River Parrett Third Annual Review October 2001
RIVER PARRETT THIRD ANNUAL REVIEW OCTOBER 2001 River Parrett catchment compliance with River Quality Objectives 1999 BRIDGWATER BAY " Compliant Marginal failure ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT AGENCY — Significant failure v ~ / / " Lopen Brook — Unmonitored Memolj river stretch I , «E3 v, 60 ) S I _ , j5^nbI 76 Stretch number ^ v w ^ ✓ *" _\ Chard 20 Mies Contents Introduction :1.1. The Environment Agency__________________________________ ________ ' : ~ y "• 1 1.2. Environmental Vision - ____________ '' _________ ■ ~ — ' : » 1 1.3. Local Environment Agency Plans_____ - - - - : -• 2 ; (1.5. The Annual Review Process I'-k-rx ■12 . |i.e. The River Parrett LEAP Steerinq Group l? ',iW- 3 11.7. Parrett catchment overview v - - J.vc'3^. ,:V- , - ->:V- * '' • M I '■ A x 12. Progress - “ ■■■■ •v 5^ ;. ,. ■ * ,.pJ ‘ri’i1 ’ LV’ -'V . ’* ,J i ■ .v f W : L i . ’ Summary of progress r h yrti-'i! j, T, - . : J ..ri* Key* achievements ; ^ ; --'-y v ■“'5 P 2.2. ; . - ^ '>r.■ 2.3. Resouross ’ ■ ? ^ ‘ ' 2.5. Prioritiesi ■*?■v ; j- .■■ ?-; J?;' ■ w. .o.yZ-- .;T - V’vr. Tfy-rj ~;.j:. y- V'.V 4 ^ «■ ‘ 3. New leqislation and initiatives ^ ^ *:-w '' ~ ;■ ' i . - Vy \.z 3.1. Habitats Directive^' ^ ;;y i ^ f * i ■ J y- --y y%i:_./kr ■ ' . v.wiji : a - 91- 3.2. Flood management , ; . - ^-V. , v. ■ . ■ ■. ■ 10 3.3. Changes in abstraction licensing ; ^ -:12 ' j 3.4. Waste management .13 3.5. Contaminated Land Regulations - a - 14 '3.6. Integrated.Pollution Prevention and Control - ; -J- : 15 | 3.7. ; Fisheries' * -• - ■■■: , ■ ■ -y - '' yy.>: "*■ " - ■■ ■■f-- 16 ! ■-J '■* ' ■ ■ '/V' 3.8. The Agency’s own environmental manaqement' 16 i 3.9. R o a S-tra n ^ ^ ’ -• ■■ '-£■ “ ■ ■ A-- ■' .*/■: yT ■ 17 3.10: W a ^ Framework Directive ^ <• * 1■;v;; ■■ 18 „ 3.11.
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