Recipients of Honoris Causa Degrees and of Scholarships and Awards Honoris Causa Degrees of the * MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY 1868 His Royal Highness Prince Alfred Ernest Albert, Duke of Edinburgh (Edinburgh) LL.D. 1901 His Royal Highness Prince George Frederick Ernest Albert, Duke of York (afterwards King George V) (Cambridge) LL.D. 1920 His Royal Highness Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David, Prince of Wales (afterwards King Edward VIII) (Oxford) LL.D. 1927 His Royal Highness Prince Albert Frederick Arthur George, Duke of York (afterwards King George VI) (Cambridge) LL.D. 1934 His Royal Highness Prince Henry William Frederick Albert, Duke of Gloucester (Cambridge) LL.D. 1958 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother (Oxford) LL.D. OTHER DISTINGUISHED GRADUATES 1914 Charles Greely Abbot (Massachusetts) D.Sc. Henry Edward Armstrong (Leipzig) D.Sc. William Bateson (Cambridge) D.Sc. William Morris Davis (Harvard) D.Sc. Frank Watson Dyson (Cambridge) D.Sc. Sir Thomas Henry Holland (Calcutta) D.Sc. Luigi Antonio Ettore Luiggi (Genoa) D.Sc. William Jackson Pope (Cambridge) D.Sc. Alfred William Porter (London) D.Sc. Sir Ernest Rutherford (Cambridge and New Zealand) D.Sc. Sir Edward Albert Schafer (London) D.Sc. Johannes Walther (Jena) D.Sc. 1915 Robert Randolph Garren (Sydney) M.A. Albert Bathurst Piddington (Sydney) M.A. 1918 Andre Siegfried (Paris) Litt.D. 1920 Sir William Riddell Birdwood (Cambridge) LL.D. Sir (Oxford and Cambridge) LL.D. 1927 Stanley Melbourne Bruce (Cambridge) LL.D. 1931 Charles Edwin Woodrow Bean (Oxford) Litt.D. 1932 Charles Herbett Fagge (London) M.D. 1934 Sir John Cadman (Birmingham) D.Eng. John Masefield (Oxford) Litt.D. 1935 Edwin Bramwell (Edinburgh) M.D. John Shields Fairbairn (Oxford) M.D. Sir Henry Lindo Ferguson (Dublin) M.D.

'Where recipients have degrees from other universities this is indicated in brackets after their names. 907 HONORIS CAUSA DEGREES

Eric Wilfred Fish (Manchester and London) D.D.Sc. Sir Henry John Gauvain (Cambridge) M.D. Thomas, Baron Horder (London) M.D. Robert Hutchison (Edinburgh) M.D. Frederick Paul Keppel (Michigan and Toronto) LL.D. Ernest Kaye Le Flemming (Dublin) M.D. Sir Ewen John Maclean (Edinburgh) M.D. Sir William Henry Wilcox (London) M.D. Raymond Edward Priestley (Cambridge) D.Sc. 1937 Sir Robert Randolph Carran (Sydney) LL.D. Frederick Crossfield Happold (Cambridge) LL.D. Frank William Hart (Columbia) LL.D. Isaac Leon Kandel (Manchester and Columbia) Litt.D. Yusuke Tsurmumi (Tokio) LL.D. Sir Geoffrey Granville Whiskard (Oxford) LL.D. Harry Egerton Wimperis (Cambridge) D.Eng. Laurin Zilliacus (Massachusetts) LL.D. 1938 Norman Bentwich (Cambridge) LL.D. Percy Ellwood Corbett (Oxford) LL.D. Lionel Curtis (Oxford) Litt.D. Phillip Henry Kerr, Marquess of Lothian (Oxford) Litt.D. Joseph Aloysius Lyons (Cambridge) LL.D. Sir Alfred Eckhard Zimmern (Oxford and McGill) Litt.D. 1939 Robert Andrews Millikan (Harvard and Columbia) D.Sc. 1940 Charles Jost Burchell (Dalhousie) LL.D. 1942 Marcus Laurence Elwin Oliphant (Adelaide, Cambridge and Birm­ ingham) D.Sc. Sir Campbell Stuart (Virginia) LL.D. 1943 Hsu Mo (Peiyang and George Washington) LL.D. Robert Gordon Menzies (Bristol and Belfast) LL.D. Sir Walter Layton (London, Cambridge and Columbia) LL.D. Sir James Barrett (Manitoba) LL.D. 1947 Sir Gordon Gordon-Taylor (Aberdeen, London and Toronto) LL.D. 1948 Douglas Veale (Oxford) LL.D. Beveridge, Baron (Oxford and London) LL.D. Sir Patrick Abercrombie (Liverpool) LL.D. 1949 William Morris, Viscount Nuffield (Oxford, Sydney and Birmingham).. LL.D. Myron Melvin Cowen (Drake, Iowa and Salem) LL.D. 1950 Robert Vivian Bradlaw (Durham) D.D.Sc. Bertrand Arthur William, 3rd Earl Russell (Cambridge) LL.D. Professor Sir Peter MacCallum (New Zealand and Edinburgh) M.D. 1951 Sir Neil Hamilton Fairley (Adelaide and London) LL.D. Sir John Dudley Gibbs Medley (Oxford) LL.D. Professor Matthew Stewart (Leeds) M.D. James Bryant Conant (Harvard) LL.D. Erwin Nathanial Griswold (Harvard) LL.D. Albert van de Sandt Centlivres (Oxford and Cape Town) LL.D. Sir Francis Raymond Evershed (Oxford) LL.D. Sir Edward Mellanby (Cambridge) LL.D. 1952 Pete Jarman (Alabama) LL.D. Sir Henry Simpson Newland (Adelaide) LL.D. Professor Charles Herbert Best (Toronto) LL.D. Professor Wilfred Edward LeGros Clark (London) M.D. Francis Avery Jones (London) M.D. Professor Lambert Charles Rogers (Wales) M.D. Norman McAlister Gregg (Sydney) M.D. Algernon Beverly Reese (Harvard) M.D. John Foster (Cambridge) M.D. Edward Charles Dodds (London) M.D. Sir John Douglas Cockcroft (Cambridge) LL.D. 1954 Very Reverend Jeremiah Matthias Murphy (Oxford) LL.D. 1955 Sir John Sheppard (Cambridge) Litt.D. 908 HONORIS CAUSA DEGREES

Professor Richard Henry Tawney (Oxford, Manchester and Paris) Litt.D. Clarence Decatur Howe (Oxford and M.I.T.) LL.D. Walter Adams (London) LL.D. Ernst Gideon Malherbe (Cape) LL.D. Ram Prasad Tripathy (London) LL.D. Walter Allen Jenkins (Sheffield) LL.D. Andrew Stewart (Manitoba) LL.D. George Alexander Gurrie (Aberdeen) LL.D. Douglas William Logan (Oxford) LL.D. Henry Urmiston Willink (Cambridge) LL.D. Robert Stevenson Aitken (New Zealand) LL.D. Albert Percival Rowe (London) LL.D. Professor Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey (Cambridge) LL.D. Herbert Cole Coombs (London) LL.D. Sir Ian Clunies Ross (Sydney) LL.D. Professor Richard van der Riet Woolley (Cape) LL.D. 1956 The Honourable Sir Charles Lowe (Adelaide) LL.D. Professor James Arthur Prescott (Manchester) D.Agr.Sc. John Gurner Burnell (Sydney) D.Eng. Professor Frank Reginald Beasley (Oxford and Sydney) LL.D. Professor Andrew Moynihan Claye (Leeds) M.D. Professor Arthur Dale Trendall (New Zealand and Cambridge) Litt.D. Sir William George Penney (London and Cambridge) LL.D. Professor Arnold Joseph Toynbee (Oxford, Birmingham, Columbia, Cambridge and Princeton) LL.D. Lindsay Tasman Ride (Oxford and Toronto) LL.D. Alexander James Reid (Western ) ' LL.D. Otto Sadler Hirschfeld (Queensland) LL.D. John Mellis Napier (Adelaide) LL.D. Essington Lewis (Sydney) LL.D. Charles Bickerton Blackburn (Adelaide, Sydney and New South Wales University of Technology) LL.D. Professor Samuel MacMahon Wadham (Cambridge) LL.D. Thomas Sherrer Ross Boase (Oxford and St. Andrews) LL.D. Professor Ernest Basil Verney (Cambridge) D.Sc. Colin Macdonald Gilray (New Zealand and Oxford) LL.D. 1957 Sir William Joseph Slim (Leeds, Birmingham, Cambridge, Sydney and Oxford) LL.D. William Keith Chambers Guthrie (Cambridge) Litt.D. 1959 Sir Owen Dixon (Oxford and Harvard) LL.D. Dr. Arthur Lehmann Goodhart (Cambridge and Oxford) LL.D. Sir John Greig Latham LL.D. Professor Ernst Mayer (Berlin and Yale) D.Sc. Sir Leslie Harold Martin (Cambridge) D.Sc. Arthur Ernest Howard Nickson Mus.Doc. James Alexander Steele Mus.Doc. 1960 His Excellency General Sir Dallas Brooks LL.D. Professor Sir Alexander Todd (Cambridge, London, Oxford) LL.D. Professor Vasant Raniji Khanolkar (London) LL.D. 1961 Professor James Aitchison (Edinburgh) D.D.Sc. Sir William Neil McKie (Oxford) D.Mus. Sir Albert Axon (Queensland) D.Eng. Edward Byam Brown D.Eng. Gordon Colvin Lindesay Clark () D.Eng. 1962 Wilder Graves Penfield (Johns Hopkins, Oxford) LL.D. Sir Vincent de Ferranti (Manchester) D.Eng. Franz Holzinger (Vienna) D.Eng. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand (Peshawar, Saigon, Gadya Mada, Bangkok) LL.D. Sir Roy Cameron (Edinburgh) LL.D. Sir Frank MacFarlane Burnett (London, Cambridge, Western Australia) LL.D. Emeritus Professor William Alexander Osborne (Belfast, Tubingen).... M.D. 909 HONORIS CAUSA DEGREES

Sir William George Dismore Upjohn LL.D. Sir William Johnston LL.D. Sir Albert Coates LL.D. Sir Rowden White LL.D. Philip Garth Law D.App.Sc. 1963 Charles Frederick Leopold Nord (Witwatersrand) D.D.Sc. Terence George Ward (Edinburgh) D.D.Sc. Sir Howard Walter Florey (Adelaide, Oxford, Canterbury, Sheffield, Bir­ mingham, Nottingham, London, Edinburgh) LL.D. Emeritus Professor Sir Douglas Berry Copland (New Zealand, McGill, Carleton, Clark, British Columbia, Adelaide, Tasmania, Bishop's, Queensland, Harvard) LL.D. Robert Henry Mathews Litt.D. Sir Arthur Dean LL.D. James Monaham Lewis LL.D. William John Tuckfield LL.D. Professor John Bishop D.Mus. 1964 Professor Linus Carl Pauling (Calif. Tech., Chicago, Princeton, Yale, Cambridge, London, Oxford) D.Sc. 1965 Professor Sir John Eccles (Oxford) LL.D. Professor Sir John McMichael (Edinburgh) M.D. Sir Henry Edward Bolte LL.D. Roy Thomas Simmons D.Sc. 1966 Dr. Kate Isobel Campbell LL.D. Dame Jean Macnamara LL.D. 1967 Lionel Batley Bull LL.D. Professor Ira James Cunningham (N.Z., Aberd., Syd.) D.V.Sc. Sir Rohan Delacombe LL.D. 1968 Sir Keith Hancock (Oxford, Rhodes, Birmingham, Cambridge) Litt.D. Sir Ian McLennan D.Eng. William John Gibbs (Sydney, M.I.T.) D.Sc. John Neill Greenwood D.App.Sc. 1969 Margaret Sutherland D.Mus. 1970 Keith Valentine Leighton Kesteven (Sydney, Queensland) D.Agr.Sc. Sir Leslie Martin (Cambridge, A.N.U., Syd., Q'ld, W.A.) LL.D. Arthur Augustus Calwell LL.D. 1971 Professor Sir George Paton (Oxford, Glasgow, Syd., Q'ld, Tas., London, Monash, W. Ontario) LL.D. Gilbert Howard Vasey M.Phil. Frank Horace Johnston M.Phil. Kenneth Baillieu Myer LL.D. Professor Sir Bernard Katz (London) D.Sc. 1972 Wilmarth Sheldon Lewis (Yale, Brown, Rochester, Delaware, Cam­ bridge, Hartford, Bucknell, N.U.I.) Litt.D. Alan Marshall LL.D. Professor Emeritus Sir Kenneth Hamilton Bailey (Oxford, A.N.U., Dalhousie) LL.D. 1973 Tun Dr. Ismail Alhaj Bin Datuk Haji Abdul Rahman LL.D. Rae Edwin Featherstone M.Phil. Sir James Ralph Darling (Oxford) LL.D. Professor Emeritus F. J. Willett (Cambridge) LL.D. Dame Hilda Stevenson LL.D. Professor Zelman Cowen (Oxford, Hong Kong) LL.D. The Hon. Sir Richard Eggleston LL.D. The Hon. Mr. Justice T. W. Smith LL.D. The Hon. The Lord Gardiner (Oxford, Southhampton, London, Manitoba, York) LL.D. Charles Pearce Mountford (Adelaide, Cambridge) Litt.D. Alice, Lady Paton LL.D. Sir Ian Potter (Sydney) LL.D. Professor Sir Alexander Robertson (Aberdeen) D.V.Sc. Professor Eric John Underwood (W.A., Cambridge, N.E.) D.Agr. 910 HONORIS CAUSA DEGREES

1974 Professor J. L. Wright (New Zealand) M.G.O. Flora Marjorie, Lady Bassett (Monash) Litt.D. Sir Walter Bassett (Monash) LL.D. Walter Boas (Berlin) D.App.Sc. Robert William Kerr Honeycombe (Cambridge) D.App.Sc. Sir Harrie Massey (Belfast, Cambridge, Hull, Leicester, Glasgow) D.Sc. Professor Manning Clark Litt.D. Victor Leslie Gole M.B.A. 1975 Alfred Leyster Tisdall D.Agr.Sc. Professor Emeritus P. H. Karmel (Cambridge, Flinders, Papua and New Guinea) LL.D. Orwell de Ruyter Foenander M.Com. Angell Arthur Phillips (Oxford) Litt.D. John Frederick Foster (Laval, Oxford, Salford, Western Ontario) LL.D. George Frederick Gibberd (London) M.D. Harrison Chapman M.E. James Adam Louis Matheson (Birmingham, Hong Kong, Manchester, Monash) LL.D. Professor Sir Sydney Sunderland (Queensland, Tasmania) LL.D. 1976 Leonard William Weickhardt LL.D. Professor Bernard William Smith (Sydney, A.N.U.) Litt.D. Professor Alec Derwent Hope (Sydney, Oxford, A.N.U., N.E., Monash) Litt.D. Edward Herbert Farmer D.Arch. Leslie Raymond Barklamb M.Mus. 1977 Edmund Finn M.Phil. Archibald James Vasey D.Agr.Sc. Sir William John Kilpatrick LL.D. Sir John Thyne Reid LL.D. Professor Sydney Arthur Prentice D.Eng. John Orde Poynton (Cambridge, Adelaide) LL.D Edwin James Semmens D.For.Sc. Sir Bernard Heinze (W.A., British Columbia) D.Mus. Sir Ian William Wark (London) D.App.Sc. 1978 The Hon. Sir Henry Arthur Winneke LL.D. Professor Emeritus David Edmund Caro (Birmingham) LL.D. 1979 Professor Archibald Keverall Mclntyre M.D. Professor Emeritus Maurice Rossie Ewing (Edinburgh) M.D. Sir Ernest William Coates LL.D. 1980 Professor Emeritus Roy Douglas Wright (A.N.U.) LL.D. Judith Proctor Wiseman MPhil. Eric Lancelot French (Adelaide, Hannover) D.V.Sc. Dame Ada May Norris LL.D. The Hon. John Gerald Norris LL.D. 1981 Alfred Thomas Jakins Bell(Sydney) M.Phil. Albert Tonkin Pugsley (Adelaide) D.Agr.Sc. Lewis Ronald East D.E. Bruce Rodda Williams (Adelaide, Manchester, Keele, Queensland) LL.D. Ian Paull Fiddian M.Phil. Mary Philippa Brazill LL.D. Alan John Villiers Litt.D. Peggy Van Pragh (New England) LL.D. 1982 Donald Oscar Banks D.Mus. Sir George Russell Drysdale LL.D. Professor Emeritus Sir David Plumley Derham (Monash) LL.D. Frank Adams Callaway D.Mus. Eileen Joyce D.Mus. Malcolm Benjamin Graham Christopher Williamson D.Mus. Elizabeth Joy Murdoch LL.D. Ethel Irene McLennan LL.D. Sir John Vincent Dillon LL.D. Sir Rupert James Hamer LL.D. John Davis McCaughey (Cambridge, Edinburgh) LL.D. 911 HONORIS CAUSA DEGREES

