PUC Blocks 25Pet. Water-. Rate Hike 3 County Road Jobs
IPettber Distribution » ugi. ttttpmtam «. Suny M*. H|| h b Ike mkMliMl^. Fai5r Today low In the He. Tomer- MDBANK n>w, rubble CIOUAWM, U(h la 21,150 to* mlMls. Friday, vuiaUe cloudiness, warm, more humid. 1 JMHMT nuawMt/xuur-jar. «• See weather, page J. DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 86, NO. 24 £*tul •»"»• »»">" Uir«iji> rrldir. uami Claii Putin Bmn RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1963 PAGE ONE ________ " *** * •"* " AdiUUonH MaUlnj OIUco. 7c PER COPY But Lesser Increase Is Authorized PUC Blocks 25Pet. Water-. Rate Hike By BILL HAGEMAN Since May the PUC has been weighing the evidence — which return on the fair value of its property; to permit the com- the fair value of property used or useful in rendering serv- NEWARK — The state Board of Public Utility Commis- itself is weighty. In 17 hearings, 1,747 pages of testimony pany to attract necessary capital at reasonable cost; and to ice. sioners has blocked a proposed 25 per cent increase in water and 64 exhibits were presented. protect the company's investment from continued attrition Mr. Mausner suggested a rate hase of (12,527,504. His rates asked by the Monmouth Consolidated Water Company. Most of the sessions in the state office building here caused by inflation and new construction. figure reflected original cost of the utility's property with de- However, in a decision and order handed down yester- were devoted to the cross examination of water company In anoiher rale case in 1959, Monmouth Consolidated ductions for items he alleged were improperly included juch day, the PUC authorized a lesser hike.
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