kind, sist In teaching. Age: No g 37, In search of honest, ,t MARRIED B\JT SEPA- etc. I love tho'rbeacn, who enjoys quiet eve- cated: and established suggestive and/or offensive sible & also easy going. much as I do. I'm BW1, hair, I love the beach herein.you are my. moth- BLESSED VIRGIN- son of Qod, Immaculate honest. 60+ , marriage' me about yourself In alncere, hardworking aiRATED MALE- not Into travel, anything to do nings at homo as well as Chinese-American pro EBONY SINGLES barrier. LET'S DANCEI some detail. Please call to the general public. This Please reply box 4103 170 lbs, I also like dic- country walks as wellas fun nights out, Please no feaslonal, reasonably er. Oh Mary, conceived (Never known to fail). Virgin, assist me In my minded man for eompan' Please reply 3640. Christian female for rela- service is intended solely tiltbbndage, but willing to NYC. Im looking for a with water, being silly, Frustrated? Dont bet necessity. Oh, Star of the SAINT JUDE NbVENA- onahlp. I'm n«w In the Ext. 3945. prize package. ing, movies & candlelit Bimbos. Reply ext. 4055 good looking. Very broad without sin, pray for us Oh, moat beautiful flower May the Sacred Heart of tionship. Enjoya travel, for personal advertisements DWM- Tall, sllm.'edu- dinners. I'm caring & sin- •iicommlt to right person. professional with Intel- performing arts, explor- Black & White Singles . who have recourse to of Mt. Carmel, fruitful Sea, help me and show area & would like to DBF- Professional, 68 + movies, tennis, and ing, reading, skiing & Interest In sports, music, P. O. Box 6294, No. Jesus be adored, glori- for singles who would like eated 40+ prof, caring, cere. II Interested, pledso u»looklhg for a S/DWF or ligence warmth & a SWM— 29, handsome, movies and' theater. En- thee (3x). Holy Mother, I vine splendor of Heaven, me, herln you are my mak* M«nd»l Ext.3603. , learning to ballroom ARTICULATE, Brainy, music. Please call 4108, to establish a relationship S/DHF to be most Inll- sonco of humor for seri- highly oriented to close, Brunswick, NJ, 08902. place this cause In your mother, Oh, Holy Mary, fied, loved and preserved ' dance. Would like to romantic w/many varied call Ext, 3979 physically fit profes- joys good food and trav- Blessed Mother of the throughput the world witty, worldly, tall, trim, Week #2 Winners with other singles. Interests. Seeking rela- y«3flate partner, 25-40. My ous, lasting love. Please supportive time, I'm hands (3x). Holy Spirit, son of God, Immaculate Mother of'God, Queen of »JF- lnt*lllg«nt, refined, meat a mature gentleman DO YOU BELIEVE IN I'M A SWM, 26 YE smart, well-educated, sional, searching for a el. Looking tor a petite MATCHMAKER now and forever, Oh Sa- sentHlve, enjoy* people handsome 40's WM- tionship w/olaasy, Intel- ,'Jnterosta are camping & reply box 4105 very attractive. Christian woman with same Inter INTERNATIONAL- The you who solve all Virgin, assist' me In my Heaven and Earthl I with whom to practice. WASP. Very successful MAQIC7 Do you long (or OLD- 5'7", With LVuddling In front of a fully actualizing, coura humbly beseech you cred Heart of Jesus pray ' wlshei to me»t SJM eo C F. of K. P. of «T. B. of fireworks, bells, cymbals, - 32, but I look late ligent, romantic Female female between 22-26, ests. Reply toExt.4012. largest & most selective problems,.light all roads necessity. Oh, Star of the for us. Saint Jude worker Ext. 4110. International • executive- w/wlthout children. If you brown hair and bfuo „ roaring tire, horse back SJM— 28, Interested In geous, successful, elfec so that I can attain my Sea, help me and how from the bottom of my 68 w/aame qualHIea (or and the sun at midnight? 20a. Blonde w/hazel tlye, -highly perceptive & with morales & values, personal Introduction of miracles, pray for us. Mertdahlp & companlon- Hobbyists is a new clas- amusing & sexy & highly Somerville Fanwood Green Brook eyes. Actiye, prof, kind, are really looking for a_eyes. I'm looking toV a f-vrjidlng, lonrj-walks by the meeting a single female who en)oys-.qulet eve- UNPRETENTIOUS goal. You who gave me me, herein you are my heart to succor me In this educated. You are tall & STOPI Do not read fur- SWF, 21-28, who enjoys under 35 for fun, friend- resourceful, too often service In the nation, For necessity. There are Saint Jude helper of the ahlp. Plaaae call Ext. sification and is part of ther, l.'m Just an ordinary passionate, smart. S'S", nice guy & In your 30>s- , vihore & cozy evenings at nings et"home,as well as SWM- 39, 5'6, brown free Info. 908-218-9090 the divine gift to forgive mother, Oh, Holy Mary. hopeless pray for us, Say slender, a secure, com- early 40's, slim to aver- outdoor activities e- >ofireat sense of humor 1 about, suprlse, mako to thee (3x). Holy Mother. at home. Seeking SWM, 860-SS9r949i. than rrjy_sjuiside &, Is, MAN- with, style, 38, shore. No fatties please- and good-;conversation movies, dining out, sight- confirm once again that I none that can withstand St. Judo tor favors grant- B8^r, Only thoae Inter- ASIAN BUSINESS M- terest. I'm S'10, 180, cunt, *duc«t«Kl msrtol ij Ipves mualc- (especially happy & spoil. My friend seeks SWF/25-35 who Since 1974 TOGETHER nevorwant to bo' I place this cause In your General Cinema Theatres bald/gray, mustache. looking for afiocuro rein-' seeks companionship ot IntourHy, 50 + , wiip; Is .Reply ext, 3027. seeing, muaeums, lovos your power. Oh, show ed. L.E."' ' • • eat*d In a one on ona re- 32, good looking,' well "ux|as8lc^aock), movies & pormanent companion enjoya same for possible has been the bettor alter- separated from you In hands (3x). Holy .Spirit, Women consider me at- tlonshlp & deep friend- F looking for fun,-laugh- bright, warm, seurjaltlyo, tOtCtiddle, I'm Intelligent, me herein you are my lationship please Reply 1009 built, small man. Ad- ter & good times. Give a orifootbell & long walks needs a good sense of long term relationship. have a good sense of native for thousands of oternal glory- Thank you mother. Oh . Mary, con- yoU who solve all prob- Forbes Newspapers, EPIC RECORDS tractive. Am wall edu- ship. Ext. 4031. loves life, Including:'tho SM, 27: I like reading -humor, flexibility & a will- single people. Wo keep Ext. 4000 TrtMtltng vanced Tennis player, call, & lets start enjoying n^Would like to meet an In movies, clubs and I love Ext. 4107. humor, non-smoker & to- for your mercy toward ceived without aln, pray lems, light all roads so Pood golfer. Looking for cated, own a small com- ourselves! Age: unimpor- arts, traveling, danclrm, Ij'ut^l'llgent, commltrnen ingness to work things growing because we're me and mine. The per- that I can attain my goal. 1- • l and pany, and have, a multi- DWF- 35 attractive skiing, tennis, the out- to dance. Looking for SF, tally drug-free, looking for us who have recourse Advertise In tho Clmllled! frl«nd who Is very ath- tant. Race: human, noplv .,jtmlnded woman foj out. Ploaso roply to oxt SWM— 32, self em- for similar qualities, Must selective and personal- son must say this prayer IS thee (3x). Holy Mother, You who gave me the dl- Advertise tude of Interests from blue-eyed blonde, heart y doors, lakes and the st>a- 27-30, with similar Inter- letic. Please call Ext. box 4085 ^ n, friendship & moro. PS. 3041 ployed with little free bo emotionally available, ized. Do something posi- 3 consecutlvo days. After bridge.'to fast oars to of gold, happy energetic, I think you'd like me. I'm .mfince my sister put mo ests. I will call back all time. Ftecently lost 80 tive for yourself today. In the Classified! Traveling Companions it a 3940. sell employed seeks S/ rosponsos. Please roply am very tender & af- 3 days, tho request will new classification and is Vegaa, I don't drink ex- GENEROUS WM- 45, a DWF, 8' B". trim, jprc- .. Mo to this, a handsomo lbs. and I am looking tor Call 1-800-724-4455 bo grantod. This prayer cept wine, and am a re- DWM with neat attractive »«ntable and profes- oxt. 3642. • SWJF- 36, noar>rlnco fectionate & will consis- part of Forbes Newspapers' ATHL-ETIC SPBF- attractive, wealthy willing 0VtP"iflle younger brothe ton, vory attractive, grad- someone to live life to tently treat you with re must be published after cent non-smoker. I'm appearance, please give to share. Soeks pretty sional. My children "aro . Wouldn't hurt. Reply ext the fullest. I enjoy boat- 1OOG Introductions. It is in- 30lsh, excol. |ob, finan- a call to ext. 4046 SOUTHERN SWM- 26uate of an Ivy Leaguo spect. Ploae call oxt.4111 1030 tho favor Is granted. A.V. tended for Use by people cially secure, profes- soaking a MUCH younger lady for mutually bonell- on their own. Cah" • years old, blond, vory Ing, golf, the beach, vari- See main paper for detailsl lady, one who is small- maybe w« can mako College, In management Lost & ftNJtMf looking for other people sional fashion model, ad- clal mistresa-type rela- cute, with an easygoing ous kinds ot music, WANTED 6' + TENNIS framed and not grossly bWF-40, Attjaptlve, Po- each other tmlla. Pla^so ACCENT- DWF at a top company- wants working out at the gym MAY THE SACRED with whom to travel. For vanced college degree, tionship. Please call Ext. personality. I have a to meet a tall, good look- COACH— professions HEART OP JESUS be over-weight. You will be tlte, Bleached Wind, Pro- 3039. respond to ext. 3234..-._ 43, S'S, attractive w/ and light Jogging. If you The Classified Department Hiurciie Pdrtnen u a new more information please very attractive w/almond' good heart and am easily Ing, prdfosaopal man (34- degroe with a warm per- BERNARD TWP- male adored, glorlflod, loved & call 1-80b-Sf9~949S. ayes, beautiful sz. 4 fig- 1O1O reasonably educated fessional, Christian, n Glassy looks, successful persuaded Into being think you might DO Inter- cUitificdlion **d u pwt of 1010 (high school dropout Looking for a mature JUST M0V6D TO UKION 45) with slncoro Inton sonality, ages 52 & up tan ahepjierd mlit; bx- proservod throughout tho will be closed to celebrate ure, works out & body "V OWF- 27 professional o-prof., lovable & romantic. bad. - I'm seeking a fe- ested ploaso call oxt. Benefits 5'6, attractive ango ta'bby kitten with Ptrbt) Ntwipaperi' Intro- doesn't make It), have a WM, 25-55, Professional, AREA: I am a SWM; '22 J Ypu ar« DWM 38-47, nice tlons. Ploase call oxt 4038. world now & forover. Sa- ductions. It a intended for sculps w/a prof, trainer. fun loving, open minded, Interested In friendship & male with similar charac- 3933. tall slim professional white paws and neck; cred Heart of Jesus pray 1010 Long pretty legs, healthy, ood sense' of humor, You should be tall, w/halr non-drinker, non-smoker r.,to look at, good dresser, teristics so my thoughts use by people looking for ATHLETIC and ATTHACTlVe DWF, full AVAILABLE- • One on your head, for friend- possibly more with a-pF. SWM— 35, 8'1", edu-widow w/dlvorso Inter- white altred male cat. for us. St.'Jude worker of LABOR DAY 1 tnbwktcilon* non-smoker, mature yot lugh easily, bo Just as seeking GF 25-35 tor dat- uvtastldious Gut not to a will be more Interesting SWM ATTRACTIVE, 33, ests to share. Roply ext Branchburg— orango othif piopU with wboM to ATtRACTIVE- 41, Prof. llcjurod.Biyounfj 39.1 love good man, SWM, 30,R ship that might lead to a age 18 or older. 4 lovo 1,,,'ault, financially stable, cated, ethnically- miracles pray for us. St. down to earth & very comfortable In cutoffs as Inn, possible relation- akllng, the outdoors and each day than what I'm 6' 2"— muscular Modi 4112 tabby; orange tabby with Jude help of the hope- txtrciu or play tportt. For youthful & upbeat. Vory DWF w/a warm, outgoing to work-out, dine-out, flea Trim, athletic, quasi- ball gown, and be willing serious relationship, call ship. 12 Stop Recovery a .,4lk«9 to travel, enjoys the having for dinner. Please terranoan, witty, groal handsome, muscular Ital- Saturday and Monday, • more iriformiMn pledte paraonallty. Soeks a mrkts, plays, movies, model looks, financially ext. 3889 most music. I'm inter- ian, seeks classy, oonsu- whlto paws & nock. Hills- less pray for us. Say this 40 YEAR 0LO- CHAR- (lex. loves a good adven- to work at the tough Job plus. Please call Ext. ij.jppach, movies, music, respond ext. 4064 voice neods SWF 21-36, WILL YOU MARRY borough— orango tabby ll l-800'SS9-949S. prof., non-smoking, S/ partlc. sports, dancing,; secure. I'm humorous, estod In going to the-tho nujomantlc dinners & word o u s, financially- MB7- Cuto, 31 yr. old prayer 9 tlrrMm • day, by September 5th and 7th ISMATIC. Intelligent, re- ture or a quiet evening at of forming a relationship. 3950. city and becoming mbro shapely ••• brains, non with white paws & neck; the 8th day your prayer sourceful male wants to home. Very romantic & DWM, 40-49. My Interests SO-eO'a music, romance .witty, w/ diverse Inter- My kids are grown and DWF- «««ka BDWM 35- , flames. Social drinker ) 6W, lUlltm, M- Shor smoker. Who'll nurture & successful M-D-SWF, professional, Jewish IWP- Adventuroua encompass tho arts, trav- & family activities. Seeks eats, a feminist, and 60 who Is tired of games/ cultured, (museums, who craves Respectful Rarltan— orange tabby will be antw*r*d. It has Deadlines: SOIah, looking (or partner meet (emale with similar lovos to spoil someone on their own. It you have HANDSOME- SWM, 38, vjtmoker okay. Please call on stature-BIQ on heart share w/ this unpredlct (non-rellglous) female with whlto on nock. ol & the outdoors. I nice looking, prof. WM,; ready for comrnHmsnt If bars & serious about shows, etc) Please reply Mending from a tVullleas Pampering Is approcla divorced (no children), 8 never been known to fall. Classified display for Somerset and Middlesex who enjoys Jogging, qualities. Should b« special. Level headed, youngsters at home, 5'11", 175 lbs, very ro- ext. 3642. Ext. 3007. .. able exciting man: kiss Metuchen— oldrer malo Thank you St, Judo. under 32. Ext. 4106. sincere & honest. would like to meet an at- 33-40, who loves kids, (I, we click. Wanted- a that's tine. I'd love to possible long term rela- mantic, level-header/ sin- relationship. Looking for Ing, Outdoors, working lively generous, enloys 6, with reasonable fit Counties is Thursday, September 3rd at 5 pm. walking, exerclso etc. I'm tractive, man who Is un- have a boy, 3 yra,) ae-:beautiful woman, 18-20, tionship with attractive sparkling conversation, tan & white beagle mix; Publication must bo Achieved professional hear from a lady with a cere and honest, with a NORMAL SJM- 3i7|£o •vBATTY- You dldn' QM, Asian. Financially out, movies, kissing, pic size 18 body seeks black kitten. Somerset In flreal shap« & «•%•?- A SINCERE BWF- look-' encumbered emotionally, cure, non-smoker, social W,A or H, straight or Bl, one-man lady. Please -odeave your correct phone secure. Interesti Include romantic-dining, dates; promised. My prayers Classllled display lor Union County Is Friday, tlve. Please call Ext. zest (or lit*, but an ap- good sense of humor feaslonal, educated, 'en- nlcs, cooking, cuddling charming, prplesBlona County Humane Society, have b»en answered. Ing for a good man lor a oals, now ready to work physically fit, energetic drinker, alncere, ro- w/bralns and humor! who preciation of quiet mo- call ext. 3047. who treats a woman with •idnumber. I would very Ann Murray, table tannin summer fun. Your convenience. Don't (Jewish?) male, single September 4th at 3 PM. Regular, classified 3«30. loving Hrtetlm* committ- irdon > personal rela- and who has a sense ol mantic, & trustworthy w/ la worldly,'oullurly di- Joys tennis, skiing; ibl- be thy. You'll. b» pleased Route 22, North Branch, D.D.K. S ments. Please call Ext. respect and clans, seek- U'itnuch Ilka to speak to and needle-point. In das Be emotionally avail, fo dlvorsad or widowed NJ. 626-3330 In-column advertising 19 Friday at 5'PM...*•"!"-••- . ment. Enjoye Ways, con- tionship. Looking for S or humor. Reply oxt. 3660. similar lnt«re»ts.3222. verse, open to new DWJM- Attractive, ath- oycllng. movies, dining •niyou, *)Xt. 3926. " Dlaeraet, H«ply Ext. 4032 3944. Ino aerlous relationship and traveling. I'm B4UM- Derate need for someone relationship. Ext. 3024 • with or without children, certs, outdoor activities, DB or Nigerian M who Is Ideaa, who wants a long-' letic. B'9", 170 lbs., suc- wlTh a SWF, 27-39, who To cuddle with and Cher 30-4S yr. old with hand confident, mature, athleti- term, trusting, open, lov- loving parson w/gqod nofiWM, 39, In search _ LOST- grey & white Adth dancing, I am • young 84 cessful. Staking warm Is slim and attractive, sense of humor looking 1 lah, ext.3888. some, reasonably fit, tall small fomalo cat, w/black Adi In both In heart & looks, cally (It & active. 6'10 ori ing, passionate relation- caring confidant Indepen- that enjoys dancing; the- 8iip»rlenc«d bicyclist arid body for lifetime commit- dotitcout Advertise 4dvert/««J to settle down with sum, 0 itpon on nose. Dunellen 6'7, 140 Iba. good sense taller who feels compat- ship. Ext.3692 | dent lady, 32 to 42 fee atrj,_, movies, traveling, , .baokpadker who would Advertise ment. Do you accept don't coat — ible with me. Please call long term relationship. pretty, outgoing woVnan •.';iike to tour the country In area. Retyardl Call 008' of humor. Please call Ext. In the Classified! h th* Cl»*sl(led! and quiet times together. between the ages ot26- Pl ll ext. 4045 OM-2371 • 3008. Ext. 3006. Reply ext. 3321. ext.3883 Europe. Please reply ext. In the Classified! 32. Ext. 4109. .- •3841. -A Forbes Newspaper ^August 27,1992 BrJ Classifieds August 27,19&2 Classifieds 2070 2090 2040 2050 2060 2110 2130 2X40 3030 ,4040 4050 41X0 4170 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1060 2020 Computers Flea Markets, Furniture General Personals 'Personals' ~Aoctton&~ ChthhtgSrApptret -CollpcUMt*- Oftlce Furniture & Dogs Child Care Cleaning Services Instruction/ 'Personals' ~Personali ~ Salms STBazaars Merchandise •"COMPUTERS- 1 TI99/ DINING ROOM SET and that In all Instances from the.bottom of my PSYCHIC READINGS BY DIET MAGICII- Lose up HARV1N GROUP FUR JACKET- SZ. Med. •'4A, SW, Joy sticks, Man- SHIH-TZU'S- (2) Must AN EXPERIENCED SOM- APT., HOUSE, OFFICE —T-O^-T-H-J from You & even In spite APPLIANCES- Refrlg- CRAFTERS WANTED Glass top, Brass Bot- In yyo ot-all-maleilaHiluslons-l l}tl :rrpn)ME-& JESSICA: tMtitB9Q "d -AUCTIONEERS— -beautiful-dyad Blush Fox ala. . 2 Xt mpalablfl^lbl . BANGLE BRACELET- ANTIQUE A USED- Fur- find a flood home ERVILLE MOM- Pro- CLEANING- The JAPANESE LANGUAGE KAREN'S- For all your PSt H.9, -tojn, 4 hlUQ chairs, n»wy •>UICJfeMtb^W« •vld8» TLC, art-&-activU •CIFflN", PEOPLE Rail- SCHOOL— SiimmAf -An. sawing needs, Reason- known X6 fall).. me, I want In this short wish to be with you In necessity. There are By appointment only. $33. All natural. Doctor" stoves; Reasonable BwUnlntter, whlte~trlm; Flemtrigton Ol Modem-5.2S-dlsk-drive,- $395" prayer to thank, you for none that can withstand Fair. Grqve Ave., EdlsbnT mond set In white gold BFtt from 1800's to gether, mother & daiigh- t87Cce ab1e;~bbndedrlnsr:Cal|- rollment, individual class- most beautiful flower eternal glory. Thank You 900-789-8855 recommended. Please rates, All guaranteed. 908-534-9105 Fur, rarely, worn. Asking prlnler, monitor, paper, Sat. Sept. 26th. For fur- 908-769-5108 all things as you confirm for Your mercy toward your power. Oh, show AH'readings are private & call 1-800-253-DIET •" S850/BO. 8QB-356-7581 manuals, aw, $250 b/o, criss cross, 19.5 dwt. ap- 1950'c. Also mlsc, piec- fer, Pure bred, straw- Large yard: 826-4720. 494-6224. es. Call 908-369-6077. Call (908)745-9075. / rI( Mt. Oarmel, fruitful Call 908-231-1047 ther Into contact: Pat once again that I. never me & mine. The person me herein you are my Estate A.Commercial RUGS i 908-271-8103 evenings l praised at $4100. Seat es. 647-1959. ••'.-• berry blonde & whit*. To- " uina splendor of Heaven, confidential. Located up- : DINING ROOM SET- CLEANING- Homes/ mother. Oh Mary, con- LOSE UP TO 30 MAYTAG GAS DRYER- liquidations FUR-' Uuharalne Moonlit 908-985-1030. Offer. Ladles 14k cluster talry houie broken, lov- AU PAIR/NANNIES MATH TUTOR— Algebra, LAWN MOWER RE- 'Blessed Mother of the want to be separated must say (his prayer for 3 stairs from Gentlemen's Old or Used j Contemp. Oak. Table, 4 Live-In Europeon girls, Condos/Apts. LOW PAIR- Tort's Lawn 1 ceived without sin, pray POUNDS— In 30 days, mink, Crystal Fox trim, COMPUTER- IBM COM- ring, 51 full cut diamonds ANY OLD ITEMS ing, great with children. Trig, Pre-Calculus, calcu- Jon °! Ood, Immaculate from you In eternal glory. consecutlvo days. After 3 Choice Hair Design, 205 Ilke new, $300 firm. Call OPtN HOUSE- Selling chairs. Good cond. $250. legal for 12 mo. average RATES-1 bdrm. bath S40 Mower Service. Rldenjn for us who have recourse for under $30. Call 908- full length, sz. 10-12, Z PATIBLE $295. We repair ranging from 1.5mm to BOUGHT— 1 Piece- Call 873-3759. : lus. Call Rita 908- "vlraln, assist me" In my Thank you for your days the" favor request South Ave., Westfield 528-0954 after 5:30 pm • A*AUCTION* A* Any S|ze and Coler of. product* for Avon, 908-846-0576 Iv. msg. ' cost ,$170/wk.-Call 908- to 4 bdrm; 2-3 baths S65. mowers, trimmers, w»«- will be granted even if It to Iheo (3x). Holy Mother, 721-4804 Saturday, Aug. 29,1992 yrs. old, stunning, asking computers & printers, We 2.2mm 4.5 dwt. Ap- Entire House: furniture, 548-4832 ~ '"necessity. Oh. Star of the mercy toward me and Tupperwarej Popular silver, lamps, rugs, art, 8UNRI8E ACRES— Dog 709-0325 Honest/reliable/exp/refs dealers, chain saws, mine. The. person must may be difficult. This I place this cause In your SWEDISH MASSAGE . Inspection at 10arn " .' $3000. Also, dark natural Ariy.Gondltipn I buy computers & ' print- DINING ROOM SET- praised at $2650. Best PIANO INSTRUCTION- VSjg, help me and how Janet, CMT. Call 908- WITNE8S TO CAR AC- 2030 ers, monitors,. drives & Club and Starlit* Jewelry. Contemp., walnut table & toys, etc.' Call anytime obedience. Private' & provided. Carol, 754-2574 Torp, Shapper, Rally, '•**io herein you are-my say this prayer 3 con- prayer must bo pub- hands (3x). Holy Spirit, CIDENT WANTED Ac- - Starts at 11am Ranch mink jacket, lus- offer. 356-0949, eves, or BABY CARE- experi- Qia'ne Olsen Galvacky, you who solve all prob- 254-8433. By appt. only. cious, sz. 8-10, $300. Antique Furniture! board.,908-464-7496 At 7pm; B/28t 9/11, 9/25. 6 chairs. E*c. cond. Call (908)2334301 group clM»et. Results Honda.. Free estimates. mother- Oh, Holy Mary, secutive days. After 3 lished Immediately' altor cident occured Mon. Art Comer of Plereori Dr. & , CALL 753-4260 658-6315 days. enced, responsible mom CLEANING— Houses, available for teaching lems,-tight all roads so Call 526-9240 . •'. • • 271-8269 after 5 pm. Windsor Auction* guaranteed. 688-8566 Free pickup & deliver. days, the request will be the favor Is granted withr A PSYCHIC* Aug. 17, 6:45AM, Inter. Rt 206, Belle Mead, NJ and Jewelry, FOR DIRECTIONS. with previous daycare apts, cohdos, offices, 9am-2:30pnv Mon-Fri & Piscataway 699-0326. : pother of Qod. QUeen of out mentioning the favor, that I can attain my goal. BICYCLES— 10apd, center experience will etc. Good references & qtugaven and Ejarthl I granted. This prayer A READINGS A 208 & Brooks Blvd. * PAROCHIAL SCHOOL DINING ROOM SET- AURORA HO 8LOT VtZSLA PUPS- 1 male- Sat. Call 699-0636 only your initials should You who gave me tho di- Please call 3894945 CUSTOM OIL We will be selling the re- Top Price '•••: 2066' ••• • VENDORS- Flea Man's & Women's: $40 provide loving care for transp. No job Is too big. MOBILE MARINE humbly beseech you must be published after vine gift to forgive and tS BY DOROTHY^ PORTRAITS CLOTHES- Girl's blous- table opens to 72", 6 each. 3»pd: $35. 20": CARS- AFX, Tyco. $300, 1 female-$400. PIANO LESSONS the favor is granted. apper at the bottom. L.E. mainder of the ESTATE. Farm & Garden Market; Craft Show, 9/26, cnalr's, cabinet; Excel, Atlas, etc., collector pays AKC reg., all shots, bom your newborn or Infant In Call us, nowl Glenla & from the bottom of my forget all evil against mo •Love*Health*Buslness . from photo, pats a speci- es, socks, sweaters. Prompt Service ^ $25,908-247-3468. my Hlllsborough home. Beginning & Intermediate SERVICE D.D.K. * SPECIAL A-Tarot Card We also add the con- rain 9/ 27, Manor Park bond. $650. 90 8- top dollar. 232,2853 eve- March 28,1992. Call 908- FortU at 908-560-4844. heart to succor me lnth|s and. that In alllnstancos ality, affordable. Call Ed, tents of an ANTIQUE Boy's slacks, shirts, CPR certified, non- In my Somerset home. ; necessity. There are readings $5 with this ad. vests. Save $$ on Uni- Swim Club, Westfleld. .725-1695, after'5prh BR SET— 4 pc. solid rtlngs or 322^8998 days' 762-0788 ••"••.-. .'• Free Estimates - ' PRAYER TO THE In my life you are with 908-409-0087. SHOP from Mass. .which SNAPPER RIDING $15/ space. 233-3484 smoker, fully Insured, CLEANING- houses, Experienced-Public Plek up ft Delivery - '.. none that can withstand PRAYER TO THE HOLY me', I want In this short Call for appt. Bound.Brk. form prices. LORRAINE'S plne-J800; solid pine condos, reliable, 5 yrs. School Music teacher. BLESSED VIRGIN- 2000 IS closing PLUS some MOWER- Elec start w/ DINING ROOM TABLE desk w/chair-$185; solid CDS WANTED- We buy, child-proof home, yard/ 7 Day* a w»ek . •'. your power. Oh, show SPIRIT- Holy Spirit, You prayer to thank.you for 6908-356-4004* quality consignments -to 560 HAMILTON ST. SOM- catcher. Exc. cond.-$750. With 2 leaves. Walnut. sell or trade CDs, 735' 3050 playroom. Appropriate experience, referencess, . 908-563-1278 (Never known to fall). all things as you confirm 2040 ERSET, B08-248-8230 cherry end table-$150; 2 own - transportation. Call (908)704-0475 \ -•me herein you- are my who solve all my prob- Oh, most beautiful flower FOR SALE make this an EXCITING Strlno trimmer w/new Turn of Century. 6 chairs 7533 or 832-7964. ask for Horses equipment provided.' .""mother. Oh Mary, con- lems, Who light all rdads once again that'I never 1060 Auction* sets twin beds-like new First Week half price. Ex- Kathy 769-5943 PIANO LESSONS- In of Mt. carme.l, fruitful SALEI We do not have a brush'. cutter b|ade-S85. Furniture wtlh cane seats.' Also, 5 Call days 469-0890 pr Joe or Suzanne • -••' • . your home. Branchburg, MOVING? Apts., Hornet, • celvod without sin,' pray so that I can obtain, my want to be separated listing at this time. But Computers Self-propelled mower- drawer chest of drawers/ pectant moms welcome) Offices, Pianos. Lle,# s vine splendor of Heaven, Announcements eves 725-8216 CLEANING- Polish Hlllsborough and area. = lor us who have recourse goals, You who give me from you In eternal glory. aoto .expect to have MORE CHERRY TlbUES - Please call 908-874-3795. 00550. Palmier! Mover*,- Blessed- Mother of the EDWOOD O. HELLER $85.234-8821/766^1241. . Call 908-658-3207 ' . Antique* LAROe PONY— 14.1 woman will clean your Call 369-4937 to thee (3x). Holy Mother, tho Divine gift to forgive Thank you for your Antiques THAN 400 LOTS! . • after 6pm- BRANCHBURG- 1013 Chestnut mare, 8 yrs. 908-356-2454 son of Qod, Immaculate mercy toward trie and \ 4 SON BEDROOM SET- Henre- 79 Watchung Ave., N. house. Call 563-9034. "L) place this causeln your & forget all evils against Virgin, assist me In my CAN'T. FAIL DIET- lose AUCTIONEERS, INC For Information call: Hlllcrest Dr.; (off So. Flashyl Fox hunted, dres- CHILD CARE NEEDED- PIANO LESSONS- My ""hands (3x). Holy. Spirit, mine. The porson must COMPUTER HELP! don Scene III, Blk. lac- LOVESEATS-Belge with Plalnfleld. Now buying Soplety Hills Ill-Franklin MOVING?— Select the. mo & that In all Insloncos necessity. Oh, Star of tho 1 pound a day, safe easy DINING ROOM TABLE Estate and personal ap- AUCTIONEERS quer & DR set, like new Branch Rd.) Sat 8/29 & sage, pony clubbed, A CLEANING- Profes- Piscataway home, all ' i, you who solve all prob- of my. life" You are with say this prayer. 3 con- way, money back guar- Mike Luciano, Confused, Frustrated? wood trlrn. $175. Two Sun 8/30; 1O-5PM. furni- OLD: Clocks & Watches, show exp. Will board for Park, 5 yr. old needs be- sional, With a personal ages, call 463-0390 competent, experienced, Sea, help me and how secutive days. After 3 With 2 . leaves. Walnut. praisal and liquidations. We Can Helpl..Software $65O0/both. 805-O606 baseball memorabilia, yjoms, light all.roads so me. I want In this short me, heroin you are my antee. Sena $10 to Can't We buy full and partial : 201-933-7279 white wicker head ture, winter & summer ou In hunt- country. fore school from 7:30AM touch. Relfable, refer- reasonable gentlemen ot days, the request will bo Fall Diet, P.O. Box 729, Turn of Century. 8 chairs Pat GrHfln.908-234-0368 assistance, computer boards.$35.00 each. Call jalntlngs, lamps, tools, PIANO LESSONS-ln my BEE LINE MOVERS. PM ' that I can attain my goal. prayer to thank you for mother. Oh, H6ly Mary. with cane seats. Also, 5 contents. 90S-236-2195 BED- Queen size, mag-" sporting goods, clothes, 00% tountf. Call 908- to 10:00AM, Exp. & Refs. ences. Free estimates. granted. This prayer .Mllltown, NJ 08850-0729 sales, • repairs and' Ij' 908-234-1958 loys, jewelry, furniture, So Plfd home. Kennedy #00156. 725-7733. •-' — You who gave me the dl- aH things & to conllrm Mother of God, Queen of drawer chest of drawers. nlficent Thoma^vllle con- • toys, baby Items & misc. 234-1744. required.: Please call 908- Commercial & residen- Wvlne gift to forgive and must bo published after , Quick And upgrades, C.S.E., Inc. photos & collectibles. 821-6285: tial. 10% off first, clean- Schl area, 2b yrs.exp, once again that I never Heaven and Earth! I the favor 13 granted. P.M. Call 908458-3207 908-654-9355 -"' ATTN: CHAPTERS' temporary country, It. MOVING— custom made * TOP CASH PAID A, NEW. CONSTRUCTION .<;'forget all evil against me want to be separated humbly beseech you .- •Lafayette, NJ CANADA'S COLORFUL -NEW" FULL BOARD ing. Call The Polished Mary Ellen 753-6365 » •'; Adverilto In the Classified!. after 6pm *_ Advertise In the Classified! Convenient! ash with'>();';' bridge, mir- BR set, king bed, uphol- FALL-FOLIAGE CRUIS- 908-561^8744 OPTIONS- at Pine HIICs CHILD CARE- Done In Additions, Kitchens, •Flemlngion, NJ rors, and attached wall stered head board, triple Look806-7554 Bathrooms, Decks. Also 1 ES Spend 3, .5, or 7 Indoor/outdoor facility.; my Dunellen home. Lov- 'It .. ..i.Lii.i.i.iiniagg """Join our successful year- units. Storage galore. Pd, dresser, chest of draw- nights aboard \|egant ENTIRE ESTATES- or Details 908-722.7087, ing atmosphere, years Of DIRTY CARPETS Industrial & Commercial found craft show store in $4,000! Best offer over ers; 2 night tabl9s-S1300. single Items purchased. SPECIAL TRAINING work. •• .. replica steamboats visit- experience, lunch & ARE MY SPECIALTY •WORD-PERFECT ^either or both of these S950. Must sell 754-0274 Also other furniture & HH ing romantic cities, the Estate Sales profession- shacks provided.-Close K-FAM GENERAL exciting locationsl Don't Best Service, Best Price, •LOTUS Items. Call 572-T660 world-famous 1000 Is- ally conducted. We buy 3080 to Dunellen schools. Special Care. Call An-' BLDG,CONTRACTORS fnlss the holiday aeason- COUCH- Gold & green, old (Urn.,. oriental rugs, .Sept. openings. FT/PT, •DATAENTHY .. 908-469-5685 . cherry walnut, contempo- ONE CHERRY DROP lands, the International Adoptable Pets T -: thony 908-846-1140 CALL 908-964-1664 ' Call today! : Seaway, and locks, porcelains, paintings, Call 908-968-1389 (908) 806-8300. rary couch with snd ta- PIECE TABLE- and 1 etc.. • '.... •..-.'. PIANO TUNING bles, 2.large table lamps. cherry break-front, 90S-' whale-watching and mag- HOUSE TUTORING- Reading, Over 25. years experi- nificent fjords. -Prom VOGUE ANTIQUES COMPANION ANIMAL CHILD CARE- FT/PT, Math In. your home. 10 'vCRAFTER/VENDORS $400.526-2776 after 6 725-8161 PLACEMENT— Available State Certified. Safe care CLEANING ence. Wayne Smith, $562.00. Dlal-a brochure. 908-272-7216 yrs. public school experi- 908-654-3618 WANTED— for Bedmln- 1-800 267-7668. for adoption, altered for Infants & toddlers. Weekly/BlWeekly ence. Certified K-8 & $75/wk.'©08-819-0260 YOflR HOUSE T"~ster School Flea Market; FISHING TACKLE- col- adults, purebreeds and H.S. Math; M,A. degree. PROTECT YOURSELF WINDOW --'Sept. 19th. For Info; call Advertise • COMPLETE KITCHEN- lector wants toi.buy OLD, mixed breeds, pall 658- Call 908-272-5315. Super mace key chains. 4180 4180 ,'•.••:*. 3786. CHILD CARE- In Hllls- 4030 4070 4100 4100 4100 4100 ./,'. 4130 .4130 Sally at 826-0285 or cablnets and appliances rods, reels, lures, cata- borough. Mom, State WASHING $9.95. Refills $6.95, Send Painting K«rwi at 234-9380. in the Classified! Carpentry • Electrical Home Improvement Home Improvement Holne Improvement Horn* Improvement landscaping Landscaping Painting" ::••••' .very good cond.,. $500. logs. 233-1654 after 5PM GIVE SOMEONE A Certified, recreational 8yrs. exper.. check or money order'to: ,!">, 356-9392 after 6 prh 4120 P,O. Box 729, Mllltown, and Tree Care and Tree Cars GUNS, SWORDS, MED- SMILE- Somerset Re- therapist, CPR and First 908:722-0728 Insurance FAINTING * PAPER DRUM SET— 5 pc Tama, ALS, MILITARY ITEMS, gional Animal Shelter has Aid Certified, flexible NJ 08850r<)729 ——. ****;•*,*** • PHOENIX ELECTRIC- ALL COUNTY FENCE • ' . •_>** ..'.•'... •:-. HOUSECLEANING & 'DECKS-..S7.50 per ft, or CAMERAS- NJ & Fed- puppies, kittens, dogs rates & times. 281-7908. ". ;' CARPENTRY-" decks, Llc."#" 1D062." Attic faps CO.— All typos Wood & HANGING- • Interlor/ex- black w/chrome - snare, BABYSITTING- Good RUBBISH REMOVAL will boat any logltlmato • CERAMIC* BUDGET LAWNCARE TREE MAINTENANCE- terlor. .Window repairs. eral licensed. Top cash and cats. Adoption'rea- , additions, alterations, supplied and Installed' Chalhllnk Fence In- offer. Custom work. Fully IRblM ^ all heavy duty stands* CHILD CARE- In my So. references . & own trans- HEALTH INSURANCE Servicing ALL o( M(! 1 Quality work to fit your •Tr.ee removals,, shrub' Quality workmanship for paid. House calls made. sonable.- Misting a pet? • fully Ins,, FREE ESTI, call $>160, Paddle Fans .In- stalled. Frqo- ost. Call Insured. Unlimited .-refer- all Zlldjlan cymbals. Ask- Plalnfleld home. Experi- portation. Peapack, Glad- Tired of high rates? NEW JERSEY, REASON- RAILINGS budget. Hlllsbqrbugh. pruning. Commercial & 25 years. No Job too' Bert 821-4949 Call 725-0308. 1 M x BOB 908-7S6-834S stalled $65. outlets from 08-654-1925 or 908-'b'nc.eG.. Color portfolio.'- residential. Quality work . ing $675 Please-call 908- enced. Any hours, any stone & Bedmlnster area. COBRA'S, Bl. Cross Bl. ABLE'RATES* Show »d 281«0440 small, inayfed. Frep esti- 665-2295 at time of plck-up:GET :32-8727.' •'.':. ••• .'•.•.•••'•• Qali now..and save .SS.S. at fair prices.- Over 20 GREY PERSHIAN- age. Call 908-561-081B 781-7768 'or 781TO285 Shield, :etc. Custom de- teCARPENTRY & CABIN. $30,725-7267 ,' : : A.Bapalr* -' -. ' ' mate, prompt service;- HIGH PRICES PAID- for 10% OFF THE BILU call 908-526-000.5." ' " TRACEY'S . -is R«-grout» CHEOCCHI yrs. experience: Call:658- DRUMMER'S MER- quality postcards, sheet ANGORA CAT— Lov- signed plans avail.-for i •SV ETRV, FINE QUAUTY- SPARK ELECTRIC Cp;- APPLIANCE REPAIRS Bob Stelnman able, .Clean 6 yr. old In- CHILD CARE- In my HOUSECLEANING- ma- Jim Brennan 2p1 672- Resldentlal 'commercial & IRONWORKS LAWN & GARDEN 3266 or 321-0077 ••".;.-'.. 526-3382 CHANDISE- Tama drum ntuslc, old toy*, baseball Somerest home. Experi- ture experienced woman, the self-employed, indiv.; . H-JII remodeling & ..repairs. ''•'... BY MARK .•••.:' DID YOU •••:• side cat ne»d3 . GOOD family & .group. Pro-, "2941, tn business since •><)' windows, doors* .trim, Industrial, Quality. Instal- jpoclallzlng in Whirlpool, KNOW... 'J- PISCITELLI .Lawn Maintenance • Interior Palottng throne (double leg stand) Hems, carperes, military, enced, . mature mothei". own- transportation, 1 or 1989, excellent refer- home. Spayed, all shots. ; .grams that Increase ben- basements, free est. refs. lations at affordable prlc- (enmore, Q.E. washers, that an ad In this'local 8AM-8PM 800-310-2036 Resldentlal/Comm. A Good Hands Co.- brand new, $60; (2) Pearl typewriters, TV's, Worlds Reasonable, rates. .908-' 2 days/wk, reasnable ences available TILE & MARBLE Tree Fair; fountain, pens. 272- Free. Call 90B-233-O280. efits' & reduce costs up : '•'*** .'.••• . Clsan-ups • Design Intorlor/exterlor. WaMpa- P-780 chain driven ped- .rates, exc: refs'.' Ask for ~. DONT CALL US! mates; Dave 753-8256 •Belgium blocks. your needs. Large or ing, pastels. Beginners-. TREE and ALL PAINTING AINTING- ALL STAR. n^A NIFTY SALEI- Diane Rd.; off of South Middle- rim, fur coat, clothes, mo. & older. 873-2310. Servicing Middlesex Cty. Until you've called the small, wa do It alll Advanced.. Classes: lim- and maintenance, call for APPLICATIONS FULLY INS., FREE ESTI I SOMERVILLE- 3 Klrby much more. No early -Concrete Work- no obligation, FREE LANDSCAPE SERVICE !!''Smith- Quality-. Consign- bush Rd. Sat 8/29 from OLDER SODA, GUM & Training & Grooming LA. CLEANING Toothers. Then call HANDYMAN ited.' Experienced artist/ (Owner-Oper.'d) 10 yrsl Quality work. CALL •J-i ments, 1 Hilltop Rd., 8:30-3pm. ralndate: Sun Ave.; Fri & Sat, Aug 28 & birds DUNELLEN- exp. mom A SANTA WILL VISIT All Types- kITCHEN- cabinet CONSULTATION, NORTH •Expert (Reasonable VENDING MACHINES, wilt care.for your child, SERVICE ATTORNEY AVAIL- Each girl ft boy wtth hla i!ll CB CONTRACTING for ALL WORK, Best prices! FULLY INSURED teacher. 908-463-1631 Lowest Rates) DEPEND- KEVIN 908-422-7932 Mendham, NJ. Designer. 8/30, 29; 9-5PM, misc. items, Juke boxes, Arcade 10yrs. exp.- Work guar- VO; the highest quality car- BATHROOMS •rofaclngo'r new, counter- RIDGE LANDSCAPING, •Irtsured. IVBLE. QUBI', Quar't'd! Rain date Frl & Sat, Sept MOVING- B' black lunch & snacks provided, ABLE- Closings, Refi- Love a your special toy. FREE ESTI Exc. Ref., Our 27th year tops, tile work, carpentry. 