Connecticut latin Campus Serving Storrs Since 1896

Vol.LXXXVNo.64 University of Connecticut (Wednesday, December 2,1981 r Briefly. "\ Allen absolved of wrongdoing HARTFORD(AP) — Gov. William A. O'Neills doctors in cash receipt from magazine will perform another test Wednesday on the 51-year- WASHINGTON (AP) — interview of first lady Nancy decision by Associate Attor- old heart-attack victim that will allow them to deter- The Justice Department ab- Reagan. ney General Rudolph mine whether any of his arteries are blocked and solved Richard V. Allen Allen, who took an ad- Giuliani shortly before it was restricting the flow of blood. Tuesday of any wrongdoing ministrative leave of absence made public. At about the The procedure, called coronary adenography, will be in his receipt of $1,000 from over the weekend, said the same time, Smith, formerly performed by Dr. Robert Jeresaty, chief of cardiology Japanese journalists, but decision on whether he will Ronald Reagan's personal at St. Francis Hospital in Hartford where the governor said it was still investigating return to his duties "will attorney, called presidential has been recuperating since Nov. 20. other questions about the depend on my colleagues at counselor Edwin Meese III to On Tuesday, O'Neill, who was still listed in good president's national security the White House. We'll wait inform him. condition, underwent a stress test while exercising adviser. and see." on a treadmill as part of what his doctors call Allen said he was "very White House spokesman "When the uncontradicted "routine" post coronary care happy" with the decision, in David Gergen said there facts are analyzed in the con- which Attorney General would be no official comment text of possibly applicable HADDAM.Conn (AP>— More than 3,000 gallons of a William French Smith ruled about the matter until of- criminal laws, it is clear bleach-like chemicalwereaccidently released into the out the appointment of a ficials had an opportunity to there was no criminal Connecticut River Tuesday from the Connecticut special prosecutor regarding thoroughly review the violation by Allen regarding Yankee nuclear power plant, officials said. Allen's acceptance of a cash Justice Department s the $1,000." concluded the State environmental officials had been notified and "thank-you" following a decision. report released by the depar- private scientists were trying to determine what im- Japanese magazine's Jan. 21 Allen was read Smith's tment. pact the chemical might have on the river, said Gary Doughty, spokesman for Northeast Utilities, operator of the plant. Soviet, U.S. arms negotiators A corn belt blizzard driving blinding snow across the Midwest with 50-mph winds Tuesday crippled cities and closed highways, stranding hundreds of travelers won't discuss talks with media and shutting down schools. GENEVA. Switzerland (AP) — American and Deputy head of the U.S. delegation Maynard At least f ou r people were killed as a "very Soviet negotiating teams talked for more than W. Glitman. reached by The Associated dangerous" winter storm surged through parts of two hours Tuesday in the first full bargaining Press, would not discuss the atmosphere of Nebraska, South Dakota and Minnesota at blizzard session on limiting nuclear missiles in Europe, Tuesday's round, the first full-scale meeting force, flinging snow up to 14 inches deep and building and promptly reasserted a news blackout on of the two delegations. , k4-foot drifts. the conduct of the negotiations. "We've finished for this day." said Glitman. "Everything is OK ."Soviet delegation chief "I'm not going to tell you anymore." Yuli A. Kvitsinsky said as he left the East Germany's official news agency ADN two-hour. 40-minute metting. "We meet said foreign ministers of the seven Warsaw South Campus forms again Friday" at the Soviet mission. Kvitsin- Pact countries would be discussing "the sky said. status of arms control and disarmament" at a own escort service There were no other public indications here meeting that opened Tuesday in Bucharest. By Karen E. Goulekas about the conduct of the talks, which have Romania. Staff Writer seized the attention of Western Europeans South Campus has developed its own escort service which increasingly wary about the medium-range Early sessions of the Geneva talks on will begin next semester, according to Ralph Taber, South nuclear forces of the superpowers. intermediate-range nuclear forces were likely Campus Area Coordinator. The two sides, in a move they said would to center on resolving differences about the The service will be available to South Campus students from encourage progress, agreed to embargo terminology, numbers, range and destructive 8 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. every night except Saturday. Escorts virtually all information about the talks, which characteristics of those armaments. will make standard rounds every half hour escorting students are to be conducted Tuesdays and Fridays. Resolution of similar complex matters took between South Campus and the 24-hour study room in the "We have concurred that the details of the considerable time during SALT 2 bargaining. library. Taber said. negotiations must be kept in the negotiating Extensive portions of the U.S.-Soviet SALT 2 The service is being sponsored by the Office of Residential room," the chief U.S. negotiator. Paul H. arms limitation treaty, which the Senate has Life. Funding will come from work-study money that was Nitzc. said after conferring with Kvitsinsky on never ratified, are devoted to description and never used. The South Campus Council will pay for the Monday on procedural issues. Nitze described terminology concerning the intercontinental advertising and for the windbreakers for the escorts. Taber that session as "cordial and businesslike.'* weapons under negotiation. said the campus police have agreed to train the escorts and to supply them with radios. The South Campus Escort Service is not intended to compete with the already existing escort service, which is sponsored by UConn Police, Taber said. But because of limited Financial resources,the campus service does not have enough escorts to meet the increasing demand on campus. The service was organized by South Council president Karen Pazdar. Inter-Area Residents Council representative Bob Bcrube and Council representative Blake Glasser. Plane crash kills all 168 passengers AJACCIO. Corsica (AP) — A chartered DC-9. caught in stiff winds and dense fog as it approached the Ajaccio airport, smashed into a mountainside Tuesday. Police said all 168 passengers, many of them travel agents on a promotional trip, and six crew members were killed. Ajaccio police said there were no survivors and that the victims included three children: However, the Yugoslav cftmpany which owned the plane. Ines-Adria Airways, was unable to say exactly how many people were aboard. It said the craft was equipped to carry a maximum of 175 passengers, and as many at 172 people "Pepper/1 an 18-month-old orangutang at the Brookfield Zoo In Chicago, reached through held tickets for the flight but several ticket-holders the bars of a cage to touch Katie, a 21-year-old mother of two. Zoo officials are hopeful that canceled at the last minute. Katie will adopt 17-pound Pepper, whose mother's milk is deficient. Meanwhile, Pepper Officials said the plane crashed into the west side of the will remain in a small cage within Katie's cage until zoo officials find out If the two are fog-shrouded 4.543-foot high Mount San Pietro about 30 miles from the airport. compatible. , , , . - -• '

Page 2 Connecticut Daily Campus. Wednesday, December 2,1981 Craft fair planned Forms for for next week financial aid More than 35 artists and craftspeople from Connecticut and the New England area will show and sell their work at are available the annual Christkindlmarkt. a Christmas crafts fair Financial aid forms for the sponsored b> UConn's German Club. 1982-83 school year must be The show will be open free to the public from 11 a.m. to 5 filed by Feb. 15. 1982. p.m. Dec. 7 and 8. and from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Dec. 9. in Applications should be pick- the Student Union Ballroom here. ed up after December 10, but Some of the crafts thatVill be avialable include: note before leaving for the Christ- cards, floral designs, pottery, watcrcolors. wooden toys, mas holiday. The Financial macrame. jewelry, stained glass. T-shirts, hand-knitted Aid office is located on the items, leather goods, pewter, and other gift items. first floor of the Wilbur Cross Members of the German Club will be serving German Library. snacks and lunches, and will be selling home-baked goods and German pastries. German madrigal singers as well as a German dance Discussion group frojn E. O. Smith High School will perform at various times during the fair. of budget The UConn German Club started the Christkindlmarkt nine years ago to provide students and the public with cuts planned access to moderately priced crafts for Christmas shopping, and it has become an annual event. Representatives from Conn- The artists and craftspeople expected to attend the ecticut 's human service or- Christkinlniarkt have been screened in efforts to ensure ganizations will meet for a good quality and originality of the crafts they sell. special three-day Intensive Training Workshop today though Friday at UConn's Weather Bishop Conference Center. The Workshop is designed Rain today will taper off in the afternoon, lows this to address the needs created morning in the 40s with temperatures near 50 by midday. by federal budget cuts and Keep on truckin' Clearing tonight, lows around 40. the increased competition for Determined students brave the wind, rain and dropping foundation and corporated temperatures to get in some library time before finals [ Jim S— our axpanded editorial saction. pp. 8 -9 spending. I .of ink photo).


Sacond I.INI Poaiaga paid at Stow. Conn 062OS Publiahad by tha Connecticut Daily Campus Boa U-1N. Monday through Friday during tha academic year, excluding eiam oeriodsend vacation! Telephone 429 9M4 Mall aubicriptiont S30 00 yearly Postmaster Women in medicine, dentistry Sana lorm 3679 to Conn Daily Campua 121 N Eaglevilie Rd Storra, Conn 06268 Tha Connecticut Oeily Campus is an associate member o( the Associated Preas which is en r-iusiwely entit.ort to reprint material publiahad herein is at a record high at UConn The proportion of women in Women account for 41 per- class of 49 students in the HOLIDAY SHOPPING TRIP TO UConn's medical and dental cent of this year's new class School of Dental Medicine, schools is at a record high, of 80 students in the School according to a recently according to admissions of- of Medicine. They make up released profile of the class ficials there. 32.7 percent of the freshman in both schools. Officials said the percen- CITY tages, highest since the schools began accepting students in 1968, were not Campus the result of any deliberate Saturday December 5 effort but reflect the fact that $8 Ticket for Round Trip bus transportation more women have decided to Florist become physicians and den- tists. Secret Santa In* the medical school, Bus leaves Student Union at Inexpensive gifts women students in entering 8 am and returns at 6 pm classes have gone from 30 Fans, Xmas buttons whistles, kites plants, percent in both 1978 and candy stuffed animals puppets, plants, ceramic boxes 1979 to 33 percent last year. Tickets on Sale 314 Commons In the dental school, they've Flower Specials!! gone from 22 percent in 1978 to 17 percent in 1979 and 22 Daisies 1.99 Bunch percent last year. Roses 8.99 DOZ 4<5*i c.»"" Downtown Storrs 487-1193 Jean Krulic, acting director of student affairs in the den- tal school, said that no separate lists are kept for \ men and women applicants CELEBRATE and that all applicants are ranked against each other on their merits as individuals. "It just turned out that more women are among the best candidates," Krulic said. Officials point out common factors in the class profile that favor those students being accepted. As UConn's policy favors Connecticut applicants, most tlie of the students accepted ICUCVONS were Connecticut residents and a large number received Invite all their friends at UCONN * their undergraduate to join them in a pre-holiday party education in Connecticut. The largest number were Thursday, December 3 • 9 PM. graduates of UConn. As a group, the medical students' grade point SHABOO • Tel. 456-2500 average was 3.53, halfway between a B and an A. Most 50$ drinks/domestic beers all night long! majored in college biology, chemistry, or other science ARTIST REPRESENTATIVE • ATLANTIS • 203-562-8900 related to medicine and den- J tistry. Connecticut Daily Campus, Wednesday, December 2,1981 Page 3 Using rock stars to endorse products More and more companies