Professor Emeritus Sir Sydney Lance Townsend LL.D. 1983 Herbert Burton (Queensland, Oxford) D.Com. Professor Emeritus Wilfred Prest (Leeds, Manchester) D.Com. Sir Walter Paul Osborn McCutcheon (Monash) D.Arch. Wilbur Norman Christiansen D.Eng. Ronald William Gumming (Sydney, Michigan) D.Eng. Professor Emeritus Arthur James Francis (Birmingham) D.Eng. John Robert Philip D.Eng. Howard Knox Worner (Newcastle) D.Eng. Dame Margaret Blackwood (Canterbury) LL.D. Kathleen Elizabeth Fitzpatrick (Oxford) LL.D. Ursula Hoff (Hamburg, Monash) LL.D. Dame Leonie Judith Kramer (Oxford) LL.D. Elizabeth Kathleen Turner LL.D. Sir Laurence John Hartnett LL.D. 1984 Sir Michael Kemp Tippett (Cambridge, Dublin, Leeds, Oxford, Warwick) D.Mus. Alistair Samuel Knox D.Arch. Gordon Stephenson (W.A., Liverpool) D.Arch. John Hackman Sumner LL.D. Daniel Mannix Flynn (Sydney) D.V.Sc. Eric Cunningham Dax (London) M.D. 1985 Peter Neville Fredrick Porter Litt.D. lima Lovell Kelson M.Mus. Patrick John Hillery (N.U.I., Dublin) LL.D. Robert David Fitzgerald Litt.D. Betty Eudora Laby M.Sc. Professor Douglas Charles Blood (Sydney, Saskatchewan) D.V.Sc. Professor Omar Bin Abdul Rahman (Sydney, Cambridge) D.V.Sc. Francis Kevin Heathcote Maher LL.D. His Excellency Sir Ninian Martin Stephen LL.D.

912 Graduates of the University of Melbourne awarded The Royal Commission of the Exhibition of 1851 Science Research Scholarships (First awarded 1891) Date Awarded to Department Date Awarded to Department 1891 Steele, W. H Physics 1951 Weeks, D. C Botany 1893 MacDonald, G.W Chemistry 1952 Hoffman, H Zoology 1897 Rosenhain, W. 1953 Tanner, N. W Physics Engineering-Metallurgy 1955 Wignall, L. J. W. G Physics 1899 Steele, B. D Chemistry 1957 Birt, L. M Biochemistry 1902 Hosking, R Physics 1959 McComb, A. J Botany 1904 Gumming, A. C Chemistry 1961 Graham, W. R Physics 1906 Baldwin, J. M Physics 1962 Black, J. L Physics 1909 Gray, J. A Physics Cotton, J. D Chemistry 1910 Masson, J. I. O Chemistry 1963 Fischer, G Chemistry 1912 Smeal, G Physics Mclntyre, K. G Physics 1913 Junner, N. R Geology Williams, G. E Geology 1914 Malcolm, L. W. G Anthropology 1964 Axford, T. H Physics 1919 Patton, R. T Botany 1965 Schonfelder, J. L Physics 1920 Roberts, J. K Physics 1966 Cory, Suzzane Biochemistry 1921 Wark, I. W Chemistry Coulthard, M.A Physics 1922 Rogers, J. S Physics 1967 Prentice, A. J. R Physics 1923 Martin, L. H Physics 1968 Baldas, J Chemistry 1924 Lewis, N. B Chemistry Dubicki, L Chemistry 1926 Vickery, J. R Biochemistry Gottlieb, H. P. W Physics 1927 Petrie, A. H. K Botany 1970 Heath, G. A Chemistry 1928 Webster, H. C Physics 1972 MacDowell, Carolyn E Physics 1929 Hills, E.S Geology Lamb, P. R Physics 1930 Grieve, B. J Botany 1973 Epstein, G. W Physics Mohr, C. B. O Physics Raverty, W. D Chemistry 1931 Pawsey, J. L .Physics Thomson, Glenys Statistics 1932 Edwards, A. B Geology 1974 Dunkley, P. R Biochemistry 1933 Burhop, E. H. S Physics Pavlovic, M Civil Engineering 1934 Smith, L. H Chemistry 1975 Hughes, R. L Civil Engineering Petrie, D. P. R Physics Sims, Julia A Mathematics 1935 Bower, J. C Physics 1976 Parker, K. R Physics 1936 Corben, H. C Physics Secomb, T. W Mathematics 1937 Hill, R. D Physics 1977 Morre, R. R Physics $1938 Townsend, A. A .Physics 1979 Woodrow, I. E Botany 1946 Clark, A. M Zoology 1980 Belyea, C. I Physics 1947 Riddiford, L Physics Deutscher, K. R Chemistry 1948 Greenwood, N. N Chemistry 1982 Nicholls, R. D Biochemistry 1949 Caro, D. E Physics Zuk, J. A Physics Martin, R. L Chemistry 1950 Fensham, P. J Chemistry Gillam, D. G Chemistry $No scholarships were awarded during the period 1940-1945. 913 SCHOLARSHIP HOLDERS

List of Rhodes Scholars Elected for Victoria 1904 J. C. V. Behan 1931 R. T. E. Latham 1961 R. J. O'Neill 1905 H. Sutton 1932 C. R. Forsyth 1962 W. Prest 1906 J. A. Seitz 1933 C. R. Campbell 1963 P. J. McCullagh 1907 A. C. D. Rivett 1934 L. R. D. Pyke 1964 G. J. Davison 1908 P. R. Le Couteur 1935 J. G. Mann 1965 C. Selby-Smith 1909 C. W. B. Littlejohn 1936 M. N. Austin 1966 F. P. Larkins 1910 F. L. Apperly 1937 M. R. Thwaites 1967 A. G. Christie 1911 G. M. Sproule 1938 A. W. Hamer 1968 G. D. Gumming 1912 E. E. Herring 1939 J. H. Chinner 1969 K. M. Hayne 1913 F. R. Kerr 1940 A. Treloar 1970 C. A. Norman 1914 N. H. MacNeil 1941 Z. Cowen-f 1971 G. L. Hutchinson 1915 W. S. Kent Hughes 1946 A. H. Cash 1972 C. D. Cordner 1916 D. M. Sandral H. Stretton 1973 L. J. Splitter 1917 P. M. Hamilton 1947 A. G. Serle 1974 M. J. Wardrop 1918 K. H. Bailey 1948 R. R. Shaw 1975 CM. Maxwell 1919 S. C. Leslie 1949 C. L. Burns 1976 A. G. Michelmore 1920 C. E. G. Berverdige* 1950 P. H. Bailey 1977 L. A. Pressley 1921 W. A. Merrylees 1951 J. R. Poynter 1978 R. Caro 1922 L. T. Ride 1952 J. A. Gobbo 1979 J. S. Glover 1923 C. M. Focken 1953 S. E. K. Hulme 1980 E. Storey 1924 R. R. Sholl 1954 J. D. Anderson 1981 N. J. O'Bryan 1925 J. C. Eccles 1955 B. E. Kent 1982 R. P. H. King 1926 G. W. Paton 1956 A. M. Gibbs 1983 S. D. Korman 1927 N. S. Bayliss 1957 J. R. Howes 1984 M. C. Garner 1928 A. Garran 1958 B. W. O'Dwyer 1985 M. F. Hender 1929 K. C. Wheare 1959 G. D. Duncan 1986 L. H. Sampson 1930 H. G. Seccombe 1960 P. A. V. Roff

Royal Society's Rutherford Scholarship (First awarded 1952) 1952 Gunnerson, E. M Physics 1956 Segar, A. M Physics 1960 Darcy, W. J Physics 1983 Lamb, R. N Physical Chemistry

* In 1920 W. K. Hancock was elected to represent Australia as Scholar at large. f No elections of Rhodes Scholars took place between 1941 and 1946. In the latter year two "extraordinary" Scholarships were offered in Vic­ toria, the field being restricted to men who had been on service during the war. 914 SCHOLARSHIP HOLDERS

Aitchison Travelling Scholarship List of Holders Note. Until 1940 this scholarship was awarded every second year. From that date income from the Myer and other funds was used to supplement the income from the Aitchison fund so that it could be granted every year. From 1950 the scholarship was known as the Aitchison-Myer scholarship and the income in the first year was found from the Aitchison bequest and in the second year from the Myer bequest.

1927 Cornell, J. G French 1955 Harcourt, G. C Economics 1929 Massey, H. S. W Physics 1956 Shaw, B.J Law 1931 McNab,J. R Classics held for one year. 1933 Love, E. R Mathematics 1957 Robertson, I. G History 1935 Home, C. J English 1958 Barraclough, C. G Chemistry 1937 Kerford, G. B Classics 1959 Clunies-Ross, A. I History 1939 Scott, W. A. G English I960 Anderson, D. R. C. .. Political Science taken up in 1946. held for one year. 1941 Batchelor, G. K Mathematics 1961 Johanson, D. F. C History taken up in 1945. 1962 Forster, K. I Psychology 1942 Churchward, L. G History 1963 Goss, B. A. . Economics and Commerce taken up in 1948 for one year. 1964 Dixon, G. L. R. 1943 Karmel, P. H Economics Economics and Commerce taken up in 1947. 1965 Lyall, D. S Architecture 1944 McBriar, A. M History 1966 Keck, B. W Mathematics taken up in 1946. 1967 Morawetz, D Political Science 1946 Dalitz, R. H Mathematics 1969 White, J. C English 1947 Ransford, G. D Civil Engineering 1970 Gray, P. R. A Law 1948 Hurst, C. A Mathematics 1971 Polizzotto, L History held for one year. 1972 Pop, J Mechanical Engineering 1949 Goldberg, S English 1973 Crewther, P. P Physics 1950 Tanner, R. G Classics 1976 Boehm, T. A Philosophy 1951 Groves, M. C History 1979 Reeve, L. J History 1952 Lawler, J. R French 1982 Ellingham, M. N Mathematics 1953 Kennedy, D. E History 1984 van Gelder, T Philosophy 1954 Roe, I. M History

Sir Arthur Sims Travelling Scholarship List of Holders 1951 Osborn, E. F Philosophy 1962 Moore, R. J History held for two years. 1966 Cashion, J. D Physics 1953 Gregory, J. S History 1969 Singer, P. A. D Philosophy held for three years. 1972 Wilkins, S. W Physics 1956 de Graaff, G. E '.. .Philosophy 1975 Brown, T. C Mathematics held for two years. (La Trobe University) 1959 Knox, B. A History (University of Queensland) held for three years. 915 SCHOLARSHIP HOLDERS

University of Melbourne Travelling Scholarships List of Holders Note. These scholarships do not appear to have been established until 1941, i.e. until after the University received research grants from the Commonwealth Government. 1941 Yoffe, A Chemistry 1959 Boulton, Diana E. R French taken up in 1945. resigned after seven months. Scutt, R. A Classics Raab, F History no evidence of acceptance 1960 Webb, L. R Economics 1942 Blarney, J. W Physics Egan, J. B Bacteriology taken up in 1945. 1961 Creutzberg, F Chemistry Treloar, Bonnie French O'Hair, S. G Philosophy taken up in 1945. 1962 Dalgarno, L Biochemistry 1943 Cochrane, D Economics Martindale, T. J Economics taken up in 1947. 1963 Quirk, T. W Physics 1944 Jackson, A. C Philosophy Simpson, P. J Philosophy taken up in 1945. 1964 Dening, G. M History Austin, A. T Chemistry Sime, J. M Chemistry taken up in 1945. 1965 Nicholls, I. A Geology 1945 Pausacker, K. H Chemistry O'Collins, C. G Classics 1946 Edwards, E. P Philosophy Stankovich, D German 1947 Barker, F. C Physics one year. one year. 1966 Beaumont, K. S French Richards, J. R Chemistry Crawford, R. C Metallurgy one year. 1967 Dare, R. G History 1948 Gunner, D. L Philosophy 1968 Cheers, Christina Microbiology Singleton, O. P Geology 1969 Dobston, J. F Physics 1949 Parnaby, O History Kiss, Rosemary E History Kemp, M Economics 1970 Hutchings, R Civil Engineering 1950 Herbst, P Philosophy Lee, T. R Geography Rundle, G Physics 1972 Hocking, R. D Economics Rogers, Marsali A German Wilson, I. D. .MechanicalEngineering 1951 Tucker, G. S. L. ... Economic History 1973 Hamer, M. D Mathematics Rigby, T. H Political Science Pickering, R. S. E French 1952 Marks, R. E English 1974 Burgess, J. A Philosophy O'Shaughnassy, B.J Philosophy Grant, D. D Mathematics 1953 Wynter, P. S Physics 1975 Cowling, W. A Agriculture Brunt, Maureen D Economics 1976 Gillespie, J. A History 1954 Stanley, P. G Biochemistry Williams, G. A Chemistry 1955 Holman, Mollie E Pharmacology 1977 Runia, D. T Classical Studies McCarty, J. W Economic History Shulkes, A Physiology O'Neill, J. C History 1978 Cash, J. D Political Science 1956 Ringwood, A. E Geology Williams, Ruth J Mathematics Shute, G. G Physics 1979 Kovacs, Sue Physics 1957 Hancock, K.J Economic History Stallman, Cynthia Classics Learner, A Mathematics 1980 Parnaby, Margaret R History 1958 Brogan, B. W Economics 1983 Wright, Elizabeth Music McLaren, G. C Economics


University of Melbourne Silver Medal for Long and Meritorious Service List of Recipients 1966 Marriott, H. 1977 King, Verna E. Mannix, J. R. T. Munro, L. 1967 Ramsden, Barbara M. Rennie, Isobel M. 1970 Campbell, D.>W. 1978 Cropley, E. Carswell, D. B. 1979 Findlay, W. A. Scholes, Florence M. Henderson, Mary J. Blundell, L. C. Smith, Evelyn J. 1971 Sach, C. Taylor, E. B. Kennedy, A. C. 1980 Morgan, L. E. Sonenberg, E. J. Norton, L. H. Ellis, R. A. Smith, J. C. 1972 Weeding, Alice M. 1981 Lowe, J. Waters, H. A. 1982 Dunne, R. H. Logic, J. Foulds, W. E. 1973 Rennie, Estelle A. Muss, R. L. 1974 Holmes, L. J. Baker, Dorothy Leighton, J. W. 1983 Newman, J. J. Nanson, Joan W. Mills, A. W. 1975 Guymer, K. 1984 (Nil) 1976 Caldwell, W. G. 1985 Harrison, G. Johnston, F. H. Rose, J. Wild, L.