908-350-1418 908-658-9090 ~"-,7clothlng up to 80% off I' games, Neon signs & HAPPY PAWS OBEDI- anteed. Ref. avail. Call nancings, Leases, other . pentry & homo Improve- Free Estimates FRENCH- Group Con- Mildew Off. Fast Est. PAINTING- ATB INC. ''t ^Entire month of August. DUNELLEM- corner Orlential crodenza, ENCE SCHOOL- Regis- reasonable rates, 752- So don't be late, call 908-231-1421' • Free estimates. Pis call: versation. Private tutor- PAINTING. $50/room. Jackson & 2nd.: mangle, 4&5 : pecan broakfront, 4 clocks, Lionel, trains, 4295 241-9418 Real Estate matters, 9OS-56O-9448 __ menta at the lowest •.' .**>**. . ,"• MAJERCO. Tony 908-968-7027 LANDSCAPING- Pall Local 525-7748 . ;" 30% additional off even Hess trucks, pedal cars, tration night Is Aug. 27th, "price. We mean It! Froo HANDYMAN FOR omploto bathrooms Ing. Native French pro- SPRING CLEAN-UPS Exterior $700 + .. Wallpa- armchair & more. Frl & WESTFIELD- 3 Village panel Orlential screen,' 5-8pm. Classes start POUSH WOMAN- look- Wills. Reasonable rates. starting as low clean "f>, lawn care, - )f marked down to half Sat, AUg 2B & 29, 9-12. Circle. Sat,, Aug. '29, toys, Wanted by Collec- DUNELLEN- will, take Linda Gotllb, 906-0737 est., fully Insured, refs. HIRE— Carpentry, re- as 968-0862 lesslonal. 276-3774 Lawn Cutting/Thatching ANTHONY'S PAINTING per $15/roll. Roofing & ,. price. Antique furniture,: Snapper self-propelled Sept. 8 & 8 . All levels of ing for house Cleaning BALLOON $3995. Licensed, thatching, tree Work, Interior/exterior. Roofing, lutters, free estimates. 9am-4pm, MOVING! Fur- tor. 908-996-3716 Steven loving care of your Infant tHDES , 908-968-1058, ' placement of windows & In-' KNOX •' Fertillzlng'Escavatlng "' Jewelry, and.:nick-knacks DUNELLEN- corner lawn mower- 3VJHP. Call training. Tues & Wed: position. Exc. refs., 908- ATTORNEY HOUSE sured, 10 yrs. Exp. DRIVEWAYS-PARKING hauling. Will beat any gutters cleaned/Installed, 108-914-0496 niture, lawn' mower and FT, exper., refs, non- doors, floor tiles, Docks, written estimate. Reliable Reasonable rate?. •--on sale tool Wed.-Sat. Jackson & 2nd.: Frl & 908-526-0136 ORIENTAL RUGS eves. Photostat proof of smoker. 908-752-1691 * 862-0289 :• ' ' CALLS: Wills (from S70), Flights leave our own II- ;!', ,J. DEGUTIS CARPEN- J.M.C. »•• LOTS »••• DRYWALL Free est. 752-6441, y lots more. WANTED-Spot cash for cons«d ballopn port In additions, kitchen, bath, Repaired, resurfaced, service: Charlie 755-8429 : 322-7189 PAINTING--".Interior/ex-.. •«oi 1-5130,! Sun.-1-5:30. Sat, AUg 28 & 29, 9-12; MOVING- China, crys- current shots required. Closings (from $395), In- ,vi)«'T"Y Quality craftsman- Homo Renovations ?i. Wed late night till 8. Fall old. handmade rugs. Civil defense Bldg, Man- EXPERIENCED, MOM- PROFESSIONAL WhllohoUSa at 6pm dally, Ifi ship on additions, alter- renovation. 526-6723. stoned, goal coated. Gypsum; BEAT ANY PRICEI ~ terlor. Reasonable rates. mangle, armchair & tal, glassware,.pool table CLEANING SERVICES- corporations (from S225). r 1-800-734-8919 LANDVIEW LANDSCAPE 'I-clothing consignments : J Presently European vllle NJ. 808-469-1660 or wlll care for your child In Call for exact fees; other May. thru October. One of •orations, roofing, siding, RR ties & Belgium block Patlos & decks, Interior/ Fully Insured. FREE ESTI ~more. lamp, Brlck-a-brack, TV Commercial & residen- NJ's oldest »nd most oxpo-, HANDYMAN- .All work, 1-908-561-3554 Wgllboard Specializing In all types . accepted starting Sept 2130 buyer seeks old 469-6081 my Piscataway home, services. •.'.'• -t^r doors, kjtphens & bath. Painting a carpentry, • D. A. HUNT PAVING*' exterior, LIVING COLOR all 908-283-1350 .:• treasures. 757-2682 ' tial. Call for free esti- tloncod ballooning compa- •Taping & of landscaping & mainte- 4160 call Tony.9QB-763-6642 "~ ,15th. Please call for EDISON- 37 Wlnthrop Genera' - caarpets-tapestrle's. fenced.' yard, reasonable J. DeMartlno, Esq. •r.c Season special on decks ceramic tile, FREE EST;II, BATHTUB & TILE RE- Serving Brldgewater area nance. Reliable & afford- PAINTING- Lot a ^-Appt;201-»436189 Rd.; (behind Pizza Hut) PARQUET FLOOR Quick decisions- Quaran rates. Refs,, Call 271- mates 908-233-6057 nlosl Spoclal 20th an- n,rj & replacement windows. SURFACING- 5 yoar slncd 1967, 722-1882. RMJih Masonry Merchandise 90%p74-S636. niversary prlcft S135 par REF., 908-874-76l3e-MJ \ able. Residential/ • com- .FEMfNINB TOUCH woman do your painting,. Sat 8/29, 10-3PM. Rain/ SQUARES- Formica, teed fair, prices, .1-800 0663 PROFESSIONAL Insured, free estimates. warranty, (roe estimates. - INTERIOR GALS • •• Neat,,clean qu«lltyv«ork. shine. No EBs,..4-Famlly, 292r90i6S.O.R.G..Inc. LOCALLEGAL EAGLE person: •' . DRYWALL QONSTRUC- m«rcl»r. Call Gary. : .. ...M-.: BERMARDSVILLE- 123 photography equipment, NBscellanoous WINDOW CLEANING COMTACTOeMMVAT yeio^ <• Call 908-756-5351 A-1 WAYNE P. SCOTT— "We're'In the Pink" Insured. Free; eturratea. -t-CUremorrt Rokd, Bldg. good stuff; Jewelry, 24" DRAFTING MA- Including Bogen easel, FORMER CHILD CARE .Exb'd local attorney MIR. DO'WGHT-i Will TION— SheetrocV hhd . .-. . T22-A3BB • '•• POST CARDS- Toys, Supplies A Services DIRECTOR— left career Fully.Ins., Bonded, FREE YELLOWSTONE 9( CABINET taping, specializing in. 1 quality.masonry services. Interior- painting,' •• tarpon*, Call Maryann 560-8236. .'#tv Aln\0st new-Clothing, clothes, furniture, etc. CHINE- Blue Print ma- chemlcarjugs. timer, i wants, ttso serve •> com- ,W$Eft.SMITH I. -tfe*rv- ree(alr-,' paint: Construction! LAWN * PROPERTY Games, Trains; BanRs, III'-T •'• • • ' to raise 2 children, will ESTI Superior Ref., Call BALLOON Carpenter Contractor walls, collmgs; porches, RESTORATION small jobs. T.A.F. Drywall Free estimate. Refer* try, wallpapering, kitchen "p.^Jewelry,'' Fur?, Acces- chine, Blue print files, (4) filters, etc. For more Info, 1-800-253^6243 munity. Legal: services ApVEMTURES . • CLEANUP- ences. Insured; 40 yrs. a PATTERSON PAINTING .'"aorlea. Continual 50%- GLADSTONE- 96 modular lockers, steel call 908-789-0942. Sheet Music, Political, provide quality care for -provided on contingency Framing, Additions, Add- attics, • cellars. Carpontry Most Kitchens under Call 1-800-640-3969; Robert Knox Maintenance. Affordable cabinets, basement walls Interior $75/ room! Exte- Mendham Rd; Mast Disney, Worlds Fair, PET PALS- In home pet your child In my Mid- : 90S-439-3320 ,~.,_a-LeveT & Alterations. and Organize Garages! 562 Pleasant Hill Rd. family business. Every & floors, garage doors, "75% markdowns. Blda. 2 shelving, cabnets. Call sitting service the kennel WE'LL CLEAN YOUR or rock bottom retainer. $400. Refs. Fully Insured. DRYWALL rates. Call Joe at rior. Free estimates. house In town) Frl, Sat & 908-236-6254 PARTIAL CLEAN QUT- Dolls, Magazines, etc. dlesex home. Child proof HOME- office, weekly, All Consultations . are •M3 Fully Insured. Plscat- ''Master of the small Job" 908-879-8299 job a specialty, 968-5230 decks, porches, etc. Ref- ?;'- THE ANNEX- finest Alternative for people BIRTHDAY PARTY EN- ••»755-1977"»*' . INSTALLATION •(90S) 968-7191 • Sheetrocklng &. .tiling.- ;S. quality horrie furnishings, Sun Aufl 28, 29 a 30, 9- Dolls, Barbie dolls, me- Call Herb 908-534-5515 home, yard, playroom. bl-weokly or 1 time, 8 free. Specialist In traffic TQ^ away. 908-968-4195 . 908-968-7540 . Chester, N.J. 07930 erences, free estimates. References avail, Fully 5PM. Too many Items to who travel, daily visits. Approplate equip, pro- TERTAINMENT- For. CARPENTRY & ROOF- & FINISHING SHAOUN LAWN CARE/YARD TAURUS •NO JOB TOO PETITE" '' Antiques, Collectibles. 7 BEAUTIFUL- 32" chanicals,- stands, toys, SALT » PEPPER SHAK- Fully Insured. Call 908- yrs. exp. Bonded & In- -court, accident cases, children (4 & up)'- Fun Specializing In Addltlons,_ CONSTRUCTION Insured. 908-725-8997! llstl Antiques & col- music boxes, mUch vided. 908-560-0835 ' sured. Free1 Est. ","i THE CARPENTRY CO. ODD JOBS & GENERAL ING- repair. Celling & . M&JDRYWALL KUNG FU WORK- Best Service, : .' 'Continual ip%-50% mark raised panel wood doors ER COLLECTION8- 302-2538 : real -estate & wills- John filled rrtaglc show & bal- Mason Contractor. Spe- Call 908-469-7180, leave 1-800-750-59»r '" •••• lectibles :••'•••• much more. $2'- & Up, "'^.Alterations & additions, REPAIRS- Lt. hauling, floor porches, stops, Renovations & Base- Rosldontlal/Commerclal. INSTRUCTION Lowest Rates, Free Esti- — -downs. New morchan- ($140 U new) $40 each or also Character Cookie LOVE'n TOTS-A family Call 685-5961 C. Slriuk, 238-8400 (w) loon animals for all. Rea- '^decks, kitchens/baths. ments. Free Estimates. cializing In residential. message. -Il'.dlse arriving dallyl Con- BO. Please call 704-1749 Dolls repaired, bought, or 545-2330 (h). brush cleared & re- paint. Call 356-9020- Free estimates. mates. Call 231-0358. PAUL A. MILLAR PAINT' MIDDLESEX- 6 Judson JaCs. Please call Ruth day. care service provid- ••CATH'S CLEANING" sonable rates. Call Con- Cornplate carpentry ser- moved. Expert Int/oxt. 908-819-8528 908-560-8545 Portfolio & References. ING- Meticulous Int/Ext lyj slgnments by appt. Deal- sold & appraised. By. ap- 908-859-0097 4000 stantino. 806-7743. NY's Chinatown, New FINAL TOUCH INTERI- Drive, (off Rt. 28) Frl. & ABOVE GROUND pointment only- Call 908- ing quality developmen- Will clean your apt, —..vice. General contract- carpentry, painting, re- CARPENTRY BY QUELI LAWK CARE- 20 yrs. PIBC. 908-424-0622 ORS— Wall specialist- Svcs. 12 yrs expor, Gut- -u't'jers space, when avail. SERVICES tal, care. Experienced,. CONSTRUCTION CO.- EXCAVATION Jersey Branch by recog- :\, ENCORE QUALITY Sat., Aug. 28 & 29 10am- POOL- 4 ft. by 18 ft., 276-3815. Good ,F»lry TURN YOUR OLD BI- house, or condo. .Rea- 4150 YMtlng- Local references. placement windows & experlence-a Scott's lawn Painting, wallpaper, pan- ters cleaned. Fully Ins. 4pm. Also Sun: Aug. 30, State certified, Refer- CLOVERLAND PONY Woldod vinyl replaco- LAND'S EXCAVATING MOVING ilzed Instructors. Tradl- Pro. Lawns cut, thatched; C.K. JjA CONSIGNMENTS extruded aluminum rail & Doll Museum & Hospi- CYCLES INTO CASH- sonable rates. Reliable. Loans A Finance RIDES— & CAROUSELS S.I3 Design help. Call- John decks, Tree work, log eling, walnscottlng, mold- Free est. Exc. refs. CALL 1pm-4pm. Lots of exc. ences. FT/PT. 6 weeks-2 Refs upon request. CALL splitting, gutters cleaned;. mont windows & steel Top Soil, Pipe Trenching, Small moves, apart onal system' for strength .seeded.. Reasonable MASONRY WORK 6'x9' deck, all acces- tal, 205 Walnut Ave., call Jim, 908-821-7111 . fbr Parties & Picnics. Call Mco at; Stone, Footings, Land ings, sheet rock repair, PAUL at 908-846-7186. xM-FIO-6, ThUrs. 8. -,'• cond. Infant & chlldrens sories, $400 or b/o, 908- Cranford, NJ, 07018 yrs. old. Franklin Area. 603-0750, tv. message. 908-537-4498 No )ob too small. Why doors. Custom docks, merits &' homes, Busi- Itness, self defense and rates, reliable service. Curbing, sidewalks, patios etc. 10 yrs. quality work. "•'vSat.-10-4. 4020 908-828-4496. GIVE 908496-3140. • break your back? If you additions, dormers, clearing Septic nesses &. Corporate. Pro PAINTING CO. clothes, crib, baby 735-4254 WANTED TO BUY: OLD FINANCIAL AID :6mpetltlon skills. . Walt 908-752-8730 chimney work, steps, Inter Refs. 908-805-0499 , Closed Mondays In July PHASE CONVERTER- Business Services MOM A BREAK. En|oy ••••. ' •••• I.:.;' ;.• • REASONABLE Compare St save. equip., boostor car seat,' WRIST WATCHES 4 For college. For free In- don't see It, ask. Call us kitchen & bath romodol- Commercial, Residential, Ifiini. & August 008-766-7760 AIR CONDITIONER- Rotary type, 1 to -16 HP. POCKET WATCHES. time for yourself or run 4060 DIAMOND T-DJ Service. today for- a FREE esti- FREE ESTI, FULLY INS: Ask about elite moving LAWN CUTTING- Lawn locking pavers JOHN MACNAMARA girls bikes, toys, games, formation please call 4070 lng, basements, drywall Call to schedule, your free Industrial. Fully Insured. Phllco, 1HP, 230 volts, Call 526-5225 or eve- 'WORKING OR NOT" errands. We offer a sup- Affordable, quality enter' •YM'r mate. Our 17th year. & taping. NO JOB TOO 908-369-3382 rates. Free, estimates. care, leaf removal, clean- CALL (908) 899-7926 PAINTING- Interior BERNARDSVILLE- womehs & mens clothes, COMPUTER PROGRAM- Convalescent Care 908-755-2168 Electrical Wai lesson TODAY! ups & landscaping at re- ,6x0011.,.•• ; ;.:.:';, ••• MUCH MUCH MOREI NO S100/BO. Call Mike 908- nlngs 369-3372 Call 201-216-4053 plementary -evening & talnment. We beat ov«ry- 526-5535 SMALLF Fully Insured, PM#00649 • ":•; painting & wall papering. •Power Washing , DEPRESSION GLASS 722-3235 MING- Customized Fox- weekend service. Please body's prices! 757-0209 ; FENCES Master. Frank Yee cession breaking rates. EARLY BIRDS. tree est. 704-0262. fmi estimates. Fully In- SALE. '.' - ' '' RC-10 CAR- Novak BASE+, FoxBASE/MAC, call for more Info. Installed & Repaired. Sifu Tom Grant Call 908-725-4623 MASON K •Interior/Exterior , WANTED- drum sets, CONGENIAL CERTIFIED 4170 ; : "INSTALLATIONS" sured. Recommended by SAT. AUG. 29 ANTIQUE DINING speed cont.. w/battery, FOXPRO, SCO FOXBASE oat ' .- • -•,:. •.-.• ; CARPENTRY- & Home Chalnllnk & wood, Freo 908-968-2582 •Protective Coating • PISCATAWAY- .1620 Al- Individual drums, cym- AIDE— Seeking live-In Miscellaneous DONT HAVE A VIDBO Fences«Garage door eBtlmatos.908-665-8912. 908-271-9222 LAWN MAINTENANCE CONTRACTORS Interior Decorators. 10 AM bar! St., Sat. 8/29 & Sun. ROOM TABLE- chairs, charger & remot. $250 bals, stands, pedals, and SCO FoxPro pro- LOVING MOM— to care for the sick or elderly. CAMERA? No need to aLl, A-1 ELECTRIC CO. openers»Storm Doors Improvements; I do it NILLA'S CLEAN-UP AND •Sand/Water Blasting. 480 ROUTE 202 buffet & china cabinet, Call 908-968-0928 ' gramming. Customiza- for your child 1 yr. or Services All! All phases of home CARTING SERVICES- JAPANESE LANGUAGE LANDSCAPES Specializing In all types 908-709-0160 : •Wallpaperlng/rartioval 8/30; 10-4. Rain or Shine. seats, cases, etc... any Best references. 600-893- worry. I will videotape •-.,io No Job Too. Small. . Carpentry Repair Summer specials- Lawns of masonry: Brick work, Something for everyonel Exc, shape, S450/BO. 2 brand, .any condition. tion of SBT accounting older In my home, FT. 8937 or 908-233-3623 children's birthday par- •ODD JOBS" Improvements. Free est; .*..* * * * Junk removal of all SCHOOL— Summer en- LAVITOL PAINTING- •Sheetrocklng/Repair . BHIDGEWATER- 301 storm wlndow9,-$50. Call RC-10 CAR- Novak software, both. PC, Exp. with refs. 925-O490 (•u|J No Challenge Too Great Ins. Stovo, 908-968-7042 kinds. We provide dump- rollment, Individual class- cut from $24.99 & Up. block work, concrete, FREE EST!, Fully Ins,, cBarrinflton Dr.!. (Rt. 28 to speed cont. w/battery, Please call 608-685-2295 ties for you. Don't mlas -a " Residential/Small Bus. . •ALWAYS WELCOME!- Mention this ad for 1st •Popcorn ceilings/ Repair rit D (Rt 28 t RARITAN- 81 Thomp- 908-753-7128 Macintosh & Unix. Exp'd AFFORDABLE JUNK RE- out on those special oc- 0 FAMILY ster service. 754-6875,. es. Call 908-389-6077. etc. Fully Insured. Free ext. paint.,- SAVE EN- •OfflcM/war«houM« .Meadow Rd,, to Bar charaor & remot. Call for MONDAY MORNING INC Carpel A Upholstery MOVAL- Reasonable & ! Specialists CARPENTRY- All small, CUT FREE. Always free estimates. son St.; Multi-Family In Novell LAN's. Stephen casions. Call 764-7811. '(908) 545-1126" ERaYI We specialize In •Churchaa/Condo* rlhgton) Sat & SSun , 8/2/ 9 Yard Sale. 8/28-29, 10-5. ATTENTION BANDS- price. 908-968-0926 3000 Dragon * A»moc, 808- INFANTS & TODDLERS Cleaning affbrdable'ratas. Free es "~— All work guaranteed. medium repairs Inside/ CONTRACTORS PAINTING & CARPEN- MATH TUTOR-Algebra, estimates. 908-863-1233, Speakera for sale. 2 JBL * IMPROVE * Trig, Pro-Calculus, Calcu- NO JOBS Installing vinyl replace. •MalnWnanc* palnttno o,&. 30, io-4PM..Everthlng Clothes, Sewing Items, SMALL TRAILER- 787-7M2. INSURED, INSPECTED Any 2 rrni or 200 sq. ft. tlmate. Insured. 908 FOR PARTIES- or any y-"* Lie. 8460. put, and now work. Also CUSTOM HOMES TRY- Sheetrockospack- must go! Queen Size bass bins, 15", 2 JBL PCTSAND MONITORED L '*. EVERYTHING * ceramic tllo, sheotrook lingalnterlbr Woodwork* lus/ Call Rita 908- LAWN MOWING Windows, OVER 12 YRS. 727-5121 Toys, Mlsc Items, H.H. $200. Go-Cart Items, call: Deep Steam Cleaning 756-7663 ' occasion call the Muslo ?i? 271-4853 684-1330 ^Additions f TOO SMALL EXPER.I Ultimate In Bad, wall unit, dresser, high end horns. Concert LIVESTOCK DESKTOP PUBUSHING Factory DJ Service, for Quality!! Painting, Spook- repairs, gutters cleaned, Doors & Trlm«Wlndows» 548-4832 •••'•• ' ' • "•.• \ Mulch, Shrub planting, RAIN DATE: Sept 4-5. 271-1235 908-526-4884 S19.95 Reg. S4SK95. • y Add-ii-level* * Decorative stone,..prun- prep. & workmanship, cheat, upholstered chair. material Asking $800/ Butlnese cards. Let- CLEANUP ft LIGHT more Info. 359-6041 ACCU-MARK ELECTRIC Illng, Docks, DeMold, ropalrod and Inside Custom decks & patios Plastering. Call Rich 369-5837 SO. BOUND BROOK- Best Offer. MUST SELL! : 808-253-9595 Shampoo Scrubbing w/ HAULING- of. all types. "vV 3rd generation electrical PIANO INSTRUCTION' ing, trimming, Yard 272~4u33 (We also do SNAPPER RIDER terhead, resume, menus, Yards. Fast! painting. Larry, 469-8340, Total home Improve- after 6pm, 72I2-4943. R * B PAINTINQ BRIDGEWATER- Multl 65 Armstronq St., Frl.& 908-236-0699 MOWER— 10 years old, 3020: MOTHER OF 3- Will Deep Steam Cleaning Free estimates,. Insured, I CAN DRAW ANY- "li , contractor, I come from a Diana Olsen Qalvacky, clean-ups. WILL BEAT general carp./home Im- brochures, newsletters, $39.95. R«g. $69.95. ments. Serving New MASON Interior & Exterior Family Grimm Dr., Sat. 8/28 & 8/29. 9am- needs engine work. cats directories, magazines, care for your child of any low rates. We work week- THINGI Portraits, Pets, !*•* famliy of exp. electrl- 908-525-7748 CERAMIC TILE POWER WASHING available for teaching ANY PRICEI SENIOR prov sSftoflng) Quality Painting BABYCRIB- Hlghchalr, age In my home. F/PT, 1 CONTRACTOR- (north Qaston to Field- 4pm, Toys, clothes, ends. Tony, 781-0400. > Monies, etc.; Charaot«r ;. T^ clans. Lie. 10724.-Fully Jersey for over 20 BY TOM HANSON 9am-2:30pm, Mon-Frl & CITIZEN DISCOUNTSI stroller, kitchen table, $200. 469-0876 after 6. promotional packages. Upholttary clainlnfl sofa Installation & Repairs years, Free Estimates. LOW summer: prices, spe- NINA KALtAS- Painting Power Washing stone to Qrlmm), Fri-Sat. books, household Items, We handle all phases of Mon.-Frl. References. or 2 chn. Sketches for Partita, j •*•' Ins., 545-0553 anytime!'. PAINTERS Sat. Call 699-0636 908-985-8449 (Edison) end table, drapes 87" 908-753-8342. CUSTOM SUPCOVERS 4100 Commorciniynosldonllal Call 908-369-6184 cializing In steps, walks, & Paperhanglng, Re- Deck Sealing 8/28. 29; 8am-4pm. sporting goods. SOFA BED A LOVE- PERSIAN KITTENS-^ production Including $39.95 R»g. $59.95 Reasonable. 548-0548, | Hand scrub and. rinse of PIANO LESSONS pairs. Plaster/Sheetrock.. Caulking long. BO. 424-0667 '•... SEAT- glass top, DR CFA registered, odd- Draperies, reupholstery. AMEmC»N MADE Home Improvement S.E.GERWER vinyl and aluminum sid- LAWN MOWING- for as patios, all mason work, ,,,CRANFORD- 21 LoClMt printing. For. more Infor- NANNY-UVE IN OR OUT . PrlCM »«•«(« thru August ' Your fabric or ours. For- FLOORS— Now wood Beginning & Intermediate 27 yrs. exp. 322-4030 Gutter Clean & Screening 13or SOMERSET- 17 Fulton table W/6 chairs, break- eyed white male (show- PARTY PLAYERS- run ELECTRIC CO.- Free ing. Mildew removed little as $20. Spring clean No job to small! Ins., ,» Dr., 0/29, Sat., 6-3. Multl- mation 908-248-8188 Part or Full time. Very merly at Stelnbachs & (908)752-2118 floors Installed, sanded & In my Somerset home. FreoE8tl26yr8exp RttfarmtcM Avallabl* Rd.; (off Winston Dr.) BAG-N.WAGON- 30 fast table, small washer able), copper-eyed white the fun! "Book Now, get -estlmatesr Senior-citizens from any surface.-Pleas* up,_ThatchJng,_$.bZub _,y.p lEamAlbumatoolBEam*buma., i Flexible. Can drive. M + MBEST Hahne's, 43 yrs. experi- FREE Ice cream cake." • discount. Lie.#8688. Froo" Estimates flriisheaTOId wood floors EkprEk6rleheed~Pubine B planting. Will beat any le- Same Location r flO8-a»T-327t—— Sun-Aug-30—9-4PM- bus he I, Jor S napper &-dryerv—Much-, more- male, croam-female, DESKTOP PUBLISHING reflnlshed. Pointing & call Tom 908-469-5952 or School Music teacher. PAINTING'-' Why pay __• books, blinds, House- clothes, furniture & Rider If new cost $450- Make offer, call for appt. fountain head conquest PLEASE CALL 545-3858 ence; Senior citizen disc. Call- 9Oe-V68-9S2S.—- - "CALL 752-4270"' Fully Insurod 1-800-479-5952. • gltlmate price. 757-0114 Dean Koop & Son . . hold.. Rain date 6/30 Invitations, wadding pro- CtEANING- Shop at home service. Wallpapering. Froo ostl- 908-8*3-1278 more! $65/rm. Com- : * * * -it *'' • . household Items -will sell for S100/BO. Call 908-359-4448 lines, $250 to $400. grams, flyers, newslet- PATIENT MOM OF 2- CERAMIC TILE- Instal- 757-7421 W. Canter 906-757-6655. TUPPERWARE- Parties .*Bll, ASPEN ELECTRIC- All mates. ACCURATE RUBBISH REMOVAL LAWN SERVICe- mercial, residential, apts. f CRANFORD- 22 W Un- S26-7S77 after 5:30 pm. 908-813-8571 ters, resumes & banners. underatands the care a (908) 777-0150 lation & ropalr. Quality FLOORINGS, 3Q2-970S PIANO LESSONS- In Promt, reliable, Insured, Exteriors, Wallpapering AREAS FINEST SOMERSET- 23 Barker TABLE LAMPS are our specialty. Bridal rosldontial needs: house Servicing ALL of ucoln work, roasonablo ratos, your.home. Branchburg, -••MASONRY--- Rd.; a/29, 8-2 pm, chil- Matched set. Brass & • fans, smoke detectors, H o M E NEW JERSEY, REASON dethatchlng, powerseed- !t20/roll. R»y707-8B72 PAINTING and O'lOam^pm. no early 6 days/4 nights. Over 3030 In my Somerset home. DEBRIS home demonstrations or 10 froo outlmatoa.236-7035. GENERAL Hlllsborough and area. dren's clothing, toys, Wood w/off white TYPIST/TRANSCRIP- ' lighting, telephones, etc. Ing, leaf removal. Serving 29 yrs experience. CONTRACTING ABLE RATES, Show Bd Call 369-4937 TOM HANSON REWIODELING Sblrds. crib, hlgh-chalr, various bought. Corporate rates shades. 32" tall. $30 for Dogs Call 908-937-5232 |uat to order. 548-8090. Quick response. Lie. CLEANUPS at tlmo of plok-up:GET Somerset' county: 908- No job too small. TION SERVICE- for all 4110 REMOVAL Carpentry (All phases) Masonry & Carpontry 359-1418 PAINTING •WALLPAPER-$15/ . ' baby goods, general HI to public/ Limited tickets. both, ' : types of work- large or #7534. Call 356^3041; HAULING 10% OFF THE BILL! call PIANO LESSONS- My Steps»Sldewalks Interior/exterior and MANVILLE- 728 Boesel 5249/eouple. PRIVATE HOME Instruction! IMMEDIATE SERVICE * PUDDINS * Sheet Rock • Painting Wo Install sidewalks, ROLL Ave.: household, toys, H, goR balls, all Items 908-685-1451,6-9pm small- computer/word 873-0137. ••.... A Attics patios, etc., Good prices. Jim Bronnan 201-672' Piscataway home, all MOUNTAIN VIEW •Driveways '•Patios wallpapering. Free b«lnd sold arc In, very (407) 767-8100, ext. 37S Education • - Basements My-T»«-Fln» Ctownki Ponces • Docks • '•' "Bricks •POPCORN CEILINGS 3 furrt; misc. 8/29 & 8/30, WOLFF TANNING BEDS proceasBr/ laser printer DAYCARE Reputation , speaks for „!, ELECTRICAL SERVICE •ft Garages call Al: 808-826-0903 2941, In business slnco ages, call 483-0390 LANDSCAPING estimates. Please ball flood condition Mon.-Sat. 9AM-9PM capabilities. Kathy 752- • Attics 8 Outdoor structures 1989, excellent refer •Call BUI at 968-0695" Tom at 908-469-5952 or •DRYWALUREPAIRS .9-3:30. New Commercial-Home mm er Wtself all occasions no Quality work/reasonable Masonry • Patios PIANO LEBSONS-ln my Complete yard mainte- 3119orfax-469-3322 • Garages HOME encss available nance. Grass cutting. 1-800-479-5952. •bUSTOM •',""• units from $199.00. Care A •' • ART CLASSES- Adults- comedy magic and more. prices. Avail after 4pm & Bathroom & Basomont Removal of all typos of rub- So Plfd home; Kennedy • Yards -. Pl»»»4i oil 681-0747 wknds. FREE estimate. Fully Insured, MASONRY & LAND- WOODWORK L a m p s-L o t i o n s- GRAND children. Drawing, paint- Manpower suppllod. For Romodollng bish, debris and appll- Alterations SHEET ROCKING & Schl area, 20 yrs. exp. PAINTING & WALL •CARPENTRY Accessories Monthly 40450 i*r Provided^ ing, pastels. Beginners- Fully bonded & Insurod. SPACKUNG- 1-800-221-8963 SCAPING- Additions, courteous reliable i Arid much moro... ancos. Prompt sorvlco. and Additions Mary Ellen 753-6365 PAPERING- "Winter •CERAMIC TILING Payments Low As $18.00 Advanced. Classes lim- \<0t\( L.A.B. ELECTRIC. 908- Always free ostlrrmtos Quallty work, Exp., In porches, brick or con- Special" $80 Off painting ChWdCare Arts & crafts & a lot service at reasonable 526-3696. Lie #10020. Prompt and Courteous PIANO" ALL STYLES, crete drivowaya or pa- •INSURANCE CLAIMS Call Today FREE NEW August 22nd & 23rd more activities, fenced ited. Experienced artist/ and competitive ratos. surod, Delnooro Dry ALL AGES, AT YOUR and 20% off wallpaper- Color Catalog 1-800-228- teacher. 908-463-1631 prices. * Insured* 908-464-9369 Services Wall & Finishing, Ma tios. Landscape tie con- Ina. FULLUL Y INSURED. Honest, dependable ser- In yard, well equipped. JCP CARTING ****'•: ELECTRICAL WORK PACE- Degreed (BA/ struction. Full array, of vice. Crafted with preci- fiKE YOtIR 6292,.' :' : ' • •AKC PUPPIES In tho CHILD CARE- Mother Llcensod & state A/C circuits, fans, secu- CALL JOHN MUSELLI 1-800-300-9396 "Quality at Its Bost" 356-3561 ' MULCH Will beat any writt FRENCH- Group Con- 908-889-8048 4210 WALLACE MM), 20 yr» exp., private, masonry & landscape sion, neatness; and ded- open to hug & cuddle of two will care for your approved. Only 2 open- rity and recessed lights, SHEETROCK/SPACKLE college & university. •ttlmat««tl . Intarlor/exte- ZENITH- TV 46"; Frlga- •Famous SHAKE-A-PAW child In my Bound Brook versation. Private tutor- WESHOWUPIII Professional (908) 249-6652 CLEAN UP & HAUL- CONSTRUCTION double shredded hard- se ivIces. rlor. Will work weekends. ication to profs'aalonnl dalr side by side 24 cu. Ings left, Pleaso call ing. Native French pro- sorv. changes, problems Wo do all typo9, —Ropalrs to uhoetrock & Brldflewatcr. 704-8620. wood, $13 cu. yd. Pick No lob too small. excellence. .'' > ' guarantee home Mon-Frl full time. now for free registration ' DRIVEWAY/PARKING , Services solved, quick rosponso. ABSOLUTE CONSTRUC plaster. 572-5811. Call Chris 873-13B9 ft. refrlg; Mediterranean •Wo are Breeder's Call 908-355-5667. fessional. 276-3774 .. Fast sorvlco. FREE ESTI 725-384S up or delivery available. Call 722-1977 12 Yaara Exp«rlanc« bar; metal detector; at the QUALITY CARE LOT SEAL COATING Uc. #10262. Free ests. TION- painting, siding, Low ratos, 908-545-0143 908-563-0409 PAINTING' & WALLPA- representatives Residential/Commercial -Oh1 Ploaso call David at windows & doors, freo AFFORDABLE SPECIAL TRAINING FREE ESTIMATES AND fl HONE mowers, riding & push; a EXPERIENCED DAY CARE CENTER. Lo- LOOKING FOR A PHO- WINDOW A-1 REPAIRS PERING- Exterior/ Inte WRITTEN GUARANTEE cated In Piscataway. See our display ad in the nrtlrv 321-6955 t>t 489-6814 estimates, fully Insured. CLEAN UP A & B- HOME IMPROVEMENT •WORD-PERFECT MASONRY-CONCRETE rior, custom work. Com- entertainment center. BRING THE KIDS! MOMS- willing to core ToaRAHERr For doing Inside and Out, FREE Ro placo gloss, putty, •LOTUS PETE'S AFFORDABLE BEST PRICES IN TOWN Best offer will be taken. for your child In our Pis- (908) B85-1327. Business/Service Direc- your Wedding or Family Call 382-7331 Trosh romoval. Hauling caulk, paint & wash PAVING mercial /residential. 14 Rt. 22 West tories In your local ELECTRICAL WORI^- odd |obs, NO Job to BIG EST!, FULLY INS., REF.s, •DATA ENTRY. LANDSCAPING Brick,' Block, Stono, Mark, 908-753-1728 . ^ r 4200 - 4220 42$0 Call 874-6694 cataway home. Yard, Group Photos:. Call Complete electrical sor- ADDITIONS Quality craftsmanship for CALL 908-964-1864 Lawn Maintenance, Fall FULLY INSURED. Nick Green Brook Commons lunch. Reasonable rates. OUAUTY CHILD CARE- Forbes Newspapers Charles Moore Ml, or SMALL, glvo us.a call, call DAVE :90B-72S-8B7g 25 yrs; Free ostlmatos, Steps, Sidewalks, Drlvo- 658-9235 Plumbing, Heating Roofing Wallpapering Classifieds. Free esti- vice, service upgrades, OR BRUCE 900-369- Cleanups, mulching beds Green Brook, NJ' Refa. Call 883-4181. In my Somervllle homo 908-234-1235 , & ALTERATIONS WO do It all. 908-247-7551 Insurod, work gunran TUTORING- Reading, ways, Foundations, 2140 with lots of TLC. Years of mates. Fully Insured; violations corrected, coil- 6272 Wo also do rubbish & Rock beds.,Full land- Fplcs., patios, curbing, v,. ,- • and Cooling (100 yds West of Ing fans, new constr. "24 •KITCHENS CLEAN UP AND RE- toed, prompt service Math In your homo, 10 scaping. Trimming & * PAINTING • Oftlce Furniture A Rock Avenue) A KIDDIE KORNER experience fenced In CHEMSEAL REGISTERED ARCHI- romovalil Bob Stelnman, 526-3382 yrs. public school experi- Belgian block. Insured/ PAINTING ROOFING CONTRAC- WALLCRAFT Lie. Child Care-prlv. M«ndham, NJ TECT- NJ, NY & PA. ,A9 Hr. Emergency Service" •BATHROOMS MOVAL- yards, baso- Pruning. Free est. In' Refs. & WALLPAPERING Power washing, utaln- TOR-*^ Calico Construc- Supplies 90S-96S-AKC2 yard. Lunch & snack pro- Llc.#10318. 271-4049. • BASEMENTS monts, attics, construc- HOME IMPROVEMENTS ence. Certified K-8 & sured. §08-756-7563 injvOIL BURNER SERVICE Expert Paperhanglng home, dead-end St. Lots vided. (908) 526-4710 908-234-2700 Consultation by appt. DMI (908)757-7929 Exterior/Interior. Restora- ing, wood rellniahlng, tion Co. Roofing of all of activities prov. by ex- only. Reald. new alter, or 10 ,i •DECKS tion dobrls, oct., call: 4 REPAIRS- Additions, WINDOW GLASS RE- H.S. Math; M.A. degree. any surface, custom col- -iou Boiler & Furnace clean •Paint Trim & Ceilings •'*.* HOURS * * ELECTRICAL WORK- Call 908-272-5315. tions, Power Washing, types, shlhgle/fTat/slate • perd. Mom/Teacher. Lov- WEE PEOPLE FOUR FREE HOURS- add. Call 008-494-9389, .08C •CERAM|C..TILE«ETC, MlkO 90&-5B3-5273 docks, woodon storage PLACED ON SITE- We ors, outlars. Rofflronces. ,.0-up, efficiency testing and leak repairs. No Job •Reasonable Rates DRAFTING MA- . Mon-Sat,11-9pm Commorclal, rosldontial ghods. All phasos of PINE LANDSCAPING Light Carpentry. Over a h'.»•'.emergency service calls, •Insurod ing care. S. Plfd., SCHOOL- very limited Commerclal and Resi- Fees Reasonable, * FULLY INSURED *• repair, ro-putty & paint MASONRY- Concrete, decade of experience. Insured. Free written too small. Insured. Froo CHINES- Verrfco 18" & Sunday, 11-6pm part and full time open- and Industrial. Uconsod, COMPLETE HOME" homo Improvements & old windows & trim, Very 4130 Landscape construction "heat & hot water In- •Free Estmatos . 20", w/o rulars. $65. Call Metucheh, Edison, Plsc> dential Long Distance. No. 9141, and Inwurod. * FREE ESTIMATES* MAINTENANCE INC. & lawn maintenance. Ser- patio, stops, all mason Reasonable rates.. Call estimates; • estimates. .968-6241. area, OH 287. F/PT. Mon- ings avail, for Fall, 1992. Guaranteed Wholesale TRAVIS PHOTOGRAPHY * COMPETITIVE* " ropalrs. VIGD/MC. •> roasonablo. INSURED Landscaping work, FREE ESTI I FULLY John 608-356-6032 ,t stalled. 722-8225 Ndrtn 908-819-8010 236-6264. $50 OFF ANY PUPPY Call 469-7029 and havo We Como To You! Sp«- Free estimates. Call 15 yrs In business, main- FREE ESTIMATES Call Cloar View vices Included: all phas- ROOFING-ALL TYPES- Frl. 8-6, 008-7S6-O420. Prices. No Contract. No 4PRICES* taining homos for rotlr- es of landscaping & lawn INS. CALL TONY: 908- 908-769-5509 'PLUMBING & HEATING WITH THIS ADI . your child "Discover the clallzlng In: Portraits- ' Vince Santonastaso Eloe- OUR HOUSE 386-0S86 757-6347 and TC Fully Ins., FREE ESTI, A BEAUTIFUL JOB by "Not 1o"bo combined Monthly Fees. JUST SAV- •nH ulc 068-1609. FOR DEPENDABLE, oos, widowers,^ divorcoos maintenance. Plantings & 263-8616 ^^ .Low rates, Good'service. Feminine Hangups. Ex- ABLE TO CANE FOR Fun In Learning" SHAOUN INGS. Make $S$'w/our Individual, Farnlly, Etv HOMERO CONTRACT- rock wall* a speciality. PAINTING & WALLPA Drain cleaning, ftae estl- over 20 yrs. exp. P. uan- with any othor offer. INFANTS OR TOD- gaoement, Baby, Pat and' HIGH QUALITY WORK, & pooplo who lust don't nuccl 808-896-6462 pert paperhanglng. Neat Wanted to Buy WIFE Of RUTGER'S I KUNG FU program. Call 908-651- ELECTRICAL- All types ING— Homo. Improvo- WINDOWS AND DOORS ARMSTRONG LAND Owner opsratod & cus PERINQ— oxtorlor and 4200 . .mates. License #0461. professional. Free esti- DLERS In my Piscataway 6105 for recorded msg. Home Qlamour.' »RAY LAEYT-247.3772" havo tho timo. Wo do ov- Supor prices on replace- GERMAN GHEPHERD- PROFESSOR will babysit I INSTRUCTION of wiring, Sorylce orythlng from pointing to mont sorvlcos. Call 008- SCAPING 4 PAVING tomor oriented. MASON- specialising In Interior, professional *, Hoeting '*'•• Call John 868-8834 ROOFING- AFFORD- mates. Joan, 526-0251. home. Go to work with changes & paddlo fans. - ADDITIONS mont windows and all typos of masonry provert german back- peace of mind. 388-2882 In your home. No house- GUTTER A LEADER additions. Ray, 752-0304 725-4836, boopor 908- Asphalt driveways, land- 908-986-8670 quality work at reason- and Cooling ABLE, RELIABLE, DE- ALL CARS WANTED NY's Chinatown, New Additions. Uc. #6252. P & W BUILDERS doors. All sizes and PAPERHANGING- No round, AKC reg. house- keeping pis. 247-2643. CLEANING- Repalrod & 324-3718 scape. Installation, shade work. 1FREE EST, CALL able rates, many happy PENDABLE, Carpentry/ Any car old, new or Jarsoy Branch by recoa- Harold Klouser-572-6750 Bathrooms, Docks, Altor- CURB, SIDEWALK, PA- stylos. TRIM/sldlng. customers. Call for tree 4220 ••' lob too smalll Call groken, great Watch dog, ACTIVELY SEEKING- Installed. Quality service, trees & shrubs, now PREDATOR TREE~ ANDY VIOLA 000-460- Painting. Freo Estimates. wrecked. 24 Hr, towing teacher*, and parents for • MOTHER OF THREE • nlied Instructor). Tradi- atlons, Custom homos, TIOS, MACADAM- Bost INTERIOR & EXTERIOR TlmborlltiB Construction lawns, sod or'seed. Dec- 3337 estimate 808-297-^859 Rooting Nancy, at 276-1540. all shots. $300/nog. Fe- Reasonable pricea. fully i— ELECTRICAL- All types- 908-753-5761 SERVICE- Take down & COPPERHEAD PLUMB' Gall Bill 908-873-3750 service. 908-287-4837, babysitting, call 008- Will watch your child In tional »y»tem lor strsngth, FULLY INS., REF/8, 908- prlCOSl FREE ESTIMATE. PAINTING & REMODEL- orative stone, topsoll & male doberman plnoher, my Somorvllle . home FT Insured, gall 654-5803. fft Residential, Commercial, ING- by Arthurs Build- chipping, no Frills lawn ING, HEATINO, DRAIN ROOFING- all phases, WALLPAPERING BY 1 yr. AKC, reg,, house- 234-2872 fitnoaa, sell dofonse and 968-3066 . Call 908-218-0533 mulch. RR tie*, retaining ALL LIONEL, IVES, or PT, day or night. Rea- compollllon skills. Industrial wiring & llght- ing Improvement!-Call WINDOWS/CARPEN- care, Full Insured. QUALITY WORKMAN- PAINTING (Ed R«llly) CLEANING- Affordable fully Ins., FREE EST.I; FEMININE TOUCH broken, great watch dog, GUTTER ft ROOF walls, Allen block & Key- ACTION ROOPllJ AMERICAN FLYER- SCHOOL CHILD sonable rates, Pleaso . Ing, nonovatlons & Now AL BREUCHE & SON CUSTOM FURNITURE 908-245-2088 TRY— NO lob too smalll 9OB-424-0S12 SHIP AT A REASON. lnUrlor/Ext*rlor— Free quality • free animates, lowest prices! A.T.F. Reasonable rates. all shots. $300 neg. Call CLEANING/REPAIRS stone. Interlocking brick '•'• CO.— Exc. rates, quality and other toy trains. Col- CARE- Don't let your call Jayna, 908-725-3441. Call to schedule your free House trim painting & IK Construction. Uc.#2978. Home Improvemsnts. BUILDING- Doslfln your Replaco, Install, $189, paver, sidewalk*, patios ABLE PRICE- all types estimates; Custom work. 24 hour emergency tier- K work, no money down CONST., 908-752-0906. Prompt service. Freo os- 0B27fl^724 rh lector pays highest pric- child burn out- with too trial lotson TODAY! tree trimming. Very rea- -^ Soaaons Spoclal: Land- Basement to attic, Inside own wall unit, cablnots, INTRODUCTIONS... FREE EST., 908-359-5874 of masonry. For freo ost, Very neat & references. vice. License #8917. and free est. 820-6108 1 Emergency Repairs. tlmatos. No lob. too •CERTIFIED TEACHER* A way for pooplo to moot & driveways. Tree & SUNRISE Lawnscapors es. Call 1-800-464-4671 MINIATURE 8CHNAU- much structured after Master Frank Yee sonable, Fully Insured. scape lighting, Pools & & out; Exporlonce & rof- or oven a mogazlno rack. Brush removal with chip- Mowing, Cleanups, Fertil- pis coll John, 563-7862 Sheetrock Repairs. Please call 752-8808. small. Call 008-231-02B2 or 201 -635-2058 will provide loving learn- Spas. oroncps. Froo ostlmatos. Made of oak, plno, or for- pooplo, ovory wook In Power Washing. Fully In- C*D HOME IMPROVE" ""BUILDING" 26R- AKC, 6 mo. Males school activity. A healthy ing environment for your Slfu Tom Grant CLEAR VIEW"787-8347 •HOME REPAIRS" por. Driveways stoned, izing, Thatching, Seod- ."RESTORATIONS" & Female, $390. Call 008- snack and relaxed envi- COONEV ELECTRIC Reasonable rates. mica. Roasonably prlcod. your local Forbos nawa- rototllllna, escavatlng, surod. 908-752-3767. MENT ROOFING * HE- AMERICAN FLYER • child in my South Plain- 008-271-9222 Irtd, Landscaping, Trim- * * * * DOWD BROTHERS :; PAIRS- new work, re- Masonry Repairs, Roof- 546-9872 ronment will meet them GUTTER MAN 908-469-0281 ' 908-463-1773 Call Sal at day 908-757- papor. The ad la froe, Carpentry, masonry, dozer & york raking. mrng,INSURE6:386-378fl DID YOU LIONEL TRAINS & OLD field home. Non-smoker, Cleans, repairs & Installs 3733 or evos. 475-5670. then ono call does It alll renovations. Free est. , TK Masonry PLUMBIUft* roof, free estimates, ing, Powerwashlng. All KNOW... TOYS- PIS call 908-7$5< In my HIMaborough currant references. FT & PIANO- ALL STYLES, ELECTRICIAN- Installa- AL'S CARPET SERVICE Call J0« 908-888*923 NolUentlal Specialist HEATINajKC rosonbla ratei, shanie- work guaranteed. ROTTWCILBA- F«msl«, home. Busing avail, from leaders & guttora. Free Ada in ClaaaHled. 1-800-55 t>-B498 Call 060-3258 or 762-9288 PAlNTINa «nd WALLPA- that an ad In this local 0346, leave message or 2 yr*. old, houiebrokan PT. Pl«ts« call Barbara, ALL AGES, AT YOUR Estimates 908-709-1610 tion of circuit breakers, specializing In repairing, D & W HOME Foundations/Stops/Con- PERING- Interior & DRAIN CliANINQ, leaa gutteri, 424-0942 •Call BOO-470-1773" paper also goes Into 16 call after 8pm Rt, 206 iohool. Call 908-