are paying big bucks for it s By The Associated Press «Rockbill played marriage political feelings as for the broker to the Stones-Jovan entertainment." LOS ANGELES — It But more than a decade has would have been un- and Stewart-Sony matches, gone by. Music-with the thinkable a few years the change is nothing short possible exception of the an- ago. To buy one of the two of revolutionary. ti-establishment output of official posters for the "When I started Rockbill." some punk and new-wave Rolling Stones' current Nor- recalled the 31-year-old for- mer pre-med student. bands-is back to being plain th American tour, you have old entertainment, and the to purchase a bottle of Jovan "Madison Avenue and major Woodstock generation has perfume as well. corporations had no interest grown up. Mick Jagger is lead singer for the Rolling Stones, which is And if you wear the official in tying themselves in with rock 'n roll because there "Someone who went to one of several rock groups that have agreed to endorse Rod Stewart T-shirt being products |UPI photo |. sold outside his current con- was still this image of rock 'n Woodstock today could be an certs, you'll be walking advertising executive in his changed. Coleman added. goes on. with tie-ins between "Ten years ago a kid had an around with the Sony logo mid-30s making decisions on Ronrico rum and the Mar- anti-business attitude. You shall Tucker Band. Camel emblazoned on your back. how to spend millions of National go to college today, they're cigarettes and the Allman Signs of the times, and to dollars." Coleman said. not picketing against big Brothers Band. paraphrase Bob Dylan, the "They understand that rock companies, they're trying to Because rock bands are so times they are indeed a- Spotlight music .is a very positive part get a job." sensitive to their images, the changin' as far as relations roll being a counterculture of someone's lifestyle. It's a Similarly, rock stars who deals are almost as varied as go between Madison Avenue movement. There's no great way to communicate to once feared that "if the kids they arc numerous. For and rock 'n roll. To Jay question that going to teens, not something to be think they're too commer- example, on the free Rockbill Coleman. whose 5-year-old Woodstock was as much for afraid of." cial, they may not be con- concert poster for the Mar- New York marketing firm making a statement of your Teen-agers also have sidered hip any more" have shall Tucker Band, band rethought their attitudes in members pose casually with light of skyrocketing tour a few bottles of Ronrico rum costs, the soft music market quite visible: but Camel was <^ UCONN SKI CLUB PRESENTS of recent years and-for all limited to an ad on the back but the biggest of supcr- of the Allman Brothers STOWE,VERMONT stars-the problem of main- poster. JANUARY 17-22,1981 $170 tain' n J public exposure. In an unusual deal, a new '"When an artist doesn't band called Smeaker not COMPLETE have a hit record out. they're only wears Jordache Athletic generally not getting a lot of Wear attire in a poster but WINTER PARK,COLO. airplay." Coleman ex- actually put the Jordache JANUARY 3-10,1982 $585 plained. "The primary logo on the back cover of its COMPLETE PACKAGE reason the artists do it (make debut album. The payoff. advertising deals) is not so I .(XX) pairs of Jordache LAKE PLACID much for the dollars but for sneakers worth an estimated JANUARY 10-15,1982 $169. the visibility." $20.(XX). was used in radio So over the last few years. station promotions for the You can sign up for Earth Wind & Fire have band. become national spokesmen At the other end of the any trip for Panasonic's Platinum spectrum are the precedent- Student Union Lobby Series of portable radio setting Stewart and Stones Tues Dec. 1st cassette recorders; Charlie arrangements. in which Wed Dec 2nd Daniels has endorsed Busch neither act endorsed the beer and Skoal tobacco: Ed- sponsoring product. from 11 to 3 die Rabbitt is singing a Miller's beer ad; and the list SEE PAGE 14 Final Payments are due now!!! Ski Mt. Ascutney, Vermont on Sat. Dec ^9th 'Special End of Finals Only S10 tor lift ticket. Bus & Beer* Trip* (members only) ENGINEERS CATCH THE SPIRIT OF SNOW Gulf Oil Corporation, a major energy company, has job openings for all types of graduating engineers who are interested in building a career in crude oil and gas producing operations. Duties include drilling, equipment installation Women's Waterpolo Club and maintenance, subsurface reservoir studies, economic evaluation of producing properties, well Organizational Meeting stimulation and reconditioning, and enhanced oil For Spring Semester recovery operations. Training courses will be provided to accelerate career development in oil and gas producing Wednesday night, December 2,10:00 PM and drilling operations. Positions are located in At the pool (Where else?) Gulf Coast, Mid-Continent, Rocky Mountain, and West Coast areas. Excellent employee benefits. If you have interviewed with a Gulf Recruiter or have sent us a resume, thank . We'll talk about games, suits, practices, you very much. If you have not, please send advertising, and the good time we'll have. your resume and transcript to: If you don't swim like a rock you can play waterpolo. J. R. Ligon, Jr. GULF OIL EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION COMPANY P.O. Box 1166 Women's Waterpolo is Alive & Kicking! Pittsburgh, PA 15230 An Equal Opportunity Employer M F Pag* 4 Connecticut Daily Campus, Wednesday, December 2,1981 Artist Paul Zelanski talks about Albers ...

By Victoria Gelbel said Zelanski. "At the design that acknowledged tury," said Zelanski. "He point of view. He thought Arts Editor Bauhaus, you didn't the machine's importance in did the same thing over and there was more than one way specialize. You learned craft modern life. At Yale, Albers over again and found ex- of teaching art, and the Art is not to be looked at, art skills, such as how to make is looking at us. would concentrate on citement in it." student should see more furniture, glass and architec- than one way, and then pick ■Joseph Albers developing his ideas and Zelanski remembers Albers ture. There was tremendous feelings about color. as a complex man, "who and choose," said Zelanski. Whenever an artist evolves amount of freedom at the On Thursday, Dec. 3, could be very volatile, Zelanski, like Albers, is a a new way of depicting the Bauhaus." Zelanski will reminisce about humorous and paradoxical. teacher/artist. "Albers had world, the viewer is forced to After teaching at several his colorful mentor at Yale. For example, he used bright a strong commitment to reexamine his old way of American universities, Albers spent almost 20 bold colors, yet he always teaching, and his students seeing. Albers came to Yale in 1950. years on the same format, wore grey." who teach have not given up When we look at these new In Germany, he had but his paintings are" truly To his students, Albers was being working artists." images, we scan through our established a course in basic romantic, still 19th cen- both exacting, exasperating To Zelanski, teaching is storehouse of visual and exhilarating. His very, very important. "As a memories for a familiar and students were forced to teacher," said Zelanski, "It comforting memory. When evolve new ways of seeing takes a while to develop in- there is none, as the artist the world, to dare further novative methods, because Joseph Albers reminds us. variants on a theme and to initially you are a storehouse this kind of art looks at us. It take criticism from a stern of your teacher's ideas." exists whether we like it or and eccentric taskmaster. When Zelanski asked understand it. "He had a leader complex, Morris Kantor, one of his Such innovative, creative, he was extremely teachers at Pratt, what was and difficult notions filled theatrical. I always found necessary to become a good the mind of the German ex- myself looking up to him, painter, Kantor replied, patriate Joseph Albers even though he was shorter ''Easy, do it for 40 years.'' (1888-1976) and is now than myself," said Zelanski. Teaching gives artists that echoed by his students who "He could actually make valuable time and a steady are teachers. your ears go red. He would paycheck. "You need time Paul Zelanski, professor of say things that were truly to be an artist. Teaching is art at UConn since 1961.was bad." After noting a very good - you can bounce one of Alber's students at student's discomfort, he ideas off people. You can Yale, "in the golden years, would remark "if that's the give problems to students the early '50's." In an in- worst you'll ever hear about who don't know they can't be formal, discursive interview your art, you'll be lucky." done," said Zelanski. Zelanski reminisced about But Albers' teaching There are two kinds of ar- Albers, discussed his methods were unorthodox tists, according to Zelanski. philosophy of teaching and Paul Zelanski, artist and University professor, stands with One is a recorder of his time, some of his art work. and exciting. "He would detailed his upcoming lec- bring in a critic that who puts down what he sees tures about Albers, his basic was diametrically opposed to in a subjective, highly per- notions of art and his himself, a Non-hard-edge sonal style. The other is a theories about color. painter, an Abstract Ex- reporter, who takes down Before many of the pressionist, a Romantic, so someone else's impressions European intellectuals had that the student would be and factually records them. been displaced from Europe, 1* exposed to more than one SEE PAGE 5 Americans were exposed to a very academic approach to art. "You learned from JO>uu ~f\Eg± at plaster casts, from models, Committee on Cash Food Operations from exercises," said Zelan- in the Student Union ski. HOLIDAY SPIRITS Albers immigrated in 1933 IF YOU: and brought a fresh, new 429-7786 approach with him from the And get ive for just lr a pound up Bauhaus school in Germany. to 30 pounds per keg. Want to help advise on the "The introduction of hours and the days the Student Bauhaus ideas was a breakthrough in teaching," NO DEPOSITS ON KEGS Union Cash Facilities (Including the Commons Dining Hall) will operate..

Beachcomber Tours presents Ms 14th Annual Want to help advise on menus for the Cash Food Operations... Daytona Beach Florida Want to help advise on programs for College Spring Break the Commons Nightclub... From $224 Quad occupancy optional: twins, triple and are a Undergraduate Student, a graduate All tours include: Walt Disney World Tour student, a faculty member or an ad- 8 days/7 nights in first class ministrator. .. Ocean front hotel Deep Sea Fishing Kichenettes pick up an application form in Rm 319 C •Round trip transportation Cancellation protection and more! 11 •Welcome & Farewell poolside parties TODAY! Deadline is Friday Dec. 4. •On campus departures

By Jet $333* for more information 'Price does not include call Brian Jones additional 15°/° for By bus $224* 4876338 tax and gratuities


30LOR A PSYCHIC ENERGiZER [H[ Al Mt M' | .>.... •, .

' urn •'. • • • ■ I .• jeorge Ch.iplin

.'.'•--.'■■ | Aithui Hoenei • • i■■ J «Vc.i- Something Red = AUL ZELANSKI .«UI .'(Ml!-..

