.• .. ' ,.' ... J.· �.;i.. ) . Catej¡'fJPlar$�ªs.9naIityin a central Br�li� .cerrado �"�::t7rT-��;,'tP;·'",; · �----�r-�-:·-;':---·�'""F::" ���-�- - ._--���-�-�.. �' .:,.._--- ._.. i_��• ..• ,�=,_ .... H�lena c .. .MoJ!ai�l,IvóneR.·Diniz2andDelanoM. S. Silval , Dep�e��Q deEcologi� Univ�rsicl�e de �r�Qia, 70910-900Bras ilia, DP, B,rasil. E-lIllIil;morais@�nb.br 2 bepaÍt�efitb" qéZoologia, UiMeJ'Sidade., deÍlrás �. I!.;709JO-9OÓ&í;¡Isíliá,))F, Brasil �l" E-mái}:;
[email protected] , ,.�¡. , "�:�J '1-' ,. -' , t '¡'J�¡ . ,,'1 ' ;. �._ ; ,c: , , ""i:tl" 1'1< )� �:.i ,.Rt;�b�"e(Í2�J¡.n�199� .. Coí'Í'ected 2"VII�19�9. .;pcep�ed· 8.�VU"l 999. , " ) ' fb'\i�fltsn.�WJllj.:wmc(\flli'ín!t�,t1Kp· i�fl.tlence.\;¡.·· i:ltJ'UIl'dailOO an4ufe'} ;.' .tr(Jlp.c,aI.·..:l·I iS6l�ts . in ..'s�aIlpn�y ;diy'! .;ttopic�(; . (seiitDeAlingeF0�t�g6;·).W,oi{;t¡l::¡¡; . (lQS$;,j�h.il993 fo�;tef�rences).Maq:yf¡ff>P� .. 1 ", • .JI. 4�Cal�inseé'�'po�al '" .. · �i��,Seasómtt1)N\íántI Yátiationh�;. O�fttt��p;f¿Piréi�t���tbhfai��· ·"'.'· ".. �."Hik, fruhf�ehf�Re$� abun,��:ci¿��ri� 'ifItheW�!,/ seás�n�:·g.t�zem�973; Wi>lda,198��¡1trse� ' ."'. son�:{órest;a.�nim�';;Qrlepi�0Pter¡pl 'speci,�s may diapa�iúl$ . ' 'tarlarV'aeinsidepupªl ;,::cocoo�S��' .. :.���t;th�·f�lo:Wjtig�et " se�oJl¡;('Aiil10,ti99�. iOtliéi�, tt',:'ay.pass�tbe:dry:ij �'tY';"::,;." :'�,}' " f';;��;� 'f:'>;:· . ,,',',: /·;1?> ,�\ . 1026 REVISTA DE BIOLOGÍA TROPICAL studies regarding seasonal actlvltIes of the mation on the vegetation of these sites can be immature stadia of insects. Caterpillar season found in Ratter (1980), Felfiliand Silva (1993) ality is particularly evident in the tropical dry and Felfili et al.