N.B. Numbers in parentheses indicate pages where names Dates-S2.1(b) 155 of present holders of the position, or members of a commit­ Dress-S6.1 319 tee or department, are given. Admission to Degrees without Examination Usually only the first page reference for any statute or and Admission to Honorary Degrees- regulation is listed. S5.2 316 Committees, Institutes, etc. are entered under the first Admissions Committee-R3.3 390 word or initial of their names. Adult Education Association Awards, Funds, etc. are entered under the surname of Members' Free Places-R5.3.8(repealed) the benefactor. Advanced Management Education, see Faculties, Boards of Studies, Departments are listed Graduate School of Management under the discipline. Advisory Committee for selection of Aboriginal Students (10) Affiliated Colleges {see also each by name)-S9 335 ff Heads of (32) Former (893) Aboriginal Liaison Officer (85) Rep. on Council, Committees, etc.-S2.4.2, Aboriginal Scholarships S2.6.7, S2.19.2 128,164, 168, 179 (N.U.A.U.S.) R6.97 (repealed) Lecture Credit - R3.3 390 Truganini Scholarships-R6.144 643 African Students' Scholarships, see Sexton (C.W.N.) Aboriginal Study Grants Scheme 825 AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY, see also Faculty Academic Associates-S3.9A 210 Handbook, published separately see also Clinical Schools Faculty-S2.4.1(f) 161,(11) ACADEMIC BOARD-S2.3 (9), 132, 157 Administration (79), (83) Membership-S2.3.1, S3.5, S3.6.6, S3.7.2, Dean (see also DEANS) -S3.4.2 201 S3.8.3, S3.8A.4, S3.9A.4 Elections to Faculty-S8.3 333 Meetings-Sl.2,S2.3.5 157,158 Faculty Assembly of Agriculture and Chairman-S2.3.4,S3.3 158,200 Forestry-S2.4.9 (repealed) Former Chairmen, Presidents (891) Teaching and Research Staff (33) Secretariat (83) Reps, on Other Faculties or Boards-S2.4.1(g) 161 Standing Committees (9) Courses Joint Com. on Policy (6) Degree of, Powersandduties-S2.3.2 157 Bachelor of Agricultural Science-R3.27 417 see also relevant regulation or statute With Honours-R3.27A (repealed), R3.27.8 418 Academic Committee (9) Master of Agricultural Science-R3.28 419 Academic Dress-S6.1 319 Doctor of Agricultural Science-R3.30 420 Colours 319 Master of Agricultural Studies - R3.95 485 Academic Secretary-S3.13.2 215, (83) Diploma in Academic Services (83 ff) Agriculture (repealed)-R3.29 Academic Staff, see Staff Agricultural Extension (repealed)-R3.73 Academic Year-R2.1 379 Degree of Accommodation, see Affiliated Colleges, Bachelor of Forest Science - R3.22 411 Housing Master of Forest Science - R3.23 412 Accountant-S3.13.2,S3.19.5 215,260,(81) Doctor of Forest Science-R3.81 473 Accounting Operations Branch (82) Free Places—R5.3 (repealed) Accounting Policy Branch (81) Agriculture Department (Vic.) Reps. Accounting and Business Law, see onFaculties-S2.4.1(f)(g) 161 ECONOMICS AND COMMERCE (43) Aird (J.A.) Prize 793 Ackman Trust - R.6.170 661,825,835 Aitchison Scholarships-R6.46 549, 776,845, (915) Acts (University) Albiston (Harold E.) Prize 801 Melbourne University Act, 1958 117 Alcock (Randal and Louisa) Scholarships-R6.50 552 List of Amending Acts 117 Aldworth (Craig) Memorial - R7.75( 1) 713 List of Acts Repealed 141 Allan Scholarship - R6.158 651 Adey (John) Prize in Psychiatry-R6.72(40) 577 Allison (Sir John) Fund - R7.84 718 Administration, Central (81) Alumni Association (6), 845 Administration Computer Services-S3.13.2, Alumni Office (83) S3.19.5 216,261,(84) A.M.A. Prize, see Australian Medical Association Administrative Committee 6 Anatomy, see MEDICINE (50) Administrative Services (84 ff) Anderson (Arthur) and Co. Administrative Staff-S3.13 215, (81 ff) Exhibition 776 Admission with standing or from Announcements - 825 Other Institutions-R3.3 390 Annual Examinations, see Examinations Admission to Courses, see also Enrolment and Annual Report (published separately) particular Course required- R1.1 377 Appeal Fund, 1920-R7.3 670 Readmission-R2.2.6,R2.5 381,384 Applied Science, see ENGINEERING Admission to Degrees after Examination Appointments Board, see Careers and and Granting of Diplomas-S5.1 315 Appointments Service 919 INDEX

Appointments Section (of Staff Branch) (85) Association of Rhodes Scholars in Aust. Architect (82) Scholarships-R6.107 614 ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING Attendance at Lectures - R2.1.8, R3.1.1 380, 387 see also Faculty Handbook, published separately Certificate-R3.4 (repealed) Facuity-S2.4(l) 163,(11) Audit of Accounts (provision in Act) 139 Administration (79), (83) Auditor, Internal-S3.13.2,S3.19.5 216,261,(82) Librarian (77) Austin Hospital, see also MEDICINE Teaching and Research Staff (34) Appointments 835 Courses Clinical Schools-S2.11 173, (52), (88) Degree of Departments- Bachelor of Architecture-R3.48 441 Biochemistry (91) Master of Architecture-R3.49 443 Haematology (91) Master of Landscape Architecture - R3.49A 444 Medical Microbiology (91) Doctor of Architecture-R3.50 445 Medicine (52), (88) Bachelor of Building-R3.55 448 Operating Theatres, Master of Building - R3.74 467 Anaesthesia and Intensive Care (90) Master of Building Science-R3.75 468 Obstetrics and Gynaecology (58) Master of Environmental Studies R3.90 481 Ophthalmology (89) Master of Town and Regional Planning- Orthopaedics (90) R3.54 446 Otolaryngology (90) Bachelor of Town and Regional Planning- Paediatric Surgery (90) R3.62 458 Pathology (91) Master of Urban Planning - R3.86 478 Plastic Surgery (90) Bachelor of Planning and Design - R3.96 486 Psychiatry (64), (89) Diploma of Architectural Design-R3.51 Spinal Injuries Unit (90) (repealed) Surgery (65), (89) Diploma of Town and Regional Planning - Urology (90) R3.53 (repealed) Vascular Surgery (90) Introductory Course in Town and Regional Austral Salon Scholarship 790 Planning-R3.52 (repealed) Australasian Inst. Mining and Metallurgy School of Environmental Planning-S2.26187, (34) Rep. Fac. Eng.-82.4.1(c) 160 Archives Board ofManagement-S2.21 181,(18) Australian Academy of the Humanities Archivist and staff-S2.21.6 182, (86) Travel Grants 825 Argus Exhibition in Geology, Pan 1-R6.3.12 508 Australian-Asian Assoc, of Victoria Prize 780, 786 ff ^r£H$Scholarships-R6.3 506 Australian Association of Social Workers Armytage (Bertram) Prize-R6.72(10) 572 Rep. on Board of Soc. Stud.-82.5.1(c) 166 Art Curator (81) Australian Bankers' Association Rep. on Fac. Articled Clerks, Econ. andComm.-S2.4.1(j) 162 Admission to Law-R3.3, R3.14.7 391, 403 Australian College of Dentistry—S9.6 ARTS, see also Faculty Handbook, published separately (repealed) Faculty-S2.4.1(d) 160,(11) Australian College of Ophthalmologists Administration (79), (83) Prize 791 Teaching and Research Staff (35 ff) Australian College of Optometry, now Victorian Sub-Dean-S3.4.7 202 College of Optometry, which see Reps, on Other Fac. and Boards-S2.4.1(h), (k), Australian Dental Association Pres. on Fac. 82.5.1(c), S2.21.4 162, 163,166, 182 Dental Sci.-S2.4.1(m) 164 Courses Australian "Eagle Insurance Co. Ltd. Actuarial Degree of Scholarships 744 ff, 826 Bachelor of Arts-R3.5 393 Australian Finance Conference Exhibition 783 Combined-R3.5.12 394 Australian Institute of Building Rep. on WithHonours-R3.5.14 395 Fac.ofArch.-S2.4.1(l) 163 Master of Arts-R3.6 396 Australian Institute of Management Bachelor of Letters-R3.93 483 Rep. on Fac. Econ.-S2.4.1(j) 162 Doctor of Letters-R3.7 399 Australian Institute of Political Science Master of Educational Psychology - R3.84 476 Prize 793 Postgraduate Diploma in French Studies- Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors R3.85 476 Rep. on Fac. Arch.-S2.4.1(1) 163 Postgraduate Diploma in Geography-R3.85A 477 Australian Medical Association (Vic.) Postgraduate Diploma in Public Policy- Rep. on Fac. of Med.-52.4.1(b) 159 R3.85B 477 Australian Medical Association Prize 800 ff Postgraduate Diploma in German - R3.92 483 Australian Music Examination Board -R8.1 (repealed) Ashworth (T. R.) Bequest - R7.124 746 Australian Psychological Soc. Prize 801 Asian Students' Scholarships, see Sexton (C.W.N.) Australian Society of Accountants (Vic.) Assembly-S2.29 191,(10) Rep. on Fac. Econ. and Comm.-S2.4.1(j) 162 Secretary (10), (83) Lecture 826 Assessment-R.4 489 Prize 796 Assistant Deans, see DEANS Australian Soc. for Microbiology Scholarship 789 Assistant Deans (Clinical) (Pre-Clinical), see DEANS Australian Soldiers' Repatriation Fund, Baillieu Assistant Lecturers, see Lecturers Research Scholarships for-R6.95 603 Assistant Registrars, see Registrar Australian Veterinary Assoc. (Aust) Prize 801 Assistant Vice-Chancellor, see VICE-CHANCELLOR Awards Available to Students, Appendix 1 Associate Deans and Associate Deans (Clinical), (subject and level arr.) 773 see DEANS Regulations-R6 505 ff Associate Professors-S3.9 (repealed) Associate Registrars, see Registrar Associated Institutions Staff (88) Associates, Academic-S3.9A 210 Association of Principals of Vict. Tech Institutions BMA, see British Medical Association Rep. on Tech. Coll. Board-S2.9.1 (repealed) Bage (Robert) Memorial Scholarship-R6.33 537 920 INDEX

Bailey Exhibition 787 Budgets (82) Baillieu Exhibition-R7.3.6(r) 672 Building, see ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING Baillieu Library, see Library Buildings Committee (Council) (5) Baillieu Research Scholarship - R6.95 603 Buildings, Controller (now Deputy Vice-Principal Baird (John) Bursary-R6.29 534, 774 (Property), which iee)-S3.13.2, Baldwin, Spencer, see Spencer 83.19.5 216,261,(82) Balfour (John) Memorial Scholarship- Deputy Controller (Buildings) (82) R6.67 564, 774 ff Buildings Secretariat (82) Ballarat Base Hospital Clinical Schools (104) Burroughs Wellcome Prize 792 Baptist College of Victoria, see Whitley College Bursar (now Deputy Vice-Principal, which Barber (Alice) Memorial Fund - R6.79 592 see)-S3.13.2, S3.19.5 215,261,(81) Bardsley (William) Award-R6.72A.5 587 Bursaries, see Awards Barnard (Michell) Fund - R7.75(4) 713 Business Administration, see GRADUATE Barrenger Overseas Veterinary Scholarships 827 SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT (49) Barrett (Marian) Bequest - R7.23 683 Butterworth Book Prize 779 ff Barry (John) Memorial Fund- R7.89 721 Bartlett (M.A.) Research Scholarships-R6.51 553 Bartlett (Major) University Scholarship 779,838 Bayne (A. E.) Bequest - R7.40 690 Beaney Scholarships in Surgery and Pathology- C.C.H. Research Professor of Taxation Law- R6.12 518 83.5. l(j), S3.5.4(5K) 206, 207, (43) Beattie Smith Lectures on Insanity-R7.5 673 C.I.G. Medishield Prize 789 ff Behrend Memorial Lecture in Mathematics- Cable Makers' Assoc. Prize 783, 798 R7.63 705 Caddey (Caroline) Fund - R7.36 688 Bell (Stephen) Prize-R6.72(44) 578 Cade (John) Memorial Medal 801 Belz (Maurice H.) Prize-R6.72(55) 581 Cahill(A.L.)Prize-R6.72A(4) 587 Benjamin (Brian) Memorial Prize 827 Calendar- S3.13.1(d) 215 Bennett (Rae and Edith) Travelling Campbell (Dr. Kate) Prize in Neonatal Scholarships-R6.165 657,845 Paediatrics-R6.72(51) 580 Benson (Tom) Bursary Fund-R6.167 659, 844 Campbell (K. M.) Memorial Prize 808 Bentwich (Lizette) Scholarship - R6.98 606 Canberra University College Admissions Bequest, Endowments, Prizes, etc. from-R3.3 390 Forms of v Cancer Institute, see Peter McCallum Clinic Billson (Edward and Penelope) Prize in Cantlon (Maurice) Memorial Fund-R7.130 756 Architecture-R6.72(86) 586 Capell (A. 0.)Scholarships-R6.114 621 Biochemistry Dept., see MEDICINE (51) Careers and Appointments Board (18) Biology Dept. (Melb. C.A.E.) (112) Careers and Appointments Service—S2.12 175, (85) Black (Neil Water) Fund - R7.26 685 Catto (Margaret) Scholarships-R6.55 555 Blair (Floyd), John Latham and, Memorial Central Administration (81) Lectureship-R7.74 712 Central Budgets Committee (6) Board of Clinical Studies (Dental), see also Central Registry (84) DENTAL SCIENCE-S2.24.2 185 Central Secretariat (83) Board of Studies (Clinical School), see also Centre for Environmental Studies-82.26 187, (34) MEDICINE-S.2.11.4 173 Board of Management-S2.27.3 187 Boarding Houses, see Housing Centre for the Study of Higher Education- BOARDS, see by name S2.27 189,(46) Boards of Studies, see also each— Advisory Board-S2.27.2 187 S2.5, R3.2 166,389,(17) Director-S3.5.1AD 206 Meetings-SI.2 152 Ceremonial Dress-S6.1 319 Secretariat-S2.5.6 168,(83) Certificates Chairman-S2.5.2 167 Attendance at Lectures-R3.4 (repealed) Special powers relating to Admission, Staff Examinations-R4.7 (repealed) Selection, Examinations, etc., see relevant statute Matriculation-Rl.1.5 377 or regulation Person seeking Admission from another Bookroom, see Melbourne University Press Institution-R3.3 390 Boothby (Marion) Exhibition - R7.3.6(x) 672 Chair of Commercial Law Fund-R7.43 692 Boots Prize 792 Chair of Opthalmology Fund-R7.52 696 Botany, see SCIENCE (70) Chairman, see each Board, Committee, etc. Bourne (Una) Scholarship-R6.127.2(c) 632 Meetings-SI.2 152 Bowen Prize-R6.72(l) 570 Chairmen of the Professorial Board, Box Hill and District Hospital Former (891) Clinical Schools, see also MEDICINE Chairmen of the Academic Board, Former (891) Departments- Chamber of Commerce Exhibition Fund—R6.19 525 Medicine (93) Rep. on Fac. Econ.-S2.4.1(j) 162 Obstetrics and Gynaecology (93) Chamber of Manufactures Fund-R7.93 723 Surgery (93) Rep. on Fac. Econ.-S2.4.1(j) 162 Bradford (Florence) Scholarships 830 CHANCELLOR-S3.1 125, 199,(1), (4) Bradshaw (Guy) Scholarship - R6.72(33) 576 Additional powers and duties with regard Brewster Exhibition 796 to Fund administration, etc. see relevant British Medical Association Fund-R7.31 687 statute or regulation Bromberger (Neil) Prize in Orthopaedics 801 Former Chancellors (889) Brookes (Herbert) Exhibition-R7.3.6(m) 672 Vice Chancellor-S3.2 199, (1), (4), (81) Brunning (Leslie H.) Research Fund-R7.117 740 Chaplains (87) Brunning Prizes for Plant Collections in Chase A.M.P. Bank Prize 808 Agriculture-R6.72(34) 576 Cheek (Muriel) Memorial Scholarship- Brunning Prizes (Agriculture Botany) 777 ff R6.81 594, 775 ff Brunton (Sir William) Memorial Fund-R7.33 687 Chemical Engineering, see ENGINEERING (46) Bryan Scholarships-R6.146 644 Chemistry, see SCIENCE (70) Buck (Henry) Bequest-R7.72 711 Chemistry and Physics Dept. (Melb. C.A.E.) (112)