./Wednesday Dec 2 7 30PM Connecticut Daily Campus, Wednesday, December 2,1981 Page 5

• • teaching art and the creative process FROM PAGE 4 The modern university fun- lonely thing. It is very im- with problem-solving. "You by this show, others get On Saturday, Zelanski will ctions as the patron for the portant to set up work can spend a lot of time defensive. Color is a wild give a gallery talk and tour artist. "A teacher who is a habits. Discipline is impor- solving personal visual thing. A color is affected by for children about the many fine artist could become even tant." problems and- eventually the color around it. As no funny things a basic color more subjective because if "I don't think students society catches up." two people are alike, no two like red can do. He looks the patron, (the University) should have to pay their Tonight Zelanski will give a colors are alike," said Zelan- forward to the event, was generous, if you don't dues. Every student should slide talk about color ski. because "kids are like pain- have to worry about money, start their career on their dynamics in the Main gallery "It pinches someone in the ters who have been working you can do some truly per- teacher's shoulders, not un- of the Benton Museum. nerves to see something that for 40 years. They have a sonal things." der their feet. Sometimes "The color lecture can give was already there. It personal, intense reaction to Zelanski is subjective about teachers make things too people insight into how all weakens our defensive grids, the world." his own work. "I make hard. They build a the senses can be activated. and -heightens our senses. In his students Albers in- things I want to see made. If mystique. If students Some people get energized You are forced to see. stilled a desire to invent new you made them, I'd do realized how much fun and intense visual statements something else." That teaching was, there wouldn't that combined traditional comment is certainly in the be any need for us. craftsmanship with modern Albers tradition. For Albers With his blue sweater, ingenuity. Zelanski is con- wrote that "I do not look for well-worn mountain boots, stantly searching for new isms nor momentary blue jeans and disciplined ways to express his ideas. fashion. In my work I am work habits, Zelanski does "Art is part of our existen- content to compete with not fit the stereotype of the ce, it will always change. myself." misunderstood artist. In It's very different now Now on sabatical, Zelanski fact, he debunks many of the because of television. We works in his studio above the •myths associated with the can see things, small or far print making shop for five struggling painter. away. Reality has followed hours in the morning. "Art is the solution of art," said Zelanski. For young artists, Zelanski visual problems," said "In American society, the ar- offers the following counsel. Zelaski. Like Albers, Zelan- tist asks truly personal "You cannot be afraid to ski believes that it does not questions.. Even though we make a bad piece of art. matter so much what the serve no function, it would Painting can be an extremely work looks like as it does be a terrible place without us," said Zelanski. This untitled work by Jospeh Albers is now on display in the "Formulation: Articulation" exhibit at the Benton Museum until Dec. 20. (Photo courtesy of E. Irving Blomstrannj. yv 4*4 Wednesday's in Forum THE The Daily ^Campus staffs a free noon time informal seminar \ University of Dominica wishes THIS WEEK: Schools of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine 0 everyone Iffc JOHN HERR good luck on Confessions of Accepting applications for programs beginning in finals and • a Unwitting Sexist' March and July 1982 leading to the MD and DVM 12:00 noon degrees, and the Doctor of Philosophy degree in the happiness fields of Epidemiology, Anatomy and Microbiology. Student Union 4 Direct inquiries to: during the m Carribbean Admissions. Inc. 16 WpsJ 32 St Music Listeninq Room (6th Floor) New York. N.Y. 10001 or Dean R. H holiday Cuadrado, University of Dominica, P.O. Box 266, season Roseau, Commonwealth of Dominica, Windward Bring a bag lunch Islands, West Indies ' tUMmn ^ refreshments provided

Balloon Saloon Presents 3J5- We are the Hottest Rock & Roll Bar in the Storrs area Every week we will bring on our stage the best rock groups in the area for your dancing pleasure Know someone who has been good all year9 (To start December off "Hot" this week we are featuring: send them a 12/3Thurs Kid Stark 8:30-12:30 Doors, Doobies. Stones & much more LETTER FROM SANTA 12/4&5 Fri&Sat Eaglevil'le 9:30-1:30 'Written on Santa stationary Lynyrd Skynard Marshall Tucker & on & on & on 'Perfect for Secret Santas ' Includes Free surprise Christmas Gift! In addition we will continue our super weekly specials: Sun & TUGS Ladies Nite 7 -11 All drafts & well drinks only 25* Only $1.00 Mon Mens'Nite 7- 11 All Drafts &Well Drinks only 50 « and Include person's name and address along with $1.00 & 35c postage & handling to Monday nite football 12/2/81 Wed Drink of the week special Santa's Helpers 7 - Closing Bloody Marys $1.00 414 Warrenvilte Rd. Apt 3 Mansfield Ctr. 06250 Rt 32 Mansfield 4870836 Featuring drinks 3/2 and Hotdogs Pizza Salad Mfl—I mmmmam Thurs., Dec. 3, 8:15 p.a. Mon., Dec. 7, 8:15 p.a. M-F, 8:30 a.a.-4:30 p.m. Fri., Dec. 4, 8 p.a. VDi* Von der Mehden Von der Mehden through Dec. 11 Adaission (2 SCHOOL ELECTRONIC MUSIC & UCONN WIND ENSEMBLE, Atrium Gallery, Art Bldg John Ford's classic FILM PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE ROBERT MANNING, THE GRAPES OF OF Celebrating the UConn Davidovsky, Ives, Cage, flozart JOHN STEVENS, WRATH Electronic Music studio SUZANNE HOWES- Henry Fonda, John FINE Wed., Dec. 9, 8:15 p.a. STEVENS CcW'radine Sun., Dec. 6, 3 p.a., VDM Von.der Mehden paintings, drawings, ARTS STUDENT CHAMBER UNIVERSITY CONCEPT sculpture MUSIC FESTIVAL BAN^ WEEKLY Now-Cec. 5, 8:15 ?.m. Sun., Dec, 6, 0:15 p.m., V0;-i Dec. 5 G 6, 2 p.*. CALENDAR UCONN BRASS QUINTnV 24-hr info 486-2106 Adm. $6, $5; HSJ Theatre Mith Larry Rachleff, percussion Art 486-3931 Musical Hit Tickets $4, $2 VDM 486-2260 GREASE 'hone reservations. 486-22C0 Hrama ZtPq-9019 t III

Page 6 Connecticut Daily Campus, Wednesday, December 2,1981 King Crimson's new album successful ...

By Michael Bnrgan album, the group shows a screechings on "Elephant like a guitar-it's closer to a electronic gadgetry in the Staff Writer good deal of cohesion, and Talk." and they do sound synthesizer imitating a horn. studio, but his bizarre King Crimson the willingness to create new like the cries of an elephant. Fripp is fascinated with the playing is never gimmicky or ' 'Discipline sounds and challenge the On "The Sheltering Sky," different sounds a guitar can superfluous. limits of . the guitar no longer sounds produce when mixed with Robert rripp, the driving SEEPAGE 7 force behind the various in- Despite all the spaciness, carnations of King Crimson, the trips into rock's more has resurrected the band one cosmic side, and even the $$$ INTERESTED IN EMPLOYMENT? $$$ more time. Ex-Crimson dabbles with funky beats, drummer Bill Bruford, Fripp is basically a rocker. sessionmen Tony Levin Whether on an upbeat song (bass) and Adrian like "Frame by Frame" or Mandatory meeting for those persons seeking advertizing Belew(guitar) have joined the mellower "Matte the ever-experimenting Kudasi," Fripp and Belew production positions at the Connecticut Daily Campus. Fripp to produce both play as raunchy as any December 10 at 3:00 PM "Discipline," a different and rock guitarist. But Fripp exciting album. goes beyond the average Connecticut Daily Campus The record has touches of rocker, as he plays h i s com- 121 N.Eagleville Fripp's work with Brian Eno plicated riffs over and over, (behind Subway) - an emphasis on the use of and Belew adds his startling varied rhythmic and melodic electronic effects. No Experience Necessary! patterns and sounds like the Freshman Encouraged To Apply! old Crimson in its heavier "Elephanosity" is how the moments. Throughout the band describes Belew's Previous Applicants and current Ad-Production staff must attend this meeting LAST CHANCE FT. LAUDERDALE-MARCH BREAK NUTMEG '81 YOU HEARD ALL ABOUT IT!!! DON't MISS OUT-SPACE IS LIMITED Centennial Issue BRING YOUR $30.00 DEPOSIT TO 314 COMMONS of the UConn Yearbook YOUR DEPOSIT GOES TOWARD EITHER:

Now on sale in The U.S.G. office Air Tour Motorcoach tour •Round trip jet from NYC •Round trip transp. from to FT.Lauderdale SU to FT. Lauderdale Commons RM.219 •Roundtrip bus from SU to •Only $294 Kennedy Airport Monday-Friday 9 am 12 noon only 'Only $465 plus $10 for bus to NYC Both trips include... S18.00 *7 nights lodging at Holiday Inn Oceanside Home of "The Button Bar" 'Welcome party 'Free Souvenirs "Exclusive discount booklet for restaurants, bars, & shops EEE- "All taxes &gratuities included ^m

Sfc Assorted Candies Decorations Icicles Cards -Tags Gift Wrap Ribbon G.H. Waring Dungeons & Dragons Continental Gift Shop •Stuffed Animals •Toys-Games

Present this coupon Childrens' Books to register for our S25.00 Dollhouse Supplies gift certificate--winner will Posters be selected Dec 1 7 th Artist's Supplies ... and much, much more!

;Secret Santa s 39c & up -Advent calendarb foreign language cards ' Moh.ies PHIL'S 'Christmas tree ornaments •p„*tei Jewelry "Music boxes "Gill cenlicatt" "THE ALMOST EVERYTHING STORE" '■' ... .\ \ i, «,..•.. 10 DOG LANE - STORRS

"I '■ ■ - . .<. > . 429-2600 Connecticut Daily Campus, Wednesday, December 2,1981 Page 7 Special events scheduled .. 'disciplined'rock music for Joseph Albers exhibit

FROM PAGE 6 words of street people. The Peter Gabriel shows he can Color - A Psychic Energizer Recent color work by these lyrics are funny, but con- do more than what he's done Paul Zelanski, painter and three Albers' students is on The first side of fusing. The music, however, here. University art professor, will display in the Study Room. "Discipline" has four songs is great. Bruford plays ex- Some people, not me, I give a slide talk on color Seeing Red with lyrics (though the lyrics cellent congas on the tune, assure you, might accuse dynamics on Wednesday, Special for Children: of "Indiscipline" are Fripp adds unique guitar Fripp and company of self- Dec. 2. 1981 at 7:30 p.m. A gallery talk and tour spoken), and range from treatments, and the whole indulgence. The seemingly Highly praised byZelanski' s especially for 1st - 8th funky to bluesy to hard rock. song moves along. redundant nature of some of students and off-campus graders, about the color red. The second side has two long the music might turn them audiences this lecture is now Workshop activities and a instrumentals, similar to The level of musicianship is off. But one man's self- offered publicly in the Main tour of the Albers exhibition. Fripp's work with Eno, "No consistently high on indulgence is another's Gallery. Pussyfootin.' " The most "Discipline." Bruford's Participants are asked to aesthetic experimentation. wear something red. With rocking song on the side, playing is jazzy and crisp, "Discipline" is not pop or "Thela Hun Ginjee," is the and Belew and Fripp are two Paul Zelanski, Kay Janney of rock music in the more com- Interaction on Colon the Department of Dramatic strongest of the album. consummate guitarists who mercial sense; it is a reflec- After Albers play well off each other. The Arts, and other guest tion of the talents of creative Three of Joseph Albers' guides. Crimson offers no ex- Fripp trademark - subtly men willing to try new students reminisce about planation of this song title, shifting, modulating guitar things, and who have the their colorful mentor at Yale: Films and plays a tape of spoken patterns - blends well with ability to do them well. George Chaplin, Trinity "Joseph Albers - Homage works under the music which Belew's raunchier style, and College; Arthur Hoener, to the Square" will be shown makes the song even more the electronic wizardry of "Discipline" is a great find Hampshire College; and four times in the Study exotic. A male voice talks both men always creates for the music fan who ap- Paul Zelanski, University of Room. Fridays, Dec. 4 and about walking through New awesome new sounds. Only preciates change, and an ar- Connecticut on Thursday, 11 (12:30 p.m.) and Sundays. York City and almost getting Tony Levin is a slight disap- tist who seeks to extend the Dec. 3, at 7:30 p.m. Dec. band 13(3 p.m.). beaten up as he records the pointment. His work with definition of rock music.