5000 5050 5050 5050 5050 5050 5050 5050 5060 5080 EMPLOYMENT Employment- Employment- Employment- Employment- • ftqpfoyment- -Employment- Employment' Employment; Part-Time General General. General Realty notes 5010 General • Genefaf General ' General HeaHhCare Employment is hi Career Training BODYBUILDERS A DI- and Services UMO DRIVERS KENNEL ATTENDANT- OFFICE ASSISTANT- RECEPTIONIST/SECRE- SECRETARY- Work WAITER NURSE- FT/PT for busy •MOUNTAINSIDE - A breath- ETERS Earn, exciting In F.T7PT, Weekends, Re'sponslble- person with Openlng to join staff In TARY— For busy doctors 10:00-5:00; Multlmate & Somervllle allergy prac- LEAD GUlTAfl- for Martha Schilling and Richard S. sale associate, with the Watchung of- come & become healthi- nights. Retired',& semi- a real compassion for an- agency office .represent- office In Westfleld. Entry .Lotus.. TeleSearch, Inc. WAITRESS tice. We guarantee you working Aggressive rock/ taking center foyer highlights the er w/explodg Indus of retired welcome. Must be imals to-work Mon-Fri. at ing largo Insurance com- level position. Typing & 261-927-7870 PT/FT posltons avail.' won't be bored If you join Alternative band. Please > MargltlcH have been named co- fice of Welchert Realtors, has earned Self Healthcare 602-3405 computer knowledge a over 25. Call 90,8- a large boarding facility pany. The office Is con- Apply In person: Frlend- dtir great staff. 231-9625 call 908-236-0699. entrance of this six-year old house directors of public relations for the the office's top .sales, top producer 297-7320. veniently locatod on Rt. must. Prior exp. pref. SEEKINO FIELD TECH- ask for Eve. BOOKKEEPER must be. ablo to supply NICIAN— for Northern Jy's Restaurant^ 1.060 MACHINE OPERATOR . at 220 Kings Court references. Call Mon-Frl. 202 South In Raritan. NJ 9am-5prfi, Mon-Fri. Send Westfleld office of Welchert,Realtors. and top dollar volume awards for the DRIVER- P/T. trans- resume & references to: New Jersey ares.. Send Stelton Rd., Plscataway, Full or part time,' for JR BOOKKEEPER 755^)227 •.•••'..• ' Insurance.exp-. pref.,, but Nurses month of'May. . COMPUTER TRAINING porting patients in van's Office Manager, P. O. resume to Concord 'C6rn> NJ •:.,•. . • glass grinding & polish- . WThat. house is listed ?t 679k000 TTie positions we're created du^ to CLERICAL not required. Typing & a Wordprocesslrig, Spread' for .medical transporta- LANDSCAPE HELPER pleasant phone manner Box 2773, Westfleld, N.J. puting dorp, 1713 Car- HOMECARE ing. Middlesex Borough. the ever increasing dominance of the men Dr., Elk Grove, IL WAITER/WAITRESSES Jpo has been, listing and selling sheets, Databases,.DOS tion co. Over 21, must Hard work, good pay. required. Exc. training 07091-2773 9AM-3PM. Retired people Windows. Reasonabla Full time position. 60007 Ann: P. Phillips WANTED- FT/PT w/ex- accepted. Please call Westfleld office and Its involvement in real estate for""To years. A licensed have knowledge of New- S7-S10 per hr. Please call program & benefits, Sal- porlence, Call Hlllsbor- rates. One-on-One. avail. Qualified applicant must ' RECEPTIONIST- Good •RN's IV Certllled- MWd. 908-358-1461. ark &. suburban areas. 9O8-272-396O ary commensurate W/ SEWING MACHINE . ough Diner 908-359-2770 UNION surroynding communities. • broker for seyen years, her,, ac- Call Em for details: . type & have previous A/ Reliable, flexible hours. phone & typing skills a & Somerset Ctys. '' ' LANDSCAPE HELPER . exp. Please send resume OPERATOR MANAGEMENT- $1000 E-Z COMPUTER SER- P, A/R experience. Any Retirees welcome. to: PO Box 6603, Bridge- muat. Full time w/ben- WAITER/WAITRESS-^ : The main objective of their function ; complishments have earned her Varied jobs- Somervllle efits, Branchburo, 908- Manufacturer of textile fil- •RN's & LPN's w/trach to S2000/nio. Profit ahar*' VICES computer knowledge a Please call Mon-Frl, water, N j 08807 Full/part time, .experi- Ing, medical, dental. Cal/' HOUSE TOURS will be to aid and assist In any of the membership to Weichert's .1991 Am- 908-469-0623 . 1dam-4pm. . Area, please call Mike at 685-7600. ters requires operator ex- & vent exp.- Middlesex plus. Excellent company 908-534-5358 aftpr 6pm. perienced In Industrial enced preferred. .Cheers for Interview 654-5363 •>' OFFICE/CLERICAL Steak. House, Bound County ''.'•' surrpuridihg communities projects bassadors Club.. • benefits Including 401K 908-654-5132 RETAIL MANAGE- sewing; Steady work, and. Profit sharing. To LANDSCAPE LA- Mature minded, reliable, convenient location' and Brook Call 356-0189 OFFICE HELP- organ- that the" particular organization feels ,..'••••, * #•' -* •" 5020 EASY WORK AT self-starter to work 3 MENT- House of Fab- •LPN's w/adolescemt arrange, an interview, BORER- PT/FT. Exp. rics the nation's leading excellent benefits. For ized, experienced, Wlttr Welchert could , help contribute to Child Can Wanted HOME— Taking snap days a week. Plscataway WAITRE6S/WAITER — home care exp. 'South- excellent telephone through ReMax Realty Pros in Joy Kenyon Venker of Basking please call:. . - shots. Sena soli- pref. WHI train the right fabric retail Is seeking in- appointment call: full or part time, experi- : : person. 908-359-1418 area hours, M, T, & Th, ern Middlesex County . skills. Light typing, .data .Westfield.: . . '.-.. . their success. • Ridge, a.sales associate and as- addressed stamped en- 9am-3pm. Typing, heavy dividuals.to manage our 908-358-2306 enced. Call 609-252-O880 : AFTER SCHOOL- Mon. 908-687-1313 velope to P.O. Box 159, new super stores. We re- / - ' entry, light bookkeeping; The center foyer, i accented by Both Ms. Schilling and Mr, Margi- LAUNDROMAT AT- phones, Must be good SHAFFER PRODUCTS, 9am-1 pm. Convenient' sistant manager of the Basking Ridge Wed, Frl. (or fun-loving 4 Dunellen 08812. quire self starters with INC. WAREHOUSE •Certified Homo Health gcr.^280 TENDANT- for Wash. & with numbers. Please call' Aides-variety, of assign- Highland Park locatldnT four-inch custorn molding and a tich are licensed realtors. yr. old boy In my No. Fold. 3-8.pm & woekends. 908-878-6023 mature Judgement and 271 Lincoln Blvd. . PERSONNEL office of ' Weichert Realtors, has Plfd. home. Driving/ r'efa. BOOKKEEPER/SECRE- Editorial. .. • retail & management exp'. Plumbing Products Distri- ments. Middlesex and CaTl .908-249-5057 oon'fi-' marble floor, will lead you to any. Ahyorie Interested, in fincilng out TARY— Non-corp. envi- Call Sue at. 908-560-0712 for directions . (Comer of E Street) earned the office's Associate of the r«q. 56.1-7722. We offer compatatlve sal- Middlesex, NJ 08846 bution Center. Exper. re- Somerset Ctys. Car & dentlal reply, ask (or Mr. part of the house, including the. how Welchert could fit In with an up- ron. Immed. opening In REPORTER- Enthusias- aries, comprehensive quired. Send resume & phone. • ••.'....' Mltller. . • '• Month and Top Pollar Volurne small business for of- . LAW ENFORCEMENT AINTERS, EXPERI- SUPERINTENDENT- to BABYSITTER- For 18 tic; sharp, reporter need- JOBS ENCED- Also helpers training, generous ben- salary requirements to: formal: dining room at the right coming function may call 654-7777. mo. old boy In Colonla/ flclent, self-motivated efits and unlimited op- provide Janitorial service P.O. Box 1490, Linden, awards for the month of, July. ed for award-winning NO EXP. NECESSARY w/some experience. PART TIME and the formal living room at the : Clark area. 1-6pm, Mon- person to handle diverse community, newspaper portunity. Send resume tor an 8 office prof, build- NJ 07036, Art: Personnel 908-549-2210 An. eight-year real estate veteran, secretarial & administra- Now hIVIrfg. U.S.- CALL 908-968-0487 Frl., some eves. Start In group In Central N.J. Ex- Customs, Officers, -louse of Fabrics, 1020 ing. Call 808-572-2777 or Local youth oriented cp.^ 'if ; : ; ' : James Madalone , of South Plain- . Sept, Applicant should tive duties. Qualified can- perience preferred. Send Highway 18, East Brun- write: 132 No. 8th Ave, WAREHOUSE-Our client has openings for stu-.. Venker has been a licensed broker didates must have previ- etc...For Info, call, In Edison. has Immed. : ; . field, a sales associate with the War-, . be energetic and loving. resume and clips to 219-736-7030,. OXt; 2935 swick, NJ 08816, Highland Pk, NJ 08904, dents & others. Some F/ for four years. ous exp. In accounts PARENTS 908 238-2666 heed for laborers. Some Call 90.8-388-2107; Robin J. Phillips, Editor, 9arrv9pm 7 days, . TEACTjIJR- needed for T avail. $10.15/start. Nq<- That living roorii includes an im- ren office of Weichert Realtors, has payable & receivable, FORBES NEWSPAPERS, Do you have the warmth lifting. Own transporta- exp. Will train. She. is: a member of.the Somerset CHILD CARE- Bound gen. ledger, bank jeqs & . 44 Ftanklln: St., Somer- consistency & structure, RETAIL SALES-..25-30 local established-Nursery tion. Connections Per- rim ported spain marble fireplace. earrted the office's. Top listing Agent LOCAL STEAM SHIP School! Must have ap- ,,.: -908-704-8555 .' and Morris County Boards of Realtors Brook, Smalley School statement proof, Heavy vllle, NJ. 08876, '.. AGENCY REQUIRES to become a therapeutic hrs/wk. ComfortableV sonnel,- Inc.- Call 908»322- II I I, If »t»»U -Straight ahead thrdugh the foyer award for listing the most hornes dur- ilh'g, WordStar, Word- propriate experience. area,, needed-tor after foster parent for a child well-established Jewelry 5200, •.. •••;.:.:• . •• •• •:•••• PART TIME SALES •as well as the SummHTBparcTof Real- SECRETARY- Must- bo 25 S. Main St. : is a large kitchen with custom oak; ing the month of Jury. . school for 5 & 7 yV. olds. Wect & PC proflclenpy . FITNESS INSTRUCTOR fluid in Spanish.&,know bi" youth with special store In New Brunswick. Part time. 908-439-3182 CLERK- Local farm ; tors.. A member of the New Jersey Call Barbara after 5:30 essential. S320/WK. NEEDED- Call YMCA at emotional needs? Cath-. Blrllngual, pref: Contact or write: P,O.. Box ,164, Edison, N.J. market,. Brldgewater. Call Word Processing. Salary 1 cabinets and a large center island. ,-Madalone.has been;a.licensed real ,356-4594 .; Brldflewal«r,722-4266 . ,722-4587 for employment commensurate with ex- ollc Charities, will pro- Mi ., ftoHinon at Bud's Pottersvllle, NJ 07979, ' Known since 1966 as 908-231-1391 . ;. Off that kitchen to the left is a : State •' Million, Dpilar Club from 1985 to application.;- ' .'. perience. Send resume: vide 24 hour support, Corner Jewe(an-908- . Medical '.,:•• estate professional for six years and CHILDCARE NEEDED- BURGER KING TEACHER- Plscataway ...And the winner Is r'art' Tlme^Chlld'. Care fof •1991, she Is acurrent member of Box 107, %Forbos Nbw- training, therapy for the' 545-6634,10am-5pm. Township School District . Personnel Pool - door leading to a 14X28 deck and a Is ^licensed broker. He has earned, . FT,.'Mon-Frl, preferrably CENTRAL AVE, CLARK FLORAL DESIGNER/ - DONNA CLANCY two,and a half year old. In our So. PKd. home for papers,.44 Franklin St.; child •& case, manage- Is looking, to fill 2 P/T El- Mon - Fri,2:30-.6:30 P.M;' fartiily room that includes an Weichert's Presidents • Club and a FT/PT; Hours to fit your MANAGER- Experi- Spmorvllle, NJ 08B76. RETAIL SALES- for of WARREN RN— 7am-3pm full time numerous honors during his career,, d.& 5 yr. old girls, Ple»te schedule. Day and Night ment, Stipend available. ementary/Bl-llngle teach- Please call us at : and part time 7am-3pm Call-719-9734; past member of the Anhbassaddrs' enced only. Please call Call Therapeutic -Foster' consignment shop In ing positions, avail. Sept. American marble fireplace.' .,• including gold level membership in, pall 754-6461 after 7PM Shifts available. 908-906-1818 Westfleld, F/T temp., re- 1-800-559-9495 and 3pm-11pm. Raritan LOVE CANDLES? Need Care Coordinator at 1,1992 for the 92-93 Part-lime :•'•' •>'-' • ';; : At the right of the kitchen is a Club.' . '-. '.'\- • '•"•'. V Advancement Potential. extra cash for the Holi- sponsible person who to claim your FREE Health & Extended Care, : the New. Jersey. State Million Dollar INFANT CARE- respon- -.-* - .* *•,.'• Please apply In person. FULLTIME- Looking for 908-722-1881 enjoys working w/nlce school year, NJ cert, Forbes coffee mug! 633 Rt. 28, Raritan, NJ, studip room that can be converted sible person needed to enthusiastic, responsible, days? You can earn up req., Interested candi- TELEMARKETING Club, an honor bestowed.upon.only Care for my baby arid do to S25/hr or more dem- PARK RANGERS. people, Tues.- Sat,, 9-4 908-526-8950. SALES •- into tv«3 additional bedrooms, and The breathtaking center foyer Is the highlight of this home at 220 Kings Court, listed at $679,000 Carol Rlchter of Millington, a CABINET MAKER hard-working person to pro, good . pay, call dates please Call 908- one percent of all sales associates iii housekeeping In my work F/T, job. .Includes onstrating our beautiful Game Wardens, security, RN— private office- REPRESENTATIVE ' Experienced only,' full line of home decorating Cathy: 908-654-6356 981-0700 ;eW.252O to re- a; laundry room with stairs leading through ReMax Realty Pros. sales associate with the Basking Dunellen home. Thur.S teaching candy making maintenance, etc. No uest an application, allergy. Will train, part, the state. In addition, he has attained Prl. days.- Long term, time employment; Call 'accessories & candlos. exp. necessary. For info, at children's B-Day par- RETAIL SALES- We're OE/AA . ' WOOD CHIPPER FOR time. Send Resume to Telephone selling of lnr, to the backyard or the basement sitver level, membership in 1988,1989 Ridge office of Welchert Realtors, has F(ermnent poslton. Must between 9-5. 218-9051 For. Interview call 908- call 219-769-6649, ext. column advertising. In-,. ties, retail sales, and looking for a cheerful, HIRE— Anytime, any: Box 109, Fprbes News- Upstairs is balcony area looMrig ; speak English, have exp. CHECHOSLOVAKIAN other various duties. Exc. 353.-059.6 or 908-353- 8183 9am-9pm 7 DAYS. TEACHER- Pre-school aper, P.O. Box 699,eludes servicing existing/ That house is located in what is and 1990. . . ; . . earned the office awardsfor the most 6397 ask for Denlso mature person, who en- where, negotiable rates. and refs. 752-4315 but over the foyer, that leads to a 1 HIGH SCHOOL EX- pay for the right person. teacher position avail. omervlllo, NJ 08876 accounts as Well as new . , • * * * ' " Marie. PartyUto GIHs ' 'ART TIME oys people, to Join us at Call Jim Bronnnn 201- considered a beautiful suburban new listings.and the most sold.list- CHANGE STUDENT, boy Will train. CaFI for Inter- Cynthia's Hallmark. Lo- P/T W/posslblllty of F/T, 672-2941. Show this ad business prospecting!" roll bathrppm with a double sink- RESPONSIBLE » LOV- view: Candylnnd Crafts, certl for Into. 526-9009 ' Some sales and com- community within fast and ef- Tipsheet Dlanne Palumbo has joined the Ings for the month of July- 17 Anxiously aawaltlng MACHINIST cated at The Village At get 5% oft Job, ING PERSON- needed 5080 puter experience, helpful." A second full bathroom, with a .-•••. . ' *; * ,••* . ' to care for newborn In host family. Enjoys 201 West Main St., Som- Run lathes, cylindrical PEAK TELLER Bodmlnster. Flexjble ficient commuting distance of New Basking Ridge offta of Weichert Re- sports, politics, reading, ervllle, 908-685-0410. • TELEMARKETING ' "•MANAGEMENT" Part-Time 16r19 hours per week.. jacuzzi-sized tub, is in the niaster VVostlleld., live out, M-F, grinder's, mill, etc. 1-2- hours: part time, will PART TIME EVENINGS 220 Wngs Court, Mountainside To be In Realty notes, send a short Arriving August. CALL UP TO $9.37/HR. train. Please call Cindy "•TRAINEG" Contact Elaine Cllsham, York and Philadelphia. altors .as a sales associate. must have own trans., years exp a must. Will Well-known, established 2 year program with a Employment 908-722-3000 Ext. 6200.- bedroom, that also includes a walk- . non-smoking, ref.s tea., KATHLEEN (908) 389- GAS STATION AT- consider vo-tech trainee. at 908-234-2426. «* . $679,000 , release, with a photo to: 3346 OR 1-800-SIBLING . TENDANT- Full & part personal Introduction starting salary of 30K +. in closet and two other closets. That community is known for its Palumbo has been a licensed real ' ,908-233-7623 Solf-sta'rter,. good pay,' service Looking for en- time. Apply: Abby's Shell The Howard Savings: RETAIL SALES- Call 782-5254, ext. 260, PLAY IN YOUR SPARE single-family homes on tree-lined estate, professional for eight.years. Jim Wright pleasant working condi- ; thusistlc, personable, • 'Hie three other' bedrobrhs also CHILDCARE- earn Station, North & Eliza- Bank Is seeking quail- Women sports wear bou and ask lor Craig. . TIME- while earning; ' Balhst 2J5 .... tions and benefits. Apply friendly person to start PART TIME great Income. Free train- streets. • - "•'' •'.•.• •..-.' ••', • /-• She was with Weicherfs. Chatham Fbrbes Newspapers 5050 money, providing quality beth. Avo., Cranford. led applicants with tlquo looking for parttlme STORE COLLECTION have ample closet space. n person, Immediately setting ap-i • * * *. * P.O. Box 699 chlldcare for 1 or more prior bank teller Or cash full days, 9:30-5:30pm, ing.& earn free kit. Call ; Amenities in the house include a : The borough offers numerous AmwitUWK ail brick, custewTi vvooo\vorkjng/720 square foot studto, Office from 1984 to 1985, and Empfoyirtertt- children In your own HAIR STYLIST- FT, ex- A&ACO. &INC pointments. NO COLD ' S200-J500 WEEKLY : Val with Discovery Toys' s 2700 SO CLINTON AVE Dandling experience for Mon,, Thurs., & Sat. Ex- CALLING. Salary plus Assemble products at Earn maximum dollars worked for Chubb & Son from 1985 44 Franklin St., General home. MONDAY MORN- perience, for modern, perience helpful but not Pis call 908-381-5851 three-zone heating system, with a playgrounds, along with a munici- central vacuum system busy Hlllsborough Salon, SO PLAINFLD, NJ 07080 the following branch: - commission. Fun envi- home. Easy! No. selling." With minimum time with a ING INC, offers free In- needed, will train. Please Fprbes Newspapers backup, a two-car garage, ten-foot HearUnB/cooHngt gas, forced air/central air condKidrurig to 1987. *.,-.' . Somervllie, N.J., 08876 salary -(-'commission, ronment. Call Alex, 381- You're,paid direct. Fully RECEPTIONIST/: 1 pal svvimming pool, tennis courts, surance, referrals, equip- apply In person: Paris store collection route. . ',. "*'.*•*. . ". paid vacation & benefits, MACHINISTS- .experi- EDISON BRANCH 9585. •••' ' • . , '" . Guaranteed. Fpr direc- CLERK- Part: time for 'Ceiling in the basement, a " central For more Information, cail 722- DRIVERS DO YOUment, back-up & more. enced, . pernmanent em- Blue, 132 East Broad St., Flexible hours, reliable basketball courts, golf courses and bottfawt iiivby-237feet WANT BETTER PAY? DO Union County 908-668- good wooklng co'nd., 1063 Inman Avenue tory Information call 24 small Basking Ridge real 3000, Ext 6306. ployment. 356-1553 WesHleld. . TELEMARKETING hour hotline 801-379- car necessary. Call the estate office 9am-2pmv vacuum system and a burglar horseback riding trails. . TttXtttt $7,100(1991) Chris Joo of Berkeley Heights, a YOU WANT MORE 4884; Somerset County friendly salon atmos- AVAILABLE SCHEDULE : phere. Please call Sandy Start nowl Work 6-9pm In 2900 Copyright # NJ1- Single Copy Department. Mon. thru Frl.; We need. "alarm.. . :•'•..•. MILES? Then call J.B. 908-526-4884 MAJOR TELEPHONE Mon.iThur.,Frl. RETAIL SALES- for : The largest recreational facilities Sthooln . Mourrtalnside Hunt : 1-8Q0-2JB-HUNT 359-7511 CO.- $7.80-$15.75/hr. 3PM-6PM eves. & earn $6-$15/hr. 7WDH' your help & Input. ''• Thrift. Shop In Westfleld. Must have clear phone 908-781-7900 EXT 7302 FISCHER REALTORS ' The . house, which is eqtiipped. include Echo Lake ParkV the EOE/ Subject to drug CLERICAL- full ben- Now hiring., Technicians, Sat., 8:45AM-12:15PM FT, responsible person Agoi 0years efits. To $7hr. varied du- HAIRDRESSER- Experi- voice* No exp, riecces- • • •. ' '***.*'•.:•• •' • ., '. OR. • •• ••. 908-534-1325 > with central air conditioning,. is screen. . •'.".• Installers, account/ser- who enjoys working with $200-J500 WEEKLY : 1-800-300-9321 Watchung Reservation, ' Trailside Op«n house: imrpugh ReMax Realty Pros, Westfield. Tom AttJeri, ties. Req. 1 yr. general enced stylist, must be a vice reps., operators. No For immediate consider- sary. Call Joe, 494-0576.. Completely maintenance free, with motivated team player to nice, people. Tues.-Sat. 9- Assemble products at RN NEEDED— every Museum. .'••. ' ACCOUNTANT/BOOK- office exp. & car. Day oxp. necessary. For Infor- ation, "please complete 4pm. Good pay. Call other week-end for busy' £#•9292 KEEPER— FT, 40 hr. wk. hrs. Middlesex, 302-0909 assume full clientele. On TECCMAnKETtNG- PT, home. Easy! No selling. FORBES NEWSPAPERS its brick, exterior, . mation 1-219-736-9807, an application at the hir- Mary Lou 908-232-4325 evenings, high hourly You're paid direct. Fully ; walk-In". facility.- $19/hrrj salary range $8-512 per going education, salary : EOE ' ext. F2617, 9am-9pm-7 ing branch. • . . , rate plus dally bonuses. Guaranteed. For direc- plus paid to the right • hr. Experience necessary CLERK TYPIST- strong plus commission, bo- days. . SALES-RETAIL (FT/ 1 typing skills. Knowledge nuses and vacation pay; Call Vlnnie or Mike at tory Information call 24. AAA OPPORTUNITY candidate. Call..Maryann' In computer data entry, PT)— Custom decorat- Show • & Sell Christmas or Diane at 968-8900 A/P, A/R, G/L, JE's, Bank of Word Processing. & Health Insurance avail. 302-199dJ Somerset . -, hour Hotline 801-379- MANAGER- FT, tele- The Howard ing, detail orlanted, peo- 2900 Copyright # NJ1- Around the World at Recs, Acct. Analysis, general clerical skills. Start Immediately. Call phone room, ontry level, ple persons, processing, TELEMARKETING- SECRETARY- part time 9000 9030 9020 Contact: Ruth Yaffttjor, today 271-9292 7HDH home parties; Great pay) General Acct. duties, etc. will train, hrs. 1PM-9PM .Savings Bank excellent selling skills & Start Immed. In tho New Pun Jobl Call today for Church, 9-1 PM; Mpn REAL ESTATE Jjfomea for Sato . • ..**•**.•' Homes for Sale Send resume only to: Bdro-Glerk, Boro of Mid- Mon-Frl, Sat 9AM-Noon. knowledge.of fullness & Brunswick area, If you through Frl. Phones, typ- : ...Where We Invest, In 908-272-1579 Mrs. J; Bell, Hoffman In- dlesex, 1200. Mountain i HEAVY DUTY Musf have positive at- repeats. 24,hour wf. min- HAIRDRESSER ing & basic Computer ". 'YourGareerl have a good phone! voice Full or part time. Follow- ternational, Inc., 300 S. Avi.,. rwrarfiWex; NJ TOW TRUCK DRIVERS tltldo, good advancement imum • on floor Including & want to earn top dollar AMERICA'S BEST . knowledge. 356-0247 DID YOU METUCHEN- 5BR, 2V4 SOMEBODY BUY ME! Randolphvllle Rd., P.O. 08846. or call "9O8-i Needed, FT/ PT, must & pay. Call alter 6PM nlght(s) & weekends. ing a JDIUS. Hlllsborough Christmas Around' the 9010 -KNOW... bath Expanded Ranch, I am a 2 BR capo In Mid- PART TIME for your efforts. Contact area. Call Jeannette, TEACHER NEEDED Box 669, Plscataway, NJ 356-7400. have CDL licensed Please 908-356-1134 Middlesex, REPRESENT1TIVE Shop at homo positions Mr. Jeffries 247-0093 World hiring, demonstra- Homes under that a*n ad Tn- this local on.secluded street. Ndar dlesex, corner troo lot, 0BB55-O669. •;.' • •• apply In person: 908-906-6625 Motuchen available. Good pay & tors. Special bonuses (PT) MONTGOMERY KID paper also goes Into 16 H.S. Ideal for someone great starter homo, all COMPANI6N/DHIVER- Responsible & depend- 908-874-3747 ~' CONNECTION Is looking $150,000 Highway Service able people needed to benefits package. Call TELEPHONE SALES now. Call 908-647-2531 other local papers? w/llvo-lri parents or new CAC, water hoator, ADMIN. ASST— 23K, for male senior citizen, i S48 Trumbull St. MANICURIST/ MAN- REPRESENTATIVE tor an After-School Su- Middlesex/Bound Brook work tor TV rental com- Susan M., 908-755-4700. or.757-3055. ..;..:...:.•..;..;... .Reach over. 400,000 grown children. Inclds^ high efficiency gas fur- Good multlmate skills Elizabeth, NJ. AGERT- 'Aggressive man- SEARS AUTHORIZED 5060 pervisor. Hours: 2:30- readers with orie calll frplc, 2-car gar,, en- nace, new front porch, area, must have driver's pany In New Brunswick ATTENTION MOMS- 6pm, Mon-Fri. Must, have BRIDGEWATER- By needed. Call tor appt. icurist w/followlng who hospitals, must have SALES/INSIDE CLEANING SERVICES is Employment- Owner, 3BR Ranch, Vk 1-800-559-9495 closed porch, & more. newly painted. My own- license and ref.s, salary HOUSEKEEPER/CHILD wants a career oppty. in seeking^- FULL TIME need extra. $$$ for back exp. supervising a staff, TeleSearch, Inc. Call 201- neg., 90B-583-O731 leave neat apperarance, good baths, full bsmt., 1 car Asking $219,900. Call ers Want to go to Florida, ,927-7870 CARE— Watchung area. Managomont. Good sal- ambitions sales people Health Cafe to school expenses? NJ Teaching Cert pref- EDISON, NORTH- By can't take wintersl mess. '• •.••'.' ••• • • . , communication & math garage.' Now Klt./carpot- 908-563-0187. Female, non-smoker, ary w/bonof|ts. 908-725- S30KPLUS to sell products & ser- Christmas Around the ered, but not neccessary. owner, extremely Ig. Bl- Please call 908-469-8359 ADMINISTRATIVE English'speaking, own skills, flexible days, 1PM- TOGETHER, the largest World offers, excellent Good organizational & rngyfixturos. Freshly 8380 or 201-437-7742. 5PM or 3PM-8PM & Sat vices In Its inbound painted Inyout. Mint lovol, 4BRS, 2'/i baths, METUCHEN- 6 1/2 rm 1 ASSISTANT- Limited COOK transp. Mon-Frl, 8-4pm. DENTAL ASSISTANT/ pay & flexible hours, ' ' •"•"• a must, SOMERSET- 3 BR, now or Sun 10AM-4PM. $6/hr & most successful per- Telemarketing Depart- planning skills a must, cond. $145,000. Call 908- tR, DR, FR w/brlck fplc, family, lot. 40x147 ft,( ros- typing. Assist executive EXP. GRILL COOK, Call 908-561-5146. MANICURIST- Exp. in ment, Qualified candi- OFFICE HELP- P/T. |n Free kit & supplies, par- prlv. wooded lot,.-deck, 2 Identlal/cbmmerclal Inter,, fenced yard, dock, to start, Paid holidays & sonal Introduction ser- busy general practice. X- 908-359-8211,,Ext:251 2 526-3382. . . in fast . paced service apply In person, all phases of nail carp. vice Is looking for 2-3. dates should possess 1 ties welcome. Call Kathy car gar. $239,000. 908- zone) 237 Central Avo, oxt. needs paint, company. Must have ex- INSIDE ADVERTISING Art and air brushing a vacations. For a local In- ray license preferred. TELEMARKETERS $87,500. Call 218-1865 Frlendlys Restaurant, tervlow call 201-858-2316 sassy, enthusiastic, suc- to 2 years telephone 908-322-4831 CRESTWOOD - Adults 549-6864 •..:.'• v $110,000, Pis. Call Dor- . cellent phone manners, SALES— good com- plus but will, train. Exist- sales experience & the Preferrable AM hours PART TIME rls, Colony Realty, 201- 1080 Stelton Rd., Plscat- munications skills a weekdays 10AM-4PM. cess oriented people for plus 1 afternoon per AVON SALES- All (55 + ). '7,500 Homos, 7 EDISON- North, by organizational and spell- ing clientele. On going Clubhousos, 40 Stylos 761-7100 SOMERVILLE $344,900 away, NJ must. Part tlmo days aro our local offices. ability to answer custom- week. Call 908-232-3550. areas. For' Information owner, Asking $225,900. "BIG & BEAUTIFUL" ing skills, as well as an education, salary plus ers' inquiries. We offer a ' Earn extra cash from $2'O,00O-$142,500. OK with fixed schedule, PAVER— experience a call ...'•• flexible hours. Rarich 3/4 + acre, cul de NORTH PLAINFIELD 3 Character & charm excellent memory. Job CUSTOMER SERVJCE- comm., bonus and vaca- must. Commercial li- competitive base salary, DENTAL HYGIENIST— Beautiful & Secure. FRBE onfalls analyzing com-: Reasonable base pay tlon pay. Health . Insur- If yoii have a profes- 1-800-662-2292 3 to 5 days per week ^nesented'by ou^-fPestfield\ (^ffice sac, 7 rms, 2 bath, near BR Split. 1 1/2 baths, LR, abound In thi.s most needed for large corpo- with very good earning cense a must. Call Vlnnie sional appearance with incentive plan, paid train- Westfleld general prac- BROCHURE. Heartland NY trans, 908-494-9308 plex contracts {with rate Insurance agency . • ance avail. Start Immod. 6j3m to 9pm . Realty Associates, P.O. DR, FR, deck, family unique 100+ yr. old potential. 908-218-3710 819-4652 a bubbly, positive at- ing & health benefits. No tice Is looking for part- CASHIER/STOCKER Queen' Ann Victorian. training), mall, cor* Must have P & C license Call today 271-9292 7:45AM-1PM or 12:30PM- In our Bedmlnster office Box D, 480 Rt. 530- Whit- neighborhood, walking Ask for Charlie or Ron titude & experience In , cold calling. Ask for Pam time hyglenlst lato after- $7.00 per hour HIGHLAND PARK- by Centrally locatod In town, respondence computers, whlth -1 + years Agency PHOTO LAB- Edison 908-417-0400. EOE noon, evening, 6-8 hrs,6:00PM, and 2 Sats. a Ing J^MBmD6315509 owner. Beautiful ranch, 4 distance to school. faxing, filing, copying, exp. Salary mid 20's w/ MEDICAL SECRE- has openings for FT sear the dating industry or ' plus commission $148,500. 756>3885 this 7 BR homo bVings INSIDE SALES/ per wk. No weekends. month. Apply within , for further Info • • ' '• BR + FR. Sot on excep- back the charm ,of yes- etc. Call Dave at: 9o«- good benefits. Call Karln SECRETARIAL TARY- full time and part sonal employment (Sept. membership sales such TELEPHONE 6ALES- Call 908-232-3550. store: 900 Lincoln Blvd., EDISON- 2 BR, 1 bath, tional lot on quiet, pretty CALL ' . EIK, attic, bsmnt., bright teryear. Featuring" 4Vi 322-8852. Parker 660-7 300 Preferred Expor. required. Send re- tlmo. 12 to 8:30 pm. Exp. thru Christmas) for auto- as health clubs, time Earh extra Christmas Middlesex. : street, Like new. Interior Plaritsesp'ev Placement, 27 Mountain or qualified, computer matic printers, editors, shares, weight loss cen- mone'yl Perfect hours, MEDICAL m$' & cheery, lovely area, bathrooms, original sume & salary require: $159,000,908-572-6002. PISCATAWAY- woodwork, stained glass 1325 Tarrlll Road, Blvd., Warren • billing,, typing, bl-llnqual processing, cutting. & ters, etc*, then we would M6n-Frl, 6PM-9PM. Sun Life Key Ventures has the CHRISTMAS AROUND . GLEN OR GENE low taxes, r\r. all transp. FLEXIBLE FINANCING rnents to: P.O.. Box 1490, $100,000/nog. (possible windows, a turret w/ Scotch Plains, N.J. EOE Linden, NJ 07036 preforroa. Immod. posi- packaging depts, We like to speak to you. 6PM-8PM. Good talkers following positions avail- THE WORLD- Is now EVENINGS •'&• RAREFIND DANCE INSTRUC- tion avail. Plon9o fax ro- train, Call for appt. 287 rental $1200) Principals. curved windows, claw Att:Pdrsonnel. .••••• only) Up to $10/hr. Per- able: • '•'••• .hiring demonstrators for FORBES NEWSPAPERS INTRODUCTIONS... ASSEMBLERS- Excel- TORS- Ballet/Jazz, sume 908-322-4031 4248 ext 126 fect 2nd Job. Spouses & more info call Dee 754- 908-781-7900 , Call 212-348-6462. A way for people to meet Ranch; 3 BR,. 1'/6 bath, foot tubs, butlers pantry lent Indbme to assemble Send resume to! Dance We offer excel, benefits, 18' country kitchen, en- & living quartors & so INSTRUCTORS- certi- a lucrative Incentive pro- students welcome. Call OFFICE ASST. 1491 or Lynn 561 8082. Ext. 7303 •'-"•• people, every week In products from your Dimensions, 643 Georg- MODELS PHOTO TRIMMERS after 6pm Middlesex 906- your local Forbes news- closed porch, full baso- rnuch more! This Is a fied aerobic Instructors (female 5'4 & up; guys 5' Earn to $125 per day gram, fast advancement CHRISTMAS SALES- Advertise In the Classified! must aoelll home. 504-646-1700 es Rd., No. Brunswick, needed, call 908-218- 6625 Metuchen Psychiatry Dept. paper, Tho ad is free, wont (partially finished,) Dept, P6331 NJ 08902 or call SOB- 9" & up) Wantod for ex- No exp. needed into management & a Great opportunity for ex- JINGLE MY BELLS FOR TELEMARKETING- them one call does It altl 2 separate heating sys- 1155 EEEZ 'MONEYI FREE 249-4196 citing fashion show sea- 1-800-262-4389 Ign working environ- TIRED OF BEING LOST perlenoed, energetic, Posltlon marketing rap- 1-800-559-9495 tems, garage. Feticod AUTO MECHANIC- Im- son. Exp. prof, but not IN THE CROWD? Busi- $300 KIT a SUPPLIES! idly growing company, INSURANCE- part tlmo, rflent. If you want an ex- self starter to help start property. Owner movod SOMERVILLEONLY mediate opening^. Class DENTAL HYGENI5T nee. Must bo outgoing, PT EVENINGS! MAR ness Is booming! Grow- 800-300-9464, NOWI two corporations. Leads MANVILLE- Lost Valley, clerical/workers compan citing career opportunity up Psychiatry office. 9020 • Immediate possession. $109,900 A or B.'~Gooa Salary, Mon, Wed hours. Excel- satlon 'Claims position love music & dance. Gall KETING OFFICE SUPER and would enjoy work- ing REAL ESTATE cp. provided. Flexible hrs., Homes for Sale turn-key home, Immed. ATTN:COLONIAL LOV- steady work, uniforms, lent working environment Runway Magic 908-985 needs 3 reliable, ambi- COUNTER HELP'AT- Asking $129,900. available In Brldgewator VISOR/ SECRETARY- ing from 12noon-8pm good salary. -Call Dave avail., expanded cape on Days: 908-752-7010 ERS vacations, holidays, prof- (p Middlesex. 968-4644. 7600 after 2PM for appt. tious sales people. We Reporting to Office Man- TENDANT- Looking (or corner lot W/3/4BR, 1V4 Afternoon hours must be Exp pref. but not necces- call Wendy after 10am :at: 908-322-5552, Parker. SCOTCH PLAINS $339,900 Eves: 908-382-3499 Hore's a vory charming 2 It sharing. sary. Immed. positions offer extensive In-house ager, you will have pre- enthusiastic responsible Interior Plantscape, 1325 FANWOOD $229,000 bath, LR, FR, new cus- fARV AS- familiar w/workors com at 908-381-9558. person to help with bat- On a prestigious street and a real charmer. 4 bdrms, 3 full bths,. BOUND BHOOK- 2 190 Station Road story Colonial w/a vory BC TIRES pensatlon Insurance, typ- MODELS-NEW FACES- avail. 201-716-9494. training., 100% comm. vious psyohlatry office Terrill Rd,, Scotch Plains, Family +offloncy, fully tom EIK, windows, ga$, SISTANTS- 3:30-8PM, TV-PRINT-LIVE FASH- ting & fitness center. Call Pristine ranch on large corner lot. 3 bdrms, 3 full bths, new kit vil, •' Plucataway affordable prlcol Fea- 1268 SUHon Rd. ing req., salary based on plan, come show off experience, knowledge N.J, EOE .. ".:••. ••.-• . den w/wood burning stove, formal din. rm, eat-in, kit, Inground pool. ronted, separate utlls, furnace, ,10x20 Atkins tures 3 BR, EIK, formal Pl«c»taw»y, NJ OWM will train, Foothill Acres ION- Ages 8 and up .* * * * SALES/SALES your talents, for a confi- of medical terminology, after 6PM 356-8525 skylight, den,fencedyard. CAG. WSR3922. barn, • +much much Nursing Home, Neshanlc, exp., Call Kathy 908-781- WSR 3690. qulot neighborhood posi- CENT0RY21 DR, LR, wrap around 0140 you' may leave a male/fomale at Dewrna PT/FT INCOME dential Int. call todayl billing, scheduling, third TRAIL GUIDE/STABLE- tive cash flow, $179,900. more. $125,000. No Real- AVON SALES- All NJ 908-369-8711 OPPORTUNITIES AVAIL- MANAGEMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE- (ront porch, full bsmt. & message at anytime. Trust Model, Madison; 752-1111 party reimbursement Telephone orders. $6/hr. WORKERS- Lord Call (908) 271-4673. tora please. 707-0988 Brandt Realty 2 car garago. All nlooly areas. For Information NJ. Call for appointment. ABLE" $1000-$2000 per Are you ready to earn Stirling Stables. English call DOa BATHER- Looking month. Plus profit ahar- between $30,000- and medicare. Medical Polite, accurate, good sltuatod on a big land- KENILWORTH AND/OR 201-377-1788. TO: ANYONE WHO transcription experience horsemanship and 1-80O-W2-2292 for responsible person Ing plus medical/ $50,000 your first year WOULD UKE TO HAVE phone manners,, key- knowledge of horse care scapod lot. Call nowl!I not afr«|d of * little hard MURRAY HILL NEED EXTRA CASH a plusl This Is a full time ' boarding. Flex, hours & ttln RESEARCH ASSISTANT dental. For Information and $50,000-$80,000 A HIGHER QUALITY required. Call 722-1200 BABYSITTING- babysit work and p,8 9 dirty. 2 FQR THE HOLIDAYS? call Mr. 2, 908-848-6955 flexible hours position. days, 7 days a week ters needed for Woman's portions available Mon- Immediate long term, 1 your seebnd year? Then LIFESTYLE. from 4-10pm. 232-9090. for implication (TDD Find out about tho now we'd like to speak to Kim & I have found a way 526-4762), EOE. ' SOUTH BOUND BROOK health club, day-time Frl. 0-4 p.m.. Call 755- nights per week, approx, Avon, (Many ways to soil, REAL ESTATE CAREER $129,900 6 ws, per night, approx. you. The leading NATI- to be able to make more DRIVERS—Must havo hours, call 908-218-1155 0227. 2 ways to earn). Call 908' WEIDEL REALTORS, BILLING .*+•*•*••.••• BEST BUY IN TOWN IONAL REAL ESTATE 0U money than we could clean driving record. Will V $20 per hour. Must have 647-5845 Hlllsborough. We are AVERAGE $2O/HH. AMU$TSEEI car, basic library skills & flee In NJ is looking for ever spend, and have all COLLECTIONS help get CDL license. For looking for good people the free time to enjoy It Now hiring In your area 2 story colonial w/4 BR, 2 physical stamina. Must NEW YEAR to |oln our Bales staff. 2 CAREER minded peo- more Info call 908-668- for "Christmas Around full baths, LR, DR, EIK, be highly organized & re- NEW CAREER ple for residential, new with our family & friends. ASSOCIATE 4044, ask for Maryanne LOVE YOUR CAREER! Whether licensed or unli- GIVE US A CALL AT the World" demonstra- don, full basement.& lots At An Advertising and Public Relations sourceful. Excel, growth Part time & full time per censed, we can got you homes Bales, com- Will have prior experi- or 464-5953, ask for tor*, Work eve hours you moro. Locatod In an ox- potential. Rush resume/ sons* for telemarketing 072-1214. We will treat Nancy, Professional In Your: Community. started In a successful mercial Investment sales you like family & show ence with Insurance, set Sopt.-Nov.; free $300 collont area too! Ownor cover letter to: Informa positions In Union based Real Estate Career. Flex- & leasing In Central Jer- collections, billing & kit, no cost. To get the ' A hlah-earnlna. prestigious opportunity awaits you you how you can do It DRIVERS- Up to $10 t must soil. tlon Express, P.O. Bo'company. Expor. an ad- hours, unlimited earning sey area. WE WILL GET scheduling as well as best start, be sure to lo- 121, Millwood, NJ 10546 tool Recorded message per hr. Must have own as a WELCOME WAGON REPRESENTATIVE in this vantage but not essential potential & hands-on YOU LICENSED and knowledge of medical cate the RIGHT supervi- 0121 • « ' as training given Exc. Now l» th« time, car, Insurance. Reliable, ERA J. Zavatsky & Ao- area. Meet exciting peopls. Become acquainted with training. Call Judl Hltt, TRAIN YOU. For confi- Frank* Kim terminology.. MRI or ra- neat, personable drivers sor-call "Rose" for great 9oclalos Rtialty training & support. SPRINGFIELD $320,000 WESTFIELD $254,9t)0 Influential government & business leaders. Enjoy pay pkg lor the right Manager, 359-7100 dential Interview, call diology office experi- needed 7 days a week Classic center •halU-coionlal. Qraclous.-spacious, prime location. 3 . 908-755-1200 high earnings as you manage your own. flexible people. Call for furthc Ken Worden at: ence a plusl Full time from 4-10pm for deliver- ' 908893-7830 - 7 rm building presently used as church. 5 rm apt included. May bo Adnrilse In th» ClanlllediInfo & Int. Carl 686-5788 REAL ESTATE SALES SOUTH PLAINFIELD- 40-hbur- week. Represent, local ; businesses & CENTURY 21, TRAINEE OR (10am-6pm) posjt|on. led In Westfleld. Flex, used as In house professional with approval. WSR 3911. bdrms, dpntH moldings, din rm w/comer cabinets, r.ac rm, porch, Maxlmlx* your earning .^EXPERIENCED hours & days. 232-9090, brand now brick front co- professionals when you'calf on new US cltteens,^ potential. Plenty of floor Worden A Crlv»llo - brick patio. WSR 3875; lonial, In.-lot, 75x200' engaged women, new, parents & movers, _-.I "~ 908-874-4700 For metallzlng plasma Positions offer'competi- 8090 time, plenty of leads DRIVER- Cranford deep, 4 BR, 2 1/2 bflthw/ For * personal Msrvlew contact Mobile Sweet shop. Opportunity to tive salary & compre- Employment Wanted higher earnings. Join SALES- Experienced learn trade. Welding exp. School Cafeteria has Jacuzzi and double sink, Century 21. . only In-lighting, lamps, a plus. Steady work, hensive benefits. Please openlngtor Food Service Ig Kit. w/custom cablnota 908-766-3262 McQ«« Realtors home furnishings. Full good pay, benefits. send resume & salary Driver. No experience NOTICE: All EMPLOY- and coramlc tile floors, 908-826-4440 time, flex, hrs., salary to Apply In person. history/requirements to: nee. Idoal working hours. MENT WANTED adver- all appl. & built-in Vacu- Frl. 9 - 5 PNI 1035 1U 202 Branchburg. um, Lg. LR, formal DR, commensurate ability. A&A CO., INC Personnel Department Call 908-469-8787, SOE. tisements are PAYABLE EOE- • EARN EXTRA Capitol llahtlno, Rt. 22, LIFE KEY VENTURES CAC, family room w/ Flrp REAL ESTATE SALES- 2700 SO CLINTON AVE IN ADVANCE by cash, & skylights, dock, lull No7 PlBlnfUld. 908-787- SO PLAtNFLD, NJ 07080 270 Old Hook Rd. FASHION ADVISOR Is a lucrative sales career 4777. Jerry Falker. Wear & show ladies Jew- check, VISA or Master Bsmt., 2 car Qarg., In your future? Take our Weatwood.NJ 07676 UNDERCOVER WEAR elry 2 eves. $126. No in- Card. For a quote on $249,900, no contlgon- FREE ($300 value) Indi- SCHOOL BUS 8. VANiPart time scales agents NURSE v08tfm>mTOO«MJ743663 Clos, 908-757-8362 vidual Success. Profile DRIVERS- Needed for cost, please call Four years of college needed. Hostesses re- PEDIATRIC-RN FRONT DESK RECEP- INCOME questionnaire and find September. Somerset/ ceive Ireo lingerie. Needed to do assess- 1-800-559-9495. 5 LENOX A WARREN TWP.- Logal out how your natural tal- Huntordon. Area. Goad TIONIST- for busy mod- 2-fam., 12 .rms,, city Monthly specials. For an ments & procedure visits leal facility. Computer assistance for Forbes Newspapers is now ents and abilities can bo pay & equip. Call Hager evening of fun, fashion & In the Somerset & Mid- OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-4PM water & sowers. Soporntcv. doveloped to help you at- BUB, 908-788-9765 and medical oxporlonco CHAUFFEUR/ GAR- Utils., oxc. rontlng. Lots fantasy call Jean dlesex County vicinity for a must; Spanish speak- This handsome four bodroom colonial Is sot on a deep lot and taking names for neighborhood tain tho highest level »f home health care agen- DENER- Good refer- talk! 356-4512 one weekend a month. success possible. Call §08-287.8723 ing a plus. 32 to 36 hrs. onjoys a qulot neighborhood sotting. Natural light flltors through delivery in New Brunswick and cy. At least 2 yra. recent ences, Call oves. 900- WESTFIELD- Attr. II- Pat at Weldel Roaltom, per week, flexible, Call 526-6722. the now bow window In the living room and contributes to tho You're on your way to college. And you're pedlatrlc ext), req. Exc, Mary Lou at 068-8900 WESTFIELD $114,900 fam. Not a conversion North Brunswick. Brldgewater 685-8202 Adv«ffi«s In (he Cknltladl benefits. Call Nancy for PLAINFT1LD $289,000 bright, open, airy fooling on tho -first floor, the family room and looking for a part-time job to help you pay for Representative COMPANION OR HOME- 6 apartments In historic Crescent Area. Certified historic "Lovell Five room duplex w/2 bdrms. now kit & bath; Low taxosl WSR but has look of a alnglo. RECEPTIONIST further Information. FULLER B"RU6H both the full and half bath havo been rocqntly renovated. Yes on Ea. Apt. 4 rms. (2 BRs). it. Join the Army National Cuardl For about Deliver one or two days per ACGS: 900-246-0600. MAKER AIDE-To work- 3757. ' - . Growing computer com IWILLIE'8 TAVERN Is Household Products Ing couSle. Elderly or House". Renovated & Immacualto. Corner lot, ample parking. WSR these special features - formal dining room with chair rail and Trood/shrubbod lot w/olf- two days a month ami two weeks a year, you'll Requires evenings, Sat- looking tor d«y «rtd EOE To Buy or Sell stroot pkg. Nr. NYC week and earn $45455, pany seeking a rospon- urday and Sunday. disabled person, Prof, 3035. . built-in china closet, fireplace, aat-ln-kitchen, central air, fenced work a part-time job that makes a difference. slblo receptionist with ox- nlaht •«rv«r«/Ho»t Ex- 908-2S2-7584 late afternoon-eves. Food * MtMBER Of THE SlAHi FINANClAl NEYW0(IH • yard, attached garago, gas F/ A heat and patio. High $220's. trans. $189,900 by Must be 18 years or older and Good starting salary. p.dlUr* PT/PT. Exp'd OFFICE DUTIES/ owner. 900-232-5595 You'll be elidible for up to $5,000 in edu- porlence to greet cus- Benefits. $6.00 per hour. PATIENT AS8ISTANT- INSTRUCTOR- M/F Part prep clean up, light tomers, answor very and Non-exp'd welcome. Come to the OPEN HOUSE on Sun- cation assistance with the have reliable transportation. Call 908-412-7888. A»k Parttlme, 12-5:30pm. Time aoroblcs/atop/ton- housekeeping/laundry. •HUNTERDON COUNTY" busy tulophone Intel- If you'ee ready lo be Call 753-0113. for Phyllis or Jan. Busy office seeks friend- Ing. Days/ovenlnns, cortl- OFFICE HOURS: COLDUieiX day, or better yet, call now to ar- Now construction or will Montgomery Gl Bill. And. dur- ligently, tako accuruto I challenged, apply In per- flcatlon preferred. Cran- WESTFIELD ran son: Rt. 202, Bedmlnster, ly dependable person EXPERIISNCed * LOV- Q° an appointment to preview build to suit. 2 aero lots. ing the course of your six-year mosBDgos and bo motl- SECRETARY- PT/FT, who enjoys working with ford. Call 000 709-7260 CRG Low loxos, close to shop- Call Today votpd. Ploaso send re- Mon-Sat 2-4PM, INQ MOM- will provide Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. this very special home. enlistment, you'll also earn a good typing skills. Word- patients, has tolophono ask for Kim. TLC & quality time for' 264 E. Broad St. ping, schools, transpor- sume to P.O. Box 6363, perfect, dictation & short- INTRODUCTIONS... skills, appointment tation, and rocroatlonal minimum salary of $11,000. Somerset, NJ 08875 or hand, Send resume & KENNEL ATTENDANT- your child. In my home- Saturday & Sunday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. A way for people to meet making, & gonoral office/ Refa avail. Clara Barton 233-5555 facilities. Tranquil oul-do- Join the Army National Guard fax (008) 560-0115 wage requirement to: patient care, Call 908- Ideal for students part .people, every wook In section of Edison. 22S- sne road only 10 mlnutos today! Call 1-800-300-9321 P.O. Box 106, %Forbe» your local Forbes news- 276-3132 tlmo Sat & Sunday. Must SCHLOTT from Rt. 70. Starting at Newspapers, PO Box be available on holidays 333:/••••7 • ' U iy. Sum-1 276-7888 paper. The' ad Is free, Mil I'l $240,900, Call Builder, Extension 7401 Attortiie to the Clamllkdi 699, Somervllle, NJ and school breaks. Call REALTORS" Americans at then one call does It all! i 808-561-2700. 08878 1-8OO-S59-9405 Mon-Frl. 9-4. Ploaso call < $i^^ 908-356-7425 their best 765-0227. Advertise tn tha ClmlliBdl -A Forbes Newspaper • Lr • •