Chief Health Officer Controller (Management Information)- OnFac.ofMed.-S2.4.1(lXb) 159 S3.13.2,S3.19.5 216,261,(84) Childcare Service - S2.32 196 Convocation, see also Graduates of the University Childers (Hugh) Memorial Prize-R6.72(13) 572 and the Graduate Committee-S2.2 156 Chisholm (Professor A. R.) Memorial Prize- Committee of Convocation 129,(7) R6.72(84) 585 President of Convocation 129,(7) Chrisp (John G.) Law Bursary-R6.53 553, 774 Former Wardens and Presidents (891) Civil Engineering, see ENGINEERING (47) Cook(W. E. and C. H. H.) Memorial Fund-R120 743 Clarke (Janet), see Janet Clarke Hall Coopers and Lybrand Prize 776 Classical Studies, see ARTS (35) COUNCIL-S2.1 120, 155 Clemenger (John) Memorial Prize - R6.134 636 Appointments to Faculties S2.4.2, S2.4.3, S2.4.4 164 Clerical Staff, see Staff Elections Clinical Dental Schools-82.24 185, (98) Graduates and Students - S8.1 325 see DENTAL SCIENCE Staff(Professors)-S8.2 330 Clinical Research Fund-R7.6 674 Students-S8.1 325 Board of Clinical Studies-S2.24.2 185 Meetings-S1.2 152 Clinical Schools, see also MEDICINE- Dates-S2.1 155 82.11 173, (88 ff) Powers and Duties 127 List-S2.11.2 174 See also relevant regulation and statute Board of Studies-S2.11.5 174 Secretariat (83) CM.A. Prize, see Cable Makers' Assoc. Prize Standing Committees (4 ff) Cohen (Freda) Prize - R6.64 561 Joint Committee on Policy (6) Cohen (Harold) Prize-R6.72(28) 575 Council of Adult Education Nominees—Free Coles Prize in Obstetrics-R6.72A(2) 587 Places-R5.3.8 (repealed) Colleges, see Affiliated Colleges Council of Legal Education Commerce, see ECONOMICS AND COMMERCE Articled Clerks-R3.3, 3.14.7 390,402 Commercial Travellers' Association Vic. Counselling Services (85) Rep. on Fac. Econ. and Comm.-S2.4.1(j) 162 Courses, see also Enrolment and each Exhibition 788 by name— R3.1 xviii, 387 Committee for Appointment as Professorial C.R.A. Ltd. Prize 804 Associate with the title of Professor 6 Craig (Robert) Exhibitions - R6.87 598 Committee for Prospective and New Students (10) Craig(W. E. J.) Travelling Scholarship-R6.74 589 Committee for Sport and Physical Recreation 6 Crawcour (Isaac Samuel) Bursary-R6.85 597 Committee for the Purchase of Works of Art 6 Crawford (R. M. & R.) Fund-R7.75(6) 713 Committee of Convocation, see Convocation 129, (7) Credit for Work at Other Institutions - R3.3 390 Committee of Deans of Faculties (6) Crespin (Elizabeth Ann) Scholarships- R6.159 651 Committee of Management for Non-Collegiate Student Creswick Forestry School Housing-S2.19A (repealed) see Forestry School Committee on Personal Chairs, Professorial Criminology, see ARTS (35) Associates and Professorial Research Fellows 6 Diploma of Criminology-R3.10 399 Committee on Research and Graduate Studies (6) Cromarty Prize-R6.72(29) 575 Committee on Staff (5) C.S.R. Chemicals Prize 797 Appointment of Readers-S3.10.5 211 Cuming (James) Memorial Scholarships- R6.49 552 Committee to advise on the future use of Cuming (James) Prize - R6.26 532 Miegunyah Estate 6 Curator of the University Gallery (81) COMMITTEES, see under name Curdie (Daniel) Scholarship - R6.60 558 Meeting Procedure - S1.2 152 Currency-SI.3 153 Quorums 152 Cussen (Leo) Institute, see Leo Cussen Institute Membership, Ex-Officio (4) Cutts (Loreen) Prize 786 Committees and Councils of Halls of Residence 7 Commonwealth Postgraduate Course Awards 828 Commonwealth Postgraduate Research Awards 828 D Commonwealth Scholarships (outside Australia) 829 Commonwealth Serum Laboratories Prize 796 Dairy Farmers of Victoria Commonwealth Tertiary Education Assistance Postgraduate Scholarship in Veterinary Science- Scheme 844 R6.129 633 Commonwealth Universities Yearbook 829 Damage to property, see DISCIPLINE Community Medicine, see MEDICINE (51) Danks (A. T.) Exhibition-R7.3.6(s) 672 Computer Centre-S2.28 190, (83), (86) Darwin (D.V.) Bequest-R7.112 737 Computer Science, see SCIENCE (71) Dates-R2.1 379 Computing Policy Committee 6 1986 xxiff Computing Studies, see SCIENCE Dawson Bursary-R6.83 595 Conferring of Degrees, see Degrees Dawson Waldron Scholarship 830 Conservative Dentistry (41) Deakin (Alfred) Memorial Fund-R7.34 688 Clinical Dental School (98) DEANS-83.4 200, (79 ft) see DENTAL SCIENCE see also Professors and each Faculty Conservatorium, see also MUSIC—S2.15 178 Duties and Powers-S3.4.2 Conservatorium Finance Committee-S2.15.5 Presenting of Candidates for (repealed) Degrees-S5 315 Constitution of the University 119 Special Powers relating to Admission, Contents vii ff Examinations, Staff selection, etc. Continuation Education Committee (10) see relevant regulation Continuing Education Courses - R2.6 386 Assistant Deans -83.4.4 202 Enrolment for 386 Assistant Deans (Clinical)-S3.4.5 202 Executive Officer for Continuing Education — Assistant Deans (Pre-Clinical)-S3.4.6 202 S3.13.2 215 Associate Deans-S3.4.4 202 Office for Continuing, Education -82.10 (repealed) Associate Deans (Clinical)-S2.11.6,53.4.5 173, 202 Continuing Legal Education - S9.18 349 Associate Deans (Postgraduate)- S3.4.6 202 Controller (Buildings) (now Deputy Vice-Principal Committee of Deans of Faculties 6 (Property), which we)-S3.13.2, S3.19.5 215, 260, (82) Deputy Dean (Medical)-S3.4.3, S3.4.5 202 922 INDEX

Deputy Deans - S3.4.4 202 Damage to property-S2.7.9 171 Past Dean-Presentation of Discrimination-R3.3 390 Candidates for Degrees-S5.1.3 315 Dixson Scholarships-R6.13 519 Sub-Deans-S3.4.6 202 Doctor of Philosophy, see Philosophy Deer Park, see Mt. Derrimut Degree of, Doctor of Degrees, see also Enrolment and Doctor of Philosophy Committee (9) each Faculty - R3.1 xix, 387 Doctor's Degrees, see under Faculty, etc. Admission to Degrees—S5 315 Downing(R. I.)Fellowships-R6.168 660 Certificate and Seal-S7.1 323 Dress, Academic - 56.1 319 Dates-S2.1.1(d) 155 Drama prizes-R6.72(30),(58),R7.96 575, 581, 725 Dress—S6.1 319 Dublin Prize-R6.72 571 Honorary-S5.2 316 Dunhill (Sir Thomas Peel) Research Recipients 907 ff Scholarships-R6.103 611 Inabsentia-S5.1.2(3) 315 Dunlop Rubber Co. Exhibition -R7.3.6(j) 672 Posthumous - 55.1.6 315 Duras (Fritz) Memorial Fund - R7.76(8) 714 Deloitte Hoskins and Sells Prize 111 Dwight's Prizes-R6.5 509 Demonstrators-S3.11 Dyason (Edward Clarence) Fund - R7.81 717 see also Staff 212 Dennis-Wettenhall Prize - R6.137 638 Dental Alumni Research Foundation - R7.64 705 Dental Board of Victoria Member on Fac. of Dental Sci. - 82.4. l(m) 164 Dental Hospital, see Royal Dental Hospital Earth Sciences, School of- Chairman (71) Dental Medicine and Surgery, see East Asian Studies, see ARTS (35) DENTAL SCIENCE (41) East (L. R.) Prize 798 Clinical Dental School (98) Economics and Social Research Institute, Dental Prosthetics, see DENTAL SCIENCE (42) see Institute of Applied Economic and Clinical Dental School (98) Social Research Dental Research Fund-R7.11 (repealed) Economic History, see ECONOMICS AND DENTAL SCIENCE, see also Faculty Handbook, COMMERCE (44) published separately Economic Society of Australia Prizes 783 Faculty-S2.4.1(m) 164,(13) Economics, see ECONOMICS AND Administration (79),(83) COMMERCE (44) Teaching and Research Staff (41 ff) ECONOMICS AND COMMERCE, see also Faculty Examiners-S3.12.2 214 Handbook, published separately Clinical Schools - 52.24 185, (98) Faculty-S2.4.1(j) 162,(13) Courses, Degree of Administration (79), (83) Bachelor of Dental Science - R3.41 433 Teaching and Research Staff (43 ff) Master of Dental Science - R3.42 434 Reps, on Boards, Faculties, etc- Doctor of Dental Science-R3.43 435 82.4.1(d) (0 (h), S2.5.1, S2.21.4, S2.22.4, DEPARTMENTS AND SCHOOLS- S2.23.8 160, 161, 162,166,181, 182,184 S2.25 186 Courses Chairman-82.25.2 186 Degree of On Academic Board-82.3 157 Bachelor of Commerce—R3.17 406 For duties and powers see relevant statute and Master of Commerce-R3.18 407 regulation Doctor of Commerce - R3.91 482 Deputy Chancellors-S3.1 125,199,(1) Institute of Applied Economics and Former (889) Social Research-S2.22 182,(45) Deputy Dean, see DEANS Advisory Board (19) Deputy Vice-Chancellors - S3.5.1AB, EDUCATION, see also Faculty Handbook, S3.18 203, 260,(1), (81) published separately Former (891) Faculty-S2.4.1(h) 162,(14) see also relevant statute and regulation for Funds Administration (79), (84) Committees, etc. Teaching and Research Staff (45) Deputy Vice-Principal (formerly Bursar) (81) Reps, on Boards, etc.-S2.4.l(k), 82.5.1, Deputy Vice-Principal (Property) (formerly Controller S2.27.3 163,166,189 (Buildings)) (82) Courses Uerham (Enid) Prize - R6.72(22) 574 Degree of DickBursaries-R6.54 554, 773 ff Bachelor of Education - R3.11 400 Dickson (Raynes) Memorial Fund - R7.118 741 Master of Education-R3.12 401 Dietetics Doctor of Education - R3.89 480 Master of Applied Science - R3.67.1D 462 Bachelor of Science (Educ.)-R3.26 416 Dieul-Kurweil Scholarships - R6.99 607 Master of Educational Psychology-R3.84 476 Diploma Students-82.9.7 (repealed) Diploma in Education - R3.11A 401 Diplomas, see under particular Faculty or Board of Centre for the Study of Higher Education,- Studies xviii 82.27 189,(46) Granting-S5.1 315 Office for Continuing Education, see also Seal-S7.1 323 Continuing Education -82.10 (repealed) Diploma Courses at Technical Colleges, etc- Education, Melbourne College of, 82.9 (repealed) see Melbourne College of Advanced Education Disabilities, see Health Education Department (Melb. C.A.E.) (112) Disability Pension Fund-S3.17A 253 Education Department (Vic.) 162 DISCIPLINE -84.1 313 Reps, on Council, S.R.C. - S11.1.14(lj) (repealed) Faculties and Boards-S2.4.1(h), 162 Admission to Student from Another S2.8.2(repealed) Inst.-R3.3.7 390 Education Department Teaching Studentships Discipline Committee-82.7 170 see Ministry of Education Meetings-S1.2 152 Eggleston (W. M. & A. V.) Trust - R7.66 707 Right of Appeal for fine to-S4.1.1 313 1851 Exhibition Scholarship 830, (913) Punishment-S2.7.8 170 Elections-S8 325 923 INDEX