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9:00 am - 5:00 pm Sponsored by Delta Sigma Pi 101 And 102 Student Union vMMOflriyflf MHMMnM. **~J Page 8 Connecticut Daily Campus, Wednesday, December 2,1981 Letters

I've seen the show, but 1 think that I'd rather listen to Live your the song. Each day, millions of Americans, and hundreds of own life UConn students, sit down to watch "General Hospital." To the Editor: Just why they do it is I am writing in concern beyond me. They sit down about the General Hospital for an hour each day to in- craze. People around the volve themselves in the whole country are more in- troubled lives of others. terested with Luke and Who's having an abortion? Laura's wedding than with Why did they split up? the world's real problems. Whose feet are those at the Even Newsweek magazine wedding? What's Liz Taylor found it important enough to doing (other than making a do a cover story about quick buck?) General Hospital. People If it's problems people want are becoming obsessed with to involve themselves with, this show that they are they should be constructive organizations at all. They tion against the birds. protect Mr. Reagan. It was leading their life around the and deal with some real are people who persist in Hate groups, for a long designed to protect the television. Students here at ones. For instance, what the circulating the myths that time, have been perverting President, which at this time UConn schedule classes heck is Ronald Reagan up say that all Polish-Americans what it means to love happens to be Mr. Reagan. around General Hospital. to? This question could keep are stupid and that all Irish- something, someone, In the event of a disaster, be They plan to be in their people busy for weeks on Americans are drunks. religion, or an ideal. I think it a natural disaster of ex- room at three o'clock in or- end. Maybe the G.H. crowd It is important to note that it is time we turned the treme proportions or a man- der to watch the ritual show. doesn't have the attention organizations have been tables on hate and put it into made disaster of nuclear They rush to the store to buy span to deal with such formed to combat such something constructive. nature, it is imperative that the magazines concerning problems. Possibly the hatred. Unfortunately, some Hate the geese instead of someone of rank be able to General Hospital and their G.H. watchers need of these groups have sunk to hating people. Hate poverty rebuild the nation. It is conversations are f i lied with something more exciting the same low levels, as instead of hating people. logical that we would try to the General Hospital hap- than 400.000 people losing though, they are a hate Hate injustice instead of save the President as he is penings. This kind of action their jobs; might as well give group themselves instead of hating justice. Please con- is definitely an addiction. the accepted leader of our them a mad scientist trying an organization formed to sider joining, "The Official I country. A disaster of such The whole school has to freeze the earth. fight them. Witness the hate the Canadian Geese proportions would obviously become involved. The pub The last Tuesday, at its behavior of INCAR at a Klan Club." result in utter chaos. If Ms. has a General Hospital hap- proudest moment, "General rally. Though, I must admit Mary F. Sladek py hour each week which is Smith wishes to see an Hospital" gaves its loyal that such action is done in illustration of such a packed with faithful wat- viewers a wedding to rival outrage against a contem- chers surrounding the screen disaster, a realistic portrayal that of Lady Di and Prince plated outrage. can be found in the novel The student union television Respect the Charles, as Luke and Laura Of course, it is important to Lucifer's Hammer by Larry room is filled with viewers tied the knot. Even The note those groups who think glued to the show. A person Niven and Jerry Pournelle. Connecticut Daily Campus they can establish a new or- Presidency It is fiction yet it is realistic must get there an hour covered the glorious event. der by attacking armored To the Editor: none the less. before in order to get a seat I've seen "General cars. This group claims to Upon reading Sandra for the show. People then Ms. Smith asked why we Hospital" now. I still have love humanity so much, that Smith's letter concerning should save the President if begin to fill the floor space no idea what all the ex- it is necessary to sometimes President Reagan's use of there is going to be a sur- just to get a glimpse of the citement is about. hurt people to get the point the Doomsday plane in screen. viving "John Hinckley" to Name withheld on request across to the American Thursday, November 19th's try to assasinate him. That With all the academic, public. Connecticut Daily Campus, I athletic, and dramatic oppor- type of person exists today It is amazing that the felt that such a letter should and it is inevitable that tunities available it is a pity Darkness of hatred is so not pass unopposed. I do not that so many students Hate people like him will exist af- much more appealing, then believe that the opinion ex- ter a disaster. Should no at- choose to spend their time the Light of love. In fact, it is pressed by Ms. Smith is the with the concern of fictional tempt be made to save the injustice practically more respectable general opinion held by the characters. People should President because of this to say, 'I belong to a hate public. Since your paper fact? Would Ms. Smith like be involved with their own To the Editor: group,' then to say, 'I belong should be concerned with to eliminate the Office of the lives and should be thinking It appears that America has to a group who loves.' This presenting more than one about their own futures. As Presidency because there is decided to embrace the Hate is evident not only in the opinion, I would like to take people say the younger always the possibility he will Group. This is evident in the American public in general, this opportunity to submit a be assasinated? generation is the future of rise of the Ku Klux Klan. but in the UConn community differing opinion. this country but with Let us hope that the Doom- The Klan teachs that to be a in particular. The thought that such a lack everyone obsessed with sday Plane will never be good, white Christian one Because of this interesting of pride in the United States General Hospital our outlook used for its intended purpose must hate Blacks and Jews. phenomonon, I have decided government exists appalls seems glum. by President Reagan or any They are supported by to form my own hate group. me. Ms. Smith's attitude is Debbie Preminger future President. I hope that another vicious group known It has only one qualification extremely selfish. I do not Ms. Smith wil retract her as the Neo-Nazis. These and one disqualification. agree with Mr. Reagan's statement as it is not based people who express One is disqualified from policies, nor do I pretend to on rational thought but a Christianity in terms of hate joining if one holds member- like the man. Therefore, it is selfish desire. Someone has Solve some seem to have forgotten that ship in or sympathizes with not Mr. Reagan that I to be chosen to rebuild our Christ was and is Jewish and any group that hates people defend, rather the American country should the need problems was not an Anglo-American for any reason. One is Presidency. The exhibition descendant. arise. I know that I am not qualified to join if one hates of such lack of respect for our capable of doing this and I To the Editor: There are, however, the Canadian Geese. The nation's highest office seriously doubt that Ms. Before 1 arrived at UConn, groups who hate all reason for this dislike lies displays perhaps the sorriest I'd heard a song called Smith is capable of such as Americans without distin- around Mirror Lake. This trend that the U.S. public well. "General Hospital,"but I've ction. One such group is the group has no dues, holds no could follow. The Doomsday never seen the show. Now James A. Razinha FALN. Some groups are not meetings and will take no ac- Plane was not designed to DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau Letters Policy I WANT THIS SET- af^ 6NEN Tt€ DELICACY OF THIS All letters submitted for > GENTLEMEN, THE WO TIW ONCE AND ABSOLUTELY NOT, KIND OF DEPLOYMENT, THE HMM.. MR PRESIDENT, publication must be \ OF YOU HAVE PONE NOTHING FOR ALL! DOES SIR. INFAU.WE TECHNICAL ASPECTS A/EVERY WHATDO IUKB TO THINK typewritten and triple k BUT EMBARRASS ME WITH NATO HAVE A DEM- MAYNOTEVEN WORRISOME. FRANKLY, I'M fV- YOUR SQUABBLING OVERTHE YOU THINK, HIROSHIMA SPEAKS spaced. The Connecticut ONSTRATIONBLAST HAVE THE ■ NOT PERSUADED WE COUU? ALT , FOR ITSELF. o_ NUCLEAR WARNING SHOT.. SCENARIO OX NOT? CAPABILITY. DELIVER StiCH A WEAPON Daily Campus reserves ^^CASKR? ON TIME AW ON TARGET. I the right to edit for space, libel, and grammar. Sub- missions must include the name, address and phone number of the author.' Mail to Box U 189, Storrs. Conn. 06268. Letters may be hand-delivered to ii' North Eagleville Road Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to4p.m.' Connecticut Daily Campus, Wednesday, December 2,1981 Page 9 Squatters movement catalyzing European activism