•UJ2/ Forbes Newspapers Real Estate Guile August 26, 27, 28, 1992 August 26, 27, 28,1992 A Union County Forbes Newspaper Forbes Newspapers / U-3

9400 9440 9450 RENTALS 9500 9670 There's no plaeeHUke a Hidden Apartment*- us- ffftrffff Pff*ff PISCATAWAY- Prlv. JRANFORD-' Kit. privi- QARWOOD "Hidden Woods at Piscataway, a.' living space. exceptionally well thought out," he be used as a forth bedroom or pri- 9410 leges, furnished, 2 wks. homo. Couple. 2nd floor. GARAGES FOR HENT— Commercial soace' for 4'-rooma-& toatlvutlls fenl-by"ownef .-625-sq. Itv -pollection of 85~town^homes~sopn~ —All^townhomes ^include CRANFORD rahsportatlon, female Need additional storage located.-at 5-7 Kennedy Incl. $795/mo. 908-356- space? Want to keep 4241:356-1050 . ireferred. 272-7469 Plaza, ample parking. to bq constructed, is drawing pre- number of standard amenities, in-^ roomy floor plan." . KENlLWbRTH- Ig. 3 BR your car In a dry garage here at Hidden Woods meet the. ;6ARVVOOD GREEN BROOK- lor fe- 908-789-3087 NJ Realty Co. to Patrick J. & house, 2 full baths, .2 PLAINFIELD- Victorian. with lighting? For. only 201-860-3093 view buyers, in significant numbers eluding a.private driveway and,at- He added that a family room and kitchens, woodburnlng 28.R. Extras. Parking. Se- male over 25. Non- $45/mo: there Is still Edith S. Gavin, 1^B Lambert St, smoker. References & tached garage, central air condi- half-bath add convenience to the needs of young singles arid couples Keith & Josephine C. Curran stove, close to highways, curity, lease - $675. Call space avail, at Flnderne GREEN BROOK- Busy reports Sarry DePeppe, marketing $76,900 ..•'•:..• transportation & schools. after 6pm, 908.881-6523. Security. 908-988-4319 Heights In Brldgewater. Rte 22. 1600-8400 sq, ft. AUTOMOTIVE Q&A to Robert A &•.Carole Williams, Avail, Sept 1. Call 908- Call for Info on.Mon. or avail. Great co-tenantst director for the .community. tioning, wall-to-wall carpeting, ei- first floor plan, while the/ second who wish to take advantage of our Flonald A & Nancy M. Schulze to RARITAN- 1 BR apt, utll JOMERVILLE- Furn. Ved. 908-722-6144 436 Pine Ave., $160,000 276-9248 rooms $80-up. Srn. apts. Immediate occupancy. 1 Anita Cantone & N. Kafantarls, 103 Inc., W&D, S6S0/mo. Call Owner, 908-581-2700. According to DePeppe, the ap- ther a patio or wood deck, kitchen floor is devotedto quality comfort affordable prices and of today's fa- LINDEN— AVall. Sept. 1.J 609-466-4014 . :" J135/wk. Call manager KENILWORTH- GA- Lincoln Avft., $200,00a 908-722-2107 5-7PM. RAGE for rent. Call 908- package with continuous clean A large master bedroom on that ,j890/mo. Completelyr-re- SO. BOUND BROOK- peal of Hidden Woods can be at- vorable mortgage rates;", KEN1LWORTH modeled, new kit.,- new RARITAN- 1 BR. 2nd !76-9248, please leave Busy Main St. office/retail, looking into Its track record is like picking a spouse . Philip & Michelle Colesanti to floor, $675/month + 8OMERVILLE- Nicely range and dishwasher, large walk- second floor, he said, is compli- formal DR, LR w/frplc, 3 furnished room W/refrlg. store front, 900 sq, ft. Im- By BOBHAGIN tributed to a combination of factors Robert A.; & Susan.M. Msirotto, 184 BRs,. rear deck. Quiet elect., 1 172 month sec, proved, 1100 sq. ft. st_qr- based on a photograph. Beauty is only skin deep, even if Information on the community Peter & Donna Davis, to Tho^ avail 9/1, 908-707-9253 Non-smoker, male pref. METUCHEN- Oversized in closets, and high efficiency in- mented by a full sized bath with Mohawk Drive, $179,000 sunnyside, location, Call Sec. S75/up. 725-6470 age/expansldn. Lets FORBES NEWSPAPERS'. ' . : " ... ••' ', including the beauty and . con- mas G, Dombrowski et al., 220 9QB-272-8522. afters pm'.'. • / jarage for rent on quiet make a deall Broker pro- that skin Is metallic. If that 4.1 liter aluminum Cadillac sulation-end energy efficient insu- may be obtained by contacting Claudio & Dawn Dinged to Os- «* HIGHLAND PARK •• jtreet. Ideal for small tected. Bob, 204-0125. venience of the site, the innovative double vanity sinks, shower, stall L6NG VALEY- 4 BR, 3 RARITAN- Lovely 2nd Soatv $50/mo. Call 908- valdo Delgado, 117 Myrtle St, N. 21st St, $178,000 . fir modern apt. Prof, cou- "Urn; rm. & prlv. bath, In Q. We recently bought a 1987 Plymouth Voyager witH engine is. the original unit and has gotten to 95,000 miles lated windows. • and soaking tiib. Mike Santini at Century 21 Golden bath colonial .on private 2 ixchange for occasional 548-4658 . architecture,; spacious floor. plans, aires, 4 zone, heat, fu|l ple pref. 2 BR, Ig. kit. & 9680 $1.45,000 dlnnette. • Otf-at. parking. tVa & overnight babyslt- WANTED- Farm or a 30 day/1000 mile warranty. Affer a week the van began without a major catastrophe, It's above average. The The community ;• . •.•.- . ; "' •, A > large , SCOTCH PLAINS < dock, qvaH. fSep't.N 1. Ing. Single, profrmother Warehouse Rentals .and reasonable pricing..;. . ' Key Realty on River Road in Pisca- NJ Realty Co. to Johri S. & Mary 52000/mo. 212-989-2344/ Call 725-4972, 9AM-ipivf. . jeeks loving, responsible property for Father and to overheat arid cut out We took it back to the dealer to will also feature walk-in closet Ann Holpomb, 32-A Parkway Vil- Individual to serve as a Son for deer hunting with engine Is more than somewhat fragile arid leaks coolant located on a richly wooded pre- The design flexibility of the • • •' *'* • • • • ' • MIDDLESEX- 5 room, 1 RARITAN- quiet, real- gun arid/or bow. Will pay Phillip F. & Denise K. Sand- dentlal area. 3 furn. rms, backup for her delicious SOUTH PLAINFIELD- haye it fixed since it was still under warranty. H had at two tennis courts; further en- taway. To reach Hidden Woods lage, $76,000 , bath, Ige. lot, quiet J yr old girl. No days, lee or share meat. Call 1500 sq. ft. warehouse/ into the oil system through shrunken Intake. manifold serve; Hidden Woods will occupy Cyprus model makes it ohe of. neighborhood, No pets. prlv. entr. For qualified Mike 90B-572-Q709. John J..& Brenda J. Deplano to ers to Robert Edward McCabev adult. Possible exchange wknds, housework. Must shop With 2 offices. Min- blown head gasket and was repaired. Two days later the hances . the take Exit 127 off the Garden State $950/mo. +utlls. 1V4mos. 'ove animal*. English- utes from 2.87.' Conve- "gaskets. This destroys the crankshaft and its bearings. only eight acres of a-25'acre land . DePeppe noted the most popular homes in the. Nancy J. Fox, 40 Richmond Aye., 2091, Prospect Ave., $192,000 sec.Refs. 231-1769 eves. for'malfrt. work. 725-7767 van began to cut put for no reason. |t has bjgert lira speaker only.' Ideal sltua- 9600 niently located. Afford- master bed- : ROSELLE PARK- Mod- .lion for senior or gradu- able, rent. 908-753-0200. parcel. that of the three Hidden Woods development Parkway to Route 287 North, $167,00. ••• : •'..•• '•••• - :'" : .'•" PEAPACK/ ExecRental, COMMERCIAL repair shop three times - replacing the regulator forjthe Never Ignore any kind of noise in any engine and espe- •..• WESTFIEtD .; ' , ';,_. $2800/month Ranch, 4 ern 6 rm. In 2-fam. AC, ate .student.. Ptoasa call room's Lois P. Flngerlin to Richard & WW, DW. $B50/ mo.. + Kathryrt, Day*: 609-897- REAL ESTATE . The remaining 17. acres have available home ————-—. ' '';''; ~~ '— '.' de- (From the New Jersey Turnpike Br, 2V4 Ba, LR, DR, FR 9800 fan, an automatic Idle sensor and camshaft seals; The cially in. one of those eariy, 4.1 liter Cadillac engines. It Debra Left, 48 Spruce St, with Fpl, kit.. Available utll. Lease & sec. Busi- 2748 on Eyei/Wknd«: been dedicated to the Township of. styles, the Qy- . .. • sirability. Richard J. Dursee to Timothy Sept. Call 234-1958. ness couple pref. Avail. 908-988.4895. . BUSINESS van has been', in the shop a total of 21 days and we access Interstate 287 North at Exit $164,000 Oct. 15. 908-241-8044. OPPORTUNITIES can only become worse.. Piscataway for a conservation ease- press is attracting considerable at- Besides the master bedroom and -Samuel R. & Doris E. Edmonds JvL & Kathleen McKem, 514 • RARITAN- 3 BRs, full 9620 haven't even had it two months yet The day I picked it; bsmt., nice-yard," all con- SO. BOUND BROOK- 9480 :•;.'. bath, the'second floor offers an ad- 10.) Follow Route 287 North to (Ed- Birch Ave., $280,000 . 159 Main St., affordable Professional ment that will protect the. natural tention. ' . . to Peter & .Claire P. Olson, 336 veniences'', clean. No HomeatoShate Properties for Sale lip after the third repair I was going through a.^eld sign Willlam.J. &'Doris Heyns, to Rob-. pets. $950+ .utlls. Avail. 1 & 2 BR Garden Apts. . -9840 . "The Cypress is the largest ditional full bath and two bed- ison/Dunelienj exit Bear right off Stoughton Ave., $170,000 " AC" 4 balcony.. and slowing down when the van stopped again. Are all Q. I don't" usually watch auto races on TV but I recently .beauty of'the community. • ert.M. & Teresa Whitehead, 1903 Immed. 908-526-0251 Investments/ Joanne & Cyga Lewandowski to ' 1-800-400-6088 MENDHAM- 2100 sq ft SO PLAINFIELD- New NOTICE: All HOMES Opportunities '87 Voyagers like mine? Do I have a lemon? ; watched an SSPKJ racing.show of a NASCAR race that . -'Unlike crowded communities pf model with 1,486 square feet, and rooms-one with a walk- in closet the exit ramp and follow Stelton Boynton Ave., $160,000 neighborhood office Daniel J. & Kathleen Kenn&dyv 4 home, Ig. modern kitch- SO. BOUND BROOK- 2 TO SHARE advertise- apts, 2 BR avail Immed. building, no retail. 61 W. .A laundry room, capable of ac- r ; ; R was won by a Chevrolet Lumina. In. a prerace prelimi- three or, four hundred units, Hid- can be expanded to l,769_square en vv/dlnette, formal DR, ments afe PAYABLE IN Main St: $349,900. Pis BLUE RIBBON '. ""•~ ' • •'"• •'.' '.'•"••• •.•'••"•..• "'" v ; ' vY''^• '- Road (Rt 529) north towards LR, 2V4 baths, CAC,. full $650/mo. Efficiency, apt; commodating a washer arid dryer, avail Sept 1. $450/mo. no ADVANCE by cash, Call 908-534-1325 BUSINESS • •''-.'.; • / •'.•..' :. .. . • "' ..•.", San-Beriuii'dino,.CA.; den Woods is designed to retain feet by adding an optional third bsmt.,._att. garage. No W/D hook-up, Call; Nationally known service nary, It showed the racing Luminas as having V8 engines Dunellen. Go through two traffic pets. $1295/mo. Call .908 check, VISA or Master floor loft. With a base price of is also located oh the second level. .'••"• 908-369-6179 ard. For a quote oh franchise available .for A. If. your van didn't have the stalling problem befpre iniimate charm," DePeppe noted. 754-5162 •. 9BS0 local area; Listed In En- .with the rear wheels being driven by a driveshaft. | own a lights and cross over the railroad 9030 9070 9U0 SO. BOUND BROOK- 2 cost, please call Office Rentals the head gasket was replaced, it1 s pretty obvious that the •'Since only 85 town homes will be $131,900, buyers can see the obvi- Another unique quality of the WARREN TWP.- 4BRs, trepreneur arid Venture Farms , Condominiums Out of Area 3 . baths, Fam.Rm, (pic, room efficiency, near Rt. 1-800-559-*»95. Magazine as one of the Lumina and mine is a V6 with front wheel drive. Does Property 287, nice' area,-$509 Inc. most profitable fran- problem was a rfesurt of the repair it's Impossible.to built, residents will enjoy the pri-r ous value we offer." '..':'' Cypress model is the ability to add tracks. At the fork in the road bear Designer. Kitchen, wood- 1-3O00 SO. FT- office/ ed lot, $2200/mo. Call Utll, Call 647?7089 chises In the USA. Sta- Chevrolet make a front enginsd, rear drive Lumina espe- BURLINGTON XOUNTV: AFFORDABLE BEDMIN- I'ght . rnWTo|»eturlng diagnose .it from .this;dlstance and if you haven't ha|ione He said that visitors will be im- •• a third floor loft with adjoining full^:^ght ^ Washington Ave. Con- 908-647-7860. ' ' ! CRANFORD- House to ble,' recession resistant vacy and upscale character usually Farms, with .10 to 48 STER CONDO- Airy 2 SOUTHERN NY- 121 SOMERVILLE share, male preferred, space: Just off Rt. 18, ; 3R, 2 Ba, 2nd floor end business yvith high re- of the dealer's mechanics drive rt until It quits, do so. as cially fofradrig? ,. ;. ; • ;.. mediately impressed bythelarge, siie.bathroorh and walk-in clpset ' abres priced from mid acres, V> wooded', " LUXURY APTS near all transportation, So. River NJ.613-8395' peat customers.. Exclu- associate4pivith detached, housing." hroorh and walk-in clpset . ..., ... .. 5400,000. .Historic and mil. Spacious LR, catho- creak, springs, great .^:v.:943|O: :.,,, smoker OK. $40O/mo Incl BRIDGEWATER- ^Office sive .ter.rJtotyV ongoing soon as possible.. An engine rieeds axnpressipn, fuel luxurious'homes, all wlffi, ral ceillrig,. Fpl.r sliders hqritlng area. Bank Top ,arear I* 2 & 3 ' Tn*e community; offers:' two and open first floor living area of the utll & cable, i mo sec. space for rlon-prottH training and support. i i barns. Sub-divisions pos- dd to court side dock, dairy barn, 5 bedroom bdrms," air cond. Call 2724924. , avail. .Immed. $8.55 sq.ft. Some investment.'capital and spaik to:"Vrork.'"X;~mectote:;"cm;':qMk^:' pirtpoln|-- ; : ; '•Cypress. : ' ••'• ".':, •' • " ."'. . :•. ' press is outstanding," DePeppe/'tpn^Aye. md-turn'ri^tr;FpUow-.toV' sible. BRIARWOOD REAL II appliances, central farmhouse. $83,000.00" and Condominiums .'••'•' '•':••,•:' • ,..'.'. -^-;.'. •. • ...•.•"".• • •'•BrbiynsviHe.'Tx.;'.' three bedroom homes ranging in ESTATE 609-654-4545. ; , ilr, rec facllltlos. Close, Heat, hot water & FEMALE NON- People. Care Center; •required. Financing avail- LEW REAL ESTATE, Flnderne Ave., Bridge- able. Calf. R, C. StantOn which of these are.missing when yoor Vdyagef stops., If : "The first floor interior design is stated, observing that the loft can Hidden Woods entrance onthe''left.. iy shopping &.oasy ac- Corning, NY 609-937- • cooking jjas inpl- SMOKER- seeks same A., Ydu've' d.lscoyefed one. of the cardinal, rules' of. size upward to 1,769 square feet of NO.BRUNSWICK- Oak to'share In search for water, 908-725-2299 at 1-800-583-9100, ext. loss'to transportation. 5637. ••'•.' • ••• .. the shop, you're taking it to can't ti it, try ahtither tfien Hollow, 3. level 2 BR, 2 -28. Prkg.' lopes at home. Send Excel, location. 908-526- more competitive race Is presented to spectators and COUNTIES Avency, Inc. Realtors. ADVANCE by cash Long SASE to: Country repairing it I'm 77 years old, retired and Just bought the NEW LISTING HOTUNE SOMERVILLE- duplex, 3661 or 526-0694. Living Shoppers, Dept Rocroatlonal amenities BEDMINSTER CENTER LR, kit,, bath, 2 BR, check, VISA or Master more importantly, to sponsors. Just don't be fooled into 1-800^559-9495 24 HOUR ..-:•'•• MIDDLESEX- Lincoln N8, P.O. Box 1779, Den- car because of its style. I bought a. "77 Versailles for tine, include swimming;pool,, RECbRDED MESSAGE • Newly decorated 4 room bsmt., parking. Business Card. For a quote on ham Springs, LA 70727 apt. New Kitchen & bath, Blvd.,'3. rooms , ground sun decks, tennis courts ' 1.80O-851-O7-J2 couple preferred, no cost, please calf floor, parking, AC, Prof, . same reason - the style. , •. • thinking that what you see is any;more than: remotely, scenic nature trails and fireplace, 1st. floor, $900/ smoking, no pets. $775 + FRIENDLY HOME PAR- THE PRUDENTIAL 1^800-559-9495. or' light mfg. $450/mo. TIES HAS OPENINGS private clubhouse; all WINHOLD REALTY, INC mo.- Heat & Water Incl. utll. 1V6 mo.sec. Oct. 1. related to what you buy. There's no business like show plus Utilities. 469^2232 . v:--'-'-'..: •••••'.'" ••'•'•'•••• '• '."• "'•:•'•':'•'*&' near the Brldgewator 908-494-7677 908-668-1008 Call 725-4254 eves. For 'Demonstrators. No Wall In the heart of Som- Eve*. 908-781-7800 PISCATAWAY- Office Cash Investment. No Ser- \'.\' • ' ;', . '••'•; "'.•'••• ."•..."Rochester,. NY SOMERVILLE- Near 00 YOU HAVE A vice. Charge. High com- . business-except auto racing. . erset County. BELLE MEAD- share 4 hospital. Modern 1 BB, HOUSE, APARTMENT or Retail: 6,000 sq. ft. 9200 Will divide. Also dentist mlsslon and nostes "... A. Buying a used car for Its styling alphe without BB house, w/rriod. Kit., 2 LR, DR, EIK, AC, car- OR COTTAGE THAT awards. Two catalogs, ncorne and family size VACATION bath, W/D, bsmt., $300/ peted, prkg. No pets. NEEDS REPAIR? Engi- Office. Rt. 287 & Stelton HOUSE OF Rd. 981-1313. over 600 Items. CAUL 1- estrlctions will apply. PROPERTY month, 1/4 share Utll, 1 $750 + utll. Avail, now. neer w/extenslve design 800:4884875. To determine eligibility month sec, 1 yr. leaBe, Call 908-725-0384. SOMERVILLE- 2 Office THE WEEK Call tho Brldgewater no pets, avail 9/1, hear Professional Suits., Pan- HOMEWORKRS NEED- Township Housing 0'- Nelson's corner, call Jim expertise for suitab . ellng, AC, Carpeting. Prl- ED!— Over 400 Compa- WESTFIELD 9240 at (609) 466-1592 9450 nies need; ypui Call Ico for an appointment,' Hying sltuatslpl . Inte ^yate Parklrjgt,72S-6lSa:, .tjus» q,half block away, this st6ne front colonial offers cozy., 9am-5pm,,,. ; Properties rooms & bath on 1st. J (rorit colonial:pictured to the.fight.was listed by >sq.ft. In prof:bldg. Ample" "Wig room with' fireplace, formal dining room opening onto" floor on Talmadge Ave In BRANCHBURG- PJNE >rkg., easy access to Rt. • '"' NEW Lorotta Wilson of. the .WesMbld office.' A third generation Bound Brook, landlord MOTEL. Room & kitchen- OPPORTUNITY "Westflelder": Loretta! has been active In real estate slnco screened and glassed porch where you can relax and put This .center hall Colonial Is In a professional/residential zone] There Is 908-725-6300 BEACH HAVEN WEST-';' 9BQ0 22. Call 232-9323 your foet up while ybu survey your secluded backyard. 3 on, premises. 356-5180 ette. Reasonable rates In- ' Easiest & surest 1971, having earned her Brbkor's license In 1977. Satisfying : a living room fireplace, formal dining room, den w/bookshelves, 1st agoon front ranch With'. clude services & utlls. torn way to extra cash. bedrooms, 18' Master bedroom, 1V4 baths, panelled rec;. Bervlce through the. years has brought families to her for .floor powder room & 4-bedrooms (the master bedroom has a Ext. 262 :-Z bay access has 60' BRIDGEWATER 908-722-9520 Free Info their (lrst,,Secohd and third homos. A Mobile Meals driver, room.$259,900. CALL WESTFIELD OFFICE. 233-0065, FRANKLIN PARK- 2 .. water plus dock, 3 ,>. 4 spacious rooms, 5 Call 908-873-2607 balcoriyf; Double garage In the deep rear yard. Just a short walk to ledroom' home with ef-r closets, retrig. CAC& CRANFORD- Avail. 9870 Loretta places parent participation and community san/ico town & public transportation. Call us today for your four! BR, 2 bath, many extras, You won't be Iclent gas heat near-./ heat, garage, access to 3 Sept.'1st private BR In NOTICE: All MISCEL Retail Rentals disappointed. high on her list. Call WESTFIELD OFFICE. 233-0065. $105,500. Call 846-0444 attractive building. Shar. days; 908-297-3823 eves. |ulet end of cul-de-sac. •• hwys. Adults. No pets. LANEOUS RENTALS leduced to only $99,900.. $745. Call 908-725-7270 Ing facilities w/otner col' OWN A COMPUTER? NO. BRUNSWICK^ Jail Toll Free G. Andet«% lego people. Kitchen, advertisements are ANTIQUE DEALERS Make money' at home. Society Hill condo. 2BR, ion Agency, Realtors 1- BRIDGEWATER dining room, IgLR. Walk. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE SERVICED SHELF/ Free details. Write:, Alien FLOOR SPACE AVAIL- 2nd fl. Bright & spacious. 100-444-8507 .. .»•,. GRANDVIEW GARDENS Ing distance shopping by cash, check, VISA 125 HanaRd. Edison NJ for the busy upcoming : SELECT USED CARS All upgrades. Appls, W/ 1 .Si 2 Bedroom Town- areas, RR & bust trans- 08817 : ,' , • D, attic, CAC, window portation, private prkg. 1 or Master Card. For season In Historic Ches- houses. Central air, Indi- yr. lease. $300/mo, All quote on cost, pleas ter from $50/mo. Located PHOTO TRIMMERS treatments. Pool & ten- 9260 vidual storage. Walk to '&7 CAMARO LT SPORT CPE nis. NY bus, $84,000, Time Shares utilities included. 1 1/2 call 1-800-SS9T9495. just off main st. In quaint Earn to $125 per day Owner: 908-247-8917 park & tennis courts: month security depbslt, bldg, Call 879-5480 days, , Noe'xp. needed references required 927-7308 eves:' 1-800-262-4389 PISCATAWAY- 722-6740 IME SHARE UNITS- Credit check, no CAR STORAGE SPACES "88 JEEP CHEROKEE LARADO Spaclous 1BR end unit. md campground niem- smokers: Ca.il for Irtspec $50/mo. Owner lives on AC. owner Financing orshlps. Distress sales-', BRIDQEWATER- 2 BR, tlon. College studen Advertise in the Classified! , 6 cyl, lull pwr, venl wind, alu., LR, DR, Eat In kltchon, prarnlses. Near While Avail. Mld-$50's/Ront hoapll Worldwide soloc- only. Call Lee; 276-8870 house Station; 534-4636 WESTFIELD * A 2 bearoom, 2 bath con- WESTFIEtD *. A "Henty W«t" built $695/mo. 908-204-0125. lons. Call VACATION , attic, waSher/dryer, Im- dominium Vila living room llrtplsco & did-' ranch on • p«tty cukle-uc! GAC cools NETWORK. U.S. and Can-. mediate orccupancy. '89 OLDS 88 ROYALE BRO. ers to a b»lcony. Dlnc-ln kitchen, laundry th« 3 BtU. 2 BAi, BK, formal DR & the 9080 da 1>800-736-8250 or • $1,000 plus utilities, Call - 4 dr, 6 Cyl. lull pwr, loaded, wiry 1<*nW area, many closets, C/AC, security tytem LA w/flnplac*. Bfcnl, r»cr10 RQh 422-7724, leave mess. nlo, VIN #KY622210, 41,763 mi. I CjUaU 'ncl kitchen hardware, DUNELLEN- roomates • manuever through iiitricalc financing options .owola, linens, barbecue wanted, private 2 BR apt. •80 BLAZER S-iO TAHOE 4x4 9090 grills, W/D, color cable & Inc-LR! bath, W&D & kit • veer towand homes that arc right for you Mum-Family Homes much more. $49.99 per' area (must share stove In 2drP/U,Scvl,lutlpwr,lo»dod SJiflnC day. Tom & Rbaemary, 1- 2nd kit) $750 utll. In- • glide through home tp^ and price and nlco, M.07I ml, vln. IK0I10119. 11,033 800-FLA-7787. . cluded. Also, M/F Ig. BR 'SO MERCURY COUGAR LS 22x28 ft., share 2 bath, / : BOUND BROOK- 4 fam- HILTON HEAD, S.C ; negotiations;'' ••••. '••:.: •'•"••' "'.'•;'.. ' ',' .•" 2 dr,, 0 cyl., lull pwr., csrrlogo , ily, $26,000 cash flow, PALL SPECIALS LR w/frplc, DR, kit,, W&D $500. Call 908-463-1383 rool, lugg. rack, sharp, VIN 5 asking $199,000, owner Save 20% all reserve. • navigate all the details right through #LH62IO94, 12,922 ml. LEE CORCORAN The Qrotind* of th4 original Sporty EstalD Is licensed realtor, fully ,895 «f« MI lovoty u BVotl From tho Spsiry's Ions after 8/22. Great lo- Leo has been a realtor with Burgdorff Realtors' Wostfield leased, 908.204-0125. cations-Ocean to Fair- to closing. '86 CADDY SEDAN DEVILLE tonkin garden area to th« Interiacod LOVELY, SPACIOUS^ 4 dr, B cyl, lull pwr, leather, loaded |M MMM otflcq slnco 1986. Sho has boon r. mombor of the Million SO. BOliND BROOK- way. 1-6 BRs. Full price, GARDEN APARTMENTS t-owner and encellenl, 84,201 ml. <•« HQH Dollar Sale Club from 1987 to 1990 and Burgdorff Realtors BETTER THAN NEW path*«y» whfch meandor through lh« 3 range. Free Tennis. Golf, »co) courtysfd and permHor tlowar lerjal 6 family colonial, •1V4-6 rms: $400-$650/ In short, keeping your property vln. #69042696. W)0W Prosldont's Club, Loe has been a resident of the Wostflold Capo Cod offorlnfl 3 bedroom's with 2 full baths. Now shopping discounts.. g*d»n». th» orounds ol ENGLISH updated npt.s, recently mo, Incl. heat & ">iot area for 25 yours and Is an active membor of Youth kltchon and brooklast room w/cathodral colling. Updatod passed state Inspection, Hilton Head 1st. Realty water: Near Rtes. 1 & 18 transaction on course is wlial •90 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL plumbing and updated baths. Now rool In '8B, updatod VILLAGE m» « haven for paacoful and 1-80O-84S-SBB2 4 dr., 6 cyl., lonlhor, aorgooui , JJ P f(\r Foundation of New York City which sponsors college schol- itntm relaxation or socializing. good tenants, serious In- & Tnpk, trans, to Prince- arships for needy students. Sho listed tho prorty colonial oloctrlcal system. Completely ronovated Insldo and out. quires only,, asking CALL-FREE BROCHURE ton £ N.Y., 3 mln. away REALTORS* do best In gold, VIN #LV6570B9, I Ol / "3 $199,900. CALL WESTFIELD OFFICE 233-0066. , , ' $369,900, 908-369-6179 from Rutgers Univ. Walk- 27,213. , • f pictured to tho right. Call WESTFIELD OFFICE 233-0065. A p>Kwt« •nebv* la croalod by 1MB attolo LBI- 9th to ocean, 3BR, 2 bths, dock; washer. Ing distance to. When the time comes foryou to buy a '89 FORD CUSTOM VAN HI-TbP bndntl whM> tunounda Iho enllro Douglass Campus. Call "Valag*." Como »B and oKpvrlance 9100 Aug/Sept $695-$795/wk. Anior. Ubarly Sig.- SiiWa, B cyl, ENGLISH VtLLAGEI wknds avail. 232-4909 ,. for appt: Wkdys-8:30- new home, consult a real estate agent TV, dual air, h»s evorylhlng, 34,085 ml. Lots and Acreage 4:30. Mon & Wad to 7pm. yUi. 4 dr, 9 at, lull pwr, wire wills covert, ,, H nA|a euttd entry toyors. Old World stylad alous neighborhood. $425/wk, Call 808-233,- MANVILLE- 4 room apt. loaded lie naw, 2B.57I ml. M.i.fRI Wooden floor and celling mpklingB, piaster Lots starting at $179,000 0510 all utlls Inc. $620. Please REALTORS*. walls and archways, solid oak parquet or build to suit. Homes call 725-4885 •88 T-BIRO TURBO CPE storting at $576,000. Only POCONOS- Big Boas The NEW Uiliager flooring, asperated by concrete docking. 4 cyl lurob, lull pwr, loaded, J" 4 left! I Owner/Builder, Lake Resort Community. . beauliM In Mid, Dluo. 59,337 mi, . 'u. Th« quality and charm ol Old Woild 908-561-2700. Pall Rentals: Reason- MANVILLE- Half Du- constiucllon comblnee with aklllful able, 3BR, Lakofront, plex, 1BR, w/w carpet, ' vln. IJH203829. ' renovalkmi to provide Cnnlord'g beat Frplc, Boat, Dock, Fish- bsmt., garago. Sec. & '90 OLDS CALAIS Rofs. req. No pots, $650 is (N!!! Condo-vakle bi 1, 2, or the last 3 bedroom 9110 Ing, Cable, VCR; Lodge, 2 dr, 4 cVI, lull pwr. buckol teals, + utlls. Call 359-3375. *7 RQfi unit with private tcroerwd l8»oco»- Pool, Tennis & Boachos ' very nice, 30,821 ml, vln, ILM72IB7O. uuw Sevatof aarvlced unlta"or"wak,-i Out ofArea Wknda/Wkly, mld-wook ' l Property MIDDLESEX available. rates. 201-992.4903. •MIDDLESEX VILLAGE- '83 MERCEDES BENZ 300 SD PRICING STARTS POCONOS- Saw Crook, Spacious 1 BR Garden ' 4 61,5 cyl, dleial, Kill pwr, loolrwr, -y " FROM $91,000 POCONO LOT- for sale 3 BRs, Den, pool & tori' apt. $67B/mo. Incl. heat loaded t ennHiinl, 133,467 ml, CONNIE BURKE by owner, city water/ nls,, golf, $250/ weokond. & HW. NO PETS, Pool, vln. 8 The homo pictured to your left has lust boen listed with problems, neod cash All cars:iis,tod equipped with DEMOS !! With state pf tho art doslgn Is this bonulllul Cantor Hall Connie Burke, brokor/managor of our Fanwood Office. Con- must saorlflco, $22,006 SEASIDE HEIQHTS- MIDDLESEX- t BR, 2nd Auto Trans, Air, PS, PB & Colonial. Set on o eul-do-soe overlooking a golf course from nlo has won ovary conceivable real ostuto award In her past- nog., looking for quick Adjocont to ortley floor, driveway parking, your deck. .9 spaclog9 and airy rooms, (Iroplaco, central air, 20 yours In tho buslnoss and attributes hor success to on sale, 008-218-1896 Beach. Modern condo w/ $650/mo.+ utll., Call Sloreb unless noted ceramic tlla, built In 1984. A must see. $477,977. FAN- unopdlng onthualaam for hor work. Ploaso fool froo to call. balcony, 2 BRs, sloops 908-469-1813 POCONOS six, vA baths, AC, W«O, WOOD OFFICE, 908-322-7700. on hor at any tlma. FANWOOD OFFICE, 008-322-7700. FREE BROCHURE! NO. PLAINFIELD, INIUMS oarport, elevator, Indqor GREENWOOD GAR- Haadquwero Lato summor sacrifices pool & sauna, '/j block to 4 .on Resales & now DENS- Newly WHO- boach, four beach vatad 1 BR&2BRd«i'- •Ciicci ineludi ail coili to l>< homoa; We aro only E badges Included. $695/ pad by conturnoi (icipl (or 217 Prospect Ave.. Cranford 276-0370 mlloB to N.J. Bridge d«n «pt», $680 & $780/ A message from your local WESTFIELD OFFICE FANWOOD OFFICE wk. Wedk of August 2" mo, Include heat & HW. CONVENIENT HOURS: uconiing, Rofjunaron and Taxi. Mon.-Fri By Appointment, Sat. Open House i0 00-4;00 7V1% mortgages. Wo aro thru Sqptombor B and; 600 North Avenue West 256 South Avenue the oldest family roalos NO PETS. Immed occup Board of Realtors OponMon,-Thur«. LINCOLN-MERCURY Labor Day wookonq 00B.788-11B7tvm»g PARTS • SERVICE tato firm In the Poconos avail. Sept. rates avail. 9lo9 BODY SHOP Westfield, NJ. 07090 Fanwood, NJ. 07023 HOMEQUITY. MODEIS & WELCOME CENTER ON SITE HICKMAN REAL ESTATE and 617 West Front St. • (Rt. 28) Plalnfield, NJ Also winter rental avail. NO. PLAINFIELD- 1 BR, Fil. 9to6 (all makos (908)322-7700 REIDCATION CENTER Box 219, Marshall Crook Call Arlone, days 90B- LR, DR, kit., bath, carpet, Forbes Newspapers Sal, 9 to 6 (908) 233-0065 PA 1B336, 717-223-8934 SflOO/mo Inc. utll.. Quiet and moduli) open evorydayl 388-1760 OXt. 24, 757-3311 OV«B. 908-233-3767. neighborhood, no pets, 908-766-7338 • ' A Union County Forbes Newspaper • \