Elections to Council by Graduates Equal Opportunity andUndergraduates-S8.1 325 Standing Committee 6 Staff-88.2 330 Unit (86) Elections to the Faculty of Agric. and Forestry - Equine Research Fund-R7.65 706 S8.3 (repealed) Essendon and District Memorial Hospital Advertisement-S8.1.7 (repealed) Clinical School (106) Rolls of Graduates - S8.3 333 Ewing (Thomas)-R6.72(69) 583 Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ex-officio members of Committees, etc. (4) see ENGINEERING (48) Examinations, see also particular Course— Elford (F.Gordon) Fund-R7.86 719 R4 492 Elvins (William Leslie) Prize - R6.72(49) 579 Absence-R2.5 384 Embley (E.H.) Prize 797 Annual Consideration-R3.2 395 Emeritus Professors-S3.8 209, (29 ft) Certificates-R4.7 (repealed) Emmerton (Harry) Law Scholarships - R6.48 551 Conduct of-R4.4 498 Endowment, see also Prizes - R6 505 ff Honours-R4.4.5 498 Appendix 1 773 ff Dates-R2.1.1(d) 388 Form of Bequest v Entry-R4.3 496 State Grant 134 Failure-R2.5 384 Endowments other than those for prizes, Music - Public exams - R8.1 (repealed) exhibitions and scholarships - R7 669 ff Passing-R3.1.4 387 Appendix 2 815 Theses-S3.12.3 214 Lesser endowments-R7.75 712 R4.6 (repealed) ENGINEERING, see also Faculty Handbook, Supervision - S3.13.1(c) 215 published separately Special consideration and Faculty-S2.4.1(c) 160,(14) Special exams-R4.5A (repealed) Administration (79), (84) Supplementary-R4.5 (repealed) (46) Times-R4.2 492 Teaching and Research Staff Examiners - S3.12,R4.4 214,498 Reps, on other Facs. and Boards— Examination Boards,- 82.4.1(f), (1), 82.9.1 (repealed) R4.4.3 498 Courses Exhibitions 775 Degree of Meetings—SI.2 152 Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Surveying-R3.45 437 Exclusion for Health Reasons-R2.4 382 Executive Committee (5) Bachelor of Agricultural, Chemical, Exhibition of 1851 Scholarship 830 Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Metallurgical or Mining Holders (913) Exhibitions, see Prizes, etc. Engineering-R3.45.10-12 (repealed) Ex-Professors, see Former Professors Bachelor of Engineering Science- Eye and Ear Hospital, see Royal Victorian Eye R3.45.ll (repealed) and Ear Hospital Master of Engineering and Ex-Servicemen - R3.1.9 Master of Surveying-R3.46 438 378 Master of Surveying Sci. -R3.72 466 Master of Engineering Sci.-R3.44 436 Master of Chemical, Civil, Electrical, F Mechanical, Metallurgical, Mining FACULTIES, see also DEPARTMENTS, Engineering—R3.46.7 (repealed) DEANS, and each Faculty— Doctor of Engineering-R3.47 440 52.4 132, 158 ff, 200, (11) Bachelor of Applied Science-R3.61 457 Additional members-S2.4 158 ff Master of Applied Science - R3.67 461 Secretary-S2.4.7,S3.13.2 (83) Doctor of Applied Science-R3.68 463 Administration (79) Diploma in Engineering Management- Meetings-S1.2 152 R3.69 (repealed) Powers and Duties-S2.4.5,R3.2 165, 388 Diploma in Nuclear Science— Admission-R 1.1 377 R3.65 (repealed) Courses-R3 387 Diploma in Nuclear Engineering— see also relevant regulation R3.66 (repealed) Faculty Assembly of Agriculture and Free PIaces-R5.3 (repealed) Forestry-52.4.10 (repealed) Subject credit-R3.1.4 387 Faculty of Medicine Prize 788 English, see ARTS (35) Fairfield Hospital Clinical School-52.11, Enrolment-R2 380 see also MEDICINE 173, (93) see also each Course Farrago Full or Part Course-R2.2 380 Election Notices in-58.1.7 325 Higher Degrees or Postgraduate Diplomas - Fees-R5 50 R2.2A 381 Half Fees-R5.2 (repealed) Combined course-R2.2.3 381 Free Students-R5.3 (repealed) Disabled Students - R2.4 382 Matriculation fee - R1.1 377 Re-enrolment-R2.2.1 380 Loans, see Students Loan Fund R2.4.6 384 Ferguson (W. H.) Memorial Prize-R6.72(47) 579, 777 Quotas-R2.3 382 Finance and Accounting (81) Enrolments for Continuing Education Finance Committee (5) Courses-R2.6 386 Financial Systems Office (82) Entry quotas-R2.3 382 Fine Arts, see ARTS (36) Environmental Planning, Fines, see DISCIPLINE see ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING (34) Fink (Theodore) Education Endowment-R7.49 694 Environmental Studies, see also Centre for Fitzgerald (A. A. & G. E.) Exhibition/Arthur Environmental Studies Young & Co Exhibition 805 Courses Fitzgerald (Sir Alexander) Exhibition 776 Degree of Fitzgerald (Sir Thomas Naghten) Scholarship— Master of Environmental Studies—R3.90 481 R6.104 612 924 INDEX

Fitzpatrick (B.) Prize 786 Prizes 833 Fitzpatrick (Kathleen) Exhibition - R6.72(52) 580 Graduate School of Management Foundation - Fletcher (R. J.) Research Fund-R6.45 547 R7.132 757 Florey, Howard, see Howard Florey Institute, etc. Graduate Studies Secretary-53.13.2 215, (84) Floyd (Dr. A. E.) Memorial Scholarship- R6.174 666 Graduate Union-S9.16 347,831 Foote (William J.) Bequest-R7.51 695 Graduates Forest Science and Forestry, see Distinguished 907 ff AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY Graduates of the University and the Graduate Forestry School, Creswick - S9.19 350 Committee-S2.2 129, 156 Forest Science and Forestry, see see also Convocation AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY Former Presidents (891) Forests Commission Rep. on Fac. Agric. Meetings - S1.2, S2.1 152, 155 and Forestry-82.4.1(f) 161 Graduate Committee-S2.2 156,(7) Former Office-Bearers (889 ff) see also Convocation, Committee of Former Professors (895 ff) Elections -88.1 325 Forster (H. C.) Prize - R6.72(62) 582 Roll-88.3 333 Fox (R. S.) Travelling Scholarships in Reps, on Fac, etc. - 82.4.4 158 Forestry 806 Graduate Research Assistants-S3.11.10 212 Francis (A.J.) Prizes - R6.72(64) 582 Graduation-S5,S6 315 ff Free Places-R5.3 (repealed) Graham Endowment Fund - R7.32 687 French, see ARTS (36) Grainger (Percy) Fund-R7.29 686 Postgraduate Diploma in French Studies - Grainger Museum R3.85 476 Board -52.20 180 Fulton Scholarship in Obstetrics and Research Fellow (69) Gynaecology-R6.27 532 Grant (David) Scholarship - R6.63 561 Funds for Research Grants 833 Grants from Research Funds 833 Grants, Government 134 Gray (Frances) Prize-R6.72(38) 577 Greek Professionals Prize 786 ff Greene (W. P.) Bequest-R7.30 687 Geigy Prize 788 Grice Qohn) Bronze Medal 782 General Introduction iii Grice (John) Exhibition-R7.3.6(c) 671 Genetics, see SCIENCE (71) Grice (John) Research Bursary-R6.72(18) 573 Geography, see ARTS (36) Grimwade Prize-R6.18 525 Postgraduate Diploma in - R3.85 A 477 Geology, see SCIENCE (71) George VI, King, Memorial Fund-R7.46 693 H Gerentology and Geriatric Medicine, see MEDICINE (52), (114) Haley (Francis) Bequest - R7.22 683 Germanic Studies, see ARTS (37) Halford Oration-R7.42 691 Gibbons (Hilda) Bursaries - R6.156 649 Hall (Walter and Eliza) Exhibition- Gibson (John and Ann) Prize - R6.72(37) 577 R7.3.6(l) 672 Gillott (Samuel) Bequest - R7.7 674 Institute, see Walter and Eliza Hall Institute Samuel Gillott University Provident Fund- Halls of Residence, see Residential Halls, S3.16 218 Residential Colleges Gilmour (John and Allan) Research Scholarship- Hamer(R.J.)Prize-R6.72A(l) 587 R6.124 630 Hamilton (Ormsby) Radio Prize-R6.72(20) 574 Glass Collection-R7.75(5) 713 Hansen (Alma) Fund-R6.164 655,825 Goethe Award 786 Hanson (Doctor Joseph Birch) Prize - R6.126 631 Goldman (Maurice David) Publication Fund- Hanson-Dyer (L. B. M.) and J. B. Hanson R7.79 715 Bequest-R7.111 735 Gordon-Taylor Scholarship - R6.113 620 Harbison-Higinbotham Research Scholarship- Goulburn Valley Base Hospital Clinical School (104) R6.28 533 Governing Bodies, Committees and University Harrington (Maude) Prize - R6.72(35) 577 Organisations-S2 155 ff Hastie Exhibition and Scholarships-R6.11 517 Governor - Provision under Act 118 Hayden (John) Research Fellowship-R6.131 634 Visitor 141,(1) Health Papers 146 Student Health Service (86) Gowrie Scholarships 830 Music-R3.56.10 540 Graduate Awards for Women 831 Exclusion-R2.4 382 Graduate Committee, see Graduates of the see also Occupational Health Services University and the Graduate Committee; see also Healey (Robert Gartly) Scholarships-R6.115 .622 Convocation, Committee of Hearn Exhibition 787 Graduate Council - S9.16 347 Hebden Medical Research Fund-R7.38 689 Graduate Engineering Hebrew University-Student Scholarship-R6.70 567 Studies Committee R7.126 747 Henderson (Allan R.) Bequest-R7.50 695 Graduate Fund - R7.85 719 Herald Chair of Fine Arts-R7.24 684 Graduate House (32), 831,879 Herman (Joseph) Trust-R7.77 715 Former Heads (895) Hibberd (Sir Donald) Lectureship - R7.133 762 Graduate Rolls-S8.3 333 Higgins (H. B.) Scholarship - R6.16 523 GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT- Higgins (H. B.) Exhibition (Greek)-R7.3.6(q) 672 S2.23 184, (19), (49) Higgins (Sir John and Lady) Research see also School Handbook, published separately Scholarship-R6.66 563 Advisory Board-S2,23.6 185,(19) Higgins (J. M.) Research Foundation-R6.44 Rep.onFac.-S2.4.1(j) 162 (repealed) Degree of Master of Business Administration— Higgins (J. M.) Exhibition (Agriculture)- R3.70 464 R7.3.6(a) 671,777 Committee (10) Higgins(J. M.) Research Foundation-R7.123 745 Award, Melbourne University Graduate School of Higher Degrees, see also each xviii Management 839 Enrolment-R2.2A 381 925 INDEX

Theses for-R4.6 (repealed), R4.4 498 Institute of Applied Economic and Social Examination-S3.12.3 214 Research-S2.22 182,(19), (45) Suspension-R2.5 384 see also ECONOMICS, etc. Admission and credit for Work in Other Advisory Board-82.22.3 182,(19) Institutions-R3.3 390 Director-S3.5.1AE 206 Higher School Certificate, see Victorian Institute of Chartered Accountants (Vic.) Universities and Schools Examinations Board, and Rep. on Fac. of Econ. and Comm.-S2.4.1(j) 162 Matriculation Exhibition 776 Higinbotham Research Scholarship - R6.28 533 Institute of Wood Science Prize 796 History, see ARTS (37) Institution of Engineers, Aust. Rep. on Fac. History and Philosophy of Science, see ARTS (38) ofEng.-S2.4.1(c) 160 History of University iii Institutions (Technical) Hocking (Robin D.) Scholarship-R6.173 665 Recognized-S2.9.6 (repealed) Hoffmeyer (Mollie Magdalene Warren) Fund- Insurance Institute of Victoria Rep. on Fac. Econ. R7.45 693 andComm.-S2.4.1(j) 154 Holidays, University-R2.1 379 Internal Auditor-S3.13.2, S3.19.5 215,260, (82) Holmes (Sarah and William) Scholarships 785,834 International Affairs Research Lecture Fund- Homewood (F. W.) Memorial Scholarship- R7.48 (repealed) R6.56 556,775 International House-S9.14 345,881, (32) Homfrey (Louise) Prizes-R6.72(58) 581 Council-S9.14.2 346,(7) Honorary Degrees-S5.2 316 Former Heads (895) Recipients 316, (907 ft) International House Scholarship and Bursary Honorary Degrees Committee 6 Fund-R6.150 647 Honorary Professors-S3.7 209 International Students 840 Honoris causa, see Honorary Degrees Inventions-Patents—510.1 355 Horwood (Keith) Language Centre (in Russian Investments 134, 136 and Language Studies), see ARTS (40) Italian, see ARTS (38) Hospital Appointments 835 Italian Government Scholarships 807, 836 Hospitals, see also Medicine, Clinical Schools, Dental Science and by name Recognized General and Special Hospital Staff (88 ff) Clinical Schools-S2.11 173 Reps, of Clinical Schools on Fac. of Medicine- Jamieson Prize in Clinical Medicine-R6.72(5) 571 52.4.1(b) 159 Janet Clarke Hall-59.10 342,857, (32) Teaching and research staff (33 ff) Former Heads (893) Appointments of med. graduates 835 Japanese Ministry of Education Scholarships 837 Joint Committee for liaison with General Jenkin (Heather) Research Library Fund-R7.68 708 Teaching Hospitals 6 Jenks Exhibition 781 Notices of Elections at-S8.1.7 325 Jewish Women's Prize (Melbourne Campus Fair)- Hospitals and Charities Commission R6.108 615 Chairman Rep. Fac. of Med. -52.4.1(b) 159 Johansen (M. K. N.) Memorial Scholarship for Hostels, see Housing the Advancement of Municipal Engineering- Housing, see also Affiliated Colleges R6.123 628 Student Housing Board—52.19 (repealed) Johns Perry Ltd Prize for Civil Engineering 730, 838 Student Housing Officer (86) Joint Committee for Liaison with General Teaching Non-Collegiate Student Housing-S2.19A (repealed) Hospitals 6 Howard (Douglas) Exhibitions-R6.77 591 Joint Committee for Liaison with the Fofestry Howard Florey Institute of Experimental Commission 6 Physiology and Medicine-S9.17 349, (111) Joint Committee of Academic Board and Heads Howard Smith Ltd. Exhibition-R7.3.6(n) 672 of Colleges (10) Howitt Natural History Scholarships - R6.6 511 Joint Committee on Policy (6) Human Performance, Degree of Bachelor of- Jorgensen (Bertha) Exhibition - R6.72(79) 584 R3.82 (repealed) Joske (Ernest) Research Award-R6.118 625 Hume (C. D.) Violin Scholarship-R6.78 591, 775 Journalism Hungerford, Hancock and Offner Prize 806 Diploma in Journalism -R3.8 (repealed) Hunt (Gordon) Memorial Prize-R6.72 (45) 578 Combined with Arts-R3.5.12(c) 394 Huntingfield (Lady) Memorial Scholarship- see also Smith (Arthur Norman) Lecture in R6.65 562,776 Journalism Jullyan (Eric and Linda) Memorial Scholarship- R6.136 638 Junior Research Fellows -S3.11 212 I I.B.M. Exhibition 777 I.C.S.A. Prize, see Institute of Chartered Accountants (Vic) Kay (Caroline) Scholarships - R6.20 526,827 I.C.S.A. Prize, see Institute of Chartered Kefford (M. & E.) Scholarship-R6.11.9 626 Secretaries and Administrators Prize Keith Horwood Language Centre (in Russian and Iliffe (John) Scholarships - R6.138 639 Language Studies), see ARTS (40) Illness, see Health Kendall Hall 885 In Absentia Degrees -85.1.2(3) 315 Kennel Control Council Canine Research Independent Lecturers - S3.11.11 212 Trust-R7.759(2) 713 Indian and Indonesian Studies, see ARTS (38) Kenny (Rosemarie) Prize-R6.72(24) 574 Industrial Relations and Staff Development Kernot (F. A.) Bequest (Dental Science)-R7.70 709 Section (85) Kernot (F. A.) Bequest (Engineering)- R7.12 677 Industrial Science, see ENGINEERING (48) Kernot Memorial Medal-R6.72(15) 573 Inspectors Kernot (Professor) Scholarships in Physics, School-52.8.11 (repealed) Chemistry and Geology - R6.8 514 Technical Colleges, etc. for Recognition- Kiddle (Margaret) Prize-R6.72 (53) 580 82.9.4 (repealed) Kilmany Scholarship - R6.43 546 926 INDEX