AMSTERDAM. Netherlands — Much of the self-reliance within close-knit cooperative groups street. When police came-a force of 2,000, activism now sweeping Europe, bringing hundred' and a practical approach evolved from experience expecting trouble-the squatters gathered inside of thousands out to demonstrate against everything rather than dogma. These same characteristics and watches the street action on TV. It took police from nuclear weapons to airport extensions, grows also are central to the Solidarity movement in lour hours to reach them. out of a phenomenon that would seem to have little Poland. Eventually, the city's housing bureau found a to do with such causes--the squatter communities The experience of Erica and Servaas is typical of legal home for Erica and Sei /aa and their extended that have spread through many cities in reoent how the squatter dynamic works. For three years, family. They now rent a former hospital facility, years. they lived and fought to stay in a building that faces which they arc remodeling into living and work Because of the desperate shortage of affordable the famous Reijks museum in Amsterdam spaces, including studios for photography and housing, many thousands of people, most of them After Erica's parents divorced, it was decided that graphic arts. young, have moved illegally into vacant building, she would live with her father in a seperate "The new houses arc only for sleeping, eating, especially in the Netherlands, Denmark and West apartment until her graduation from high school. watching TV. But living in a house is more than Germany. But they could find none to rent in Amsterdam. that." Erica said. "And a house is not just the Most were strangers when they came together, However, there were many vacant old buildings in owner's who has the money to buy it. It also sharing only the need for a place to live. But by the city--as there are in Berlin, where squatters belongs to the people who live in it." occupying a common shelter, working to make it occupy about 175 structures. Some were vacated The squatters have set up consulting offices and livable and fighting to keep it, they and their for redevelopment that never happened; others published a handbook on how to find a home and supporters evolved into a cultural and political were kept empty by speculators who wanted to stay in it. As most habitable old structusc already catalyst for other forms of activism. replace cheap rentals with more profitable, have been taken over in Amsterdam, they now arc "We are the spring in the German autumn," expensive units. squatting in the overbuilt, empty, new offices and proclaims a banner fluttering from a bleak old To call attention to what they saw as a waste of condominiums. building in Berlin's Kreuzberg section. "Survival living space in the midst of a severe housing Many who started like Erica and Servaas. just must not be enough," reads another. Such shortage. Dutch activists proclaimed a National looking for shelter, have become involved in other slogans, and the optimistic feel of the movement, Squatting Day on February 24, 1978, when certain activities, especially in the peace movement and recalls the activism of the 1960s. But the buildings were to be occupied by demonstrators. various alternative snail business and social phenomenon also may be a preview of what might Erica, then 17. and her father took part in the service ventures. The squatter communities have occur in U.S. cities later in the 1980s if the economy move on the hadsome old building facing the played the catalyzing role thai universities did in continues to contract. museum. It had been designed by the son of the the 1960s. But they are outgrowths of down-to- Puerto Ricans already are squatting in museum's architect and harmonized with it in earth needs rather than idealism, and they are abandoned buildings in New York; and poor black style, but was <»wned by men who wanted to replace diverse in a way the student movement only families, especially those with many children, have it with a new office-garage structure. aspired to be. bringing together students, unemp- been doing it in Philadelphia and Chicago, with Once inside. Erica and her father, along with loyed workers, punks, immigrants and activists. support from community groups. about 30 others, decided to stay. He left after she Academics and clergy come in as advisers and But in Europe the squatter movement is far more got her diploma, but she remained and enrolled in a advocates." widespread, more powerful and more diverse. cabinet-making school. Among the squatter communitcs here and in Demographics, in part, explains why. Servaas. a university student in philosophy, came Germany are some composed of mental patients, The surge in the youth population that occurred in later. "I really knew nothing about the squatters; I who get support form sympathizing psychiatrists; the United States in the 1960s has only recently hit just need a place," he said. "But you find that a lot some of juvenile runaways, who are protected by most European countries, because the post-World of things need doing, and that is how you became youth workers. War II baby boom occurred later here. Unlike the and active squatter." Authories have tried to get tougher. So have youth of the 1960s, however, the Europeans are The house had no water or electricity and only a property owners, who have ripped roofs off becoming adults in a society of diminished few of its rooms could be heated. "A lot of people occupied houses and destroyed plumbing to get expectations, where choice of work and living think you live for free when you squat. But people squatters out, despite laws forbidding such space, as well as social welfare programs, are who have little money have to spend a lot to make vandalism. In Berlin, police have prevented shrinking. such a place livable." said Erica. recent squatting attempts. "The wonder economy is over," remarked an "We were very different people." observed But in Amsterdam, at least. Servaas thinks that official in the employment bureau in Hamburg, Servaas. "Some had more education and could "to set out all the squatters is impossible. Too may Germany, after giving a reporter the latest write technical things; others could build. We people depend on this to live. And more and more statistics on joblessness. "It will never again be learned from each other. There was always have nothing to lose." that good." someone who could do what needed to be done." "The moment you have nothing to lose you can do The more they worked on the building, the more everything." said Erica. "People over 30 are in the sun, those under 30 are they felt they belonged ther. But though city in shadow, and for those under 23 it is beginning to 'When you see you can do things together-when officals assured them they did not like the owner's 2.000 police come to get out 35 people-then ycu rain," said Teert Mak, who writes on youth issues plan to demolish the handsome, historic structure, for the Netherlands' weekly. Groene Amsterdamer. see you have strength." said Servaas. they lacked the power to stop it. "Also, you can trust." added Erica. "I don't As squatters, young people who are spurred by a - When the owner won a court order for eviction last want to leave these people now." lack of alternatives have begun to created some December, the residents barricaded themselves themselves. Their movement is characterized by Rasa Gustaitis covers Western inside while suooorters put up barricades on the Europe for Pacific News Service. What we can learn from a fading generation

By Dan Baker useful ideas which have all Anti-materialism: A bias drugs, and contracting em- energy-the drive to get Attaining the age of 25 may but disappeared among the that went hand in hand with barrassing diseases. have eased my insurance rusty relics and rosy recreat- something that is in out. It is the first. Where their status- Mysticism: The positive a need that is answered rates and marked the end of ions of the era. seeking elders-the "Depr- side of anti-materialism; the osteochondral development, Self-expression: Probably sometimes in love relation- ession Generation"-- had abandoning of Western ships, but not, I think, com- but it also caused me to the cardinal value of the '60s; squandered their youth chas- values for "Eastern. Zen- pletely. It is answered best feel irreversilby and disgust- the two-sided notion that not ing the American Dream (so Buddhism (as popularized by in a systematic, creative ingly OLD; so that I find only does everyone possess a the scenario went), '60s kids Suzuki. Watts, et. al.) got myself regarding the present "self" capable of and worthy (using the word loosely) act- went instead in search of quite big; right along with it ivity covering a large span of student population from the of expressing, but that is is their "identities" ("But I've came Indian music. Trans- years -a "life's work." If obscure and distant terrace the business of life to seek an gotta find myself. Ma!), cendental Meditation, and you haven't turned to Doon- of the '60s "idealism," won- outlet for such expression. abandoning (for the moment) Yoga. A fascination took dering if **y attachment to Just exactly what the term sbury yet, then, consider that visions of ranch-houses, hold for all things intuitive education can be a means of the past is merely sentimental. meant was always hazy; cert- swimming-pools, and 2-car and irrational: astrology, trying out different fields, I take a sip of Darjeeling Tea ainly poets, painters, and garages. The best place for Tarot cards, stream-of cons- instead of single-mindedly and ponder: wasn't there dancers were practicing it, the search seemed to be ciousness writing. Millions something to be learned from but if one lacked obvious pursuing a profession. The school, where Liberal Arts sought the Transcendent ex- fear, of course is that you will living through decade (slob- talents he/she was sure to be became the thing, the "prac- perience--the submerging of waste four years finding out bering youngster theug h I confused. No matter: in the tical" subjects-business', the ego to attain higher that nothing interests you; was)? I think (answering ideal state envisaged every- accounting, the hard sci- "levels of consciousness." myself) I have retained some one had a place. but it's not necessarily a ences-taking a back seat. Hallucinogenic drugs were waste: you may be on the Especially popular were usually involved but not al- way to something. whimsical compound-type ways. As for anti-materialism (to anntttltvA flatty CkntuwE coursed: "Sociology of Zen' What use can we make of end on a cantankerous note) Basket-Weaving," "The such Romantic notions some it may be more than the SERVING STORRS SINCE 1896 Postmark as Literature."' ten years after their immed- bratty effluence of uppcr- The second-best place for the iacy and political edge has middle-class angst; it may be EDSILVERSTEIN search was on the road, worn off? Well, for one thing the necessary view to adopt which meant hitch-hiking, Editor in Chief "self-expression might have as we gulp with long distances with no dest- been a catchword, but it still blow-dryers and Water-Piks. ination in mind (and getting appears to be a need for most forcing ourselves into comp- LISASTENZA SUSAN KOQH picked up by a VW Bus), people. Not to say that we liances with snickering Arab Managing Editor Business-Manager falling in with a group of like are all artists, but everyone despots. Dan Baker is a i souls, "experimenting" wit h possesses a certain creative graduate student in English. t 1 1 I t I :::::;::::::• '

Pago 10 Connecticut Daily Campus, Wednesday, December 2,1981 dressed in jeans and wore death in 1970. She was in several tops against the crisp her late eighties. fall day. The large black The building is older still, Champlion's woodstove which dominates built in 1843. When Susie the low-ceilinged main room started the store, she ran it of Champlion's is the only as a real all-purpose general source of heat in the winter, but it was not quite cold General Store enough yet to stoke it up. Merrill smiled. "When I Local first bought the store," she A tradition lives on in quiet Mansfield said, "well, you know, you buy it with a dream when Spotlight By Bruce Palmer honey, cider vinegar, jars, and cans; shelves, you're young, but then you store, with a huge wooden Staff Writer sprouted and un-sprouted metal-topped glass bins, get busy having little kids block- for butchering and a MANSFIELD - Need grains, books, bumper five-gallon plastic buckets, and no money." hand pump in the middle of any horswort or stickers, t-shirts, and, it you clay jugs and various other She and her husband, the worn, wide-planked floor blackstrap molassas? happen to need one, even a containers which hold her Robert, bought the building to dispense kerosene for old- How about a book on natural wooden hand-screw type wares, was Mrs. Merrill which houses the store at an fashioned cookstoves. healing, holistic medicine, or fruit press. Cook, owner and proprietor action in 1971 of Susie But Susie died and the store back-to-basics nutrition? On the day we visited, sit- of Champlion's. Champlion's estate. closed, and it was some time Even if you have no use for ting serenely behind- the She is slight and soft- Susie and her husband had before it opened again. any of these, there's bound counter, surrounded by piles spoken, of average height, moved to Mansfield in 1910, When Merrill and Robert to be something you can use of carboard boxes and brown with curly, medium length started the store, and ran it bought the store, they were among the hundreds of items paper bags, rows of tins, brown hair. Whe was for 60 years until Susie's SEE PAGE 12 sold at Champlion's General Store, located on Route 275, just past where it crosses Route 32 and begins to wind through the hills toward GREAT WRITING STARTS WITH Coventry. At Champlion's you can buy the ingredients and books to make your own beer or wine A LITTLE LISTENING, A LITTLE Hal: or if you've got a few hives hanging around, you can find just the right stuff to AND A LOT OF LEGWORK. become a bee-keeper. When the guys at Miller asked me to Even locations should be based on CAPER TO PAPER If you eschew the chemical- write an ad on writing, I said. "Forget it. real things. If you're writing about a bar, laden foods on the shelves Not even if you held a gun to my head!' So > O.K., you've got your characters, loca- know that bar. Hang out there. Watch the tions, and dames lined up. Now comes the and in the freezers of your they held a bottle of Lite Beer to my mouth. bartender. The customers. Whatever food part: Putting your caper to paper, local supermarket, Cham- They're a pretty persuasive group. they drink, you drink. When they drink here's no mystery to it. As long as you THUGS TO MUGS Lite Beer, you drink Lite Beer. Re- write the ending first, the rest will follow. plion's offers you whole member-research is most fun when wheat or sesame pastas, If you're going to write anything, know Write short, terse, to-the-point sentences. what you're talking about And that means you soak up as much subject matter as Be as clear as possible. And make sure herbs of all sorts (most more three things: Research, research, and you can. It can only help you paint a you've got the right stuff around for when common than horswort), more research. The more you know, the better picture. you get thristy. After all, writing is pretty beans, seeds, and nuts; more you can tell your reader. M, DOLL thirsty work. organicall-grown onions and Take my characters A lot of them I No caper is complete without dames I suggest a couple of mugs of Lite base on actual people. There's this buddy (or ladies in proper English). Experience Beer- who ever heard of a caper that potatoes from Vermont, both of mine who pops up in every book I write. has shown me that in mystery writing, the didn't involve a couple of mugs? bargains at 52 cents and 42 In one story he's a cop. In another, a pri- sexier the dames, the better. Experience Why Lite Beer? It's a lot like me and my cents a pound respectively; vate eye. Once, I made him a millionaire. has also shown me that sexy scenes make books-great taste, less filling (some ungassed bananas (some Using him not only helped make character great punctuation marks. This is where people cant get their fill of my books), and development a heck of a lot easier, he was shippers gas them to make research has the greatest potential. Use always good to spend time with. so carried away by the rich image, he your own discretion in this matter. But At any rate, follow my advice and, who them ripen) that are green, bought me a lot of free dinners (and a lot of when you write about it, don't be too knows-you might turn out a heck of a firm, and unbruised; un- Lite Beer from Miller). So use the people explicit. That way, your reader gets to paint story. Or you might turn out to be a heck of processed whole-grain you know as models a more vivid picture. a Lite Beer drinker. flours, vitamins, minerals,