JJ-4 Forbes Newspapers August 26, 27, 28, 1992

er uses best of U.S./Japanese ingenuity

design studies and manufadming ignation as a d omestic minivan, . justable captains chairs with fold- assist power steering. Anti-lock equate, but not overwhelming; and By BILLRUSS techniques. At its La Jolla studios APPEARANCE: The, smooth ing arms, while the back has a brakes are standard on the Villager if more than 2,000 pounds are to be FPRBESNEWSPAPERS ,.: • ; Nissan developed the overall contours of the yillager evolved combination of bucket and bench and provide secure stopping. Safe- towed the optional trailer, package shape, and designed it from the in- ty is further enhanced by meeting raises the capacityip 3,500 pounds, The miriivan has been around •from tKe Nissan Design.Institute's seating. The. analog gauges - are the 1993 Federal Passenger Car ECONOMY: EPA ratings'are 17 for not; quite 10 years, and in that side for greater space utilization. Assignment to make this a people readable, and all controls are easy, Safety. Standards with side impact cdty/23 highway- Estimated aver- short time has tnade a. sizable im- Also, it provides engines from carrier, not a cargo carrier. A coef- to reach. The sound and climate ages are 20.7 mpg. pact oh the American ciar market. overseas' as well as- the Smyrna, ficient of drag of ,36 for a van sure- control, systems have optional sep- beariis, front and rear impact ab- : CONCLUSIONS: What's- interest^ Fqr good reasons, as a minivan Tennessee facility, along with ly alludes to its aerodynamic, but arate controls for the rear area. sorbing zones, and five-mph ing about the Villager/Quest enter- • combines the interior space and ca- major structural components. Ford practical design. Its large; amount Both systems match the capacity bumpers, as well as three point prise is it brings into focus the true, : pacity of a large station wagon in a had the production capacity avail- of near flush glass convey the pas- of the vehicle. Many other conve- Seat belts on all outboard seats. 1 internationality of todays automor smaller, more manageable pack- able at its Avon Lake, Ohio plant senger viewing capability; The niences and luxuries abound, de- The Villager is a truck that thinks it's a car. .•• ' •. ' .•;'• '; .• •". : tive market Ford and Nissan each . . 'age.- ,..'•..•.•• ' ., •"•;'• • • .. • and was assigned the task of rede- hood and windshield slope at near pending upon the model GL (base) . . The latest entry in this segment signing the facility for the- as-equal angles up to a long roof and or LS (deluxe) and which preferred ../.'PERFORMANCE: Power Ito the felt a new U.S. built minivan was is the Mercury. Villager. This is a . sembly of the new vehicle. Both back to a large rear hatch, while option packages are selected.. front wheels is from a well-proven needed... and put their heads to- . joint project started in 1988 'when Mercury and Nissan minivans are the sides are subtiy curved arid ROADABILTTY: The Villager Ifcsari-jsupplied 3,0 liter SOHC V-0 gether to decide who. its for and : |->—Ford and Nissan; executives de- b uilt on the same production line sculptured. .'..'•..• - '. was designed to ride like a car, and that can produce 150 hbrseppwer.. what its. for'and then go ahead and cided there was room in the Ameri using the. same people and virtua 1 COMPORTV To assure true pas- that it does. In fact it matches the A new electronically controlled 4^ use the best Of each. '"•;']' •,..•':.•••' can market for new minivan m o d ly the same components from both senger car comfort the Villager can supple handling of some touring speed automatic transmission was PRICE AS TESTED: $25,076;GS, eL An agreement was signed with t the U.S. and Japan. Regardless of seat up to seven in 14 different sedans, thanks to a strong chassis, particularly developed for these ve- with preferred equipment package. h e goal of developing a completely nameplate, there is:enough Aineri- seating configuratioris. Front seat-' a car-like suspension system that hicles and designed to provide very BASE PRICE: $25,076 with com- new product utilizing- the latest in content in each vehicle for des1 ing is conventional with two ad- allows a low, flat floor, and variable smooth shifting. The power is ad plete base GS trint j TESTPRIVE

MERCURY P215/7015 MS VILLAGER GS .; • Brakes - anti-lock standard disc/ Specifications drum Base price-$22,338 Drive train - front engine/front

Price as tested - $25,076 drive' •'. ' .. .' . ' .•'.•••'• •••'.. Engine typo - V-6, sohc 12v, Performance - 0-60 mph -11.1 •smpli* ; • sec., 1/4 mile (EX)'-. 17.9 sec. Engine Size - 3.0 liter/181 cjd EPA economy, mpg city/ Horsepower-151 at 4,800 highway/observed -17/23/

20*7 •. •;.'. • ;••-; •. '••••.; • . Torque (ft/lbs) -170 at 4,400 Drag coefficient (Cd) - .36 rpm '.'•.•• ••:..-.• ••Sequential muJti-pbint fuel Injection. Wheelbase/Iength -112 Inch/ See the Mercury \Httage OS at the 190lnch '., •:•:.., . ':•';' following focal deafors; Transmission - four-speed DHachman Ford Uncoln Mercury, autow/od . ."'•'• routes 202 & 31, Remington, Curb weight - 3,770 lbs. Town and Country Uncoln Mef Pounds/HP-25 ( cuiy, routes 202 and 206, Somor- Fuel capacity-20 gal. Wife, Thomas Uncoln Mercury, Fuel requirement - unleaded 369 South Ave.E,WetUleld, and regular - 87 octane Marino's Uncoln Mercury, 617 W. Tires - Goodyear Eagle Gk Front St. Pfalnflefd. THE MErtCURY VILLAGER LS has mad© a sizable Impact on the American market with Its rnlhlyan size and large Interior space

8400 fioao 8030 8030 8040 8060 8090 8200 8000 8010 Trucks and Vans MOTORCYCLES RECREATIONAL AUTOMOBILES . Automobiles Automobiles Automobiles Automobiles Antique and Classic Sportscars VEHICLES under $1000 ,• under$2500 Automobiles CADILLAC- SB Sedan MAZDA- 88, 6"26LX7 PONTIAC^- 84 Firebird CHEVY- 88 Beauvllle DoVllle, leather, 1 owner; van, New tires and 6220 MERCURY- 84 Lynx, fully loaded, clean & in SE, t-roo». sport pkg., 8010 exc' cond. $5990. 526- very good cond. High CADILLAC- 75, Coupe HO/V6, AC. PS,PB,aufo, brakes, tune-up, air, PS, Moped* 8410 ' Automobiles CHEAPI FBI/US SEIZED runs great. 84K ml., 2-dr,, 6511 or 613-0547 mileage, highway miles. DeVllle, 501 V8, auto, ps, PB, 42,000 miles. Clean, Campers and AC, PS, $1195. Call 908- post trac, AM/FM, 57K, under $1000 89 Mercedes $200 Call 464-2911 pb, pdl, p-seats, climate exc. oond., S3000/BO. $7,500 or best offer. Call Trailers 86 VW $50 832-2978 or 276-0567: CADILLAC- 60 Sedan controlled ac, pw, near Call908-846-t311 381-4311 ; MOTORBECANE-Moped DeVllle, sliver, leather, mint Interior! needs paint 87 Mercedes $100 PONTIAC- 81 Grand Lo and two adult bicycles CHEVY- 69 Wagon 65 Mustang , $50 beautiful, exc. cond., NISSAN- 90, Sentra XE, job, tllt/tolescoplc wheel, PONTIAC— 88 Firebird, 1964 AMERICAN man and woman's. Good Mans, 6 cyl, auto, 4dr, 2DR, auto, AC, PS, PB, no dents, delay wipers, LAFRANCE DELUXE TRAVEL TRAILER- Qreenbrler,. 4 dr, 6 cyl, Choose from thousands' AC, PS, PB, good run- $16,990. 526-6511 AC. 6spd, AM/FM, sun- cond. Call 908-234-1958 . Chateau, 28' fully starting at $25. Am/Frn casSi Only 19k ,am/lm/cas3 w/eq., $2000 roof, defog., new. tires/ SPARTAN PUMPER- auto., excel cond. PS, ning cond., 59K mllas, CHEVY- 71 Chevolle, - equipped. Sleeps 6. 2 dr. PB, $480/80. Call 908- For Directory. Information ml. Like new. Movlng- ^>/o, 808-627-9802, leave brakes, 4Ok ml. All op- 1000 gpm, "Class A" 2- $1495/ BO. Call 752-4375 blue exterior, black In- $7295/BO. 908-253-344O. message 8240 with canopy. $6500. 356-2139 call 24 hour hotline. 801- tions on gauges, $5700/ stage pump, 500 gallon Please call 721-8143 terler, built 350, 400 booster tank, 5-man On-Road 379-2929. Copyright NISSIAN- 88 Maxima BO. 908-381-1311 after 3 pm. CHRYSLER- 79 New #NJ17WJC trans., Posi-roar, every- CHECKER- 1966 open seat cab, Model M, Motorcycles Yorker, Engine rebuilt 2 thing new, very clean.. QXE, excel, cond., 1 Marathon, 360 Chevy 305 HP 6-cyllnder Ameri- wks. prior to accident , :• ,. ** * * V •.'.' 8030 Exc. Cond. $4000. 908- owner, loaded, $10,500, engine, 1 -owner, 64K can LaFrance gasoline 261-6500 8420 that affected passenger -.' Automobiles Call 908-494-5075 otlg, miles. Runs excel. 8080 engine, runs well, needs ANTIQUE HONDA MO- Motor Homes side. White leather buck- Can 908-272-5161. pump transfer case, TORCYCLE- 1967, CHEVY- 84 Monte _4x**t.Sport and et seats, red padded Carlo, AC", PS, PB, AM/ PLYMOUTH- 88 1/2 Ho. CHEVY- 88 Corvette. body &. chrome good good running cond., best dash. $500/BO. Please 8020 rizon 14K ml. orlg. owner UgMTrucKs shape. Minimum bid ACURA- 87 Integra LS. FM cass., high mileage, Mint show car. Appro*. offer, 908-247-4406j ARISTOCRAT MOTOR call 90S- 236-7646 Automobiles Limited Ed. All bower. AC auto 4 dr. A/.FM Exc. $2000. Sealed bids with runs well) groat cond. 55K. Absolute new cond. HONDA- 69 S85, low HOME- 1972, 18 foot, under $2500 Exc. cond. 5spd. 83K $2S00/$O. Call 908- Cond. $5300 769-4388 $16,500/BO or will trade 10% deposit, cash or cer- Chevy Chassis, 59K. Ex- FIAT— 01, 5 boor, sunrf. hwy..$5900/BO. 247- CHEVY- 82, Half Ton tified check, no later than milage, Beat offer, Call Runs well. 81K, $600. 707-8389. PONTIAC- 86 6000 LE for anything of equal Pickup w/cap. Runs well. cellent running condition. 1403. AftJJ:30:685-1878 value. '7Se»1004. September 4, 10 A.M., 889-4353 $4500/BO. 908-722-4268 ' .008-382-3252 Wagon, 9 months/aK $060. Please call 908- Council Chambers, Mu- BMW- 78 320r. 4spd, CHEVY- 88 Nova, AC, mile full warranty, ac, HONDA- 73, 450 Four, 5 to 9 pm. 2dr, sunrf. Runs great. ACURA- 87 Legend; AM/FM stereo, 5Spd, FORD- 55 Thunderblrd, 689-8931. nicipal Bldg., 263 Somer- FORD- 78 Fairmont, low ml., PS, PL, PRf, ahti am/fm, 82 k miles, exc. runs good, $300/flrrn, good running condition, S1500/BO, 968-6465. runs excel. $3200/60. Mint. $32,500/BO or will DID YOU set St., No. Plalnfleld. lock brakes, 5 spd., Al- cond., asking $3750, 908-769-2900 between ood starting bike. Call very clean, new tires, 908-985-1912 908-873-2646 trade tor anything of KNOW... Use Your Card... CHEVY- 83 Camaro pine stereo w/ equalizer. equal value. Seen by 8:3Oam-4:30pm. t26-5129 after 6PM 90K mil, $700. 908- Berllnetta. Red, t-tops, Beautiful car, $10,995, DID YOU that an ad In this local 469-9480. PONTIAC- 86 Firebird, appt. only. 756-1004. paper also goes Into 16 YAMAHA- 86, XT-800, oaded, AC, P/wlndows & 908-805-0200/769-6985 KNOW... 305 V8 4 barrel carb., FORD-1983 PICKUP, V6; on-off road, only 2500 locks, AM/FM casa. Ask- JAGUAR- 71 XKE Road- other local papers? PONT1AC- 78 LeMans. that an ad In this local 5spd. manuel trans., Reach over, 400,000 Standard PS, PB, Ac. 8 ml., S1500/BO. Excel, •4DR, auto, PS, PB, AM/ ing $2196. Pleats call paper also goes Into 16 121K.. miles; new tires, ster, serious inquiries ft. Bed with Cap, $1,000 908-603-8461. . BllicK— 88 Regal. Cus- readers with one calll cond. Call 908-494-8843. FM stereo, looks & runs tom sport 2 DR, 6 cyl., other local papers? AC, AM/FM cass., Asking only.'Call 908-218-0383. or best oflor Call 908- Reach over 400,000 1-80O-S59-9493 great! $650/BO. 908- HONDA- 82 Accord, re- auto, AC, PS, PB, P/wln- $2800. Call 908-752-3127 658-3053- 281-0158 readers with one calll ;JFORD- 81 F150, 2-Whl liable, 2dr, hatchbek, dows, locks, Jilt wheel, 1 8260 , 1-800-559-9495 drive, 6-cyl aMto , PS, all FORD- 86 150 pick up, SUBARU- 82, 5-spd, 2- 5spd, AC, PS, PB, new; cruise, AM/FM cass. 6ZK SAAB- 69 9000S, leath- V6, 108K, 4 spd., plastic Mlscollaneouit brakes, clutch, muffler. miles. Qarage kept & 8050 new brakes, solid runner, dr hatch, 80K miles, runs er, auto, computer, driven dally. $1500 bed liner, radio, Asking Motorcycle 8600 good. S500/BO. Call 908- $1700. Call 821-8135. • very clean. $6250. DODGE- ^ 85 600 con- power' sunroof,' exc. Luxury Automobiles Call (908) 647-6425. (908) 356-8628 $1700/BO. 908-846-0017 BOATS 685-0458 HONDA- 84, Civic vertible, Flremlst red/w cond, $9,990. 526-6511 Hatchback, 2DR, 4spd. CADILLAC- 83 Coupe convertible top/white Int. MERCURY- 89 Cougar INTRODUCTIONS... 68K ml., wire wheels. 2nd TOYOTA- 86 Camry, 4 A way for people to meet 8110 AC. AM/FM cans., runs be Vllle. 60K, Leather. dr sedan, auto, AC, LS, Loaded-Digital Dash MOTORCYCLE well. $1950. Call 908- One own- Qood Cond. owner. Qood shape. Moon Roof, 51,000 miles people, every, week In Automotive Parts, 8620 Auto, PS, PB, AC, AM/FM S3600/BO. Call 545-6786 Pln the ClassWodl 549-8864 '• i $2950. 96fl-3355.lv mas* plus warranty $9,800. your local Forbes nowa- Accessories and Power Boats caas., pwr. top. $3150. paper. The. ad Is free, TOYOTA- 88 Supra,: sil- Call John, 908-805-9739; ' . . Services . INSURANCE 908-686-5671 Union, NJ. ver, Sspd, loaded, 43k, then one call does it all!' good proformance and BMW- 86, 325, 4 dr 5 1-800-559-9495 MlRfiORCRAFT- 14', DODGE- 89 Daytona, spdn Red/black, loaded, Sspd., sun roof, AC, now cond., $11,900, call .908- ABSOLUTE 15HP (9.9 deaal) Mariner Imp In & out) Only 65,000 JEEP— 52, 4x4, In fair For Many Types outboard, 6lec. trolling tires, 66K miles, $4500/ 231-8217 shape, $1500 b/o, 908- CASH FOR YOUR CAR BO. Call 908-874-8694 ml, (ncwarr. $9800 nag WE BUY ALL METALS motor & trailer. $1450. VOLKSWAGEN- 89 Ca- 908 463-8867. 534-9332 Of Motorcycles Call 709-0247 brlolot, 43K ml. mint 469-2202 FORD- 90 Taurus. LINCOLN- 83 Towncar, JEEP- 90 Wrangler, Loaded. Exc. cond. 50K bond., loaded. $11',5OO. Hardtop, Black w/tan Int. AUTO DETAILING , Call 526-3765 after 8. 40k, loaded, 1 owner, CARS/TRUCKS, INTERI- 8630 (hway.) S9500/BO. 940- just .a beautiful car, Excellent cond. 88K, Also Personal 2061, leave measage. $6500 firm. 526-6471. ORS & EXTERIORS, Sailboats VOL\/O- 84 24pQL, $8000, 722-5983 aft. 6pm cleaned and detailed Watercraft INTRODUCTIONS... brown, standard trans., PEUGEOT BRAND NEW professionally, Special A way for people to moot AC, P/wlndows & locks, LEFTOVER '89 BOSS Introductory prices, call Insurance O'DAY— 22', 1984, people, every week in AM/FM cass., T02k miles, TURBO- Sedan 4dr. 8090 for appt., with ad: sleeps 4, VMP Honda, your local Forbes news- Asking $2995. 874-8168 met. pt, 4 cyl, 5 sp.d.-p/s/ Thicks and Vans 10% of! - -. VHF roller furling, paid paper. The ad Is tree, b, air, keyless remote, ' Colonial Motors boat slip, much more! the"n one call doss It all I VW- 86 Cabriole, 4 cyl, Rt.22w, N.Braneh $8900. 908-726-4854 auto, convertible, am/fm/ Ithrv stereo cass, p/w/ - 1-800-BB9-B49S loks, fully equipped with ,80O-773-87B7, »Kt.9 A Complete cass, exc, cond., $7900 * -it * * .*»'* NEW "92 PLY VOYAGER UNCOLN- 71 Mark III, b/b, 908-658-4436, 908- 3 yr. Roadside' Asst. BLACK HARD TOP— for Plan. 6306, Selection'of Mmvan, 2.5 Hi. 4 cyl CFI. 5 JL « M -— •»• I-M;I. blue leather, loaded, 68K 272-5100 ask for Marge CJ-7 jesp. Sunroof, best 18;' +-AII g.a Ipd, p/t/b. 1/(1, sltito, §4 4 DQC orlg. ml., $3200. VINKS4261S1, MSRP NEW offer. Call after 7 pm. O"D«iy dttytaller- VW-86JETTA Clothes, CHEVY- 75 Mon*a Spy- $28,090. MUST SACRI- 463-7339 (Osproy) w/3 H.P. ogt- W4879, MSRP (14,138. JlllliUvw der, 305 auto, no title- 2 doors, 5 speed, AC, FICEI Call Anthony Puce indudli 1500 fact 1 ' Collectibles board motor & trailer. parts car. $200. , White. 76K, Asking (909)7*2.7373, Ucc*rdl GMC Garaged each winter. JBOOcolKjt fad relaie. . 908-3BB-8B2B $3200.(908) 769-5509. Motor*, Qt**n Brook. Ideal family boat w/w Ads In Classified and Accessories, NEW'92 PLY i/ Fast.'OvAdit Approval NEW"92lf»LY kick-up center board & don't cost .- rudder. Extras Incl boat ACCLAIM s/ 1OO% Hrtanclii^ TRUCKS covers, life preservers, LASER They pay! Harley-Davdison 4 dr. 3.5 III 4 cvl Efl. M0, p/9/D. Oil, i/ Ca«h Robatua 3 iV liRback. 1.8Ur4 cyl MPI. Sspd, BUILD-OUT CLEAR- paddles, mahogany floor AM/FMstei«oi4 (pkn. wu.uu, p/b, tack 1 pinion m/s, AM/rM ANCE - specialized boards, cushions & an- I/IMI. l/tliu. Oual ienui< mil, cow • Term* Voi Every No«d slerio spkcs, lill, I/Jlais, OuBl olEdliott chor. Reduced to $1600/ mam. VIHNI38U40.102043B.' truck bodies, Pickups, iimo)e nut, lull tjuMS, spoil susp. BO. Must sell. S«e It In MSOP 113,362 diet irtlixWi S1Q00 CALL MR. ANTHONY VINNE14250T, 1923413, Puce Vans, Suburbans,. DONATE YOUR CAR, IKI i 1500 C0»(|« iltii itllJIK. TRUCK, MOTORHOME- 299 Rl. 1, Edison •pneo

A Forbes jNevVspapers guide toJ

Flemington Fair

Eastwood's wesieim

Music Snider



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EDISON PISCATAWAY 1 mile North of CiiJe Inman Gtove Center plscataway Town Center Days Most Rides (908)561-^768 (908) 981-1080 f 8 Other Locations Club Mix Ba..a..Ba..B..B.BBBBaB.Baaa.. aaaaa .17 VIDEO on Rt. 31 North illfill!tin WOODBRIDGE Dollars Interested In owning an SOMERSET Rt. 9 North : throughout N.J. • ARCADES, 2 or 3 Tickets! .,'••:•.: Buy • Easy Video Franchise; Cddar Orova Shop. Ctr, In front of Budget Motor Lodgo ; Sun.-Thurs. Not on New Releases Curtain Calls • M « a a a a a a a a • • • . . a a a ..a a . a a.a. B 11 (908)782-2413 Call 908-248-1500 todayl (908)805-9191 (908)602-9533 i 36TICRETS Film Capsules • . • a • a a a a ... a a a/a . a a.a a a a a a • a a6 00 Galleries..'a . • • a a., a aa'a a a.a a a . • a a aw ..a a . ..a . a a 15 For$10 Happenings or Buy Picture Your Summer photo contest rules: Museums . . a a a. a . a a a a'aa . . . .'. ... a . a a. a a a a . 14 RIDES 1. Photographers entering this contest must live or work in Central New Jersey. 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(name of photographer), Barry Rumple give Forbes Newspapers my permission to use. publish and re-use the whole or Jim Hayden All photos receiving awards or honorable mention certificates will be published any part of, or in any form or medium, lor any purpose whatsoever, including but GRAPHIC Every Wednesday Evening 7PM - 11PM not limited to illustration, promotion, advertising, the photo attached without VICE PRESIDENT, in the Sept. 2-4 issue of WeekendPlus or a special Family Photo page. compensation. ARTIST MARKETING All entries must be mailed or delivered to Forbes Newspapers, 44 Franklin Street, ALL RIDES 2 TICKETS • MINI-GOLF 4 TICKETS Somerville, NJ 08876 Photos may be dropped off at the Iront desk between 9 am, and Forbes Newspapers 5 p.m., toopday through Friday. Rob Paine Roger Silvey '•CHIEF VICE PRESIDENT, ROUTE 22 • SCOTCH PLAINS, NJ* 908 233-0675 B H • • • I • ••• PHOTO'iRAPHER OPERATIONS 7 ml. west of G.S.P. Exit 140A August 26-28,1992 Forbes Newspaper Weekend Forties Newspapers August 26-28,1992 Weekend

up 10yards,, '.••.•••• ;' ''..•• '••:::. :'•'• .'•'•'::' Other diversions at Legends include: Pop-A-Shot basketball, the golf-putting game,' -.L~-;S, and video .games. ...v •••• '-'-'" •'/'. :• .' •*'• •'.'•..,'• vy — ^::' '•': the past,, as well as ample action :^ ^[Continuedfrompage4) the bar's five TVs, including a wide-screen, show WeekendPlus. •Writer shots.featuring several players in kingpin of them all." •' Philadelphia and New York sports fromcable, and efore attacPdng this story "onetrarrie. This allows you to im:-,. • Once inside Poor Billy's, you'll find a Qne-orjtpne nationwide evente

key in oversize glasses so that Garden Network" add to the at- Legends "•;• •. •; . ... •. ". " .' ....';. \.J:;-. •:• ••.. Other sports bars in the Weekend Plus-area Include: those with the shakes won't be em- mosphere; ' / Located in the Readington Roadhouse on Route 22 •Jersey's Sports Bar, in the Holiday Inn, Somerset. (908) 356- barrassed by spilling it all over • •Food and drink specials that co- East; in Whitehouse (534-1504), .Legends Sports Bar 1700. .W-:' ' '• •.".'..-••• • ' .-' •:.•.•••• ."••••• .--'•• • • •'.' ' their clothes." incide with sporting.events. For ex- features a unique foptball-throwirig game. Two play- •Champs Sports Bar, 1628 Stuyvesant Av., Union. (908) 688-: : It seemed a fair standard of . ample, most sports bars offer a ... ers .-—' the "quarterbacks" — battle each other head- 6644. ;•-• '•" • •••'.... ;•'. •• . ',•".•.;• - ••• .' judgement to me. Generous.shots, 1 •Oliver's, 1159 St. George Ave., Colonia. (908) 634-3710. pitcher of beer and pizza, or clams, to-head, throwing passes toward two holes in the •the Sports Section, 117 Chestnut St., Rosejle Park. (908) 241- a-bartender who springs for a or nachos, for a reduced price backboard ^ a lower hole, which yields gains of 1-9 '5787..' •••-.': •' ' •• :V.' .' . •••-•: '.. •• •'• .•' v • .• .- '- round once in a while, and maybe a while Monday Night Football is on. LINDA D EPSTEIN/WEEKENDPLUS yards, and a higher opening, which yields gains~bf 9- •Hub City, George St., New Brunswick. (908) 846-1070. , , . television — that made for a good Hint: If the guy behind the bar A balcony view of Hub City Sports Bar on George Street in New 24 yards. An electronic scorekeeper tallies each play- •Goal Post Restaurant, 15 SouthAve., Fanwood. (908) 322-680&. bar. v •Ebbets, Rt. 523. (Main Street), Whitehouse Station. (908) 534- : ; :: : : : sneers and says "You want spe- Brunswick.-'. •' :: .'• ''\\ •.-.•; ' ,••' •"•." •..'•••'-:'''•'• ^. . -^ ''•.. -' er's yardage, and you can earn first dowjjs by racking .-1078.. •••' •••••.•/••.•••: .'•-•••• ••• , ••'..• But I had it all wrong. cials? Yeah, we got specials. We goTT Because I assumed a bar was the game on that TV over there simply a place to sit and drink. . and we. got beer, for sale. That spe- What a sad, misguided notion. cial eribugh for ya?'' then you're Want your notice to be noticed? Never did Idream that a bar probably not in a sports •bar.; Join the could be a place to work on my Which leads to the next point... Send it to ^eekendPlus foul shot. To engage in a cuttV '-oat • Class. Sports bars tend to be HOME game of one-on-6ne basketbaii. To exceptionally clean, upscale estab- 1 •• • • play 18 holes of golf (putts only). To lishments. Many are either con- play quarterback, throwing real spi- nected to superb,: full-menu res- 1 Somerville, (si J. 08876 rals to imaginary receivers. To uel- • ROB PAINE/WEEKENDPLUS taurants or serve fine food them- .

eno-jump.- • Bartender Felix Ciattarelii serves a smiling Lisa Maselli of Somerville and others at Bono's in * •••: •'• .selves.; . •••',:••'•• •'..•••.;. '•.-'••• '.'• Yet at sports bars, I could do all Raritan. Ciattarelii is also the referee of the popular night spot's"Lazyman's Olympics." Despite some people's initial these things. And more. : \ • . • . : . .-,•..' misconception, sports bars are for •-y: i Strictly defining a sports bar, however, was not easy. Sure, if. an establishment calls itself everyone. The ones with restaurants draw a family crowd at dinner time, corporate diners something like "Bleachers" and has three basketball courts~and four batting cages along at lunch, and a young, active late-night crowd. ..- . ' ,. with fully stocked liquor shelves, it's definitely a sports bar. And if Joe's Pub down on the ; With few exceptions, sports bars.do.npt feature a bar-hopping crowd - they're too comer puts the Jets' game on its 13-inch black-and-white TV on Sunday afternoon, it's still inconvenient. Rather, sports bars market themselves as the destination of the evening. i V" hot a sports bar. ,. ' ' After all, in one stop you can watch the game, eat, drink, playgames, and socialize! > ;$• In between, there's a lot of gray area. You'll find, however, that the following qualities Even if you tried, you'd be hard-pressed to design a Hemingway-esque, TheSun Also Where All the "help define a sports bar. To qualify as a sports bar, an establishment doesn't have to have Rises-type bar crawl solely around sports bars. At least in New Jersey. All the big; popular There A "Greats" Hang all these aspects, but it should have most of them. sports bars in this area ]je far apart - definite driving distance. So, a true sports bar will probably have... . •A cornucopia of television sets. For many sports bar-goers, this is the single most Aroundl •A sports-inspired name. This, can rangefrom the cutesy-type monikers such as "The ' important factor., Even a small sports bar-will have multiple regular-size sets along with Doctor Dugout" to the simple ones such as "Tom's Sports one large projection screen. For the larger sports bars, Bar." a count of several hundred TVs is not out of the JEMIANT Sometimes, it seems as if the proprietors of sports question. A Unique Eatery bars take their names more seriously than the own- Cable is a must, especially ESPN. Where-else be- •L*E*G*E*H*l>g ers of more traditional watering holes. Perhaps that's ?: •• •.: . - A SFGRTS BAR- *' ''• \ ! ' • [ a reflection on the rabid nature of sports fans in sides your own home can you catch those all- Fine Foods & Spirits general, For instance, during the 1990 Stanley Gup important Big West Conference college basketball ^•^ "•4 Laser Karaoke Thurs. Nights hockey playoffs, the Boston Bruins were battling the games late at night? Your | Private Parti« Up to 40 in Our Dining Car I Live Entertainment Fridays & Saturdays Edmonton Oilers in the finals. This prompted one Most sports bars also receive satellite TV, which tavern in Edmonton, formerly called the "Bruin Inn," can really come in handy to us here on the East S-r ¥• Rt. 523 (Main Street) • Whitehouse Station to change its name to the "Bruins Out, Oilers-Inn." Coast. After the Knicks-76ers, for instance, you can House? 352)Route22East.Whitchoi«,NfwjfnCT 06876 (908) 534-1078 And over in the Bay Ridge section of Brooklyn, the watch the Lakers-Clippers from 11:30 until last call. X name of a sports bar is causing the owners real •Participatory activities, in addition to drinking. headaches. The three small businessmen who own These range from velcro-jumping to darts, and can be Call the Physician the "Brooklyn Dodger Sports Bar and Restaurant" considerecfthe factor that absolutely, positively sets Referral Service at 1159 St. George Ave For More 'Munlcrclon Medical have been sued by the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball sports bars apart from traditional drinking estab- "~ Colonia Information call - NEW team, who claim they still retain the rights to the lishments. ' Center. We'll help you (908)634-3710-., SATELLITE lind a.doctor that's right • Brooklyn Dodger name, 35 years after.they moved to Weekend Plus-area sports bars offer a vast array of SYSTEM California. After two years, the lawsuit continues to these activities. Here's a thumbnail sketch: for you-ltoirri aniong our flounder in.the legal system. Top of the Key staff of 200 specialists. •Plenty of sports-related items on the walls, table- This perpetually-crowded North Brunswick sports We'll also send you our. tops, ceiJtnfo-Gtc. A single, scratchy 8 x 10 team photo Guide to.Physicians •anil bar boasts all the old standby games — bowling, V reading "Kelly's Beer Hall, 1978 softball runner-ups" darts, Hoop Shot - plus, on certain nights, robotic Services. 3 T **ls doesn't count. No, we're talking full-color matted boxing. In robotic boxing, two competitors each oper- Tuesday - "World Famous Male Revue" 9-11pm Watch your favorite game with us & lithographs on the walls surrounding the bar and ate a robot with controls located just outside a 4 x 6- (908) 788-6368 Guys come at-1-f& party with the ladies above each table and booth. Local heroes will be the foot boxing ring, complete with Scoreboard and ref- enjoy these Specials: most prominent subjects, so in the New York area Wednesday -Bring your own Mug Night -$2 refills eree. Monday Night - FREE Tex Mex Buffet! expect plenty of pictures of Mickey Mantle, Joe GEORGE PACCIELLO/WEEKENDPLUS Hunterdon Thursday - $5 pitchers of beer & All Request Night Namath, Don Mattingly, and the like. Similarly, if Top of the Key is located at 794 Livingston Ave., c Todd Johnston and Jill Bonetti strike up a conversation at the near the New Brunswick-North Brunswick border. Medical Center Sunday Night- PIZZA PARTY 50 a slice With DJ Mickey D you're in Philadelphia you'll see Steve Carlton and Goal Post in Fanwood. Sports bars are thought by many to be Tug McGraw and Randall Cunningham. Phone (908) 247-7734. For every beer, shot or drink Friday - Rock-n-Roll Party & FREE Midnight Buffet! the lair of the male animal, but women are discovering that Poor Billy's Sports Cafe. However, an exceptional sports bar decorator will get a chance to win a color TV & Saturday-New Jersey's Top Rock Band Live -$2 cover sports bars are clean, lively and serve great food. Of course, "Here you are," said bouncer Jim Boxwell. "The The Heart of Hunterdon include large photqa of more obscure players from they also have plenty of men. 2100 Wcscott Drive, Flcmmgion, NJ Sunday - All you can drink Keg party only $8 (Please turn to page 5) other valuable prices. 4 Weekend Forbes Newspapers August 26-28, 1992 August 26-28,1992 ' Forbes Newspapers iiiiiiiiiii Weekend Video rewind Film capsules