King (W. Julian) Prize - R6.72(50) 579 Disciplinary powers - 54.1.2(3) 313 King George VI Memorial Fund-R7.46 693 Theses, Prize Essays, etc. Deposited-R6.1.7 505 Kinhill Stearns Award 780,838 Library Committee-S2.6.4 168,6 Kinsman G.R.)Fund-R7.69 709 Library Endowment Fund-R7.28 686 Kirby (Walter) Singing Scholarship-R6.59 558, 775 Library Users' Committee 6 Knapp (Lucy) Bursaries-R6.143 642, 774 Liet Memorial Prizes-R6.72(16) 573 Knight (Fred) Research Scholarship R7.3.6(b) 671 Limited Companies 137,138 Kohane, Max Prize 800 Lions Clubs International Deafness Reseach Kosky (Jeanette) Prize - R6.86 598 Fund-R7.113 738 Kodak A'asia Pty Ltd Prize 811 Lloyd (Charles Duplan) Trust - R7.73 712 Kurzweil Scholarship, see Dieul-Kurzweil Lloyd Qohn Charles) Exhibitions-R6.38 541 Scholarships Loan Funds (Student) (Act Part II Div. 2) 134 Lockie Bequest - R7.44 692 Lodewyckx (Anna) Icelandic Scholarships-R6.101 608 Loftus-Hills (Jasper) Memorial Fund-R7.116 739 Longerenong Agricultural College Laboratory Work, see particular Course Free Places-R5.3.6 (repealed) Ladner (Fred) Memorial Exhibition 798 Lord (William Henry) Bursaries - R6.121 627 Land and Property Lowe (Sir Charles) Prize - R6.151 647 Provision under the Act Pt II Div 5 140 Lowe (Sheppard M.) Scholarship - R6.125 630 Landscape Architecture, see ARCHITECTURE Loxton Bequest-R6.110 616 Langford (Stella Mary) Scholarships-R6.166 658,845 Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (114) Language Centre, The Keith Horwood (in Russian Lyle (Sir Thomas) Fellowships in Physics - R6.69 565 and Language Studies) (40) Director on Fac. Sci., Arts-S2.4.1(d), (e) 160 Lansell (George) Exhibitions and Scholarships- M R6.23 528 Latham Qohn) and Blair (Floyd) Memorial McArthur (Stewart) Prize 808,809 Lectureship-R7.74 712 Macartney (Keith) Memorial Theatre Fund- Latrobe University R7.96 725 Educ. Rep. on Fac. ofEduc.-52.4.1(h) 162 MacBain Research Scholarships in Biology-R6.14 521 Victorian Universities and Schools Examination McCaughey (Mona) Scholarships-R6.127 631 Board-52.8 (repealed) McClean (Dorcas) Scholarship - R6.171 663 Laurie Prizes-R6.72(7) 571 McComas (R. B.) Research Scholarships in LAW, see also Faculty Handbook, published Opthalmology 637 separately McDonald (Cyril George Hugh) Memorial Faculty-S2.4.1(a) 158,(15) Prize-R6.94 603 Administration (80), (84) MacFarland (John) Exhibition-R7.3.6(e) 688 Librarian (77) MacGeorge Bequest-R7.98 726 Teaching and Research Staff (49) Mclndoe (George Bryce) Prize 806 Reps, on Boards, Committees, etc. -82.7.1(d) 170 Mclver (Euphemia Alice) Fund-R7.121 744 Courses, Degree of Mackay (Donald) Memorial Fund-R7.122 744 Degree of Mackay (D. F.) Prizes 790 ff Bachelor of Laws-R3.14 402 McKay (T. Allan) Pianoforte Scholarship— Master of Laws-R3.15 404 R6.82 595, 775 ff Doctor of Laws-R3.16 405 McKenzie (Matthew W.) Award for Medical Honorary Degree—S5.2.4 316 Studies 1 778 Law Institute of Victoria Mackie (Helen) Endowment Fund-R7.35 688 Rep. on Fac. of Law -52.4.1(a) 158 MacNeil (Ian Purves) Memorial Exhibition- Law School Foundation-R7.135 764 R6.72(59) 581 Lawrence (Herman) Prize in Clinical McPherson (W. M.) Exhibition-R7.3.6(i) 672 Dermatology-R6.72(31) 576 McWilliam (C. G.) Bequest-R7.125 746 Lectures, see also particular Course Madden (John) Exhibition - R6.22 527, 777 ff Attendance-R3.1 387 Maggs (Albert H.) Composition Award-R7.127 748 Certificate-R3.4 (repealed) Maguire Q. R.) Exhibitions-R6.89 599 Terms and Timetables-R2.1 379 Maintenance Section (82) Lecturers, see also Staff- S3.11 212,(33 ff) Major (J. F.) Memorial Scholarship-R6.116 623 Leeper (G. W.) Collection Fund-R7.75(3) 713 Mallesons Prize 788 ff Leggatt (Jessie) Scholarship - R6.24 529 Management Education, see Graduate School Legislation Committee 6 of Management Legislative Assembly 117 Management Inform., Controller- Members on Council 120,(2) S3.13.2,S3.19.5 215,260 Legislative Council 117 Management Services (84) Members on Council 120, (2) Manager (Admin. Computer Services) S3.13.2, Leo Cussen Institute for Continuing Legal S3.19.5 215,260,(84) Education -59.18 349 Marine Sciences, see Victorian Institute of Leon (Samuel) Bursary in Medicine - R6.84 596 Marine Sciences Lesser Awards-R6.72A 586 Masefield(John)Prize-R6.72(19) 574 Lesser Endowments-R7.75 712 Masson Memorial Scholarship 838 Lesser Scholarships and Prizes-R6.72 570 Masson (Lady) Memorial Lectureship-R7.25 685 Letters Patent 143 Massey-Green (Walter) Prize-R6.72(61) 582 Levi (Keith) Memorial Scholarship-R6.32 537 Master of Business Administration Committee (10) Lewis (James Monahan) Prize - R6.72(63) 582 Masters Degrees, see under particular Faculty Lewis (Dafydd) Trust 774, 829 Honorary-S5.2 316 Liaison Committee with the Victorian College Mathematics, see SCIENCE (72) of Optometry 6 Mathemmatics (Melb. C.A.E.) (113) Library-S2.6 168,(76) Mathison Lectures - R7.1 669 Librarians-Former (893) Matthaei (Ernst) Memorial Fund-R7.75(5) 713 Librarian-52.6.2 169 Matriculation-R 1.1 377 onFac.Arts-S2.4.1(d) 160 Book-Rl.1.3 378 927 INDEX

Students from Other Universities- Melbourne University Archives, Rl.1.7, R3.3 378,390 see Archives Board of Management V.U.S.E.B.-S2.8 (repealed) Melbourne University Business School May & Baker Prize 796 Association-Sir John Allison Fund-R7.84 718 Meade (R. G. and A. U.) Scholarship in Melbourne University Engineering School Surgery-R.6.72(85) 585 Foundation-R7.128 750 Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, see Melbourne University Graduate School of ENGINEERING (48) Management Award 839 Media and Publications (85) Melbourne University Graduate School of Medical Biology, see MEDICINE (52) Management Foundation-R7.132 757 Medical History Unit, see MEDICINE (52), (80) Melbourne University Law School Foundation- Medical Officers of Health Section of the A.M.A. R7.135 764 Prize 789 Melbourne University Press-S2.13 176, (87) Medical Research Committee-R7.16 679 Board of Management-S2.13.3 (18) Meetings-S2.13.3, S1.2 177,152 MEDICINE, see also Faculty Handbook, BookRoom-S2.13.6 177 published separately Finance Committee-S2.13.6(c) 178 Faculty-S2.4.1(b) 159,(15) Publications Committee - 82.13.6 177 Administration (80), (84) University Publications Fund - R7.59 719 Librarian (77) Melbourne University Clinical Schools-S2.11 173, (88 f!) Sports Union, see Sports Union Teaching and Research Staff (50 ff) Melbourne University Union, see Union (87) Reps, on other Faculties and Boards— Melbourne University Veterinary Research and S2.4.1(0, (m), 82.5.1(b) 161, 164,166 Building Fund-R7.55 699 Dean-83.4.1(1) (a) 200 Melvin (John) Memorial Scholarship-R6.31 535 Deputy Dean-S3.4.3, 83.4.5 201 Memorial Prize in Veterinary Surgery - R6.72(60) 581 Deputy Dean (Clinical)-S3.4.5 201 Mental Health Research Fund-R6.93 (repealed) Assistant Dean (Pre-Clinical)-S3.4.5. 201 Committee-R6.93.3 (repealed) Associate Deans (Clinical)- Mental Hygiene Authority Chairman on Fac. 52.11.6,53.4.5 173,200 ofMed.-S2.4.1(b) 159 Examiners-S3.12.2 214 Merck Sharp & Dohme Prize 792 Courses Mercy Maternity Hospital, see also Degrees of MEDICINE Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Clinical Schools—S2.ll 173, (93) Surgery-R3.35 424 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Dept. (58) Doctor of Medicine-R3.36 426 Merlo (Rosemary) Prizes-R6.72(42) 578, 778 ff Master of Medicine - R3.94 484 Metallurgy, see ENGINEERING Master of Surgery-R3.37 426 Meteorology, see SCIENCE (72) Master of Gynaecology and Obstetrics- Methodist Ladies' College Bursary R3.38 427 (Moran)-R6.40 543 Bachelor of Medical Science-R3.71 465 Metric Regulation-51.3 153 Diploma in Audiology-R3.80 473 Meyer (Felix) Scholarship in Obstetrics and Diploma in Psychological Medicine-R3.40A 430 Gynaecology-R6.161 653 Diploma in Public Health-R3.39(suspended), Meyer (Felix) Scholarship - R6.162 653 see Calendar 1956 Meyer (Florence Menk) Prize 790 Diplomas in Opthalmology, Therapeutic Michell (A. G. M.) - R6.72(23) 574 Radiology, Anaesthetics-R3.40 428 Michell-BarnardFund-R7.75(4) 713 Diploma in Diagnostic Radiology, R3.40B 431 Microbiology, see MEDICINE (57) Diploma in Laryngology and. Otology- Middle Eastern Studies, see ARTS (38) R3.40C 432 Middleton (Clarice Malyon) Scholarship— Preliminary Examination for Students in R6.72(65) 582,775 Medicine—R3.34 (repealed) Miegunyah Estate, Committee to Advise on Future Medley Hall-59.20 351,887,(32) Use 6 Council (7) Millar (E. F.) Exhibition - R7.3.6(w) 672, 779 Former Heads (895) Miller (Guy) Tutorship in Operative Surgery- Meetings-S1.2 152 R7.2 669 see also Committee, etc. involved Mining and Metallurgy Bursaries 839 Ex-officio Members (4) Mining, see ENGINEERING Melba, Nellie, see Nellie Melba Prize Ministry of Education Teaching Studentships Melbourne Campus Fair Jewish Women's Prize- and Scholarships 774 ff R6.108 615 Mirams (Ida) Memorial Fund - R7.107 732 Melbourne Chamber of Commerce Mirams (James Herbert) Memorial Exhibition 777, 781 ff Scholarship -R6.163 654 Melbourne College of Advanced Education (112) Mogensen (H. M.), T. G. Seymour and. Memorial Melbourne Medical Postgraduate Committee Fund-R7.109 733 Rep. on Fac. of Med.-52.4.1(b) 159 Mollison (Crawford) Prize 781 Melbourne Medical Postgraduate Committee Mollison (W. T.) Scholarship-R6.9 515 Gordon-Taylor Scholarship - R6.113 620 Monash (John) Exhibition - R7.3.6(t) 672, 784 Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Endowment Fund-R7.19 681 Law Fac. Member on Fac. ofLaw-S2.4.1(a) 158 Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Executive Educ. Fac. Member on Fac. ofEduc.-52.4.1(h) 162 Committee -S2.16 (repealed) Rep. on Tech. Coll. Board-52.9 (repealed) Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Trust Victorian Universities and Schools, Examinations Board-S2.8 (repealed) (Sydney Myer) - R7.18 680 Moore (Harrison) Exhibition 781 Melbourne Theatre Company - 82.17 178 Moran (T. E. & E. R.) Bursaries-R6.40 543,773 ff Board of Management - 52.17.4 178, (18) Morley (Alban C.) Prize in Commerce- Meetings-S1.2, S2.17.5 152, 178 R6.72(ll) 572,780 Prize for Student Drama 782,839 Morrison (Alexander) Nervous System Research Melbourne University Act 117 Fund-R7.4 672 928 INDEX

Morris (Professor) Prize-R6.72(6) 571, 784 Office for Continuing Education, see also Mount Derrimut House Continuing Education-S2.10 (repealed) Agric. Students 2nd Year at-R3.27.5 (repealed) Office for Prospective and New Students (84) Mt. Derrimut Committee (7) Office for Research (83) Mt. Royal National Research Inst. Professor of Officer (V. W.) Prize in Veterinary Science- Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine- Re. 157 650 R7.101 728,(114) Officers of the University-S3 199, (1 ff) Museum of Victoria Council-S9.21 352 Oldfield (Peg) Prize-R6.72 (87) 586 MUSIC, see also Faculty Handbook, published separately Ophthalmic Research Institute of Australia Chair of Faculty-S2.3.1(k) 163,(16) Ophthalmology-R7.52 696 Administration (80), (84) Ophthalmology, see MEDICINE (59) Conservatorium—S2.15 178 Optometry, see SCIENCE (73) Librarian (77) Optometry, Victorian College of, see Victorian College Staff (69) of Optometry Reps, on Facs-S2.4.1(dXh) 160, 162 Oral Examinations, see Examinations and on Grainger Board-2.20 180 Orchestra, see Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Courses Organist (81) Degree of Ormond Chair of Music-R7.57 701 Bachelor of Music-R3.56 449 Ormond College-S9.2 337,859,(32) Master of Music-R.3.63 460 Former Heads (894) Doctor of Music-R.3.57 451 Ormond Exhibitions and Scholarships in Bachelor of Music Educ.-R3.56A 450 Music-R6.10 516 Diploma in Music-R3.58 (repealed) Otolaryngology, see MEDICINE (59) Concert Diploma in Music-R3.58A (repealed) Outdoor Staff, see STAFF Higher Diploma in Music-R3.59 (expired) Outhwaite (Edward Walter) Scholarship-R6.88 599 Music Executive and Finance Comm. 6 Overseas Students 840 Public Exams in Music-R8.1 (repealed) Music Liaison Committee 6 Myer (Sidney) University Trust - R7.9 675 Myer (Sidney) Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Trust-R7.18 680 Myer (Clara) Prize in Surgical Paediatrics-R6.139 639 P.A. Management Consultants Prize 810 Pacific Dunlop Ltd Prize 807 Paediatrics, see MEDICINE (61) N Parker James Fund-R7.47 694 Parkhill Lithgow & Gibson Prize 781, 840 N.U.A.U.S., see National Union of Australian Parson (A. E.) Prize 801 University Students Patents-SlO.l 355 Nanson (Professor) Prize-R6.72(14) 573 Patents Committee-S10.1.1 6,355 National Australia Bank Prize 778 Pathology Dept., see Medicine (61) National Council of Jewish Women (Fanny Reading) Paton Advertising Service Exhibition - R6.92 602,781 Scholarship-R6.75 590 Paton(SirGeorge)Prize-R6.149 646 National Museum of Victoria Council - 89.21 352 Payne Exhibition-R6.30 535 National Union of Australian University Students Payne (J- W. F.) Exhibition-R7.3.6(h) 671 Aboriginal Scholarship-R6.97 (repealed) Pensions and Salaries-S3.15,S3.21, 83.21.16 217,261 National Union of Australian University Students Disability-S3.17A 253 Incoming Delegations Fund-R7.58 (repealed) Provident Fund-S3.16 218 National Vision Research Institute (114) Retirement Fund - S3.20 261 Nellie Melba Prize 839 Superannuation-S3.17 237 Nerve Deafness Appeal Fund-R7.106 732 Pensions Committee 6 Nervous System Research Fund-R7.4 672 Peter MacCallum Clinic, see MEDICINE Nevill (John) Research Scholarship-R6.36 540 Clinical Schools-S2.11 173, (94) New Students, see Office for Prospective and Peters 0-N.)Bequest-R7.41 690 New Students Pharmacology Dept., see MEDICINE (62) Newman College - S9.4 338,867, (32) Pharmacy students-R3.3.1 390 Former Heads (894) Ph.D. Committee (9) Nicholas (Richard W.S.) Agricultural Science Philosophy, see ARTS (39) Scholarship 803,840 Philosophy NichoUs (Edward Brooke) Prizes-R6.72(57) 581,782 Degree of Doctor of- R3.60 452 Nickson Travelling Scholarship-R6.140 640 Admissiontodegree-S5.1.2 315 1920 Appeal Fund-R7.3 670 Enrolment-R2.2A.4 381 Noall (William and Son) Prize-R6.100 608, 781 Parttime-R3.60.3 452 Norris (Eleanor Edna) Bequest Fund-R6.112 618 Unsatis. progress-R2.5.2, R3.60.5 454 Norris (Nell) Scholarship-R6.112.2(ii) 619, 778 Theses-R3.60.7 454 Nuclear Engineering, Examination of-R4.6 (repealed), R4.4 498 Diploma in-R3.66 (repealed) Clinical Schools-S2.11,1 173 Nuclear Science, Howard Florey-S9.17 349 Diploma in-R3.65 (repealed) R.A.A.F. Academy-S9.8 (Repealed) 341 Nuffield Foundation Commonwealth travelling Vic. Coll. Optotn. - 89.11 343 Fellowships and Study Awards 799 Doctor of Philosophy Standing Committee (9) Number 1 Rest Home Voluntary Aid Bursary- Honorary degree of Master of-S5.2.4A 316 R6.34 538 Physical Education, see also SCIENCE Nunn (E.J. B.) Scholarship -R7.3.6(v) 672 Board of Studies-S2.5.1(b) (repealed) Nyulasy (Arthur) Prize-R6.57 556 Diploma-R3.13 (repealed) Subject Recommendations to Fac. of Educ. - R3.2.2 389 Diploma in Physical Education-R3.13 (repealed) o Physical Safety and Radiation Protection Unit (83) Obstetrics and Gynaecology, see MEDICINE (57) Physics, see SCIENCE (73) Occupational Health Services (86) Melb.C.A.E. (112) 929 INDEX