S>tt*TS L *


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Storrt ® 487-1193 Connecticut Daily Campus, Wednesday, December 2,1981 Page 11


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SMOKED-WATER ADOEDOH FRESH PICNICS BONELESS (FLAT CUT-1.79 LB.) BEEF CHUCK-BONELESSIBIAOE STEAKS-2 29LB I 2_, ^^ rncon-DuncLCoaFRESH-BONELESS Pork Corned Beef 59 Cube 19 Chicken 99 Shoulders 89° Briskets "ST lb. 1 Steaks lb Cutlets ib i 6 CENTER CHOPS-1 RIB ENO1 1 ICHN END ROAST . .__ JONES FARM DOC FROZEN ._- FRESH MIXED FRYER PARTS , Porn 129 Bo/ S*M 39 lb I Pork Combination! Chub Liverwurst P'S °" Gorton's Fried Clams P»B I Box-O-Chicken PORK LOIN RIB SIDE OR SPECIAL CUT OR MAPLE CURED .__ FRESH-US DA INSPECTED 14-17 39 59 Whole Pork Loins il,-. 1 Colonial Sliced Bacon I Chicken Legs. EOUAl AMI CENTER CUT. BLADE I SIRLOIN END CHOPS - ,.„ , Pwk 1*9 lb I Assorted Pork Chops i 1 NUTRITIOUS YELLOW GOLDEN RIPE MllSMIRE FARM (BEEF POL SKA 2 39 LB.) Polska Kielbasa 2i9 Bananas KAHN SlBEEF 1 -LB PKG 1 99) Mb 119 Jumbo Meat Franks 1*9 V Dole Or jC PlB Dairy Specials \ Chiquita RICH IN VITAMIN 'C'-MINUTE MAID gjt\EFARv£

JUICY SCEOL6SS-FLORI0A WHITE OR Orange Juice Pink Grapefruit (48s) 6 99c Baking Potatoes WASH STATE-US NO I EXTRA FANCY GOLDEN OR ... FIRM-REDRIPE Red Delicious Apples bo Large Tomatoes

BUTTERY FLAVORED-LARGE . -»_ FRESH-NUTRITIONAL-IHIMI-HUIHIIIUMI COUNTRYSTANOI.I HI2-OZ CTN I 211 Mi California Avocados Ml„4o Mushrooms HMM HOLIDAY SEASON SPECIAL-PREMIUM f OB FRESHCRISP-FUll OF VITAMINS h 491 Washed Spinach KRAFT-PROCESS SPREAD Poinsettias'£ £5 24b »99 Velveeta Cheese P»9 Minute Maid Orange Juice I SALTED OR UNSALTED-QUARTERS Mb Land 0 Lakes Butter pkg LaPizzeria Pizza V™ ASSORTED FLAVORS |B«$1 NON DAIRY COFFEE CREAMER _ $ -. New Country Yogurt • corns I Rich's Coffee Rich 3;:,;;::, 1 LARGE OR SMALL CURD BANQUET 24-OI 2« COM 23. Hood Cottage Cheese V Fried Chicken P*« HOOD CHICKEN. TURKEY-SALISBURY STEAK OR VEAL PARMESAN Grapefruit Juice Banquet Dinners ££, '£ 69*

PLAIN OR PEANUT YOUR CHOICE •NiblMjCom-12-oj I&OI i9999 M&M Candies P*9 Green Giant "SSW&MT^ 2 „„. 79* ASSORTED FLAVORS 3*4 ONION RECIPE t SOUP Mil —— * Jell-0 Gelatin pr,.$1 LiptonSoup x69* KEE8LER CRACKERS lyu IINE MEDIUM OR BROAD __ 16-OI Honey Grahams P»9 99° Penn Dutch Noodles ,79°

TOWNHOUSE nMjk DECAFFEINATED OR REGULAR , _„ iS-oi Keebler Crackers P*9 99* Tasters Choice Coffee *g 4" KEEBLER nils- TWN OR REG SPAGHETTI ZITI ELBOWS OR RrGATOM ^ s#— Cinnamon Crisps 99* Pasta Romano 2 1 In Slwcs Witb Mi STORE SLICED-COLOMAL Q-Tip Swabs ASSORTED-TOASTED nr%f ASSORTED VARIETIES-CAT FOOT Cooked Roast Beef Keebler Crackers P>>9 99* Friskies Buffet 3^89* BUY 1 -GET I FREE-SEE STORES FOR DETAILS STORE SLICED OLDHEIOELBERG-FIRST PRIZE DISHWASHING 1,-. ASSORTED PAPER-SINCIE PI Y 129 Bic Men's Shavers 12-OI 39 UOcI ggc Tobin's German Bologna Palmolive Liquid OH Viva Napkins P*» MIGHT TIME COLD MEDICINE STORE SLICED ANN PAGE-PLASTIC ASSORTED FACIAL - T WO PL Y M Vicks Nyquil 20CKI ggc Auricchio Provolone 2 DISPOSABLE Trash Bags STi" Scotties Tissues P*9 Bic Lighters ASSORTED-PA PER-TWO PLY 2*4 ASSORTEO-BATHROOM-SmOLEPLY NEW DECAFFEINATED EIGHT O'CLOCK! Hi-Dri Towels "%: $1 ScotTissue 39* Buy your first pound with our help' ffrW \\|K(IKI of <

A ' V


Tonight The Yukonian No. 1

i •Proudly Presents


A back to class ex travagarva featuring the Hottest band in the area111


And let us not forget Ladies...It's your nite. your first drink free it you re there by 9:00 and it's 2 for 1 for you till 11 00

Guys-Don't miss the most amazing array of Ladies plus Hartford's Hottesl Band In A wild Wednesday to remember!!!

The Yukonian were doing it for you-Try us you'll love us.