<•.• (Continued from page 6) • ShmnktheKids reverses the ' ., between the artistically inclined . up on. a high-class beauty and enirigthe story's punch.. A lot of . his murderous twin brother.. (PG) : Revisiting the stranger.. Kristy Swansori man- • lens this time around,' as•."'. • -Schlegels and the.Wilcoxes, a caught up. with some low-class Dterieyre-releaseshavebeen . Lolita Davldovich.who s)«ept > '". -W.W. •:•• ----- ' -. •••--V -. ••mtrs** •• . •. mercantilexlan whose ; ... 3ges to keep a stuck-up cheer- .... .daddy/inyentotRick Moranis bad guys. Mo', for. adults than . diminished with Jiege: this one .. •- Pauj.Newrrjari qf/ his feet in. ...; UNFORGIVEN 1 'Twilight Zone* leader charm, even while stick- zaps" his precocious toddler with -... practical-mindedhess has a way . for the young fans of his TV "-:'- is, If'ahythingreven moreim^-•- -'—B/aierstars-astheshfink's-un'^- If you're one of those people ing ghouls with wooden stakes, •-• a ray that makes the kid.grow of shading into complacence pressiye with some of the 5how.(R)' ' ' ••'•'-• fc faithful (and Ill-fated) wife. (R) Eastwood action-western, Un- who can't resist a good trip into guitar fretboards or whatever's ; to Godzilla-like proportions. .'. . and cruelty. Gorgeously photo- most charming and most in- •', ';; • .•••••• ". '•• •;—WiW. ' •.:: .'•. •' • ';•'' ••' -W.W.. forgiven Is the high point of. that dimension "not only of sight handy. Donald Sutherland is • MOstly*for-kid flick gives new'.- graphed and directed, with per- PATRIOT GAMES tensely frightening moments . RAPID FIRE and sound, but of mlnd,'\ your Eastwood's directorial career. suitably creepy as the vampire- meaning to the "terribfe twos.!' formances that bring to mind -a •Jack Ryan, the hero of The Disney ever created. Jiminy •More martial arts action from, ship has really come in. He's also no slouch In'the act- killer recruiting officer, while (PG) .••••:' --. '•'•••;;.•;: ••:•;". collection of finely crafted cam-' Hunt for Red October,- incurs Cricket's voice is provided by. Brandon Lee, son of the legr 'Unforgiven' Treasures of the TwHight ing department, starring as a Paul "Pee-Wee Herman" Re.-' .,; / •.-. • ,;.'.''• '•'. -w.w. eps. With Anthony Hopkins,. the Wrath of. terrorists while in Cliff Edwards, a former vaude- endary Bruce Lee, with the Zone, a new rete$$e from CBS retired gunsiinger, now a desti- • ubens stakes-out new territory HOUSESITTER Emma Thompsont-Sam West • England. With Harrison Ford ' ville performer and radio singer former playing a young witness doesn't quite live Video, includes rarities and oddi- tute widower with young chil- as the. Igor to Rutger Hauer's •Director Frank Oz, who scored and Vanessa Redgrave. (PG) and Anne Archer. (R) known as "Ukelele Ike." Mel ' to a mafia murder who gets ties from that -oddest of- areas, dren, who fs recruited to hunt 1 Blanc, the voica. of Bugs Bunny up ta the hype which first intersected with king of the vampires. Could with Dirty Rotten Scoundrels •••' •• ,.v .;••-•.";• ,'''.',*-: S.H/ PINOCCHIO caught up in the middle of a down a gang bf outlaws who ""'••'• By JEFFREY COHEN American TYiafcT Jt0$& PeerMfee Meets Frankenste/n '.andrhjssedwijh What About ' MAN TROUBLE •h Walt Disney's second feature and Elmer Fudd, adds a single drug war. Violence typical of the , .; WeekendPlus Film Critic be next?.The.movie also,man- 8ob?,jgaes back to Steve Mar; •Rare'is the stinker that stars is the best animated movie hiccup to the soundtrack as- genre, as' is the movie in gen- sliced up and disfigured a local v that's the first thing you ages to effectively jab at the tin for this comedy about an Jack Nicholson, but this one's a made while old Walt wa9 in Gideon the cat. Songs by; Leigh. eral. (R) prostitute. Eastwood is only •V j" 'think of when you hear episode ?$ Southern California mall ciil- architect whose life is invaded real snootful. His Jackness . charge, though troubles with . Hariine; Ned Washington and SINGLE WHITE FEMALE after the reward money, but '-. .the name Clint East- body?"); t . ture, where.looks-are every- by a con artist pretending to be stars as a guard-dog trainer production and wartime distri- Paul J. Smith. (G) •Bndget Fonda stars as a . ••' gets more than he bargained ' - wood? Quick! Action guy, havent been s thing, even for the living dead. {. for in the process. So do the >. cowboy, Dirty Harry, Man-With- (PG-13) . • .,'...'• bad guys and a self-righteous • No-Name, tough character. Okay. at Owl Creek sheriff played by Gene Hack' - , TZ taW & But "auteur" doesn't necessarily CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS - leap tomind . There's a reason. holder man. (R) . • . - THE DISCOVERY You may have read a lot lately •'-.''.-, -W.W.. • "the first of two movibs mark- about Unforghren, the new west- AJSO,€I UNIVERSAL SOLDIER Ing the 500th anniversary of ern Clint produced, directed and •Two accents for the price of . the discovery of America, this stars in. The ads, for example, sates one as.actioh figures Jean- , . one, produced: by Alexander quote one critic as saying the film Claude Van Damme and Dolph •' sors in i and IJya Salkind (mo^t of the is a "sure-fire classic:" Others, like iundgren (did you.ever wonder The New York Times critic V:^ rent Clint Eastwood's latest directorial effort, Unforgiven, has drawn raves from some critics. But not ling intend\W Superman movies) and directed why he abbreviates his first Canby, have heralded the stark, all of them. ;• ••••••''' .'•;.'- ' •/ • .;::.:', ••'•" ' • '....'"• '-•.->'• .:' .''. are all Included. by veteran James Bond leris- name?) play secretly- downbeat movie as a sign that v. man John Glen, includes sup- cryogenized, semi-Cybernetic Eastwood is on his way to being one of the most interesting filmmakers But does Uxiforgiven establish Clint as a moviemaker with his own porting roles from Marlon Bran- Vietnam Veterans thawed out : personalvision? Well, if having yourown personal vision means always we have. .'.":..'- ' '•••'•••• , ..--. '- \ ' '••• .'••.' -• ;. • ...• "• do, and Tom Selleck, Story by Well, maybe. Then again, maybe not. making a movie that needs at least 20 minutes cut out of it, sure. •for action.in the '90s, Naturally, Eastwood is less interested in a tight story and more in windy moral- Mario Puzo, who also co-wrote Unforgiven is a perfectly servieeable Western, not too far from being the ..screenplay, but don't ex- . things go wrong, things begin to traditional, with a dollop more depth given to the characters than usual. izing. The weather cooperates with his moods, top: it rains whenever-; blow up, bodies begin to-lose . Clint rides into town with Ws a^wful burden and the clouds are always C^ pect another Godfather. (PG- It is a thought-provoking itiovie — maybe Eastwood's best directorial their structural integrity, and effort todat e — and its filmed with an eye for scenery and a point of hanging over Big Whiskey, threatening to fall down and crush the town. ••" 13) ' " .••: ••• . :;/.. view. But it is not a sure-fire classic. ^ It all screams "Allegory, Allegory" at the audience so loudly it's hard to • motor vehicles start to go really What the movie offers is a standard Western plot line with a few hear the dialogue sometimes. COOL WORLD fast..Still, not bad for the I • quirks. When a rtasty cowboy gets offended at a prostitute and cuts her In his other films as a director, Eastwood has suffered from much the :••• •Animation and live action a la genre. (R)'". . 1 Who Framed Roger Rabbit re- face brutally, the other sportin women pool their money and let out the same problem. His supposedly clear-eyed, warts-and-all portrait of Char- • •"•.'„••'." •' -w.w. word that anyone who kills the assailant and his partner can have lie Parker, Bird, suffers from a good half hour that needs to be cut out, turns in a adult-oriented feature WHISPERS IN THE DARK $1,000. ;••%,•': and everything's so dark you can barely tell what's going on half the from Ralph Bakshi (Fete tfw •Annabella ^. ra (The Hand That seems like a lot of money toWil l Munny (Eastwood), a former • time. (The answer to.that question is: not much.) :'""';• Cat Heavy Traffic). Brad Pitt That Rocks the Cradle, Jungle assassin, now a widowed hog farmer with two young children to support and Gabiel Byrne are "real,'1, And Uriforgiven also shows, off Eastwood's heavy, heavy hand with Fever) stars in this failed erotic and a farm full of feverish hogs. Enough that he's willing to overlook light humor. The comic "relief" in the film is sometimes very hard to while Kim Baslnger is a "doo- mystery-thriller about a psy- his vow never tostra p on his guns again, and head but to Big Whiskey 1 identify, Even when Clint has trouble getting on his own horse, you 4 dle, * at least for most of the to do the job at»d collect. 7 . mmi&fm Inisi M . cologjst who becomes involved can't tell if it's supposed to be funny or pathetic. In movies like Bronco movie. (PG-13) The rest of the film deals with Munny's efforts to complete his Billy, which is actually kind of charming in spots, you sometimes get 8. The Mfatitie Rotfo'thfi Cra- with the lover of a murdered ' •::'•:•:.,' •' .;•• ' '-W.w.' assignment and the efforts of his partners — an obnoxious youngster the same problem; But here, with the overall doomsday tone set, it's dte , " Kt' George Corraface, Marlon Brando, Rachel Ward and Tom Selleck star as Christopher Columbus, the Inquisitor, patient and suspects he may who calls himself the Scofield Kid and Munny's virtuous former partner DEATH BECOMES HER really a chore finding the laughs. 9. Fem$ify; Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand, respectively, In Christopher Columbus — The Discovery, the first of two be the murderer. Save your (Morgan Freeman) and competitors to do the same. The obstacle is est ' , -Wik) effects-laden comedy The cast, of course, is a dream. Hackman, as usual, is just about Columbus movies marking America's Quincentennial. 1492, starring French actor Gerard Depardleu, will be out in money and wait for the video. personified mostly in the considerable presence of the local sheriff 10. Hqok from director Bob Zemeckis perfect, giving even the loathsome sheriff some charm in scenes with a the'fall. •• •••- •••• •••.-••'• ' •-• '••• ;'•-" •":•:•: •••••••.•:•' •• -;;. •.•.•;.•..'.. - ''.'.-.•• •••'••: ': . ,; •••-••' ••:• ' -/:-.--. :•'.. .••••••:7, • . • Co-stars Jamey Sheridan, Jill (Gene Hackman, in a rare- villainous role), who kicks people a lot. (Back to the Future, Who . dime-novel "biographer," (Saul Rubinek) who the sheriff wishes to In the course of the movie, Munny and the others have to deal with Framed Roger Rabbit) stars Clayburgh and Alan Alda. (R) impress. Richard Harris, as a competing hit man who doesn't do very his wife. With Goldie Hawn and hired to protect opera diva button made it a dead loss for •• .'.'..' •• ••' •• v.'~.S,H. young New Yorker who opens more than just the concerns of traditional Western characters: they Top 5 Sales Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn -W.W. well, is bombastic and loud, as usual (no, that's not Peter O'Toole; it's Dana Delaney. (PG) Ellen Barkin. Romance eventu- the studio when first released PRELUDE TO A KISS her home to the roommate don't just pull the trigger and run; they're subjected.to guilt over killing, as rivals for the affections of REVIVALS and in some cases, are unable to pull the trigger at all. Richard Hanis). And Morgan Freeman, pretty much reviving his Robin 2. Hook. , -> HOWARDS END ally develops, but the plot in 1940. (The staff had so •Summer, romance with Alec from hell (Jennifer Jason Lee), haggered plastic surgeon Bruce THE SEAGULL Hood role as the noble sidekick, is understated and fine as he ever is, wE.M. Forster brings out.the ' doesn't Sit thisjDne out and much trouble animating Pinoc- Baldwin and Meg Ryan. Di- a mousy psycho whose obses- Munny, himself, istortfover his promise to the deceased wife he 3. Rock-tk-itoodle., , Willis. Nothing, including mul- even if it is weird that in post-Civil War America, nobody notices he's •The New Jersey Shakespeare considers a saint (his character is downright spooky talking about her; 4. The Great Mouse best in the Merchant-Ivory fi|m» wait for Hoffo (PG-13) ' chio, a puppet whose form . rected by Norman Rene (Long- sion with her roomie leads to ; tiple fractures, gunshot wounds black.. ••.•-• , '•••• •'•••'•••• , • '•,''•/'.'•'••• • ,-•••...... : ' ' • Festival's Monday Night at the he iises the cadence and the language of a brainwashed cultist), and the -, making team, who otherwise '':••'•'• :/ -W;W.. . couldn't be stretched and time Compahlan). Screenplay . murder and mayhem. (R) and decomposition will 6top Uriforgiven is not a movie to be overlooked; in a summer filled with 't Movies summer series con-, difference between simply killing a man when you're numb with alco- MOM AND DAD SAVE THE squashed in the usual cartoon by Craig.Lucas, based on his UNLAWFUL ENTRY hol and doing the job cold sober, looking at a living human being in thoughtless puff pieces, it has a brain. But it's not Satyricon, or even these catty cadavers. (PG-13) perform adaptations of literary WORLD ,-..«.. manner, that at one point Dis- Tony-nomlnated play, which »A psychotic cop (Ray Uotta) tinues on Aug. 31 with Sjdney your sights. The Searchers. It's just not. —W.W. classics with a curator's eye •Silly, but harmless comedy ney threw out six month's ac- Rene directed on the stage. (R) invades the domestic life of a Lumet's 1968 version of Anton WGGSTOWN and a taxidermist's touch, about Dad (Jeffrey Jones) hav- cumulated work.) Carlo Col- RAISING CAIN couple. With Kurt Russell and Chekov's The Seagull (color), •Hyper James Woods plays a Drawing on Forster's 1910 ing to pull a Flash Gordon to lodi's original stories, written a$ •Director Brian DePalma Madeline Stowe. (R) starring Vanessa Redgrave and Film capsules con man who teams up with novel — arguably Forster's best save Mom (Teri Garr) and, of a series for an Italian children's shakes off his Bonfire of the 3 NINJAS James Mason (Aug. 31). Gen- boxer Louis Gossett, Jr., to - they produce something course, the world from a Ming- magazine in 1881, could be Vanities disaster by returning to eral admission seating Is $7. double-cross. Diggstown mogul •A couple of pre-teenage mu- in 1943 when Woild War II dec- Hasidic community to catch a triumph of production design tie screen time the film might vanishingly rare in movies; a CURKBNT FILMS include Nell Carter, Rich Little •If Oscars were awarded for ti- pretty rough stuff — e.g., the Films are shown on a largo rather than storytelling. There like alien dictator (Jon Loyitz). his familiar stylish thriller terri- tant turtle wannabees are imated the ranks of the minor killer and falls for a young Tal- more properly have been titled and rapper Tone Loc. (PG-13). tles, this one would be a sure Bruce Dem. Realistic action view of the classes (here in Ed- 1 original talking cricket is a dull by We*kendPlu« staff leagues. Tom Hanks co-stars as mut Scholar. Sparks fly as the are three villains this time, all Where's Batman? (PG-13) BOOMERANG Bring the kids. (PG). . tory. Combining hair-raising trained by an old master to screen In 35 mm. Tickets winner. Don't expect the Acad- and clever dialogue help create wardian England) that feels their crusty, befuddled man- expected culture clash bubbles nifty: Christopher Walken as a — Steven Hart A LEAGUE OF WEIR OWN "Eddie Murphy returns to the emy to remember this one next MO'MONEY moralist Pinocchio crushes with thrills with Tdrv_ comic relief! available at the Bowno The- u a successful merge of Rocky save the day. Live action from ager. (PG). " to the surface. (PG-13) scheming industrialist; Michelle BEBE'SKIDS warm and forgiving while re- •Penny Marshall {Big, Awaken- big-screen in this romantic spring, but Buffy, despite some a hammer — but Disney's crew- Pfelffer as the vinyl-suited Cat- •"Animation with an attitude" and The Sting. (R) 'Living Co/or'sDamon Wayans Raising Cain also offers an the Buena Vista (Disney) folks, atre box office, Drew Univer- ings) directed this appealing — William Westhoven -W.W. comedy, starring as a male slow moments and an anti- maining cool and observant. woman; and Danny DeVito as found ways to soften the Flo- summer blockbuster, which A STRANGER AMONG US BATMAN RETURNS based on inner-city characters chauvinist who gets a taste of . . " -W.W, • wrote and stars In this action over-the-top performance by who prove once again that sity, Route 24, Madison. climactic finale, is a witty, well- The title refers to a pretty little stars Geena Davis, Lori Petty "Reminiscent Peter Weir's Wit- •For what it's worth, better the hissing, libidinous Penguin. created by the late comedian his own medicine from liber- rentine journalist's most gro- acted comedy about a valley HONEY, I BLEW UP THE KID comedy concerning a street- John Lithgqw as a child psy- when it comes to kids movies, (201)408-5600. and Madonna as members of ness, Stranger stars Melanie than Batman. Like some bloat- But Michael Keaton is even Robin Ham's and produced by ated beauty Robin Givens and country house that is the ful- girl who Is pressed into saving tesque toucheswithout weak- cologist with a dark past and Griffith as a policewoman who ed Andrew Uoyd Webber stage more of a stiff than usual, and House Party team of Reginald •Sequel of Disney's Honey, / wise con artist who gets hung they ought to stick to cartoons. - W.W. the All-American Girls Profes- finds true love with Halle Berry. the world by a mysterious crum for a series of encounters goes underground in Brooklyns the Caped Crusader gets so lit- and Warrington Hudlin. Vbices sional Baseball League, fonmed spectacle, Batman Returns is a BUFFY, THE VAMPIRE SLAYER (Please turn to page 7) August 26-28,1992 FnrhftsNfiWfiinnftrs 6 WeefcencF orbes Newsjiapets August 26-28,1991 *,-- Weekend Weekend

Singles Happenings Index of Advertisers CATHOLIC ALUMNI CLUB " Meeting place: (908) 753- ••'..' Raritan Center,' Edison, 8:30 1 "Hike at Allaire State Park, '•• • , Summit, 9 p.m. Sept.. 18. FU-MINGTON date Sept.1 7. Adults $12.50, . a.rn.-5 p.m, Sundays.through ., 29, 11 a.m.-4 p.m; Aug. .30. Ad- Acme Nissan...... ;...... 5 Mddtesex Army & Navy..,:.... : OF CENTRAL NEW JiERSEY .0263,283-0779. • p.m; Sept. 6. New-member ori- ".Wall, it a.m. Sept. 5. Meet in Jackefrequired. •'., AGRICULTURA1, FAIR children 3-12 $6.50:. discounts' Oct. 25. Free admission. • ".. •mission $4,.covers both days; Baslle Fama Fl...... ;...... ;,..,.„. ,.. 13 Natasha's Stars ...... ,;. 15; •, •Vplleybail. in Jbhnson Park, -„ JEWISH SINGLES WORLD entation at 7:3Qp.m. Members commuter- lot at Garden State .-' "Dance at Sheraton hotel, Fair Route 31,'. Flemington ', ; •'••'•..-' available'.,, . • ' •• -: -:''-,''.. •'': •'..-•'"' SCANDINAVIAN FEST '.' Bowcraft...... :...... ,., ...3 New Jersey Blockbuster...... 8 - : : • . (ages 23-36) ;' V • • • .'. $6, nori-members S8. . .' Parkways-Exit 105. Members ' .••''field'; 0 p'.m.Sept. 19. '•'. ; Vasa Park •' .,,„—.••- Highland Park, 6;30 p.m. ^^ (908y-782-2413: -• - -, - ;•. ,•'.'•' KENILWOR'TH OUTDOOR Boulevard Food »;..;.....'..,...... ;...;.;.;...... ll Ocean Explorer...... 13 i Wednesdays. (908) 756-0940, -4908) 964r8086 •/•:• - - ••:'-•'• • "Closed,dance.(members only) -.-. $3, non-members $4...': : •Dance at Essex House, West - •Farm-show,-4-M-exhibits,-auto. - FINE ART SHOW -.'•.- ;, •Wolfe Rd., Budd Lake-- ,' '• --,'- Car Spa ...... :;...... :.....^.'.'...... •..-..;.-..•..;.... 9 OHvecflports Bar...... : ...... $ 846-5440; v '•• • . . •Dining out at Kosher Komer. ' ' at Ramada-.Inn, Rarjtan Center^ SINGLEFAbES . Orange; 9 p.m.' Sept. 25. .'.'.races,and .much morevSept. i-' .• , Harding'School"field / •"''. '..; ' .-.'. ::' .(9081--850-81.16, 542-8150,. :-.. . -DiFonzo Fence ...... Personally Yours ,.„....,•,•....;,.;•..•., 3 ..-: : ...;...... ,i..;.a •New-members picnic in Merrill East Brunswick. 6:30 p.m. Edison.-8:30 p.m. Sept. j,3. (908) 238-0972 ' ''; _: ' SOLO SINGLES , 7. Call for each day's hours. •• . ' BpuleOard, Kerillworth -..' • -'• • . •.:•• ,«A smorgasbord from Sweeten, Speakers Dine Out With Mlckl...... ;.... ;...i9 Photo Contests...... ?...... 2 : Park, Iselin, noon Aug. 30. Cost Sept. 1.-Cost, $20. New-member orientation at Cost for all events $10. . (ages 40-over). • •• - GREATER NEW JERSEY / (908) 241-0221' '. ' ' " ,' "NorwaVj Iceland, Finland; and Dr. K. Kuchaiz...... ,..;...... ;....;...... 13 Readlngton Road House...... ^.i: 5 /"25th annual show and sale, 9 •. $3 w/a food item, $6 without: •Day trip to Jewish Renais-. • 7:30 p.m. Cost $6, •Dance at Ramada Renais- (908) 665-2686, 766-1839 STAMP EXPO- •':'•"• .•":"'" Denmark;' 10 a.m.r9 p.m. Sept. Easy Video. .'...i..j..; ...2 Restaurants...... 20-24 eligible new member,- S3 for sance Fair at Rabbinical College •Closed dance (members only) sance hotel, East Brunswick, 9, • between 6-9. p.m.. • . • Holiday Inn / .•'•..". a.m,-5:30 p.m. Sept, 13.. Rain ,# 6. Admission $6. •:•'•-.. INDIANSUMMER . Ebbets ...... 5 Seaton Machney...... 3 : : ; each. (908) 756-0940. • of. America. Momstown. Sept. • at Quality inn, North Brunswick, ...p.m, Aug. 28. ' Events held at Central. Presby Route 22, Springfield dates Sept. 20, 27. Free ad- " STAMP, POSTCARD, AND AT WATERLOO Remington Fair.... .9 Shake A Paw ...... 9 . FORUM FOR SINGLES 6, Meet.at 1 p.m.'at main en- 8:30.p.mi Sept. 20. New-, •Dances at Old Mill Inn, Ber-; • mission. ' ' " , BASEBALL CARD OPEN HOUSE terian Church, 70 Maple St., -.' (201)379-3779 ,.-. Village of Waterloo .'.'. . ;". Ftemlngton Speedway ...... ;..::...... ^ Sharp Design ...... ».....» H (908) 246-8118 • . trance to fair. Cost S11.50 in member orientation at 7:30 nardsville, 9 p.m. Aug. 29, • •For stamp and postcard col- KING'S ROAD VINEYARDS . Aallstamps • . '• . •„ ' Hunterdon Medical...... VCR Repair .;...... ;.. 3 • Summit. • -.- -.••.- • : 1-80 Exit. 25, Stanhope 5 (609) 448-6225 1 ,.'38 North Main St., Milltown • advance. $12.50 at the gate. p.m. Cost $6. "-•• • -.' • Sept. 26: •".•'• •.' ' ; •Rap or bridge, 6:30 p.m. Sun- lectors, 10 a.na,-6 p.m. Aug. 29," Route 579, Pattenburg KGP Computer Show.. ...;..;...... :.13 Whitehouse Aquatic ...... 1 : (201)'34Zi0900' ...... ;...... is . Events held at First Presbyte- •Closed dance (merabtersonly)'-' ; ..,(90.8)-247-1093/ ' . . * •Volleyball night at Sports 'N ' •Dances at' Liberties. Sheraton days, Cost S2. .'•.. -..'• 10 a.m.r5:30 p.m. Aug. 30. . ,(908)4.79'-6611. ,:,.'' ..''. rian Church, 320. North Main Stuff. East Brunswick. 7:30 • at Quality inn, NotthBrunswick. hotel, Iselin,-8 p.m. Aug. 30, ; ' "For avid collectors, .10 a.m.-4. '". Traditional arts and primitive „ •Bridge night, 7:15 p.m. Sept.' Adults $2, senior citizens and • "Open house with wine tastings . St., Hightstown, . • •• ' '. p.m..Sept. 9. Cost S5, -J8:30 p.m. Sept. '27,T\iew- ' Sept; 27; 9 p.m'. Sept. 12.. children free. : ' • •••'-.• :. and tours, noon-5 p.m. Sept. 6,.: p.m. Aug; 30. Free adnrtissibn. skills of native Americans. Pre- 3'. Cost S3,, ' . '.'... 1 • "Discussion group (not church- •Barbecue at Jewish Center of • member orientation at 7:30 •Dance at Van's; Freehold,'9 • . 7. Free admission.-f--', • TRI^STATE ANTIQUE DOLLS..P - sentations at 11:30 a.m., 1:30 7 DAYS- 7 NIGHTS SOMERSET HIUS JEWISH RENAISSANCE FAIR . affiliated), social hour, and West Orange. 1 p.m. Sept, 13.. p.m! Cost $6. • . '. p.m. Sept. 4'. •••„. • Rabbinical College of America: '; UONS CLUB FLEA MARKET TOYS, AND GAMES SHOW . • and.3:30'prm. Adults,$8, senior •; ''• • .' • ^! SINGLE HIKERS . ^ SEPT. 1 -SEPT. 7 . dancing. 9 p:m. Fridays. Cost Cost Si2 in advance. S18'.at. PLUS SILHOUETTE SINGLES , "Dance at Mayfair Farms, West 226 Sussex Ave,, Morristown '. Market grounds- , •• • ...-"-. • Aspen Manor hotel ; ? (908) :774-6759 • citizens $6, children 6-15 $4; in- 56. • ' • •,". :'• ••. the.dqor. • • -.- ' (plus-size adults) • ,. . • Orange, 9 p.m. Sept..5. Jacket Route 206, Chester : Route 46, Parsippany , (201) 267-9404 , ', . : cludes admission to village, .".'• • • BOBFROSTT •Singles''nigtit at Jewish Com- (908), 704-8480 . required; , ' : . .' •Hikeat Bulls Island,.Stockton, (908) 879-4408 ••. (410)329-2188 , •An Old World shtet/; a "Wheel of - "Iroquois cornhusk work, Rita (ages'39-over) ' . munity Center Of Greater Mor- ••Danceat Ramada Inn, So.m- . '• •Dances, at Hilton hotel, Short" 10 a.'rri: Aug. 30.- Meet in lot , Torah," arid other things Jewish) ., •Operated by Chester Lions Club •Classic toys and games as well ; •..' Chrisjohn-Benson, Augl 29c, :. • (201) 797-7777 ' ns. Whippahy. 7:30 p.m. Sept. ; ' erset. 9.p.m. Saturdays ' '•. Hills. 8 p.m.-Sept. 6, 20. Jack- . . across from Willie's Tavern,. with proceeds to area charities, 9- as dolls, 10 a.m,r6'p.m. Aug: '. : •11 a.m.-6 p.m. Sept. 6. Rain : •• "Big-band dance at The Wil- , 17. Free admission. ; ' through Aug. 29. Members $5, et required. • ' ' • : • Route"202 , Bedminster. Cost : lows, Gfeen Brook,' 9 p.m. - •Rosh Hashana program at • non-members $7; • , .:' "Dance at Garden State Arts . $.4, . -.' .••••..• ••. .'•; Tuesdays. Free admission. . Suburban Jewish Center. Ijn* SHORE SINGLES Center, Holmdel,. 9 p.m. Sept. . SOPHISTICATED SOCIALS JERSEY JEWISH SINGLES den. 9:30 p.m. Sept. 19. Cost , (908)291-1687 ... 9:- . . ' . v-;... . (professionals 30-50)

. (ages 30-55) • $5.' '•'•• ".•.•.'. •'• ' : • • "Hike on boardwalk in Spring . •Dance at Birchwood Manor, • (908)22.1-0047 ' '• • •Dinner at. Pla2a Diner, EdTson, PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS Lake and Sea Girt,' 7 p.m.; . Whippany, 9 p.m. Sept. .11.' •Party at Aspen Hotel, Parsip- Country stars Reba McEntire (pictured) and 6:30 p.m.'Wednesdays. (908) Mid-Jersey Chapter 236 Sept. 4. Meet at bathing pavil- •DanceatGate Rouse, West • pany, 8:30 p.m. Thursdays. 753-0263. ..-.•.:'•; (908)248-8840 . . ion at end of Route 524, Spring ,. Orange^ p.m. Sept, 13. ' Cost SSi^casual attire, no Vince 6ill team up for a show at the Garden •Trip to Ellis Island, Aug. 30: . «0pen dance at Ramada Inn, . Lake. Cost $2. ', :•- • "Dance at Grand Summit hotel, .sneakers. ' ' : • ' • State Arts Center on Monday, Aug. 31.

mnuinrnr tTTTrrnrTTTTTTrrTTTTTT") Residential/Commercial Industrial AVENEL EDISON NORTH PLAINFIELD AH "rVpes Of Fence 908-382-6300 908-906-9300 '908-755-9550 Installed & Repaired FLEMINQTON FAIRGROUNDS -1 mile North of Remington ; ~CRANFORD l.! 0EN SPRINGFIELD FREE Estimates • Fully Itisured Circle^ On Route 31 -908-782-2413 908-709-0042 908-1*25-1160 201-376-1300 33 Yrs. Experience • Puppies in the Open to Hug & cuddle •^t^y;-:" ;K'^^•:••;• $17.95 • Bring in the Kids Car Wash *#KC PUPPIES THE FAMILY ANIMATION SENSATION! • FREE Giveaways (while supplies last) • LOWEST Dog Food Prices In Area A-DOODLE IS TERRIFIC! WE ARE BREEDER'S REPRESENTATIVES It works like magic. Catch it with yoUfkidsr -CBS RADIO


"EXUBERANT! Bursting with energy and rousina 14 RT. 22 WEST songs, imaginative and lavishI^S GREENBROOK COMMONS GREENBROOK Hillsborough Metuchen (100 yardswest (Central Ave.) (Rt. 206) of Rock Ave.) New Brunswick (61 CDtrimerclal Ave.). 968-AKC2 Hopelawn Hours: Bradlee's) Wlon.-Sat. 11-9 WE HONOR ALL Sun. 11-6 COMPETITORS COUPONS with this coupon One Brushless Exterior Car Wash OFF A DON BLUTH FILM I ANY PURCHASE I ANY lilUilK. """"""" mFe^MI(lir,MfD(»T)i\DlMHF.IIlM FLEMINGTON FAIR OPEN FROM 10:00 AM TO MIDNIGHT Over $10.00 II PUPPY SEVEN DAYS • SEVEN NIGHTS.DAILY LIVE COUNTRY "IBIllUiOlfES Not to be combined with Not to be combined with MUSIC * 4-H EXHIBITS ©ENTERTAINMENT FOR KIDS • any other offer. II any other offer. PIG RAGES • CLOWNS • BIG MIDWAY • NEEDLEWORK & 10oner, 199. 2 FN | | Expires Sept. 10, 1992 FN I FLOWER SHOWS • FOOD * BEER GARDENS • ANIMALS uJfcrcaxTTTTTrrrrrrrrr^ MORE MOVIES THAN ANYONE IN THE WORLD I I Expires Sept. 11 ^t ' I . ^^^_M hMM ^MIHrt AND GOOD OLD FASHIONED FUN FOR ALL AGES. 8 r: ^"^ Newspapers August ^-28,1992 August 26-28,1992 Forbes Newspapers mi? Mark your o s calendar Curtain calls

NO% PLAYING •The Seagull', Anton Chekhov's , ... 'A Deadly Environment, murder (201)379^3636 •; '-: BUCKS COUNTY PLAYHOUSE • comedy about foutartists ih . • ' mystery, set at a. countryclub. 8 • •The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy, . :. 70SouthMainJSt.-/'',•.;'*.:•.;.'-•.• ^^um-of-thfe-century^sila^J"^ : p.m. Aug. 29. Admission $39*; .VScarecrow,_.tinr Martt and all the : Ballet school New Hope, Pa. ' .' . Through Sept. 12. Admission • includes dinner. ' bthers following the Yellow -(215)862-2041 $30-$14, discounts available.; VILLAGERS THEATRE Brick Road. Sept. 9-0ct. 25. . registration •Phantom of We Opera — not OFF-BROADSTREET THEATRE . . 475 DeMott Lane, Somerset Admission $41-$26, discounts' . 5 South Greenwood Ave. Registration is how in progress the Broadway version, but onq, '.. (908)873-2710 '•'•'. ' available, . . Hopewell • ^ for fall Glasses at the Morristown that features a crashing chan- •Dames at Sea, satire on the PERONA FARMS delier. Through Aug.'30. Ad- y (609) 466-2766 Busby Berkeley musicals of the '30 Walks in School of Ballet . ' Route 517, Andover Children's ballet classes are mission $20t$17. • •Happy, Birthday! bedroom 30s. Through Sept.. 6. Ad- 1-800-762-8569 offered for youngsters ranging HUNTERDON HILLS farce drawn up by Mark Camo-. . mission $15. ' .. •/Remember Mama, the Rodg- from pre-kindergarten to seventh PLAYHOUSE^ • lotti. Through Sept. 5. Ad- ' ers and Hammerstein pfay ;••'. grade. Teenagers may register Route 173, Hampton mission $17.25.Saturdays, COMING UP must for hikers $15.75 Fridays and Sundays. about a Norwegian family in for classes in bajlet, pointe and 1.800-447-7313. CIRCLE PLAYERS .••': . By SHARUNfe CHIANG • jazz ranging from banner to ad- / "Seems Like Old-Times, revue. SHERATON AT WOODBRIDGE ' tum-of-the-century San Fran- .416 Victoria Ave;, Piscataway, WeekendPlus Writer ••' vanced- -Additionally, special from the Roaring 20s to World Route 1 South, Iselin . '•' cisco. Main theater, Sept. 8- (908)968-7555 " . . ' ey,/yuz from Jurzee? What .adult classes wi,be offered in . War II. Through Sept. 30. ' (908)' 634-3660 .. - Dec. 18.,Group rates available; •A Deadly Environment, murder •Play It Again Sam, Woody exit? ballet pdnte ahd/jazz fpr begn> '.. Group rates;available; .call for call for prices." -. • Unfortunately, this fa- djhtMl^ . mystery set at a country club. 8 Allen's takeoff on Casablanca: prices.; . :; •Myron's Mitzvah, a bar mifc ...... rhiliar salutation is shame p.m. Aug. 28. Admission $39, Sept, li-Oct, 3, Admission H vah in musical form with audi- NEW JERSEY of New Jerseyians, whose state le at ' includes dinner. $10. Fridays and Saturdays, $8 SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL • ence participation. Club Room, usually conjures nothing more of SOMERSET HiLLS HOTEL Sundays;, discounts available. Drew University Sept.lO-Nov. 20. Group rates Greg Brooks arid DaraBreltkbpf sing and dance In the musical than the images of congested ate se- 1-78 Exit 33, Warren • PAPER MILL PLAYHOUSE . Route 24, Madison available: call for prices.' "... comedy Dames at Sea, which continues with weekend performances highways and billowing clouds of "iwtth (908)647-6700 ;. Brookside Dr., Millbum industry. . State (201) 408-5600. • through Sept. 6 at the Villagers Theatre in Somerset. Like many New Jersey natives, I too wonder sometimes why we call it the "Garden" state, and always BRIDAL CLOSE OUT!! thought a walk in New Jersey was AUG 22 thru SEPT 4 something you do when your car breaks down. ; (908)549-9832 Introducing Levi's So if you want to get away vom COURTESY PHOTO/RUTGERS, UNIVERSITY PRESS 474 Main Street, Metuchen, New Jersey 08840 this bustling metropolis, head out This boardwalk is part of the walk through Lord Stirling Park detailed in the updated edition of Loose fitting jeans. for a rural stroll where you can 30 Walks In New Jersey available from Rutgers University Press. Look at these Savings: find windswept beaches, polling As you'd expect, hill country, botanical gardens, quaint villages, broad green valleys and Before you go gallivanting off to the woods, they ask you not to disturb All Head Pieces $25.00 this is more than auburn cedar swamps. the wildlife, not to smoke while hiking and "Leave the trail as if nothing just another loose But don't bother buying a train ticket, because these pictorial lands of had, been there:" AH Gift Ware 40% OFF natural paradise are found right in your backyard - in New Jersey. As for the traveler, they give tips on how to identify deer tick* which ' Jewelry & Access. 20% OFF fit. It's a loose Thanks to Kevin Dann and Gordon Miller, the authors of 30 Walks In transmit Lyme disease, and also what to wear for prevention. as well as interpretation of New Jersey ($12.95, Rutgers University Press), you can rediscover the Just to be picky, I found one drawback in the guide. When I opened h-y beauty of this state by hiking along the Kittany Ridge, the Highlands, up the book I was expecting colorful, photos to lure the reader into these ; REMNANT FABRICS The Original. the Piedmont, the Delaware River Valley, the Pinelands, Cape May and beautiful trails. Instead! found some (yawn) black-and-white snapshots Choose from Mega Satins - Taffetta - Laces at "Must Go" Prices I , 1 along the Atlantic Coast. of a flower and rock here, and a historical house there (not that you find never again' "The book, an updated version of the authors' original 25 Walks in Bieach, New Age many color shots in any $12.95 book). s Surrounds the haunt- •:, ;£ GREAT FOR CRAFTERS ing Images of trie Clinton "Hl* ecializin in Bridal Bleach & Instant Ihit ffiFBuo makes up for the lack of pictorial evidence with some x 1- _-'_••_! —Si SP 9 and Format. • ^ ^ "moderate" or "difficult." The routes are also measured according to the torical Museun}& Exhibit, "Never amount of time it would take to start and complete4..^- ' great wildlife anecdotes, like how the carpenter frog, found in Wharton old indigo denim State Forest; first got its name. •••••• Before, Never Again; The Bail- To top it off, clear maps, detailed directions and informational phone mann Photographic Collection," available in sizes numbers are provided for theHruly clueless beginner, whose idea of a "The carpenter frog gets its name, from its call, which sounds like two carpenters hitting nails one right after the other." which runs from Sept. 1 through 28 to 42. hike is gej±jhg the mower out of the shed. Oct 31 , Once you get started/the book will guide you along as the authors The charming text reveals the two authors as the experienced natu- ralists that they are. Mr. Dann is a naturalist, geographer and a histo- The exhibit features photos of fZED PROCESSED WEAVER Style # f$0-4803 point out distinctive rock formations, plant communities, and wildlife. 19th century Clinton printed rian. He's also written, a-book called Traces on the'Appalachians'- A SLICED AMERICAN CHEESE HONEY DIP FRIED CHICKEN 550-4834 You'll also learn about some interesting ways on how humans have from a set of glass plate nega- (Fully Cooked) Natwul History of-Serpintirie in Eqster North America. Mr. Milier is a SUBSTITUTE $1.1% 550-4891 shaped the New Jersey landscape. tives found by Baumahn, a resi- REAL$1.69 u. If you're the type who can't tell the difference between a witch hazel historian and the author of Lost in the Language of Nature PACKED 5 IB. PACK $14.95 dent of Salt Lake City, Utah, In a fACWO IO. PACK PER BOX OM2/4 PIECE PORTIONS plant and a purple cliffbrake fern, this book will teach you how and give After reading 30 Walks in New Jersey I felt the first chills of autumn B. *TDEU5>AtK)N Salt Lake City antique shop. The $1.9.8 U. At D£U StATWN PASTA'S you some historical background behind each plant as well. The same is tugging at my walking shorts. Eagerly, I thought to myself It's time to SABRETT photographer remains unidenti- BULK PACK 20 LB. BOX true for bird watching. Along each walk, the authors give directions on take a hike. NATURAL CASING FRANKFURTERS fied, although one photo is said PER BOX ; (ALL BEEF) PACKED where and how to spot birds like chickadees in the Ramapo Mountains Mr. Dann and Mr.Miller's:book is,helping to put the "New" back in ZITI • SPAGHETTI to show members of Clinton's 3 LB. OR 5 LB. PACKAGE to bufflehead ducks in Cheesequake State Park. EinOW - UNOUINE New Jersey, and maybe someday the'state salutation will become "Hev aristocratic Leigh family. ALL SIZES ' Besides presenting the courses, Mr. Dann and Mr. Miller remembered •yuz .from Jerzee? What walk?" y x For more Information, call 'PENTHOUSE MEAT COMPANY CORN to take :care of both Mother Nature as well as the hiker by including two The paperback book, small, enough to fit inconspicuously in your bid- sections: 'Taking Care of the Land" and "Taking Care of Yourself'. , pack, will be available September 1. ' ""<"-* (908) 735-4101. BREADED VEAL (PATtlE) $12.95 $11.95 $13.95 RIB TICKLER (BONELESS PORK) PER CASE PER C*SE