Physiology, see MEDICINE (63) as a subject-R.3.2.3 389 Pierce (A. H. H.) Bequest - R7.110 734 Queen's College - 89.3 337,863, (32) Pinkerton (Frank) Scholarship-R6.68 565 Former Heads (894) Polglaze, (Jean) Memorial Prizes-R6.72.80 584, 783 Queen's University, Belfast Policy Committee (9) W. E. J. Craig Scholarship to-R6.74 589 Political Science, see ARTS (39) Quorums-S1.2 152 Pond (S. F.) Memorial-R7.80 716 Quotas for Entry-R2.3 382 Pond (8. A. F.)-M.U.R. Scholarship-R6.72(83) 585 Postgraduate Diplomas, see under Faculty Enrolment for-R2.2A 381 Postgraduate Medical Education Fund-R7.54 699 Raab (Felix) Prize-R6.72(56) 581 Posthumous Degree-S5.1.6 315 Raab (Felix) Collection R7.87 720 Honorary-S5.2.6(3) 316 Radiation Protection Officer (832) Potter Partners Exhibition 777 Radiology, see MEDICINE (65) Practical Work-R2.1.8 379 Railways Apprentices President of Convocation 129, (7) Free Places-R5.3.7 (repealed) Former (891) Rankin (D. H.) Essay Prize 797 Presidents of the Graduates, Former (891) Rankin (D. J. M.) Prize-R6.72(21) 574 Presidents of the Professorial Board, Former (891) Raymond (Guy) Equine Research Fund-R7.103 729 Press, see Melbourne University Press Readers-S3.10 211,(25 fl) Prest (Wilfred) Prize 797 see also Staff Preston and Northcote Community Hospital Reading (Fanny) Scholarship in Middle Clinical Schools (110) Eastern Studies-R6.75 590 Price Waterhouse Scholarship 776,840 Re-admission-R2.2.6 380 Principal, see Vice-Chancellor and Principal Re-admission After Suspension-R2.5, R2.5A 384 Principal Dates 1986 xxi ff Recognized Institutions-R3.3 390 Principal Tutor-S3.11 212 Recognition of Hospitals—S2.11 173 Printing Services (85) Records Administration 84 Manager (85) Recreation Grounds Committee-S2.14 (repealed) Red Cross No. 1 Rest Home Voluntary Aid Bursary-R6.34 538 PRIZES, EXHIBITIONS, SCHOLARSHIPS AND Regan (Cornelius) Trust - R7.67 708 BURSARIES-R6 505 ff Registrar-S3.13 215,(1), (81) Recipients (907 ff) Registrar (Academic) (83) Summary arranged by subject at each level Registrar (Administration) (84) Appendix 1 773 ff Assistant Registrars-S3.13.2 216, (81) Announcements 825 Associate Registrars-53.13.2 155, 216, (83) see also regulations for particular Course Deputy Registrar-S3.13.2 155,216 Professorial Associates and Professorial Research Former (893) Fellows Committee. 6 Additional Powers and Duties Professorial Associates with the Title of Professor (25) Disciplinary Powers-S4.1 313 Professorial Board, see ACADEMIC BOARD Elections-S8.1.3 325 Professorial Research Fellows-S3.8A 210 Examinations-S3.13.1(c), R3.2.5 216, 388 Professors, see also DEANS, FACULTIES- Seal-Acting or Deputy Registrars-87.1 323 S3.5 203, (20 ft) Secretarial - S3.13.1 (a, b) 216, (83) Former Professors (895) Staff control-S3.14.2 216 Honorary Professors-S3.7 209 see also relevant regulations and statutes Academic Associates - S3.9A 210 Regulations 132, 145, 377 ff Professorial Research Fellows-S3.8A 210 see also Statutes and Regulations Visiting Professos-S3.6 208 Rennie Memorial Prize-R6.72(41) 578 Professors Emeritus-S3.8 209,(29ff) Renton Fund-R7.105 731 Professors Repatriation Fund (Baillieu Gift) Act 1937- Appointment-S3.5.1,S3.5.2 203 R6.95 603 Committee on Personal Chairs, etc. 6 Repatriation General Hospital Heidelberg, Elections to Council-S8.2 330 Professorships of Medicine and Surgery- Projects and Grounds Section (82) R7.108 733 Property and Building (82) Repatriation and General Hospital, see also Property, Provisions under Act 140 MEDICINE Prospective and New Students, see Appointments 836 Office for Prospective and New Students (84) Repatriation Hospital, see MEDICINE Protocol Officer (85) Clinical Schools-S2.11 173, (53) Provident Fund, see Gillott Provident Fund Anaesthetics (92) Pro-Vice-Chancellors-S3.3 200,(1) Medicine Dept. (53), (91) Proxime Accessit Prize in Surgery-R6.72(78) 584 Nuclear Medicine (91) Psychiatry, see MEDICINE (63) Oncology (91) Psychology, see ARTS (39) Pathology Dept. (61), (92) Diploma in Psychology-R3.64 (expired) Psychiatry (64), (93) Master of Educational Psychology-R3.84 476 Radiology (93) Public Administration Radiotherapy (91) Diploma in Public Administration-R3.19 (repealed) Renal (91) Public Examinations in Music -R8.1 (repealed) Rheumatology (91) Public Policy, Postgraduate Diploma - R3.85B 477 Surgery Dept. (66), (92) Public Servants Students- Thoracic Medicine (92) Reduced Fees R5.2, R5.3 (repealed) Research Publication Fund, University-R7.59 702 Grants for 833 Office for (83) Publications Officer (85) Executive Officer (83) Puckle (Hugh Noel) Scholarship 810 Patents-SlO.l 355


Research Officers-S3.11 212 Clinical School-S2.11 173, (54), (101) As Fac. Sci. Members-S2.4.2(c) 164 Medicine Dept. (54) Visiting-S3.11A 214 Psychiatry (63) Research Professors, see Professors Surgery Dept. (67) Research Professorship in Medical Biology- Royal Military College R7.20 682 Students from-R3.3 390 Research Report-Published separately Royal Park Psychiatric Hospital, see also Residential Colleges 849 ff MEDICINE Affiliated Colleges-S9 335,849 ff Clinical School-S2.11 173,(104) see also by name Royal Society Rutherford Scholarship Scholars (914) Heads (32) Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, see also Former (893 ff) MEDICINE Residential Halls or Houses 849 ff, 881 Clinical School-S2.11 173,(104) Committees (7) Chair of Ophthalmology-R7.52 696 Former Heads (895) Eye Section (105) Rest Home (No. 1) Voluntary Aid Bursary- E.N.T. Section (105) R6.34 538, 774 ff Special Units (105) Restorative Dentistry, see DENTAL SCIENCE (42) Royal Women's Hospital, see also Clinical Dental School (98) MEDICINE Retirement Fund-S3.20 261 Clinical School-S2.11 173,(106) Rhodes Scholars in Australia, Association of, Obstetrics & Gynaecology Dept. (57) Scholarship-R6.107 614 Rubbo (Sydney) Memorial Trust-R7.83 718 Rhodes Scholarship 841, (914) Russian and Language Studies, see ARTS (40) Ridley College-S9.13 345,877,(32) Rutherford Scholarship, see Royal Society Former Head (894) Ryan (T. F.) Prize for Anatomy-R6.72(25) 575 Rigg (Gilbert) Scholarships-R6.102 610 Ryan (T. F.) Roentgen Prize - R6.72(26) 575 Riseborough (Ronald) Prize - R6.72 (46) 578, 780 Ritchie Memorial - R7.15 678 Ritchie Professor of Research into Econ. -R7.15.1 678 Robertson (John and Elizabeth) Prize-R6.72(71) 583 Robinson (W. S.) Prize-R6.72(54) 580 St. George's Hospital Clinical School (107) Roche (Thalia) Memorial-R7.13 677 St. Hilda's College - S9.7 341,873, (32) Rollason (G. M.) Fund-R7.99 727 Former Heads (894) Roman Catholic Colleges, see Newman College, St. Mary's College - 59.15 346,869, (32) St. Mary's College Former Heads (894) Roper Bequest - R7.104 730 St. Vincent's Hospital, see also MEDICINE Rosanove, Joan, Q.C. Memorial Prize-R6.72A(3) 587 Appointments 835 Rosenthal (David B.) Memorial Scholarship- Clinical School-82.11 173, (56), (107) R6.130 633 Medicine Dept. (56) Ross (Thomas and Elizabeth) Scholarships-R6.90 600 Psychiatry (64) Rouse (Edgar) Prize for Paper on Occupational Surgery Dept. (67) Medicine-R6.72 (76) 584 Salaries of Members of Staff-S3.15 217 Rowden White (A. E.) and White (E. R.) Foundation Standing Committees on Staff Salaries 6 for Medical Research-R7.97 725 Saltau-Price Scholarship 773 Rowden White Library-James Parker Fund- Samuel Gillott Univ. Provident Fund-S3.16 218 R7.47 694 Sanderson (John) Exhibition-R7.3.6(g) 671 Royal Australian Air Force Santoro (Dr.) Prize 787 Academy-59.8 (repealed) Schiassi (Omero) Prize - R6.72(81) 585 Advisory Board-S9.8 (repealed) Scholarships, see PRIZES, ETC. Royal Aust. Chemical Inst. Masson Memorial School of Environmental Planning (34) Scholarship 838 Schools Royal Australian Institute of Architects Reps, on Fac. of Education-S2.4.1(h) 162 Represented on Fac. of Arch.-52.4.1(1) 163 V.U.S.E.B.-S2.8.2 (repealed) Royal Australian Planning Institute Schools, The Departments and the-S2.25 186 Rep.onFac.Arch.-S2.4.1(l) 163 Schools Board Royal Australian Naval College see Victorian Universities and Schools, Students from-R3.3 390 Examination Board Royal Children's Hospital, see also Schubert Bursary-R6.72(36) 577 MEDICINE (95) SCIENCE, see also Faculty Handbook, published Clinical School-S2.11 173,(95) separately Research Foundation Professor of Faculty-S2.4.1(e) 160,(16) Paediatrics-R7.90 721 Administration (80), (84) Royal Commission of the Exhibition of 1851 Librarian (77), (78) Science Research Scholarships (913) Teaching and Research Staff (70 ff) Royal Dental Hospital, see DENTAL SCIENCE Reps, on other Boards, etc.-S2.4.1(f) (g) (h), Standing Committee for Liaison with 6 82.9.1 (repealed) 161,162 Election notices at - 58.1.7 325 Dean, see also DEANS-S3.4.2 200 Clinical Dental Schools-S2.24 185, (98) Courses Conservative Dentistry (98) Degree of Dental Medicine and Surgery (99) Bachelor of Science - R3.20 408 Restorative Dentistry (100) WithHonours-R3.21 410 Rep. on Fac. of Dental Science-S2.4. l(m) 164 Master of Science-R3.24 413 Royal Family Recipients of honorary degrees (907) Doctor of Science-R3.25 415 Royal Institute British Architects students- Bachelor of Science (Educ.)-R3.26 416 R3.3 391 Bachelor of Science in Optometry-R3.76 469 Royal Letters Patent 143 Master of Educational Psychology-R3.84 476 Royal Melbourne Hospital, see also Master of Science in Optometry-R3.77 470 MEDICINE Postgraduate Diploma in Computing Appointments 835 Studies-R3.88 480


Science Editor (85) Sports Union-Si 1.2 367 Science Students Constitution-SI 1.1.6 368 R.A.A.F. Academy-59.8 (repealed) Council-S 11.2.11 372 Victorian Coll. Optom. -59.11 343 Awards-Si 1.2.35,36 375 Howard Florey Institute-S9.17 349 STAFF-S3 199 Scott (Ernest) Prize-R6.61 559 Administrative - S3.13 215, (81 ff) Scott (G. E. M.) Bequest-R7.61 703 Examiners-S3.12 214 Seal-57.1 323 Technical, Clerical, etc. - S3.14 216 Secretariats-S3.13 215,(83) Teaching and Research - S3.11 212, (33) Secondary Teachers' College, see State College Visiting-S3.11A 214 of Advanced Education Loansto-R6.11.2,R7.7.2, R7.76 517,674,714 Selection Procedures Committee (9) Elections, Council -58.2 330 Selwyn-Smith Medical Research Prize-R6.147 645 Pension-S3.16 218 Selwyn-Smith (Madeleine) Memorial Fund- Disability Pension-S3.17A 253 R7.134 763 Salaries-S3.15 217 Senate Superannuation-S3.17, S3.21.16 237, 280 Former Wardens (891) Retirement Fund - 83.20 261 Senior Demonstrators - S3.11 212 Staff, Committee on - (5) Senior Lecturers - S3.11 212 StaffBranch (85) see also STAFF, and each Faculty, etc. StaffOfficer-S3.13.2 215,(85) Senior Tutors-S3.11 212 Staff Superannuation Scheme-S3.17 237 Serle (Percival) Bequest - R6.148 646 Stainkamph (Elizabeth) Memorial Prize- Sexton (C. W. N.) Scholarship for African R6.72(77) 584 or Asian Students from British Commonwealth Standing Committees, see under Title Countries-R6.111 617,780 Standing Committee for the Appointment of a Seymour (T. G.) and H. M. Mogensen Memorial Conciliator of Disputes 6 Fund-R7.109 733 Standing Committee for Liaison with the Shakespeare Scholarship-R6.2 506 Royal Melbourne Dental Hospital 6 Sharp (William George) Bursary-R6.39 542, 775 Standing Committee of the Assembly (10) Shell Exhibition 779 ff Standing Committees of the Academic Board (9) Shell Postgraduate Arts Scholarship 842 Standing Committees of the Council (5 ff) Shell Postgraduate Scholarship in Science Standing Committee on Policy (9) or Engineering 843 Standing Committee on Staff Salaries 6 Shepard's Citations Investment Fund - R7.1 728 Stanley (Velma) Award-R6.155 649 Shepherd Prize, Tuckfield and-R6.72(66) 582 Statistical Office (85) Silver (David) Prize 830 Statistics, see SCIENCE (74) Silver Medal for Long and Meritorious Service Statutes and Regulations 132, 145 ff, 377 ff Recipients (917) Interpretation-51.1 149 Simmons (Roy and Iris) Award- R6.72(82) 585 Seal-S7.1 323 Simpson (H. W. C.) Research Scholarship-R6.62 560 Stawell Scholarship - R6.4 508 Sims (Arthur) Scholarship-R6.72(39) 577, 779 Steer (James M.) Medal 837 Sims (Sir Arthur) Travelling Scholarship- Stephenson and Turner Prize 778 R6.80 592,(915) Stevens (Edward) Exhibition-R7.3.6(o) 672, 785 Sindrey (Charles) Prize-R6.72(43) 578, 776 Stevens (Edward) Trust-R7.76 714 Singer (Eugen) Award R.6.169 661 Stewart Bequest - R6.25 531 Skeats (Ernest Willington) Trust - R7.78 715 Stewart (Alwyn) Memorial Scholarship- Slezak (Nicholas and Elizabeth) Cancer R6.41 544,778 Research Fund 840 Stipendiary Magistrates Sloan (Mary) Travelling Scholarship-R7.136 769,803 Admission-R3.3,R3.14 390,402 Smith and Nephew Prize 801 Stirling (Lorna) Fund-R7.92 722 Smith (Arthur Norman) Lectureship in Stock Exchange of Melbourne Journalism-R7.17 680 Rep. on Fac. of Econ. and Com.-S2.4.1(i) 162 Smith (Selwyn), see Selwyn-Smith Strathfieldsaye Estate Bequest - R7.119 742 Smith (Beattie) Lectures-R7.5 673 Strathfieldsaye Institute of Teaching and Smith (Edwin Nonus) Scholarship - R6.91 602, 773 Research in Agriculture and Allied Smith (H. B. Howard) Exhibition-R7.3.6(k) 672 Sciences-S2.30 194 Smith (Howard) Exhibition - R7.3.6(n) 672 Board of Management 7 Smith (Mrs. William) Exhibition-R7.3.6(u) 672, 785 Stuart (Spencer) Prize 811 Smithers (Welsford) Memorial Travelling Student Administration (84) Scholarships-R6.153 648 Manager (84) Smyth (John and Eric) Travelling Student Counsellors (85) Scholarship-R6.71 569 On Student Housing Board-S2.19.2 179 Social Biology Resources Centre - 89.23 353 Student Financial Aid Office (86) SOCIAL STUDIES Student Health Service (86) Board of Studies-S2.5.1(c) 166,(17) On Student Housing Board-52.19.2 179 Department (84) On Fac. Med. -52.4.1(b) 159 Staff (74) Director (86) Courses Student Housing Board-S2.19 (repealed) 6, (19), (86) Diploma in Social Studies-R3.9 (repealed) Rep. on Comm. of Management for Non-Collegiate Combined R3.9.8 (repealed) Housing-S2.19A 179 Combined with Arts-R3.5.12(b) 393 Housing Officer-S2.19.2 (repealed) (86) Degree of Bachelor of Social Work-R3.83 474 Student Services Office (85) Master of Social Work - R3.87 479 STUDENTS, see also Admission, Enrolment Software Contracts Group (86) and particular Course-S2.1.12 170 Solicitor (83) Accommodation Southey (Allen Hope) Memorial Lectureship- see Housing, Residential Colleges, Halls R7.53 698 or House 128 Spencer (Baldwin) Prizes - R6.72(9) 572 Annual General Meetings of 357 Sport and Physical Recreation (86) Employment - Appointments Board - 52.12 175 Committee 6 Discipline-S4.1 313 932 INDEX