i ■ ■ i . • ' ■■ ■ Lowenbrau. Here's to good friends. ^^ CI lQfll1981 BeerRMtr hfAttfCWlbrewed inmUSA I I S A huby MillarMiller BrewingHr#w*iinn PnmaCompany. Milwaukee. Wisconsin Connecticut Daily Campus, Wednesday, December 2,1981 Page 13 LUNCH SHIFT. Mon. - Frl. 10 a.m. - 2 Crater War. War of the Wizard*: p.m. Self-motivated personable. Ap- Sci-fl/fantasy, play-by-mail, war ply in person. Subway sandwich shop. games. Rules $2 00 each. Details Ride Board 429-6806 E3 SASE Jabberwock Enterprises, Box HW3 158-U, somers, Conn. 06071. M17 DRIVE OUF; CARS Florida, Ca'lfor- SAVE THIS AD I CANT AFFORD TO ma. all cities. Many available reserva- Marketplace RUN IT AGAIN. Professional typing tions accented, gas a'iowance g.vj i will type term papers, resumes, American Auto Shippers, Harl»''rf Events repor.s. Will pick up and deliver. ■}a3-057? RB12.-3 Room to sublet until May 31! Own Betty_742-7090. W17 room in large comfortable house 5 Ride needed to University of New For Sale miles from campus (Mansfield Cen- MAKE YOUR OWN BEEpT^VND LIKE TO VOLUNTEER once a week WINE Ingredients and Kits available Hampshire/Durham. Leaving Friday ter, on busline). Woodstove, friendly at the Norwich State Mental Hospital? 12/4 returning Sunday 12/6 Please roommates. Available January 1. at Champlion's General Store Pt. 275 Great for resumes! For info call Eagleville. Open 9-5 everyday. M17, call George at 487-7958. RB3 $1l0/month plus share of utilities Danielle 487-5338. E12/17 Sterling Chain, Rings, Earrings Please call Susan, mornings, at 429- Ride needed" for two to GENESIS Charms, Pendants, Bracelets, ate! 9386. FR2 TAILORING: I do expert tailoring UConn in Daytona Beach spring break alterations, and weaving. Please call concert Dec. 2 in Hartford. Will share Leather belts, bags, wallets, buckles, from $125. Accomodationa at the expenses. Please call Angela 487-8396 hats, vests, pouches, etc. Handcrafted FOR RENT: One large room to be for appointment between 9 a.m.-6 International Inn, welcome party, p.m., ask for Nerlman, 429-1444— or Sue 487-6115. RB2 merchandise, custon work and repairs shared in a house 5 miles from complimentary beer, and more. Con- —All at the "Craft Collage" Univer- campus. $80/month excluding util- Hunting Lodge Rd. Storrs M19/17 Ride needed to Miami for Xmas tact Dom 487-6937. E17 - sity Plaza Rte. t95 Storra. Reason- ities. Five other people live there—all PARTY M USKT pToTesslonar D.Xs. break. Will share expenses and able, 429-7364. Guaranteed. Hours real nice. Heated mainly by wood- SKIERS UConn Ski Club is going to r-:r-stop dancing and partying. Rock, driving time. Call Eric 429-6474 after Thanksgiving 7 days till 5:30, stove in winter(it's cheaperl). 4/10 Mt. Ascutney, Vt. on Sat. Dec. 19. Disco, New Wave. Great sound for a (A402) or write Box 26 U-200 Grad Thursdays till 0. P.S. Also Pottery, mile from busstop. Call Sue or Jill at Only $10! Includes bus, lift ticket, and oreat PARTY. Aian, 487-7861. residence RB17 scrimshaw and gold. P.P.S. Licensed 423-6138 (after 5:30 please). FR3 keg! Call Andy 487-6219 or Tod M12n7_ broker for precious metals, coins and 487-7413. E12/3 Ride needed to Worcester 12/4, after stones. FS12/17 One bedroom apartment to subie, Professional Typing Service—Term 3:00. Will share expenses. Please call Jan. 1, 1982, $240/month, heat inclu- LAKE PLACID, Stowe, Winter Park!! papers, Reports, etc. Pick-up delivery Patti 487-6398. RB2 Pair of Sears A78-13 snow tires on ded 1.7 miles to campus. Call Balances are due. Student Union available. Low rates. IBM Equip- Toyota Corolla rims. Used 1V4 winters 429-5281 evenings/early mornings. Lobby Tues. Dec. 1 Wed. Dec. 2 12-3. ment. Call after 5:00 p.m. 423-0747. Ride needed anywhere within half $65, 429-4770. FS3 FR3 M17 hour radius -of STAMFORD CT. More skiers welcome. E3 Friday Dec. 4th and returning Dec. XMAS STOCKING SALE—SU Dec. 1 FOR THE BEST PARTY OR DANCE - Deposits and Balances for ski ski LAST MINUTE PAPERS? Call Sandy 6th, Kelley 429-7405. RB2 & 2 from 11-3, $1.25. Delivered Dec. 7 Copernicus Music Sound and Light, 6 skiers! Student Union Lobby Tues. at *29-4083 for professional work on & 8. Omega Phi Alpha. FS2 years experience; reasonable rate; 12/1 Wed. 12/2 11-3. Catch the spirit Selectric at sliding rates. 60 cents Ride offered to Baltimore/Washing- references on request: Call GAF at of snow. Bruce 487-6523. E3 *HW»». Books my specialty. ton area. Leaving 12/23 or 12/22. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL-Helium Bal- 487-1239. FR10 Need someone to snare expenses. Call loons In a box. Lasts 2 months, open Send your Secret Santa a Christmas A unique typist available on Selectric Karen at 429-1145. RB17 box and watch it rise. Custon Imprint- Bedtime Story. Orders taken Decem- at sliding rates. Just call Sandy at ed. Perfect for that SPECIAL PER- ber 1, 2, 3rd in the Student Union. 429-4083 for projects big and small. Ride needed to University of Fairfleld SON. Hearts and Stars available. Delivered Dec. 7, 8, 9. E3 area on Friday 12/4/81. Will share Shipped anywhere USA, $12.95, 644- Wanted expenses. Please call in late evening 9752. FS17 APPALACHIAN SPRING-10th an- 429-6091. RB3 nual volunteer work trip to West Realistic ST-800 AM/FM stereo re- Virginia over Spring break. Meeting RIDE NEEDED TO NEW HAVEN or ceiver, 35 watts, excellent condition, Wed. Dec 2nd, 6:30, SU306. E2 at least Into Bus Station in Hartford bought new system, $170.00 or best Cisf. foi LP 8 Too dollar paid for Thursday 12/3. Will share expenses. offer. 487-8669 FS10 goo*! 0O» dition records All typos - any Nutrition for health, happiness and 487-6434. Keep trying. RB2 nual.i\. We'll trave' Cell/wrl'c Fss- peace—A Holistic approach to heal- Tasco 180X telescope with 5' tripod WW, s Records IT. Wi.tnev Ave. ing. Lecture by Victoras Kulvinskas. stand, sunlens. New condition. Great Ne* naver, 3651 J 2J3-789-8210 (nutritionist, holistic health teacht' Roommates/ Christmas gift. $90. Ask for Mike, ,'V1«'1' and writer) on the effects of Ame-ic; keep tryiing. FS3 diet on the body, causes of sickness* Want to buy a quality second-hand and disease and vegetarian alterna- Housemates 1970 Mercury Marquis Brougham, camera. Potential sellers please call tives. Fri. Dec 4, 7:00 p.m. AS55. T.3 86,000 miles. Immaculate interior. A Cathy 429-1492. Hope to negotiate little rust on outside, call 1-647-1016 about prices. W2 after 5 p.m. $500.00 price range. FS10 BAHAMAS, spring break from $325. Personals 8 days/7 nights, transfers from airport RIDE NEEDED next semester for Craig all-in-one stereo, cassette, BSR to hotel, welcome party with compli field work in Wlllimantic (McSweeny •nenta^y beer, and more. Contact Don Female wanted to share lovely apart- turntable, speakers. $175. Call Julie Center) 1Vi miles from Main Street. 429-2480. FS3 487-6937. E17 ment. 2 miles from campus. Non- M—F between 8:00-8:30. Call Donna smoker preferred. Must see. Call Jim Otis—Hey birthday boy, wanna 487-6994 W10 487-1601. RH12/2 come to a party? We've got the STEREO FOR SALE.. Garrard turn- Fried Dough Sale, Thursday, Dec. 3, whipped cream and knives. We've table, Realistic 30-watt receiver, Real- 9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Batterson D. 75 Companion /Sitter lor 12 year old boy cents with sauce or sugar. E3 also got your mother. Now all we istic speakers. Must be heard. 487- for some evenings and/or weekends. Rooms available in house for Spring need is you to make this birthday 8571. FS10 Call Diana after 5 p.m. 429-7314. W3 Semester. One mile from campus. package complete Happy Belated Delta Sigma Pi—Don't forget to buy Kitchen, living room, fire place, etc. Birthday! Love Us Fender Stratocaster 1968, Black with your favorite brother something nice One person per room. Call 487-1414 rosewood Schecter Research Neck and at the jewelry sale—Dec. 2, 10-4, SU RH17 lobby! E2 Carrie and Wendy we must be getting Dimarzio Pickup in Trelde position. forgetful. First our mattresses and Excellent. $325. Call Bob, 487-9153. Female wanted to share room in ranch now our underwear. Thanx for return- BAKE SALE: Perfect for Secret house v? r.vle from campus. Available ing them. Sweet Buns and Wild Sansui Av-317 Amplifier, black, loud- Santa, Christmas, and during Finals. Dec. 15 with option to take lease in Cheeks. ness, high filter, phonosubsonic, 50 Help Wanted Wide assortment of everything. Dec. Jan. $140 month includes heat /elec- watts, used only six months. $175. 2, 3. 4. Crandall D Cafe. 11-5. E3 tricity Call Belinda 429-4968 after Trouble with you is the trouble with Call 429-5818. FS3 f5:30. RH3 me, Got two good eyes but still don't SOCIETY OF WOMEN ENGINEERS: see Kenwood DR-710 receiver. Onkyo Final meeting and Christmas Party Female roommate wanted to share CP-1010A. Semi-automatic turntable. Tuesday Nov. 8, 6:30-8:00 SU 217. All one bedroom apartment at Knollwood Joanna, Belated Happy 20th Birthday Infinity RSe Speakers. All one year OVERa£L/»S JOBS SUMMER/YEAR Welcome. Good luck on finals! E2 Acres. $130 per month plus utilities, from Christine, Diane, Marcla, Mary, old. Best offer(s). Call 487-5501 after 7 ROUND—Europe, S. America, Aus- call 487-0179. RH17 Candi. Hope you enjoyed your sur- p.m. FS10 trailia, Asia. All fields. $500-$1200 WANT TO GET FRIED? Come to our prise last night. I monthly. Sightseeing. Free Info, write FRIED DOUGH SALE at Crawford B Room for rent. 5 miles from campus, IJC Box 52-ct3. Corona Del Mar CA Thursday December 3, 9:30-12:30 for on Coventry Lake. Former tenant To all of the nosy residents of Alsop-B 92625. HW12/17 an amazing experience! E3 vacated, left for triple on campus. $50 who are finding out who everyone's per mo. Call 487-6687. RH2 Secret Santas are—Where's your Information on Alaskan and overseas UCONN Gay Alliance presents San- CHRISTMAS SPIRIT?! employment. Excellent income poten- ta's Stocking Stuffer, a Christmas LARGE ROOM IN BEAUTIFUL For Rent tial. Call (312) 741-9780. Ext. 852. Dance. Friday, Dec. 4th. 9 p.m. - 3 HAMPTON HOUSF. Available Janu- Klmba, let's make the 13th lucky for HW12/17 a.m. at the Puerto Rican Center. $2.00 ary 1st. $100 rent. Low security and us. Let It symbolize an end to silly admission. BY.OB. (No kegs please) utilities. Call 455-0340. RH17 E3 Suarreiimg. Good luck this week, emember, you're not alone. I Love Are you tired of dorm life?! 2 bedroom EXOTIC RESORTS, SAILING EXPE- Female roommate. Willington Oaks - You. apt. for rent. Jan. through Sept. 82. DITIONS! Needed: Sports Instructors, 2n miles to campus. Furnished. Call eves. 429-5506. FR10 Office Personnel, Counselors. Eur- Available Jan. 1. $85.00 plus utilities. J—Thank Pablo for me!!! I Love ope, Carribean, Worldwidel Summer. 429-6592. RH17 You!!! Share energy efficient house on Career. Send $6.95 & $1 handling for Coventry Lake. Ice skating, great APPLICATION, OPENINGS, GUIDE Miscellaneous Need a third to share expenses badly - UConn Pep Band you sounded great view. Serious student. Female quiet to CRUISEWORLD, 145 Box 60129, open room next semester at Knoll- on Wednesday night! Keep up the non-smoker. No pets. 742-8667. FR17 Sacramento, Ca. 95860. HW17 wood. 1 mile from campus. Female spirit! preferred. Rent $120 approx., utilities FOR RENT: Available immediately. 2 NEW YORK TIMES Deliv< ry Persons Tired of paying too much Insurance on not included. Please call 429-8595 Hey Mr. O'N. In Sherman. Where art bedroom house, walking distance to wanted for Spring Semester. 8:30 - your auto? Call Tom Lobo 423-6374 for RH17 thou? You missed a party on Monday. campus. Fireplace, wall-to-wall car- 9;30a.m. on thurs. (other days same a quote. M12/17 How was your turkey day. (Missing peting. $450/month plus utilities, time available if interested). Math- Need 2 people to share large room In one turkey!) Love ya. Ms. S 429-6969. FR3 Sciences /Life Sciences area, Man- Professional D.J. EARL's Traveling apartment 1 mile from campus. Low chester/Arjona area. Transp. unnec. Disc. The latest In sound and lighting rent, portion of utilities. Non-smoking Hey, Mike, Liz, Cin, John and Chrys One bedroom Willington Oaks apt. Good pay. MUST BE SUPER DE- equipment capabilities 500 watts per couple/grad students preferred. Call here's your first personal. Kllllngly's $240 per month including heat and hot PENDABLE! Contact Barbara Hicks channel (Crown Amps). All types of Ron at 486-4639 or 429-3592. RH17 going to kill them. See you there, water. Includes appliances, bed, 486-4171, 11-12, M-F or leave a Music. 423-1508, 423-2918, 423-9752. Lam. couch, coffee table. Available January message at 423-6374 anytime. HW17 M12/17 Male roommate wanted to share with lease ending in May. Option for Woodhaven Apt. 2Vi miles from Lynn G —I still haven't mananged to Summer, Fall. Call Tom at 429-1530. Counselors, Association of indepen- FINANCIAL AID DEADLINE (School campus. $130 month plus utilities. get us fixed up, but I'm still tryingl! FR3 dant camps seeks qualified counselors Year 82-83) MUST be filed by: Call 429-8052. RH17 —Steve for 75 accreditd camps located North- February 15th 1982. Applications Apartment for Rent $340/month in- eastern U.S. July-August. Contact: should be picked up after December Roommate to share large 2 bedroom Hey "George," said I love you and cluding heat and hot water, 2 bed- Association of independant camps 10th, but before leaving for Christmas apt. above Eagleville Garage. Must this I meant from the heart for you are rooms, 1 mile from campus. Call (UCT) 157 West 57th Street, New Holidays at: The Financial Aid Office help tend wood heat. Rent $150/mo. always a woman to me! Your Sweet- 429-6527. FR3 York, NY 10019 (212) 582-3540. HW10 1st Floor, Wilbur Cross Building.M17 includes utilities. Call 429-6032. RH17 heart. Ripp—Thanks for being so thought- ful. I always have a good time with you. You are a sweetheart. Love—a friend. r CEDARWOOD LOUNGE *< Ot Jolly Green Giant (BB)—Here's your

Top Pay for Top Person

Individual with top clerical skills and an ability to work well with people wanted to work with Student members of UConn's Board of Trustees. Knowledge of Univer- sity's and student concerns necessary.