(Continued from page 12) street stocks will put on a tradi- Something for everyone at Flemijrigton F%ir Krusbor," "Pony Express," "Exca-; tionally exciting- show. . : vator," "Kimosabe," "Jersey Qut- ' i.-Xb^uSCternoon of September"6th; > law;" "U.FO," "The WreckcB^ahd : fi^.m., the"•;"Daytp•na ^series fotu Monster trucks, pig races, 4-H exhibits and more on tap for 130k annual edition "The Liquidator.1" Last year's suc- the late models, • TAJt-cars and micro stocks will race prior to' the By CHLOE MILLER . • contest are the bill of fare. cess is still being shown on teleyi-. The morning of Saturday, Sep- sion, so be sure to. come early be^ monster truck event/ followed by WeekeridPlus Writer • the return of Todd Seeley at 8 . ver 300,000 people attended tember 5th.will be filled with beef fore the show quickly sells out. ; : : | last year's Flemington Agri- ?ind sheep shows,, followed by a Saturday, September 5th at 2 p.m. .. • . - •'... ••• .' ' 'v- .'.- Labor Day Monday at 2 p.m., the ' cultural Fair. Were you one sheep-to-shawl demonstration and pm the two-hour, enduro race M demblitioh derby and yet another. of them? •••;. the sheep-fitting contest Sunday will be held An enduro is a cha- will hold the final contests for the Todd Seeley jump will take place If not, you'll haye another.chance otic, immonscly-entertaining. race to find out what all the fuss is about open-class sheep, while the noon- in a. bigger and better way than. time 4-H: "round robin" -.will mark of endurance; when the green flag before. The fair will end on a high from.Sept. 1^7.between. 10 a.m. and is given, the race will continue un- midnight, when the annual event the end of the 4-H festivities until note after the running of -the. takes over the Flemington Fair- next year. '•; . V • . • •••'•.• .•• less a driver is injured, a fire de- AR.D!C. and T,Q. midgets and the grounds for the 136th straight.year. Other' fair highlights include::; velops or the. track becomes en- National Old Times of Auto Rac- The Flemington Agricultural Fair •The "Dash for Mash" pig races tirely blocked.. The winner is de-, ing Show at 8 p.m. . V has been ranked: in the top 100 fairs will be, held dailyat 1, 3, 5< and 7 tcrrnined by the last vehicle that As you can clearly see, theres in the United States, positioned p.m. in the arena near the pony . has the capability to move under something for: everyone at the 72nd in 1991, for the past six con- rides and sheep barns on the east its, own power, not withstanding Flemington Fair. For more infor- tinuous years by the Amusement side of the Fairground. Five pigs in the condition of the car.. At 8 p.m.,. mation, call the fair office at (908) Business Magazine. No other-fair in each of the five heat races will race the modified and Great American 782-2413. ' ; ' New Jersey has managed to ac- on the 150 foot track with colored complish this feat. ribbons for identification. After the Each, day will host special and on- "mash" on thefinish line-is'.diacov-. going activities for every-age and ered.the "duck races" will begin. interest, from rose competitions to With crowd encouragement, five elephant rides to monster trucks on "Indian Runner'' ducks will travel the 50 acres of fairgrounds.at the the length of the track. These free Flemington Motor Speedway.'Tues- daily, shows will run at 1, 3, 5, and 7 day, Sept. 1, the festivities beg./i p.m.1 . , . ''..' v.•... "• .•' • • .';••',-. \.".' Antique tractors (above) will with Children's Day, when kids •Tuesday, Sept. 1, will heed the be- under 12 are admitted free, with a ginning of the Open Horse Show. be on display at the 136th an- special drawing for a new bicycle. The Western Division kicks off at nual Flemington Fair, while Wednesday, Sept. 2, will be 8:30a.m. and'.the' English Division modern, modified tractors (left • Farmer's Day and Senior Citizen's Wednesday at 8:30 a.m.. The horse, and right) will participate in Day, and Thursday, Sept. 3\ will expo starts !•! p.m., Thursda/'and :;• the tractor pull event. have free admission up to 5 p.m.. continues.until Labor Day Monday. Friday, Sept. 4, will be another Chil- The Remington Fair, which runs Sept. 1-7, is one of the oldest and best-attended local fairs in The public is invited to watch all'.of dren's Day, which segues into Fire- New Jersey. / > the events and view Clydesdales, man's Night, while Saturday, Sept. . , . . , •". speed events and rodeo. Visitors 5, will feature the enduro races and stock car races at the Speedway. Sunday, Sept. 6, are also welcome to the stables, the dressage demonstrations and horse jumping that .will highlights at the Speedway'include stock car races and a monster truck show. Monday, be shown daily as a part of the horse" expos in the Horse ring. . : . PERIODONTICS Fashion Art Sept. 7, the Flemington Fair will conclude .with the popular Demolition Derby. •The'New Jersey Singles and Doubles Horseshoe Championships will be hosted by the ((Sum Trtjabrhent) • II Maximum $1CAfl Most Cases by Gregg Arriold Daily admittance is $4.50 Tuesday through Friday, $5.50 on the weekend, and $2 for 1992 New. Jersey State Horseshoe Pitchers Association again this year. The horseshoe Fee • ZP UU Muchl.es.'; children 12 and under. . contests will take place Tuesday through Friday at.6:30 p.m.,'and Saturday through Labor/ - Sensible Dental Fees EXAMINATION $35.00 Especially for children, Speed-0 the Clown will return to help with the big wheel races Day Monday starting at 12:30 p.m.. Mini-grandstands near the horseshoe pitching are set : on Tuesday and Friday. He will also perform in front of the grandstands throughout the up for both observers and relaxers. ' v '.'•• SCUBA DR. KENNETH M.KUCHARZ (Includes Oral Cancer Screening & X-R.iys) CLEANING (includes scaling) ...... $35.00 track activities. Cookie the Clown will be seen hosting the "Kids Comedy Magic Show" •The track at the Flemington Agricultural Fair features events for children and adults 3 West Union Ave., 'oeatutayl' nutated t& tiqitf I EXAM I CLEANING i X-RAYS ;..;,.....,..... $60.00 'and roaming throughout the fairground the entire week. alike. Tuesday afternoon, at 2 p.m., the "Big Wheel" races for kids will be the first on the Bound Brook track. Later, at 8 p.m., the track will host Kar Parts Night, 4-wheel drive truck pulls and. I FILLINGS...... !:,...... ,...;...,....;.,.....,..^:..:...... ;. $16.00 The world's largest traveling amusement park, Amusements of America, will come and Classes start : Speedo.the Clown. The truck pulls are open to any 4-wheel drive owner who wants to We Treat the Entire Family (Silver amalgam per suilacc) stay for the duration of the fair. In its 52nd year, Amusements of America has been at the , CROWNS... .J ...... $425.00 coming to the Fair for about 30 years. Along with old favorites and children's rides, an old- come out and pull against the competition. •. following 21 YEARS IN BOUND BROOK (Porcolnin lusod lo iiielal) fashioned ride day on Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. when every ride is only $1. Wednesday, "Farmer'sDay," farm tractors can be weighed in and registered-at 9 a.m. locations: 3560678 FULL DENTURES.,...... ,...... ;.,.; ....' ...... $425.00 The theme of the flower displays this year will be "Rediscover America." There" will be and featured an hour later at 10. Five weight classes from 800 pounds to 1400 pounds will (Upper or lowed 1 different classes from the miniature division, designer and horticultural divisions to the be held to include the machine and driver. A special 800-pound junior class will be held for -Scotch Plains YMCA PARTIAL DENTURES..;...... ;... :...,$475.00 Additional charges may Mo Incurred lor (Upper or Lower) many junior divisions. The Garden Club of Hunterdon County is sponsoring the annual 10-16-year-olds with parental permission and a 1000-pound class for women, Wednesday Sept. 16 1 related services which may be required SIMPLE EXTRACTIONS.; ...:...... $40.00 flower show, which will be staged Tuesday, Septem- • • . . - - ' • ' • ' ' .•. • evening at 8 p.m. the mighty modified trucks and in some cases. •"..- ber 1st and Friday, September 4th. tractors will compete in the open Grandstands be- -New Brunswick YMCA Lionel Electric Trains will be running on the layout The world's largest traveling amusement park, tween turns one and two. Many more seats are avail- 1 Sept. 22 Have your favorite piece of clothing personalized in the metal building. The Millburn Train Center will Amusements of America, will come and stay for the able than last year, but it is advised to arrive early for 250 also have a large selection of "Thomas the Engine a.prime seat. . ' • . with a special logo or design. duration of the fair - -Metuchen YMCA H COMPUTER Dealers arid Friends "to select from at the Fair. Tickets .lor • . .' ' For children, the "pedal tractor", pulls will take place Sept. 9 Wear aibpriginal by noted artist Gregg Arnold the raffle to win a free Lionel Train set can be ob- "•" ~ "~~ " ! ~ ~ Thursday morning. # The Limeli ht N Y tainedatthe Fair. "The first auto racing, will begin Thursday evening with the pro-4 modified, late moete -Highland Park YMHA !l SHOW & SALE exclusivelExclusively tnrougnthrough-. # M Sty|esLt8 d' ' " Musically speaking, the Bandito Country Western Band will play Tuesday and .Wednes- and Great American street stocks. Aug. 19 day evening at 7 p.m. on stage near the Main Beer Garden. The Stormy Weather Oldies More "Big Wheel" racing Friday, September 4th will be availableTor the kids to -3 PM Painting of Marilyn Monroe and James Dean on antique movie 1 !ITAN CENTER Aug Revue Band is returning from last year on Friday at 7 p.m. and Saturday at 10 p.m. The participate in. The evening will speed up with the monster truck show and Todd Seeley s -WesHield YMCA xit 10 New Jorse screens on display at Art Styles, Ltd. H A11 E * " y Turnpike - Edison, NJ Blue Ribbon Cloggers will demonstrate their Appalachian-style dancing to bluegrass coun- "World Record-Holder" motorcycle jump. Todd Seeley holds the GuinessBook of World Aug. 29 onu FOR DIRECTIONS CALL (908) 417-1444 try music all weekend. And with the help of impressionist Lee Estrada, "Elvis" will visit Records for the 246-foot distance he accomplished in 1988. Seeley has also jumped the 1,000 tables -100,000 sq.feet- our largestshow! One Day Only I ART STYLES, LTD. the Fairground 4 p.m. Sunday and "Roy Orbison" on Labor Day Monday at 4 p.m. furthest on his ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle) four-wheeler at 137 feet. Depending on condi- IBM PC Clones aCompat. Dealer Price Wars Printers & Monitors The 4-H Clubs will be featuring various animal and environmentally-related programs. tions, Seeley will attempt to break his own records at the fair. Seeley is 30 years old, and Wholesale to Public Disks & Supplies FINE ART SCULPTURE Tuesday, the seeing-eye puppy demonstration will be followed by shows about sheep, Complele Systems has been jumping since the age of 16. He. has-performed motorcycle stunts on many TV Hardware & Software Home & Business Books & accessories LIMITED EDITIONS CUSTOM FRAMING lamb, dairy animals, poultry, and waterfowl. Wednesday will spotlight the dairy shows, and shows, including Miami Vice and movies such as Parenthood, and Superboy. ' Save 20-80% & More Laptops & Portables Software disks Irom $1 RESTORATIONS APPRAISALS in the evening the square dance festival at 6 p.m. Thursday will begin early for the 4-H The reappearing monster truck show will be on Friday at 9 p.m. and returning Sunday OCEAN EXPLORERS 1,000 Vendor Tables 200 Plus Dealers 5,000 Parking Spots with a featured a goat and beef show. At high noon, the 4-H rides will be followed, by the at 8 p.m. In 1990, the "Towasarus Wrox" crashed through the retainer fence and headed AQUATIC CENTER ADMISSION $7.00 (With this ad - up-tq twq^people at $7 each) shepherd's lead competition. Friday, the dog, sheep, and critter show, the hcrpetology (the for the race track. The driver was uninjured; and the crowd has never since forgotten. This (R'ogubr Adult admission Is $8.00 - r» copies allowed- Children under 10 am Iree) 2 Monument Square, New Brunswick • 828-2920 871 Rt. 1, Edison Place scientific study of reptiles and amphibians) handling contest, the open-polled hereford beef yoar. theTowasurus Wrox will compete: against "Above N' Beyond," 'The Keystone 1 Edison 287-2822 show, the prep creative recycling ait contest, the fashion revue, and tho queen and escort '(Please: turn lo page. 13.) ' I I A KGP PRODUCTION • (800) 631-0062 August 26-28,1992 Forbes Newspapers 13 Weekend Forbgs TJowspapers August 26 28, 1992 Weekend Weekend •*v

Museums American Heartwalk Museums : . . : (Continued from page 14) ' ••' (908). 932-7243 ..' • ' y .':•''• : •:. •'• children 6-IS $4'.''. Aslanlan, Aug; 31-Sept.'18. • ' •Closed through Aug. 30; also closed to place a notice state, Permanent exhibits'include TRADES AND CRAFTS _ .-. Mondayfronfl^p.rri.,Tuesday ••• WALLACE HOUSE KEAN COLLEGE . . , Sept, .5-7,".Ga|lery Hours: Monday;.'.. |_J2-0ct. 31. TourSrfrom 5:30^9 .___ M0NTCUMR ART MUSEUM . '. By Vicky yVyder : '."•Afticarlhe Amerteas-The Pajclfic,.", ;•._ j"'" ^,':thrpDgh"Friday;frprrr:9 a.rTvnbon; • :y_ L.38 'W.asbjngtoji.Ei.', 9.M8lnSt.,.Ma'd'lsori" ' ~ ' James Howe Gallery _, .....through Friday.from: nobn;-4 •.p|m.,'....'.. p.m. Sept. 19; "' 3 South Mountain Ave. ; THE ART MUSEUM •'.*_. ; "Design in Native American lite,"-••;'-'- -..-.Free admission. — '•-.' :•••"•• •••••-••--.•• • r Montclair ,(201) 377-2982 x- \ ,;.. '•' '(908)725-1015 ;' T y, 'H :.:-~ ":"Vaugfin^Eames"Hall.• " ".~""-~"y,''.';' ' Saturday'and Sunday from 2-4.p.rr),' HUNGARIAN "American-Painting and Sculpture,'- in WeekmdPlus::: Princeton Unhwttty : Exhibits portray the role of crafts , ST: HUBERTS GIRALDA J George. Washington's, headquarters;'•' . Morris Aye., Union • ' .' HERITAGE CENTER ..(201)746-5555 •••..' Free admission.' ••••: ' • . • (609)258-3768 people in the 18th arid 19th 'cen- Numismatic Gallery, Asian.Galleries, 575 Woodland Ave.. Madison • . when he was statiPned in Somerville ' (908)5.27-2347 •"•. : ' •;•"""' 300 Somerset St. . Through Aug. 31: Tuesday • «"Visiohs" by New Jersey Teen Arts Tuesday through Saturday from Baliantine House and the Mini-Zoo..- " (201) 377-5541, . ' • V •. ;.. in 1778. Open Wednesday through Monday through Thursday from 10 New Brunswick . • through Friday from 11 a.m.-4 turies. Tuesday through Saturday Festival, entrants, Sept. 1-24. :UFa.m.-5 p.m., Sunday frprin i- from iO.a.m.-4 p.m., Sunday •"Stepping Into Ancient Eg/pt," Animal art from the collection, of Saturday from. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., a.m.-2 p.m. and 5-7 p.m., Friday Write to (908)846-5777 p.m., Sunday from 2-5 p.m. Be- : •Paintings by Clarence Carterand 5 p.m. Western European paint- through'Dec. 1993.. ' . Geraldine R. Dodge. Open Wednes- .. Sundayfrom noon-5 p.m. Free ad-. ; Museum open/Tuesday through : ginning Sept. 1: Tuesday, .'•• from 2-5 p.m; Free admission'for from 10 a.m.-noon. Also by ap- , Hughie Lee Smith, Sept. 13-0ct. ings, sculpture and decorative art OSBORN-CANNONBALL HOUSE . day.through Sunday from 11 a.m.-4 v . Saturday from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Wednesday, Friday, arid Saturday members. Non-member ad- 10 seconds arid multiplied by six to • mission. •':•'• . . .•.'•"' •pointment. • ' . '•• ••• ' ..! . 25. Reception from 2-5 p.m. Sept. from 19th and 20th cehturles; 1 from 11 a.m;-5 p.m.; Thursday. mission: adults $2, children $1. Front St., Scotch Plains p.m.'Admission $3. • JANE VOORHEES ZIMMERU •Works % ''16 Teacher-Artists,' •"Budapest 1900: In Photo- Editor'* Note: This.is the first of a six- get, your resting heart rate per • 13.' ' . " '. '••..'•.• '.•••• Forbes Newspapers . also pre-Columbian art and art of ' •. (908) 889-4137 ": '. ;. .• TRAILSIDE NATURE ART MUSEUM ': Sept. 5-25, ReceptiPn from' 2-4 graphs," through Jan. 31,1993. and Sunday from 1-5 p.m. Mem- NJ. CHILDREN'S MUSEUM part series on Walking for exercise being : NEW JERSEY the Americas. • minute. This process should be re- - • HistoriG-house. from; c. 1750. Open AND SCIENCE CENTER "Rutgers University-.. • MACCULLOCH HALL bers admission free; non- 599 Industrial Ave., Paramus ': p.m. Sept, 13. •'••''•' .••. •Gallery tours Saturdays at 2 run In conjunction with the American Heart the first Sunday of. each "rnonth frorir .' Nevy Prowdence'W."''" ' ' DESIGNER CRAFTSMEN HISTORICAL MUSEUM member admission by donation, (201)262-5151 ; . peated throughout your exercise George and Hamiltqn_streets '•• AJ. LEDERMAN FINE ART p.rti. through Sept. 5. Association's Heartwalk, Ms. Wyder is As- •24p,rnVFree admission. '' Mountainside ' •.' .• 65 Church St., New Brunswick •44'FranklinSt. 45 Macculloch Ave. free admission for all on Satur- Fantasy castle, a 50s fire engine, .New Brunswick „•'•. '.,.''. : . 3O9CourtSt., Haboken ' ' •."•'•• DRAKE HOUSE MUSEUM sistant Chief of Physical Therapy at Sorner-. ..period.' _ '•'.. ' ;';•••.••• .'.•'••..'•'• •'".''••X REEVES-REED ARBORETUM (908)789-3670 . . ' '. . .: (908) 246-4066 .: . Monistown ' days. •• , ''.'•••' and more exhibits for kids to .(908)932-7237 . ". . , ' . (201)659-3570 :.:'.• 602 West Front St., Rlainfield . set Medical Center. Above a|l, please be realistic . 165 Hobart Aye., Summit . Daily (except Sunday) from npon-6 (201)538-2404 •African-American art fromth e touch, Open every day from 9 v ' Open every day from .1-5 p;m. Reg- Closed for renovations; reopens ?• Thursday and Friday .from noon-7 (908)755-5831 . p.m. . • . ..•••'..• • ; (908) 273-8787 : , ':'"..'•..••••' ... . istration required for programs. : Gardens open daily from dawn permanent collection, through a.m.-5 p.m. Admission $6 week- about your walking goals. If you Sept; 15. • •• ' • "•'.-—* ^p.m., Saturday and Sunday.from 1- Somerville, NJ. ; House built In 1746 and fur- ; Gardens open daily from dawn to : •"One.of a Kind" crafts, thrbugh ufitil dusk. Museum open Sunday Aug. 30. , . . . days, $7 weekends; children •"Slithering Serpents" for kids; 10' Fpr, WEEKEND PLUS .'.:•• 5 p.m. Also by appointment.. ' nished with articles of the period. Walking is for everyone. No spe- haven't been on a regular exercise ; v . •City landscapes "Where Im- dusk. > • • •..".• . . •• •- .'. . a.m. Aug. 27. • •' ' Aug. 29. .'.''... :•• . Open Saturday from 2-4 p.m. and Thursday..from 1-4 p.m. under 1 year old free. Group '• ""Breaking Space," small and wall , migrants Dwelled," through Aug. cial supplies are needed, and it's prograrn, don't expect to walk for - DR. WILUAM ROBINSON VILLAGE OF WATERLOO RARITAN VALLEY Adults $1, children free. Adults $3; .senior citizens and rates available. ..•"•. ••:. pieces by New Jersey sculptors, "L 30. .-.•.• an exercise that uses every muscle half an hour without having difficul- PLANTATION HOUSE-MUSEUM Allamuchy.State Park " . • COMMUNITY COLLEGE : ; y 08876 . ':•• EAST BRUNSWICK MUSEUM students $2; group'tours by ap- N.J.; HISTORlCAkSOCiETY Galleries through Sept. 20. • ' . ;. / •Native American baskets from 593 Madison Hill Rd., Clark'•• 1-80 Exit 25, Stanhope Route 28, Branchburg' ' . 16 Maple St., East Brunswick pointment. •. 230 Broadway, Newark in your body, whiie not over- ties. Start off slowly! Ten minutes of MONTCUIR STATE COLLEGE the permanent collection,, (908)381-3081 (201) 347-0900 . V . (908) 218-8871 :. - . ' (908)254-7329 •Retrospective of works by Joe (201)483-3939 . stressing the joints^ exercise to start is fine; just gradr Upper Montclair • ' ' through Sept. 6. <• , Farmhouse built in 1690 as part of Restored farmstead from c. 1825, a Tuesday through Thursday from .'..'• Saturday and Sunday from1:30 - Jones, through Aug. 30. Wednesday through Friday from Before stalling any exercise pro- ually build up from there. CUREM0NT GALLERY (201) $93-5113 Or fax your •'The American Landscape" from a 750-acre plantation. Open the. ..'. life-size Lenape village, tbwpaths of ••• npon-3 p;m. : •. ; . .': 4 p.m. Free admission. MAIN STREET 10 a.m.-4 p.m., third Saturday of Clarence Dillon Library . , Monday through Friday from 10 • Cole to Blakelqck, through Nbv, first Sunday of each month from 1- the old Morris Canal, etc. Open •Paintings by five artists, Sept. 8r EAST JERSEY OLDE TOWNE ANTIQUE CENTER . themonth from 10a.m.-4p.m. gram, check with your physician. If You don't need much equipment Lamington Rd., Bedminster • a.m.-4 p.m., Saturday and Sunday 22. •;. ••••• .• '/, .-. • • 4 p.m. Free admission. daily (except Monday) from 10 .', Johnson Park " 148 Main St., Flemington Guided tours by appointment. you have a history of heart disease, for walking. In fact, all you really (908) 234-2345 , from 1-5p.m. Freeadmisslpn. : 24. Reception from 7-9.p.m. Sept. •Plains Indians art from the mu- RUTGERS GEOLOGY MUSEUM v a.ni.-6 p.m. Adults $6.50 week- release to: River Rd., Piscataway (908)788-6767 Admission free for society mem-. Open during library hours.. •Small bronze isculpture'by Judith : li:"- . •••• . .'•• :'-.'--.'-' • •• seum collection, through June a stress test is usually recom- need is a good pair of shoes. The Rutgers University •' ' (908)463-9077 Antiques and collectibles-from bers, $3 for non-members. days, $8 weekends; senior citizens •Winners from Somerset Art As- ': Peck, Gallery One, through Sept. 8. RIDER COLLEGE 27.1993. Gallery talk at 3 p.m. mended to base your exercise level shoes should be lightweight, have Village composed of relocated two centuries. Daily (except Tues- •'Tender in Years," childhood in Hamilton St., .New Brunswick $4.50 weekdays, $6 weekend's; • sociation members'show, through NEW BRUNSWICK Student Center Art Gallery Sept. 13. 18th century structures set near day) from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. free 19th-century New Jersey, ongo- on. Otherwise, a formula can begood arch support, breathable up- Sept, 3. ';"' ,-•'•.;•. •. • . PUBLIC LIBRARY Route 206, Lawrehceville (908)526-2509 MORRIS MUSEUM the headquarters of the county admission. . ing. used to determine your exercise in- pers and cushioning under the ball •Works by Doris TerrlSi Sept. 4-Oct. 60 Livingston Ave. (609)896-5327 /• 6 Normandy Heights Rd. ' METLAR HOUSE : park police. No tours offered at NJ. STATE MUSEUM 15. ' •. ' ' -•. •..'•',•• •: • New Brunswick . .•>'.'.' Gallery hours by appointment, . Morristown . tensity, or in other words, your tar- of j,the foot, Wear them for a month present. Gift shop open Wednes- 1281 River Rd., Piscataway 205 West State St., Trenton Correction DOUGLASS COLLEGE (908)745-5108 ' . •Student art show, through Sept. 1. (201)538-0454 get heart rate (THR). This formula to break them in. . ;V- day through Friday from 10 a.m.- (908) 463-8363i 7S2-4847 (609)292-6464 WaKors Hall Gallery ~ Open during library, hours. . SCHERING-PLOUGH CORP. Monday through Saturday from The location of the "Fuzzy Faces arid other Distrac- 3p.m. Piscataway Township historic mu- :Tuesday^rough Saturday from 9 is: 220 minus your age equals you Your clothing should also be, Chapel Dr.i New Brunswick ' 1 Giralda Farms, Madison 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday from 1- •Archeology excavation frorn.Raritan EMSON NATIONAL ". seum. Weekday tours by ap- . - a.m>4:45Tp.rn. Sunday from tions" photo exhibit mentioned in Aug. 12-14 edition of (908) 932-9078;. . • • :• QOED 5 p.m. Free admission for mem-, martmurri heart rate. Sixty-five to 85 loose-fitting and allow a free range Landing, through Aug. 31. . (201)822-7409 . \ HISTORIC SfTE pointment • , '«" noonr5 p.-w_. free admission (ex- bers. Non-member admission: ; "percent of rfipmum heart rate of motion. It's^beneficiaitd dress in WeekendPlus was incorrect, T}ve exhibit will run through Monday through,Friday from 9 a.m.- NEW JERSEY CENTER Open to the public Monday through • Main St, West Orange MIDDLESEX COUNTY MUSEUM adults $4; senior citizens, stu- cept where indicated). 4:30 p.m. ., '. FOR VISUAL ARTS ]. Friday from^O a.m.-4^p.m. SNORKEL (201)736-5050 Cornelius Low House equals your target heart rate. layers, as your body temperature August at Children's Specialized Hospital in Mountainside. v dents, and children $2. ' •Great mammals of the Ice Age, • Photographs from Brazil and Arme- . 68 Elm St., Summit •Sculpture by Marion Held, through Workshop with inventions of Tho- 1225 River Rd., Piscataway •Permanent gallery exhibits: dino- through Sept. 5. Adults $4, se- ' The above formula calculates will increase with exercise. Cotton is nia by Miriam Romals and Ardem (908)273-9121 , :. - '•.'•• (Please him to page 19) mas Ah/a Edison. Open every day (908)745-4177 saurs, live animals, five senses nior citizens and children $2.50, your maximum heart rate, but you a breathable fabric that is excellent and .from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Adults $2, Daily (except Monday) from 1-4 (for children 3-5), mammals, school groups $2 per child. children and senior citizen; free. pirn. Free admission. should never exercise atyour maxi- to wear in any type of weather. With model trains, history. North •"Nature and the Decorative Natasha's Stars •"Entertaining with the Edisons." MILLER-CORY HOUSE MUSEUM mum. Otherwise, you will over-work the cold weather approaching, SCUBA American Indians, Woodland Indi- Arts," through Sept. 13. tour of the1 inventor's home, 614 Mountain Ave., Westfield ARIES (March 21-ApriI 19Hx>ok within LIBRA (September23-Oc(obei22)-Be aware ans, rocks and minerals. •Posters by Ben Shahn, Aug. 29- and over-stress your heart. Sixty- dressing in layers is a must! This Wednesday through Sunday, (908)232-1776 this Week for the answers to a work- of your image this week, You get what you •Juried show of high school art, Feb. 7,1993. five to 85 percent of your maximum will keep down perspiration as you CLASSES through Aug. 30. Closed for the summer: reopens related problem. Because of your trouble- want ina most unexpected manner. Be care- through Sept. 13. •"Christopher Columbus and the •Phonograph Day, Sept. 13. Sept..13. , '• is_ a safe level for exercise. can shed layers when hot and put shooting abilities; you end the week on a ful overdoing - the ramifications could be •Children's book illustrations Age of Exploration," through -' v. bad. Only by the weekend do you recuperate, MINIATURE KINGDOM high note. Let another make the~first F0STERF1ELDS "Through Sisters' Eyes," through March 7,1993. ' Takingzall the above 'information them back on when cooling down. and you still may have.to pay the piper;'. Route 31, Washington move and your weekend 'will be the cat's Kahdena Rd., Morristown Sept. 13. NEWARK MUSEUM into consideration, 'a method must Also, in cold weather, it's important meow.. • •'• (908)689-6866 . SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) (201)326-7645 49 Washington St., Newark • Look to doing your share of mind-; Re-creation of castles fromEu - • "500 Years of Discovery: From be used to take your heart rate. to protect your airways, which are TAURUS • (April 20-May 20) Com- Uving historical museum. Open (201)596-6550 traveling this week, though you may be rope of yore. Daily (except Mon- Columbus to Space," through munications may overload you quickly Thursday through'Sunday from 1- Wednesday through Sunday"frorn. Your pulse can be taken with your warm. A scarf worn over your this week, Playing ostrich.does nothing to called on deck and held accountable mid- day) from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Adults - Oct. 18. . 4 p.m. Adults $3, senior citizens noon-4:45 p.m. Donation' Larg- " .index and middle finger placed mouth and nose will protect your improve present circumstances. The., more week. Look to getting whait you want, if and children $2. $4.50, senior citizens $4, chil- •Glass sculpture by Lucartha you use your compass and stay on course. est museum complex in the lively and friendly you are; the more like- ; dren 5-18 $3.50, children under Kohler, through Nov. 22. right below your thumb at your airways by wariming the air before it Count on an early weekend of celebrat- •Memorabilia from the Colum- (Please turn to page 15) ly you are to break down some lonstand- fBEB bian Exposition of 1893, Sept. 5 $1.50. MUSEUM OF EARLY wrist. Your pulse can be taken for enters your lungs. ing barriers. . •;.':; ing. ••..'••'-•.. •.-'-. .. • -. ' ' GEMINI (May. 21"- Juhc 20) Laugh all SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December21) you want at what is going on, but know Be more sensitive to a partner's views'on FIRST NIGHT there may come a pint where you too will money and relationships. You don;t have be accountable and uncomfortable, You to give in, nor do they. You leap to the rndy need some time off from.the gruel- rescue midweek with the solution. You 1 work late into the weekend. Somerset Hills YMCA ing pace this weekend to'.do some soul searching. Still, save some time for the CAPRICORN (December 22 -January fun and.-frolic. • . . 19) You can jump up and'down all'you Somerville Pool CANCER. (June 21-July 22) Your mag- want, but count on one thing, partners netism brings in adoring admirers this definitely; dominate this week. Build on Wednesday week; However, you may just discover what already exists, but do stand your Milton Charles' "Lovers"-"acrylic (above) and Audrey McBride's there is such a thing as "too much" eha-. ground with regard to a money matter. Sept, 2nd Evaluate and ve ready to take quick.ac- risma. By the weekend, because of some ; "Wise Woman" clay sculpture are both part of the "A Likeness long-overdue chats, you sort through.new tion. ' . 7:00 PM . RIOR Gilt Certificate of Being" exhibit, which begins on Sept. 2 at the Watchung Arts options. AQUARIUS (January 20-Februaryl8) LEO - (July 23-August 22) Contact youi- Dig into your-work .while you still can, Center. inner "cruise-mechanism", before you because even though you are dedicated,. COUPONS make a key decision this week. Once there simply are too muny distractions. CAR WASH made, you foul1 as free as a kite, even if -Make the most of the opportunities that Somerset Hills YMCA you opt for the commitment. Build on lie ahead, though they do not look career- AVAILABLE security and. a stronger sense of well- . related.. Gpt ready to end. the summer Somerville Pool being. ' with the romp of a lifetime. VIRGO (August2:i-Sepleml)c.r22)-Give PISCES (February 19-March 20) You Tuesday yourself exactly what you want this week. start the week late and end it early. What You may have to look certain demons. is this, Pices? You may end up getting Sept. 8th head on, but the good news is you survive • some work done by midweek. You won't the experience - and very well at that." . be disappointed by the sheer- momuntum 7:00 PM You know you are' oklay with the risk you of nil the partying, however, Worry less, took. and certainly enjoy more • a lot more. GALL matasha's Starcast! for more information

99' per minute • 84 hours a day! Must be 18 + 534-4090 Touch Tone or Rotary Phones Daily • Monthly • Compatibility Horoscopes Whitehouse Plus the spoken tarot powerful 3 card reading STATE OF THE ART EQUIPMENT Aquatic SELF SERVICE VACUUM SYSTEM AVAIUBLE 1-9008607337 Center Free introduction to explain cost • j!2.95 per minute 6 Hwy. 22 West 3^ hours a day! Touch tone or Rotary Phones Whitehouse Station Noxt to Hoss Staiion ; . ;/ O4O A4AC Speak to Astrolgcr • Tarot Reader Wleredeth Turshen's "Intimate Conversation" oil painting is part of the upcoming "A Likeness Must be 18 Year** or Older (across from Bishops Thrlttway) of Being" exhibition, which runs Sept. 2-27 at the Watchung Arts Center. Daily 8 to 6pm-Sun. 8 to 6pm QT 51 "'111 HO A Service of InlcrMcdla Inc.

14 Forces Newspapers August 26-28; 1992 August 26-28,1992 . For .15 i H IF US c Music i . notes Valley The'Pirates' Youth Chorale The Ttentan Valtey Choral As ^ of Princeton socfattfrt has announced that it^ D'Cuckoo invents The Princeton Opera has will offer a new youth chorus be }. moored its sails to the Open #r Widowmaker picks ginning in September its own instruments Theatre at Washington Crossing Youth Chorale is the '* State Park, where jts production up where Twisted for unique sound of The Pirates, pf f^nzaflce con- itan Valleys Chorus for young ' tinues through Saturday.' people entering- ^ades 4-9, the ' L^BILLMILLARD. . Included among ..the. cavst ' Sister left off ftWC is open through an infor- WeekendPlus Writer members of the popular- Gilbert'"' By WILUAM WESTHOVEN ;••' ." mal audition and interview to rt rock never quite died, al- WeekendPlus Editor any young person interested in though it did stink up the and Sullivan, musical comedy; which is under.the guidance of usical minds never seem performing with a choral en- room for awhile. to wander very .far from semble of superior quality. Prior It's been about 15 years musical director Steve Ryan, are A music. • :.••..'••••... " choral or vocal experience is en- Mark Cotton of Edison as the since it was safe to .use the A- couraged but not required Sergeant of Police and Lynn M• • .. "t>o you realize your phrase around rock 'n' roll crowds; Rehearsals will be held Tues- Springer of Piscataway as the extension is just like Beethoven's: except for those strange little ; days frorn 4:30-6 p.m. at the nursemaid. 5th?" asked Dee Snider when he pockets of people who collect.back phoned into WeekendPlus for a re- Faith Lutheran Church in Hills- . issues of Contempordxy Keyboard The Pirates of Penzance con- cent interview. "Da-da-da-daaa. borough. Auditions will be held in and view Ian Anderson as a reli- . tains some of Gilbert and Sul- Here, let me play it for you (He September and rehearsals will gious figure, "Ail rockers" is the livan's funniest and most- does. He's right). That's very hap- begin in October, For more in- label everyone withfmuch sense memorable songs, including Sir formation or to schedule an au- tries to avoid. But there's obvi- Stanley's famous patter song "I pening."- ••••-';:• • • . ."• . Snider, of course, was the wild/'- dition, call (908) 359-3771. ously a lot of overlap between the Am the Very Model of a Modem lion-maned lead singer;and front- After five years of frustrating delays, former singer pee Snider (second from left) art world and the rock world (and Major General.".. Perhaps the D'Cuckoo onstage -- their name reflects their reputation for being crazy even to try to invent man for Twisted Sister, the Long is back with his new band; Widowmaker. ; not just in Lower East Side bars their own instruments; Butafter a while, people stopped wondering and started listening. most popular song,; hovywer ~ R.U. concerts where they don't let you in unless ; Island heavy metal band that one not always^as^ated with • " is definitely way.underrated,": he said. "You get so many you wear black, cultivate a junkie graduated from playing Jersey Shore nightclubs to headlining arenas kept; 26 the production *-, is "Hail Hail, of these scenes erupting. Seattle now, L.A. was hot for a while, there tan, and can quote three William Burroughs jokes before you get the for the band; they've worked with him in an improvisatory context, back in 1984, when their second album, Stay Hungry, sold over two : recording what he called "African Industrial Robot Dance Music" with the Gang's Ail Here," *':'/-, million copies and spawned the hit teen anthem "We're Not Gonna was C.B.G.B.'s in New York, but Long Island never really got its due. cover charge out of your wallet). Once in a while you run into a band , Performances',.will<.%;- tietd.< ? : And if you go back in rock 'n' roll history and make a list, it's pretty, that makes the gap between art and pop look pretty absurd. theNeville Brothers, rhythrnsection (recording projects with both Hart 'Takeit v• ". :;•' .• ':•/'•-:- •••'• ••;."•:-•••:-.'.<•. - "s:\.V-'-- .'•••' and Eno are due for release). The band's in constant progress, with new Wednesday through Friday £u& '- Now, after five years of frustration since breaking the band up, Snider astounding. Vanilla Fudge, , Lou Reed, Pat Benatar, Twisted, Art rock used to be what you call something that involves too much 26-29, at 8:30 pM Ticket pric-. Stray Cafe, Public Enemy, L.L. Cool j, Mariah Carey. If you want to undanceable rhythm, too many keyboards and gadgets, too many lyrics member Sarita Escobar in for Clemens and dozen fresh projects in the is back — bigger and louder than eiver.wwith his new band, Widow- . es r&nge from. $6«7<50. For maker, And you may be glad to know that, unlike the aforementioned include Debbie Gibson, I guess you have to. These are all Long Island that try to win high school poetry prizes and/or save the world, too works; they put their collective philosophy into practice, switching in- ^ more infomiratiory ejall the, box phone extension, Widowmaker is not playing Beethoven. ; much Complex technique for technique's sake and too little fun, What struments and using all four minds to compose and arrange. people." •:"' / ' ••;•••'•• V v - '.' '• • • • ' • '•'•' '• ' •:. ;.-•• They've also destroyed the connection between synthesizers and ste- office at (609) 7374826/ "For the last five years, I've been in the witness protection program," Now, Widowmaker looks to join the list, and they are already off to a do you call a band that calls itself a "techno-artist collective," invents fast start. The band did a brief local club tour last month, and is now and builds its own instruments, writes a lot of lyrics about world peace rility — maybe not singlehandedly (can't forget Eno or the Band's Garth he joked. "Ilive for being onstage and like many people of my ilk, their personal lives seem nothing without the performing...Fiue Yeans. You headed, towards Texas and other points west (Snider's not exactly sure • ), yiolirji$t and interpersonal harmony, sports impeccable instrumental technique Hudson in that department), but decisively* Ringo, Cocker know the saying 'Be careful what, you wish for, it might come true?' when, but promises to return to our area for more shows in the near Kavaflan with the Rutgers Uni- and plays incredibly danceable.rhythms? Whatever you call D'Cuckoo, D'Cuckoo's flamboyant polyrhythms. bring the first and third worlds : versity Or#te$tra M#cr>, 5, together in astonishing ways. It's no accident that three songs on .their Well, I griped a little tooloudand a little too long and. somebodyup future). .Already, the old juice is back. • , ,.. don't call them an art-rock band. Their debut CD, simply called D'Cu- at Waterloo there heard me. I was doing that bitching routine aiid the man upstairs "When you see me perform now, people are stunned. We did a show 19$3) ami an' evening*ofBoc- ckoo (on their own D'Kayla label, available at Tower Records), is ait, and album use-the word "world".in the title — what these folks are after is. a cherini guitar quintets, plus The Waterloo Music festival heard me and said 'Try this — five years.' It's been a miserable experi- on Long Island and we just leveled the place, I've lost like 25 pounds it rocks, and it won't sit comfortably in anybody's pigeonhole? _ pan-tribal orchestra sound; something common to tribes who hit animal music by Mozart, Haydn and T concludes this weekend with a ence. I had no idea it would take this long..' . since the Twisted days — when you're in prison, you only have one D'Cuckoo began when three members of San Francisco's Un- . skins and tribes.who punch deck, They call it "neoclassical postin- Beethoven performed by ggrtar- smorgasbord of classic rock riffs. "I got out of Twisted because I was sick, of it. I had expected it to go thing to do and that's work out and stay in shape — I look like DeNiro dustrial cybertribal world funk." : ist Richard Savino and the Ar- derground Marimba Ensemble started getting ideas about using marim- forever, so I had to do some thinking. I wanted to get it fresh again, to inCapeFear." , . " • bas as the interface for a wider range of synthesized sound! In the mid- It's easy to go rhetorically overboard about this band, from a purely Friday, Aug. -28, fiingo Starr re- , tana Striag Quartet. For more in- turns to the area on the tail end get excited about doing a gig instead of dreading it. I started to put Equally chisled is the instrumental muscle from Franco, Pitrelli, and 1980s, Patti Clemens, Tina "Bean'* Blaine and Candice Pacheco sonic standpoint. Lyrically, they often do it themselves,•cranking.up the Russell, who prove on the album that Snider is not only back in formation or to orcier tickets, call neohippie verbiage to a degree you'd expect from the "house band of of a nationwide tourthatplayed together a project - blues-based, laothing like. Twisted Sister, with searched around for instruments that could handle their ideas. Blaine English and Irish musicians — I spent about two years putting it business, he's got more support than ever. The band is comfortable; the virtual reality movement" (they've been a huge hit with West Coast the Garden State Arts,Center had studied Senegalese and Congolese percussion during travels together, I had a deal with Elektra Records and we recorded an album. playing a variety of styles, from the scattershot, double-bass assault of through the Third World; Pacheco had studied Balinese gamelan music hacker and cyberpunk crowds, of course, and with Deadheads). "One back in June. Supported by the second edition pf the "All-Starr The whole thing was ready to come out, but after investing half a "Emaheevul" (that's "Am I Evil" in English) to the more-commercial and was helping develop an electronic music department at Sonoma World" is right up the same alley as various Byme/Eno writings, using metal riffs of "The Lonely Ones." Band," which includes Dave Ed- million dollars, they shelved the project. I was like stunned. It was State University; Clemens was a student of Zimbabwean Shona ma- aquatic imagery to signify common human connections ("Let the water With no disrespect intended to his former Sisters, Snider admits that 'of muhds, Todd ftanclgren, Burton essentially a political situation. Wouldn't release the band, wouldn't rimba technique; these were people with pretty high standards. For flow/we are the ocean of life/ let the river flow/we are on the same side"); release the album, wouldn't release me. It was a nightmare situation, musically, this band is way beyond Twisted Sister. , what they wanted there was noth- _^_____ ; • ..;.-••; :../X there's a lot of this sort of thing, Cummings, Joe Walsh and Nils "After a year of that, I finally got released. But at that point, I wasn't "In Twisted, there wasn't great musicianship," he said. "Some of the ing on the market, nothing close. II ~. . ~ ...... _/ never exactly naive, but not for Lofgren, among others;\ fBngo guys were O.K., some weren't so good, I had a lot of respect for them, They decided they'd better build performed several songs from, into the blues. I was wad." TheyVe. impressed some impressive people, maktr^ verbal tastes formedi n the cynical Thus was birth of the headbanger-correct attitude that conceived but they didn't have a lot of creativity. With, this band, I have enough their own. ...'•• hfe recerrt ttme Tqke$ lime , respect for them to let them play their instruments, instead of telling After consulting with some Sili- fans of everyone from Grateful'. Dead percussion. '80s. The politics are humanist, and album as iveil as a jgerterous Widowmaker, which released its debut CD, Blood and Bidteis, this . them what to play, which was sort of the way it was with Twisted." month on Esquire Records. And ironically, after searching far and wide con Valley engineers Pacheco met scholar Mickey Hart to Brian Eno. helping of ,'Beatle and post- But Snider, while professing a desire to be judged on what he's doing for the best musicians he could find to join the band, he found most of at a party, then spending some time ~-~~- : •— " •-"-••'•-' '" lilir Beatie hits, We also surrendered now instead of what he's'already done, hopes his new success will help '""••—; •••"—'—: * Dreams," for example — a hard- them right in his own back yard., - in R&D — learning how to hardwire circuit boards from Craig Ander- the stage to each of the fea- to ease the restless soul of his former band. ' , edged, near-rap song — slams anti-choicers, the Pentagon budget, and The lineup includes fellow Long Islanders Joe Franco on drums and ton's MIDI for Musicians and searching through 5,000 different kinds of tured performers; who used the ' "When you have something that goes as long as Twisted, and was as Ollie North — deserving targets, no doubt, but one might wish for a Al Pitrelli on lead guitar. Franco, as many of you no doubt remember, rubber to find a material with the perfect resilience - the band (adding opportunity to play their hits, in- successful as Twisted, and it falls apart the way it did — and it did, it bigger barrel to shoot fish in). was the drummer for local legends . And prior to joining Tina "Rip" Phelps, veteran of the San Francisco Taiko Dojo, a demand- cluding a spirited version of crashed and burned baby — my biggest regret is that it went out with It's hard to imagine anyone listening to D'Cuckoo for words alone, or Widowmaker, Pitrelli co-founded Danger DangeTand was the musical ing school for traditionalJapanese drummers) had the necessary hard- Rundgren's "Bang pit the Drum" such a wimper. My only hope is that with my new project that we stumbling over the words on the way to the hooks. This is a rhythm director of the "Alice Cooper Trashes the World" tour. Completing the ware. Although D'Cuckoo uses a few basses, guitars and keyboards, (including pranskter Walsh, doing reflect positive light on the old project, that Twisted will be remembered band and a texture band, using ensemble vocals for melody and atmos- lineup and breaking up the New York accents is English bassist Marc most of their sound comes from their own inventions: electronic marim- a cameo as the bass-drumming for its best elements." phere but getting the real work done with marimba cross-rhythms and Hussell. bas (using a mallet keyboard to trigger MIDI synthesizers) and "turtle, software writer Pacheco's electronic palette. Their range of moods is Eveready Bunny!) and Cum: drums," enormous neoprene-and-piezoelectric devices built to take huge, from the guitar wrath of "The Whole World" to the eerie pro- ming's big hit with the Guess Phelps^s overwhelming pounding. Their name reflects a perception that cessed chants of "1,000 Miles" and the visionary cool of "Gems:" Who, ''American Woman." Club mix surrounded them in the early days — that they were bonkers to try They're working on the frontiers of techno-interactivity, using a The very next day, Joe Cocker making their own gear. This perception didn't last long. sampler-triggering "MIDI ball" of their own invention to let the crowd and the Neville Brothers team BIRCH HILL NIGHT CLUB •American Angel, Hard Street, Mario Castro-Neves, Saturdays. Long Branch way, Aug. 28. Their sound is intricate, vigorous and astoundingly diverse. They've help shape the sound at live shows, exploring unusual instruments like ALCIBELU'S 253 French St. up for a double-shot of classic Route 9 South, Old Bridge Makara, Aug. 29. BOO-BOO'SBAR (908) 222-9684 '; •Church Pills, Black Flies, Mis- 1096 Convery Blvd. New Brunswick impressed some imar ssive people, making fans of everyone from the Biomuse (which uses brain waves, not hands) in the studio. R&B. Both shows will take place (908)536-0650 •The Movement, Aug. 30. 44 Newark St., Hoboken Acoustic night, Sundays. Perth Amboy (908) 249-6131 ery Bliss, Aug. 29. Grateful Dead percussion scholar Mickey Hart to producer/performer/ Predicting the future of world beat is a cheap parlor game, but on the Waterloo .Village field in Dance party, Saturdays, BLACK SWAN (201) 659-1789 Jazz night, Tuesdays. (908) 826-6428 BINGO'S •Piece of Woods, The Stairs, technoguru B'ian Eno (whose classic "No One Receiving" they cover Male revue. Saturdays, Thurs- Scantlcon-Prlncotort Dance party, Sumdays. Poetry/acoustiq night, Wednos- D'Cuckoo seems about as close to it as anybody out there. Stanhope. For more information, "Uvo entertainment beginning Regal Inn Third Stone, Aug. 30. days. "Route 1, West Windsor BRIGHTON BAR days. with aplomb, ah ' with reversed vocal tape loops). Eno's work with If you don't find D'Cuckoo's record in your local shop, write to call (201) 347-4700. 9 p.m..No cover. Kingsbridge Rd., Piscataway Teen night, Sundays. (609) 452-7800 : 121 Brighton Ave. •Kombo Room, Scott Hatfia- (Please turn to page 18) Bowie, with Va'jung Heads and on his own is an obvious reicrence point D'Cuckoo, 6114 LaSalleAve., Suite 414-R, Oakland, Calif 94611. 0IQ DADDVS (908)469-5700 August 26-28,1992 Forbes Newspapers 16 Weekend fortes Newspapers August 26-28, 1992 • J Weekend Club mix I N I N G