Committee-S2.7 170 Teachers From Other Institutions-R2.3.2, On Faculties-S2.4.2(c) 164 R3.1.3A,R3.3 382, 387, 390 On Fac. of Education -S2.4.1(h) 162 International 840 Reduced Fees R5.2, R5.3 (repealed) Loans, see Students' Loan Fund Teaching and Research Officers - S3.11 212,(33 ff) Prospective and New Students, see see also STAFF Office for Prospective and New Students Technical, Clerical and Other Staff-S3.14 216 Reps, on Council 121,(3) see also STAFF Elections- 58.1 325 Technical Colleges Disc. Comm.-S2.7.1(0 170 Technical Colleges Board-S2.9 (repealed) BookroomComm.-S2.13.6 176 Meetings-S1.2 152 Admissions Comm. -R3.3.6 390 Students from-R3.3 390 Comm. for Non-Coil. Housing - 52.19A (repealed) Terms-R2.1 xxi, 379 BoardsofStudies-S2.5.1A 166 Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme 844 Faculties-S2.4.4A 165 Theatre Board of Management (18) Library Comm.-S2.6.7 168 Director (87) Union S2.31 196 Theses, see also Course under particular Faculty and see other relevant statutes Examination of-R4.6 (repealed), R4.4 498 Students'Loan Fund-R7.56 134,700 Examiners-S3.12.3 214 Students' Loan Fund and Bursaries Committee 6 Thompson (David) Scholarship - R6.42 545, 774 ff Students'Records-S3.13.2 215 Thomson Medical Scholarship-R6.76 590 see also Student Administration Touche Ross & Company Students' Representative Council 357 Exhibition and Prize 776 ff, 796 -S2.18 (repealed), SI 1.1 357 Town and Regional Planning Constitution 359 see ARCHITECTURE, etc. Meetings and Referenda 364 Town Planning Institute, London Paid Officers (18) Students from - R3.3 390 Rep. on Council 121 Trades Hall Council Rep. on Fac. of Econ.— Sub-Deans, see also DEANS-S3.4.6 200 82.4. l(j) 162 Subjects, see particular Course-R3.2 388 Travelling Scholarships 845, (915 ff) Summons (Hedley F.) Prize - R6.72(67) 582 Trinity College-59.1 335,851,(32) Sunshine Foundation Scholarship-R6.128 632 Former Heads (893) Superannuation, Truby Williams, see Williams (Truby) Staff Superannuation Scheme-S3.17 237 Truganini Scholarships-R6.144 643, 776 Superannuation Scheme for Australian Trust Property 135 Universities-S3.21 280 Tuckfield and Shepherd Prize-R6.72(66) 582 Supplementary Examinations-R4.5 (repealed) Tuckfield (William J.) Prize-R6.72(27) 575, 782 see also Examinations Turner (Henry Gyles) Scholarship - R6.35 539 Supreme Court Turner (Gyles) Prize - R6.72( 12) 572,778 Exhibition 787,795 Turner (Lady) Exhibition in Music- Library Fund-R7.14 678 Re. 133 636, 775 ff Prize 799 Turner (Lady) Prizes in Music-R6.72(17) 573 Surgery, see MEDICINE (656) Turner (Sir George) Exhibition-R6.52 553 Surveying, see ENGINEERING (491) Turner (Sir George) Lectureship - R7.60 702 Surveyors' Board, Victoria Tutors-S3.11 212 Rep. on Fac. of Eng.-82.4.1(c) 160 see also STAFF Suspension and Limitation for Unsatisfactory Twiss (N. A.) Trust - R7.94 723 Progress-R2.5, R2.5A 384 Tyndall (John) Scholarship - R6.109 616. Suspension for Health Reasons-R2.4.2 382 see also Health Sutherland (Alexander) Prize-R6.72(4) 571, 785 Sutherland (Murray) Prizes-R6.72(30) 575,782 u Sutherland (William) Prize-R6.72(8) 572 Undergraduates, see Students Sutherland (William) Anthropological Union S2.31 (repealed), (87) Fund-R7.27 685 Discipline-54.1 313 Sutton (Edward Hamilton) Fund-R7.95 724 Student Housing Board - 52.19 178 Sutton (John Hugh) Memorial-R7.8 675 Rep. on Discip. Comm.-52.7.1(g) 170 Swanton (W. H.) Exhibition-R7.3.6(0 671, 779 Graduate Council - 59.16 347 Sweet (Elizabeth Mary) Fellowship - R6.73.4 587 Union, Graduate, see Graduate Union Sweet (George) Memorial Fellowship-R6.73.5 588 Union Theatre Repertory Company, see Melbourne Sweet (George) Memorial- R7.3.1 (j) 671 Theatre Company Sweet (Georgina) Bursary in Social Studies- University Acts 117 ff R6.72(32) 576 University Appointments Board, see Careers Sweet (Georgina) Fellowships-R6.73 578 and Appointments Service Sweet (Georgina) Exhibition-R7.3.6(d) 671 University Art Gallery Fund - R7.102 729 Syme (David) Research Prize - R6.17 523 University College-S9.5 339,871, (32) Syme (G. A.) Exhibition-R7.3.6(p) 672 Former Heads (894) University Computing Services-S2.28 190, (86) University Constitution 117 University Field Station, see Mount Derrimut University Gallery (81) University High School Free Places-R5.3.5 (repealed) Taft (Hirsch and Olga) Interchange University House 847 Scholarship-R6.70 567 University of Melbourne Child Care Tattam (CM.) Scholarship Fund - R6.160 652 Service-S2.32 196 Taxation Law, C.C.H. Research Professor of, University of Melbourne Postgraduate see C.C.H. Research Professor of Taxation Law Scholarships 833 Taylor (Cecil C.) Bursaries 777, 828 University of Melbourne Silver Medal for Long Taylor (J. E.) Bequest-R7.62 704 and Meritorious Service (917) Taylor (Mary) Scholarships - R6.96 605, 785 University of Melbourne Travelling Scholarships (916) 933 INDEX

University of Melbourne Alumni Association 845 Victorian College of Optometry-59.11 343, (113) see also Alumni Office see also SCIENCE University Press, see Melbourne University Press Liaison Committee with 6 University Publication Fund - R7.59 702 Victorian College of Pharmacy Students-R3.3 390 University Students' Loan Fund-R7.56 134, 700 Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Board 173n University Symphony Orchestra, see Melbourne Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, see Royal Symphony' Orchestra Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital University War Bursaries-R6.105 612 Victorian Institute of Marine Sciences-S9.22 352 University War Memorial-R7.3.1(o) 671 Victorian Institute of Secondary Education University Women's College, see University College see Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Board Former Heads (894) Victorian Photogrammetric Soc. Book Award 792 Unsatisfactory Progress-R2.5 384 Victorian Tertiary Admissions Committee (19) Upjohn (Sir William) Medal - R6.72(68) 583 Victorian Universities and Schools Examinations Upjohn Prize 797 Board-S2.8 (repealed) Urban Planning, Master of, see ARCHITECTURE, Matriculation -R 1.1 377 etc. see also Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Board Visiting Teaching and Research Staff-S3.11A 214 Visiting Professors-S3.6 208 Vasey (Gilbert) Prize - R6.154 648 Visitor - Governor 141,(1) Veterinary Clinic and Hospital of the School of Veterinary Science-S2.33 197 see also VETERINARY SCIENCE w Veterinary Clinical Sciences, see W. T. Kendall Hall 885 VETERINARY SCIENCE (75) Wales (A. G.) Scholarship - R6.122 628, 776 ff Veterinary Paradinical Sciences, see Walker (Fred) Scholarship-R6.58 557 VETERINARY SCIENCE (76) Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (110) Veterinary Preclinical Sciences, see Director-Research Professor in Medical VETERINARY SCIENCE (76) Biology-R7.20 682 Veterinary Research and Building Fund-R7.55 699 Walter and Eliza Hall Exhibition-R7.3.6(l) 672 VETERINARY SCIENCE, see also Faculty WarBursaries-R6.105 612, 774 ff Handbook, published separately WarMemorial-R7.3.1(o) 671 Faculty -52.4.1(g) 161,(17) Wardens of Convocation, Former (891) Administration (80), (84) Wardens of Senate, Former (891) Librarian (78) Warren (Mollie Magdalene Hoffmeyer) Fund- Teaching and Research Staff (75) R7.45 693 Reps. onFac. Agric.-S2.4.1(0 161 Webb (Jessie) Scholarship - R6.132 635 Clinic-S2.33 197 Weiderman (Elsie) Scholarship-R6.127.2(b) 632 Courses Weigel Trust 784, 845 Degree of Wesley College, Moran Bursary-R6.40 543 Bachelor of Vet. Sci.-R3.31 421 Western Mining Corp. Undergraduate Master of Veterinary Science-R3.32 422 Prizes 780, 790, 797 ff Doctor of Veterinary Science-R3.33 424 Westmore Prizes 790 Master of Veterinary Science-R3.78 472 Wettenhall, see Dennis-Wettenhall Bachelor of Animal Science - R3.79 472 Prize Free Places-R5.3 (repealed) White Scholarships 812 Veterinary Science, Dairy Farmers' Postgraduate White (A. M.) Scholarship 846 Scholarship in-R6.129 633 White (Rowden) Library-R7.47 694 Veterinary Surgery Memorial Prize in-R6.72(60) 581 White (A. E. Rowden and Edward) Foundation for Vice-Chancellor and Principal-53.2 199, (1), (81) Medical Research-R7.97 725 Disciplinary powers-S2.73, 53.2.3, S4.1 164. White (Rowden) Prize 800 199,313 Whitley College - 89.9 341,875, (32) Ex-officio-S3.2.1 199,4 Wilkinson (H. L. and M. de C.) Foundation- Former Vice-Chancellors (890) R7.71 710 For powers and duties relating to Exclusion, William Noall & Son Prize - R6.100 608 Fund Administration, etc. see relevant statute Williams (Glasson) Bursary-R6.145 644, 776 or regulation Williams (Henry and Louisa) Bequest - R6.106 613 Staff (81) Williams (Truby) Chair of Economics Acting Vice-Chancellor-S3.2.6, S3.18.4 199, 260 Fund-R7.21 683 Deputy Vice-Chancellors-S3.5.1(AB), Williams (Truby) Conservatorium Endowment- S3.18 203,260 R7.37 689 Pro-Vice-Chancellors-S3.3 199, (1) Wilmot (Frank) Memorial Fund-R7.39 690 Vice-Principal -S3.19 260, (1), (81) Wilsmore (Norman Thomas Mortimer) Research Discipline -84.1.2 313 Fund-R7.115 739 Ex-officio-S3.19.4 261,4 Wilson (Edward) Chair of Obstetrics Trust- Staff-S3.13 215,(81) R7.10 676 Fund Administration, etc. see relevant statute Wilson (Mary W.) Prize in Veterinary Science- or reg. Re. 142 642 Victoria, Queen-Royal Letters Patent 14.3 Wilson (Professor) Prize-R6.72(2) 570 Victoria Department of Agriculture Wilson (R. G.) Scholarships - R6.37 541 Rep. on Fac. of Agric. and For.-S2.4.1(0 161 Wilson (R. G.) Publication Fund-R6.37.3 541 Department of Education Rep. on, V.U.S.E.B. and Wilson (Spero) Memorial Fund-R7.75(7) 713, 777 ff Tech. Coll. Board-S2.8.2, S2.9.1 (repealed) Wisewould (Gweneth) Truganini Scholarships- Fac. Educ.-52.4.1(h) 162 Re. 144 643 Victorian Bar Association Rep. on Fac. of Women, Graduate awards for 831 Law-S2.4.1(a) 158 Women's College, see University College Victorian Chamber of Manufactures, see Chamber of Woodruff (Katherine) Memorial Exhibition- Manufactures R6.72(48) 579,783


Word Processing Centre (86) Works of Art Committee 6 Worthington (Harry) Prize - R6.117 624 Young (Arthur) & Co Exhibition, see Fitzgerald Wright (Francis J.) Exhibition 783 (A. A. & G. E.) Wright (Frances J.) Exhibitions-R6.47 550 Wright Prizes-R6.15 522,785 Wright (Wesley Michel) Prize - R6.72(74) 583 Wright (Harold) Scholarship 785,834 Wrixon Exhibition - R6.21 527,777 Zelman (Alberto) Scholarship-R6.141 641, 775 ff Wyselaskie Scholarships - R6.7 512, 780 ff Zoology Dept., see SCIENCE (74)


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Author/s: University of Melbourne

Title: University of Melbourne Calendar 1986

Date: 1986

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File Description: 16_Recipients of Honoris Causa Degrees and of Scholarships and Awards

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