Apply Commons Build. Rm 219 BOOKS MAKE A "THOUGHT-FULL" GIFT (USG Office) UCONN COOP

If you want a job * « / in journalism, you need tlw GnmJta JtWL the clips. utdtv Write for the Daily Campus, Rt. 6 North Windham Tel. 423-4504 call 429-9384 TAKE A BREAK FROM STUDIES- AN INEXPENSIVE WAY TO ENTERTAIN YOUR DATE BLOOD PRESSURE Bowling PLUS The New Cedarwood Lounge SCREENING CLINIC Now Featuring Movies & Sporting Events Sonic daytime & Weekend specials on our New 5' screen Student Union Breezway All at 65 a Game Movies this week include 12 Noon to 5 PM Mon. - Fri. 9 AM to 1 PM Sunday Starting Over Popeye After Midnight to 2 AM Fri.-Sat. Seem Like Old Times Little Darlings Wednesday 9 to 5 Seven Year itch December 2,1981 BRING THIS COUPON FOR A FREE History of the World Raging Bull 10 am -2 pm GAME OF BOWLING WILLI BOWL All Roads lead to Will) Bowl RT.6 NO ADMISSION - NO COVER one per person, per day. ipontorad by SAPhA RT.84 School of Pharmacy UCONN EAST RT.195 The latest in Electronic Games convenient Snack Bar EASTBROOK MALL Connecticut Daily Campus, Wednesday, December 2,1981 Page 15 UConn hopes to improve

Coach Kirtland is using four Russ Loignon are being By Jim Rat*pante top lines this year, as op- challenged by some talented Staff Writer posed to ranking lines in or- freshmen. The word "frustrating" un- der of their talent such as These talented freshmen fortunately summarizes the UConn did last year. Kir- include centers Rick men's hockey season last tland said that with many top Veneziano and Paul Festa, year. and lefrwinger Mike An- With a disappointing 5-16 lines there is a better balan- ce of power and talent. thony. "Veneziano is a record behind them, the Last year, UConn couldn't small but a tough aggressive Huskies will rely both on score when it had to. Nine of •skater. He wants to make a seasoned veterans and new its fifteen losses were by one real contribution, and is a recruits this year. goal. Another factor that good forechecker," said Kir- Captain Dave L'Ecuyer, a hurt the team was penalties. tland. Kirtland said Festa junior center, may be a likely "There were far too many has good reactions and An- candidate to lead the penalties, the players should thony is a good solid skater. Huskies to a respectable control themselves," Kir- The other veterans and record this season. L'Ecuyer tland said.'' If they won't con- defenseman should also led all scorers last year with trol themselves this year make a big contribution to 16 goals and 15 assists (31 they won't skate." the 1981-82 hockey season. pts). In his first two years at Kirtland is trying different The beginning of the season UConn, L'Ecuyer ranks 17th combinations with the may be tough for the on the all-time career scoring power play this year. Last Huskies, as six out of the fir- list. He has a two season year, UConn couldn't control st eight teams they face total of 1A points and is only the puck when they had the made the playoffs last year. SO away from reaching the power play and lost many "We have the potential to be Bill Greene gels ready to make a save in the hockey team's top position. good shots. competitive within the practice Tuesday. The Huskies hope to improve last year's "L'Ecuyer has a lot of division," Kirtland said. 5-16 record I Jim Lofink photo |. potential," coach Ben Kir- Five players are battling to start at the goalie position. "But the team has to work tland said. "He is an hard all the time. We don't predict about making the aggressive skater and has Last year, Bill Greene was The Huskies' first game is the top goalie. But now Greg have the power to walk over playoffs, and we have to take against Framingham State the ability to turn a game Waybright and Bob Delfino, any teams. It's too early to one game at a time." here Friday at 7:30 p.m. around. Dave didn't have as Al Sheehan and Greg Bulen good a year last season as he are giving Greene tough could have though. Other competition. players that will be leading UCONN BASKETBALL TICKETS! Kirtland wants his players -the team this season are to follow an unselfish right wingers Brian Foster ♦THEY'RE HERE!!* strategy. He tells them to (19 pts) and Mark dump the puck down the ice DON'T MISS YOUR CHANCE TO EXPERIENCE THE EX- McGoldrick(17pts). and chase it rather than lose "Foster is a good solid, CITEMENT OF UCONN BASKETBALL! control or needlessly give it dependable player while up to a defender trying to DEC. 7th-ALL AWAY GAMES AT HARTFORD AND NEW McGoldrick is one of the stick handle it down the ice. sleepers." Kirtland said. HAVEN. Kirtland is still looking for a "Mark had some key goals defenseman to become a DEC. 11th- ALL HOME GAMES AT STORRS. last year, but has not worked leader. "So far, no one has # to his full potential," SPECIAL*.JAN. 13th UCONN vs. B.C. in N. Haven! Bill Robinson (20 pts.) and filled the role as top defen- seman," said Kirtland. He IT WILL FEATURE THE "UCONN HALF—TIME Ken Hunt (19 pts.) are in- said the veterans Jeff Whit- AND POSTGAME PARTY EXTRAVAGANZA!" WITH jured. But Kirtland said the taker, Doug Stanley, Greg two high scorers should be BEER, REFRESHMENTS & MUSIC! RIGHT IN THE McLoon, Neil Jordan and quickly back in action. N. HAVEN COLESIUM! ASK YOUR PARTY TICKET .*""■«••.• WITH THE PURCHASE OF YOUP GAME TICKET In the field house Ad deadlines for remaining Daily Campus issues this semester:

Dec. 10 issue — Dec. 4 by 4 p.m. Dec. 17 issue •*- Dec. 11 by 4 p.m


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By Larry Kelley UConn's senior swingman. "We've played well against UConn blew a 17 point lead Alcksinas. Both arc power- Sports Editor said. "They played well and UConn the last few years but midway in the second half ful players. We didn't Corny Thompson has start- got hold of every loose ball." it't not that we've done and UNH had a chance to tie contain Phillips Saturday but ed in MN consecutive games "They get psyched up for anything extraordinary." he the score in the last minute of we'll have to stop Aleksinas in his UConn basketball car- UConn." Perno said. "It's said. Dec Rowe has always the game. But Chuck Alek- undernicth if we want to do eer. But he may not start the probably the biggest game of said that there's a complete sinas blocked a shot preserv- well against UConn." game when the Huskies play the year for them and when a misconception about UConn ing a two point lead. Mike Keeler. and the the New Hampshire Wildcats team gets psyched up they playing teams like New And though New Hamp- forwards Dan Nolan and at the Field House at 8 p.m. sometimes play beyond their Hampshire. UMass and shire lost by only two points 6-foot-7 Jack Burns will try to Thompson sprained his to a nationally ranked team, defend UConn's offense ankle in the second half at Friel didn't think New close to the basket. Friel UConn's 68-53 win over Hampshire played competit- said the team would play a Miani' Saturday. "Corny is ively. 3-2 zone. doubtful for the New Hamp- "The game was hardly in Frield said he wouldn' shire game," coach Don doubt." he said. The score a deliberate offensive game. Pemo said. "He'll probably was close which may have "It's obvious our backcourt dress for the game, but he indicated that it was a close is a good combination and we hasn't run in prctice this game but in my opinion it want them to shoot." he week so Bruce Kuc/enski will wasn't that close." said. Al McLain. a 6-foot-2 probably start in place of UConn has been criticized sophomore, scored 19 points him. He may come around in for having close games for against UConn last year and time but we'll have to take it teams they should not have averaged 18.9 points a game. hour by hour." difficulty beating. Junior Robin Dixon scored But UConn basketball fans "After we get a big lead we 16 points a game at the other think the Huskies should usually relax and let the guard spot. beat teams such as New other team get back in the The Huskies will start a Hampshire even without game." McKay said. "We frontcourt of Aleksinas, Thompson. The demanding have to keep that killer McKay and Kuczenski with tans think UConn should instinct for the whole game Karl Hobbs and Norm Bailey beat New England non-Big this year. If we have a 15 at guard. "I'm not all that East teams by 20 points on a point lead then we have to hung up on who starts the bad night. push it to 20. If it's at 20 we game." Perno said. "Vern And the fans may be correct haveto push it to 25." Giscombe didn't start again- when thinking UConn should The nationally ranked st Ma ne but he played 27 easily defeat New Hamp- University of Alabama bask- minutes. Jim Sullivan play- shire. The Wildcats had a etball team steadily increas- ed 16 minutes and Bruce 7-19 record last season and Jim Sullivan, dribbles the basketball pat the defense of Mike ed its lead in play against Kuczenski played a lot. But I have lost their last 15 !\U ka> in the basketball team's practice Tuesday. |.lim New Hampshire Saturday. realize fans are concerned road games. Lofink photo |. Alabama led 42-35 at the about who starts the same Yet despite the desparity in half, then destroyed the way they're concerned about talent. UConn has had troub- capabilities." Maine. We're not the child- Wildcats in the second half who's nationally ranked." le beating New Hampshire But Gerry Friel. New ren of the poor up here, but and won. 99-65. Fans are also concerned the last two' years. New Hampshires's head coach, UConn's fans expect UConn "They just buried us," Friel about UConn beating New Hampshire beat UConn 67- does not think his team has to beat us by 50 points and said. "They're a legitimate Hampshire. "When we play 59. two years ago. and last any added incentive to beat they're not happy with any- nationally regarded basket- a non-conference game we're vear when the Huskies rank- UConn than any other team. thing less. They don't ball team. A UConn-Ala- always supposed to beat the ad No. 19 by UP1. thev beat "At the Division One level realize that anything can bama matchup would be "a team, which makes it diffic- UNH. 61-58. you've got to play good happen in basketball." good game. The Alabama ult for us," Perno said. But "They outhustled us when basketball no matter who you "Anything" happened in sports writers were compar- even coach Perno would have they beat us in my sopho- play." he said. "It's not a UConn's 61 58 win over UNH ing Eddie Phillips. Alab- to admit his task isn't as more year," Mike McKay, point of getting psyched." last vear in Durham. N.H. ama's 6-foot-9 center, to difficult as New Hampshire's.