•• , Wednesdays, Sundays. (201) 482-1150 (Continued from page,i7) CORNERSTONE "Lazarus, Effect, Lysdexic, •Kyuus, Aug. 28. * BRUNSWICK HOTEL 25 N$w St.-, Metuphen ; ; . Comfort :: v: Sept. 3. "• ."". 10 Livingston Ave. :•."•• ' .; (908) 549-5306 ;: v: ; •Tora Tora, T-Ride, Aug. 29. : PLANET SURF ~^~NeyrBronswick ^Traditional-jazz. —: /,,. —•Every-Motheiis Nightmare, 1900 Ocean Ave. (908)214,1717 ';•;. •; ; ' •Joe Temperjy Trio; Aug.:28..». Sept. 9. Jazz jam session,-Thursdays. COURT TAVERN " Ortley Beach arrcTvahjrer Tuesday values •Prong, Sept. 18. CAFE BAR 124ChOrchSt. .. '. ' .•.'•• (908) 793-6625 T-BIRDS CAFE 115 Ocean Ave., Long Branch New Brunswick' •The Head Spins, Saturday af- from NJRA 707 Main St., Asbury Park McCormick's offers (9O8)'229-9823 (908)545-7265 ternoohs. N.J. Restaurant Associa* •Soul Engines, Aug. 28. Showcase night, Wednesdays.. Reggae night, Wednesdays (908) 502-0217 •The Sense, Aug. 28. low prices, fine food •Knewbreed, Shoyelhead, af- . : 'Black Cat Bone, Sept 10. Audition showcase, Wednes- tlon, Somerset. Tuesday night is temoon Aug. 29. • THE COVE i." •"Endless summer" party, days." •The Jesus Urard, Tar, Daisy- 108, Chestnut St., Roselle , Sept. 4. T'J's HIDEAWAY and atomosphere still value night in New Jersey. PLAYPEN LOUNGE Cutter, Godspeedi afternoon (908)241-1226 •'-"'• 605 Tompklns Ave. By MICKI PULSINELU Aug. 30. Open coffeehouse, Tuesdays. Route 35, Sayreville More than 2000 callers have : ' South Plainfield :. Culinary Correspondent CARTERET HILL BOWL •No Man's Land, Sun Dogs, (908)721-0100 (908)668-9860 . . 569 Roosevelt Aye., Carteret J.C.Mugz, Aug. 28. , c Male revue, Fridays.. cCormlck's surprised us. flooded NJRA withgre^uests for a ; • Illegal Aliens, Aug. 28. We first drove by it, then (908) 969-1515 ; «Dan Kidney & The Pulsations, •TKA.Aug.^a. •;••••'••' list of participating restsiurants. CATCH A RISING STAR • Horse You Rode In Ort, Bubonic , •Sub-Culture, Silencer, Scape-,. • »Trash Mavericks, Aug. 29. had to turn around. My Hyatt Regency hotel Trauma, Whores, Augl 29. goat, God Forbid', Aug; 30. TEWKSBURY INN-" M husband remarked it tne §0*yeaK>ld NJRA fe.ifie "Loud Linsk, Sept. 6.. Route 1, West Windsor . CRICKET CLUB Main St., Oldwick . must be closed because there were 415 16th Ave., Irvjngton " •The Cover Giris, Sept. li. '" state's largest food service trade (609) 987-8018 (908) 439-2641 . y-'\, no lights out front. Headline comedy every night (201)374-1062 POOR BILLY'S TIVOLI GARDENS except Monday. : Live acts in main room, "alter- . Route 9, Woodbridge • .",:•. But when we pulled into the ^ or^nization. For a listing' of native" music in basement! (908)634-5.454 Scahticon-Princeton College night, Sundays and parking lot on the side street, we -Tuesday Night Value,Night par- Tuesdays. . ;, • Open-mike night, Wednesdays. Live comedy every Sunday. Route 1, West Windsor ; ~. noticed a good deal of cars were Ladies' night, Thursdays. •American Angel, Kid Cardiac, RARITAN RIVER CLUB (609) 452-7800 '• already there (this was a Tuesday '< tidpants, call NJRA at 1-800- •Carol Siskind, through Aug. Wipatraction, Aug. 28. '85 Church St., New Brunswick • Tony Dinicola. Quartet, Satur- •AIDS benefit, Sept. 4. . . night, by the way). 30. ,(908)545-6110 ' . : • ' days. -• ."•.'•- - '••'.... . '..'.'. CHARLEY'S UNCLE •John Eddie (acoustic), Sept. * Gary T'to .(guitar), Friday twi- As we viewed the restaurant from >: •Smooth Sailen, Aug. 28, .. ' * *. * * 415 Route 18, East Brunswick light. ; '••• ••:..'' the parking lot, we had a totally .. "Jeanie Bryson Duo, Aug. 30. (908)254-4226 DANNY'S ITALIAN RESTAURANT Dinner-dance, Friday evening., different impression. Attached to a , Olhrer's Sports & Enter» Live comedy Friday and Satur- 11 Bridge Ave., Red Bank Piano player, Saturday. TRADE WINDS. rather large building is an atrium day. . (908)741-6900. . RECOVERY ROOM .' 1331 Ocean Ave,, Sea-Bright . of equal size. Once inside we were , talnment Club, Colonia. Mon- Stormin' Norman Seldin • . 74 Speedwell Ave; . ' ; (908) 842-4466 ' ' CHARLOTTE'S equally impressed. 58 South Main St., Manville • (piano), Fridays. • .., Morristown . ' ' •; •The Nerds, Aug. 29. . dayiiigHts: ftee tex mexbUffet : Most of the dining room consists (908) 685-9546 : ESSEX MANOR '{. (201) 267.-0516' . :: •The Zoo (w/Mick Fleetwood)",. Live oldies bands Fridays and 41 Broughton Ave., Bloo'rnfield •' "Night Train,'Aug. 29, Sept .4, _ . AMYCWOODAVEEKENDPLUS Sunday nights: pizza party, 50 Soul Kitchen, Indus, Sept. 4; . of comfortable dark green booths Saturdays. '•' (201) 748-6590 •' , RED BULL CAFE Gary McCormick and Faith Wilde toast to good times in the atrium at McCormick's Restaurant in • •W.A.S.P., Tin Pan Alley, Sept. with light oak tables. The booths ^ a slfcei all you "Loose Change, Aug. 28, 29. Jack Destiny, Sundays. -. '• Best Vi/estern Red Bull Inn are situated next to the large ; : : : ; Springfield. •;•.•.'..••••' ' •':.'.; •/";•'['•'':• ''.'rr\ ••':•"••'•'••••'\ :- : '• '••:•.• ••"•'•: •.,••••••• • ' ; -. '••• '.-.- '•/'• •- - - CHEERS TAVERN . THE EXCHANGE .1271 Route 22, Bridgewater ', '•• 12. •.••• " .••:•••. ; . V; : 2000 PARK AVENUE greenhouse windows or walls, % - .../•• • -~" .V'. - 584 Amboy Ave., Perth Amboy ' Routes 202-206, Bridgewater (908) 704-8999 , . ($3,95). The mozzarella was made on the premises and it was served (908)324*0028. (908)526-7090 • •Jazz night, Sundays. .••• • .'- 2000 Park Ave- overlooking Morris Avenue or the parking lot. Where there are ceilings, m mW\m buffet, wednes- with slices of beefsteak tomato and red onion, and a light olive oil. Alternative dance night, Fridays. Open blues jam, Tuesdays. • Mercer Ellington will lead the 17-piece Duke Ellington Orchestra Audition night, Wednesdays. South Plainfield just before the greenhouse:, they consist of either mirrors or thinwood-

Rock dance night, Thursdays. THE FAR SIDE Doug Snyder,.Thursdays. erislats, :'"•"••'•]-/:.:'.'•:•'•;;;1;•.-;•-;•;,;•'; •'' .•':• ";•. . 7 .••••'••••'••••• ,-.,'.••'• into the Raritan ValleyjQQnimunity College Theatre in North Branch • (908).755-6161,' •'• ' ; CITY GARDENS 789 Jersey Ave: ' THE RIVERFRONT My husband selected his entree from the nightly special menu. He on Friday, Aug. 28, at 8 p.m. WURLITZER'S One area of the dining room is tile.iwhile the other is a dark green 1701 Calhoun St., Trenton New Brunswick .11Main St., South River. •: ordered the blackened" orange:rpughy ($11.95) which was blackened in a 386 Hoes Lane, Piscataway carpet. There is lots Of brass to separate the booths a well as the dining (609) 392-8887 . •: ' (908)247-2995 , (908) •390-4438 I • > 19 Dennis St., New Brunswick Hoboken . . (908)246-3111 cast iron skillet. Oranjge roughy is a NewZealand fish, low ihfat, with "All-tematlve" dance party, Fri- Open-mike night, Mondays. THE ROCK HORSE (908)463-3113 area from the lounge. Each table has a brass lamp hanging above it. (908)246-8028 ., (201)798-4064 •Night Train, Aug:,28. firm whitei flesh and a mild flavor. He was served two large pieces along days. •.-..._•*- FAST LANE II •. Seco.nd;A Kingsley . . It is hard fodescrib e McCormick's, because there are so many unique Radtechlo Restaurant, Dance, party, Fridays, Satur- •The Jesus-Lizard, Tar, Cell, ORPHAN ANNIE'S with sauteed vegetables^of broccoli, zucdhini, carrots and catiliflower and 95-cent dance night, Satur- 207 Fourth Ave., Asbury Park •Asbury Park:.••• , •;" . items, But I was impressed. I ate in comfort and privacy, and enjoyed . • .days. ' . •. • Aug.28,' •'•'•' . 1255 Valley Rd., Stirling Soundings aredpotatoV . : ';••.• ;. ..•....•..••••;'•., .'••',• .''•. :•"•••'•.• ..'.'. • days, Thursdays. (908)988-3205 ' (908)988-7625 . •my evening there. :./;;v' -:'.->-/ • ; :" ••'; -.. ." •'• : .' •• :',' • ^ Highland Park, will be closed for : Hub City Jam, Sundays. •The*Delevantes,'fhe Health & (908)647-0138 •Shudder to Think, Jawbox, 99-cent dance night, Satur- •Eleventh Hour, Blind.lnstinct, I ordered the 24 pz. prime New York shell steak ($10.95). This was Gary T'To (guitar), Mondays., Happiness Show, The. Marys, Open jam, Sundays (except DUKE ELLINGTON ORCHESTRA McGormick's menu is a blend of ItaHan, American and Continental. American Standard, Aug. 30. days. . ' Syzergy, Bordello, Aug. 28. . cooked Httsburgh style, the way I like it It M^as surrounded by thin vacation Aug. 24 through Aug. JACK O'CONNOR'S Aug. 29. Aug. 30), . You can order sandwiches, pasta, fish and chips, Southern fried chicken •L7, Sept. 6. The Outcry, Wednesdays. ? •Cocktail Choir, Turi, Rat Race, Friday, Aug. 28, 8 p.m. slices pf potatoes, and was also served with vegetables. The beef was QUALITY BEEF AND SEAFOOD •The Dead Milkmen, Sept. 4, Audition night, Wednesdays, or even grilled swordfish or salmon. Nothing on the menu is more than 31. They will renapen Tuesday, •Special Beat, Hyperactive, Big- ^ "Alternative" dance night, .. Bad Attitude, Daddy Dynamite, Theatre at Raritan Valley thick and juicy, and I ate more foanTexpectedr : 1288 Route 22, Bridgewater 5. • . • ' ' ':..."• •B.B. & The Stingers, Aug. 28. ger Thomas, Sept. 13. Thursdays. Aug. 29. Community College $14.95 (bourbon steak), and most of the items, are considerably less. McCormick's dessert list includes ice cream or orange sherbert ($JL95), 1 (908)725-1500 "Gallon Drunk, Finger, Sept. 9. •Curbside Barbecue B"and, Aug. Sept 1; dosed every Monday. •They Might Be Giants, Sept. •Hyperactive, Aug. 28. THE ROXY Route 28, Branchburg • For starters, they offer two soups (95 cents for a cup to $2.25 for baked Mississippi mud pie or peanut butter crunch pie for $2.50, and cheese- Piano brunch w/Giadys Rich- "The Real Kids, Sept. 11. .: 29, -' '••'; ••• ': '••••",'• 15V-•-., •Toad the Wet Sprocket, Gin 95 French St., New Brunswick French onion), homemade chili ($3.50) or a jumbo shrimp cocktail.for (908)247-9636. ards, Sundays. "Elvis Hitler, Sept. 13. • •Terminal Blue, Sept. 3. (908) 725-3420.;. cake, angel food, cake or an English sherry trifle for $2.50. There is also CLUB BENE Blossoms, Aug. 29. . (908) 545-8971 Gary Oleyar,. Tuesdays. "Shudder to Think, Sept. 15. •Eastern Potata, Sept. 4. . •Carrying on Sir Duke's legacy $5.95. There are also four salads ($2.95 to $4.95), and eight finger food-, chocolate mousse ini a hard chocolate coating with chocolate syrup and * * * Route 35, Sayreville •Colossal Street Jam, Bruce Industrial/techno dance night, Willie Lynch Trio (Irish), Thurs- "The Meat Puppets, Sept. 17,. "Pacha Mama, Sept. 5. under the direction of his son items (95 cetits for garlic sticks to-$4.95 for nachos and chili). whipped cream for $2.95, They all sounded so good, but I.was too filled (908)727-3000 Wacker Band. Aug. 30. Sundays. days. , ' •Heavenly, Lois Matteo, Sept. •Sweet Release, Sept. 10. Mercer Ellington: Admission You can order grilled sandwiches (six choices from $2.95 for a hot dog ScampPs Fish Market a •Sara Mclaughlin, Aug. 28, •Dramarama, Sept. 4, 5. SAM'S GRILLE for another bite of ^^ anything. I opted for a cuprof coffee. . : "Rhythm & Bate, Aug. 28. -18. .. ,:.- • . •99Years.Sept.il. to $4.50 for a grilledharn and cheese or a Lucerne burger). Or you can •"Beatlemania," Aug. 29. •Dead Milkmen, Surgeon Gen- 777 Route 202, Raritan $22.50, $20. • My. husband, however, ordered another special, the silk pie ($2:50), Restaurant, Somervilte, has •Call for details, Aug. 29. •Sonny Burgess, Oct. 3. •Exit 42, Sept. 12. •Physical Graffiti (Led Zeppelin eral, Sept. 6. • (908)707-1777 . JANEJARVIS * have what they refer to as sandwiches, such as a Ruebeft ($6.25), Monte whiehwas a cpmbiriation of a light pie crust with a rich creamy choco- JASONS •The Chills, Oct. 15. •The Steele Brothers, Sept. 17. tribute), Sept. 4. •Matthew Sweet, Sept. 8. Morris Nanton Trio (jazz), Tues- Friday, Sept. 11, 8 p.m. Cristo ($8.25), or a'club sandwich ($5.25). late mousse base topped by a creamy vanilla layer. He couldn't finish it. held awt their Lobster F^estl 1604 Main St., South Belmar MELODY BAR "80 West, Sept. 18. •John Cafferty & The Beaver •Special Beat, Sept. 18. days. • Welpe Theatre, Raritan Valley The dinner selection has 11 choices, from fish and chips ($6.50) to a 24 MeCormick's is what I call a good value restaurant. The prices are so (908) 681-1416 , 108 French St. •Joe Burray Band, Sept; 19. Complete lobster dinner in- Brown Band, Sept. 18. . ««Michael Penn, Sept. 26. SCANDALS reasonable, particularly for such a lovely setting, and the choices are Jazz night, Sundays. New Brunswick •The Wise Men, Sept, 24. . . Community College oz. New York shell steak for $10.95. Other selections include fish filet or •Leon Russell. Sept. 19. FOREST MANOR 3793 Route 1 1 •Floyd Hunter Blues Band, Aug. ' (908)249-5784 Route 28, Branchburg sea scallops ($7,25), a seafood combination ($7.95), eggplant ravioli • plentiful. You can order a full course meal or settle for a sandwich. eluding salad, potato and com •Poco, Sept. 25. Route 615, Jamesburg "Pandora's Box, Sept. 25. South Brunswick •In Blu, Aug. 29. (908)725-3420 ($6.95), Southern fried chicken ($6.95), sUced steak ($7.95) and two Either way you won't bei disappointed. We weren't. ; •Bobby Bland. Oct. 2. (908)521-3141. 28. "J.C, Thunder, Sept. 26. (908)940-1717 on the cobfor onl y $9.9& Or , NOAH'S ARK PATTENBURG INN Oh, by the way, the lights were on outside, in the front of the • •Allan Holdsworth, Oct; 3. Country music, Saturdays. •The Blues Dogs. Aug. 29. . Oldies nighty Wednesdays. "Jazz pianist performs in a cab- choices of pasta and chicken combinations ($6.95 to $7.50). 112 Main St., Woodbridge CLUBXS "Bandit (w/Patti Davis), Sept. JOHN & PETER'S Route 614, Pattenburg Dance party, Thursdays. aret setting. Adults $7.50, se- What I just described was the-regular menu. In addition, there's also a building, when we left. I guess we arrived too early for them. purchase a live lobster to take (908)634-3448 406-408 Boulevard 12. 96 South Main St. (908) 735-2547 SHOGUN27 nior citizens and students $5. typed nightly special menu that includes several appetizers, 10 entrees New Hope, Pa. ' -Jus' Jammjn, Aug. 29. •Joh'nny Crjarles & The Stin- ftortwfor onl y $4.79 a pound, Seaside Heights ' "Cadillac Cowboys, Sept. 19. 3376 Route'27, Kendall Park LEONREDBONE dike the bourbon steak and the grilled swordfish and salmon mentioned McCormlck's Morris Avenue arid Baltusrol Way,'Springfield. (908)376-3840. •Diamondback, Sept. 26. (215)862-0823 OBSESSIONS grays, Aug. 28; ' (908)830-3036 (908) 422-1117 '••.'.• Sunday, Sept. 6, 8 p.m. This column is meant to Inform readers of dining opportunities in the area. It Free admission Saturday and 1380 Sussex Tpk., Randolph PETEVS SPORTS BAR above) and one'dessert; •:. . - -MickiPulsJneill Dance night, Saturdays. •Gun for Hire, Oct. 3. Uve comedy Friday and Satur- : ; ; ; : Scanticon-Princeton We shared one of the special appetizers, mozzarella and tomato salad is hot a review. '•'• - •-v :•••..••'- •'" . •'••' •.•"••' '• .'•.•' - -' ' • • '" Altematlve-dance night, Thurs- FREDDY'S Sunday afternoons. . (201)895-3243 1001 West Camplain Rd. day. ., . Route 1, West Windsor - days, 1 Mill St., Bernardsville Open-mlke. night, Mondays. All ages admitted Thursdays, Manville SOUTH RIVER PUB THE CLUBHOUSE (908)766-6575 LIVE TONIGHT Fridays. (908)725-9340 66 Main St., South River (609) 452-7800 116 Watchung Ave.. Plainfield Comedy night, Sundays. 125 Washington St. Teen dance nightr Saturdays. Party Masters (classic rock), (908)257-0330 •Blues singer best known for Galleries (908) 769-9267 , "Neighborhood Blues, Aug. 28. Hoboken OCEAN PUCE HILTON Fridays. . Backstreets Duo, Wednesdays. , his vocal on the commercial for 1 Ocean Blvd., Long Branch Rave night, Thursdays. •Pachomania, Aug. 29. (201)795-9606 PHEASANTS'LANDING THE STAGE AT THE INN Geo cars. Admission $24.50. COCKTAILS •Bill Rutkuski, Leslie Duncan •From Good Homes, Aug. 28. (908)571-4000 AmwellRd., Hillsborough through Friday from 9 a.m.-5 four artists, Sept. 2-27. Recep- wonders of the water. Monday, 676 North. a.m. Tuesday through Friday Stage House Inn SMOKEY WARREN (Continued from page 15) - -703 Watchung Ave., Plainfield tion from 1-4 p.m. Sept. 13. Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur- until Aug. 28;-3 p.m" Saturday 51 Main St., South River (comedy)! Aug. 30. •Oversoul, Aug. 29. Charles Rouse Jr. Band, Fridays (908)359-4700 366 Park Ave.rScotch Plains Sept. 18... (908)756-1707 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 30, 7 p.m. day from 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; and Sunday until Sept. 27. (908) 257-8325 GIGGLES 'N BITS MARITA'S CANTINA and Saturdays. : •Young Einsteins, Aug. 28, 29. (908) 322-4224 "Drawings by Dick Hai^gen, Tuesday through Friday from •"Connections," multimedia Planetariums Duke Island Park exhibition, through Oct. 17. Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday •"The Little Star That Could," COPENHAGEN Clarion Hotel 1 Penn Plaza, New Brunswick O'CONNORS BEEF N ALE THE PIPELINE STANHOPE HOUSE through Sept. 18. . -.• 9:30 a.m.-5:3Q p,m,, Saturday WATCHUNG ARTS CENTER Aquarium from 9:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. 11 a.m. Tuesday through Friday Scantlcon-Prlrtceton 2055 Route 27, Edison (908) 247-3840 708 Mountain Blvd., Watchung 841 Broadway, Newark Main and High streets Old York Rd., Bridgewater SOMERSET COUNTY LIBRARY from 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. 18 Stirling Rd., Watchung , through Aug. 30. Adults $8.50, NJ. STATE MUSEUM . until Aug. 28; 1 p.m. Saturday Route 1, West Windsor (908) 287-3500 John Regan Quartet w/Charlie (908) 755-2565 (201)481-0486 Stanhope (908)722-1200 ' North Bridge St, Bridgewater VISUAL ARTS LEAGUE (908)753-0190 santor citizens and students 205 West State St., Trenton and Sunday through Sept. 27. (609) 452-7800 Uve comedy Friday and Satur- Rouse Jr., Tuesdays. Live comedy, Fridays. All ages admitted Fridays, Sun- (201) 347-0458 •Country singer marking his v (908) 526-4016 Business Innovation Center Monday through Friday from 10 NJ. STATE AQUARIUM $7, children 2-li .$5.50; park- (609) 292-6333 •"If It's Tuesday, This MusfBo '" Piano brunch w/Sandy Maxwell, day. MAXWELL'S OLD BAY days. Open during library hours. . 100 Jersey Ave., Building D-l STUDIO 1 ,50th year in the field. Free ad- aim.-l p.m,, Sunday from1- 4 Camden Ing $4-$7. Group rates avail- Admission $1. group rates Saturn," 1 p.m. Tuesday J. AUGUST'S 61 Church St., New Brunswick "Photographs by Wink • New Brunswick Sundays. 1039 Washington St. Progressive-music dance night, 88 Verona Ave.i Newark - mission, p.m. Also by appointment. (609)365-3300 . able. Directions: N.J. Turnpike available. through Friday until Aug. 28. Einthoven, through Aug. 31. (908) 254-7611 •"Likeness of Being," works by Seals, sharks, and other to Exit 4, then 1-295 South to I- •Creatues In a "Sky Zoo," 10 Children under 4 not admitted. WAIN GAILEHIES Open to the public Monday Forbes Newspapers August 26-28,1992 Weekend August 26-28,1992 Forbes Newspapers • A Piece of Mexico in t Heart of Mefocheh Exotic Indian Cuisine Lunch Buffet $6.95 318 William St., Piscatavyay WELCOME AMIGOS! • Restaurant & Cocktail Lounge Wed., Thurs, Friday & Saturday Aulhnillc Spanish & Portuguese fitAmrrfro n Culslnr 752-4474 h or Dinner Special Boy 1 Entree, Gtt 2nd • *_, _. _; •_..___ 600 W. Union Ave. cen AGOft WEEKEND DINNER SPECIALS \h $ Bound Brook, N.J. OOU-UD^U FREE I 3,00 OFF I 1 • Pepper Steak t $9.95 Muil be equal or Wjstr wluc I Am U2 tritr dr mort . IEXIDELI CAFE LUNCH TIME LIVE | Dining Room Only briudtnQ Butt* | Dining Room Only Btdodlnq BuWrtj * Stuffed Eggplant. , $7.95 ^ Raritan4/la» 132rSpeedwelr-Avenu(ri LOBSTER - $7.75 fit 206 Sputh, Raritan *•;• Mbrristoton 1400 MAIN ST. > METUCHEN Call us so we can fax you a menu! (Just off the circle) (NEXT TO THETKA1N STATION) Bring this ad & receive (908)526-3655 (201) 285-9463 Jl 90&-9505 i hOMMtUtUM $10.00 off your 2nd dinner. Unique Fine Dining O«N fOB BBEAXfAST. IUNCH 8 DlNNEB Exp. 9/30/92 rvaAnfiAwstBOBss nerssGst LIVE ENTERTAINMENT at affordable prices! BARBEQUE TIME IS HERE! 3 Now Open on Saturdays Check Out 6ur New Low Prices 210 Somerset St., North Plainfield LETRACKLEY'S UK\ Dinner Every Dinner Entree On Menu Fajita Dinner * 10.95 Reduced S2.00-S5.00 DO YOUR BACKYARD \ ^ "^ "The Same Superb Quality 769-1227 Enchilada Dinner $7.50 MARILYN CORMACK BARBEQUE OR PICNIC for At Reasonable Prices" Chicken Fried Steak $16.95 Metlars Lane & So. Washington S8SSS Wine with Reason CRANFORD Two I just got back from San Fransisco Ave., Piscataway, NJ ) DINNEH SPECIAL H.J. where I attended the Society of Wine Educator's Annual Conference. SERVED DAILY NJ.'S OWN BIG APPLE Available Besides working on my tan-; I also- FROM 3:00 PM Every Day! had, the opportunity to, take some RACKLEY'S ,,» NOW APPEARING invaluable wine and .food the only place for ribs TO 11:00 PM IN OUR LOUNGE Except Holidays Family orientated restaurant reasonably priced offering pairing classes, and taste $prne. really HI VELOCITY" a full array of Italian specialties from milk fed veal, excellent wines'. If you can find these FAMILY A FEW THEWHOLE EVERYBODY bottles in your local wih'e shop, PICNIC FRIENDS NEIGHBORHOOD INCLUDES: COMING NEXT VVEEK homemade pasta to fresh seafood. please' try them. I'm certain you'll be.: YOUKNOW (4 People) (50 People) Soup of the Day, Salad Bar, not ind. as pleased as iwasl , (25 People) ) or more) Beverage (Soda, Coffee, Tea or Iced Tea). Includes: soup, salad, Lunch served Mon.-Fri. Trefethfeh WKIte Riesling 1990 SSRS^SMST^S BBQ Ribs 36 pieces 220 pieces 440 pieces Wedding • {Showers Fermented cool In stainless steel, no CALL DESSERT: Dinners choice ofany entree, fussing with oak and very dry, this Dinner served 7 days Chicken 18 Ribs 110 pc Ribs 220 Ribs Ice Cream, Jello, Pudding, 20-800 Persons Riesling is a very serious wine. All OS dessert, coffee. the lovely floral aromas follow & Ribs 8pc Chicken 50 pc Chicken TOO pc Chicken Layer Cake, Pie or Danish. 781-5100 through in a clean, fresh taste. The acidity keeps this wine.lively:and the FOR Call (908) 272-4700 flavors of citrus and melon last me- Chicken Sit 16 pieces 100 pieces LA PIZZERIA dium long in the mouthi If you. don't Only ; 200 pieces • v • • At Parkway Exit 136 • Cranfbrd like to drink. Rieslings because you MORE Roast Loin Pizza Made The Old Fashioned Way think they are all sweet, drink this, or Pork with .Stuffing and change your mind. About $8.00." CALL AHEAD Vz hour 2 hours ' day. before INFO Pp|t|lff|§f§flf 781-5525 Dry Qreek Vineyard 1990 FOR MORE INFORMATION REGARDING THESE RESTAURANT Baked Mcatlonf Each package contains enough Rackley's Barboqua Sonoma County Fume Blanc beans.Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Rolls, Plates, Napkins, with Mushroom Gravy Courtyards at Pluckemin :.•• .'' .••••. : :'" .•.•''.-•••V:-:"---::: -GAjLt.-. •:" .••••: . •••.•• ••••: 7.25 David Stare, vineyard owner, has Knives, & Forks for the Whoie Group. 318 Route 202/206 North always encouraged his Fume Slanc 463-1000 Roast Fresh to-go ahead and do what comes m ALL THIS FOR ONLY »6 8.25 Per Persbn Ham with Stuffing 7.!/5 naturally. Why be shy about great fruitmess-stralght foward sass...and a . Broiled Chop crisp finish that never lets you down ._, flat? This wine has, moderate Steak with Gravy ...... 7.45 Dance tc the Sound 908-722-3000 EXT. 6104 & RESTAURANT grassiness and layers of complex flavors to please, Floral, figs, citrus Roast Half Spring _ 69 Main Street of our Live Bands and lemon keep this'wine going and' Chicken willi Sniffing....*...... ,... 7.45 Lebanon Every Friday Night going. "Poor Man's Chardonnay"? I Casual Cpuntry Settliiff : think notl This is the wine of choice ( August 28th & Sept. 4th . m my house. About $10.00. Roasl Hair Duck o featuring With Fruit Sauce 8.45 Italian-American I ticl I < ,i>< is & Elaine Quady Winery 1391 Electra . Anyone who has taken my wine class Eggplant Parmcsiaii . s-t\P\ Cuisine knows how I go on about Quady Thursday Night dessert wines (aka the "Hot Tub O'Connor's So will. Spaghelti 6.V5| LOBSTERFEST'9 (908) 735-7889 ^ Wines"). They've done it again with • Lunch • Dinner* Cocktails * Weddings the introduction of Electra, an Meat or Cheese Ravioli 6.95 Sunday • Banquets • Parties Tor All Occasions Orange Muscat wine of Incredibly Ways To Make You Happy light viscosity and only 3.9% alcohol. Baked Zili I'nriiieslari 6.95 BRUNCH' 10" . 'Rt. 78 (Exit 12) 4 miles West of Clinton Dancing coming Sept. 19th, Call for details! Tons of fruit flavors that will remind ALLYOV CAN EAT!M you of Mandarin Oranges; and totally ft I AUGUST SPECIALS H WE LOVE .Spaghetti with Meatballs ...... 6.95 (9081236-29921 refreshing acidity that keeps it from ss;^ being cloy. If you have sparkling FREE KIDS! naked Manicolli .„....,' 6.95 • Exit 20A olf R(. 78 wines for breakfast (and who MONDAY • 2 Blocks from Rt. 22 doesn't?) this may become yournew Sundae Bar NEW YORK STRIP Children 12 & Under Open Tues.-Thurs. lioinemnde Raked Lisagna ..... 6.95 favorite. Try It with a peach tart. order FREE from our 11:30-9:30 LUNCH SPECIALS Really! Included with Rroiled or Pan. f •"*£ TUESDAY children's menu when ac- 7 Friday till 10 goncanrton Vlnttyard 1987 Pottte Slrah 1 5 95 companied by an adult l ry Liver with Onions 7.25 Saturday 4-10 p.m. was looking for something that PRIME RIB 8 on Tues. & Thurs. Sunday 10:30-2:00 p.m. C| wasn't Cabernet that was still rich Fried Chicken Sunday Dinner 4-9 p.m. w/ and full of flavor. 1 found it. This Special offers While WEDNESDAY FREE Kids Sundaes with French Fries. 7,95 Petite Sirah Is extraordinarily deep I at participating quantities last. BONELESS NEW YORK dinner Mondays & • Fork Chops Campagniola •many more Purple with strawberries filling • the ktMoly 95 Wednesdays. Bake

•-• • '.v

*l-y-, /^I'/sVf , ,<• _v '",«

PIZZA ANYONE i ;v/iiiiiiiiiliy^wiiuuiUM Pasta festival MakeitHealthy! Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday and Sunday V All New ; All Pay Whole Wheat Pan Pizza IF ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE JQJ>astes AUGUST Also Try Ottr No BhDlestrpI Cheese Pizza af Nights - :F? :?=Li= J VALUABLE"T , nBi^Mg Tragiagii7—^- h' Filet of S6(e Francaise w.^.....M. NU-CREATIONS COUPON LIMITED, Tijuana Joe's *7.95 4 Rooms Available for your Banquet Needs TIME Buyoneentree 4/ nHI/^l • Chicken Cordon Bleu ...... Dinner Specials Weddings • Showers (RISTORANTE & PIZZAl at regular price IM LJUBl I • Rehearsal Dinners •Anniversary Parties and receive 2nd at /4 rilivl BOOK YOUR • Reunions •Retirements . Tuesdaythru §unday_ Gourmet Pizza •Seafood Specialties • Pasta •Saridwiches and more May not bo combined with any other oHor. exp. 0/15/92 HOLIDAY Monday, Tuesday &. Wednesday Veal Parmiigiana 9.95 EARLY BIRD SPECIALS Don't Forget About Our Daily Lunch Specials I.L^,^,^,,^JJ™glgi1MWrigMi, J PARTIES WEb.-SAT. 5-7 PM $7.95 •:":''-. Hours:Mort. thru Thurs. 11:00 to 11:00 Snow Crab Legs Dinner Includes: Soup, Salad, Dessert & Coffee Veai Marsala ,;...... ^.. 11-95, NOW! x Fri. &.Sat. 11:00 to 12:00 Sunday 3:00 to 11:00 f Rt. 22 West North Plainfield 755.4400 I 1 NORTH VQSSELLER AVE. BOUND BROOK Garlic Shrimp on Pasta All Baking Done on Premises Chicken Scallopine .. 10.95 Pheasant Run Plaza • Warren 5 . (Comer of West End Av*. anclRt. 2i W«sl) Major Credit Cards Accepted r Chicken & Shrimp Combo ^^crTitttitttinHrrtttfiiiittini iitiiiititinttiitt ttttrTiTntilttiutiturtttitittiMnitttiiitiiiiitttutittttittiiiiitriiiitiiititruiMiititiftiitMir?^ Boneless 356-2692 •356-9888 469-2625 • Fax 469-2677 f 050 EteUon Rood. Pidcakuueut, ftj)'. 908/98 f-0090 Chicken Arthur 10.95 Fresh Fish of the Day ••

Broiled Flounder ...... 9.95 •• • • • Entrees $3.00 Lasagna, Manicotti 20LUNCH v» or Stuffed Shells...... All .1/4 lb. Sandwiches $1.99 SPECIALS T1 And New featuring Every Sunday Evening ISIIOHTOLUB ®& Margie Raye ~ «* RESTAURANT A114.99 *** on piano Beginning Sun., Aug. 30th Friday & Saturday 7 to 12 A Giggles & Bits Production Known tor generations for Steaks, Prime Ribs, Seafood P) Meals 64 Somerset St. DAILY SPECIALS WEDDING DREAMS k \\- 756-7310 North Plainfield Lei us entice you with our new menu \i INCLUDE FROM $33.95 1 Check Out Our Student Discounts 31st V. Shrimp Cocktail 5W Hours Open Bai Silver Candelabfas 1 and this money saving coupon For the Finest Homestyle Italian, Seafood and Soup & Salad Bar Veafw/Dijon Sauce (or) " • OPA-OPA; Drink Hors D'oeuvres : & Flowers • . Roasted Veggies over Wild Rice Steaks in the area. 7 Course DiruMf Flaming Jubilee Show 1 '.V; Private Bridal Rooms I Pork Sate's (or) Children's Menu *3.95 Veggie Curry CATERING & PARTIES FOR ALL OCCASSIONS Seafood Restaurant BUSINESS LUNCHEON SPECIALS Wedding Cake White Glove Service • I Roasted Turkey w/Sausage Stuffing (or) VL OPEN DAILY 11 AM/GLQSED SUN. FOR AUG. Woodbridger Steamed Veggies w/Cheese Sauce Big Daddy says take another dollar off 61 US. Highway 1 Free Birthday or Anniversary Cake with Dinner Reservations Corned Beef & Cabbage (or) 9064220 Linguini w/Clam Sauce Elegant Prime Rib *7^ O w/Potala, Salad, and Bread . MarUe BBQRibs(or) ; Park & Mountain Ave., Scotch Plains, NJ Rts- Cheese Ravioli wAVild Mushroom Sauce . 645 Rt 202/206 Staircases Bridgewater ASK ABOUT OUR ICE CREAM! Presents Pasta Fest All You Can E Hours; Mon.-Fri. 9:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Tips From Liz Area's largest dance lloor 62 W. Main St., Somerville 722-8782 When you own a restaurant for ab long as I have, you are constantly learning about people. The one item on CLUB CALENDAR our menu, which everyone receives free, Is Italian bread. Served warm with butter or margarine, it Is devoured by Every Night our patrons. Some people like to have Ladies Night it with garlic butter and even smothered LOBSTER'S STEAK HOUSE with melted mozzere'lla cheese, Which $1 Mixed Drinks. ever way It Is served. Italian bread Is a W —) 3221 Route 27 Franklin Park ~ OAK TREE FOODS favorite. A very special bonus is'Mhat there is no (at or cholesterol In authen - • (908)297-2882 or 8311 Fartxi Fresh. Coxtiitry MCarket tic Italian bread. One problem, when you serve it at home, is Itiat it can *' Thursday PRODUCE DELI DAIRY MEATS become stale or soggy In just one day Trap Bananas > Boar's Head 2% Milk Our 6wn Store Made There. Is a quick solution to this prob 50° Domestic Drafts LIVE LOBSTER Imported Ham Italian Sausage lem. Place the bread in a hot oven(450 $009 Hot, Sweet or Breakfast ") tor 7 to 10 minutes. Your bread will $C99 Gallon Presents All Night Long $O29 taste like it was just baked. This trick ANY STYLE 29* lb. glib. Keller BuHer (Solid) can be used for stale crackers, cookies Obermeister Bologna £. ib. Bell Peppers potato chips, etc. Do no over-cook "THE SUMMER DINNER GET-AWAY $4 39 (3 lbs, or more) Friday August 28st Mongolian Bar-B-Q"(with LOBSTER Add'l. $3.00) and 16 Also, you can make doliclous bread $4 oo ib. I Lb. , Fresh Chlckln Wings crumbs by grinding your stale bread Wednesday Night enjoy a Shrimp Cocktail and all Live item buffet & salad bar & soup. , 2 lbs. lor I Jersey Fresh EggS (make sure it is dry) in a to'od proces Yellow orWhlte Jumbo sor till it Is lino, Then add fresh garlir the Prime Rib you can eat - $14.95. ALL YOU CAN EAT! Red Delicious Apples American Cheese C powder, parmosan cheese, oregano INSTANT KARMA ---HM^^^^^ Fresh Pork parsley, and II you like, a dash ol salt 99 Friday Night enjoy Surf and Turf, Tuna or a Sword- *^ "** A Dozen Shoulder Steaks and pepper. You will have flavored Last Appearance ' Rated by Princeton Packet lb. fish Dinner - $16.95. Home Made Tomato Salad bread crumbs without additives. Slicing Mozzarella Cheese $4 99 Coming Sept. 4th Z B Z is Back! •k*k Homo News (Fresh Tomato-Onion-Spices Even raccoons love our bread. Come Eggplant $4 99 in oil & vinegar) I Lb. in and watch them as,they dunk ii in Sunday is 2 for 1. Order from our Steak, Chops and LOVE BIRD DINNER USDAChoice $•4 00 Shoulder London Broil our outdoor fountain. Seafood menu, and receive a second entree for free. Happy Hour 4-7 P.M. $4 00 • .lb. for 1 Lb. container % For Two 20' Shrimp 40' Clams Drink Specials 2 lbs. for I $ Seafood Soup • Fanlail Shrinip SALE RUNS THURS.-SUNDAY 8/27-8/30 1 Call For Reservations 253 French Street/Route 27 * (908) 249-6131 \ 1'/< Lobster (any style) •House Fried Rice light on llie New Urimswjck & SmncruM K.ir.i.-r , „ V w*'/ *"~J UUJ We Now Accept visa - MasterCard & Discover Cards . IHu „, J ATTENTION RESTAURANTS, GROUPS & CATERERS: 469-2600 >— \ We sell wholesale meats, produce & deli at 5% over cost for orders called ahead & picked up.- Warren •647-1728 * not lo b» combined wli .200 Atrium Drive. Somerset, NJ (1287-Exit 6) Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-6, Sat. 8-6, Sun. 8-2 p . Located on Oak Tree Road Exit 36 Off Fit 78 Or 1 Warrenville Rd. Off U.S. 22 (908)755-3663 «£*".£& rastSSSffl

Weekeixl Foit>es Newspapers August 26-28, 1992 August 26-28,1902 Forbes Newspapers 23 HM

RISTORANTE I COUPON TUESDAY. THURSDAY & SATURDAY NITES' Couples NiteU! ,. I TREAT ANOTHER COUPLE TO DINNER FREEN IN THE HOLIDAY INN-SOMERSET I'liUCI IASI- YOUK TWO KNTKW.S AM) KKC'fclVK I'IIKIK TWO KNTKKKS 908-356-1700 FREE PRESENTS ' wi; WII.I. DKDilr mi: mo I:NTKI:ES or I.I:SSI:R VALIK FROM YOUR CHECK I Wl. FORBKS Reservations Suggested I Monday Night Football FRIDAY NITE 6 PM-9 PM TALK OF THE TOWN £*I *••< I "GRAND BUFFET" " Tailgate Party I FEATURING ALSO OFFERING RICHIE AT PIANG I • HOT DO'GS • STADIUM BEERS Per Person (Children 10 & Under $5.50) • CHILI • HAPPY HOUR DRINK I SPECIALS (4:30-7:30) Reservations Suggested I • POPCORN FRIDAY NITE AUGUST 28TH • ROASTED PEANUTS • KICK-OFF SPECIALS HALF-TIME RAFFLES LOBSTER NITE I • NACHOS AND GIVEAWAYS s 95 1 VA Lb. Lobster Dinner 10 I Experience-the Monday Night Football Tradition on Our 11 90^561-2722 I TMit Where Every Seat is a Fifty Yard Line Seat V 2991 Hamilton fcjvd,-So. Plainfield I -"„ ACTION STARTS AT 4:30 PM (QffHt.287) / . KICK-OFF AT 9:00 PM v/ V •

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icV 12 OZ. BURGEES 426 E. Main St., Bound Brook, 908-356-0189 3-95 Additional Parking-Courtesy Archie's Men's Shop Open 7 Days Banquet Rooms

: 1992'1;